The Huron Expositor, 1894-11-16, Page 30 As the . lit: th." EXTRA for 90c ular $ I IUnder- , ilI offer .1113 p(?I`t- l€w as re pu'r- f1t 14c, WRTH_ I tore is l:, cause risible t gooda till visit Hone ill will lie proven for the this de- ' i .es an(I -, I 'Ig} ',: ' , __. . .. _._ _ >_ 4 -s-.s. w,. -.._.k a:. _,:.. _r,.v; ._. t,.}.._,...-e....y-.tiy„rr.X....+-.... _a3'.-.3,,.. ..,,. �t-r'.:: r-. _ �..... .....:.,:mom rz:...:_ ..-art.....,.,s.�.-..w.•.,,;+.=#.::si: }: _ .. . ! :' ` �1,s � :t - NOVEMBER 16, 16V4•�11 ' IMPORTANT `NOT ICES. '"� it. ff you havo never seen a telegraphic - �' Mi . chart, cyou have no idea how many cities 1$eKE2iNA. Dgmiaioh and Provincial Land U_j_ r are conndcted together and how manq I & J. g Surveyor, Neml)gr of theAswciation of Ontario " = lands. Nosrly a}1 the neighborhoods of Surveyors, Dablin, Ontario. 1338 62 _ . the earth seem reticulated, and news $les gOg sALI qR TO RENT.-�Forede or to from city to city and from continent to rent, lot s, cono•sf+ion 4, H. R. S., Tuckersmith, T n E Y ARE OFF continent, but more rapidly go the tidings l,ontaining 140 acres. For further particulars appf.y j +� from earth to heaven, and when a prodigal 40 ROBERT CHARTERS. Egxnond ll0. 1849•t returns it is announced before the throne ALE. -David Will, Stafra, P. O. tiV1Ih regare to prices in the Magic of God, and if these souls today should en - BreFOR 8 d line, Breeder of Thoroughbred Durham Cattle .n = ter the kingdom there would be some one $erk,hfre Pian. Young stock of both sex for.sale. !n the heavenly kingdom to say, "That's 1s64't my father,"' `That's my.mother," "That's 'lt PIGEONS WANTED,—Wanted, 600 Live The �C��n Piano and my son," "That's my daughter," "Thlst's Ll Pigeons, before 22nd November, far which the O p rI /'i Company Lal J fay friend," "That's the one I used to i(sghes,pricewill be paid. Parties having any to ! /! pray for,'r''That's tllp one for whom I dispose of S, kindly communicate with THOMAS , �� wept so many tears," and one soul would gHEi�i , t ueen's Rotel, Stafsrth. 1402x4 V _- Have opened out their store -on Main say "Hosanna!" aad another soul would 013N BEATTIE, C19rk ^t the Second Divieicn Street, Seaf6rth. Call and examine say "Halleluiah?" b Court Countv Commissioner, of 'Huron Con- - Pleased with the news, the saints belaw ireyanoer, lard, Loan and Insurance Agent. Kinds our instrumlonts i they -are the best In songs their tongues employ. vested and to Loan. Office—Over sharp & that are Iual ufactured in the world rens` store, Slain street, Seaforth. 1289 Boyond the skies the tidings go, and prices aline right. And heaven is fill d with joy. iSTRAY STEER, =into my premises, l0 1, - I 1, Nor angels can their joy contain, Conces4ion 5, Stanley, about the lot Septem- F g her, a two year old steer, of red color. The owner J. L. D WNEY, Manager, arrBut kindle with new fire. ay have the same ori proving property and paying i. The sinner lost is found, they sing, penses. THOMAS PARSONS, Varna, P. O. LATS OF SCOTT BROS. .rid strike the sounding lyre. 1402x4 _ _____-__-- 139446 At the banquet of LucuIlus sat Cicero, ;' STRAY CATTLE, strayed from the premises of the 'orator. At the Macedonian festival JG She undersigned about the 20th of September sat Philip, the conqueror. At the Grecian last; one red steer, coming two years old, also a red. • banquet sat Socrates, the philosopher, but heifer, same age ; also a spotted steer one year old. The Huron Expositor, at our Father's table sit all the returned env person giving such information as will lead to p 11. their recovery will be suitably rewarded. JOSEPH prodigals, more than conquerors. The PAIPINO, Johnston's Milig, P.O. F Ia0x4 � SEA ORTH, ONTO table is so wide its leaves reach across soas 11 STRAY CATTLE.—Strayed from Lot 16, (eases• and across lands. Its guest aro the re - cion 14 Sidi€Ile abaut the 26th of October, deemed of earth and the glorified of lleav- . p+ ' McLEAN ZROS•, - Publishers , s,;ven head of cattle as follows : One steer rising, en. 'I.he ring of Gods forgiveness on ev- three, red and white; six yearlings, one pisco wh€te : �i13VITISINC RATES. -. cry hand, the robe of a Saviour's righteous - oat black with white spots ; three • red ness adroop from every shoulder. The stem , and one red heifer. Any informa- tion that will lead to the recovery of these animals Contract adve`#tisements, matter changeable at wine that glows in tfie cups is from the mill be liberally rewarded. J. H. DENNIS, Walton. will. _ bowls of 10,000 sacraments. Let all the 1408X4 rsa Mu redeemed of earth and all the glorified of - 1 Year 6 mos. 3 moa. tYORTZi PICS.