The Huron Expositor, 1894-10-12, Page 7ocs OCTOBER. 12,1894. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. of tRe.,4 for the. 1 us ire age, we a few nethocje.. een and* arn outr, nd tlaia nothing emyloy- we wish Le prices � those. tecount- mtieh. Retitors,, smaller nes & at that is rou caa. that is. anufac.-. up to KI to tend a. a. 5ee Arr. ;ned, on will be- ck treets,, KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and 'ends to personal enjoyment when gightly used. The many, who live bete lee than others and enjoy life more, with - teas expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to Via needs of physical being, will attest tJo value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embracod in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. hs excellence is duo to its presenting 4n the fprm most acceptable and pleas - emit to tlie.iaste, the refreshing and truly teneficial properties of a perfect lax - „tidy() ; effectu:dly cleansing' the system, ..fliepelling colds, headaches and fevers mud permanently curing constipation. _It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical Trofession, because it acts on the Kid- ney; Liver and Bowels without weak - .ening them ard it is perfectly free from *every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug. gists in 'i5c. ?mules, but it is rnanu- • lectured by tho California Fig Syrup 'Co. only, whose name is printed en every isackaisIs e, ao the name'Syrup of Figs, geld being well hiformecl, you will not .sccept any substitute if offered. CO, 'ken for Reid &_ ent PTION :EXCESS- bles.il al treat - he Itsea/ s s even in SPOND- Lung- Ara TD known Queerf& Licen- slid Sur - and Sur- (EDICA ENERAL. '111GAN. 1893. adbury- thrope Lead -- a p. guaran- "ng tb8- 11 1399x4, • The Clinton Show Prize List. The following is a list of the prize win- mers at the Clinton show held last week; HORSES,. -Imparted-Brood mare, .John -Avery; Heavy team, James Ross, James Spring colt, Jahn Avery. Two-year- -old filly, James SneU, J Ross. Mare of any age, 3 Snell, diploma. Canadian heavy draught -Team, J Rey- nolds, II MeBrien. Brood mare, 0- Dale, J Reynolds. Spring colt., G Dale. One -year- -cid filly, W Dale. Two-year-old. filly, J Patterson, W Dale. One -year-old gelding,. --Cr Dale. General purpose -Team, W Stevens, J Patterson. Brood mare with foal, 1st and W Dale. Spring foal, P McDougall, W Dale. One -year-old filly, C Dale, sr., W Dale. Two-year-old fi4y, J J McLaughlin, :Lindsay Brothers. Two-year-old gelding, -RI Disney. Best . horse or mare, J 3 Mc- Laughlin. Roadsters -Spring colt, P 111cDougall, R Vharters & Son. One year old fillsoR Chat - tem & Son, K Disney. Two year old filly,' I Rattenbury, Charters -& Sen. Brood ulare with foal, P McDougall,: Charters 4 Son. Roaci. horse, mare or gelding, V: Doherty, A Forbes. Team., H. Grieve, .47 Elliott. Best horse or mare, W Voherty. Carriage -Two year Old filly, R Common. Carriage horse, MeMurchie &:" Company, I Rattenbury. Teana, 1St and 2nd Maalurehie Company. Saddle - Saddle horse, J Salkeld, W Veils CATTLE. -Durham -To year old bull, J One,year old bali, D D Wilson, El- -coat Brothers. Bull calf . under one year, W Suell, 3 Snell. Mlleh cow, ist and 2nd D: 1> Wilson. Iwo year old heifer, 1st and -2sd D D Wilson. One year old heifer, 1st and 2ed, D Wilson. Heifer calf, D 1) J Snell. Herd, D D Wilson. Best <eaty or heifer, D D Wilson, diploma. Native or Grade -Milch cow, for stock breeding, let and 2nd, D D Wilscrn. Milch sow, for dairy, Cantelon & Junor, D Wil- son. Two year old heifer, D D Wilson, W ,Graat. Yearling heifer, ist and 2nd, D- D Wilson. Heifer calf, Elcoat Brothers, W %Mott. One year old steer, A Couch, W Mott. Best cow or heifer, D D Wilson diploma. Herd two-year-old steers, ' Couch, 3 Stanbury. Yearling steer, •John Avery, Lindsay. Brothers. Herd two-year- old heifers, D D Wilson, J Stanbury. Herd yearling steers, J Reynolds, Lindsay Trothera. Herd yearling heifers, D D Stan -bury. 110Istein-Milch cow; bull, any age;' ..ntie year ohl heifer : two year old heifer ; heifer call, were all taken by J McGregor. Poland Aberdeens-Milch cow; bull, any age; two year old heifer; one year old letter; and buil calf all taken by James Ayrshires - Milch cow, W Aitcheson. Two year old heifer, J McGregor. Herefords-Miik cow; bull, any age ; -heifer calf ; one year old heifer; two year old heifer, and best cow or heifer, all taken. by W Elliott.. Jerseys - Mach cow, John Forden, 1VanEgmond. Heifer calf, H B Evans. Two year old heifer, John Forden. Bali .ealf, 11 Phunsteel. Best cow or heifer, J X4:irden, &pima. Fat Cattle -Cow or heifer'1st and 2nd J taribury. Ox or steer,, A Couch, J Stan- SIIEET.-Weesters,Aged ram, J Snell, Charters & Son.' Shearling ram, 3 Snell, -Charters & Son. Ram Iamb, 3 SeIl, W kGrieve. Aged ewes, 3 Snell, Elcoat Bros. 