The Huron Expositor, 1894-11-23, Page 44
NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ceived gratifying a4surances regarding -them, will retire from the Provincial Service,
and elected every two years, it is a pretty diffi- the genuine Manitoba blizrArd minus the
while if they re.elek' their Liberal repre-
VLTne figum between the parenthesis after each go to New York, and there take a position was 98 tons of cheese and 10,000 pounds of displacing the knee -cap, and will
le o change its political complex- snow. The weather is the, most Severe, butter, and the make for the sea'sonj ust closed for %%�hile, Ali - �e 1, id advertisement vifll be found. expect -only what in the office of a large in nnie, YOullgest dahighter of
one denotes the rap of the paper on which the gentative, they n d cult matter t
surance company. ion, in accordance with that of the popular experienced so early in the season since was a considerable advance on that of 1891). -John Campbell, had the TilisfortuDe to
they have got it, t4�e past -nothing. Hon. We hear a great deal just now from certain chamber. -Xias Avis oore of Wingbam. steppe her'leg broken oil Sab
representative of the DEATH OF bath get
Perfect Pitting Shirt*_4&ekgon & Greig. (1) C. H. Tapper, as quarters about,the officials of the Ontario MCCOSH.-Rev. Dr. Me on an upturned nail on Saturday at noon, week, li.6
Rauslaugh's forgood Photos. (54 DR. Coah, professor of philosopb eing watered
Here wiftkv-Dill Spftre� (5) ractically-, assures the same 'eople Gove of Princeton the nail penetrating through her boot into ing,unmanageable ; t tim
Tenders for Supplie*-R. -1irtitie. (6) minority,p P rnment being paid too high salaries. It is now reported that if the Japanese y becoill �Y a borse which -was b e Of writing
College, died at Princeton, New Jersey, on the flesh. Avis couragoolisly pulled the nail he
PhTiate for Wiriter- &C. Ratbwell. (3) that the Governineup will back up the Con- Recent events, however, do not �Oint in capture Por the 16th inst. He Was born in Ayrshire, is doings well a - pulf 11" pected.
FAtm - - x
j�71 C&tU*-Wm - Blwk%vall. (5) servative nominee. The plan of campaign this t, Arthur, wbiph they are amost out. when the blood Spurted from the wound.
Sc�otland, April 1, 1811, and came to Am- The' foot haa. been irery painful, but it is Blue
Use t a 0. P. P. -4. S, Jackbon, direction, as it is a common thing to certain to do very soon, Li Hung Chang erica to assume the presidency of the college hoped that blood -poisoning will tiot set in.
Photos-wm. D. Trott (5) is thus clearly delino : It is to arouse the hear of officers of the se�eral departments will -
The Band Concert -4. A. Anderson. (8) vale.
lose his life. Poor old Li seems to have at-11'rinceton i 1868. Dr.atton sue ede BRHVJTIFs- -Last Tbursday morning, at
Cigam, Tobacew &a. -R. H&Kby. (S) cupidity of the people a section at a time, abandoning the servi6e for pogitio n ce -Mr. Alfred Ireland, of Wingliam, con- , I -
Good Lunch -R. Haxby. (8) ns in run up against bard times. him as President in 1888. 'line o c ock, iss Annie.);ak-son
by P ductor on the London freight, had the fore � I :daughter
Confeckionery-R. Haxby (8) -roini-ging each se , �'tion Something at the privae companies both in Canada and the NEW YORK'S HOME 811ow.-Crowds are finger of his right hand taken off b the of Mr. Abralla, Jackson
Oysters -R. Haxby (8) expense of the renl4l"lider of the people, and was
House to Rent�-Robert Ugan. (8) the $1�,000,000, or great excitement -ii ope over attending the great horse show . in ar married at her father's residence to N
great part of it, will United States. This goes to show, first, ' There is ew buffers while coupling at Denfie d, on Charles Leech, of Detroit. 17.
Wever so Good-Dav-14 Milne. (s) York.- The other night some 15,000 people Monday of last week. c a The cerenlony
that efficient men are employed in the pubi- the report or rather rumor, of all alliance- were inside the gates, and fully 3,000 people -The. other day, Mr. Thomas Fear, of was performed by Rev. J. B. WaILIWin of
Ladlee Slippers-& WilliLl. (8) be frittered away in linaking a show of - be- lie s6rvice, and secondly, that the remuner- between Russia, France and England It turned away unable to gain admis The the ra-vel road, Hullett, met with a serious Stratford
Robbers sknd Sox -R. Willis (8)
A Good Chane"eorge Thorapwn. (s) ginning work in as nl�ny places as possible. Sion The bride Was married In a dark
Boar for Service-Jose�h Bennett, (5) It I is a desperate scheme, but onl ation paid is not so great as private corpor- may prove to have a foundation, but' we Astors, Va�defibilts, Belnionts,'Cruger's and �accilent.' While feeding a Colt, it kicked brown travelling gown, an 'wore, neither
Taxei-James Cummin^ (5) - y one elec- ations can afford to give. We do not know doubt it very much. other well-known families were in their him on the head, rendering him inisensible, gloves nor ornaments. She carried a long
Thanksgiving Day -R. Willig, (fi� I stemined boquet of white clir
Auction SvVe--Thoffuss Bennett (6) tion ha's to be fouillt at a time, and if It started from the boxes, and men and women of distinction and then kicked him again while down.
Nuilans. (b) . i ceul�led the seats on each side. Fortunately no bones were broken, but a
that it is good po icy to permit efficient marked attentions paid by the Czar to his sant6lullm,
Hallett Taxes-'rhonias- the Government ean,,,t de over this danger, men to leave the service for the �ake tied with long white ribbons and was at -
Stock for'Sale-David Hill(s) Of a uncle, the Prince of Wales. A 1PEA.XUT POLITICIAN. -A Buffalo Demo- aoctor's Services were tencle(l by her little nephew.
necessary to do
wounds. of Detroit. The groon-, w
Viterinart surgeon -G. 11. Gibb. (5) probably something Witurn up to let them few hundred dollars a year. E-cohomy is a Crat who wagered that he would roll a pea egg the A`filt0n' Leeeh
Why Xott-.D. McLachlan (5) out of the bole next t*
11ne. ri as ass4ted by
unty Gaunell Keefinz-w. iAne (6) ' . ell. After tile C relliolly
Under no other Aystem but protection bi snow storm if Stern was defeated,for mayor, shipped 80 head of fat cattle ()Ir'ect to a company of- ab(yut thirty re ves and
Possible to There was a terrific struggle in Toronto Alaster Ea:rl Lee
ght �nd proper thing, but it is not a mile with a toothpick in the first -Last week Messrs. R. and J. Ransford
S%MY 4ter-A. MoKonzie. (6) e penny wise and pound foohill. The on Saturday afternoon, betwee' �latfi
ony Given Away -C Pearce. (8) could such unscrupul means be carried Pr Presby- paid his bet oil Al6nday, much to the amuse- donald, Frazer & Co., G1 friends pahook of the
her Wanted -Fred. Hem. (5) ovince needs and can afford to pay for a asgow, andAir. J. wedding b1reakfat
terians and Roman Catholics. ment of a -thousand Street- gaining. His Fair shipped20 head. Theyare in charge and then
0 ecessary"that The fight accompanied the, newly �llarried
)enditgre, and yet that the couple to the station, Mr. � and Mr4.
