The Huron Expositor, 1894-09-28, Page 8F__ U.
F. Mat
-Wsca's Oas Grocery. TheA,.it is not oonduoive to ankeven �m 'r u a W. In the cricket '_ all held at Brucefield on,
or three weddinis will take place in the room which was darkened for the occasion
to run a lawn rikow-er agiinst such artic 16 in Toronto for. a few-diays "Friday 0ternoon last, between the club of near future'. We liope�we will get a bid.— About half paat four the -bridal party &a
during the t week. —Mar. Crawford, of that -village and Hense.11, the former came The former classmates: of Maste'r Eldon
-TV our proot viregar for pickling, it is the best P.Another very fooli0h practice -is - miko companied by a number of guests, drove
to OUR
thbapest in the market. Pure Spicei- whole false calls at doors.' We d:
an raw attentio 0 Parkitale C legiate Institute, a former pop�' off, vieforious. - The Brucefieldites are Irvine, in section NO. 9, McKillop,, may be Hensall, where they tookthe train antids
e pr nest esi eslu
do nolc,114 unjil you. - asse-mbly,— it ius Duncan, ir'., of Kins- ting up a good game they ante . rtame our
VmtA and mixed, at reasonabl I W bive these matters by req ' and trust that a ular Seafdrt e; was here last week for- the 'nice, gentlemanly players,� and b id t interested 6 learn that he,has sudbeed 41in showe of rice. The many beautiful and
joffiWd thwpricet fruit jars, t t a to
nders will tAe warning. 1f not,* t .0 �his examination for a first class teacher's costl presentsshowed the high a team in
Imft build 017% our new prices. Have recol an- offie ta ton North �11 �aid a" flying' visit t players in a most kindly in
offended, parties are delFermine Rimer. We hope certificate, 1(kving previously taken third i noticed
*60rillilpffient Dt that same 26a lapan Ties,% p' I wh OK the bride was held. 'Was
our'llne Black Tea at 4ft more effective �measpres to stop such c his faiier at d sister lere last' -week. He sometime in a return match to show -what and second class grades. This is a good be. among others a beautifully bound family
apmnd Posit of the very b. at judges of black .,I Marine C1 was atBu a on business nd' decided to we can do in the way of winning, as that ginning a;ii4
(luct.—Miss M. Anderson, of 0 eningaD
i4- U* they eannot get' aa better at any price. something unusital for a boy of bible presented by St. Aidreves_aoir, of
0 igau, is V Abby Powell, W'" the first game this season our team had seventeen years of age. Eldon is a native which Alia Crawford has b�eii ortanist for
Bqutbqn Wood of coffee is givinir goodwBfac- 10 hi isiting relaiivei here' 4 takearnno r.homb.—Mis P ays,
Ifyou like a fine ooff. o try I!, once. Flour ent.. She came over on Tuesday, and of Philade in, is a -guest a� MaPle Hall.—.
toget and they had, besides, what is -of the L&dbury line and is a son of Mr. some time, and has endeared orself. to
Samp3o of the Dominion Bank *8 k her, f St. Marys,, and nephew of them mot alone a t, but also as an —FO.n THF,
eqnat to -any made in town, sold at $1.70 remilan for some weeks. Mr. at nown in sporting circles as, very hard luck, Heiir Irvine, o
On a. it it does. not please you we will his home in bronto, enjoyi't, 4 his s organis
ek - d return the highest hoildays. —We tire sorry to state,that at the time of IAfr. J. Irvine, of MeKillop. active member of the Christian Endealro'r
p9d for —A very P1 younges Society. Mr. and Mrs. Moneith have the
V10100 ll kinds: of trade, e6her in comb Of FOR A1710 LAxo SYNE. easall Mr� and Mri i. K. McLennan h4ve retutmed writing blaster Ross McPherson,
'0 -0 mitt some nice fowls and good btter, ,atherinig was son
*00&, IN held at the residence of M'. to to wit ter an. absence of a couple, of of Mr. A. McPherson, merchant tailor, Constance. bestwishes of their manyf riends, amon
—Ai 9
MA *0 pay I good Price. lames Beattie, on Thursday evening of, 1 mouthg tother merry - ko - round has is dangerously ill with inflammation of th E*TERTARY=ZfT.The young people of whom yotir correspondent is leased -to be Fall Se'aso
C. WILSON, Seaforth. week, the partWplmts being the members struck, tawn and is taking In' the ni S. bowels, but hope he may soon experience. a
*a ace purpose givinj inbered.
There seems to be ajeculiar fascin n even change for the better.,
Bank of Commerce�Block- the Methodist cliurch'ehoir, and the ocel"W19 atio, sa musical and
liter�rpyl entertainmept on next Monday —WILL BE—
to bid farewell to one of its members., Mr's for- &ow up eople in these contriv- - I —
q evening, the first of October' b at Lumley.
R. W. Bruce Smith, who leaves shortly f ances.'�A very pCasat assembly was hold Wroxeter. 8 o'cloA. A good programme
Hamilton. Aim Smith as presented wit in Cardno's hall on Friday evening last, eilsnisiltligng of LoC1L Nmv. — Mrs. Laweriman, of -ThurS*d8q,.Se1pt.2
Far iesw, I ecitations and music, Chicago, is -now, in Lumley, visiting at her
-ay, suitably engraved a harpers, of London, furni I �
Ingo a silver bon bon U I wouLD feel greatly obliged if 0 ti addresses- readinks_,_ r
.-Made—Up Cloth" enne shing the music. who have not yet settled their accounts, wil Voca and Instrumental, will be given. also parental homa- friends nd &a-
'etion ly
a Souvenir of her pleasant 0 wit The. electric lights vvent ont for a. couple of call at the d store at their erliest convenience Her many PridayX Sept.
the choi,r, the presentation speech bein' minutes toi vards morning, probably as a and Battle withlMr. James Allen,wlth whom' I have a mouth -organ orchestra from 9eaforth will quaintanoes 4re,very much pleased to see
made by Mr. J. Brown ]oft tem for cqllectlob. Respectfully, JAMES FOX. be in attendance and take an active part in- �eir in their midst once more, it being a
eR, a Member warning not to keep to late hours. 'From
1397-3 12bb FAU sewon wilt find us wnre than umAly a quarter of a century's standing. Mt. Bri the stories floating arbund, since, the experi- the programme. The proceeds will be de- number of years since she was here. —Ars. SaturdaySOP
to, cater to the deniandat of our customers Loc.&L NoTr,,,s. =The annual fall show is to -voted to new church purposei. John Cole, who has been very sick for the
-up Clothing. Owing to our Incresainir a a q. ence sei the leader, and'ex-maor James Bea ti ams to have been very kmilar to that be hel
4ft4ift d. of.0otober last month, with. typhoid fever, is slowly
after w.h' a u I a tunriel.—Mr. J. L. Smith
we have been compelled delivered short, seecheiii after w ea' -of going thro, d here on the 2ad'and 3r
A"tWw the, whole; of the room which and it is expected there will be a learn. tant changh,'g of the
In part for Clothing. our Irll stock is now - �2
im formerly ant social time was spent and refreshment " willsoon occupy the re,idence oil Goderich bibition.—Mr. John Hamilton in a three A PRESENTATIO.N. —One of, the pleasantest. R. Xiller, who has been h —The Rev. The cons
we any- Street belonging to Mr. A. G. Atilt.—Mr. East Wawanosh. recovering we are glad to any
served by the hostess, who was,, for m ome visitin(y his and the bringing together of the in
impigte. Piteauouriiwof suits and Overcoats,
v6k-k we offer at Unprecedened, -a ominent member 'of � Qie_oboii?' 'hich have occurred in our neighbor. friends for the last month or so, It" this and comfortable articles for codler weather
years, . pr trips to Toronto last week with live stock. eventsNv Me tint eather
ly low priage ; the ! R. Carmichael has leased his remainingstore He handles a. great many car loads in a hoodfoi-so etookplaceonThursday, the week gone to -college, where heintends an vent of.
