HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-12-07, Page 8I
kil -Now I'all _310DECEMBE ft 7, 18946. THE -,HURON EXPOSITOR9 of'whieliprove4l fatal. The remuneration oil is meeting in Goderieh this week.' The laughter. He, has lectured throughout instrumental music, dialogues, recitations,
dded to the roll, w *ch brin t e and interest- paid to townshi� 6ifficials for their services FRIDAY, 6 Eel 11
Witson's 0ash Grocery. were,a the th� e States and CanoAa, and whe rever he has fancy drill exercises, �11 !new membership to 54. The inemberllip fee 'a principal business is the awarding of -ing. Come to xing the past year is as follows : To the the new House.1 been- he is -one of the most humorous as well the town' hall on the 21st, du .6 ladies mo i contract for the erection of i4W - Deputy -Reeve and Councillors, We, open thi mon witij We have now in stock a full line -ot hoice new small, only 25 cents, and t 4 -hear " The Beantown Li lit Brigade." Ree ) is, I th invite others to con�e forward an of Refuge building.—We are sorry to.,learn as one of the most instructive lecturers an each $35 ; Treasurer, $ Clerk, $160 seveftl 4Chrlatnias fruits, everithing required to make a Arsk cordially m an Lo 3 -ongratulat- The date of the Church of En�iland- Sabbath 100 - - - - - -
kno n, d n esboio is to be c lines of new , Oda all BPI be. of chool Christmas tree'and concert is n - Slue "Class am, padding or Chrintwa% cake ; 28 1 unite with them in advanoink this very im- that Mr. Robert Hogg of Main Street North, up subject 8 ot -yet Registrar of -Vital Statistics, $15 ; each 90 endid V 9 I lbs.' of an extra bright ed :on securing his services. The
Valdn% Sugar for $1 ; i w4k. ft& the is laid up, with a severe attack of infl fix' -will likely- be between Chilistmas mei6ber,9f the Board- of Health and Medi- rather better thah ordinaTy. It. In portant branch of churel am&- Zogee Sugar for $1. the best value in town, see transaction of seeral other foinor items of tion of the lungs.—Mi. and Mrs.. James A. be is going to lecture upon is 4 Personal ed, but ain-feature df the Cal Halit Officer, $5. A number of &C-. Ifine Teas avid Cofte&, we have the best goods at 'the me . etink of 1894 wad .-Cline of Wingham, spent Thursday night of reminiseensos of the American war." Those and New Years; The in given lowest.pn'Lees. pariot order from any pedlar 11 - LLIKERY till you business, the annual Bed and $25 as. relief. m ode. You will save brought to a close. last week with friends in. town. The many who have heard hi say this is one of his prokramme will be the drama of 11 Cinder- cc uto were pas g will be beld at E,gmond- Wehsve:const' tly been ad try a sampia, of our new season go an ding new Money sure -h buyl from us. Received direct - -friends of Mr. Cline, hereabouts, 'will be host lectures. ella�, -which is new to a, B& fiel& audience The next- meetin ember 15th, at thigs, and. our m Winery stock I adinner. tea and toilet.sets and highly entertt viUe,'. -tas per statute,
iome vry fire 2eeors. 6ining. �11e remainder of on Dee to Pre& som with which he was dialogaes, ten clock. Allarties who have accou�n ent is well gasorted. Low lbrought to town, which we are selling at very 01080 Advocate of last wek says: ill it f 0 Priem e. of the finest and handsomest goods ever A ]LtuGE WE P�IRTY, The Mitchell pleased to learn that he lias now pretty well Harlock. the e i n Wednesday recovered from the illness �o ti & cc T118who, can should in t the t6wilsilip should present them Vd p gram
Pricep, call ani see them Toilet -and tea sets, best —Saturda;y last was NoT,.Es. —The farmers are malrdin good so 04, &g fo a these wn so severely afflicted. n re n t wool att go t cita on r al ts. rule, and for the balnce of 1coods. from s2 up for a full set; bo4t flour $1.-60 per morning a large wedding party drove do en hese me be re the above date, so that the financial
100 poundq. Remember wo eel only for cash or I Ho- busy day in town and our streets and busi-, use of the sleighing by drawing out of th and put up at �he R I statement may be made. as complete as pos- all ready trimmed hats -and bonnet&.,
0 trade, and will sell you good goods cheaper than ypu tel.' Air. W. IEF. Keeler'and Mip.waargaret ness houses looked like the good old times the blish, preparin for winter.—Mr. L. sible.. will be sold at q -kinds of good *hen wheat and horses were &)vay upin G. Taaker returned I to I from the Northwest duced figure& 'W e else. All rliabl' Gleixy werethem coutractint parties, and is Bruoell6ld
e highest market price. Call 4 mpanie are bhowing, a gieat -variety Of Bilk nee 66 t and ab out thh-ty five coapleF d them We lipe the iush will -continub until after last Week,accompanied by his nephew.—Mr. BpErLETs.—Mr. Henry Eilber, of Credi- 0 ,emanvivier our 8 and see price ; no trouble to show 'bly received New A ears, as an, oar meroba a are I O*aded D. Stevens, spent Sunday at Alma.—Mi tual Fire lu- Morris. Velvets, fancy 3ranteed to give you efitisffic- -to Mitchell. They were hosp�tu �Mov�EmEzTs. —The people of School See- trimming materialg%.� any, met th6 -m -go
tion. go by Mr. Colquhoun and the fteedom of the down with the choicest g65& suitable for Rebecca Stevens s visiting friends at Alma' ourance Comp embers of the t an ano hich purchasers can get almost -insurance company in Dixonla hotel on tion No. 9 intend holdia%an entertainmen Silks, Plushes, PlAiu d F y Rib– C. WILSON, Seaforth. house exten4ed to them. They amus6il this season w] this weeelk,. the school hout ecember 20tb, at bous, etc. too Block themselves uritil noon tripping the light fan- at their own prices.—A Dublin correspond- Wednesday of last week, to receive the as- in Bank of Coinme t a 'due the ro —The Union 7-30 p. in. Mr. Floody. comic singer, Mr. SPECIAL. 'I b te affair ent says: "There was qui e an- exci sessment mpany. 1874 tastic. The dinner was an e a ora, Wroxeter. Hinchlev, ventriloquist, Messrs. Laidlaw andieflected great, credit on the proprietors, runaway in town on Wednesday evening of WAFTIXGs.�The Royal Templars of Tem- church Sabbath schoof will hold its. annual ers are Extra quality 7ide silk finiallerl P%jtyi last week. , As two youfig men fro the ment on the even an
