HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-10-05, Page 8%
7 7 al -I F -71
k 01M - ZME �iwwi F F..PtA Q 911. 11, -7-
F21 ;MRIR;j�
OCTOBER5, 11"4.
as urne
Mr.. T. Vs Rutledget. a. le
40 of t6 diughters' will and bosiness t6 October lot for.Victoria college, Toronto.— Moore.
School clubs, thence by boat. T
11 Mllagiatei or, High —Mi
-so ocer a friends in Teesater, 84
or to
UtL has defeate 194
I . list of FRMAY ths 9
H n s Ofish G r d remain here t me'time l6nger, one young man -who is we)IL&ndfavorably known Miss Georgip Dulmage lef last iOeek for froift a visit to v 00T.. 5
Y* hwve.enterea the c6ntest, b )in is pirsuingL her studies at the Col- the peop e of this vicinity.—Mi. R-M'. London; wh re she int6de taking a course Jennie St d of St. Helena, is visiting her
e Rr Y,
ayed wh(
oa-ft pfoof vinegar for pickling, it Is the but th�em easily. Football is the game pl 'as been fin the harneso'business in a ladies' college.—Air. T. S. Dulmage sister, Mrs. L� Lott. —Miss Minnie Link,'m
-dwp In the market ure� Spic
siness who L was home on
here will tender them best 'Wishes e- -for- a- o-metime, is giiing
e. wbole, by the beat young fellow$ in the 'Proince legiate Institute. The many friends of the
difibcad,.atremonble, prices. We have there is in it legs of the bbjectionable fea- family for re bu' a returned on later has returned from a� visit to friends in
4ifneed, thaprica of fruit JaM, do not buy until. you I appitess.-w�Miqa L Collie ar- and is selling, off his stock.—We Are sorry Tuesday to Whvatley.—Miss Lennox spent' R -i ley and Kintail. - Miss.rena McDonald, OUR STOOK OF
tures cifathletic, sports than perhaps any pros, en y an( i I., Vipley, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. M11n-
d out otir now prices. ived an- rivelyhome on Tuesday evening last. She to learn that bliss Bennoch, who -'has beeii Sunday at Mr. Hamilton�s,—W`e are sorry of
Have rece' a
_entf that same 26c Japan Tas3t, pleall" other gatne. . The -Hurons were represente -t iaw.—The family of Mr. Good, of the b04
igbowshtpin pn class here for to record the death of Mr. Sloan, who died sl
nied, much to the surprise and conducting a Kindergar
was accoml
WhO,tdealt. Try our fine Black Tea, at .40c in the niatch with the - Rangers by thefol-. . and friends, byher some time, has decided to discontinue it as oftyphoid fever. The body was taken to and shoe store, formerly of Seaforth, have Fi?11 i6ind WintO
tRome of the very b at judges of bl"k lowing icks, W. G. . leasure of relatives ROD'
tbayemmotgt a, better at any Prue. Goal, T. Murray'; B1 froient number Lloydtown for burial.---mliri. Burnside, who moved to town.
a T. rother, who has almost ntirely recovered she is unable to produre a an I
a blond, of coffee Is, givin Willis. and W. j. Elliott III Back
_X good tatisfac-
d John 5a'57o� ; from his severe illness, being able, to walk of 'Is bliss Bennoch is an excellent has been ill for twenty-two years,� passed
--e try it onc6., Flour Livingston an pupi
like, a fine eaft. Stephens, J. Collie's re- te cher and was very successful with her (1111etly away. Her body was interred in Dmdal6. 118 now complete, and we are read
d eqU:%t to IIIRYL made in, town, sold at $L70 Forwards, H. Morrison, H. Jackson, J, with the aid, of a cane Visa y to,
a of her pu �e, no doubt, alem cemetery.
und& It it does not pleme you we wi d by the frail stati p 14 SuDDrnr DzAu.—The remains of the late give the public the very be t v ue for.
k 'turilL the Mo- Clennan., J. Oughton and K. McLean. turn was hastens, ils, but the hard'times ha
f . .1111, ne3. The III est father's bealth.—Mr. Smith, of Berlin, is, iniiigated agaipst her. We Would . like to David Meto were peacefully laid at rest
PP It Aim
#wk*. paid for all kinds Of trade, either In cas or their money. The assortmnt
V.41�jl we, want soni"Ice fowls and good butter, EDu0AToNAL CLAssm.—The winter edur visiting at the rei ence of -her brother� 'see the L Kindergarten � introduced into the Bluevale. the St. Peter's Cemetery, on Friday lait par—
d Mero was abriously ill � only about 24
rly large in
m4 *411 pay a good priea. tiblic school, then the children of 19,11 would
catioual classes at the Young Men's Chris- Mr. Rose. ButwTiEs.--Inspector Robb visited the
C. WILSON, Seaforth. ti As 'ation :are to be startedAgain Ka V11e its benefits placed Within their reach. school last Friday.—Mr. a;nd Mrs. F. B. hours. He had been 9jiuing for a few
an soci . I
This is a' matter which the Public Scott,were visiting in'Seaforth a c6uplo of days, but was always going about, He Was
JouRwAmsTio. —The WoodstQok Sentinel
ill -include thiq season a de
Bank of Commerce Block. shortly. The7 w ie
School, Board should consi r.—Miss All f can
.1 In -iting lass taught by Review is, evidently, one of the most pros- dayi- last week.�:-Miss Kit Patterson, o in a neighbor's house -most of the aftern
shorthand. and -typewi. 0 MILLINERY,
MoD nald, ho was laid up -with :illness, s -is
Mrs. Coleman, recently stenographer to the perous journal$ in Ontario. - Its Fublishl Glenmoris, visiting relatives in and on Monday, 'and di�d, early Wednesd-4y
01111 S�
of Air. Barker now nearly recovered. Nellie Y around Bluevale. —Miss Bell and Mr. Robt. morning. � He had taken. an acute attack if
Salt Assooiatidn, and a pupil office has recently been- greatly en- arged ani
second dvaighter of Mr. A. Young, i� at' n Atwood'—Mr. Hugh cholera morbus. Mr. Mero, was a native. of
ing; the father of shorthand in Toronto ;- a improved'both internally and externhilly King spe t Sunday at
d phsical culture: confinedto-her.roorn through III s'—lklrs. Ross shipped a car'lo%d of lambs to Buffalo Lower Canada, and migrated from there fin
violin elocution an thus giving increased facilities for the grow -
mud —Miss Luley Pugh is -visiting the year 18,50, settling 6 -alie
'Class taught b Miss C. McKenzie, of, ing business. Among other improvements Black and Miss Frankie, of-Pahnerston, on Wednesday. n" tlIe bank of L MITLE CLOT119
Xiis Nellie Carlile of Hensaill; We t her relatives here.—Miss Lizzie Johnston Huron, avifere he soon,. by dint of fiidustr�y,
,,re es a
the Toronto Conservatory of Kusic, and a in the plant, there has been added a - sp)en- J , u
of Mrs A.- Bauslaugh this week.' _N#e are has returned home, after spending some made himself a comfortable home. e *as
JbIS Fall season will find us''wore. than Utuilly class, tauht by Mr. W.Pren- did new d6itble cylinder press, while the
Book-kee CAPES
'a OkterL to the demands of our customer
6.0p Clothing. OwinZ to our increasing dergast, k A., of the Collegiate Institute. d4ily has been enlarged to a, n eigIA page -pleased to notice that Miss Hattie Brooks, month's in Goderich.' quiet, inoffensi06- mah, took no interest in
bly of Seaforth Nablic, affairs, but won'the respect and c
rtunites enjoye paper and the weekly to twel 2of of Sherbrooke, Quebec, r6cenl on-
itt ibis departffient, we have been compelled T hese classes give oppo ve pafes 16
iv4 and WhOWASL FURS
d Z vely, student at the Collegiate In
the whole, of the room which we formerly very few towns the size of f3eaforth, sin I seven columns each'. Woodstock is a Port Albert. - den,ceof allwh6made his acquaintana.