—Ford pure bred Tamworth 11 to 21 inches, Inclusive $4 60 82 60 $1 60 heaven rise, and with gleaming chalice ifs apply to George 13aird, Clinton P.O., or on 6 to 10 " ' 6 00 2 76 1 66 drink to the return of a thousand prodi- the premises, Lot 21, Concession 2, Stanley. I have 3 to 5 " fe 660 840 1 76 gals. Sing, sing, singl "Worthy is the sexes,six 2 to °` 600 3 25 1 85 lamb that was slain to recei--v.o blessing both. creeks old on November 10th. G}t0. 1 ,; a bat BAIRN, or. 1404-4 It the advertise;r elects to change not oftener than once per month, k reduction of 20 per cent. will be and riches and honor and glory and pow- ORS E LOST —Lost on Monday evening, nth made on the aboiz8 quoted prices. er, world without end!" fast., irem a , bunch of horses at Dublin. a Rates for specie;! position can be obtained on applf- ,brown mare, a ith light stripe on face and one white cation at this ol#i". lEtameses and Abu-8ambel. hind foot. She is five years of age and would weigh Business or pro�ssional cards, not exceeding three . over 1,800 pounds. Any information leading to her quarters of an milt, $4 to $5 per year. . . It is such a surprising and comfortable recovery will be suitably rewarded: ARenisALD & Advertisementy", of Strayed, Lost, Found, etc., not fact that the authorities, for a wonder, AfoX&q,,i, Seaforth. 140.1-tf exceeding one inOA, one month $1, each subsequent practically agree at to Rameses' date, they _ month 50c. •^ - ULLS AND PIGS FOR SALE. — Far sale two Advert€semenU,pf Fame and Real Xstate for sale, only varying some 50 years, which, in thoroughbred Durham but a one year old, one not -exceeding li inches, one month $1.60, each sub- matters Egyptian, is a meso nothing. A sequent month 76q. thoroughbred two year old with registered pedigrees,man who reigns 87 years, lives to be just both roans ; also a lot of young Poland China boars Advertisemn, -AHtn local page, ten cents per line about four months old and a Poland China boar for each insertion, w ith a discount of 26 per cent. to 100 and begets 170 children is likely to service. Inspection invited. Apply on Lot 80, con- parties who also #ave regular contract space.leave a pretty big footprint in the sands of etodon 5, Usborne, o. address Lumley P.O. THOS. Lel adverts€ menta under township or village time. His characteristic way of proclaim- C13DSiORE 140E=tt heading, 5c per llpe each insertion. in his achievements a9 it were, with a Transient adv}iis8ments, tea cants per line for $ e+ STRAY HEIFER.—Strayed onto tiI® premises of flint Insertion, thjso Dental per Una each subsequent foghorn, all up and down Egypt, makes # watt Brothers, aborta the lot of A'n rem being insertion, nonpatq�rl measure, him very precious to the historian. It is Adver0tetr enti without specific directions will be t I:,ot ti, Conew*ion 14, Hulletk 1 yearling red heifer. inserted till torbf ,and charged accordingly. your modest Cincinnatus kind of hero The owner -is re_quetted to prove pproperty, pay e'o- • girths, Marrisoto and Deaths inserted gratis. who does a great thing, and then, diving peaces and take her away. JAMES WATT, Harlock Tse Ezr oinmox ' oes into 4,3W homes every week- back into obscurity, wants so .much re- ;•, O, 1404x4 Which means, on a conservative estimate, that it has searching that he becomes a trial even to 20,004 readers evo'ry week. It is the beat advertising 300 Private funds to loan atlowest medium in Westegn Ontario. a D recti savant. 'Directly R»meads bad achieved a con- k $ 5-00 rates of interest in sum to suit quest he could not rest till he had carved 700 borrowers. Loans can be com- the record of it on every wall space from $1,000 pleted and motley advanced n R I -Memphis up to Abu-Simbel. Moreover, $1,500 within tWo days. Apply to'R. 1 be kept a poet laureate, one Pentaur, whc o wrote a glorious poem in praise of Ram - $2 500 SHAYS, Barrister,&e.,Seaforth, eses, and this is cut in the walls of Luxor, 125 - on the Ramassoum at Thebes, at Abydos, and of courso,at Abu -Sim -bel. It was about BOARS FORI-l"SERVICE. ' V ;R,e the year 1330 B. C. that Rameses began S PROVED YORKSHIRE PIGS.—�Theundersigned 0 ST1 PATI 0 N his temple at by of is gr It was a su- haa for sale a number of Thorougwbr,.d Imo- _ � perb idea, worthy of his groat mind. .tIE proved Yorkshire Pigs, of both sexes. Apply on Lot � 13:� � � � � N � � 5.9 simply took a cast hillside and hewed hiF 24, Concee6ion 2, L. R. S., Tue. • •smith, or address G\ D � l9�p:�1± 1A'� temple out of the heart of it. Frothing Brucefleid P. 0. WM. CHAPMAN. 