The Huron Expositor, 1894-11-09, Page 8NOVEMBER 1894-0
6son, presi. out lecture. The following now officers for
for her home 41 Toronto. She and her vt1n- tion to the donors and would do som'd, o cto 'of PuWc S��016 visi Ash ilk,
oa ted the,sch661' edmingvear are Rev. S. Ac
Wilson's Oash Grocery. I * I be much illissed at Ill -Mr'. John Ward has in his sh R. Mellis, secretary and trewurer the current weriD elected: Fred. Hess, FRIDAY9 NOV.
some baft gir wit e op ji mingle' _h e. At- the close of his, insp�ection he ex- dent
patental ome here. -Mr. R. R. Dennie h drivil. A- g' h a -ork being Messrs. T. lAcclymont, (4. McKay, and President; Ev. D. H. Braund, Vice Presi-
U the place to get, the best goods for the least mess, which is a credit to his es I?ressbd satisfaction with the
1L I %Ar I: 'I.=% _n M AVff- 1� A-,,,+. Herman Wall Treasurer '[Tpvlr
immey. a vell only for cash or trade and doWt Started milk delivery gon. V% ita so , tablisquierktI, it is ruboer mounted and done anti the submwanual progress e ames oo e, VL 0. L . 1i ot.— V r - 0 bave to charge, our custoiluers soifiething eXtrk% to Pa'Y'L mw anned le%ther and made,by the pupils during the 1 2 with his usual force and eloquence, holding- Dumert, Secretary:] D. S. Faust,
Ill. competition the arti6.1_6 sh6vild soon ',Jmade from' the best, oak Past ear,a� Keeper
lorgoqds they do not gW ecoul lto�y. A vote of thanks was tell -
Candled . Peelk vlqow- Cur1r*`0t11' Raising' b e cheap. -The Rev. ;M -r, Shaw )ylll the whole rig �only we)ghs ten pounds. Itis referred particularly to the - markiDd ability the attention of the audience for nearly an of Deposi
ery fine quality. now In Shown hyL
-to sult, the ull thkies. Teas.-
2fir.ison,14 at priles preach'in the Methodist Ob*h in towlil'ou neat and nobby and showi taste and skilled an&taste the fifth class in their hour, giving an outline of the good work dered to the collectors of last year by the
our Green, Black and Japan, all new goods, at 2ba 8abbath evening next, on account of L the fll- workmanship jon the part of the maker, . studies, which refte6ted credit on the school done in the pasi, and also of the gL'eat work whole audience Standing up. -NITS. E.
ir pound, are the beat value you can get anywhere. ness of the Rev. Mr. Galloway. The Chris- Master Williain Ward. It was-inade to or- and their teaelleri, Mr. McClusky. Several whicl 4�remains to be done by the society.- Tumner, from the 9anbre Line, moved a
out now Cylon Tea. at ift per pouna, it is a
regul*r Price No. Our Dourbon blend of tian Endeavor Society -will take charg4 of der. -Mr. Thomas Ward, of Varna, has a visitors besides the` Trustees were present Mrs. Ricker returned home from Bright few days' ago into Mr. George Fussald's
=Mt11115 the veiy best, ir, tho utarket. We have - re- the service in our church that evening, un- mare"which is now. thirty-three- years old Aurii the afternoon. Rev. Mr. Davidson on Saturday, where she had been for some house.
due" the price of flour atid will oelt the%est for 81.50 (ter the leadership Qfhlr. D. Stevenson, andL her genial owner think6 that she con1d heartily endorsed the Inspector's remaks., weiks wai�iilg on her sick mother. TnE HAY Couam.-At a. meeting
IV 100; ponnds- and guarantee It equal to any In 0 'of tbe Hay Council held in the hall here, on
Th, hlgheStL priefj paid foLr 0ood butter, eirwe yet o from Varna to Seaorth in as short Mr. McCluskey and Miss Porterfield have
SM4. PoUltry. Givo us w call, we wilil do better !or FR�om THE FAR WisT�—Oui old friend, L timtTas many So-called. go6 . d. - driver;. She done their work well and the trustees are Dashwood. the 27th :ult., at which all the membe�s
you than you can do anywhere else. All goods Nfr. James 1�, Govenlock, -writes to us from has been in Mr. Ward's possession since she to be congratulated on securing their servi- D0'T8. -The annual meeting of the Dash- were present, in the absente of Mr. LattajI
juaranteed to give satisfaction.. -wa, N -as sired by Bay ces for allother year. clerk, Air. Fred. Hess was appoilited clerk,
.NL:'7eep& lanitoba, on October 31sv',; as was three years old. She NA wood Branch of the Upper Canada Bible
. 1; . 0 -
CL.. WILSON urch pro tem. The clerk was histrucied to o-
Seaforth follows We bave extra fine weather Prince, and was purchased from the late Mr.
pre Society was held in the Evangelical Ch
Banio't-Commerce Block. yet, clear tie summer, with light frob't at William Scobie, �6f 8eaforth.-h1r. R. Den- Bluevale. last Wednead!ty evening, by the Rev. Mr. tify the Council of Stephen concerning their
night, being very suitable for farm w, rk-. nie, of L Tackerismith, has started a. milk BRnFs.-Miss Lydia Campbell, teacher Wagner, of StratforJ.-Rev. Mr., Sitt �oc- ortion towards the Hay Sauble Ditch
Threshing is about finished in our neigh�or- wagon - and is now supplying the people of �_und for the years 1893-4.. It was decided
at No. 4, McKillop, while visiting at Mr. cupied the Evangelical Church pulpit last
hood and most of the plowing is done. e S eafortil with the lacteal fluid. - There are F. B. ScotVs over a week agro, was taken ill Thursday evening, in connection with the to amend the collector's roll by charging
CL P. R. T/CK x -a
crops were pretty good all ar6 n re. now four milk vendors who make. their with pleurisy, but she waWsufficiently well revival meeti hi h -e still in progress. Ale ander Munn, on L. t 16, Concession 3,
My own averaged: Wheat, .2 u4b 'is ; rounds daily, viz. : 'Mr. Joseph 'Brown,.Mr. er from here uttended Mr. School � Section No. 10, with the sum of
to be enabled to return to her home on Mon- --Quite a n
eats, 45 bushels,'and lmrley 4122 us els ho Eberhardt, Mr. 1reland and Mr.L' Dennie.- day. -We are sorry to learn that Miss S. Rannie's sale on the Lake Road last Fri- $15.62 special school rate, , having been
C. P. R. TEL EGRA PH 7 the "re. .-NegetableseXtra good. We.bad Rev. Mr. Swan, Alethodist minister of Hen- Bella Fraser is ver - y ill.�Miss Kit Fowler, day. -Mr. Henry. Cellfas is at present build- omitted from the roll, and also that John
-kins measuring -y. He had been of the Bluevale'road, is recovering from a, ing an addition to his house, wbich he late -
pump five feet in circumfVr- sall, was in town on Monda Erb, concession 13, part lot 28, be charged
EXPRESS 0,0:, euce, and cabbages 3-& feet in circumfere we preaching *the Thanksgiving sermon in the -Miss $3.81 additional school rate. In regard to
very bad attack of quinsy.-.Nliss Annie ly purebased.from Mr. J. Kellerman.
I notice in THE Ex-_01TOR that the Low �S; . Egmoildville Presbyterian cKurch.-We' are Rutherford has returned from Manitoba ae- Lydia Hang has returned home from Lon- the letter of L. H. Dickson, representing
borough jeople a V1 I Mr. Gallaway. companie( Robert and Augustus Luker, coin'plainin
nd others were crowng eased W noLice hat . RM I by her little neice, Niellie Bic- don for the winter. -Miss Lizzie Greb, of
Tratfellers Accd.vit Insrance. about big potatoeg*,itnd big yields. Wh i -I tas suffidwitly recovered Iroul his recent. kle.-7-Mr. Holmes, the section foreman, has Zurich, has Started a dressmaking shop In about draina e matter,%, the Reeve ang
could get a bagful of otatoes weihing e- illness to be around ugain.-Messrs.McCosh removed with 'his family into IN -1r. Win. the lower end of the town. -Mr. John Hall Robert MeMofdie werelinstructed to enquire
tween 2 and 3 poi YES each, and I had i 45 aud.Jeffery have now got comfortably set- to the case, and report at next meeting.
StewarVs house, lately vacated by Mr. a ent Menday,and Tuesday in London.- bagsful off half an acre of ground. ;Dlp's' Vied in theirliew Store in CarmichaeVs block. Thomas Cornell. Henry Willert alipped another carload
J. S: JACKSO, Agent, hear from Downie 'again. I SM pjfm -T-be steps at the Town building have been
w a of hoe from Exeter on Montlay.-Butch- Usbome.
—TELEPHONE M 04. come to Weepawa show with three squaspes taken down and- a new, handsomer, tLnd ering is now again the order of the day, and
14 Constance. COUNCIL Doius.-At meeting of the
that filled it wagon box, all three weighIng more substantial set will take their place. -nber of porkers must give
Hy-.NiENzEAL.—A very interesting event large nui Usborne council, held. on the 3rd inst., at
nearly 200 pounds each. They go east for Mr. Win. Sleeth is doing the work.-Aliss 1!'p�iltyheair lives to satisfy the craving of hu -
took place on Wednesday last, at the resi. which all the members were presen, tile
A RUSM.-* Wheat was bringing -43 - ceiAhs Howes, who hit' to
C�0, exhibition. a been visiting Miss Florence
dence of Airs. Joseph Martin, near bere. mail appetites. Bain of $10was granted Mr. P. McGee
'Never Crushes & per bushel for No. 1, in Neepawa last'we0k. Johnson, left on Tuesday for her home in
or at least able for t4 C This was the marriage of Mr. Hugh Dun- to be expQnded on the boundary, being an
re are all well 7 ee -hicago.-Rev. Mr. Newcomb, of Holmes. FarquIlar. ia by the BidduLlph
They Can Fit 1bW meals a day.2) Ville, occupied the Methodist church pulpit lop, one of Hullett?s prosperous young equivalent to a grant mad
on Sunday. -The old Pillman carriage shop, farmers, to Miss Sarah, eldest (laughter of LOCALITIES.—Mr. Frank Hamilton ad council. , John Hewitt was granted $10,and
,Neu audL Bo5�s to a nicety with Fall and'Winter Mrs. Martin. The ceremony took. place in wife, of:Cromarty, were the guests of Mr. the selectors of jurors were paid $3 each.
RETURNE D FROM -Mr. Tbol� oil Main street, now occ pied by Mr. John
�Ras. aightened the presence o t one (lay last
'n eing repairell a str f a happy company composed and Mrs. Andrew Rodger 'hat Mr. E. Williams"be
Cudiore of Mborne was in town on Smith, is b d nd Of week. 14 was decided t
1pbell and Miss Lizzie Jane given the Sum of 5 in full of all claims held
SUL4TS AND OVERCOATS of the relatives and friends the contract- -'Mr. Alex. Call
day. -N[r. Cadmore had just returned I fpm up.7-Miss Oldham, who has been for some I
in 'parties. The esteem in which the bride Cottle, of Hibbert, were the guests of Mr. by him against the *township on account of
For Active Business a six weeks visit to friends in L Southj,'�n time in Regina, Northwest Territory, � is at 9 ed by the 'Kir George Fas- damages arising, from an accident, -caused
NlanitGba. This --was his lirst visit � to fresent visiting - her sister, Mrs.' T. 0. is held was abundantly manifest John Cottle, last week, -T
For Semi -Dress and Evening large rray of handsome, and useful presents sold spent Saturday and Sunday -vvith friends by his horse Shying at repairig material
Pr6vince and he was much pleased with f lie Kemp. -There was an old-fa.-hioned he received. Mr. and Airs. Dunlop -enter in Zurich. -While a commercial traveller left on . the road side, on the 20th of May
For School and Play Day appearance of the country. He has ' 0 snow flurry on Tuesauyll last. The ground 0 life's journey under the most favorable was in the act of getting into his -vehicle in last. A by-law for opening up a road allow -
All Occasions, All Seasons brothers located on farms near Cryi; al wag covered with two inches of the beautiful VP n
-He says they are doing well; h circumstanceb, and wit] the best wishes of front of Mr. Hays' store, last Wednesday ance was read and passled ; a large number
City. h, e on Wednesday morning. -Mr. J,, R.'t,yon hosts of friends.
BEST QUALITIES splendid farms andwouianot return to returned last week from a business trip, to
�ight, his team of bronchos ran away, mak- of accounts *ere Scrutinized ant) ordered to
ing for the west, at full gallop. The travel- be paid; and the council adjourned until
PRICES ROCK BOTTOVU ran to farm if they were given farms' or Montreal and Toron'to.-Mr. Loughead, of
PICKARD & CO. sire right in slght%.�nd Lgoods are-, nothing, and W.'Cudmore says that if 1�e Parkhill, is managing Al r. , - 8. Roberts' MoKillop. ler procured a horse and buggy belonging December Ist, at I o'clock.
DayllghkGoods, were twenty years younger be would, 1-j'. - . drugstore duirizij lirs illness. -Mr. J. C. BAn-.,, BuR.NzD.-'_Nr. James A. Smith, Of to Mr. McCullough and followed them an far
self, cast in his lot 'With the Manitobv#,Os. Laidlaw's south store door 'was Slammed so the 8th concession, had the misfortune to as'Exeter North, where be found one f Staft'
See Our Wonderfal $1 Pants, Theropsin Southern Manitbba are gq d violently the morniniz of the fire that the have a bad fire a t his place on Tuesday them lying on the road, which brought them -Mr. A.
,,p t, ST.%LCTICS. ameron was visit -
this year, and although prices are lowi fa"11- glass was shattered, and when one saw the. night. The fire broke out about 8 o'clock to 4 stand still. Strange to say there was his sister at Sebringville this week. -
1 gat6red, noticed the. door, and soon the -whole' place was in flames.
