The Huron Expositor, 1894-11-16, Page 8L .:..., - 7. . - � . � I . - -- -
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I -y. not be conversant with the modem
. . will be held in our church. The subject for Rev. R. Y. Thomson, formerly of Hensall, , eat type of his maker, @ndowed With know_-�, niA
Wilson's Cash Groc6ry.- '
. discussion will be " Our duty as Christian s and now lecturer on Old Testament -Jitqrj- I ledge( -iiiid ,bii4rata�%g,: & rrarid4 that 1s "I �Ciiustoms of Turkey, our visitor tells us that
. -, I - - .
� I — - , . .
, �,
U the place to get the be3t goods for the least Endeavorers to the church, to ourselves, to tore in Knox College, Toronto, is so ill %hat - ever apt"i 1-7- , _
iye and .4 d ctating consciencet. ,to- a good man reneives--two dollars a -month
snoney. We sell only1pr 9"k or trade and don't our follow men and to God." -Mr. Harry ,beT-wfll not, be able t6- Continue his 'college: " bhk with reas6ping powers. These facul- for the summer months, and girls get one
� � � I ge
� bave to eb&tge our bustotnei-i-something extra to Cresswell arrived from the West last week, duties for the present term and the college ties we posse,ss, and it is the duty of each dollar a month, harvest hands receiving 15
for goods the), do not get. Now Cutraut% -Rals I . i . .
4hge and Candied Peels. very fititIrmlity, nowtZe� looking hal and. hearty after bis summer's autli6rities have had to make temporary ar- honest, thinking man and.woman tq exercise, cents per day. They still out their grain
In ' -
stock, and at prices to suit the dull times. Tess.- devotion to ness. We believe it is'his rangements for the classes in his.: depart- those powqrs.which they possess. We should with a ]land sickle. The food of the peas
��Wi I I
'our Green, Black afid Japan, all new goods, at 253 intention t�' aFeud tfie winter at home.- ment.-The Women's Guild of St. Thomas study to know ourselves and to live aright,, as a rule, wheaten cakes, grapes,
per pound, sire the best value you can get anywbere. , a
Try our new Ceylon Tea at 40a per pouna, it is a Rev. Jamda' arswell, of Cookstown, took church are having an At Home this, Friday,,, it is our duty. The Bible says " man know and water. Whisky and tea are almost un-
- beatity, regular price 60c. Our Bourbon blend of charge of the Bible Society meeting on evening, at the residence' of Nrg. T. W. thyself." not that it has been known. The isexes are never permitted to
. .
Doffee, Is the very bes% in the market. We bay* re- Tuesday evening, in our church, in the ab-' Duncan, Goderich Street. From rumors we the privilege of some of us to� enjoy thef dance together, and, as a Lesult, maidens
ducAd the price of flour and will sell the beat for $1.60 sence of the Rev. J. B. Fraser, the regular have beard, -we judge it will be well attend'-- blessing of spirit Communion and inter- dance algood de,tI, but men very little. By
per 100 pounds and guarantee It equal to any In - An itinerant vendor of small *area, - ed and a most enjoyable a,fUir. There will, course, although they .are absent in body, request he danced a Turkish dance, the
- town. The highest price paid for 1rood butter, eggs agent; i . � 0
and poultry. Give us a call, we will. do, better for said to - hail from Clinton, made- her annual be a small admission fee and refre�,sbmentsl. -they are present in spirit. It is . not idle hands keeping time with the feet, tile in ve-
� - you than you can do anywhere else. All goods calls id the village this week. She has -the -Miss Allan of Toronto is at present a guest fancy nor foolish delusion. Seeing is be- . ment of the arms being graceful and resem- give satisfaction. usua�l accompaniment, rather a comely baby, at Ingleside. -Visa Agnes - Knox's recital on, lieving and experiencing is self conviction. bling the club swinging of our young Col -
0. WI:LSON, SeafoAh. 1 � which looks no older than three years ago December IRE, will give Seaforth people I have' never heard anything but pure legia-te Institute s6dents.
- 134-4 - Bank of Commerci Block. on its first roundsC-Tbe ,destitute .are so the only opportunity they are likely ever to thought, good teaching and wise unfoldment - qp--
� . numerous this fall that it looks as though a have of hearing this talented elocutionist. in divine truth, Whence cometh all this in- Hibbert.
. - - , liberal handed charity would be needed to In private lite she is Mrs. Charlton Black, telligenoe, We have gentlemen of talent FA r, �-% i LEA$ED.—Mr. Thomas Leemina
. - supply the demands of the deserving, but the wife of a professor in Harvard College,. allover the world who have earnestly in- has leased bis,farin, being west half 6f Lot
All - Sensible - People many are not such, as they are indigent not Cambridge, 1%lassachusetts,and it is extreme- vestigated this wonderful phenomena -of 25, Concession 11, Hibbert, containing 50
� -TRAVEIA BY THE- from necessity, but. because of their lazy, 13' improbable that she will again appear in spi , rit return. From the Queca-upon. the acres, to Mr. Samuel Hanna, for a term of
.& ,ay& ]R. thriftless, drunken habits. . Canada; in a public capacity. -There was throne to the most illiterate of fiel subjects three years.
_ _
C. W, 3p. 1%if 0 . enough snow on Wednesday to make fair- these truths are of a most profound study. ' - .
-For Information apply to- -THF, JA -RS . PROBLE'k.-A 'correspondent slipping about town and a good many eat- We find subjects of deep thought poured - . McKillop.
% J. S. JACKSON, Agent. Irom,Goderich offers the following solution ters anIt sieighs were out. -A company of forth through efiannels which �re utterly NoTu;.-IN-Ir. and Mrs.1 David Tyerman,
. I to tb!0- jars problem, which appears on the Scottish dancers and vocalists, said to be a *- e of themselves to even entertain ' i
. eig . Card -no's hall 1.1capal'I of Granton, and who were formerly resi-
� hth page of last week's paper: "They veri4ne one, will appear in the thought. I have beard some of the dents of .McKillop, visited friends on the
filled the, three gallon jar from .the eight on o � vember 21st'. ft contains among oth- most eloquent discourses delivered by those
C. A R. TICKETS, allonja�; ponred-the three gallons into th6' ersi, Piper Majoe Me -Gregor, lately out from .possessing a, very ordinary education, where 8th and 9th coticessions last week. -Mr.
. Ce gallon jar ; then refilled the three. gal- ,Scotland. who will, no doubt, sti'r the blood does it ori - inate ? " The Bible says " con- Robert Hannall has leased his farm, being
. 9
C. P. --R. TELEGRAPH, Ion jar, leaving two gallons in the largest of all good Scotchmen.-The Ladies' Aid of sider not what you shall gay. It is not you south half qf lot 26, concession 9, contain-
- .. " they the Metho,hat Church will bold their- anndal ing 50 acres, to his son-in-law, Mr. ffenry
. ar. Then from the three gallon jar that is speaking but the spirit that is with -
DOMINION EXPRESS CO 7 'poured twb gallons into the five gallon jar, I Thariksgiving entertainment and dinner on in you." God says " open your mouth and Wardep.-,A valuable collie dogy strayed
� filling the latter and leaving,one gallonin Thursday evening next. These annualgath- �it shall be" filled. " Then I would say. coil- last week f roin the premises of Moses Han-
- . .