Wav, styles and! fi-aish the very beat to be found in This exceedingly pleasant gatlir�e"ring` wal, io Messrs. McCosh Broth -era. Air. Car- makes th e" 0 Dayi?,
U marktt, CAIX and inspect at a close by singing 'Auld Lang Michael had ine or t�n applicants for this t
brought to seasorf.—An orgpilizer bf the ociety of 20th inst., when the people of Westfield, re- spending a term. rli-mes Horton went importance to h buyer and seller.
)) I Chosen Friends was here la'st week, an- pre blis week to (4'oderich'Fair to act as jude - the b!iyer, the sight of ew siamo
Syne. Store, y f them from a'distance.-Mr. sented by the pastor, and member% of the .1 n It's styles
Andre Ingi am,whowas electrician for the he then goes to Drumbo, where h *1 8 A
WNt. PI-OkARD & CO'S. deavoring to form a lodge, with what re- Westfield church (imbout one hundred in all,) a will a o etc., is a sofiree of great interest; to
Aw ihg and Dry Goods House, sults we have not, lieard.� Truly this is an assembled the -
,n � nw as we re of act as judge.—There is some talk of our
p* Clotift A GOOD CONCEItT.—It is seldom the peo.,, town the 0 unexpectedly at the residence merchant, it is his opport nitY to place hi%,
is, has now charge n ing of sociatie, there
an Irical Pla t Mr. James McGill,* After, spending some Lumley store being opened agiiin, and the best selections before a 'number a
Seaforth. ple of Seaorth are treated to so good an - of th elec; of Messrs. Scott large
tertainment for fifteen cents as' that given Broth 'he new ropri is no end.—Never in the history of - Wrox- hoiirs in social amusement the motive of the people of the surrounding neighborhood do- visitors, and we here extend a cordial . f
etors were for,- ter has -the desire to it in_.,
a pprove property gatheringwas disclosed a
III ring
by the Seaforth Presbyterian Choir in the timate in sec It ndtaken altogether sire it may, as a store in this village is very vitation to all to come a -ad see our beautifu�,
ervices, as lie '8 a been so manifeqt as this season, '. and the by surprise Mr. Da-�id AlcGill was resented much needed.
church, on Friday evening lost. There was careful. and competent man who takes a display durbag the Opening Day'
an audience of fair size present, though it pridgin kee iing abreast of the business- in a the W�ith a handsome gold wptch and a ain, ac-
changeg effect d have added much to appearance 6f the place. There are still companied by a very kindly w9rdedaddress. Wingham- The display of new gDods will be partiou-
was not nearly so large as the merit of the this line. idr. H. McKay, Nvbo has had
some wrecks that remain as eyesores, and Mr. NteGill in his own s'erio-comic way made larly fine, a pecially in
concert warranted. Mr. Raes lecture was long experience, is' en-gineer.—The Be W. A. Johlis has bouyht'
rlin we hope this enterprising spirit -will not a Very suitable re the line the stock of the City restaurant, and opened MiMnery
a brilliant effort. � The material for the su16- Rd-agens will play the ffur=,
th(I =ion$ of take it py
DISTRCT MATTERS. ject, " Our Cousins in Camp, s departure till these arb cleared out "Would that my tongue could utter the out in, the McDonald block.—Air. Williani
was furnished Western District, an game of the wa
Y. thoughts that arise in me" and ending by Dore has torn (Iowa theuins of his carriage
by a visit to an immense gathering of Sun- 9of football Dn the Recreation Park to -day Mantles
NEw BRIDGE Opm=NG.—The chief event giving them all his beat wishes and heartiest Sh d i building a two-storey brick
day school and , other religious workers, in (Friday) the anie to be- called &t 10 o'clock, of last OP an is Dresses
'Tim Co=emmn Bo.MD.—On Tuesday Philadelphia, and in the lectureMr. Rae a. in., sharp. An exciting kame in week was the opening of the new thanks for the beautiful gift. After
a� be ex. spend. building, which he will use as sho-w-rooln, Furs
evening last,at. the meeting of the Collegiate vividly ortrayed the characteristics of pected, as bo 1 teams bridge, which, although not marked by the Ing a pleasant evening all returned to their paint and' blabksmith shop.—Mr. Jamel etc. etc. are in good
Ur. C.
Institrate Board, the resignation of Dr. R. -Some great Americans and, incidentally, the '—The many, friends of the family of I
coi'dt'on. booming of cannon or honored with the homes well pleased with the events of the Burgess, of this' town, was kicked in the Large shipments of thmigs right up
W. -Bruce. Smith, a: S chairman, accept national characteristics. 'He is a close ob. till -esence of the Prince of Walos, was. none -day.
pr H. C , of wly of Seaforth, face by a horse the other day- He was d#e have been put into stoei for you.
ronto, formc
ed, oil account of his intended removal from S the less an occasion * of interest and
erver, is full of the brightestanil best will be sorr to learn orthe death of rs. brought home i4nd is.getting along nicely.—
town, and Mr. T. 0. Kemp was ap, ointed humor, and is a most satisfaction to , our citizens. On the af-
P Joquent. speaker. Call, courred at her home in To- Cromarty. Mr. Th6mas Cornyn has returneX from Al- Oar Mantle
to fiU the, position. At the invitation of the W - ternoonof the opening, the bridge was Department is filled%
a are sure ou people will welcome -him ronto,'on Saturday last. We understand - QPICKS.—The funeral of Neil, the two- g0ma- He has been Very sick, bnt is get -
photographed with two rows of --usnal, with 11 good fitting medium pric4x
ting better. —Alessrs, Williams, druggist, and capes ekets. They are in. variet
ifewchairman, the board then adjourned to in to Seaforth. The a�thema by the she had been lin deilinifig health f teams vear-old son of ' Mr. and Mrs. Donald. Me
i or evera" dii6vit' up'in line across it. The span kellar, took P!ace on Sunday, 16thinst., AYlwin, of the Bank of Hmilton, are away iZeS
Mr. R re- 'r were well rendered and muckenjoyed, months. —Mi s Jessie Sp�otp daughter of is
Haxby's restaurant, where a fa MCI and jLa
-well oyster supper, in honor of the retiring was also r. Guthrie's redi tion, Miss Mrs. W 123 feet and it is. -forty feet from colorings, styles and s _an novel and of.
at, of Constance, who bas on a yachting cruise up $.
as ta in. St when the remains were interred in,Roy's the Uke Hunting
mWi-man, was held, and a ery enjoyable the water. The structure is of steel, and the latest and best German and American,
Grace McFaul, the soprano soloist,! delight- been residing in Toronto for a ear Rast, has- cemetery, The child was. a victim of and fishing will be fudulged in to their desi
time. spent.. ad her audience. reflects much credit on the builders, the cholerw infantum. Air. and.lrs. McKellar hearts) gns.
