The Huron Expositor, 1894-11-02, Page 4ji 7 �0: HUR, ON EXP min NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mr. Thoma;s Hobbs, and on the Cqnsel Just as sure as ai one of them goes a step. people would think that his career a about coming I tive side, Mr. Thomas Essery, Mr'. Hobbs too far, there will be a war, and a, desperate closed and his usefulness about Fon at 55. age al IMThe, figure between the perentbei after each - I Bein' a judge, people think his. reer is did him al denotes the page of the pi on which the opposed ii Meredith at the election in one. 6111yUginning at that age. Most Village now. C!, - & - ' By I advertisement will be found. June, and4was only beaten by abqut 175, The danger lies in the attitude- of Russia congregations would hesitate to ca pas 0004 Btlyorg—Jckson & Greig. which, in a city like London, and against al France. Neither Germany nor England tor at 55. Some of them Vtld carcely 'was avei 01 v aring. The coun photo Studlo—A Hauslauli ' th. (6), e him a, he Duntry Ils Mr. large In r—Dill &speare. (5) so popular and powerful a cale, was is likely to be- the rermany is ,ggFessor. C I The Listowel Xurd jud OSLi- Moser a To Contractomi Prondfoot. (3) people tZedith to one of 'the highest J die al i 11cigiltop Taxes --C. Dodi (6) considered an exceptionally good r4p. ' Mr.- having her own troubli aii many tions in 'the Province at 55,� Cy boards a cam ot ths nks--F. Broadbridge. (5) Essery is mayor of the city, and in "poine re- seem to fear that the recent resignation of says be is too old. The craze for outhful of which Tweed Slippersi V. Rutledge (8) spects 661so-a strong man. He is it leading Chancellor Caprivi may affect the European preathing is bringing the church fid the several i Styl6h Boo&—i V. Rutledge. (8) y t. People who do not tion was alincert Engagements—miss Grace McFaul. (8) an is into contemp, member of the P. P. A. asso6initio d tuation,' but this ill not likely to be so. mu h or pul it, say and otlif Safe and LetWir Pro-ts ftl sale—Expositor Office. (8) 11 E eulipeit ell in either churc A trip around the Wei Anderson. also said to be a strong ProbibitiolOst. It The Gerina-ri Emperor, with alli apparent the work cannot be very important i a boy in close, Boar for Service—bli Armstrong. (5) was these two elements which placed him flightiness is not likely to do anything suffi- can do it better than a man. _ The ountry —it f, Breech Leading Gun—Johnsov. (8) f Cow Chains --Johnson Brom. (8) in the mayor's chair last Januari it re- ciently indiscreet to cause a war, and there would be shocked at the sight of a oy on have be( Amailand Saws—Johnillon Broi (8) the bench dealing with men's -proper . But make th Estate late D. McGregor—F. HoIntested. (6) mains to be Seen whether they Nfill. place ip no one man in sight in Germany who is Fatate, late, CbstlesSage—P. Holmeetilli (5) then, too,, many people think more o I their and in f him in the Legislature or not. ��r. Hobbs at all likely to prove strong eni to carry property illan they think of their so '18. for salt, Kiplisr(Carriage'Work.+—lit. Ricker. (9) of this k rigs, Pigsi H. Schi (5 also is a strong inan, being a large employer the country where the Emperor does not ?15) - - -a stray i f labor and one jof the eading business want her to go. The great danger at pres- Adjourned Sale—F. Evamr. (P) 0 News of the Weei self. -11il Low Boots --R, Willis. (3) men of the city. Mr.' Essery is,ra litwyer. ent is froni the firebrands of France, or from DE.Al --John Bruceford, the well-known belonge( Auction SaleiiiiiiiiiiGood Bros. (8) ilSeason The contest will b% *atched With deep in- the ambition of a new Czar. New York publisher, is dead. He was 78 hide �y Financial 9tatewent-8-in Life Ass. Co. (5) terest throughout tLe Province. The el6c- years old. Removal Sale-iiiiii3fici Jt (8) THE CZi CONDITION.—The Swelling of been bu! tion will take plact under the new registra Notes and Comis. the feet increases, but by draining off ali tion system, which was tried in Toronto for Lord Rosebery said in a speech at Brad- the water f . rom. them his body,is much re- when or the first time last June. The former elec- last Saturday. evenin that lievied. There is no improvement in his whiffleti ford, E ngrIand 9t general health. down. tion in London was held on the voters' lists. the House of Lords, as it at present ekisted, LARGE Lurl CONTRACT.—The Ross began t( was a mockery and an invitation to revolu- a, New York's Fight. MacLaren Lumber Company, of Victori wheels SEAFORTIEC, FRIDAY, Nov, 2nd, 1894 tion. He also stated that the next election British Columbia, has contracted to ship tunatel3 A most in,terestincr fight is now on in New —A s, t Would be fought on the issue of the contin- 1,000,000 feet of lumber to South Africa. York City. Tammany and the Hill elenien Hoe, CnOLERA.—Hog cholera is raging in It is Bail t Huron Conserva. ued existence of this House. Eas in the Democratic party are'%attling to the the neighborhood of Bloomington, Illinois. tween V Many fariners have lost from ten to fifty and hen: There must be something radicallyiwirona, death for their hard earned power to plun- returne( Count Caprivi, the chancellor of the head each. in, the ranks of the Conservative party in der the public. Their desperate position; is PRAIRIE FiREs.—Several deaths have found German Empire, has been relieved of his East Hiaron, else it would Scarcely have shown by the fact tha Dit-sid B. Hill has been caused by pirairie and forest fiires in crying I ffice and Count Etilenberg, the Prussian Northwest Nebr'arka. Enormous damage been die been necessary -for so important a personage iven up his place in the Senate, and) as aPrime Minister, has alao resigned; Prince has been done to crops and property,, their e 4 as Mr. Clarke Wallace to citmile all the way the Democratic candidate for Governor, is Hohenloe will succeed Caprivi, and will also many farmers losing everything. The file The finl6 frorn Ottawa to attend their convention at personally leading his forces. This fight was started by a fi�rmer iieur Alliance, who with tl14 at if take, Count Eulenburg's place its I russian threw a match into the grass after lighting Gorrie on - Friday last. It is said that the means a good deal to Hill. It means th Premier, thus. uniting the two positions. Orangemen of the riding were in revolt lie is beaten his last desperate chance for his pipe. elusion PROCLAMATIO N. —By order of the Ern peror against Sir John Thompson, and some of the Presidency is gone. Hill is a Mali of all Proulestant churches in Prussia will cele- one of tl perseverance ai undou The Jilipaneae have won another victory to thint the leaders vo-ed that they -would not sup- indomitable bted brate on December 9th, the 400th anniver- won a at the Yalu River, and are now in the as pluck.