1365 t t D t6- i- yr 1 less than a facade 120 feet Iong and I01 - - - - S i C t�; HEADACHE, feet high would satisfy the imperial archi- OAA FOR SERVICE.—The undersi¢ned has on �p � � tettilo four immcrta his prewises..Lot 2, Concession 8, Mullett, a REG V ATE THE LIYER, + and there he set f thoroughbred Chester Whits boar for service. Terrieswarders, his own royal likeness four timet —$I payable at the time of service, with the privil• ONE Pj LL A FT'Eii EATi N O repeated. eve of returning if necessary. MATTHEW ARM- I N S U RAS GOOD DIGESTION. What t thhave been in their un STRONG, Constance P. 0. 1443x4 F�.'�+�2 Eves sE®Q®Q'$ MED, Co. au amuse y �i TORONTO. apeakable dignity on the great day whet IMPROVED YORKSHIRE PIC. -The undersigned - all Egypt journeyed to the consecration o: will keep for the improvement of stock, on Lot the temple! Even now, after 3,000 years 83, Concession 5, L. R. fi., Tuckersmith, an Imo- . wrecked and ruined as they are, eterna whic d Yorkshire num with fisowsaw pedigree, to The ' �� �� which a limited number of sows will be Laken. �� -peace sits lipOn their Tips, And, defyini lernw1 $1 payable at the time of service with the , the centuries, they stili keep watch across I ' privilege of returning it necessary. This is one of the desert sand, gazing with untroublei the best bred pigs in the County. THOMAS L&N. E. i 1353-tf TO THE FRONT AS USUAL. eyes into the very heart of the dawn.- - Cornbill Magazine. O'AR FOR SERVICE.—Tho undersigned has for 1= service on. Lot 9, Concession 8, Hallett, a The Rippen mills are now running at full blast and Tom, Dick and Harry. thoroughbred Yorkshire White hoar, bredby Daneau are prepared to d4GRISTING on the shortest notice, SfeLareu, of Hibbert, from imported stock. Terme This' is rho expression by which we com $1, payable at time of service, with privilegeof re- and most reaso4ble terms. In this wap yon Kot monly designate people in general of nl turning!f necessary. If sow is not with pig t` oney flour from your ,awn wheat, and better value for very elevated description. In one wel will be returned. JOHN RILEY, Cons,anee. the money than � in any other way. Good flour 1404x4 known illustrated book, Brown, Jones ani guaranteed. _; Robinson is more or less thus used. Sim !(3S ! PIGS !-The undersigned has at his Orsini CBiOPPINDONE WHILE YOU WAIT. Par expressions in other languages ma; ss. lot ,5,canceaSion B,IluileLt,sevesal thorough- 4r perhaps be interesting. bred B3 rksbire sows and hogs for sale at reasen Ifs prices,also a'Iiter of thoroughbred Tamworth, ready TO G S-. In French' I seem to have seen Jean to wean. He also haq a thoroughbred Berkshire and The, highest pr pe in cash will be paid for good Pierre et Paul, but a French lady tell a. thoroughbred Tamworth boar ter service—terms aL ogs, or thoy will 1110 cut t -o order. me she has never seen or heard it, thong! payable at the time of service with the privilege of returning it necessary, 8'1.25 if booked. F. H. -Pierre, Paul et Jacques Is not uncom $C1'10ALES,'Constance P.O. - 1405x7tf L -'M $F+R,_ mon, and Pierre et Paul alone is still mor MPROVED B)3RKSHIRI+.S.—Tho undersigned, All kinds of Lu,gber for sale, cheap: frequently heard. I breeder of Improved Bork(+hire swine, will keed JOHN WNEVIN i In German I have commonly mot Wit] p � I .Hinz and (or odor) Kunz,, but Heinz unl for service the celebrated boar, Morton (2687), sire1 Royal Star. (imp.) (1603). dam Savernake's 1357-t f Proprietor. Kunz, Hans and Kuns, Hans odor Kun Daughter, (imp.) (1919), Terms, for grade sows, � (which Flugel translates Smith or Jones; $1.0u, and for registered sows, or sows eligible for Hans oder Benz, Heinz odor Benz (ani registration, 02.00. Fees payable at the time of �, service, with the privilege of returning, if necessary. FOR ME4,tl AND WOMEN. perhaps and may be substituted for ode Alao on hand a few choice young sowain farrow and � in these last two) and Kunz and Peter ar o;her young stock ter sale. Write to, or call on THE also used. Butz and Benz is also me WM. MCALLISTER, with, especially in Switzerland. .3!4 16 t f Varna. oWEN The Germans also use Hack and 1klack oAlt FORf3ERVICE.•-0n Lot 26, Concession 5, jv and Back and Pack of "a motley crowd bIcKillop, the .thoroughbred Berkshire Boar, I tag, rag and bobtail" (Flugel), but thes Kleetia0 No. 2978, farrowed . June . 