P1 KARD & CaS. ffal crowd that ha( no damage done except that one of the lines ing is so much easier there and the cap k mi. David McNaughton of Varuaq spent, a
Bargain, Plothing and Dry Goods House, invested so much less than here, that fafill- and heard the smashing of glass under the The implements, which were - nearly, 'new, and the ne yoke strap were broken. -Mr. D I t of this
few hours with.Mr. T. C el y
1 appeared and all the winters feed, were bu ith 0 wa e
feet of those passing in and out
Seaforth. era will act it good return for their meA w Tucker wh a so seriously injured Sam
The bes,Cand �iost prosperous farmers qye as if 1�0m*ethiiig serious had taken place.- the build�ng; also about 600 bushels of time ago by a threshing machine, is mow village, last week. -Mrs. C irb went to
Stratford on business one day last week. -
into mixed farming and 8to6k aisft 'St. J'Ohn's Presbyterian, church, of Hamil. grain. There was about $700 insurance in getting along nicely. He has had a hard in this
go' ,p The matrimonial fever is raging
W, and feed�ng and do'not depend exclusiv' ton, has decided to extend a call to - Rev. the Howick Mutual, but this will not near- time of it but it is hoped the worst is now
im . y neighborhood at present; ihere are geneially
all jtfto, upon grain growing., Alany of, the far W. J. - Clark, of the First Presbyterian ly cover the loss. Mr. Smith has no idea passed. - I
gut Ows* 0 1 - 4' Church. of London. -It is bob often that whatever of how the fire originated. On 0 one or two weddijgs every week. -Mr: H.
have good, comfortable buildingailm and 9 � in Hill ereen. iller and Air. - 0-hirles Gormley went to
E0 tulljo. life as well s do tl;e best, and iijfst farmers require to take advantage' of - the account of the fire lie is forced to have an
tion sale of his farm stock which will be DIED. -Death has again visited our com- Waterloo on abnainem trip last Saturday.
comorta�blein thie country. Ile -says$e insolvenpy act, but Mr. John W. Ty6rman, atic -Mr. Fred. Chubb has got his stable nearly
DISTRICT MATTER8. did not meet with a single settler theri*, IV o of McKillop, seema to be all exception to held on Friday next, the 16th inst., munity and carried away one who had only completed. He has now accommodation for
woud admit that he was not well Jkiiiso� d the rule. He has assigned to Mr. J. C. nicely entered -on life's journey. After a both manandbeast.-Mr. John Livingstone,
brief illness the infant daughter of Mr. and
with th6 Province, or that he would be vi I- Sinith, Banker, of this town, and a meet Morris. our popular thresher and horse buyer, has
FoR THE PoaR.-At the meeting of the izig to return to Ontario if he could. �Jr. ing of creditors is to be held on Friday, No- c�L Roo-st.-The council met on Mrs. John Consitt, of Hills Green, expired bought unto himself a handsome driver, air -
Women's Christian Temperance Union held Cadmore took a trip to Langdo P b'� vem ber 16t.h. -sr., is on Saturda� and was buried last Monday in
4M Wednesd�,y, 7th inst., the following I&- Colility n' em .1, a -Mr. John Turner., Mou"y, October 22nd, pursuant to ad the B field cemetery. The funeral s'ervicei ed by that celebrated stallion, Edinburg,
forth Dakota, and was deligh.fod still very poorly, but is able to get out and journment-member all present. Mr. "a �aaying therefor a handsome figure. -Mr.
dies were appointed to, act, on the Relief was beld in their home, being conducted by
with the country around Langdon. He q& walk around town %on 6ne days. -Thursday, Lewis, of Bluevale,- claimea paymeht for ark Drake is at resent on a itintintrex-
Committee, viz. I, Mrs. G. 1)6can, aperi ys Rev. James Walker, and wits, though that
in- that the farmers on the Ameri6an side Ot the 22nd of this month, is Thanksgiving tile placed in a - drain on centre sideline pedition in M uskolta. -A meeting 'wilf be
-tendelit -'of the work; Assistants-Nortli I of a child, largely attended. The family
only jet better for their grain �vt Day, and will, as usual, be observed as a concession I in 1893. Mr. Bowman wag held here next Monday evening for the pur-
Ward- i\-I.r& Copp, Mrs. � Willis, l , have the a mpathy of the entire neighbor-
N'lrs- they can purchase their supplies for , mjj�h public holiday. -We are glad to notice that instructed to'make enquiry respecting the y pose of ebo ing sides for a sqhirrel bunt. A
Clarkson ; South Ward -Mrs, argan,.NH-rs. less than the Manitobans ca,n, and he slq:�s Mr. J. G. Crich, who -got bis leg broken a matter and report at next meetin On hood in their Sorrow. ected.
A. Stewart, Mrs. Brett, Mrs. Chesney, Mrs. that the anatbemas poured out against Cae, good crowd is exi
_McLean. 1,�,"t Ward -Mrs. Carnochan, be' couple of weeks ago, is - again able - to The motion of Bowman, seconded by Mr.
Mrs. 0. C. Willson, Mrs. Lo- N I P - and the C. P., R. by the Nfanitp)% around, although lie has' still - to xise. Isbister was instructed to expend $20 in Tuckersmith. Stanley.
,vrie,' Mrs. G. e crutches. -Mr. Robert Log6,n andIamily r'e- gravelling at lot 1, on 4th concession line. -Mr. R. Forsyth, the popular
Scott, The Women's Christian Temperance Settlers are loud ana long, and- that if NOTES. Co -u -RT oF REw.910',N.-The court for the
people there -vote as the), talk there will pot -turned home from Manitoba on Tuesd On. motion of Bowman, seconded by Kirkby, teacher of No. 2, is engaged for the en revision of the Stanley'voters' list was held
gan, sr.' enad a Mr. Cod lu�
emanystipporters-of the present Govfwn- Mrs. Lo did not, return, and int year at an advanced sala'ry,- Farmers haN e
Union will lije glad to receive donations of b e was instructed to inspect road
good literature to be used in their work, ment s;nt from Manitob next election. it remaining in the Prairie Province during allowance at lot 4, 6th coincession started to take their turnips up. Mr. P. ett Varna on Saturdai, before Judge Toms.
among lrun-rbermen,. the same to be left at is a good place to go for new light on ep n line, and There -was quite a arge attendance of in -
,p - the winter. Mr. Locran says busine8s is report at next meeting regrding the necew. Leishman, foreman on Mr. Doig's farm, has
om-ic questiLons-, looking up in Manitol7a-, and he thinks the sity . for a (train at said f place. The collector already housed his. terested parties, and a long list of appeals
'ere speedily disposed of. There were in
people there are about as prosperous as they produced his bond, and on motion of labi- . dOUNCIL MEETING.—The, council met at all-Jorty names added. to the list of which
-kbyi the same was ac
oF k FoR-xER SEvonn- tur -Mersrs. ScAt Brothers. ter,. seconded by Kii 9 -ere on the Reforin side and 15 on the
,AVLDWIpN� $ALE on Sa day at 2 are in Ontario. Kyle's hotel on November lot, as per ad
r.rr..-We notice by the dRily papers that. 14(l CLI r journment. All the members were. present.
0001) B�ROS. jpsetl 9f th�Qf, nianos last week, one to cepted msattafactory. A number of ac-
t Conservative.
.Mr. Revel ly R9.3s, who resided in Seafqrttl, Clinton, one to Nepiggn, and one toWhite- counts were ordered to be paid. The cou-a- The,"chief business was paying contractors,
for a coil iderable time, sollie years ago, HAN-CUNG and table' lamos, the ost %wood, Assiniboia, also three organs.-Mrg. rav�el accounts, etc. The following THEFiFTir.-The Orangeniien of Varna
beautiful goods ever shown bi Seaforvia at to cil then adjourned to meet again on the 26th 9 celebrated the fifth of November by having
thhig brother-in-law, Mr. J. C. Har- 86 P14'" Lowrie of November next. acebunts were paid. L. Har an oyster supper at the home of Mr. John.
Vvi it the times. Rzti) a Wnsos. 14 has completed the autograph quilt dy, for build -
tone, had qute an adventure at Lindsay -RicufARDSON & Seaforth bave for the -Nalechanics' Iiistitute, and' it is on ing a bridge over Silver Creek, east of Eg-
recentIv. While visiting. Mr. Harstne, Nv-h o shoes In to%�n. A exhibition at the.libfar3. There are on it Behnore. mondville, $180; George Strong, for clear- Reid, on tEe Bayfield road. They are re -
the beat snaps in boots and 1
�"7#04 ported to have had a very pleasant and en -
is now principal of ille Colleoiate. Institute 0 0 names, and' she was able to hand ing and ditching 100 rods of tM� sideroad
0 FoR A BG 118801Itment of sbcond Poind BUTEFLETS.-Tbe membersof the Metho- joyable.time.
in that town. It appearas that Mr. Ross tended the Quartely e' NUethadist
c,)a,l and wood heaters at low p!�ices go to m in -to the Institute the sum of $28. ist church ar between lots 5 and 0, cone ssions 7 ancl 8,
awoke one night to find a burglar reaching JACKSoN. U11 Mrs. Lowrie is an indefatigable worker $132.60, and 8,96 for other work ; Saintiel QUARTERLY 11EETING. The
at Salem on Sund4 morning last. Mr. mg was beld in Virna last
undler the pillaw for his watch. He grabbed LADIES' slippers for 10 cents per pair,- we in behalf of every good cause. -The McGeoch wae, paid. $136.95; John Latta, qua,
Crittenden occupied the Methodist church 8abbatb. Altbough the roa4s were sloppy,
the fello'Nv, but was not able to bolt! him, have also Indies' tappers at 26 cente.iWeit anlreal. world-renowned Guy Brothers will give one ' $119.13, and Alex. INErstard. received $140.95 and the weather threatening, the attend -
and the burglar got off with a gold -watch. br wcrth four pairs of those at 10 cents. T.Cov9sTity's of their�entertainments in - Seaorth . on the pulpit very acceptably on Sunday evenin * for timber -supplied for 'township purposes.
old stand. 14.01-1 Miss Jennie Bremner was visiting --frieuls ance was large, and a - in( at interesting and
anct chain and a considerale Stun of m oey. evening of Thursday, November - 15th'. They! in Teesw'ater last -week.-Miss Roderus, of Other accounts amounting to WO.46, were
Fon Tweeds, Overcoatingi, F la�nels, , are favo I paid, making a total paid out di , profitable ervice enjoyed. Most of the
Mr. Ross was a. enera fvorie when in rites'n Seaforth. and always- have Liring 'the c9ngregration remained for the Love
day of 1,655.09. The next meeting
;Seaforth, and his old f riends will I* indee(,l Wankets, sox and storldnir yiins atrock 0,ottoqu Winghath, was the guest of the Misses Feast
prices, call at the Woollen Mills. Vm4Eemo.ND`0 so -m good houses here. -Mr. J. P. AlcLaxen has, will be and Sa�(-rainental services. The Quarterl
gorry to learn of his bad luck. He is now �4o4 i removed to Seaforth and is now locateo Barton last week. -Mr. Ralph Metcalf, who held at Weber's hotel, Binondville, o.n y I
0 Board of the eircuitet in Varna last lvfon-
in the eniploy of the Niagara Falls Electric for the past few weeks has been suffering Monday, November 26th, at 10 o'clock
VIM- -The Ladies' Aid �'pf the in his own comfortable residence on Market, from - typhoid fever,. is, we are glad to say, day. The meeting was well atteuoed an
Methodmist church will provide a grand entertainment street. -Air. H. C. Ross has removed his' in.
fcr the evening of Thanksgirtng Day,221fd Novt inber. shop from over Mr. Barton's black- improving. -Mr. Joseph Murray's new AmBiG. LoAD.-WC clip the follo from was a very pleasant and harmonious one,
NF_�_RVV A Fi ia_ -On Saturday morning. Dinner will be set ved in tne Lecture-Rowtu romsix dwelling house is nearing completion. The '" ing the'finances being in satisfactory form,
'_ o."1ock. At 9 o'c�6ck in the churoh a generaliThanks- =shop to the store revently occupied first coat of plaster -has been put oil the new a Carberry, Manitoba, paper, It referrs to The Olowing are the stewards appointed
the fire a1win bell rng, and in a, moment giving Service will be beld, Ahen address.e'l will be by Mr. J. Gr. Crich. -The Yonng - Men's a former well kinown Tuckersinitb man: -rthe year: James MoClymont, -Record;
everyoRewas an the street. Abosecart given by resident and visiting ministenj lind some Christiaii Association are arranging for a store. -Mr. John Chittick has placed a "Ftirrners often talk of hauling big loads of 10
was ta-k-ea out*and a. line of hose laid itp in specially good Pelee ions of idaging by he choir. plealant, entertainment - next Wednesday atone foundation under his dwelling house. wheat to market and often 100 to 130 bush- William Rathwell, Edward Johnson, J. � J.
tand'on Ala'in street, but happily it was Admission, ine'uding dinner, only. 26c. 1404.2 -Mr. Robert Lane, our genial saw -miller P Keys, George Brock and Joseph Robinson.
