The Huron Expositor, 1894-11-23, Page 87 RON ITORO EXPOS NOVEMBER 23511� 18940 as is 9,
op� many friendis in and about Cromarty' and FRID 1%.
was a degenpration of the blood corpuscles, mother and other friends in . B4� shown by the salary be r eives; a sq�- Hogatb returned recently from viiting ber
Wilson's.oash Grbdery. he being ill for seven or eight months, but 'Mr. Thomas Lapslie now has lits' new barn in ary of $200 is not easily picked tip these I Ay.- NOW.23rdl
ey. CouNcrL MicENo. — Council mef t b b a intends this week visiting her brother, Mr. - - I
Is.the place to get the beat oods 'for the least he wits conscious to the last - and kneiv in near1W. completed and ready for occupan -Crawford's hotel, Dublin, on Monday, l9th lit rd times.— fr. Alexander , IcBe th has William Ho fe, in EgmOnd- We open'- . this month 'with several We sell on] whom, he li�d believed. Mr. Keating rushed it t4rough.—The St. inst. Aylembers :!all present. Accounts almost completed his season's framing. He NI r. W. R.
money yfor cabb. c trade and don't The homestead art and ville.—Mr. Ta1rrnhqs!--1P"ett!y"aij1 have to obarge our enstoiners s1retbing extra to pay was sold last summer, and the family pur- Marys correspondent of -the Stratford Averepassed,fd `b onroads, gravel cul- has had a busy summer. �Messrs. H lines of now goods. all splendid valu,, C isited Londoii -on Tuesday, the )r 8 HOdgin8 v for .goods they do not get. New Currants, Ralsine, ofing, to Seaforth this w nter,, Beacon says Our genia V. S.,.Mr.. Geo. erk ear's salary, ai Jarrott are doing considerable crushing this better than ordinary.
Figs and Candied Peels, very fine quality, now In posedreml. verts sh, y id c�arity, eventful day, and rep6rt the excitement rather a
Gibb, purposes leaving town and taking tip >9 season.—Mr. Alexander Ross has his new stock, and at prices to suit the dull times. Teas,— having purchased the residence of Mr. 1. to a total of' 12 7.09. Council then ad- e be 8 fa i house completed. —Mr. Neil 1\1 c0ill still suf- there over. tfie- election as -being intense. �our Green, Black and Japan, all new goods, at 2b:! nap his abode in Seafortb, where he intends ),,)ur jounied to meet MILLINERY.
]Eloh . All the in in r of the mily n Jones' hotel, L fers from his disjointed thumb.—Mrs. Halli- Miss- Ag ite Hunter has been visiting rela- were in att6 dance at the funeral excepting siting his profession. We are sorry - to lose on aturday, December 15th, at 1=' We have constantly been adding
pound, are the beat value you can get anywhere.
our now Ceylon Tea at 40c per pound, it is a tives aff friends in'Clintoii.—l%ir. R. Pater beuty, regular price 60c. Our Bourbon blend of 'Mrs. Wiliop, and a remarkable and notice- Dr. Oibb, but hope that in his new Iflold Of a. m., when all taxes are expected to be day is still confined to the bose from the -storey dwell- new perations he mav meet with that success effects of her recent fall. son, sr., has his fine new, two things, and our millinery s'u-Ock- at - 1
CoRee is the very besr. in the market. We have re- able featurl was that his seven sons were' o paid and all, accounts presented. pres- duced the price of flour and will sell the best for $V50 lie assur;dlv deserves. "—Rev. Mr. NoTts.—Mr. Hertry Scarlett and family, ing-on Richinond street, Moir's survey, now ent is well assorted rices will per 100 potinds and guarantee it equal to any In pallbearers. Three 'brothers survive Mr. which preacbpd in tbe,Pres- of Owen Sound, visited friends and Cromarty. all enclosedaiid roofed, and'ispushing on ow p Knechtel. 'QPbey are Valentine, of Rostock; Stewart, of Clinton" the inside work rapidly. --The Rev. Mr. . rule, and for the bala'nce of the season town. The highest price paid for good butter, e ry =tances here this week,—Ve 'Messrs. W. Hoggartb and M.
and poultry. Give us a call, we will do better FZ: Daniel, of Hanover, a d' William, of byterian church here last Sabbath, Dr. 31 SUC- CLICKS. Currie has returned from.'Walkerton, where? all ready trinitned bats and bonnets�,
you tban you can do anywhere else.' All goods Brussels. Donald andhe ha�ing exchanged pulpits.— )agarth left revival services, conducted. by Davis, and Miss Mary Ann Hc
guaranteed to give satisfaction.* d from lie bad been visiting for the put - week or will be sold at reduced figures, We
C. WILSON, Seaforth. Mr. Alexander McArthur has returne y, and Rev. Mr. Cosen;,, have nightly been held in. on Tuesday last for Algom'a, wb��e the two o.—.Mr. Ri-hard Blatchford, of Laioure, e bhowing a great variety of Igilir NEARLY BAD FiR.E.—The new Electric -a, pleasant trip to the Old Counti the Bethel Methodist church.—Ur. James former go to work� for the winter, and the ar 13 . . .
Bank ofCommerce Block. Light Power" House had a from lodks as if his outing did him gogd.—Wheat Smith's auction sale of farm stock, held on latter to pay a visit to a sister who resides Dakota, andwho was one of our pioneer Velvets, fancy trimminff materials, 1374 1 business men, of the firt'n of Blatchfc�rd destruction%y fire on' Sunday last Mr. is going tip and things are getting livelier in Friday last, waw well attended, and fair there.—Mr. Robert Hoggarth, with coin- -na carriage make�rs, Silks,.. Plushes, Plain and- R b- Brothers, blacksmiths a Fan y Ingram, the Eleetrician, hppened;to go town. The latest quotation is 53 cents, prices were realized. Mr. George Kirkby mendable enterprise, has bought out his pleasantly surprised Iiis many relatives ad b I ons, etc. down there after church to ee if all was which is a good deal better than the' hard very efficienrly wielded the auctioneer's brother Richard's farm, on the 10th conces- -cTsjm T=:m friends in this section the end of last week, SPECIAL. riaht. When he entered the dynamo; room times pdces.—Some changes in the Grand hariinter.—Mir.* Robert Haimah, of Win- sion, and also taken unto himself a wife, in, e' was astonished to find the- place i filled Trunk time table came into effect on Novein- by unexpectedly droppiii,&, in upon them, h throp, left on Wednesday last for London, the person of Miss Bella, McKellar, of this Extra quality wide silk finslie�d
0. P. R. Telegraph with smoke. He soon noticed that it was ber 18th. The only ones affecting Seafor�h where he will spend a few days visiting place, which happy event took place on after an absence of fourteen years. Being
a joking and full loving disposition, he Velveteens, new sharles, imported,
that the express going east in the after- t of 'day, last week. We hope tha, coming from the engine house, and on open- are friends. Wednes' M 50c per yard. PrOMpt Despatch bad grea sport in the way of ordering
ing the engine house door the smoke was noon is changed from 3:03 to 2.53, and the heir journey down life's Ut bid stream at e evening goe t our genial liveryman, Mr. T worst may be ple nt -i our veteran sad* MANTLES.
He- mixed -train west in th s at 6:20 horses from
Direct Wires Tuckersmith. Murdock, and harness fron
so dense he could scarcely get in. asa
11 ry in s Aenderson crawled on'his hands and knees to where instead of 6:30. — Ir. Tho a as it TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. recently purchased the farm in Hullet WEST END NOTES.—Mrs, N. Cosens left dler; Mr. J. - C. ClatiseD, incognito, Our stock of 31antles is still
the fire seemed to- be, and discovered a blaze who t, owned. by Mrs. - Sutberland of this town, recently for Buffalo, where she will reside Londesboro. were, they not recognizing him- at the time. nicely almost reaching tothe roof. He soon bad assoried in style, color, size& and price.
J. JACIIELSSON, Agent. with her daughter.—'Mr. Joe Crich returned A SMART GmL.—Martba Jane, daughter Mr. Blatchford is lobking very well and it
water on ip and got it ' tit out but, had- it had all the windows in thelhouse smashed e is as Rough cloths, smooth cloths, plain made f an O` he home last week, after spenting some weeks of Mr. E. Crawford;'bas completed a quilt is almost needless to remurk that h
not been 4oticed for h �, 11 ur longer the some evil disposed person last week.—T
consequenoes would have been serious. A regulitr meeting of the Wornen's Christian hunting in Muskoka.—Mr. J�mes Waters with 2,034 patches all put together by her- pleased to meet With his old friends here or fancy. Capes and Ulsters, aa elegant. 0. P. R. TICKETS, on Mr. fitting garments.
is busy finishing the carpenter work self. When it is stated that the little lady as they are to see him, and like every per -
wheelbarrow and some boxes were burned. Temperance Union will be held in the usual it is place next Wednesday afternoon at'�3.30 John T. Cricb'i house, and will have it fit was but seven years of"age wben she per- son else who has been absenb for a number C. A R. TELEGRAPH, This was all the damage -done. received for occupation at an early date.—Mrs, A. formed uch a great feat, the older maids of -years, he is surprised at the marvellous SPECIAL. fr a thought the fire caught. oin a pile of cot- o'clock. VIrs. (Rev. Dr.) Macdonald 1 Turner has been, ieriously ill for a short and married ladies will realize that one growth of'our -village and many -improve- A chance at a lot of forty Mantles ton waste. �hat had been used - in cleaning the sad intelligence on Tuesday of the death b a at from $2.50 to $5 each, Worth con- DOMINION EXPRESS the machinery and was saturated with oil. of her sister, Airs. Dalrymple, in Australia. time, but is now recovering, —Mr, E. Taylor, does not require to be "up in years "' to be ments, and nota ly those cross the tracl -00� who has been emploed here for the past industrious or perform a great work. Little at the west end of our vill e, where lie It is quite likely this was the case, as ma- —The old clerk of the weather seems to be siderably more money. Also sev-
OCEAN STEAMSHIP TICKETS. r, has gone to reside in Clinton. During Martha Jane has worked out a very' credit- use to reside, as fine mills, aschool housei, eral ends of Cloths at terial of this kind is subject to spontaneous trying hard to give us sleigbing, but it Yea combst" won't stay. The wheeling, however, is still his stay here he has been a useful young able monument to her ame, foundries- and handsome dwellings now great reduction.
IAVTELEPHOE 32. 1404 good.—On account of Thanksgiving falling man in connection with Tuffners.chureb, cover what was then vacant space.—We are pleased to see that and many were sorry to hea of his re- Holmesvffle' our respected citizen, FurS and Wool Goods.