I 4t�ffTELEPHONE 32. 1 14'D4 the former. Then they poured the five gal- er-ings have always been popular and pleas- demn not ,%�itbout investigating. C(Cast nah, Wintbrop.-Mr. Wm., Houghton, of
: Ions into the largest jar. They then poured ant I and this one promises to be no exception the mote out of your own eye then shalt Cromarty, is visiting his cousin, Thomas
& Co the one gallon 6oni the smallest jar into the to the rule. -Mir. William Pickard bas pur- then see clearly to assist your brotber." Leeming, of the 12th concession. -We are
N-'e`re`r'Q'�" Pickard e ,five gallon-. jar. There were then seven gal- - chased the residence of Mr. Thomas Downey 11 God has chosen the -weak of this world bear that Mrs. Robert Grieve is
ushes Ions in the largest and one gallon in the on Goderich Street anil will occupy it. He rich in faith and in knowledge." We are recovering from lier dangerous illness. -
They Can Fit 1,000 five gallon jar. -Refilling the three gallon � has made a good choice, as it is one ofthe living in tin age of progression and reason. The present Pleighing we are enjoying is re -
jar from the eight. gallon jar, and p3liring most pleasantly -situated aniii commodious Friend,pardon me for the privilege I take,as marked by our citizens as being the earliest
Mon and Boys to a nicety with Fall and winter the three gallons into the five gallon jar, residences in town. We hope our good, I felt it my duty to reply. -IV. POLLOCK. -yv-e have bad for a good many years. -A
they leave four gallons in the la�rgest jar and . friend aud his estimable family may be . -6 meeting of the shareholders and patrons of
SUITS AND OVERCOATS ha,ve also four gal -Ions in the miadle jar."- vouchsafed many happy years in their com- a Harlock. the Winthrop cheese factory will he held on
For Active Business . XOS. . I I fortable home. -Mrs. Cairns, who has been .' NOTES. -Mrs. Ashley, Who has been hold- the 28th No,rember, at one o'clock. -Mr.
I . here visiting her sister, Mrs. George Scott, ing meetings in the schoolhouse for some 1). Tyerman, formerly of this township, has
For Semi -Dress and -Evenimo, for . leased his 100 acre farm adjoining the vil-
. w CY ILLNESS OF REV. P.. Ttiomso�.-Tbe and other friends, left on Friday last time past, preached her farewell sermon oil lage of Granton. to Mr. James Foster for a
For School and Play Day following wbich,we take from the Toronto her home in Chicago. -This is the season �tbe evening of the 24th ult. She is a very term of five years. Mr. Foster pays an an -
All Occasions, All Seasons Empire of Wednesday, ,Will be of interest to of chrysanthemums, and we were shown, ' . . -
. � many of our readers: "The graduates and t .he other evening,- a magnificent . spec- line,, I . ,nice speaker. -Mr. H. - W. Allen intends nual rental of $250, pays taxes and does
!�ivion.g a house warining in the near f uture.
. e will regret to It waa grown in Philadelphia, and was one S statute labor. Judging from the state of
BEST QUALfTIES students of Knox Collei e of the farmers are having their the
PRICES ROCK BOTTOM learn that-lev. Dr- Thomson, who for the of a box sent to a. lady in Seaforth. The ' ' . cultivation of the land and the splendid
� , fingers nipped taking up turnips these cold
- . buildings'on the farm, Mr. Foster has �got a
PICKARD & CO. are right in Bight and goods are Zpast four years has held the chair of Old petals were pure white, so double as to give morrilligs.-Quite a number of our young bargain. .
0 A)aylight Goods, � N Testament literature and apologetics, is too almost the appearance of a ball, and it people took in the harvest home at Kinburn - -
. ill to continue' his labors as professor in measured fifteen inches in circumference.- on Thursday night last. They all speak of �
, See Our Wonderful $1 Pants— Knox. Three weeks ago a Mr. G. H. Gibb,' veterinary surgeon and having had a good time. Ethel.
. u .
trouble overcame him, &Q be was forced to dentist, has arrived in - town and opened I *— NOTES.—W. K. Whaley is home from
I WM. PICKARD & COS. go south for the winter at least. i There was 6ut an office in Dr. Campbell's old office, . Bayfield. � Avoubank.-The cold weather of the past
. - Bargain, Clothing and Dry Gooda House, a protracted �eetinT of the Knox College Main street. -Mr. D. Knechtel, of Chicago, � . week has hindered work on Mr. Eckmier's
I I t iscuss FECIALvalues in Tweeds and Pantin
Seaforth. senate -yesterday o - i the fillink of his was in town this week. He came over to f S gs new regidence.-New books were placed in
for cash, at H. F. Edwards. Come and get a now the Mechanics? Institute this week.�The
IM Place. It is �nderstood that Dr. Tbom- see his father, who died at:Brussels on Mon- Suit and save money. 14051
.. son had tendered his resignation, and that day, and remained until after the funeral.- BREEzY LOCALS. -During the time meet- Canadian Ordero'f Foresters have engaged
V : after four hours' discussion the sen�ate de- Miss A. Turnbull, daughter of Mr. Robert are being held by Re�' Mr. Oliphant, the Bemi Ideal Company to give an enter -
1 f ,w �� urou Tapav"'140'ro cided tolet"the matter stand in abeyance Turnbull, of McKillop, returned home a few ing . tainment in the Township QI on the 16th
tht X, - I viv at Mhel, service will be held Sundays in
�5 for the present. In the m,eantime Rev. Mr. days ago froin Banff, Northwest Tepritory, the morning,in the Methodist Church her, inst.-Mr. Fred Milne is home from Mus-
- - Ramsay, Mount Forest, has been appointed, Where she had been sojourning �seveir'al - koka.-Mr. James Menz�ps, a former resi-
- - 1, -Mr. James Fowlie, Mr. John Tippet and dent of this village, is paying his
� . to begin lectures after the new -'k�itr 'on Bi- months foe the J,)enefit of her health, We Mrs. Card have improved the appearance of many
DISTRICT MATTERS. - blical literature, and the balaii&i6f the are glad to learil that. Miss Turnbu*11's gen- - friends bereavisit. He lias charge of a
. - work, ap0legetics, to be, taken UP � lu` 'Re v. eral health has been very much I improved.- their dwellings by having them painted.- saw -mill in Muskoka at present. -Mr. C.
- � Lq§p week D. McDonald. A. Brown, E -
Rvs,vsv�t-ys.�There was a runaway on Mr. Duncan, Tottenham." Rev.Dr. �hom. A match was to have been played on the Baker, K. Murray, H. McLeod, James pol* Rupp has secured a position in a drug store
-� � - -11-ain Street c.In Tuesday that brought every- son and Rev. -Mr. Ramsay are both nati'ves University Lawn at Toronto, at 3.30 o?cIock lock, James Ferguson and W. Erwin ar- in Teeswater.-Mr. George Brew8ter wasin
of this county, and have been pastors of on Wednesday afternoon, between the re- our village last week.
body to the doors. A fine, heavy team, at- . rived home from Greenock. -On Wednes-
- � � congregations in Huron, Mr. Thomson at presentatives in Toronto of Seaforth, and ,day evening of last week, the annual meet- .0.
tached to a lumber wagon, and belonging Hensall and Mr. Ramsay at Londesboro. Galt respectively, but at half -past four no iDg of the Bible Society was held in - the Wingham.
