The Huron Expositor, 1894-08-31, Page 47
re H
Sin nnew:sr
NEW "VERISIMN". ne"'r- me and true' to in- foreign markets. He bid gone up to his attend -'the follow -
the P. P. . We y be mods of Ciinadians ha*ye
per man,
pulsive to and will be ener getically re- able returns z: Hormosi 88,60 -1 cattle, 183,- been rutfied bk shippi country at no , roppe nto the Signal offi and 4th room, apparently in the beat of health, Sundav inservice held ev*
Ing the old
1�otestant. afternoon at
. confie
YOU wish.
�M!The figure between the parenthesis after esoh pudiate(I by every right-mind6d h6l the editor out bg doing a '-wheeling eostume
30 O'clock
me 0 9W sheep, 35,430, and holge, 08' markets, whereas, had the American mar- chore at and two minutes after his wife beard a noise your aus, denotee the I the paper on which the 367' The
adverthement wilfbe found. -Theclaim -of every British subject. to a treading, and the gnal mays he that was unusual, and went up to find her
yield of prairie h and cultivated grasses keb.been open to them, they it well, too. will be a r
voice in the government of the country the SY might have afely lockedp..,
U,� - husband dead. The doctors who were suin- 9, ine
is light, averaging 152 and 1.40 tons per saved themselves and perhaps made'a small -Four little girls, dreamed in white, were m6ned declared that his death was due to fboyal
Fall Importations --Smith b-Steet. (6) P. P. A.' dny� They. want to introdu umbent.11 NOW, go to
A Reminderim-Bright Bro& (5)
a theolooicil test for -citizenship. A mah acre respectively. Pint AnnovAcev.*0-Ww. Pickard & Co. (5) Harvesting commeneed 'margin. One would think that these -men pall-besrers at the funeral of Hother heart failure. He was only 46 yedrs of age,
Yaw Pall Goods-11offman Co. (5) may be a 4runkard and 'morally vile, but if he first car load of wheat of this
tionally early. It is pointed out that Adeline, the infan Lt daughter of W. J. and an� his ability mLV be lud 'ed froin the fact son's crop arrived in Winnipe
y One Can Look Well -Dill & S peare. (5) he professes to be a Protestant he may be exceP would hardly allow,,�hemxelves to be fooled
tooskyou Nothl%;� Mrs. Brandon, of Belgraive, on Tuesday. Of thot he hel dbfe position he did g on the
Jackson & Smig. (1) Premier. . A go?d,man, it he be a Catholic, farmers are giving increased attention to again by oid flag"- vaporings. last week. d the r;spoiL It graded No. I hard�
school Opened -R. illis. (5)
My 40th, Year -John foi a, number of years, and was retarded nection Manitoba farmers in this
Steet. (5) is to have no voice in ruling the destinies of dairying, and the resulta-g*�,,ve promise of -Messra. Smousher & Campbell, two are
bj4bblesal� men its one of the best le
Nude Emporiurn-J. L. Downey. (5) his country, That is, P. P. A. doctrine. itypr by the announcement that the CanaaiZ,
00unter Yetition-John T. Dick4bo. (5) uccess. News of the Week. young printers of Torguto, have bought the in America. He leaves a wife and ohe
The very design Mr.Madill attributes to the cific Railway will this year r
Catholics, of seeking supremacy, and for FiRE I FIRE I -Forest fires in Wisconsin,, plant of the defunct Hensall Observer, and ehAd.
Stat=at of Expeasm--jobn T. Dickson.,(5 in the course of a week or so will revive that charges for handling gm �biice the
eir 1�crt
4 -Mr. John Hunter and Mr. R. Cudmore,, William and other eleators. it.