BIBLE $OCIETV.—Thel annual meeting of on Thursday, THE EXPOSITOR is inted one ;ecovering, nicely from from. veek tb� k , so those Ry, A A crood big stock to - selec
the SQafor�b branch of the Upper Canada day earlier this N GORNG TO HAVE A CIIEEsL FAcTo Mr. William Bell, is i t
PiCkard & Co Bible , So lety wits held in the basement of meetin V discuss matters -pertaining to a. a severs attack of quinsy.—Tbere will be a
Never Crushes c in connection with the office may have an -Bayfleld. cr Union Thanksgiving service in Carmel Ladies' Fur Coats, Ladies' Fur Capes, the Presbyterian church on Thursday even- opportunity to eat their Thanksgiving din- cheese 7actiry, was held here on Thurday
church-, on Thursday afternoon, at 2.30,
They Can Fit 1,000 nera in eace and contentment —Dr. Scott T -u -PD -v nra vi -r few e le who do not I 1 4. v I - Fur Lined Garments, Collars, Muffs_
Or an ay been called home thromh family il ess, PIL 01 the oea-forth Collegiate imstitt te, W110 ;,Lou a es xUra. kz beat quality. 14CO-1 pounded by the audience, to the satisfaction apparently, and the roads are frozen up.— All Occ,asions, All Seasons Rev. Mr. Carswell, of Bon Head, appeared is at present teaching school at Zion, neir A MESSA,GE IN A BOT'TLE.—A glass bottle of the latter. It was then decided to estab- Quite a number of farmers did- not get tip ity Ribbed' U`nderwear�- which are REST QUALITIES for him. He delivered an excellent address Preston, has been re-engagd for next year containing a message from tbe7 lake w . as. lish 9, joinC stock factory, the shares to coii- their roots this fall; the winter I came on superior to any we have ever be- PRtOEii'ROCK BOTTOM descriptive of the effects and -work of the at a largely increased salary. This speaks Sun- ist of $10 each. Some 45 of such shares too suddenly.—George Bower has returned fore offered at the moderate price PICKARD & CO. are right in sight and goods are ociety, and showing the strong claims for well for Mr. Groffs teaching ability, and is found on the beach, near Bayfield-, on were purchased on the occasion, and can- from an'extended tour to Burlington, Han- of 025c and 50c each.' liberal sit also creditable to the people among whom day. Following is the message: "The ]Daylight Goods, pporthich it has. upon Christian Heavens bless you. my dear wife; we are on 7-,assers appointed on the different routes to ilton and Galt.—Mr. W. T. GarcIner has re- See Our Wonderful $1. Pants. people. All. the officers of last year were he labors.—The woollen mill resumed work a rock a . Cheboygan Reef, and sinking with secure the remaining shares. It is ex- moved to his other farm, which he had Hosiery and Gloves. re-electe4, There have been no col I lectors -on Tuegay, —Mis,., Ida Dickson and bliss pected the factory will be ruiinii g next suni- lately rented.—The school house in Section
all hands ; water five feet deep in the hold. The assortment is largo and as full WM. PICKARD & CO'S. for two years, but it was deemed advisable Tuffordpend Thanksgiving day with friends God take care of you and daughters. Yours, mer. No, 5 has -undergone repairs, which were as ever. Ladies' Hosiery and Gloves, JBargain, Clotliing and Dry Goods House. that lady collectors should be again ap- In Stratford. —M iss Sarabel McLean left on A, A, Cutire," (The last word and an- inade by Mr. W. * T. Gardner. Misse's Hosiery and Gloves, Childroji's. Seaforth. painted, and the Chairman called for volun. Thursday for Stratford, where she will take other not distinct.) " Vessel's name Charles Blyth. 0 'The following ladies kindly offered up kindergarten work.—The Christian En- Staffa. Bootees and Infantees, Knitting ywnB, teers. A. Eddy." The above was written on a RunwLETs. — The Mechanics' Institute to undertake the work of collectip , and deavor Society of the First Presbyterian paer with a list of roceries written on it, have secured Mr. J. W. Bengouh, of Tor- STILT, IMPROVINCI.—OWing to increasing Churchhold a short Thanksgiving prayer were duly appointed, viz. - Airs. Kirfman, and dated at Buffalo, October 9tb, Eddy onto, to give one of his eniert7ainments in business, Mr. John Sadler has found it ne- SPECIAL. Mrs. CQter, Mrs. Lyon, Mrs, 0. C. -Will- meeting, Thiirsday inornin at 10.30, in the Industry hall, on the evening of November cessary to add to the capacity of -his grist grocery. A few dozens—remarkable value—
son, Mrs, Alex. Wilson and -Miss-yUbr. basement of the church.— rs. John Stog- JoTri.N,os. —Miss McAuley, of Detroit, in 29th. None should miss hearing him. ---:-Rev. mill. He has recently putin a newJoliet There is pto doubt but the Seaforth brAuch dill, who was seriously ill, is now recover- visiting, Miss Grace Cameron.—Rev. Mr. George Jackson, of Exeter, preached anni- nder, which, with his two chou stones in Ladies Cashmere Glove& and the ing, and hopes are entertained that she will gri Hosiery, "regular 35c qality." will will give'a better account of itself 'at Davidson is this week on it visit to his home versal-y sermons in the Methodist church, already in the mill, wlll enable him to turn DISTRICT MATTERS. next anngtvl meeting tba -it hits done for soon be around again all right. be sold this month at 25e. in Mount Forest.—Mis, Jennie Mustard both morning and evening, on Sabbath last. out custom W� ork not only cheaper, but in a some th-pe. was the guest of Miss Matsball last Sunday. Rev.'Mr. Jackson is a good speaker and injach shorter time than formerly. The Dress Goods. NOT DOUBT OF, iT.—The 1thton '1q -t -,Vv Tim, DEPARTURE ap ANOTHER PIONEER.— —Murdo Ross Ond James Sterling arrived- gave two practical disqdurses to large audi- grinder will be a great convenience to the Just now, we have a beautiful ran Eta, of last week, relieves its editor's fevered Miss QF-R.AcE McFAUL, sopraiio, open for Another of the oldest and most respected home last week from Greenock.—.John Fal- ences. In the same church on Thanksgiv- farmers of the neighborhood, as it not only I go - brain asfollows: " When nature made up her goncert xogagernents. For terms and dates, ad- residents of this district passed peacefully coner, who has been working at the God- ing night there will be a platform meeti� grinds very fine but ver ' fast, and will of Black Dress Goods Black 0 Y dress Seatprth, Ontario. 1403x4 We refer il wilt enable customers to get their grists in every away on Thursday of last week. meres, Black Soleils, Black Fane De bed last Friday night a snowy counterpane drich Evaporator, has arrived home, the held, when a number of in iiaters
C, y accompanied the mantle of darkness, and GO,TOHAXBYS Imperial Restaurant for, to the death of r. John Flurachuetz, of appleseason being over- The indications speak. —The night school opened on Adon- case.on day of delivery.
announced the silent advent of N�riiiter." Cigars, Topsecon and Cigarettes. 1406,2. Egniond-ville.' H had reached the unusual are that the Christmas entertainments now day night. Mr. A. H. Plummer presided signs, Black Clot BIG stock of Rubbers and sox, and all age' of 84 years, h d his death was not dm beint prepared 1 by the Englis —Rev. Mr. Bu and a very great vaiety of ColoreA I
Thia will bring a terrific blizzard as sure as a only. R e h and- as teacher. in is on the sick Zurich. 'jIg
kinds of Overshoes and felt goods. Caah to any particulal sease, but to a gradu�! t.—Mr. Ro ert Kelly spent !ftms.—Rev. J. Strumpfer, pastor of Dress Materials and Trimmings. gun unless old Mother Nature's sensibilities WrLms, T, Coventry's old stand. 1406.1 Pres, yterian Sabbath Schools will eclipse list at presen are incased in 74 proof bide. IF YOIT want a good lunch any time from wearing out of t he physical man. Mr. all similar efforts of former years.— Sunday with, friends- in Egmondville.—Dr. theLutheran church, announced his resig- SPECIAL. --------- �r 8 S.M. to , 11 p. M., go 90 HAXBY'S Imperial Restaurant Flurscbuetz was native of Saxe Cobourg, Mr. Edward Elliott, who has been landlord Will Potter, who has been home visiting for nation last Sunday, and intends to go to �,-termairky. - He c�me to Canada in 1845,tand AN -OTHER SOLUTION' OF THE JAW I'RO.R- 1406-2 of the Albion hotel for the past four or five the put week, left for Galt, Iowa, on Wed- Toledo, Ohio, from whence he has received Five hundred yards, extra heavy IJohn bo"rtr ed, of Walton, sale the soon afterWardst settled in Egmondville, years, is now.owner of that property, bav- nesday, where he is practising his profes- viot Dress Cloth I %, just the thmg ,e HOUSF, TO J�FNT.—To rent or for y where he'contint ed to reside until his death, ing purchased it from -ex-Reeve Castle.— sion.—Mr. S. H. Gidley was in 61hiton last a, call. He will leave in about four weeks. Che Cq sends the following solution of the jars prob- comfortable reiidence on John Street, formerly oc, —The revival meetibgs in the Evangelic&I for - mfortable, every day wear. Fill the three gallon jar, then empty cupied by Mrs McCoah. Tb e house Is comnodious He was a tailor trade and pursued that The -,oming municipal elections is the sub- week,—Mr. John McGuire has taken 'a church are still going on. At the same They are very wide and in the best, an.i has eyery necessary convenience w uch as cellar, avocation until he weight of years required ject of a good deal of conversation th�se situation in Clinton.—Mr. W681ey Crane it into the jar that holds fire gallons : tben church the Young people have begun sing- colors, . 20c aind '25c. bard and s, fr, water, dre. Convenient to Main street- him to desist. e ' s an industrious, good days. We b 'men will be elected who has taken his place at the station here. ing practied' f' Christinas.—Mr. Jacob refill t�c three gallon jar and fil tip the one Apply to 130BEELT LOGAN, Banker. 1100- or hol(Iing five gallons. You have one' still an; a ortby citizen-; a kind and will use everyleegitimate effort to advance Wa
xBy's Imperial Restaurant for living Kippen. - Ruby and wife arrived home again ' a few Bargains I Bagsins In Men�s over- remaininc, in the three gallon jar, tlwn om� GO To H obliging neigh or, and a warm hearted the, best interests of Bayfield. days ago, afer five weeks' visiting among Coate -en�s and Boys n Nybere ou Qvin hvvo then: aerved up in any , Boys over coats, X the five gallons back again into the style. 14062 friend. He leaves his aged partner in life, BIBLE SOCIETY MEETING.—Ou Monday th�ir children in Michigan.—Mr. . Albert 0 suita,� Hats, Caps, Undrwear, & t Mr. Warren on now "i 3 years of age, anCa family of two sons evening, 5th inst., Rev. J. B. Fraser, -1. Fee and the second daughter of egallon jar, then emty the one gall NEW lot of ladies' slippers at 10c, l5c,20c, and two daughters to mourn the departure Greenway, -epresentative of the British and closest prices for cash. into the five gallon jar, then l the three 26c and F 80c, caih � only, on Saturday next at R. of their best and truest earthly friend. One �uR village merchant is selling felt boots D., as the, i Dignan, were united in the bonds of holy op -lion jac, then empty it into the five, and WIL1,15', Xidd's Blo k, T. Coventry's old stand. ' o4nhoes, rubber@ ai.d felt stockings at greatly te- Foreign Bible Sociqy,. gave a,%I,ery intexest- matrimony recently. We wish them. much