to Mr. Gibbings of the Huron Road, west of one on either of the teams -had turned tip, Methodist church. An interesting address WAFTINGS.—Mr. S. A. McLean has sold
town, got frightened down near the station CHOICE TiMBERLANDS ANDFAnu LANDS and, consequently, there was no match. . Of was made by the agent, Rev. Dr. Frazer. his livery business in the north end of the
and started at full tear tip Main Street, nar- -FOIL SALE.—WPhave seveml good farm@, both cleared course, if they had played, Seaforth would
I � '
Xal m couple of rigs on the way. - Collectors were appointed and will- soon be town to Mr. William Golley, of Morris.-
. . and heavily timbered, being adjacent to Seafortb, have won. -Rev. Father Doherty, S. J., of
At the Royal hotel cortier one of the horses which we will sell. . The Estate of T. T. CoLzmA.*;. Montreal, delivered an excellent sermon on &roiind.-On Monday evei1ing, H. Kemp, The Guy Brothers'minstrel troupe played
fell, b4t gathered itself up and theywent IW-tf N F. Edwards, A. Peck and A. Erwin at- to a good house in the Town ball last
up the Huron Road at a moderate paee. FOR SALE. -Any, one wanting a good Sunday evening last, in St. James' church, tended Guy Brothers, Minstrels, at Clinton. Thursday evenin Their street parade
driver or wt;H-bred trotter esvi buy them right by in this town, before a -very large congrega- . 11,
'They were stopped about Mr. John Beattie's app]3,ing to the undersigni d. I have a number of tion, taking for his subject, " It is � ll�l -on Saturday last the infant son of Mr. was very good. , iss Houghton and pupils
y and Mrs. George Dewar was buried in Bay- - will give an entertainment in the Town hall
residence, no harm having been done. An- homes and wares of the very choicest breL ding -two and wholesome thought to' pray for the )
other lively runaw&y occurred on Wednes_ stallions w1kose breeding cannot be beaten in the dead." The reverend gentleman stopped off field cemetery. -Donaldson's ,sam and Chop- next,week.-Rev. Dr. Griffin, of Toront(,
.1 world, and two ponies, any of whioh can be bought � . I
day. A driving mare belonging to Mr. I . ' mill is in f till blast. preached in the Methodist church on Sun -
M cheap 'The proper time to bay is when the price Is here on his way home, lia.ving been conduct- ping — . day last. -Mr. Dan Calder, who has been
Wilson of Seaforth, u set the who was lowest. E. C. COLEMAN, Seaturth. 140 tf ing special religious services in the Brus- . here for the past year, has gone to Kincar-
drivina, her out of We cart 'a"OZ 'came � . . � Brucefteld.
P up NEw Fur Caps, Collars, Cuffs and Muffs, sers -mission during the week previous, and t dine, where he has secured a situation.-
Alain Street a -bumming. . She ran down the alsi latest Stj led in IAdie8'Cloth Jackets &tHOFY31A,X thus afforded his many admirers here an- NOTES. -Rev. J. B. Fraser,M. P., preach- Mr. Frank Seli, who has been with Mr.
Hurou road and turned in at her own stable & C0i- - 1405-1 other opportunity of lifftening to his elo- ed on Sabbath last in Union chuteb. In the Laird, barber, for some time past, has goiie
withcrut doing any damage either to herself HOUSE TO RMNT.-A comfortable resi- quence and logic. � afternoon he addressed a congregation in to Toronto. -Miss Carrie .MeDonald of
or to the cart. dence, near Goderich street, containing 4even roomd. .;'the Methodist church, Where h'e' set forth I
i --* Apply to C. W. P-ALPaT, Sesfortb. 1405-tt —41 I � the claims of the Bible Society, asking the Clinton Model school, spent Sunday at
: � home. -Miss Hall, one of the teachers in
Tim WEATHEu.-Sleiallinc, has come un- BARGAENS I,--, LADIES' COATS.—We have PRESBYTERY OF RuRox.-The Presbytery prayers, sympathy and liberality of the peo-
05 C) just received into stock a big lot of Ladies'Three met in Clinton on the 13th inst. Rev. the Public school nere, is at present home
usually early this year. There has been ple towards this society, so long engaged in in Blenheim. Miss Nellie Gray is teaching
sleic,himr since Friday last to the South, al- Quarter Coats, bought at a big bargain.. 1405-2 Messrs. Ross, of Brussels, and Davidson, .sending out tile Word of God. -Mrs. 'bavid
0 C? � LADIES in need of a coat will find this a late of Wroxeter,being present, were invited during her absence. -A new clothin store
- thouali to the North there has not, come Hay attended the f tineral of her father on
C% rare ol portdnity for securing a nice garment in the has been opened in the Tamlyn block by
enough snow to make a sleigh , slip easily. -very latest styles at wholeaal a prices. W.".. PicKARD to sit as corresponding members. The Sabbath last in Grey township. -Mr. Proud- Mr. Robertson' of Hamilton. -Mr. George
Many of.the farmers have not yet got their, & co. . 140-2 treasurer's book was audited and certified foot and family have gone to Algoma to re- '
-turnips up, and if a warra spell does not SPECIALITIES. — We� are showing some as founa correct. Messrs. Sbaw,and Mar- side. . They have taken up land near the McKenzie has started to pack pork.
� come soon may bare to leave them in the Ppe,)ial lines in over -coating of splendid v jue, both tin wai-e appointed to address the annual Sault. We wish them success in their new 0
. 'a
ground till- spring. Twenty-six years ago � in Frieze and Deavei, which are taking the lead. meeting of the Woman's Pres�yterial SO- home. -Mr. Roderick .McLeod has gone to Wroxeter.
this fall snow ca.�ie on October 26th, and Also our stock of Fall And Winter Tweeds for Gent's ciety of Foreign Missions, in January. The North Carolina to spend the winter months. Lo(...%L NoTEs.-Miss Lottie E�rawii leaves
I t wearia full. We make up anything in'tho tailoring Finance Comt�ittee-subniitted the estimate -Mr. Robert Murdock has rn�ved into Mr.
mmver left until April, there )eing U111108 line and guarantee perfect satialac-tion. Show rooms ' i ' this week to attend the Toronto Conserva-
Continuous steighing.' Apples froze- on the up stairs over Good is Store. STARK BROS . 1405.2 of expenditure for the ensuing year, show- Scott's house, lately vacated by Mr. Proud- tory of inusic. She will be much missed
- I 0 ing that it rate of ten cents per family would foot. -
I trees and turnips and potatoes on many RICHARDSON & Mdl-vsis have the lar'gest be required to meet all expenses of the, ' BIBLE SOCIETY 1%1EETING.—The annual by local choirs. —Mr. W. R. Thompsov,. of
. farms were not got up at all that year. This and choicest range of Felt Go.)d8 In town. 1405-1 Presbytery. The Committee was author- meeting of the Brucefield Branch of the Up- Te"water, was in town last week, shipping
. year, the snow was just two weeks later, READ Good Brothers' advertisement on ized to raise the amount in the usual way. per Canada Bible Society, was held on Fri. a part of -the large stock of lumber he holds
aild it is not likely to stay, although it is prtga 6. Only a very short time to d spose of a v -
� . ery The Assembly's remit in re -'graduati � C. here.—Mr. Andrew Brown, for many years
hardly safe to prophesy -very confidently big stock of first-class Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, ng day evening, November 9th, in the M tho-
� 0 foreman at Gibson's -saw mill, has secured
concerning Ontario weather. The weather- overshoes, &c., at great b trgains. 1405-1 students, and ministers received fro"' dist church, Brucefield. The evening was a. situation as engineer of the Teeswater
-wise, however say, that winter never finaIly . —0 -- - other churches, requirillg that,- they give very inclement and the attendance small. electric light and water works. Mr. Brown
-4;cts in I until the swaitips are filled with L6CAL BRiEFS.—Mr.- James A. Anderson one y'eDx's service in the mission field before The agent, Rev. J. B. Fraser, with the con- is a trustworthy and capable man, and
started �ut about eight o'clock oil Friday being eligible for a call, was approved of " .