the I evening, through the kindness of some of I . I els; *ere brouglit, from Petrel. But Well-
'1111necessaxy to use it.' The alarm came Go TO Richardson and McInnis for tony the leading tale4f Seaforth. An inter- -la erecting a new stable. Wood now carries off the palm 'and Thomas RuAwAy. -'Tvlr. and Mrs. E. Glenn) Of
froin Mr. J. C. Laidlaw's grocery store, in boots from $1.85 up. 1404-1 sting feature of the evening -will- be the McGregoristhe man who brought in, on this township, had a very unpleasant ex -
e perience on Wednesday of last week, when
the 6enft-e of Car6no's an(] was bliss GitAcE M(!F,4,U.L, soprano, ppen for disposition of a beautiful quilt donated by Wroxeter. Wednesday, one load of wheat which weigli-
caused- 'by a little blaze in h -is cellar. It ap.- Concert Engagepuents For tergue a4dates. ad- Mrs. Charles Lowrie. -The Toronto papers WAITINGS. - Mr. Joseph Barnard has 6d 590 bushels, or the largest load ever returning home from Clinton. When near
dress Seatorth, Oht?,rio. 1403x4 Mr. Middleton's, in Goderich township,
Pears the gasoline pipes had been leakling, Stat of ry
e e that the Black-Routedge gang purchased the old Ferguson store, near the brought to Carber market. Forfearsome a
and Pile of wood in the cellar fo pr tty FOR SALE.—Two coal stoves in burglars and safe blowers is supposed to be weigh scales, and intends fitting it up at doubting farmer will say this is an exaggera- their horse got frightened and bee me un-
well Soaed. The fittt t1r. couditioD. R. S. HAYS, Seaforth. 1404-1 a crating in Huron County. -Air. F. 'S. once as a dwelling houe.-A'he Young tion we will explain: Mr. McGr6gor loaded manageable. The buggy collided with a
of con (r eWresenting the Canadian Enter- Men's Liberal Club is ven wagons, hooked them together and tree and the occupants were thrown out,
SEE MULLETT & JACKSO-N assortment of ordon r
taken in-tG the cellar, se there was aL about to organize up se
cross -cut saws and axes'before purchasin elsewhere, 1� and the borse getting free from the bug
blaze, atfd had the wood emught, 8ometh-lng 1401-1 tainment ureau, was. in town this week, for the winter. As there is consider- hitched.on his traction engine, with a sup- Ipt.1
a ain made for home. Mr. Glenn was not in -
Serious would hvve resulted. Fortunatey, "Trip A0ound the ushing the -concert business. -The beauti- atle debatin g ability - among the members ply of 'wood and a well filled tank of water, jued, but Mrs. Glenu Suffered from IL
there was warhanct I and a couple World," to be presented,in Cardno's Qper3 House, Fill weather of the past two or three weeks we expect some lively meetings. -Another and soon came rattling into town,a distance prained wrist. Mr. Middleton kindly
,of pails Exed things - all right. Word Thursday evei?inz, Novttnber 29. undetr1he auspi --ed has given place to genuine fall breezes. of the old residents has passed away, in the. of thirteen miles. The buyers swooped do�rn I
�vas, however, not conveyed to the firem en of the Sea,foah Brass Baud, will 8 _ from Now oaned the parties a horse and buggy, with
i I York showing all the pcoluts of interest Ji cludling the The gropud is white with snQw, and the pr,4on of Hamilton Griflith, who was buried on him like so many hawks on a chickeii, which they reached bonie in safety, The i
1n; time to prevent their laying the hose in a ads are frozen hard and. rough. A good onj ondaylast. Mr. Griffith was one- with their usual bia of 38 cents. Toni was buggy was considerably demolished.
Brooklyn Btidge by day and by night. Froin ro of
Bea, of n'luak America's great tnetropoli,4 across the Atantic 0 the niany farmers have not vet got their turnips the Sturdy sons of old Ireland, hailing from no chick and the bid was no good. He said
Emerald 181e; then to Donnie Scotland'. Burn8'birth- They were growing 'so nicely during the north, whence Canada has received so 40. Son 39 and 40 was offered, but Tom
the plane; in Engla�nd, to the city of all vloleo, London,
Ltc.; In Fran6e, to Paris and Versailles, many h The f uneral was rattled along and it is saia that all advance
Prumv 8(woor.I.-A meeting of whe�e the tie fine weather that they were loath to Lumley.
ckool Bord was held in the coutiod mighty Napoleon planned the COD ed of nations ; ice y LOCALITIES. -Mr. Thomas Cann ba
I interfere with nature, and now they will largely attended. -The Commercial hotel on theL pri was paid. However, . . s
cataber on Fridky evening last. The in Switzerland, to Berne.showing tv�e inightiness of likely havp cold fingers at he job. It is has changed hands. We unJerstand that Armstrong got the load, ind`Nlr. McGregor erected a large driving Shed on his farm,
teachers' a wi-ithly reports Shoed the aver- the Alps ; in Rrome, to the Colosseu m, !where gladis- hoped, however, that there will b� a few th-� new proprietor, Mr. Ross, -takes posses- realized about $18 more than if he had haul-. which adds greatly to the appearance of his
age attendanee to be 37C), and the number tors and wild beasts fought for life �fo please Nero fine das yet. -Mr. Jarnes 0raves has pur- Sion in January next. -A contingent of our ed it in Single loads."
and his savage'f6llow#,rs; to the wqrld'o greatea farm, as well as being a great conTenience.
of names on the rall 44-3. The average at- fnrtrevs, Gibraltar; to all the capital@ Of Europe ; to chased the property on. the East side of hunters, who left for the wilds of the north, -MrI John Cann is erecting a neat dwell-
tendance in each of the several departments the Orient, where Cleopatra larod 'kjogs to -death ; Main street, and� nearly opposite Cardno's has returned, after having bad various degrees Zurich. in house oil his farm,which looks as tbou
was as Mr. McFaul, 37 Miss �A. and in Jerusalem to Bethlehein. the birthplace gh
the Saviour. He lead-& the way to the of block from Mrs- -Charles Lowrie, for $800. of luck. Mr. William Harris and Air. IF YOY want sewing machine needle
_ . Utz Canal, 8 90 lie does not intend to spend the winter.
Watson, 35 ; kliss Gowan, 40 Miss Elder, showing the wonders of inorlern en I' eilag; to the We uderstand �e intends erecting a brick William Wright weie each successful in so- to D. S. Faust, who is prepared to furnish needl" hir alone. -One night last week Mr': William
'il "a -We intended to State last almost auy make of machine used in this Inity. D111111n, of this place, bad a set of� barn
4-� ; NT iss K -lorau, 43 N-Irs. (, pbell, 35 ; Red sea; and thence to " ludia'd cgo,%jo strand," illus- building on it next spring. -Miss Eliza curing a deer. vie 1101-1 es
31iss Bella IVA'zttsoil, 35) Miss Sinth, 45,and ti,ating the riches of 11 Our Empire iq', � the H"t-to Hargan l6aves town to-daT for Ingersoll, week that there was A good openi f stolen from the baim. The thievesseeni to
then taking,qur' own court n 0 a zi-,i,,.-Mnch regret
Corea, China zmd Japan, tr TnE LATE MRS. Scu,.%
'oulter, .51. Alit the present teachers toy from the -here she purposes spelic ing the winter carpet weaver, bat in process of you
Mrs... Pacific to the AdstAle.R ftch a tour w ),ca an was felt by -the people here oil learning of have been in a hurry, as they did not shut
have- been. engaged for next year at their will undoubtedly prove very 404-1 with friends. -Mr. Brown, an aged gentle- 2)
0 iuteresting. I it was metamorphosed into." cooper. the -death of Mrs. John Schnell, of the 14th the door after them. -On Sunday n
present salaries. rhe polling places and man from Cedar Creek, near and his ight, last
son. were visiting friends in and around concession of Hay. This sad event took week a number of articles, "consisting of
returning otheers. were appointed as fol- LOCAL Miss Atchiq�n, of Coder- Kippen. place on Tuesday of last week. 'NITS. whips, robes, horse blankets, overgoats, oil:
Iowa : South Ward -0. C. is visAinc, 11-t lAr. J. X Beat's; in this, SeafortW this week. They were the guests Kit-rm-,- 0-MRIAGE WoRKs.-The 'under Schnell's maiden name was Lizzie Stelk. cloths and such like 'were stolen from rig's
Mr. S. -Rtark, Returninsy officer. East to-wn. -Therewas a very exching ganie of, of TMr. and Mrs. John Beattie. _Nlessrs. 'She was. only a little- over 4G years of age. at the Bethanj Methodist church duri
'11, N 1urray the other signt d takes this opliortunity - of th 6nking his many 0 ng
Ward -Council C mber, Mr. William 14, - Hugh Grieve and George rvice.
footb 11 in to*n oil Thni sday--.' No d-atibt the ones who took them
1�f last week, cuatorner� for their liberal support and Is now to the She was a victim of can sumpbion and had se
liott, officer. North day shipped from this station two that and front with a fine selection of cutters and sleigba. been in delicate health. for some time. It is get a good out.
0 between ginond-tIftle and 1�'6eqhwood, for IS which, for neatness, durability and cheapnem spekk thought it a good chance to
the Crawford oup. Beechw supposed she contracted the disease' while fit, as the articles were idl good ones. Some
live ducks and geese to a firm in. New York
Ali large nitinber �f truants Sitate, where they will be fattened for he for themselves. Cutter pilating and tritntuing niade
victorions, to the unboundedldeligli� of he a8pecialt). Aillinesof wood work and rertirinit watt! upon her son, who preceded her to suspicious characters have been s
1, - cen in -the
wits reporte(l, mid the truant officer was dwellers in that village allif surrounding' Thanksgiving market. -Mr. 0. H. Dunn, done on short'notice. All work will recei % e his best the lo��g home by only it couple- of months. neifliborhood (luring the T."i few weeks,
enjoined to exeroise increase(! diligence, and of 8mith's Falls, is visiting in town at pres- a tention and his prices suit the times Bring along
neighborhood, and carried 4,Way the oil
p� wa and get them put In gocd trim for the bush. She was a kind and amiable. ' lady and was a( if they are not careful may get into
to report weekly to the of' the- There was a large crowd enthusiastic t, the guest of Mrs. Neville and family.
In 981"ZialRicKsit. Kippen. 1403-3 reatly beloved by all who knew her. Her 6ouble.-An unusually large number of
ectators at the the Hat- 8CR'M13.-I_r. Alfred Whiteman, hav I Neath is a severe bereavement to her liu8- tramps hav . e been visiting this lo
r is once more i Ing late, i6e � cality of
e - - shedding tile light of his Bayfleld.' served his apprenticeship in the dry goodis band and family, and she will be much and and s` in to be of the worst kind,
N—OTES, Hdlowe'en pranks genial countenance 4- George WHE-_,- you want the best value for your- business with Mr. Plumsteel, of Clinton, iis
�)n 8eaf6rth. deeply mourned bv a large circle of friends. using threats of the most daring sort, as
Were nutuaerous with its, b ut one or two smys lie wits the onty inan ijj� all the crowd money you shruld go to H. F. -Edwirdi. Just' no1v visiting for a couple of weeks at the parental This severe berea�ement�falls all the more well as abusive language. A warm recep-
very foolish ones -were played, espdeiall;_1 of would-be lypebers at Listowel who laid Ors, values are buing given Inbiniscle anddouble home. -Hallowe'en passed over very (juietly heavily upon Mr. Schnell in so much as it is tion ill be given the next one who atte t
Vvid th drpss good s. Light and dark Flaniielette8 and mp a
promptly Cottonades. Carpet warp at the lowest prices. in our village. -The first flurry of' snow the third dear. one: who has been re m"oved to follow the same course.-Rev,T. Sawyer
with School property. The guilty p rties hand oil Cliatelle, aild lie ,1vas
have sad! v in brins, and jugged for it. -The ktethodii� Ghurcli olioir, 1404-1 visited 'us on Tuesday last.-ift. James within a 6ouple- of months. First his eld- the E'liniville'
0 of Woodam, formerly' of
it ia hoped t hat in f atu re such irresponsibles: i assiste(I by liss Howes of Chicago gave a Bp.bFzy- and Mrs. Symons Moore has finished the moving of Iiis stable,- st son was taken away; then. his mother, Circuit, preached two able sermons at the
Will I)e (4osely couthied on stich occasions by i so,tiff se�vice on silillty , &eili ' OTbere bave been visiting Rev. Mr. and Mrs. and is, now ready for tl e wi -Our liter -
C, ng. I nter and now his partner in life and the Bethany appointment on Sunday last, in,
_\IcAsh i ary meeting was well atten&4 on Friday sharer of his joys and sorrows, and we the absence of t
Robert Elliott, of Otta- -%vas a larcte a-vidience who tl�proujfily enjoy- haw, at Egi-nondville.-Mrs. Dr. 8 be pastor, Rev. T. B. Cope-
edtheservice. MrBrighti§ ngratu- visitinglierparents,2\1r. and Mrs. Arm- night, ilthogh the weather was very un- n t at he has a daughter who, is in ve
Nva, s ent some d4ays last week- t the p to be e b land. His many friends were glad to have
lear ry
ental hollie heve, - lie is the eldest son of lated on the excellence this has attain- strong, Bronson line. -Lieutenant Brough- fav-orable.-A ver delicate health. The f uneral was on Thursd the opportunity of listening to their old
ooc- ed ander-his training.-Mr.11W OT p easan evening was ny
T illiam Copp ton is now assisting Captain Cramer, who spent at Mr. J In Jarrotts on Monday of last week, and the high esteem in which friend.
les a on die smff of-�the I)oniin- has returned home fr N Y rk. He says has received orders to remain here a few last, when a few friends gathered in. Mr. the deceasedwas held and the a mpathy
om y
Dag; A is impossible to (to any nisiliess in New weeks 16nger.-Albert Vanstone `retured Win. Hart, violinist ; r. Win. Jarrott, shown for the bereaved family was mani- -bondesboro.
brother of the - Rev. NN ei York at present in pressed Peter bomeon'_Nlonday,baving been away nearly with his month organ, and Miss Atli fested by the large number bimourners who
ce Jar- TiFiE GOOD TFNnPLARS.-At the regular
1wide, Spent their'first week Anderson'Nvb6 has been coAfined in Strat- seven months, fishing at South Bay. -Miss -gan, �rovided sweet music, and -wed the remains to theAast Testing meeting of North Star Lodge, the (400d
I - rott at the oi follo,
of we(Mcd life at tile left on for(,] boaital for thirteen -%with -typh- Olivebomson and Nfessrs. S. Muit and H. Mr. John Oliver �erfornied with the rope. place. Templars elected and, installed the follow.