Aftignee Sale -4. M. Best (5) ut.' It is n there should be good men just as -well as private companies name, which he refused to divulge to the re- of Messrs. James Fair, jr., and Arthur Lefth
ibs-Henry Koehler. (5) X11 9 took the noon train for
Cleuin 1"Ohn Pope. (8) extravagant e lasted one hour and a half, and there was porters, is Said to be Jake Aldridge. Coach, to Montreal. This is, we under- -Ne* Yorkf, where
and althou h the prevailing - clamor is for some blood filled. The uninitiated might they will spend their boneymoon.
Teas -H. F. Edward& (8) monev be taken from `,,'the people in such a economy in the' stand, the first direct shipment that, has - bbtroit
ublic service, the Govern- pp6se it was a riot, but it was only a Huron will be their future home.
Notes. been made from Clinton. Afra. Walnlal�y.
of Bayfiel d, formerly of Bluev I i
wayaswill, shfft the Pomplaints from the ment should guard against giving way, too Rugby football match for' the championship Mr. Matthias Glew, of' Hullett, has -Dr Cavanagh, of Brussels, lias purchased a ey IS shoulders of the Govornment. It is like- much in a desire to meet the public demand friends here at present.
7 of Canada, between Queen's College, Kings-, erected a new horse Stable. the practice of Dentist Bowes, of Owen Malcolm
#;.TPWM!* se necessary to bavo- an immense,, cam- in this respect.' Jessie.Alal d - 'Alift
AP40tot pw&iign fund, and this �an be most easily ton, and Otta�,wa College, Ottawa. Victory -Mr. James Miller, of the 3rd conce Sound, and iyill move to that town about b 'er$, Of
rested on the I banners of th . e latter, by a 11 - Kincardine, were visiting atAAlr Roh-
for the erec
squeezed from the benociaries of a of H Ilett, has let the contract sa'On December lat. His removal will necessitate Toth'.
rupt TIrE Farmers' Binder Twine Company, of tion of a new bank barn 50 by 70. a mimber of changes in the Methodist church ertson's last week. -We made a mistake
Brantford, of which Patron Stratford is a score of eight points to seven, the last point -Mrs. A. Knechtel, of Leslie, Michigan and Sabbath school, on account of the num- Rev. Air. Baugh, 6
SEAFORTH, FRI last week in calling
DAY, Nov. 23rd, 1894 system, I f
Wbat:a righteous gq")'rernment we have- member, has just declared a dividend of 10 being made within a few seconds of the call will visit friends for a few weeks in Ontal-io- erons offices he filled. Hisdenta office in Auburn, Mr. Ball. -Mrs. jOhn 34cIntosir.
per cent. This means. that the company of time. It was before returning home.- Brussels will not be losed. of -Moles-worth, is a
what. all the _pending a week with he'
exemplific 'ion of Christian made large profits greatest match ever relatives here. -The Beau. I�Aeal C A Great Victory. supplying twine to far- -Dr. J. W. Shaw of 0 -Mr. H. S. Gray,cof Ludington, played in Canada.,- linton, has been obipany
principles !
mers. According to Patron -ethics thik is appointed associate an gare a concert in the Methodist chure last
One of the severest political if coroner for the county , a son of Afr� Steplfen Gray, of Hul- Thursday ni ht. The c I
contests ever wrong. Nomanufacturer, supportedbyan of Huron. . He's getting there. fett, and a former pupil of Clinton Collegi- 9 ompany did not
- -----------
What's I Up ? wed to make ate Institute, has been elected prosecuting drapw a large audience. -
fought in Ontario was closed in London on unjust tariff, should 'be. allo AIR. PHILLirs THompso, a gentleman -It is stated that the friends of ex -Ree e Airs, Will. Ander-
Tuesda,y night last. This election was to I money out of the farmer. This protect'ed connected.with the labor orgicniza Stmehan are making an effort to have v attorney of Mason county, Michigan, oil the son, of the Blue -vale road The Goderich Star tions of hi visi, 41g in
re Republican ticket, after d'stiff election, by Southampton. -Miss Annie Wynn; was
Ing: P in
last week has the concern should, the fore, be looked into. Toronto, and a clever writer, - has a long r- Grey township for 1895. 69-7 of a majority. Air. Gray visitingin Brussels last week, -The
fill, the vacancy caused by the. retirement of follow- accepk-a nomination for the reeveshi
The above little bit of sarcasm is f rom the ticle in the Farmers' Sun - of s a young lisses
M ' r. Meredith from the representation of The members of Loyal'�Orange Lodge N_'o. 'last week, in -he cart and other articles stolen ti inan, fresh from the University, and has of Afoleswortb, spent� -ith
L Toronto Empire.. When the Patrons were lis ng -Sunday w
ondon in the Ontario Legislature. The 767, Gorrie which lie severely criticizes the Milita fall from James Huston's driving barn in only a short time.
purpose bol�ffing a grand dedi- been practisi Miss Bell& King.
worryin the Provin t, the College at Kingston, ry
candidates ivere7-Mr. Essery, Mayor of th6 rI( cial Governmen
catory service on F 'I _f t. is C rrently reported that r. John,
aT December 14th., at showing how the Grey, have never been. heard of by the
3 o'clock. Hon. N. C �4rke Wallace, Con- owner. u
city, and Mr. Hobbs, v Empire took great delight ih sickin Beacom will again make a (lash � for the Exeter.
who,was defeated by g them money of the Goverum
e troller . of . Customs, (4 nt is being wasted -The Chinese population of Clinton has Reeves oderich township, in oppo8j- ohn Hooper, -�ruron street,
Mr. Meredith in Jun lagit. The election $tnd Nilaster -and on, but now that the -Provincia elections in its maintenance, and very properly urges been increased by the presence of a c I ox, who is agy in in the field. is confined to his home tbroilgh illii�ss._
Sover a of British Am"p'' i a; Robert Bil tion to ltocf a
eig ric
nd Secretary, and 0, it is
- Wall Sing,who has come to help in the laun- , not anticipated by E'dward Shoul(lice, who 'was :mentioned ii,
was nxiously watched by politicians in all iningliam, of Toronto, Gr are over, and the Patrons are likely �o be; its abolition as a useless and wasteful insti ousin of hould he do a
parts of the Province. It resulted in a others will beln atterida4ce. In the eve a r sides of Sir John Thompson tution. ?\\But like a great many other dry business. some who profess to know, thut he will last week:'ii ExPOSITOR in the Exeter items
tho n in ille
to be opened by an- addr4
rty, MJoseph Brain- t ted for stealing goods iro I
pa ing a concert will be held-Jn the Town hall, er writers of his class, who profess independ- field, of Hallett, allowed atheir sympath � is not likely that there will be any opposi- John -MiiCs --carding mil
great victory for the Libera and his colleagues, this same Empire nev' -The neighbors of Mri make any better run than he did before. I as being arres
Hobbs having been elected b-
y over 800 in&-' 1, Eiketer, on the
I Master and the Grand Seibr(Aary. tion to -Mr. Sturdy for the deputy-r�evestiip. iii
jo-�ity. This isthe first time thatLon(Ton has a from the Grand lets slip an opportunity to give them a dig, "ence in'politics, and who, to emphasize that forber the other day by cutting and bally- May lait, was not a
and tries in every way to briiig ridicule independence, try to balance on the politi- ing her winter's supply of wood. Thomasheriden, son of ;omas Sheri. resident of Exeter, but of B
elected a Liberal to the Ontario Leos- Howard Cole, of Scio, den, of Morris Ansley; in the
The organization in HoWick must be out upon the organization. The above is a cal fence by abusing both the existing Harrison township, was elected as n Sc st w0ek's
of joint in some way, N� tow ship Gof McGi
bell it is found sample. Now, we ae not prepared to say Cal pafties, h PO,iti- County, Ohio, was visiting relatives in County Clerk of Montmorency CODII.ty, issue others have been arrested, by Deteeti
first v
al party, as A is an emphatic endorsa- 'one of the parties.