tor,clothing-, 0117 Fall stwk Is now rogressive, town, and the Sentinel Review stitute here, haa passed the Arts, Entrance ITEms. —On Saturday, 29th ulb.,Mr. Geo. He � was a consistent member of the, Roman
houldbe liberatilly patronized, They are,,
Von* PiletupouPilesof Suits and Overaosts, exam ination,' Donalda department, at M erry, Catholic Church. Hd'leavea a widow, thro &
we (der at unpr6cedenedly low prices; the of course, open to any who desire, to take eeps fully in advance of the progress of the Hawkins received a message from Ctrb
a very beat to be found them, dinglyy; 'GiIICQ'Ilege. This is one moke* wave to the Manitoba, announcing the death of his a sons mud three daugh�irs to mourn his loss,
julftsstyles.and finish th advantage of at the exceeffiDglY ace, And is a credit to it. We I congratti- - on
ck- '$
Call and inspect, at )prietor, honor of Sesiortf?s Co'llbgiate.—Aflss -Ja. Johii Hawkins, which took plac� that aft;r. TRIMMINGS
reasonable rates charged. ate t6 able and enterprising pr( all of whom are married and in comfortable
8 of son, of Mr. C. W. Papat's tationery and L of circustances.
Mr. A.* Patullo 4on these manifestation noon. Typhoid fever was the cause
PILCKARD 00"S. signed her position
WM. fan( -y goods tore, has re death. His wife also " ill of thesame
-NVEST HulftoN TE.Aonxas. The West hlyinereasing posp�rx y is
lk the Col- " —'We -have received a 01 The malady. —Misses J. W. Morrison and A. G.
argAln, Clothing and Dry Gooda House. lErnron Teachers' Association met in Opy and acc�pted a more pleu&nt an& lucrative Stafia.
in the Central Telephone office, d. at.
Seaf-oftK legiate Institute at God6rich, September Canadian Mute " published at the De�f and Situation . t e Hawkins took in the Goderich fair an
Dumb Inatibte, Belleville. This is On ex- London., During a enure of fourteen y ars ALAcTrms.—The irtineral of Mr.� John
13M d tended the Teachers' Convention in ic 00 p ac GLOVES -
27th and 28th. Mr. H. I. Strang welcome ownHeiron, wh * h * t k I ' e here on Thursd�y,
in Mr. Papat's office, Was Jacks'n hits en- last week. a
the members of the Association to Goderich ceedingly neat, well printed sheet of, eight
andiseliuckfull of most interesting joyed the esteem and confidence of all, anti. 28th ult.,
d'on behalf of the Trustee Board, present- pages .0 dependent. Order of Foresters and the Cana -
them with the freedom of the building. reading. It is gotten up entirely by the she leaves here with the best -wishes of a HOSIERY
kry.,4f Varria.
and J. Boyd and J. A. Dempsey were pupils of the Institute, under'the dir;ction large circle of friends and acqiiaintances, than Order of Chosen Friends conducted the
essrs A GOOD Rigcoim.—Mr. Win fellows,
R. of the efficient Superintendent, Mr. R. We have no hesitation in sayi�g that� Miss McAllister, burial service, and not the Odd
aTointed auditors aneI: 1&$SrS. L J. of this plaob, who has earned ;!or himself was stated last week.—M,'n-J`obn Sadler hts AND UNDERWEAR,
Peatherhead, H. I: Strang, R. E. Brown newspaper
Matheson, who is himself an old Jackson owill most faithfully and' effl-
DISTRICT MATTERS. man. The objects of the publication are: Ciently fill the duties of any position she, quite an envi;tble re�utation as a breeder of sold obt his stock, and rente& his store for
with Misses Vosper and MeMath were ap. 6y undertake.—We are much , pleascil to Berkshiie pigs, was very successful at the a term of years to Mr., F. D. Hutchison.
pointed a committee on resolutions. The That a numberof thepupils ni!�y learn type mO
Ating and other Work in Mr. George Turnbull's portly form on Northw6steriv fair, held in Goderich, Qn As Mr. Hutchison , is well �known for ()all and See our range.
following papers were read and provoked se onnection with see September 25t L h 9nd 26th. He secured five his uprightness and integrity, and is splendi
11trE Huuwx CF.,NTr..%j,.—The Huron Cen- in ."Ed- the business, and in this way provide them our streets again. He has been suffering firsts and one �econd; first for best pen of also a genial and, obliging gentlie ad also the low prices we are "kini
Vral Fair was held at Clinton on Tuesday teresting and profitable discussions of earning an independent Ii tt 1evere imn,
means reading any breedi diploma for best boar, a -d age, we predict a large business for
-habit of has I aforbestsow' of any age. Mr. We notice a very satisfied suille on the face
vIi. for severil weeks from a pr
ucation from a moral standpoint," by S. 'J. a
day last' and. considering the attack of typlioid fever. Aft. Turnt y
."C WedneS Boyd Penmanship and how to teach it hood; toncourage the all for our -goods.
mufavorable weather, Avas a decided success. Among the Pupils and deaf-mute subscribers, 90t quite a shake, but m ed con -
Miss Rush., Goderich . Model School GeG IPOM of our village Dominie these days. Causir"' a
rith.his rugg
-There was a good showbAh in the hall and titution he is likeI7 soon to rec&�eir his for-
"Wifli in Sinclair who is coming to the front
d to be an object of communication be.
giraphy—how I teach it," by W. McRob- an
the field, the former being particularly note- ner vigar. —Air. William Bubol�, south of as a reeder -of Poland China pigs, was also nine pound and 6, half girl.—There waw, 01
Ile Deri A. twe6n the parents and friends oi theL pupils I here
erts, of 1161meavi �ations," by cessful prize winner. fair turn6intat the Hibbert Show, held
The number and quality of ex- J. Moore. B. A.; "Rhetoric, - and how to of tbe Irmtittite, and all others who are in. Eginondville, is haying his residence brick Edward McFaul
-hi were, it c up to former years, but rich. ',The terested in the gieat work 4'educating this veneered--Whilb speedin 'the track a last Thursday. ain fell in the morn,49.,
teaeh it," J. S.. Cameron, Gode D st , on -but in the of ternoon the weatilibr was M'G'st
a rk-lan6e on Wednesday was not equal day or two befoze the Mr.. Jacob
teaching of Literature," by J. B. Weatfier- afflicted class of people. t is published Was Pn
t�k last This' falling off may be at. Weber's fine driving horse got on6 of his F. Scorr will take a;uction sales of delightful.—Mr. James Millar down SEAFORT9.
monthly at the price 6f 50 cents pe
head, With class; Home work, nature of, semi
-Ute the wet and unfavorable year. It if d f9re feet badly out. A loose oboe was the fa from $1 up, and not more than one per the'grand jury at Stratford this week.
ttib I a publication, eserving of en- 0300 'Dates can be arranged at the Brussels Post.
assigning and correction of same," by W.