'Shearling ewes, ist and 2nd Snell. Ewe 3-S-uell, H Grieve. ' Shropshire -Aged ram, 3 Cooper, M Mc- Sheadingram, lat and 2nd James lifeFarlaue. Ram lamb, J Cooper & Son, -James McFarlane. Aged ewes, j Cooper &. Son, j McFarlane. Shearling ewes, 1st and J McFarlane. Ewe ianbs, J Cooper & Son, J McFarlane. , Cotswolds -John Cuming took all prizes ia thia class. Fat Sheep-eAny *breed, J Snell, John . Pms:-Yorkshire-eBrood sow, W Weir. tSpring boat, Lindsay Brothers. Spring sow, --j- Stanbury, W Weir. Berkshire -Aged boar, F Schoales, -Troyer. Brood. sow_, ist and 2nd W Spring boar, W McAllister, Sehoales. Spring sow, i.st and 2nd W 'McAllister. -Cheater White --J Stanbury took all the !prizes in this class. Poland China -Aged boar, Estate J 'Fisher- W Sinclair. Brood sow, W Sin - Joyner. Spring boar, . Estate J J 'Fisher, W. Sinclair. Spring sow, II Joyner, J j Fisher. Tamworths - Aged boar, F Schoales. BBrard. dsow, A Thompson.,_ Spring sow, 0- POULTRY—Black swinish, W Aitclyison. Light brahmas, W Cook, W Aitchison. dorkings„ G Irwin, W Cook. Dark braluoae, G Irwin, E Barnett. Spangled. - homburgs, Lindsay Brothers. sHondans, 1st :and 2nd G- Irwin. Andalusians, R Fitz- simons,. F Evans. Partridge Cochins, 1st and 2nd W Cook, Plymouth rocks, G. Irwin, W Cook. Buff cochins„ E Barnett, Walker. White Ieghorns, 1st and 2nd 'W Hoary. Brown leghorns, John Forden, F Evans. Langshans' E Barnett, W Cook. 'llitioreas„ 0 Irwin, ItFitzsimons. Wyan- ,dotts, W Cook F Evans. Black breasted redsgame„ T E Hoggart, 3 B McKinnon. IRed pile game, G Irwin. Bantams, G Children Cry for Irwin, E Barnett. Pekin ducks, 1st and 2nd G Irwin. Rouen ducks,G Irwin, A. Couch. Common geeiie, G Irwin, 3 Pat- _terson. 'Emden geese, W Aitchison. Toulouse geese, W. Grieve, T E Hoggart. Turkeys, John Cumin& W Grieve. SPRING FOWL, Em-Blaok spanish, let and 2nd W Aitchison. Grey dorkings, E Barnett, c.3- Irwin. Andalusian; -Elcoat Brothers. White leghorns, lst and 2nd W Hartry. Wyandottes, 1st and 2nd W Cook. Dark brahmas, E Barnett, G Irwin. Light Brahma; 1st. and 2nd • G Irwin. Minoreas, 1st and 2nd W Hartry. Brown leghorns, Q Irwin, John Fordena Plymouth rocks, E Barnett, G Irwin. Any other variety, T Hoggart, E Barnett. Rabbits, H Plumsteel,, J Lanxon. Parrot, .A...Can- telon. Pair canaries, G Irwin, J B McKin- non. Collection of pigeons, D Cantelon, T E Hoggart. Breeding pen, diploma, R Fitzsimons, Cs'Irwin. Breeding pen, ducks, diploina, F Evans, 0 Irwin. (sainissons AND BUGGIES. -Best exhibit of carriages, phaeton, open buggy, top buggy and democrat; all taken- by 1? Ruin ball, diploma. IMPLEMENTS: -Wooden pump, I) Fer- guson, diploma. Washing machine, T Seward, diploma. Clothes dryer, 11 B Evans, difolonia. Potato plow, Macpherson, Hovey &- Company, diploma. Farm -Apples -Winter, W Elliott, Williains. Cooking, W .Weir, Mrs G Nott. Desert, W Elliott, W Ait,cheson. Golden russets, W Weir, 0 Dale, sr. Northern spies, James McFarlane, T Jenkins. 20 -oz. pippins, C Williains, Elcoat Brothers. Seek - no -further, T Jenkins, C Williams. Snow, W Weir, G - Irwin. Ontario, W Weir, W Elliott. Pounne grise, C Williains, W Weir. Blenheim pippin, S L Scott, W 0' Landsboro, .Wealthy, W Elliott, T Hol- loway. McIntosh red, 0 Williams. Bon Davis, 3 McFarlane, W Elliott. Tollthan sweet, j McFarlane, H Elford. Rhode Islands greening, G Nott, C Dale, sr. Spitzenburgs, J McFarlane, W _ Elliott. Baldwins,J MeCartney, W C Landsborough. -King of tompkins, A Armstrong., Cantelon & Junor. Ribston pippins, G Nott, 11 Plumsteel, Alexanders, H Plumsteel. St. Lawrence, W Elliott, R Govenlock. Cayuga red streaked, G Irwin, Cantelon & J inor. Fallwater, W Elliott, C• Williams. Duchess of Oldenburg, II Joyner, G Nott. Gjravenstein, NIT, Elliott, Lindsay Brothers. aiden blush NV Elliott, G Nott. Roxboro sset, C CO.*, G- Nott. Waggoner, W reir, T Jenkins. Mann, Elcoat Brother's, S L Scott. Colvert, G- Nott, G Irwin. Swa.ar, T McFarlane. Any other variety, G Baird, W E11xtL- Seedling, W Elliott. Heaviest, any T'ariety, G Dale, Cantelon & Junor. Grapes -Brighton, E Holmes. Vergennes, E Holmes. Salem, R Govenlock. Moore's - diamond, E Holmes. Niagara, E Holines. Prentiss, R Govenlock. Concord, E Holmes, R Govenlock. Rogers No. 19, R Govenlock. Delaware, E Holmes, R Gov- enlock. Any ,other variety, E Holmes. Collection of gra,pes, E Holnies, R Govan - lock. Pears -Winter pears, R Govenlock. Fall pears, S Salkeld, 8 Furse. Bartlet, J Salkeld. W Elliott. Flemish beauty, J Salkeld, T Shipley. Duchess D'Angoulene, H Joyner, j 0 Gilroy. CIapp's favorite, 8 Furse. Keifer, R G-ovenlock, J Salkeld. Sheldon, S L Scott. Josephine de Malines, R Govenlock. Louise Bonne de Jersey, S L Scott. Beurre Bose, 8 Furse. D'Angou, Furse. Any other variety, J McCartney, 0- Nott. Quinces, H Joyner, R Coats. Plums. -Glass seedling, A M Fowler. Reiue Claude de Bavay, Thomas Holloway. Lombards, Thomas Holloway, M , Brethour. Pond's seedling, A M Fowler, T Holloway. Coe's' golden drop, A M Fowler, T Hollo- way. German prune, A M Fowler. General Hund, T. Holloway. PEacnEs.