The Huron Expositor, 1894-11-09, Page 4I4 EXIP 081TO-IL, 1 99 -1894 THI 1K,K�XkON T OVEMBEI -EP.TIEMENTS. an, very least they should expect to*do to is though he was, he dies a poor mi (I was sadly s NEw ADv -we might as well live in Russia we an, Few engine room of the *Standard Furniture put in all, appearance and gave the thief a Hyacintbe, who have written to a fortue jne, an stat r may as well give up the hope.ot ev'r'in- factory, which contained a quantity of shav- chance of returning the stolen pipes or, in resident of thaf, vicinity now ill Toronto a telephone WLTie figure between the Parenthesis after eanh give them freedolif from.municipal taxation. of the leading politicians of Canada have ings, carried there by the. cyclone " from default a holiday in -Castle Dickson. The Tho- remailis W4 otes the pap of the paper on which the creasing our population by Bat if the spirit of the above resolution is amassed - th. In fact, tile Tuppers are They have suggested that good colingel - weal . &; for interment, Jail y these shavings the fire ap- tramp chose the former method and so saved engaged to defend the prisoner. The au_ oing advertisement *91 be found. from such free countries as Great 'tain, carried out in legislation, the Province,in about the only ones we know of who have pears to have is iis "inialn, Bishop g originated, but how it is himself a term in company with the iron thoritieg at Stratford were appr ed of tj TXtraNabies-11, F. Edwards. (8) �t y in the w4dat, 01 Cold, You Bet-BriZittim. (5) Germany, France and Scandinavia. The addition to providing and maintaining these made politics pay, and they have (lone, difficult to Say- It was got under control, bars and stone walls. of the jail. Other fact on Wednesday, and H. .1�ast, a Tor- 5urel I however, before much damage was done.. instances are beard of the audacity of these onto barrister, has ell selected to under. The relatives re Small End of Nothng--J. W. West7rvelt (5) only reason the Government or the %niier- institutions, which are of such vital advan- and are still doing, remarkably well. be Great, Autumn Sale -Duncan & (5) -Air. &odore Kregai, of Daahwood,hao cowardly characters. In some cases they so take the task - of defending the prisoner. Z(I with vative party has. for disliking Sir -Ri aid-, Aage and a source of so much revenue to tile FAueWe for tintlars-haw (6) 04 in big orchard an apple tree, in full bloom, terrorize the women of the house that they He has consented to undertake tile defenee Special Prices in ttritwara-Held & Wilson. (5) is that he WIways tells the truth, ald - the places where they are located, will have to THE Montreal Star, which grofesses to be which has yielded a heavy crop this season, (the tramps) can carry off almost anything providing he judges the fellow to be ir.r. The Rhat Reniedy-J. S. Roherts. (5) Crediiton­' The New Firin-McCosh.&,Teffer�y. (6) truth is generally distasteful to thein. pay out large sums annually its municipal 111dependent in politics, but which 'bai a and there is still a quantity of fruit on- it. they Wish. The proper place for these sponsible at the time he c0III'llitted the -James Hill The bloom, is as complete and profuse as in le is the jail, and something should be murder. Chattelle's St. Hyacinthe f ends d OWO Hanclor [Avaps-Reld & Wilson. (8) This we believe to be the truth, apd we tax bills. If the gentlemen- who compose strong bias. to 0he Conservative side, refe i ri on londay, V1 west fluron, Artners7 Institute -W. Baille. (5) rring t 0 n tt depredations. claim he is insane, and should be'put i 716-A ') - early nrto stop their : few AISYS i_UlOng I R Avency-J. S. Jackson. (8) further believe that any person who h guffi- the Grand Board of Patrons - have been se. to the financial difficulties of the Government 13ypring. ft ding 0 valuable cow belonging to Air. John OPM The Kay'xto our BaNittests-iaokflon & Greig. (1) -Mr. George rarr� son-in-law of Mrs. prison as a dangerotis hinatic, and not tried John Eilber i Trip Around the World --W. E. Rkweity (a) cient interest in the matteeto look #p the daced. by the Property Holders'- Ag8ocia- of Quebec, and the necessity -for able and Evans, of Exeter, was struck by the north James Kerr or., McKillop, who has been for a crime for which lie is by 1]xture not Butts anA Piga for Sale -T. Cudmore. (5) �., to �a alight iujury be reo facts, will come to the same conclusi it. If tion of Toronto to give their assent to a" bound freight train on the London, Huron cheese maker at the Cullodeti f&Ct0Ij in responsible. edonomical management of Provincial affairs, in buia neat Fair Warning -A. ftaslaugh. (6) 1 1 wood Big Barpine-R. WMLIA. (5) & - Bruce the other day, and was badly the county of Norfolk, for some years, has PASSE I-IT4zr TIAIF IDLY. there really is a section of tne Liberal party such proposition as this, they are a good says: "We want a Mowat just now at he willsoon be able t tilated. One of her front and one ot her removed to Stratford, where lie win manage Chattelle spends the time in the Strat sin -The Beau Ie 0whorecery-l. Wilio". (8) lilt) The Beat Snaps-Fichardson. & McInnis. (8) which has opened its ears to these " Jules of de�Ll more simple than they were generally Quebec." Yes that's so. And still there- hi, * ford id: legs wits broken, and both� horns a butter factor for the Hoti. T. Ballantyne. tT I rt Uncle) y gabl, as the other prisoners do -in idlenew. �conce Tony Boots -Richardson a Molnuiti. (8) woe " front the Conservative side, thope who supposed to be, and they are not working are some very good ppple in Ontario who knoc�ed off. She bad to be killed. -Mr. William Coutts, of Ayr, welt known He eats heartily, and sleeps as tbou Seasonable- Hardware-MuPe t & Jackson. (8) rempkra of Tell h the ne N C hursday eve! OW and Wood, Reaters-HuthAt Jackson. (8) 'belang' , to it are not of the -stuff of which in the interests of those whom they are. are doing 9.11 in their power to drive Mr. -There wasa collisioii at the Brussels in McKillop and the northern part of this blackest crit e er ommitted in Enads on T Tamwortb PlLps--George ftirl. ( I hail "t bridge the other night between the bus and county, met with it very unfortunate ae- was not laid at Ilia door. 1i true�Libemls are made, -Wid we M4 Special watch is W, Be lAdles. Slippers -,T. Coventrys oid stand. (8) r that suposed to represent. And if the bill, to Mowat out of politics in this Pro i . j. Thuell Brothers' wagon. The result was a cident recentIT. Mr. Coutts went into his kept on him lost he should make an attempt 14U P lars, occupi Rose for Servic-John Witty. (5) they have not thoroughly ought gut the be.based upon this resolutiwi, contains any Some people don't know when they are