22nd, 1393, bred by J. G. Snell & Brother, Edmonton, ELECTRi C do `zaot seem to be Christian names, and Ontario; 2nd owner, Wm. McAi'ister, Varna, Ontario cu3iously enough, they also _ use two Bit Sire, London. Champion (16b4), dam Lelan (2792), by lical Hebrew words, "Kret(h)i and Plethi' Enterprise, imp., (1078) ; Painted Lad , imp., (1541). (also written "Kredi and Pletii"). by Paragon (424) ;- Lad • Dosia (955 by Eguinox 1470); Lady Mallory 2nd (486), by Roysi Teck Lady; BELT to Italian I find in "Marietta (by I. Y Ttegenna by Tim. Whiffler; Lady Mallory by Baron a Vigo, S. Pier d'Arons, 1884, p. 275), a r( Southrope Lady Shiiton by King o Lanford ; (Tracie Ma IQ DR. A�wsx. Iagious novel; valuable as explaining a' Beauty. Tlernrs—tl, payable at the time of service, ___ , ._ .Lith the,privilege of returning if necesgary. JA'M'-ES The only Scisntiflc and Practical Electric the important doctrines of the Roma' DORRAKE. 1395-62 Belt onl forg6neral use, producing aGenuine Catholic church in a readable form, ``N a de 0 - Current of Electricity for the cure of Disease, sono. tants Antonii a Franeeschi a Bartd. that min be readily felt and regulated both in . Om " but a Tuscan lady tells ,me the uantity and power, and applied to any part of + Me body, It con be worn at any time during this is not known in her part of the coul Antledges working hours ar sleep, andwillpositively Dura try, though they do use there Ceceo, Bec TM. V! - Rheumatism, - ed Antonio. -Notes and Queries.. Sciatica, . General Debility Suitable Names. . 1- . Lumbago. I h d tG til o ce BOOTS . –AND— t, H0� S The opening has been a splendid success, and I ani well pleased with the results. There are still bargain to l,e had in all kinds of Boots an Shoes, as the R. Felly stock is being . sacrificed at prices that cannot b equalled elsewhere. Goods bout cheap will be sole cheap. - . You will save looney 1)y calling to examine goods Anel prices. - New stock for the Fall and Winte arriving daily, quality and prices right T: V.' RUTLEDGE, Main Street, Seaforth. -.. — Y 1399•IS MARRIAGE LIOENSES ISSUED AT - TttE Ht I ON EXPOSiTQ'R OFFIC1 SEAFORTH. ONTARIO, gwmwd �. IMO WITIMEGSES R#OUIRED •A a ,6 al•. Nervous D wares ., Dysppepsia, h s d e i r A funny thing appene e n . . friend bad promised to bring a dog to se Varicocele, fge�cuaLweakness me. They came when I was ill. I beat Imoppotencyy, Sidne1JDi,eases, the family saying: "Don't lot him . jum the bed and frighten her! Don't 14 Lame Back, on 11 Urinary Diseases him go id too suddenlyl" and of course Electricity pr�perly applied is fast taking the drugs V r all Nervous, Rhoumatic. Kid- fully expected to see a large hound. Whe my friend entered, I could see nothing bl place of no y and Urinal " roubles, and will effect euros a string, and there was lifted up on to tl in seemingly ho, less cases where every other bed a black something about a quarter ( known moans has failed. - Any sluggish, weak or diseased organ may a and lou an an eighth of a yard wid( Y $ $ his was Leo! I laughed e by this means ibe roused to healthy activity And name before it is too 141te. Leading medical men use and recommend much over this that the doctor thought was getting' well. How ridiculously pet the Owen Belt i�2 their practice. Ole name clogs! Hero was this bit of Oi1R IhLil TRATED CATALOGUE [leastie called Loo, and I saw s dirty, mise ti .Contains fullest.information regarding the cure and nervous digeasors, prices, flble poodle the other day who was name of acute, chroni& how to order, •etc., mailed (scaled) FREE to Sweette, while a great big hound wi any address. n, Ogen Envie Belt & gpplianCB CO. called Bijou. still, when people are so silly abol - The their children's names, it is not surprisin X69 KING S%•r. Wi.TORONTO, ONT, that they should be equally queer abot 201 to 21t State Vit., Chicago, Ill. their pets. Who hasn't heard the story 1 TION TiHS rAPEii. the baby whose mother was very romal 'bM ! tic, and who rejoiced in the surname 1 b d Rose? When a daughter appeared, th • New �iepair Shop. sentimezatalist thought it would be vet sweet to name her Wild, and so she wi [: known as Wild Rose until her eighteoni birthday, when she married a man nam( Bull. Situatlon l --Exchange. B i c ye 1 e s, Skates, Guns,professional Jealousy. Scissors, Sewing ,,it is queer you should presage disa Mac h l n e ter," remarked J: C23sar. "The oth I had a sure thing." And all Small alld Fine -.Nlacl inery Repaired augur told me'that "Call him an augur? Him? Why, I as good as nest*. Inventor of Unicycle, isn't even a respectable gimlet.' ---India described in Scientific American. upo1L9 Journal. _ SHOP -Lately occupied liy I11r. Crich, i artist, Main Steet, Seaforth, 1395-12 �:� H. C. ROSS. I �114TI CE. The Seaforth Cli eIr Hill has started up for bua'.ness. I hope to receive `the patronage of all my old cus- tomers and many" more new ones. I make cider jelly and apple bluer. JOHN KLEIN, Proprietor. 