Of t Eo:dielighted were the M_ Christmas Tree entert d Stafker, violinists, and may oth V61veteens, new shades iMJ�6rted, SEE TECAT 'YOUR he RoyaL perancebox social, held 11ast week in the mted to take'an active part in the pro. TICKETS. READ is on R. withthe good tbin4ga provide4 that they de- Aeighborhood Of Seaforth were returning town hall was a. decided success. A splen- ing before L Christmas. The children �_a ve exp(--,,,, 50c, per yard. cided to remain for supper. Mr. and MrsJ horne froni Mitchell about four o'clock, hav- begun to prepare fox; it. A good time is ex graln%e Send your telegrams to all points via, Keeler left by the 3.25 trai 'for the east, ing had a drop of the crather,their horse be- did programme, consistifig of sp�eches, I 14 pected liy all.—Mdaers. McGregor and Hun- MANTLE840 songs, readings and instrumentil, music was i party staid came unmanageable &Ad (lashed up Main I ter shipped a car loid of hogs � last week. Brussels. EGR er of the jo t4rough, after which the box part Oar stock of is stiilnit�,r A.PH. while the remaind Carrie 0. P. RIM TEL A_ -dumped them They have now sent' By several car loads. BRiErs.—W. E. Ramsay, the Canadian 'aw at the Royal until 9.30- daial ng the hours street A a terrific rate and of tibe bilkof fare was introduced. The al- omle a' e, olor., sizes and awlay. Everything passed �`(iff pleasantly, out muchto�-their, surprise. Turning the —Miss Celia Calder of Winnipeg, is visit- serio-c lager, gave his entertaninent,- assorted iutyl lotment of the number�d boxes resulted in PTICO. Your parcels should go -visk friglitened brute mg at Brucefield this week, the guest entitled A trip around the World," under Rouh cloths, smooih
and a jollier or finer lot of ladies and gentle- corner of Mill street the some very comical combinations. —The 0 4Dths plain Made,: men would be hard to find. 1 We hope to pursued its way.up to Mr. Eiserman's resi- Miss Higgins. the auspices of the Mechanics' Institute, ill Presbyterians of Wroxeter, who or fancy. Capes and S 'titers, allleg%nt. never DOMINION EXPRES$ -CO see many more uch wedding parties visit dence where it was captured. Result : A weary in well doing, are to hold annl- the Town hall here to a large house, and i -t fitting garments. our town during the winter. bailly demoralized buggy . and tw6 very versay services at New 49eianrgs. . The usual Stanley. well deserved itl a's the. show was first class J. S. JACKSON. Agent. i angry lneu."—A letter was received at Sea- THE PxG.BUS1_XE$S.—'b1r.' Win. McAllis- in every particular.—Tbe Ki6kapoo Medi- ocial will'be held in the ei�ellig, of which- SPECIAL. to good EIXOTION OF OFFIcuRs. On Monday forth post- office the other. day addressed as more will be said anon. —Mrs. Robert * Mil- fer; the well-known* breeder of Berkshire eine Company are still playing -of forty Aluntles. VrTELUPHONF. 811 14.04 regular meeting of follows (the right names of course not being ined -from a visit to Owen houses. . The Rbv. G. L. McKay, the For. A chance at a 16t evening last, iit the ler has retu of this township, has had quite & boom 4 inio6ioary, delivered an address on at from $2. 50 to $5 each, worth Nile& Associa- given): 'Jobw Smith, Esq., care of John pig" con- tholic Mutual in &.,buBiness this(&Il, He has sold pigs mosa branch 23, Ca Sound, where she has been the guest of siderably. more mrney. Also A RUSH 1,-Ilorth, the, following i officers were White, -deceased, Smithville, Oat. " This. is Mrs. James Ireland, formerly of this place. to the following partio&z One boar to G. his adopted country and his work, in Mel- Bev- If ti \;Im- A. Sturdy, Goderich ; one to James Mann, -Wever Crushes Pickard & CO- electea a;nd duly installed for tlie year 1895, a n�'Cord'breaker.—Mr. Coombe, o 34 ville church here, on Wedliesday evening, eral ends f Mantle Clotho at a, I it al Adviser, Rev. Joseph Kennedy; ton'Collegiate Institute, will preach in �the Winthrop ; one to James Dorrance, Sea- to a good house: The D6ctor is very en- great reduction. They Can. Fit 1,OW ri u Methodist church on Sunda -V morning and Ethel. ancellor, Joseph Weber; President, tic ill his work.—The Horse fair this forth ; one to James' Wanless, Varna; one thusias and Boys to a nicety, with. Fall and Winter Rev. J. Edge of Goderich in'the evening.�_. ITEAis.�_T-The annual meeting of the Bible —The Young Furs and Wool 1600dis. Neu Stephen Lamb; lot Vice-Prosident, John to John Butler, Harper ; one to James week promises to be a success. out Society was held in the Methodist chdrob. SUITS AND OVERCOATS Kale - 2nd Vice -President, John Ungar; Mr. William Scott, of McKillop, has ab Moffatt, Kippen ; one to John England, Liberal Conservative Club 4 again organ- A good big, stock to elect from. Recording Seeretaryj M. Jord a two hundred finb 1�mba ' pasturing' in Mr. last Thursday evening. Rev. G. H. Cobble- Dashwood; cup boar and a sow to William ized, with the folloi-ag officers : W. R Secretary, J. I See- D. D.Wilsonl Mooneyj President-; Doctor Moore T
For Active Business v`�nt dick and othfrs were down to address the and -1: Ladies' Fur Coats, 11,adies' Fur 0
tin; tsistl Beaver, Zurich also a, sow to Richard Pen ohn X. barwin; Fmanci a turnip field, awaiting ship
For Senii-Dress and Evening retary, John McQuade ; Treasiirer' Patrick ment to the Christmas markets.__31r. W. meeting.—Quite a number of our villagers hale, Bayfield a, 'sow to Joseph Baker, Ball, Vice-Presidenta; W. T. Vanstone, Fur Lined Garments, Collars Ik'E 'goods, Under anaPlay Day Keating ; Marshal en in -heard Mr. Ramsay in Ilia 11 Trip round the Littlewood hawls, Wraps, For School F. Zigler; Guard, M. S.- Quarell, a young man who has be World," in Brussels on Tuesday evening.— and two sows to John Doig, Secretary; H. R.Brewar,Treasurer; Alesrs. -8 All"Gocasiom All Seasons Tagney ; Trnstees for twoji�s, John Mo- the employ of Mr. J. B. Henderson, of the Kippen. - He still has about forty left. -This Blashill, Moore and Cloakey, Committee.— left The members of the Methodist Sabbath -stir is yet - on the boards, in Quade and M. Jqrdau; rus�ees -for one Huron Road,, for about twelve years, does not look much as if the Be res are No municipal SPECIAL. . . . . . .