6 son and one daughter, Louis and blrgaret, you have four in. each." 1406-1 du�ed prices this fall. He can till your long felt ing and thoughtful lecture in St. Andrew' 'S joy, and a long and happy life together.— church. The claims of this grand old so- Mr. Gideon Bechtel left for Elkton, Michi- A PONY TO BE GivF-N AWAY. --Mr -C ' are still at home; Ernest resides at Kincar- wants. 14061 I dine,, and Christina is the wife of Mr. Win. A. cGregor has gone ciety, that has done so much to give the gan, a few (lays ago, where be intends to Edward McFaul
Tim (,'I -.TLD AmioiiE.—An At- Pearce, the -proprietor of the view store in the Wh t. he ney Bloc4, has already proven that he is a live buoi - Powell, recently of Toronto. Thefuneral. , Faust left'for home was held by, the Women's Guild of t ness man and deserves a fine trade at the hands of took place oiif�5aturday, and The remains to Mich n to work in the lumber woods. Word of Life to the nations, were fully and st y thi winter.—Miss Lvdi SEAFORTH. Episcopal church, at the residence of 'Mrs. —Rev. H. Chant preached a very in-:' forcibly presented. We have no doubt the her home in Preston, aftir a three weeks' Seaforth people� As an opening, he proposes to give were laid to rest in the Egmondville ceine- T. W. Duncan, Goderich Street, on Friday away—acoually give mray—the handsome little pony- structive and impressive funeral serinon in people of this neighborhood will liberally -visit among her cGusins here. eVeninu last, which proved a success fin that has been exhibited on our streets the past few tery. pport this worthy institution. an- Boston Methodist church, in commemor- su ce"ed took an in public- weeks, the pride of all the children's hearts, and the Wingham. affairs in his earlier' vears. and erved both,
The programmewasa only couditions, being the guessing of the number of ation of the late Miss Annie Hohn.—The Scnns.—Mr, Clegg, our popular station good one, cGnsisiing of and instru- buttons in a jar on exhibition in his store window in THE 9EAFOW171-1 CREAMERY.—The Seaforth annual meeting of the officers and teachers agent, can boast of the largest flock of tur- WAFTINCS.—The apple evaporator, which on municipal and school boards, rendering: niental music by the leading amateurs of the Whitney iflock. Every purchaser of an overcoat creamery property, a part of the Hannah of the Boston Methodist . Sabbath school keys in these parts.—.Nlr. Wni. Cudmorp,. was run by Mahler Brothers, has closed for good service. He was f a joviil disposi- the town, literary selections, etc. Refresh- or suit�of clothes will have a guess and the one guesse the nearest will get the pony. The jar will b estate, was sold on Saturday last at public was held at the residence of Mr. W. J. Wil- who has- been in the old land for So" the season.—Last Thursday at noo�r, fire tion, with a strong preference for Scot&. ments -were also served the , evening Ing Mr. auction, and was purchased by Mr. Thoinas Son, &Y evening, - weeks on business, returned homie last broke out in a two-storey�frauie building oii recitations and readincs which. lie could. 0 ope ed on January 31st, 1895—in two months. last Mond and arrange ttud all present seemed to enjoy themselves Pearce has p,.it in a very fty e stock of Dry Goods, Dickson, of North Main street, for $525. ments were made for their Christmas tree week.—Mrs. Win. Cooper is visiting at her Josephine street, owned by Airs. James render in good style. thoroughly, The financial returns, we be- c)othinz, if ats an J Caps, and by good goods and low 0 prices hopes to merit a share of the Seatorth trade. We have not learned wbat,Mr. Dickson in- entertainment, - to be held on Christmas son's, _TkIr. John Cooper, of Howick.—ra. Johnston,.of Palmerston, and occupied as lieve, were quite satisfactory to the ladies 1406-1 tends to do with it, but we presume he has nigbt.—The snow and frost carne too early, Robert Hunt, who has sol ' d her farm, and is dwellings by,Mr. D. Showers and Mr. Wal- Port Albert. -who had the affair in charge. GO Tq HAXBY'S Imperial Restaurant for purchased -it on speculation, and be has got a great number of our farmers baving a large soon to remove from it, wiU have a sale ton. Tl�e fire spread to an adjoining builling PITHY ITF,,,%ts. Win. Pellow receive& Confectionery, Candies, Fruit, Nut4, Figs &c. �owe a bargain, as there is over an acre of land, quantity of roots out yet, and many are not next Tuesday.—Mr. Thomas McGregor, owned by 'Mr. Ab611, of Toronto. The the sad intelligence of his brother Christo- t A COMMITTF-F T&C —On Friday eyemng more of those fine Caramels and Nut Taffy just ar- - and the buildings and machinery were in- hrough fall ploughing —Mr. Henry Eilber, who -has been spen(ling the summer in - the buildings were badl dam aged. —Mr. Thos. pher's death on the 15th i b. Deemed re -
last, on the invibnttioii of the Missionary rived. 14062 sured for $900. . We would like to see a manager of the Hay Fire Insurance.,Com- Northwest with friends, returned home last I 00 -
Tiplinj,'formerly b vaaLie-m aster at Crin- sided in tins neighborhood for anumberr committeeof thePresbyterian Young People's e Stayner Sun lenty pany, was at the office of Mr. W. J.- Wil- Friday, . looking liale and bearty.—Mr. Where -he�
good, strong man or company, with p ton, h" reinove�l to town, and is en�aged in ears before removing to Algoma,
- says : 6a Thursday evening a magic iant. ro trip of capital, get a hold of this establishment; son, last Monday. afternoon, for the accom- HenryIvisonbas been Carl! iDgal3milingfaCe Society of Christian Endeavor, the corllee Y Mr. H. E. SnelPs star store. —McTavish's C since liveid. Heleaves a wife and three� tors for the chemes of the Chuch- and the around the world was given in Stewart's hall by W. Such a man or company could do a large modation of policy holders who had an as- the past few days..., The great secret is that E. Rainsay. After giring a short butbumoroup factory is closed this week for repairs.—Mr. sons to mourn his loss.—J. E. Toin, Pub- Executive - committee of the Societv, with sketch of, the voyage across the ocean, Mr, Ramsay and profitable business. The' lands in this sessment to pay. This Company is in a a young visitor has made its appearance in G. Patterson, of eaforth, was in town last lic School Inspector, paid his official Visit to their friends, attende(l a tea in the base- steered us into Cork harbor ; the )akes of Killarney vicinity are well adapted for dairying, and flourishing condition, makes lower assess- his home.—Dr. Moffat, agent of the Tract week.—Mr. A. and Miss Elsie Bainton, of the village school on Friday last. He ex- ment of the Presbytirian Church. A pro- and the -,qlant's Causeway, were next visited to the
thbre is not, in all Canada', -a more thrifty, ments than any other fire insurance com- Society, on Monday night had a good meet.- Blyth, are visiting in town.—Mr. William pressed himself as being highly pleasea. witk
gramme consistinn- of �nusical selections and delight'�f all present. Edinbtirgh, with its fine old onua,en s and ebutches,,was psi i yi 9 -prising class of farmers, pany,, and has a large number mbre appli- in the Methodist church, giving his Dore has started 'bnsiness in his new car- tlle progress made by the pupils under their -
castles, ji t a fl , . intelligent and entei g in
addres Dr. McDonald, the pastor, visit, From Edinburgh, roaring London. with all IiES and they were just commencing to appreci- cations than it cares ta take.—,The Macca- popular lecture, " Christian work in strange riage shop. —Mr. Clarke, tailor, will leave teachers, Miss MorrItson and Miss Hawkins.
vplaihincr the various schemes of the church spots of historic interest came in for its share of Ill. laces and among strange people. " The
�Irl . ate the benefits of this industry when the bees, who attended the concert last week at town in *a couple of weeks for St. Johnp, —A number of our villagers have been At And the Work of the collectors, was carrip(l spectlon. Paris and the cities of Europe were hur- iedly passed through. Crossing the blue Me recent crash came. The creamery industry Grand Bend, were greatly pletuged. with the doctor seems to have lost none of his force c
diter- New Brun wi k.—Mr. W. Golley has sold wilth German measles. out, after which those present proceeded to Canada is as yet in its infancy, - but there entertainment. in that lifie of work. Those who missed ranan to Port Said we sail, after viewing the pyra- in the liverl lie' lately purchased,: to -Mr. TEA MErTING.----:A very succeesful t, %. partake of the viands provided and to enjoy mida Of Egypt, for Bowbay, thence to Pekin, Uorea is undoubtedly a great future before it, and the lecture lost a good treat. en 0 i b Beld Howick.—A Union Thanksgiv- meeting was held n . St. Andrew's Pres y- it tirne of pleastin't social intercourse. In and Japan. There we make preparations for the we � home voyage. After a pleasant sail we are again ,lieve it will not be many years until it Varna. ing service will be held in the Congrega- terian Church, on Tuesday, 13th int. Be- good season the meetina was closed in a assumes as great - importance nd as vast PREPARE FOR WINTER.—JUSt 'opened out ]Efensall. November Mr. CraWfor&i 0 landed on Canadian soil. Mr. Ramsay Pang a num- tional church, on Thursday, freshments were served in
Suitable manner nd those present departed ber of comic songs during the trip whic I h he rendered proportions as the -manufacture of cheese. a ease of the Celebrated Granby Rubber, also Felt 22nd, at 10:30 a. m.—The ladies of the house, As the sleighing was good a largt- for their homes af ter having spent a m . ost in a most lauchter-provoking manner. He was We hope, therefore, that the -Seaforth Bootj and Box ; cheap for 0 sh Repairing neat and CLEARING SALE FOR 60 DAYS.—In brder 11 W - crowd were sent, some coming from Dun
enjo�yablc even-ingg- heartily fbeored. " Thl enterraniment will be giv- rompt. Special attention to �rdeied work. S. C. to raise money and to make room for new good, I I lethodist church will give a,�upper and -en band on a I ill be in full operation next P rel, Nile and a n ber
en in aid'pf the the �9th inst. in Card1los creamery , -w Rathwell. 1406-1 have decided to @ell for the next 81xty day@ at the tertainment in the Town hall on Thanks- p.,nnon, Carlow Ulm froin, 0 following reductions :—Black Worsted Knits, bound, givingDay. Supper will be served from 6 to (4oderich. —After tea, an excellent pro- Hall. Plan of bill and reserved seat tickets at C. W. season. BIBLE SOCIETY MEETING.—The annual for 820, regular price ON ;4 Black Worpttd Suite U .\ io E.NDEAVOR INIFETINu.—On Tues- Papat Boqirstore. 140-1 meeting of the Varna Bible Society was bound, for$ i7, regular price, $20 ; Black WorsiWA 8 P. in. ramme was carried out in the church, AA- 4V evening a u. 0— - nion, meet ing of the Epworth C, held in the Bayfield Road Presbyterian Suits. bound, for $15, regular price $18 ; Scotch 5resses were given by the pastor, Rev. R- ty EGINIONDV NQTES.-7Accept our coin.
aad Christian Endeavor Society Of T o'. —The several departments miseration, b r'. Editor, Ifor the heavy c Church on Thursday last. Rev. Dr. J. B. Tweo d Suits $19, regular price $V ; scotch Tweed Brussels. Fairbaim-, who was chairmip, Rev. D:.
