HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-10-26, Page 1w"&O I!Dr - . ;�! I - � � I . � I I 1. I . - I � -- , I �
I 7 - .. I I � � . . . I . . - I - -,- -
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��� "I'll I . - �
; . . 11 , "I'll, ���� � ENTH YEAR. I !_ , SEAFORTH FRIDAY,- OCTOBER 26., 18940 - I I I .� $1.50 A Year in AdvAuce. ... -_ I . . -
----- � I I . . I . I I -1 - . __...�-�i
:, VqHQLE NUMBER, 1,,W2. f ___ I -, ��, . I - - I il � - �'_
. - --..--.-. I . . I I a b have been about seven or � - -- ..
- - . I ' could not see why per� day. He mns I ' ,i
� Of t -e 1. I -
Meet hiM In private. T hanks to a Andrew's church under his charge, and the ried no -valise, and was dressed in a sort ame% he farmers. H I " t years old then, whichwould make him 4 -
- -1 - � -11 .
I . . I I ' _T Dr. Norman McLeod, when he saw an offi . 6 the 0 11dren should be shut out if . nien and eig ..
. . tTougVh0tful Ame4qan friend, who sent me -ark of a tree, devotion he inspired in his 11 ck are testi- - light check tweed suit, with sack coat, and ars old now. These gentlemen aro � I __� ,
� - I I cial cutting &-number in the L 87 e . I -
.1 .dubation -trousers, marked with grease Spots. women were allowed to be immigrantli. st 1, ..
x E a. letter of introdiiqtlon, I was able to call said, 11 0 India, the very hairs of thy head monies. to big worth and popularity as a dark il bale and hearty. � �, -
� . , - . - ., I
. . . with some frienhi at -the Australia and are all numbered." There are splendid gov- pastor as well as preacher. By his death He' had neither moustache nor whis�kers, --Rev. Dr. Sutherland, General Seere - Shipi - _.-, s,
- I � t 'church, has gone on ,Michael Donovan, of Arthur town I -
EIS I . .. .,--, I ��, IS THE . was received w4)fk heartiness and sim- ernment rbads in all directions, and, at the congre ation suffers an almost: irrepsr- but appeared to have a few days' growth of tary of the Methodis d -recently los 'cowli. - 1� �
. I . loss I a six weeks trip to Manitoba an British I _�__��`
. . . pilotty of rnanner�qn the doctor's part that able , tte Presbytery of London is de- beard. This is about the last reliable tenti- rape I - -
- l 11 most towns, public houses of entertainment Eleven of them broke into his AeK -:"-.
I I I - ' I I . . - Columbia to inspect the missions and Indian I ,
I � put us it an cas? rnd Won. Us to hIni at i led by the Government. prived of a moving spirit in counsel and ac- mony that can be obtained as to his where, and; inside of half an hour aft I.. - .
� �. .� I I I ' - _
I r I i . , - . i- ,-,:,,
� � � 11aste We k -man Once. � . chools of the district.
: - provIa e church iu. Canada of one of its abouts before the tragedy occurred. Pur- a
� And yet this immense system of adminis- tion, and th track, he would" -Mr. Geore GXO Id - the New York thepi were dead. G. Beacom was im. .
I .1 � I . . - . , suing his way along the u I L a case of . '-' *
. I . The great pridO of Sydney Is its beauti tration is carried on, at one twenty-fourth brightest Qrnaments. ay aely called in, and it .
Z - � -
. � � ably'ba-0 met the little girl as she wag millionaire, b a hunt for vail at Stoi � _
� . . I -be in the ful and magnifte4nt harbor., and as Am . prob -
. I - Ik,o world over, whether it Or. what it - to to goverp France, one -twelfth )oi4ou, as thecattle dropped dead oneafter I -. 11
__ � -
. . � � 6- coEongland, �nd one-sixth that of returning from town about where the trag- Point, Essex county,, last week. He came - I � I
' our fireside, or in loans are said to 4i visitors on the day f that bf THE'LISTOWEL MURDER. 1 heriu quick. succession. The three .
. Vniversity or about y � . . . edy took place. I . in his private car and Was fully equipped the' ot - - -1 � ,
.�_ - � . their arrival 'froW Europe, "Well, what Russia. � I I remaining cows were treated by Mr. Be"Oni - - �7
- � I . is believed to have with dogs and guns. . . I
. . the workshop, its i nil uence is the same. 4 - CRIMES EVER The first man who I .
� _. . '-do You think of � n'try?" so we an on to get in, for ONE OF TILE MOST ATROCIOUS and have recovered. I -
. � � . Universities thro e , pr cou. It is difficult for corrupti I - . I seen the stranger afterwards was Mr. J. C. -Professor Melville has been engaged to - '. -
� I I . ugh inclined to ask, 110ave you seen our bar- every part is so. arranged as to be a check PERPETRATED RK AMERICA. . -4-At Paris, about 2 o'clock Sailwday I ' �' ' I-
- - . . � _
� . -
. bringing.us nearer and nearer to the her? " and -Vve me " - Kidd, who saw him a little after two produce in Woodstock, the spectacular pan- ,, _.,
, I I . 41ure the intellect of the upon every other part, and nothing can . aftOrnoon, 'Mr. John White, about 80 years � - .'-
: - O'clock, on the east side of Ballard's pasture tomime, "BeEk-Hur," on December 21sty I . .
. " -
I - true principles of nature. Oui�,hours visitor by tAe degne of rapture with which escape detection. The public officers are A YOUNG GIRL MURDERED AND HER BODY was, crossing the G. T. R. yard, -on I
. . - d, for the hospital. There Of 9,p� . '--'
. - � , field. He crossed -to%the west side of the 22nd and 23r I . I -
I � � . 11
' I I
. '� �_ '6y the he describes Part !Ja6kson, as our bay Is - paid large salaries, and PL -re expeeted to be YRIGHTVULLY MUTILATED. th2 way to his residence, when a freigtit � , I ' �
. "-, - --- gm, � . ill be 140 characters, mostly ladies. 1,
I , � w brighter and pleasailte.r I . field, and got over the fence into the race w I - *
I . �_ 0 called. But Dr. *�,lmage did not waitfor d a number of cars pan" I ..
- - :�
. ,, men of the highest. capacity, and after -her day, Miss Maggie train- Struck him an _H4i I . _-�-
. � ,
. . , i�aned force of education, and it is �
Z . I - - I I the inevitable qtip�s'tion. He anticipatood twenty-five years Service are pensioned on Without doubt one of �he mos� atrocious .course. Mr. Kidd was ploughing in the -At Prescott,'the ot ved over his body, mangling it terriblyt I __
� - ' Lapurte, while sweeping the house, remo - -
I I I � r 40 - - ,
, lanufac- it and at once'liblired out such a poetic ample allowance. - and revolting crimes ever perpetrated in field just ove� the fence, and bid good day . T. R. fo
. I �1. � ,sn'thin the power of every m � . The trigger caught in her W" an old servant of the G - - , - - " .
: . I I p;�egyrlc-of the 0,!xrbor, the city and all . 1,ANGUAGES SPOKEN. this P * � e, and by far the worst ever to the man, who replied, though not very a loaded gun . He resigned some time ago and was . .
� .