water. 4 this is correct, we may expect I sent of the meeting, postponed his address carries with him the best.wisbe8 of his
I .%it opemr spell yet, as there is very little morninglast witliguti and bound i sintpliciter. Rev. Mr. Cockburn, of Paris, till Sabbath afternoon at 3 p.m. The fol- friends.—Rev. John AlcNab, of Lucknow,
er .�, �of a fox. He returned about eleven 0�= representing the Committee on alwmenta-' lowing are the officers elected for the ensu- occupif
wat ip the swamps. 6 t ie proud possessor of the game. The bound tion, --was present. and heard, settin A the pulpit of the .Presbyterian
; � I —# ., J ng year: PresideDt,'George Walker ; vice- church last Sabbath. M8 addiesses, morn-
I D114POSING OF A QrrLT.—There was a very tan the fox olit of a bush behind the Irish. the claims of said fund on all our congrega-; Presidents, Resident- Ministers ; Secretary- ' nd evening, were very muA appreci-
I pleasant little gathering beld at the roorns town'church and Mr. Anderson shot it as it tions, and the- amount expected from this Treasurer, George Baird, 8r. Committee 'antgeda—Wroxei�r is lucky in having one of
I . I
� was running across an open field.—Mr. Ed. .�resbyter , viz., $700 for the Current year., S, Pollock, George Hart and James M ' .
. of the Young Men's Ultristiari Assooiation in Mr. John Dodds returned �M - c the beat bakery establishments in the coun-
. `� this town on Wednesday eveninu. Various Hinchley and I r. Co2urn was thanked for -bis address; Donald. The following resolutionwas also try, and for sweet bread our baker, Mr. W.
� 0 . frout Muskoka on Friday last. They had an and -the matter referred to the Home M' 'meeting held on the all- H. Kerr, cannot be beaten.—The cold
, games were indulcred in and a very ls� passed. That this
i 0 . enJoy- enjoyable time and took home with them sion Committee with the hope that tb said I
I able literary and musical programme carried e niver8ary of the death of Rev. J. H. Sinip- weather of the last few days has greatly in-
I I . eight deer.—Mr. William McKay, who has amount be raised by the congregations of son 'remembers with gratitude the services -
out before 6oiaing to the particular business been for eight years head Engineer in O,c,,il- the Presbytery.—The repoft' on Sabbatdi � teffered with the taking up of 'turnips by
of tile evening, which was to -vote. on the vie's ;�illl in this town, left on Tuesday last Schools was submitted by Mr. Acheson, he rendered to this Branch of the Upper the farmers of this neighborhood.
.disposal of a very pretty autograph quilt I for Amherst. Nova'S'cotia. Mr. McKay has recommendint. that a Conference on Sab- Canada Bible Society and -desires to thank - . .
i I which had been mado'by 11drs. Charle's Low- N . the Great Master for the good lie was enab-
. . made an ena ement with the Robb Engine bath Schools e held oil Monday afternoon led to accomplish in his brief but active Ber- . . Constance. I
. rie for LIL e benefit'of the Association. This plag.
11vilt is" a handsome piece of workinall-, Company and will have charge of their Onta- and e'v`ening,�Jitnuary 14th, in Carmel Pres- vice, and that -a copy of this resolution be LOC�tL AFFAIRS.—The Methodists of Kin::
I ship and, was greatly admired by o;1I -%%-lie rio business. His family will, however, re- byterian Church, Hensall, the programme sent to the widow, Mrs. J. H. Simpson. bum and vicinity are rejpicing over the
a.w- i . main here in the mean time. . Mr. McKay to be prepared by the Committee. �Tbe 10— grand success attending their efforts during
s -t. It contains a6aut two hundred names, has few superiors as an enpineeri and the recommendation. was adopted. - Dootiments � � the opening of their new church. From the
- The idea of Mr. Keu,lp, the hard working ( Farquhar.
1're8ident of the Association, was to don 0 Robb company have been ortunate in se- were read showing the amounts appointed � dinner and social the receipts were about
ate curing his services, altholigh we regret that 'to this Presbytery fcir Home Missions, PRACTICAL SYMPATHY. —Messrs. S. Camp- $1,30, and on Thursday the Rev, Mr. Will -
it to some hospital or other public institu- 1� bell, A. Turnbull and D. Hay, of this place,
. I tion, but the majority of those present his engagement will be the means of takin $2,1550, and for augmentation $700 . for this iamson sueckeded in raising enough by sub.
� � him from Seaforth. His successor at O'gy year. It is hoped that this sum stated be waited on Mr. John Tucker lost week, and .
thought a coalition quilt would be just as in the name �.of his neighbors and acquain- Scri tion to more than pay the whole debt
useful in such tin institution and that tfils vie's will be Mr. John Gillespie, and Mr. realized.. The attention of the congregla- tances, presented him with an address and oil IC church. The organ which the young
- - Kemp is fortunate in having in his employ tions of Leeburn and Union Church was ' people bought for the church is a great im-
one should be presented. to Mr. Kemp as a so good a man to take his place. —A meet- -called at the request of the -Committee on a roll of bills amounting to $204. as LL token . .
einento of his lont, connection- with and provement on the old one and reflects great
111' 0 1 Of course of the Creditors of Mr. J. W. Tyerman augmentation, to the n6eessity of increasing of the iespect in which he is held in the., credit on the purchasing committee. It wu
faithful work':in the Association. ing community. Mr. Tucker, it will be remem-
+h �+ 0; 11 1111 A 11;- #.I A; Will be held at Mr. J. C. Smith's banking the stipend of their pastor by $50, in order . . � . furnished bv Messrs. ,Scott Brothers of Sea.
�� I -1.J- I . . - — I — — �- bered, et with a very - serious accident a
� . o ce, Seaforth, to. day, Friday, at 2 o'clock. that the Assemb fund may be relieved forth. —The funeral sermon of the late Mr.
I- . . persed after having spent an exceedingly Mr. Tyerman, it was said, bad gone to Sault to that extent. '�h`e next regular meeting' abort time ago, and !t'his very practical
�� -� Stephenson will be preached in tile Method.
pleasant evening. - Ste. Marie, but lie returned oil Wednesday of Presbytery is to be held in Carmel Pres- method.of showing him s'yn,lpathy must be
. �— 9 -- - - . , I ,'- as aratifvino to him as -it is creditable to ist church at 2.30 p. in. next Sabbath.— We
. .'"d ;.i-.;. b� .A �.. -1 4. .11 U .1 nL L I
. Et.iioNi,)virj,E N(rri,s—Mr. Fleuracheittz,
r 8 .... "
made so that th� estate will pay a good
yLer an tire , jaensall,. on the .15th of
January, at 10.30 o'c1lock 4. in.
the heads and hearts of the donors. In
' 'Mr.
are pleased to see that Mrs, John Staples,
wife of our worthy merchant, is so far re
who has been in failing bealth for some
dividend.—Low as the'price of horses is at
this. connection we may say that Tucker
covered as to be around again.—It is with
thae, is, we regret to note, now confined to
the -present time,, a great number are being
wishes, through its, to express his heartfelt
deep regret that we hear of the continued
lwrl. He reactied the great age of 8,3
shipped from this an d other points in the
POSITOR,�Frolll the woman, or " Fortune
thanks to his neighbors and friends, gener-
illness of Mr. Allan Farnham." slight
- years, and no wonder the vital forces are be-
colinty. It is sa�id that there are several
Teller," as you have been pleased to name
ally, for the very great kindness they have
hopes are entertained for his recovery. —Mr.