well broken tongue Ili each rig. Samuel Beat' ie stable on Slun ay morning to fix his horse, on his life, for it is confidently believed that ib� methodist,6blirch, oil Tweeds. Overcostings, &e-WaitEgniond's Sons. (8) FAtray Relfer-Jantes Watt. (5) truth, and fearlessly stuck. to wha� they such proposition as this, it should not be al' off. was thrown off the bits by the shock. An and not having a lantern, did not notice if given the I east opportunity be would cola- delivered a very ab - 4 Thanksgiving Entdrtainment-L-wW.N.F. Gray. ( �Ou low Steve@ for bate -it. a. Hay@. (9) believe to be true. I(wed -to become law, no matter hat its electric light ilearer the bridge than at pres- strange horses in the stable. He went to go init self -murder. chattelle seeing not to be ed an. anir 4Ming be preach ent woul(I be a great improvement. up beside his own horse, when be received a possessed of any of the finet feelings, and sp yal Templars in Sewing Machine Neidles­F. Fau-t. (8) otherinerits may be. When the country News of the W eek. 10 the Horse Lost-Avchibald Where is the Manna to C' -Will Moore, son of Mr. Thomiag Moore, kick which knocked him out' of the door parently place;no value hatever on W a -ad thellut-A& Was PMe confers such great benelits upon the cities, COTTON EGY-t-T.-The Cotton crop in his Egypt tl - As year amounts to 5,iOO,000 bales, of Winghain, while eating a round candy on about five fect, breaking big riglat leg above own life, From? it is only Tigh t and just that tile cities Should Su�iday morning, 28th lilt., got it in his the knee. door.-Nira. Eli Lawson is 2 which is 3 per cent. more than in 1893. wish her a speedy rc-Ov( Tle, Advocate, the organ of the brtario, give something in return. throat, and had a doctor's aid not been -Mr. Mark Wade, a much -respected DEAD. -Eugene Oudin, the celebrated speedily secured it might have proved a resident of Stratford, and one of the oldest Exeter. Licensed Victualers' Association afId the 'ngland baritone girfgier, died in London, E liquorl interest generally, is not veryi. favor-' What Queer Protection I Saturday morning. serious matter for the boy. He was all conductors on the Grand Trunk Railway, BREVITIES. -,Mr. William Dixon, Bruce- Grand Bem right in a short time afterwards. died vei suddenly at his home in Strat- field, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Thomas By TR ably disposed towards the selecitio of the EARTHQUAKE IN MEXICO. -It is learned �D= 8 EAFORTH, FR Tile latest move of bur protectionist Gov- -The new Grand Trunk Railway,reg.tila- ford on �Jlonday afternoon last. Up till a Snell, ' idley street, this week.-fr. G -e. nee Miss NNAlIcy C(I IDAY, Nov. 9th, 1.894 thut at least 16 people lost their lives by the vetroit, leadermadeby the Ontario Couserratives. ernintntis to &now a rebate of 99 percent ertliquake at the Cityof Mexico lastFriday tion8 will greatly inconvenience Messrs. week ago he had been rtintlin- to Buffalo, Weir and wife, of Ridgetown, are visiting .13rawate bere 45 restate, Was Crawford an.(l Ausebrooke, the well-known At, in accordance with the recent instruc- relatives here. -Mr. and Airs. Edw rd S U week,for th, It speaks right out as follows. of the duty on the raw material imported evening. a _ a -Titesdayof Inst The United States Elections. WASHINGTON WELCOmps BOOTH.- passenger conductors between Stratford and tions issued from the bead office of the com- ders, of Elora, are visiting relatives ild �Ml ins of her li It is needless to say that in this selee- by manufacturers and embodied in artic -General avinithe rem&' r in pany, h this plate. -Mrs. James w �. M The United States elections bue' . resulted tion we think the Opposition - -have'nlade a lea Booth, of the Salvation Army, Was Wrnaly Goderich. Mr. Crawford owns prope t * e was trasferred to the London run. friends in some Y� rs ago and, * was -1 er exported to other markets. Or to put it welcomed to Washington MoiIday by citizens the latter town and Mr. Ausebrook I as He went with his train as i�mual to London Creech, who has been visiting relatives at of her staters hate, die(! sil in a reat victory for the Republicans; tile !1ecided mistake, and in politics a plund just, completed a fine residence there. Saturday morning, &lid was ia-good spirits. Zurich, has ret I tit -tied home, -Miss- Jeft -fr �5 another way, our manufacturers are to be of all classes. ie the marriagoleof Ai is worse -than a crime. We have before ent, best -thing that could possibly have, hap- -Mr. William Mills, wife and children, On Saturday night be was taken ill with Creech is visiting' friends at Fairfield this the eldest given our reasono for thinking Mr. Marter illowed to practically dodge the duty on G.-iMBLING CRNZE.—On Sunday night a Allid Percy, pened under the circumstances. In New is not the man for the position and ileed ni was made on the Chin from Virginia, are visiting at the residence pneumonia, to which be succumbed. Dur- week. -.lm. John Hicks, of Usborne died ook place at the 1 Ot the material they use as long as they sell to r, 1 ese temple in 'Grav0111 t", of Mr. John Salter, Mrs. Mills' father, in ing the past summer Mr. Wade, accOMPAn- at the residence her father, Mr-'Johxt York City Tammany is defeated, in fact repeat them. But there is a point �liat we Clinton street, Buffalo, � and six Chinamen of �rellts -of tbe ride, oil NN outsiders, but if they sell to Canadians they were found gamblipg ift front of their wood- East Wawanosh. Mr. Mills is the eldest ie(I by his daughter, visited England, and Sanders, 3rd concession f Stephen, - of f last Week: Q,,af did not -raise and that must iiob Pe over- "noon son of the late W. B. A] ills, of Morris, and the condition of his health on his return was typhoid fever, oil Sunday last, and the r- J neighbors Were. completely beaten, while in the State the looked. Does the selection of Mr.'Marter must Pay the d ty ell idol. f rieuds anc left this county tell years a o. For the past excellent. He Was born in 1840, and hast mains were int rred in' he Exeter eenieteiy Carriere halt perf,� office at any price gang, represented by li 0 0 the party witlf-,�,he Pro- AN IMMENSE CRUCIFIX.