HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-10-05, Page 74. maim' three- ckory. ; als- o sell egular I who, t the few of lea of - for ta, eces, for- -T-1.75, es, very a for $ea,. r $1.74 for $2, n to the Lamps, id Lamp ,00res at of fresh. rinds of gehange eall and rt h. 0 te& ate - for the roth- Sea. sent. reto- late can king E. 'af 1"7;s: 0 KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improveMent and tends to personal enjoyment when, fightlynnsed. Tho many, who live be0 ter than others and enjoy life more, with „less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to he needs of physical being, will attest :the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the reraealy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is duo to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- -ant to the taste, thc refreshing and truly beneficial properties ef a perfect lax - tiro; effectually cleansing the system, c:)Ids, headaches and fevers permaneatly curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and -mot with the, approval of the medical prefeseion, beeauso it acts on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels withoutweak- -ening them and it is perfectly froe from every obeiect:onable substance. Syrup of F:ge iz for sale by all drug- gists in tilic. bottles., but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup ooly, whoa e name is printed on every package, oleo the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accent any substitute if offered. The Seaforth Show Prize List. The following is the list of prizes awarded -at the South Huron fall show, held in Sea - forth on Thursday and Friday of last week: Hansus.—Imported Heavy Draught,. - Brood mare, E Fotheringliam. Foal, E Fotheringham. Two year old fillv, Wm Coleman, C Dale, jr, James Ross. Canadian Heavy Draught„—Brood mare, George Dale, James Reynolds, John T Dickson. Foal, James Reynolds., George Dale. Three ,year olds, W Dale, John Dale. Two year olds, W Dale, James Paterson. Yearlings, George Dale, John Dale. Team, George 'Turnbull, James Reynolds. General Purpose,—Brootl mare, W Dale, T Colquitorm. Foal, T Colouhoun, D 1\Ic- Tavielt. Three years, T Coltruhoure H For- syth. Two year olds, P M Chesney, James McTavish. Yearlings'John Dale, Hugh Ross. Team, James Patterson, W Logan. Lit:11T HonsEs.—Carriage,—Brood mare, R Pollard. Foal, 0 S & W Black, A Curry. Three year olds, G E Cre.swell. Two year olds, P McKay, R Common: Yearlings, G Whiteley, R Pollard. Carriage Pair, Chas. Wolf, A MeMurchie & Co. Single Carriage Horse, 8 Hunter, H Vermck, A MC - Murchie & Co. Roadsters,—Brood mare, R Wilson, R Charters, R Common. Foal, R Wilson, AV Dale. Three years old, R Wilson. Two year old gelding, Samuel Wise, R AVilson. 'Yearlings, H J Grieve, R Govenlock. Pair roadsters, Hugh Grieve, A Forbes. Single Roadster, A Forbes, R Frost, R Wilson. Mr. R. 1.Vi1son's special for roadster brood mare and foal,- R Wilson. Mr. M. Y. Mc- Lean's specials for farmer's driving horse or mare, 8 Hunter, P McGregor. CATTLE.—Durhams, Aged cow, Ist and 2nd D D Wilsou, 3rd AV Carnochan. Three years old, D Wilson, Elcoat Brothers, D D Wilson. - Two vear old heifer, let and 2nd D Wilson, 3rd John Avery. (inc year old heifer, 1) 1) Wilson, Elcoat Brothers, Heifer ealf, D I) Wilson, Tames Broadfoot„ Elcoat Brothers. Bail calf, D I) Wilson,- Eicoat Brothers, Herd,D D Wilson, W Carnochan. Grades,-- Aged cow, lst and 2nd 1) I), Wilsern Two year old heifer, 1) I) Wilson, t;R Cresswell. One year old. heifer, 1st sand 2ad1) I) Wilson. Heifer calf, D WiIsor G E Ciesswell. Dutcher& Cattle,—Two year old steer, T • Case, 0 Dale, jr. One year old steer, I) D Ayrshives,—Cow, lst and 2ad, Thomas Hill. Heifer, Alexander Gray, judges,—Henry Heal, Mitchell ; James Gana, Wawanosii. SinEEP.—Leicesters„—Aged ram, George Penhale„ R Charters. Sheol:ling ram, G Penhale, R Charters. Ram lamb, -William Grieve, R Charters. Pair ewes, 0 Penhale, R Charters. Pa-ir shearlings, Ist and 2:nd 0 Penhale. _ Ewe lambs, W. Grieve, 0 Pen - hale. Pen, 0 Penhale. South& ens,—( E Cresswell took all prizes, six its, two 2ads and diploma. Shropshires,a-Aged ram, James Cooper & Son,John Averv. Shearling ram, lst and 2-nd, J Cooper & Ron. Ram Iamb, lst and 2ad J Cooper & Son. Pair ewes, J Cooper k Son, William Grieve, Pair Shearlings, J Cooper & Son, John Avery. Ewe lambs, lst and 2nd James' Cooper & Son. Pen, janies Ceoper & Son. FAT SHEEP.—Pair fat ewes, Elcoat Brothers. PIGS.—Tamworth, ..A.ged Boar, F Schoales. Boar, James Derrance (extra.) Aged sow; D I) 'Wilson (extra.) BERKSHIRE, —A ged Boar, —Charles Troy- - er, F Seh oales. Young boar,lst ond 2nd,W McAllister. Young sow, lst and -2nd W McAllister. Any other Breed,—Young boar', lst and 2nd W Sinclair. Aged sow, 1st and 2nd W Sinclair. Young sow, lst and 2nd. W POULTRY.