. � - tam to orkshop within the , - - dress, and the result was to shoot her five- years. -� .,. � I
, - Place his w " The man - .
I - - ,I - , � ,g as w,n u -of India )mmitted . -was that execut- cordially. then aske(r for a drink Mr, - , -
7 � . unto belongip" e s to him at .speak about fourteen c( Perth county, . living a retired life. I White was very dwi _. z -
11 pule of respectability and admiration there � The people e face, killing him &I- _'�
. . � 11 . . _t HO actually TogaWded regular langua es � in, the various districts, ed on FriE�,. -at noon, about two* miles east of water, and was referred to a pump near year-old brother in th. - I fr. John Ve-nuing, of Mossley,14 been-, � 1_-_ -
i I- Once- Nay, 'more�� 9 � , t instantly. � . -1% . �__.��
- � educatin- labor to the necessities of P road mos I ,.:
I by 0 our ladies w,ith th4 eye of an artist, and he and about li� ine. is ec el,14 Elma townsbip,north riding of by. After drinking, be went on to th awarded $1,000 for damages sustained in- . - -_ -_
, &If as many aborig" I di I to. of Listow
. I ennial Dominion Conven- I �
- _�_ � d ventilation. It � are �r u or Hindus- Perth; whenisome fiend, at the present at and proceeded east. Mr. Kidd described. - -The second tri ber last. He had been deliveriJigA 11 1- �
AR. ,cleanliness, li,g,ht an F told us -I - hope the American girls will 'The regular langua es I . as opened in Njoem .41
1 ... � - the most him as a man of about 28 or 30 years of age, tion of'the King's Daughters w u ing .,:� I I
I -,
� � - co�sidera- not -be jealous-t6t he had never before tani, Hindi, 'Benga i, ar- large, outra$ed and muraered in The report of the see- _. of I Zk
; 11 I" always been. the fitst I M Nepauli, Urya. M - e live feet nine or ten inches tall, and thought Montreal last w6ek. lo hop in T gersoll and was veturni . , , � �. I
I .
. njabi Sindi, diabolical maimer -A4is# Jessie Keith, th hoipe when he was precipitated over an em�-
� tion with us, and its influenc6- is ap- seen so many boau� .- Teluga, Guzerati, Pu .,, - ` -- I
,_�if!ul ladies on the streets athi, an 200 pounds. He retary-showed a very satisfactory increase
' I i '
. .1 . � and S galese. 13 -year-old daughter of I a well-known and he would weigh more tb . ' nt whih nbo
ge, � as In Sydney. , I layallin, Canarese in baAme at Putnaim b - - � . -
A rang I pwe4t in every garment we deliver. - Tamii, Mul - was I rde in Canada.' The convention � .1. - -
� -
, I 4 - highly respected farmer living in the. vicin - of a swarthy complexion, V�ithout of the o r were fr �tured, hence tile action against the I -1
. I . The doctor Is i) �een observer. Why, he THE POVERTY OF THE PEOPLE. ' ad . B addition I ._� . . .
-e askiba,, Oleariliness produces care; . light di- told us of things 4-ustrallan that we did The most touching thing that we have ity. T6 say that the town is stirred up moustache or whiskers, an& whaps a was largely attended. hip of North Dorchester. I
� IV, � ,� it but feebly expresses the situation week's growth of beard. He is Salo said to ----;Last Friday evening Mr. John lie- towns um awarded for damages the town_ -_ I.-, . I
. Tects the eye and hand to correctness ; not know ourselvg' ' d he showed that seen in India is the poverty of, the people. over ..,;� ..
I , P1 an . edjoalL ao .�
L I _ -
. these colonies before The average income of every person in Eng- Never before has imything.bappened in thi; have been ver heavily built about the Gregor, a farmer living on the town hue of to the s m 11 - I I
� L a st p 8 6 S, � � �,.�W. . -
L ventilation makes a healthy body that he had read up c(11 I . . merica over peaceful commun�ty that shoulders, a littTe coped, and full cheated. the township of Bentinck, slipped and fell sllit, have to pay hi expen e . L
I hem b0olling us all about our land is over $200 a year: in A ' r his counts, etc, L ' I .- '
. L . L
. oke h -
I � __ givea steadineos,and punctua the He wore a' decent brownish suit of clothes, while entering his dwelling and br 12t - _.
. . I
I . � -
� lity, and coming to V I Indiana., on Friday, -
I . � sources, like thwlast annual report. $100; in India $10. Millions of people roaches the marvellous T Of - the coat being darker than the trousers, and neck. D th w ins taneous. ]E�c leaves -At Kokoma, - . - ,
� - 4 - . ea as tan - rqui � t,
. .
. I these altogether produce exactly,what' re -'Oubjects of her majesty never get more than one ,meal a day. Ten Need, and all over the town, in 'evtry -not., Louis INia 8, a wealthy farmer, 71 : t-,. , �
' - Although loyal ife and six children. - i I pa'ralyzed � - I � .
. � � Vou want -perfect Just now the queen of EnglAnd'and the empress of cents a day is good wages� for, a man, and private and public house, on every farm and such a suit, AIr. Kidd thought, as a farnier a w years old, and for seven years � - -
-aul - is known, coming to town might wear. He did not -In-- the ease of Benjamin SnO,H- the ' - ... - -1
. I
I r � : . , goods. India, myself an4` tfie filends calling on five cents for a woman. You cau see thous- concession line, where the matter ' _6d unable to move hand or foot., used 'his - I- I.. _i_ �
7 - 1" 9". Producing the beat _� ed, e3i!dtedly seem to �be wearing top boots, or, if so, 1iis young farm hand charged with the killing -' --- �
� � I Dr. Talmage, hkt all' the younger oolo- andsof women carrying brick and mortar knots of people are assembl I ear old grandson as his executioner. The - I',' - I
I -
I I e discus3in* the details. Business is almost . li 1-11 "' �_ .
.- - . � trousers were on the outside. About half of an old man on John Liddy's 'farm in 5.y
� �.-
__ I - nists, are inclined,' o be democratic. On for the builders, or breaking stones in th , . . 11r. Chatham township, in the course of a old man induced the boy to hold to his 1� US - -,- ,
�� , t . . ,
. � , I . � - J� I
- , -;: I
� I the question of pA)tIcs',I tried to draw the streets and ro d for five' cents a da,v,all the temporarily suspended, so engrossing is the aR hour after this he was seen by Me '' � �
. .- -
... I I - � , �1_ �
=�=_=__M I FREIZE OVERCOAT I the ju, ry, at the assizes last week, a saucer . containing a solution of CWIVD ' ... � I
I i owest stamped coin is topic. Many people who have heretofor� Henry Leslie and his -wife as the were scuf! e, acid kept in the room as a deodorizer. Map- _- - �
_�_ I _N
� g I L ed no bill- - � 1
", � doctor out; buti to iny surprise, he avoided year round. eir I � �
- . � the i th t f a cent� but in the bazaars been characterized as eminently law-abidr' driving into town. He was then a fit a return . - �chp __ -111, �
lew into his shell like a six a . ,
- I I r I � . mile east of Listowel, on. the bounda 1. - �_. � I
asty, an&, -. - , - my Ouestlops or di ��f I till lower in never been known to eveA xy U- *-The Victon Times says : Rev. John quis drank it all and Sank back in his. Ar - I- I
; -
� only loset�. turtle. -At length �e said, with some form they use I ,g,.who have &4 almost before the boy - could Temove, 1, A
. ,
. - - . . �
, _�
: I'll, I I esef icy ,tween Wallaoe and'Elma townships. Mr. Scott, who has been visiting in . � - --- r
- (D 8 � thi saucer from his lips. �.�;
� Xeilsl to represent a a the Bay of d
0.-Rw 1pa that the governments coin, equal to I than the fiftieth part of hurt a cat, have boldly declared that tl nonths, has ,- i �
-onfidence " Well, I have an ic . r in the locality, Quints district for the past few I
1 51 - - � . would not hesitate to lyach the huma� �.LesHe says he was a strange ied ,-The biennial session of the Grand Celft- - 1. �_, kl
scriptl6ns. f every people ar� just the kind of gov- a cent.. � returned to Dakota. He was accompau �� �� i
. - �
le it will, � I That has f -ver been shown. ,We are ' Suit- d � to them. 'I . . There are soma causes for their ,fiend who committed the deed if they could was dark complexioned, under six feet in -Place, eral Counci) of the Indians of 'the Ontario � - �
� ernmonts best 0 . poverty � . height, and nbout 200 pounds in' weight. by Sarah Helen Fraser, of Carleton - - ;
; .
