The Huron Expositor, 1894-11-30, Page 8r 4
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Koh-, i. r. was
Christi# add V bUsibW
u Endealir6r Society.' on Tit ty A a &wd,
thi 4A=dzer ul
�', , hi, �
Ith railikof-WI&M W�, X n 1PAYmAK 30thy
tr: ----the cere-
gm-ohdifIlla' Wber0-he iWu 'h this' wee intereso
wilson"s ,Oas� Grbeery- i 6rga,tiv 614D�1118r-
-of, a veteran said of-Belgrwel-wow are Tevening, a epebre taken to form &-,Vn aff pr it is a d"t. ,wUlcolitinue, the -business �of por.trait--paint-o Well, il, a mff,.. -0. n
the -least with- the'town organization, foi:tu purpose of seeittinj suitable prem - 1 mony by- in We ope this mouth with e
U"the placeto, get the best goods t6l to alu—The debiLtd at 'th much'enjoyinent until
VOW$. We sell only for cash or trade -and doWt able question whether the present pr"# for � ing, Willisan McLeod, the well gi-Ving' ises for e, butcher shop. We n6derstand. he was kept u lines of new goods, all splendid v#lt,.
literary Weet By, evening,
'hinictiloger. and dancer 6f,86aforih,.. he ng this,- - Frid th, hen the company be-
twe to charge our customors;somethlug extrw -tultiplication of societies; unions and 1tiownA 14*t held , at. The wow Currants. CZ �the a ment st Go oriqh Nromises to be e. of the will occiipy the store now known as RouatVA., rather better thau or6inary.
tw goo& thoy do not get. Rais ns, nd Mrs.- an to' disperse. The newly. married pair
mW and CandtedL Peels, *cry fine'qualifi, now iu conventi6ins is not becoming a nuisance, a takes Pitt i an entertain Slibull oinen hard W'are mud tin shop.—Ain a I
his evening, under the auspices of the Roy- - ebae is on the subject w the b6st wishes of thei nds,
source of weakness rather than strength to t Ladies John -Elliott 9 rela- fave if man
Si6ek, and at prices to suit the dull times. Teas.— who have been isitin v frie
04VIGreen, Black and Japan, all new goods, at 262 the church and the a ouipl and Mrs. J. have the priAlege of theVranchise. MILLIN RY.
best intierests'of 1he, I T ars.of that town.—Mr. six Weeks, all of whom hopethey may
hould-try to be� preseht.—Mr. William Ba- tives here for the put five or have a long, hap-
vinksgi�ring -8 a We have constantly been
t value you can get anywhere. country.�We believe ir isAhe intention Of Doble of Seaforth,, spent Thi left last eek for their home in Montana.— py and prosperouslife togeth addi
pound, are the bes quantity of Foal -
our DOW -Ceylon. Tes at 40e per ponnd, It -is a Mr. A. 0. VanEgmond -to siart , business at. with friends in Mit6fiell.�Mr. R. Wallace, ker is.bnyiUgLU P. & I&r*e C nd our millinery stA Ir l,
ty regular - price 60& Out Bomb& blend of It this season. A uple of Clinton 8alvation'Army soldiers thingsla vock at
C:offee Is the very best, in the. market. We have- N- an early date in the premises, lately pur- foreman in the oatmeal mill here -,ff)r seV _�try. Prices are not ruling big *0 0 -the.meet14 Sunday, and- Stanle
d to Nilestown, Mid.-,, seems to be more plentiful this re at here on y- ent is well assorted. Low pri
dueed the price of ficut 41) chased from 1AT played several musical selections on cornets r. Robert
d *IU sell the best for $1. Andrew Smith, eral years, has remove
IM pounda a .50 dlesex bounty, where he has a po it, easoh, than it has been for a long time. DATI-- OF AN OLD RNSIDENT.—M
�nd guarantee it; cqu3l to any in _81L Ion &a while on the march.—On Wednesday even- McIver, a, former� resident of Statilby town- rule, and for the balance of the s
cri� The highest price paid for good butter, eggs 'The people o all ready trimmed hats and
OL lititer tar AN4- OLD HuRoNiTz KILLED.—On Tues- maua*,er Of R Mill. f Middle -
*11, we will & Ing a welcome meeting was held in the -Sal- ship, died at his residence at Vion�s Head,
ds day, 13th inst., a telegram was received b sex will 6nd Mr. Wallace an honest fair Port Albert.
00 We ation Army barracks, when the Adjutant Bruce County, on November 13th, aged 7-0 will 'be sold � at reduced figures.
*1' g Tiuthrop, inform- dealing man and a first class workman. PITHY: ITEus. —A meeting of the Bible
elk Mrs. J. R. Govenlock, of N1 rry to lose so Society is to be held in the English church and wife, from S6aforth, were presenL— years and 9 months. - Deceased was a native are ihowing - a great variety of TENTY-S]
Seaif�rth- ing her of he d th b accident of her are so i goad a' citizen --Mr. J. Mr. E.-Sohmeading, of *Buffalo, has. been of rgyleshire Scotland and came to thi.4 -mmi
-ak of Commerce Block. b M: Wall, at Sandusky, A. Clark, of the Star Bakery, Sesforth, has on Wednesday evening. - The agent, Rev. Velvets, fancy tri mate WHOtE IN
Ba rother Mr. Robert visiting relatives hero.—The Christmas Tree country over 45 years ago. He first settle(f
W, 4 Ohio. He was the eldest son of the late sold his large St. Bernard. dog to Mr. 0. F. Mr. Wass, will. be present. to address the Silks, Plushes, Plain and Fa
cial Hotel, Qalt, for a meetlug.—Mrs. dam Green, who has been entertainments promise to be mote than in Embro, Oxford County before moving to ney
Win. Hall, of Bqyfieldi wher6 he was well' Baker of the Commer bons,, etc.
usually interesting this, season. Numerou's Stanley where his only sur�iving brother
He is a very fine animal of now recovering. —Miss J.
and favorably knovn. Seven or eight years handome sum. seriously ill, is yearsin -is W.�Morrisou and T. Quaid ap new features- will be introduced. Watch still r�sides.'After a residence of IS SPECIAL.
P.. R. ago he located in Toledo, Ohio, and. since the kin i _�eiit Thanks- dates next week.--7:As will be seen in that township, he moved to Bruci
SEE THAT YOUR, d.- Hewassent,by express to h
TICKETS READ via -engineer on large steam- new owner on Tuesday afterno4#---M`r vi I ng Day with friends in, Brussels and for the County, Extra finished
quality wide silk
Send your telegrams to all points via then has been first rchased the pork pack., CIL, advertising coluiims an owner; is wanted for where be lived up to the time of his death. Velveteens new shades, imported,.7 Yourself.
ers plying on Lakes Erie, Hufou and-Michi- Thonists Case has pu two calies which strayed. to Mrs. PecMa, Deceased was all his life a staunch Reformer
6lishment -of he M 'Rob 50c per yard..
essrs. b JJros.
woed'lately rec�ived- by his in esta ani which are now being cared for at her and a member of the Presbyterian church.