It is several � years since returned to paforth.--Mr. an eontent.—Mr. William Vanstone
Mrs' Alex, Messrs. William Law & Co
apl rned from the Old Country.,—Alrs.
Tin rare in p ess
CLX7D.—The aove club in any peop, a were anxious to hear her. frilods in Set forth last rida
r�� ADERDEE- a Tourgenial citizen, Mr. Robert The Dr Department is richer and
she had d ublic in Seaforth and Lucknow, were calling on here. mpany, of Peter- have tft 4thy of the community - in has retu
their and Miss C are visitin
r y. They were argi.
Im - Black; of the flour and oatmeal inills, be- reax eme t,�The friends and rela- 9 -5irs- J- ("I brighter than usual from.. the in -flow of the
�orgpmised for the season, with the fol- She has a pure, sweet soprano voice of very out on thei at Goderieb.—Mr. Robert Al.
off cars on. annual holiday *driving tour, tives of Mr.'Ale ander McLean were very StacP, H President, John prize latest novelties. There are many lines of
high register, which she controls most skill-- visiting frien a at Bayfield Biucefield, Sea. the honor of first crossing the bridge pleasantly surpr is home fro�i Toronto.—birs. C. III 4C
President,. R. F. Steet; Vice-Presi- _�ed at his unexpected ap-
as the
fully. - She sings with Mitch expression and forth and oth with horse and rig. 0- SiMP elegant goods, rich juality, as raT10
Ed. Cherry Treasurer,. W. G, Mc- C Tea :a among-Ithem. on Wednesday ev,6n- I
r places.—Mrs. Af. A. Thomp. son of Chesley, and Mrs. W. J. Adams, of more econoritical sorts.. with erent
onsiderable dramatic power, and her eunn- f S 1* treat, returned from Low. ----------- ing, . last week. '-Mr. McLean went West to Ottawa, arej the. ests of Mr. J. Sullivan.
o ipari 8 1 styles.
Uellm.,1 Secretary, Thomas Wilson. The ciation is perfect. All lovers of mus on b Hill�" Green. of trimmings to match.
-tably located in 7. Tolt ay evening.—Mrs. E. M_ years ago, and has done Miss K%tA 'Patterson, of Glertmorris, is vis -
Manitoba eleven.
members are now comfoi delighted i�ith her finished work. Dr. Me- Caton, of Defroit, and tw sons are thi -HJ(TPFNIN'G13.—We have this week. to f4irly well on the prairie. *ti town.—Mrs. Irwin and Mrs. Fow_
0 8 —Several of the I mg I
-their new- rooms in ScotVs block. They in- Donald, astor of the oh5irch occupied the week visitin� frien eco' Our Millinery Room will be found exceed -
of the infant daughtef of people of this vicinity took in London show
tend holding a number of dtbates on ds in Semforth. — St r rd the death ler,, of Seaforth have returned bom� after ly attractive, We have an abundant chair any, as usual, added ;�ot � a little to.. Thomas Ohlir Air. Thomas Smith, which aad event took last week. visiting Mr.
Sabbath. School. will here- `Nhn Elder. — Miss Lottie
cal ajxd scientific topics, and will also give the enjoyment. Miss Ewing presid of the ndweSt Forei d shapw-
'30 P.M., e0nimencing with Mitchell has returned home from a visit to and tri
several assemblies, during the ad at, after open at 2:. lace on Saturday, September 8th. On and
s does, next Sabbath, —,X1r. William Cameron, 9f qbnd&7 last the remains were interred in &n
win- the organ, and played as she.alWay Listowal and Mitchell. the ery -
ter months, the first of which will be hold w JBrussels. 'n Iv
ell. The platform was beautifully decor- this town,. has sold *is'farni in Ivi Troyer s grave yard. The bereaved parents best sk7tio ashion these into that whiciv
4m Friday evening illop, to ---------- 4&__
October 5th. cK FALL FA�m.—The EasiHuron F air will is most becoming.
ated with flpwers and, plants,, and the Ain Ha'okwel �-, and has purchased the old havehe heart felt sympathy of the entire We will notattempt
M. be held here on Thursday and Friday of Winthrop. describe the different siyles, but you am sv—_*
church,fairly bathed in I' lit looked, its homestead faini on the Rill Road, Tuck-er-
IL community. — The building of the new next week,- and the directors have every- Andrew Robi inion has a Open'
Tim Maca&rims..—Thefollowing are the best. The proceeds amountea to' about $60. smth.�Mr. J. R. Miller, Irispe' church has been at a stand sti!l for some them in all their beauty on th
mamea of the�officers of Babrlon tent, Knights dtor of Li- thing ready for the best show held in the purchased the old Duffil's farm on S is line Days- incauses for Past H00a, was in town on Wed,- time owing -to the destruction of Mr. tb
of the Maccabees recently lnstitate� in &a- GILT EDGE-shoepolih,�15c; White's egg nesday.—ISir.1W. IA. Coop�rj Paterson's planing mix' county this fall. The list of special attrac- and is partly moved in.—Mr. George Little
fvrth:--wSir Knight Past Coin.., C. A. Stron- ahoe Polish, 15c; reguar 10c bottles, formerly of tions should -draw a good crowd ontside of has a fine new granary erected and It"' Miss. -Stobie, who has so long and succeso
Wmtaib, the Mill Road, Tuckersmith, is now am- PICNIC. --karly last Tuesday morning rigs the regular prize fist, fully managed our Millinery Department,,
8W K ht Coin., F rank Beattie, V. S. ; Sir Kidd"i-Block. -which' is always moved the old house from the rear end of
t ployed with Barkers & Ludgate, of Boise- could be seen hurrying up and down 'the
ieut. . Com., John Bell ; Sir' Knigh. HOU&E to rent. GimpwE GOOD. acknowledged to be I. Every one- the lot up for a stable. Things are'be-ain- lIa-9 this 8 a Vail], Manitoba. He is engineer 'aild has Parr line, and stran ; goo( 0 eason.associated with her,
Accord Keeper, W. N. Beattie; Six Knight ers were inquiring should attend this fabr both as exhibitors Ding to look ar Steadman, of 0 comeff �o us,
COLD -weather and putting up stoves come full charge of, their threshini outfit. He what fair was being held. What did it all and -visfto rather comfortable ound wft Sound, who
Fm'ancab:eeper, H. G. iNlcCosh ; Sir Knight together and we w1Fh to state that we are ;ready for gets $ 100 per month. —The ine-an? Why the Par rs. The price of admission is there.—A gang liehded by Mr. David Ross well recommend -id, as a lady of e?erie
annit-al meetin I, line people were placed at the low figure of 15 cents. The and his favorite hound -'Peter --have been in all the details of the millner
Sir Knight Sergei in the latter with men to send at short not -
ace. Muto.