� ginning to give xvivy.—Onc day last week-,
thousand dollars mouthly p#id. out for hor-.
-me in your column before the public.
shown; him during his illness. He fee's
F. -H. Schoales left here last Wednesday on a
I ,'5Tr..Wn-,1, Eberhard -Cs nei,ghbors, with their
te,uns, to the number of twenty-six,
sea here.—Mr. R. S. Hays, barrister, has
leased the brick
Friend, I as a medium, controll d b spirit
deeply indebted to thern, and lie wishes to
state that although he can never be its
trip to Algoma. He expects to be awa
reisidence belonging -to the
forces, and subject to spirit inteDifigence,
about two weeks.—The sad news reachel
ed at his newly parchased farm, and turned
estate of the late Mrs. Clarke, on John
- wish to say that as an instrument of ,unseen
as before the accident, he hopes soon to be
here on Tuesday that Mr. Robert 07. Hall,
over- abollt twenty-five acres of sod.,.Mr.
Street and will soon occti& it.—The Anui-
force.%, I simply convey their intelli !fence
out amongst them once more. �
son of the late Mrs. Hall, of Kinburn, had
Pearson, who has been recruiting his health
dltrin* the past year and a lialf in. thi's 'vi-
versary services in connection with the
Presbyterian church -in this town, 'will be-
and presence to triends which st I
main on the earth I do not them
� —*
been killed in Toledo on Monday. —The prin-
cinity: left on his return to Scotland oil
.? � -
lield about the 16th of December, 6n which
plane. ask
to believe, just simply acknowledge what
LOCALS.—At the sale of Mr. Samuel Parr,
cipal business before the meeting of G,00d
Templars last Wednesday evening', was the
- . Thursil,%Y of last,week. He is it brother of
Mrs. it, M, Chesney, Sr., and'Mrs. Henry
occasion in addition to the Sabbath servi-
ces an old fashioned tea meeting will be held
they know to be correct. Truth is immort-
al and cannot perish error is mortal
held last week, good prices were realized.'
election of officers for the ensuing. term, and
Cheinc.y, the fortner of whom acconT-pitnied.
on the'lNionday evening. An effort is being
; and
cannot live. To be honest with (Iod we
The implements especially sold well.—Mr.
John Mowbray's sale was well attended, and
the installation will take place next meeting .
Cuu-ncH OPE.%aNu.—The new Methodist
libil, as hir as Hitrailton. Mr. I"carson. i§ a
� .
gental, w-bole-sauled gentleman, who will be
made to secure the services of Rev. Princi-
pal Grant, ThomasRus-
must'be honest with ourselves; " All honest
prices were very fair. Mr. George Kirkb y
church at Kinburn was formally opened on
� 1111tich missed- bv relative8 anj a host of
sell, of Riverside Stock Farm, Usborne,'has
manistbe noblestwork of Now,
Mr. �,'ditor, you term it I I Fortune Telli 3)
was auctioneer'ru both instances, and got
Tlitirsd�� of last week. Services were coia'-
friends, 111ade duringr his visit. But, while
purchased a number of very fine thorobred
What do we'infer from this? --What d'loes
every shilling out of the stuff that it was
for a salesman to get.—The cold
in the afternoon,. at 2 o'clock, by
Rev. Dri. Williamson, of Ingersoll, and
regrettinu his departure, all are gratified at
. t�l
the improvement in his bealth, and -will fol-
Leicester sheep froniAlr. Neil McDonald of
Morris. He Mr.,McDonald here
your Bible say ? We read, " God .gave to
possible 0
-pinches badly, following so closely as it does
after an able discourse, taking for his text
low him with their best Avislics for its con-
niet �, on
Friday with the sheep and took them home.
his people gifts, to some lie gave the gift of
hearing, to some seeing, to. others divers
on the beautiful October weather.—Stimore
" Faith," announced that the new ed fice,
. i
- tinliance.—Mr. Santuel '.KcGeocli hits moved
-IN -Ir. Huah'Robb has been appointed local
kinds of tougues, to other .9 the gift of proph-
Brothers are, reparing material for the pur-
% p
pose of bi ding -a barn in the near future,
with sheds complete, had cost $3,825 ; and
here the Reverend gentleman expressed his
I into the pretuises vacated by Mr. A, C.
Vaill�"gilloxld, alid INIr. Crich, front town,
agent for §eaforth and vicinity, for the Con,-
federation Life Insurance
esy, and to others gifts of healing, all by-
We are pleased to notice the apparent pros-
surpriBe that such' a handsomle strii"eture
will occupy 'the house belonging to Mr. T.
- 0 im
company. The
con-tpany could not have got a better man to,
the same spirit, and that spiroit is (,'-od,
eternal, everlasting,. omnipotent, all wise
perity of the young ]ads referred to.—Our
friend, Mr. William Rae'. who
should have been erected for so reasonable
a s`um.� Of this amount V2,600 bad been
Hills, which Mr. Natc(,',eoch vaca,ted. Dwel-
lia,gs do not long mniain. empty in this A-il-
look after th eir business. --Mr. D. D. Wilso n- -
is making large shipments of eggs to the old
and all powerful, in whose' life we live,
whose breath we' breathe,who is infiDite
young ) was
very ill for a fortnight, has, we are pleased
se -
cured by cash and subscription. He then
lag e. —Mr. R. Stewart received the very sad
couittry just'now. We hope be Will find a
beyond comprehension, indescribable. Do
to say, recovered nicely. Mr. Rae is teach.
er in Section, No. 9, McKillop. He has
called for subscriptions to pay off the entire
debt. The Ladies'Aid ,Society responded
news On, la"it of the death of his Son-
- - '
. � in -lam, Mr. Peter Knight, of Nlanxitoba. Up
(rood inarket.-7there was to have been
ineeting of Council last,Monday night, but
we for it moment doubt'the gi'eat architect
of this universe ? His laws
been engaued at the same, school as teacher
by reducing it $200, and the congregation,
� tu a short time ago INIr. Knight was it
h", IthN � '�'
as tile 0 1
re was no quortim, no meeting ,was
axe uncha ilge-
able and perfect in all their ways. There-
for next year, and -is highly esteeined by his
pupils and their parents. — The Misses
following the noble example, Dr.
son announced that they had i ore than
I strong, - 111fut, but a relapse, af ter a
�. C,
'Partial recovery from all attack of typboid
held. How is this, gentlemen ? and so near
election time too. ----:'f he infant daughter of
fore, what once existed stil x -i t . If
.1 e 8 8 these
things were true in Bibld tinies,,why do thoy
Minna and Millie Stanzel have gone to Lon-
don, they intend
enough to meet the demand. - In the even -
fever, was too much for hi '
s vigorolis Con-
stitution. He leaves a widow three'
.Mr. .S. T. Holtnes, who has been in declin-
not exist now. It is the same G'od and the
where to work during the
winter. Their employer will find them
ing a dinner was served by the ladies in the
basement of the church, the fact of this taking
I young children—two of whoyn are prostrated
ing health for, the past four months, is now -
very low with little hopes for recovery.—
same'law. -God's laws do not change ; then
why condemn that law which bri ngs. us closer
amiable, industrious and trustworthy young,
place in Kinburn is sufficient evidence that
t 'With the san,ie discaseL to niourn the irre-
1. - -ing liu,
pvidAe loss of it loi � , iband and father.