We are
A a gd I Chiselhurst. sbouia see wi
relatives in this county it appears that be a will' begin work in it at o4ce.
I d this bushaess has fallen into such capa. place. He leaves a widow and large family of grown XMa4 had been engaged aboat, his usual'duties On C141P.Ps.—Mr. Will -Hall, of this place, is MANTLESs s gif O I
"Your �-Aolsj shoilld go viii ulley tie, hands and. wish Mr. Case all suc up children, six sons and six daughters. His line goods, The�
Mouda . Wroxeter. nianyfriends in Stanley will regret to learn Our stock of Mantles is still
y, 12th inst., when a large of this at present 6nishing several new cutters for
DOMINION E RESS Co. burt and he w ruct- on the heaxb a his venture. —'lvlr. homas Brown rhowing -will not
Xp as st the Winter trade, He has also put up a -
I Loc, NoTEs.—Mr. R. S.' Gibson, wh6- of his decease and will ixtend &ir sincerest has beenur end6
e� ba be I
flying fragment. When found. by the Yap.. tla�e, Intends going out of the implement ii , 3p, and we bblieve will make assorted in style, color, sizes andpnow,
kr rs apprentices ip pathy t6 the
has just completed his h in the syni bereavel-relatives.
-to the engine in you Want,
u -M on-
tain, who was attracted roo usiness and will sell out his entire stock a L, cc as ailhe business.—The Epworth Rough cloths, smooth cloths, plain. A
.-to-morrow (Saturday) afternoon, by auction. flour millin business here, has gone to couxciL met
SON9 Agent, th a ci ent, i e wits ex ud bets a iecial prayer or fancy. Capes and Ulsters, all qePrti.
S. JACK tinct, death ap i �em ve holding �sp ru ever receivd
'hanksgiving i Ayr, where fie has secured a. good situation. day, November 19th meniberg all present.
De- —The shooting match here on T L ni 1; n ings
parently having been instantaneous. In" behalf of the revival meet' of the R in ting garments. prlce�
-EPHOWE 32. 1404 ceased w a brother of rs. W. L. -Key s; day for live pigeons was largely attended. 011 Me- Bob is a sober, steady_ young man and will The statement N -,S NBCKWI
AWTEL at Hil sgreeu.—Mr. and Mrs. Hu $4
Hall, of Clinton -:Pesides the local inarksmen there were pres no doubt sacceed.—W. Higgins is again Collins, was accepted, and the fees, . �50,
of Varna; Mr. F. B. Rev. from Stratford, Mitchell, Clin. Donald have returned, -from heir Zdding dealing out the staff of life in the village.— ordered paid -to Treasurer. By-law NO. 11 SPECIAL Four-in-hands,
W. J. Hall, Minto, North Dakota ; Mr. A. ent shooters We congratulate ing Officers,
A RUSM tour inthe United States. pointin 'D t Return A chance At a lot of forty Mantles at Ize, r for
shes Pi g McDonald on his choice of wpartue laid —John J. Gibson, of L'e?u&mas Kennard, J. T. at from $2.50 to -.S5 eaci� worth con- ars aild I
ekard & ton, Blyth a- . Thomas Linen Coll
Never Cru Co. E. Hall, Cleveland,- Ohio, and Mr. J. B nd other points.—The roads Gavin Davidson, of Seaforth, spent Sunday ap
yre, w am
They Can
Fit 1,000 40 years of age, and leaves 'a wife and two eled -are quite smooth - and altbou n on her finger for nearly a wheeling is his parputs.—Miss Elsie Allen,'of the Alount ling was read and passed. The following eral ends of Mantle Clths at a Lined and unliv
icety with Fall and Winter - not snow enough for sleighing, I 'elo
Hall, -also of Toledo, Ohio. Mr. Hall was are now frozen hard and where much tray with his.parents here.
gh, there i Mrs.- T F E' bo has been Owen Sound, spent Thanksgiving Day with Cairns, Williai 'Rathwell and S Ster- siderably more mwney. Also sev,�
.164 and Boys to- a P small children to mourn the loss of a de w we are pleased to say, getting
UITS AND ectionate quite good.—Mr. A. Al. StewaTt, who has -n ain. Forest Model School, wasin. the village for accounts were ordered to be paid : Dr. great reduction. OVERCOATS yoted husband and a kind and aff irbutn5 Tan, Buck
S !��% ce on Mrs. Scots -
father. resided for some time in a house belonging a few days. She goes to teach in H6%vick Armstrong, for attenA413
For Active Businesi -,a,- forth, Furs and-Mool Goods 131LI-:. HANDI(El
to Mr. Thomas Govenlock,,.about a mile Londesboro. next year.—Mr. A. H. Moffatt went to mer, $ . 12.50; Johnston- Brothers, Sea
Chesley on atu rday. —The infant daughter sewer pipe, $18.70 ; H. & J. C. Kalbfleisch,
For Serni-Dress and Evening A good big stock to Select es and pri
NOTICE TO MEMBERS OF THE. MECIUNICS, North of Sedfortli, has removed to Win- froln All siz,
-Members throp.—Orfe day last1week while Mr. Noblei LoCILITIES.---mThe Sons of England din- df Mr. R. G. Fortune, V. S.;, died on Mon- timber, $19.65. The --Clerk was instructed silk Hall)(1kerchie
For School and Play Day Institute.—The half -yearly meeting of thee ladies' Fur Coats, Ladies' Fur
nertheld. here on Thanksgiving evening, day.—The Liberal club meets on Thursday, twhave 25 copies of Iiomination and election �colors. Ta
All Occasions, All Seasons of the Mechanics! Institute will be held in the read- 01 ff,.of the'firm of Cluff & Bennett, was [, there being a good Fur Lined Garments, Collars, Linen H
Ing room ort Tuesday next,December Ub,at 8 o'clock working at a saw in their factory, a splinter was very successful December 6th, for tbe-first time this season. notices printed and -distributed. A � num- Stitched borders�
]p w.. The illustrated and other papers (tor the six d a bounteous The speakers &mounting to
BEST QUA,,-ITI ES months commencing January ist) together withs, from the board he was cutting flew off, crowd an A good programme as been prepared.— ber of gravel acc6unts, Shatls, Wraps I Hoods, Underwear, -he hand, infu
I were the Supreme Grand Secr4ary and the Rev. '.Mr. Anderson, of St. Helens, was in- $214.40, were ordered to. be paid. The &
PRICES F100K BOTTOM striking him on t I Cashmere,
.4re numb r of unbouaduvo"'mes of Reviews end causing a pa in Mus for
zinc I
PI[OKAUD & 00. are right in sight and goods are 8 he qo�d s 4 beautiful Auto- but not *serious injury.—The semi-annual t Supre e Grand President. ij was fut- ducted into the charge of the Presbyterian Reeve and Assessor 'ere each paid
r Lnished by Mr. Mab Floody and Mr. Richard church here on November 15th, under most electing jurors, -and the Clerk 9 for
-Goods t a "al. . SPECIAL' shades, the han
Daylight 9 names. yasented by
cnt S meeting of the members of the Seaforth
h 'I _p
see C. L r. Thos. 0iir Wonderful $1 PantS. 0 rl will also _b sold. W1. mooitz, Score Foster. The chair was filled by M used for Court of We will sell this mouth two par t"5c to $1.50.