164asStark of the Women's Christian, Temp' g having a picnic to Bayfield. A large crowd usin nee
Sir Knigbt Physician, J. LETT & JAogr3o,,(, T,lephont 61. erance 7 1 y ess.
G -1393.2 - person missing this fair misses the show of coon hunting lately, They nflIke, iLht We may, therefore cotid-ently say that
Union, for the election of offic gahered in Mr. JoweWs grove, and after 'the season. n:, with�
e t; r Knight Master at Arms, J. S, ers, *ill be ea:
ON Tuesday evening, October 9bh,- a bas- hideous withteii iin rthly howls. —ins 6ur splendid fall st�ck and our superior Staff
Te Son; Picet, Harrywatam M. C. A. rooms un. amp a Jus ice such as the Wednesday of 'this week, tor Robb visited s600ls No. 5 and 6 of assistant$, we shall be up and a itial to
ket social will be he'd in the Y held- on Wednesday mtxt, at 3.30 doing I J ti to a..dinner
a to E�tats out with a fine staff 6f d'ethe auspices of the Epworth League. Fuller P, In-- at the usual place. -All members I arr lineladies only (,,an prepare) the jovial -a 'Robb gavetheteachersMessrs. oing-
announcement will be given next week, i3wi are urged to. be present. 0 spent the afternoon in boating, was lil, a fair day here, the cause I londay. Mr. the best that is g
officers,. which augers Nvell for its future —A new Orange or w'(1 . bein- that the two firms, Scott & Jo 'k -
ACTivE young man wanted as apprentice been formed -at 19ginondvilla with swimynIng 0 Ilea$ cRae and Robinson, great prais� for the
Lodge ha- gathering stones and
prosperity. various and Backer & Vanstone, were both shi way, they co,nducted. their s-clio-ols.—lAirs.
to. learn the electrical businei. Apply at-th thefollowingofficers: Worshipful la'ster, other amusements, until the golden orb, hogs the same da . III
trio atation. A. H. IonAx, Manager Seaforth FJec- y Fir 'ers were' ping ittle, who has been ill, is slowly
.p Elao
Captain E. Dawson; Deputy, (which set here Charles L REMEMBER THE DAYS
X John Pink- s too soon, only on such occasions),. from all over this Riding, , and there -, were recovering and is, we are -Pleased to say,
RENTED.—Mr. Duacan AJcCa1_ We L-ght Co. ee- refresbiiag
14m has rented his farm on the l4th con- B_!LuGmss ni Ruanm.-�-M an's rilbbe ney ; Chaplain, C. Walker; Re6ording S' took his nightly bath in the cool, altogether about 700 hogs delivered for ale to be cut again.—Miss Elizabeth McIn-
OeWon of MaKillopy to Mr. Dalton, from 415c; women's nibbers, Sao; Misses' rubb )21c, 'Brenner; ?7reasurer, A. Davidso gro,
boye'rubbers 35c; children'd rubben, 20,_ ly J. n ; Di- njin a
War Woodstock fQr jai -e, usand dollars paid out. Fratilk
'It all limitcdquantity at these pricei, but.we ell 'rect r' Butchard paid this li3ic a flying -visit
rs., retary, W.. Hunter; Financial Secretary waters of Lake Huron. We fancy that any shipment; which means that there were tosh is on the sick list tbisweek.—AIr. Thursday Friclaiv
one loiteri - th ve th&t night mig0t from five to six the
walualrOntalof i�00 ana Ar",f have all or of Ceremonies, R. Smith; - Lecturer have heat I Jewett re�eat to himself a We would like to hear' of any other such on
feCallilm olzes IR WjL! Is 4140'4 D! Qk� '00 cnly. lm -i J. . Smith.—Mr. F. G. Sparling, of Wing! modified form* his wheel 1411P,eek. Saturda
I I I __ .1 9 V of " The 1"ging of the —M r. ames John- Y
thQ of pxt of the house and ul 9 similar -shipment. They were sold at 5 "cents per ston'S house is WarlY fiiiiislied. The' rough
meri of, laurl, Mr. Alocallum in. hqpl, is in town for a couple of days, visit Crane," ivhich wo d run somethin - pound and some a sbade better. --,-The Ea'st work -was done by Mr.
to the following: n was a success. Charles Rock' mv
aving M Tir-L L-tT.E N,&Tu.iNn'm Cos-Ts.—We in" Old fr1efideg, an Mr. Isaac lqolton's gan Sept 27� unds h all Pit, ot Huron Reform Conventio
of his fat _g tire putting on
mentionedlast week the death of Mr. Nath. The sun to down, and gone are all the guests, A full
That throngiDg came with merriment and jeaLa, ig to
sof the West End, Tuckersmth, Bavlleld. column. Everyone, is so, C
-4weetaouthe I Ith of October. —The Rob-, anel Cosen report qwill be found in another the moulding and finishing. it is goil 0
iiiwn farm on- the 13th concession of Hullett To celebrate the picnic of the fair tisfied 'With the be it handsome and comfortable resi "n 0
which took pla(.,e on Wednesday, the 19th IVHEv� at the fair do' In Jowettle Grove—into the oi., choice bf the Con
itear Harlo n't fail to call at IE[. ht, are gor)e, vention.4Vestern Star when completed.—It is reported that th
Pk has also becarented. Mr. inst. Mr. Cosens was a native of 'Sussex, r. Rdwards' and secure some of the many barKaine But still the fire in the old stove,burns on, -Lodge, Independent Order of Fore Edward McFaul.1-
Ste-venion'is the lessee. 'He rents it for F
And I alone remain. sters., is a horse oil -this line that stops so sudden -
$240 a year for it. members of his fam ily in 1832. He was a god4e, ready-made pants, overcoats And tweeds. B31. oard.and driver out on the
fie, years a He came to Canada with ther thete offered. Very special cash prices fordress which has been in a partly dormanttate ly it takes dashb SEAFORTH.
Pfillyral class The ance of stock ofboots and shoes an'd tinware at clear. lately, has been reorganized, and again as- whiffieetree.
-blisses, Robinson will also have an tanner by trade and he was bngaged -in that in2: prices. Another artival of our famous 25,3 Japan Tuokersmith. tab
d1shed, so that before long it will be, as
rich, to reside.
on visiting friends near Z' were here, and. assisted in the reinstating. 'BER
-business in Galt, Paris and other places after tel Jst opened. 1898.1, EUND' NoTEs.—The threshing will- it used to be, a good, live lodge. "'isitors Morris.