—There will be 9 e t Rev. mean an allialic f This is- done it order to foster the export ix years he has been engaged in the lumber- been in the service of the Grand Trunk on 'Monday last. She leaves a husband and iding ceremoliv, all silt "�" hibition element in Ontario? -8 erected on Pine Hill Buffido, shortly, a ! J David R.Hill, hag been snowed under.. All It is'6 claill- -trade, which it ought surely to accomplish, Ing business in Virginia. tt�Gle. The pre" of delight by every P stone crucifi x twenty-six feet high and ten Railway since 1862, being one of the oldest three small childrem-,Miss A(ldie Brown- )plied good citizens of the United States should ed, with a howl rohi- -One of the finest specimens of the conductors on the entire system. His first ing, artit, left for Bramptou on Mond ived were numen bition organ'in the land. If so, then that unless the long course of wet nursing the feet- breadth of arms. It is said to be the ay Irlde, rece rejoice at this result in New.York. As to party may bill good-bye to every prospFet infant industries of this country have under- largest crucifix in thle world. genuine gra squirrel ever seen in the vicin- run was from Toronto to Detroit. Deceased last, where she Nvill reside for some time.- ifillillg All j6ln4n W1 Al r- 9U� ity of Clijiton, was shot oil Saturday of last leaves a family of one daughter at home, The Rev. E. W. Itunt preached a sermon to kess and. prospei the National results, it is probable that the of attaining power for'all time to come. gone has failed to inculcate tho C0.51UNION Cups. -Individual commun- -life,-h.aPPit se sturdy week; by Mr. W. Foster, of Clinton. It and two sons, C. J. Wade, of London, and the Orilngemen of this district on Sabbath Republicans will have a working majority But softly. An executive committee ion cups were used on undak for the first 4,,gbees, of Grand Ben. I qualities that stronger food would hav'e, is as large as a good sized kitten, with a tail ted, with ad -a, and tinie in Buffalo at ;the celebration of tile Mark Wade, otBuffido. irs. Wade died morning last, in the Trivitt Memoriat cert -fb�r the opening of thei -in the House of Representatives, but this was appoi: visory powei done. nearly a foot loni. Slij z and several inches broad. about a year ago. church. bout 75 members of the Order 1,� may be that this committee Will round Lord's Supper at the niorning� service of the Just. Xr, Imeek. need afford no- comfort to- protection fad - Mr. f�oster will have the skill inount'ed. -The amount- of the Stavely e ate that front the different lodges marched to -ed and the eon! off the ragged edges and *aelite 4ugles of The.question is, is the 'game worth the First Baptist church. the is expect Mr. Joseph Rattenbury Eliot a similar one, will pass into the hands of the tario Gov- church, -Special ineetiligs are being con- cc 'ists, if they consider the causes that have Mr. Marter's fads. . The brillian ammunition? Canada cannot afford to play COTTON LADEN STEA]MERs. No less than pard a go�oaprogram 'o 'In evidently its mate, a couple of weeks ago. ernment is between'$31, and 32,10). thilied in the James Street church. -The :speeches, &c. produced this effect.' The nation has just member for South-Torouto is clia,OiIian ogf seven steamers loaded with cotton took fire EoO60 this committee, and he . at exo rting manufactures- -to be a gentlemo in the harbor ;it Savan -Tile Public.S,.�liool Trustees of Clintot', Before Mr. Staveley (lied h had intended 'Ministerial Association held their Ili visiting his relative has ideas of his own nah, Georgia, last onthly come through a lotig,- hard, and apparently have cc astothe lines that should constitute the amateur at it, so to speak, and really We -eiigaged all the present staff, for the leaving the buof his pr erty to his half- meeting in Cavan Presbyterian church on Monday night and several were destroyed, tilis vicinity. -Mr- Isaac S -le for free traxle. It would policy of a party calling itself Conservative. fail to see' how it is going to be i4de to pay. others being- more or less damaged. The ensutDg year, an in so doing have shown -Tit(- -at ly re expected. f rout Michi fruitleso, stragg brothers mipsons &I Olowing the Monda:y afternoon last,. Ur. ancl Mrs. their reciatimi of the faithful services be unnatural if there -were not a great, re- It is io be hoped so. 'There ate many Con- No rdotibt it may be serious business forl�e origin of the fires is a myster a of English practice, it is thought that the gov- James Miller, wbo have been oil a three farm. they have -sittle on , tile teaUiers. Mr. LouMfi wits offered an in- ernment may gi�ant tbeni'about two-thirds months visit to Scotland returned hom- -on, e Grand B�nd P1 action. Besides that, Pituclo �11111ERIA.-Two -line though. the liberal 8ervaties In the tr they have in the US 1%] ETAL e -Th manufacturers, but for the countr at large crease in his salary, but declined it, owing of the estatJ. Some time �r Inewis in y caravans with gold and silver *have arrived ago the Clinton louday laaf. -Mr. N,- 'Dyer Hurdon, of -lave . begun to Prepare and right thinking portion of the nation to past spent their time and* thet ney of the times, and the council requested that a portion of the Ridgetown, -spent last.londay nigbt in the -et to be it can be but an expensive pastime, conduct- at St. Petersburg from Siberiw. One carne a support of the partyi0hey win regi I in mine for their next C a large extent has for years supported De- witT wbich sc*bool monies are estate be granted towards the erection of a village. -Master Tames Jackell left on Fri- personi who hav no. forced into a severance of political ties. ed as at present. from Tomsk wit -h gold from private wash-. difficulty - , i I aised. charitable inEtitution in that town, and tile day 1"t for Wiarton where he will 8pentl auf ings, and the other with silver and gold selves, ' -1 little respe mocratic principles, they cannot approve of Tifne will tell. Here is an anoilialy. The manufacturers -The other day three of Clinton's mill - Yet again where is the mannk to come 1ave been disturbing the from the Kronaberg mines. government agreed to- this. As the the winter. -Mr. Wesley Snell will hola an, many prominent - meii calling themselves say they cannot compete with the world in rods went out into the country for � day's money is now in the hands -bf the auction aale of farm stock and implements Democrats, and who have used the power from 9 Lack of manna, is .