Ken Wanted -J- F. -Calloway. (5 which he so unstintingly condemns them, lie The Advocate says that large numbers of and Northern Michigan are devastating the
Tht Kindergarten -Min Biennial. (8) a� fro timber limits and causing great aislral to paper. of Tuckersmith, who recently went to the the mating is likel-
unblushingly tells us is ;What he aims at for pebple are frightened aw in Toronto on -Messrs. Doherty & Company, of Clin- 6ra of interior eleatora V;ill
Notice'to Debtors-br. Smith. (8) - Protestantism. Extremes meet. I . . settlers.' Sections of New York State are 014 Country with a 4.uinber of cattle, tak- low snit
n prinei- account. of its puritanism. Statement of Expensex-John T.'Dickson. (5) ton, purpose lighting their extensive ing also several horses, have returned. -Considerable anxiety, is felt re
Splendid FUm to Rent -Win. Fowler. (6) pie Madill and Tardivel are identical. . The We think any also overrun -with fires. organ
factories throughout, with electric light, The did not strike as favorable a cattle garding
For Sale Cheap-N� m. H. Beattie. (8) unfair ad a for Cath. people who would atayj�way from' Toronto - HURRICANE IN BF.Laiu?,r.-A hurricane a the fate of seven young inen who ie
Pam for We -John Stewart. (5) olicisin the other claims for � Protestantism. for that cause, belong to"a class that it ept through Belgium the other (lay, de- ad have purchased an entire outfit for this maZet as on the ]QTvious visit. A team of ft Toj�
Seed Wheat for Sale -R. Cow -man. (5), is purpose. It will take about 65 incandescent hooes,: owned by Mr, P. McGregor, Bruce- onto in the small yawl -rigged yachtLarline-
troying farm houses and doing great on the last Saturday in
Toue by any means. i.v
Reformers" Attention -D. D. Wilson. (8) To taboo any man on account of his reli , desirable to frighten away from any town- light4s. field, thy sold at a good price. Mr. Oliver July. Theyiutftie
Gold Speotaclea Lost -Expositor Office. (8) belief -to say that because of hiw cz damage. -Mr. Geore McKenzie ed having a cruise of three or four A Good Thing at Coventry's old stand. (8) shall not bear a part in governing the coun- CoTroN CROP DEgTRoYED. -Half the cot. of Winghani, is Johnston a team were the envy of several going dow-� the sutith shore of the
House to Rent- -A. G. Ault. building a rei track on his farm propert would-be purchasers, and were left in the Mt
try -is the rankest tyranny and bigotry, ton crop in Dallas county, Texas, is said to coming up Ithe north. They wrote * and
Spe"Sale--4T.F.KdwarV11?,8) have been destroyed by bollworms. for the purpose of training young stock. 7t hands of a gentleman who conditionally pur- to tll*
Farm for Sale -Wm. Bell. (5) whether uttered by Ultrainontane or P. P.A., The New York Constitutional Conveiition friends every day Clinton
will be a third -of a mile track, mud itis said - chased them. He , New
arkid.theywere the best -was the date of the last letter, Butter Wanted -A. Young, (8) We diD not want in Canada either a Protest- has adopted a clause making RACE FOR Cup. -The Prince of Wales to be his intention to give the public the' matched, eaBiest handled, and most care-
. ant or a- Catholic Government, but a Gov- m"
Plow Points -O. 0- willsomm - has ordered that his yacht 'Britannia take
Eyett Front -O. C. Willson. (8) ernment that will administef-its affairs with- demeanor, punishable by forfeitur: 1-fioffice, part in the race for the Cape May'Cilp. free use of iL fully broken carria- nounced their intention of striking at
ge team he had come forToronto. Since then nothinghabim
Wavhitvg laachines�O. 0. Willson. (a) 4, gang of bridge men are boardi% at across.
out regard to. creed. The Gleaner has op- for any elected or appointed offic� I to ac- THE `MAoRI KINct is DEAD.-Tawbiao heard of them, idthough they should h4,F,,
the Ramsey house, Holinesville, repairing -Last Sunday evening, 19th inst., the reached Torontoon Sunday, 19th i
posed in the past, as it will in the future, cept K pass or other favor from aw.- i AIW&Y, the second, the Maori King, in New Zea- .1
as the rat wa� b i dges. Th think prob fipe greyhound, Clip, belonging to Mr. H. net.
land, is dead. His de th w due to in- Ne put in on the J. Stron photographer, of Brussels, lost jiam %4t.
telegraph or other corporation. flueaza. a new bridge �i -The old Wilberforce
Gover ments like 'Kercier's which discrim y ri 11 Ihve to Institute of
inated against Protestants. It would just gy
aideroadatJ. Trewartha's, and the Cut her life in a very unusual manner. She was which for many- years did the work Of
as energetically wage war against any Gov- HEAvy Loss Lv RusslA.-Alexiejeffes' Ifife one, if not replaced, will need consider- a separate high school among the colored i
for, that -a &gains - At a recent- Conservative Convej.? '-.,n in wool. cleaning works at Charkov, the Is, er people of Kent, has virtually - gone cut V
ernment, uch as ie Pl. P. A.:is laboring reest out on the -roof of thephoto gallery, (where
able repairing. she had often been b6fore,) and was lying existence, and will be c f
would discriminate in,Russia, have been destroy9d, togeth
t Cath- Cbarlotteto,%vn, Prince Edward Islal.t. , the nverted ihto an in.
SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, August 31st, 189 A houselin West Wawanosh, owned by on the front edgre of the building, apparent-
4- olica. Our aim is to have a Government with a law stock of wool, by fire. The Mr. W. A, dustrial school. At firstoit will be used fo
following resolution was passed: " Timt, we exander, was burned with all its ly asleep, whei� it i I something girl� Only,
that will know neither Catholics nor Pro- loss is estimated to be 1,500,000 rbubles. is rlippqse(
deplore the great mist contents on Tuesday of last week. lie and they will be taught inusle
testants in its administration of the affairs ake which has been THIS AWFUL Ditouo,11T.-The conthittal. Mr. startled her, and, losing her balance,.sc sewing, cooking and general house
A Great Canadian. of the country, but deal with all solely in repeatedly made by the electorate of this drought has -reduced the water in the San- Alexander and his wife were away from slipped off, and came down with great for e -work
but if successful in this the trustees ifttens
home, and the fire is supposed t6 have caught on the sidewalk beneath. Not a bone was to add a boys' department, where black.
One of the greatest bf the Canadians died their cM1 capaettly of British subjects. To Province in placing Prince Edward Island du,ky River, Ohio, to such a low stage that front a awamp, where ' bigfire was raging broken, and she did not appear to be hurt, smit'lling, carpentering, painting and ther
object to the present. Premier for, his con- the fish are dying by -r the thousand, slid are
at the post of duty last Frida morni in a position of hostility to the ' at the time, al nnary was called, and upon ex- trades
lng* duct of public affairs is legitimate; to ob- majorities rotting itpn the rocks of the river bed.
Christopher Findlay Fraser, the particulars ject I o him because of his creed is not legit- in all the other Provinces utchart, of Chicago, who amination discovered that she -was hurt in-
-Mrs. Thomas B
and we sincerely WAS UURLING HIER HAIR.-MiSa H. -Mr. Wm. Moffat, of lot 35, concession
Hitchcock, r in has been fignding some time! among rela- ternally. She died in less than two hour, 8, Culross. was drawing,in oats la
of whose tragical death we give elsewhere, imate. The tendency of such outrageous trust that after the next election; the Island of Milan, Michigan, was h tions and liends in Ontario, previous to re- after �he fall. st week
her hair by a lamp on Sunday. She turne
through his personal virtues arid unaided talk as Mr. Madill's 'will be to incline -fair- will be represented by men who will- act in Burning her medical studies 'in Chica id -A quiet but vei-y pretty cerenionv� to'ok when he met itha "ei.6us, 4cAdlent.
minded men to favoe Sir John Thompson, the lamp over on the bed, which k fire. 90) XXI --- -
efforts, attained the highest honor anion nent in urging Her cloth6a also caught and we 11 p ace Moffat was caught on the faS6 by the
9 to h ony with the Goverill' a short visit W her father-in-law, Mr. Yo'i I in St. George's church, Goderiob, on
his fellow countrymen. He was a self made make them oppose the movement to bound arm -e burned Butchart, Stanley, during the first art of Wed�esdav of -last week when Miss -Ruth on which the lines are hung and on tie bick
him down under the cry that he is a' Papist the just rights of the Province in the mat- off, She ran out doors, but coul not ex- p
tinouish the flames. A few hou Ia. r she as Al. 1AVIlliaiiis ad by a girth at the top of the
or a Jesuit.,' Imad teach the cowards who re- ters of public: works and winter comillunica 0 , youngest daughter of J. H.