-,A 14 BRIEFS. on- Suits $15, regular price $18 ; Canadian Tweed Suits ,Seaforf h, and the Egmondvile Endeavor Of the 1?pblic School closed on Wednesday tract you have taken with that 11 Fortune Frazer, agent of the Society, gave- a ery $16, r&Aular price 118; Canadian Tweed Suits. 814. BRIEF& �Brussels is izoing to live a read- Rogers and Rev. H. Jeans, fio Dungan- lSociety was held in Egniondville church. interesting and practical address. The fol- reguiar price $17 ; a line all wool Tweed for $10. reg- and night Wehool in connection non. Recitations were given by Misses H. 0 . and will not open again until Monday morn. Tele�r." You should be more discreet, and ing room E'ach of the societies waswell represented, ing. Tftursday being Thanksgiving was a lowing officers were appointed for the our- ular price S I 3 ; Sergep, all wool, for $12 and 116,retu - with the Mechanics' In8titute.—Dr., Me. Hayden and Pentland and Mr.1rank HAY- not provoke a contest with a seer, who can lar price S16 to $19 ; bla*k pantinir for 0, rogii the basement of the church being crowded. r : Rev. J. A. McDonald ley DojWd, M. P" for Easo Huron, delivered an den. On the followdu' evenut a'social was,
holiday'lpyway and the Trustees granted call to her aid tliA- spirits of those who have rent yea igresi- black panting $3, regular pri -a �05 a line
Kpeeial mwwi furnished by the choirs prieft 16 overem n ort address on of tj
F111 Poultry of all kinds is very cheap moved the world with their giant int6l- dent; Rev. Mr. Leecb, vice-pres ent ; of Tweed Panting a% a5O; Foltz* *1 h ja�ada, to the Young Liberals held to dispose le tootfsome things- an(] Win. Purdy, treasurer ; James Armstrong, $18. for $15 ; Beavers and Meltom worth $17. lowr $t4;
of the two Seaforth societies, and papers on- p e 7�iful just now. From seven to eight lects, What if she should call down John and their friends, on Friday night.—Hor8e which had been so abundantly supplied the topic were read by a representative of cents per pound is the prevailing price.— Knox, Daniel Webster, John Bright, or secretary. Board of directors, John Me- all other-Unes in ihe same proporklon. Remember -
this is a genuine sale. Good trInAnings and fi-st-ol Fair on Thursday, December 6th, Don't the good ladies of Port Albert. The net each of the three societie,,-. 'Ir- R- The marly friends of Mrs. - John Weir will maybe call up Sir John McDonald, you Ash, W. Logan and James McClymont. workmanship. Remember the "ad, Hodgins' 13look. forget the date. —Dr. Cm anagh, dentist, proceeds were $52, which is to be added to., (Irew, of the EgniondArille Society, acted as regret tQ learn that she is very poorly I list would hav6 to throw tip the sponge at once. Degositor, George Beaty. JOHN P011F. 1409-2 has purchased a practicemi Owen Sound,and -the funds -of the Sabbath School. leader of the meeting. An imortat piece C5 now an(I is con�fined to her residence.—'We If one Of yourinipulsive village or country EBATE.—Quite an interesting debate A KICK.—Mr. Editor: Your occasional will leave, here shortly. - He, will be missed (�f business was the consideration of the 'Mr. J. S. Roberts took place here on Friday evening last by correspondent got Badly mixed last week. in the Methodist Orchestra and Liberal Glee was de- are plea�ed to learn that I scriblers had got into such a fix there might. Perth Items. formation of it local tuilion, and it who liaij)een ill for several weeke is im. be some palliation,—In last weeks notes we the members of Court Varna, No. 2264, Can- One would suppose, judging by his in8inum- Club.—Mr. A. Dames, Deputy -Reeve of tha,t two dele-ates from each society proving �lthougli still un ble to t t.— mentioned the illness of Mr. Flurschu than Order of Foresters. The subject was: tions that"' the east ena is the dry part of Grey, returned with two very �fine deer Revival meetings are beingield nightly etz, a meet for the purpose of going thor- Mr. Thol , nas Downey leftlere-ol Tuesday but b�fore thei - issue, on Thursday evening Resolved that a good natured, dirty wife is t r y he village, whereas facts show it to be froin his hunt in Muskoka, a doe and buck, in the Logan Methodist chureb. ,rhly into the matter. A most successful last for 0- hicago %,here he intends o spend his spirit had passed quietly away, and now more desirable -than a clean, ill tempered quite otherwise. W�, �can assure him wet the buck weighing 250 pounds. Mr. R. —A literary society has been orgaizedlim and profitable meeting was closed by sing- one. The subject was a very important the wi*r and if lie and, Mrs. owney all that. is mortal of him lies in our ceine- cellars are as scarce in the west end as dry Barrett also returned from the Peninsula Kirkton, with a present membership of over' in- " God be with vou till -we meet again." like it t�ere they may one, at least to some of the young men, and become pe manent ones are in the east. ,Then, if moving to- with two young bucks. forty. tery, beside his old friend and neighbor, Mr. resident," We are inclined to think, how- Bubcilz. Mr. Flurschuetz was a qui some powerful -speeches were made on both that end of the village means a surrender of TuR LATE JAMES Wiuso.,i.—Mr. James —The St. John Brothers last week et
00 'Ion k-111(ly, bonorable man, and the esteem in principle"i, or having. our houses pulled Wilson, who has been a resident of Brussels shipped a car load of hor from Kirktonr...
TUE L.kTr Mu. KNEOPITE —Last week ever'thr9t2N1r. Downey has been t at a I sides, The judges decided in, favor of the ses we mentioned the death of John N. true andr,loyal Canadian to feel comfort le which he was held was amply manifested by affirmative. down, we say no thanks, as we prefer living for 21 years, died on Tuesday afternoon of for the Old. Country markets.
of Brussels. We take the fcvl!low- ude'r th�,qlieltering wings of thCAmerican the large numbers who attended the funeral BRiEFs.—Mrs. Joseph 1%lorrow,. of Fullar- where we have liberty of opinion. Then, last week. Mr. Wilson was a native of —Alex. Morrison, implemet agent at At- ing, additional PaKticulars concerning him 'Eagle.—It would be advisable for those on Saturday lst.—Mr. Andre* Smith, who to,', was in town n aturday'last. 'We again, regarding the silly, nice name's he Roxboro'shire, Scotland, and was 73- years' wood, has made au assignment f9r the beue-� froul the 131ni,isels Post Early on Mon- who are ioing traveling by rail to consult has been closing up his accounts during' are pleased to see her looking so well;— of age. He came to Canada in 1843 and fit of his creditors. Thanksgiving service will be held in the indulges. in, it reminds us of school boy other dav niondi,'Novethber 12th, the spirit of the correoted time table which appears on the past fewmeeks, left on Thursday for days; we would simply refer him to first took up land in the township -of Waterloo, —At Stratford Police Court the . Ki7e'ehtel took its flitr11t. The de- the fifth 'baue of this issue.—The new addi- Av,li-ner where he will sn.;ud so e time —ith Episcopal church this Thursday evening at i, I 'verse I I Of Pnurap sm up where he far ed for � fe years. He then morning James Fair Wfined -95 for strik-1 �: I .
I building is his dvighter,1\1rs. IV. J. Fear, previous to where he engaged in ing'Margaret Swalwell. cellied -waa born in Hichenil tusen, Bavaria, tion to the front of the towi 7.30 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Armstrong, incum- apprehend, he intends being the chief actor morod to Eden a - Cerinany, and alotig urith his parents caine now nearly completed. It in bent, will preach a special sernion.—The a ay add to the going West o pass the winter with his in the happy event he so pathetically closes saw -milling, nd afterwards went into an —Mr. William Ryan has leased Mr. It- 12 years of a(re. Thev lo- the c�infq'rt althowyli perhaps not "to the son.—Mr. D. Sproat, of Ethel,who had Royal Templars purpose having a concert with. He been will, doubtless, regain his oatmeal mill. In 868 deceased moved to N-logli's mill at Bornholm, and is prepared tik k-ated Lkf Waaerloo county, auti t lie stibject appearan�e of tile" main building. --'Miss spending a few (lays with friends here, left early in Dec-laber. Due notice will be equillibrium after it is over.—ERATIA. Stratford and follo"d the grain business pay ca,sh for any quantity of elm saw 1091i�--. —Mir of thi notice lerued the shoen)&kig in Campbell sister of Mrs. T. Richardson of for home on Monday.—As Mr. J&mes C given and a big time is expected. ,a BRIEF.s. — We have been experiencing -for A. L. Argo, and for two years was with —The Listowel Whist club have reorgaq-
ar- Berlin nd afterward . the tanner*s trade in this town, leaves this week for California, nochan was returning from town on Mon- Maggie Noble, of. Seaforth, was visiting -quite a cold snap during -the past week, but -Mr. James Redford in the -milling industry. ized for the winter. The first night's Stratford. Ife matiaged 1)otli of these trades withapattyfroni Mitchell and Stratford. day last, with a team of horses and a friends here.last week. yet without good sleigbing.—A large quan- Mr, Wilson became a resident 'of Brussels was at Colo ' nel CampbelFs. in later before conlina X�ttie Clark of Seitforth paid a visit sleigh, in -MitAWA, 0 the horses became frightened, at tity of 'roots are still in the Selds iii this sec- in 1873, and for many years was grain buyer —At the Foresters' concert, to nlie reached Ain- to W Ji ig lil —Mrs. Killer, who a travelling itdvertising rig, as they were Stanley. tion, and the farmers are lon&g for a few. for the Goldie firm, of Guelph, at Alliston, James Fax was recalled some' fifteen tho-w.l levville + ;I . A . th is week.wo o ier res en!LS has beem psit-ing in caatiorct an(t oronto crossi the nats,and a runaway was the re- . I 0 OTS.�---Xlr. Joseph Hood bag his new mild days in which to get them up.—I e Glorrie and other laces, and was held in so much cuid lie lease the audience, Ainley wid Thonias for some has returned to Sea,fordi,— sult. eing a spirited, powerful team, they barn and stable completed. It is another Rev. Mr. Walker, of this place, conducted high esteem by is employers. He was —Lord Aberc. een is expected -to atten4t- ut E F( From tbc forraer lie purchased the first vlil- Some of the inembers of the eaforth Gun made -good time till nearly opposite our added to the very fine barns in this vicinity. services for the Rev. Mr. Galloway, of Sea- twice married, first to Miss -Elizabeth Rain- the Ontari6 Dairymen's conventi;6n, to, be'. P lot, the fti,ru djoining Club wen'liip to Clinton one day last week, church, when �he bolt Reiv oiit of the say, of Eramosa, township in 1847, who held in Stratford in January.