SEST QUALITIES yea6r,.Joseph Weber John K41e and John here on Thursday,for London, England. He school intendaving a Christmas Tree eu- getting played out. r Brussels. - It is thickening. in Grey, how- PRICES ROCK SOTTONr -is waBivrought out to this country by Miss tertainment on Christmas eve. -Preparatioiis ever, and may burst any day. Things are we Will sell this! month two par. PICK&RD & CO. are right In sigh t and goods are Rillorall, We are pleased to 14rn that tb be' e and we may look for- - 0 .7 Daylight Goods,. - society is steadily advancing; h ving recentf McPherson of the Stratford Rome, when are now ing mad B]Lyffl. veryquiet-in Morris.—The Reeves passed ticular lines of Ladiel? Extra Qual. See OU -r Wonderful $1 Pants. ly added several new members to- its alread� quite a small boy, and was placed with Mr. ward to something interesting. —The K'jcka- through here on Wednesday for the County ity Ribbed Underwear,- which are large membership roll, and jud4ing fromthe Henderson, where he has since had a good poo Medicine Company gave an enteftain- BmEpusts.—Mr. A. E. Braxlwin, Editor Town, where they will attend the County superior to any have ever be-
WM. MCKARD. & CaSs efficient staff of officers justj eleered, we home. He now returns to the old country ment in the Township hall on Tu6sday of the Blyth Standard, has added another Council.—The Tory'lainisters appear fore offere& at th&..moderate price He evening.—It has been reported thai Mr. " devil" to his staff. —Mr. Finley, of the 14 'Of 25C and 50e eack.,_� zargain,,crothing and Dry Goods House. have n6 doubt but:that it will continue 'tor, to visit his mother and other friends. Wingham on Tuesday evening next.—Brus- young James Lindsay, of this place, will�, be a;.Cin. Nile, is at present the guest of his sister, Seaforth. even more in the futurei than it has. is a steady, industrious, well doing is very quiet and news is scarce. preve I didate for one of the reeveships at the muni- Mrs. A. R,,Allen.—Idiss 'Mary McQuarria Be" in ttrrpast. Theociety holdaits meetings man. --Mrs. John Piercy, of Fairgrove Hosiery and Gloves. on the first and -third Mondays' of each Michigan, is at present visiting at the a- clPal election. Mr. Lindsay would make a entertained- her shop hands one night last parental residence very enjoy- The assortment is laTge and -as fu&
Uron Xll"It#r month, in their new hall.over Mr. M. Jor- rental home, Mr. Robert Ricliardsouls.—Dr. capital member of the. council-, as he is well week at hQr DabhWood. Ladies' 11iniery and Gloves,,
dan's store, which has been comfortably Acheson, of Ortonville, Michigan, was in acquainted with township affairs. ably.—A number from here took in the box ob Kellerman has opened as ever -
social at Mr., Jok BRiEFs.—Mr. Jac -and Gloves, Child- fitted up to suit their requirem�nts. this vicinity last week, visiting his father, a T�mblyn's on Tue3day up a wood yard in London.—The auction Misses Rosiery evening last, —Mr. Harry Searle tt has open- was
Mr. W. H. Acheson of McKillop, and other Belmore. sale of Mr. C. Pftff, on Thursday, Botem and Infantees Knitting y ed out another barber shop in town. He sorry to learn that Mr., largely attended, but things went rather HOUSE TO RENT. —To rent a comfortable - friends. —.We ar BREvinms. —Messrs. R. McMichael and. has Mr. F. Ward, of Brussels, running it &10. DISTRICT MATTERS. frame dwelling house on Worth Miln sbreet,next door William Sutherland and Mr. James Cavan, D.Bremner have ieturned from Manitoba to for him.—Mrs. E. Chariton Black, 'better cheap.—Lsrge quantities of wood and grain SPECIAL. south of Mr. R. Wintere'residencai AppLy at the two of our most respected and promis' ng pass daily through our village on their way to I 1 1408-1 spend the winter here.�Miss Cl f Li m(pasitor -office. egg, - 0 Is- known as Alliss Agnes Knox, will give a re. Exeter.—Mrs. H. Bishis atpresent visiting A lew dozens—remarka-ble value— A PLucKy LTrT" Dor,.—On Monday young men, who have been laid a4ide by 41-, towel, was the guest of Miss H I t PAFsVsBO'oKsToitF. is the place to buyi ness Tor some time, are not progressing as oceY" cital in the Industry Hall on the evening of her grandmother in Denfield.—Air. John in Ladies Cashmere Gloves, nd
evening -Master Lorne Weir, - son Of . Mr. reChristmas and New Year Gifts si right prices. rapidly as their numerous friends could de- week. —The patrons of the Belmore Cheese December 12th. She comes under the &us- Brenner, of Zurich, has moved in with Mr. Hosiery, "regalr 35c quality" will James Weir, of the Royal Hotel, was skat- Cua.reshowing the largest assortivient ever shown and Butter Com any will be pad for their es of the Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew` save won- 81re. —The regular meeting of the , Women's' August, Septem er and Oewber milk on a Henry Roese. --Mr. Frederick. Scharffe is at be sold this month at 25o, ing on th6 old quarry, east of t)ie townl, bi seaforth. Why not buy where you �an 9 'the arch of Blyth. . We -would bespeak a. ey and at same time have the largest and best eel- Christian Temperance Union mill be held in present erecting a new fence in fr6nt of hi. when he broke throtigh; the ice and would I,otlon to choose from. ; It you woul4,_do as &bove the usual place ait ihe usual hour on Wed- Saturday morning, December 15tb, and- in large crowd. Lovers of,-- good elocution property. This will no doubt add greatly Dress Goods. p�obably-havebeen drowned, but his little youmubtgoto ]Vapsri Bookstore. We Invite In- the afternoon the annual meeting will be shouldn't miss hearing, � her. —Mr. James to the appearance of the same. —Mr. John nesday next.—A Sabbath School Convention 'held. We understand a large crowd will Emigh, who has been in Toronto during the Hall haa a large quanti I ity of poultry de- . as with him, orabbed him by spection and co'111parlson: of ptices.. 1408.1 Ju0now, we have a b6autiful I CY -third an- under the auspices of the Epworth I League be present to hear the new method of run- summer and fall, is home at present. 'Iagt Wedne,; the hair wid held him until a young fellow, - AwwuAL Gitorit CoNcERT.—The societies in the Goderich, District, was held livered at his store day and of BlAck Dress Goods, Black Ch4h- wlic, lived near bv, and,who had been watch- nual concert of the Methodist choir, 8 aforth, will be fiing:�the factory explained.