The Huron Expositor, 1894-11-23, Page 7)4.
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NOVEMBER 23, 1894.
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• 'Si'. '
While thanking the people of the
to.:? town and surrounding country for the
encouragement they have given us in
the way of very liberal patronage, we
• desire to call their attention to a few
.facts concerning our business methods
not generally known. It has been and
is our constant endeavor to turn out
- the very best class of work, and 'this
we succeed in doing by using nothing
but the choicest materials and emyloy-
ing none but skilled workmen.
, While doing this, however, we wish
it distinctly understood that the prices
charged are Much lower than those
heretofore prevailing. This is account -
ad for by the fact, that doing a much
larger business than our competitors,
we are satisfied with much smaller
margins. Machlne made harness at
any price is dear, and when that is
-coupled with poor material, you can
,depencl upon getting a harness that is
absolutely worthless. We manufac-
ture the best harness from $10 up to
be obtained in the Province, and to in-
tending purchasers would extend a
hearty invitation to call and see: Mr.
Charles Aitzel, or the undersigned, on
the premises, when their wants will be
considerately taken care of.
M. Broderick,
Corner Main and John Streets,
Musical - Instrument
()wino to hard time we have con-
cluded 'Co sell Pianos and Organs at
areatly Reduced Prices,
Organs at $25 and upwards, and
Pianos at Corresponding prices.
Mortgage Sale
Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained
in a certain mortgage, bearing date, 7th day of Janu.
ary, 1894,which will be produced at the time of sale,
there will be offered for sale by Public Auction by
Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, at the Royal Hotel, in
the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, on
Saturday the 17th day of November, 1894, at two
-o'clock-in the afternoon, the following real estate in
Town of Seaforth, and being composed of part of Lqt
number 25, in the first conceseion of the township Of
McKillop, in the county of Huron, now in the teSen
Seafortb, and containing one acre and flve-eighths
of an acre of land, more or lees, an•d better knee n as
the Seaforth Butter Factory Pr perty, and lately
-used by John Hannah as a Butter Factory, and more
'particularly described in above mortgage and sale
bills. There is situate on the property a Butter Fac-
tory, together with all necessary machinery for the
ananutacture of butter. Terms and Conditions -Ten
iper cent. of the purchase money to be paid on the
-day of tale and the balarce within one month there-
after without interest. There will be a revere* bid.
Further particulars made known on des- of sale.
J. M. BEST, Vendor's Solicitor.
THOMAS, BROWN, Auctioneer.
Dated, 24thiOctober, 1894. 1402-4
Brings comforthind iniprovemenkand
bends to personal enjoyment 'when
rightly used. The munk, who live bet-
F.,er than others and enjoy life more, with
less expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the wqrld'a best products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the 'value to health: of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellenciis duc to its presenting
in the form moSt acceptaVe and pleas-
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial propertiee of a perfect lax-
ative; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds; headaches and fevers
and permanently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to minima and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid-
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak-
ening them an4it is perfectly free from
every objectiotta.ble substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug-
giste in 75c. bottles, 'tut it is menu-
Zactureciby tlie California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
acceest any substitute if offered.
A General Banking business transacted.
Farmers' notes discounted.
Drafts bought and sold.
Interest allowed on deposits at the rate
5 per cent. per annum.
SALE NOTES discountsed, or taken for
OFFICE -First door north of Reid &
Wilson'a Hardware Store.
• -FOR-
Horticultural Items.
The apple drker at Dryden, Lapeer coun-
ty, Michigan hti,13 been compelled to runnight
and day to carp for.the large quantities of
fruit brought "in.
While many counties in Michigan have
had a very poor apple crop, Cass is repre-
sented to have The best in many years. It's
a good year to have a.pples,or will be a little
later in the season.
A buyer frpm one of our neighboring
states has beets visiting, this section this
week, and among the fruit farms on which
he obtained figures was a ten -acre place
priced at $5,000, a fifteen acre farm for $6,-
000 and an eighty acre farm for '$20,000.
The latter fern). is stocked with excellent
varieties of the beat fruit, and is just now
furnishing as fine a lot of apples as ever seen
in this ecount.-Benton Harbin. Banner.