their retura on Rev. oid fe.verj has teturned llo� .� t'L'nd ls,now re- Holder, of Clintoti, spent Sunday in'to-wn. An exc�edingly pleasant time was spent.- BRiFF-,.-The first snow t1iis tall fell last ing ofticers for the current quarter, viz
altbougb somew at weak. -The -NIrs. James McDonald and INIiss
211aggie Miss Agnes Jarrott, who has been in Lon. Tuesday, and everybody was surprised to Addie, Crisp, chief tein'RIar ; Jennie Wood-
y er
xii first ice of the scason- fonied oil Tuesday Falconer -have been at Zurich, visiting INT'rs. (Ion for)-iew-ly two vears, was visiting at see the ground covered with a white coat.- man, ice templar ; Wat Cunningham,
Pjace of the Nlr'-. Acheson,'who to William Sfq�,ot i4 now com- Torrance.-,Aalr. Harry Kenip had a,pleasat the parental home ihis week.-INr. James Miss E. Rickbeil returned a few days ago secretary ; Ephraim Grey, fingilcilil secre-
Mtell(l ZL preached n fortably Settled in her oW"n residence on isit this week from his farher, mother and Fitzgerald, from London, has been the
excelleat sertauu, tl(f our people would (4oderich street. -Rev. 3%1t. Shaw, of' EeL two brothers, of Clinton.-I)annie McLeod, from a visiting trip in Huron county, Mich- tary ; Eva Maggridge, treasurer *; Marshall
guet, of the Misses Jarrott this week. -Mr. igan.-Miss Lydia Faust, from -Preston, is Braithwaite, chaplain ; Robert.Reid, mar-
nuie mo1L1(1V111e, preached in
pleaset-1 to li-;ten, w hitbi A Presbyterian who had his collar bone brokeii a few weqks James Moore is building a new Stable and with her cousin Lydia Faust, for a visit.- shall ; Mary Scott, guard ; Albert Me -
Ross carie from Leadbitry to at-tena church last 8ablbath evenirf Dr. McDoi able to be around again. -Mrs. driving shed. -Horses are being offered for Mr. Stephens, from Seaforth, was in town Gregor, sentinel ;Agnes ScottX organist.,
nald a -go, is
-unioa ot IlLe baving e get
conun an d PlPits--Miss Struthers, ofClinton, is moving into M 75 cents.-Nfr. NA,m. Bawden and Mr. Millar thisweek gathering pigeons for a large The lodge has got -an active and enthusiastic
doughty kiii-tits 6f Norris an(1,1;nowfl1ke. L r -�-' White, of Exeter, paid our village a visit shooting mach. -The concert given by the staff of officers, and should do good work.
With the c -lash of arinii between the Pollock, a Spiritualistic i4edium, who has Cleaves'.. cottare. - -Miss Whinie \,Ioo c
been r3ojourning at the 13�yal Hotel for a house Spent last' week in Goderidi to n- on Tuesday last on business. -Mr. Win. order of the- Knights of Tent Maccabees, in There is now a membership of about sixty,
bo"wever, froni the side of the coaple of weeks, has beelj`�o thronged with ship, the guest of 'Mrs. Hudie.-Miss Mawlide Blai left h.ere on Tuesday last for Al the Town Hall, last Tuesday evening, was and it is hoped to ave many -Be
-isiting at Grand Bend. to feist hi goma,
Shield already Presented, Should say ti isitors desiring to have,'tbeir 1�fortunes Ferguson has been % h 1W recruits,
will be easily p brother RolArt in the bush.- well attended. -Rev. J. G. Litt, of Cred- as eery effort will be made to have inter-
trated.-Miss Minnie told." that soine have beeii unale to pro- -Miss Lizzie Kennedy has returned home, i0ter ade its first visit on Tuesday, iton, preached two powerful sermons in the esting and instructive readings during the
cure an udience,with the medium,�' all of after having enjoyed a month's vacation at ring I
day last for to sp 9 left oil Fri :a t ie earth with its beautiful gar- 11' vangelica.1 Church here this week, to a winter months.
e"(1 some thne which goes to "'rove -tbatfthe -very foolish Wifigham.-Mr. Parker left this week for me -Mrs. Win. Rattenbury, of Bruce. large and attentive audience. -The annua NOTES. -Mr. Win. L. Brunsden arrived
p .. q
e are not all
with hOr a W, w1w hwi not been well late- peopi lead yef. If the money a visit to her dau ter,' at Chatham. i�ed
has been staying foi. ttlat is wo 91, friends in the village last week. meeting of Zurich Branch Bible Society home from Manitoba on Friday night. He
nd wolua were devoted to:!Il! in fpeing this -Preparations n6w being made Th annual meeting -of the Bible Society was held here last, week. Rev. Mr. Wag- brought a carload of cattle with him. -Mrs.
rse than at
-several Months with her parents, Isome bene�olent for the annual Christmas trees. -On was eld on Monday evening. with a good ner, general agent, from
Mrs- H. P Stratford, offi- Wilken presented hey. li lord. with a
left on -Saturday last pllrpose it would afford m#oh more satisfac- Thursday, November Ist, Tom, In- atte dance. The officers elected for the ciated, and gave a good ad well thought yorg daughter o4 M
Qu=y ni
'We. open this month with-8everd,
lines of new goods, all splendidValue.,
rather better than! ordinary.'
We have confitalatly, been addiia
9 Itev-
thin a, and our millinery -,at
9 ock at prw
.ent is well assoried. Low pride$
rule, aDd for the balance of the�,.
all ready izimmed ,bats and bouAetw;
will be sold at r6duced figuresI.
are bhowing a great variety of
Velvets, fancy trim-mim, in' Silk
b ateriall
Silks, Plushes, Pluin and Fancy
bons, etc.
sp� CIAL.
Extra. quality wide silk finiihea
Velveteens, �Ae r shade i
83 "bPorted
50c, )er yard.
Our stock of ilantles is still nicely,
assorted, in style, leolor, sizes and price
Rongh cloths, smootb cloths plainmad'
or fancy. Nes �4n:d Ulster$, all ele"fiat,
you an ut
an Idea
'Flame mWout
-()f our rine of Men�
'gats and Suits, thail
other way, We'll e
it is that tbe-' Frieze:
sew rr at $8 is the g
shown in the trade.
theval, because ies PI
6son, presi. out lecture. The following now officers for
for her home 41 Toronto. She and her vt1n- tion to the donors and would do som'd, o cto 'of PuWc S��016 visi Ash ilk,
oa ted the,sch661' edmingvear are Rev. S. Ac
Wilson's Oash Grocery. I * I be much illissed at Ill -Mr'. John Ward has in his sh R. Mellis, secretary and trewurer the current weriD elected: Fred. Hess, FRIDAY9 NOV.
some baft gir wit e op ji mingle' _h e. At- the close of his, insp�ection he ex- dent
patental ome here. -Mr. R. R. Dennie h drivil. A- g' h a -ork being Messrs. T. lAcclymont, (4. McKay, and President; Ev. D. H. Braund, Vice Presi-
U the place to get, the best goods for the least mess, which is a credit to his es I?ressbd satisfaction with the
1L I %Ar I: 'I.=% _n M AVff- 1� A-,,,+. Herman Wall Treasurer '[Tpvlr
immey. a vell only for cash or trade and doWt Started milk delivery gon. V% ita so , tablisquierktI, it is ruboer mounted and done anti the submwanual progress e ames oo e, VL 0. L . 1i ot.— V r - 0 bave to charge, our custoiluers soifiething eXtrk% to Pa'Y'L mw anned le%ther and made,by the pupils during the 1 2 with his usual force and eloquence, holding- Dumert, Secretary:] D. S. Faust,
Ill. competition the arti6.1_6 sh6vild soon ',Jmade from' the best, oak Past ear,a� Keeper
lorgoqds they do not gW ecoul lto�y. A vote of thanks was tell -
Candled . Peelk vlqow- Cur1r*`0t11' Raising' b e cheap. -The Rev. ;M -r, Shaw )ylll the whole rig �only we)ghs ten pounds. Itis referred particularly to the - markiDd ability the attention of the audience for nearly an of Deposi
ery fine quality. now In Shown hyL
-to sult, the ull thkies. Teas.-
2fir.ison,14 at priles preach'in the Methodist Ob*h in towlil'ou neat and nobby and showi taste and skilled an&taste the fifth class in their hour, giving an outline of the good work dered to the collectors of last year by the
our Green, Black and Japan, all new goods, at 2ba 8abbath evening next, on account of L the fll- workmanship jon the part of the maker, . studies, which refte6ted credit on the school done in the pasi, and also of the gL'eat work whole audience Standing up. -NITS. E.
ir pound, are the beat value you can get anywhere. ness of the Rev. Mr. Galloway. The Chris- Master Williain Ward. It was-inade to or- and their teaelleri, Mr. McClusky. Several whicl 4�remains to be done by the society.- Tumner, from the 9anbre Line, moved a
out now Cylon Tea. at ift per pouna, it is a
regul*r Price No. Our Dourbon blend of tian Endeavor Society -will take charg4 of der. -Mr. Thomas Ward, of Varna, has a visitors besides the` Trustees were present Mrs. Ricker returned home from Bright few days' ago into Mr. George Fussald's
=Mt11115 the veiy best, ir, tho utarket. We have - re- the service in our church that evening, un- mare"which is now. thirty-three- years old Aurii the afternoon. Rev. Mr. Davidson on Saturday, where she had been for some house.
due" the price of flour atid will oelt the%est for 81.50 (ter the leadership Qfhlr. D. Stevenson, andL her genial owner think6 that she con1d heartily endorsed the Inspector's remaks., weiks wai�iilg on her sick mother. TnE HAY Couam.-At a. meeting
IV 100; ponnds- and guarantee It equal to any In 0 'of tbe Hay Council held in the hall here, on
Th, hlgheStL priefj paid foLr 0ood butter, eirwe yet o from Varna to Seaorth in as short Mr. McCluskey and Miss Porterfield have
SM4. PoUltry. Givo us w call, we wilil do better !or FR�om THE FAR WisT�—Oui old friend, L timtTas many So-called. go6 . d. - driver;. She done their work well and the trustees are Dashwood. the 27th :ult., at which all the membe�s
you than you can do anywhere else. All goods Nfr. James 1�, Govenlock, -writes to us from has been in Mr. Ward's possession since she to be congratulated on securing their servi- D0'T8. -The annual meeting of the Dash- were present, in the absente of Mr. LattajI
juaranteed to give satisfaction.. -wa, N -as sired by Bay ces for allother year. clerk, Air. Fred. Hess was appoilited clerk,
.NL:'7eep& lanitoba, on October 31sv',; as was three years old. She NA wood Branch of the Upper Canada Bible
. 1; . 0 -
CL.. WILSON urch pro tem. The clerk was histrucied to o-
Seaforth follows We bave extra fine weather Prince, and was purchased from the late Mr.
pre Society was held in the Evangelical Ch
Banio't-Commerce Block. yet, clear tie summer, with light frob't at William Scobie, �6f 8eaforth.-h1r. R. Den- Bluevale. last Wednead!ty evening, by the Rev. Mr. tify the Council of Stephen concerning their
night, being very suitable for farm w, rk-. nie, of L Tackerismith, has started a. milk BRnFs.-Miss Lydia Campbell, teacher Wagner, of StratforJ.-Rev. Mr., Sitt �oc- ortion towards the Hay Sauble Ditch
Threshing is about finished in our neigh�or- wagon - and is now supplying the people of �_und for the years 1893-4.. It was decided
at No. 4, McKillop, while visiting at Mr. cupied the Evangelical Church pulpit last
hood and most of the plowing is done. e S eafortil with the lacteal fluid. - There are F. B. ScotVs over a week agro, was taken ill Thursday evening, in connection with the to amend the collector's roll by charging
CL P. R. T/CK x -a
crops were pretty good all ar6 n re. now four milk vendors who make. their with pleurisy, but she waWsufficiently well revival meeti hi h -e still in progress. Ale ander Munn, on L. t 16, Concession 3,
My own averaged: Wheat, .2 u4b 'is ; rounds daily, viz. : 'Mr. Joseph 'Brown,.Mr. er from here uttended Mr. School � Section No. 10, with the sum of
to be enabled to return to her home on Mon- --Quite a n
eats, 45 bushels,'and lmrley 4122 us els ho Eberhardt, Mr. 1reland and Mr.L' Dennie.- day. -We are sorry to learn that Miss S. Rannie's sale on the Lake Road last Fri- $15.62 special school rate, , having been
C. P. R. TEL EGRA PH 7 the "re. .-NegetableseXtra good. We.bad Rev. Mr. Swan, Alethodist minister of Hen- Bella Fraser is ver - y ill.�Miss Kit Fowler, day. -Mr. Henry. Cellfas is at present build- omitted from the roll, and also that John
-kins measuring -y. He had been of the Bluevale'road, is recovering from a, ing an addition to his house, wbich he late -
pump five feet in circumfVr- sall, was in town on Monda Erb, concession 13, part lot 28, be charged
EXPRESS 0,0:, euce, and cabbages 3-& feet in circumfere we preaching *the Thanksgiving sermon in the -Miss $3.81 additional school rate. In regard to
very bad attack of quinsy.-.Nliss Annie ly purebased.from Mr. J. Kellerman.
I notice in THE Ex-_01TOR that the Low �S; . Egmoildville Presbyterian cKurch.-We' are Rutherford has returned from Manitoba ae- Lydia Hang has returned home from Lon- the letter of L. H. Dickson, representing
borough jeople a V1 I Mr. Gallaway. companie( Robert and Augustus Luker, coin'plainin
nd others were crowng eased W noLice hat . RM I by her little neice, Niellie Bic- don for the winter. -Miss Lizzie Greb, of
Tratfellers Accd.vit Insrance. about big potatoeg*,itnd big yields. Wh i -I tas suffidwitly recovered Iroul his recent. kle.-7-Mr. Holmes, the section foreman, has Zurich, has Started a dressmaking shop In about draina e matter,%, the Reeve ang
could get a bagful of otatoes weihing e- illness to be around ugain.-Messrs.McCosh removed with 'his family into IN -1r. Win. the lower end of the town. -Mr. John Hall Robert MeMofdie werelinstructed to enquire
tween 2 and 3 poi YES each, and I had i 45 aud.Jeffery have now got comfortably set- to the case, and report at next meeting.