—At the last held in ardno?s hall,.Sestorth, on Aday evening.- in the Methodist Church, Seaforth, Tl;xirs- meeti g of Loyal Orange YoungBritons' Thursday, which he disposed of to Air. A. meres, Black Soleil s. Black Fancy Do ing, the skaters,, Zame to his assistance. It ]December 28th, IM. The committee 'take pleasure- day. The Convention was well attended East Wawanosh. Q. Bobier, of B xeter.—While Mr. William -signs, Black Cloths 13lack, Cheviot& all happened so quickly that nobody but the iij announcinjr to the public thatAhey have secured and the proceedings interesting and profi- Lodge, No. 11, the following officers were Loa,m BpEFs.—Still. the snow melts and Snell, jr., was stsiting & fire with coal -oil 1i J0 little dog had time to think what to do. for the occasion the sqrvices of t�vo of tne most pop- electdd : John Mulvey, Wo AL ; D. Mar- and.avery great variety f 0olored-, mud is the order of the day. Many would one morning last week, it suddenlyexplod- ular artiste of the day—)Irs. Caldwell, Canada's peer- table. shall,' D. M. -; W: Lane, R. S. ;. J. artley, Dress Materials and Trimmings. d lees wprano, and M.; George Fox. the Prilliant Can- 'like to see a good fall of snow which would ed bu.rnini-bis face and o-n:e of big hands A GOOD: 8kuam—Mr. -William Routle. ge,' adlan solo violinist, who will be supported by the Af as ons, F , 8 J. Hall, Chaplain ; J. Fleming, verely.—Mr. Jonas Hartleib, who went to known in this vicinity. has choir in a specially pre .1 red programx�e ofvocal and THEBExEVOLE,-%-T SociETrEs. —The Trea%urer; W. Hartley, D. of C. ; A. Dus- remain on the grpund, as the roads are in it Be' SPEC1AL. who is Canadian Order, of Foresters and Sons -bad condition.—Messrs.McOlarty and Fraser New York City in the interest of the flax ; showa us P. sample of a meat wauce orrelish instrumental music. 0.thing will be b,ft, undoce to Of tow, 1. T. ; W. Adams, 0. T. ; J. Abram, e engaged in cutting wood for Mr. M. H. mill here, returned home last Friday. He Five 'hundred yards, extra heavvy mike, this the one gre-ailmusical event of the yeavP Scotland ha,% e bad their photographs taken (, and I ar
which he is intro- 7ruardian; Committee—H. Douglas ,of his oNvn manufacture Don'tforget the date,.Decomber 28th. PlAn of hall in groups in their respective lodge rooms. Breen. After the meeting lunch was served Harrison.—Miss A. Littlefair. 9f Belgr&Are, reports tow somewhat dull.—Our milliners Meviot Dress0oths, just the thing for comfortable, ev', -day w 4lucing to the public. This sauee is called open at Papsto'bookstorb on the 129b. Admison, spent a couple of days at Mr.' Fell's last left for their homes last week. No doubt ery car.. RGutledgq's Royal East India Tomato 25 cents reserved seats 4 cents; gallery 85 dents. They were taken. at regalar meetings at by Brother ff. Fleming in his usual good They are very wide i the beat ?1 I 1408.1 night by " flash light " process, by & travel- tyie. week.—Air. William Anderson is visiting they will be greatly missed. —Mr. Phillip Mustard Sauce." It is.clid med that it is aC`_. - friends in this vicinity.—Miss Fanny Black gan, is at present colors, 290e and 2.5 ling- firm from Mon treal. Pfaff, of Elkton, Alichi, anperior to the celebrated Worcestershire 'i A6COUNTS for 1894 are now ren6red_ and -�-Mr. Hugh Robb has been appointed has gone to Wingham.—Alr. P. W. Scott visitift his fatherhC1The'Revial meetingam allce and is - very much cheaper. -If it customers are re quested to call &no settle during Varna. I ai, . has Yet the contract to Mr, John Coultes of -%,hi( ave been in the Evangelical Barg s I Banvains! In.Men!so....
proves satisfactevy after a inord'extended this month. Robert Willis, Boots and Sh3eS. 1408-1# Deputy District High Chief Ranger of the 'At Cailadian Order of Foresters for Huron dis- VISITOM lio T.Hp, PpmLI.RIE PRO'V11N'CE- clearing five acres of his. bush.—Alr. Joseph ch-urch during the past seven weeks, wel!e., coats, oys over coats� M n!,% and B. 6 0 trial, Mr. RGutledge intends going into the it You purchase skates this! season be tri�t. Mr. Robb is an enthusiastic For- —Afr. William Moffiatt, of Hartney, Mani- Jackson continues very low, suffering from brought to a close -last Friday evQning,, ex ";' - suits Hatsv, Caps, lu-nderweari &-c., lit inanufacture Of it on an ten,4ed scale. sure and see the fine -assortment we are elipwing at ester, is now, and has held, the 6ffice of toba, is renewing old acquaintances - in our an attack of pleurisy. Bella Sedtt, we much good hsving, been done. ---,A Jaianese, prices to Suit the times. MULUTT & Ji K80N. 1408-1 midst. wife, of 0 . I i Financial Secretary of' his Court. for the Mr. Albert Dennison and are glad to state, is recovering from her re- student will give an address in the Evan- closest prices for cazh. WELL WORTH HF4MING.—The �elections FOR SAL 0 . R TO RE-�,T.—'A good dwelling past fourteen years, . and tis appointment Glenboro.Manitoba,are visiting under thepa- 'cent illness.—Miss Sara Irvine has been re- gelical church next Sunday afternoon at 3 �ven by elocationists can not alwas be house to rent or sell. A ply to ALF,",&Dsw SUTIIRR- rental roof. We are pleased to see them engaged to teach in school section' No. 13, p. in. a. as edifying, but M arfton Black- LAND, sestorth. p IL408x2 could not bave-fallen into better hands. qaec�l rs. Ch, -e Sons of Scot- looking so hale and hearty. 'The Prairie for 1895 at an increase of salary.—A Christ- Edward McFaul —The last meeting of th is a read -et -who aim. a high. E'very -One who Pi -,t -.,,os and ORa-.A_vs; —Great reductions i Province o doubt agrees with them. mas Tree entertainment will be held in No. Rensu". in land was well attended,- afid was enlivened
Jhas to work, and there are net many others prices for the next tow weeks, at the Seaforth Musi- by selections. on the bag -pipes - by Brother WEDDI.No BELL&�A very pleasant event 13 on the evening of December 21st. A CLrARII'.\-G out sale of Millinery, -Fancy SEAFORTH. inSeafortli and vicinit.y; ihouldhearher -wl instrunient Emporiuv. COTT BROS 1408-3 took place at the residence of Air. Samuel good programme is being prepared by the Goods, Ribbons, etc., below cost. As I have to make read Carlyle's essay "Work on Tues- MULLETT & JACKSwx have the largest and John McDonald. It was ded id,94, to hold the annual Scottish concert on oi about 'tbo Rathwell, Goderich township, qn Wedues- pupila and considerable outside talent will room i or now goods, my stock of millinery niw6t b6 paration is being made to ensure ve day cted, pro- cleared out before day evening net. " We i 'ature to say that best assorted stock of Sle t igh belle in town at be torn evening, December 5th, it- being the be present. A grand time is expe danary Ist, Give me a call and Its site