-wbat has wk�ys the home market. SNOW IN MICHWAN. - A heavy snow shooting. They were all comfortably seat- 31,etboipt �ehurcb- -:0n ailed the Opposition. , If Iffeavell would How in the name of all storin prevailed through nearly the entire government, an effort is being 111MIC0 8e- oil the old Down farm, 4 Devon, two ant'i Joseph Brenner, our genta they were entrusted with by real Detno- ed in a rig, but in sharply turning 'a cor- cure the prpiniged grant. What this amount one-half miles south of this village, on Wed - shower down manna,in the shape of a policy that. is wonderful can they then make it. pay tipper peninsula of,6 Michigan on Friday- -a sea 911,11 that measured o, Snow wits three inches deep oil a level. tier, were thrown out. One of the guns, will be is not known, but it is expected that nesday next, l4th ist. Mr. John Gill will -CIE to tip across the wing -4 at , o kept store here;oOtI10 erats, for selfish, corrupt, and utterly u- and of the means to run -aft election, then to compete with the world when they have which was a sort of hammerless breach- it will be 810'006L at least. A meeting was wield the hammer. -Miss Smith, milliner might Air. Matr be 'a gloriouasuccesi�. The the�mometer registered thirty de- worthy -purposes. There is notbim- like de- But the age -of mracles is not[ no nd as to send their goods a greater distance than loader, was discharged by the concussion, held iu the Motiday E. J. Spackman's, spent I t Sunday at Sea- g friends renewi 0 - � I" a grees. c6tlncil chamber. on feat to rid a part�v- of th-,Yt element, and de- and it was fortunate that no one wits hurt ilia t of I at wee manna will, not come down, rni , a will others do ? Either they -can afford to do, AT THI, LAI�ROIS-E ISLAINDS. - Captain beyo I nd the severe bruises rec'eived oh a k, to take the necessary forth. -Mr. Isaac R. Carling bits rented the feat could not come to the Democratic party have to beg"Fabbed up, and where is it to without -protection altogether or else they Frederick Vehling has arrived at the La- on the steps. A �omuiittee ro be known as " The forty acres on Station street to Mr. Phamuel roadway. t would da less arm. be got ? drones, having made the trip of 6,500 miles at a time -When 1, -na Staveley Estate Committed " was appointed, Baskerville.�Afr. R. S. - Lang, who has 7 are i king Canada pay the losses they -.Mr. Dave. Anderson, of the 14th con- collsistill We greatly fear that in tbo L'ime to f roin Situ Francisco in a twelve -ton schooner, g of Messrs. Holmes, McMurchie. been shipping apples frqtn Chatham,* has G. J. St-THERLAN-P, NO] sustain in other countries for the sake of -field met with an accident Plummer A -gain, very many people probably voted come, when -Sir Oliver has conared the accompanied only his wife and seven cession of Ash Armstrong, MeTgart, Forrest- 'returned home. -Air. Da�iie French, who that will keep hita. in the house for a few er, Coats, Farran,.Gunn and Scott, who are has been packi tpples il�- Owen Sound for Agent *nd lusuer of.warrluge Ll Republican at this election -who had been Patrons, and a -general election id to be glory. In either case an injustice is being children. Ing i potiteflim AllIeut1dre3weril weeks. He was drivin &lid wagon, to correspond, consult, interview anil do the Parsons Produce Compktuy, fW* *ccordingtolaw at rew pinched ky hard tim�ps, and who hoped tha met, tile people wirl demand to know where done. Dr_iTH OF JOH-N WALTER -John Walter, 0 innirg, 9 a =Ing 4 they are at, andhe men who vote4 in The chief - proprietor of the London, England, without a box, and was )it the whatever they can to further the interests has returned home._Tller� ww ing twecutft- uncoupled. a return of ultra, protection would bring E' . ire office the other day will cr�, one to We never could understand, nor can We Times, is dead. Mr. Walter was bor hounds when the reach became the committee have in view. match held by the Royal Templars i� their back booin tinie& They will be doubly 11 In The hounds flew up and threw him behind =er , from the fastnesses ot tbeir coustit- yet"why the manufacturers should be sin- '11818, an had been a �piember of the Par- -Dr. EL H. 111orsey, who is so well lodge room 'on Mon(lay iiight last. Sides the gneat last week Of 31, disappointed. The " good, times " are gone the horses' feet. No bones, -we are glad to known to the people in this vicinit is new were chosen by Mesdatn6s Cudniore anit trencies, " where was Moses wfien the gled out for special favors at the expense of linuient, His grandfather. published the yJ 7he Rev. Mr.­Curde, asfii1l say, are broken, end he will soon be about living in Yokohama, Japan, where he ar- ones, Miss Cudmore's side winning, Vr. Rev. F, 8 ivanri, is forever from the United States, that is,. the lights went out. And Moses Ma' rter will the relliainder. of the community, or why first number of the Times on January lot, *again. good times people talk about reminiscently, wish lie.had stuck to the genera grocery the farming community should submit to 1788. -A correspondent to the Briissels Post rived, accouipinied by Airs. Horsey, a f6v J. T. Westcott with the last one that was Iriends, in Walliert-011. Ifft nd provisions line, for therein w4s profit -THE RAILWAYS.—The fogr b* weeks ago. In a recent letter to Dr. Gunn, spelled down. A pronounoing match will t. We I ig -this wek and nex says We are of the opinion tha# many r between Japan be part of th ro i me for nextonday 'me. and restfulness of spirit. That's beifi g Clinton, alluding to the w, e 9M n the mythical good, -times -when everyone was a rhat bled for their sake. �ackingr-house firms of Swift' Armour, Mor- of our agricultural societies make -a at ti -Mr. ;and M -Te. I rich and happy. In fact- they never really Contrast the treatment by the Govern- rig andIffammond, of Chica, o sought by by offe mistake and China, he says : "The war causes evening. -Mr. Albert Hooper, Oil City, ro pent the past wvek 11 ring prizes for the fastest farm road- y, c - existed, except in people's minds. No one litio,ation to secure from raitway corpora- about as much exc�tenient among the E'uro, Pennsylvania, spent last Sabbath at %�6 Seedeparents, Air. sad ] Be Careful, Gentlemen. ment of the two, classes. In the home mar- . 8 ster. There certainly can be no oil reason us here its. it does in. Canw-la, or a little home of of big father, Mr, John Hooper; :,,rs of the I tionfi, among them the Grand Trunk, about 9-0 ea 3fx& ChartA knows this better tha the thinking leaders A conference took place in Toronto last ket the manufacturers are protected from. $5,000,000, given in favor of anything faster than a less, if anything. 'Reports from the froni, Huron street, who is coixthied to ihe houw alleged excessive rates, charged -forth,, was in the villal of the Republican party, and they will not, Pa trons outside competition, and the price of the on lifeat shipments. Monday decision good lively walking horse on the farm- of the youth week- and this, aitill] week between the Grand Board of On even here, are so frightfully conflicting and through illness. -A number" A even if they have the opportunity, again the other hand, give a farmer's son the idea unreliable that one scarcely kifows' what to and beauty of this village attended a Loya -1rienils in Hear -all and! of Industry and a delegation from the Rate- products they have to sell is artificially ell- was given against the packers. , I that he has a fast horse, and in nine cases believe. This much appears, however, thus Orange Lodge dance given ','by yr. 3ITs. Charters, is in her 80ri saddle the country ivith the McKinley Bill. payers' Association of thaCeity. - The sub- hanced. When they come to exp 'rt, where AGAI.q_.