,week." rasnufacturers, and our Overcoats are , , But, doctor,". T protested, "you might - which might be prevented. They waste a find him. The topic, like a great national . I and Quebec reservations was'held in Morev- ,,,, - - ,, - I
. I .. - The man, whom Mr. Leslie described as a who' oes out as a trained nurse. i lef I . ,
, iaiatbwn, FAsex county, last week, ew � .
� say great deal in their idolatrous festivals, and calamity, has 41i8pelled formality and core the � , �:" -
correct, the same as t0he religion of a people. oal in jewels and Id mony of any kind between citizens and greasy -looking fellow, was going straight -1. S.Playfair & Company bavehought Albert, Tobias delivered aa address in which . :::��� .
� . Then what would Ocome of oilr mission- they sink wgreat d the east. He wore dark cheekeT clothes and Midland, Simcoe county, sawmill and taken . . - - _� -_
- - esrt �.' . There is no' gold coin in India, for JON; - strangers, and everyone' talks about rorn, a soft, black felt a ten year contract to supply Mr. Arthur hel said that a better knowledge of.thew I
I . th the first man they meet, having trousers, prett '. , �, �
� . I � .1 -Beave - $100 =I matter wi with 20,000,000 co�dition and mode of life could be obtainea -
Minister, well,% '
aWland, on - , or, was fai too shrewd gold is immediately turned into jewels.
or Overcoats � � The doctor, howo I as if he had not been shaved Hill, of Saginaw, Michigan, -11.1
I I.- . t aus re ire members of the Indian Del�artnient to I
� ., � - to be caught by thli. With a smilo and a There are more goldsmiths than blacksmiths a common interest in bringing to justice the hat, and looke ' -_
pson, so it I for some days. This is about the last seeri feet of lumber annually. I me & g at w -
I . ew � - drawl, he replied: 1 in India, and nearly all the wes,lth of the perpetrator. .: . - I . . go[ morp amongst the Indians and see for . �'.
,r the same� - � I New shades, good goods, n Styles 1�11! - of the than of which there is any - authentic boom for Midland. . 0161-rupon -- - � I
I .. - people is carried on their persons in precious � . THE SUSPECT. � � x wagirif . �, - I _. �
.. . The man who, is genjarally credited w t4e reports of agents.
k�. He will __ All we ask is an inspection :'of our I I Religion, as -I O'nderstand it, to a di ith record. . . -TheWinnipeg Free Press i it a tliemselves, instead of depending s I � �
�� anford of eing satisfied you will see vine Institution; gO-vernnieut, as the world I -0 war on Winnipeg grain dealers whol � � -i- - .
� IV - i I - goods, b understands It, Is J� human Institution. gePerhaps the chief cause of their poverty having committed the crime, is supposed to I lete have formed a combine th keep down ,,-About 25 farmers, living near Bowman. - I
. I - - �
I.. . ir ignorance � of labor. The be a tramp who was seen in the neighbor- Me, have been swindled out of $2,50G; by - - 'I.-, �
' �
siting th �� . wherein we excel. You might ,as wef,l tr * skilled . ' w I rges them with mixing V t
?1V &_ - - .y to compare the is the rning . Canada. ces, and chai -wilrover named Staples. Staples has been - - - -
'.`�orthwest � . 4 311ovemOnt of � a starl'vIth that of a railroad best carpenters in the country are Chinese. hood by different parties on Friday mo t the ttawa fair weighed 1,0770 No. 1 i!:!d, wheat with inferior grades, at � I '
L i They get four or five times the wages of a and afternoon. The act was thn mor,ke - A pig a 0 1 . b� , yevTls __.
, ving stock in that vicinity for some-, -- �
L Line. train. But to comobaok to your harbor. - Fort William. ' - �
Nvinni We are Leaders in Our , - Wan L aua at one time -was reputed to be worth � .1 I
L Fer, � it will live forever Jn my memory as the Hindu coolie. ton as the victim was so voung and -in- pounds. - ___ 11
-The gross debt of this Dominion has -The Thessalon, Algoma, Advocate says: �
IL . . . . . _. I . Latterly he had lost his money 1. 1-1 �
on I 'most magnificent �4y I ever Saw'." And THE CL13fATE OF INDIA. nocent. .1 I Mr. Sam. Cole, a4ent for the Georg H. L in � .
- - L � now reached the sum of $310,190,727. . ' o I I e - � -
,-g the c' �. . a VIVI - Bpeculati �
� I -
, . d then be went on Wpraise us, and ; gave The seasons are three: first, the cool sea- . GROSSLY MUTILATED. �t Car- ons. The othei day h - -
r of - , _T is 7' � 1 -
Vremie he chestnut crop i a heavy one in the Friend Paper and blet Co. of We
I ft.^ up my attempt to tgot a comparison be- son, Novemberto March, when the climate In its details the crime stands quite 6n a . � I rolton, Ohio -� is in the market for the c6mmenced bu ing hogs at an excessivel -
. f , �
I 1_
lisease has, reig, I . * h pri - - an bad tbr�ecar loads deliver- , - .
- � Jackson'. & G tween your state &-vernments find thoso, is very pleasant, at times cold. I have ac- par with the bi P deous Whiriechapel murders, Welland district. pulpwood V& ice, T I I " � � _�
- , � tually suffered in Y, pay, -he far r. � #� , . I
io rapiffly . Egypt and India from There is a prospect of Robert Louis Stev. purchase of 8,000 cords of spruce Burkton in one da .
111 - of our seven AustrojMian colonies. inasmuch as the body was so grossly mutil- viol in n ar issa es . 11aeatd. -on a. -1- .
that eve ' umbrella to son, the famous.autbor, i it' 0 t io. on Blind, Tyliss -u& br Th salon rivers.
. - .
7g- not .. . FAMO-UrS CLOTHING PEOPLE, We have had hereAmerican actors, sing- cOld,wbenIbadto have an . ated, doubtless after the commission of the e� �Three Millio4i bushels of wteat have - - -The importation of lambs has already mers in checks dated a day -11 '" � I .