The following wash for the peach tree
borer is recemmended by an experienced
grower: Foe an ordinary 5C gallon cask of
the wash, which would be enough for 800
to 1,000 peach trees, dissolte 25 pounds of
common potaah,and add one gallon of crude
carbolic acid ; then mix lime enough with
it to make a good thick wall, that can be
applied to the base of the trees, at any
time during April or very early in May,
with any Old brush or swap that is con-
An English newspaper says that Lady
Carlisle is training an entire staff of women
to take charge Of the extensive grounds of
her fine York estate. She claims that wo-
men, by right of their superior taste and
judgment iq everything pertaining to flori-
culture, shdadd be, and are, better adapted
to the lighter work of garden making than
are men; apd, with the tendency of the age,
whieh is to give women the first chane at
everything, she is trying her experiment on
a wholesale scale.
Shall I trim my trees during August and
September ? No, sir. Fall is not the time
for pruning orchard trees. Do this work in
early spring after severe freezing weather,
then during the early summer is a good time
to do some pinching. Most of the so called
pruning is murder in the first degree, and
professional pruners who do such work,
butchering, sawing and chopping off great
limbs, thinning out should -be severely dealt
with ; no pruning is better than poor prute:
ing. Get =nursery trees properly trained,
then do a little work by pinching, scarcely
using a knife at all, and the trees will
grow up ahout right. As to what imple-
ments -prune with common sense, using
your own good judgment. There can be no
set rules. Some trees need none at all,some
just a little,very few need much. -Orchards
and Nurseries.
Is positively the most rational and MOST SUCCESS-
FUL treatnient ever devised for these trouble& It
-consists of combined local and constitutional treat-
ment, which not only speedily relieves the local
trouble, but thorouzhly eradicates the cause as well,
thus insuriog a perfect and permanent cure, even in
apparently hopeless cases.
ENT, if you have Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Lung
Trouble or any other chronic disease, and WANT TO
tB-E cured, call or write at once.
DR. ROURK is widely and faivorably known
,throughout Canada, being a graduate of Queen's
_ 'University and,of the Academy Terra Maria. Licen-
tiate of the Royal College of Physicians and Sur-
geons, member of the College of Physiciane and Sur-
geons of Ontario and Quebec, LATE MEDICAL
Thirty years' practice.
'Consultation free and confidential. .
.Call on or address
11387-52 DETROIT, MicitteaN.
Boots and Shoes
siscawieshy.,,juistice is represented with a ,pair of Grieve 15 ; Jane Grieve, 11; John Nixon,
12; Levine, Wilkins, I2; John Beattie, 9;
Sheridan was the -first of jokers, but half William Beattie 8 •, Isabella Nicola, 11;
that is attributed to him ie floating wit that. Adam Nic°18, 9 :John Elliott, 10; Wealthy
needed a father. It is probably true that he
asked his roistering but highborn crew one
nightwhether they should drink like beasts or
like meh. Someone said, i "Men of course."
"Oh, then," cried Sheridan, "we'llgetawfully '
drunk,eed. for beasts only ',drink what they
Irish wit is famous the world over. Part
of it consistein the brogue, but it is rare
that an Irishman has slot serprises of speech,
in which consists tho wit of the highest
order. Le Fanu, in his "Seventy Years of
Irish Life," has collected as great deal that
is delicious. A witness that was badgered
by a lawyer was asked, "YOu're &nice fellow,
now, ain't you?" Witness answered, "I am,
sir, and if I were not on oath, sir, I'd. say
the same to you." Another witness was
asked by a bullying counsel, "So you had a
pistol?" "I had, sue" "Nri.O did you in-
tend to shoot?" "I wan't intendip to shoot
no one." So you got it for' nothing?" "No,
I didn't." Come, come! On your oath,
what did you get that pistol for?" ."For
three and ninepence, Sir, in Mr. Richardson's
shop.'! -
The Irish bull is oftensbetter than any de-
liberate wit. Sir Richard, Steele insisted
these bulls were owing to the air . of the
country, "and, sir," he added, "if an
Englishman was born here,I don't doubt
he'd do the same." In a debate on taxation
an Irish member of parliament insisted that
"a tax on leather would press heavily on the
barefooted peasantry." Sir Boyle Roche re-
plied they could "make the under leathers
of weed." The same Sir Bristle urged the
union -of England and Ireland so that "the
barren hills would become f ile valleys."