Liber, W vished mem e,
lb is especially gratifying to the nFecessary for two such d ting - irliether or not 10 per cent. doei a very grave injus- Brussils last week. as his isit to Michigan, by a neat inaiority over two other Ward, who are supposed- to k6w s0me-
is too large a tice to' This inju it w didates. Sheriiien. has been in that thing about the theft, as some �of the goods,
shment such as tha. very correctly lJointed out by the Sarnia tolen were found on their premises � last
tion of the Mowat administration, and gives ' 4prs of the Order as the Orand Master and dividend for an establi t stice is this locality. can
-Grand at Brantford to pay. But if it 'is, what Observer when it says tends building a large bank barn on his farm till ppears to hold good that fornier Can- week, and the d heir
S'6vereign of.British Anier�a,and the -.Thomas. McLauchlin, of lorris, in- locality for a number of years and the rule 8
the Government a clear majority in the Secretary, to attend prisoners w -ill A Stan
tsma'11gathering in A Vir. Phillips li miles north of Brussels. He will util- ucks don't ileed to take a back seat from, the trial in London this week. -
Leislature over other factio must have been the profits of the monopoly i�e
u1n, am Thompson makes a woeful mistake in -his as much of the' material in the old barn as, We wish done, Lon(l V best of them. Jadie X
t of these di4inguislied me 'Sun, when lie charges he can.
ns. W ell. Co try h et. By the ay, this will be which controlled the binder- twine business letter to the Farmers, r. heriden Howard lost his pocket book, which con -
on; the whole -Province owes it a the second visi S access. V
tained $180, on, Thursday last) �etweenl the
debt of graitude.- in- befo4e the Brantford and other similar man- the Mackenzie Goierninent with establish- -Dr. Blackall, of Clinton, has deliorned A large number of people assembled at Exeter foundry and the telepho
bers of the Order to this s�'- ne oc�._
over one thousand head of cattle during th e residence of Mr, J. Brownlee of Col- Large. numbers of tickets are- boing so,14 for
4.1nie point within afactories were started,'and. which was bol- ing the Military ColleggeatKingston. This past year, and has quitea.nuniber yette borne, oil Wednesday. Novein'
f Corruptioji. 'ever, hey came in the 0 ber 7tb. to the Organ recital which
takes Place atIthe
A Campaaign o the past four months. ThsOl last time, now- stered up and maintained by the tariff. It college was designed and adopted by the look after. witness the ma Of his only daughier, Trivitt Memorial church, Oil Thanksgi�ing
muent tbat -James Cuthill,"Morris, has arrived home Miss Maggie, to er. Albert Alitchell. The night. -Mr, Richard Davis Jos pre-
bonnic Scotland ceremony was performed b
O'onservative-con- Brantford, in conjunction with the similar ceded Mr. Mackenzie. r The full from his trip to safe and Rev. Alr. Ir- able horses by death on Thursd two
Judgin, by recent events, the Dominion plti,i,n, to atend the true colors, as was the Farmers' Binder Twine Company at Macdonald -Cartier 0ove
Governmeut has determined to inaugurate'a vention. It must be :eq'� convenient to ds for -it y
manufactory in connection with the Pro- w sound. Hehada, very pleasant ine, of Goderich. and Fri -
trip both v After partaking of a day last. -Fox hnting is now, t,
11 Of
ere Voted by Parliament before he came on the old -ocean and through the bills and, sumptuous repast the assembly tripped the the d4y.-The merry jingle of the Ste I igh
campaign of unblush-iti, corruption, rather have these gentlemen so deeply interested vincial Central Prison, that orde�
than give up the reins of power. In both institutions ; on broke up this into office, and the buildings were ill pro- da -les Of his Dative land. light fantastic till the wee su�a' hours. AVe bells co'uld 14e beard the beginnin
some innocent monopoly and reduced the price of twine by ces� of construction -fohf wish the newly married pair much of the
Some time a -,,,r people maybe fool The c
,o it was announced that a ish enoua% to believe that ollege was open- McEvoy, 8th line of Alorris, had joy in week. -The bakers in� this� -village ave ire -
the distinguished OJT 0
ers, headed by Sir C. H. Tup- 1pay be a o, about one-half, and this, no - doubt, is the ed during the term of theNiackenzie Gov- ver 3,000 bushels of turnips -off three -their wedded life. (lueed the price of bread to folit.,
party. of speak- visitors acres
_,cents per There were -138 heaped I -On Tuesday morning, November 6tb,
reason why the Empire speaks of it -so spite- ernment, and -there was no time between oads. This 101f.:'I'Vileat is selling t 5Q 'Cents el -
per, woulcl proceed to the Northwest, to deal more interested in - about 7 o'clock, a fire broke out in the bushelfoli our market. -M r. W,
ofitics than in fully. ' Bu its is big yield. He giq 2,500 bushels in one P
t, if the Government would re- Opening and the 'return of the Macdonald 0sley Snell,
1111cr up front of his
Orancreism. It is evident, ltpwever, that a move the duty on binder twine, as they Government to power, to decide as to its for many ship, which destroyed the barn and stables, butcher shop, which was shot last week iby
undo the mischief done by.Alr. Laurier, but 0 premises of Mr. M. Dean, Ashfield town- butcher has a deer li
the trip was abandoned, and recently Sir dead set is to be made or�11)r. McDonald, should do, the farmers would get it at a -Rev. Alexander MeXenzi( with their contents, this year's crop
years pastor of South Kinloss Presbyterian m& . king a loss of $1,000. There is &c. Mr- J. Eil ber, Crediton, - ill. C. R. Tapper, Hon. N. Clarke Wallace the present member for - E4� utility or inutility. The institution was church, (lied on Tuesday of ast week in nsur'- D. A. Rosis is visiting his brothe�, Huh, � at,
t Huron. e priceevenbelow what these opposinges- one of the legacies left to the Reform ad- Goderich, where he bad resided for some ance of 450 on the building and also an in- Winnipeg, who is Seriously �'N7_
ergeron and som has, no doubt, rendered him' tablisl�,'Ilents have reduced it to'. ministration by "its predecessors, time past. surance on the contents. Four horses were H. Verity, of Brantford, is visiti ' her 8;
Ron. Mr. Ouimet, Mr. B e 01f offensive to all'i
local the powers at Ottawa, bu
politicians wended tlieir way down to t and no
has earned
the respect and esteem of th 0 augemen of -W. L. IvIcQuarrie, teaoher in School in the stable and the ha 1119 On -
q r enzie
the Maritime provinces, evidenly deter blame should be attached to -Air. Mack' Iters had to be . cut in-law, lr, Thonls B. C
Howick. Bearing these t to let them out. I Mr. Dean has t Notes and Comments. Section No. 9 Morris, has been re-engaged lie sym- rumored that Mr. A. Q.-Bobier will' oppose 0 . ur
rnined' to. " fix " that part of the country so WO in connection with it.j'/ pathy of the community