—Light Brahmas, Joseph Cook, 'W Aitchison. Dark Brahmas, G Irwin, AV Sinclair. Plymouth Rocks, Joseph Cook, George Irwin. Cochins, Joseph. Cook, Mrs H- R Walker. Langshans, W Sinclair, Joseph Cook. Colored Dorkings, Joseph Cook.Collection singing birds, lst and 2nd. George Irwin. Any other variety Dorkings, W Grieve, George Irwin. Game Fowl, 1st' and 2nd • Joseph Cook. Black Homburgs, George Irwin, A Currie. Houdans, lst a.nd 2od 0 Irwin; White Leghorns, George Irwin, W Hartrey. Brown Leghorns, Ed Barnet. Black Spanish, Wm ,Aitchison. Black Minorcas„ George Irwin, W Hoary. Wyandottes, Joseph Cook. Any other variety, George Irwin. Turkeys, A Calder,. W Grieve. Toulouse geese, W Grieve. Any variety geese, James Patter- sons'W Aitchison. Pekin. ducks, George Irwin, Joules Patterson. Rouen ducks, 0 Irwin, Mrs H R Walker. Any variety bantams, George Irwin, Ed Barnet. Mr. Hartrey's specials for Leghorns and Minor- eas, lst. and. 2nd James Beattie. Birds Bred in 1894,—Light Brahmas, G Irwin, lst and 2nd. 'Dark Brith.mas, George Irwin, Ed Barnet. Plymouth rocks, Geo kr,win, Ed Barnet. Cochins. Joseph Cook, Eal Barnet. Langshans, Joseph Cook, Ed Barnet. Colored Dorking's, Ed Barnet, .0 Irwin. Any other Dorkings, 0 Irwin.(4a,me Fowl, lst -and 2nd Joseph Cook. Black .1raniburgs, Wm Aitchison. White Leg - horns, lst and 2nd W Hartrey. Brown 4ghorns, 0 Irwin, Ed Barnet. Black '4Etnish. Win Aitchison. . Wyandottes, Joseph Cook. BIa.ek minorcas, lst and 2nd Hartry. Any varieties not on list, Joseph Cook. Turkeys, E 0 Coleman, G Irwin. Geese, 0 Irwin, W Grieve. Pekin ducks, George Irwin, Rouen ducks, Children Cry for Pit and 2nJ Wflhtam AitchioAny other' .4iicke. Wired* '•Vit -Griette.....: Any, -varlety Banton*. Ed' Barnet, . 'ragesi—Charles Aettet Seaforth,--Thos._ McLachlin, Mitchell.- • • IMPLEMENTS.—Farm wagon, D lklepon• aid, Double top buggy, H Grieve. . Top phaeton, 0 C • Wilson. , Top buggy, Fred Hess, II ,Grieve. -Open buggy, H Grieve, Fred Hess. Double pleasure sleigh, H Grieve. Single piano box cutter,- H Grieve. Portland Cutter,- H Grieve. Set of heavy bobsleighs; g Blarton it- Son. Road cart, H Grieve, Fred ,Itess. Iron beam plow, H Grieve.- Sulky plow, 0 C Wilson. Culti- vator, D McDonald. Gang plow, Estate of T T Coleman. - Pair of iron harrows D Mc- . Donald. Roller, 'Estate of T. T dolman. Turnip cutter, /Estate of T T Coleman, H Grieve.. -Horse .hoe, Estate of T Churn, 1st and 2nd 0 C Willson. Wooden pump, lst and 211d J S Welsh. Building brick, Sproat Brothers. . SPECIALS. —Agricultural boiler, H McIa- tosh. Ensilage cutter, 0 0 Wilson. Horse power, 0 C Wilson. Universal power jack, Estate of T T Coleman. -juntens.—Alexander M Ross, Robert Robinson, S A Moffatt, GRAIN AND SEEDS.—Fall Wheat, white, Wm Kerslake, M Brethour. - Fall wheat, red, D Brethour, M Brethour. Spring Wheat, M Brethour, 0 Brethour. Six - rowed. barley, M Brethour, James Patter- son.' Two -rowed barley, M Brethour, Wm Kerslake. Large oats, MI Brethour, I) Brethour. Common oats, M Brethour, M Mdcay. Black oats, M Brethour, D Breth- oisr. Large peas; George Brock, M- Breth- our. Small peas, M Brethour, Robert • Brock. Mummy peas, M Brethour, Tim- othy seed, M Brethour, James Patterson, Flax seed, M.Brethour, D Brethour.. White beans, M Brethour. . Clover seed,' Elcoat Brothers, D Brethour. Collection grain ill ear, M Brethour, D Brethour. - Judges,—T. 0, Kemp, Robt. Scott. Dams- PRODUCE.—Five pounds butter, James Patterson,. Mrs. J Burge, A: Buchan- an. Ten pounds butter, Mrs J Burge, Jas Hogg, Mrs j Bnrge. Fifty , pounds butter, A Buchanan, George - Nott, Mrs J Burge, Private made cheese, Mrs J Burge. Mr. Morris' special for butter, Mrs J Burge. Oonsit Brothers' special, for butter, lAirs J Burge. Mr.Pierce's special for butter, James Hogg. Wm.Pickard's special for butter, Alex, Buchanan. Judges,—George Samwell, Exeter; J. 0. Laidlaw, Seaforth. HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS.— Apples, — Winter apples, George Erwin, J 0 Sproat. ,Fall apples, George J1‘. ott, W Chesney. Col- lection apples, R Govenlock, W Chesney. Rh ole Island Greenings, Chesney Brothers, R Dennie. Northern- Spies, George Dale, Elcoat Brethers. Roxboro Russets, J 0 Sproat, George Nott. Baldwins, W 0 Lands- boro, 8 Wise. Westfield's Seek NO Further, John 8 Brown. Snow apples, W Chesney, A Currie. Gravensteins, C Routledge. Fall Pippins, Ekon t Brothers, J _S Brown. Col- verts, John S , George Erwin. King of Tompkins, C Dale,Sr., Robert Armstrong. Alexanders, R Charters. Canada Red, J (4 Wilson, James 0 McMichael. Swaars, P M Chesney. Ribston Pippins, Mrs George Nett, Henry Forsyth. Wagner, 5 Wallace; J Dale. (=limes G. Pippins, R Dennie. "Araiden's Blush, J Dale, R Govenlock. Golden Russets, J -0 Sproat; W Aitchison. Seedling apples, J 0 McMichael, W Cole- man. Ben Davis'R Armstronbes, W Aitch- ison. Duches Angolieme„ Airs George Nott, R Elliott. Pears,—Winter Pears, R Govenlock. Flemish Beauty, R Charters, J 8 Brown. Duchess Angolieme, 1 8 Brown, J 0 Mc- Michael. Grey- Doyenne, J 0- Wilson. Vicar of Wingfield, R Murtrie, Eleoat Brothels. Louis Bonne De Jersey, James Scott, J Sproat. Plums,—Jefferson, W H McCracken. D uanes Purple, W 11 AIcOracken. Lombard, AV Kyle, M Brethour. Any other variety, - W H McCracken. Grapes, ete.,—Delaware, Jam es -McTav- ish. Moore's Early, R Govenlock. Con- cord, R Govenlock. Rogers No: 19, R Gov- enlock. Rogers No. 4, lst and 2nd. R Gov- enlock. Any other variety, R Govenlock,Jas :Scott. Crabs, R Govenlock, George Nott. Early Crawford Peaches, P M Chesney. Late Crawford Peaches, Elcoat Beothers,. John Dale. Any other variety Peaches, R Govenlock, P M Chesney. Collection Can- ned fruit, P Moore, W H McCracken. Col- lection of Honey, W Hartry.' Honey in comb, W Hartry, Govenlock. }Toney in Jar, W Hartry, D Ferguson. Home. made Wines, P Moore, George Nott, Bottled Pickles, W H McCracken. Judges,—T. H. Race, Mitchell; John Stewart, Benmiller. ,VEGETABLES.