The Huron Expositor, 1894-10-12, Page 84'.
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1J. 01 o0s T
THE __1H _R q P
reeo _,2n
Woman= M
M—M-MEM Lady
Ad costly.-- r. o Ist.and
`6 t were numerous d A MeXurellie.
arg wd6ting� m ao
hose who
resident, R year whilo� don't got any pr*s, . a d�le' tei St,
1894 _�God &( Reo!minsl�so Tynda%. jr., of, ix rebe*- driver WElliott, T Ward Sa V &LBO
-5;—P ev.''Joseph Edge US- miA164 _' ddle horse, FAIDAY' 0 go
W -4118001's �0 Sh. Gro' f T& tay here in-hla.�fkbome.- Rd Nhiwo,
cery.- ong columns of namesa a ew a�ys s
ce-President, C. X.� Andrews, . and 'edilsider -the" I
erich; Ist vi where ing old acquaintauces here this week.- -Mr. Jobilisalkeld ' P McDougall.
-Pr d' I rejoice& �aha&& strong- deghle'to sere'Ah laae 'Judges, es Con-
okling, It is the best Wioxo,ter; 2nd,.vice vaident, Miss Hall Allievine.0 will be. corres u Ing Y Eris rentsj J.'Arinstrong shipped a car load'of hogs to —TJBerry Hensall; JiLm
pi I - d it he was born� nevir the vitlag
Olin- 'Diftent peo e ave erent- tastes. an
A Ii hl e.
=oia thel warketL Pure Spice, whole Wingham ; Seere, ary, A. T. C i hip; J Levy, Blyth.
all kin of people tomake a world.—. with' their family, moved to R
we have X Weabraska London on Monday lasb.. nolly, Goderich tovW
,AjOWA, and- mixed, at, teasomble, prices.. ton; Treasurer, Aliss, gartibel Sea- takes Mr'. Sohl preached last ` OBITuARY —,Ullch cow, J Wood[s, G OU STOCK� OF
ago NoTwEs.— During tho past GRADE CATTLE,
*,&pneo of fruit J%r% do not buy until you fox:th, 8, Hei6rson, Mr. Sidney As about, 2Z years
Committee Re v. J. Jamb.% W left Stratford and mabon. Two year old heifer, Ist and
_604tfougol out our now price&- Have, lodive ning in thd 1rjv&ugelic4'charcbT week two of our esteemed oitizens?bavQ H Fit
Hensall; Rev. G, if. COlibledick, Brussels ; again making his home in Sesforth. We. are Titesday eve out died at 2nd W Elliott. One year old heifer,
Wipment of that name 26c Japan Tes,it pleases d h e be will stay with here to a� go( on
aAw - Try our Rue Black Tea at 40c, Mr. Parsons, Exeter. xt year the Con- glad to have him an xT congregatii 4 'He left laot passed away. Mrs. Elizabeth Th Fall and Win 6,, r Goods
wrolryon-6 Wbo� tries, it. us. deuce of her son, Charles, oil Thurs- liott;. W H Woods. Fat animal,. ist and
Crich Wediesday for his home, well pleased with- the resi
pound, Some of tho�"iery V 8t judge@ of black vention will be hold at lyth. -Mr. F. Willard anl Mr. J. I G. Heifer calf, . Elcoat
a,. what'hei.heardand-saw.-�-Nlr..(x6orge Thtel day, the 4th inst., aged 82 years and 6 2nd W H Woods,
teUu4'they cannot get a better at any price. have bought out the, stock of wall paper
1ho Bourbon blead of coffee Is giving good satiefac- ie Sisions were joinaa in the months. The funeral took place an Friday Brothers, W Elliott. Three year old steer,
-council met. on. &c1 of A. Willard & Co., �and will in future and Miss'Lizz
rou like a, Ana. coffze try Is once. Flour- THE Towx FATHvRs� and we are ready
In iv r eme- s,,sn to
Dnds of holv matrimony last week, and morn' I t at 10 a.m. to the Exete d 2nd WHWoods. Two year ol(I steer, complete,
the business of painting, U., under _U r. And- W lliott, H Woods. 0
0" equal toany made In -town, sold at. $1.70 Mbndmty evening last. The " docket was carry on ne ygar ol
o Detr6t f�r'theli -wedding trip. We tery anl was largely attended. -Al
ipouuds. Ultdoes not please you we will lit one this time an -eat deal of 'the firm iiameof Willar(T&Crioh.. Theyare went t giv.e the public the very beat value �fo
_d'not a. gi Thorough -
back The hi best a lig e4eeme steer, M B�tes J
an.4 retuira the money. em 10iij life and happiness. raw Hicks a b hl d resident of
both good men.�Dr. GraLham of Brussels, wish th
OrL the
paid for idt kinds of trade this village lIeTon Weducsd4,the3rd bred bull calf, Elcoat Bothers, id. tliir money. Th' -nt is par,�
elther in L business was done. The -Major and � $�i John Re e assortme
'We ant soute nice fa;la and good butter. Finance Committee wereAuthorized to meet has been uuaniinoufjly� elected by hiii fellow ks� Thoroughbred heifer calf, Elcoat Brothers, Num
417 moutb VMOLIM
pay npany, and ar- practitioner% of the coun Iromarty. tic
inst at the age of 53 years an ularly Jar;
a good price. ties of Huton and 13 in
with the Electric Light Cot -en W Elliott.
C. WtLSON he ntario.. he. having some. months ago been tal
Seaforth. range f.o;r the discrepancythat has occurred Perth, to represent them in t DEATH. -The funeral of the late MrA. 11
down with Is grippe, which terminated in Judges, --James Hearne, Qiuton; Alex.
c ric H ht Council of Physicians and Surgeons. 'We Christie was laigely attended - about sev-
in pleurisy. He was well and favorably known Granger. B& Bank Of, Commerce Block. in the tim� of taking over the ele t i _yfield.
�s heartily congratulate the doctor on this enty-five rigs Mlowed'the vemains to their MILLINE simita
id also for payment for first = -
Iaw. t m by the farmers in South Huron, h4ving 8 imEp. -Leicesters,-Ram,two shears and
The clerk was also instructed to well merited mark of appreciation Of his last resting p1me, The. deceased lady was
purchased grain on the market here for a over, R Charters & Son, G Penhale. Shear -
ter for keeping:,s record of prefessioual and person�l worth.-Mr-J&mes a highly respected member of 2 the com-
prepare a regis t, -and ling ram, G Penhale, R Charters & Son. MANTLES
Vid you ever notice
-11ade-Up C16thin ts b red his barber shop . froid munity, carelul, kind and c lumber of years for Air. W. G. Bisset ;1 1 , L
go the streetlighting ; number of 1i h am Constable has moi He IV%s boru in Ram lamb, G Penhale, R Charters & 8on. frog pot
ig each night - number of boarslit etab the stand opposite Mr, McClin6hy's hotel fault.* ShelOaves husbcaid,6o daughters Mr. W. H. Hutchins M INTLE CLOTH&
e year 1841. He Pair ewes, having raised lambs in 194 two
smtterpd a
He i and a son to� xa, ourn. her 1 -have - D vonshire, England, in !he
said record to be kept by the town constable.: to a more suitable part of the town They 3hears ad over, R Penhale, Elcoat Bros.
joined the church at Centralia when quite
hotel build-. y in their
It was decided to have the tromsoms of the 'now located in, the old Pinkney the bympathy of the coulmunit.