f —Mr. 'William Ross intends taking a course forth, on Sabbath last, Mr. Galloway being I the town. During his sojourn of 40 yearos for it. practice mtch at live pigeons. They tongue, freeing them from the sleigh. Find- at the Agricultural College. -11r. J. Hood prevented through illness from attending to died March 29th, 1,869, aged 41 years, leav- —Rev. G. F. Salton, of the C
r, n entral Meth 1,
Itere lie dsplayed his energy -in (roill(t into did some k60d ShOOtincl and 'eujoye-d their ing it useless to try to control -..them after lost it valuable beast oneday, last week. It his work.—NATe have seen Mr. James c- in the mereitil g a family, of five children. rs. Inman, oaistchurch, Stratford, has accepted an in -
c l'usincss, and lie also oper- otitihgMr. -James G. Mcichael of that, Mr. Carnochan let go the lines and was of the Heieford breed.—Mr. J. Landers Arthur's Dew map or plan of the village lots of Stratford, "Was Mr. Wilson�s second wife, vitation to remain for a third terin. ated a shoe shop, ha171'ess Shop and tannery. lf�illett, 1�' t a valuablp spring colt last they went towards home at it tremendous has disposed of his horse to Mr.* MoNevin, as receiitly surveyed, and find that he has and proved herself a true and faithful com- —Mrs. Douglas, of Galt, who has beem- Six yers Mr. Kneebtel went to die week. 010 0 rate, but were stopped near Mr. Dennie's, who shipped him to Alizoma.—The abbath extended three streets, viz., Queen, Rich- panion to him. They bad five children, visiting her son, Air. David Douglas, Of'
f, I I I I I _ going out tothe stable in the rUlu all( a11( opened store t. morning, to ills surprise and grief, lie on the second concession, i one the worse 6chool held in School -Section No. 14 closed hoine n mond and Mill streets, and has opened out four of whom are living. Four years ago Logan, for some time, has returned -
tpeilt tive found it IN ing dead.—lNlr. William MeDou- for -their wild chase. —The uAion Christian on Sunday last for tbewinter months. Mr. a new avenue, to be known as Lorne. We deceaed had stroke of paalysis which in- —.11r. E. F. Downs, recently in the tailor- \liss arg, of 3\1c gall,ofli,'c�6iiond,.-ille,s,%ys -sire were astray Endeavor meeting, in our chureb, on Tues- T. Xlellis of Kippen gave a very earnest ad pris� will meet with the sue- terfered considerably with his activity. ing business in Mitchell, has - removed to- aret - - hope his enter-, sur% him, becarte , his -vi;oe last our statement that it is 26 years day evening was a model in everything colt- dress, imploring tlie- young to serve their cess it deserves, which,. no doubt, it will, as This Was followed by four other strokes, Boissevain, Manitoba, and will start a bup-
Z�y r? 4$ years ago, and ided her hu -,band very ago that tiie,%vinter set in so early. He says stituting a successf ul, social and Ch something very seldom heard of, and is per- iness there. ristian Maker. —Messrs. J. McDonald anil J. Craig the lots are fine ones. —Messrs. (look Materially in the prosperity whiuli atteiidt�(t t�at sixyears ago there was a re- edticatiN"e gathering. Seaforth was. well have commenced cutting wood -for Mr. F Brothers, our enterprising millers, who are baps one of the best evidences of Mr. Wil- —Rev. Mr. Stewart, for mauVVears pas- their united I,Lbois. Of erevell children markably Fisher.—Mr. Robert Bell has disposed of always rialit up with the times, have recent- son's plendid constitution. Three weeks tor of a Presbyterian church in X.4th East- 1, 'as a man Novemberjiev�as digging potatoes and the people will not soon forget their kindly in- ten acres of bush to Mr. Fairbairn of Heii- ly, in adclition to their fine roller process, ago he was prostrated upon the floor of the hope, has. resigned, and the pastoial tie wi born ten Mr. Kneelhel NN q'ine fall and that on the 16th of represented in ability and numbers,'and our
Of trong religiotts feelings often pro- dust ws fli-ing. By reference to back.- files terest in making it a success.—The manse David Reid has completedhis en- put in a stone for chopping, so that; their kitchen, and from then to the time ok his be dissolved in January next. the 1'rutli. in the Gerum of Tak, EX'1'!0S1T0A we find that it as in was again the scene of a wedding on Wedues- gagement with r. J. Patterson.—Some patrons may have their choice of the stone decease wa.3 unable to speak. He *A's it —1-qr. Charles Graham, son of Mr. W. Iff-,
to the Lutheran brethren. He the vear V�1)9 the .vinter set in so early.—
.1 I (lay, whenMr. L. Woodley, of Seaforth, have n t vet got their turnips houed.—Mr. or roller process.—Business is very good in member of the Presbyterian church for Grahaut,- of St, Marys, has been appointed was very consc -ed an upritri t 'Mrs. T 0 ientious and 11% 0. )�enip left here - on -Thursday to anet Miss Emma Callaghan, of this village, John Cumming has engaged with Mr. J. our vilhige considering the general hard many years, and was connected with the teacher of the school at Science Hill for the, AWd honorable life. The cause of his deoatlh eat he'r 11hanksgiving dinner With her were united in marriage. Cameron for one year. John is a good man times and low prices for grain. — Miss Oddfellows for upwards 'of .50 years. De-- year 1995,
to but itw1f, tal
A��Wl6tm vitalt
wo, With Theres
W the poist's b
. as -thwe I t,
tese- Voats
69" to close
pa�d ju muwquel
in oul
We are e,
tud U Naupy
the fm
rVapi ever
PtrS.",ft Ian
428: Fair Oas
kmd of
ton 11 Hke the to
Men and Boys to a nicety with Fail and Winter
-mg ot las� weeK. Inere was a r repre
sentation from each of the churches in town.
of this town, has been appointed -a Coroner
. r
enjoy:a cup of g ood tea ; you can get the very best
present. Al r. Jones, Secretary of the West
when the resident ministers will all be
'Shawls, Wraps� -Hoods, Und6rwear,,,
In the absence of the President of -the So-
for the County of'Huron. It is an excellent
the Doctor is th e
values at H. F. ]Edwardt?. Choice Gre:)n, Black and
JapAn. The leader Is an extra floe 26c Japan ; the
Huron cheese and butter'factory, and Mr.
present to address the meeting.
For Active Business
ciety, Rev, Mr. Galloway, Who was ill, the
appointment, as one of
Ben guy, blend Black is better and losver priced than
Papineau, cheese maker of the Kinburn
For Semi and Evening
chair was -taken by Rev. Dr. McDonald.
oldest and most successful practitioners
many of those much advertised blends. A cup of
factory, addressed the meeting, and in addi-
V -T n
Dr. Fraser, the agent of the Societ li�ving
the county.—INr. Otto Gro.ff, a former pu-
coff ea is fine for 1weakfast. We have it roasted, a nd
rind it as required fresh. Also green coffee of the
tion, answered numerous questions pro-
ITEMS.—The winter has come in earnest,
We will. -sell this mouth two par -
I 1- -f T V .. I
Or an ay been called home thromh family il ess, PIL 01 the oea-forth Collegiate imstitt te, W110 ;,Lou a es xUra. kz beat quality. 14CO-1 pounded by the audience, to the satisfaction apparently, and the roads are frozen up.— All Occ,asions, All Seasons Rev. Mr. Carswell, of Bon Head, appeared is at present teaching school at Zion, neir A MESSA,GE IN A BOT'TLE.—A glass bottle of the latter. It was then decided to estab- Quite a number of farmers did- not get tip ity Ribbed' U`nderwear�- which are REST QUALITIES for him. He delivered an excellent address Preston, has been re-engagd for next year containing a message from tbe7 lake w . as. lish 9, joinC stock factory, the shares to coii- their roots this fall; the winter I came on superior to any we have ever be- PRtOEii'ROCK BOTTOM descriptive of the effects and -work of the at a largely increased salary. This speaks Sun- ist of $10 each. Some 45 of such shares too suddenly.—George Bower has returned fore offered at the moderate price PICKARD & CO. are right in sight and goods are ociety, and showing the strong claims for well for Mr. Groffs teaching ability, and is found on the beach, near Bayfield-, on were purchased on the occasion, and can- from an'extended tour to Burlington, Han- of 025c and 50c each.' liberal sit also creditable to the people among whom day. Following is the message: "The ]Daylight Goods, pporthich it has. upon Christian Heavens bless you. my dear wife; we are on 7-,assers appointed on the different routes to ilton and Galt.—Mr. W. T. GarcIner has re- See Our Wonderful $1. Pants. people. All. the officers of last year were he labors.—The woollen mill resumed work a rock a . Cheboygan Reef, and sinking with secure the remaining shares. It is ex- moved to his other farm, which he had Hosiery and Gloves. re-electe4, There have been no col I lectors -on Tuegay, —Mis,., Ida Dickson and bliss pected the factory will be ruiinii g next suni- lately rented.—The school house in Section
all hands ; water five feet deep in the hold. The assortment is largo and as full WM. PICKARD & CO'S. for two years, but it was deemed advisable Tuffordpend Thanksgiving day with friends God take care of you and daughters. Yours, mer. No, 5 has -undergone repairs, which were as ever. Ladies' Hosiery and Gloves, JBargain, Clotliing and Dry Goods House. that lady collectors should be again ap- In Stratford. —M iss Sarabel McLean left on A, A, Cutire," (The last word and an- inade by Mr. W. * T. Gardner. Misse's Hosiery and Gloves, Childroji's. Seaforth. painted, and the Chairman called for volun. Thursday for Stratford, where she will take other not distinct.) " Vessel's name Charles Blyth. 0 'The following ladies kindly offered up kindergarten work.—The Christian En- Staffa. Bootees and Infantees, Knitting ywnB, teers. A. Eddy." The above was written on a RunwLETs. — The Mechanics' Institute to undertake the work of collectip , and deavor Society of the First Presbyterian paer with a list of roceries written on it, have secured Mr. J. W. Bengouh, of Tor- STILT, IMPROVINCI.—OWing to increasing Churchhold a short Thanksgiving prayer were duly appointed, viz. - Airs. Kirfman, and dated at Buffalo, October 9tb, Eddy onto, to give one of his eniert7ainments in business, Mr. John Sadler has found it ne- SPECIAL. Mrs. CQter, Mrs. Lyon, Mrs, 0. C. -Will- meeting, Thiirsday inornin at 10.30, in the Industry hall, on the evening of November cessary to add to the capacity of -his grist grocery. A few dozens—remarkable value—
son, Mrs, Alex. Wilson and -Miss-yUbr. basement of the church.— rs. John Stog- JoTri.N,os. —Miss McAuley, of Detroit, in 29th. None should miss hearing him. ---:-Rev. mill. He has recently putin a newJoliet There is pto doubt but the Seaforth brAuch dill, who was seriously ill, is now recover- visiting, Miss Grace Cameron.—Rev. Mr. George Jackson, of Exeter, preached anni- nder, which, with his two chou stones in Ladies Cashmere Glove& and the ing, and hopes are entertained that she will gri Hosiery, "regular 35c qality." will will give'a better account of itself 'at Davidson is this week on it visit to his home versal-y sermons in the Methodist church, already in the mill, wlll enable him to turn DISTRICT MATTERS. next anngtvl meeting tba -it hits done for soon be around again all right. be sold this month at 25e. in Mount Forest.—Mis, Jennie Mustard both morning and evening, on Sabbath last. out custom W� ork not only cheaper, but in a some th-pe. was the guest of Miss Matsball last Sunday. Rev.'Mr. Jackson is a good speaker and injach shorter time than formerly. The Dress Goods. NOT DOUBT OF, iT.—The 1thton '1q -t -,Vv Tim, DEPARTURE ap ANOTHER PIONEER.— —Murdo Ross Ond James Sterling arrived- gave two practical disqdurses to large audi- grinder will be a great convenience to the Just now, we have a beautiful ran Eta, of last week, relieves its editor's fevered Miss QF-R.AcE McFAUL, sopraiio, open for Another of the oldest and most respected home last week from Greenock.—.John Fal- ences. In the same church on Thanksgiv- farmers of the neighborhood, as it not only I go - brain asfollows: " When nature made up her goncert xogagernents. For terms and dates, ad- residents of this district passed peacefully coner, who has been working at the God- ing night there will be a platform meeti� grinds very fine but ver ' fast, and will of Black Dress Goods Black 0 Y dress Seatprth, Ontario. 1403x4 We refer il wilt enable customers to get their grists in every away on Thursday of last week. meres, Black Soleils, Black Fane De bed last Friday night a snowy counterpane drich Evaporator, has arrived home, the held, when a number of in iiaters
C, y accompanied the mantle of darkness, and GO,TOHAXBYS Imperial Restaurant for, to the death of r. John Flurachuetz, of appleseason being over- The indications speak. —The night school opened on Adon- case.on day of delivery.