-Late Crawford, E Holmes, D Tipla,dy. Any other variety, 0 Dale, sr., Elcoat Brothers. ,.MANITFACTURES. -Single and double har- ness, Johnson & Armour, diploma. VEGETABLES.-Colleotion of garden vege- tables, by market -gardeners, J Allanson. Collection of garden vegetables, market gardiners excepted, H R Walker, M Breth- our. Collection of potatoes, T Holloway, H Elford. Beauty of Hebron JB Lindsay, II R Walker. White Elephant, W Elliott. G Irwin. _Burpees, extra early, 11 R I 'al- ker, H Elford. Thorburn, C Hoare. ee- man, S Furse, H Elford.• Puritan, W Aitchison, T Holloway. Any other variety, T Holloway, 11 R Walker. Mangold Wort,- zels, Elcoat Brothers, J Allanson. Globe Mangold Wurtzels, J Allanson, J Salkeld.. Altringham carrots, A McKenzie, T Hol- loway. Long orange carrots A McKenzie. Jianxon. Field carrots, 11 J. Hibbs, II Joyner. Scarlet Nantes, T Holloway,' El - coat Brothers. Guerande (Oxheart), T Hol- loway, A McKenzie. Swede turnips, C Hoare, Lindsay Brothers. Greystone tur- nips, H J Hibbs,,J Allanson. White Globe turnips, J Allanson. Short carrots, Thomas Holloway, J B Lindsay. Short horn car- rots, T Holloway, A McKenzie. 4.- Long blood beets, M Brethour, 11 R. Walker. Blood, turnip beets, J Lanxon, Lindsay Brothers. Vegetable oyster, J Allanson, 8 L Scott. Parsnips, J Allanson, A McKen- zie. Radishes, ,T Holloway, 3 Salkeld. Whiter cabbage, Joseph Allanson, T Ship- ley. Pickling cabbage, red, J Allanson, J Salkeld. Surehead, J Allanson, -0 Hoare. Savoy, J Allanson. Fielderkraute, J Allan - son, T Cottle. Cucumbers, J B. Lindsay, H 3 Hibbs. Cauliflower, J Allanson, !G Ir- win. Red onions, J Salkeld, J B Lindsay. Prizetaker, J Salkeld, T Holloway. Silver King, Mrs H R Walker, C Hoar. Yellow onions, Mrs Walker, J B Lindsay. Eng- lish potato onions, large, 3 Lanxon, -T Holloway. Silven skin onions for pickling, II Joyner, T Holloway. Sweet corn, 1st and. 2nd A McKenzie. Corn, J 'Salkeld, H Elford. Musk melons, J Allanson. Citrons, Airs Walker, J Lanxon. Red tomatoes, J Allanson. Purple tomatoes, J •Allanson. Largest pumpkin, 3 Allanson. Largest squash, H Joyner, J Allanson. Hubbard squash, II J Hibbs, 11 Joyner. Winter celery, J Allanson, A McKenzie. White plume celery, J Allanson, J Lanxon. Man. - golds, J Wiggington, Elcoat Brothers. Tur- nips, H J Hibbs, J Allanson. Carrots, 11 Joyner, J Salkeld. G -RAIN. -,White winter wheat, M Breth- our,..S Furse. Red winter wheat, G Dale, J Salkeld. Spring wheat, white oats, black oats, and six -rowed barley, M-Brethour, D Brethour. Two -rowed barley, M Brethour, John Salkeld. - Small peas, Al Brethour, S Furse. Large peas, S Furse, D Brethour. White beans, S L Scott, Lindsay Brothers. Red clover seed, I,Ucoat Brothers, T Gant. Timothy seed, S L Scott, D Brethour. Alsike clover, M Brethour, Brethour. Collection of grains and grasses in the straw, S.Furse, M Brethcoir. - . DAIRY PRODUCTS. -Creamery butter, J Steep. Home made tub butter, J Burdge, H 3 Hibbs. Crock of butter, W Elliott J Patterson. Butter in prints, W- Elliott, Lindsay Brothers. Butter in roll/s,. W Dale, A Cantelon. Home made cheese, J Bardge, Miss Symington: DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. -Jar of ex- traeted honey, J McFarlane, W C Lands - borough. Honey in comb, Mrs H R Wal- ker Hartry. Display of honey in comb, H Wal- ker, C Hoare: Display of honey ex- tracted, C Hoare, H Hartry. Home made buns, plain, W CLandsborough, A C Cook. Home made buns, fancy, W Elliott, H .R Walker. Apple pie, .11 R 'Walker, Mrs R Downs. Pumpkin pie, H J Hibbs, H R Walker. Custard pie, T Shipley, C Hoare. Tea biscuits, Mrs R llowns, Mrs R Graham gem, Mrs W Coats, 0 Hoare. Fruit cake ist and 2nd Mrs Symth. Layer cake, /VIrs Coats, Mrs Walker. Tarts, Mas Walker, Mrs Smyth. . Oatmeal cake, Miss Symington. 'Berne made bread, white, Hoare, 3_-rattemoni;,- ...acenc made bread, Plitcheles aii . ....„ brown W AitchisW Landsborough. Baker's bread,. white, mr 'Boyd & Oakes. Col- lection of -pickles and sauces Mrs Walker. Oatmeal cakes, W C LandsbOrough. Can- ned tomatoes, Mrs Walker, C William. Col- lection of preserves, Mrs Walker. Jar of peaches; Mrs Smyth, Mrs Walker. Jar of pears, Mrs Walker, Airs Smyth. Jar of plums, T Holloway, Mrs R Irwin. Jar of quinces, Mrs Walker. Jar of citrons, W Aitcheson, Mrs R Irwin. Jar of jelly, T Holloway, Mrs Smyth. Maple sugar, M Brethour. Maple molasses, G . Baird, 0 Nott. Home made soap, aW Aitcheson 0 - Nett. Grape Wine, Miss Symington, Mrs as, Walker. LADIES' Wonu.