�ftb Fall. se2soTt will Bud us vore than urually with a
osiltethe Bank of Commerce. young, and after moving to Exeter from Shearling ewes, 11 Penhale Ist and '2nd. lad,
Clerk's offloe, Council Chamber and Meehan ing, opp CAPE
2m Ewelambs, R Penhale, W Grieve. Fat 7' then i
p"rod: to: cater to the demands of our customers Centralia in the year 1875, connected him- k it
Owing to our increasing frosted and lettered. The
Jim-inade-up, Clothing. Cora ics' Insttate self with the James street -bhurch. He act- sheep, any breed, R Charters & S,,)nl John h
SmA4.ln thi4y department, we have been Tubkersmith. minute W e,
and others, concern Goclerich. FURSI
_;,WtXa I , the whole of the room which, to Orly. petition of T. 0. Kemp ed as tr6stee for i number of years and was Salkeld.
t to John a 0, a gbt,, the watel
Ilp6d in part for Clothing. Our F411 k i now ing drainage from marke treets, Binz So-y,.D. tewart Cuolmore R, Hogarth died- last Fri, 6 v I ed member. ' He always exhibited Shropshiredowns. -Aged ram, two sheari
WAll sorts of
complotO& rileauponpilasot Suits and Overvats, was granted, petitioners ! 6 pa for exea- have sold to 'Ur. H. J. -Grieve, a thorobred day'luorn f t hoid fever. She was everywhete that amiable disposition and and over Jas McFarlane A Duncan.. Shear- a This bull. only 25 jeZs I him to ling ram, Jas McFarla;ne, DR)@ SS G -00D
*hklswe.offor at unprecedenedly low prices; ths- vating-andfilling, and council to furnish- Sborthornbull, two yearso Df &V' and -the mother of two chriatian character which endeared John Salkeld. 110fice, -
Intalo- styles and finish thaL Very beat to be found in Did you ever
hjfiZiet, Call and inspect at tile. A number of accounts wepe passed and was. purchased rom Mr. L D. D. Wilson. by little children, the oung4b an infant. Her all. The funeral took place on Friday after- Ram lamb, Jas McFarlane, 1st and 2nd4
the council adjourned. those WhO fisl
Messrs. Stewart & Cudmore about a year husband, w6 has Con sick for two months TRIMMINGS
noon last, from his late residence, William Pair ewes, having mised lambs in. :94, two
WK4. PICKARD & OVS. ago, and is by the celebrated imported bu. with the same' disease, is recovering.�31r. -]"Vle YOU ever nojtjce
street, to the James street church, tbence shears and over, Jas AlcFarlaile, A Duncan.
DvrLLE NNoTEs.:-Dj -Prime Minister." �Tfe is a splendid C. Walters, of Goderich township, died on *The Can- Shearling ewes, Jas 31cFarlau lot and 2nd. WMM men
Sugdw, Cothing and Dry Goods Rouse, SILKS T
Sparks, of St.' to the Exeter Union cemetery.
arys, -and his aaughter,,3alled on relatives �.uimkl and we' hope fr.� Grieve will (10 Thursday,- last -week, aged 88 years. He Ewe lambs, Jas McFarlane lat and 2nd. fike t-jle boys fish I
Seaforth. adian Order of Foresters fook charge of the
here I last week. They were well with him -as he should. jettlers, coming here funeral, the -deceased being a prominent PIGS. vll Beatter(
-on Thursday o was. one of tho 61dest i -BerkshireP-Aged boar, 0 rroyer, -pretty
their w 'from Stainley, were the Doe. in 1832. 411is funeral was the large -at we
on ay �iember. Ile leaves to mourn his demise a R Penbae. Brood sew, having littered in GLOVES
Awfil some enterprisinj
tor had been summoned to the sick bed of Harlock. have evere�p. wife and four children, besides ail aged '94, W.McAllisier, lt and 2nd. Boar, six
eorg:e SpaTka, of that W MeAllister,'Ist and sod iiiarkets seeed se
his brother, Mr. 0 A LowG TRIP Miss Mary Watt, dallgli- mother, five sisters and ts'vo brothers, who months under, HOSIERY
ito township. -The telephone 8 -place, and WinthroP. have the QW) *OW.
company would W John -
ter of Mr. George Watt, of hi sympatlif of the community. . The 2nd. 8 six months or under, Almost as 1V
r a favor by gathering up the rubbish her aunt, Mrs. Taylorj of Wgrave, have LocAmrms.-Alrs. Solomon J. S Ca =no n, funeral was ve argely attended, showing ston, st an 1wink) the MaA
left on main street by the late gang of re- gone on.a.visit to friends in. Kans". They who has'been ill, is slowly r the very high esteem i which deceased was "Tamworths.-Aged boar, P -Baker, James
ecovering.- AND UNDERWEAR. age. sorts
airers who -passed throlugh this vill will be away some considerabls- time- and we Mrs. William Horney,'of Seaforth, is visit- held. Johnston.
All are
Rey have probably fo ;otten it, as they h . pe thei will much enjoy their stk
ri 01 v in the in st the resi4o�nce* of Mr. James Horney Poland, -China. -Aged. boar, Win Sinclair good seller.
seemel a decent lot, of men. -Mr. Hog- land of sunflowers. tus week.�Tlt� trustees of No.. 6 have re- Varna., 40me business 'wher
R Penhale. Sow, having littered in94,
VOTEY& LISTS. -His Honor, Judge Toins,, garth, teacher, mqved into Miss Houston's r� 'W41UWm Robinson for teacher. Wm Sinclair, Ist and 92nd. . Boar�six months Oall and see our splendd range, theirs� 420t
w1U hold courts for the revision of the rolay last. -The report of the NoTE9. -Mr. William Taylor is now or un(ler, Win Sinclair, Ist and 2ad. Sow,
Pro- house on Satu 'Henwi.. This speaks well for Mr. Robinsoh, as this aniJ alad the low prices we are askaig vrior okill Jai
-micial voters' lists in South Huron in the dele vor Convention hold drawing the material for a new house, of US SAJ
-,&tea to the Eudea -Mr. Frank six months or under, Will Sinclai�r lat afid.
t anton last week, was given at our regn- NoTz.-Our regular cor ' -espctndent is en- is the fourth ear in'sa,lecession. which- he intends laying the foundation this for . our goods. the- St orprising fir
geyetive -municipalities, as follows : Sea- holiday in Detroi this week and Holder, of Hallett, was the guest of Mr. 2nd.
October at 9. a. in. ; Bafield, lar ti o Tuesday evening by Misses oy n fall. -Mr. Robert McDougall returned home Beacom. Goderich township, hblir more MIUMS kt'
mee. lug ; n
avl g t� the. winds we William Bolton last Sunday.
nf �Ithrown dull- care 4
October 293rd, at 10 a� in. ; Stephen, at Jennie Muldrew, apol M, Stdvo;nson. Bqth h from Toronto last week, where he has been John Tough and Goo Stanbury., Stanley, �Muto f the traAe, gec�
are w t out bis usual bidget, biltwe ex- (Received too late for insertion last week. -
-Crediton, on October 2R4i at 9 a. in. ; ladies evidently sod their opportunity to visiting friends for the past few dqs.