1593 �,. ', . � ..( � 1-'i 11 r,i 11 F Y . . , .. - • - ._.s.. .... _.— . -. z... .-. _. .-- •. _ . - - ..:at:.+.a_rnw+�.xr,:.::+.a�a..;cw...v,.•-_-. �:•s_•r_:a. : _..�_.�t>... .-.,,..->,:..-.r-._.. -, R... ...F -m;.. ._.s.,. ,.. n.. ,�.....sa '� ' -' HE HURONEYPOSiTORO r - 3 - _. GRECIAN BANQITS. Junior Fifth,—Elsie E. Cooper: Daniel S. ' Y Bell, Jennie M. Chesney, Susie Cudmore, _FURN ITUR � ��� ���� DsatL of s Chief yVlro Hae Been sa Terrol Mary C. Acheson. Fourth, -Ma fie .J.ic- Ifor many Yeairs, Lean, Annie M. Butts, Alex. J. 1�fcNevin, - - [Special Correspondence.] Harry M. Chesney, John C. Bell, Josepph { {-j. �t VIENVA, Oct. L1. --Although. queens, Dayman,Steinie Acheson, Jennie McDougall, Cheaper than the Cheapest, and as - John McGre or; Willie H. McLean. Senior i" as a rule, cannot be expected to manifest Third, -Robert J. Cooper; Louisa Cudmore, - any particular sympathy for brigand», Good as the Best. Maggie Chesney, James "M. Aikenhead,. yet I imagine that Queen Olga of (.Treece John McKnight. Junior Third, -Willie D. i9i11 have been somewhat moved by the Butts, Pearl McKay, Ruby McKay, Lily J. To be convinced of this fact, give us.a call. and see for yourselves. The . death at Lamia of Nasos Papakyritsop Parsons, Lily Moffat, Katie Neilans, Mary undersigned having Purchased the very fine stock from the A" sign* ee of the -ulos, the bandit chieftain who for years H. Mellis. Second Claus,Edna A'I.McNevin, estate of Matthew Robertson at a very low figure,, are prepared to offer the has been terrorizing the province of Mary A. C. Bell, Etta 0. Cooper, Myrtle same at prices which defy competition. - Phthiotis, for she was personally ao Cudmore, Jennie McLean, Alma Butts, S. gntinted with him, and on one occasioL Acheson, Willie McGregor, L awrence Mof- fatt, Maudie Ricker. Part Second, --fay The UndertakingDepartment i ntervened to save him from punish. Andrews, Lizzie McKnight, Donald Me- ment which he bad incurred while sere Nevin, Barbara I. Chesney, Edgar Butts. is well supplied with a fine assortment of Caskets, Coffins, .Shrouds, &c., at ing in the army. I was in Athens at the Part First, -Melvin Neilans,Bertie Moffatt. time and remember hearing from the No. 7. TucicrmsmiTx.---The following is prices to suit 'the public, queen's own lips how she had beer the correct standing of the pupils in School - SON . brought to interest herself in his fate. Section No. 7 Tuckersmith, for the month NBE I SON g ncv as aster-M� One day, when she was walking in the of October, in general proficiency, , tained from a written examination : Senior gardens of the palace, a young mat Fourth Class, --Sammie Carnochan, Jaynes Wareroorns—Strong'S Red Block, Main Street, dressed in the uniform of a corporal of McLean, Arililur McLean, David Hannah, ��t r- - Infantry appeared before her and threw Fred. Stewart, Sadie McLean, Cecil Bur- 1.� �A� 0 T;,1 _ =_ himself at her feet, invoking her help. gess. Senior Third Class, -Maud Johnston, From the story which he told her ii Florence Campbell, Robbie Scott, Mary appeared that be was a son of a provin• Johnston, Abie Ireland, Alice Hannah, Ella e Carnoehan,Willie Carnochan, James Young, C11T 0-rN GROCERY, c1a1 mayor who had been overtak. u b3financial misfortunes. In consequence Harry Twiss, Willie Stnithers, Tena Currie. . _ _of this ibeparentsof theyoungsoldier's Senior Second Class,-Aggie Scott, Idu fiancee had insisted on then s emeni Johnston, Annie C�arnoeban, James Jfall, MA`N STREET, SEAFT- g g Maggie Charters, Gertie Carnochan, Maggie a.r being broken off.. This had upset the Shade, Frank Twiss, Thomas Sbade. Junior ___1:::; _. _ _ - youth to such an extent that he became T11ird Class, -Maggie Hannah, Elmer Few- _ _-_— �____ _ _ __ 1 _ , moody and bad tempered and finally Ter, Norman Ireland, Marshal Stewart,, _ _ _ - ~ � — l ended by striking in a fit of passion s; John Currie. Senior Part Second -Class- _ s. . Lornie Twiss, Robbie Campbell, Sherman � >4 ARV_ x sergeant who bad jeered him on the (� � L ,-. _-aM �!