-ville cemetery, on Wednesday afterfioon,,
Weduesda-v forenoon. The prize cause of the accident, But for this Satlef tion guaranteed both as to terms and Ethel. weather
publish4t next week. Mc6luskey. On the evening of Ahe 27th a couragement. It is now in' its third year of he
list wiR be, as held in puli would have taken first place and the red
very successful entertainmeilt w cation. ticket on show day.,Mr. William Cop ITFus.—Mrs. Heinsworth Of Listowelj.,j I'S was very lar ely attended, and the casket.
theAssembly room of the -school. The ol- .1 9 with beautiful wreaths or- T BRmFs.—A party were out shooting on was covere L
went to New York on -Monday. He 0 1 iting friends here.—Mr. 11. Fisher,Jof testifyLin
lo -wig officers were elected for the ensuing FALL MrrzxEmr OPEN-i�rv-s. —0-ar er- Tuesday and a number of them bein flowers, all
APL ANT F.4,rxivimL.—A most pleasant g inex- V18 g to the respect and
social was given last Monday evening by likely sojourn there during the if winter, and Mr. 11. Fisher, of esteemin which the deceased was held.
year ; President, J. B. Weatherhead , h season with perienced shooters, the result, was that Vaughan,, and leeMfUl.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Willis, at their commodi- hay business.—Mrs., there were a numbar of them nearly shot. visited at the -residence of Mr. L. lobZ Mr. T. Murdock, who has been so at
Helena ; vice-rresiden, Mrs. A. Robb. I*autiul weather for the opening days' Alex. Stobbie is visiting it the parental last week.—J. M.Henderson has m he�
�eua residence, on James - street. The oc'- Farquhar; Se6retary-Treasitrer, GOD. H01- 'Thursday, Friday and Saturday of last One of them got struck with a grain of shot oved his in securing the firt prize at all the races
stock of goods to Belgrave.—Mr. ParkhcMae
Aten was a. farnivell to Miss Jackson, who Most. residence. i .—Miss'Hargan re- between the eyes, so that it blackened lim attended this season, intends giving an -
man, Eliniville. One of the interest- week, and crowds of visitor's filed in, espeOl- turned home on Wednesday, after over tWo haq opened his tailor shop in the premises
WULX1>ou't to leave town,. and who ha been ing discussions of the convention was on'the ally on the fair days, when the * town was them,which was a close call for an exhibition of the -speed f his celebrated
-a valued member of the If ethodist chureb,L deplorable prac months' so ourn at Sault te. D'Michi- -Our schools are to have tdated by MT. Henderson. -�--It iL a repo horse, " King Staunton, on our race course
tice of underbidding for the ull of country neighbors and 4ranger. The arie, a, half -day's -holiday vi
d zealous teacher in the It Was L risiting he si�ter, Mrs. that Mr. John Eckmier has disposed of Ilia
a faithful an, gan, where she was x 11 . .
purpose of procuring positions. the -y aw - , I to -day, (Friday) so the children can attend on Saturday at 3- o'0ock p.
-fine displays of millinei I 4her goods
(Rev.) C. M. Thom' Brothers house and lot e Brownlee is'appending a few days in
pon. —At e Goderich the East Huron show. ---7M&ddpck
$abbath School, for a iumber of years. Al general opinion that nothing so tenfed to to Mrs. H. Savage, of
made by Messrs. Hoffman & Company, Me show held last week th 13th. concession of Grey. - -Mrs. Savage this
e Mes rs. Dale, of
the office bearers and teachers in 'the Sa- lower the dignity -of the profession as this Faul and Pickard were the admiration of are about quitting business/ in Brussels. week..—M-r. William Elder, our -pnter-
6kes possessi g perniciou who did not -Who their successor -will be is not known.—, tO dement a
Uth School, and also a numer of other the Huron road, got 8 prizes for heavy on' this fall.—Avon. Elliot,
t. 'The even . ing w I as a system. Many aluable hints. allho saw them, and those horses; Mr. James Snell, of I.Efullett, got 7 ru don, paid Brussels & the six-year-old s6n of'John Elliot, prising Iml. -geiit, is putti
*!end,& were presen were thrown out relative to making the purchase will be sure to return later R. 0. St thers, of Lon fell fr'qm very nice metallic f rout in 1" sb�op and-.
med With music, short addresses social I th I or LeiceAer visit this week. He leaves for England a WA otherwise improving it.
Is teaching profession Tore permanent. and make their selections for Fall and , Win- for cattle, &I e prizes gon. last Saturday and broke his arm"
r. William n
pr1z for -fat sh th 'ton, is visithig
4winversotion. and refreshments. Every one spee and first eep Mrs. Newcombe, of Cli
ter. Seaforth is unrivalle# in the county as le shortly.—Fall shows are the order of e - I NoTEs.—Has any person seen a Amy com--
A ister, of Stanley, ot dies for a friends here.—T-vir. D. D an$"
day at this season of the year.
eil in making the evenim- -a pletvant. and obsob, of- K
T. V. RuTL%wji&, the shoe man, is bound a place to secure' fashionable, satisfactory, ) mittee-about the town? Some weeks
�rtiemorable one for Miss ackson, and it is Berkshire pigs, and ..Mr. ill m Sinclair and Mrs. 0. Dobson, 'of the same. pla,618 qe
-ed to look after the lightin
to nil boots And show oheap in SeVorth. Being un- and eligap millinery. Judging by the dis- one was appoint in
not necessary to say that they succeeded ad- I;t f;ir- prizes for Poland China, visiting friends here. They mko on Tn6s-
WiIhS ablo to secure a better store., he has bought the stock plays, bats will be almost univeroally worn, Bruefield f our streets, and has never 1.*en =rf
inl�ably. Mr. and Mrs. and family Of R.Xelly and is having the store enlarged &-d VanEgmond is isitix� Triends in evening. few bonnets* �beina shewn. me will �ay from since, If alive, a report is in order.
filled with new goods. will open on Saturday with NOTION.—All- persons indebted to
We every one fed�.welcom nd at home. d Aylmer. — Airs, and Miss -d tl' t.