D-viny PRopucr,.-Tub, soilt butter, 50
pect he will be right side tip in. time for WAFTINGS.,—Mr. 1homas Botton has ex -
Exeter, Getober 296th, at 10 a. in. Usborne, as their p;&pers were very intero NoTEs. -We were pleased to see the genial pounds, W Elliott, Mrs Burolge. Twenty'
instr ti e kra. W. J. Fear, of next wvoek. �E D. E changed his driving mare, Mollie, for a c d McFaul
-at Elimville, on October 2977 tb, at 10 a� - in. p ounb6nance of Mr. David Wanless, an old r E ward-
Ooderich tonship, at 111olinesville, lar e Percheroii mare. Toni is a horseman fi unde otilt butter, by E Swa ta,
In fiva To W ott. Five pounds butter.,
on Ay has Cc� visiting relatives -and resident of this place, now residing in, Chat.
Elli OUIR-1
Dryf3dale. ang thinks this is the kind of stock that ham. He paid fl t Sat- ge,
October 30th, at 94. m. Ha -y, on Novem- , friends in town anoo in this village during I &J Yin visit here sufficiently salted for table use, let by John WIT
uApy. -It is our sad duty to record will take in:thiq-country in the near fature. S-EAF0,RTH.
-ber Ist, at Zurich, at 9 a. m.,' and Hensall the week. She is accompanied by Nher 0BJT urda�.-On &at the Rev. L. W- Fraer, 92nd by society, W - Gook, John
Blue Ana
Bl"k Beaver
at 7 p.m.; Tuckersinith at Brucefield, on daughter, Olive. Thev_ return to Aylmer bhelAeath of Mrs. John Schnell, 0r., which -Mr. Tholpf M Conway is onthe sick -list Diehl of Holm6viIle, officiated in Vtkrna Johnston. Burdge.*
Home-made obeese,Mrs
Waroamber 2nd, at 10 a, ill, ; tanleY, a to -day, Friday._�_ r. Smith's sale waA well sad event occurred on Thqrsday evening of Mr. Charles I.Attle is laid up with a severe English Church, and preached a very ac $]A to S24 -
Two bottles home.made wine, G H Huson, blalikets, W McClinehev Miss Brownetf-
e. WIA
4 Varna, on, NGvember 3rd 'it 9 a. m. 'It is lively, and fair pric liell -iyas' in her usual attack of sciatica.-, tical and eloquent sermon to a very Tarrg
attended, bidding'; es last week. Mrs. Sell Some of, the men of the yriezj� Overcoats to Ordel
1 osWild. Honey in jar, A Duncan, llen yarn, John ton, Miss Ster-
'hoped,. that a notified by the re-. ruled. Mr. Fear's house, however was not healt-li'lintil about a onth ago, when she boy congregation. The . Reverend gentleman G H H w to
11 whoi are twelfth liave been using 6nd, of our Tweed Suits to Ordry 0
Ilvene. ; Loaf home made. bread, Win Storey, lingi, Stocking, yarn, Mrs 0 U
spective clerks', NO# make it a point to be sold and is still on ihe market at a reason- was seized with a severe attack of "Cholera citizens rather roughly. They ought to re- has the good wishes of a large number of his Mack Worsted Suits to i
'which speedily id its wo vouth. aerproof 'Coatik to ordl
rk. Her member that strength �ad vigor follow 6th con.,John Johnston. Loaf baker's bread, John Johnston.. - Woollen stockings, X mt
t able figure. old a u tances.-Mrs. Thomas Johnston, Thos King. W,
present a these courts. T . 111101`1!111� Weiton, Airs . Att. - Woollen socks, Mrs�_
Jymade Overemts a
=Wewresorryto learlithat Mr.111evi Itorney 17 our esteemed May6r, is visiting this Rem
remains were interred in the - Zurich cee- wife Gitmx AxD SEEDS. -White winter wheat, Weston, Mrs G H Hewston. Cotton stock -
'as mes Caps, Fine Furnisl
Tim W031R.,;'s UxwN.-The adjourned ExPERTExED bopk-keeper and salesman tery on Sunday last. A fitting memorial h an attack of typhoid fever. -Mr. Ja week at Seaforth. W Townsend, S Furse. Red winter wheat, ings� hand made, Mrs Nott, Mrs
desires position. Addtess W., care zxmsnoit odice. service was held in the Lutheran church, at Hart went down to London with a load of
-sannal meeting of the YNGmeW Chriati" John Salkeld, Isaac Salkeld. Spring whea Cotton socks, hand makie, Mrs Nott, Mm'.
Jnion w&s held, on Wednesday -last *eek. -Mr. Archie Ferguson has.
Temperance I Zurich, of which deceased *was a stAunch butter
Stanley. Simon Middleholtz, John Salkeld. Large We4on. Woollen gloves, T Talbot, Mr&� We are Leadrs
afternoon, with an increased number in at- MrLLETT & Ac-Kiox are offering sotheiUlgi member, in which the whole community his new b and stables underneath, all
a B.E.�R HUNT. -One day last week two 3, Joseph Wild, 8 Furse. SmaU peas, 8 -Mra-Weston. Woollen mitts Miss Ster-
tndance aitol with encouraging prospects bargaim in stoves, and ip better display- w&itA**fr seemed to gather together,and this mother's completed 2A readyfor the winter. -Mr. Ir
shown In Seaforth. Tb#y take old ones in little chaps of the Par line, Stanley, who Crae, W Townsend. Six rowed barley, J. ling,4 Mrs J Whiddeu. Set single harne
for, the Y�;fs work. After Ze, *'routine of 'Oxlc=.f e' life as a good example of the truth of the Samuel Himina and Ing estimable bride vier Will - tip the beam at nearly six hundred Hord, Thos Ward. Two.rowed barley, John T Tippet, T Cameron.
�busiuess, thefollowing officers were elected text: " At eventime it shall beIght. De- ited at his father's this week. Jacksm A
ounds, anxious for sport, roceeded to the Salkeld, Isaac Salkeld, Small white oats, Potmny.-Ducks, let and 2nd R Pen.
LuxvE your orderi for stove nd
piping a ceased wa; born in Germany on Se to iber
aw heads over the diRerent departments of
Ensh to see if gan- xe was p 'eve R Penhale. ork-
lunving st;oves early.,,,. linwr JAo som, Sestarlh. th lentiful. To the P Dumild, Jos Wild. Black oats. Jos bal., Geese, W Gri
',work : Superintendent of Literature, Mrs. 17 Brucefield
Tel phone 57.. 1400-1 1 1.8f3.' In 184-2'she was, marrie t Mr. I I , OLOTHIERSO
Huolaon,- Jos Wild. Tinick inAs., W Cook Brahmas, ist, -
-astonishment of the Nimrods, they ran al- _tby seed, John , A Duncan.
M. B,. Smith, MKr John Schnell, with whom she emigrated to JusT call'and se -eld. Twelve ears of corn special by 2nd W Cook. Plymouth rocks, lstand-,,�,
s. McCulloch associaed c those beautiful Parlor.
NLE.-Before removing a
GityxT MovMG, -most. on top,of a mammoth mastoolon or an Salk RATTI
with her; Heredity and Hy ente, MCanada in 1848 and settled inRamburg ey China Goods at'Mrs Geo Bafid's immenseblackbear of huge proportions. JamesBurns, Esq., John Salkeld, Jolm 2a, ERB and I
to my -new store. I offerl, Inywhole stock of factory - Lamps and FA d Cook. Brown Legborns, 'W` Cook.