I pe -7 I . am The Ilbwmanvffle bank.. Staplessoia the -hop .. I !
i � my bead from the fiery s outrage, as to render it impossible to say been shipped'from-Manitobs this season. commenced from Canada, says the Ogdens- - � .
' I erg, circuses and pu4,11ists, and I. need not protecti ' - -1 � 11 I
, , , . 2,200 and skipped -out. - . I
- SEAFORTH. %ve li�.d qui next is the hot season, March till June ; and , I �, �
�, at their- add that we hi to our share of . positively that such a deed had been com- -A number of dain- stations are to be. 'burg Advance. The first consignment of i� Peterboro? for $9 .
. -_ thep it is hot, sometimes 125 degrees in the mitted. Not only was the throat out� from ' ' four cars, about 850 lambs, arrived Satur- After he had gone the farmers found their -; - - ; I
American swindler4� and adventurers � ' located in Manitoba. I -_ -1
Y,, decidea �_L I. � __ , shade, hot both by dby and night. Then - __ checks were worthless. I I ___1 ;
. - I
4d for the � . - some of the hitter i�inain with us unfor- . ear to ear, but the abdomen was cut trans- -While in Brockville General Booth -se. day, 14th inst. These lambs cost $2.10 . -At an entertainment - in. the Con t9a. � ..� �
I son, from, the -middle of ' and also from >0 per cent. They . 9r, '. I
i T RALIA. Lt I can �Vy w versely for sixteen inches, cured f4W for the Army. To- I
bers desire - � . .. Ith all truth that - each and 6xe dutiable at 2 -
- it is called the'time tional mission on Westmoreland a.venue, � . �,
)alton Me� never before has an A,�neilcan visitor creat- June until September. the waist down,very deep, and nea -Nearly 350 names were added in Berlin were en route to the New 'York market. I - �
of the I rly all : -6 � r
- does. rain. n routo, the other evening a peculiar incidea - - - I
it constit- . ,ousin's Opinion ed so great a sensatlj�� or left so fAvorable of the monsoons. And then it the organs were roughly cat out. addf- and over 400 in Galt to the Dominion vot- -Miss J. Balmer, who took honors in �� .
An Antilpodeau C - On the mountains the rainfiffl often reaches . appened. It was a wet, raw night. Out � - I.- ;.
. American Divine. - tion to these mutilations there were three . keralogy about a year a I L .
we-el�cttion.. I an impression as Dr,O'Falmage. . ers, lists. chemistry and mir ,go, h . I �
I I I .
� . [Special Corre - A. H. RuGH". four hundred inches, thirty-three feet, or an -of the cold 4 tramp wandered in. He was
,spondence.1 . marks on the1diepart of the head, evident- . . �� .1
&orthwest -1 . - I . '_�, .
- 1*.i - � -Mr. Laurier will return east tbrou has received the appointment of fellow - in �
I 1 4 1 average of three or four inches each day for . gy i. given a good meal and later on called -upon - __. -
� I
� � SYDNEY,: sept. 1!��--Your famous Dr. W.- . - . ly received by a blow from some hea,vy in. - the Unitjod -States, as he has never yet visit- the same department, in the Toronto Un ' - sp I oke- - � .4, - .
We discov- ains the fall is x,posed - , 11 -�
kat is that I � Vahnage has visited hnd talked to us and . ESTING ",_ ]BOUT the wet seasow On the pl strument, with the purpose, it is Sul 3 ed Chicago. versity. Her sister also diAinguished her- n address. For half an hour he - _�
� I INTER WACTS A 'MboseAresent-ina style that fewcould I '. - _�
, I .
. - �
HoUt lat our shores and Started for "the land I i from thirty to forty inches. This is not an Of first stunning the girl. There is also a -At the Brantford Police Court last week self a few years age in Toronto, as gold :. I
racial I INIRA. I on, although it is somewhat I I q 'excel. e had, like all those of his cum, I !
. ,of the stars and stripes" via India and the unpleasant Seas I ght cut on the upper lip. a man was fined $25 and costs for malicious- medalist in modern languages. -,� �
e is tt � __ , JI., a ' iust., c . -seen better days, Four yeex,s oi he saidt- 11 .
.. Fretr Y . 11 - _� 'Holy Land. . , feverish. Then the vegetation grows rich I I TIM VICT11M. __ ly shooting a St. -Bernard dog. . . -Chicago on Tuesday, 9th ele , 6 . al� i I
S. n he- � . 1� - DAPSONI. 'rains the cool , . he was worth $9,000. - b ed inmest. - - I _�
BY REV. All % and luxuriaait. After the orpse aemory of the famous fete day .. N, - I ..
- - - I
� �_ I
ord about --- - I am sorry to say that, though we are . I . The details of the discovery of the c -Robert Kells, of Arkona, reports that brated the n is now wal Ling home.- He I .- � .
I obildren of the same mother, speaking the Cut out of the Unit d States the country season comes again, for at least six months. also shocking. Miss Jessie Keith was a he - has made 16,000 apple barrels this at the World's fair, and also the anni ern towns and * let � " _11'X1 1-1
hools, and . , . Iver- �__ �-� -_
. I 1,River, and mult Upon the whole India is not an unhea)tliy are w d by warning those present APIM - I
I -
� . I mame tongue and reading about the same east 61! the I" iply gory of che burning of the city 23 years -1 Olin UP inj . � � ... I
Plara to be I -ve The hot sea- very clever girl, _having passed -the High se4on. . _lub Urink, ka-mblid or kindred vices. ,His , ' -
- ion of ab forty millions by climate or a r trying one. ago last - e , I -,� 1. L
. -
a too busy - . books, the people of Australasia know its populaiti ,..',' ut - ago. Two parades, a grand military 4 I
0 school entrance examination a year -Mr. Mercier has returned to his resi ug
.--- i , e the size �and POP11- son is very barw to endure but it is not ,grammar thro, out was perfect and his
seven, and you -will h, I ets were the �� 11 __ .
. �_
rith, such - nearly as little about Americans as the tv July, when she was but twelve years and a 'dence from Notre Dame Hospital, Mont- ball and several club banqu � . 1�.,_.
t � , on 7
. . 11 � , Americans do about us. As you are 15 lation, of India. �� -�ery longi and there are mountain stations half old. She, was also an unusually well real. Ile is daily becoming weaker. . features of the twin jubilati style showed him to be an experienced
I . * ation . ;
I times more numerous and correspondingly - The people all livo ,�4 cities, towns and .near' almost all parts of India, where its developed girl for her age, and seems to '-Lawyer W. McKay intends to apply -While Rev. F. Ballantyne, of Kirk- �;speaker. The affidr. was'& novel voxi � I � ;
Colle-e at � 0. . �(. the evening's rogram. . I � - -- I . . .
i I
I -1 villages. There are "lo farin houses in in� .severity can be lwoken. for a time. There is -ese ie- for the release of Walker, who was tried in wan, was up a ladder picking apples, the Ju � I
. - I -
year- � � richer and stronger, we, of course, have _ -Captain Rd inson's arehouse IL
1,iate ' great no extreme heat upon the bills o have been specially favored in th 4 I E big fish w I - . . I
� The tem- LL been forced to learn a great deal about the dia. Theie an , "i spects, and gave promise of a useful and conjunction with the McWhirrell murder ladder coll Mr. Ballantyne fell . - ' 1-
- at leAl.. - f India: . a was destroyed by fire I
- . cities with over 100,60 jnhabitants� Bom- FOOD, HOUSES, DRESS. � heavily to ttwegroauuudd, dislocating some of at Selkirk., `M&nit0ba, _ .1 -h I � I
r age have� ,, - United States. Yet, will you believe it, . al at creditable career. case. 1 on Sunday night, 14th inst., and I - . I
ere from bay having oVer a mftWion. There are at The natives take their principal me the bones of his foot. The injuries were of i i. __ �% I .