-Colleetion oIf work, S Dorrance, Mrs. ()Campbell. Crochet work, totton'Mrs Campbell, Miss Syming- ton. Crochet work, wool, Mrs Campbell, Mrs H R Walker. Embroidery in cotton or inplin, Miss Symington, Ws Catnpbell. Embroidery in silk, G G Marten, G Nott. Embroidery in arrasene, Mrs W Coats, Mrs Smyth. Table cover or scarf, embroidery, Mrs W Coats, Mrs S Coats. Slippers work- ed, Mrs Campbell, G Nott. Darned net,. Miss Symington, ,Mrs Campbelk - Pillow Shaine, J C Gilroy, 0 Nott. Chair scarf, G Nott, Mrs Smyth. Drawn work, Mrs J. Douglas, Miss Symington. Mantle drape, G.Nott. Miss Symington. Tea cosy, 8 Dorrance, Mrs Campbell. Ribbon work, Mrs Sneyd, N isa Symington. Patch work in silk or velvet, Miss E. Symington, Mrs 8 Coats. Berlin Wool Work, flat, Mrs Walk- er, Miss Symington. Child's apron, Miss Symington. • Child's dress, Miss Symington, Mrs. R. Downs. Sofa Pillow, Mrs. Smyth, Mrs. 3. Douglass. Lady's Faucy apron, Mrs. Douglass, S I.` Scott. Drawing room screen, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Seale. Carriage Afghan, J 11 Combe, Mrs Campbell. Patch Quilt, J Douglas; Mrs Campbell. Crazy quilt, 0 Cook,Mrs Campbell. Crochet quilt Miss Syinington, J McFarlane. .Knitted coverlet, S L Scott, 0 Nott. Etching in silk, G-. Nett, Mrs Campbell. Etching in cotton, °Mrs Douglass, G Baird, Roman esinbroiderY, linen„ 8 Dorrance, G Nott. Child's knitted underwear, Mrs Campbell. Knitting, fancy, S L Scott, G Nolt. Knit- ting, woolen stockings, G- Not. Knitting woolen socks,- 0 Nott. Knitting woollen gloves or mits, Miss Symington, S L -Scott. Darn on socks or stockings, 3 McFarlane, Mrs Walker. Hand sewing, Mrs Douglass, Mrs Walker. Gent's flannel shirt, Mrs Walker, Mrs Campbell. • Rag mat, A M Fowler, Mrs Walker. Whisk holder, G Nott, Mrs Smyth. Fancy Ottoman, J Wig- gington, G Nott. Parlor sachet, Mrs Doug - hiss, M L Sneyd. Set table mats, Mrs Douglass, A M Fowler: Fancy tidy, Miss Snyde'Miss Symington. Apliqne on felt, Mrs Douglass, MrsiC Campbell. Fancy foot stool, Mrs S Coats, Mrs Smyth. Toilet set, Airs Douglass, -Miss Symington. Pincush- ion, Aliss Douglass,AIrs C Campbell. Crewel work, Miss Douglass, Cr Nott. Shawl, crochet or knit, G- Nott, Mrs Campbell. Bracket drapery, S Dorrance, 1 and 2. Saddle ba Miss 8neyd, Miss Douglass. .Point lace, Mountcastle, Miss Symington. Netting, Mrs R Erwin,. Miss McKenzie. Linen cen- tre piece, Mrs Smyth, Mrs Campbell. Wall. panel, G. Nott, Mrs Campbell. Laundry ' bag, Mrs. 'Walker. Shopping bag, Mrs Douglas. Kitchen apron, Mrs IValker,Mis.s Symington. Home -made blankets, Miss Symington. Yarn mat, Mrs Walker, Mrs Downs. Rag carpet, Mrs Walker. FINE ARTS. -Professional, Oil, Original - Any design, landscape'marinp view, Ani- mals, from life, 0 II Mountcastle. Portrait F G Orich, C 11 Mountcastle. Flowers or fruit, 011 Mountcastle. Any subject, C 13 ,Mountastle, Amateur. List, oil-sLandscape, S L Scott, E Mountcastle. Marine view, C. Bowers, E Mountcastle. Animals from .-• life, May Bently, Mrs Campbell. Copy or original, ;S.: L Scott, Mrs Campbell. Any subject, 0 Bowers Mrs Campbell. Water Colors, professional. -Any design, Marine siew, Flowers or fruit, Sepias Lead' Pen and ink,any subject, CH Alount ca• stle. Water Colors, amateur.-Lanstscape,Mar- ine view, Animals from life, C. Bowers. Flowers or fruit, Mrs. Campbell, E Moun t - castle,. Sepia, C Bowers, Mrs Campbell. Any subject, C Bowers, Mrs. Campbell. Pescil drawing, M McKenzie, M Bently. Crayon portrait, Walter Coats. Pen and ink sketch, Mrs Campbell 2nd. Pastel, C Bow- ers'Mrs Campbell. Copy in water colors,. C Bowers. .Copy in pencil, W C Lands-. borough 2nd. Fon SCIIOQL CIIILDREN.-Penmanship by boy, W Aitchison. Penmanship by girl, J B McKinnon. Dressed doll, Mrs Douglass. Pencil sketch on slate, G Baird, W Arm- strong. Spechnen plain needle work, Mrs J Douglass. j nnoas.-Itorses-heavy, P Curtain, Cen- tralia; light, T. Bissett, sr., Exeter. Cattle thoroughbred -T. Ross, Blyth. Grade -T. . Ballantyne. Sheep -Hugh Ross, Blyth. Pigs --,-11 Beacom, ,Goderich township, J. Gooier, Hullett, J. Penhak, Bayfield. Pohl - try -Walter Coats, Clinton. Implements - H. McQuarrie, Blyth. Ladies work -Mrs Proudfoot, Mrs Hutchison, Goderich. Mrs R. Ran ford, Mrs W Robb, Clinton. Fine Arts -Mrs j If Flagg, Mitchell. Vegetables --W 11 McCracken, Brussels. Plants and - flowers -John Stewart, Benmiller. Fruits -Mr T 11 Race,Mitchell. Grains -T Trick, Clinton. Dairy products -H 'McCartney, B r ncefield. Domestic manufactures- Mrs II Andrews, Clinton. •• In. Memorium. In memory of Oswald Albert Colbert,who died at Egmondville, on August 17th, 1894, aged 16 years, 10 months and 27 days : WRITTEN DT 1118 FRIEND, PTII.LIP V. BUROARD. ()tier the river he beckons -to me, Loved one who crossed to the feather side ;. The gleam of his enowy lobe I fee, -But his voice is lost in the deehing tide. The one with hair of sunny gold, His eyes tbe refleetion of heaven's own blue : He crossed in the twilight gray and cold, And the pale mist hid him from -mortal view. We saw not the angels who met htithere, The gates of the city we could dot ees ? Over the river, over the river, My friend stands waiting to welcome me. Over the river the boatman pale, Carried another, the household pet; , His sunny hair waved in the gentle gale, Oh, Albert, dear! I see him yet. He crossed on his bosom his hand@ so white, And fearlessly entered the phantom bark; We felt it glide from the silvery sande, And all my suhshine grew strangely dark. We know he is safe on the farther side, Where all the ransomed and angels be. Over the river, the mystic river, My boa hood's idol is waiting for me. • School Reports. No 10 McKiLLor.