StewarVs house, lately vacated by Mr. a ent Menday,and Tuesday in London.- bagsful off half an acre of ground. ;Dlp's' Vied in theirliew Store in CarmichaeVs block. Thomas Cornell. Henry Willert alipped another carload
J. S: JACKSO, Agent, hear from Downie 'again. I SM pjfm -T-be steps at the Town building have been
w a of hoe from Exeter on Montlay.-Butch- Usbome.
—TELEPHONE M 04. come to Weepawa show with three squaspes taken down and- a new, handsomer, tLnd ering is now again the order of the day, and
14 Constance. COUNCIL Doius.-At meeting of the
that filled it wagon box, all three weighIng more substantial set will take their place. -nber of porkers must give
Hy-.NiENzEAL.—A very interesting event large nui Usborne council, held. on the 3rd inst., at
nearly 200 pounds each. They go east for Mr. Win. Sleeth is doing the work.-Aliss 1!'p�iltyheair lives to satisfy the craving of hu -
took place on Wednesday last, at the resi. which all the members were presen, tile
A RUSM.-* Wheat was bringing -43 - ceiAhs Howes, who hit' to
C�0, exhibition. a been visiting Miss Florence
dence of Airs. Joseph Martin, near bere. mail appetites. Bain of $10was granted Mr. P. McGee
'Never Crushes & per bushel for No. 1, in Neepawa last'we0k. Johnson, left on Tuesday for her home in
or at least able for t4 C This was the marriage of Mr. Hugh Dun- to be expQnded on the boundary, being an
re are all well 7 ee -hicago.-Rev. Mr. Newcomb, of Holmes. FarquIlar. ia by the BidduLlph
They Can Fit 1bW meals a day.2) Ville, occupied the Methodist church pulpit lop, one of Hullett?s prosperous young equivalent to a grant mad
on Sunday. -The old Pillman carriage shop, farmers, to Miss Sarah, eldest (laughter of LOCALITIES.—Mr. Frank Hamilton ad council. , John Hewitt was granted $10,and
,Neu audL Bo5�s to a nicety with Fall and'Winter Mrs. Martin. The ceremony took. place in wife, of:Cromarty, were the guests of Mr. the selectors of jurors were paid $3 each.
RETURNE D FROM -Mr. Tbol� oil Main street, now occ pied by Mr. John
�Ras. aightened the presence o t one (lay last
'n eing repairell a str f a happy company composed and Mrs. Andrew Rodger 'hat Mr. E. Williams"be
Cudiore of Mborne was in town on Smith, is b d nd Of week. 14 was decided t
1pbell and Miss Lizzie Jane given the Sum of 5 in full of all claims held
SUL4TS AND OVERCOATS of the relatives and friends the contract- -'Mr. Alex. Call
day. -N[r. Cadmore had just returned I fpm up.7-Miss Oldham, who has been for some I
in 'parties. The esteem in which the bride Cottle, of Hibbert, were the guests of Mr. by him against the *township on account of
For Active Business a six weeks visit to friends in L Southj,'�n time in Regina, Northwest Territory, � is at 9 ed by the 'Kir George Fas- damages arising, from an accident, -caused
NlanitGba. This --was his lirst visit � to fresent visiting - her sister, Mrs.' T. 0. is held was abundantly manifest John Cottle, last week, -T
For Semi -Dress and Evening large rray of handsome, and useful presents sold spent Saturday and Sunday -vvith friends by his horse Shying at repairig material
Pr6vince and he was much pleased with f lie Kemp. -There was an old-fa.-hioned he received. Mr. and Airs. Dunlop -enter in Zurich. -While a commercial traveller left on . the road side, on the 20th of May
For School and Play Day appearance of the country. He has ' 0 snow flurry on Tuesauyll last. The ground 0 life's journey under the most favorable was in the act of getting into his -vehicle in last. A by-law for opening up a road allow -
All Occasions, All Seasons brothers located on farms near Cryi; al wag covered with two inches of the beautiful VP n
-He says they are doing well; h circumstanceb, and wit] the best wishes of front of Mr. Hays' store, last Wednesday ance was read and passled ; a large number
City. h, e on Wednesday morning. -Mr. J,, R.'t,yon hosts of friends.
BEST QUALITIES splendid farms andwouianot return to returned last week from a business trip, to
�ight, his team of bronchos ran away, mak- of accounts *ere Scrutinized ant) ordered to
ing for the west, at full gallop. The travel- be paid; and the council adjourned until
PRICES ROCK BOTTOVU ran to farm if they were given farms' or Montreal and Toron'to.-Mr. Loughead, of
PICKARD & CO. sire right in slght%.�nd Lgoods are-, nothing, and W.'Cudmore says that if 1�e Parkhill, is managing Al r. , - 8. Roberts' MoKillop. ler procured a horse and buggy belonging December Ist, at I o'clock.
DayllghkGoods, were twenty years younger be would, 1-j'. - . drugstore duirizij lirs illness. -Mr. J. C. BAn-.,, BuR.NzD.-'_Nr. James A. Smith, Of to Mr. McCullough and followed them an far
self, cast in his lot 'With the Manitobv#,Os. Laidlaw's south store door 'was Slammed so the 8th concession, had the misfortune to as'Exeter North, where be found one f Staft'
See Our Wonderfal $1 Pants, Theropsin Southern Manitbba are gq d violently the morniniz of the fire that the have a bad fire a t his place on Tuesday them lying on the road, which brought them -Mr. A.
,,p t, ST.%LCTICS. ameron was visit -
this year, and although prices are lowi fa"11- glass was shattered, and when one saw the. night. The fire broke out about 8 o'clock to 4 stand still. Strange to say there was his sister at Sebringville this week. -
1 gat6red, noticed the. door, and soon the -whole' place was in flames.
P1 KARD & CaS. ffal crowd that ha( no damage done except that one of the lines ing is so much easier there and the cap k mi. David McNaughton of Varuaq spent, a
Bargain, Plothing and Dry Goods House, invested so much less than here, that fafill- and heard the smashing of glass under the The implements, which were - nearly, 'new, and the ne yoke strap were broken. -Mr. D I t of this
few hours with.Mr. T. C el y
1 appeared and all the winters feed, were bu ith 0 wa e
feet of those passing in and out
Seaforth. era will act it good return for their meA w Tucker wh a so seriously injured Sam
The bes,Cand �iost prosperous farmers qye as if 1�0m*ethiiig serious had taken place.- the build�ng; also about 600 bushels of time ago by a threshing machine, is mow village, last week. -Mrs. C irb went to
Stratford on business one day last week. -
into mixed farming and 8to6k aisft 'St. J'Ohn's Presbyterian, church, of Hamil. grain. There was about $700 insurance in getting along nicely. He has had a hard in this
go' ,p The matrimonial fever is raging
W, and feed�ng and do'not depend exclusiv' ton, has decided to extend a call to - Rev. the Howick Mutual, but this will not near- time of it but it is hoped the worst is now
im . y neighborhood at present; ihere are geneially
all jtfto, upon grain growing., Alany of, the far W. J. - Clark, of the First Presbyterian ly cover the loss. Mr. Smith has no idea passed. - I
gut Ows* 0 1 - 4' Church. of London. -It is bob often that whatever of how the fire originated. On 0 one or two weddijgs every week. -Mr: H.
have good, comfortable buildingailm and 9 � in Hill ereen. iller and Air. - 0-hirles Gormley went to
E0 tulljo. life as well s do tl;e best, and iijfst farmers require to take advantage' of - the account of the fire lie is forced to have an
tion sale of his farm stock which will be DIED. -Death has again visited our com- Waterloo on abnainem trip last Saturday.
comorta�blein thie country. Ile -says$e insolvenpy act, but Mr. John W. Ty6rman, atic -Mr. Fred. Chubb has got his stable nearly
DISTRICT MATTER8. did not meet with a single settler theri*, IV o of McKillop, seema to be all exception to held on Friday next, the 16th inst., munity and carried away one who had only completed. He has now accommodation for
woud admit that he was not well Jkiiiso� d the rule. He has assigned to Mr. J. C. nicely entered -on life's journey. After a both manandbeast.-Mr. John Livingstone,
brief illness the infant daughter of Mr. and
with th6 Province, or that he would be vi I- Sinith, Banker, of this town, and a meet Morris. our popular thresher and horse buyer, has
FoR THE PoaR.-At the meeting of the izig to return to Ontario if he could. �Jr. ing of creditors is to be held on Friday, No- c�L Roo-st.-The council met on Mrs. John Consitt, of Hills Green, expired bought unto himself a handsome driver, air -
Women's Christian Temperance Union held Cadmore took a trip to Langdo P b'� vem ber 16t.h. -sr., is on Saturda� and was buried last Monday in
4M Wednesd�,y, 7th inst., the following I&- Colility n' em .1, a -Mr. John Turner., Mou"y, October 22nd, pursuant to ad the B field cemetery. The funeral s'ervicei ed by that celebrated stallion, Edinburg,
forth Dakota, and was deligh.fod still very poorly, but is able to get out and journment-member all present. Mr. "a �aaying therefor a handsome figure. -Mr.
dies were appointed to, act, on the Relief was beld in their home, being conducted by
with the country around Langdon. He q& walk around town %on 6ne days. -Thursday, Lewis, of Bluevale,- claimea paymeht for ark Drake is at resent on a itintintrex-
Committee, viz. I, Mrs. G. 1)6can, aperi ys Rev. James Walker, and wits, though that
in- that the farmers on the Ameri6an side Ot the 22nd of this month, is Thanksgiving tile placed in a - drain on centre sideline pedition in M uskolta. -A meeting 'wilf be
-tendelit -'of the work; Assistants-Nortli I of a child, largely attended. The family
only jet better for their grain �vt Day, and will, as usual, be observed as a concession I in 1893. Mr. Bowman wag held here next Monday evening for the pur-
Ward- i\-I.r& Copp, Mrs. � Willis, l , have the a mpathy of the entire neighbor-
N'lrs- they can purchase their supplies for , mjj�h public holiday. -We are glad to notice that instructed to'make enquiry respecting the y pose of ebo ing sides for a sqhirrel bunt. A
Clarkson ; South Ward -Mrs, argan,.NH-rs. less than the Manitobans ca,n, and he slq:�s Mr. J. G. Crich, who -got bis leg broken a matter and report at next meetin On hood in their Sorrow. ected.
A. Stewart, Mrs. Brett, Mrs. Chesney, Mrs. that the anatbemas poured out against Cae, good crowd is exi
_McLean. 1,�,"t Ward -Mrs. Carnochan, be' couple of weeks ago, is - again able - to The motion of Bowman, seconded by Mr.
Mrs. 0. C. Willson, Mrs. Lo- N I P - and the C. P., R. by the Nfanitp)% around, although lie has' still - to xise. Isbister was instructed to expend $20 in Tuckersmith. Stanley.
,vrie,' Mrs. G. e crutches. -Mr. Robert Log6,n andIamily r'e- gravelling at lot 1, on 4th concession line. -Mr. R. Forsyth, the popular
Scott, The Women's Christian Temperance Settlers are loud ana long, and- that if NOTES. Co -u -RT oF REw.910',N.-The court for the
people there -vote as the), talk there will pot -turned home from Manitoba on Tuesd On. motion of Bowman, seconded by Kirkby, teacher of No. 2, is engaged for the en revision of the Stanley'voters' list was held
gan, sr.' enad a Mr. Cod lu�
emanystipporters-of the present Govfwn- Mrs. Lo did not, return, and int year at an advanced sala'ry,- Farmers haN e
Union will lije glad to receive donations of b e was instructed to inspect road
good literature to be used in their work, ment s;nt from Manitob next election. it remaining in the Prairie Province during allowance at lot 4, 6th coincession started to take their turnips up. Mr. P. ett Varna on Saturdai, before Judge Toms.
among lrun-rbermen,. the same to be left at is a good place to go for new light on ep n line, and There -was quite a arge attendance of in -
,p - the winter. Mr. Locran says busine8s is report at next meeting regrding the necew. Leishman, foreman on Mr. Doig's farm, has
om-ic questiLons-, looking up in Manitol7a-, and he thinks the sity . for a (train at said f place. The collector already housed his. terested parties, and a long list of appeals
'ere speedily disposed of. There were in
people there are about as prosperous as they produced his bond, and on motion of labi- . dOUNCIL MEETING.—The, council met at all-Jorty names added. to the list of which
-kbyi the same was ac
oF k FoR-xER SEvonn- tur -Mersrs. ScAt Brothers. ter,. seconded by Kii 9 -ere on the Reforin side and 15 on the
,AVLDWIpN� $ALE on Sa day at 2 are in Ontario. Kyle's hotel on November lot, as per ad
r.rr..-We notice by the dRily papers that. 14(l CLI r journment. All the members were. present.
0001) B�ROS. jpsetl 9f th�Qf, nianos last week, one to cepted msattafactory. A number of ac-
t Conservative.
.Mr. Revel ly R9.3s, who resided in Seafqrttl, Clinton, one to Nepiggn, and one toWhite- counts were ordered to be paid. The cou-a- The,"chief business was paying contractors,
for a coil iderable time, sollie years ago, HAN-CUNG and table' lamos, the ost %wood, Assiniboia, also three organs.-Mrg. rav�el accounts, etc. The following THEFiFTir.-The Orangeniien of Varna
beautiful goods ever shown bi Seaforvia at to cil then adjourned to meet again on the 26th 9 celebrated the fifth of November by having
thhig brother-in-law, Mr. J. C. Har- 86 P14'" Lowrie of November next. acebunts were paid. L. Har an oyster supper at the home of Mr. John.