1407-1 Mechanic Institute will be hell d on Tuesdiy favorable circumstances. —A Gun ub has postage and'stationery,
Clinton, District Deputy. accounts 'SHIRTS—
WM. PICKARD & CO'S. ing next when there sbould be a large Jackson, of The been, organized in the village. The first Revision. All parties having ticular lines of Ladies' Extra Qual TRY. Hg�,6:Ensox-'s improved -sold to $56.30.—Dr. Young match was held on Thanksgiving Day, when against the council are required to present ity Ribbed Underwear, which are
U-1 and tdrn out.—Mr. Craig, late, foreman of the receipts amounted carry by fai
Bargain, Clothing and Dry Goods House, cheap, uset I article, all ready for use, made We
sold by J01['(HkNDNRH0N 48 John street. 14wi Wallaceburg Herald, is at present in town; still remains poorly.—Mr.- Farnham is still some first-class shooting was done. --The them�,4at next meethig. Council then ad- superior to any we - have ever I;e- �01 any house in t]
Seaforth. ery �,00rly. - His sickness has been a severe, Curling Club have organized for the win- journ4d tw meet again on Saturd Decem- fore offered at the moderate price
ComE and see the beat Tweeds, Flannels, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Hen- 8y)
ins Blanketh, Overe6sto, Stocking Yaruqj- Box and Hose' dersou.—The report of the proceedingsof onb.—Reov. R. Y. Thompson has not started ter. Mr. Archibald MdMichael, jr., re- ber Ath, at 10,o'clock a. in. of 25-c and 50c each. Just nowN
reported in a
in the town at thewoollen MiN, Beatcrth for thei south yet, as was turned from Manitoba on Friday last.
1407-1 the last meeting of the Tuckersmith Coun Shirt in the tx--
HorsE To RE -N -T. —To rent the comfortable oil will appear n6xt week. previous issue, but is still in Toronto. He Hosiery and Gloves.
. . : . starting HenavAl. -ROBES-
Is improving in health'and intends Winthrop.
and pleasantly situated brick residence recently c c The assortment; is large and as flilt
cupiai by Mr. R. S. Hays. Rent reajonablet. Apply - CHEsNEY.—Anoter of for Soiithern California soon.—Dick Young CLEvftj-.,-G-S.&Li@ Fo-a 60'DAys.—In order 0 In. Flannlette
DEATH, OF - MM. SHAREHOLDERS' MERTING.—At a meeting as ever. Iedies' Hosidry and
to JOHN or JAmEs BJUTrig. 1407-tt 1jilk, trimnaed—al
tiv-1Ast week. Better to riese money and to make room for now goods, Glo
the worthy pioneers of this district has been cut his foot sligh
CT MATTERS. You can get new Japan Tea Dust. extra removed from participation in the joys and the wood next tim, of shareholders of the Winthrop Butter and have decided to sell for tM neXt sixty days At the Misses Hosiery and Gloves, Chil, DISTRI value, at IS The for 81, at the Popular G Cheese Company, held in the factory on following reductions :—Black Worsied 8uits, bouid,
of ff. ROBB. rocery Bootees and Infantees, Knitting yarris..,
IFO! 47 "1 sorrows of this -life, and has been taken to the November 208th, Messrs. Andrew Goven- for Sw, reicular rice M,; Black Worpttd Ou UNDERWEAR
A ST body joys of the life beyond. Mrs. Henry Ches- Blue.vale. lock, Robert Campbell and Francis Mor- bound, regular price. $20; Black Worstea The flotat, line
aw. isHixG' !—That's what 'every Suits, for 015, regular pjice#l8;8cotch
--kc.—The arrival of BAEVITIEs ected directors. At a meeting for $i�- oul
J'RE, CANADIAN ALIMN ney, of Tuckersinitb, passed peacefully J —Miss Balfour, of Turnberry, el bud -V with A
say� about the prices at Rutledge's show store. rison wer Two, d Suits 919, regular price $22 ; Scoteb Tweed SPECIAL
this, old and useful pablication reminds us 1407-1 � away wiThursdai morning, last. She was Iwas married' last Wednesday, to Mr. Reid, of the Patrons, held afterwards, it was de- suits Sib, rxgular price $18 ; Canadian Tweed Suits I)e no higher thah
that another year has nearly' rim its course, sill den Y. Hartley of- A few do2ens—remarkable value
$10,000 in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,-, 69 years of age. Mrs. Chesney's mai of Turnberry Rev A cided to make cheese next season, the Coin, $16, regular price $18 ; Canadian Tweed Suits. $ 4, Alel,?A I in Ladies Cashmere Gloves and
. I rgular price 017 ; a line all wool Tweed for $10, rek
000ft,&04 She was a I
!I= Canadian Almanac -for 1895 is more a ver lated ware, Spectacles, Pip'es, ra -ey name was Jane Hester Pearson. ficitd.-711r. John -ico,of Turnberry, has pany to be paid 2J cents per pound and re- ular price $'8; 8trgep, all wool, for 012 and $16,regu. Fancy Wool, etc,
This year it All lobe sold At Hall Price within the next-Fifteeti Hosiery, "regular 35c quality will
native of Kirkeudbright, Scotland, and was sect �ed ffie foxes already this season. This turn the whey to the Patrons. John C. Jar price $15 to SN ; black pa6tiug for 41.'0, regular
tractive and- useful than ever. I --.c 25e.
which Day@. I mean just what I say as I must have mane), be sold this iiionih at 25c.
contains several new departrrieiAs' the second daughter of the late William 'is n6t'psurprising to his friends, as Mr. Yeo Morrison was appointed searetary-treasurer pries $6 ; blat-k,panting $8, reirular pri e $5 ;A jibe
at once. Call early while the selection, is good.' W.
X worth
materially add to its value. It is more use- It. Cou, 1407 Pearson, Esq. She came to Canada in 1844, is an old ban# with the an. -.:—Miss Jennie of Tweed Panting at $150 ; Pei. ze overpoadn BOYS, 10LOTH1
qTER, Seaforth. and salesman by the Patrons, at a. salary of Si§, for $16 ; Beav ers anA keitons worth sly, for $14; Dress Goods.