- Few politicians woul have survived andidate so Ion sary of the birth of Gustavus Adolphus, Of assaulte port any Government c Chinese Territory, with the Chinese troops weden. near th, he wag Prelni and that Mr. Wali was Buell 4 crushing defeat as lie veceived at the pparently in full flight before them. The NATURALIZATION.—A Buffalo dispatch brought up to quiet the recalcitrants. - if 1i Democratic National donvention, yet gentlem later are reported to be very poorly armed says between 2,000 and 3,000 aliens have considei this was the case, his mission was, evident- here he is again in the fpre front of the I become citiFens of the United States and were -all In and equipped, and the Japanese will prob- e au cessfu, as we not. -e that the candi- fight. But lie is doomed to defeat. of that city since June Ist, by process of is ot y ably reach Moukden without a conflict. naturalization. date was ininated by one leading Orange- Mew York city Taminany. bact nominated —Al r no BUILDIZ;c� AccII)i —A five storey brick a pairil Nathan Strauss for Mayor, liopi,ng that his inai and seconded by nother. Mr. Wal building on Wells street, Chicago, in" course Workin Most people were 'surprised when the lace has a, way of pouring oil upon tile unblemished reputation and well known' of construction, collapsed the other day, ro(,f of I -troublecl waters in such cases peculiarly his� phianthropic 6fforts wouldbolster up their jury at Brantford gave a verdict of not burying several working men in the ruin. roof to i guilty at tile Hartley murder case, in which All the men escaped alive. As lie al O-svni, and it is his power in bhis that cause and give them the rest of the office Mrs. Hartley was tried on the ell HoLocAUST AT. arge $E.iTTtE.—In Seattle, the bol Mr. Strauss, hoiiiever, biks declined the secured hini'lli seat in the Government. Washington Territory at an early hour on and lie I of poisoning her husband. The Judge Wh ir-e will result in. nornination, and the isaue is as clear cut as Saturda' moioing, a71 destroyed a large about t( -ether Gri-not his medic y anent care, time lone i tell. could be desired. It is either good govern- charged strongly against the prisoner, but hotel and twelve of the guests Were burned partly I a perm f the juq evidently placed no'reliance oil the to death, and soveral severely injured b con- ment or Tammany undiluted. y severeI3 As will be Been bv- the report of the evidence of Ling, the prindipal witness for leaping from windows.. was ali vention, which appears in another columil, WHALEBACKS o -N Ll ERIE.—It is all- are riot the Crown. -thoritatively stated that Captain' Me- some tii Air. E. L. Dickenson, of Winghm, was Death Does It. Dougall has plans and negotiations well ad- —Tb4 chosen as the candidte. Mr. Dickenson Another prominent fif;ure in Canadian One of the signs of the tinles is the Way vanced for -the establishment of a ship yard calIs up seems to be a sort of utility man for the political life has been penloved from i'thia in which the Populist party in the United for constructicin of whalebacks in Pittsburg. with th party. - He was the candidae selected to sphere by the Great Reaper, who is no lie- c'ruits. Judg Truml The vessels will ply between New Orleans Clinton States is gaii4ng re re oppose , r. Gqbsion and Pittsburg, and ultimately,it is expect6d on the far the Local Leo Spector of persons. H'ol�. Honore Mercier bull, who drafted the amendment to the between Lake 14' rie and the Gulf of 121exico. the tow but, at the biddina of the—party lead- died at his residence in Montreal, on. Tues- Federal Constitution, abolishing slavery, is DEATH OF A ONcE Fmllrous MA-N.—Dr- was pos ers, lie withdrew, that Mr. %lilue, the diy morning last. His illness was a pri the latest one of distinction. Judge Train- H. T. HeImbold, the famous patent medi- of postl tron, candidate, miglit haie a better chance. cine man and one time millionaire, died at and the tracted one, and lie has been at death's bull declares not only for free coinage, but the New Jersey State Asylum for the in- Corners -his manoeuvre door for several -weeks. He was a victim Of also for the restriction of inheritani to a sane a few da recomi it is possible, he may repeat t s ago, aged about 56 years. in favGr of s6ine othera,%ro inav bid fair to a comlicaion' of diseases, diabetes predom competency, o as to prevent the concentri GovEmmirENT Housr,' VACCINATION.—All at that capture a few unwairy Reform, votes. A He was born pu a farm, and was tion of wealth. the inmates of 'bile White House at Wash- positior ington, were vaccinated Monday. few of the Reformers of East Huron were educated at the Colfege of the Jesuit' I postilla! SNOW STORMS.—A severe allow storm —On caught in this way at the Provincial elec- Fathers in Montreal, alid was by profession Both the Russian and Briti3b fleets in the prevailed all Monday throughout Nebraska. tion, but it is scarcely likely that the same a lawyer. He -was 54 yeal of age. He 'Pacific have been 'strengtheaied recently, In the extreme northern portion of the state f riends bait will catch tfieni twice. It is only by fi clier�d Parhame* t in 1872 and was a which is Significant, and Admiral Fremantle, stock is said to be suffering. Snow also fell townshi "'ards t SUCII legerdemain as this that the Conserva- in. Colorado Monday -to the depth of two C� supporter of the Conservative party. He whose time as commander of the British feet. less. I tiveg can ever hope to defeat Dr. McDonad, eft, that party about the time of the New squadron expires shortly, has been ordered. CHEAP BR6.1) WANTED.—A crusade 'nag Let soiii tip, the and it is well that those opposed to the Brunswick- School difficulty and ultimately to remain at the post. The Trans-Siberian been inaugurated in some of tile cit of the 'es fore he polilcy of the present Dominion Crovernment fell in with the Liberals. He was one of railway is about completed to, the Chinese United States for cheaper bread, and in home, i Should be put on their -guard. In a straight tile shrewdest and most able politicians h Washington the price has gone doilima from as Mr. Frontier. If it could go fri there straight five to four cents. fight Dr. McDonld is as sure of re-election the Province of Quebec and although he through'INIaiiGhuria and have the terminus ROBBERS CoN7Ess.