In another debate he answered, "I boldly
answer in the affirmative -No !" He was
author of "You should refrain froin throw-
ing open the floodgates of demeeracy, lest you
should •pave the way for a general conflagra-
tion." At a race an Irishman was delighted
because hewas "first at last." When they
laughed, he added, "Sure, wasn't I behind
before." 'One day a friend of Bishop Bram-
stone approached him with the retnark that
he wanted "a wife, young, rich and pretty,"
and he wanted the bishop to :pick her out
for him. "Tut, tut !" said the bishop. "My
name is Bramstone, not Brimstone! I do
not make matches !"-E. P. Powell in St.
Louis Globe -Democrat. -
Dyes! Dyes ! Diatnond Dyes!
At all seasons of the year,
Every wife and mother wise -
Greet thee with the kindest cheer.
Autumn with its varied shades- •
Russets dark, a,nd brown and gold,
Reds and greens of summer glades- -
All these colors ye unfold.
Yet, while nature's colors fly,
Ye still bloom 'neath changing sky.
as on hand a large number of Boots and Shoes of hie
own make, best material and
Warranted to give Satisfaction..
you want your feet kept dry come and get a pair o.
our boots, which will be sold
?Repairing promptly atteuded to. All kinds of Boote
Lail Shoes wade to order. All parties who have not
paid theiraccounts for last year will please call and
oettle upt
1162 D. McINTYRE, sealer*.
' Jokes and Jokers.
There is more real humor in a modern
clodhopper than in an ancient philosopher.
The jokes that have come down to us from
Greece ere mostly poor stuff, but college
boys are glad to get any comfortet ell from
root grubbing, and therefore they , laugh at
Diogenes and Aristophanes. It is said that
the old eynie begged a tub to live in and
toted this about where he liked and squat-
ted under it when he pleased. When Alex-
ander called upon him in this palatial resi-
dence, he asked what he could do for him.
"Get opt of my sunlight," said Diogenes.
That was tolerably good, but uncivil. The
nasty old eub with his tub could be dupli-
cated by a thousand tramps in America any
day, and many of them are doubtless nastier
and smarter. Plato is said to have preach-
ed fatality. When a rogue ran against him
with a beam and excused himself -as "fated
to do in" "Yes," said Plato, "I see, but I
also aM fated to beat you for it," and gave
the fellow a, good caning. For sportiveness
Horace was the most pleasing of . the
ents, but his verses are very amatory and
some ef them more suggestive than a Feench
play. Charles Lamb is worth 20 of ]him,
only that Horace could be a noet when he
chose, of a different sort. Homer's picture
jof Thersites is the oldest burlesque that I
remember. A joke corning down from
1,000 B. C., ought to be pretty good. Will
M. quad last as long ? •
English joking is generally -heavy. iHere
is one told by James Payn. A witness in a
slanger case swore thatMiss Iles was thrown
overt.he wall a dozen times. "What," said
the judge. Who was Miss Iles, and why
did they throw her over?" It was missiles.
I cannot see apything so very funny in Syd-
ney Smith's Wishing he could on • a certain
hot day, take off his flesh and sit in his
bones. But Hood and Charley Lamb are a
brace that no one ought ever to be without.
I have given up trying to keep a complete
set of either. They areborrowed and relished
and I suppose, read to pieces. •
Hood was capital In every direction he
turned, whether pathos, satire, pun or pure
joking. His taking off of celebrated charac-
ters was as good as anything. You should
first read Boswell's "Johnston" and then read
Hood's "Johnsoniame" But does anybody
read Boswell nowadays? Alas, for once
fatuous books? Hood says Johnson was once
consulted by a laasas to the degree of tur-
pitude and spanking due her boy for robbing
an orchard. "Madam," said the ponderous
doctor, "it all, hangson the weight of the
boy. I remember my school fellow, Davy
Garrick, who was a little fellow, robbing a
dozen orchards with impunity, but, the very
first time I climbed an apple tree, for I was
always solid the bough broke, and it was
,called a judgment on me. I suppose that
Crouse, 10 ,• Wellington Crouse, 7 ; Robert
Shaver, . 12; Robert Nixon, 7; Thomas
Nicola, 7 ; George Nixon, 5; Margaret
Beattie, 6." Here follow the marks made
by each, and the books ' used -chiefly Mur -
ray's reader and speller. On the back is a
statement by the trustees that the scholars
mentioned had duly attended said school,
and had made satisfactory progress. The
trustees'. names are not decipherable. The
following rules are then laid down: "1,that
every scholar attend at 9 o'clock in the
morning with hands and face clean 2, that
the scholars be all clean and free from ev-
ery contagious infection; 3, that lying,
swearing, pilfering, etc., be punished with
the rod ; 4, that crimes of a less serieus
nature be more moderately punished.