Vvi it the times. Rzti) a Wnsos. 14 has completed the autograph quilt dy, for build -
tone, had qute an adventure at Lindsay -RicufARDSON & Seaforth bave for the -Nalechanics' Iiistitute, and' it is on ing a bridge over Silver Creek, east of Eg-
recentIv. While visiting. Mr. Harstne, Nv-h o shoes In to%�n. A exhibition at the.libfar3. There are on it Behnore. mondville, $180; George Strong, for clear- Reid, on tEe Bayfield road. They are re -
the beat snaps in boots and 1
�"7#04 ported to have had a very pleasant and en -
is now principal of ille Colleoiate. Institute 0 0 names, and' she was able to hand ing and ditching 100 rods of tM� sideroad
0 FoR A BG 118801Itment of sbcond Poind BUTEFLETS.-Tbe membersof the Metho- joyable.time.
in that town. It appearas that Mr. Ross tended the Quartely e' NUethadist
c,)a,l and wood heaters at low p!�ices go to m in -to the Institute the sum of $28. ist church ar between lots 5 and 0, cone ssions 7 ancl 8,
awoke one night to find a burglar reaching JACKSoN. U11 Mrs. Lowrie is an indefatigable worker $132.60, and 8,96 for other work ; Saintiel QUARTERLY 11EETING. The
at Salem on Sund4 morning last. Mr. mg was beld in Virna last
undler the pillaw for his watch. He grabbed LADIES' slippers for 10 cents per pair,- we in behalf of every good cause. -The McGeoch wae, paid. $136.95; John Latta, qua,
Crittenden occupied the Methodist church 8abbatb. Altbough the roa4s were sloppy,
the fello'Nv, but was not able to bolt! him, have also Indies' tappers at 26 cente.iWeit anlreal. world-renowned Guy Brothers will give one ' $119.13, and Alex. INErstard. received $140.95 and the weather threatening, the attend -
and the burglar got off with a gold -watch. br wcrth four pairs of those at 10 cents. T.Cov9sTity's of their�entertainments in - Seaorth . on the pulpit very acceptably on Sunday evenin * for timber -supplied for 'township purposes.
old stand. 14.01-1 Miss Jennie Bremner was visiting --frieuls ance was large, and a - in( at interesting and
anct chain and a considerale Stun of m oey. evening of Thursday, November - 15th'. They! in Teesw'ater last -week.-Miss Roderus, of Other accounts amounting to WO.46, were
Fon Tweeds, Overcoatingi, F la�nels, , are favo I paid, making a total paid out di , profitable ervice enjoyed. Most of the
Mr. Ross was a. enera fvorie when in rites'n Seaforth. and always- have Liring 'the c9ngregration remained for the Love
day of 1,655.09. The next meeting
;Seaforth, and his old f riends will I* indee(,l Wankets, sox and storldnir yiins atrock 0,ottoqu Winghath, was the guest of the Misses Feast
prices, call at the Woollen Mills. Vm4Eemo.ND`0 so -m good houses here. -Mr. J. P. AlcLaxen has, will be and Sa�(-rainental services. The Quarterl
gorry to learn of his bad luck. He is now �4o4 i removed to Seaforth and is now locateo Barton last week. -Mr. Ralph Metcalf, who held at Weber's hotel, Binondville, o.n y I
0 Board of the eircuitet in Varna last lvfon-
in the eniploy of the Niagara Falls Electric for the past few weeks has been suffering Monday, November 26th, at 10 o'clock
VIM- -The Ladies' Aid �'pf the in his own comfortable residence on Market, from - typhoid fever,. is, we are glad to say, day. The meeting was well atteuoed an
Methodmist church will provide a grand entertainment street. -Air. H. C. Ross has removed his' in.
fcr the evening of Thanksgirtng Day,221fd Novt inber. shop from over Mr. Barton's black- improving. -Mr. Joseph Murray's new AmBiG. LoAD.-WC clip the follo from was a very pleasant and harmonious one,
NF_�_RVV A Fi ia_ -On Saturday morning. Dinner will be set ved in tne Lecture-Rowtu romsix dwelling house is nearing completion. The '" ing the'finances being in satisfactory form,
'_ o."1ock. At 9 o'c�6ck in the churoh a generaliThanks- =shop to the store revently occupied first coat of plaster -has been put oil the new a Carberry, Manitoba, paper, It referrs to The Olowing are the stewards appointed
the fire a1win bell rng, and in a, moment giving Service will be beld, Ahen address.e'l will be by Mr. J. Gr. Crich. -The Yonng - Men's a former well kinown Tuckersinitb man: -rthe year: James MoClymont, -Record;
everyoRewas an the street. Abosecart given by resident and visiting ministenj lind some Christiaii Association are arranging for a store. -Mr. John Chittick has placed a "Ftirrners often talk of hauling big loads of 10
was ta-k-ea out*and a. line of hose laid itp in specially good Pelee ions of idaging by he choir. plealant, entertainment - next Wednesday atone foundation under his dwelling house. wheat to market and often 100 to 130 bush- William Rathwell, Edward Johnson, J. � J.
tand'on Ala'in street, but happily it was Admission, ine'uding dinner, only. 26c. 1404.2 -Mr. Robert Lane, our genial saw -miller P Keys, George Brock and Joseph Robinson.
the I evening, through the kindness of some of I . I els; *ere brouglit, from Petrel. But Well-
'1111necessaxy to use it.' The alarm came Go TO Richardson and McInnis for tony the leading tale4f Seaforth. An inter- -la erecting a new stable. Wood now carries off the palm 'and Thomas RuAwAy. -'Tvlr. and Mrs. E. Glenn) Of
froin Mr. J. C. Laidlaw's grocery store, in boots from $1.85 up. 1404-1 sting feature of the evening -will- be the McGregoristhe man who brought in, on this township, had a very unpleasant ex -
e perience on Wednesday of last week, when
the 6enft-e of Car6no's an(] was bliss GitAcE M(!F,4,U.L, soprano, ppen for disposition of a beautiful quilt donated by Wroxeter. Wednesday, one load of wheat which weigli-
caused- 'by a little blaze in h -is cellar. It ap.- Concert Engagepuents For tergue a4dates. ad- Mrs. Charles Lowrie. -The Toronto papers WAITINGS. - Mr. Joseph Barnard has 6d 590 bushels, or the largest load ever returning home from Clinton. When near
dress Seatorth, Oht?,rio. 1403x4 Mr. Middleton's, in Goderich township,
Pears the gasoline pipes had been leakling, Stat of ry
e e that the Black-Routedge gang purchased the old Ferguson store, near the brought to Carber market. Forfearsome a
and Pile of wood in the cellar fo pr tty FOR SALE.—Two coal stoves in burglars and safe blowers is supposed to be weigh scales, and intends fitting it up at doubting farmer will say this is an exaggera- their horse got frightened and bee me un-
well Soaed. The fittt t1r. couditioD. R. S. HAYS, Seaforth. 1404-1 a crating in Huron County. -Air. F. 'S. once as a dwelling houe.-A'he Young tion we will explain: Mr. McGr6gor loaded manageable. The buggy collided with a
of con (r eWresenting the Canadian Enter- Men's Liberal Club is ven wagons, hooked them together and tree and the occupants were thrown out,
SEE MULLETT & JACKSO-N assortment of ordon r
taken in-tG the cellar, se there was aL about to organize up se
cross -cut saws and axes'before purchasin elsewhere, 1� and the borse getting free from the bug
blaze, atfd had the wood emught, 8ometh-lng 1401-1 tainment ureau, was. in town this week, for the winter. As there is consider- hitched.on his traction engine, with a sup- Ipt.1
a ain made for home. Mr. Glenn was not in -
Serious would hvve resulted. Fortunatey, "Trip A0ound the ushing the -concert business. -The beauti- atle debatin g ability - among the members ply of 'wood and a well filled tank of water, jued, but Mrs. Glenu Suffered from IL
there was warhanct I and a couple World," to be presented,in Cardno's Qper3 House, Fill weather of the past two or three weeks we expect some lively meetings. -Another and soon came rattling into town,a distance prained wrist. Mr. Middleton kindly
,of pails Exed things - all right. Word Thursday evei?inz, Novttnber 29. undetr1he auspi --ed has given place to genuine fall breezes. of the old residents has passed away, in the. of thirteen miles. The buyers swooped do�rn I
�vas, however, not conveyed to the firem en of the Sea,foah Brass Baud, will 8 _ from Now oaned the parties a horse and buggy, with
i I York showing all the pcoluts of interest Ji cludling the The gropud is white with snQw, and the pr,4on of Hamilton Griflith, who was buried on him like so many hawks on a chickeii, which they reached bonie in safety, The i
1n; time to prevent their laying the hose in a ads are frozen hard and. rough. A good onj ondaylast. Mr. Griffith was one- with their usual bia of 38 cents. Toni was buggy was considerably demolished.
Brooklyn Btidge by day and by night. Froin ro of
Bea, of n'luak America's great tnetropoli,4 across the Atantic 0 the niany farmers have not vet got their turnips the Sturdy sons of old Ireland, hailing from no chick and the bid was no good. He said
Emerald 181e; then to Donnie Scotland'. Burn8'birth- They were growing 'so nicely during the north, whence Canada has received so 40. Son 39 and 40 was offered, but Tom
the plane; in Engla�nd, to the city of all vloleo, London,
Ltc.; In Fran6e, to Paris and Versailles, many h The f uneral was rattled along and it is saia that all advance
Prumv 8(woor.I.-A meeting of whe�e the tie fine weather that they were loath to Lumley.
ckool Bord was held in the coutiod mighty Napoleon planned the COD ed of nations ; ice y LOCALITIES. -Mr. Thomas Cann ba
I interfere with nature, and now they will largely attended. -The Commercial hotel on theL pri was paid. However, . . s
cataber on Fridky evening last. The in Switzerland, to Berne.showing tv�e inightiness of likely havp cold fingers at he job. It is has changed hands. We unJerstand that Armstrong got the load, ind`Nlr. McGregor erected a large driving Shed on his farm,
teachers' a wi-ithly reports Shoed the aver- the Alps ; in Rrome, to the Colosseu m, !where gladis- hoped, however, that there will b� a few th-� new proprietor, Mr. Ross, -takes posses- realized about $18 more than if he had haul-. which adds greatly to the appearance of his
age attendanee to be 37C), and the number tors and wild beasts fought for life �fo please Nero fine das yet. -Mr. Jarnes 0raves has pur- Sion in January next. -A contingent of our ed it in Single loads."
and his savage'f6llow#,rs; to the wqrld'o greatea farm, as well as being a great conTenience.
of names on the rall 44-3. The average at- fnrtrevs, Gibraltar; to all the capital@ Of Europe ; to chased the property on. the East side of hunters, who left for the wilds of the north, -MrI John Cann is erecting a neat dwell-
tendance in each of the several departments the Orient, where Cleopatra larod 'kjogs to -death ; Main street, and� nearly opposite Cardno's has returned, after having bad various degrees Zurich. in house oil his farm,which looks as tbou
was as Mr. McFaul, 37 Miss �A. and in Jerusalem to Bethlehein. the birthplace gh
the Saviour. He lead-& the way to the of block from Mrs- -Charles Lowrie, for $800. of luck. Mr. William Harris and Air. IF YOY want sewing machine needle
_ . Utz Canal, 8 90 lie does not intend to spend the winter.
Watson, 35 ; kliss Gowan, 40 Miss Elder, showing the wonders of inorlern en I' eilag; to the We uderstand �e intends erecting a brick William Wright weie each successful in so- to D. S. Faust, who is prepared to furnish needl" hir alone. -One night last week Mr': William
'il "a -We intended to State last almost auy make of machine used in this Inity. D111111n, of this place, bad a set of� barn
4-� ; NT iss K -lorau, 43 N-Irs. (, pbell, 35 ; Red sea; and thence to " ludia'd cgo,%jo strand," illus- building on it next spring. -Miss Eliza curing a deer. vie 1101-1 es
31iss Bella IVA'zttsoil, 35) Miss Sinth, 45,and ti,ating the riches of 11 Our Empire iq', � the H"t-to Hargan l6aves town to-daT for Ingersoll, week that there was A good openi f stolen from the baim. The thievesseeni to
then taking,qur' own court n 0 a zi-,i,,.-Mnch regret
Corea, China zmd Japan, tr TnE LATE MRS. Scu,.%
'oulter, .51. Alit the present teachers toy from the -here she purposes spelic ing the winter carpet weaver, bat in process of you
Mrs... Pacific to the AdstAle.R ftch a tour w ),ca an was felt by -the people here oil learning of have been in a hurry, as they did not shut
have- been. engaged for next year at their will undoubtedly prove very 404-1 with friends. -Mr. Brown, an aged gentle- 2)
0 iuteresting. I it was metamorphosed into." cooper. the -death of Mrs. John Schnell, of the 14th the door after them. -On Sunday n
present salaries. rhe polling places and man from Cedar Creek, near and his ight, last
son. were visiting friends in and around concession of Hay. This sad event took week a number of articles, "consisting of
returning otheers. were appointed as fol- LOCAL Miss Atchiq�n, of Coder- Kippen. place on Tuesday of last week. 'NITS. whips, robes, horse blankets, overgoats, oil:
Iowa : South Ward -0. C. is visAinc, 11-t lAr. J. X Beat's; in this, SeafortW this week. They were the guests Kit-rm-,- 0-MRIAGE WoRKs.-The 'under Schnell's maiden name was Lizzie Stelk. cloths and such like 'were stolen from rig's
Mr. S. -Rtark, Returninsy officer. East to-wn. -Therewas a very exching ganie of, of TMr. and Mrs. John Beattie. _Nlessrs. 'She was. only a little- over 4G years of age. at the Bethanj Methodist church duri
'11, N 1urray the other signt d takes this opliortunity - of th 6nking his many 0 ng
Ward -Council C mber, Mr. William 14, - Hugh Grieve and George rvice.
footb 11 in to*n oil Thni sday--.' No d-atibt the ones who took them
1�f last week, cuatorner� for their liberal support and Is now to the She was a victim of can sumpbion and had se
liott, officer. North day shipped from this station two that and front with a fine selection of cutters and sleigba. been in delicate health. for some time. It is get a good out.