-Ade and 6hey are thinking of goin to Gode- in to this country. In 1861 he.bame . to -� BRi,;Ezy LoCAM.—liss Lily Elliott is
oom nearly all be finished in this vicinity this from Wingliam, Teeswater and Wroxeter
Tuckersmith and settled on the farm urich.—Miss Maggie 7eek, —Mr. Josiah White is giving up farm- STRUC REME Mi
Oil —C. Dunlop,- of Seafortli, pad Brussels -a struck the divelling of, Mr. -AA7m. T4 lor ol trls to come.
FALL AND Wx�-,-TER IV, oRK. —The Snday which he continued to reside until his death. r, alconer has returned from a visit in L - llng on account of ill health - he has leased morning last, about I o'clock, lightnin The Mins -anigh
11110lZing Bible Class, in connectiou with the e as widely read and took a deep in tereit don.—On'Sunday morning next the annual his farm to his brother Geo+, who will flying Visit this week. oncession of Morris, near
in everything pertaining to the welfare of Harvest Move there at an early date.—Mr. John the 9th c Walton. early and avoid the rush and.
Yavmg. vfeifs Chisian Association, will his adopted coubtry. He 6e Rome service will be held in The electric fluid passed down. a chimney, SeeUr
bet dn cupied a seat in -Trinity church. Rev. J. W. Hodgins, of White has leased the 50 acre farm belong-
alyd upon an ual is a new,
ncil for many years and a Seaforth, is to take charge of the sei k se -at. ']his
on- Sunday Morning next, at 9.30 th� t6wnship cou to Mrs. Clidmore, paying, an ann Staffa. scattering bricks and mortar thic dy over a e a
itriptotved plan. All more fait., -vice.— 'g
iful, efficient and conscientious A lar a number from Bayfield and vicinity, rental of $150. ' Among those �w' OBITUARY. -t --It is our ar record
ho took in .1 duty to ])ad where two little girls were sleeping,but S a repetition jDf'
axe Welcome. On Wednesday evenings, be- public officer the people of London, fair last week were the,foll the death of Mr. John Herron, who die nC
gnning Qctober 3rd, the roo' owing d at passed
-his township alteii5ed London and Goderich Fall fairs it injuring them in the least. It '
will be theresidence of his parents last Tuesday through two floors -into the cellar, damaging the former oneeverything n6w
never had. In politics he was an: earnest but the great attraction will be on Tuesday Mr. E. Walters, Mr. and Mrs. S. Johns,
thrown open to 'the public. 'for gam es and Liberal and i,- morning, at nine o'clock. Deceaaed con- tbetone foundation slightly but not doinor except the performers,,: whr(>-_
n religion he'belonged to the- and Wednesday, when the Stanley 'Branch Mr. and Mrs. George Crich, Mr. A. Town -
in. -To ng men are cordially invited. Edu- t spring, which set- strong
socickfamusoments, from 7 to 10 o'clock P. Baptist denomination; He was a genial Agricultural Society hold their annual fair send, 1r. W. Routledge and otkers. tracted a cold ea�rly-las any other damage, though it left a liberal minded man; a useful citizen, -an here. With fine weather there is nothill" very, amel ere it passe
'in neighbor, and a tree frie 4n ad al sk4H wag procured, lie (lied through the floor. Nobody wits hurt,
improve ent classes will ba. o - ND. —Mrs. best of m 1s,c ungs, and although the a
N,Ews Fi - aom ' AN OLD Fni tled on b' I I of burning wood wh are the bestocal faleii
organized -for other evenings to suit those ad. . He surer than a good eKhibit and a ar at- Alexander McLean, of Tyner, North Da- Would d -O Gredit to the best
wb: -was much and deservedly esteemedad his tenqance.—'.1N1isses Anna and. kota;, writing to a friend in Seaforth, says.: of that fatal disease, consumption, after an thougo, the whole family got a very bad
Cr Mabel
nk in the ranks of don'and Retatanbury, and Tkessrs. John rep good this year,
o, desire to take advanta a Of- them. a a. S 8 another bla Cid.
'These classes I , I& 'de th c it e C s around Tyner were illness of three mo blis. Dammed was a fri-lit. minstrel show on the boards. e been h successfid and
the fast disappearing pioneers of thisecount Jowett, James Marks and John Geminbart, but prices are. very low. The highest price steady, sober and industrious young man, —Al r Al. Black, the popular teacher
est -grade of -wheat, No. 1 hard, only 27 years old, and un" married. He wil another year at the same salary, $49-5. Mr. Sunday School of our village oil SabWth,-
profitable in the past. The violi class is -He leaves a widow, three sons and one havp been eaqy enjoying n week's holi- for the. b and i�ill be sadly missed" ^11r. Herron'wu in School Section No. 3, is re-engaged for
expeeted.Jo start next week. Des'Ir"140 ter to mourn. the loss of a loving husband d�iyj� at, lide'll.—Mr. Iin�iTippet,has
pipilla- will please apply..� The presence - C is 44 cents. Mrs. h) cLeanwa over here be buried under the auspic Black has taught here for a number of years. last, bringing words of encottrQiime
and. and kind and'ever tliougbtfulfather.� There It -visiting old Huron friends two es of
vo�operation of th a complet6d his new residence oil Mai the dd-
e Public is respectfully are still living In ears ago. fellow oil the 9 -
street soliefted at the Wedesday evei"g ineet- of the family one brother,'Mr. arld will soon occupy it.—Air. Robt. Since her return two members of her family ust. he being a main- —Fall shows are all the go jitst now. No :both teachers and 19pi tOmake them as attractive a_of Listowel, and one sister, Rotlatt is busy finishing up his new hard- bar of that order. We- xtend our sym- less than twelve take place this week4 One 'spok� on . Tuesday last in the Methodist
Charles Cosen hae been called away by death. The first a
enter- Mrs. Tilt or Blair, Ontario. Mr. Cosens had wafe Atore and dwelling. its Peter, an active and intelligent young pathy to the bereaved family in this,- their good county show is all that is necessary- hurch on the sub. act, "'Ireland and the-,
tain ing as possible. —Call. M r. Robert �v
been in failin- health for some time and for Elllott is. fillingi up the. out -work of the man, who died of typhoid fever. Then ore iction. This would bo A, great saving of time aud Irish.'13
ense; be 'des the prize list could be
A GOOD Poirro_\- neariyayearte has been confined pretty briqge with stot)e. Maggie, Airs. Forsyth, of Wm*ntpeg� died, HYMENEAL.—Mr. John James GorRileyof exp 1141 CRICKET MATCH.—In speaking of a Match -
F. A. Clarkson, closely to his residence, He Wasa severe leaving two children, who have, since the Hibbert, was married to Miss Pierce, of more tha doubled.—raE ExrolTo-A did that *as to be played last Friday afternoon..