points in mind The Outlook, of New York, in referring for 1895, at an advance over last year's in his loss present reeve, Mr. W. Bawden, 4t tile ll'�
that it would stay. Tactically the anustial zeal of -Wednesday afternoon of last' we eN,
this w M a Messes'. Wallace and salary. The trustees show their apprecia- k a inumelpa
tion e at Coanillor good move, for Manitoba, the orthwest Birmingham can easily be accounted for. to the results of the United.States elections SIR RrcHARD CARTNIRIC.HT follows out in of & good teacher. in eting of the patrons. of Br election. and tb
Territory and Sava : "The mo ussels , cheese B. Carling will*oppose W. G. Bissett for the
ral, of the' election is writ" South Oxford the very laudable course he -The other day, as Mr. James Stevens, of factory was held to discuss whether the dep ty's chair. -There was congMerable -o
British Columbia together -1 factory or the patrons should be the
near carrying some
liting Centre and South ment regarding the London bve-electioll
A New and Improved N. P. ' of the milk spoiled one day this fall by the in the villageo, Tuesday Bella
have only about a third of the number of large -so large that a professional politician, pursued while represe Clinton, was feed into a losers citell
tall oce ied by a colt, the animal became
Knoxonian," boiler plug blowing out. It was decided that Westeott has a chrysanthemum plant whi&
though he were a fool, need not err therein. Huron. He Pays big constituency periodical and crushed him against the
representatives that the aritime Provi ces frighten
n who always has some- Public conscience is a public force in goes around among the- pe�ple and side, hijuring one of his arms severely. the oss be shared half, by- the patrons. This carries 543 beautiful ilowers.-M . r- George
have, so that even. if the Grits cary every thing good to Say in' his corner of the Cana- America, The political manager must giving an accolln of his is quite a proper thing as Messrs. McLauch- Cudinore, who bas been sick for ion -le. time
holds meetings, McMillan, of Glodericb township,
one of them the Government will i'still be da Presbyterian, gives the ifollowing sug- reckon with it. , It may be and often is stewardship. In this way he keeps in touch has 400 bushels of wbite elephant potatoes lin'& Harris have the milk haulers to pay is able to be around agan._Son�a farme"
his constituents and acertains their which are monsters. Six of the veragela,Fge for the day in addition. The total loss on
safe, if it can hold the East. It would re- gestions, which, if followed out, would somnolent. It may- be and often is hood- with in this vicinity ba-veeveral loads,of t
uire a good deal of time and expense and create a revolution both in views on public questions, as he could not ones weighed I I pounds, and on a milk was $75. 1 8
Did scarcely fail to p The Woodstock cor- tuber touched.five pounds.
r0igion and in winked -for a time. But it cannot be safe- (to in any other way. ecombination to take up yet. -8nell Brothers, pac
considerable energy even. to go through- the politics, and co it Pays to attend properly to all orch- ers, have dissolved partnership. Ch
form of undoing Mr. L' roduce ly defied. ad the politician who diare- re pondent of the Globe says Sir Rich- -Mr. John Ta ard. This year James Speir, of Morris, has 8 11 continues the business.-M.r. Geor e
a beneficial result on the i-vockets and ' ard Cartiv i ht's series of meetings in South toba, wbo is in Clinton oil a visit, states had the following returns from De
aurier's work in the ards it, and depends on corruption, man- ylor, of Alinnedosa, Mani . his apple Samwell is visiting friend% in In 1�r
West and these forces can be used to beti,er patience of the. eople. He sa.;1 Oxford colricIfullded with a rousi Meeting at trees sold at the prices given ge soll this
P ys: agement, wiles, cunning, is sure, sooner or that he and his brother have this season 195 barrels week.
advantage in the East. In an address to miniter Norwich on Thursday night. Illfhese meet- sold 75 cars of cattle, and had the good wnter apples, $1.25, $243 ; 27 barrels fall
red apples, at $1, $27 ; 15 barrels for
As a starter, Mr. Foster has borrowed in divinity, delive' 9 a4(1 students of later, to be discovered, and absolutely sure, iligs, with the exception of Burford, far ex- fortune to make on every shipment. bome,at $1,
so Dr. when discovered, t' be defeated. The ceeded his most sanguin --One day lately, Dr. Moore and big $15 1092 bags, at 35c., $315 Fast Waw anosh.,
England $11,000,000, which he admits is 10 Parker said If we lyiied Ytof.p"a a our e expectations, and .70; 45 b
-28C , g12.60 ; 7 b
big. old friends have rallied brother, of Clinton, were riding in alight ags at _95C., $L Total A SAD CASE.
words -�we should use fenfer. of" Y American people will have none of him. around him -The.Goderich Sta I r of last,
wagon, when the reach broke, and both �335.05. Who says a good orchard doesn"
f1 be used mainly in need -ed. public works." lem Un- again, and are very sanguine of his pros week, says - One of the saddest e
dubtedly we should. A cent �ach on 6,11 The history of David B. Hill points the ects in this riding. At the meeting at were thro pay, after reading the above, t chronicled in this county Culmin V
wil out on the road, the doctor �and this re- aW in tho
8 How it wifl be used can be judged from the words over and above those act moral that is pointed by the political ;orwich a resolution was passedi 6ntbusias. sustaining a dislocation of suit in a poor year for apple growing. family of Air. Robert Alutcb, a
histories of Aaron Burr and Benjamin.F ticallyendorsin Sir Richard's course during blade -
remarks of the touring party in the East. would CA down some sermons 4hd speeches the shoulder welil known
until there would be scarcely 5"nything 'of 9 Alex. Buchan and highly respected farmer in East
Rece are soine samples. At Monckton th an, 17th concession, and WaVansli, on M
John Buchanan, 16th concession day night 1�8t. Rio
an, ging. elected Grey, have daughter Jessie,
at a dry dook, ge con- es are a more trust- tile electors to support him a' the Liberal Mr. Neff, the member recently let the contract for two two-story brick cot -
Sir C. H. Tupper old If the orators at an,4verag the�sion of Parliament, and pled on
ey them left. Butler. The church
t long to the Northwest Assembly from Moosomin fL Young woman of �,22 years.�
vention had to pay a small s'�m for each worthy ally, in a campaign, than the I tages on their rekpective farms. otim, and the historyf '�tbe cas4
them quite plainly that if th nominee at the coming Dom-AnIon elections.,' her of Mrs. R. J. Blackwell, of Messrs.
go �ome bank- liquor shops. Public conscience is a greater allows it to be the old an c
ey wanted that superfluous word,they "would is a brot was the vi
he pres- rapts. A tariff on useless w6rds would ruel 'story of
dock they, wauld have to support t Wingham, and Mr. Simpson, elect ed fro Coombs & MeNnald have the stone and seductio, under promise of I .