—Potatoes,—Early Rose, W H McCracken, Mrs 11 R Walken Beauty of Hebron, W 11 McCracken, John Gal- braith, Late Rose, W H McCracken, Wm Aitchison. Early Vermont,WH McCracken. Snowflake, IV II McCracken. Early Tele- phone, W H McCracken. New variety, lst and 2nd W Aitchison. Second. New Variety, 0 Dale Sr. Any other variety po- tatoes, Mrs H R Walker, W H McCracken. - Winter Cabbage, Joseph Allison, George Crew. Pickling Cabbage, ;1 Allison (recom- mened.) Blood beets, M Brethour, Mrs H R Walker. Sugar beets, W H McCracken. Long Mangolds, W 11 11.1cCraeken„ F H Schoales. Globe mangolds, W 11 McCrack- en, J Allison. Intermediate mangolds, W H McCracken, Elcoat Brothers. Early Horn carrots, William H McCracken, George Crew. Nantes carrOts, - William H McCracken, W Aitchison. Long orange or red carrots, W H McCracken, 8 Hunter. White -Belgian carrots, Elcoat Brothers, W H McCracken. Sweet corn, A C Coleman, not known. Indian corn, ''J Allison, M. Brethour. Turnips, J Allison, John Beattie. Water melons, W H ;McCracken, W Chs7 .ney, Musk melons,W II McCracken, Ches- ney Brothers. Pumpkins, Joseph' Allison, S Hunter. Squash, lst and 2nd W H Mc- -Cracken. Cauliflower, J Allison, W Mc- Cracken. Red onions, W H McCracken, 8 Wise. White or yellow onions, W H Mc- Cracken, James Scott. Tomatoes, J son, M Brethour. Celery,W H McCracken, ; J Allison. Citrons, W H AlcCraeken, Wal- ter Swallow. Parsnips, W 11 McCracken, J Allison. Collection of Vegetables, J Al- lison, W H McCracken. Judge,—Daniel Stewart, Brussels. Flo wallas, —Fuchsias, Thomas Cottle,John Beattie. Foliage plants; Mrs 11 R Walker, Thos Cottle. Begonias, W Hartry, James 0- McMichael. Geraniums, Thomas Cottle. Hanging basket, T 0 Kemp, Thomas Cottle. - Collection of flowers, T 0 Kemp, Thomas Cottle. Cut Flowers,—Dahlias, Standard, Thomas Cottle. Dahlias, bouquet, Thomas Cottle.. Pansies, James Scott,John Walker. Asters, James Scott, John SValker. Ten weeks' stock, John Beattie, John Walker.: Ver- benas, James Scott, Thomas- Cottle. Single Petunias, John Walker, James Scott. Double Petunias, James Scott, Thomas Cot- tle. Phlox Drrimmondi, James Scott, T Cottle. - Gladiolus, James Scott, John Beattie. Zenias, William Kyle. Best ar- ranged basket,: James Beattie; Thomas Cot- tle, James Scott. Collection of annuals,' Thomas Cottle, James Scott. Special, Collection of Star Phloxes, John Beattie. Judge,—Daniel Stewart,Brussels. AIANUFACTIOES.—Domestic cloth, 1st and 2nd Mrs H Chesney, jr. All wool flannel, Robert Bell, At Chesney. wool blan- kets, P M hesney,- Mrs 11 Chesney, jr. Woollen yarn, A G VanEgmond, W H M-c- Ora,ckens Domestic cotton warp, woollen weft, Robert Bell, W -Chesney. Factory tweeds, lst and 2nd A G- VanEgmond. Factory flannel, lst and 2nd A G VanEg- mond, . Factory. blankets, lst and 2nd A (4 VanEennond. Set of single harness, lst and 2nd M Broderick. Set of double harness, Pitcher's Castoria0 a_anassaaesseeelenSe• biCana4 Wilitoderick. •- TOsIteinp's Sp' chit •for' bane, made' bread by gwl under yiiars,-Jamei Ross, John ' B Henderson, Wni Hilary. Set ofpm** fttrulture4 let and 2nd Broadfoot & Box-. Set of bedroom furniture; let and 2nd Broadfoot & Box. Assortment of tweeds,' lst and 2nd A G ViniEgmond. Extra, sideboard, Broadfoot & Box. judges.—George Samwell, James Laid- law. „ . FINE ARTS.--Waer Color, J G Crich, Mrs 0 Campbell. Oil painting, Miss H B Reid, Alexander Buchanan. Crayon Sketch, Mrs. 0 Campbell, John MoNevin. • Pencil sketch, None Awaisted, Mrs 0 Campbell. LADIES' WORK.--41ag carpet, woollen warp-, W Chesney, Mrs H Chesney, jr. Rag carpet, cotton warp, Mrs H R Walker, Mee 13 Chesney, jr.. Rag door mat, hooked, Mrs H Chesney, Win Bullard. Rag door mat, sewed, Miss Symington'W Chesney. . Rag hearth mat, sewed,' W. H McCracken, Mrs C Campbell. Rag hearth mat, hooked, Mrs H R Walker, W Chesney'. Wool socks, Mrs George Nott, W H McCracken. Wool stockingsnD Ferguson, W H McCracken. Cotton socks, Mrs George Nott. Cotton stockings, D Ferguson, Mrs G Nott. La- dies' wool mitts, J McTavish, Miss Syming- ton. Men's wool mitts, Miss Symington, J Archibald. Men's wool gloves, Miss Symington, S Wise. Counterpane,domestic wove, Peter Moore, Mrs D Stewart. Coun- terpane, knitted,Airs D Stewart, Mrs George Nott. Counterpane, crochet; Miss Syming- ton, Mrs George Nott. Counterpane, tuft- ed, Peter