-The following is the standing of the pupils of school No. 10 Mc- Killop, . for the month eading September 30th: First class -M. Henderson, C. Dol - mage, J. Hoses. Part II -J. Campbell, R. Allen, C. Dodds. Second class -P. Mor- rison, V. Murdie, A. Morrison. Third class -B." Grieve, R. Grieve, J. Riley. Fourth class junior -H. Blatichard. No. 2 TucKnas3irru.—The following re- port based upon re lar attendanoe and 1 general proficiency, shows the correct stand- ing of the pupils of Sc ool Section No. 2, Tuckersmith, for the month of September: Senior fifth -Minty A. McGregor, Annie Murray, John F. McKay, Melinda Cooper, David S. Blair, John L. Aikenhead. Class third junior -Ruby McKay, Pearl McKay, Willie Butts, Lily J. Parsons, Katie Neilans, Lily Moffat, Mary Meths. Junior 5th -Elsie E. Cooper, Daniel S. Bell, Jennie M. Chesney,. C. Acheson, Susie Cudmore. Class II -Edna M. MeNevin, Mary C. Bell, Etta 0. Cooper, Myrtle Cudmore Jennie McLean, Alma Butts, Willie ALGregor, Samuel Acheson Lawrence Moffat, lVfaudie Ricker, Alex. Doig. -Fourth class -Maggie J. McLean, Steinie Acheson, John Me- Gregor, Harry M. Chesney, .Annie M. Butts Alex. J. McNevin, Jeannie McDougall, John C. Bell, Jozeph layman, Willie R. Mc- Lean, Annie Doig. Part II -May Andrews, Donald MeNevin. Part I -Barbara I. Chesney, Edgar Butts, Bertie Moffat, Mel- vin Neilans, Carrie Mellis. Third class senior -Maggie C. Chesney, Louisa Cud - more, Robert 3. Cooper, James M. Aiken - head. • Weather Hints. Watch the sky for what are called "nares' -tails." These appearing after clear weather show the track of the wind in the sky. A rosy sunsetpredicts fair weather. re'd sky in the morning foretells bad weather. b' A gray sky in the morning means fine weather. If the first streaks of light at dawn are seen above a bank of clouds, look out for wind, if they are close to or on the horizon, the weather will be fair. In gen- eral, soft, delicate colors in the sky with in- definite forma of clouds, mean fair weather; gaudy, lumina' colors and bard - edged clouds mean rain.and probably wind. A dark, gloomy, blue sky is windy; but a bright, clear bine sky indicates fine weath- er. Generally, the. softer clouds look, the less wind (but perhaps more- rain) may be expected ,• and the harder, more "greasy," rolled, tufted or ragged, the stronger the coining wind will prove. A bright yellow sky at sunset presages wind; a pale yellow, wet ; orange or copper' 'colored, wind and rain. TheSe are some of the most important points about weather which have been set down in the books by old and experienced sailormen. If the young yachtsman will bear them in mind and at the same time keep eaceye on his instruments he will not often be taken unawares by bad weather.-Harp- er'S Young People. Difficulties- in the English Language. Aii intelligent foreigner is said to have ex- pressed himself after the following fashion on the abEurdities of the English language: "When I discovered that if I was quick I was fast, if I stood firm I was fast, if I spent too freely. I was fast, and that not to eat was to fast, I was discouraged ; but when I came across the sentence, The first one won one one -dollar prize,' I was tempted to give up English and learn some other la,nguage. ' It Cured. Them. This is the story of the way in which a Boston man cured his children of a senseless habit of speech : One evening this gentleman came home with a budget of news. An acquaintance had failed in business. Re spoke of the in- cident as ' deliciously sad." He had ridden up town with a noted wit, whom he de- scribed as "horribly entertaining," and to cap the climax, be spoke of e butter which had been set before him at a country h&c]. as " divinely rancid." The youngpeople stared, and the eldest daughter said : " Why, papa, I should 'think you were out of your head." "Not in the least, my dear," said he pleasantly. ' "lin merely trying to follow thefashion. I have worked out 'divinely rancid' with a good deal of labor. It seems to Inc rather more effective than awfullY sweet.' I mean to keep up With the rest of you hereafter. And now," he continued, "let me help you to a piece of exquisitely tough beef." Adverbs, he says, are not so fashionable as they were in his family. -Selected. maiimpo. sob GRATEFUL -COM FORTING. BELLEVILLE, Janury 4th, 187h. Illeesra. DICK & CO.. Montreal. "Dick's Blood Purifier " is the best of all the con- dit fon powders I ever ueed. It makes a horse thrive and feet well. Improves his coat and keeps him per - featly clean in the leg, no matter how long