announced the silent advent of N�riiiter." Cigars, Topsecon and Cigarettes. 1406,2. Egniond-ville.' H had reached the unusual are that the Christmas entertainments now day night. Mr. A. H. Plummer presided signs, Black Clot BIG stock of Rubbers and sox, and all age' of 84 years, h d his death was not dm beint prepared 1 by the Englis —Rev. Mr. Bu and a very great vaiety of ColoreA I
Thia will bring a terrific blizzard as sure as a only. R e h and- as teacher. in is on the sick Zurich. 'jIg
kinds of Overshoes and felt goods. Caah to any particulal sease, but to a gradu�! t.—Mr. Ro ert Kelly spent !ftms.—Rev. J. Strumpfer, pastor of Dress Materials and Trimmings. gun unless old Mother Nature's sensibilities WrLms, T, Coventry's old stand. 1406.1 Pres, yterian Sabbath Schools will eclipse list at presen are incased in 74 proof bide. IF YOIT want a good lunch any time from wearing out of t he physical man. Mr. all similar efforts of former years.— Sunday with, friends- in Egmondville.—Dr. theLutheran church, announced his resig- SPECIAL. --------- �r 8 S.M. to , 11 p. M., go 90 HAXBY'S Imperial Restaurant Flurscbuetz was native of Saxe Cobourg, Mr. Edward Elliott, who has been landlord Will Potter, who has been home visiting for nation last Sunday, and intends to go to �,-termairky. - He c�me to Canada in 1845,tand AN -OTHER SOLUTION' OF THE JAW I'RO.R- 1406-2 of the Albion hotel for the past four or five the put week, left for Galt, Iowa, on Wed- Toledo, Ohio, from whence he has received Five hundred yards, extra heavy IJohn bo"rtr ed, of Walton, sale the soon afterWardst settled in Egmondville, years, is now.owner of that property, bav- nesday, where he is practising his profes- viot Dress Cloth I %, just the thmg ,e HOUSF, TO J�FNT.—To rent or for y where he'contint ed to reside until his death, ing purchased it from -ex-Reeve Castle.— sion.—Mr. S. H. Gidley was in 61hiton last a, call. He will leave in about four weeks. Che Cq sends the following solution of the jars prob- comfortable reiidence on John Street, formerly oc, —The revival meetibgs in the Evangelic&I for - mfortable, every day wear. Fill the three gallon jar, then empty cupied by Mrs McCoah. Tb e house Is comnodious He was a tailor trade and pursued that The -,oming municipal elections is the sub- week,—Mr. John McGuire has taken 'a church are still going on. At the same They are very wide and in the best, an.i has eyery necessary convenience w uch as cellar, avocation until he weight of years required ject of a good deal of conversation th�se situation in Clinton.—Mr. W681ey Crane it into the jar that holds fire gallons : tben church the Young people have begun sing- colors, . 20c aind '25c. bard and s, fr, water, dre. Convenient to Main street- him to desist. e ' s an industrious, good days. We b 'men will be elected who has taken his place at the station here. ing practied' f' Christinas.—Mr. Jacob refill t�c three gallon jar and fil tip the one Apply to 130BEELT LOGAN, Banker. 1100- or hol(Iing five gallons. You have one' still an; a ortby citizen-; a kind and will use everyleegitimate effort to advance Wa
xBy's Imperial Restaurant for living Kippen. - Ruby and wife arrived home again ' a few Bargains I Bagsins In Men�s over- remaininc, in the three gallon jar, tlwn om� GO To H obliging neigh or, and a warm hearted the, best interests of Bayfield. days ago, afer five weeks' visiting among Coate -en�s and Boys n Nybere ou Qvin hvvo then: aerved up in any , Boys over coats, X the five gallons back again into the style. 14062 friend. He leaves his aged partner in life, BIBLE SOCIETY MEETING.—Ou Monday th�ir children in Michigan.—Mr. . Albert 0 suita,� Hats, Caps, Undrwear, & t Mr. Warren on now "i 3 years of age, anCa family of two sons evening, 5th inst., Rev. J. B. Fraser, -1. Fee and the second daughter of egallon jar, then emty the one gall NEW lot of ladies' slippers at 10c, l5c,20c, and two daughters to mourn the departure Greenway, -epresentative of the British and closest prices for cash. into the five gallon jar, then l the three 26c and F 80c, caih � only, on Saturday next at R. of their best and truest earthly friend. One �uR village merchant is selling felt boots D., as the, i Dignan, were united in the bonds of holy op -lion jac, then empty it into the five, and WIL1,15', Xidd's Blo k, T. Coventry's old stand. ' o4nhoes, rubber@ ai.d felt stockings at greatly te- Foreign Bible Sociqy,. gave a,%I,ery intexest- matrimony recently. We wish them. much
6 son and one daughter, Louis and blrgaret, you have four in. each." 1406-1 du�ed prices this fall. He can till your long felt ing and thoughtful lecture in St. Andrew' 'S joy, and a long and happy life together.— church. The claims of this grand old so- Mr. Gideon Bechtel left for Elkton, Michi- A PONY TO BE GivF-N AWAY. --Mr -C ' are still at home; Ernest resides at Kincar- wants. 14061 I dine,, and Christina is the wife of Mr. Win. A. cGregor has gone ciety, that has done so much to give the gan, a few (lays ago, where be intends to Edward McFaul
Tim (,'I -.TLD AmioiiE.—An At- Pearce, the -proprietor of the view store in the Wh t. he ney Bloc4, has already proven that he is a live buoi - Powell, recently of Toronto. Thefuneral. , Faust left'for home was held by, the Women's Guild of t ness man and deserves a fine trade at the hands of took place oiif�5aturday, and The remains to Mich n to work in the lumber woods. Word of Life to the nations, were fully and st y thi winter.—Miss Lvdi SEAFORTH. Episcopal church, at the residence of 'Mrs. —Rev. H. Chant preached a very in-:' forcibly presented. We have no doubt the her home in Preston, aftir a three weeks' Seaforth people� As an opening, he proposes to give were laid to rest in the Egmondville ceine- T. W. Duncan, Goderich Street, on Friday away—acoually give mray—the handsome little pony- structive and impressive funeral serinon in people of this neighborhood will liberally -visit among her cGusins here. eVeninu last, which proved a success fin that has been exhibited on our streets the past few tery. pport this worthy institution. an- Boston Methodist church, in commemor- su ce"ed took an in public- weeks, the pride of all the children's hearts, and the Wingham. affairs in his earlier' vears. and erved both,
The programmewasa only couditions, being the guessing of the number of ation of the late Miss Annie Hohn.—The Scnns.—Mr, Clegg, our popular station good one, cGnsisiing of and instru- buttons in a jar on exhibition in his store window in THE 9EAFOW171-1 CREAMERY.—The Seaforth annual meeting of the officers and teachers agent, can boast of the largest flock of tur- WAFTINCS.—The apple evaporator, which on municipal and school boards, rendering: niental music by the leading amateurs of the Whitney iflock. Every purchaser of an overcoat creamery property, a part of the Hannah of the Boston Methodist . Sabbath school keys in these parts.—.Nlr. Wni. Cudmorp,. was run by Mahler Brothers, has closed for good service. He was f a joviil disposi- the town, literary selections, etc. Refresh- or suit�of clothes will have a guess and the one guesse the nearest will get the pony. The jar will b estate, was sold on Saturday last at public was held at the residence of Mr. W. J. Wil- who has- been in the old land for So" the season.—Last Thursday at noo�r, fire tion, with a strong preference for Scot&. ments -were also served the , evening Ing Mr. auction, and was purchased by Mr. Thoinas Son, &Y evening, - weeks on business, returned homie last broke out in a two-storey�frauie building oii recitations and readincs which. lie could. 0 ope ed on January 31st, 1895—in two months. last Mond and arrange ttud all present seemed to enjoy themselves Pearce has p,.it in a very fty e stock of Dry Goods, Dickson, of North Main street, for $525. ments were made for their Christmas tree week.—Mrs. Win. Cooper is visiting at her Josephine street, owned by Airs. James render in good style. thoroughly, The financial returns, we be- c)othinz, if ats an J Caps, and by good goods and low 0 prices hopes to merit a share of the Seatorth trade. We have not learned wbat,Mr. Dickson in- entertainment, - to be held on Christmas son's, _TkIr. John Cooper, of Howick.—ra. Johnston,.of Palmerston, and occupied as lieve, were quite satisfactory to the ladies 1406-1 tends to do with it, but we presume he has nigbt.—The snow and frost carne too early, Robert Hunt, who has sol ' d her farm, and is dwellings by,Mr. D. Showers and Mr. Wal- Port Albert. -who had the affair in charge. GO Tq HAXBY'S Imperial Restaurant for purchased -it on speculation, and be has got a great number of our farmers baving a large soon to remove from it, wiU have a sale ton. Tl�e fire spread to an adjoining builling PITHY ITF,,,%ts. Win. Pellow receive& Confectionery, Candies, Fruit, Nut4, Figs &c. �owe a bargain, as there is over an acre of land, quantity of roots out yet, and many are not next Tuesday.—Mr. Thomas McGregor, owned by 'Mr. Ab611, of Toronto. The the sad intelligence of his brother Christo- t A COMMITTF-F T&C —On Friday eyemng more of those fine Caramels and Nut Taffy just ar- - and the buildings and machinery were in- hrough fall ploughing —Mr. Henry Eilber, who -has been spen(ling the summer in - the buildings were badl dam aged. —Mr. Thos. pher's death on the 15th i b. Deemed re -
last, on the invibnttioii of the Missionary rived. 14062 sured for $900. . We would like to see a manager of the Hay Fire Insurance.,Com- Northwest with friends, returned home last I 00 -
Tiplinj,'formerly b vaaLie-m aster at Crin- sided in tins neighborhood for anumberr committeeof thePresbyterian Young People's e Stayner Sun lenty pany, was at the office of Mr. W. J.- Wil- Friday, . looking liale and bearty.—Mr. Where -he�
good, strong man or company, with p ton, h" reinove�l to town, and is en�aged in ears before removing to Algoma,
- says : 6a Thursday evening a magic iant. ro trip of capital, get a hold of this establishment; son, last Monday. afternoon, for the accom- HenryIvisonbas been Carl! iDgal3milingfaCe Society of Christian Endeavor, the corllee Y Mr. H. E. SnelPs star store. —McTavish's C since liveid. Heleaves a wife and three� tors for the chemes of the Chuch- and the around the world was given in Stewart's hall by W. Such a man or company could do a large modation of policy holders who had an as- the past few days..., The great secret is that E. Rainsay. After giring a short butbumoroup factory is closed this week for repairs.—Mr. sons to mourn his loss.—J. E. Toin, Pub- Executive - committee of the Societv, with sketch of, the voyage across the ocean, Mr, Ramsay and profitable business. The' lands in this sessment to pay. This Company is in a a young visitor has made its appearance in G. Patterson, of eaforth, was in town last lic School Inspector, paid his official Visit to their friends, attende(l a tea in the base- steered us into Cork harbor ; the )akes of Killarney vicinity are well adapted for dairying, and flourishing condition, makes lower assess- his home.—Dr. Moffat, agent of the Tract week.—Mr. A. and Miss Elsie Bainton, of the village school on Friday last. He ex- ment of the Presbytirian Church. A pro- and the -,qlant's Causeway, were next visited to the
thbre is not, in all Canada', -a more thrifty, ments than any other fire insurance com- Society, on Monday night had a good meet.- Blyth, are visiting in town.—Mr. William pressed himself as being highly pleasea. witk
gramme consistinn- of �nusical selections and delight'�f all present. Edinbtirgh, with its fine old onua,en s and ebutches,,was psi i yi 9 -prising class of farmers, pany,, and has a large number mbre appli- in the Methodist church, giving his Dore has started 'bnsiness in his new car- tlle progress made by the pupils under their -
castles, ji t a fl , . intelligent and entei g in
addres Dr. McDonald, the pastor, visit, From Edinburgh, roaring London. with all IiES and they were just commencing to appreci- cations than it cares ta take.—,The Macca- popular lecture, " Christian work in strange riage shop. —Mr. Clarke, tailor, will leave teachers, Miss MorrItson and Miss Hawkins.