AlOorea Patchwork quilt, Calico, Charles Aitzel, I) Fergusem. Patchwork quilt, cloth, M Brethour. Log cabin tsoilt, Mrs George Nott, Mrs D Stewart. Silk crazy quilt, Mrs George Nott, Mrs C Camp- bell. Fancy wool shawl, Mrs G Nott, Mrs C Campbell. Hand made shirt, Mrs H R Walker, I) McIntyre. Machine made shirt, Charles Aitzel, Mrs 0 Nott. Patching, Peter i Moore, J Archibald. Darning, Mrs H R Walker, Mrs G Nott, Buttonholes, Charles Aitzel, E Symington. Pillow shams, Mrs George Notts, Miss 8 Dorrance. Table mats, Miss S horrance, Mrs 0 Campbell. Table doyles, Charles Aitzel, Not Known. Toilet eet, 1.1 Brethour, Miss Symington. Fancy pin cushion, Charles Aitzel, Miss A B Reid. Sofa pillow, D McIntyre, Charles Aitzel. Crochet work (twine), 5 Minter, A Storey. Macrame work, Miss Symington, M Brethour. Wax flowers or fruit, colored, Mrs C Campbell. Paper flowers, MO II Chesney, jr. M Brethour. Piano or table scarf, Al rs Nott, M Brethour. Embroid- ered table cover; Miss 5 .Dorrance, Wth Duncan. Worked whisk holder, lUrs Nott, Mrs C Campbell. Worked. hair, up- holstered, lst and 2nd 0 McIntyre. Worked Ottoman, Mrs G Nott, 0 McIn- tyre. Painting on china, flowers, oils, Mrs C Campbell, Charles Aitzel. Pointing on terra cotta, oils, Charles Aitzel, Mrs Campbell. Drawing room screen, Mrs J .0 Laidlaw, Mrs C Campbell. Hand screen,- E Symington. • Bannerettes, Mrs G Nott, Mrs 'J 0 Laldlaw. Bracket drapery, 1st. and 2nd Miss 8 Dorrance. • Penelope work, Miss Symington, Airs 0 Campbell. Tidy, crochet, R Alurtrie, Mrs II Chesney, jr. Hand made yarn, Mrs H R Walker, W H' Alc- Cracken. Knitted. tidy, Andrew Storey, Gold or silver tinsel. work, Charles Aitzel, Mrs G Nott. Etching or ontlinc work; Mrs 0 Nott, Charles Aitzel. Appli- que work on eloth, etc., Mrs C Campbell, Miss Symington. Arasene embroidery, Miss Symington, 0 Aitzel. Crewel em- hroidery, .Mrs 0 Campbell, 0 Aitzel. Em- liroidery on silk or' satin, Charles 4itzel, Mrs G- Nott. Embroidery on flamlel, Aitzel, Mrs George Nott. Sham titch embroidery, Mies Symington. Ribb n or ribbosene embroidery, AI Brethour, Mrs G Nod. Chenille work, Mrs G Nott, Miss G Nott. , ,Braiding, rs Symington. Bullion embroidery, Mr Campbell; Mrs Nott, Miss Symington. Bead work, 1 Mrs J 0 Laidlaw, Mrs (4 Nott. Berlin wool work, Mrs H R Walker. Straw plait, Mrs C Campbell, 8 Wise. Lace, royal bOtten- berg,Airs C Campbell. Point lace, Miss 5 Dorrance, Miss Symington. Honitonlace, Miss Symington, George Nott. Knitted lace, D Ferguson, Mrs D Stewart. . A Lace crochet, W Duncan, Miss Symington. ''IRick rack work, D Ferguson, Miss ..'43.enington. Tatting, Mrs. G Nott, Mrs C Campbell. Darned net, Mrs G- Notts Miss Symington.. Drawn th,reads and hem stitch; Charleit Aitzel, D McIntyre. Silk work on canvas, lst and 2nd D McIntyre. Panels,: any work, Mrs C Campbell, Mrs J C Laidlaw. Fancy table with drapery or scarf, D Mc- Intyre, Mrs C Campbell. Home Made bread, Thomas Case, T 0 Kemp,R Charters. CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT. — HCODDed handkerchief, Charles Aitzel, Robert !Bell. Darned socks or stockings, J. Archibald, James Beattie. Wool crochet work, !Rob- ert Bell, James Beattie. Cotton creehet work, R. Bell, Jos Bolger. Painting any object, lst and 2nd A G VanEgmond'S Sons. Drawing, John McNevin, Wm Chesney. Best dressed doll, Charles Aitzel. Dolls' clothes, Charles Aitzel, W 11 McCracken. Fancy pin cushion, Charles Aitze4 W. Chesney. Wood work, W Chesney. Plain sewing by clOcl under eight years, Mrs John Govenlock, W Chesney. Straw plait; Mrs C Campbell, S Wise. SPECIALS. --Rope table, WinStorey.Embroid- ery. on net, Mrs McIntyre. Cotton warp yarn, carnot, Airs 11 R Walker. Table mat, :Miss Dorrance. Quilt by old lady; A GOven- lock. Quilt basi.,eirl, Mrs John Govenlock. Quilt by child, A Govenlock, 3 Govenlock. .Carpet, Mrs C'Walker. . Judges.—AlieS Susie Govenlock, Mrs J G Wilson, Mrs Papst, Mrs Budd. SPEEDING CONTEST. Single RoadAters 1 2- A Forbes Andrew Duncan Andrew Scott Thomas Brown J Best, Harlock 1 1 2 2 4 3 3 5 5 4 Tillie, 3.01 • • How to Gloss Linen. To give a gloss to linen when ironed, add to a pint of starch, when boiliug, a pieee of mutton tallow the -size of a pea, or, still bet- ter, a small piece of white wax. Much de- pends upon boiling the starch thoroughly if a glessy'surface is !desired. It should, also be strained. Dip and wring Out the article several times that it may be evenly and thoroughly incorporated with the starch ; then dry on the line. Before ironing dip and wring out of a weak solution of cold starch, roll up and let the pieces remain two hours before •roning them. 3 Prize 1 3 9 2 3 4 GRATEFUL—COMFORTING.' EPPS'S - 'COCOA. BREAKFAST—SUPPER. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutri- tion, and by a careful application of the fine proper- ties of well -selected Cocoa. Mr.Epps has provided for our breakfast and supper a delicately flavoured bev- erage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hun. dreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack Wherever there is a weak point. We may cecape many a fatal ahaft by keeping ourselves weil fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame."—Civii Service Gazette: . Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold .only in packets, by Grocers, labelled thus: ' JAMES EPPS & CO., LTD., Homceopernic CHEMISTS, LONDON', ENGLAND:- 1398-26 That Joyful Feeling With the exhilarating sense of renewed health and.atrength and internal cleanli- ness, which follows the use of Syrup of Figs, is unkn.own to the few who have not progressed beyond the old time medicines and the cheap substitutes sometimes offered but never aceepted by the well informed. SIXTEEN YEARS OF Charles Sobrrver had Kidney Dis- easeall thia time and Didn't 'Know it—How he Found Out and How he was Cured. — • Tosenro, October 1.—Sixteen years ago kidney disease attacked Charle. Schryver, a bricklayer in this city, but he did not know it. It showed Itself In the formof pains in the small of the back. They did not amount to mucb at first, but kept growing worse. Within the past six years, Mr. Sohryver has almost every week had to quit work fer one or two days on account of their severity. Doctors ascribed them to the liver and other causes and preecribed, but their medicine did no good. Last spring, a oitv physician diagnosed the case as ore of diabetes and wanted to proscribe, but Mr. fichryver said, "No, it its diabetes. I'll use Dodd's Kidney Pille, which I know will euro me." They did cure him, too, and to -day Mr. Sohryver is free from ache or pain and able to do his day's work,week In and week ont, with any man in I i, trade. DEAR, Sias, -1 have used Yellow Oil for two or three years, and think it has no equal for croup. Mrs. J. S. O'Brien, Huntsville, Ontario. That Hacking, Persistent, Distressing Cough can be quickly cured by using Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. For Invalids and weak delicate women use M11. burn's Beef, Iron and Wine; no other, it is the best. Pure Cod Liver Oil combined with Wild Cherry and Ilypophosphites renders Milburn's Emulsion the best on the market. A Wounded Spirit who can heal. .Vietoria Carbolic Salve heals all other wounds, cuts, bruises or burns. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry cures Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cramps, Colic, Cholera Mor. bus, Cholera Infanturn, and all looseness of the bowele. Never travel without it. Price, 36c. e• • ime DYSPEPSIA causes Dizziness, Headache, Constipa- tion, Variable Appetitk, Rising and Souring of Food, Palpitation of the Heart, Distress after Eating. Bur- dock Blood Bitters is -guaranteed to cure Dyspepsia if faithfully used according to directions. • •••--- FOR CHOLERA MORBUS, Cholera Infanturn, Cramps, Colic, Diarrhoea, Di sentery. and Summer Complaint Dr. Fewlees Extract of Wild Strawberry is a prompt safe and sure cure that has been a popular favorite for over 40 year's. Some people laugh to show their pretty teeth, The tise of Ivory W:hite Tooth Powder makes people laugh more than ever. It's so nine. Price 25c. Sold by druggists. • LIKE MAGIC.—" It always acted like magic. I had scarcely ever need to ',give the second dose of Dr. Yowleee Extract of Wild- Strawberry for summer complainte." Mre. Walter Gcveelock, Ethel, Ont. HEART DI SEAEIE RELIEVED IN 30 MIN UTES. —All cases of organic or sympathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by Lumeden & Well Known London People Say: Mr. S. F. Glass, London Pottery Worke, says : "No testimonial cen be too strong to express the bonencial effects I have experienced from the use of R. Stark's (Headache, Neuralgia and Liver) Powders personally and in my family, as they have afforded me perfect relief from the most distressing sick headaches which frequeetiv incapacitated me from doing business. I know of others e ho bey° been equally benefitted. 1 consider then.) one of the most maul combinatlene of the day." Ur. H. C. Paterson, of Moser& Masuret & Co., wholeisala grocers, 853 s : " I heve found Stark's Powders ((or Sick Headache, Biliousnesa and Liver) to afford immediate and permanent relief in every ease." - Miss K. 0 Johnson sa3s: "A most valuable rem- edy. The result has always been sitisfactory." Price 25c a box ; sold by all medicine dealers. • BELLEVILLE, Janury 4th, 1878. Messrs. DICK & CO., Montreal. "Dick'd Blood Purifier "1s the best of all the con- dit fon powders I ever used. It makes a horse thrive, and feet well. Improves his coat atd keeys hien per- fectly clout in the lege, no matter how long he stands in the stable. I gave half of the first box to a gentleman who had a fine . trotting stsllien that was swollen in the legs and had scratches from being out of condition, and in a few days hie legs were per- I 1 fectly chan, and the cracks healed rapidly. JOHN JO IINSON. 