; -
.. I
e -
. . � I
. I
&y depart- I . --- � - . before Dr. Talmage came over h I -Q 50,000 and 100,000, night. � DISCOVERY OF THE CRIME. . -Mr. George Monteith, of the Monteith I winds rend-ared it impossible to -check -- a ` - , - � � �
, -
- __ �� Now Zeala,nd,. a month ago, there Were least two score betweq Many of them work all day on an such a painful nature that an anaesthetic
mdance of -people of fair intelligence who were puz- and- there are, probq*ly, a quarter of a ty stomacb, chewing the.betel leaf or a This was made by a sectionman, named House, ROSSealil, killed a fine large bear in es � � flames. Captain Robertson is the most ex- - , - " ��._ _�
- emp, - - 1.17
.. - � tensive fisherman, on Lake Wirim and - _',
� Complete- �ome at ack to that vicinity the other day. It weigh�d 280 had to be administered 4fore the bon peg,, . i
� - d villages scattered Richard Stainton, who, on coming b ' L
� million smaller towns'4ai little parched grain, and' coming . could be replaced. i �.
Dung mea- . zled to.,kmow whether he was a black, red I - nds. . 41 1 _,fkl I
l dtietmi - : -
I aay cases the popn- night to prepare a little curry or rice, and � sel�vice at Christ his entire season's catch, value at betWAeOR
�plicati wlAte man, though the conoensus of all over the land. In �' r . . . work on. the road after lunch hour, about a POu Miss Marian Cumming Jennings, daugh- -WhAe oon � - .t
ions or , was burne1 The I I
� lationisas high as 1-11t - graiii, and barley - -1 I
I pree hundred to the if too poor for rice� some cheaper quarter - after one, noticed some I I I
- - I . _.
� I
. � )V unsettled thought was In favor of the lat . I till the next spilled along the track, and some news. terj of the late John Jennings, D. D., died church Chatham, on Audday morning, the 435,000 and $40,OW, truction, _�, - I .
[ owing to� -�� square mile. �,� then go on with notbing else rector,' Rev.- Robert MoCosh was taken warehouse cost $10,0()O, audits (leg 11 � .
, . teibelief? - -1 . I very suddenly at Toronto on Saturday I . 11-f7a - i
I I ? - :
�� I ra er in I
. .. - About oue-fourth of �Itbe people are farm- - a hearing Mr. Keith's name lying near . with the a tores of Pearson, meat merchant,�
y sense it with a suddeu ' d* it' and had to � -
'� lit ion
- I We knew that Dr. Talmage speaks Eng and shoes which ad. - i 1� �
, .... � . � I
.- � y 1re81k auh retire to the J and Stevels, - boots I
and to be� . d a- DIThe'ir homes are ery poor, built of clay ,� This was within a stone�s throw of the morning. IF _
I I ... for many ers. Many mori are sfinply laborers, an v . . -Charles Halberstadt) sr., of Galt,- an leave the reading . � _ I
for whom . � 11sh, for his sermons have been w- wards as- Aned it, brings the Ion �uf t6 between . .
I . k ood many have vari6us trades. It is in- or mats. There is one room, sometimes an scene of the outrage, as was after -was d1smiss-.' Y V g. . 11 4
, -lies. 9 elderly man, severed -an artery accidentally vestry. The congregation e
� � . years a. feature of our rural week 000 and $60,000, Tho I
- I
_t teresting to see them i4 the bazaar, working extra one for cooking. . There are often no Pertained. - Being, surprised, and feeling and it may go, hard with ed. The -clergyman's medical attendant W, . M :., -, L I
I - I Mr. R. S. Smythe of Melbourne, Colony with a'sharp tool istau as � I - �
: - at their trades in bros, -leather, weaving, windows. The fire is kindled of dried that something unusual had happened to Brigade wAs called upon for we 1� r�, *a* _. .
. - the trduble is of a bronchial nature. ' _.. -
. � of Vietorla, who Is the great lecturoman . ar him. says town Of Selkirk was in Initnifient, �.
. L - �
. � I -
;en. I " manure in a little open space in the comer, have caused the presence of these tieles I
I . .� spr for all the English speaking lands etc. I . -A movement is on foot by the City -A baby girl, about a month old aud,, the whole - .
I ,
- --
window "I ol I - . The chief product of India is cotton. and the Smoke disappears somewhere as beat there, be. went to Mr. Keith's farm, not far council of Winnipeg to construct a new richly dreseed was left to its fate in a de-: dangor, but before the city appari4ua�wav � 1. �
. � - -,.-.
: - - � - south of the equator, made the people of - � - - -_
u or,te of - , s7� Then comes, we are so�'dry to say, opium,and it can. They all lie on the floor. Their beds awity, with the papers, 'and told how he loaded on a special train word came that the ' .
: . SydDCY Very familiar with Dr. Talmage' tem of water works for fire. protection partment of T. Eaton's dry goods Store,. fire was'under control. This in the -second 11 �, I
�srried, re- . . ,rains. fit is a great wheat are carried with them. They are mats and had found them, Mr. Keith, who N01aa sY8 - 11 I
then various g . Toronto, on Thursday afternoon, last -week. ' .
portrait. weeks before be left the land of , I � � . 1. "
: I ,- . and rice country, but ,- , lother' grains are far cheap rugs. The all- lie down together .on then' anxious about the somewhat pr)D- Only- woman was noticed'; fire under suspicious circums,tancei '#w- � 4
�_ I I ,the Maori. . --John Newburn, aged 07 years one of A fine looking oung , �
- - 4f the, �� .