oldest sou of the principal of otir Collegiate
Sufferer and be knew there was no hope for death of their mother, been residing with Logan, last Tuesday, at St. Columban not show up at Sunshine on Saturday -last. between a Heiisall-Exeteraggreg4tion and
Insautel has been appointed ni-a-ster Of the his recovery, but he was Church, Irislitown. There were about two This is"the first time it haa -all Observer
completely resigned ensalL their grandparent's at Tyner. been delayed theBrucefield club- the Hails
hundred invited -guests, sev'era me froth Hill- made use of
for years. —Mr.)). Hanna is he
Princeton Public school for 1895, at 4,salary to the will of the Master and contain, AIIIJNTERY �.E.YIN(4 on aturday, Sep- folloing: " Let Brucefield
- 1 1- being from
in Staffa. After the marriage oerem n with A Cole look well to its laureli or it will be shorit f
of $5%. He is an uni -erg 'hiate of Toronto 'the fature with the utmost hope an( con- . We have just received Hr0bert. Ily the
lated te lett.—W. WaKd has a yatedd
er 29th at 'jSinith's.
ony was
-id holds the rank of first fidenc6. The remain$ w from 4o'ronto oyer 9 00worth of latest styles of mil 6 Of for a few montlis.—'Mr. . a took ill. on the 'renown won at Clinton." That thenf-
ere laid est i over, the part.Y drove to the idenc
In lineiy goodo. Then The re'
will be shown,about 56 pi sidence of Air. Sunday with inflammation. Wehope soon. 'scribe who penned it waS neither a prophet -
sees of Mr. Pierce, and filled the inner mail. Mr.
cbsa teacher, hayspent five years in the Turner's Cemetery on Friday antdolar very trimp-ted millinery, latest dress trihirniiage to braids,
-Seaforih Institute com plated the f large number of people turned out t�o pay Thomas Leeman Presented an animated and -Mrs. Gormley left the same afternoon to see him able to be about again.---!fhresh nor the Son of a prophet was very clearly,-'
A Jet@,' velvets and e�lk velvets, t4p newest things in scene on Wednesday, 19th inst., as the
Of tUdY. Mr. Clarkson is at present last tribute of respect to the main of weilipgoan.1 frittlop. Vents hoi6ewmade silk ties for Detroit, while the Prowd amused them- Ings are getting well wound up n6w. Mr. shownby thegame itself. Polli6ck Ch�rleisan
I r�auy guests arrived to celeb
Qry 4 Rti0ember the day, l$aturday, September 29bb. MIS selves playin horse shoes,-Aancing Ames has a duster on his separator which is Donald Wallace were absent, but -their-
ixt Toronto attendin- the Normal school, good man. SmOna Main treeb� neusmil. of rate the mar- 9 an
aud we: wish hitan 5116cess ii his studies s riage ceremony of one
1898-1 our most popular 'lotof othergames too numerous to men- a great improvement, the stfaw being quite plac
there antl in hism-ork foe next. year. F-TEFS.—The eather has been M01t de, as were ably filled by Harlandl Cotew
young 14dies, Miss Charlotte A. Houghton, clean and the men too.—The heavy rains of and
ivy ligh el Hanna, of Tuckersmith. and wish them long life and la late, and the cool,windy weather have put a ing. The visitors went to bat first but-
MrN-Edmonds of ttwo doing the bol -
haw, the Huron boys work their w 'Sonle LocAL —Rev. pi to Mr. Samu tion. We congratulatethe young couple,- Chialey, the ]as
to the tful of late fo the Exhibitions and local
Preston, a former incumben-t X appiness.
front both at home and abroad. F row San St. J Thomas sh' 'and very large numbers front thi The marriage'
ceremony was perforined by
am was in town -on an( rs damper on the grasshoppers at last, also the were not able to find Chidle and datej�
-Fran o, Los Angeles, Vanconver, Nan-, Sat AY aud call- section have been ttenXing them Rev. Air. H - le i0i", y
..—A large about 12 o'clock, in swamp fires have got well quenched, and ver oft- . vvl -h regular orthod, nd a
q1 4,11 1 y 0 gra I K often, who on the other hand fail
Brandoi lat1i, Cilicafro iber of his Mr. Ed. tit f is being daily marketed none too soon.
n Ir i, Dit ad on a nu 4 C, oxT fia�hion. Miss da
-Niagara, NVIndsor, as far munds is an able and zealous pas-tor'lLn, w r oc s trotting st Hotham, of Staft 'and Air. Robert Hanna, Mppen. vt very often. Indeed it seemed as if'
&t to 10 X i;o 2pil 13 t_� I d he _'N I T , Mt d-'- - kJ allion, 1
east aa Montrea aitd. Neu doing these two gentlemen had a bet on us to --
are glad to learn that he is 91 r*;I;ton, brother of the grodm, acted as bridesmaidp
York and as far a VTOO it William Cooper, 8r.,is isit:
wo 3,sta that recently won the* groomstna . n
sonth iw At! rk where h-ris now located.—Mr. in. fir 'at Lucarl, has again been succe. 'and Brucalleld which would bowl the most men. The
anta, 4ve hear go accounts of respectively. The care- at the home of Miss M. McAlordie, Lon- in -
prize Ing
the graduates of Gur Gotlegizvte Institute. Charters, of Ashland, Wiscon�in� was in fuj'at Exeter, win&ng the first prize in the mony over, congratulations were showered don. —r. Robert Blair, who i's now, making Y&jvm RE-_\7TED.--.,N1rs. John Ross has closedfdr20 runs -and 3'byes.' H.
upon Mr. and Mrs. anna, fter which all a Lon -
town last week. Afr. Charters was for three minute class,� and he is nd_,�r entered H rented the old -homestead farm on th g'
his home in Algoma, arrived here last week. W@ott MeKenzie and Sutherland being,
will* return ill - a few de, 'Road, Stanley, south of thii village to credited with 6, 5 and 4 irespectively. The
many Years an extensive produce dealer in foO the Parkhill ra4ei.—Mr. F. G. Meyers sat down to most sumptuous dinner pre- Mr. Blair vs with (Ion homeJewn went to against the bowlinr
Andrew Seaorili an.11 ftensall, but for he past -five an'(1- Mr. W H. Joituston, now of London, pared for the bcoasion. After doing ample horses and other necessaries for the-friq.— Mr. Ch%rles Wosman -who has been workin& of -
Smith- has aiold his preinises to Mr. A, C. or six years he has be" a wq . re in �,Donald, Oliver and McKenzie andsuo'-' aVanEgmend of this villcfe. Aon was years. The ran -
an a resident of A It the'village 11this week, looking hale 'justice to the viands the aftern Air. John Cooper, of Howick, made a ahort on theJarm for a couple of
Mr. Smith land where, we are pleased to learn, lie is a4f) hearty and rep 9 ceeded in piling up 40 of which 10 were to -
spent in mirth and music, call &men friends last week.—Mr. James tal is $290 a year. It is one of the nicest and
is, retiring front busitiess, 'a' and all Im# an Coop
er is this week sli Wing sheep at the best farms on the- London road an the credit 4 Beattie. Inthe next iming�_
and Mrs. David 8 roa , of cit.—Rev.,R v%, of Ardook, Dakota, d 'Mrs.
nd, we b t pirt business good in the
doing enjoyable time. The many be ful and
'th auti
intendsliving with his son. Daring the 14, e1i spent Sunday last with: in this at'L pne ma * resid Goderich show. —.fr. 'aylor was successful it was a ess' visi Q s
of the township of 91 received testi- they were proc on for the t r and.
as been one of otir vicinity. David.Dotiova, costly * f ts hich the bride T Ross is fortimate in Securing so good -4 ten�
Il'of this towa, )Hay, who is here visiting among relatives fied to the esteem in which she is held. At in the London Fair horse ring, taking two ant forced to content themselves with.
e hs'sold his farm on the 3rd concession of a�4 friends, occupie",d t 5 o'clock the happy couple took firsts, two second prizes and di I ma for toill, to Ieside, and she will have all : etion 10 runs and 2 byes leaving the home team.