—Frank Elein and Otis f riends Ce that h, as he can be of ainythl in the future, made many mistakes and was re nt1v the men of respectable paren- whether his, opponent be Mr. Dickinson or at a Coreftu'port, not Only would a de tage, are in jail at The Dailies, Oregi havi- With tl object of much censure, his force of char- of severaf hundred miles be saved, but that a seani �sonie person else. He is one of the most eneral popularity would speedily ini confessed to the robbery of the Pacific ly relie, end of the line would be infinitely more use- 'Express Company's office,there on October able and most hone -it representatives in the have brought him to' the'iront. again- had ful. The Chinese have resisted all overtures 12th. unharm —M Dominion Parhailent. A large major�ty of his life been spared: On Saturday preceding looking to a , right of wa:y for the road the electors of East Huron are proud of hi Winglia his death, before losing consciousness, lie thro h Manchuria, and it'looks very Inuch ing a fu And When., the next election comes they will summoned his faiiiily Oto his bedside and ug Huron Notes. had got as if Russia contemplated helping herself Mr. Edmund Andrew, of Aelifield, sho their apprecia of his worth by re- bade them adicu. He said: " I am pre- to what she wants. She hag probably* has returned from &it extended tour to Man horse b, turaino him by a ii-ruch. I?-raer majority pared to die, but it is'a sad thing to leave buggy 0 75,000 troops within striking distance, and itol Messrs. than he ever had be -fore. 'D my dear wife and my poor children. Tell —Mrs. Walter Nichol, of East Wawa- ling. her fleet is now the largest in the Pacific. my friends that my last thoughts were for c nosh, is very poorly at present, with slight swerve( She could not have a better opportunity hopes for her recovery. The Eastern Question. them. Tell my opponents that I have for- hub of than now. —W. J. Fenwick, of East Wawanosh, has his fati: A recent writer in the Contemporary gotten all. ell all that -I worked for my added an hydraulic rain to his many farm im-' to a poi )3 � rovements. Review, who says he spent three years in country. The people of Holland are about embark- P _The other day while - Mr. Will Hollo- up agal the East for tile special purpose of studyilig ina on the -work of draining a large portion way, of Clinton, was out sbootin the tie - the problems of that portion of the world, The European Situation. of"the Zuyder Zee. The work is expected brought down a black sqirrell which fad " The bu� takes a strong position in favor of Japa, tail as whiti as snow. We have become so accustomed to the to be -completed in thirty years, will cost to say, —Mr. Robert Howard has disposed Of his and claims that England made a great Mi'- idea of Europe being continually balanced $130,000,000, and will reclaim 750 square splendid farm, one mile and a quarter north —Mi take in Siding, or appearing to side at the ere di 0 oil the raw edge of a great war, that we miles of the most fertile land in tile of Blyth, to Mr. H. W. Sanderson, who re. " fir8t with China. He claillis that China is a mae light of the possibility of her slippin country. aid" near Londesboro. Ill Oil mims of .. corruption arid savagery, -whose 9 —TheGoderichKin 'a Daughters had a wi o over to the dangerous Side. It reminds one in caf tw par Be is to prevent, if possible, the spread very successful nail enteri�ainm�nt last fron PO forcibly of the careless confidence that those 6 Next year the first installment of the.Pa- weik, which netted a large sum, to be used from t of"Western, civilization, by fair means or who constantly handle explosives ge . t. cific Railway debts falls due,and the- Urdted in charity. father a foul. Japan oil the other hand stands for box aw They have for so long a time worked, un- States Congress will have to decide what —Mrs., Charles Walters, Goderich town- made it hunianity and enlightenment. - He further harmed. with these terrific forces that they policy to pursue. The unpaid interest on Ship, aged 83, is thought to be ld�ing. Her in the r tl'ie power most -husband died two weeks ago, aged 88. claims that as 'Russia is lose the sense of danger—yet the dadger is the Government loans is now as large as the They had been married 65 ye"s. eet or 'fered by Japan, Eairland's interets cn always there. original principal, and . the whole amount is —On Monday evenin ek, b which I -ith The peace of Europe rests on such an in- I to" '"' we 1. 8 1 ' face cot but be served by aiding JEia at least m about $125,000,000. An immense petition, Bowers, sr., who has 3een in & Poo t�te Oi chin w( epat 8 1 , -active Sympathy, and thus seuring her health for some time d ted thi ife at secure basis that a breath might destroy its containing the naiii-es of the majority of the thigh c, the age of 80 years. The deceased s a row lee goloct will� fragile foundation. Each of the four grea voters in Californial and of a very large pioneer of West Wawanosh. This view seems to be a sensible one, for knee as powers, - Great Britain, France, Germany number of 'people in the Other Pacific —The many friends of Reeve Cox, of the Western nations are awaing to the and Russia is jea , Goderich township, were glad to see him aged to .4oti of the others, while Coast ' fact that China is not anyti like as States,'will be forwarded to Congress, out again last week, after the very severe broken Austria and italy ar� also die;turbing favoring the foreclosing of the raortgage and accident through which he passed. He is —Mr Winglu strono as they liad sypposed, but,, that little factors. Germany and England are great the assumption bythe G overnment of the not entirely over the effects of it, however, Japan is the domnant Eastern power. rivals in trade, France hates Germany and operation of the Union and Central Pacific but is improvin, 11 the tim! �a ing ag stoopil seems to have been deceived is jealous of Englnd's power—their foreign roads. —Mr. Jame 01 h -ty, of Clinton, has at first aer as to the stren-th of China or she ivi not rented his farm of 150 ac es, being lot 28, policies are constantly clashing. Russia is on seeii 13th concessi to Mr. Thomas have ccepted so quietly the latter's refusal wise. to allow t1te Trans Siberian Railway to pass distrusted by -both Germany and England, Sir J61in Thompson sail I ed from New Cole, for a term of seven, yeas. He has Be- little i witly-very g?od reason. This great country, cured a good tenant, andIvir. Cole has ob- York on Wednesday for England. We -thiraugh Manchuria. The fact seems to be tained an excellent farm. bottle. with its vast resources and its hordes of ated anywhere that he 'bae not se6n. it at br wn i that -wily old Li Hung Chaing has all along —William E. Scott has purchased John 0 0 soldiers is in the hands of one man, who had any business there on benalf of Canada, Anderson's farm of 150 acres in East Wawa. side, lig been playing tL itiost skilful game of from iti ft may useits power as pleases him. An in- but we will indeed be Surprised if this trip nosh, for $6,300. Mr. Anderson keeps pos- nd he has fooled all the diplomats of flamiatory newspaper article, all incautious session of the hodse and out buildings until round, .1 is riot taken at the country's expense. We end� Europe. 