-e a Py reat Detroit an kin b ilders evi en ly an ict-
shoos on to at halt price, and ver comparti"' iety of sha" occupy dly call at once and make settlement, and obfte. Our enterprisin ui
ba Y' Feltha uag X&I Graham are visiting friends in, Detroit and j. MoljTosu.
thing in "Vokm esolunshros I a large share of the tables. There are oev- ewe er this fall as they
the ot e line cheap. I& atb
Windaor.�Mr. D. 11). Wils�nctiorried
CEMNT A2,70 ust" be�giinning severa
was a 4th line, h4v- are I new tesien
GOOD DAY's rom—There CALCIN--ED PLASTER.—Com- eral different styles of the English walking Iff Bn7viTiE9.—S1rs. (Rev.) Ross -paid`ur NOTFS.—Mr. Adam Scott,
V4 in prizes for his thorobred ock at tlt6- 0 in!V sold his farm, lately, had an auction
X-4.odly crowd on the Agricultuial -ground s 1�ete stock of English PorCand Cement, Thorold hat, which are handy suadurable, for com- vvillage a short visit on Saturday laat.—Mr. Rev. Messrs. Walker and Currie exchanged
r. William
en Tharsday afternoon last,'tbe first day of cement or Waterlime, and New Brunswick Calcine Seaforth and Clinton shqws. G6orge Forrest, of our village, has rented saTe on Tuesday of this -week. Everythi pulpits last Sabbath. —Mrs. (Rev.) T. Swan-,
mon Wear, being simply trintined with a 11
Plukr good and fresh; pdees right.. JoussoN BRos., Beattie left for Toledo on T raday. He sold welf; cows went as high as thirty., 'a' R5 I. ttending the W`omen�s Foreign ihe show, to witness the races and, other. fleafortb. band of ribbon tiea in - a flat bow at one �hia fifty acre farm to Air. 8amuel Reid, of
re. to.
4iports, and many amid that there was more For more dress war are the wide expects to get a situation he —31 Stanley.—Mr.. Rundel, of London, has thirty dix dollars, Mr. George Kirkty Society ing'trathroy this week.�-Rev. R.
BOOTS, SHOES, RUBvF.Rs.—Don!t fail to- side. y Thomas Downie left, ior Ohicag on Thurs- Wielded the haninier.—Air. A. Speir bad Weir, -who has been spending a few' ays.�
and better fun on, tha day than on the fol- brimmed felts with well defined crown, and moved into the old manse, lately vacated by
Iowing,,. Quite an extensive programme see GOOD ftoTuzits' price& We are leaving Seatorth
-day- -law, Mr -Q. George Moir
andill son at almost any prija rather than remove the plaque with an inseirted artificial crown. rs. Ross.—Mr. George Simpson halaced good sale on Thursday of last wWc; he�ls with his mother -in
sports had been provided by the local so- them. See advertizement on page 5. 18994 0 Mr. John lir-
The wide brims are gracefully bent and' a sign before his general store, so that he posed of a, lot of farm stock. left for home on Tuesday . last.—The i silx&
viety, and the several events were decided Kippen.
SHAWL% LOST.—On Saturday, 15th ult., rolled in a variety of ways and with the who runs may read.—Mrs. Nevin left on rie was the auctioneer.—AIr. J.Xelly is al�le anniversary of the settlement of the Rev. J.
T. vIELLis takes this opportunity of ask. Tuesday last for Edinburg, Dakota.—Mr. to be out again.—James Thuell' -new hoii�e S. Henderson will be celebrated in CareL.
-ss follows . Farmers' trottingf race,—Open between Irishtown and Seatortb, a winter shawl. addition of large ribboli bows, ostrich tips,
Ing all who havinot settled for twine to attend:.to
-i kindly leave at Trc ExpoartaR OFFICE.
to horses weighing pounds or over, Finder wi' jettpd..quills, fancy buckles, &c., &c. a very Dixon's sale, on aturday afternoon, was IS being plastered this week. - i. k church next Sabbath by special services -
the mine as soon as convenient and! oblige. Also
owned by farmersand to be driven by the stylish and striking effect is produced. these having accounts of long at ding will remem- well attended. Everything went at a fair Vroung's team Iran while at ie Blp- morningand evening.—The Christian En
farmer or his son —nn -le heats - best 2. in 31 DvRi.\-o the month of - October iw6 Will Birds are on everything, and are of f 11 ber that butiness cannot be run awn1thout mone& T day. last 'weelc. -vor Convention Clinton - r w
y give . large reductions in all kinds of boots and a-boes. L - ptice. Afr� Dixon baA proved himself a 'grave mill one Beyoiid des in Will d 'a a
.5. entries. sizes from the dainty humming bird M . NUIS. 2 -i- -o tha
This race was taken'by Mr. Win. Our stock Is larger -than necessary, and all those who I to the splendid hotel keeper. We trust his sq& breakingpart of the truck nothing a sel number of our chritian workers t t
Fowlees grey horse in three straight heats, -ill be bi green parrot. There -must- have Scpm.—Alr. George Taylor arrived home ces ous nutlike occurred.—A Ood many intefid —The death of Muster R
AA or us with their patronage this month w been a sor will keep an equally good hou%e. 9 town this week. 0364
2nd, E. C GolemLn, SW 'Simon at Mr. Samuel Pollock is reshinglinghis *house. taking in the fair at Brussels on . frida 'McPherson has cast a gloom over the whole -
amply repaid. Cagh only. R. Wimis T. Coventry v dreadful " slauallter. of the innocenta to on Monday la from Otta-wa, where he was y I'Of
Marmers' driver,—trot or pace,—open to Old Stand. 1M.1 :5 - exhibiting his- horses. He ained 3 firsts, 2 this week. AVroxeter and Fordwich slio*s town. He was a . general favorite, and
supply the milliners' demands for the ea- The time has come when people are obliged will
—OLpened a large range ad nter. .a e - b its
horses that never iron pa-blic money and AT GoLDE--,- Liox second.%, a diploma and a gof medal. This to p are th; w ek also yth, �vill ave
ent seasbn alone. Later on,fur mount , ad rppare for wi —bliss Jessie Jamie- - B1, be much missed in church and social circles.:
of turs, In muffs, storm collars capes, Z Ing and S� is pretty nearly &* svirbep.—Rev.,S. Acheson innings on the� 9th and 10th inst., th6
.,owned by farmers,—mile heats, - best tivo and tails will be use([ on both hats ( on- son is-visitincr relatives in London. n -:-Will it reqire another fire to stir our -
astrachan jackets, alio ladies' �Ioth jacke"ts, extra. 0
in, three. This race was taken b r. J.' nets. A trimmings is felt is this week in Toronto attending the Knox comes Dimg,%:un6n on the 12th inst.' ',:Et
r values and fib guaranteed, in black., navy, brown and new 0 town fathers to move i the direction of firl_--
:ffzugr'1VA cliesta-tit mare ; 2nd H 6,hesney, f&w.n. call and inspect. Sman & STSaT.; 18J9 and satin, braids, 'in imitation of straw, College Jubilee.—IMrs. Thom" McKay is Zuribh. would take ihem all to make one good oit�. protection ? -e have bad a few co4ly ex -
and Stewart & Cadmore aiii T. Thompson visiting friends for a montUl on, for Why not, all join together and make . a co periences, we
LAMPS AN -D GOODS. which are very prettily Worked in with can ill afford to have these -,re-
tied zficr 3rd money. F oot race, —Gne-third —call and ex- other materials. Bonnets are wider than the benefit of her bealth.ttmtisarist D. D. BRIEFS.—i Sainuel Miller and family ty fair? e v. r. Hami -ton will C 0- peated. A few hundred dollara spent im�
nfile,—Ist H. Tyndall, 2nd INI Irving amine our stock; priies reduced and stock complete. Wilson and W. M. Gray, of left last week for their home in Kilmanagh,
-Du it in the Preab -n chure this dire tion would be a I sting ben .