YOU Vill alw&3
ful in 4nv office or house than a dictionary, ho died abo sgent Thanfsgivin� day with $80, and to bonds for $3,000. The see -
Go to- Richardson & Mclunis'f6ir Four and with her late husband, w ut Ballantyne all other lines in the same protv rtion. Remember
in Boys' ST
es 20 yeari ago, settled on the farm on th, give re the cheese thl' a. Good tranwings and 11 st class
mud is worth three tii Buckled Felt Boots. Two more cans just arrived. h
its cost, 25 cents. a 3rd her sister, at redito'u.—Mr. Duff was aut orised to insu* a is a genuine sal Just now, we have a beaultvi etc. W
It is published by the Copp Clark Company 14,07-1 concession of Tuckertimith, now, occupied by at Simooe and Brantford last week on for the Patrons. An adjourned meeting wtijkwayship. Remember the stand, Hodgine'Block, Ree
of Black Dress Goods Black-Ca4h
1406-2 -during thi
c e was at
of Toront and the present number is the RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES. —People who her son, Henry. She lived there until business.— Ir. A exander M Ge will he held on Wednesday, December 12th Jai"' POPE'
meres, Blacic Soleils, Black Fancy De-��-
forty-eighth annual issue of the &I-manae. It bavetried all over Seaforth h%ve cowe bnek and told about a year ago, when —she removed juit Simeoe on Thanksgiving day.—A Thanks- 'when the plan of making butter in May and CLEARiNG out sale of Millinery, Fancy -,see O(ur
can he jot at almost any book store. us that our Rubbers and Overshoes are the cheapest. son
across the road and resided with her giving service was held in the Presbyterian October will be discussed. Goods, Ribbofis, eto., below cost. As I ha;� to make signs, Black Cloths, Black Cheviotw CLOTH]
What better proof than this can 3 ou get? We room ior now goods, my htock of millinery must be
-we are below all others in pri,!e, and the reason is we David, the only son still unmarried. Shc, church last Thursday evening.—Miss Alice cleared out before ulnuary Mi. Give md a call and and,& ver great variety of 0olore&-,.-:, '%-%7,e show the
E-`�TERTAVNMENNT. — The sell to.- caeh ouly. R. Willis, T. Coventry's Oli had been in delica rials and Trimmings.
te health for sometime Ellio�tt, of Wawanosh, was visiting at Blyth. beednviuoed. Miss M. STuitozolv. 1407-4 Dress Mate *rver offered. Nk
but was always able to go around, and was' Mr. R. N. Duff`8 last Saturday.—Mr. Peter
Tbanksgiving dinner and entertainment, Stand. W -H Wil1e, manager. 1407 THE right' Place to buy your Crockery and d p king BRiEFLETS.--Mr. S. T1. Gidley won the BmEFs. —The Rev. Joseph F ollick, of In- ytoo
the auspices of the Lades' Aid So- only confined to her bed for about one aY' McEwen is supposed to be, the turni SPECIAL.
; stock is complete and pri 'aves a famil 'of silver cup at the Seaforth shootipg match verary, was in the village recently visiting dces are
-elety of the Methodist church, ort Thursday before her dei�th. She le of Turnberry, having safely housed over WAe
was, as usual, success- right in line with the hard times. Toilet sets from - T'.0f 325 loads. —Mr. George Kenny, of Win- onTbanksgivingDay. Alr.Gidleydeservea his brother, 11r.David Follick, of this plate. Five hundred yards, extra Leavy range, which
-evenin� of last week =,p,;, Tea se,!s from 6'.26 up. and dinner sets the en, six sons and four daughters, a] Cheviot Dress Cloths, just the thing sired, style.
whom were'privileged to be at her bed -side-, —Ivl r. great praise, for lie had to sboot against -Mr. Taylor, of Stratford,sou of .11 r.James
ful. The rdfreshments, which. wei 6 served n the country. Call and see f or yourself throp, was in the village last Friday. ar.
t. She re' of the beat abots of Hamilton and Taylor, of this -611agre, has this week- opeifed for comfortable, every day we
in the basement, were all that could be de- If you are in need of anytbjag In this li-re. The pop- when her spirit took its fligh Hugh Ross went to Buffido last week with- some FUP
locery in-tbe wet- store of Miss They are vrywide - aZd ; the best
4 lql�r Grocery and Cr ickery gtare, Estate of H. RoBB. mained conscious until the last, and wa� a load of lambs. Toronto.—Miss Helwig, of Auburn, up a nice gr in ]ST -en' Beaver
4ired 1�7 the most epleu-re4n taite, and seem- was colors, 20c and 925c. ria Wedge
1407-2 uQt only prepared, but anxious to depart visiting friends in town this week.—Mr. Carlisle's block. —Mr. and Mrs. A. 11cPher- Ntit
edtabe enjoyed by all present, -while the UL CkISTURS PRESFUNT. — 11, of Winghain, was in town on son and Mrs� !V. D. Robertson spent
A IBEAmiy She was a consistent member of Egmondl Howard Sue Ulloves Wombat
genuine sociability Of the company was not 14 0ampbell's illustrated History of tho - World'a Co- Varna. Bargains I Bargains 31en�s o1v
ng on some old friends. %y with Mr. and Mrs. J. T, In
Tuesday-, calli —Mr. Thanksgiving D, ;;st goods I
'by any means the least enjoyable part e! Uie lutubian Exposition" makes one of the richest and ville Presbyterian 'church, and the remains VARIETiEs.—Oik Tuesday evening last a 0 the j
4aiuident. The literai�y and musical most appropriate Christmas presents. It is the only were interred in Eginondville cemetery b6- cefield A. H. Tiernay has recovered from his illness O'Brienof Londesboro.—The Union Thanks- coats, Boys over coats, Rees and B where.
authentic and official record of the great Fair.. and as large number of the members of Bra and is able to be about again.—Watsou & service held in Carmel Presbyterian
-The side those Of her deceased husband. Her Council, Royal Templars -week, suits; Hats, Cap - Uvderweax� 4m, at:.; AVe will be ple
hursdM, afternoon of lust
such, receiv4, the highest and only award. Emigh eLhipped a couple of car loads 83
-Vitt of the rograrnme, given in the audi- work congis I I - brother, who bad been visiting here fdr paid a fraternal visit to the Va6 of rch on T closest prices for cash. any time, WiA
ence] thp church, was equally enjoy- Wol two bandiewe quarto volumes, pro lambs to Buffalo on Monday. Joseph tus, well rtttended,�ud interesting addresses
ftfsp]3 illuatrated wirh the richest copper -plate en- about a year, only left for his home in Soot- enjoyable evening was spent. an sho
e& The chair was occuipied by the pastor, and very. Dwyer, nee Miss Kelly, of Detroit, is bomie were delivered by Rev. Mr. Swann and "section
gravings. Itisa complete dezeriptive and ictori:d land about three weeks ago. Mrs. Chesney The programme throughout was highly -in- ies, or so T1
Rev. Mr. Calloway, and practical. and in- t novelt
record cf the ei ent of the century. Remem or this visiting her parents and friends. —Mr. - W. Rev. Mr. Roy.—Alarge number from our
woman of rare %tualities both of head teresthig, consisting of solos, qu'artettes,
ered by Rev. was a coa pleted last Sp Ing after more than three years of p6n.1 leat. er was to esteem her, the Intel-
teresting addresses were deliv publication was never round here before. It was just W. Sloan was in town this week.—Miss village attended the Organ recital in the McF y departmen
I)r. McDonald, of Seforth, and Rer. Mr. 'tion sknd at a cost of o�er $2 Tok readings, recitations, &c. After Somers is indisposel at present.—Mes. F. Trivitt Memorial Church, Exeter, oil the Edward aul-.17
while the excellent contin V and she was most beloved by those who lectu4I treat, the ladies of Varna provided
Cosens, of Walton, F, -r the Christ as trade this history Is offered at a of y Of coffee, Carbet, nee Miss Heffron, of Black Horse, evening of Thanksgiving day.—Dr. Buch- we aire Le.