Weelin; Baud of Hope, Mrs. fogan; Re- made Boots and Shoes &1'25 per cent. discount for Seven years afterwards she removed to -tfie Something entirely new. Also Dinner, Tax ana
They wheeled and r%n for dear life in the Bi gert. Turk W 0 1 e, It Nn6le. Collectiolit. SEAVOR
of Toilet SOW marked away eys, dev
down to unit the times.
the net 30 days. Now 51.s your chance to . get the 14th concession* of Hay townshipi tis one
liet. m. Daucan Press work, Mrs. U00 -no doubt intending to IUD(,M.--J T. Cairns, Varna; Thomas of f 1, W Cooki W Elliott.
beat and cheapest goodo! in town at lowest pr!cw. direction of Bayfield,'
Elliott and MisaM. E -.-McLea ; Lumbermen, the. earliest plo, eers, where she resided.
dome and bring your caoli withyou. Balecommences 'am King and Thomas
FARM RENTED. -Mr. Duncan McTavish borrow the Bayfield cannon to put an end Johnston, Zurich. Juil)(4m.-Willi Mrs. Kemp. The general- officers for the on Friday, October 12th,f D. Valzim, x. 14004 until her de She leaves a family of foar
has r6tited his farm oil 'the MNill road, to to his bearship, but getting short of wind FuiT. -Collection.of grapes, G 11 Hew- derson.
President, irs. Robert Willis 1 -BoAp.DERS.-A f9w boarders wanted.
sons and two daghters to mourn her loss.
Mr. C. E. Masoh, for a term of yiSirs, at an- they determined to return Cdter having arm- ston, Joseph Wild. Yall apples, W Elliott, SHIN
41ar Ar
to &in,
xce President, Af rs. M, B. Smith ; Corre- Handy M Street.� For particulate, apply at
annual rental of $266, Mr. McTavish re- ed themselves with a crowbar and club. W Townsend. Winter apples, W Sterling, Bayfild.
"ouding Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs..M. this office. I -
serving the! house and orchard. Mr. Me. They proceeded to exterminate bruin, when H Darroch. Collec�iou of apples, James A COUNTRY M
cLean-, Recording, Secretary, Mrs. WE have a very 14 1 wourm feel'grea if parties TaviE-h intends g'oiu to British Columbia in to their great -astonishment and relief, the Wild, -Thomas Harrison. Ciniflower, J -ter
ge stock of Rubbers of Wi C. Smriff, barrister solici
1, Cox,
all kinds, which we bc#irh,t at a low rate on the 0 veysucer, Hensall", with a view to ning a bmnoh
who bave not yet setued th r alliged; urill kindly
he spring,, He wilt -have a clearing sale of bear turned out to WPP. McAllister's cel- Wild; John Jobnstou� Carrots for table ?1P_ el [Speelil Carreal
dollar, and which we are �Oelling oonsliembly below offlowIn Bayfield, will be at Elliott s Hot -61, Bayfield,
call at the drug skore sit their earliest convenience
a Parsnip$,, I
regular prices. Remem�ir our special bargains dui. and settle with Xr. Jamee Allen, with whom -I have tis sf6ck and implements on the 23rd inst. ebrated black pig, Royal) Tom, taking a use, G H Hewston, Mr Weston. I d y Tuesday next, O_,to.Wr 16, for the purywe of.
A- October. R.- WiLms, Kid I's block. 143o.1 left them foi collection. R03peCtfUlly, JAmEs Fox. BREVITIES.-Messis. Willian ep. "lliott, G H. Hewston. Pumpkins, - W cone*ation and general logil business. 14mi
Graham, of ale L oekkiwt, of MeTillop, near 8ea,forth, has T=, 6ok-keeping '�nd shorthand classes day of �% ohinese wun
Sta'nley,anol.R. Cudlu ore,of Tuckeramith,left Townsend, Harrison. Large English
fchased from Mr. W. J. Biggins, EIM� in the Y. X. 0. A. rooms, pLart to -night at 7:30.. All JoTrm(�& -Alias Miggie Miller and Mr.
xullx�rst Farm, near Clinton, the ten �uonths intending pupils are requosted to be present. 1400 ourtation 'on Saturday last with cattle for Ureenw.ay. potato onions, S Middleholtz, R in Don�t Worry. udghborhood of ROW11
Will. Sanders represented the , Wroxeter Ale Old Country market. This is the secon& bought the Canadian potato onions W Sterling, R W lite
NOTES. -Mr. Wilson Eagleson "Pos to Hogkon.g-i
ld calf " Master Nonpariel." Ile is one of FREsH A-R-PVALS.fl-Just, received at A. Christian Endeavor Society it the County We trust tb 9nowden, Other onions,'W Sterling, John
t 0 his year for both. ey will Thompson farm last Saturday at a -%,cry low prry is a curse and source of untold s crossea
the best that ever left Elmhurst. He is G. Ault's Grocery and Te% Store a fine anortmefi - f -bf friei
e fur�
convention held in Clinton� last week. -We M I good, market for their stock. -Mr. Salkeld. Field turnips, R Snowden, J evils. It seams th face with lines,, ind
price, $1,325. -Mr. James Youna and Mrs. nearly all red in co14, with both substanc new xruita,-�ew raisifis, VOW prunes, new euriants, 0 ithin au hour ws il
e hope the number of sons and heirs arriving andrs. Wild. Field carrots, W terling, J Wild. row andas a most depre smi leffect upow- vn
ew peelss� new canned gq9da and another cpnsign� Robert Leepef, of Buffalo, visited A. M. Wilson were appoinfed by the Boston t
And qLU He is from " Imported Red
meat of those very,fine, in black,. green, Japan, in town -daring the last few weeks does not White 6elery, G H Hewaton, R. nowden. the !,hyper-sensative organ, ille Chin
'bred -by -E. Cruickshank, Lethenty, last week at the home -of their sister, Mrs. Mahodist Sabbath School as delegates to Rose,' gunoowder, and ludian Tea, all of which will be, presage the direful approach of, war. -T -bis (Rev.) Simpson. I They returned to Buffae the North Middlesex Sabbath School Cn- Red celery, John MeNaughton, RSnowden. whic1h, at such times, becomes d most un-: wen acquained in t]
Aberdeenshire, Scotland, and was sired by- sold at very low pricep. goo teas will be sold for 50c
ar pound, 50c Wag will b� sold for 406 pet pound.' year a Mrs. William Rattenbury and Winter radi8h�s, R Penhale, J Wild- Cit- willio'g and laggard servant. ind-eoid it is safe-.,. r nephl
Fall show was about the aVerake. on Monday. -T vention.-Mr. D. Brophey is offeringy his vfte cousins
the well known " Imorted General Booth P -less encouraged by a cheerfal- i
85c teas will be I fo 2�50 pe R Penhale Water- to say that un e leadil
d r pound, and. will The rain of the morning doubtlesi prevented miss Walker represented the Methodist farm f9r sale.-' Messrs. lun BiMr,.0f Park- rons, Tbomas Harrison)
(54,353)," the sire of many first prize wm- W. Ir live stock ex- tein#.e
guarantee allteasono", f. 8 crop of May pickings, melons, Thomas Harrison, John alkeld A bright 0