Boys' The best value in LtInteins in the market ; railway last season, in fact there is a tendency to Seaforth, will cupy the,:pu yteria C
Michigan, after a four week's visit here Auce, one third mile,—lat Georao iRp.tc;ps a speqw1ty. Joussox BRoo.. Seaforth. in hats- ao, some of the large IIQ berkn t Sabbath broadue5g visit the Sabbath schoo Bel raveon abbath next, at 11 o'clock a. T 'ad Win 13991 at the usual hour.—I&S. icker- has Mr. George B achnan has left for Toronto r. Thomas -Russell is cleaning up V pe
194, 2W. Jach�gn, 3rd Cline, brims being caught tip to form. a width to again carry on his college cour., Blyth.
resent 3e.—Mias.- front of his farm
Die !� roa,—Five wiles—lat, Alar �sE -By Aumiox a been called to Bright to the be side 6f her 0
I'duch excoeeding the length of the rticle. 'y - MILLUTFRy OPE-mxas. —Last Saturday—
ye Ifor .—The house at p 0 for Berlin, th4week, adding great"
occupied by Mr. J. 0. Rose in Egmondville, will be Mr. Maggie Well left a few days ago to the appearance of the place.—Fariners
-tinter, 2nd George Baldwin. Otie mile utup at auction on October loth,athir.Aadrew re mother, who is at present very poorly.—I �Where she idtends to stay over winter. --:-.f. Mine
The principal new colors a ' bleuet, which eveningbeing the Fall mi ry opening,
Robert Elgie, jr.,L of Tuckerswith, left on are busy digging potatoes and plo i '�!.
bicycle race-1-st George. Baldwin, 2nd A. P 1399-1 is just the old fashioned blue ; and Charles w1i, amongit our various millinery 4tores, thire. NVIhter. The clay's sports Were concluded Smith's sale. Friday last on a trip to Alkoina.�blr. Fred Kibler was elected last Tuesday even- Apple pulling is at hand too.
CIMLERS' �CTTENMON7.—A nlieeting of the �he Third, a magenta red. These two colors was a constant, stream!pf admirers passing:
with a, running race 'between Mr. J. Alti-r- Carson Moore has also returned to Algoma. lug by the Younu People's AXiance, to go
embers of the. SeaforLh Curling Club will be held at in pale, inediuni or dark shades are much
ray a grey borae and Mr. John proat's fo'&y to r. James Cooper, who has Oined'wide to Waterloo, as a delegate to the annual in and out- until time to close, and the, ex -
he Commercial Hotel, next Monday evening, for the used combined -with black. Brown never Huuett. pressions of.delight must have been very,
anare, ;vIblich. resulted in a victory for the election of officers and the transaction of other b I fame as a breeder -of sheep did I some good convention, which will take place next 118" -loses its hold on public favor, and this year gratifying t
ness. Jon WziRi Secretary. 139D I w'ek.—Philip Hauch and wife left l"t SFruovs AccrDr-NT. —On Friday o the various firms. No r vore -
work last week, covering one hu�dred miles e
EDo-ATiox CLAss-Es. —Teacher its varying shades are very pretty. Green the same flock of sheep, showing at Wednesday for New Dundee. They integil as Mr. Joseph Webster, of the 13th cone the 1plaises unmerited. The first visited.
have been is also a standard color. Cream and Navy wi 'Graham's presided over by Miss. -
regret to secured for the several subjects as follows: Violin Exeter, Goderich, Zurich and Seaforth all to 'Stay about two weeks and visit friends.in sion, wasdriving a load of wood, when ne4r was Mrs.
Instructions --bliss 0. L, McKenzie, A. T. C. M.. pupil will always be in mode, the former com- Mr. Freid Woodmap!s bridge just north of Londesb manner,
Aearn, froin a notice -which ppears n a -ft- it is supposed the front ti,6r fell forwa-0
bined with black, brown, or almost any in the space offour days,aud carrying home Waterloo and Perth counties.— oJo, B. Habkirk, in her usual affable
Off Mr. J. Hayley, To nto Conservatoty of Music. assisted by Miss Govenlock, of Seaforth.
other oolumn, that N -Ir. John Hanna, the Miss McKenzie would rioe pleased to secure pupils in a basket -full of first and secoild, prize'tick- Hess and Mr. John Wesloh were"at Seafoith'
color brightens and beautifie. a winter hat, last week with their rigs. They came home carrying Mr. Webster with it; the horses, The store was decorated in a very rtiStie��
well known butter manufacturer, has been elocution and pbysical culture.' Book-keeping and and for children nothing is - p ettier at any ets.—Mrs. R. McArthur, of Hensall, bpent and fashionable manner. They' bad a lot,
Commercial Class- -Mr. W. D. Prendergast, B. A., with a prize for each rig.—'Afr. Edmond' first trotting for a abort di8tanc roceedeL
forced to make an assignment for the benefit season. The milliners have I*en mindful of Tuesday last With her, sister, M �m. R. Hunt. -x here visiting up to the villa re. . J of hats of various kinds, but one seemed to'--L.-
Zeller, from Merlin, has beei Mr. Woodin who w
Seatorth Collegiate Institute. Shorthand and - Type- 1 9
Mr. flannah was one Of writing�-Xr4. I- Coleman, pupil of 31r. Barker, 1he —Everybody says potatoes are small crop.
of his oreffitors, all es 'and degrees. Saifiplw of large, the his parents and other friends, and took in plowing in a field near by, a at h call forth' -great praise, it being a pure,-.
the first in the Proince to commence butter father of shorthand in Toronto. Sufficleat -pupils comf6rtale bonnets for old ladies were on —The meeting 'which was called for. white one with dve in the front. We.
makin- oh the creamery plaii. -As is the IAV.e already been secured for the violin and book- the best and grandest fall, show ever held happened and immediately rai� to where are sure the ladies must find somet
keeping to aesure good classes in these stifijacts. the tables, with abundan6e of materials puipose of organizing a literary society was here.—liss Maggie Holtzman, who has IyArebsterlwas. Hel soon arrived and
case with every new enterpris6 he had an ry orders for duplicates. a success and a number of good talent be- T to Dr. Young's officio.