Extra diligence rewarded with ticket."
-On Thursday of last week, lot 8, con=
cession 10,- Minto, was sold by Field & Mc-
Millan, solicitors, Guelph, under power of a
mortga,ge, by auction, to Mr. Hugh Mc-
Dermid, for $940. The lot contains 100
acres, less right- of a railway across the
farm. There is a good frame house and
barn upon the lot. This is said to be one
of the biggest bargains in land that has
been obtained for some time in that vicin-
ity.. Of course a large portion of the land
is Wamp, but labor Will make it the hest of
land in titne.
-Three years ago Mr. James Alexander,
4th concession of Elderslie township, near
Chesley, imported from Ottawa a new kind
of clover seed with. which he has success-
fully experimented. No record was kept of
the length of the first crop this year, but
the second cutting measured 3 feet 7 inches,
and the third cutting 2 feet 8 inches. This
new variety is very good for fattening
cattle. Horses and cattle are so fond Of it
that they will not touch hay if this clover
be hear 'them.
, -Agnes Wilkie, relict of the late James
Panton, has passed away from her home at
Oshawa, to her long home, at the age of 84
years. Deceased was the mother of Profes-
sor Penton, of the Agricultural College,
Guelph • Rev. J. Penton, Stratford, and.
Miss 4. H. R. -Penton, science teacher at
the Oehawa, High school. -She was a life-
long Member of the Pebyteria,n church,
and was .belovecl by a large circle of
-There died in Embro on Thursday, No-
veniber 1st, Elizabeth Sutherland, relict of
the late William Sutherland, aged 91 years.
and two months. The funeral took place to
the North Embro cemetery. Deceased was
one of the oldest residents of Embro'and
lived with her son, Mr. Hector Sutherland.
She was born in Scotland in 1803, and while
a young woman came to this country with
her hueband, lauding at Picton, Nova Scotia.
In 1848 they removed to Hamilton, where
Mr. Sutherland died with Asiatic &Indere,
which was prevalent in that city. Six
children out of a. family of thirteen also died
info, short time with the same disease. She
rtelisetndio. ved to Ebro, where she has since
Dyes! Dyes! Liatnond Dyes!
Choicest colors in the land,
Onward ! Forward as .time flies
There will live no other brand.
None so brilliant, pure and. fast, -
Pleasing dauehters,mothers, wives;
'Tis well known that in the past
Ye have added to our lives -
Comfort, wealth and great increase,
Constant streams of iris, and peace.
'Don'ts of Dress.
Don't clothe yourself in man's apparel and
expect the courtesy due to a lady. -
Don't wear featthens „, in your hat and
patches on your boots. e
Don't wear a sailor hatanda blouse after
your fortieth birthday.
Don't pioneer fashion with a cheap dress-
Don't pinch your waist. Fat, like mur-
der, will out -somewhere.
Don't put all your allowance 'outside. A
ragged petticoat kills -the smartest ,gown.
-Don't put cost before cut. Corded silk
won't cover a clumsy fit. .
- Don't let your dressmaker dress yon.
Dress yourself. She may give you smart-
ness, but individuality -never.
Don't sacrifice fitness to fashion. ,
.Don't neglect quality for the sake of
Don't forget that although veils are, be-
coming to mostk faces, feet veiled in lace
stockings do not look well in the street.
Don't imagine that beauty will atone for
Don't spoil the gown for the yard of
Don't dress your head at the expense of
your hands and feet.
Don't he dashing -be dainty.
Don't make hay of your possessions and
then credit your limited purse with your
shabby appearance.
Don't ithe,gine that a blouse or shirt, coat
and sailor hat are suitable for women of
every age and figure, on every occasion.
Don't wear a white petticoat unless it is
Don't wear heels to your boots unless you
can afford to have them always heels and
not half ones on one side only.
Don't put powder on your cheeks without
looking in a glass afterwards.
Don't Make your own dress
can do it really well.
Children Cry for
unless you
other proprietary medicines have been relegated to
shelves, and it would appear from the demands
made upon the druggists as if every sufferer front
kidney disease in the city was bound to try the rem-
edy recommended by Dr. McCormick.
-4111, •
Deceiving the Ladies.