—(.1'alIlI8 Miller, chief out of ten he will prove a failure. Substi- Joseph clerk of the Joliet prison, at Joliet, Inin0i far, viz., thar, the-Japs have rather the beat Hddgins, .2nd concession � of IFiddulph, on This little break will 181 smart on her feet as the give tile people a eat of discussion was mu they must perforce compete in Ithe ope tute walking horses in place of trottin I nicipal assessment, g, or of it, temporarily, both on land and sea, but Monday evening, 5th inst. "While -the dan M chance to reflec6 and to regan their balance n, has committed suicide. He was known all else Dull down your sign. her :age, and bids fair I and the result of the conference was em- they are practically bonused. On the other over the country, and introduced the Ber- it appears to be the general concensus of was in piqgmas, Mr. HOdgins? barn was -Rev. Dr. Al -offal and the free trd& tide will set in again, L e - assenger8 on the Undon, Huron and opinion among foreigners, that she will bave burned-tolhe ground. Th - years. bodied in �he following resoNtion; band tile farmers not only have to sell all tillon syst in in the United States. He W 0 causef the fire -Upper Canada Tract lutl irresistible. as Bruce' railway train south, oil. Saturday af- tremendous difficulty in striking a serious� was incendiary. A numb highly . educated, and spoke a dozeri or er, of horses were -who was announced Lon $a Moved by Dr. Barriek, seconded by. J. they have to put on the market at prices I morelanguages. Thecause'of the suicide ternoon, had a close call from being ditched blow at China. - Nileanwbile the poorer tied in the taim Lockie Wilson, that, in the opinion 'of this fixed in open competition, but what this side of'Wingham. When the train bii� were rpscued from the Tiver his annual address in is unknown. was classes of Japan are already feeling the fire. There was an insuranoe of V" on the -terian Church on Ttiesday� Doing Injustice to a Good Man. joint committee, domposed of represents, Lasing a road crossing three cows rashe'd stress of. war, mi.d should it be- at all pro- barn and $W on the contents. The fire- is practically. their raw matcrial, that is DISCOVERY OF MN AFCIENT CiTy.-Ad- P� -obliged to 'rostpone Ilia I tiv6s of the Grand Board of the Patrons of against the bagga e car. The iron work tmcted, the suffering will be immense." Re- could be seen from this villfi�ge, and in Of a 0 vices from Honduras report the discovery of, g 105 It -is strange but true, that a fiction, or a Indus6ry and the Toronto Ratepayers' Asso- , along the bottom of the car and the steps ferring to wages and epenseof living there, the villagers drove to the ac�,ne of it. -Mr. Lage 01 what they have to buy o enable thwit to any .,was an auAiencef the remains of an ancient Toltec city, in the the, in this boaste� half truth, often gains credit where the ciation, Wealth is the true basis assess- produce. what they shall have for sale, is were carried -away. The train *as stopped, he says. " Our servants number seven, viz., William Bawden, to Kippen ._,,mr. and wlis� T. 'MAI truth is discredited, and d1splaces the truth inent, and that a bill be prepared. and p center of a mahogany, swamp, near Rio and it was found that one of the cows had Reeve, went ity re' taxed�in order to support the inanufactur- Grande. . They comprise hundreds of large, cook house boy, coolie, gardener, maid,night oil Tuesday last to make another land deal. 'mcDourell ai d Dr.T. o nf selited to t -be Ontario'Legiglature at, its mext already been converted into beef, one was wa.te' . . . . . . itself in many minds. People on mere hear- era, or rather to enable them to raise them- 11 -built dwellings, and three temples, hman and jinrickeshaw man, whose to- Mr. Bawden has been verv; successful as AL Mr. John Beacom, of G( session providing for tile assessment of all e' dying in the cattle guard, and another say, over and over again condemn good selves above the ordinary run of people, ho rach 100 feet long, 50 feet wide and 35 was tal wages, reduced to CanadianL money, speculator. -Mr. P. . Bal�din, contractor, and report having spent I wealth at its real- value,whether such wealth 1W hobbling off pitifully on three legs. The '30.50 per month ; and when I 1) as put on the firs men. In fact many alble and unselfish men consists of property real or persiinal ; all in- must be content merely to make a hying. feet high. The streets -are 6paved. These passengers were shaken up. amount to t cost of " laster on the- time with. the family and ruins are now covered with nine inches of tell you that on -this they board and clothe new Presbvterian church E�'t Hills Green Hrding, of Rngland,_11 ha,ve had their lives embittered because eomes of $500 year, except fr us e farming community, however, have soil. -Mr. Porter, finding the work in Clinton themselves and their families, you may this week. -Miss Hannah utt, of Kippen, Inr. MeDiarmid already taxed or mone� in any way invest-' postoffice much greater than he had antii- easily understand how cheap labor is, and whq,has been vi8itin people will persist in misunderstand 1. the remedy in their own hands, They liave� SEATS YOR THE Hoit-sF,'Snow.- -The ale of friends here the r, whom. we mentioned in ed, save church graveyards, excelpt pated, and realizing the impossibility of how cheap living is for nati them, and in believingt without due exam- the power -they have had the matter boxes for the great national horse how* I ve8. I might week, left for Centra ia on Monday, wrerle decided to ireturt those held by corporations or individuals for perform' it to tli� satisfaction of the pub- also add, these men and their families are she will visit he ork, was I ir aly� ing r cousin, the' Rev. W. H. d, basecidea till nnies cir- puposes of revenue. placed plainly before them time and again. lie and the department, without expert as- twenty-six in number, all told. We tire Butt. -Alessre. R. Pickard & Son have Temain here, at last until, ihation into the facts, the calut which took place at New Y �11� ZZ;gn attended b wealthy people�. The I igf, 818tance, has secured for a year', the ser- atilated by the enemie3 they 'have made by This resolution, 4ike most other imilar If the allow themselves to be 'misled by bid was NO, which was paid foe first ying the ordinu�ry wages in vogue here." started a slaughter sale. :"On Saturday y vices of Mr. t",W. D. Fair and his'8igter. pa -ocean voyage would be their uinching regad for truth, and un- deliverances, is somewhat vagiT. For in- sophistries, to be made tools