inan, but a vell, made man, and. what emin- I tvveek. of the he
-In the Fargo Forum, we notice the Williams, Esq.-, of Goderich, was married barn door, and so squeezed that h
ence he gained, he earned. -.The story of his peat that cry a lessoin, We cannot endorse tion."' Thib is somewhat startling. It con- died. account of a fatal accident on August Ilth, teeth were actually wed . k'ed in be Is upper
life is one of indomitable energy, striking the po'liev Sir John Thompson has followed A BRIDGE CoLLAPsEs. -By the coll to Af�. C. Alban Sander hind
apaing a, of Highland the
k, when Clayton, the - 14 year old son of the lower ones. For a time.11t was feare
of late, 6ut we unhesitatingly declare that fesses in effect that as long as the people of of a bridge over a ravine at Fairmount Par Creeki The bride, who looked charming jawould d lock -
ability, and lofty principle. Hewas learned Hon. Leonard A. Rose, of Fargo,, accident- 'all set i ]n� His face is badly later -
the country is safer under his rule than- it that Island sendLiberal members to Par- Kansas -City, last Monday night, fifty per- elegant fawn travelling suit, was attend-_ ated and hia manth all cut tip. The
in the law. He was skilled in politics; and would be tinder that of Madill or any other sons *ere precipa,ted to the ground, and all shot himself while preparing his gun for ed byter sister, Aliss ],,'Yy �ejlliams, who wondei
liament they need not expect to get " the a hy is that there is a whole bone in Iiis luee.
his long r� trader upon religious prejudices." twenty of them were injured. unt. Mrs. Rose is the sister of Atra. H. W Neautifully attired in cregirl. Both
ecord of the ]lead of the just righta of tile Province " from a Conser- Hiford, of Holmesville. as The injured mail is gra-dall; y - recovering.
FiGHTI41W TuBERcu ivorellandsoine pearl broaches -with pen-
greatspeadin"department of the Ontario LOSIS.-Ireroic Inca- -rM I � -Aman named Scott, who was ' the
vative Government. �Ale other day William Campbell, son dantsi'gifts of the room. The bride car-, in
Evidently the Conser- ures are being taken to stamp but tuber -
of the Clerk of Hullett,was hauling manure, ried , wbite prayerTook, while the brides- e mploy of K#nnedy Brothers, of Owen
Government, pro-ves.those politics' to be of -A Deserved Tribute. atives intend to fight to the death for the -und, the firm that is placing the pow
ir culosis among thei cattle of British Colum- when part of the load, slipped,: and he fell maid vVlore c 6
the cleaner sort-. On the floor of the As- The Toronto Telegram pays the following bia. Dr.Hickingbottom and & health offi- osage bouqueb and hand er
battening troughs, in. the next general to the ground, injuring his shoulder so as to bouquet of golden -rod. The groorn Its machinery on the ship canal, at SAUlt
cer are constantly tourffig the country W,
�erhbly he was an able parliamentarian and well deserved tribute to the holiest manimer election. require the services of a doctor. It is Ste. Marie, was accidentally killed
among ex- support0ed by -.Mr Hodae, of -on
Hon. C. F. Fraser admin- Highland A16nday last. He `w&4 workmi at a pie
an eloquent, forcible and convincing speak- in which the late the ranches. They report that not a. petted that he will soon be able to work Creek. �I After show*ers of L congratulab -ee
herd oil Lubu and Sea Islands is fr'ee from 'oil**- of heavy iron tuhing, let
er. And he was a. mail to whom, the istered the business of his department,. It The neii tariff bill went into operation on the disease. As soon as the veterinary sur- again. good wi'81ies (and ricb,) the happy couple whi
functions of attack, and defence never says geon is coil -A fishing party, consi br a severai weeks an incline, the tubing fell on one
-sting of Nlessrs. lef tl by the earlysiWin f -of his
Tuesday last, without the. signature of tile vinced that a cow is diseas . ed it -is A. M. Ross and three son$., of Toronto, Dr. trip d9wn the Ll feet, knocking him over and then rolled
seemed distasteful. Of his department he Cnadian politics have been enriched, proi-qptly ot. � waivrence. The presents over his body, killful him instantly. De,'
In President, the time having expired in. which R. Shannon, W. Horton, F. White, . received by the Uride were both numerous
he might A- to it. A big carvo of raw sugar TIRrs. -Aftei
and ought to be permanently improved bv THE c� THOMAs K. BEECHER RE -
was an cient and, economical head. -aniple of C --F. Fraser. Honesty was r a pastorate of forty years, the Alalcolnison and P. Holt left Goderich on and costly, showing the.,bigh. lesteein in ceased was a marrie man and leaves a Nuvife`
the Cabinet he represented his race and the ex Saturday night, 18th inat., for Maintation, which she is held. and four children. The remains were sent
not a pedestal that raised him so' far above S'-0116igned tothe Sugar Trust, -was nipped, Rev. Thomas K. Beecher, brother of the where they intend staing for a week. They -The inhabitants of Wingham and Bur- to Owen Sound. This makes the ighth
religion- upon the only excusable basis; he his rs ha surrounde t he could no uty late Henry Ward Beecher, has retired from
no� getting in in time to escape the d went up on the tug Aikens,. which returned rounding country Were painfully startled death by accident on.theartal construction..