I ower than public corru- Red'Deer to the same Assembly, is a brot m brick work; `�R. G.- AV-il4on, Brussels, tile it
P ption. marri
eat (lovernment, for th Shorten up meetings of church, courts or Ne'Ws of the h- e, the
0 Liberal Policy was Week. abandonment by the betr "it' deatl
aver, and e
0 send some of the members into Insolvency. BREAD RIOT IN CarcAGo. carpenter work; Me ' I
er of - Afro. A. H. Musgrove, of Wingliam. ssrs. Bllai tyne & AA7'il- Of the Poor gfrl, probably ty her O*n liand
ne, Of retrenchuient, and that it was only -A large detail -A. E. Smith, of Halste ton, Brussels, furna es and iron work. Each to avoid the Shaine she
d & Scott�s bank, resid t about f4ce. Olf
Sessions of Parliament would - b4l wound up- In view of the frank declarations of Sir of police was called out at noon on Saturday Wingham,was lately called to Mount Forest ence will cos ' c $2,000 when the COUJ(l not
to quell a bread riot in the City hall.! Two Contract is completed. Alonday evening Mr. and Mrs. Match were,
from the Conservative party that public aid, in. a few' weeks if the members b" d to pay,, C. H. Tupper and his companions in, the by the death of his mother. It is only a short absent from bome,andtheir daughter Jessie,.
for such all institution could be looked for for verbiage at telegram rates. The oratori- hundred and fifty discharged employes of, time since 1r. Sinith's -Rev. T. J. Sabine of Rockwood, form
e ine
0 Pay a mill fo�, every ten - . - her �rothers,
!,nominated to oppOse'Hon. D. C. Frase' comptroller's office and '- dema Wiffilam. and Fred, retired, apparently in the
a the orators bad t o is " theorist" enough to believe in Such erly of Wait -on, susta� after spending
te- Maitime Provinces, the only way a, man the water department gathered abo6t th AnguSt last lie had a brother and nephew d a painful ace _the evening with
At ('uysboro, -Mr. James G. Forbes, - who i * cal end of a meetings would 134' cut. off i father died, and in
r,told Rig a nded 'the killed in a railroad accident near Brantford . dent at the funer%l of the late Thomas best of spirits; but a
t her!,
-y to pay them, turnip bee last week, and in t rmed the.hc�usehold and she was�
cople that since he had been selected as tariff on verbosity woud be. was no money in the treasur 'Walker. When near the York road school s6reams ala b011t midnigh
the p usele�ss words. What � a. (bles8" high -a thincr as Christianity, can continue to sup. wages due them. On being informed there -Mr. George Dale, of Hullett, . had a
port our Conservative Government, is b house the horse which he was driving allied
the Conservative Candidate, he had secured Look at the matter from anot4.'� point Of �Y tey became riotous. i 919t Several acres a passing xa found t ile effe
ew. Supposing'th failed ito check shutting his eyes and stopping up his ears. EARTHQUAKES. the evening the of a dose of strychnine. Dr. McLau tin, Ofi
-ernment, a. recognition of the -Southern Italy and Sicily young people had a dance, keeping Mr. Palmer, of Paris,. was with him, and Manchester, was summoned, -but
C from the Gox e tariff pulled wild housed ; in at t in, and ran into the fence. he throes of death from
1.. osity, what then? 8
of the Whitehead Canal, and that opiou J t* thi R. Baile furnished the I do'
y Mr.
ly into earthquake, and much damage done to pro- music. buggy. nothing. ' A coroner's inquest was %eld on'
the verb Then by dint of concentration he may be were badly shaken on Frida by llooks of until daylight Mr. it up both were thrown out of the
Money would flow e ;ie chure able to imagine a beautiful, virtuous Sabine fell on big bead,and W49 cut over the Wednesday by Dr. Milne, of Blyt�l under
is about completed, which is a boon to and the stAe treasury. A sessioni of Par- and perty.
also produce thousands for reven 9 would 9 o the mow in
that whole section of country. He bad liament three or four months I patriotic Z Conservative Government, and FrooD'S -One day lately as Mr. Arthur Spotton of left eye, bruised and shaken No serious the directiol'i 6f Mr. Lewis, who icted on
I -f ExcLAND.-Flo'od8 a' 0 1 re
6,11 re, doing Howick, was climbin tip int suits are anticipated. Mr. Palmer was 'belialf of tile
Elsecured fron-t the Minister of Public Works ue par, Oses., A vote for it, the vote of course being counted great damage in England.
general elect -ion would I for Sir Charles Tupper, Clarke Walace & high r jured. crown attorney, D�.S. MC -
g. money The Thames is his barn, the ladder gave way and he fell not, much in
rming �be poet,
oil Chronicl� says that Alex. mortem, examination, The dece
rted f 4ed had
been keeping company with a youtu
lishillf, of a harbor of ref age at St. Francis" postoffices and custom houses, and bridges, into hundreds of thousands of him around again, enjoying his usual health 10 rom home last Friday with
0 0 into the strong -box of the c-ountry o buila Company. College is flooded and closed. Tlid-damage sel7rath/er severely. We hope soon to see Choate Sta
11.,gratifyin- assi-tirances reaarding the estab e than at any time since 1819. Eton % 'Laughlin and Ferguson perfo
-er heavily on the barn floor, injuring him- -The Inger8'
Im-arbor, the repairincy of the pier at Oysier and nake many other. improve 4nt. will reach ad of household goods for -Mr. larsden, named John Fenton, a miller, and f1rom. he
I Bridges, etc., have been - washed man
In pounds.
reventle from� election yorbosity, uor in- awa
�,:Ponds, and the deepen-ing of tile i9t. Lvlary's ac
fact the The Advocate, ",organ of the liq -Just ai year ajo a pet pug, belonging to' of Goderich, leaving at 4 O'clo k in the 'correspondence iind 'a diary she hAd kept,
y, and crops and ha- h iss morning 6
taxe . at a fait, figure, night perhapo build a terests, -and the Templar," the prohibi- destroyed in all d districts. M . Marray, o Clinton, unaccountably tnd arriving at Goderich C at 5 p. In. it was found that, having a'cOnPli§':hed her,
railroad. We respectfully sugg.6st t�is got lost, and efforts to discover its where- on Saturda , the distance being about 75 ruin, lie bad grown tired of her, an
ver. He then referred, amid thunders c the flooTe y
tion organ, are having a Smart set-to just EDITOR DEAD.—Francis agnard, editor abouts failed. The other day, Vey much miles. The last three miles of the tripwere to marry her. 41 refused
'�al?Plallse, to the necessity of a railroad to souvee"of revenue to the att ti of the Figaro published at Paris, Fr�nce, to her joy and surprise, the d ade in 30 minute
Hon, George Enlas Foster M
'Guy�boro, a dail, eu I Fenton was, called " a
v fast of the now in regard to Messrs. - Walker & Sons, died last und�y. home. in as Mr. Choate had ness, and at first seemed disposed !,to dwenly
boat to Canso, and tbis Dominion li�nlster of andabogus cable re- Og came ement, give- hat lie would reach there at everything, but
8 Finande for' A tax' i on ver- the whisky distillers, LAcu MARKET BURNED. -The famous It had evidently been kept s' OSS q estion,�_,
�the extension Of the rai road from t1liny ace as a cord was attached to its' - c that hour after leaving Seaforth. The load, under skilf
Conlin n his word t
market at Nottin h -, Eng an ne' k. ul or
bosity might be aj better bing-for t4e coun- port, containing certain statistics said to 9 am I d, was 1), irn- Mr. , Archibald lie finally admitted the
to Country Harbor, and intimat
McLeod, of Ashfield including the, w wolel story;
ed try than a tax on the necessaries, or �ven on have been presented at a recent ed on Saturday morning. The loss is agon, was 5,000 pounds,and ainsgo that the deceased had told. him 'She i
plainly that while the Grovernment the luxuries of life. meeting of mated at150,000. sti- and father of ex -policeman J. K. McLeod everything went through without dam would commit saicide i
the British -Medical Association. Unfo- Lucknow, died- at big residence on Satur-' Air. Choat f he did not' marry
practically promised these improve- r- NrcirOLAS' CORONATrwN.-The co e gays the roads were in spleinagied her, and that he had'
tunately neither of these papers seems to be of Emperor Nicholas if. will ronation day, 10th inat., at the age of 77 years. The rde for nearlv the whole dis One time take
n 4 pack-
illem at all 1 9 Moscow next summer. take place in remains were interred in th rived home on Tuesd tance. He ar- age of strychnine from her and bu
mle it turned out the p t I Tuesday. ay. The mother of deceased bad onl
'��13nts to him, the couluty need not expect AT A conventio of South Wellin 'ton able to discuss -such matters at all dispas e Kinloss ceme
gore A SNUFF-BOX,,FOR THE DocToR.-Tbe zar r ioneer set- -Mr. James McFarlane. of tile 3r(I Con suspected that ailvtlling W y tiecelitly
rone 4
I - .71
buried in invective. ina jeweled snuff-liox -At nobii last Thursday the double frame Oil learnlpg
James Innes, M. P., the talented au4 genial rith her
meluber. Then Z�ir C. H. Taper tin NI r. sionately, but the arguments of both has given -Dr. Zachar Lt;er�'aon'd highly respected. cession of Stanley, who 'I as an enviable girl, and had determined as 7 the
s- Liberals held in Guelph last we k, I are He was a pi
iis Rae work. He said if the on which there is an enameled portrait o' , reputation as � stock raiser, hits just sold facts, to endeavor to secure
Meditor of the Guelph ercury, was oWected f building o posite Exchange hotel Wingham. all bol norable, 1
vere to saYl " We realize the need of these --.Alexander III. owned to Mr. John T. Dickson, of Goderich, one settlement with the young man, 4'at b
e -
for the fourtb time as the p�Lrty by-kilirs. James Johnston, Palmerston hearling rams, at a goo fore her intentions Could be carried 6ut, the
ca4didate , The more one considers the rebate sell Cleveland Ohio, on and occupied by D. Showers and H. Walton' it is a splendid animal.