knewherbest. She was ever mindfal,� an excellent spread, consisting SEAFORTIff.
church choi gave several well rendered inusi special reduceld" price within the reach of everybodv. was home visiting this week. --A grand auau, of Zurich, has been irnpi6ving the
The attendance also, was The World's those in need, and especially in the eaqly high -
Columbian ExpositMn has now passed sandwiches and cakes. Everyone wits
cal selections. 'k by
at-tv was given by Dr. Milne ab his resi appearance and comfort of his bloc
into hlatory. A Irreat drania has bden enacted, the days, when her generous and kindly dispoi- ly- pleased with the evening*s entertain-
lood. Senje on Viday evening last. Guests from taking down the old eranda and erectinLy,
managers and performays bave thous- nuinerq1is ment.—Beatty
larrly g departed, the' Brothers are hustling the Jackso
tion prompted 'her to perform give a fictitious we*ht to what would oth—
ands o I electric burners have been turned out, the deeds which endeared her to many outsTde poultry just now. They shipped on We- nearly- all the surrounding towns were a new on.e.—Mr. W. C. Davis, our popula
u present, an ocer, was rec
--o —No other colored to ntaiu�i qpd chiming �balls have cease d wlarge crowd from Blytb. A 'gr ently in Toront, combinin erwise be a - tasteless andwak-kneed artiele. A]
play, and nowi on6 bv one,the gorgeous combfinations of her own family circle. Her memory w nesA4y last 1,800 pounds of geese and tur THE VE
such raregoodtime was spenb.—The Cbristian bus s- But the "kick" at the other end of the-$�-
Canadian elocutionist bwi ever received 'i . be long and lovingly cherished by a la�ge keys Mr. R. Dennison, who has been iness and pleasure.—Our fellow town
of hce de effeats will be removed as objective reall
universal commendation by the press of ties, but will remain forever on the illustratqd p%ges Endeavor Society of St. Andrews' church men bqth on Queen -street and on the west reveal the true nature, --
all number of people. The funeral took place sefioasly ill for some time, is, we aria pleased
Grreat Bi-itain, Canada: and the United States of history and on the winds of the people of have invited the Epworth League of the side of the railway -track have, with com- of the animal, and we give Inin credit -for
nations. During the Exposition period the grounds on. Saturday, and despite the disagre6ble to learn, -on the way to recovery I .—Our
%Mrs. Charlton Mack, better known as Methodist church to unite with them on the mendable enterprise, taken in band to get a being true to his natural instinets.,especially.
and buildings were filled Nvi h people, representatives weather and bad roads, was very largelyI at- genial shoe-maer, Mr. S. R-atliwell, is a Do You �Re
-iox. -er aim has always been of very �ct, nation and tongue, till enthublas' ically evening of Dec6mber 18th. �Both - the so- couple of good street electric lights, aud we when goaded on by those who are only too,--
Agn6s Ki H - I hustler. He is working night and day i
high-, and she seems to have rea-ched -a Iona ada iving the matchless architectural grandeur of will take part in the programme. expect very soon to see those bright and wilring to make him their- dupe. Although about
wy. towards the achievement Of it. She the buildings, and at the same time loud in their spite'of the hard times, to keep -the oles of clet'es shining lights, We think we are safe in the article contains nothing that
Praisedof the enunVess exhibits so attractively ar. Brucefield. good condition. — Miss
his i customers in
merit a rejoinder, yet as it seems to hav
olds much the same position in her line of saving that there is no village in the whole
nge . Yearp and centuries may pass before anoth CHRISTIVIAS GOODS. Wishing to e end Ma gWe an Miss Vina Johnston went to Zurich.
work that that other tale-uted Canadian girl, er Exposition wid be altemptefon su-3h a ms'-niff- P�ovince, of ibesize and ageof Hefisall, itnated rumors in certain quarters to the-i�
Miss Norah Clench, does s a musician. The zent scale as has Zracterized the Columbin Ex- our trade and benefit our customen geneTalvit" e Toronto last week. Both of these young B=Fs.—Mr. George K. Irie, a native of that it As well lighted up with the new and offriec that I have been and am still trying You will then
have greatly reduced prices on our entire -s=k of ladies have secured lucrative. positions. Japan, but now a student of the Syracu8e improved modern lights of electricity.—A to injure the fair rePutatior. of the Irleuds, You bave
peDple Of Seaforth and vicinity will have a but always and for all time the pcerleFs village,,,,.. , ,
po"'t'o"; Crockery and lamp goods, and alon�� with We wish them every gucc6 so, as they are University, will deliver a lecture in the Evan- large quantity of grain is now being brought it might not be the wisd time. Touvillba
-,pled, of this effort will be remew bored. Ipar. D,y Goods,
i1rat and probably a last chance of bearing shortly taking. orders in town far this these we are now ready with f resh groceries ter the part, either of Wby not
pose very
Agnes Knox on Tueschty crening, December History Do not purchase all your Christmas gifts Christmas trade. The following are a few the two very estimable Young ladies. gelical Church7here, on Sunday, December into market, and meets with read demand. or of prudence to treat it with that eon -
Mrs. Black will until see what I hzve to offer you,. Alt out -of leading price* :—Twenty-two lbs of Redp%th iranu- 9th, at 10 a. in. His lecture will he on —Mr. H. Arnold,. of the'firm of
I Ith, in Cardno's Hall. yo lated i for 01 ilacarthur tempt which it so evidently desen".. 'SiU tW4()
town =1dents desiring to takei advantage of this %ugar for $1 ; 25 lbs light yellow sugar Constance. the, customs, manners and religion of Japan. & Co., bankers, has moved into his -fine ne "Eratia twits me for being " bad
give it f till evening's recital, and among her lease apply to me before Cbrs- 6 lbs best of rotalk rais- no, 25c ; 4 lbs of fixs ?26c ; 4
spccial offer will p, NOTEq.—Mr. F. H.-Schoales arrived home Rewill appear in full native dress, and will brick dwelling on the corner' of Albert and mixed." Well, I irqagine that I can safOr"
numbers will be selections from such auth- tmaa. A merry Christmas to all. J. F. WoODE.Ey, The currants, 263 ; 3 The best layer raisins, 25c ; 3 sy sitting
boxes sardines. 25o ; best green, Japan and Iblack, from Algoma on Tuesday, and reports w also Illustrate his lecture with several curi- King streets.—Mr. and Mrs. C. McCallum leave that part of the prescription
ors as Carlyle, Book7e. and Tennyson. Shi� seaforth. 107-1 5oc teas, for 45e ; excellent value in Japan tea ht 25c. favorable. impression of that country. to thi—: EXTR
is also a mistress of huior, especially Scotch a All other groceries and sundries kept ia stock at MRB. osities, among which are some idols wor- and Miss McCallum, and Dr. Mae tarthui, -all good sense of a discerning public, merely-- A I
'mFs. While there he called on two old Kinburn bi db hi -oplefor over 250 years. of London, and the Misses McArthur,of remarking that IftJ
buinor, and besides other humorous num- LocAL BR —Mr. William Doig, of George Bqird'a, Brucefield. '1407-1 s ippe is Ix tients ften complain
naer and Mr. George FU
ites,.,Mr. Charles Grai . f de- medicine does notau'it...