for his prefermient, value in service ;- sins of others. His honest. ws a sword the active duties"as pastor of the Park on Sunday ino- -The Hustler, published t Hantiots
�and they will have to pay $50,000 to swell church at Elmira, New York State. Mr. rning. week before last to- learn that James John -
he, held. his position not because he pro- that kept dishone sty out, of public ork, --Acounty constable might make hirnself ston, familiarly known as " Red Jim," had Alnioba, tells of a part from South Ya -1
Beecher's new assistants, Rev. Samuel East -
are prospecting for locations in
femsed a certain treed and boasted a certain and made his dep�rtmeiit pure. The per- revenue of the country.. However, they Useful in Lower Wingham after night. sudden died In NOittighain, on Thursday kota, ho
sonal honesty ofa public man is often urgeil will make so much out of the tax put on all and his wife, the Rev. Annie F. Some of theoys down there are becoming aftern Northwestern Manitoba. These people sa
eed to -the residionce of his brother
Eastman, of Rochester, will once oon, at -m- that a whole settlement down there are
blood, but because no better man for the in. Canada as a def0iice against proof of his for their special benefit, that tliis)fiftk a nuisance 'to peole while driving, by law, John Johnston.' Few men in that
position could have been found. A distress- failure to enforce onesty upon his subor- the duties of the pastorate, although Mr. throwing stones. This is rather a danger- vicinity were better known than he was. taking steps to move, as they 0annot longer
thousand won't be a drop in the buck
ing ilment drove him from parliamentary dinates. Honesty, that trusts to others, et. Beecher will remain head of the church exist with the high taxes, high rates
o a practice, and one I'Vingbam merchant Grood-bearted aud jolly, he had a pleasant oin.
life, and that recognition of his splendid terest -charged and -the recurring seasons of
when it ought to b� wide awake, is not hon- which lip, founded andlostered,as long as he hit a bruisen his thigh irom being struck good- dayland, mile for everybodv he knew.
esty, at least it is il'ot the sort of honesty Another Prominent Canadian witIV a, big $tone. drought and hail, leaving thernwithout pro -
a To REIBUILD OLOMON'S He lived �fn Turnberry from. boyhood, and
tv 11 a V C Dead' CODUIT.S.—The —on
achievements, which a grateful p rty ae- which C. F. Frwer� g e to t e er i e of Monday morning of last week, while was give the� above nick-naine to dis- vision for themselves or their stock.
corded him upon his retirentent, and through this ProN ince. Turkish Government has decided to rebuild
Macdougall, ex -Registrar of tile Charles Cook, a young man employed at tinguish him from the many other persons han township, by the name of Stewart,
Mr. D. I -An aged and decrepit couple f roin Dere-
Solomon's water conduits at Jerusalem
which it was hoped he ndglit still be able to county of Waterloo
Coo er's Planing Factory, Clinton, was at around he"re of the same name. This Bruit -
and one of the oldest and join thern to the ancient Arab que-
render his Pkovince valuable seri hm.,e been taken to the Oxford House of
-ice, was td a eircula saw, a piece flew nier he ha been working on a new dwell-
omments. nada, ducts. The cost of the work bout _�or arour
Notes aiqd C and ablest newspaper inen of Ca died will beaac d
not questioned. from a board and struck him just below the ing house'of his own in theown Refuge. The husband is said to be a cen-
His end was untimely, and ESO,000. - plot, and . . . . .