new i( prices. 14u8-1 .25thof January, Burna'anniversay. 'Elec- r. be convinced. MISS U. STURGEON. 1407-4 cess� The church will 'be buishea in themi.,
it will give them some les that will SPECTAGLEs LosT.' Lost, in Soaforth, on tion of officers at next regular meeting, 19th marriage of his daughter Annie, to M vidiug roads and weather are favorable., urse of a week or so.—Mr. John - Dick,- orT
well repay them for their small oatlay.. William Beacom, all of the township of GREAT clearing sale of ll kinds -of winter will f�j�rx(,, Thu,sday, December .6th," a pair of gold rim tned speo- inst. Carberry, Manitoba. formerly f the town -
Those aso who like good laugh u�er will oblige by'leaving Goderich. The marriage ceremony was per- loot wear forthe balance of the year at special bar t' tacles in a case. The.11 Constance. gain prices for r a%fi. We have a large and well as- ship of Hay., is home at present on a visit#. Mrs. Black a master hand -at 11 the Comic." them at TRz EXPOSITOR �OKFIOX. 1108x1 FA.�.110�-TDVmLr�.NoTFs.—OLirSabba;th School -formed bythe Rev. Mr. Oliphat, of Bay- On this occ THE LATE MR. FARxHA-Ai. —Another of ?orted stock of boots and shoes to select from. When —Miss Mary and,Mr.-James Jolluston as�ion also there will be a op'por- Dity Go nery.— and Christian Endeavor Society intend hold- -field. the bride was made the recipient of in Hensall call in -and see that we 9611 cheap. A. ous, ClOtIfing and Milli . I ffil the pioneer settlers of Hullett passed away i Parkhill this week visiting their AS tunity of hearing Miss Grace McFaul,' Sea- a m v� eek,' special ing a union social on Tuesday evening, the any valuable and useful presents. WimaLon, Proprietor. 1*08-3 the morning of the G. J_ SUTHERLt.N.D, Notary Public, Corn- till" fortWs noted soprano soloi��t. It will be an Look out for our advertij e c �vvt -next OMETHING FOR EvEnyBoDy.—The mu- Oil 3rd inst., in the per Mrs. B. Short.—A Grand Chrlstm
prices this week in Clothlog and Dry Goods ; wer also 18th inst., and as usual, preparations'for a, S have Oe balance of.,our Ladies' Hate at half price. -ad p . rofitable gathering are being entertainment wel worth hearing. pleasant a sical event of the season will be the Con- son of Mr. Allen Farnham. For some' time ni'ssioner in High Court of Justice and flee insurance entertainment, in connection with Carme
WM.,F10KA-RD- 1408-1 made.—.k goodly number of oar - people ex- cert tic be given in the Temperance hall in Past Mr. Farnham has not enjoyed. the beat agent. All legal documents carefully drawn up so- church Sabbath school, will be held in the-'
A Nxiw PrBLICATIO-N.—ne have rec eive(I NoTwE.—D-uring the short winter morn- of health, and while assisting a neighbor to 2ording. to law at ver) reasonable cost. Wills drawn church onChristmaseve., An excellent pro' --
Peet to, have a treat on Tuesday evening this place on the evening of Friday, the at parties residences if preferred. Office—at the post gramme is intpre are - for ingo all packages for early train must be, left at this thresh two rfionths ago, he contracted a be, (I the occaslOIL_ -
the initial number of the " Praiiri6 Witness," oftiae the previous nigtib or failing in this,'kindly next, in listening to Agnes Knox, thQ re- 14th inst., under the auspices of the Royal cold, resalting i congestion of the lungs, office. Hensall. Mr. D. Afac S. I of Ailsa, Craig,;
thwest Ter- leave us full particulars as to weight, address, &e. noVned -elocutionist. —Mrs. W. Powell, of Templars. In ad,dition to the best local published at Indian Head Nor which speedily t ed to consumption, lid MR. JAMES SUTEMRL,1knD,of the Post-offiev was in the vi,Uage this week spending & few`v�
rofessor Hawkins, of 'k Book -store, is opening up this mouth the largest
ritory,, by the ReV. �Alexnrler Robson, re- W, Soxymvirz, Telegrah and express building.Main oronto, whe had been spending a week 'or amateur. talent, P notwithstbnding cient medical days with his brother, Mr. 7 J. Mae, cently of Fort Qu.'Arppelle, and who has street. .140& 1 two in the village, left for home on Satur- Brussels, has been engaged, and as he is a 8kiU an d stock of Fancy goods alid Chriatruss presents ever g was, in Wing-lu been etigaged in mission wor1r- in the Terri- day last.—We are.pleased to note a steady whole host in himself, those interested in careful nursing, t dreaded disease car- ehown In the place, he 6 also adding to hi already banker.—Mrs. Lai —Rev.lvlr. Smyth of Clinton . w". selected ,took of Bibles, Prayer-boolis and Hymn visiting her son-in-law, Mr. Air. James Collie's ability chool and m tories for the, past eleven. years. Mr. Rob- LocAL BRIEF.S. improvement in such things 'may look forward in anticipa- ried Mr. Farnham with remarkable speed to Book% aud in stationerv. lticluding high s cently, zon is well qualified to assuine control of preached in the Methodist church in this tion of having a treat. There is. no doubt his death. What renders the circumstances urray, and his sister, Miss Jennie M to inove about. So much is this the c4se blie school books of all kinds. His stock is com- such a publication,'a,,nd this number is high- town on Sunday last. 1 tr. Smyth is an able that he expects to be able to returw to busi- but there will be a crowded house. morq particularly sad is the fact of Mrs. plete, the lateat novelties in 1hristmas presents at ray.—Miss Agrgle Buchahn is visiting ligence and. good *eacher and he had. large 'and � delighted F-arnhainbeiuginverypoorhealtji. Thede, the lowevit living prices to sult.t& tinies. Rentember tives and frle�Z,6 in Wi-ngliam and EtheL ly Creditable to his intel, congregations. Rev. Mr. Edge of Goderich ness in a short time. —."Mr. David Moore, sr., ceased was a man of sterling character be- the stand at the Post -Office Store, Rensall. - 1408.2 taste. The Witness is desi�oned to give in has been on the sick list for some time, but Cromart�. will preach in the same (:hurch on Sabbath loved by all who enjoyed his acquaintance, Dry-CumiRs, ETc.DA-R ExposiToR.—� Bluevale.