sem both in Scotland and Americ. He was and- to give entire. satlaiietion. All kinds of Bra; ni�any froiri bringing out thei charch at�the Christian Endeavor Conven- hill, Mr. White, of Centralia, an(I J. R. Me- _r at r at least hopeful. town. It vas a 19trok,
class groceries and provigions as obeap as the cheap- ll'bits.-The Epworth League of the Metho- tic,), held in Clinton on Friday last. Mihs Pherson, of Corbett, camped out near lake Large besus, Thomas Harrison, Mrs George th(ughts, the stomach will play truant or
bred 1�y Sylvestei Campbell, Kinellar, Aber- dist church is putting d neat iron fenck in Jennie Fotheringham was a delegate from Nott. SinaNlbeans, W Sterling, Furse. sulki; anA do no work - which it can shirk., .1mine, as J-t insdred us i
deenshre, Scotlnd. Mr. Lockha!rt is to be "t. Butter, eggs,potatqeL-, apples., and all kindi of Smith last week where they regaled them-
ViDultry taken in exchango for goods. An invitation front and on the-morth side of their church. the Presbyterian church. -Mr. J.Jarvis, selves on fish and wild ducks. -Alr. A. Me- 0 tomatoes, W Stoirling, G H Howson.- The iph siological explalation of this -is the ;%nd o0ered opport-cmil
gjng so ii extended to all and La`rg_
commen.ded, for his enterprise in hrin to call 4.,Tid examine thp stock 1� i -
A. G 'rth. -Mr. A. Gibson, of Detroit, has arrived in* tailor, now occupies the store lately vacated Intosh bought the Hope farm nefLr Moray Pears, four varieties, G H Hewson, R Snow- clog alliancie of the gret sympathetic ner er preso�
-.Aum, Seal# 140M
good an animal into the neighborhood and prices. town, to do the carpenter work of, the new by J. McIntosh.-Afr. William Bell re. den. Colleciion of pears, Joseph Wild., ves, iwhieh t6re worse than the telegraph for
We hope he will have the very beat of good A_CCT.To_-,_ S and moved on it last week. -Mr. Brown, tauch less Europems.1
A14E at Q'00D BRoTurial store house being erected in 'town by. Gibsoft turned to T6iou to on Monday last to resume tax- collector for the town Alias Brownett. Peaches, Mrs Weston. G carrying bad news ; the worry and anxiety Ques
-urday at.2 is A
luck withhim. on Sat M, ship of Stephep,i tion of]
the 'The f4estiva
"400-1 congregational meeting was his studies' in Knox College. -Miss Grace making his annual visit this week, Of I was. Brothers. -A 11 Hewston. Grapes,G H Hewaton, Joseph whid. depress the brain produce simul
held in'the Presbyterian church last week, Elder of Seaforth, -was the guest of Miss course he is always welcome. -Mrs. Thornas Wil#L - Crab apples, John Johnston, W' ous.. ':a semi -paralysis of the noirves of
Staid&y ereil�ing LoCAL BR-mrs.- Illes -in the villago. R
D. McGillicudy, the to ascertan if. the people were ready to. U
Anni�eRosi on Sunday last. -Cook & Can- To nsend. gastric juices willot flow, � d -
Haytes, who has been visiting friencts in PrOUF there is ii it could afford
and 8, the resi- -There was a pro -ape Se, at
last between the hours of 7 versatile and clevier 10ditor of the God(Ftich
moderate in a call. et n, are no shipping apples" VEGETABLES. -Early potAtoes, D rouse , adig"tion. One ign Pf wh
Michigan during the past few w?.eks,return
wn op of Clinto nity of temper and- a- inoney o -ver to thev,
as e came some time ago of havinga, locJ paper pub- rom o�r station. The apple' crop is not as oid home last week. -Mr. John Sherritt i's
denceoiMr, M. Hurley was entered by Sign&l, W L Ill toi �!oadiy. H f John Johnston. Late potatoes, George Er mental health is sert
some parties nd the a hich was down on the traiii, ajif 0 r win Joseph Wild. Long red mangolds, P self-d'outrol that enables- us to bear witU.
u1ii of $67, w inten(led riding t lished in town, but so nothfng has ma- abundailt as in fo�niier years. -The mission- buying large numbers of cattle, s formed a sort of exe
in, a. bur tcrialized.
eau draer, tkken. This is the avc. Bru5sols &0 back s�n his bicycle. ParLer, W Elliott. Te imity and unruffied temper the etty
Not alone this, but
ary societyL of the Methodist church are pre Ilow globe mangols, equai
hogs fately, and is paying very good prices.
aring a box of clothing to be to the -AlisacLar.ghlin has been re-enga ed especially those aris-
poor. the trustees of school No. 14, A,1cGi livray, tm and- lsewliere,
which has. been xnade, the first having taken u-, Read Maseer of the SQ&fQrth Col. 'by use, John Salkeld, D Prouse. Cabbage, G contact with scalding, irascible,
cessful, iffiirol t
ond attempt, and -ail(,, Clarkso son, 9&oiid son of Mr. C. sell fl John Salkeld, DProuee. Beets for table trialo and jars of l�i Wen todo kinsmon
Ing 'rom
ivhen the surn legi,%O Institute, whq has teen teiching in highly pleased
place about two niontbs aao 130 holidays,lias' been eu Bnirws.-Davia Dobson, of Solomon City, for the year 1895. They are Hewston, Joseph Wild. irrititing folk. It is well to remember generously respond
cue, Stanley ; John suck es -that these alifoltali&tes are t]beir-
of Wj was taken. No dou4t the parties E sse county since t Kippen. with the order and progress of the scholars. JUDGES.—R Mcliv a orne,'f Kxnsa�, �ut formerly of Brussels, is here re -
knew the JL�
t_y_out of the house, and evidently gaged as teacher of E4�n school, U b or T.'METLTs takes this qpportuniby of ask. Johnston, Clinton ; J Stewart. Beniniller. own... worst enemies , and La Cultivation of' ty for evaybody
old iacquaintanceship, and visiting Thf
watehed Mr. Hurley leaving for church,.as next year, at a salar�., of $3W The E en log ail who have not settled for twine to attend to the 14rt of not hearing will help usvery.. %hoe occasion&
be Lakelet. LADiEs' Wonic.-Knotted pillow sham,
on the former ocewion when the house was people will find Air. Qlarkson an exemplary It is nine years since was here thesameas-soon as convenient and ob4o. W" avery useful art all through, also enters, for the ji
enter d -'Thesc t .-We are sorry'to re M_ iss Talbot. Braided pillow sham Afro much. It is
wo attetapts, -Mr. Harry life,*nd well worth ome trouble to ac. of hi
e' no doubt, young -man and a go�& teacher. before,but he seems aboui the same aa when those hmving accounts of long standing will remeir. DrATH, cord the
es death of Miss Bever; although she had been "d the amount
were inflole by the same parties, and it Jeffrey has entered i6to partnership with he left, being only a little grayer. He lik ber that business cannot be run without mon" George Nott, Miss Sterling. Embroidered
upon large pla=ds,
111 es Nterling.