0 between ginond-tIftle and 1�'6eqhwood, for IS which, for neatness, durability and cheapnem spekk thought it a good chance to
the Crawford oup. Beechw supposed she contracted the disease' while fit, as the articles were idl good ones. Some
live ducks and geese to a firm in. New York
Ali large nitinber �f truants Sitate, where they will be fattened for he for themselves. Cutter pilating and tritntuing niade
victorions, to the unboundedldeligli� of he a8pecialt). Aillinesof wood work and rertirinit watt! upon her son, who preceded her to suspicious characters have been s
1, - cen in -the
wits reporte(l, mid the truant officer was dwellers in that village allif surrounding' Thanksgiving market. -Mr. 0. H. Dunn, done on short'notice. All work will recei % e his best the lo��g home by only it couple- of months. neifliborhood (luring the T."i few weeks,
enjoined to exeroise increase(! diligence, and of 8mith's Falls, is visiting in town at pres- a tention and his prices suit the times Bring along
neighborhood, and carried 4,Way the oil
p� wa and get them put In gocd trim for the bush. She was a kind and amiable. ' lady and was a( if they are not careful may get into
to report weekly to the of' the- There was a large crowd enthusiastic t, the guest of Mrs. Neville and family.
In 981"ZialRicKsit. Kippen. 1403-3 reatly beloved by all who knew her. Her 6ouble.-An unusually large number of
ectators at the the Hat- 8CR'M13.-I_r. Alfred Whiteman, hav I Neath is a severe bereavement to her liu8- tramps hav . e been visiting this lo
r is once more i Ing late, i6e � cality of
e - - shedding tile light of his Bayfleld.' served his apprenticeship in the dry goodis band and family, and she will be much and and s` in to be of the worst kind,
N—OTES, Hdlowe'en pranks genial countenance 4- George WHE-_,- you want the best value for your- business with Mr. Plumsteel, of Clinton, iis
�)n 8eaf6rth. deeply mourned bv a large circle of friends. using threats of the most daring sort, as
Were nutuaerous with its, b ut one or two smys lie wits the onty inan ijj� all the crowd money you shruld go to H. F. -Edwirdi. Just' no1v visiting for a couple of weeks at the parental This severe berea�ement�falls all the more well as abusive language. A warm recep-
very foolish ones -were played, espdeiall;_1 of would-be lypebers at Listowel who laid Ors, values are buing given Inbiniscle anddouble home. -Hallowe'en passed over very (juietly heavily upon Mr. Schnell in so much as it is tion ill be given the next one who atte t
Vvid th drpss good s. Light and dark Flaniielette8 and mp a
promptly Cottonades. Carpet warp at the lowest prices. in our village. -The first flurry of' snow the third dear. one: who has been re m"oved to follow the same course.-Rev,T. Sawyer
with School property. The guilty p rties hand oil Cliatelle, aild lie ,1vas
have sad! v in brins, and jugged for it. -The ktethodii� Ghurcli olioir, 1404-1 visited 'us on Tuesday last.-ift. James within a 6ouple- of months. First his eld- the E'liniville'
0 of Woodam, formerly' of
it ia hoped t hat in f atu re such irresponsibles: i assiste(I by liss Howes of Chicago gave a Bp.bFzy- and Mrs. Symons Moore has finished the moving of Iiis stable,- st son was taken away; then. his mother, Circuit, preached two able sermons at the
Will I)e (4osely couthied on stich occasions by i so,tiff se�vice on silillty , &eili ' OTbere bave been visiting Rev. Mr. and Mrs. and is, now ready for tl e wi -Our liter -
C, ng. I nter and now his partner in life and the Bethany appointment on Sunday last, in,
_\IcAsh i ary meeting was well atten&4 on Friday sharer of his joys and sorrows, and we the absence of t
Robert Elliott, of Otta- -%vas a larcte a-vidience who tl�proujfily enjoy- haw, at Egi-nondville.-Mrs. Dr. 8 be pastor, Rev. T. B. Cope-
edtheservice. MrBrighti§ ngratu- visitinglierparents,2\1r. and Mrs. Arm- night, ilthogh the weather was very un- n t at he has a daughter who, is in ve
Nva, s ent some d4ays last week- t the p to be e b land. His many friends were glad to have
lear ry
ental hollie heve, - lie is the eldest son of lated on the excellence this has attain- strong, Bronson line. -Lieutenant Brough- fav-orable.-A ver delicate health. The f uneral was on Thursd the opportunity of listening to their old
ooc- ed ander-his training.-Mr.11W OT p easan evening was ny
T illiam Copp ton is now assisting Captain Cramer, who spent at Mr. J In Jarrotts on Monday of last week, and the high esteem in which friend.
les a on die smff of-�the I)oniin- has returned home fr N Y rk. He says has received orders to remain here a few last, when a few friends gathered in. Mr. the deceasedwas held and the a mpathy
om y
Dag; A is impossible to (to any nisiliess in New weeks 16nger.-Albert Vanstone `retured Win. Hart, violinist ; r. Win. Jarrott, shown for the bereaved family was mani- -bondesboro.
brother of the - Rev. NN ei York at present in pressed Peter bomeon'_Nlonday,baving been away nearly with his month organ, and Miss Atli fested by the large number bimourners who
ce Jar- TiFiE GOOD TFNnPLARS.-At the regular
1wide, Spent their'first week Anderson'Nvb6 has been coAfined in Strat- seven months, fishing at South Bay. -Miss -gan, �rovided sweet music, and -wed the remains to theAast Testing meeting of North Star Lodge, the (400d
I - rott at the oi follo,
of we(Mcd life at tile left on for(,] boaital for thirteen -%with -typh- Olivebomson and Nfessrs. S. Muit and H. Mr. John Oliver �erfornied with the rope. place. Templars elected and, installed the follow.
their retura on Rev. oid fe.verj has teturned llo� .� t'L'nd ls,now re- Holder, of Clintoti, spent Sunday in'to-wn. An exc�edingly pleasant time was spent.- BRiFF-,.-The first snow t1iis tall fell last ing ofticers for the current quarter, viz
altbougb somew at weak. -The -NIrs. James McDonald and INIiss
211aggie Miss Agnes Jarrott, who has been in Lon. Tuesday, and everybody was surprised to Addie, Crisp, chief tein'RIar ; Jennie Wood-
y er
xii first ice of the scason- fonied oil Tuesday Falconer -have been at Zurich, visiting INT'rs. (Ion for)-iew-ly two vears, was visiting at see the ground covered with a white coat.- man, ice templar ; Wat Cunningham,
Pjace of the Nlr'-. Acheson,'who to William Sfq�,ot i4 now com- Torrance.-,Aalr. Harry Kenip had a,pleasat the parental home ihis week.-INr. James Miss E. Rickbeil returned a few days ago secretary ; Ephraim Grey, fingilcilil secre-
Mtell(l ZL preached n fortably Settled in her oW"n residence on isit this week from his farher, mother and Fitzgerald, from London, has been the
excelleat sertauu, tl(f our people would (4oderich street. -Rev. 3%1t. Shaw, of' EeL two brothers, of Clinton.-I)annie McLeod, from a visiting trip in Huron county, Mich- tary ; Eva Maggridge, treasurer *; Marshall
guet, of the Misses Jarrott this week. -Mr. igan.-Miss Lydia Faust, from -Preston, is Braithwaite, chaplain ; Robert.Reid, mar-
nuie mo1L1(1V111e, preached in
pleaset-1 to li-;ten, w hitbi A Presbyterian who had his collar bone brokeii a few weqks James Moore is building a new Stable and with her cousin Lydia Faust, for a visit.- shall ; Mary Scott, guard ; Albert Me -
Ross carie from Leadbitry to at-tena church last 8ablbath evenirf Dr. McDoi able to be around again. -Mrs. driving shed. -Horses are being offered for Mr. Stephens, from Seaforth, was in town Gregor, sentinel ;Agnes ScottX organist.,
nald a -go, is
-unioa ot IlLe baving e get
conun an d PlPits--Miss Struthers, ofClinton, is moving into M 75 cents.-Nfr. NA,m. Bawden and Mr. Millar thisweek gathering pigeons for a large The lodge has got -an active and enthusiastic
doughty kiii-tits 6f Norris an(1,1;nowfl1ke. L r -�-' White, of Exeter, paid our village a visit shooting mach. -The concert given by the staff of officers, and should do good work.
With the c -lash of arinii between the Pollock, a Spiritualistic i4edium, who has Cleaves'.. cottare. - -Miss Whinie \,Ioo c
been r3ojourning at the 13�yal Hotel for a house Spent last' week in Goderidi to n- on Tuesday last on business. -Mr. Win. order of the- Knights of Tent Maccabees, in There is now a membership of about sixty,
bo"wever, froni the side of the coaple of weeks, has beelj`�o thronged with ship, the guest of 'Mrs. Hudie.-Miss Mawlide Blai left h.ere on Tuesday last for Al the Town Hall, last Tuesday evening, was and it is hoped to ave many -Be
-isiting at Grand Bend. to feist hi goma,
Shield already Presented, Should say ti isitors desiring to have,'tbeir 1�fortunes Ferguson has been % h 1W recruits,
will be easily p brother RolArt in the bush.- well attended. -Rev. J. G. Litt, of Cred- as eery effort will be made to have inter-
trated.-Miss Minnie told." that soine have beeii unale to pro- -Miss Lizzie Kennedy has returned home, i0ter ade its first visit on Tuesday, iton, preached two powerful sermons in the esting and instructive readings during the
cure an udience,with the medium,�' all of after having enjoyed a month's vacation at ring I
day last for to sp 9 left oil Fri :a t ie earth with its beautiful gar- 11' vangelica.1 Church here this week, to a winter months.
e"(1 some thne which goes to "'rove -tbatfthe -very foolish Wifigham.-Mr. Parker left this week for me -Mrs. Win. Rattenbury, of Bruce. large and attentive audience. -The annua NOTES. -Mr. Win. L. Brunsden arrived
p .. q
e are not all
with hOr a W, w1w hwi not been well late- peopi lead yef. If the money a visit to her dau ter,' at Chatham. i�ed
has been staying foi. ttlat is wo 91, friends in the village last week. meeting of Zurich Branch Bible Society home from Manitoba on Friday night. He
nd wolua were devoted to:!Il! in fpeing this -Preparations n6w being made Th annual meeting -of the Bible Society was held here last, week. Rev. Mr. Wag- brought a carload of cattle with him. -Mrs.
rse than at
-several Months with her parents, Isome bene�olent for the annual Christmas trees. -On was eld on Monday evening. with a good ner, general agent, from
Mrs- H. P Stratford, offi- Wilken presented hey. li lord. with a
left on -Saturday last pllrpose it would afford m#oh more satisfac- Thursday, November Ist, Tom, In- atte dance. The officers elected for the ciated, and gave a good ad well thought yorg daughter o4 M
Qu=y ni
'We. open this month with-8everd,
lines of new goods, all splendidValue.,
rather better than! ordinary.'
We have confitalatly, been addiia
9 Itev-
thin a, and our millinery -,at
9 ock at prw
.ent is well assoried. Low pride$
rule, aDd for the balance of the�,.
all ready izimmed ,bats and bouAetw;
will be sold at r6duced figuresI.
are bhowing a great variety of
Velvets, fancy trim-mim, in' Silk
b ateriall
Silks, Plushes, Pluin and Fancy
bons, etc.
sp� CIAL.
Extra. quality wide silk finiihea
Velveteens, �Ae r shade i
83 "bPorted
50c, )er yard.
Our stock of ilantles is still nicely,
assorted, in style, leolor, sizes and price
Rongh cloths, smootb cloths plainmad'
or fancy. Nes �4n:d Ulster$, all ele"fiat,
fittingy garments. gl&-Mv
weUre asking for A
otter line at $101
A chance at a lot of forty,;\,falltles ask $12 fi,r� beeoaw
at from ��2.50 0 $5 each, worth c 131�
0 f_acture them, We 4
siderably mol -6 money. Also sev,
getting, such
eral ends of Mantle Cloths at a- ypu re
great reduction.
Bjoys! OvereoaU
-inevet to low iu pri(
FurS and Wool Gooft. YOU cah�
A good bigy stock to selept. f1ftV. aVA q .
lAdies' Fur Coats, Ladies' Fur Cap6i,,
Fur Lined Garments, Collars, , Ituffs",
7 Sh wls, Wraps, Hoods, Underwear,.
-1 - * I I I I
We will sell' this month two par-
ticular lineg of Ladies! Extra QuaL_
ity Ribbed Underwear, which are
-puperior to any we have ewer be-
fore offered at --the moderate prim
of 25c and 50c� each.
Hosiery and 1610vis.
Theassortme�'tis large fulte
asever. LadiWHosiery�aud-Glove�,,
X�sses Hosiery a i �nd Gloves, Childrelle--g,
Bdotees and Infantees, Kaitting yar-rar.
-A few dozens I remarkable value -
in Ladies C4hmere Gloves- and
Hosiery, "regular 35C quality" will
W sold this month ai 25o.
Dress Goods.
Just now, we have a Veautiful r at
of Black Dress Goods, Black
meres, Black Soleils, Black Fancy De-
signs, Blacl-, Cloths, Black Cheviots
and a very. -great variety of Coloreck
Dress Materials and Trimmings.
Five hundred yards, extra henvy
Cheviot bress Cloths, just the thing
for eolnf&tabl�l every day wear.
They are very *ide and iu the best
colors, 20c and,125re.
BargqIns I B In NeYs over -
'coats) Boys over coats Men�s and Boy&-'
suits, Hats, Gips, �:Unaierwea:r, &c., at",
closest prices for qash.
Edward Mc Fau 1,,_.