11 is evident un-tvilingness to go March. Mr. Anderson Will live retired in word from" an ambassador, or a petty, havie a High Commissioner in England at nln on its f future. to wa with Japan is now explained. He though irritatin eyes pr g physical ailment might a nual expense of a good many thousand —Burglarsarea n making their appear- appaently knew quite well the result cause orders to be wired which would Bet gai one of I dollars, yet when there is anything to be unee in ilie village Of BrucefieYd, having via - would be, and that the exposure of China's the world in a tumult. done, one or two ministers have to go over. ited the home of George Logan the other onesee we&kitess would be fair worse tha the sev- The present Cvar has been a peace loving evening. They seem�d determined to make —A, We wonder how long a business firm would home o entrance, as they returned the second time, crest beatin Japan could give her. 9 mail, and this, in all probability, has pre- tolerate that kind of nonsense on the pat but finding Mr. Logan up,ii deemed it the Mi] Things in the East are taking an entirely served the peace of Europe. Besides that, advisable to retire. evening of its paid servants. ni turn, and the crunabling of the faric he haseen in the Russo-Turkish trouble what Sing Lee, a Chinaman ifrom London, daught, of the Chinese Enipire seems to, be only a real war is. H- will open a laundry. -in Win�.bam. He has united e understands . what is be- inatter of a, few years. Russia and Eng- neath the ponip, and circumstance and, with THE one great eakness of Democracy rented the north !,half of W. Diamond's Leod, C to be that, in the present state of block. Sing is quite a dude, wears white Varna. land are, of course, the most largely inter- 0 seems this knowledge, is less likely to be ni ved Soci men's Clothes, but doesn't dispense -with him ceremoi ested parties, though Jitpan is not likely to ety, it gives too great tin opportunity to by ambition or jealousy to bring oil another queue, and is quite a curiosity to the small bea'utif, alow herself to be neglected in the slitiffle. and certainIv more desperate struggle. the professional politi6lan, or " boss." boy. br4Lnchf Were all the people alike honest and well. —Mr. Thomas Neilans, the tax gatherer The bri One of tile best evidences of the pluck of but the Czar'is at th� point of death, and . i have een� ws all in- meaning, a- of Hullett, is now on his rou"ida, and he is golden 1 will be succeeded by a young man, who is democracy would be an ideal so happy and jovial that people almost re- lace-, au cident that occurred a few years ago,ii a naturally more likely to be indueifeed by form of Government, but, as it is, any force. ard it a leasure to pay him their taxes. her sist ful man, who is ilatifficiently lingernpulou's, Aome of C heaviest ratepayers in the groom 1 bgRussian iron clad in Yokohama harbor ambitious motives, and to be less consider. threat( -+1 a British vessel. Tile Japanese ate in handling the great forces which will mayy by organizing the worst elements of township are Messrs. Ransford, John Me- Dan M4 sent a bit of a wooden gun boat, the only be given into his control. It is said that be society, place himself in a position to de- Alillau, and C. Dale, of the 7th concession, mony a sp who pays this year $143.84—the Others a. and the war vessel within reach, right up to the bi oil almost at will, the industrious 9 is not a favorite with his fatlier,- whick is legitimately successful, and the more he somewhat similar amount.' compall Russian, and demanded reparation for the not a- favorable sian, and stories are 'afloat —Mr. A. Gorrell, of Clinton, received the the reci breach of etiquette. The Mikadid's Empire plunders, the more difficult it becomes to sad information on Monday of last week, of the g which, if true, go to show, that lie. i t just dislodge him by the ordinary machi from his son Frank, who resides at Oxbow, watch. seems f ully worthy of her new sobriquet, the"kind of young man who is likely to North West Territory, that he had lost two followix Tile En -land of the East." are a bad use of his power. The men popular election. " Bosses," howev daughters, within a few days of exch other, and old mak ])at autocrats on 'a small scale, so tha the with black diphtheria. The children were from th who control the destinies of a large portion greatest weakness of Democracy but points aged about 6 and 8 years respectively. A —i A BITTER political war is being waed of the world are ke"enly aware of these out the greater evil of autocracy. son, aged 12, was also at the point of death fast paE in Lon(lon jiust now. The appointment of things, and they await with undisguised 0 at the time of writing. youngei Mr. Meredith to the Bench caused a alarin the death of the present Emp�ror. Tim Canada Presbyterian mak-es -the fol —James Edgar, Escl., President of the one of t Howick Insurance Company, while in towit death o var.ancy in the representation of that con- Though all the great powers hesitate to lovil remarks, which conta more truth on business on Monday last a the Har- DeceasE stituency in the Ontario Legislature, which take any stepshich might lead to war, than poetry. It says : Chief Justice Mere- riston Tribune, made us a a h9ofIrIltycall. ile is and has is now about to be Ifilled. The election ay one of them. will fight, there neelcl be no dith takes his seat on the bench in his 55th chuck full of his trip to the Old Country,. He was takes place on the 20th of November, -so doubt about that, The time has not et year., Everybody wishes him. a long' thinks