We -much regret to hear of the death of Mr.
John N. Kneclitel, of Bru8selg,
to that infinite mind ; that Jaw of spirit-
women.—One wet day recently two ped-
dlers of small wares, one a native of Scot-
the viands provided were all. that could be
desired. Addresses were afterwards deliver -
. I
--The Christian Endeavor tneethig, instead
and'father of
Mr. V. Knechtel of this town. Mr Knech-
communion. Those friends -�,ho existed on
eurtb, still exist in spirit life.� There is no
land, and the other of Turkey, ,.ran a race
ed bya nuniber of visiting clergymen. Dedi.
. of the regular cluirch service on Sabbath
. evening last, was well attended,
tel died on Monday ; lie was 72 year*s of age.
death, as our friends one�by one lay off this
for patronage, on the Leadbury line, with
, the advantage sliglitly in favor of the Turk.
cation services were conducted on the fol-
lowing Sabbath at 10.30 a. in., 2.30
� in und all
: .- . present ,seemed deeply inter:%ted in the
I - -proceedings.
He was one of nature's noblemen, and one
of his chief aims'in life seemed to be to do
mortal which is perishable and of the earth,
therefore inust return to the earth from -
They pulled tip suddenly at the cabin- of
6.30 p. m. lArge congregations attended
1, Next Tuesday evening a union
. . ineeting 0
good to his fellow men.—Many of our read-
whence it was taken and the spirit returns
your correspondent, and tarried until- the
each service. The procee(le, collections in-
of the town societi
� es aQ our own
ers will regret to learn that owi '
ng to illness
to life everlasting. Alan, which is the high-
following morning. For the information of
n .
cluded, amou ted to lipwards 00150. At
- . I
- . T
- I
. I
I .
the young readers EXPOSITOR, who
the close of the evening service, on Sab-
. I
I . .
. �
� ;I
. I
. . - .
I .
I .
I . -
- .
. I
. .1 I
��` , I �
� I . I .
� - �
. . . I
I �
- �
.. �
. I
. - . I
. ,
� . I
. I -
. I .
- -
.� . .
I .
. I
I � . I
. I .
I 11 . � � � . I - I I - I - . . �
I -1 , ... .... — - �11
- , 1-1 . - -- -1.1 I I I . 11- .!
�----- . " . � —
N 0 V. E MR- EVA R I L - 69 11894.,
1 .
. — .
. -- -
- .
bath- last, Rev. Mr. Fair, pastor of the 6461U I 17
. ,
church, in announcing special . services neift FRIPAY, Uve - ULLIM, Isk �
. I - ' .
%r.'6V.ftt.h in in meinoty of the late Fatber I �
P. .1
Stephenson, paid a tribote of. respect to the
departed, who, during the summer, took a
marked interest in the progress of the new
building, laying, the- coLmer ,stone on the
21st of June last, in company with Mrs.
Wm. Snell,' the two oldest members of the
old oburch.-7-The'new church is a neat and
Commodious structure. . It is beautifully
finished . audhaa all modem cznveniences,
I -
such as class -rooms, Ac. . Messrs. Cluff &
Bennett, of Sesforth,�,had the contract, and
they carried it out admirably. �The brick-
work was done by1ir. Guttridge ; the car�.
penter work by .'Ressrs. Tyerman & S,r,a,,r.-
limg,- and the painting by Mr. Lloyd, a I Of
Seaforth, and the - completed work reflects
credit on all these gentlemen. -
Morris. -
NOTES. -Mr. Robert Blair, 6th line, had
an auction sale on Tuesday last. Stock sold
well and - the attendance was larle. .Mr.
George Kirkby conducted the sa e. -Mr.
Thomas Michie, of Halton. County, and
formerly- of this townshi paid a visit to
this cotinty Imt week. Re was accompani-
ed b
IOZ his nephew., Thomas Michie, of Scotch
B ,, Esquesing township. It is twelve
.. I
years since the last named' gentleman was
in Morris. While here he paid a visit to
Brussels, Blytb, Belgrave and Walton. Mr.
Michie thought a good deal of Huron coun-
ty, especially the roads, which are a long
way ahead of any in Halton county. -The
snow storm of last week put an end to tur-
Dip Pullin and those who thought the tur-
I) tps wo,alf grow a while yet, will surely .be
. satisfied by this time. -Mrs. Thomas Miller, -
5th concession, is ill at present. -A large
number of live hogs were shippped this week
from Brussels. -Mr. D. Kelly and wife 'in-
tend moN ing on to the Badour farm soon.
His sons Al work t1fe homestead. -What
we may expect now is changeable weather,
tea. meetings, concerts, socials, tramps and
.a lot .of weddings. -Mr. Win. Russell has
gone on a visit to friends near Stratford,
Perth County.
. Kippen. -
SCRIBS.-Winter seems to have set in in
good shape, and is niaking ' things boom in
our bnsv village. -George the -Hatter paid
our bu,79 a -visit last week, tuning - up the
landlord's plug hat in good style. -Mr. Joh n
McNevin -arrived home on Saturday from
Algoma, where be disposed 'of fourteen
bor8e8 at good - prices. Mr. McNe'vin says
things are booming in that new country. -
Mr. James Cooper is enjoying a deer hunt
up north, so -we may look for something
good when he returns home. -Mrs. George
Feen and children, of Hepworth, are visit-
ing at the residence of Mr. T. Mellis.- !
Those having roots still in the ground are
hoping for fine weather. -T. Mellis' dwell-
ing house bad a very narrow escape from.
fire the other day. In a. few momenta more
'had it not been discovered,. Toni would have
been out in the cold. -'Reid A Wilson, of
. Seafortb, delivered a car of twenty tons of I
Poft coal last week at our station. -,-Mir. and i
Mrs. Jelin Wei8miller are spending a few'
days at the home of Airs. William Blair. - �
Mr. and Mrs. Walper's little babe was laid �
in the grave last Saturday, it having passed
to the better shore on Friday last. -Mr. �
Shaffer is handling lots of pork these days.
*— i
BREvrriEs. - Mrs. Peter WeEwen and
children, and Mrs. Etcher, have returned
from Manitobit.-INIessis. Stanley and Leslie �
Jones, of Walkerton, spent Sunday with
their aunt, 14rs. Robert McPherson. -Mr.
Edward Coultes, of this place, is ill with
bronchitis and is unable to teach his school
at Whitechurch. -Mr. and Miss Woods, of i
Turnberry, spent Sunday at Mr. John '
Diamond's. -MI -8. John Coltie fell with -a I
knife in her hand one day �a�t week, Cutting
ber band slightly and spraining and bruis-
ing it badly. It is now healing nicely, how-
ever. -Rev. Mr. Ball, of Auburn, and Mr.