bers she' will give as her clOSiDg piece, TuckersiiLi, lim been appointed Priucipaj BuYVITIES.—.Rev. Mr. C6oper took- charge There wil he a. collection taken _up to Aillsa' Craig, spent Thanksgiving Day with e
Stanley. fray expenses. All are inyited to hear and their talte. Men of one idealike 11 Erai
How Gvin Birse put it to TAlag Lownie." of Harriston Public School for next year, of Union church pulpit the past two Sab- theirrelatives here. (which vill msk
GOOD , TEINIPLARS. —The installation of see him.�Tvlr'. Fowler, from Morriston, and ave can scai
1)'y that popular modern writer, James M.: Mr. D. Dorrence the present Principal, goes baths.—Mr.. William Graham has re�urncd OBITuARY.—We regret this veek to h reely become mixed to any great ex- A-11 the latest tl
the lodge officers did not take place 'until
och, of the 14th concession of Hay, SMTT'a Block.
Barie. to Hepworth. —Miss A ie McIntyre of from his trip to the Old Country. He dis- the 21st inst. owing to the meeting of the Miss Sch to chronicle the death of Mr. William Wil- tent. As to what he is pleased to call W
Seaforth, has passed hernal examination posed of his�oattle in Liverpool and then last Tuesday were joined in the bonds of -son,who was one of the old pioneer residents " insinuationa;" I would ently remind hmilwl�
e preyiou3 and whi
'fAL WEEi.:.— as a professional nurse.—Mr. Hugh McIii- Bi4� Society on th Wednesday "holy matrimony. 'We wish tW happiness- — of the township of 'Hay, and who was that in my modest I It -al ch
ARAIV wentfora visit to Old London, ee g the n The officers elected for the en,
The Salvation Army is preparing, for their. tosh, who has resided in London for some metropolis. ocean evew g. Mr. H. Well has secured a first . class collar pected. Mr. hsA stock of B4
: Chief Templar, Sister maker, Mr. Hill. —Butchering is the gder Wilson ettled at Fan ille, on the I said nothing about drainage or wet cellars.,
sights of the gi.-eat ;is widely known and much res become so odious to "' Eratia " and
uunual, elf-Deniaf which will be -time, intends returnii.g to Scafortb to live trip oiW was a fair que but his retuf n trip suing quarter are nsv
celebrated throughout the Do ion of Can- and will have charge 6f an implement ware- was not so pleasant. He still believer, how- M. B.'Schoales ,. Past Chief Templar, Sister of theay in this vicinity. The poor' pigs farm on which the Methodist church but -merely extended a cordial invitation to�-,'
osh ice emp ar, is er a I
'N"ood Of ever, in the old adage: " The best of a. stands, when the country was quite new,
adafroni December Ist to 8th inclusive. house here for Messrs. Frost & I A. M cInt have to give themselves up to the ravAg n those so inclined to 11 come up high r'
Hinchley ; Recording Segr ord.—The Young People's Alliance hal and resided there until About 5 or 6 years where the " fall " is good. I did not- "k The proccedswhich have been raised in Smith's Falls. —Mr. and irs. Donald Stew- journey isin tting home." --Mr. Aobert sw
Nf,, e
I B. Stephenson; sistant coretary, Sister READI�l
ther yot, r. d Alex&uder Mustard have
o their half yearly election of officers this ago, ilien be located on a fine, but smaller any, not e ren the Tories lav the through ths ewicentrated effort art of Chiselhurst, will celebrate their gold Lng an E.� Proctor; Financial Secretary, rother A, to
week. i6a Carrie Ratinie is President; farm on the ninth concession of principles " behind, -but I - did k thorft,
able testimony to the en -wedding this evening. May the worthy built kitchens to their already comfortable Hay, his
ha,% been a remark, N. Proctor; Treasurer, Sister heat- Miss Lydia Faust Vice -President; Miss Army's development and activity. The couple be yet long spared to each other tO homes.—Mr. Henry -Monteith is now busily ley; Chaplain, Brother W. Hugill ; Sen-- son John D. Wilson, retaining the home- �tbatis the Tories,) to leave their politicir
socialoperations of the Army especially, console, comfort and cheer one another while engaged in deliorning cattle. Mr. James tinel, Sister B. Cole ; Guard, Brother 1). Rebecca Ortwein, Corresponding Secretary; stead. The deceased was a man of great behind. Quite a differeitit thing. As to ther.