These will begin Tuesday, the 9th, and Friday. the awaitin, Pretty been in Toronto, is back bome again.—The was soon remove this large 'and fashionable store to suit.—
vp�bill job, bitt of late years tke advantages 12th lust.. respectively, in the Y.- M. C. A. rooms; of wool and silk, for babies, and lov"ely bame members, with Mr. R. urdie wbere his wounds were dressed. One of hia D. B. McKinnon & Co's large store war,
quarterly meeting in the Evangelical church
otthi system were becoming ila are re- down trimmed hoods for older children,were
8 1 so generaly bdok-keepiag class at 7:30 p.m. F3;irpup the President's chair. A tter ch *ce
45 quid as& nucleus for the shorthand class (private y and Sunday, presided over by jaw bonibs is bailly fractured and his hem�d decorated in fine style, but when you reach-
reciated by the people, that the business.
App lessons it desired) For further PSirtiCUISrp, apply temptingly displayed to c�tch the fond could not be made for he is always firs last sit�ma tart
wa� a most terribly cut up. He was taken home in th� ed the millinery de tment it seemed as
was -commencing to push itself, and Mr. the front for the interest Rev. D. Grey, presiding elder,� . as
to Mr. Win. Somerville, Q.. N. W. telegraph offl Je. or mother's eye, and- remind her that rude of the young. -1
1anuah thought he could see day light, and 1899-1 Borea s' northern blasts will soon be here to other meeting. is called for Friday evening, successful and enjoyable one. afternoon and has been lying in a or ittacq'I though mortids sue we were not fit t* -
to T. 0. Kemp. at -ate ever since.—Mr. Arthur Tivitchell, JT enter, it- was just one beautiful array of the,,-
chill- her darlings unless protected Clinton, happened with a ver u ac MQ 4ble colors in ribbons, hate that ere long he would reap some reward for by some the 5th, for further business. All interest- at f"hion
1his toil and enuerprise, But, there is notb- NOTRS — The build such de cliants are ed are cordially. invited to be pr6s�nt.—Mr. Goderich.
9 fiers as our mer dent on Wednesday of last week. He w, bonnets, trimmed in all the latest styles.
0 stire in this world as disapointment. formerly occupied a's a. 6range hall has belun shewing so abundantly. The show rooins MeTag art and T. � Mellis will visit the Sab
[�KiLLED.—A young son of Mr. Samuel repairing the roof of a stable or barn for. Miss Smith head milliner, excelled herself.
-Vii year the bott j4is 3
oment ont of the but- sold to Mr. Hawthorne, whose property were tastefully draped and decorated with bath 8c
'ools of Hills Green and Goshen line iZderson, of.Dtingannon, was killed by - a S. Brown, 2nd concession of Hullett. Th4 sea Bentley were too busy to ar-
ter market completely, and lie was unable joins it. The r6stilts of this sale will IV -silks, ribbons and flowers, and the win- next Sabbath at their usnal hour range their store in their usual
runaway team Ia9t Friday, in SaItford. He had ascended a ladder some fifteen feet onto
to realize for the manufactured article the remaing stockholders another (fivi- (lows were gay -with beautiful things of 611 picking is keeping the little folks busy. iit 1466ked very nice, as they had some very
was standing up on the -wagon trying to rim the roof and a lad -.nameil, Harry Watters'
en(, e
mgh to �ay -for the raw inaerial, to Bay dend �of. several dollars e%ch. Mr. Haw-' sorts. Mr. E. McFaul's May -pole window them in, �vhen they ran under a low followed, The latter evidently started somi fine ladies? wear.—And rson & Elder alsa-
uothing of reintinertiou for his labor. This thorne is main- considerable improvement excited much admiration. ayfield. 0
brancliedtree. Hisakullwas broken, and boards to slide and was precipitatedalon�k failed to have a regul r :kening, as Miss.
los"t., coupled those of former. years, we�
aout his premises, as he intends to reside CALL at H. F. Edwards' on show day, he died instantly, after striking a limb df with tb fr. Twif..' Crocker didet return until too ate, but
and see what he has to offer. Special bargains In all e ladder to the ground. A
was, evidently, more than be could stand, here in future.—Any perso6 who notedthe LOCAL B-RiFms.—Mr. Isaiah Holman came the tree. He was 19 years of age. chell, from the. oving of the boards, 10 are safe in saving that they will receie-
us departments.. 130-1
and he was foreed to give up the truggle at concourse of peopI p ing th pgh .' their usual aniouiWt of patronage. We arer--
up from Berlin on Friday -last, to remove ome his footi and was compelled to go to t
or fields, he 11as our villacre to the fair on Friday last, 611- his family from here to that town. Mr. 111ol. aglegon, Of from Fort William a month ago, sick with round. left -ankle was broken and lf'�'s� sure the ladies of this place do not need to-
ike may others in pione LoCLIT113s. —Robert Hogarth came h
L BnEEzy Loo.,Lm.—Misa E
donemorefor the country, a gret deal Stephen,, is the guest of Mrs. R. Rouat.— bc�f go away for their mil'
dressed and conveyed in handsome ip, man has embarked in the flour and feed bu.,,- rphoid fever, and is sidl. - very low. His lef t, arm bad linery, as Blyth wilL
ly sprained, while the
on' Mr. John Eason is at Nairn on a�visit to his
than he has (lone or -hims'elf, a, d Others �31
L would certainly c clude that. the chr me iness in Berlin, and his numerous friends in wife is now taken down with the same dis- escaped with several braises and sprains. eompare favorably with any of the cities.
Ow daughter.—Mr. Herbert Collodiiy returned
will profit fr his losses. ButY no doubt, cry of " hard tirnes " is the eripst fa ce Huron will join with us inishing him sue- ease.—Miss Maggie Fowler is also down
the good work he has begaa will not be il the fact remains that business in every on Monday from Goderich, where he has
cess.—Mr. William Young, exreeve of Col- ith typhoid fever, but she seems to be im-
lost, but it will be continued by others if line is terribly depressed. . A steady de been working this summer, an& expects to 1 Hensall. Farquha.
borne and ex -warden of Huron, was in town roving.—Mr. Yule, formerly the night
not by him, He h ' leave this wbek with other fishermen for P erions ancl.
ent the best years Of crease in price of the staple products. (From an 80melonal correspondent.) SEPious AcciDEsT.—A most a
of on show day, the guest of his old friend, Mr watchman here$ is doing duty until a
his life in an bonet effort to make the en- Greenock.*—Mr. Robert Elliott has finished painful accident befel one of our most re-
agricui has been the order for some BRIEF.Q.—A large number from here a6.