he stands in the stable. I gave half of the first box to a gentleman who had a fine trotting stallion that was swollen in the legs and had scratches from being out of condition, and in a few days his legs were per- fectly clean, and the cracks healed rapidly. JOHN JOELNSON. Stark's Pauders, each package of which contains two preparations, one in a round wooden box, the cover of which forms a measure for one dose, an im- mediate relief tor Sick Headache and Stomach, also Neuralgia, and all kinds of nervous pains, and an- other in capsules, (from i• to of one is an ordinary dose !which note on the Bowils, Liver and Stomach complaints. They. do not as most pills and so many other medicines do, lose their effect or produce after constipation, and are nice to take. 25 cents a box, at all medicine dealers. How to get a ” Sunlight " Picture. Send 26 "Sunlight" Soap wrappers (wrapper bearing the words "Why Does aWoman Look Old Sooner than a Man") to LEVER BROS., Ltd., 43 Soott St., Toronto, and you Will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising, and well worth framing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the beet in the niarket, and it will only cost lc. postage to send in the wrappers, if you: leave the ends open. Write your address carefully. 8. • 410. - RELIEF IS Six Houns.—Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases relieved in six home by the Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight on account of Re exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, b,vak and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. II you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by Lumeden & Wilaon, Seaforth. A Boon TO Honsamete—One bottle of English Spavin Liniment completely removed a curb from my horse. I take pleasure in recommending the remedy, as it acts with mystsrious promptness, in the removal frorn horses of hard, soft or calloueed lumps, blood spavin, splints, curls, sweeney, stifles and sprains. Gzonor Bonn, Farmer, - Markham, Ontario. " Sold by Lumeden & Wilson. I have used Dr. Catania Bitters for twelve months, and can say, that they are, for an appetiser, purga- tive, and nerve tonic, the best I ever used. J. Rearm Notary Public. Toronto, Ontario. GREAT 1 CLEARING 13 0,0 qD S II I Owing to a change that isTlikely to take place i4 the firm in January, and as this is the season of the year that all must have god footwear, we have de- cided to clear out Our entire stock of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Trunks and Valises, Before the first of January, at prices never before heard of in Seaforth. We .have over a $6,009 stock, bought from some of the best Canadian and Ameri- can manufacturers, which is principally all new stock, and adapted for Fall and Winter wear. Call.early and secure'the best bargains, as this is a genuine clearing sale, as the stock must be sold. ray*Those °Wing the firm will please call and settle their accounts at an early a date as possible, as we must have them in by the middle of Deeember. RICHARD014 & McINNIS, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. No Business College in Canada possesses a better reputation for good,, honest work in behalf of its patrons, than the Having been troubled with biliousness and head- ache, with loss of appetite, I was advised to try Dr. Carson's Bitters, and found great relief after a few doses. W. F. CANIS, Toronto, Ont. RUEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY.- South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radi- cally cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the sys- tem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dieease immediately disap- pears. The Brat dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by Lumeden & Wilson, druggiets, Seaforth. SITITZ-AeTHIOTtIDI 01\1"Te. • Young men and women who desire a thorough business education, are invited to cor- respond with us. Remember, -the best buiineas training is what you should have; there- fore, be careftd in your selection of a school. A business education lasts a lifetime therefore get the best. Our college is the largest and best equipped commercial 8011001/m Western Ontario. Write for new catalogue. 139O - P. McINTOSH, Principal. SHAW & ELLIOTT, Proprietors. POWDERS Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia in 20 seiNuTEs, also Coated Tongue, Dizzi- ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation, regulateTorpdLtihvee r b, 013waedl s r evert v Ti navrcou r ede TAKE. PRICE 26 CENTS AT DRUG STORES, FEATHERBONE Corsets .re now recognized to be the Standard Corset of Canada.. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. ASK YOUR DRY GOODS DEALER FOR THEM. -,/ WOOD'S PLIC1SPIICODIN. The Great English Remedy. A Six Packages Guaranteed to promptly, and. permanently cure all forms of Nervous Weakness, Emissione,Sperm- atorrhea, Impotency and al/ erects of Abuse or Excesses, Mental Worry, excessive use of Tobacco, Optumor Stimu- .Befwv mid After. tants, which. soon fend to In- firmity, Irisanity, Consumption and an early grave. Has been prescribed over 35 years in thousands of cases; Is the only Reliable and Honest Medicine known. Ask druggist for Wood's Phosphodines If he offers some worthless medicine in place of this, inclose price In letter, and we will send by return math Price, one package, $1; six, es. One will please._eix will cure. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. For sale by Lumsden & Wilson, druggists, Bea - forth, Ont. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST -'SUPPER. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of dia-eetion and nutri- tion, and by a careful application of the fine proper- ties of well -selected Coeva. Mr.Epps has provided for our breakfast and supper a delicately flitvonred bev- erage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up uutil strong enough to reeist every tendencyto disease. Hun- dreds of aubtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wheiever there ie a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame." --Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in packets, by Grocers, labelled thus: JAMES EPPS & CO., LTD.. 130)1030PATIIIC CHENISTS, LONDON, ENGLAND. 1398-26 That Joyful Feeling With the exhilarating _ sense of renewed health and strength and internal cleanli- ness, which follows the use of Syrup of Figs, is unknown to the few who have not progressed beyond the old time medicines and the cheap substitutes sometimes offered but never accepted by the well informed. nRAVENETTE is the new waterpreofing process which Priestly applies to drese fab ics whether in heavy er light weights. It is not a rubber. le h'ch is air tight and suffocating, nor is it a thin veneer which conies off with the wear, !eating the gear eat dusty and shabby.. It is absolutely rain proof, er- featly porous, non-odoroma. f ultilling every requisite of A waterproof, and yet it is indistinguishable from the same geode not proofed. Tritstles 14 Cravonette never changes in appearance, as eo many of the chemical processes confessedly, do. See that theee goods are rolled on "The Variatabed Bo ri " which hi the Priestley trade mark. ' -4 • et' DEAR SIRS, —I have used Yellow Oil for two or three years, and think it has no equal for croup. Mrs. J. S. O'Brien, Huntsville, Ontario. That Hacking, Persistent, Distreeting Cough can be quickly cured by using Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. 4 *set -- For Invalids and Nieak delicate women use Mil - burn's Beef, Iron and Vine; no other, it is the best. • Pure Cod Liver Oil combined with Wild Cherry and Hypophosphites renders Milburn's Emulsion the best on the market. tears -- A Wounded Spirit who can heal. Victoria Carbolic Salve heals all other wounds, outs, bruises or burne. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry cures Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cramps, Colic, Cholera Mor- bus, Cholera Infantum, aad all looseness of the bowele. Never travel without it. Price, 35e. DYSPEPSIA causes Dizziness, Headache, Constipa- tion, Variable Appetite, Rising and Souring of Food, Palpitation of the Heart, Distress after Eatinge-Bur- dock Blood Bitters is guaranteed to cure Dyspepsia if faithfully used according to directions. Fon. CHOLERA. MORBUS, Cholera Infantum, Cramps, Colic. Diarrhoea, Dy sentery, and Summer Complaint Dr. Fewler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt safe and sure cure that has beett a popular favorite for over 40amars. Some. people laugh to show their pretty teeth, The use of Ivory White Tooth Powder makes people laugh mora than ever. It's so nice. Price 25c. Sold by druggists. • • se LIKE MAGIO.—" It always acted like magic'. I had scarcely ever need to give the second dose of Dr. fowler's Eitract -Of Wild Strawberry for summer complaints."' Mrs. Walter Govenlock, Ethel, Ont. 4 • eie HEART BEMUSE RELIEVED IN 80 mnstrars.-Ali cases of organic or sympathetic heart disease relieved In 30 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart, One dose convinces. Sold by Lumsden & ..A..1.11.-1-'1111111111 Is with us, and brings new needs in the line of Gentle- men's Clothing. You will now need .A HEAVIER, SITIT, HEAVIER UNDERWEAR, A NEW FELT HAT, perhaps an:OVERCOAT or a WATERPROOF COAT, or an ITMORELLA_ for the rainy weather that we must expect at this season. We have just what you want, and the pricei ,- s always right, Our goods are noted everywhere for fine appearance and the best wearing qualities. When you need anything in the line of gentlemen's wear, call on BRIGHT BROS., The Great Clothiers, Main Street, SEAFORT11.4' 0 0 Well Known London People Say: Mr. S. F. Glass, London Pottery Works, says: "No testimonial can be too strong to express the benefis cial effects I have experienced from the use of B. Stark's (Headache, Neuralgia and Liver) Powders personally and in my family, as they have afforded me perfect relief from the most distressing sick headaches which frequently incapacitated me from doing business. I know of others who have been equally benetitted. I consider them one of the most useful combinations of the day." Mr. II. 0. Paterson. of Messrs. Masuret & Co., wholesale grocers, gays .