. �
I kitchen I I . I LS than �xi our western "land- the ffoor, wrappel in their rugs. . tra- f his daughter, went back I saw b I kirk within a week, and the police �
OUT great more numeroi: , cted absence o -
. -
- M It - . - � uch more about- Y mr4`66 grains are doll and Their dress is very simple. The laboring withhim. They institutetTa search, bei Hamilton�a oldest citizens, (lied Th�yrsdfty of carrying tl y in, but no one er! town have several suspected par , r I --
We know m . tiet_ unde
I .1 , Aniong the most co ,. in last week. He enjoyed good health until a depart. The little w'aa'f was sent to the! - -11 I
I , � men than yon do about ours. How many -i#" ch ted by a sectionman, named Samuel . . 11 ace. The Provincial Govwuihent ", �
- ' I
011 MY I . je'waree, which form 11 of the food of the men have simply a pretty full cloth wrap. "Big I . Infants' Home. . I I . SiA tul � � �� �
� . Americans calk name &prominent Austra- P ople � r:.� Z . s around the loins. The It is Sufficient to state here that year ago. Iling from Mexic . have deopatched detectives to - SM. - - �_` I- . -
. . laslan? Yet in Sydneylg great Centennial e . _.�, ped several time Strain. :--There'were 39 failures in the Doinihion -The man who is tmve . 0 . 1�1.._,
ki. THEIR RELIGIO..US SYSTEMS. poorer women and girls wear little more. In they Soon found abundant evidences of a 6ger of $10, . vial . . I -
I park we have beroto marble statues of � . of Canada last week, compared with 37 the. to Jerusalenr on a wo 0 . - .
re isn�t, a. I Central and Northern India they have a terrible ,struggle on the track, at intervals, . . - _,_ _:�
I Lincoln, Washington, G'rant and Garfield, Of India's 280 000 0040, at least 50,000,000 week previous, 34 in the week a year ago, prairie schooner and two dilapidated ules,! Walking for HeaItI2. - . __ I
, �
, I
L . for con ' n. 4- .- d about six" ) across a ploughed field, into a bush, where, a e ii Few things, if any, are so effectual in I �i
. -- ..... many of - the Rogers groups, illus- are -Holiammedans a �� ece f b h th yards l9n � - its heard of at different points as he
-1 .most of the balance
e recor& ' I H as . and sustaining the phydeal -or- . 11
. With pi d 010 Je f and 30 two years ago.
I are Hindus. The Hiridus are of various o By rig t it veral Aimes graceful y after about an hour's search, the ' body was I on the- Parkhill his way through Ontario. e w in -� building - -
w - � - *rating 'your civil war, oflife size. an th. wi I r a skirt -A writ has beeu issuec and after taking ii ' up if I I � -
. arou t r * Town Coi ,000 -1
I ny caller L - 11 - But he doctor has come and gone, we castes. The Bralimi44re the highest, and nd hei, body and carry it over one found entirely naked except fo ilton the other d 8i ganization as walking, reol. bely And in. .
. " t , ad, but in Maidras the . neck, and covered with ancil. by J. Phippin for $10 '3 W. - - - I -_ .
. when I 4id exclusive, There. side of the he Peas- wound around the n starteTeas �,
. 0 we free from the spell of his strong Per- they are very proud . ant *omen kave nothing. over their moss and rotten wood. The skirt, - as has damages on account of the unsanit con- eollectio tward, en rot Or diciously followed. It is a pekfopt exorcise, ", .
ridesmaid gr6t castes, but really the creek ne &ry York. - . ; It taxes the entire system. When ou'Walk -
11 sonallij and rid of the fervor wrought up are nominally four . dition of ar his residence. New � . __�_�
- _. ' -transpired, was not the girl's, .being .1
terit egg erous., The lowest shoulders. since - a farmer, living about two- properly, every member and muscCl, every I
. . . . . by skillful advertising, and So are able to they are much more nUm the waist, or five -Major F. It. Bonsall, of Bowmanville, -G. Straubel, . . I - : I
-1 fun tkan- . e opinion of this per- caste is, perhap;, tbe-.-,�',`-'sweepers, really the WOMEN AND CHILDREN OF INDIA. thirty-two inches around fined $2 and costs on Wednesday, last miles east of Leamington, was ettinj into nerve and fibre, has something to d,6. The 1 J7
- i ,
I tove is a I .1 ,give a dis-passionat - of the' citiles and houses, and The children are almost always beautifult inches more than here, -and it was also wa-S . when the Orae$ arms owing backward and forward, kaepitg . -1, � .
. .
scavengers , - week, for asking for liquor at the Balmoral a rig the other evening
- , ,
-ourself " � ba�s the most remarkable if not the paost �,hlyone can under- but after twenty-five years of age they look about four inches longer. It is believed it � 8 � :_
I how low this. work is q, Hotel in Bowmanville on a Sunday. started suddenly, throwing him out back, step, vA it were, with the leg ; the cimb � - I
. � I 4ensationa-1 pulpit Orator of his day. � _ . �.
ed . andwho has livedl�jn India. But the worn. Early marriage has been. a physical was wound around her neck to check the
aa if- � shoulders. He w I and I ,Ap:. �
, �� olonel Pee head and &S -expands and contracts as the lungs All I - - I
I hold h&p -1 � It Is the bellef that the Australian opin- st 7 bles gave judgment in the wards on his , �
! - � __ I ion of your "star" preaaer will interest lower the caste is, the �i*e rigid he is in and social eurse to' India. I noticed the flow of blood. No marks of any description _:�;_C p unconscious, and haa remained in discharge; the drummer-boi pulse . . . �11
sticking to it and ,ma4ing the most of his difference among the native Christians at were found upon it by meant; of which it niskle-in-the-slot gambling charges against picked u bests a
. I - at hotel- that atato since. But little hopes are en- tune for thes mareh ; the legs curve and L I I
, . - you that Induces we to send this letter. . Lucknow. The girls kept their beauty, and could be identified, and the members of the� H. Bernard, of Winnipeg, fining th . kile the -
I . -4; - .-
� . I Our leading daily papers, like The Her- little bit of self -import�nce. keeper $25 and costs. tertained for his recovery. Straighten; the feet rise and IAII;'w - I -
I 1P I I 1, . POLITICAL DIVIST,NS OF INTDIA. brighter faces you could not see. than the family assert positively that it was not the -The Woodstock Fair Association is in . -A -sad accident happened at John head rides over all-- -but not a deadhea&_ - : �,
i -
IS., . Ald, Telegraph and The News, have given _ g ladieg of eighteen to twenty-folik in girl's. It was almost saturated with blood. . - - 1.
. rt, a neat .. � politically, India h',�, : financial lifficultie8. Creditors are pressini Clark's, in the township of L Brooke, Lambf, Every sense it has is employed, every f4c- -
.t-.�'- divided into a few YOuDi . . �
� � full,xeports of the doctor's lectures and .. A the girl's school. The body being concealed under the moss, even" ulty alert. The nostrils expand to 'quaff . 'i
- ng last. The bok I _ - -
� 'urpose of govqrn- ' . The boar ton county, Friday i pi 0 in ,� sound; � � t-111
mardo re- - - - - - I . the sermon he delivered here -the latter great sections for th' � "' But the giris of heathen India are almost it was not till Mr. Stainton had walked for a settlement of their claims the breeze -, the ears turn to every - � 11
-4 � Ll . it hi - -
i. homes, 1. - most , a lad fourteen years of age, was .
I � In aid of our poor -and the editorlatcom- inent. The 1 7
December Presidency E opous is theBer�gal all wives at twelve yeart of age. A young over it that it was discovered, and then by hopes to tide over the present crisis. o � -
I - !,Aladras Presidenp,y; . -A hundred yard foot ram in Dick -along with some others, an the eyes roll in their Sockets, sweepingholn . -.,-
� '�' � anion who .