terprise a saccess, mid now lie leaves off a James McMichael. Mr. -Young has consid- spected ciizens on Tuesday las 'N
ork at. the bridge.—Mr.- T. J. Alarks has regular watchman is appointed. . If we tended the World's Fair at Zurich,
years, but thanks to the, paternal minisira- erably passed the allotte W t. Mr. John,
d span," and stiji could only prevent the hotels from harbor- 6A ,
good mani tbousands of dollars I oerer thain tions of a protectionist government, almos"t had erected a handsome verandah on the Thursday of last week, and report it as beL Tacker, who reidei on the Thames Road9
lie seems hale and hearty- and as he says ing the police, it would *be possible for a
istry, pluck r hing on
when he commenced. His indi nea 'here, was engageZI in thres
every necessary of life maintains the maxi- a pain nor ache."-- north side of his. residence. On Sunday ing very good.—Mr. J. E . M61)onell au�
and persevenmee deserved a better reward. inin price of years ago. Better lower t himself, has ",ii6ither last Mr. Hall, -of Toronto, preache very man to be in that position'and . keep sober; Dr. Thomson. were in Ails& Craig this week� farm of Mr. Archibeld McKellar ffl*bberL
Mr. Thomas Lapslie is gettin thd tiniber —Mr. Thomas Harris is shipping apples for
9 He was working a machine lia d, harmg:
tariff -wall and give. the farmer a chance to and lumber for his new barn from Wiarton. acceptably to large congregations at St. the farmers this fall. attending the fair and visiting friends il,*
�V FooTD-mL.—Tlie game and the (lay de- bi y in proportion to the prim be is com. He says lie can et it better and cheaper Andrew's church in the eveuixfg, giving a and neaj the the latter f ull taken the place of another man for the d
re, and report
(,I a. lrger crowd than the one which pei-led to take forlthe prodAct of his indus- al most practical address to young men. On more pleasurable than the former.—A num About noon, after some of the hands werez
serve there tban nearer at hau'd. -:-Mr., Archib d
atteii6d the football match last Friday try. Ile will then be able to make larger Sunday next, r Richardson is to preack. Wingham. er
_gone to dinn Land just as the machine
Bishop, ex -M. P. P. for gouth Huron, was ber of our villagers intend taking advantage It
�7? forenoon. The comiter �tttraction of the purchases and thus aid in setting ino A few w6eks ago we stated that Mr. thi! slowingdown,11T. Tacker had occasion to,
peration in town on kbow day. Mr. Bishop al- WAMINd S. —A large crowd attended our on Thursday, Friday aud
The i-natch so much manutacturing plant n though still Weak, is get�ing along i' I Walker, late of Detroit, had cofiimenced an fall exhibition last week. The show was on top iof the separator, and in some way
Fair nG dmi'bt drew some a-wa ow lying week, of the cheap excursion rates W 90
y nice Y,
Aiolstering business here. He now occu- vefry g?od and the weather was fine.�Quite Detroit.—Mr. C. Purton- tuaent of his foot slipped and he stepped down on thw
-was wih the Rangers ofo Berlin, and WAS idle all over this country. --After diligent and hopes to take part in two or three elec- ul
'the firit of the autumn series. Both teams enquir hoto gal- cause feed board. F6rtately the ed War&
we have been anable to locate that tion fights yet.—One of the plate glass pies the premises known as 'the an excitement wa d in town on Mon- Huron College, and who has been supplying fe
L lit
showedawaut of trining, but notwith- Ornge lodge said to have been lately orgap- lery, and has just received a large order to broke under his we ight and lie went rI
indows in the Golden Lion store was mattresses and lounges.—On day evening by a runaway. The tearn, the pulpit of, St. Paul's church here during his
The ized in this village, and as all ernoon by some boys in which was Ii -itched to a wagon, started at the past few months, preached his �re
standing ths all plaved pretty Well. the olfi'cers broken on Monday aft anufacture down through., bit unfortunately his:
Seaforth forivard Iir�e comWned prettily. but nmed belong to town, we pi Monday evening last Brigadier� and Mrs. came in contact wi A the rapidly revoli
resume some throwing stones. This is the second glass the grist mill, ran down main street and sermon on. Sabbath evening last, deliverin:- lug;
8 � cylinder, and a e,, taken clear out
got within scorIng
failed -when tlie3 ;'dis- one has blundered.—AV e look for. a large. broken in this store in the sa Margetts addressed'a large audience at the stopp d at the Bluevale road. Severa: rigs a good, thoughtful discourse, and hi r
ine way.— e
-a. Both an
tance. The forw�Lrd line of the Ran aers'7%vas cyathering at Mr.Sn'u'bh's sale 0 Wednesday Messrs. J. W. Livingston and E. T..Kellam -Salvation Army Barrack are *earnest were -broken. down d' i were well received whiRle here between the knee and kle, and the. boyet
urinz the runam ay.� vices
eakers and their remarks were received Mr. George Williams,,
to bez, -1
t 8p James ; fiuthe�rland,,,. postmaster� and 1117314 WAs 80 hattered that the leg had
-the strougg, part of their teani, lant th'ey were -next, as his lon and faithful ervices. de- have left for Toronto to resume heir edi wh; has bee) I for
with interest. Amumber of soldiers ere, with amputated a few inches below the knee.
over matched by the strong defense of th'e serve a royal send off.—Mr.Rei ei having cal stu'dies ; Aessrs. J. Jackson, C. - Willis, some time employed with Mr. George New- Sutherland, are spending this week Had the feed board not broken, 'Mr. Tucker-
enrolled.—The fair here next Tuesday and 'The Re
Hurons, and did not succeed in pittti*g a considerabae Change made in t residence J. McKinley and McLeod will attend ton, barness maker, left town this welek to friends in Forest and vicinity.
i -A OR to their credit during the whole gaine lately purchased by him in is village, lectures at ihe . Unii7eksity ; J. Hogg will Wednesday promises' to e a huge success'. startbusiu'ess in Londesboro.—Irliss Y. Hartley, of Bluevale, Was in the Vil* wou MOB gone bodily -
he Hurons scored twice, once ill etWi part which will add very much to its comfort and begin the study - of - medicie, - and Heber Already a large number of entries have Jotte McDonald intends starting a dress and lage this week, attending the funeral of into the cylinder, and mils an -deatil wouldL
have been the res.. gh-be has
A)f the game-- Next Sturday they pl.%y the appearance. Mrs. Girundy, of Lucknow, Morrison will -attend the school of practical been received. mantle making business in the shop Master: Ross McPherson. — Miss Woodst But, althou
r-eturn match in Berlin, the team that and Mrs. Foster, of Michigan, were th e science. We venture to assert that the some time has re+. much to be thankful for, it is bad en h
I&tely occupied by Miss Maggie John- who has been home for
.�cores. the greater number of goals in the guests of Mrs. Muldre' L elet. it is. Mr. Tucker is still at Mr. NICK
w for some (lays last iforth mrho are this session ston. — The first anniversary of turned'to her un.cle's, Mr. McPherson`&-"'� students from Set the
He stood the operation well , -and at last Re -
two matches will be he winner. The -week.—The annual thankoffering meeting attending school in Tor -onto caft do up the (Rece d, too ilate f insertion last, week. English church herO, was . held last We very much regret this week to have t4-
Alissio counts he was doing as- well as could be ex-
preston team defeated ast 'Saturday of the Women's Foreign I n Society -of representatives of any other town in Canada ITEMS. r. Has 'e's house w struck Sunday, when the 'Rev. Canon Davis chronicle the death of Master Ross McPheit�
I to a at Preston they play a-ain, next our churcli,on Monday last,was -well attend. at Association &%ard working, industri-
football.—INdrs. Coofi, -of by lightning on Thm-aday. There wa-i not preached to very large congregations. A n, the youngest son of Mr. Alexander Mt!+' pected. Hewas
tors in this contest ed and proved of much interest to those Philadelphia, was visiting friends in town much damage done, with the exce tiou of bar erso I ou man, aigId this will be a. serious set -back
Saturday, and the iL Ph merchant jailor, of this place
p vest song service was held on Monday to him. Much ympathy is- felt for him. in.