r had the horms removed from 51. of Mr. W. Sho 11' Reebrding Secretary; Miss (I "silly nick - nam as " to which the writer-
liaxe been greatly developed during the deseending the hill of life.—Mr. Duncan Turne' 0 Igo natural strength, active and ambitious, an Past year, two more Res3ue Homes h1tVill" MeLaren, of Glenquaich Farm, Hibbert, his young cattle last week. Many of the Tudor; Marshal, Brother J. Rapson; Or- Tilla Faust, Tressurer.—Rev. Mr. Ned- although within a month of 80 years at his takes objection, I would remark- that - I dew
been operxe(LI and Shelter' spent a couple of (lays in town I aani�t, Sister Wheatley. We were pleased hardy, from -Baden, will preach in the deajh was ac ge is arming
and al6o tWo Food ist week farmers are now in favor of dehorning,wbile f6 welc ' ively eng d in hi f not take any credit for them, as I was D04
d6pots in Halifax toid London, Ontario. with hi's'son, Mr.! J. P. McLaren.—Mr. E. others look upon . it with disfavor.—Dr. ome two visiting member . s from Lutheran church next Sunday. dtities untii within a week of his deceaie,aud at the christening " and cannot be held,
Londesboio. The programme consisted of while always actively employed about his responsible either for the names or the ci
1lie proceeds of the Self -Denial effort ill Bossenberry, of Zurich, one of Huron's old- Moffat, agent of the Upper Canada Tract
go toward the maintenance and f arther de- eat and most popular auctioneers was Society, delivered his lecture in Union- , readings, etc., the recitation by staff& work, he took a great interest in all matters cumstanc'es under which they were given. -
I n business bent.— Brother William Leitch being especially
velopment of the different branches of the town on Tuesday o Mr. church on Tuesday last. —The Royal Tem- rthy of remark. DEATH.—It is our sad duty to chronicle pertaining to church and state, an(I held As to the Scripture lesson which he "signs-, ow-sm
Army's work in Otnada. All donations John McTavish of this town,, left here yes-- lars visited the Varnw- lodge on Tueiday wo many important - offices, particularly in the to me, I wouldemark that the writer w- soUZ CUTI
BitIEFS.—ANIe regret to state that there is the death of Mr. George Herron, sr.' who
pan be given to the local officers or col- terday for Mapleton, E Ig'in Count to evening, where they spent a pleNiant and Methodist church, in which he had been an not yet qualified to wield to advantage the,, --
lectors. Special ineetings ill be held by take charge of 4 winter creamery tKe te little hope of Wir. Allen Farnham's re- died here last Saturday, after a litigeriiig exhortat and local preacher, as well - fill- "Sword of the Spirit." If he will devour-
profitAle evening. - The mplars of our and to make matters worse Mrs.' illuess of about three years. Deceased had - as
the local corps as follows , Saturday, 8 p. Mr. McTavish, although a young man, is village have chosen sides for a geograph covqr�, Ing many other offices of trust and re, the whole chapter (the prescribed verse In- These vehicl
y Farnham's health is;becoming very poor.— a bad attack of la grippe about three years birity. The funeral cortege to the a 'Poi- est4blisbmeN
In., Temperance ineethig; Sunday, 3 p. in., one of the best butter makers in Canada and match,,and have begun taking up the study Mr. S. S. Cole's house is completed all b F naville eluded) and then go to some quiet, out of' the very beit
Misaioumy meeti 'it ago, which settled on his lungs, thus causing cemetery on Saturda w very
-ng; Stinday, 8 p. m., Sal- the managers of the Mapleton establish- of the . subject,- ginning with Ontario. He was buried by. the. Canadian afternoon, a's town place and ruminate awhile, he will ba-
vation meeting Sword and ment are fortunate in seenring his serviees- The losing side wil give a Christmas treat piinting the inside.—r. Andrew, our new his death. largely. attended, and the Rev. Mr. Swan, apt to discover something that he evidently -
"Song Service; Thursday, Social Reform —Mr. R. Wallace, recently foreman of the to the successful one.—Miss Magg e Fother- storc-keeper, reports business very good.— Order of Chosen Friends, and -his funeral resident minister, and Rev. Mr. Hollmes, of lacks., and the a�quisition of which will me- THEY AN.
sold bi Mr. W. Wren and Mr. J. Hinchley were was largely attended. We extend Our Clinton, an old personal friend of the de- terially improve his moral, if not his mentat
veetiur, - Friday, Consevration meeting; oat meEcl mill here, has a dwelling ingham has returned from o
s�, South of the railway track, to Mr. busy last week taking up turnips that the y heartfelt sympathy to his bereaved widow
Saturday, Musical inecting. hou Blaushard.�The Union church �congrega- cemed, conducted the funeral service in the cond:ition. As to the expression of condo--
Ii','i9ermaii of Dublin, who intends to occupy tion have decided to tender a call to Rev. bought at J. P. McLaren's sale. t is and family -in this, their sad affliction. church imthediately after the burial. Air. lence with which he closes his articlei-1-
-Mr. T.
N it himself. —Miss Kate Cowan spent Thurs- Mr. Cooper. The members of the congre- rel ty cold weather for tile job. HymENEA"—A very pleaing event took
TOTE,;. --As 11stlal, service
14, Wilson leaves a large familyof sons and would remark that 'he -is not 'yet a con-- Wby buy fac
Troop had the misfortune t6 lose a valuable ace at the residence of Mr. and Mrs."Wm.
was beld hi our ch,urch on Thanksgiving (lay and Friday of last week visiting friends gaton are unanimous in their wishes. The daughters, all grown up, who have the sym- noisseur in matrimonial Inatters; as his;, got �bome-ms
eek. —There is some talk of the; that look i&
ux)rning. The custoni is a fitting recogni- in Blyth. She was the guest 'of Mr. and church has been without a pastor over a- Marc last w illery, whereby their daughter, Miss patby of the community in their bereave- matter of fact obtuseness is only equalle&
0 old Methodist church beiii torn down and Minnie, was married to* Mr. Wm. Sadler, long.
tiou of christian dependence on Divine guid- AIrs. John B. Henderson of year. by his dense ignorance. 11 Bratia A call is sure
made into a dwelling, w1licb; no doubt, -son of Mr. John Sadler, of, this village. Th e- men
wice, but is it not the veriest, mockery when the Huron Road, west' of Seafortli, got a wou Id pay,—Mr.- J. Stanley, our Post-- relativesof the contracting parties tind a (From* an Occasional Coffee pendent.) to have the advantage of me in one
ordered by a Governinent, several of i0iose surprise a few mornings ago. When his ular, namely, that I have not put tn�y�
Kippen. master, is talking of building a brick house few of theiri most intimate friends were in� AN-oTHER Ur-Towx Tmic.—Your corr. into ull the cellars in the place to
members axe knawn violtors of every prin- boy went to the barn to feed the stock be how-_�o M
er.—Mr. F. � Marques, of 1Jrau- vited to witness the marriage ceremony, a -see:.
ext summ spondent had not the most distan ide
ciple of cbristian rulem Ai a nation, %,��e found six fine liens lying -dead. On being Scams. —NLIiss Annie Jarrott was visiting n many are wet and how many are dry.
liwl in.itch to be thankful for on the 22nd, examined it was found that -every drop- of friends in Brucelield last week.—NIT are dony Manitoba, is visiting here at present, which was performed by Rev. Mr. Roy. wher,% couple of weeks ago,he sharpened his e hEe d cellar, if be starts
Miss L. McCully.—Mr. C. Mc- The ceremony beiing over and the inner man gray goose quill" in order to while away a on a
ave two. fold blood had been sucked out of tbein, They glad to say that M 1. Jarrott and the guest of 0 in a ry
Init one year hence we witt li r. James ' en u h t t i --the
al it is altogether -a
t tripped the light fe and gi
n, an -attack Gre� u wly w passing mi ve prominence to grou g or _ is f man in
01119c: for if more lioiiest men fill Avere not torn or mangled in the least and children are recoveriiig froi Of ior, V. 8., is doing quite a b'siness in filled, nea I prese4 nd toed on posts. The
deborning cattle, which a great many far- fantastic till the " wee sma' hours." We a few passing thoughts, that his short moon no doubt has a drW cellar, No.