- g J Stewart, Charlie Ireland, Alice Avery. - subject of his love affair. Realizing the ,junior Part Second Class, -Alex. Avery. _ " .I pu I? gravity of his offense, be had taken tc Senior Part First Class,—Florence Fowler, ` == flight, end knotviug the fate that await Percy Monk, Willie Hannah, Berrie Hall, _ ed hins if arrested in his despair he be- John- Johnston, Robbie Carnochan. Junior CtfARANT.Cf_A- :'' . _ Campbell, jpl/R thou pht himself of the queen and re- Part First Class, -Eddie d(de Lam bell Emma _ _ s� ur ,, .. - .. O- i solved to beseech her to exert her influ Hall, Albert Twiss.-W. E. Ho(;c�1tTx, - �a '''�- Teacher. '" 1. once in his behalf. No. 10 rioKlLLor.--The following is the - There is ria warmer hearted woman standing of the puppils of School Section in the world than Queen Olga, and, No. 101IcKillop, for the month ending, thanks to her, he escaped with merely a October 31: First, -Al. Henderson, T. nominal punishment, being forced, how- Horn, J. Howes. fart Second, --J. Camp- ' ever, to quit the army. Instead of re- I bell, R. .Allen, C. Dodds. Second, -V. HEADQITARTER , maining at Athens or of emigrating, he. Mur -die, P. Moriison, A. Morrison. Third, was ill advised enongh to return to his -L' AleSpadden, M. Dodds, J. Tudor, Fourth Junior, -H. Blanchard. Fourth ' _ + native town of Lamia, where he arrived _ TEAS and FINE GROCERUES. _ Senior, -M. Murdie M. Govenlock. Fifth, - . on the very day that )iis betrothed was -W. Govenlock. being married to his - rival. This was No. 1 AsHFIELD.-The names of those _&G�MqTS V (-)M--- - more than he could Bear, and that same who passed from 3rd to 4th class at recent t ` were remotion examinations are as follows: RaQ'ii Lal's Teas, Beaseior�'�OCaas,1g1,� night both bride and bridegroomp laid low by the dagger of young Nasos. John . c�N9illan, Jean Dunbar, Florence"Eureka r� and Dlal^i1QCtd crystal Salt. . Captured shortly after this and con. Stevenson, James Campbell, Albert Cun- ningham, Eva McConnell, Frank Olver, 5x(118 Hawkins."'n .. J 0 :PUI :hT. No. `? HAY.—The following is the October �' _1r„ jT_ report for School Section No. 2 Hay. Names . are in order of merit: Fifth, -R. F. Chap - 41 V man. Senior Fourth, -F. E. Ross, Nellie �': Gould, Nellie N. O'Brien. Junior Fourth, Mmkma&i i< [ i i�1r!C!'1TT1 -S, ..1, J. W. Todd, Beckie Northcott, A. J. Todd. 15'_�,�;?:; = Third, -Sarah J. Northcott, W. H. War-'17VO OOFU1nA1rLq . " `G;` .- ren, Carrie Could. Senior Second,-Wilhe t Buseb, Jessie Munn, Bertie O'Brien. Junior ®� so• � .. ?�'• Second, ;Ethel M. Northcott, Martha xs "'LI Jackson,, Freeborn Johnston, Senior Sec- a' . EOR ALL SIZES OF BUILDINGS t • s D end Part, -Richard Sotllerb Nelson Soth- - ' KING GEORGE. QUEEN OLGA. erby, Willie O'Brien. Junior Second Part, Capacity from 10,000 to $0.00 Cubic 4F,eet : -Louisa Armstrong, Lulu Munn. First demned to penal servitude for life, he part, -Frankie Northcott, J. R. Munn, "C CLONE STEEL RADIA'lOR" found in the penitentiary his father, Archie Busch. The best spellers in the �(��R�E who had been imprisoned for some con• monthly spelling matches were: Fifth, R. s travention of the bankrn tc laws. The R Chapman ; Senior Fourth, Nellie O'Brien; iteAYY �ATe= p y Junior Fourth, M. M. Russell,- Third, H.F adapted forwood F poor old mean was 1n the last stages of gteavySteelPloteRrelBoxDome H. Busch; Senior Second, Robert O'Brien; I M and Radiator, which heat consumption and died in bis son swarms, Junior Seconal- Freeborn Johnston • Senior ' Nasos thereupon in the bitterness of hie ' gniciceraa(Iare�moredurable Second Part, Richard Sotherby ; Jnnior RADIATOR of Modem onstruo I grief swearing eternal vengeance agaitlst Second Part, Louisa Armstrong; First tion and Great Seeming Poorer 1 society. Part, Frankie Northcott. I;.AROE ASH Pi`i '[ Three months later he, together with • - nine of his fellgw convicts, took advan- Not the Same Girl. d'Q►E FURCE i tage of a hurricane raging one dark De- The following anecdote has both a com- •,-• karg^e Cembuetl M DhaiMbW I cember night to escape and to make ical and a pathetic -side. What a long time CongFire Travei,enolrofhsgradutzr good their flight to the mountains, A years are in the life of a human being ! W90 Fs= Ou.Ww where they organized themselves into a And how far apart, how unlike in tastes, $ectlo» fel Fire Pot band of robbers. As in the story books, .feelings, opinions and habits, men suet we -10 kotating Bar Dumping {irate _ their depredations were instal confined men can become, who in childhood -slept DEEP ASH PIT P y under the. same roof, attended the same OXFORD WOOD PURNACB to the rich, and they were so generous school, and