will then play home and howe matches with present. The address of the President of the this week.—I%frs. W. N. Watson and Miss one chimney being kuocked off occurred- on Monday fore
and a large ev�ning. Miss Welly-MeHardy was organist. which said event
Nfrs. (Rev.) Fletcher, Bell have arrived home from their sojourn hole burned inthe floor and part of the cel- —The You PeoTle's Society of Christian noon, after a severe illness of inflammatiq
the winners of the Ranger—HuKon match. Presbyterial Society, the neighborhood where he is well knowix
ted quite'as much in was Well received, and contained much to in the Old Country. They had an exceed. lar wall being badly cracked.— Potato and Endeavor, noftbe resbyterip church, held of -the bowels, caused by swallowing somo and much respected.
hall is not apprecia
o�uuie (,jeserves. This niy encouragethose-working in so laudable& ingly, pleasant
orth as the time.—The new bowh apple picking is the principal occupation of a very successful " At Home " in the base- seeds, and which illness was so acute that it
een in counee
LIN the people in this vicinity.L-The - -9ev. - Mr. meut of the church on Tuesday evening. only lasted a'few days, when, despite all
owing in part to the modestv of the. cause. NIrs. Fletcher seems well suited for gr tion with the skating an —Annie Jane Nelson, relit of -the late -
s. Twice have the Huron; won the the position occupied,. having a pleasing curling -rink was formalli all seemed that the beat medicalkill could do, there en�y
player. 0 opened Xon Durnfor�j preached his farewell sermon on Aefreshments were served and AJr. Samuel Monteith, died 'very sudd
ce in the Senior League in - the presence, an easy flow of language and a lee physicians in attendance at the on Sunday evning) 23rd ult., at the resi-
highest pla day, and the fi rat bowl was' cast by Mr. Stindayiii our villag6 'the entertain
ther athletic club, in comprehensive grasp of her stibject.—Aliss James McMichael and 0 —Conductor -Snider well pleased with ment.—Miss being th, Mr. Nelson Monteith,
I Provinc while no 0 the second by 'Mr. wilr deli�er his i lecture, " Life Carrie McDouald� who is attending the last, the -sufferer passed away in the very deuce. of her son,
Downie. - Mrs.
7 some of them- areverystrong, ord and Miss Ingram, of Hensall, have John Wier. I of the township of
town,and t is in splendid condition and on the R�il in Clifford on October 5th, Clinton Model school, ipent Sunday under bloom of manhood, being y
ul 19 years of reeve
lived thero..
has ever reached the highest notch in the been the guests of lMiss Stewart this Week. there will likely be lots of - fuu there until under-th and &e bereaved fam Monteith wasne of the best known ladies
o &uspices.of the Rpwort�� League. the parental roof.—The Misses Jessie and age. His parents
m Fax will attend a bone -the Gore
The Collegiate —Mr. PeterNafooiZe and family leave -for their the ice rink is ready. Cl eart e sympat of Downie, havinj
se.nior scale of competition —Mr. Kelly, who has —Ji ert i ifford-1,Belle -Xicol, of Boissevain, Manitoba, are have the Ancere nd h f It -by of. in
inuidti ry
institute- club has held the Houfli cup for new homey near Port Finlay, Algoma -, to- been carrying on a boot and shoe business on October I Ith. Miss Emily Potter spent the guests of Was Roe.—Miss F. Perking the coin r in their ve miA �berome. for- many years. She was 47- ys�ra of age�.
ef* They go by train to JVi $ - . I Plud tb" oy d . arton and. here forome time has disposed of his -MahooWs. �;he leaves -on of Mriist is visiting her unde, Mr� W =ent. Theftineral �cortegt t4l� tke Rofter�: ons., and has not day. -stock last week, at Mir. on
g06d Sui�9041
out. Let i
1�4 Ast your last
it, is
th1wo ye
Am tbe be�ui
Aowin.g for F�l
A -s r0lPT& nl�
notexcelled bv aw
;V -
me hnvesu asserl
Ire . Overcoats, ;=7
black 'Or brown, �`at $1`
overcoats. au
overcoatings, V!
We are leaders W
you�*&-nt rew
e,jaodf.�, oome Agil
kind we turn out.
A -,i- 'hut *6 best -ol
ie aua our.
emug.k for AUY
.T&W,e for your maney i,,
4C��U`Tweed Suiting..
f16" Tweed Suitiugs tw.
We, are lea4ir-A it.
W� *I* 'Showing awa
-an ot xen!s And BOY,
Melton, FA6
Ve J" confident
are sbown t
but how.,good "I
..Vw- fine.
Ve we -cloimg out A
Jff&t8J Ma
bw J�ef t. All'
$1.50 in this line Will
at 75c- W1.10 "le, in -J
of jtjL.a good Sf
We axe Leaders-
S A Vn
Th4BB; r -,sl
One of the TO t a
_0- the
wan handicapped bK
--y -on 8 OW
Me gmt Hm
Thv,tra and Fria#Ly
W n - T
ot sow.11was
withstanding thial -the
show, in thei hall. Thiel,
11WAwls -magnificent disp
Maily every &partme
Uffies delpartmAtit andf
tables, were particulatly
-excellenee. There was:
4 Dairy Product$ and,
Aow was the best seen J
The rain commenceit �'
t was hoped it, wou
and i
But these hopes were
'The directors had mud,
br a. "big <lay" but the,
vlouds from weeping.
tervAls -throughout th
withat6ndin this dmw
J rs E cNea in
. . h -we
o ver,
umaed sud ��tinued'v.
MUt# Aig'btl. Many Wht
waitxem� the gromidt
waft not sible to we
wowd in the Uft and
Voum, t*b was
muny and a loas'to the,
vriza. were,largely
vop&s wtire
the gate A
taen in at
the weather been fa,
would, have, footed -up t
withao, 1W
_pastponed on eacount
Vloquently soft condiflo
W& takie place next So
U fsvomble.,. - Tb e -fall
It J Dale, John
Z;eey.e&rsf J01
volt�,G Dali�,, J Dale, I
til John Shortroed.
J Shortreed,
r 01d.gelding, J D.
Ye Arling -filly,
Yeaffing gel G
to Dole
'ON -- �
',4r thr Y�.*a=,
-for lot J P Fisher.
raised.a foal in 1-894,::.
]d0Xi=On J
Mexinmu, stare
1TWO year Old fillyl
Zrpwn, Jauips Mccl
W&TRDss. On
X%onison, Hug4 Re&,
9 Jawes'M
ters. ta 6
Scott. Stallion unde
Brood mare
rs �ge-
tt A Stewart, M I
4afilly George Tho
10tt6yeari old g-�Lldll
110tsel, A Forbes, R, F
a0rievt, R Leather
�Ca I
i;�&;d, Bira Brot
Knor., 'R Ponar&
?nfr, , P .
M h ftg, Biril Dr,
Amdft tw* jeaiv,D
A, Sm
IT W- 4"