Edinburgh a fine city but Glasgow of these y and that if the contest be fierce it will be short. no good, there being too much noise and tious at conlid'when any ofthe great nations is will- useful judicial career. Were tile learned confusion to suit a Howick farmer. He had lie was The cand-i(lates are on the Reform side, ing to beat its swords into plou'ghsh area. chief a minister of -the gospel, a good many a splendid tripgoing, but caught a tartar vices 0' di� 0 r 0 - W,-4 7: A -11i i-:11! A ER XOVFJ MBER 24 f�� Dine, heai storm the whole pass- churc and took innelt lintArest therein. er of whom is engaged in Imsiness in Vir- new steamengme in 'boara Sick. Two meals He w a native of Doncaster, York county, en and the latter in Grim all on old. During are turning out some -ei ten days, but he 1-8 about all right Engla, d, and came to this country when a Is. Davis' stay in Minnesota she had the either wooden ware, Buch j, Mere 1, oy. G-oing west, lie located in Chi- leasure of meeting Joi Do(lds, a gentle- es potato pounden iromptnes . a of action a serious fire cago. lvhen it was little more than an Indian ian well-known here and .4'n the Cari k� t - . - St ente . ted in Blyth the other evening. A tradin� Post, and left there because lie ford district. He is an officer in the St., f frii last I aip hanging in the workshop of thought it would never amount to any- Pli reformatory, and is as genial and[ them to I aud r hardware, �btjrned through the thinig;J he also spent some time in what is Ie ni o `0 sa in the good old days when he I u as f! t )ove, letting the lamp drop, the oil now S�. Paul, 3finnesota, before it enjoyed. one he bova of this section' faci ities. Saturday night, 20th 111t., fourteen OMOP me, a conflagri t took fire, and had it not been that railw I' Coming to Clinton about' rampus 00 k shelter in a barn on the farm Of rere therelat the ti 20yea -.,a ago, he opened a jewelry business, Hen Wittig, lot 43, conces AccIDENT.-0114 inevitable, as a' quantity of coal. which af terwards continued by his son th Ea atoli. 4 Arthur Forbes, of SPA iyr inflammable material was Stored ThornaF,"noW of Galt. - He leaves also one sthope, about two miles fro;� trees ion. the I 1h Ii ected five sue- apple )roximity I liter in Clinton. The funeral tratiford. I e po ice Bel lop, Eon 4.f he left his team e%uepn,�I.ir �appeus that cattle which toolialpl��ac(e%lgii lFriday. iclous looking fillows, one of whoin hal de while he4went into a 1� e1ofsalt for some time, lack valise, and placed them under arrst. startled the horses and )ir way tothe Stapleton salt works, Perth Items. he others were allowed to The five 91 ung in( jh,,,yovertool, two yo ieir efibrts to appease the craving aspects were brought to 980iratford and i�*js 11olegy, who were� dri injure themselves. A circumstance F. B. Holtby & Company ba'i opened Olaced in thecounty jail. I ith 0, horse and -cart. anew. $anking business in Mitchell. On Wednesday, last week, a i0ad w ind happened on6- (lay lately, when man "OtUctice, the runi horl, —W I J. Freeland, the well-known music amed Francis Kelly, threw himself in front �t upon -them. Oif teer ate so much that it killed it instrue or of public schools in Stratford, is almm r. Ransford'does riot. knoi who it a train as it was nearing Listowel, all --ilwere very ill� tlie head was- entirely severed from the �jorge were -capsized and *1 to, but the owner can have the rtunati no da3- -Mx1. W. Honey has sold out his black I)pdy. Mental. derangement induced 1�t but 0 ,dentifyin ';�er thari. basd1Jy damagim SV . a Ig business in Mitchell to Mr. Robert ti I Thoma rock of Usborne, has ppor health is the.only cause that cm --.be f am ran for AIX I Nicliol�,'Iate of Staffa. jft. Forbes te y drawing wood to Centralia, for 8sigued for the rash act. He was 6T —The St. Marys checker club has reor- a years, captuti jeni they, were On. Wednesday of last week, ot . ago and unmarried. He was a kind- t, ftliixed1 for the winter season, with Mayor The tongue Of rining, the 11 arted man and affectionate to �-;s ftlL- and ill" e of the teams was retu kv. C. loscrip, President. - the- bor-i were ee. bolt came out, letting the tongue t* ves. rhis frightened the horses and they --Nlr . Flagg, of Mitchell,' attended the —There die4 in Mitchell, on Friday sun- 111t not Seriously injureli Women a Christian Temperance Union con, il a 19th ult., Miss Carrie Mc.'Ll daugh- run, throwing out Will Amy, the I'liention held in Cornwall this week. %ander Made % Aespei tir of the late Thomas 'McNiai of Fullal le, asging over his hips and legs. For- ilton & Levi cigar factory Suicide last week. —H tgu,at,tliC&geof 20yearsaud 5 moi no bones were broken. Stratfo (1, was robbed of 400 choice. ig.for some time sit I insational story comes from Gorrie. elgars Deceased was a bright young giril and a clever [nii Lfitb confee i that two persons were driving bi oil Sun(ay morning, 21stult. a udent, but having failed at the late ifi- �jmes 1E esday ilight'; ha r --Nhifr. 6eorge M�Icolm, of tli;6 Stratford t rinediateexaminations she grieved ve e, , roxeter and Gorrie the other da, , - ry asual 'Unknown to tany of y Collegia -e Ilistitute, has been granted the y but I ell, and applying �� herself to studyto, ing a child crying, drove b I 'i If B at theUlnil-v- she got up And de ree A. by. Qucen's University She to see what was -%vron g. They 1.1.3 V ke tip for lose of time and prestige, Ang, as soon A4 I c' Kin sto u. the mi baby all buried but its head and nt beyond her physical strength,and and- us, Search Was ini igoro f w days ago Mr. Perrin, of Prospect d 11 heart -failure resulted, tstily. The inhuman monsters had Hill, fo nd one -of his cows in, the field with was f ruitli until Friday barbed in their labors, and made One of hiller legs broken. The cause he could 1,�Timothy Quinn, of Logan, and Thomas jd,�v Geol Dicksilaii and Sol ape by the aid of a hor�ie and rig. K�eli of Ellice, got into a. tow at a Xm- :X 1 1 1[�. -wc ers of the little one took it to Gorrie no disciliver. stock hotel the other day. 