'le • Stark's Poaders, each package of which contains two preparations, one in a round wooden box, the cover of which forms a measure for one dose, an im- mediate relief for Sick litadache and Stomach, oleo, Neuralgia., and all kir.ds of nervous pains, and an- other in capsules, (from ?" to of one is an ordinary doaci which acts on the Bowels, Liver and Stomach , complaints. They do not as most pills and so many t other medioines do, lose their effect or produce after constipation, and are nice to take. 25 cents i box, I at all medicine dealers. How to get a " Sunlight " Picture. Send 25 "Sunlight" Soap wrappers (wrapper bearingi the words "Why Does aWornan Look Old Sooner thsre a Man " ) to LEVER )lROS., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto4 and you will receive by post a pretty picture, fre from adveitising, and well worth framing. This i an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is th best in the-niarket, and it will only cost 10. postag to send in the wrappere, if you leave the ends open . Write your address sarefully. 1 --e•-•-•.----- • 1 , RELIEF IN SIX- Hones —Distreseing Kidney an Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the " Grg t South American Kidney Care." This new remedy s a great surprise and delight on account f its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in t e bladder, kidneys, baek and every part of the urine y passages in male or female. It relieves retention �f water and pain in passing it almost immediately. you want quick relief -and ewe this is your remedy Sold by Lumeden St.Wilaon, Seaforth. ... • A Boos TO . HORSEMEN. —One bottle of Englieh Spavin Liniment completely removed a curb from my horse. I take pleasure inrecommending the remedy, as it acts with myetsrious promptness, in the removal from horses of hard, soft or ealloused. lumps, blood %attain, splints, Curbs, aweeuey, stifled and sprains. GEORGE ROBB, FETMer, _Markham, Ontario. Sold by Lumsden & Wilson. --.110 • -.01. I have used Dr. Carson's Bitters for twelve Months, and can say that they are, for an appetiser, purga- tive, and nerve tonic, the best I ever need. . J. MARTIN: Notary Public. Toronto, Ontario. , Having been troubled with biliousness and head- ache, with loss of appetite, I was advised to try Dr. Carson's Bitters, and found great relief after a few dimes. W. F. CANIN, Toronto, Ont. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY.— South AITIOTiCall Rheumatic Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radi- cally cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the sys- tem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and tho disease immediately disap- pears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by Lumsden & Wilson, druggists, Seaforth. POWDERS Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia in ao MINUTES, also Coated Tonguel Dizzi- ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. To stay cured and regulate the bowels. VERY NICE TO TAKE. PRICE as cEturs itT DRuct sfoftes, ook'sCottollRoot COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Succeseifteafe laud monthly by thousands of Ladies. Is the only perfectly o safe and reliable medicine dis- covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for Cook's Cotton Root C om po und „ take no eubstf- tute. or inclose 11 and 6 cents in postage in letter and we wilIsend, sealed, by return mail. Fullsealed particulars in plain envelope, to ladles only. 2 stamps. Address The Cook Company, Windsor, Ont.; Canada. For sale by Lumsden & Wilson, druggists, Sea - forth, Ont. . Place in the World forYOung Men and Women to Secure a Business Education, Shorthand, Ete., is the Detroit Buainess University, De- troit,Mich. Illustrated Catalogue Free. Referencee: All Detroit. W.F.JEWELL, President. P. R. SPENCER, Secretary. AUCTION SALES. TTNRESERVED AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK ANI) IMPLEMENTS. — Mr. Peter Cameron hulnetruoted hr. Wm. MoCloy to soil by Public Auction on Lot 80, Concession 5,. L. R. B., Tuckersinith, on Tuesday, October 0, 1891, at 12 o'clock, noon, sharp, the following property, viz: llorses—I working horse five years old, 1 mare three years old, 1 mare four years old in foal to an import- ed horse, 1 sucking oolt by Clendrie Prince, 1 aged mare. Cattle. -6 cows supposed to be in calf to a thoroughbred bull, 8 two year old steers, 8 two year old heifers, 4 1 -year oil steer,', 8 heifers 1 year old, 6 spring calves, 4 sheep, 1 brood sow with litter at foot, 2 spring pip. Implemente.-1 Brantford self binder, 1 Brantford mower, 1 new Massey -Harris seed drill, 1 fanning mill, 1 pair bobsleighs, 1 lumber wagon, 1 covered buggy, nearly new; 1 hay rack, 1 gravel box, 1 two furrow gang plow, 1 general pur- pose ptow, 1 set iron harrows!, 1 scziller, 1 grain crusher, 1 wheelbarrow, 1. root pulper, ). grindstone, 1 set single harness, 2 sets team harness, 6 goad horse collars. 1 sugar kettle, 1 new oross cut saw, 1 crow bare chains, forks and other articles too nurrerous to mention. Mao 1 acre of tureips and half an acre of mangolds to be sold in the field, a lot of hens and s' quantity of household furniture. Everything will be sold without reserve as the proprietor has sold the farm. Terme.