would 'be wellt if the police auth-orities Mr. McCosh : t1Q, dry goods busin's. KanS& but aso likes Ontario4-The citizens 2 ailing for about a year, death came sooner pillow sham, A -Ira George Nott. r L P
1 work, Mrs George I tt, Miss 8 1 MAY SeO
They are bot active young men,, on Thomas street ae havilig a sewer 'nut IScums'.-AIr. William Cudinore left on than expected. She attended her brother's treet car traffic n Toroiito was one- where al
-would k ep m sharp look out, in order to nip cleveri', Crochet table mats, Mis 0 Campbell', Afr Ineau man is not ex
in the bad these too frequent occurrences, will Lg team. -Dr. Camp in. The council are furnishing the lumber Saturday'last for the English inarket with wedding on Wednesda, and died
and malre a stri)nj
J for nearly two hours on Saturflay U treated with
as the suspected pirties 'are only amatears bell, who has beenr'� absent with his son or tile. ouly.-The collector is now on his a cargo of cattle, hay and apples. *Mr. night. The remains were interred in the George Nott. Toilet mats, Mrs C Camp PC, owing". a ruill
Philadelphipq has returned home. roull w
Mrs Nott, Mrs Campbell. Table drape, to a
in this'nelaious busin8aL &ad ito Charls in. ds. -Quite a number were a ay at the Frank went with Mr. Cudmore to assist Lutheran *emetery, after,414ch bell, ' George Nott. Crochet drape, afte600n, from 1.1'0 to O'clock
a comfort- Mrs would spoil thel
the German 6'break in a feed wire which co;14 not;�er
go- on, there is no tollng where they will HiaL son has enterea upon his medical course Blyth fair this week.�A. Hunterwas away with the cattle, and also to visit his mother ing sernion was preached iw Morning
usands-of peopleonu -1n the
of CliLff Mrs George Not, Mrs Colin Campbell. locafed. There were tho t
at Jefferson College.-t.Mt. Bert Johnston at Detroit last week with his son, Fred, to in the -home of his youth. -L -Miss Clark, of language. Airs. Hollinger, ord
Fall lip- adloo
Crochet ill twine, Mrs Colin Campbell. boa;ra going tothe H ant CluU race@, whewt gayly dressed v
w at, who fitted his. eyes with a pair London, is visiting at the manse. -Mr. D assed aw Tuesdav mornine. She has
ife an d child, formeay of this place and an occuli
Sofa pillow, Mrs (3r Nott, Airs 0 Campbell. many gave up the ifle& ill -this day the womet'
0 .1cagro, &I D. Wilson, of Seaforthl and Mr. Bri y from
A GOOD Boy. -The Toronto l&ter f Ch visiting friends in of glas;5es.-Conductor.Snider Lives hi lee ghi for some ti �been suffering se�-6rel Nott blima Talbot. -2Xhere died the other day at Lobo, '.Mrs.- loot =d anj-
Hooked mat, Mrs
w8 Alias Peterman, who has lately She Wag ]:�oru iM 4=t IOU
Even -in, News, of Saturday last, i its Sew -
_1�1i 8 - 3'r1lla,L if Lticknow, is this ture here on Fridaynight, tinder the aus visited our schools last Sabbath. cancer.
cret Society" pacte Embroidery on silk, oat -in or velvet, Mrs C Donald Dewar, aged 90.
a fairly good por. week visiting her fri6pd,1Nfiss Wilson, &tL pices of the Epworth League. --Is Brussels ARY.-Death has nce more visited been working at Air. Bennett's, put ail end air, where th
111TU '8
it -of A-1 Th ivoel'e' Campbell. Bouquet of flowers, Mrs G H Ae6nchauver, Scotland, in 1 04, m rrie
tra, r oinas n old Seaforth Ingleside. --The flax of the Seaforth min is 'going to hive a Charitl Concert this year?" lui neighborhood and caled away an aged to her life last week by taking poison. they ttay withiu
Hewston, Miss Sterling. Bouquet of in 1$24 came -to Canada in 1837, and settlie&
�boy and a graAuate of TnE Ex ion aske by many. -From landmark of 611r, county, in the person� of BRiEF NoTEs. -Mrs. Nelso , from Prot -on 1�djloio
loused and readr for is a quest n OR Ofrlcl-- now all rotteol, safely i flowers, small, Mrs G W Howston, Miss in on lot -13, concession 11, on the
im: 4' Another well knon Pyth- the machines. The q_ eks Herald- some er sister, Mrs. Hub.
It says of In oil-lbere has a ai�ge an item we Mr.James Mulh6llaud� sr., whose spirit their Inivilege.
Mn is P. C� Thomas Soole, the subject of Sterlin-. Crochet work in wool, &Ira C farm where she resided until her death.
crop this year, and Al John Pau, the in. would infer that our scales are not took, its flight on Sabbath last, at -the good bard. -- Mr. B. Hamilton has returned
talks and poses, o:
this w C bell, Mrs Nott. Crochet work in oot- She's raised. &.family of eleven. of Nyhon.
eek's sketafi. He is a member of the
las had a busy time of true, which is not the case, as there are no age of 79 years. The deceased, all through home from Detroit, where he b" been
JrM of N Soole, solm
er & I
and is a charter mem- Virs C Campbell, lihs Talbot. Em- eig4t survive, ve daughters and ifiree son& vbwms; th ft I
it, buC he is a h7ustlei' and would not be better scales in, CanAda, and if anything life, had been a strong, robust mail, never employed in a restaurant. -Mr. Miller, toll
Ur of Toroato Lodge, which was instituted in wei in broidery in silk, Mrs C Campbell, Mrs William Currie and - Mrs. Malcolm, MAIO 41"000 1
happy if he were not IjLp to the eyes in busi- was erring, it was an error J. knowing what sickness wits until last sum of Wroxeter, was the gu(st of Mr. 0.
Nott. Fancy whisk holder, Mrs Nott, Mrs Mc�ihtvre, of Naim ; -Un. Allen - MoLean,
September 30th, 1887. He passed through h Cl say mer, when he received a - par and juniles m
ness.-Mr. Hugh Griei�e is carryll Scott, A. Dames and Jose alytic. st-koke, Wilson on Sunday. - Miss M. Mahood, ig every-
th hij they are first rate, and bb eff, a.1w.y. from which he never recovered. He gradu- of Kincirdine, is visiting friends here at Prepaste
all the chai Campbell. Knitting in worsted, Mrs of 14%st Williams - Mrs. Gilbert, of Strath--
rs. in a, cre(lital)le L manner, and thing before him itt th fall shows wi ipe Nveig of Idow,
e in ffered present. -Mrs. McConnell is oil t Campbell, Miss . Talbot- Knitting in roy !.and Ann, at home; Archibald,
191 was elected, to- represent his looig he ick
r of handsome . Nack drivers.__�_The tally since -the new ones were put in. -No ally became weaker and at times su ber 'consp
th pa� ve worsted, fancy, irs Campbell, Mrs -Nott. PeOr, of Naiin], and John,. at home. Her
md draws her
e Grand Lodge, and in the following year Messrs. of ille eaforth inarble opponent to Dr. McDonald 'has yet been severely. Mr. Mulholland left his nati lit thivweek.-Mr. R. McKenney is slowly
-was appoited D. D., Or. C. for this t. of Mount Arr"ene "�, Mrs Nptt, Miss McClinellev. hu4md died nwe
years ago.
works are workin very good business. got, although the committee appoiL-ted at land, Ireland, when 16 years of age, to seek recovering. -Rev. Mi Richardson, w_henev�r a poomr,
'Toronto Lodge sel oin has a committee out a numbei
Chenille work, Mrs Nott, Mrs Cai
d upbell. -4The jubilee' of Knox College, held in
They b, of %-cry Gorrie.have been looking for one to step in, & home in a new country. Coming-. to this Forest, -4ill preach missionary sermons in
near, the gm
without his naing appearin(r in it, and he 'to the breach. Farmers are busy harvest- land 63 years ago, he experienced all the this pla�ce next Sabbath. -Mr. J. Hooey is Bebd work, any design, Mrs -Mott, Mrs Toronto last week, has been a pronounced
handsome monuinents recently, and their
has held tile T'reasurer of th ' g their potatoes and apples. The former depriv�aeiona and hardships of a bush set- visiting his nephew in Dakota. He also in -
position of eir work f tilly entitles theip to success. -A good �n Campbell. Point lace, Airs Nott, Mrs sucmiss. It *as - to be expected that the-- tituds �with induu
mbroid np- celebration of the 50th anniversary of an in- hile h
-tr years. many went from here tf? Brussels show- last area very goo tends sp di - ery, Mrs Cai
annual At Roaxes" for the past foi d c-rop, in this -part. tler, being a resident of Hallett for over 50 en lug a few months with his son Campbell. Crewel e 114.111 vith a Past years. By patience and perseverance he in Illinois. -Mr. Darroch, who has been patchwork, Airs
Thisyear they presented bell, Mrs Nott. Silk G 11 stitation which has given to Canada -so- for her
Friday, and more would have gone had the Quilt in PatChwo ma4y of her gifted sons, &nd which has beem,
eaching school here for a number of y
or7s JeNv61 as a slight recogntion weather been faorabh' ome for himself and a t twgue.