dreamed of nothing but of'be- 1 with their plunder that, far from being ing friends forever! A gentleman whose Ftii� Q�uaranteec� riapacit -e SATALOr... ed Or hated the were 'be- "courtl manners" were mentioned in all p OATAtAelifd rindTEiT1Y01tiAt 140Qfi. I either fear , y y Loved by the entire peasantry of the the newspapers when he died, EHew years ..,,Manufa;/cftured by:..M. F' countryside, especially the bandit chief, after thin incident, Nucied in his old age The ��RNEY FQVNQRY Irt� P Lt�. �R� young! Nasos, w -ho° was known through- that he_ wished to see his boyhood friends, , t e province as "The Boy. " So and most of x11, the fair young girl whose out t s eat ower did Nasos and his band love, long years before, he almost, but not 1 $r P - quite, had dared to ask. He forgot country aequi a that they were able even- to in manners and called at half -past eleven in e fluen the election of parliamentary the forenoon. He was asked to walk "right - representatives of the district, and a few out into the kitchen," as there was no fire r months ago the congressmen from La- anywhere else. TU,RE I 1 mia and the neighboring towns were His early admiration ss, n before flim, - z actually forced by their constituents to in a worn calico dress, no collar, -and urge the minister of the interior to ab- a wide and not faultlessly clean apron. g Her half -combed, grizzly hair was tucked stain from the project of sending troops under a rust black -face ea trimmed with FURNITURE, p, r for the ur ose of capturing or killing y e p p g g 'faded purple ribbon. She had no teeth, and the bandits. a huge pair of silver bowed spectacles -suers t Call and see our stock of Furniture. We cannot tell you fibre all we Some yi. ears ago Lord and Lady Mun• pushed up on her brown, wrinkled face. caster, Hou. Edward Herbert, Mr. Fred Fifty-two years before they had parted have Dot, but drop in and see for you, , Vyner, and Count Boyli of the Italian with a kiss, and he had been intending to , e legation were seized by brigands while meet her with one and thus. bridge the �e C3n Sell better Fl.) galeal a CI'�ea3'r than stir g chasm of years, but changed his mind when picnicking on the plain of Marathon and through his gold -bowed glasses he took in Other Retail Fain rtU reitG1'e in the West. hurtled off to the mountains. Four days the picture before him. , later Lord Muncaster was released and Wiping her han(Is on her apron, she gave . i. • sent to Athens for the purpose of secur- him a hearty hand shake, and bade him ,- ing the ransom and the terms of immu- "sit right down," addingthat the were Furniture of all Kinds at all Prices. 1 pity demanded by the brigands. They "killing hogs and trying ulard," but if lie , would " stn to dinner,' she would have " a _ a insisted upon $l b0, 000 in money, a free fire put in the front room," ." I pardon for present, and past outrages p Also �nti'@I"�ak1IIg In all its Bfi2n4h9�. !_ Of course he declined the invitation, and j - it and the liberation of certain brigands 'for his own comfort, as well as for her con- Residence of Funeral Director, next to Drs. Scott & McKay's� olfce on - _ then in custody. The English minister venience, he determined to Iliake his call Goderich street., , at Athens urged the.Greek government •short. Still, he must say something com- G . Q� ("'1 to procure the release of the captives plimentary before leaving ; but what could _ ��� O T, BOX W i"JON 2 . .even upon the terms of the brigands, he say '• and received a distinct promise that the Just then the lard boiled over, and with a Main Street Seaforth Forter's Old Stand matter should be settled at no matter shrill cry to her daughter to "come gi,dek," ' - se what cost. With characteristic lack of the woman jumped' and caught hold of d faith the Greek authorities tried to the kettle. The smoke and perfume were OMINION in themselves far from agreeable ; but they �� A -'-a P avoid the. payment of the ransom by were grateful to the caller, as they gave 1J tt compassing the .arrest of the banditti him a chance for the desired compliment. I and dispatched a body of troops ,to cap -"Your step has lost none of its elasticity CA PITA L, (PAID UP) - _ - - SI,Fs00t000. . n tune the outlaws. The latter through since the evenings we sauntered together -*195005000. t .their friends at Athens were at once ap• along the banks of the R ," he said, s ,f riled of the scheme. Enraged thereat, " while this "-holding out his gold -headed �t ((���pp '��rr�pp p cane- is needed to support mine." SP�AFV11� ! 