-411 sums of $5 and Under, cash; over that an.ount 18 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 6 per cent. per annum will bs allowed for cash on credit amounts. PETER CAMERON, Proprietor; Wm. MeCloy, Auctioneer. 1398 -td UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS.—The undersigned, hav- leg hewed her farm for a number of years, has in- structed Mr. Wm. MeCloy to sell by Public Auction on her premises, Lot 8, Concession I, Lendon Road Stanley, on Friday, October 12, 1894, at 12.30 o'clock noon, the 'following valuable farm property, viz: Horses.—Two aged mares, 1 horse six years old, 1 horse five years old, 1 horse four years cld, 1 filly two years old, sired by Joe; 1 gelding two years old, sired by Joe; 1 gelding one year old, eired by Edin- burgh; 1 goring colt, sired by .Toe; 1 aged driving mare. Cattle.—Six cows supposed to be in calf to a thoroughbred bull; 1 heifer three years old, suppos- ed to be in calf: 4 heifers two years old, supposed to be in calf; 1 steer two years old, 2 heifers one year old, 2 steers one year old, 4 spring calves. Also 1 sow with litter at foot, and a number of hens. Ira- plemente.—Two wagons, 2 pair bob -sleighs, 1 road cart. 1 top buggy, I Portland cutter, 1 Brantford binder, 1 combined seed -drill, 1 Maxwell mower, nearly now; 1 Mason hay -rake, nearly new; 2 gravel boxes, 1 land roller, 1 three furrow gang plow, 1 two furrow gang plow two verity plows, No. 13 ; 1 set of iron harrows, 1 fanning mill, 1 set of double team harness, 2 sets single har- ness, whiflietrees, neckyokes, 2 bee boxes, 1 dog power for churning, 1 large milk can and other arti- cled too numerous to mention. The whole will posi- tively be sold without reserve as the proprietress is giving up farming. Terms.—All sums of $5 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on furniehing approved joint notes. A discount of 6 per cent. will be allowed for coati on credit amounts. MRS. JANE ROSS, lrcprietress, "Wm. AloCloy, Auctioneer. 1398 CLEARING AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK IMPLEMENTS and HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Mr. Wm. Idcaloy has been inttructed by Messrs Geo. Chesney and Wm. Fowler to sell by Public Auction on Lot 35, Concession 1, McKillop on Thureday, Oc- tober 11, 1894, at 1 o'clock p. m , the following valu- able farm property viz: Horses.—One driving mare seven years old, sired by Carlisle, dam,Lady Dufferim in foal to Sidney; 1 mare three years old, sired by Kenilworth" 1 road filly one year old; 1 general pur- pose mare six years old, 1 aged -mare in teal, 1 mare with foal by her side, foal by Terra Haute. Cattle.— One thoroughbred Durham bull iisir.g two, 1 thoroughbred cow with calf at foot, 1 coy to calve in December, I cow to calve in April, 1 farrow dew, 2 yearling heifers, b spring calves. Also about thirty good hens. Implements.—Two lumber wagons, 1 light wagon, 2 sets bobsleighe, 1 Portland cutter, 1 Wisner combined seed dill, 2 »lowers, 2 tets iron harrows, 2 plows, 1 root putties., 1 hay fork, rope and pulley; 2 fanning mills, 2 horse rakes, 2 hay racks, 2 gravel boxes, 2 stone boats, 1 scufiler, 1 set platform scales, 2 sets double harnets, 1 set single harness, 2 water troughs, 1 wheel barrow, 2 lets whiflletrees and neckyokes, 1 grindstonesind numerous ether articles. Furniture —One cook stove, 1 sideboard, 2 tables, 2 bed steads, 1 daisy churn, nearly new, and a nuntber of chairs. The allele will positively be sold as the proptieter is retiring from farming. The stock is all in first-class condition. Terms.—All sums of $5 and under, cash; over that amount 12 menthe' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of six cents on the dollar will be allowed for mei' on credit summits. GEORGE CHESNEY, Pro- prietor, Wm. McCloy, Auctioneer, 1398 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IM- PLEMENTS.—Mr. Wm. McCloy has received instructions from Mrs. Wm. Elder to sell by Public Auction on Lot 9, Concession 11, H. 11. S., on Thurs- day, October 18, 8594, at 12 o'clock, noon, the follow- ing farm dock and implements, viz: Horses —One horse 11 years old, 1 hcrse nine years old. Hattie.— Two cows supposed to be in calf, 1 heifer rising two years in calf, two farrow cow, 6 three year old steers, 3 two year old steers, 3 two year old heifers, 1 yearling steer, 4 epring calves, two spring pigs and a number of hens. Implemente.—One road cart, 1 pair trucks, 1 pair bobsleighs, nearly new; 1 top buggy, nearly new- 1 cutter nearly new, 2 new hay racks, 1 fanning mill, 1 Toronto binder, 1 Patterson mower, both nearly new; 1 bay loader, they tedder, 1 sulky hay rake, 2 sets iron harrows, 2 general purpose plows, 1 sprintt tooth cultivator, 1 'set of cultivating harrows, 1 Wisner seed drill, 1.set weigh scales, 1 turnip sower, 1 turtip pulper, 1 turnip slicer," turnip *muffler, 1 horse hay fork complete, 1 land roller, 2 sets double team harness, one nearly new, 1 set plow harness, 1 wheel barrow, 2 set whiflietrees, 1 neck - yoke, 1 water trough, 1 buffalo robe, 2 large barrels, 1 cross -cut saw nearly new, 2 griadatones, 1 riding saddle, 1 stone meat, 1 set drill harrow,' long ladder and many other articles; such as hoer, forks, 'scythes too numerous to mention. Terms of sale.