ChanceR of i. Seaforth hor' a' made a comfortable h eaTs, Hewaton, Mrs Noit. rk,
his y services se Staffa. Mrs Campbell, Mrs Nott. Fancy quilt especially useful in forwarding the interests
rn&n to the lodge." took first for pair -of ro4dstrs� and first and large family, ten children having blessed will have the pleasure of staving in this Ther Ta&e
Single ro�ds er or -
second for t, a. -miss G BRIEFS. -The tea meeting held at Salem their home. His partner in life ther year. -Mr. Alct5onnell is Mrs Campbell,John Johnston. LO b, of one ofthe great Christian bodies in th6! About U00U is a
ago. The funeral was packing apples for Messrs. Dalmage
CONVENTION. -The third mack-, of Perth, Scotlivnd, -is at present % ftmt 9f the,
THE 11, under the auspices of the Methoilist church, away many years & quilt, Mrs Camp�ell, Mrs Nott. L'Otte'd Dofilinion, would not be allowed to pasp
Coaveation of the Huron County visiting the family of Mj'o. omervil e was a decided success both socially and fin- I held on Tue9day and was largely attended, Gregg, or crochetquilt, Mrs Campbell, Mrs Nott. widout teling marked as an important -
I -at Rox-
Christian Endeavor Union irt, Miss Sterling, Miss Tal- epoch in the history of the country, d iman of the village,
was held i Clin alicially. There was a splendid progralkine Gent -s linen sh boro,ad Mrs.Whittakoir, of Toronto, is also the remains being inte'red in Clinton ceme-
ng, mac line made, 'The ceremonies aftracte&
ton oil Thurday and Friday of last week. spenihng a few weeks atihome.- composed of speeches,- recitations, iolos, tery. hot. Ladies underclothi I it liiw proved. Vmd now slow, tbrol
A marriag,
e The Bayfleld Show.
onsiderillm the nfavorable weather there duets, trios and quartettes. There -was also Miss Sterling, Mrs Campbell. Etching i a 1�r of eminent fww of the ploice
n ge hen Presby-teriaw.
u at Sb. James' Church 4A Ti3iesday mornin in owi t i ug temple or joss'llo
9 all. 0 vin
lwa$,L a lirgo�attendace of delegates and the a football match played between Salem and Exeter. There was a btterly cold wi , d bl In cotton or silk, Mrs'-N&t, Mrs TKi boar d es and laymen fr?m all parW
attracted quite a numb"
r of spectators The as
me( Zion teams before teawc served, with the nesda ey flannel shirt, Mrs Nott, Mrs
�thl- proved most eu.JQ�vablo '�vmbnenl bon� were NOTEs.-Mr. Charles Dunlop ai off old Lake Huron on Wed -y last, an, Gent's fan of the Dominion, and were eminently sue-,
e. On acco parties entering the id Air vileaned, -repaired
i:t , - it had a very unsettling influence upon the Campbell. Plaiu handewin
of the Lath of it near relative, tbe Presid tint result that Salem 6anie out ahead by one f g, Mrs J Whid- ces4ful.
ent, Mrs. 'Friel, daughter ot Mrs. - Keatin , G'od- Joseph Clark, of Seafbrth, were in town on Miss 000"imm. Like All
9 crowds who thronged the show grounds in den, Sterling. Wax ruit, lrs James -+Eolitor Mo er f the Berlin NeW.0.
Cobbledck, was unable -to be erich Street West and %tr. Thomas Bro- go&.I. The proceeds amounted to about Friday last. -Mr. Win. Frances and wife
It is so'grotesqueov
wesent, and in coasequence, Rev. J. fortY Richard Hotham,jurlior, the afternoon. Although the cold interfered johnston. Feather 'flowers, Mrs Nott. mu4es thus Ai', � lit rears ago to -"Y,
the well known Aucti,6ij -who have been visiting their sons at Popla V-019 3 �er. May they guide
-ffeu(lQrs0U,. Herisall, acted as presiding offl- -tatrimonial barque't safely and bapily suddeul disappeared from our midst 'last 'r more or less wwith the spectators, it di& not
Darned socks or stockings, W Sterling., Mrs October 31d. 1836 �the editor of this pape
the n Point, Manitoba, returned home- on Thurs-
11. Stevens, Lppear to injuriously affect the exhibits, as flat Mrs Two Is a rnau fig
Chair of the down the se. of tinie.�Wlrs. W. J. Fear of Monday evenip it hits since transpired ola�ynightlast week.. -Mr. A. Cc. Dyer re- Berlin wool work, -'Nott, fir4t saw the light of 'day, Fifty -Leight yearl-
10C,&I'committee ail, aidolress of welcome, that he is i Ite San's'Domains, and has there was fully a better allow than has bliss Sterlin malkes a irian feel pretty wll. ion in lifes. doll, but
Ayla-mr, is the guest of Mr. I. V. Fear this ceived a telegram on Monday morning last, g. Berlin � wool work, raised, VC IS -
and ad-dre-ises ort an a. been seen here for years, especially in the Miss Talbot. Drawn -work, Mrs Campbell, jiilmey, though some live a good way be- bl, kj&*d ALSto Be
�us tGpieS nt and gone and done it. -Th k
connected week. -John A. Jackso4passed his first year announcin , the de�th of his brother,
-with the -work- of the 80cietv Nvere L g1vmg Services ce 9 inside department. The speeding contests Miss Snowden. Faniav pin. cushion, Mrs YoAd- The subject of our notice has baod aoafTr Pirate, H
given by niversity examinatioil' last week. Mr were r held . in Gra George, ne%r Thessalon, Algom. Mr. Dyer
Rev. J. S. 11entlorson Rev. J. W. Homes, church last Sauda,3 evening. The left also created a great deal of interest and Nott, Mrs Campbell. -Pencil drawing, Mrs iixuhi ber of pretty close calls, but someho to the seat of str
Jackson is a son of Mrt-47-� G. E. Jackson ofi tifu for the latter place on Monday evenjing
i0f Clinton Rev. James Andersou of Goder- Egnionolville and is a g�iaduate of the church was beau 11y' decorated with to amusement; although none of the contests Campbell. Crayon 'drawing, Airs Camp- or ulier he managed to pall through so far
Sea- look after his brother's remains. Mr. tbrone on poles, go
ich, of Centrlia, Rev. ('X1. fr all the product,-. of the and great were close enough to be exciting. The fOl- bell. Water color panting, Mrs Cam to 9 1s;
th- Collegiate Instit4e.-On the eve of- George Dyer was a former resident of Exe- pbell. JuA how long be may eontinue o 0.' MAY happen to the
';m Seaforth, severd praise is d ies, who so skill- an;"known quantity. But ds one mile
H� Cbbledck ofbirussels, read by Dr. Sinith'-s-ile.parture f ter. -Rev. G. H. Cobbledick,. of Brussels, po-st-_
tie to the lad lowing is the Honor Roll Oil painting, Mrs Campbell, Kensington anf&i the indignit7
Rev- J- 8- Rev-, Ander- of his Masonic friends d4lled upon him -and fully did the 'v�ork.--Zfhe Canadian Order attended the funeral of his brother-in-law HoTtsm. -Heavy Draugbt,-Two year ting,MrsCampbelL Lustre paintill af eq -r another is being lassed all of us shoul(IL
son, St. Relens (a&l 91 and-WIling- into tl
rem read by Rev. J.W. of. Chosen frierk#s seems to be. going ahead Af rs d that s��uer
presented hini with an a4dress and a beauti- Mr. A.Hicks.-Alr. W.H. Hutchins - 31. P. : old gelding or filly, W. McAllister. . Spali Campbell, Miss Snowden. Painting on be temide or later the W&
6, Inost terrible
i)ickso, of G`&It an(i R�cv. f ul Past Master's Aprol all the thne. They added four new mem- NorthMiddlesex, attended the fial of working horses, George Bates' silk, satin or velvet, Mrs 'ampbe onlk will be reached. Let us be ready for Mr.