• "1 have found Stark's Powders (for Sick Heedadhe, Biliousness and Liver) to afford immediate and permanent relief in every case." Miss G Johnaon says: "Almost valuable rem- edy; The result has always been satisfactory." Price *a a hos ; rid by all msdloise desists. 'H.UIOJr3S f -t Place's the Viorti ibrYouog Nat and Women to aerate & Sodom Education, Shorthand, c, is Detroit tiniveridtri IN- troitilifsh. wi LIEWELL,President, P.LemeskeewSirri TuE CANADIAN BANK' OF COMMERCE, ESTABLISHED 1867. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. CAPITAL (PAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS 818,000,000 REST ar ne $ I,200.000 B. R WALKER, tiENERAL MANAGER. SEAFORTH BRANCH. A General Bankina6Business Transaqed. Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafta issued, payable at all points in Canada and the principal cities in the United States, Great Britain, France, Bermuda, dm SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received, and current rates of interest allowed. terInterestadded to the principal at the end of May and Novem- ber in each year. Special attention given to the collection of Commercial Taper and Far mers' Sales Notes, F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. = M. MORRIS, Manager. AUCTION SALES. .LALUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND III- PLEMENTS.—Mr. Ww. McCloy has received instructions from Mrs. Wm. Elder to sell by Public Auction on Lot 9, Concession 11, H. R. S., on Thurs- day, October 18, 3E94, at 12 o'clock, noon, the follow - Ing farm etock and implements, viz.: Horses.—One horse 11 years old, 1 horse nine years old. Cattle,— Two COW8 supposed to be in calf, 1 heifer rising two. years in calf, two farrow cows, 6 three year old steers, 3 two year old steers, 3 two year old heifers, 1 yearling steer, 4 spring calves, two spring pigs and a number of hens. Implements.—One road cart, 1 peir trucks, I pair bobsleighs, nearly new; 1 top buggy, nearly new; 1 cutter nearly new, 2 new hay racks; 1 fanning mill, 1 Toronto binder, 1 Patterson mower, both nearly new; 1 bay loader, 1 hay tedder, 1 sulky hay rake, 2 sets iron harrows, 2 general purpose plows, 1 apring tooth cultivator, 1 set of cultivating harrows; 1 Wisner seed drill, 1 sat weigh !Wee, 1 turnip sower, 1 turnip putper, 1 turnip eliceal turnip scuffier, 1 horse hay fork complete, 1 land roller, 2 seta double team harness, one nearly new, 1 set plow harness, 1 wheel barrowwa2 set whiffietrees, 1 flak - yoke, 1 water trough, 1 buffalo robe, 2 large barrels, 1 cross -cut saw nearly new, 2 grindstones, 1 riding saddle, 1 stone poet, 1 set drill harrowiel long ladder and many other articles such as hoer, Mike, scythes too numerous to mention. Terms of sale, --All sims of $5 and under, cash; over that amount 12 mon credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 6 per cent, will be allowed for cash on credit amounts. MRS. WILLIAM ELD_ER, SAMUEL SMILLIE, Executors of the will of the late Wm. Elder. 1398 THURSTON'S PIM MIR RITTER til. (PArRICTIM JIM" 1117, 1893) New Promise for Making Pure Milk Butter from the Pure Solids of tea**. No Chemicals er Atx. tra Reginirrd. This New Process Will make two to three tines the amount of Pure ilk i Butter that can be ado by any other method yet Invented. Therefore *and stamp for full portico also circulars of quer us asked and ansormad. ' 11111111001110 Pure Milk Initter ea apair *64E44 utinnZOnt. -}ITTRON AND 33RUCE Loan and inveatment COMMUN WY. This Company is 'Loaning Money es FRTIII Security at lowest Rates of Interest. Mortgages Purchased. SAVINGS BANK BRANOH4 3, 4 and 5 per Cent.latereet Allowed ow Deposits, &wording to amount sad time left. OFFIOR.-Corner of Market Square and Worth Street, Goderich. "HORACE HORTON!, MANAGER. Godarloh, lawn 5th.18815. The Idaillop Mutual Fir Insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED, °name. D. Ross, President, Clinton P. O.; W. 1. Shannon, Secy-Treas., Seaforth P. 04 Michael Hurdle, Inspector of Lo., Seaforth P. O. DIEECTOUL Jas. Broadfoot, Ser.forth ; Ales. Gardiner, Us& bury; Gabriel Elliott. Clinton; Geo. Watt, nark* ; Joseph Evans, Beechwood; M. lurdle, Seaforth; Thos. Garbutt, Clinton. A�IWLL Thos. Seillans, tfarlook; Robt. -Seaforth; James Cumming, Egmondville. John O'Stillire* land George Marche, Aitoak. Pitrides desirous to effect InsUranoes er bus - *Mother hadoesewill as promptly attiadsi la ter ffittloottott to me' ottihe *hors easels. siddrailMiiks War rappectiv•ipastollosa