—All sums of 85 and under, earth; over that amount 12 montlece credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 6 per cent. will be allowed for cash on credit amounts. MRS. WILLIAM ELDER, SAMUEL SMILLIE, Executors of the will of the late Wm. Elder. 1398 "C) 0 A 0 N30105 10 NNIS 0 L-1 NIlVfA1 "90113 'H.111OJY3S CD ct- MO= •TIMIR,M t15 Ladies' Black and Colored jerseys to clear at 50; regular prices from $I to $3. Dress Goods at 7e, regular 10c line. Dress Goods at 8c, regular 12ic liae. Dress Goods at 15e, regular 25c line. Scotch Tweed Suits at $17 for suit worth $20 to$22. Good fit guars*, teed, or no sale. An Tweed's cut free of charge. BUTTERICK'S PATTERNS. We are agents for Butterick's Patterns the best in the market; always have a large stock on hand to select from. Any line not in stock will ,be procured at shortest nOtice. Also Butterick's Monthly Fashion Sheets :come and get one. SMITOEI & SLIM= SUCCESSORS TO R. JAMIESON. No Business College in Canada posseses a better reputation for good, honest -work in behalf of its patrons, than the Young men and women who -'desire a thorough business edutation, are invited to tor - respond with us. Remember, the best business training is what you should have; there- fore, be careful in your selectio4 of a school. A business education lasts a lifetime, therefore get the best. Our coUege is the largest and best equipped commercial school itt Western Ontario. Write for new catalogue. 1390-26 P. McINTOSH, Principal. SHAW & ELLIOTT, Proprietors OH' The BUSINESS COLLEGE SHAM is the most to be despised. Not eve institution dubbed 'Business College is wolthy of your support. You in all likelihood, talce a business coarse but once; therefore, why not. select a school that has e ned a reputation for practical, conscientious work. The Forest City Business & Shorthand College - OH' 101\1-33103V, Csi\TM Stands head and shoulders above the average Canadian Business School. Graduates everywhere successfat Catalogne free. Address carefully, 1395-26 J. W. WESTERVELT, Principe. - INSIST Upon having Featherbone Corsets. Refuse all substitutes. - See they are stamped thus: PATENTED SEPT. 3rd, 1884. No. 20110. rNE ARE GENUINE UNLESS SO STAMPED. IIJ Is with us, and brings new needs in the line of Gentle- men's Clothing. You will now need A HEAVIER, SUIT, HEAVIER UNDERWEAR, A NEW FELT IIAT, perhaps an OVERCOAT or a WATERPROOF COAT, or an UMBRELLA for the rainy weather that we must expect ,at this season. We h&ve just what you want, and the price is always right. Otq goods are noted everywhere for fine appearance and the best wearing qualities. When you need anything in the line of gentlemen's wear, call on BRIGHT BROS., The Great Clothiers, AIspin Street, SEAFORTEL THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE, ESTABLISHED 1867. HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO. CAPITAL (PAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS REST - B. E. WALKER, GENERAL MANAGER. - $600001000 $ 1,200,000 SEAFORTH BRANCH. A General Banking BllifilIOSS Transacted. Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafta issued, payable at all points in Canada and the principal cities in the United States, Great Britain, France, Bermuda, &c. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Deposits of $1.00 *nd upwards received, and current rates of intereet allowed. EarInterest .dded to the principal at the end of May and Novem- ber in each year. Special attention given to the collection of Commercial Paper and Far- mers' Sales Notes. g. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. M. MORRIS, Manaer The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company, FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY -INSURED. OFFICIIIUL D. Ross, President, Clinton P. 0.; W. J. Shannon, &toy -Tress., Seaforth P. O.; Michael Hurdle, Inspector of Lossee, Seaforth P. O. DIRICTORS. Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Alex. Gardiner, Lead bury; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton; Geo. Watt, Matlock; .Toirenh Evans Beechwood; M. Murdie, Seaforth; Thai. Garbutt; Clinton. ansars. Thar. Henan!, Hariook Rot& McMillen Serdorth ; James Cumming, Egmondville. jolm n and Gecrge Hardie, Auditors. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or trans- act other business will be promptly &alluded In on app1ication to any of the above officerr, addressed to them respective poet offices. • HURON AND BRUCE Loan and Invotment 0 C) This Company is Loamng Money me Farm Seemity at lowest Blitel of Interest. Mortgages Purchased. SAVINGS BANS BRANCH. 3, 4 and "5 per Cent.Intereet Allowed en Deposits, according to amount and time left. OtrifiCE.—Corner of Market Square and North Street, Goderich. HORACE HORTON* KAMMER% Goderlob, Aura et ith.1866.