The unneasing struggle for supremacy in tamest
every line of trade undoubtedly has e, tendency to
make dealers resort to questionable methods of busi-
ness. Take,,for instance, a line of high-class drees
goods like Priestley's, which has been brought to a
state of perfection and has attained popularity ev-
erywhere; u soon as the ladies ineist upon having
these goods and no others, it is reported that some
merchants have even taken the 'Varnished Bead,'
Priestley's Trade Mark, out of the Genuine Priest-
ley's Black DrestGoods or Cravenettes and wrapped
inferior goods upon it for the purpese of deoeivtng
the euatotner. Fortunately, however, an extra pre-
caution was adopted,by the manufacturerin stamp-
ing the name ` Priestley's ' and the length on every
five yards. so that ladies who want these goo& can
be sure they are getting them.
Having been troubled with biliousness and head-
ache. with toes of appetite, I was advised to try Dr.
Carson's Bitters, and found great relief after a few
Toronto, Ont.
A Terrible Experience.
, Mr. George Tribe, of Straffordville, Ontario, a
pretty village near the shores of la kke Erie, went
through an experience lately that he will never for-
get. He tells it in his own words:
For three year I suffered from skin disease in its
worst form. I tried Kennedy's Medical Discovery
and the Cutleura remedies, aud doctored one year
with the best physicians in the land, but got no bene-
fit; they pronounced my disease a Scaly Eruption,
but failed to remove it. It catne on in red blotches
and spread over my body; the skin became dry and
formed hard, white scales • the itching was intoler-
able, but I em now completely cured by the use of
Burdock Blord Bitters. I can truly say that I owe
my good health to B. B. B., and I advise all sufferers
to use this splendid medicine.
Geo. Tetelt
Milburn's Beef, Iron and Wine restores
and vitality, and makes rich red blood.
Sunday After Marriage in the Old
Puritan Times. .
A marriage in the church was rare in the
old Puritan days. Occasionally one took
place in the new home of the young couple.
This was held to be somewhat unlucky.
Thanksgiving Day was a favorite time to
choose to be married, as friends were then
gathered from afar. The bride was univers-
ally advised to wear
Something old, snmethIng new,
Something borrowed, something blue.
Though she could dress before a mirror,
she must net look in the glass when once
her toilet Was completed, else ill -luck, in
vaguely defined, but positive form, was the
• result. Sunday was really the .• exhibition
day for the bride; indeed, she found at
meeting the sole place in which she could
appear before an assembled public, and for
this exhibition the happy pair _donned their
finest bridal attire.
The bride and groom and bridal party
opened the show by proudly walking in a
little procession throughthenarrow streets
to the meeting house on the Sabbath follow-
ing .the pflarria,ge.
Further public notice was drawn to the
bride by allowing her to choose the text for
the sermon preached on the first Sunday of
the coining -out of the newly -married couple.
Much ingenuity was exercised in finding, ap-
propriate and sometimes startling . Bible
texts for these wedding sermons. The in-
stances are well known to the marriage of
Parson Smith's two daughters, one of whom
selected the text: "Mary hath chosen that
good part ;" while the daughter Abby, who
married John Adams, decided upon the
text: " John came neither eating nor drink-
ing, and they say he hath a devil." -Ladies'
Home Journal.
News Notes.
-Dr. R. N. Fraser,. of Thamesville, is
very ill, caused by blood poisoning. While
he was lancing a man's hand he cut his
own. •
-Simon Aitchesen has bought what is
known as the John Wright farm, situated
about one mile from Harriston, and contain-
ing 140 acres, for which he pays something
over $4,500. Thiels a first-class farm, bat
the buildings are only very ordinary.
-Michael Cavanagh, a Windsor laborer,
has become heir -to a $30,000 estate in Galt.
He did not have a penny last Monday when
he went to Chief Wills, and the latter, on
receiving a telegram from the executor of
the estate loaned him the amount of his
fare to Galt.
-While Mr. James Scott, undertaker at
Stroud, near Barrie, was returning to his
home on Saturday evening, his horse ran
away, and be was thrown out of his buggy,
alighting on his head, and NV/LS instantly
-The other day at Harriston, the little
two-year old daughter of the Rev. M. C.
Cameron, B. D., while running across the
dining -room fell, striking her chin useen the
floor with such force
as to cause her te bite
her tongue nearly is two. Medical aid was
at once summoned, he child put Under the
influence of chloroform, and the wound
closed by three stitches. Although the
little one is suffering considerably, the
wound israpidly healing and will be all
right again in a few days.