-John j)ay, brother of Mr. Win. Day ar----'
rived here fromCornmall last week," Mr -
Day came out from England this sU,]nHW`r_
He will remain here thfis winter.-The'trus--
tees of !School Section No. 8 haveenzazed
new assistant teacbe ra-
bull . _t il� place of iss Tu
w ' ho leaves at Christmas. -Mr. Thomas,
Cole has leased Mr. McClacharty's farm ow . . . . . . . . . .
the 13ih concession, for a term of 7 years.
He takes possession in the spring. -The b6z.
social at the Met4odist par2ollage.. am
Thura4,y evening, 1"t week, *as well at-
tended'�nd all enjoyed themselves thorough-
ly. About $9 was i realized. -Mr. AIJAW J
Yarnhat,ii, of the 0th �oncession -of Rullitt,
is serigusly ill. - He contracted & severe -
cold, -which settled on his lungs. What.
make,% 4is illness all the more - Ifl8treming i&
the fact that Mrs. Farnham is also in veir.
poor heialth.--The turnips in this vieiu!W�_
are now, !nearly all u , and many farmWo-
have them a Lee& They are ealT
a very ra�edium cr;p, i
GL,F.A�I.Vos. —A gospel temperance society'
was statted, here last week. Abont I t
joined. "a members. The next meeting wi F.
be held �n Friday evening, XNoveraber* I 6th.
—The "enwai Branch of the Bible So—
ciety was well attended last Friday even--
ing in th�e Presbyter '
in# chur.-h at 0414t.
Rev. J. If. Orme, the I agenti was present,
find gaxp iA, Very interesting address. Rev.
S. A." Carriere and R�v. J. H. Chant.gave-,
Short- addresses. Mr. 'Thomas Jenning ww;
eleell,ed President, -an� acted, as chiRrmau
during the evening ; Mir. A. Laurie, Tress-
urer Mr. W. S. Wilson, Secretxry�
Messrs. 0. Bochureb, Joseph Young and.
"Zo t
Jobw .4n, are he committee for next -
year. " The attendaned was goodi 8110WHI&
the great interest 'take n' in the a readef the -
Bible throughout the land.— 88 A" Pat_
terson, of Sylvan, is visiting friends here -
this week.—Miss C.- McPherson returned..
home Iasi Saturday.
Port Albert,
PITHY 1TEMS.—MeagrS. BaeCh-ler & Can-
nell are s�nding lumber to town for ship--
ment.. T hey moved their saw mill to Aw-
Port some time ago,
having bought the IcV�r
which drifted ashore fro -in the raft last -year.
—Occasionally a schooner or steamboat
seen out o�ki the lake although it is getti
late in the season for sailiing. —A number df
our.younig men are going ii -p to Sault SW -
Marie to 6figage in work in the L JUMJ)W�
woo(18.fortbe winter. Mr. J. McAdamf-
has taken the place of Mr. Garrett, - on * -
stage between God'erich i and Klntail.!;AU�
arrundy ments have been made for--a*&-
meeting to be beld in the Presb -A'
chur.'ch on X-o-vember 13th.—Hallowt!0W
:assed over very q uietly, only a few gatis,
ink removed.—A ploughing bee was hela-
on the, farm of -N[r. Crawford this week-'
About 17 teams. were at work, and a good
day's work was done. Mr. Crawford, �60`-
has1ad his farm rented for some time' Will
soon return. from Manitoba to resume farol-
ing in Ontario.—Mr. Otway, general mer-
chant, of ofir village, has sold his stock tO-
Mrs. King, of Wm'gham, who will 'soon take -
possession. We believe Mr. Otway intends
travelling for a -time.
A Jar F�obl...
Two men were cast 1 away on a desert
sland. Thoy had an eight gallon jar �
water and wanted to divide it equally. They
iad- an empty three gal�on jar, also an-,
,mpty five gallon jar, bui no other vessel-
Che� succeeded in making. an equal division.-
Elow did ty�X do it? JARS.
you kfiq-w what goo('i
We are leader,% in
'This department
give you the bestch,
lines, and at tile moF
At.$1.4 we show a a
-Overcoatillip in all cdc
At $18 we shown, I
suitings formerly Sala,
At $20 weshow the
Worsted Suitings obta
Men�A Woo
At *t,
It �0096S Y-011 -00thi
the 90089and Y"
can save nionei bY
We are Leader
If yon dould bu,,
wear worth $1 for I
you would hesitate!
we are selling a Hne
will. astonish vou..
We have all kin4a 4
1wat -none of tb.6 ba4�
Hand 007w*
For durabilit
,Perrin's Gloves,
frie4d whos.0 -olfacto
sitivethat hees'a t,
things afar -off like a
says that every =ce
its D-Wnialstinct -men,
All its houses, lastitt
that the higher the V
delicate its scen't, an
iof mankind theMor
pungent and repikgn
inot blessed witb OU6
gidvehess, but X ca,
gU4d to Cliluesemas
out exception the m,
-on earth, the city of,
Aistinatstinks, not4
era or plague season,
a'centerof oontagial
ratswbe compete v.1
for a scanty living o
-utter ln&blH+,oy to at
and vaparsof the P1,;
The principles 4
'Very simple -
the oldest, fa=.' 1
lated district In �
should ha-,ve Bo dral
cesspools. All dral
-the thoroughftre or
IThIrdy the valk-wen
vorous brieks �az Pei
-absorb any and all I
'Fourth, the stall a4
w old androtteA as
Ins In the neighbor)
cleaned, repaired or
At the endof -a
Istles unknown to �j
,endef 10 or 20 yeal
bUlnor slgn�board.
swelled a half )nflo
direction, St4rVl1l
-ears when 60 rque
Into a -run for UST
A Chinese inark.
inost of Its bu0nes
time. There are n
rooms. In thebottl
'niust; be sold
eaten or If-tbe d -
profit. Theo . 5 , t o -
the shopkeepers
light for their go
Imked and expose
purchwes are am
coarse brown psix
zap".. Xany an
you an ut
an Idea
'Flame mWout
-()f our rine of Men�
'gats and Suits, thail
other way, We'll e
it is that tbe-' Frieze:
sew rr at $8 is the g
shown in the trade.
theval, because ies PI
fittingy garments. gl&-Mv
weUre asking for A
otter line at $101
A chance at a lot of forty,;\,falltles ask $12 fi,r� beeoaw
at from ��2.50 0 $5 each, worth c 131�
0 f_acture them, We 4
siderably mol -6 money. Also sev,
getting, such
eral ends of Mantle Cloths at a- ypu re
great reduction.
Bjoys! OvereoaU
-inevet to low iu pri(
FurS and Wool Gooft. YOU cah�
A good bigy stock to selept. f1ftV. aVA q .
lAdies' Fur Coats, Ladies' Fur Cap6i,,
Fur Lined Garments, Collars, , Ituffs",
7 Sh wls, Wraps, Hoods, Underwear,.
-1 - * I I I I
We will sell' this month two par-
ticular lineg of Ladies! Extra QuaL_
ity Ribbed Underwear, which are
-puperior to any we have ewer be-
fore offered at --the moderate prim
of 25c and 50c� each.
Hosiery and 1610vis.
Theassortme�'tis large fulte
asever. LadiWHosiery�aud-Glove�,,
X�sses Hosiery a i �nd Gloves, Childrelle--g,
Bdotees and Infantees, Kaitting yar-rar.
-A few dozens I remarkable value -
in Ladies C4hmere Gloves- and
Hosiery, "regular 35C quality" will
W sold this month ai 25o.
Dress Goods.
Just now, we have a Veautiful r at
of Black Dress Goods, Black
meres, Black Soleils, Black Fancy De-
signs, Blacl-, Cloths, Black Cheviots
and a very. -great variety of Coloreck
Dress Materials and Trimmings.
Five hundred yards, extra henvy
Cheviot bress Cloths, just the thing
for eolnf&tabl�l every day wear.
They are very *ide and iu the best
colors, 20c and,125re.
BargqIns I B In NeYs over -
'coats) Boys over coats Men�s and Boy&-'
suits, Hats, Gips, �:Unaierwea:r, &c., at",
closest prices for qash.
Edward Mc Fau 1,,_.
-John j)ay, brother of Mr. Win. Day ar----'
rived here fromCornmall last week," Mr -
Day came out from England this sU,]nHW`r_
He will remain here thfis winter.-The'trus--
tees of !School Section No. 8 haveenzazed
new assistant teacbe ra-
bull . _t il� place of iss Tu
w ' ho leaves at Christmas. -Mr. Thomas,
Cole has leased Mr. McClacharty's farm ow . . . . . . . . . .
the 13ih concession, for a term of 7 years.
He takes possession in the spring. -The b6z.
social at the Met4odist par2ollage.. am
Thura4,y evening, 1"t week, *as well at-
tended'�nd all enjoyed themselves thorough-
ly. About $9 was i realized. -Mr. AIJAW J
Yarnhat,ii, of the 0th �oncession -of Rullitt,
is serigusly ill. - He contracted & severe -
cold, -which settled on his lungs. What.
make,% 4is illness all the more - Ifl8treming i&
the fact that Mrs. Farnham is also in veir.
poor heialth.--The turnips in this vieiu!W�_
are now, !nearly all u , and many farmWo-
have them a Lee& They are ealT
a very ra�edium cr;p, i
GL,F.A�I.Vos. —A gospel temperance society'
was statted, here last week. Abont I t
joined. "a members. The next meeting wi F.
be held �n Friday evening, XNoveraber* I 6th.
—The "enwai Branch of the Bible So—
ciety was well attended last Friday even--
ing in th�e Presbyter '
in# chur.-h at 0414t.
Rev. J. If. Orme, the I agenti was present,
find gaxp iA, Very interesting address. Rev.
S. A." Carriere and R�v. J. H. Chant.gave-,
Short- addresses. Mr. 'Thomas Jenning ww;
eleell,ed President, -an� acted, as chiRrmau
during the evening ; Mir. A. Laurie, Tress-
urer Mr. W. S. Wilson, Secretxry�
Messrs. 0. Bochureb, Joseph Young and.
"Zo t
Jobw .4n, are he committee for next -
year. " The attendaned was goodi 8110WHI&
the great interest 'take n' in the a readef the -
Bible throughout the land.— 88 A" Pat_
terson, of Sylvan, is visiting friends here -
this week.—Miss C.- McPherson returned..
home Iasi Saturday.
Port Albert,
PITHY 1TEMS.—MeagrS. BaeCh-ler & Can-
nell are s�nding lumber to town for ship--
ment.. T hey moved their saw mill to Aw-
Port some time ago,
having bought the IcV�r
which drifted ashore fro -in the raft last -year.
—Occasionally a schooner or steamboat
seen out o�ki the lake although it is getti
late in the season for sailiing. —A number df
our.younig men are going ii -p to Sault SW -
Marie to 6figage in work in the L JUMJ)W�
woo(18.fortbe winter. Mr. J. McAdamf-
has taken the place of Mr. Garrett, - on * -
stage between God'erich i and Klntail.!;AU�
arrundy ments have been made for--a*&-
meeting to be beld in the Presb -A'
chur.'ch on X-o-vember 13th.—Hallowt!0W
:assed over very q uietly, only a few gatis,
ink removed.—A ploughing bee was hela-
on the, farm of -N[r. Crawford this week-'
About 17 teams. were at work, and a good
day's work was done. Mr. Crawford, �60`-
has1ad his farm rented for some time' Will
soon return. from Manitoba to resume farol-
ing in Ontario.—Mr. Otway, general mer-
chant, of ofir village, has sold his stock tO-
Mrs. King, of Wm'gham, who will 'soon take -
possession. We believe Mr. Otway intends
travelling for a -time.
A Jar F�obl...
Two men were cast 1 away on a desert
sland. Thoy had an eight gallon jar �
water and wanted to divide it equally. They
iad- an empty three gal�on jar, also an-,
,mpty five gallon jar, bui no other vessel-
Che� succeeded in making. an equal division.-
Elow did ty�X do it? JARS.
you kfiq-w what goo('i
We are leader,% in
'This department
give you the bestch,
lines, and at tile moF
At.$1.4 we show a a
-Overcoatillip in all cdc
At $18 we shown, I
suitings formerly Sala,
At $20 weshow the
Worsted Suitings obta
Men�A Woo
At *t,
It �0096S Y-011 -00thi
the 90089and Y"
can save nionei bY
We are Leader
If yon dould bu,,
wear worth $1 for I
you would hesitate!
we are selling a Hne
will. astonish vou..
We have all kin4a 4
1wat -none of tb.6 ba4�
Hand 007w*
For durabilit
,Perrin's Gloves,
frie4d whos.0 -olfacto
sitivethat hees'a t,
things afar -off like a
says that every =ce
its D-Wnialstinct -men,
All its houses, lastitt
that the higher the V
delicate its scen't, an
iof mankind theMor
pungent and repikgn
inot blessed witb OU6
gidvehess, but X ca,
gU4d to Cliluesemas
out exception the m,
-on earth, the city of,
Aistinatstinks, not4
era or plague season,
a'centerof oontagial
ratswbe compete v.1
for a scanty living o
-utter ln&blH+,oy to at
and vaparsof the P1,;
The principles 4
'Very simple -
the oldest, fa=.' 1
lated district In �
should ha-,ve Bo dral
cesspools. All dral
-the thoroughftre or
IThIrdy the valk-wen
vorous brieks �az Pei
-absorb any and all I
'Fourth, the stall a4
w old androtteA as
Ins In the neighbor)
cleaned, repaired or
At the endof -a
Istles unknown to �j
,endef 10 or 20 yeal
bUlnor slgn�board.
swelled a half )nflo
direction, St4rVl1l
-ears when 60 rque
Into a -run for UST
A Chinese inark.
inost of Its bu0nes
time. There are n
rooms. In thebottl
'niust; be sold
eaten or If-tbe d -
profit. Theo . 5 , t o -
the shopkeepers
light for their go
Imked and expose
purchwes are am
coarse brown psix
zap".. Xany an