formaion of religious and inission work go- we are pleased to note improvement and A-;\7 IMPROVEArENT.—Mr. Paul Madge, a life long Liberal, and died trusting n the Sorry my few simpI', lines caused your cc-
-The anniversar int, on in the Territories, and each numer Rext-- services in the hope to see him about again before. long. the win4mill Kibg of Usborne,'is this week BP.E),-1T1Es.—Mr. George McDonald
,willcontain a short sermon -or otherre- Presbyterian church will be held on Sabbath, power of a Smiour to lift him above the caional. correspondent the trouble Of Olng in]�Iyth on Monday.—Mr. and Arobl It -"-i,l I go in Dr. Jackson of Judging from. the arnouni of raw material completing the erection of a windmill on the: trials of this life to a grand hereafter. Mr. to the'moon in search of dy cellar'. It Is bld Patterson gave- a -dance to a large"uum-
lia-ious article. 1to. manv outly- December 16th, when Rev being hauled to the t barn of Messrs. J. & T. Hoggarth. With Fair, of Londesboro, conducted the ser- 0 - anery, an extensive
hoxnes where service Galt. will preach. On the following Monday quite evident he wrote his whole epistle ber of friends last Friday night. —5i; Jou. 0 can' be given sel-, spring trade is being prepared for.—It this mill the Messrs. Hoggardi intend to do vices, after which the Canadian Order of while under the influence Of that orb. I �Oil; in suminer, and perhaps evening the annual tea -meeting will be held Collie, jr., has charge of the post offies . __%ot at all in looks as. -though. there would be a heavy de- their grinding, cutting feiad, and pumping Foresters H t liday 1w, win -ter tb us filling tip the ps betwee' when addresses will be delivered b� Dr. 'of which Mr. Farnham was for only referred to his honey -moon. ope she present.—Air. W. J_. Duff spoil 0 -ga, n mand for sole leather, if our Henall scribes watier, and by means of piping, intend also ome years an esteemed member, took charge has not gone back,on him.—HP.AT-TA. Fordwich.—Miss Kate Pifters tbavisits. of the missionary, and should Jackson and others and the-inualewill be. con 8 furnished by the church choir, assisted by tinue thetr vicious kicks at each other to have a supply of water inside as well as -and marched to the grave and paid their ome in Glenm'orria last Sal have a large circulation. very long.—The ladies of our church hs,�e out' This will prove & great convenience BwmFti.—Weare being favored with very to her h Aiiis Grace AlcFau.—Mr. and Mrs. Alexan- last tribute of respect to their deceased Mr, resolved to procure the services of Miss M. to the Messrs. Hoggarth, as they have been fine weather, but the want of snow is,felt.— snd Mrs. sher Farrow, -of Guelph,'
IysTiTr-T , EN i i - A'NS U A L der Stewart of this town attended the Gold- S ith a clever youqg elocutionist of To- going.extensively into stall - feeding for a brother' * An immense cortege accompanied Our business men are now displaying fine Vesta at the house of Mr. John Farrow._�
al 0 Mr. Farn- r en Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Doniald Ste the remains t 'Burns' cemetery. eorge McDonald has sold his
ast. &I ham leaves a �iridow,'one son and two e.—Mr, Chas. d lot to Mr. Robert Patterson.—MrAlusiv
AINETING.—The semi-annual business meet� art of Chiselhast, on Friday evening I rontol for an-6vening's entert inment at all number of years. 'We hope th t i m y stocks for the Christmas trad
itig of the Mechanic�? Institute was held in early date. This young lady is a sister" of prove profitable its their enterprise is Manne has from 'Walkerton and an
the reading rooffi on Tuesday evelling last Mr. Stewart was at the marriage of that daughters comfortably provided for. Ross has sold his residence to Mr. GP.Pao' The report of the Seeietary and Li Eraian* worthy couple in the old countr�yl and he Mr. J. C. Smith, of Seafortb, and daugh- deserving of success. intends enga ing in the butchering business rememb a ter Of the late Rev..John Smith. —Tuesday CLicKs. — James Crozier, merchant, of with hiji "Ter Fred.—Mr. Allen of Exe- McDonald.—Mr. Sewell, of Woodot4wkf. showed that there are 4,402 books I in the e dis4nctly &I. evening's Endeavor meeting,. in nunibera Seaforth, spent Sunday wkth friends here.— Tuckersmit I h. ter, was here lately- visiting Mr. land Mrs, visiting biwaister, Airs. (Rev.) A. Y. library, which.nuber will soon be increased though he was not five years of age. —Mr. ley.—Mr. Hugh Ross out some grass !n�t
a;nd interest, was beyond the average. The Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, of Fullarton, were WEST END NOTES.- The many friends of Al. Ellwood.—A very interesting time was Chadivick, 6f Calgary, 111�orthweat Terri- estate of Lord Roseberry, while on a re, to 4,0520. There is xfow a membership of subject for discussion was the parable of the the guests of. Mrs. P. - McNaughton 'on Mrs d- which probably -be increased to tory,hasbeeniatbisvicinity for the past , . Albert Turner will \�e glad to learn heldatCourt Ivy GreenToresters'lo geon visit to Scotland.—Air, V�'m. G-rey., W tw; weeks purchasing young Durham bulls ower, ably - led by Miss Pearson. - In fui Thursday.—kiss Amnie Upshall and Miss that she is now'ieaover�og and expects to Tuesday evening. At the close of the �reg- 40 40 by the en,Volf � the financial year. The ture,, during the winter, our society will Rye Manson, of Tudkeramith, were the be able to leave her room before man days. ular business meeting, a -very good pro- moved into Mr. John Alsser's house.—W.-
.6hes. We understand ve y bonsiating of music, vocal and in- that lie Will ship about two car loads f gues a of Miss Mary McKellar.—A. nun Adam Rutherford, son of, Mr. and Mo--'
-reading room has been wlattended and for the Northwest ran rom meet from 7.30 to 8 o'clock, so as to gi t _ lber —A number of the young p�ople of this granime,, the cirwilation of books this year has been those from a distance opportunity to reach from this vicinity attended the McRae en- stramental, readingst recitations, kci.,. w4s Walter Rutherford, of Blue.vale was Mar-
k neighborhood spent a very enjoyable even- .1 ' - 'November 28tb, larger than" in n previous year. The th'is pairt.--There is a! lady's sil handker' home in good time. tertainment Friday evening last, and con- ing at the residence of Mr. George Stan- carried out', affording both pleaiun� and r4ed on Wednesday, Treas' r's statement showed, a bab.nce in Chief at this office, found on Monday morn- 0— Miss Lottie Meers of Holt are sidered it quite a novelty. -4 number of in*- I ich the owner can bury, of Stanley, last week.—The truiteea profit to all present, and all the members the treasury of $100;26. The illustrated 'Ing on Goderioll street, m e received here to atten Air. and Mrs. Rutherfordy4llnlakeHoll hare by calling for it. ' We learn that Miss. Londesboro. itations wer d the of. Turner's church aie thinking seriously should be present at -next meeting, when -paperEjovere disposed' of, aso a number of -7 marriage of Mrs. Page, proprietress of the about making some improvements, such as the election of officers - takes place for the their future home.—Miss!Etta Sixults,
nd inagazines. Oar Instie is l Grace McFaid, SeaforWs noted Soprano So- - BizEF.s.—Dr. Agnew is;tpraebising with. �1 0 nes M�6x recital'on Dr. Young at preseni.—Mr. Richard Bell Metropolitan house, Exeteq to a gentleman painting, kalsomining, &c.," also repairing ensuing year.— On 'Friday evening last a Goderich, is visiting her g0udmother,, a very condiion, and apprecia- loist, will sing at the 4gr Taesdav evening ilext,—There bao been a has moved his family into the village.—Mr. from Parkhill. Mrs. Page is well known in the furnaces or putting in a new one. large number of the Oddfellowa of Hensall Stowe. faim a boy tion of the privileges it Offers seems to be- - ng into t 0 Ontr0l Of BULL SOLD.—Mr. Robert Charters, of the Lodge No. 223, ere I t both to take A BEAR ftoxty.—Murray.-. A degree, It good d�al of wood this neighb rhood, haNing had c opresen I growing to an encour i o4ra the last- Tewaley, our former butcher, Wt this place w 13 ye"ar of ag d members. week or so. C(o the Staffa hotel for a number of years --Mr- Mill road, has sold to Mr. John Sinclair, of part in and hear one a series of very ia- and ra-ndj�bn of 'ir.