The British Parliament was proro ed on at III$ residence in Berlin oil Tuesday last. I4ft eye, making - all tigly gash. He was bd it nearly completed. About four weeks tertariam, while his wife is not far behind
will be mourned among all classes among Saturday 1 911 TRAIN HELD UP NEAR CHICAGO. -An out- him in the matter of years, Neing an oeto-
ast. It bas been a Ion He as 70 years of age. ti�keji to a doctor's office.. and the wound ago an abilcess formed on his wrist, which . . . . . .
ch his influence was exerted, g'session His was a bound freight train on the 01"calzo, M'l- dressed. genarian.
Had not busy and useful life. He. was kind wankee and St. Paul Railway as leld It is thought that the sight of the was soon rmoved. A couple of -Weeks later The old couple, -tvhile very intel-
and prie full of harq' work- for the ministers,
a seuse of duyound him to his post in this eye will be destroye-d. 11gent appearing, are both bed-riddn, hay.
hetirted and generous to a fault, and noth- on Saturday morLin at &small stati lie coniplitined. of a pain in his side, but
thoU'gh the results �aeem meagre. There. is on be- -Mr. Ludwig Hartt, (son of Mr. C. A. kept work�ng as long as he possibl could. ng been so for years. The all is suf-
ing afford tween Cook an g wom
Province, he might have filled in Dominion ed him greater pleasure than�, to ake counties. The watch ]Rartt, of Clintonj who for some time has Finally ho had to give tip an came to hr
a great deal of discqptent fit the dominant fering front chronic- rheumatism, while her
of the conductor was taken, and a detect
at uge o
affairs, a, place relativ ely as conspicuous as - help the needy, while not a few who hold ive h ld the responsible position of private Wingharn.* � He complained of feeling chilly. 'ban is stone blind and unable to, move
party over the f 'I f the Government to Who came to the conductor's aid was shot secretary to the eneral manager of the and shook. 4s thou It cold. He down
that Which he held in , Ontario. But the 1 (f 9 Jay
d positions in social aif(I business life to- - dead, and the bandits, two in number, . then Wabaish Rai C -A .3-months-olcl child called -Baby
take a decided about on account of paralysis.
nd in the matter of
value of Provincial statesinanship,is not un -
abolishing or curtailing the power ' the Nay, have to thank the -deceased for the en disappeared. ompany, at St. Louis, at at the Central hotel for a -short time and
derr&ted in the Canadian Federation, and of Two MucH RAIN. -Heavy rains have a salary of $125`si, month, has- resigned and then walke4 to a physician's office. "The Roy " is the latest arrival at the Woodstock
amily to 'Toronto, where he man of medicine found that he ich
House, of - Lords T4e fact is that the couragement and more, substantial aid,- fallen in Alabama, ruining a good deal of brought his f House of Refuge. The cbitA wh is a,
Mr.. Fraser's name will be long remembered * I a stiffer- foundliug, was -discovered iriman orchard un
Cabinet is divided on the matter, he which enabled them to get their first start cotton and- corn. Harvest prospects in formerly resided.' What heh,asin-view,we ing from ano,ther abacess, this wtia., in. his
in Canada as that of a most influential meni. have not yet learned. de
pig in rope are arm r an apple tree adjoining a farmer's house
'overnent, wilich in many -re- najority not wis to dopt, extreme been failing, and a the end of July he was wet weathier. -sit. in Derehani about two months ago. The in.
life. For over two years his health bad I F, U unfavorable owing to too much , �bad made great headway. He
ber of a G -The Fnen engaged on the Wingliam 'was rivenj* his sister's house, where he
measures at the present time. t I . fant had been placed in a - basket, to ether
NEW YORK TimEs PURCHASED. sewer have finished their labor. The town was well ca&d for, but all that kind treat -
meats of the world. aggra d u the
with some clothing, a -ad deserted. 11
lovern- prostrated with nervous exhaustion -I%fr has 5231 feet of drain to ay for, while the ment and me: ical skill could do for him was
gards, has set an example to the H. H. Kohlsaat,* of Chicago, has purchased propertyownera throng who 'basket was a note which read something
va,ted by valvular disease of the heart, the New Be property of no avail, as the abscess broke inivardly,
The recent Free Trade. victory in New York Times for ii quarter of a the dram goes have 634 feet to pay for. and the blood like this To whoever finds baby Roy
South Wales, Austra.i which proved fatal. His illuess was the rer million dollars. The same proper -poisoning which followed re-
lia, seems to have gi
iven tY-was The job is an excellent, one, and the men suited in -please take -care of the child. The moth -
a hisAienth. Deceasedwas a typical
A Weal: Spot. tilt of long continued mental strain and sold about two years agg for one million had great difficulties to contend with in the 'kind-hearte4frishman, andwas never ar- er, wbo 1*8 it poor, unfortunate,. deluded wo-
a new impetus to file movement for Aris- dollars.