vplaihincr the various schemes of the church spots of historic interest came in for its share of Ill. laces and among strange people. " The
�Irl . ate the benefits of this industry when the bees, who attended the concert last week at town in *a couple of weeks for St. Johnp, —A number of our villagers have been At And the Work of the collectors, was carrip(l spectlon. Paris and the cities of Europe were hur- iedly passed through. Crossing the blue Me recent crash came. The creamery industry Grand Bend, were greatly pletuged. with the doctor seems to have lost none of his force c
diter- New Brun wi k.—Mr. W. Golley has sold wilth German measles. out, after which those present proceeded to Canada is as yet in its infancy, - but there entertainment. in that lifie of work. Those who missed ranan to Port Said we sail, after viewing the pyra- in the liverl lie' lately purchased,: to -Mr. TEA MErTING.----:A very succeesful t, %. partake of the viands provided and to enjoy mida Of Egypt, for Bowbay, thence to Pekin, Uorea is undoubtedly a great future before it, and the lecture lost a good treat. en 0 i b Beld Howick.—A Union Thanksgiv- meeting was held n . St. Andrew's Pres y- it tirne of pleastin't social intercourse. In and Japan. There we make preparations for the we � home voyage. After a pleasant sail we are again ,lieve it will not be many years until it Varna. ing service will be held in the Congrega- terian Church, on Tuesday, 13th int. Be- good season the meetina was closed in a assumes as great - importance nd as vast PREPARE FOR WINTER.—JUSt 'opened out ]Efensall. November Mr. CraWfor&i 0 landed on Canadian soil. Mr. Ramsay Pang a num- tional church, on Thursday, freshments were served in
Suitable manner nd those present departed ber of comic songs during the trip whic I h he rendered proportions as the -manufacture of cheese. a ease of the Celebrated Granby Rubber, also Felt 22nd, at 10:30 a. m.—The ladies of the house, As the sleighing was good a largt- for their homes af ter having spent a m . ost in a most lauchter-provoking manner. He was We hope, therefore, that the -Seaforth Bootj and Box ; cheap for 0 sh Repairing neat and CLEARING SALE FOR 60 DAYS.—In brder 11 W - crowd were sent, some coming from Dun
enjo�yablc even-ingg- heartily fbeored. " Thl enterraniment will be giv- rompt. Special attention to �rdeied work. S. C. to raise money and to make room for new good, I I lethodist church will give a,�upper and -en band on a I ill be in full operation next P rel, Nile and a n ber
en in aid'pf the the �9th inst. in Card1los creamery , -w Rathwell. 1406-1 have decided to @ell for the next 81xty day@ at the tertainment in the Town hall on Thanks- p.,nnon, Carlow Ulm froin, 0 following reductions :—Black Worsted Knits, bound, givingDay. Supper will be served from 6 to (4oderich. —After tea, an excellent pro- Hall. Plan of bill and reserved seat tickets at C. W. season. BIBLE SOCIETY MEETING.—The annual for 820, regular price ON ;4 Black Worpttd Suite U .\ io E.NDEAVOR INIFETINu.—On Tues- Papat Boqirstore. 140-1 meeting of the Varna Bible Society was bound, for$ i7, regular price, $20 ; Black WorsiWA 8 P. in. ramme was carried out in the church, AA- 4V evening a u. 0— - nion, meet ing of the Epworth C, held in the Bayfield Road Presbyterian Suits. bound, for $15, regular price $18 ; Scotch 5resses were given by the pastor, Rev. R- ty EGINIONDV NQTES.-7Accept our coin.
aad Christian Endeavor Society Of T o'. —The several departments miseration, b r'. Editor, Ifor the heavy c Church on Thursday last. Rev. Dr. J. B. Tweo d Suits $19, regular price $V ; scotch Tweed Brussels. Fairbaim-, who was chairmip, Rev. D:.
-,A 14 BRIEFS. on- Suits $15, regular price $18 ; Canadian Tweed Suits ,Seaforf h, and the Egmondvile Endeavor Of the 1?pblic School closed on Wednesday tract you have taken with that 11 Fortune Frazer, agent of the Society, gave- a ery $16, r&Aular price 118; Canadian Tweed Suits. 814. BRIEF& �Brussels is izoing to live a read- Rogers and Rev. H. Jeans, fio Dungan- lSociety was held in Egniondville church. interesting and practical address. The fol- reguiar price $17 ; a line all wool Tweed for $10. reg- and night Wehool in connection non. Recitations were given by Misses H. 0 . and will not open again until Monday morn. Tele�r." You should be more discreet, and ing room E'ach of the societies waswell represented, ing. Tftursday being Thanksgiving was a lowing officers were appointed for the our- ular price S I 3 ; Sergep, all wool, for $12 and 116,retu - with the Mechanics' In8titute.—Dr., Me. Hayden and Pentland and Mr.1rank HAY- not provoke a contest with a seer, who can lar price S16 to $19 ; bla*k pantinir for 0, rogii the basement of the church being crowded. r : Rev. J. A. McDonald ley DojWd, M. P" for Easo Huron, delivered an den. On the followdu' evenut a'social was,
holiday'lpyway and the Trustees granted call to her aid tliA- spirits of those who have rent yea igresi- black panting $3, regular pri -a �05 a line
Kpeeial mwwi furnished by the choirs prieft 16 overem n ort address on of tj
F111 Poultry of all kinds is very cheap moved the world with their giant int6l- dent; Rev. Mr. Leecb, vice-pres ent ; of Tweed Panting a% a5O; Foltz* *1 h ja�ada, to the Young Liberals held to dispose le tootfsome things- an(] Win. Purdy, treasurer ; James Armstrong, $18. for $15 ; Beavers and Meltom worth $17. lowr $t4;
of the two Seaforth societies, and papers on- p e 7�iful just now. From seven to eight lects, What if she should call down John and their friends, on Friday night.—Hor8e which had been so abundantly supplied the topic were read by a representative of cents per pound is the prevailing price.— Knox, Daniel Webster, John Bright, or secretary. Board of directors, John Me- all other-Unes in ihe same proporklon. Remember -
this is a genuine sale. Good trInAnings and fi-st-ol Fair on Thursday, December 6th, Don't the good ladies of Port Albert. The net each of the three societie,,-. 'Ir- R- The marly friends of Mrs. - John Weir will maybe call up Sir John McDonald, you Ash, W. Logan and James McClymont. workmanship. Remember the "ad, Hodgins' 13look. forget the date. —Dr. Cm anagh, dentist, proceeds were $52, which is to be added to., (Irew, of the EgniondArille Society, acted as regret tQ learn that she is very poorly I list would hav6 to throw tip the sponge at once. Degositor, George Beaty. JOHN P011F. 1409-2 has purchased a practicemi Owen Sound,and -the funds -of the Sabbath School. leader of the meeting. An imortat piece C5 now an(I is con�fined to her residence.—'We If one Of yourinipulsive village or country EBATE.—Quite an interesting debate A KICK.—Mr. Editor: Your occasional will leave, here shortly. - He, will be missed (�f business was the consideration of the 'Mr. J. S. Roberts took place here on Friday evening last by correspondent got Badly mixed last week. in the Methodist Orchestra and Liberal Glee was de- are plea�ed to learn that I scriblers had got into such a fix there might. Perth Items. formation of it local tuilion, and it who liaij)een ill for several weeke is im. be some palliation,—In last weeks notes we the members of Court Varna, No. 2264, Can- One would suppose, judging by his in8inum- Club.—Mr. A. Dames, Deputy -Reeve of tha,t two dele-ates from each society proving �lthougli still un ble to t t.— mentioned the illness of Mr. Flurschu than Order of Foresters. The subject was: tions that"' the east ena is the dry part of Grey, returned with two very �fine deer Revival meetings are beingield nightly etz, a meet for the purpose of going thor- Mr. Thol , nas Downey leftlere-ol Tuesday but b�fore thei - issue, on Thursday evening Resolved that a good natured, dirty wife is t r y he village, whereas facts show it to be froin his hunt in Muskoka, a doe and buck, in the Logan Methodist chureb. ,rhly into the matter. A most successful last for 0- hicago %,here he intends o spend his spirit had passed quietly away, and now more desirable -than a clean, ill tempered quite otherwise. W�, �can assure him wet the buck weighing 250 pounds. Mr. R. —A literary society has been orgaizedlim and profitable meeting was closed by sing- one. The subject was a very important the wi*r and if lie and, Mrs. owney all that. is mortal of him lies in our ceine- cellars are as scarce in the west end as dry Barrett also returned from the Peninsula Kirkton, with a present membership of over' in- " God be with vou till -we meet again." like it t�ere they may one, at least to some of the young men, and become pe manent ones are in the east. ,Then, if moving to- with two young bucks. forty. tery, beside his old friend and neighbor, Mr. resident," We are inclined to think, how- Bubcilz. Mr. Flurschuetz was a qui some powerful -speeches were made on both that end of the village means a surrender of TuR LATE JAMES Wiuso.,i.—Mr. James —The St. John Brothers last week et
00 'Ion k-111(ly, bonorable man, and the esteem in principle"i, or having. our houses pulled Wilson, who has been a resident of Brussels shipped a car load of hor from Kirktonr...