the plces of the preseut T)oodle brigmde, i0io the only niark visible on them was a small scarlet fever.—We are pleased to see Mr. mers se
lmve been 1-101dill" hif'11 carnivl at Ottawa bole on the neck- of each, as if made by a Jaines Jarrott, of Hensall, out agai4. He a Tendi
em to think a saving of feed and ac- extend our congratulations to the young talk " would have the effect of stirring up tlemen of the lower ts� I bear
for seveml years.—Mr. nd Mrs. Hicks darning needle. He his no idea as to what is now enjoying good health, —Mr. Jose cidents. couple. a horneVs nest in the lower pirt, of the girrudge, but instead wish you success
C� -elatives at Cen' sort of an anitnal it was that killed the Cannibg Of Forest Home, has Aaken up ts A HAPPY EVENT. —The following Matri- village. Butsuchseems to have beenthe
spent, Thanksgiving with k BaYfleld. monial notice taken from the Hustler, pub- case, judging - from current rumor and the bappiuess. Further, I have beew, and The ljoders.
tralia, where a fautily retudon occurred at birds.—Rev. E. A. Few-, of Homesville, fill. abode in the store of his brother, Mr, Jas. I still trying to do what I can to -advance
the old homestead. 'A brothe, who had ed the Allethodisit pulpit here on Sunday Canning of our village.—Farillers have been BREEzy LoCALS,—Mr. H. Eilber, of Credi. lished. at Hamiota, Manitoba, will be of in- "kick" which appeared in THE Exro8ITOV. best interests of the village. both coin
t to the reople of this section A very last week. We were informed beforehand,
beun, absent duringseventeen years, having last, preaching very interesting sermon--,.� mikinggood useof the few fine days by lift- ton, was here on Monday collecting assess- teres cially and morally. , But 1 1 AIM c DIC, 15t I
urrived a few (I P.2 . appy gathering met at the residence of Mr. b e kind friends who are no doubt that the new survey is the most eli:
a-ys previous.—Our people Rev. Dr. McDonald of Seafortb, and Rev. ing,roots,.- finishing plowing, and getting mentA for the Hay Mutual Fire Insurance h " 14th y som sted in duiv temporal and spi for the enlargil
were surprised and pldned on Thursday, last 'Mr. Tully, of Mitchell, exchanged pulpits things in shape for winter'.—,2V1r. Jones has Company. This company has been un- Walter White, on the evening of the deeply. intere ir-
in the place for private residencesi.,- igiva, in the 1
arn of the death of Mrs. Henry On Sunday last. Mr. Talty gave two very started a -private school in � the hall for the usually successful , this being the first as- of November, to witneEs the mariiage of his itual welfare, that we miglib expect to re- 13 t I )f said drainf
week, to le, Xd that the water- stift flows your way—
TV1. ChestioN% It known that. tLble discourses riere.-4something went winter months. This will be a great ad- sessment for three years. —Mr. Ainsley, of niece, Miss Maggie Drake, daughter of Mr, ceive a soul-stirting reply, and that in the gentlemen. opened Deceml
—Miss Ida , - r. , I gs I w ;hcatlos may b
lier health had been failin'(, ior some ti e, wrong with the electric wires in the Pres- vantage t6 small children and should be Win h in was here on Tuesday. J. E, J. Drake, of Staft, Ontairio, to M very nature of tbin *t ould be simply
0 111 Walf a
Init few epectbd the end so oon, The byteriani church on Sunday night and part well supported b the parents of thevillage. er, of Exeter, is the guest of her aunt, John Riddell, Jr., of Hamiota. Chief anion crushing, as it would represent the- com- jotb� Tenders
of our people is extend- o! the ligli ts went. out. Enough remained, —Thanksgiving cialy was well observed here, - Peck.
Mrs. H. —Miss Lizzie McCluskey, of those present were noticed Mr. and Mrs. bined energy and wit and acumen of the —James Whaley, of 'Milvertou, a#&, along with ihe
ed to the ftyie falidly of sions and daughters however, tto give a good light everywhere .�all business being susp6nded for the day.- Goderich township, was visiting Miss Reta Riddell, parents of the groom; Mr. and Mis. would-be aristocratic denizens of the West Johnston Armstrong, of Mornington, contract. The
xss of one c most 11der the galleries, and the con- Tuesday evening last was the most bluster Stabury last week.—Mr. Coultes, who has David Whyte, uncle and aunt qf the bride, E ad. The expected article now lies before active young business n, have been -apo-
I t to 11.1ourn the 1( of th but just u y me affectiomtte of liothers. The funerl Iwo- gregatioiiwer6 not in Pn way inconvenien- of the season sot' James Cooper, spent the itimmer at Port Arthur, has ie- Mr. and Mrs. George Rankin, Mr. and Mrs. me -in all its . enveloping terror, and as I pointed to act in conjunction with Alder
cossion to our cenic-tary Oil Saturday last ced.Mr. Douglas, a' cottish geutletna�, wbo has been disposing of man of his well turned.—Mr. Rouatt has this we6kremoved John Rankin, Mr. and Mrs. W. Collie, be. can its contents I am, to iay the least, - George T. Jones, of Stratford, �w
-was ail unusually one for sudh a storiny who'Tias been living in the West Indies, is bred sheep this.season, shippecif another on I atorehouse from Louisa street to his own sides a large number of young people. The agreeably disappointed, as there is ot a agents for jowon-Brothers, of Ingersoll.
dkv.—There is some talk of. gettingthe at present visiting his cousin, Mr. Robert Tuesday last, one of his best, to a Mr. Ale. premises on the Square, to, be converted in- minister appeared promptly, ateyen o�eloek line in it, but might easily have L emanated —Eli lillgins, proprietor of the Wind -
town electric li,(rlit system extended to our e rage sehool� , -W
Turnbull, near Seaforth.—Mr. and Airs, Dougall, of Bruc County.—Mr. James b1c-, to a barn.—Last Thursday, H. Colloday, and the ceremQny was shortly after per- from the cranium of even the ave SOT -hotel, ratford,has just been fined
stin co b
ten v, Y
e expense will Robert Scott, Mr. J. C. Smith and Mr. Kay, of Bright, is spending a few - .Losu for elling iquo,
,%illage, 1)t1t Many co�isider th daysl W. Baker, K. Moorehouse, N. Murray and formed. The tables were then set out, and boy. The writet Xpproprls r on Sao- Thoma"
bei will b
be t-00 heavy these hard tinic, when the Hertzel, teller in the Bank of Commerce, with Mr. H. Ricker.—klrs. K. H give your. me, U9 x�mm for
nock. ompany certi _g them- U uid'�y -Mr. Carey
unt's sale John Gordon arrived -home from Gree the c kinly did am ce to nomen; ostendblv to -aders the Vecessariesof life re'difficalt to obtain, by spent Thanksgiving in the Queen City.— o Tuesd4v last, was in eve what was befoTo them.* , Thep'berijdue�tsi caka impression th&tL'- 'Mr. .)(Obb%--to Who M, tile liquor was 16014
11 ry respect a good —William Jowett,,acoompanied by. John he. is iersodin- the mptor' LOU es TO
fe.—At the last meeting of our Mr. J. G. Cyioh has severed his connection one, ther4' being a large attendance and Gem1inhart has gone*4b. Little -Current to was then destributed, and no doubt' but. of onef-the.-dead bu December
AM taxes'nN
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