C Miss
Joseph 14ts token of the
("'Toderic-h- Papers OR Con- esteern in -which be wa,, a bers to their c6unail this week. -Our local fforses,B�ood mare, Talbot. Best collection an idol. If It -occi
el"lield the late'Andrew Hicks, on Fr General Purpose of house Plants, en�!
mittee work ai kiucireo.l t_o.pies in Britannia iday last -and r1leens ey Carries, ()N-
-were rea Lodge.-ev G'eor��l I,4�khart son of r. sPorcs are out almost every day, loaded for alled on some of his supporters in the vil- with foal,.P McDougall, Thomas Harrison. -blame, sometliing
Mrs G H Hewston. srs. A. G. Rice, iDf
AV bliss 'Ars. o1ste
Alias a bear, but as yet they have not, b lage.-The ministerial associa+ion held a- Foal, P McDougall, Thomas Harrison. Span JDGES.-3 John Beacom, Goderich fora county have thir herd of 11 im een sue-
'eb as resigned
G rge 9r b, the
Y, Edith Ong, LI tow
the pastorate of the Prj6yterian Church, cessfulinbuntingMr. Bear down. -Stook. meeting in the James street church on Mon- of working horses, J Salkelf, &S nshiri Mrs. Burns and Mrs. George hoi ' ile again'safe and soundfter an absence, trary, if he, the -3
Of - dk
eaon, Wit Alexander, Nlauitoba, mod will a taking is completed in Saddler's ld tand, day last.7--A vety brilliant wedding- was Bates. Best walking temn, general purpose King, Bayfield. 25 ya at the big fall fairs. They have
I - irepresentis has beex
melff; Miss lkfc_�, Nliss Ross, alu�.Nlr. F. D. Hutchison is running the held at the residence of lr. draught, H Weston, W Stirling. IvrPyEmE_NTs. -Lumber wagon, paten't' successful in winning the higliest
-winter in Chicago, wherq`!Jie iilt,Ndefitlk�lle Richard Gould, or -very just and appi
'Brussels; Belle Wilson, Ifeusall and a post-gradwLte session at the Cormick 811he'12 store on his on account. Roadster Horses -Brood mare with foal, arm, F Hess. Single buggy, Ist aud 2nd F ho� ifying to
10arling street, on Wednesday. last, when, ors, which is all the more grateen Cor Jones -who allw
'Covered buggy, D MeWaughton,_ F tho�, proprietors, considerin
Miss of Luuknow. A report6f tbe- llary.--The half yearly niking of the Ruri- I his eldest daughter, Jane, was united in R Charters & Sons, P McDougall. Foal, Ist Hess� the, k
-iClavoland convention was read by
G. beeit get sick or do itot A
de4�anal Chapter of Hur4p, will be held in Ziirich. holy wedlock to- James, eldest son of - Mr. and 2nd P McDougall. Two year old geld- Hess. Chilled plow with SkiMLmer, James petition they have met.. 1here have
X. Elder, of Seaforth, and a most interest.
St. Pa uFs Church school ir oin, Clinton, on BRIEFs.-A.large number frow here took -Thomas Shapton, of the- 2nd concession of ing or filly, R Charters & Sons, 8 Hewston. Swan, Iron beam plow without 'skimmer in -competition in the Holstein elam, rment Asherinen
neted by Rev. Tuesday next, t 2.30,101�6 iniport4nt mat- in the 134yfield Fair on. 'Wednesday last. Stethen. The knot was tied by the Rev, One year old gelding or filly, M McNaugh- L Beatty. Fair iron harrows, F iiQ. We a at Toronto, three herd. at ulldoa with their nets arE
qAtes lot.
ti drawer wm cond
by tak-mig them ou
-a number of rigs there, and ton, R Blair. Span of roadsters, Hugh Gang plow, L BeatV. One bors. drill or and four herds at Ottawa.- Beideswiwiul&
Dickson, of Galt. The Secretarys re- ters. relating to he Chuiph of England in Mr, F.. Hess had A Russell, B.D., Leamington. A large
part shoed that one yeat ago there ivere ths Deaneroy -will be di came home with a lot of prizes. -Rev. D. H. number of near rel Grieve, C Greib. Single roadsters in buggy, cultivitor scuffier, James Swan. Set horse both lat and 2nd in tht 'test for milk pbD-
sc�6ed.-.A consider- atives and friends of the AeMples -and putta
-but 22 societies recorded, now there are 60,
du4, (total solids) at Toronto open to ON
able portion of our space Bis taken up this Braund and.M returned contracting parties were present to witness' A Forbes, Dr Whitely. shoes, hammered, not polished, G Erwin.
including 4 iunlot sociebies� and a total week with Show Prize r.. Fred Kibler have es, -Two year old gelding JuDGEs. -.Donald Campbell,�e Varna Win. bro*d, the cattle now raturaith a re064 -arlumuddywater,
14ts. Those who from Waterloo, where they were delegates tile very happy event. The young couple Carriage Rom
fir _�
�Wenxbership of 2,W, as against 1,M as re- Imt the loss is.
enjoy penis ng them,,vill i* sorry that thid at the convention of the Young People's have our best wishes f9yAheir future pros- or Ally, T Ward. One year old gelding or Stanley, Holmesville. unlAuend Won
ported at the 18D3 - convention, The -fol- made ry ace allow loaf mid b
week closes tile Show 0jippaign and th t Alliance. -Rev. HenrySohl, of Nebraska, ]perity.� They 'ill reside on the beautiful filly, It Charters & Sons,. J Dunu. Spau MANUFACTUES, Rome fisiulkel, 1400M in eVo tion before one or mom
w -0
thaw&er, To
were appointed for the year there will be no more listi4oread until next ere he was farm, o nA16 I t of
a on his way home from Berlin, wh Ile the village. The Carriage horses, J Wild. Single carriage _R Snowden. Woollen, ju4gest dWrept Places.
Jpwi g, officers
wes white, Mrs Nott.,