eme COINVENTION.—At ' I of his fine a d figure
morning, the first session of the Mr. M. McEwen, li had fallen. The juri'return-
-ide them," they wout(,1 be was destroyed, together with anadjoining' of the same township, last week
-works, and Will do Our best"to Pro- atythe forth-comino, elections. The mina- worked by our Government, the more mon Friday hand of deat
emperance Union ed an open verdict that deceased Came tA)�
denounced' as tions were by ballot, and on the firsfballfat strong, Aoe8 it appear. It 1-s a direct. dis- Women's Christian T oil- building owned by J. Bell, Toronto. Co shipped
Pen, flaffrati-t and indecent corruiptionists, vention opened, with the 1�rgest attendance si - shearling ewes, two ewe lambs her death by poison administered N some
Mr. Innes received 80 votes out of a criininatio* tents saved. n
ri lamb to a Turnberry farrn�r. They one unknown, and so the 1
n agairist our farmers, our Store- in the history of the lon. The Session -On Sunday evening of la t week, as are Shropshires and are all first class aui- for the present. Intense indignati
the e6natituency and no one wou Id 101. He has already served three i er, Is, or keepers and our workmen. rat 3ad trageTy, rests
Pssible Un a d a
-0 more load motithed in his denunci But the dov- was devoted to the annual address of Pmai. Mr. J. C.,Stevenson, of Clinto'n", was oil his mal. Stanley fa�mera have established on is felt
dent FrAncee Willard and the reports of
&tions have -done �o'atthe expiration this ernment is going to make this all right by way lionie from church lie slipped towards the heartless -and cowardly wretch
ban the N P. for auvsboro (Mr. Fraser.) one, and the fa:t of his coil committees. on the a good name for the excellence of their who is the, c
untimely i
death, an t
espec for law
RSRY.-The Rev. Ed- broken at the ankle, both bones being frac- reen furnished Winglian, which is charaeteri#ie o
ity is the best evidence that he 'has Ferved money taken out of their pockets by that ward Beeclier-and wife, of Brookl n, cele- tured. It will unfortunately, lay filim. up with a little Canadians, e
-But it was their open and avowed poliev p(p ul sidewalk, and falling on his left leg, anse of the poor girl's
p ar- building public works for the people with THE 65TH ANNIVE it was stock.
provide needed Public works, as far
brated the 65th anniversary of their iple of months anyway. h soniething h
qe revenue enabled them. Government, while they slept, and which - mar- for a cot ligation on Wednesday of last would have met wit
ahis constituents faitlif ully. South W`0; Iling y f
to do; and they ton is a Grit hive, anel although riage last week, and the venerable A] rs. -The 10 lie bands of the citizens ike his
lade no secret *iat they had in the past -months-old son of Samuel Plain, o'clock be went do' section. of that
a .14beral they blamed the storekeepers and the im week, On Tuegday morning before seven deserts at t
Henry Ward Beecher dined with them. wn to Lower Townnd
Patron, or rather a Patron who ont agents for robbing them of. of Brussels, wawseated in a high chair the cut the heads off two chickens, put the bo- f
Ad would continue to improse taxes foi the plem: P. JAY is DEA
-was a Liberal, is also in the fiel , it o D. -H. J. Donohue, the othermorning and in attempti
urp sporting writer, whose nom de Dlume o ng to play dies in a covered basket and took them.
Ose. (Applause.) But under the latest is scareel probable that those w P. Jay is well known thro � f with a,dog overbalanced and fell against the home. Tha Hullett.
he ove, ca
-6their Chino-Jitpanese war, the eye. We hope the little fellow will basket, one of met at Londesboro on th
0 ughout t t evening when Mrs. (Ireen went - COUCIL
y h 4esire As things are progressing now in the using a serious burn on hiatace near , s H
Icy adopted by the Grits -freer trade as commercial freedom - will now turn' died at New York on the 16th inst to take the fowls out of the DOING. .-The ullett
s in England -if they came into power backs upon one who. bas so long and Sol it is only a question of STATUE UNVEILED.—A statue of 'the gn them was standinT traight u1$1 and it bop- ber, pursua e 155th of Xovelll-
permanent injgry from the accident. Irt to notice A by-law Was
waldsen, was unvef ed ped out at tile r: I t opportunity. It was read and assed appointini the TemRemncG
)astal and the place for -holding
The bird. was &live on
oceaa steamers, 4inprove bar- Wellington i Of course the unaccustomed he wanted a month in jail that be might �, re- Wednead y morning and would, no doubt of electors to nominate'-candi.
to Cent I man, claiming to bail from Exeter, Who attempt cro
lwdys, deepen caxWs, Subsidize cause,. asMr. Inne has done.. We f�ncy Christmas Park, New York,' It was erected by I to SeAbore, as
> de rai - to pro- both by tongue and en, championed �heir 'at Pekin. It will probably be before -Robert Wallace, an able bodied old quite lively -and appeared to -be making an
t Ony would th!�y not have money p�bly, time when the Japanese will dictate terms Danish sculptor, Thor at suffer no
on -Saturday at the, entrance
that South various Scandinvian societies in the c the
solneillin8t."ilike severity of the Chinese winter may tell on RIDvi-G BUFF.ALo DivEs. itY. ceive medical treatment, was given a, six be livin a dates for the offices of reev
e noF nel
iddings, etc bu they woul(,1 not be 9 yet, had 'lot A-fr. Green cut a littl' e and cou
)rs, bui d wharves, breakwaters�, public South Huron, in so much as th nin.4�tion the Japanese soldiers' -Buffalo po ce months' term by the Goderich Police Magis- e forlthe next year and in case -In llom
but we doubt if it made a general raid on the dives more of its neck off, from the effects re tha� the
most -ti f
ipta- will hinder their operations very much. it last Friday at midnight, and gathered in appreciate. rs Of people osed, then the elections will be lieldAn the,
.1 the ordinary ma- mount to dates are pro --
Collect enough to oi, able of a Liberal Convention is at of the city - trate, an overdose he apparently did not which it died. Large numbe o necessary number of candi 0
all election, and that the s0se- is not likely now that the European powers about 500 loose women.
inery of government without collecting it Owl
quent cle Mr. William Edgar, son of Mr. James 11 places, viz. Division No.