-A resident of Byron recently sent the
London Advertiser a curious olddocument,
dating from 1829. It is the quarterly re-
port of the district common school, on con-
cession 2, of Westminster. The parchment
is yellow with age, but most of the writing
is quite legible. Some of the pupils whose -
names are mentioned are still living. The
report reads as follows :, "Quarterly report
of a district common school, second conces-
sion Of the township of Westminster, and,
taught by George Turner, a British subject,
commencing 2nd of June and ending 1st of
September, in the year one -thousand eight
hundred and twenty-riine (1829.) Child-
ren's names and ages: Helen Elliot, 11 ;
Jane Elliot, 14; James Beedon, 14; John
Grieve, 12 ; Margaret -Nixon, 10 ; Catharine
Catarrhal Deafness.
Peafnese or dull hearing follows catarrh, colds,ete.
Hagyard's Yellow Oil cures even the orst cases in a
few applications.
The Wild Cherry combined with Milburn's Cod
Liver 0 1 Emulsion makes It delicious in taste and
perfect in curative power. ;
MoneY. Thrown Away at Panama.
The great De Lesseps Panama ditch is a
melancholy wreck. The wharves are falling
into the water and acres of machinery are
rusting to dissolution. On the Isthmus are
nearly 1,000 miles of steel track with loco-
motives and thousands of dump carts, now
half hidden in the tropical growth. Sev-
enty-six great steam shovels stand side by
side in the excavation buried in luxuriant
vegeta,tion, so that only the gaunt arms
stand up above the green. While 200 loco-
motives have been housed, it is estimated
that nine -tenths of the millions squandei•ed
on this prodigious enterprise is going to
waste. Much of the excavated land has
been washed back into its original place,
and the great scar on the face of the Panama
Isthmus is rapidly falling from ViCW.
Pitcher's Castoria.
A Child Enjoys
The pleasant flavor, gentle action and
soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, when in
need of a laxative, and if the father or
mother be costive or bilious, the most grati-
fying results follow its use; so that it is the
best family remedy known, and every
family should have a bottle on hand.
It Never Fails.
Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs, colds, asthma,
bronchitis, hoarseness, sore throat and diseases of
the throat abd lunge. Price, 25 and 50 cents.
For Cuts, Burns, Sores or Wounds, Victoria Car-
bolic Salve is the best healing and soothing ointment.
For Healthy Lungs.
Milburn's Cod Liver 011 Emulsion ith Wild
Cherry and Bypephosphites combines the curative
powers of the Pectoral remedies mentioned in the
nl°perleet and palatable forni. Price, 50c. and .1
PerCo°b' Asthma, Hoarseness, Bronchitis,
etc., yield at once to Dr. Wood'eNorway Pine Syrup,
the successful Throat and Lung Specific.
Beyond Dispute.
There ie no better, safer or more pleateint cough
remedy made than Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. It
cures Hoarseness, Sore Throat. Coughs, Colds,
Bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles.
Prominent NiagaraDistriet .People
Mr. E. Douglass, Druggist, Welland,says : "Stark's
Powders for Headache, Neuralgia, Biliousness and
Liver, are highly praised by all who have uaed
Mr. J. H. Burger, Druggist and Treasurer, Town
of Welland, says: " Stark -Jo Powders give good satie-
faction and sell readily."
Mr. Alex. Rumsey. Imperial Bank, Welland, sive :
" Stark'a Powders are excellent."
Mr. Wood, Manager Imperial Bank, Port Colborne,
writes: "Stark's PoWders do their work admirably."
Mr. A. E. Taylor, Deputy -Reeve Town of Welland,
says, "Stark's Powders cured me after two 3 ears of
suffertag from severe Sick Headache and Stomach,
when other mediciues failed,"
Price, 25 cents a box; sold by all m.dicine
dealt rs.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Misff, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria,
How to get a " Sunlight" Picture.
Send 25 "Sunlight" Soap wrappers (wrapper bearing
the words "Why Does aWornan Look Old Sooner than
a Man " ) to LEVER Boos, Ltd., 48 Scott St.. Toronto,
and you will receive by post a pretty picture. free
from advertising, and well worth fratning. This is
an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the
beat in the market, and xt will only cost lo. postage
to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open.
Write your address carefully.
P. S. -A small quantity of goods, damaged by the recent storm, still left,
which must be sold, regardless of price. Come early.