have six or seven hun(;re Th W111 oling is first.class in last Monday. Mr. Thomas. -Miller will Mrs. Robert Dunca, of this P1 le William Dunlop has purebaed'a new Jolli- the Kippen road, a very superior you teresting debates, the subject for -that even,- bis vicinit�,. IV, e know of no way in which a doll r can t r. pare the new dry carry on the busines&—Thomas Lawson has ng �bear recently near his bome� at Long ett grinder.mnd is now prepared to do chOP- bull, for which he received a good price. in being" Whether War or Intemperance
goods man, has arrive - in town and is get- moved into one of Eliza -Walker's houses.— in ja - 'Ali promptness and despatch, and, in -This animal, which is call th Worthwest Territory. Mu�ray was ridin- 1).e spent to better than oining cc I's it. ting his place of basin, a in sbape.—The on- The Good Templars' lodge intends visiting ing w ed AleltonDuke egreater Evil and Destroyer of the'� �o hi enhe noticedit. He i�mp-
ay Erst class style. is ten months old, of roan' color, and Race." Both sides of the question were- n is pon� wh 0 tertainnient tinder the �Ilusriees of the 33rd Blyth lodge next Frid evening, 14th inst. gave their ed off, gat ered up some stones and thre'w c.—The Se&fort,11 Aux- Battalion Band, on Th, rs( ay evening of last- A good time is expected, promises o )e very ably debated, but the judges
At t I a splendid stock bull. He is a a perhaps them at it. The bear ran to the lake an&. a Issionary re Bayfleld. Fas Ared by Mr. D. D. Wilsoills imported dec ion on the side of w r, h ving il'ittry of the Foreign Mi A-, (lid not. n; oys -any -monfey but GOOD TEMPLAR$.—The meeting of the shaved. its nose betweenat*o large. tone&� 8ociety, held a very interesting ineeting in those -who were presell. ere delighted with Good Templars' lodge was well attended P. T. Barnum, the world renowned show- "Prime Minister," and from one of Mr. -the Japan and China war fresh before . their C, Mnrray, who (lid not kno1w what -it VA., t4e bazeiinent of the Presbyteriati ehurch last the entertanment. —' 'Alf. s.. H. Gibb, of God- last Tuesday evening. A good programme men, ov ce said " The people litce to be huuibugged." Charter's own cows. He will be a valuable minds. The lodge room bag recently been Moad,ny* evtaing. The first part of the erich street, who bas been ill for some weeks was rendered and the geography contest is such may once have been ths, case. Webearagreat' addition to Mr. � Sinclair's already fine herd, well lighted with electricity, and with its Pulled it out by the hind. legs. It many say they have been hum-buged by the greatly a a & 00 ar n StO up ready for a fight. The boyrt
xiteeting ws devoted to receivifig the annual is, we are glad to learn,1 reoovering, and i getting quite interesting, each side buckling advertised Bargain Day Sales in the neighboring Mr. Charters still has two very good young fine furniture pre ent g d appe , a ce.— d ba- thank offKinc,s of the members. There was now able to sit up.—kev. Dr. RoDonads downtosolid competitioii.- Judging from towns. Thmey that in many itistances goods bulls which he will Bell, The Sacrament of the Lot.d?s Supper will be bea a. big stone, tbrel%r it &� the'lleact of' 4 `
N Presbyteria-'n Church on igber prices than the same can be RETURNED Ho-,%m.—Mr. W Sabbath services for appearances Brother Langmn's side is go- are sold u ayl alarge a,tten'�(hice- of ni.embers and their, conducted the Annual h h iturn MCK held in Carmel bear., killed it, lifted. it oncto his POON bought at Bayfield and that it is all a by-blow'and a Sabbath in the bear of the 4th oncession, L. R. S., who has orning, December 16th. Prepara- rode home, victorious. -friendsi wid the proceedings provedivery in- the St., Andrews Society ill Mitchell on. No- ing to come out ahead. However, it is not, humbug. When you want genuine m4lues and wish pounds. in Manitoba for some time, has re- tory services teresthig. Miss Egniondville, vember 25th, in reference to'whicli the d- sae to predict the result as we ca�never to save. money on your purchases go to H. F. ED. been will be held on the preceding young -one, weighing about 7 5
WARDS. 1408-1 He has §old his farm and an excellen paper on Mission work, Aocate says: 'J' The men-lbers of St. Andrews tell in-& case of this kind. turned home. Friday, at 2 o'clock p. in., when Rev. Mr. ad Mrs- (Rev.) Shaw added groatly to the Socidty turned out in a body on Sunday LocAm,�l There have b threshing outfit there, and intends remain- Anderson, Of Godericb, will preaell.—Miss —The deathook place at StrMatford
0 TwKs.—Xrs. Lasham, who h" been on a BREEzy I een very es enc8 enjoyment of all present by reudering a solo, forenoon to listen to asermon:preach- visit to Detroit has returned liome.—Mr. few -fish caught hel yet this winter.—Rev. in g- in Huron. lvlr. George McKay, his Cook, daughter of Mr.� H. Cook, of the Wednesday, last week, at "I the r id On the orgELn by Miss ed by Rev. Dr. McDoul;eci The life of the Henry Cade has gone into partnership with Mr. Fa d i9s. Fairlie, of Clinton, brother-in-law, who was farming near Hensall Flouring Mills, returned home last her daughter, Mrs. Will, Skeltoill of
airlie an 4 The la(lies Of the church d4oir ya-ried the patron aint was extolled, and those who Mr. Stevens of Belgrave, in the wagon mak- as omin, has also rented his farm and sold week from a three months' visit with rela- M thdt7of ex-Alderm were guests at the Virarage one day I - t Moos argaret Hepburn, lao proceedings by singing a number of appro- admited �tbe apoptle, and wefe com-plem6ra- ing business and has r6mo4d to that vil- week.—Mr's'. Struthers. and daughter ar- his stock, and himself and family expect to tives and friends in Detroit, -Concord and, Wm. H epburn, at the Veno-rable age of pria..teL hylilnS, plNd Dg tlyc ac- -ting his nienlory, were advised to walk in his lagb.—Tbe 6'ood Templows are trying to get rived in town on Monday from *Dakota, and eat their Christmas dinner with friends in Thameaville.--Aflas Arnold, who. has been years and s months. The,ideceasea retainvL.