Most worthy citi7ens nd Ave regret to los' . Mrs. Ross intends removing to Cli-
'him, but trust that lie ma a Pulpit of Carmel the train au
-y be log spared Tackeratnth, East of guniondvileJ horses. Mr. Taylor is this week ISiowing at sale of bar farm stock and effects
to Air. P�6sbyterian C for the South,- from Hensall, amid 8 victorious by 5 rans and an innings to spare,
t Sabbath evening howers on the 12th
,Ad is m Chidley.
a —Mr
tirement. wit the
to enjoy the comforts of his well, earned re- William R berhardt for 0$3 500. The -far la#, preaching a 4ery aMe. sermon. of rice. May they glide gently do the exhibition at Ottawa. —Potato digging of October. It speaks well for the bowling of
y W_&S THERE. fairs, are kee the farmers' sy, which last week from siting relatives in Toronto
Ar- Smith's relmoval leaves a contains one hundred acres ndid Mftgel and his wife, of Michigan, for stream of time is the wish of—Qx attending fali Nowts.—Afrs. (Rev.) Simpson'
good opening for an energetic to start pstlire la' merl WHO corn cutting, threshing and returned and Coates and the wicket keepin
ad, but the buildings on it are not oVZurich, are here a present, visiting Mr. Du Beattie, when the - score sheet showis only
in the harness businen. —Afr. Casey has good� However, Mr. E'berhardt has got a all goes to
ma ibyes fdr two innini�s. Harland,- -Aust-m-
Mpgel's brother -in -I Ve business quiet at present and Oakville.—Mr. Thomas Fraser was maved. into the brick cottafre lately o and sister Al ------------ 0—.
w—n- cheap place. r. and - an
He is a farmer who -seems- to in our V and Perk -ins each �iiaa_e a
very prett
h hein on a visit to was our first taste of the coining winter.— ter McGregor -was a judge of horses. —31r,
ed by Mr. Pater M owan.—, We regret to be making money notwithstandi H. Cook, of De illage.—The frost of Tuesday night official at the London fair last week. Mr. catch.
the hard trPit, is also here -Pe
a -e parent 01 diss Mary Brown's has b -on eived by a party im
our ve
lieA. th for the past- week or two, but hope on Saturday did not prove very satisfactory. t4 een residing with' atives, here during in London. —Thompson Brothers are run his hotel and fumisbings, Ile Woodstock, the ther day, from MM
notethat ra. T. -Hills hits beeninpoor Theiinas Downey's - niNe.' t LocALiTT.,F1._AJis Emma Brown, who Airs. R. Hunt spent last week with friends Williain Di teran hotel keep- —A letter was re6
rel IX
4bbath sebool'olass,l of Carinel - at, has leased
to see her around a' Presb ter- the past summer,:ha riAlimed to her home Ding two threshing machines in order to will give possession on the Ist of October.— Bi,reball, in which fibe states that alto is 9 in soon.—Among The onlv real estate solil was the house and ip Church, Exeter - th s we
6thers Fair last lot on 'John Street. It was purchased by b4y 11 be missed in the best snpply their customers. —Butchers' and egg nieYotheringham loft last week for ing with her father
who- attended the Western wen X to in Stephen.' She wis
a their picturesto ken'to present to their isS Fan
a circles of society here, her amiable and lady� wagons qwitrm in out - in London England,.
Charlesworth. The Sutherland has secured a- chea-p property It "me here to Ii a Leatham, who�
Hills and Mr. A. Al health. Mr.
weak,. froin this -were Mr. Thom- 8 'Ivlr. Alexander Sutherand for 00.. Alr; te�i& r, Miss Brown, he intends leavingher like manner having won her a large number BEIm.—On Wednesday of las't millinery show room. She 'was selected out was reported to have died, is also, living in,
village these times. Watford, where he -will take charge of a but is in p4?or
!atter gentlemau, we under IV th her sister, Nliss offriends.—Mrs. AfeEwen, the esteenled week, a very pleasant event took place at of fifteen applicants.—Ili 3 Wolfe spent London.
g handso, r She
stand, pur- and a nice, comfortable homb.—Mr. Andrew Afartlia', in W, was an able and post -mistress af Leadbury, has bee the residence of Mr. J. Cawford, London lastweek visiting in London. —bliss Lizzie and —Perhaps the largest bark canoe in ther
,chased somethin me� in the line of a &Smith, one of thre oldest business � men in n visiting
ill 1 0
p6litstaking tm iel:, and will be much her sisters in Toronto and viewing the big Road. This 'was the mai
thoroughbred Jersey, milk- producer.— this prt of the county, has dis&sed of his 111issee, by far class as . wel -riage of their r. J Rose returned last week from visiting world is one which is owned by the Hud --
Mr. Hector Elliott left on MondEty last f6r property, in Enmondville, to Air. August as by her friends far. She also didled at some of the la daughter, Mary, to Mr. Henry 0. lox- in Toronto and Niagara.—Mr., Hart has- son's Bay Company at their po, Yort�_
t, hy r
&ad, intends retiring, from the genera t 1* -in -wholesale houses, in contemplation of rij teitb, of Ttickersmith. The ceremony st t
tanitoulin Ialaftd, to take eh,,�rge of a VanEgnond -Miss Mal 01111, of Port
t Mrs. Shirr was laitely put up a wing to his home, which Temiscaminaife. It is 38 fee� long
vviio has beenvisi 1
U ing future purclipe for her store, thereby
zellooL—Misses M. Stevenson and Jennie more active business oflife t ay�a _f or, 1-5 and 6-
o enjoy awell t1je past montb, hasgIeturned cc onveni- feetwi4e. The usual load for this mon-
ho performed by Rev. S. Aches'on, assisted by adds both to the . appearance and c"
dispose of 'his s�o inibining busi
Xtildrew have been appoin' ed. its delegates earned holiday.' He wi ek %binson, of near London, is visiti ssa with pleasure. —Miss
ng his Lottie Dundas has been having a fnice I Rev. J. S. Henderson, of Hensall. The ence.of the building.—Ibliss
to, attend the Christian Endeavo Conven of hrness, &a., by public auction on the bdoth6f-in-law and sister, Mr. andlUrs. J. visit way Seeing
groom was supported by his brother, forth, gave a splendid account of Qhe late crew of 12 Indians. I t
r Elder, of Sea- ster canoe is 50 barrels of flour besides its
-tion to be held in Clinton on Thursday- and 10th of October. - Mr. Charles Seaoer has C' Stoneman. friends in Toonto t is very high for its.