of by those who choice by Geor e F. Gould, while the others afternoon last their store was. crowded, sa7d 9 Afra. Ellwood was last Air. Fair, wb understand, is to have full -how hesitating condemnation of wrong doint, sta,rice, it would seem that " chure b ought varioustfrices i4rorn that down to asey'g Correction. every clerk was busy. Thi!40es to a 0 of an Unjust Eystem, $75, as le lim t on the second and that it pays to ad -relaives and friends in -hes and are reaping the benefit which- w control of the office, but, -of course, under Dr. McC vertise: nes & Com- Probaly no public man in Canada has grveyards- except those held 1)y corpora- then for goodness sake let them stop how- Mr. Porter's supervision. This is an ar- DEAR ExpOSJT0R,-I have pleasant recol. J I �dhriot has returned from third tiers. The total receipts Of the day pany are making a large num�er -of nobby- William M1 suffered from this cause to such all extent tions or individuals for purposes of revenue," ling bout hard times and little ement that will prove thoroughly satis- lections of my boyhood days -when I served ilton--'N money, and were about $36,000-, which exceeds the re- r&ngi cutters for the winter trade, which, when fine new two storey dw as 'kilvr Richard Cartwright. For years Con-' are to be exempt. If a law of this nature buckle to the burden they have laid on ceipto of last year by about,$6,000. factory to the public, we are sure, and- wi as Sunshine correspondent of the widely- completed, will be a credit to that firm, who Allisl h&ve no doubt, will be to Mr. Porter" in- circulated EXPOSITOR. Nearly eight years! -erection, but neatly are noted for first class workmanship.- -of Rippen, who, servative stunipers and Conservative papers wer6 to go into effect it might require d de- themsel. ves, like en. A -x INSULTED ExPREss.-It is quite true terest, as -it is an assurance that the duties ago I came,to Kansas, the home of my We are tha the youn Empress of China has coin Several tramps pass through the village I -tends into 'Our have made him the mark for their bitterest cision of the Privy Council to determine 9 - will be discharged with the same regularity acloption, and about two years ago, at the yueoin mitted atiicide. She was.- rebuked by the and reliability as hitherto. comparatively early age bf 32 years, I^as everyday. New ars.j!�� shafts. Nothing was too strong to say Whitt churches and what grayeyards are Tim Czar, Alexander 111, of Russia, died Emperor, who slapped her face, whereupon honored by the highest and most reap9n, ly took place at the resid All churches -Mary Ann, beloved wife of James bout Sir Richard. Whenever ay of them lield for purposes of �revenue. oil Thursday, Novembei Ist, and has been she took poison. The married life of the Wilson, died near Delo - sible medical appointment in Kansas, . viz Grev. ly Doa, Rodgerville all young Emperor of China has not been a mine, Manitoba,. on �carrier, on which omarLy, had any spleen to, work off, be was a safe and all churchyards are field eitlier by cor- su-cceeded by his eldest son, who will reign ,I- Medical Superintendent of Kansas State, A HFAvV Loss. -On- Thtirsday week Saturday, October 20th, (?I dropsy and V app ter Miss Bertha A. subject. It seems. now as if these falsehoods ponttions or individuals, and al.11 are held for Insane Asylum, which places one of Huron's Hugh Fulton, who lives on the.oundary of as Nicholas II. If the pen pictures of 'tile y one. The Emperor, who is hot tem heart disease. She was the eldestz daughter ered and spirited, bitterl resented the _Ai�' Jhn Willis,) was had been repeated go of ten- that even some purposes of, revenue, as neitlier call be new Czar which have been appearing, are y of Robert Mosgrove, of Howick iownship, -ey and MeKillo�,Iost all biwoutbuildings p favorite sons in command of 1,000 people, Gi manner in which his co at the foremost charitable institution of the hich consisted of �iwo fr -marriage to r. George of his friends are beginning to believe them. maintained without revenue. There are a d ister of William Mosgrove iond Mrs. &me barns and at all accurate, it would seem as if troubloils upon him against bis inclinations, by the n a a State, and whieh is located at the State lar,�e driving abed, together w' 1th the -gea- :cutter, f Exeter. Tile W. A Edgar, of Brussels. Deceased was formed by the Rev. Mr. We say "it scanis." We hope we rny other phrases in the resolutioq equidl as times were in store for Europe. mperious and self-willed Empress Dowager. Capital, beneath the gaze &lid scrutiny of soil a crop, part of which was unthreshed, While in only iii about twelve hours before her death. It was in 1889 that the Emperor married assisted by Rev. J. S. H never be caUed upon to say " it so." If vagu The body was brought to her former home fifty newspaper reporters. and all the implements 111-allany kept on a -e as this one, and it is to b� hoped tile clined tq_be liberal, it is said that the young Sall, NU(I was witnessed 1 He was. then a youth of 18 and the,Er.,preas My career has been uneventful, and my well -regulated farm. The fire�was caused the Liberal party goes back on Sit, Richard bill to be based upo iftit will be iliore explicit.. Emperor is too easily itifluqiced by those and interred at Fordwich cemetery. Mrs. a child of 13 3-�ars. efforts for the care and cure of an army if by a horse knocking ov' the relaCives and frier Cartwright it will commt a great blunder, However, what we wish to direct atteation around him, to give Russia what the mass Wilson was beloved by a lar e circle of er a lantern. The the insane have, I trust, not been Mir parties, aud we unitA friends, who now. mourn her sulden demise. 1111811CCeSS- buildings and contents were insured in the :1 for no man ia Canada has had a clea at the -present time is, that if the princi- of tile people want, a constitutional govern- fill. Ili Kansas, this year, we are i� the Howick `Mututl for A'2,000. �He bad the friends in wishing the yc Huron Notes. -Shewasoul 33years of age andleaves a vi?ion of the real needs of the country or ple of this resolution is cil,rrie& out in legis- ment, and too volatile to pursue any such husband anT two daughters, 5 and white heat of a fierce political - battle, and misfortune to have his house burned -about a' piness.-The services Mr. James Reynolds, jr., of lot 19, Con- 7 years -elitirh on Sabbeth e,% has stood by the party more staunchly, even lation, all the valuable properties owned by tireless policy as his father did. He is, it cession 5, Hullett, has'rented his farm to of age, respectively. it is not surprising that a sensational -sheet, year agg. a scandal monger of the type of the Topeka GLEANINuy.