Sun Life Assur ce Company
OF C_A_ .A.D_A__
The. iiipid progress being. made by the Sun Life of Canada may be seen from
the following statement:
Stark's Poaders, each package of which contains '
two preparations, one in a round wooden box, the
cover of which forms a measure for one dose, an im-
mediate relief for Sick Headache and Stomach, also
Neuralgia, and all kinds of nervous pains, and an-
other in capsules, (from to of one is an ordinary
dose which acts on tbo Bowels, Liver and Stomach
complaints. They do not as most pills and so ninny
other medicines do, lose their effect or produce after
constipation, and are nice to take. 26 cents a box,
at all medicine dealers.
"By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws
which govern the operations of digestion and nutri-
tion, and by a careful application of the fine proper-
ties of well -selected Cosoa. Mr.Eppe has provided for
our breakfast and supper_ a delicately flavoured bev-
erage which may save us mapheavy doctors' bills.
It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that
a constitution may be gradually built up ptil strong
enough to resist every tendency to dlsae. Hun-
dreds of subtle maladies are floating arourbi us ready
to attack whenever there is a weak point We may
escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourbelvee well
fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished
frame." -;--Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold
only in packets, by Grocers, labelled thus:
JAMES EPPS & CO., LTD., HOM0e0PATHIC °nesters,
woe -
I have used Dr. Carson's Bitters for twelve months,
and can say that they ere, for an appetiser, purga-
tive, and nerve tonic, the best I ever used.
J. MARTIN. Notary Public.
Toronto, Ontario.
saa • ilor.
Dodd's Kidney Pills now Asked
For by Every Sufferer from
Bright's Disease.
guns°, November 19. -Contemporaneous with the
publication of the letter of Dr. A. G. MeCorrhiek, of
Richmond, with respect to his permanent cure from
Bright's disease by Dodd's Kidney Pills, every drug-
gist in this oity ordered a generous supply of the
pills, but so great has been tbe demand as the result
of this testimonial front so eminent an authority
that the tun has been in excess of the supply. All
ESTERviLLE FARM, RAPID CITY, Man., Dec. 23, 1892.
Messrs. DICK & CO., Montreal.
Dear Sire: I had a mare which was foul -skinned
and hide -bound, the hair standing on an end, but af-
ter I used one of your Packages of Powders, I found
O wonderful diffe• once in her appearance, and she is
now as sleek and glossy as any animal can be. I
shall not be without it in the future.
Yours truly,
Grand Trunk Railway.
Trains leave Seaforth
Paeeenger -
• Passenger.
Mixed Trala.•
Mixed Train
Poseenger..- - -
Passenger.. -
Mixed Train
.00 ENE I=M
400 4E0
and Clinton staMor s as
LOT r. M.
9.05?. a.
9.30 A. V.
6.30 P. M.
7.48 A. X.
3.C3 P. m.
6.25? M.
1.23 a. u.
9.22 P.M.
10 15A.a.
7.05 e. M.
f.82 A. M.
2.38 P. m
1872 $ 48,210 93 $ 6,461 95
1876 102,822 14 25,944 64
1880 141,402 81- 473,632 93
1881 278,379 65 836,897 21
1888 - 525,273 58 1,536,816 21
1892 1,134,867 61 3,403,700 88
1893 $1,240,483 12 $4,001,776 90
$ 1,064,350 00
2,414,063 32
3,8971139 1/,
€1',841,404 04
11,931,316 21
23,901,016 64
i $27,799,756 51
The prosperous condition of the Sun Life of Canada is doubtless due to its fair treat-
ment of policyholders, its unconditional policy and prompt payment of death claims.
R. MACAULAY, President; T. B. MACAULAY, Secretary and Actuary ; A. S.
MACGREGOR, Manager London District; 0. C. WILLSON, Agent, Seaforth. 1403-6
As the name indicates this popu-
lar remedy combines the healing
and soothing properties of Glycer-
ine with the well known virtues of
Fir Balsam, hence its -wonderful
efficacy in removing all soreness
and irritation from the throat and
bronchial tubes.
Gentlemen : 1 can assure you that
your Balsam. of Fir has given the
very best satisfaction to me. 1 have
sold. more of it than any other cough
medicine I ever had, and never had
anything please my custora.ers SG
welt S. MoKinnraT, Merchant,
Messrs. Lumsden & Wilson, Sea -
Gentlemen :-Will you please
send me one half dozen bottlee of
Royal Glycerated -Balsam of Fir
per express at once, a bottle of thii
preparation has been in my posses-
sion for some time. I gave it to a
sman suffering from Sore Throat,
Hoarseness, &c. He now wants
this half dozen for himself and
friends. Yours Truly, JOHN MOF -
FAT) Kincardine.