'Constable FreA he in N distarice !from N 'be! trustees of the Tralee school have tanits, but- they �siderl in. 8 cured tile services of Mr. McCutcheon . as x%ur6r Separated the comba, sli was lying under the all, st4rted to fight again in the T�Oadway. Then. e . ruesday of last Week, after the con- e 45 ed tree, and he. d the Division court at Wingliam, teacher I for 1895, Mr. Lyttle, the present th constable- gathered the .1elligerents in teacbee, wishing to resume his atudieA. wel pari co wiliered li�y ,ose interested in a suit, who seemed ! . and brought them to Stratford.. They, Spent 40a that lie, or his friend, should have �Mr. Andrew Querin, of 'Tralee, - has the night in the cells. Next illorning P. R. ithought at first t1lat, shi ei bo,%ti Be that bad been decided otherwise, rented his farm, consisting of 100 �acres, to Jali J. P., imposed a, fine of $1 and costs closer iusP L -1 one of the defendants in the case, Messrs. Robert and 'Will. Kei for it num- on� each, the whole nillounting to $9.L60 -that sliewas still living, ber of years A $200 per annum, In moralizing on tbe� folly of get- .1ound that therewasaclit: The old -throatifroin which blood Queen's hotel stables. Mr. L. Young. of Brooksdale, went to scrapes, tn was Severely handled, and was cut th into such disgraceful Mr. ing, She wilis taken itbly about the bead and face. They Toronto last week to have an operation Jarvis pointed out that the fin!e represented erformed on his eyes on account of failing ned to Mr Hai rvaidt from Morris, and no doubt the end F�' the value of about tweni bushels of wheat prol U was I sight. at the present price. Robert Coats, of Clinton, met with —Mr. Kirkwood, of Listowel, ho fell —While returning from chi rch on Sun Alvol in the nieck'vl riot-, from a scaffold about four months ago and ioroVe fataill and that s al accident the other morning. (lay a- daughter of Mr. Robert! Jolinsion, of broke his ankle, inallai now t move 6anly from. ex"- sure A .n were eng ed e airing the Hibbert, met with a seriolls accident. She i-ble attention I ag around -with the use of a stick. ith her brother, as lie store and he "Iliad" teen on the Was riding in a b ggy wi, Aovtulel 0 ts of Ysptloyr��&cst Irws been gi —Cowa running at large in the a ree u front, stopped sutt- . . �0" ee how the work was progressing. a couple of rigs ii ifliv and she i Listowel are doing much damage to ardeni denly, Hiii fail' �0 , epped oil the ladder to descend, causing the aninial tolturn off the as possi tout of the ladder slipped out and lawns. The pound is likely to e well road short, which upset the bliggy, and the .-S. leedily and ell to a roof below—adistance of patronized. horse ran away. The young -woman fell Cat 80 years a eo n. feeti. He landed with the la&ler —At Russeldale, on Wednesday. last all upon her bead, and was e ied into the wandered away week-, Mi.S B barn, Russell -%vas married to ue 11 t While tempioraxily - elf residence of Mr. James Hodge in an uncon- dwhi Mr. Ail erson, a large land owner in very lightly. dri across the abdomen, and his face scious state. At first her nc. ek was sup- � 11 -%vas out two ni� the state�i-`f California-. aua as Bile. eneath him, and thus hurt hinja AT. U badly ])raised. While his iAjnnies —Mr. John B. Little, merchant It posed to have been broken, bit Dr. Wol ,der that the,exposure did j t ilor it will still be 7 was soon oil the scene, aud', found that ,onsidered as serious, was married on Wednesday, last week, to no Ang more, serious had oced -The knife with whii the lie before he is around. tl ` irred than a flictei was af terwaids fow change of postmaster at Clinton a young lady in Tlarristbil, and returned to severe'slihock to the nervous ayatem. -been bill - It ilsa- knife I some reminiscences in comiectioll. MitAell -with his bride the follo%ving day. —011 Wednesdav afternool -last week. in - e —Mr. %inton, a very successful evange- cari black valise Xied for Som. office. Many years ago, Listowel, a Stout �nan r before list, Nvill shortly conduct revival services in 'bered that she was seen existed, the post office was located niiectioi With the Methodist church in and a skin full ot forty rod, w�!s noticed by -or two before she strayed a west of co -Mr. James Lawrence, travelling in an east - Id Dr. Cole farm, two mile -St. Mal - I the case, iio doubt she h a, ai late Richard Thwaites —miss I , Jane McGill, (laughter of Mr. erly direction-. The thought struck James Iii own life in her min miaster. Some time aftet the office John XIcG I ill, of Fullartol Was married at that lie looked like the man that was want- "The case is a very Bad on lastercillvas offered to Mr. E. Dinsley, Rat Portage on the 22nd of Octoberi Mi. ed for murder, and accordingly hewent up to the old l&dY will need] papeli made out for " Rattenbury's A. J. Hunter, of 06 Rainy River district. tile man and arrested him oil suspicion. The .1ooked after, as her mind " but lie declined the -offer, and —Alr.'Gtibson -Mallaffy, -who has success- man was somewhat larger and heavier than -this direclioll, there is lit! Blided Mr. Gordion, who kept store fully tau,,,rht in Union School section No. James, and refused to be taken by li 'Will try the same thing ag �ime. After Mr. Oordon had the whereupon James grabbed the valise and 5, Fullarton, Elma and Logan, I for the, it frent this attempt, �8, some time, tile late T. Fair becarne marched up towards the lock-up wi I ter. past eight years, has been re-engaged I's thinking the owner would follow after, but ty offers. teacher of that section for:tlie year 1895 - Tuesday evening of last, week, the —The Mitchell i)owlin- 'green has been James had not gone far with the valise be- Tuckersn )f Mr. Will RiAled e, of Goderich close(f for this season. 0 The professional fore some one arrested him on suspicion, of p, got . a bad scare, tut as it after- men as wellas mechanics and others have be - ii tile man w arrited, James was greatly E­.,�D NoTiEsq--M Bear 11 and said that he could prove where ereeted a fine hol on I lrned out, their fears were ground- spent ill & pleasant leisure hour bowling be li�� beZ every dayi the murdel -purchi It IS A Story e had driven over to Bermailler to during -the past summer. grain crushed, and while loading —INfr. R. Jennings, of Listowel, had a lie 'was let go. The owneii the valise vith large roi -and -A cla,ilnec I blia property andi shortl add much to the appi horses took fright and ran away beiiii piece of ground 10-& rods long by 2 rods 1 after, X -r. Joe Crich took in the - and James went fidme to— relate is ex- 1- '1 � i wide, planted with eld carrots, w ic i as k, and w .ould get into the rig. They came perience. hoka last wee ot much worse for the mishap, but just yielded him 6,660 pounds of carrots, or hunting In that district tutledge was not with them, his 1,600 bushels to the acre. returned to Behnore last' iaturally got alarmed and supposed Mr. Alexander Dingwall, of Wellesley, A Missionary to Indi& -ing the summer lii�.