-G. K� atbe8on's men are very largely attended. th iix the darkest hour. the Provin,ce and locaed in Toronto and appears, too apt to become an instrument of big brother for a term of years. -John, the 16 -year-old son of Mr- State Journal, should have fabricated busily engaged in taking out timber for the getlier i a -Mr. F. C. Elford, of- Holmesville, has Edward Snell, of Wingham, while run- such a story as was copied from that Star mills.--�-We are -pleased to state that -the aisles were pxcke y The chief lies circulated about Sir other cities would be subjected to municipal, advisers ambitious oul for their own ad- gone to take a special course in agriculture ning at full speed after a football, on - p Richard are that he is disloyal to the comi- tw:adoli. This is a Ili your recent issue t; the effect- th afier -crowded many' -were urr. -while Others had t, tile commons back of the school ground, McCasey was threshid by his book-keeper. recent attack of typhoid fever. -J. M. Rev. 'Mr. Currie pre) point for w,l ich the' vancement and glory. However, it is al- at Guelph Agricultural College. at )r. iss Bella McIntosh is recovering from her try, thaet.be is constantly crying blite Hin, property holders of the- cities have been most utterly impossibl' Dr. Blackall, of Clinton, deliorned over the otker afternoon, put his foot in & hore, My many friends in Huron County will be Knillit and John Knight , Jr., were away on e to gauge the capaci - sixty head of cattle oue day last week, for and had both bones in his lit le teresting 2ernion, and w and that hs speeches have hurt the credit striving for a long time., but �Iiug far with ty of a nature which hits just come under 9 leased to know that I was not struck or. a ho I'day trip to Petrolis, Sarnia and Do- of the country abroad. Now, -we have a broken a short distance above rig tikle. _rapt attention, -while th very little success. If, bqwe ver, they the ripenuiig influence of tremendous oppor- Messrs. A. Cautelon, J. Jenkins -and James the Eurt, and that the story was a malicious troit. They enjoyed it very- *uiih.-Thi.-, a-0 g,r.ea. IV teep. urgical aid was quickly procured, and after falsehood;, begotten in the fervor of it vile Brussels ch -the service wasgreatly pow' ed for the eese factory has clos-: T facturing 'bers of the Beau 14 pretty tborou,ga knoledge of What Sir succeed in winning the' Pa�rons to their tunities and practically unlimited "�'illie Campbell, of Brussels, had a bad placing teinDorary splints oil the broken and slanderous political campaign. season, with the exec tion of manu I er, Richard has been saying for a good many iews they have gained a big point. It i� nd -%ve must just wait and see what time inflicted on his right hall limb, he k d while work- was ta ell home. This is the witilthechurch choir Very respectfully, for the patrons for a ew days. -At Rotlisay years, &lid we hae faled so far to see in scarcely probable-, however, that. the Patrons#' will bring forth, ing in Mahler's evaporator a few-daj,s ago. worst accident which ever befell an attend- T a quartette antf solm' i ti - - Y. factory, in charge of W. W. Harris, two print, or hear fro m his lips, a single Word the farmer's of t1le country,wQuId gi�,,e their Mr. Fred Johnston, foreman in Mr. T. ant of the school, and it cannot but throw . H. MCCA.�E -ent at Carmel Presbyter ToPEK, Kansa November 5th, I894. patrons hf'tve been fined $1.3 an& costs, one na. 'We hax e 'never assent to n y such uneas ll;ible &Ad Bell's furniture factory, Wingliam, got the Victim back in his studies for a third for watering milk and the other"� for skim- morfting., intendin to sui. IT WAS"thought by many that the lte two of his fingers badly cut with a saw re- class cortificate, Which lie expected to ob- -some Wisunaerstanging, known him to tuiderestiniate in the slight- cidal- scheme, and it may bei,� im understand- Mr. lercier, while I'Miner of Quebec, had celitly. tain at the next examination. He has the The ListOwel Murderer. ining. Patrons would do well to, remember .1come off,-Tbe enterti - that this protection of cheese wud butter eat degree, the m aterial resources of tile ing between tIm parties' tliat Provincial The other day, Mr. W. Doble, of lot, -sympathy of all Ilia schoolmates. [From the Stratford Herald.] -the A-aspitas of Loyal Or, country, the enerL-v and industry of the peo. properti appropriated large su ins of mone�y to his -32, concession 2, East Wawanosh, weighed The other morning while Mr. R. Van- It appears Stratfor(I narrowly factories extends all over CanaAa.-John in C6xwojrtb? Hall, on es be exclu�cd, although the -word- own use, and that. he Ii, id used his political four potatoes, and found them escaped McNeill has leased his farm, lot 49, conces- -was ery largely attendf ple, or the certainty of a prosperous future, ting of the resolution (toes not conv to go 10J 14,,gmo'nd, of the Huron road, near Clinton, furnishing the victim for Alineda Chattellc�s sion 13, to Alexander Stewart, 16th conces- ey such position to build up ror himself a large lbs. One potato w�ighed 2 lbs I ounces. Was at work, lie was more than surprised o viciousness- instead of the township of F.1- sion, for a term of five years, at a rental of oncesis in v I amount] if a wise trade policy were eillployed. an impression. To permit the taxing of private fortune. It now turns out that -all -Walter Hawkins, of Bluevale, had the see a large wild eat deliberately walk acro ma. A young woman who works in the $175 per annum. Mr. Mc -Neil will continue o give an ex U �ng to over W. in tended I How he can have hurt the country under Provincial properties f -or municipal purposes such stippoaitions were found' isfortune to break his arm on, 8aturdily. an open field a few rods away froni him. city, but who lives on the St. Marys road, to reside in the neighborhood. He*had a taking u tionless. .,entertainment, these circumstances, we fail to comprehend. would simply be takin mot) He was returning from,Wingliani when tile Not havilig a rifle, be drove to town and in-' was chlLsed by, the 6end, who was frighten- sale on Thursday. � Albert Crooks has re- hours in the renderini 9 ey out of the Mr. Mercier died a poor man, and that horses ran away, upsetting the load and formed some of the local nimrods, but they ed off by her screams., Efforts have been moved from the8th line, where 6 has lived it be prudent nor would It is certainly nb benefitting the countryL pockets of the farmers to pelieve the city whatever lie may have done for the pecuni- causing the accident. laughed at him, and thought he had . mig- made to kuppress the iacts, the young wo- for years, to Ethel having assumed a poal- where undid t Inention to tell fairy tales about it which ill be property holders. We