Wellington, Grey and Bruce.
GOING NORTH--. Pessenger. Mixed.
illthel...... - - 3.00 P. u. 9.30 r.m. 900P..
Brussels .... 8.13 9.43 9.45
Bluevale_ 8.27 9 67 10.10
Wingham.. _ 8.37 10.07 11.20
Gouts Bourn- Passenger. Mixed.
Wingham _ 6.25 A.x.11.20 A. ii. 7.80 r.m.
Bluevale .. _ _ 6.87 11.85 8 15
Bruseels.... - .. 8.54 11.89 9 00
Ethel.... .. '....... 7.08 12.14 9 80
London, Huron and Bruce,
Gorse NORTH- Passenger.
London, depart , , • 0..41 8.25a.k. -I 40e.m
Exeter 9.29 6 00
Henna.. .. . 9.42 6.16
9.47 6.90
Bruoefield . - 9.55 8.28
Clanton - 0 • • 0 10.12 655
Londieboro •• - ,. 10.29 7.14
Blyth.... - , • 0 • 10.88 7.28
Belgrave 10.62 7.87
Wingham arrive 11.10 8.00
Goma Bourn- Passenger.
',Ingham, depart - 8.85a.m. 8.25r.m.
Belgnve -6.60 8.47
Blyth . ,..„ 7.C3 Lel
Londeehoro • • 7.10 4.0a
Claxton , • •• 7.46 , 4.28
Brucefield 8.05 4.48
Kippen•• OOOOOOOO • • • 4 •• - 8.13 4.68
Bengal . . - 8.22 4.68
raster 8.40 6.12
OOO 0 400
Send 9 cents in stamps or 10 cents sliver, and we
will send yeti by return mail the
Perfect Letter Writer,
East Ave., Hamilton.
Messrs. Lumsden & Wilson, Sea -
forth, Ont.
Gentlemen. -Sone time ago I re-
ceived a bottle ,of your Royal
Glycerated Balsam -of Fir, andifound
it invaluable in removing a ease of
severe cold with which my daughter
was then afflicted. I shall only be
too happy to recommend it to4athers ,
and intend to keep it in the house.
1 enclose $1 for two bottles, which
please send at your earliest conven-
ience. j. BLACK.
Messrs. Lumsden & Wilson, Sea -
Gentlemen: Your Cough medi-
cine, Glyeerated Balsam of Fir,
sells well with me; the longer I
have it the more I think of it. I
know it to be good and can, always
recommend it with confidence.
WM. NEAL) Merchant, Walton.
A net little book, being a perfect guide in the art o
Letter Writing. It contains letters of Love, Friend
ship, Business, etc., with valuable instructions and
advice. Every young man and woman should have
this book. ; Address,
Ingersoll, Ont.
Dear Sirs: It is now about four
years since I first tried your Balsam
of Fir, and I have never since been
without it in the house. In the
worst attack of cold I ever remem-
ber having, it gave relief at once,
and with the children we always
find it the best and safqt remedy..
IL L. PEINE, Zurich.
Winnipeg, Nov. 7,'89.
Messrs. Lumsden & Wilson.
We have handled your Balsam of
Fir for a few years past and with
the greatest satisfaction to us from
the fact that it has given universal
satisfaction to our customers. We
could have sent you hundreds of
testimonials had we kept a record
of them. We class it as the best
article in the market for the pur-
pose. A. W. BLEASDELL & CO.
Lumsden &Seaforth
, ,
Dear Sirs: Please find enclosed
$1, for which send me two bottles
of Royal Glyeerated. Balsam of Fir
by return mail or express, and
Jonar PEFFERS, Strongville,
Chippewa County, Michigan.
Owing to a change that is likely. to take place in the firm in January, and
98 this is the season of the year that all must have good footwear, we have de
cided to clear out our entire stock of
Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Trunks and Valises,
Before the first of January, at prices never before heard of la Seaforth. We
have over a $6,000 stock, bought from some of the best Canadian and Ameri-
can manufacturers, which is principally all new stock, and adapted for Fall
and Winter wear. Call early and secure the best bargains, as this is a genuine
clearing sale, as the stock must be sold.
EarThose owing the firm will please call and settle their accounts at as
early a date as possible, as we must have them in by the middle of Deeember-