companiments. WhellL the ctivelopes were footsteps. , The address was an earnest and Re'v. J. -H. Hector here to lecture. He will are to reside in Mrs. Cleaes, Cottage.— Tuckersmith. He intends returning to spending the summer months with relatives possession of her mental fq�eulties to the opened Mrs. Lyon read thc texts, and the practical one, and was listened to with the draw good houses.�Ar. Marshall Braitb- Johnmie, the eldest son of Mr. John Tome, Philadelphia in the spring, where he resided in Toronw, has returned to our village, and and had a wonderful meYnOrYl. Sh� . w&W thauk, offerings were found to cygregate the closest attention throughout."—The farm waite has sold his farm on the 14th c6nees- had the misfortune to bleak his arm last for several years before going to lacmtoba. intends spending the winter -with her. born in Ireland, and her hnabin(l assisted=- -allett, to Mr. Williain8anderson, of Friday.—Mrs, McIntosh, of Duluth, is visit- —11r. John MeNaughton, who has been in -brother, Mr. G. D. Arnold.—AIM.Gilchrist's building the firs 11VAilsome sum of $36.60, whicil, with the 'belonging to the estate of J. AN". Tyerman siol, H t bridge over the Hudson, opett Collection taken aniouned to - some- was Sold by anction: in Seaforth on Tuesday. the 13th concession, f -or $6,500.—Dr. Taylor ig her mother, Mrs. Thomas Herd, sr.— Southein Manitoba since July last, has also auction sale on Saturday last was well at- River. thing, over forty dollars. Thispat of the Mr. Thomas Price was the purchaser for of (4,oderich,'bas purchased the Taylor farm Mr. G. H. He-wson goes to Toronto next returned home and will remain here for the tended, and fair prices -were realied, con- —On Friday af ternoon., 23rd ult., ther-" i an a ineetin, waethen, Closed ivith prayer by $,6,060. The farm contains 150 acres and adjoining his own ou the 13tb concession, week for Christmas goods. —lyffin. Walters, winter. Mr. MeNaughton speaks very sidering the present had times.—The olpen- young men and boys of Trowbr dge
Mrs. Dr. Aft cinity made a bee and fixed up the parson-
er it ten minutes' is one of the best in McKillop although now for $5, 000, and iold fifty acres of his own to of Colborne, is the guest of his. blother-in- highly of the country an(I expects to return ing and dedication services will be hela in intermission the Tneeting -tras aga,in clled somewhat out of shape. Mr. Price has made Mr. Frank- Little for $92,100;-41r. -James law, Wm. Osinend.—.The young people of in the spring. the new Methodist church heLre on Sabbath, age stable for Rev. J. W. Robinson. They- to, order 1�y the President, nd the annun a'good bargain.—The an dL
nua,l Christ*as tree Elslie has purcha4ed Mrs. Taylor's farm on our illage have on many past occasions Comicm REETixG.—The council met at December 23rd. Services will be held in supplied the material and did the work, all& 'gmondvWe, on November cleutioa of officers proceeded vith. Airs. entertainment of the I'Guglish Churoh Sun- the 13th concession. shown marked ability as enterthiners. A Weber's hotel, E the morning, afternoon, and evening, the the ladies gave them atea, at, the parson. Kirk -man and Alm Mcl)onald were re-elect- day School is tq be held in C&rdno's Hall,on b evening THE BLACK K -NIGHT Comxxo. —Rev. J. H. large number of them are now busy prepar- 26th, as per adjournment. All. the membe Rev. Dr. Williamson, of Ingersoll, occupy- ge. A very - pleasani -was spent. tl Presi(lent and ]st Vice -President respec. Friday evening next, the 14th inst. -�-At the Hector onday eVening the'yo the renowneA temperance lecturer, ing the annual Christmas entertainments, were present. The annual report from in in an (
te the pulpit mo i d mening, and The following M Vice -President, Tyerr6n sale on Tuesday, oni3 horse sold for is. coming to this place on Wednesday even- which, from appearances and from the in- Local Board of Health. was presente e Rev. J, S. Cook of Granton, geople held an entert�inn�ent in the clill-rohr, tively; Am. _n Mrs. D. 1). ilson 3rd Vice. Mrs. J. $ 1.5 50 and another for P2. iner the Secretary. It showed the coil�idiuition and !ormerly of this vi on e4t t6wards ing,)December 12. The Blabk Knight, as tereattaken,bid fair to surpass all for ge w 8 They were ordi- duct the proceed of which v R. Lyon wa% re-elected 8ecretary ; TvIrs. J. naily good working animals. A trough he is fmilialy called, is a whole host in efforts. The Presbyterians announce Fri- the people, as to healta during the year, to services in the afternoo 0 Christmas carpet for the church aisles, The r.o�. wilooll assistant Secretary, and Mrs. C. used for feeding the. horoes sold for $3, pear- himself, holding his audiences -ell bound ay, December 21st as their date.-' The be very satisfactory, Only two cases of evening a tea held- in the, gramme consisted -of radings, spe 0.1 SP AV. Papst,. Treasurer.- Thvoe new inembers ly as much as the team.—The County Coun- one moment and the next moment in Peals progr�mme will consist of solor choruses, c6lita0pus dizeases were reported, neither basement w'i1i7ct11ngeWib'1eUte every pre- selo, etc�, for ad h
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