can scarcely con- ary assistance of others, be did nothing for' �Iessrs. Wilson & Howe have disposed taken a dog for a wild -eat However, Mr. man not caring to figure in thi3 case, but the tiq4t or the Grand 'Trunk Railway as section we 'know . pricked and burst like btibbles by the first ceive that the Patrons could be inveigled himself. The only legacy *he leaves his fain- ofth�irrestaurant and confectionery bus- Ben Tomlinson, whoisacrack8hot, was facts have leaked out. Chattelle was evi- the home man. Mr. and Mrs. Crooks carry with iness in Clinton, to Messrs. James lie- onl t o glad of a chance to try hie skill, dently on his way from St. Marys when lie our making mention bf'i hard headed ives,tor who coilies- - along. into giving their assent to any such scheme ily is his life insurance of $294,000, and he to them to their new home the best wishes of Clacherty, jr., and A. Jackson, who have Rnyhe went out with Mr. Van Egmond, met the young woman in question rettriming a large circle of friends for pany, who were There isnodoubt wha,te-verthatSirRichard as this. Millions of dollars have been ex- vrould not have even that had not his friends taken possession. Both are young men well and Was rewarded by a sight of the animal, home. future �appineas -;v-ho A-ded so _$Creatly U It was just dusk and she had only and prosperity. ­evennn r - Of Miss I V11 has condemned in lost -unsparing terms the pended by the Province in constructing paid his premiums for him durin the past known in that town. which he brought down with the first shot. passed Chowen18 corner a short di�tance, SVD&N�- D-EATIL—A tele g, Pei 9 policy of the Governmen. He has de- these institutions, such as the Parliament three years. And, it is said, that There has been quite a stir about the It wasa fine specimen; and would weigh in when she encountered Chatelle. pm was re- �sweetly.andbf Mrs. IIlia priv- Episcopalian church at Varna for one or the neighborhood of 50 pounds. The brute ceived from. Toronto on Tuesday of last 'whogve a verV 'hum nounced in unsparing t6rins What be- cc i- buildings, the Central Prison, the asylums, ate debts will absorb Its mate, grabbed the Young woman, and she, - a considerable por- week by James Bishop, stating :that his siders un ustifiable ex two (lays lately, and on Monelay of last which is supposed to be in the same locality, great fright, screamed and began to I Pictin- all- encoi�nler W. J un- daughter, Agnes, was dangerously ill wi th tra,vagance in that and soon. These iustitutions,add thousands lion of this amount, so that his -widow and week a number of the members and ad- has not yet been captured. These animals Chattelle chased after her and snatched *for Government, and lie lias probed to the quick- to the population and are a source of per- family will have %-cry little left. typhoid fever, followed a few hours later To be heren-ts were occupied in giving it a coat of are exceedingly rare in this section. her the woman feeling his hand al- with the sad news of her death. f With every leprous spot of corraption. We are petual revenue to the cities in which they sure, lie leaves his title, " Count of the Complaints come from different quarters mos iss Trade Plint outside. ZgCoiltilotch her dress. The young woman, op was home from Toronto all summer, re - The other afte moon fire was discovered Goderich of the bold and A correspondent as quite prepared to believe that he has been a thev are located. The money which has Holy Roman Empire," which. his son in- inFthe the engi of impudent actions "till screaming, ran into a ceighboring turning on October 2nd and was employed Allars about the trade ne room of Watt's planing house, but when they came to 4 constant source of embarrassment to the' established them, and w of the class of gentry, commonly known as for the hich maintains herits, but that will not, be worth much as mill, in Wingham. The alarm at the home of F. 8 Taggart. Shem, not rnamy, whether, it is wassounded tramps. A day or -so ago, one of these pursuer he had disappeared. Those who -ry rugged health but able to reassume what is its nature. Government, and that he has ma(le it more theirt'coracs from the people outside of the a bread winner. 1r. Mercier was a lawyer and in a very short time a g6�d stream of tramps called at a house where some stove nave had an opportunity of observing Chat- in V(, water was playing on the burning building. telle*do not '(f6ubt tha 0 work. Taking ill with typhoid f -ver she was �#owing, and submit I di fficult than it otkerwise woul(T have been places where they are located, and they are by profession, and whatever hi pipes were in course of erection. The man t had he caught his removed on Monday, October 28th, to ilie for them to pursue the -circuitous tenor of -worth to the several mun s f&ul�.s ma The fire was inaking rapid headwa�, but ?of the house being' out, all the loose pipe victim the St. Marys road would h 0 id ,h_ el ble man. Had soon succumbed to the large quantity ve bee" Genekal Hospital to take ailvantage of the her d fia icipaities many have been, he was a very a principal exports to G( their way. But, thank Heaven, the Gov- times more than the cost of the benefits lie devoted himself as assiduously of lylt,% �bout were carried off, free of trang- the scene of one of his awful butcheries. rom uj�ing the to the water and exertion of the firemen. The portstion .!;Ilarges, the brassy faced tmm WILL PLEAD IMANITY. trained nurses, but she h Exprts :-Cattle, V1 dly in - as n hemorr- $11Z,852; drie damage will not amount t6 much. Har saying, as he departed, that he would caft Chattelle is to he defended, and as was hage set in, result. ghi'n deaithwoanr Tuesday. tural implements, emment is not the country. If, in Canada, which they d6riv.e in the way of local faciii- practise of his profession as he did to poli- treatment earlyenou apple t it is treason to criticise or question the wis- ties. For the b(-nefits which these cities de- ties he would, in all probability, ha' had the hoeree'l been taken down to the for the remainder the n 9 &1111 Ldoim ext day. He calledL, expected the defence will be the plea of in- Mine Magre Bishop, sister of the deceased, wheat, $17. ve diecl bose tower when a second alarm was given. next day, but (lid not have things all big sanity, This action has been prompted by who also lives iW the city, was with the tub- MTe, and other grain, 4111 of anything the Government way do, rive from these stitutions then, it is the , a inilliona - ire, but"as a politician, prominent This time the fire was found to be in the own way this time, as the mail of the house friends of the nelf-confes8ed murderer in St. ject of this notice i short time be�o $97,304 re the W a