0 , Tem-
ction is little more than a THE LAST ONE. -Hon. Robert Charles Edgar, president of has been having a peranen I
rectly fr' inqpter will intervene, though it is stated , -East Wawanosh
om the people in the most o the Howick Insurance chapter of ae e liall, Kinburn, John Fowlerl depuyly
p- of fornl. that at- Winthrop, of Boston, the last of the leaa- cidents. One day lately a returning officer No. 2, school house
most an
as mediator. died on Friday night. go es McCallum fell from 6, T. ellans deput, urning officer -No.
essive and exasperating manner." y one of them is quite willing to act ers of the abolition movement of long a been making cheese at t e Ory, the barn, a distance of is use NO. Compmny, has for the Past few seasons little son of jail,
urning �Iyuty
hat r. BELOW ZERO. -A despatch from St. Paul dairy school in Guelph and did all he Could- McCallum officer ; No. 4, Foresters, all,
rruption, then we need never ex elegram says t and last winter took a course in the feet, but escaped with slight injury. James ret
lecent Tim TORONTO T 3, school ho
If this is. not opeal, flagrant and W h Walton fact the high beam in y ret
last Sunday, says - The firstgreat cold wave , sr., while chopping on Monday, Londesboro, A. IvAr
pect to see W. C. Noxon, who te The emocras have lost the to prepare himself for a good position, which last week, had the misfortune to turn -
'ch. The Conservative nominee naines a mporarily filled
aed to learn he h cut two officer; No. 5
as secured *for of his toes almost off and an , school house No. 5,. Wh ped so season. He has succeeded in seen other tabout -s which the people of after Mr. Cameron�s retirement, and " o loss than e, which is a much more serious about noon to -day, and the mercury dr+ next MacCool, deputy returning officer; No. 6.,
mber of Public work a itre ates
Position of Deputy Provincial Trea r sit 8 le at United -of the winter swept down Kni Manitoba we are pie oodynau deptIty re
the House of Representatives, but half off. There was or
rapiA� that at midnight it was a large factory at Culloden one _f
'in f.bp;,- �__i, 4- applicant for the n,*.%.;- +b. 1P _1J_ low zero rpl, 9 4-
0iboro believe would place money direct- was an usaccessful dy a little piece of the Temperanceli-11 T-
Ylv 8 rty holds the b ance of I a a , ave appeared over the Sole holding the two toes on. eriburo, George Snell I
northwest Canadi Wi He had the deputy returni& o cer;
an provinges on Sat I une,"some years ago to cut the great house No. 9, J. 1,,� ofli-
urd 'It make both butter eese. Theturn- toe of the same foot. We bear that B� cer. The foll
V 81 anU Lel-18 them he has re- tion when 'Air. Anderson was appointed, power. As only one-third of the Sell Brownsville Cheese Co 8 factories. He misfort No. 7, school
ate is evening, and had I ox deputy returnizig
Owing accounts were pa�seil
&I the characterist I ics out of the factory during the season of 1893 AnJerson fell and injured his knee badly, Al. Mains, re
Pairing three bridge8 ind'
s5i - Jose h, C'
i 1; 'Be I
-shelt for J. ra 2
and aigging grave,
.4ounts -were laid ovi�r unt
Prisoners! Aid Ass(
JThe account of members a
ffealth for services durini
.,,itted -to the councill an
report of thO work -of the I
wws read unit A
&Uiages from the fallowii
by dol
ag sheep ki
t werecon.aidered i
us ,
Bryant, 45.3.66
ford, for fo
Countil then. adjourned i
A Prominent I
lu its portrait gallery li
-Aels Post -gives an excelh
Thornais Str-whau) of Gre,
veil known resiAent, �ol
ves the following bi
will be read with
of Mr. Strachan's fri,
I[& the year . 1830, in f
del, Argy1feshire, Scotlam
was born,being the eldest-
8&enteen years after-. J
fanlily decided to try the
mted, at 'Galt, 00atario,
:father of the subject
-sketch, died in 1845. Ah
-the -Manch
ester of Ca
rented in Puslinch to -was!
iutil. they calne ta
sided X
the faH of 1853,,;- Five
Undou -the 3rd and 4#
taken up and three � men
havemi Abomet-herei
31T..:Strachau, lik�,_ thewi
-,&,ding that; it was not, go
slone, entered into a uta,
vith Miss Flora CamerA
-have seven children livins
,cipal Council. in the I
.8frachan �%s a finember,
_4xlpied for Several Xeai�
near Walton, Occupying -:
He afterward. vam tax, i
-,that waselected Reeve, z.
--with great aeceptatice for
-polities Mr. Strfeban is
several years was Presid
H Is's aN
a8j�l 4L
e a is adh
'either privaie
rni party-,
rian �church has 4
and. he has be6u
_5C UP rassels, for ov4I
i8trathan has also interes-
bath School work, beilag
the school Ineeting in I
'borhood until heueceptei
in the Sunday School nol
zschool. house. Jtzwt Hui
tute elected hini 1",resiftlel
successor to. the late Url
at present Mr. Strachfal�l
-the Upper Can -ads Bible �
-wellde�reloped t Pe of Ill,
level head unT thrift,3
ing and Saving, -so that tl
at has to a lare measure
Strachan.iS a vigorous up
-tally and physically, and
mees are b.y no me&ua end
-family, there still survix,4
And Mrs. James Ferguaw
'Simpa(yn, all Of Grey j
and Alexander are dec
former well known. men
-who was associated wit -1
.,of Brandon, Manitoba. '
;speak the Gaelic languag
Poultry X_
Tono.NTo. iYovember 11
have caused a dimbititio
�cefpts tro-day -were qui
prices firmer, especially
Selling from' -C 81�.
Chickens, choice, 20c, -an
:20c to 25c ; ducks, 40c t
to 8c, a -ad geese, 410 to �
British Grail
Lo.vDO.V, November 1.1
Express, in itsweekly ry
grain trade, sayw-�. Do
lish wheats haverisen 19
&I for ordinary. Forel.91,
6d . California cargoes a
toba hard. at 24s 9, ),
Corn is Is higher, an 1
and flour has risen 6d
have ruled firm. At to.,
'were maintained,
Live. Stodk
LivxRrOOL, NoVeln
5 IL a 0
'United States awl
�al !up p
fair and general , suppli
sharply higher. Pr6ts,:
at #C80 to the g. are
steers, 129 to 12c; 10-ood
11je; Poor to me(lium, 1
Qjeto 93fe -, inferiors,, So
J practicallyover, with nol
the remaining stes;mers.
mentswere made -at it -on
:21c. was bid f lamb
for '
morning, and that 9Z I
cation of how- things sts
rhost identical ,with I
EqAt End Abbattoir t
active demand for anyth
nion and inferior beef all
difficiilt to sell ateven t
they have been bringing
*?Od steers were sold at
Air. A- MAlette bough
.qe per lb ; pretty good.