. ; next t e, SO11`8 horse shoes . I
. ments have been favorable without being �� I lady you nev,er see. Even the Jittle girls Mr. Samuel Strain, his comp $ Galt, the other day, -betwee Alonzo was � identallyhit in thete - le 1 a left to right, from earth to sky; the brain -.� . - I -
r- � this jour- then that of Bombay. ,� I - noticed an eye looking upwards from the Park, am MCI - Prograw �7_
. I
[ tell,. fulsome. The one exception to you meet on the street are nearly all mar Riddle, resu 1 ch cause - he died urd is at I I I
.10 ,he three Msiaencies there are Caldwell and Wm. Ited in favor work through all ito parts,
ide . � .shoe, from whi I I ' -1
"�'- _. - -1 malistio chorus of approval has been the Besides t eap of moss. he winning the $25 trophy. under such conditions is the very eloquence - -.--
I - .
'Edre: trer __ s 4V', t included in them, ried to somebody, &ad 20,000,000 are child h of th former, . .
- .- Sydney Bulletin. This paper Is avlowedly several other sectiou _ idows, - one of tile saddest lots in the THE TRAMP'S DESCRIPTION. . e morning. )f April 28th,mont of h i I tion What. in the ofe4? I . 1.
I � - gomery p sic& me . -1
�� LL � skeptical in religion. A preacher inflames viz., the Central Prov�!�i ces, the Northwest w I . -Delorme's famous painting; - I I The -On the night ( I 1.%_� .
' "3 -1 d Oude, �Jie Punj . aub, world. . Toronto ' found bleeding The Wesh is solid'Od ;.the lungs -grow stro . .1 � 1, .
. -
[� ' . , Scinde � Oibbs a young law I .
, ir_&Ne'(!�, It as a red rag does a wild bull, but it Provinces an I INDIA'S GREAT NEED. The man for whom the county ,police and Blacksmith " exhibited at the er, was t,- nlarges -, the . . -
. Over eactil1of these there * rties are scourm"g, the country Fair, is on epxhibition in E. N. Hunt's art --- faws and Sound ; the ches e) - �
. is a - re avenue, Buff"id. . � - - �
� ,one 28;, "I 1� . wouldhave Ignored Dr. Talmage hadbe and AAsam- vernor ar,,'-, All that India needs to lift her people out searching pa present. ___ _,je areroundedout.; the ten(Yons Swell. and .�dl'l -
with im- I - 'not unwisely, as our educated people think, lientenant-go ) 14L supreme over all, a of their degrrAdation is Christianity. The is the tramp referred 'to above, no other studio, Dundasstreet, London, at The tra 73Y remained a mystery until a few rises in height and d%*- I I - .. I
. .
� . -
very , . ,qoral- m. Page, a CanadiauFacific Railway days ago, when a woman named- Robinson, toughen; the figure 1
93 ; - -gc , a characters havingbeen observed _W` ,
y- I . ,delivered a lecture-agalust science, which viceroy or governor. . - heathenism and idolatry is most depressing. suspiciou . ' 'L _
I � I , -
twera . - Besides there are a njimber of independept mples in the vicinity bn Friday, and the tramp brakeman, was taken to the Toronto Genend who was arrested for another crime, confess'- nity, and is clothed- % ith graue and sus, _ _ - -, �
,e ., 11'�6 , . he was pleased to call, "Evolution." The It has nothin attractive. The te are - 1. . .
' other' lectures were in the best of taste and native states under BA�ijsh protectiony such have some granieur, but inside not having been seen since. The following Hospital on Thursday, last week, suffering ed that her husband shot the man - becaus,b pleness. Hunters., who walk much, � , I �
J Irained i everything hile sailors, who walk - -
e colonies- . Ilydera,bad,Mysore, et4 , aggregating about is the official description of him sent out bi from a terrible crushing received at Orange- he resisted when they were attempting tl,'o and Straight, v 1_�.
. � delighted every one, but educated men )IQ�.! 11 In eWch of these is repulsive.' The gods L -re all objects of I : Scarcely at all, are low and squat. The I _� .
�o Decern- .Oils of peol . Mayor Featherstone, which coincides gener- ville.while coupling cars. rob him. �
� - Who have no sympathy with The Bulletin, sixtY milli ⁢ an officer re�re- fear rather than love. The object of wor- man is developed, not the body � . - _._'..
en criven there is a British Resi4,,. , who saw -George Hill, �f Wallmeburg, bagged -Mrs. Haunah Rosevear, relict of th6 whole . � -1 � � 1-�-
- C� and who deplore its vile caricatures of Dr. 3h Gove � rnment, who holds shipping the�h is to keep them from doing ally with that given by _persons - eks in one (lay's shooting on late Matthew 'Rosevear, 8 The mind is broadened by the icon, . I -
- (Aisands, 'Talmage, feel that it Is not entirely un- SC11ting tile Ena"! �ople barm. "Think of a small -pox and talked with him on Friday. The man fifty I e du t. Thomas., di,41 merely the soul is - � � . I � __� I
. 'visiou O,%�4y � the affairs of the pe is about five 'llair flats. Mr. Martin and two Deceaseki templatioa of creaflon's work, �
; I
housand ; I just when it says: a sort of super the -feet nine inches in height, of the St. ,on Friday,at the age of 82 years. � I I
, I � � the Rajah or na.- god, and a cholera god, that have tobe pro- 3hot 150 ducks in two days had been a ' ident of St. Thomao for 460 enlaiged, the imagination brighteneol, the � � , � �
pera.nce, � - I liction wilo The idea of Divine dark, swarthy complexion, and about 35 other geRtlemen f res the temper sweetened. 'The -
- . "The YanLwo divine without doubt state in coni'Ll I _ pitiated ani.1 appeased. . C4 - spirits cheered, 1. I
, ;2, -lit to have a at the mouth of the Soo. years, and a constant member of the Met . �
I(I at the� knows a great deal about the Bible as tive-prince. ii * years of age. He is thoug ces are strengthened equally -with , I .
: I 'i love is unknown. Some of the re gious moral for
d over a� . seenthrough Presbyterian spectaclos. It ERFULLY I -,".DIA IS GOVERNED. � ilthy. At oue*'of the Small, dark moustache, mixed with grey. -The Manitoba Provincial Government dist church for over 61 years. She bad b the physical. , . .
� I -I twelvG- The Government of 4i 4ia is probably the exercises are very f His wieight . would be about 190 or 200 has taken over the affairs of the town (if family, but one adopted daughter I �2 * t manly and - ., I �.
I . ,is safe to say he can subscribe to the �orld, but it moves great fe&sts they Sprinkle manure water heavy in the body Morris. Through mismanagement and ex- Metcalfe, of St. Thomas, with whom s . walk is wise, independen I P I . - ,�
� Ilivell Of most perfect in the , _. ids, and he was very '
�� I- shorter catechism and tile, Westminster over the crowd, and every one is'eager to P0111 the indebtedness of the town eK- sided. T Moral. It is also healthy.and agrimble. � 1
ow C0111- ebine, ag�l even the natives . and shoulders, short necked, slightly stoop- travagance I . -
. oenfession of f aitil, a j1d that he knows the like a great nia ,, I . - - I-
f X110st in- � I acknowledge its influitel'I'superiority to any- get under the filtby shower. At Benares but full chested'. He wo-re a rusty ceeds its &ssessed value. -A test case was begun at Osgoode Ha;ji, The man afoot on the surface of his -own - -
I ters from . same by heart, but when he attempts to thing they ever knew. bne is overwhelmed we raw cows living in the temples,and turn- ed, - . brown, black christy -A factory for the manufacture Of glass Toronto, the other day, to settle the OW41- earth is the true king; the so-called rrion- - ��_ . -
I I oppose scientific truth by mere assertions iece ing the house of the gods into a filthy black coat, turning is to be established at Wallaceburg, Both- ership of Some eight churches of the Uoito.'d arch -%,lie journeys in a coach or in a b,emb- - . 1, .