1 L1�N� . 0 the robbers carried the unfortunate trav- " Yes," answered the woman, " I'm . as elers farther into the interior, and after spry as a kitten 6, and I've thought ever MAIN STREET f - - - SEAEORTH. . I subjecting theta for several days to the since you've been hqre, that I was glad a s to hat encu h time hasn't changed me as it has A general banking business transacted. Drafts on all parts of the United States, most distressing anxiety a w r Great Britain and Europe bought and sold. Letters of 'credit issued, available in all partit a their fate might be, murdered them in )jou• s of Europe, China and Japan. Farmers' Sale Notes collected, and advances inane on name dcold blood. The bodies when found bore, at lowest rates. is besides a number of gunshot wounds, the % P) .e yeas "Jim, wbaa,poro seemam. any- SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. appearance of having been; in addition lice, ' It s a sort i wapla w sweat wet the millions of hanimalcula wet a in theDeposits of One Dollar and upwards received, and interest allowed at highest current 1t thereto, stabbed in the back. The water throws off in theirlf hanguish at ein' rates. Interest added to principal twice each year -at the end of June and December.g affair created an immense sensation at scalded to death!" «of a Billy I am . I No notice of withdrawal is required for the whole or any Portion of a deposit. It the time, which was still further in- might ba' knowed as much." A ereasedwhe'nseveral members of thepar- —I K S. RAYS, `Solicitor. W. K. PEAR(]F, Agent• I- liamentary opposition in Greece as well DIAMOND DYES ARE THE • )f THE 1s as an Englishman named Noel, dorm- BRIGHTEST, STRONGEST � A .�T��T A N �A�� �� ��-������ .y oiled at Negroponte, were arrested and AND BEST. CANADIAN -V1 is placed on trial along with the brigands . 1"t th sacra and most S - GF\TIE SPRIti(' ESi'A:BLISSED 3$67. .lI sd th for comp lel y 1n a mels , of the accused paid the penalty of their Alit : Srnrm, . PRI_,G .. ,. - , Dyes ! Dyes ! Diamond Dyes ! HEAD OFFICE, , TORONTO. - era v[n !end TO BAC CURE • r�><er�g. Tabi�t formtorveat pocket crime with their lives. But, notwith- At all seasons of the year, CAPITAL {PAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS - SB,ODD.L3UD Thousand. or.cure. $1.00 a box. An d-ai ta. standing this, brigandage continues to remain as much of a curse in Greece as Every wife and mother wise Greet thee with the kindest cheer- ., - REST - - - - . _. $1,2flQ,tflQ B_ it was in the days when the French Autumn with its varied shades- Russets dark, anti brown and gold, B. E. WALKER, GFONEP.AL MANAGER, er novelist, Edmond About, selected the Greek brigand Hadji Stavros as the hero ?weds and greens of summer glades- SEAFORTH BkANCH. Ie a- of his popular tale, "The King of the All these calors ye unfold. Yet while nature's colors fly, A General Banking Business Transacted, Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafts . Mountains." BARON SARTOR. Ye still bloom'neath changing sky. issued, payable at all points in Canada and the principal cities in - • the United States, Great Britain,,Trance, Bermuda, &c. School Reports. Dyes'. Dyes! Diamond•Dyes ! SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. To. 2 Tvci Em,%irrH--The following re- Choicest colors in the land, Onward ! Forward ! as time flies ; Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received, and current rates �f lute rest port based on regular attendance and Pune- b d I tereat added to the rind al at the end of May and Woveiz- A prenulne cure PRICE'S for the Tobacco xabit. Yui. the tuality, together with the result of a written the of There wul li a no o er ran . __ None so brilliant, pure and fast, allowed. � n p r . ber to each year. era v[n !end TO BAC CURE • r�><er�g. Tabi�t formtorveat pocket Examination shows correct standing each pupil in attendance at School Section (? for the Octo- Pleasing daughters,mothecs, wires; 'Tis well known that iIi elle past Special attention given to the collection of Commercial Paper and For Pe Thousand. or.cure. $1.00 a box. An d-ai ta. No. Tuckersmith, month of her: Senior Fifth, -Henry A. McGregor, Ye have added to our lives niers' Sales Notes. • Guarante.d. Annie Murray, John F. McKay, Melinda Comfort, wealth and great incresise, Constant streams of joy and peace. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. M. MORRIS, lel ger, _ . • Cooper, David S. Blair, John L: Aikenhead. S . . i i . _ 1 .-.- . - - .. - . .. .. - . - s