TUE L.kTr Mu. KNEOPITE —Last week ever'thr9t2N1r. Downey has been t at a I sides, The judges decided in, favor of the ses we mentioned the death of John N. true andr,loyal Canadian to feel comfort le which he was held was amply manifested by affirmative. down, we say no thanks, as we prefer living for 21 years, died on Tuesday afternoon of for the Old. Country markets.
of Brussels. We take the fcvl!low- ude'r th�,qlieltering wings of thCAmerican the large numbers who attended the funeral BRiEFs.—Mrs. Joseph 1%lorrow,. of Fullar- where we have liberty of opinion. Then, last week. Mr. Wilson was a native of —Alex. Morrison, implemet agent at At- ing, additional PaKticulars concerning him 'Eagle.—It would be advisable for those on Saturday lst.—Mr. Andre* Smith, who to,', was in town n aturday'last. 'We again, regarding the silly, nice name's he Roxboro'shire, Scotland, and was 73- years' wood, has made au assignment f9r the beue-� froul the 131ni,isels Post Early on Mon- who are ioing traveling by rail to consult has been closing up his accounts during' are pleased to see her looking so well;— of age. He came to Canada in 1843 and fit of his creditors. Thanksgiving service will be held in the indulges. in, it reminds us of school boy other dav niondi,'Novethber 12th, the spirit of the correoted time table which appears on the past fewmeeks, left on Thursday for days; we would simply refer him to first took up land in the township -of Waterloo, —At Stratford Police Court the . Ki7e'ehtel took its flitr11t. The de- the fifth 'baue of this issue.—The new addi- Av,li-ner where he will sn.;ud so e time —ith Episcopal church this Thursday evening at i, I 'verse I I Of Pnurap sm up where he far ed for � fe years. He then morning James Fair Wfined -95 for strik-1 �: I .
I building is his dvighter,1\1rs. IV. J. Fear, previous to where he engaged in ing'Margaret Swalwell. cellied -waa born in Hichenil tusen, Bavaria, tion to the front of the towi 7.30 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Armstrong, incum- apprehend, he intends being the chief actor morod to Eden a - Cerinany, and alotig urith his parents caine now nearly completed. It in bent, will preach a special sernion.—The a ay add to the going West o pass the winter with his in the happy event he so pathetically closes saw -milling, nd afterwards went into an —Mr. William Ryan has leased Mr. It- 12 years of a(re. Thev lo- the c�infq'rt althowyli perhaps not "to the son.—Mr. D. Sproat, of Ethel,who had Royal Templars purpose having a concert with. He been will, doubtless, regain his oatmeal mill. In 868 deceased moved to N-logli's mill at Bornholm, and is prepared tik k-ated Lkf Waaerloo county, auti t lie stibject appearan�e of tile" main building. --'Miss spending a few (lays with friends here, left early in Dec-laber. Due notice will be equillibrium after it is over.—ERATIA. Stratford and follo"d the grain business pay ca,sh for any quantity of elm saw 1091i�--. —Mir of thi notice lerued the shoen)&kig in Campbell sister of Mrs. T. Richardson of for home on Monday.—As Mr. J&mes C given and a big time is expected. ,a BRIEF.s. — We have been experiencing -for A. L. Argo, and for two years was with —The Listowel Whist club have reorgaq-
ar- Berlin nd afterward . the tanner*s trade in this town, leaves this week for California, nochan was returning from town on Mon- Maggie Noble, of. Seaforth, was visiting -quite a cold snap during -the past week, but -Mr. James Redford in the -milling industry. ized for the winter. The first night's Stratford. Ife matiaged 1)otli of these trades withapattyfroni Mitchell and Stratford. day last, with a team of horses and a friends here.last week. yet without good sleigbing.—A large quan- Mr, Wilson became a resident 'of Brussels was at Colo ' nel CampbelFs. in later before conlina X�ttie Clark of Seitforth paid a visit sleigh, in -MitAWA, 0 the horses became frightened, at tity of 'roots are still in the Selds iii this sec- in 1873, and for many years was grain buyer —At the Foresters' concert, to nlie reached Ain- to W Ji ig lil —Mrs. Killer, who a travelling itdvertising rig, as they were Stanley. tion, and the farmers are lon&g for a few. for the Goldie firm, of Guelph, at Alliston, James Fax was recalled some' fifteen tho-w.l levville + ;I . A . th is week.wo o ier res en!LS has beem psit-ing in caatiorct an(t oronto crossi the nats,and a runaway was the re- . I 0 OTS.�---Xlr. Joseph Hood bag his new mild days in which to get them up.—I e Glorrie and other laces, and was held in so much cuid lie lease the audience, Ainley wid Thonias for some has returned to Sea,fordi,— sult. eing a spirited, powerful team, they barn and stable completed. It is another Rev. Mr. Walker, of this place, conducted high esteem by is employers. He was —Lord Aberc. een is expected -to atten4t- ut E F( From tbc forraer lie purchased the first vlil- Some of the inembers of the eaforth Gun made -good time till nearly opposite our added to the very fine barns in this vicinity. services for the Rev. Mr. Galloway, of Sea- twice married, first to Miss -Elizabeth Rain- the Ontari6 Dairymen's conventi;6n, to, be'. P lot, the fti,ru djoining Club wen'liip to Clinton one day last week, church, when �he bolt Reiv oiit of the say, of Eramosa, township in 1847, who held in Stratford in January.
f —Mr. 'William Ross intends taking a course forth, on Sabbath last, Mr. Galloway being I the town. During his sojourn of 40 yearos for it. practice mtch at live pigeons. They tongue, freeing them from the sleigh. Find- at the Agricultural College. -11r. J. Hood prevented through illness from attending to died March 29th, 1,869, aged 41 years, leav- —Rev. G. F. Salton, of the C
r, n entral Meth 1,
Itere lie dsplayed his energy -in (roill(t into did some k60d ShOOtincl and 'eujoye-d their ing it useless to try to control -..them after lost it valuable beast oneday, last week. It his work.—NATe have seen Mr. James c- in the mereitil g a family, of five children. rs. Inman, oaistchurch, Stratford, has accepted an in -
c l'usincss, and lie also oper- otitihgMr. -James G. Mcichael of that, Mr. Carnochan let go the lines and was of the Heieford breed.—Mr. J. Landers Arthur's Dew map or plan of the village lots of Stratford, "Was Mr. Wilson�s second wife, vitation to remain for a third terin. ated a shoe shop, ha171'ess Shop and tannery. lf�illett, 1�' t a valuablp spring colt last they went towards home at it tremendous has disposed of his horse to Mr.* MoNevin, as receiitly surveyed, and find that he has and proved herself a true and faithful com- —Mrs. Douglas, of Galt, who has beem- Six yers Mr. Kneebtel went to die week. 010 0 rate, but were stopped near Mr. Dennie's, who shipped him to Alizoma.—The abbath extended three streets, viz., Queen, Rich- panion to him. They bad five children, visiting her son, Air. David Douglas, Of'
f, I I I I I _ going out tothe stable in the rUlu all( a11( opened store t. morning, to ills surprise and grief, lie on the second concession, i one the worse 6chool held in School -Section No. 14 closed hoine n mond and Mill streets, and has opened out four of whom are living. Four years ago Logan, for some time, has returned -
tpeilt tive found it IN ing dead.—lNlr. William MeDou- for -their wild chase. —The uAion Christian on Sunday last for tbewinter months. Mr. a new avenue, to be known as Lorne. We deceaed had stroke of paalysis which in- —.11r. E. F. Downs, recently in the tailor- \liss arg, of 3\1c gall,ofli,'c�6iiond,.-ille,s,%ys -sire were astray Endeavor meeting, in our chureb, on Tues- T. Xlellis of Kippen gave a very earnest ad pris� will meet with the sue- terfered considerably with his activity. ing business in Mitchell, has - removed to- aret - - hope his enter-, sur% him, becarte , his -vi;oe last our statement that it is 26 years day evening was a model in everything colt- dress, imploring tlie- young to serve their cess it deserves, which,. no doubt, it will, as This Was followed by four other strokes, Boissevain, Manitoba, and will start a bup-
Z�y r? 4$ years ago, and ided her hu -,band very ago that tiie,%vinter set in so early. He says stituting a successf ul, social and Ch something very seldom heard of, and is per- iness there. ristian Maker. —Messrs. J. McDonald anil J. Craig the lots are fine ones. —Messrs. (look Materially in the prosperity whiuli atteiidt�(t t�at sixyears ago there was a re- edticatiN"e gathering. Seaforth was. well have commenced cutting wood -for Mr. F Brothers, our enterprising millers, who are baps one of the best evidences of Mr. Wil- —Rev. Mr. Stewart, for mauVVears pas- their united I,Lbois. Of erevell children markably Fisher.—Mr. Robert Bell has disposed of always rialit up with the times, have recent- son's plendid constitution. Three weeks tor of a Presbyterian church in X.4th East- 1, 'as a man Novemberjiev�as digging potatoes and the people will not soon forget their kindly in- ten acres of bush to Mr. Fairbairn of Heii- ly, in adclition to their fine roller process, ago he was prostrated upon the floor of the hope, has. resigned, and the pastoial tie wi born ten Mr. Kneelhel NN q'ine fall and that on the 16th of represented in ability and numbers,'and our
Of trong religiotts feelings often pro- dust ws fli-ing. By reference to back.- files terest in making it a success.—The manse David Reid has completedhis en- put in a stone for chopping, so that; their kitchen, and from then to the time ok his be dissolved in January next. the 1'rutli. in the Gerum of Tak, EX'1'!0S1T0A we find that it as in was again the scene of a wedding on Wedues- gagement with r. J. Patterson.—Some patrons may have their choice of the stone decease wa.3 unable to speak. He *A's it —1-qr. Charles Graham, son of Mr. W. Iff-,
to the Lutheran brethren. He the vear V�1)9 the .vinter set in so early.—
.1 I (lay, whenMr. L. Woodley, of Seaforth, have n t vet got their turnips houed.—Mr. or roller process.—Business is very good in member of the Presbyterian church for Grahaut,- of St, Marys, has been appointed was very consc -ed an upritri t 'Mrs. T 0 ientious and 11% 0. )�enip left here - on -Thursday to anet Miss Emma Callaghan, of this village, John Cumming has engaged with Mr. J. our vilhige considering the general hard many years, and was connected with the teacher of the school at Science Hill for the, AWd honorable life. The cause of his deoatlh eat he'r 11hanksgiving dinner With her were united in marriage. Cameron for one year. John is a good man times and low prices for grain. — Miss Oddfellows for upwards 'of .50 years. De-- year 1995,
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