. I
' the real . . at the thoroughness of Ais enormous hat, lace shoes with toecaps, and trousers it ,xiTmize is in rutb, a Slave. - -
I ; ,0f faith he proves the wisdom of the is ittle stable. sph �f oilway r t i .
of niachi In everi, 4istriet a - well county. The plant will employ 200 Brethren in Christ, a sect that had a roof railway carria e is, in ,ri I I
reat suc- - 1110-rY. . lighter than the coat. The valise which he - F, I foot on the turf * �
. . adage, 'Fools rush in where angels fear to . art- On the Gauges many corpses were lym, The town gives a free site of five in 1889. The Smaller sectioA at that eWie :Che pressure of the ree �
� ,; ho roared and got Off army. of officials represef,iting every 4sm of �
Lt.ttQris ill _1, t.
tread.' So long a. inent of administration',; the ,gover ent with their feet in ,the sacred river, = carried when first 'seen, was afterwards hands. ther assistance. wired their congregations from the conve�- road exhilarates the soul; the magnet
eded an(l, � . the half -burned bodies found, and contained a pair of overalls, acres of land, but no o �
I � his Rights of stock eloquence and his oft priests were rakin . the edifices, and the mLit- our mighty mother flows into our nerves -A
. ommend roviding everything to she people, judici- stained with blood, also a "pair of girl's �at - .
!1_* � xepeated anecdotes, wily a few of which p - telegraphs of the dead iuto tle sacred stream where . -Atthe'Child Saving Clonvention held tion place to seize - The churcl��i� and nourishes their vitality; - our blood
�s a ,%Von- I - ary, water supply, irri'gation, - others were bathing in holy eestacy. Shoes and stockings, which have been iden- last week in Toronto, when. the importation ter has hung fire ever since. . dances through our -veins and strengtliens � �_
., �
� 1. philati- . � I were new to, us, Nvo fult we were getting dici� att,endwipe, police, --every' I Part Elgiu is the one in the test case. Whole atmosphere - I N� - .
. i:1 our money's worth, but when he attempt- road.si me % � . And yet upon the whole t6 Hindus are a tified by Mr. and Mrs. Keith as the ones of British children was being discussed espondent writing of some of t1he muscle and organ. The , - _� �14�1 *
V One on - � thing. r,� than we expected worn by their daughter. nt Home -A corr r own; it flows rhythn-AcaRy into ou'r I
. I ed to belie the multi,ilication table and far more prbinising race Rev. Mr, Wallace, of the Marchnio ing says : Samson is OU - A
. v of the Every fruit tree is.n�un ered and register- (ic of the sys! aged residf-nts of Wyom .1 - I -
I � � . � � to set at defiance the axioms of Euclid find. It is a wonder that -heathenism has THE TRAMP'S MOVEMENTS. Belleville, spoke first in defen public school 1;1 lungs and unites us with the sky. Tl�e ho- - I r - ` -
,,, London, - � ed, so that if a man sh uld cut a branch to irk injured the Brown, janitor of the A) 11as I - . . __ I I
" ' '
. . .. then we felt that wo were being impbsed left a deeper blight. The movements of what is believed to he tem. He denied that the wo ,re pleased to repOrt rizon woos and stimulates the eyes; they -
. � off one, it would be repoited in the .station not ktry and maintained that the general re- been very ill, but we a L - L
. � � , .. ght and.gain power and judg- I-
. 013, and that Mr. R. S. Smythe got our *_ - - . I - .-.-
I . - The Yan- that a branch had been c4t from tree No. -, the same man can be traced with tolerable cour is good, the children on thewhole is well agWm, and able to &rform his duties. become bri at every Ste - � - , .11_ I
I - - a .. I
. anoney under fals6 pre -tenses. I' a. in., he stopped at sult . . Mr. Brown iz 87 years of age. Mr. J".k- ment. Nature instructs us p; 111.
. n . q -
. th such a � and the& offender would b� traced to the re. -Rev. James Allister Murray, pastor of accuracy. About 11 e supervision Ain unknown to .;
� I kees are a sbrowd people, but if we hear n t well. Th and il ge her beauty must ever rem A -, .
� motest corner of India. E that on the son, anothel . ; I - I
I ,Every palm tree is St. Andrew's church, London, died last the farm of a man amed James Grey, a lot turning Ou roldgentlemala of our v -,.--
the farm . � aining of the children is such, � , �
� that they like'Dr. Talmage's lecture on � " agedy, and -two tr ; 78th year, ,and Alexander or- him -vibo has notthus placed 'himself lace to - - �
- �
. I . i
-ty, some I taxed by number. Ever$r- man, woman and Sabbath evening at his residence, while the east of the scene of the tr Mr, Wallace said these children Win hih face with her. Distant bills slowly - __ �____�� '
- -
I -i it, . 'Evolutaon, then our zespeot Jor them i regi,tered, and every evening service was be1bg held in the . lots from Mr. KeitWs house, and asked for whole, ��erage of Clanadi- Son, another Old gentleman, who oot - draw - --T.- . �
I - I
_ tum ou� better than the i wonders of color and form. �_ I I .
,, I.;urd - I Will be fOrMKI down to Zero. " Child is known �M,4 shed church. He was born in Pictou count something to eat, and got something from Dt street remember hie We to a year, but when Jhe near to us their A - I .�� I
? y; � , � - �� -_ . �
e Aout government official is lifl-4 . The ehildre-a'were ni I valleys reveal their h to *ur*r- � -, -7 � I
� .4 in a. publi I there famous Battic,�f Waterloo was foughVhe-1 winding earts � -
I But 'while Dr. Talma& delighted all He came to London the hired &i. His appearance is described an children - . . . .
.- - t � . .1 : , -
I - nd all the step4 of his record in Nova Scotia, in *1834. _ _� _,; I
� ,who, heard him on - volume, a - u, and the fact remained that- The treeg are, comp"I'Mug. 1 4 , �
. '- -
, - - - - _.
I . - the platfom, the I I Evo d inflexible in 18�5. from Lindsuy, where be had previ. by her as that of a man between 35 and 40 ara I was herdWg cows, at the pay of two V611M . derlY sieking' . �- I -
. . I I ,- -
ii�W 8 - is & 06usiderable demand 4or these thildtft . - I , ;��,
the public reg, _ r. t , _ � .
- . ae an Sf. - of age, of French extrution. He- car � - k -_
, � � � - � . I I - ,- � I I �
I � I - .
. 4.; 1 years, . . .1 I . - � -_ � � - . �
-of AIM e' ight,'that ously been stationed. The prosperity of - . .
lution" talk excepted, ihe was found to bo is this _, syStm "- 01 0 OYO�s , - . . CW I ',�.� _�
I- . � � - , I I I . . I . . - - I . I I . - z- . I . I � � . - , I I �
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I - I . I � / I I I I I .1 I -11 - � 1 3 . I
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