Sje to 34,c, and half fat
to 3c per lb, while the 14
about2e Per lb. A few
as stockers froin 2je to,
for calves ranged 1� frou
4 hi L erQ Were PILY-ing
for, od large ishe
at fro 2;c to 3e per
.-at from 3ic to .3,je per I
-at froun 21e; to 3c per 11.
about 43�c per 1b,
1-5c swouger for zood.
;steady for fair to "i dim
�common Stock ; sale of
at Si. 1-5 to $5. 35 ; go<
-$4.75 to $5 -7 fair to me( :
$C65 ; light to good b,
to $4.145 to " 25 ; fa
A,17-5 ; mixed cowa and I
-common light, $2,;a5i to
to. $3 ; extra heavy, 1:
-cows stronger; stocket
t, A -25
,slow for ligh R.2.
Yorkers , $4.30 to
40 ; mixed pacoliers,
mediums, U 55 -to J%C L -
to $C75; roughs,
43.50. 8heep aunA
�oflerings were 25 cars oL
a portion of which
-U..% to $3.75. The
-12-75'to $3.25. The
-weak, With Over 11W*
rac Jea
there ' was p ti It
Slatt,edmark,e�s make
adian shippers should
gestion has lb)eeu T
in Western, Oatafta_-
'will result in &,-very
—Miss Maitland, asii
'wo4 has secured a,
-one of the Stratfo
wood people are SOrr.V
—Mr.:'George Ira, a
tending the North W "I
Ville, Illi
Inols, is 0
4r raauchurch at St riu�`
�25th both 5i
s5i - Jose h, C'
i 1; 'Be I
-shelt for J. ra 2
and aigging grave,
.4ounts -were laid ovi�r unt
Prisoners! Aid Ass(
JThe account of members a
ffealth for services durini
.,,itted -to the councill an
report of thO work -of the I
wws read unit A
&Uiages from the fallowii
by dol
ag sheep ki
t werecon.aidered i
us ,
Bryant, 45.3.66
ford, for fo
Countil then. adjourned i
A Prominent I
lu its portrait gallery li
-Aels Post -gives an excelh
Thornais Str-whau) of Gre,
veil known resiAent, �ol
ves the following bi
will be read with
of Mr. Strachan's fri,
I[& the year . 1830, in f
del, Argy1feshire, Scotlam
was born,being the eldest-
8&enteen years after-. J
fanlily decided to try the
mted, at 'Galt, 00atario,
:father of the subject
-sketch, died in 1845. Ah
-the -Manch
ester of Ca
rented in Puslinch to -was!
iutil. they calne ta
sided X
the faH of 1853,,;- Five
Undou -the 3rd and 4#
taken up and three � men
havemi Abomet-herei
31T..:Strachau, lik�,_ thewi
-,&,ding that; it was not, go
slone, entered into a uta,
vith Miss Flora CamerA
-have seven children livins
,cipal Council. in the I
.8frachan �%s a finember,
_4xlpied for Several Xeai�
near Walton, Occupying -:
He afterward. vam tax, i
-,that waselected Reeve, z.
--with great aeceptatice for
-polities Mr. Strfeban is
several years was Presid
H Is's aN
a8j�l 4L
e a is adh
'either privaie
rni party-,
rian �church has 4
and. he has be6u
_5C UP rassels, for ov4I
i8trathan has also interes-
bath School work, beilag
the school Ineeting in I
'borhood until heueceptei
in the Sunday School nol
zschool. house. Jtzwt Hui
tute elected hini 1",resiftlel
successor to. the late Url
at present Mr. Strachfal�l
-the Upper Can -ads Bible �
-wellde�reloped t Pe of Ill,
level head unT thrift,3
ing and Saving, -so that tl
at has to a lare measure
Strachan.iS a vigorous up
-tally and physically, and
mees are b.y no me&ua end
-family, there still survix,4
And Mrs. James Ferguaw
'Simpa(yn, all Of Grey j
and Alexander are dec
former well known. men
-who was associated wit -1
.,of Brandon, Manitoba. '
;speak the Gaelic languag
Poultry X_
Tono.NTo. iYovember 11
have caused a dimbititio
�cefpts tro-day -were qui
prices firmer, especially
Selling from' -C 81�.
Chickens, choice, 20c, -an
:20c to 25c ; ducks, 40c t
to 8c, a -ad geese, 410 to �
British Grail
Lo.vDO.V, November 1.1
Express, in itsweekly ry
grain trade, sayw-�. Do
lish wheats haverisen 19
&I for ordinary. Forel.91,
6d . California cargoes a
toba hard. at 24s 9, ),
Corn is Is higher, an 1
and flour has risen 6d
have ruled firm. At to.,
'were maintained,
Live. Stodk
LivxRrOOL, NoVeln
5 IL a 0
'United States awl
�al !up p
fair and general , suppli
sharply higher. Pr6ts,:
at #C80 to the g. are
steers, 129 to 12c; 10-ood
11je; Poor to me(lium, 1
Qjeto 93fe -, inferiors,, So
J practicallyover, with nol
the remaining stes;mers.
mentswere made -at it -on
:21c. was bid f lamb
for '
morning, and that 9Z I
cation of how- things sts
rhost identical ,with I
EqAt End Abbattoir t
active demand for anyth
nion and inferior beef all
difficiilt to sell ateven t
they have been bringing
*?Od steers were sold at
Air. A- MAlette bough
.qe per lb ; pretty good.
Sje to 34,c, and half fat
to 3c per lb, while the 14
about2e Per lb. A few
as stockers froin 2je to,
for calves ranged 1� frou
4 hi L erQ Were PILY-ing
for, od large ishe
at fro 2;c to 3e per
.-at from 3ic to .3,je per I
-at froun 21e; to 3c per 11.
about 43�c per 1b,
1-5c swouger for zood.
;steady for fair to "i dim
�common Stock ; sale of
at Si. 1-5 to $5. 35 ; go<
-$4.75 to $5 -7 fair to me( :
$C65 ; light to good b,
to $4.145 to " 25 ; fa
A,17-5 ; mixed cowa and I
-common light, $2,;a5i to
to. $3 ; extra heavy, 1:
-cows stronger; stocket
t, A -25
,slow for ligh R.2.
Yorkers , $4.30 to
40 ; mixed pacoliers,
mediums, U 55 -to J%C L -
to $C75; roughs,
43.50. 8heep aunA
�oflerings were 25 cars oL
a portion of which
-U..% to $3.75. The
-12-75'to $3.25. The
-weak, With Over 11W*
rac Jea
there ' was p ti It
Slatt,edmark,e�s make
adian shippers should
gestion has lb)eeu T
in Western, Oatafta_-
'will result in &,-very
—Miss Maitland, asii
'wo4 has secured a,
-one of the Stratfo
wood people are SOrr.V
—Mr.:'George Ira, a
tending the North W "I
Ville, Illi
Inols, is 0
4r raauchurch at St riu�`
�25th both 5i