` i had been thrown out and hurt. Sustained a heavy . loss some time ago a A large congregation asscrn�hled in the lef t last Week for Buri c aid of lanterns they started out on through a mink killing fifteen chickens and I p ets, to spend tile winter rreat- Mol.Omvorth Presbyterian cbu�ch on the e for him, and their fears were L two ducks. He also had the fun of cai a -ed when they met him on the�road her in a. trap the other night. evening of Wedniesddy, the 24h October, A.NoTnLpt TuelcrRs4wi to -%l; the designation of 11%lissi Kate -TnE F FLONT. -MUny Of -0 3d. —TN-Irs. Richard Wilkinson has lately re- Campbell as a missionary to ndia. Rev. tinguished t)-len-iselves in� J. Kling and son, Frank, Of near moved from. Kenneyville to Mitchell, and Dr. McDonald, -of Seafortb member of Colleges in Canada, ronitE i wereodriving home after attend- her departure is much regretted, inasmu. 61 0 ch ountries, and also in t] neral on Tuesday- of last week, and as she was for many years a well-known the foreign mission coinmiti presided; -e. froin time to tim Rev. I D. B. McRae preached 4n excellent 810118 past the Dinsley house, when their and much respected resident. I m on the importance and Inecessity of _young int n in the Per �caiiie unmanageable and ran into a —Mr. R. J. Switzer, son of 'Av r. Adam kermc Doig appears twobe fast r4 in fro -it, in which were Beated Switzer, of the Mitchell Road, Blaus' I consecration to the Lord. A cilillection for liar, n -al Qf fame in the 1w Land -q, William Homuth and F. G. Spai has left for Milton, to take charge f th� missions having bee t k, Dr. Me H-Onie of the Brave." I S1 - Hoinuth's horse reared and creamery of tile Kensington Dairy Com- 'Donald Spoke of the steps leading to Mist; Lid King's buggy went over the pany. Campbell's -appointniefit, and of the maim boyhood on the farm in -fications which the commit�ee desired -which li;-- taii, school f b6 other rig, upsetting Frank and —Mr. C., Leppert has sold his farm. in !Illal this country with ina . in. all, their agents in the mission field, and er on the road, the latter falling in- Ellice- near Rostock, containing 49 acres, then studied law at the I 0 referred in particular, to the i Portituce of ,I of muddy water. The horse ran Mr. John Y149bingbolt, for the handsome sum whi he graduaitetl bast. ist the Park house and collided with of $3.000, uibicb is considered a good price. (1) good constitution, t2) e3peirience in )osts in front, where the buggy was teaching, (3) acknowledge& piety, and (4) his class, obtaining the Air. Leppert will. liveretired in the future. over and the horse broke loose. common sense. While he dweli these 8hi afterwards he -c( —Miss Williams, the evangelist who has ,gy was n ts, Dr. McDonald had a S�miiathetie tice of law in the towil. ot badly smashed, strange been conducting revival meetings in Zion Poln wbrichis Situated on t-1 uld nobody received any-iujury. church, Mitchell Road, has gone to ANTood- andience, for all his.hearers c4lilf testify- Lake Superior where h4 J. B. Cummings and son, Jimmie, ham to hold meetings in the-iMethodist that Alias Campbell possessed, iifi an emin- An extensive 1) and Ilue, ivingdown Main street in Wng church there. The meetings iii Zion have ent degree, all these characteri.alties. Dr. i n(i McDonald then called upon Rev. A. Steven- the party Coin-e0tions Monday of last week, at noon, a resulted in ii-luch good. son to engage in prayer. Rev'. G. Balli received the unanimous )poi the Bank of Hamilton, a —Tire anniversary services in connection -lie suitai addressed Mlies C� .-Cuit. Court CoMmissione: !ieel collapsed, the hub geparatin with the Sabbath School of the Methodist t3 in wor an iud Deinoera 9 d4l of counsel and encouragement. Ill public i a le rest of the wheel. This threw church in Listowel were held on Sundai Ross, lof . Brussels, on behalf of thi Women!s iia every probability be ad son out on the hard road, and the October 21st. The sermons were preached. I I Pries by ac@amatl -The seat falling on the borse's heels, morningand evening, by Rev. J. Liv , , Foli Mission Society of Maitlanc by- 'rig- tery, � ead an address . tol%liss Cam I pbell, and -coiximenting on the nom run away, Jimmie became entangled stone,.of Kincardine, a former pastor of the �ins and was dragged - about thirt church. priese ted to her a copy of the Bible. Doig is a brii brii nore, when the reins broke, t1nougK —The new Lutheran church of Ellie Dr. McDonald. addressed th,e7congri attorney, who has bee e will tion, iving a short account of thie workof 'Xariasl�r several =out e was so covered with mud that his be opened on the 7th of November. The the Pr byterian church, especialli -in India. -uste of the Detroit Law Id scarcel� be seen. His check and building is a handsome one, and a credit to 1.1 is Campbell belon a to a ta,T�nted and "Of' as a Young man, whi recut an scratched an d his right the congregation. Mr. J. Kreuter has been, .1, '1141,18 ainfly conneetel( with Molesworth in his prof insiderably bruised. He had a nar- appointed leader of the newly organized Plic townsmen have ni 'ape. Mr. Cummings bi his c congre aition. For a long time she taught d hoir. e g' f -words; of pmise for Vim fell, but the wagon was not dam- —Tile local editor of the Listowel. Banner the inf nt class iiin the Sabbath School, and has received the nor 6 was a cat active member of the Yqun any great extent other . than the advises the young couple who were caught People- Society of Christian Endeal any Court Commissionerion wheel. kissing on the bridge, Wallace street, on also Of theYoung P�opli Mission Band, and Democratic ticket'i 3. Thomas Smith, of the town plot, Tuesday night, last week, to wait in futurel the popularity lie ho and of the Weillen's Foreign M-1ssionary in, went into her cellar a few even- until they have gained the seclusion 'of the an ear short residence -in our 4 1, to get some snow apples to eat. parlor and pulled down the blind. Socie ly age she begall t.o teach, and 12-' ntrits as a teacher becam� so well g (town, she saw a head which she —Rev. Dr. Hamilton and (laughter went known �haLt she, -did not require to apply for -Self IL lought to be that of a snake, but to Toronto last.,yveek to attend the marriatye Schools,j bu was an object of strife amon. As a matter of racl g its abort body discovered other- of Rev. Alexander Hamilton, of Stouew-afl, trustee t- E 81 e could, therefore, comnlalld,, 0. ` I ly anythii - e I All ld(li,( Cwo sticks were procured and the Manitoi son L and brother of the above F El eceive,a salaryfar above the average that they 0 young than e tile Was captured and put in a mentioned, wh Nas married to Margaret, of f e te:cbers. She carries with her to 7with a -correct un­&'I;t ft is about seven inches long, dark second daughter, of Rev. Win. Inglis, z of h e r it sphere the loving sympathy and they hold their fortun n color, slightly lighter on the under Toronto. 