or y
-Weare pleased to note the been appointed Police Magistrate ilton. 86;� attended the' Industrial her sister, Aliss Ella. The bride looked land.—We are glad to learn that Mr. Win. —Mr. John McLeod, of Minloss,
Friday next. Al TIonia ones, one of Tian, u(I Alexander,- while the bride was attended b Christian Endeavor convention held in Cleve- ize,
Tode- Fof est's most enterpr4ing business men, Fair in the former dity. Aliss Dundas- was charming, attired in cream cashni6re, bridal Bell, who suffered from a, severe attack of Lucknow, diect about two weeks ago, He
increasing iu.t est taken by our young peo- rich. If Groderich needs such an officia, a vv 6 has held tile Ition �� mayor and absent three weeks and had quite a pleasant veil and the usual orang blossoms. - The typhoid fever, is now so far recoverea as to was a young man of fine physique, mimur.
society. Te Meetings are better nian for the position could got easily o6her responsible officoei was in the village time. —E Ider Tal
3010 It
itors, who . be got.—One day this, week Messrs. Scott ti nlinson, of the Latter Day bridesmaid also looked very pretty in cream be able to resume bii
�rell atuendc(L Vy members and vi,
t yomqe- ing six feet two inches. The disease th4
lis week, calling upon 'Mr. James Supier- i t h been holding services in the cashinere.: The wedding March played by gations which he has had charge yuring
s duties in th
zwern. d ee I -erested. in the proceedings. Brothers sent out two organs and� a piano, laud, postni�ster.—A I rge number o . our Zs't"air�� pait of the township.—Mr. James Miss Jackson, of Ripley, carried him off waa of a stranle nature, and
Exeter to tend
—Oar MC �ge boya are generally ell be- the result of one day's work.—Mr. Afit-chall, vil;agers dro- down ealed forth as the the Summer month--.—Mr.B. R. Higgins has d the medical men—b eadw
ing of game and ifiwardly4 The veis- of his body
ourt of -Assizes.— After the ceremony the uspal congratula is
Mrs.1 A. Card o.—_ a r . A.' David- al, being very good. a are pleas d t hi-brothbr, Mr. T. M. Higgins, of Osgpode
havd, but at timesoine of them are not as of Porf Huron, is this week the gai6st of his t4 Fair there on Tues ay. They rc ort it Com Goderich last week acting as wedding party appea, at the,
1 9 -on the lawn. returned home from visit at th�'Rome
Several of aunt, T tes w re
prudent as they ought to be. n Al ss grand7jut1ror at the C
0 Young men from the lines ivoidd swell up, and all at the swowk
ourpeople, have b3eu annoyed by having son and'S. Lamb, of this town have return- state that Alm. north and south -guests, o
James hite an fre ora followed, amd then the the Hall. Torontm—MrS. unor and daughter,., *ould poor. There ii! only
ad from their tri one oth r -
tones thrown into their lawns, resulting in p to the old co'untry. Thv qi�entl§ seen spo�niug, ad bill-� number of about eighty, with the wedding Alisi Susie, of Clinton are. guests
B�Titbron, both of Whoin have been s i us- inLy and cooing with our fair Leadbu beil"m dwa&
JAVL-en flowerpots aud dest d plants. enjoyed it immensely and Mr, Daides at, the case of Ue kind repor
roye- on is 1Y ill of late, are now _ry line party, partook of sum
owdVering Ai ptuous wtilding- home of Air. Thomas S'
puw -Mau
Ai4. Mr. 40 pt 4ted -tbro esteewKr.,
As a result, it s iamored thit two dinner served by lamp light the dilkinj of Rippeli, WM Alke�wMPIU7
-Ak -AL—
w1w VV
4 A%* -ft
ng a 0
Caps. No how ,
)e We Sell
iI% tile comq
-and colored
7 13wks-na. Cb1orea
School Hats, _25e�
school Cap$, 25c.
)01 Hats, ise
Faucy CaEis� Tauls,
iLUL times -we show t
in -1uales aud b0p
1 . eaders in ouri
is ilway'.8 wbest'
Gloves it is 4" 1
y -'a f 01,1 rang -8 -of t1h
Elk Tan
Breas Do,pk
Keg& keepmg Und,
'we cami fixim th.
41jeot� in an
wattlral W"
Watural Arctic.
AFOYA Volt Uon-irritat,
Aurable UndeTwAftrl,
wlitural W�
we are the Night Tta
Our. atom is stockea
valy. If You des
rebuing, powkv
at in houest qual4
-w-o give you bargab
'We are TAaAem It*
- Al - &
The ZuAdh
-tV -third anuitalT
The irty
liksuoh Agricultural S -M
Zurith on -Wednelsday and.-',
-w-m-U. Thisshow. iw .
gm and isa, fvAr inao
Wnrl1i;ry it repiftentil.
I -h: i
W'" simongst -t e best
--tho suspic" of-, the soe
,w,e& diligbtful; iand th
j&own by the g-ate-rebeipb
14 the Itistory 4f the shoi
both an regards,quantity
guy 4,var
_qUA4 in mi tmo
11mms this year, the, exhil
Aga fruits �, being *Spec]
Ue suow in cattle waa 4
the W%Ole, tho show:
The following io
V=ZE L100
HIONSM—Roavy *Rug
.V-dding or filly, James PRO
'e .
r -gemmp in harness As
griculturaJ -Broad i
by� f�94 James Gould, U
"40ould) D Bell.
eigger, I
V, -Jobn G
old.. SHy,
w ARM.
4GIeno-ral-purpose,— Bo
Ua �b A, Ab,Gei
Ear, Xierne'r. 0
4u Robert
wy� %a vear old
Dit6&, Aloilo Foster.
g4dingo iii harnesis and
ters6n., vury Thial, HH
year old ld, fi
-imAdings in
VW -112 T_711
VI;cW, Joseph Wil
P4"ters,—Bro -0
104 Peter Ki
ii0'M%&.Tohnst0n. Fol
Thainian 161instoul Ch'
3r"'r Jold.geldm_g -or fi
�0_ -
filly, P Kill
eig r. Span
hmness u -
and b C
horze in harness,
r.0liver Johnson
er% 'MA, J Ro. eder, F T.
Heifer ealf i Roeder,
J Roeder, Yearlin
Rennie I JRoeder, goll
Other than
Ifileb. -cow h%,vingv
T U& ties, F win.
&Itt" ert,
if ar cal 7 T Roeder
Pfalt, Ywo year *V
J Roeder John Torrar
John Tbr'r;�ce, 2nd an
steer,, D Surar
19 rfaff. Pat 0ow or
Rleder. Yearling stei
Willert. Fa,
Thomm Shal
Th shapton, Geol
aged awesi,- ist and
awes, ist and
Ewe, �. Wtnbsy lat and
Romv lamb, George Pal
Flue Wodl,,—Ava,
ZDGP6r Ram