Kerr, of the Brussels Post, addressed the
audien6e in the Methodist church last Sun-
day evening on! Missionary work. Both
gentlemen gave good addresses. About $3,55
was raise(f' bet�ween. subscriptions and the I
collection. -Mrs. Robert McHardy was nil- I
conscious for about three hours on Sunda�y
. .
morning, owing to heart failure, but we are
glad to know that she is quite well again. -
.Mrs. William Messer has recovered from
her recent illness. -Rev. Mr. Cobbledick, of
Brussels, agent of the Bible Society, ad-
dressed a meeting in the Methodist church
last Thursday night; The PresbyteriaA
and Methodist choirs furnished the musical
part ofthe programme. -Duff & Stewart's
will was raised on Monday, and they - ex-
pect, if the weather is favorable, to have it
closed in and 8hingled, and the boilers built
in this week. - 4
I .
-. 0
Hensall. I . .
BRIEFS. -A very little more snow would
make good sleighing in this section, but, as
it is at present, our villages and towns are
bare, while in the country there is fairly
. d aleighing.-Considerabl6 grain is bein
1-e 9
for0ouaght, into market, but prices are not
sneh as t�o bring it out in great quantities.
-A large amount of bay has been sold here
(luring the past week or go. -Mr. and Mrs.
Burrows, and Mrs. Robinson, of Lambetfi, j
near LoWlon, were last week the pests of
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stoneman. -Mrs. Gil-
christ, who. resides on her fine farm to the
north of and adjoining our village, has de-
cided to retire trom farming, and has ad-
verti8ed an auction sale of farm stock, farm
implements and farming -utensils of all '
kinds, on Saturday afternoon, December
lat.-Mr. J. McAlpine, of Glencoe, was in
the village this week visiting his brothers-iti-
law, the Messrs. MeEwen.-INfigs Brown-
lee has been at her home in Clinton during
the past week, being called there throu It
the illness of her gister.-Mr. and Mrs. 1V
Hawkshaw, of Exeter, were in the- village
on Sabbath last, ,visiting relatg-es and
friend8.-The meeting of the Hensall branch
of the Upper. Canada Bible Society, held in
the Methodist church on Thursday evening
last, was not very largely attended, but a
very interesting meeting was held, and a
good staff of officers appointed for the en -
ailing year. -Our local and well-known
sportsmen, Messrs. J. Caldwell, sr., and R.
Coad, left this week on & shooting expedi-
tion about Wingham. They wer� well sup-
plied with ammunition, and, being craek
shots, will no doubt bag more game than
�will e'ei, be seen or kn�w-n, as tli-ey are both
v -cry modest and not at all boastful of their
achievements. -We are pleased to see that
Mr. John Miller has so far recovered from
his recent accident and illness, as to engage at
his accustomed work in Messrs. Brown &
. Clark's carriake sbop.-Mr. George KeInp,
�who a abort t o was joined by his wife
and family 11TOemagthe Old Country, has'
erecte& a fine two 8torey brick dwelling on
the south side�of Richmond street, in Moir's
survey. -Mr. John McFarlane, who 'recent-
ly moved into his new dwellinf, which he
purchased from Mr. Bernard homson, has
fitted ap a fine furnace in it, which means
comfort during the cold winter ' months. -
Air. J. Pope, merchant tailor, has disposed
of his business at Fullarton, which was un-
der the management of Mr. John Norris, to
that gentleman. -Our Methodist friends,an-
ticipating a large. congregation when they
get into their �cw chu�rcb, are this week en-
gaged in enlarging their sheds. Merciful
men are mercilrul and kind to their beasts.-=
Miss Bonthron, Kelvin Grove, Rodgerville,
is spending this week in Exeter, with her
sister, Mrs. R. H. Collina.-Mr. D. Gordon,
of Southwold Station, has been visiting at
Mr. Win. Armstrong's. -Mr. James White
and Mr. G. J. Sutherland have been solicit-
ing subscriptions during the past week to
get an electric light for the four corners
near the post office, where a light is much
. .
I . .
We open this month with Seveftl- 4 1
, I
1QS of n lue .
rather better than ordinary. . ,*,
I �
We harve constantly been ud&tig ltlew- --
things, and. our millinery stock at pres- �i 7
ent is well assorted. Low prices WM I .
rule, and for the balance of the sew'A - �
I all ready tfimmed hats and bonnet�,- .
will be so4d at reduced figures. W& . . . . . .
are bhowixg a -great variety of I
f3ilk -�
Velvets, fancy trimming materials , �
0 #
Silks, Flushes, Plain and Famy p�.ib- �. -
I _ �
i bons, etc. I
� SPECIAL I - .1-1
I Extra quality wide silk finished % .
� Velveteens, new shades, imported, 4
! 50c- per yard. I
�- � �
Our stock of Maintles is still.nicely., .. -1
assorted instyle, color, sizes &11d price, -11.
Rotigh cloths, smooth clotba, plain made- �
0 1 . '
� I
or fancy. Capes andUlsters, all elegant, ; - - -
fitting garments. ---- -
'. , I I
� I - - ..
SPECIAL 11 rl.
' ��
A chance at.a lot of Jorty Mantles � I-— .
� I
at from. $2.50 to $5 each, worth con- � F. I
siderably more mcney. Also sev- . � I
eral ends of Mantle Cloths at -a .., .
great reduction, ".
- . -
P%xrs'and Wool- Good& . t . . � - I
- �
� A gooil big Stock to select from -- I
� "' ' � - _ I
Ladies?. Far eoats�- Ludies' Fur Capes, � ��
Far Lined Garmeiits, Collars, Aluffill, I
Shawls, Wraps, Hoods, 'Unclerwear, �, .
� �
&C, . - . .-�
. .
S P E -0i A L. � . .. �
- We will sell this month.twopar-
s adies' Extra Qual- - .
ity Ribbed Underwear, -which are . �
superiorto any we -.,b I
foreoffered at the moderate price . -
of 25c and 50c each. . - .
Hosiery and Gloves. I I .
The assortment i8 large and as fall, ,
as ever. IAdie,,e Hosiery �,nd GlQves,
Alisses Hosiery %nd Gloves, Children!s -
Bootees and Inf4ntees, KiAttingyarns, �
A few dozens—remarkable value— .
in Ladies Q4ahmere Gloves and �
'Hosiery, "regular 35c quality" will � .1
be sold this month at 25c.
Dress �Goods- . �
I :
Just now, we have a � beautifal rang& . ' �
of Black Press Goodai Black
meres, Black Soleils, Black Fancy De- � . .
signs, Black Cloths, Black Cheviots
and a very great variety of Colored
Dres�'Maceri,als aud Trimmings. I .
J ;
. SPECIAL. . . �
fi"ive hundred yards., extra heavy .
Cheviot Dress Cloths, just the thing
for comforta;ble, every clay wear. .
They are very wide am7d in the best -- .
. colors, 20c and 25c.
� I
Bargains 11 Bargains' la Ifen's over
coats, Boys over coats, Mees and Bqym� . �
suits, Hats, Caps, Underwear, &c., at :�
closest prices for cash. - ..
'Edward McFaul, - -
- �
requira, -and thr6ugh the generous response, �
of those in the immediate -neighborhood, wt-- t
are pleased to say, have' secured sufficient - .
funds to provide agood light for a whole, ��
year at lenst.—Messrs. James Petty, T. �
Ballentine and W. Sbillinglaw have this. - I
week, with commendable enterprise and �� . :
ver ,y much as an experiment, shipped " - I .
lambs to the Old Country, and, we believe�., -
if the enterprise turns out fairly successful, .
they intend shipping more between now iimcl � -
the New Year. .We have also other enter- �
prising men Conlin igbt to the front in the
persons of Arnold, J. T. Wreii- I
. and G. Smallacoipb, known as the Onion
Kings,.and who, only this week shipped a,
car load.of Dutch setts to .Ilessrs. Steele &
Compan,y, of Toronto, repre-,enting in value
over $1, - 400, and still there's more to felw-
low. We wish tbeiii all success in suchen- I
terprises which puts so much money in cir-
culation these hard times.—Mr. Robert .