'the clothes -of a earnest rayers of many former pupils and ing. Be courageous, I s- two rows of bright yellow spots —W, bile burning lea-w.,es frieliRs. ut painstaking;, bead to the tip of its tail ;* tail -not little girl named' Pearl Trombley, of Strait- ing, 1) but flait, and comes to an abrupt ford, became ignited. The girl ran scri �severing always ro ur feet on abort legs, with four toes ing and was captured by some nen, whose Ureenway. -proverb, though- -never wear ,ont-foot and five on the hind feet; prompt actions saved her life. .11,!ome of her X Aii, INOS.-The Greenway bratich of itrude, and it has no Scales. 11 -who help themselves." It is hair was burned off, and her hands were the rit' 11 and Foreign Bible Soci�ty will lie lizard family, no doubt, but no severely scorched. hold t�hle r annual meeting in the Presby- Everything. ns to know its proper name., —Last week the barns of Mr. Robert Roy. terian church at Corbett, next Friday' even- -cry pretty event took place at the near Russeldale, narrowly escaped burning iifg, at 8 o'cloci Gospel Temperance Did you everwat Mr. and Mrs. James Thomson, of while they Were engaged threshing. The meeting nd entertainmentwill be held -in the ceiling of Is road, near Bayfield, on Wednesday wind being very high conveyed sparks to Boston ildethd4ist church, on . Thursday Xilight think it 4 uself October 17th, when -their third theroof, which caught fire two different evening, November list, admission free.— be killed before, it A Ca_ x, Alias Florence Thomson, was times. Fortunately the fire was noticed Dr. , v as been called several times Intel anyone. A little lilo, n marriacre to Mr. Malcolm Me- and extinguished before any damage was to attend Miss A. Holm, who is very ig You that YOU are Wi I Ripley, by Rev. Mr. McDonald, of done. rid. the place of flies.; with in mmatory rheumatism. She Wag insensible, carry then About thirty guests witnessed the —On Wednesday, October 171th, a quiet rather be er Monday evening. ' Her pister, ly, Which wa formed under a wedding took place at the resid e eithereat them or ence of Mr. MrA. St "i ard8on, visited her last IS1411dal voun C asparagus Andrew Gourley, of Sebringville, when his _Miels il archway oil 6athery to feed ort. illie Brophey visited friends in I Ailsal rday.—Mr. John Sher - a, ornamented with white berries. daULghter, Miss Carrie, was united in t le kill t e fliesthat M'' JAI le looked charming in a dress of bonds of matrimony to Mr. J. Stratbee, of ritt sl:i�ipra-�;dl::nLtot3haetrucar load of lambs to ing:eggs in the buds ' orown surah ailk,tr d with white Middlesex county. Rev. Mr. Veining,froin Buffalo & -creseences on the j imy .4t IvIonday.—Mr. J. Forbes has fruit. In this wayol I long veil. She w attended by Windsor, officiated. The happy couple left inlpr ved lie appearance of his residence by at if y . Alias Violet Thomson, while the in the afternooli for their future home in new aid g it.—Mr. John McGregorls im- other, oo th ilow 3in, Mr. Middlesex county. provin is property by having a new 'Of , ma� vas waited on by his cone g the year you - apples -at another. Leod, of Ripley. After the cere- Davis, of Sebringville, who has stone cella, , ut under his house. Mr. aesota and Manitoba during'the Beniger hals, the contracti P. Gooding youegly look for sumptuous repa�t was partaken of, been in Min-, rest of the evening was spent in the past three years visiting her daugliter.9,Mrs, a difiging a deep drain, and intends to off garden plants, all i nil a gers in water. Whili y of their friends. The bride was F. Schiele, Mrs. R.Benuett and bliss Helen, b Sto e cellar under his house.—The aqua pient of many beautiful gifts, that returned two weeks ago, looking hale and Boston Me hodist church -has been imilioved rium they -not 0 all de, room being a very handsome gold hearty after her long stay in the West. by having iew Shingles pat on the shilia and caying ituff, b, The happy couple left for home the She reports times fairly good in the neigh- gravel on the drive ways.—Mr. A., MC- by -crawling over it. g day, followed by showers of rice borhood of Virden, the wheat crop. Nere Gregor has moved into - the Gilbert house, shoes, and a host of congratulations having yielded about twenty bushels to the on the fa recently bou lit b hi son, Madagas I ` s acre. isaac Bennett is Atill enjaged. in Jo I rl S. Pollock has; Vullt 'aylarge. root One of it�.e'thr5illii' ,ir Bayfield friends. hn. � Older residents of the county are farining, and, when Mrs. Davis eft, was cellar.�'Tlr second quarterly meeting and -us in, � yh id 3ing away, to give place to the threshing his wheat as it was drawn from '�Iiacramenta sermon of the Grand Bend Christians in 112adi generation. Mr. Samuel Fowler is the field, and had a 'number of it�ams Circuit, wil be held in Salem church next, converts oVel- a high lie latest to be added to the list, his carting the grain to an elevator in V irden. Sabbath, a 10:30 o'clock.—Mr. R. EFglish a rope above an -last week. His son Robert is:farming near by. Thomas visited London last Mondairs. A.- W. whetted a, knife, e ,curring on Wednesday of a was a very quiet, retirine citizen, is engaged in business in elome part of Ili Humphries And Mrs. Dr. Musgrove, of rope, and to -C Id the been in failing health for acme time. ois , lAilieli is a Methodist minister, and Parkhill-, visited Mrs. NV. J. Wilson last "be ent, off, Nve can. of Quaker stock, and like the most is stationed near Brandon Isaac, Willie MondaT. Mrs. Humphrill new carriage1l, black saints, 9 people, was thoroughly conscien. and Miss Hannah are at home. Anthony made by Mr. J. Howkey, was greatly ad- mingled hor and d upright. Until his bearing failed and George Goettler with their families are mired biy a number of our citizens. It is a little such faith L most regular attendant at the ser- prospering, and the Fame may be Said of model of neatness and Comfort.—The Me- Queen of MAdial of Ratteribury Street Methodist Wra. H. Scarth and H. A. Scarth, the for- Pherson Maiinfacturing Company �&i ­zaloons. The al A