Norris, formerly of this village, but now &�- *
Grand Trunk Railway employee at Thames-
ville, is here at present visiting his sisters,
Mrs. J. T. Wren and Mrs. L. - Harold.—Wet *
are, sorry to lear4 that Mr.Robert McLareit,.
jr., had the misfortune, one day this week,.
while using an adze, to out his lef badly.-
Miss Latimer, teacher in our pub ic' school, �
spent Saturday, and Sabbath at her home in,
Seaforth. . -
(rrom an Occasional Correspondent.) �,�
Tim ClIURCH,—Grand semons were-- -
Ereached in Carm el Church on Sabbath lastY .
oth morning aOd evening, by the pastor, I .
Rev.4. S. Hendbraon. Mr. Henderson has- .
the bayy faculty of choosing �apt and fit- .
ting an Jects, and he never fails to say mom&,- .
bright, helpful things upon any subject that ..
lie undertakes �Ito discuss. ' On Sabbath �� �
. I'll,
evening next the pastor will deliver hi& , J
quarterly sermon to the youn people, the- �
subject being, "'Reefs that, W"reck." We! . I -
may be -partial, but the conviction forces it- :i
self upon us, that while othe.r� churches may . -
be �ood enough and all that, yet when we- * , -�.
want to hear earnest, practical preachingi a * I .
fearless, forcible, and fervent, presentation. ... , --
of truth, we go to Carmel church, and We- -
never come holn6 d:i8appointed.—The organ, - I
testion has at lost been brought up before- -
a_rinel church session, and that body haveF- . .
alloweet the use bf the organ in the church. . ..
service. The 9iiestion is thus practically- . ..
settled, and the "kist, o' whustles 11 may be- . . --
. 1.
- -
I I -
looked for after the next annual meeting, . I
Up Tow-,;� T-uK-�—'Mr. James McArthur- - I
has lately plotte-4 a portion ofthe front of - ' -
his -property into -village lots, and we under- , - . �
stand that a number of them -are alr,-e-,d-- �
sold. Mr. Robert Patterson, jr., has Z - I
ready commenced buildin upon one -of' I �
theselOt8, and a number 0 others will fol- ..
low suit in the spring. The new street will ....
be a fine one to -build on and we would ad- .
vise those who do not Ptake kindly to the.
.lower part of ,'the town (variously called
" the alums, 3: 'I Tinkertowti," "Egypt," etc.), �
to come up higher, where the fall is good, . .
and you can geV a breath or two of fresh
ozone entirely free from smoke or foreiga
admixture. Of,course yon must leave your,
politics behind,. (that is if you are a Tory)
or down goes your shanty immediately.— -
There is sonletl�nj in the atmosphere ( ust a, e
. I i
sliglit tremor in the ether) which seems to -
indicate an approaching wedding. Perhaps
even before this- sees the light-, the bird will' .
have flown. Out latch string is still out. I
. -
- - -
—Mrs. W1, Brown has sola her cottage- I
and lot in the, -north ward, Mitakell, to Mr. I
W: Challenger, fof-4-1,300, Mf. mud Mrs. �
W. Challenger -will retire from the fam,
next spring, and remove to Mitchell to ke-
sidein their newly aequiredhome. - .
- . - 11 - . -- L- � - � -
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I . -gg It?S nice to �sit and. t,
And fish and sit au�]
AR(I think and fish an
That you Could get,
1-1 Perfe
- . fn
1 1
We can give it to 3
est $1 Shirt in the I
- thau one kiiid of i
,cottoD, huen froni
f,or,cecl bosom- ; W-0
. ,polori4 ; colored Pe
-A I a
, ..L.0 Alen's Faaffle
suw. Our
At 5LOO per suit ,eat
re * . .1 S worth:
.we aSk, but we.miu;
hL-v,e this seeason I
- I imported Vnderwe
se�forth, and the .
thau you pay for il
Z be pleased to ha V'e L
I - Everyth' here
an,a pilces . leanim
� I best 25c po:ir; of b
Yon cau buy th
cau�t b,uy anything
I will equal ours.
Black Cashmere, I
'WO019, COWD.11.1, 4�C. 1
Zoe and 75c iu eV4
able and 90W.- P
- . Hosiery enjoy is i
- --- old timen who will
Xwdkerehlefs, I
10011STS Aud ca
,� We are s�lvray
-!&ese ; -we -ve nev4
and this wason, v,
the latest goods in
. I
That fteze Ove
We are selliog at I
It eanI be equa-U
For 'busines.s, plei
equals waido-to-me
Jefying, ieg charm,
W&Te &100 sect"
I This lime a Gr-ey 1,
-ed, wool_fined, lit]
-----onty V.. 7,
Inbaving, our p
scents -but- for Aelli
. �
We Lare Leadt
, —
. Jackson L
L -- I 000010@1001
� I
- �
-under date of Novetl
,himself "An Old 811
tion,to -what I have -�
ters to TnE Exrosm
Now, I invAt,expr
- that if - ou subser
ttl years, he,had ,no
-over his own sign-stv
a boy,, even ther, hiA
L m,oasionally. -44 N
�,"Y,s - I
- - Old, I I as he - h
-in party juic. that ,
�on that account? I
�endewvor to ta" soil
his straights. ' I
'To begin, he 90 -Ya
+Mitor of Tu),�, Ex"
. to deny that charjo
a inaster of that thm
. -to language Us - as
-admit it was a I I
whit stron r s6i 1
� -
suandea. Tre a 11
I -ernment that �,�;Iltlul
-down an inquiry in
. Edgar charg4m, im
ims-spending of tho
he money, that it n
the doors for them.
remetaber,t4t, I sai
way Cana'diems won
them with the ballo
-1 will not �-enter 1-1
grand paternal Qov4
list of AutieK to . beo
Y�that L that Subse
� itor knowledge of nil
ith the air or
-wi ,-
�a � of ' or - I
11 - .; that t ere J
t I- at. I migli
lily mystified Morrit,
11*1,ester newspaper
I Conservative anspic
I in o8i theJoini
ka of 1 . Luxton7s,
�by- t e w L he wa
ress,,an also jm�
rare ubilitT 'as ajoi,
gme the Noe Weste
in grand style, raisl
to proportions � ne
]short time by an"
paper, but Sir , blef]
, I
,Lco�ipleted, -1 havetil
� L
, .
-tb%tMr.--LU%ton)q L,
'I I
-,six weeks a;go tolil b
L editorials Subscrib
-wLere, too pointed -on,
ernment. I
w1lat L
To show ,
for party, like Subf
With the permissim
,editorial that the �
under dAte 4 SK
I Hard. on the `North
S L a
- The b 11 f e,x
I *I
ter, published in t'l
-(lay, wa-4 not very I
iri&;t. Let us re -
a a word or two. �m�
I know, is a. -whol
lame business.
firii in 8t. Paul -of
I goods packed in
PaCking Asseewi
pent less -than he
Same Association
. freifh1t raU ,of
- whi e the lowest
get from. the C.
- Impoltingon th. '