In n article on the " Defence of Public traliai federation. It is expected that a worry. The following record is given of his way of old logs, planks, etc.. They more ried, but thought that he intended to man,, is Unable to do so."
SET oN FIRE. -A despatch from Wiebit than earned their rn.oney. Uil
Rights, the Toronto Globe touches wbtis, new c nference will 1.�e call Kansas, says that miles of Kick& be, and was ding the house for that pur-
ed in the near POO county
perhaps, the weakest spot in the Canadian -On Friday, 17th a large number pose.' He was never known to be sick a Perth News.
fKture Dougall Macdougall as born in the city is on fire, the tall grass having been set of relatives, friends and old ti tain- day in his life before this. -fany friends -Thomas Barton sr. of Donegal, died re -
national character. � Canadians have not the line acou
nd, 70 years ago. He ablazeby the Indiana for the -purpose of tanceg assembled at the ri6,sidenee of C fi-arles will miss hi
courage of their keepin in, and his relatives have their cently at the. great age of 90 years.
_,convictions. They, are Was of Highland 86otch. i�parentage, his FE,,g out white settlers. hy.
Eng all ammunitio4 and armament mak- father being a native n Argyle- Girivin, jr., West Wawanosh to celebrate sympat of
mortally afraid of bein in the minority, of I�b ALE LIFE SAVING, CREW. -Admiral the birthday of Charles Girvin, sr., and a -About T:'30 Tuesday evening of W. -Scott and.Miss Scott of Listowel
,9 ing v ire, and his mother of i aila all Edwin D. Ayres, unteer
ap ers are protest vertiess, of the tate Vol very pleasant tit' last left a few-4ys ago on a trip to British Col-
pearing ridiculous, or of injuring their ne was spent in doing lionor eek, James IA'ilson, of G.odericb, and his &*e States along the Pacific coast..
stringe t enforcemeatipf tile Toreign -enlisi_ his ",e,tors and near relatives oil both Life. Saving Corps, bits organized a crew to the venerable gentleman and pioneer, nephew, Honi%r Tanner, of Toronto, a, boy of
prospects by saying ov doing something that aides were Highlanders. A number of them of women in Buffalo, who will s --A. A -foyer & Co. of Listowel. are re-
soine, one lse maybe offended. at. The equipp
ment a�t, in regard tq� the Chino -Japanese con I -)e who has held several offices of trust and aboutS years, 'drove up in front of the for- building the elevator lately destroyed by fire
were officers in the Britiab army and served led and ready for the work of 8mving prominence in the township and county. All mqr's drug st�ore, in GZdericb, and Mr. and will have it ready for the fall trade.
war, as'thdy Are in reepipt of large orders y- ith distinction in different Darts of the human life.
writer ba�.; seen in Canada storekeepers who
f rom bo',fh sides'. World. His father came to Ca�ada, with BETTER THAN present enjoyed themselves immensely. Wilson g9t out and went into the istore,
would say "good bye" to goods , they had -i a EXPECTED. -All the - Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong, of Fullarton,
9 large family of thirteen sons and two d threshers' representatives in Some time during Tuegdav leaving Homeein charge of the horse. The have Just returned from. their six weeks'
St. Paul,
augh- night of
just sold w' a man they were perfectly cer- ters, settled first at ie Minnesota, conctir in the statement that the last week, the cook house. -at the little fellow got hold of the whip
tain would. never pay for them; simly be ondon " Spe4er " has lately, in Chateaugay, in ti �Iashing it about, and began tour tbro, ugh Great Britain. re.
The L I Prov'ince of Quebec, and afterwards removed wheat and all the small grain crops are Mr.W. Lawson's, 7th concession of HnIlett, causing the horse, which -Rev.' A. F. TuRy and !arnily have re -
commenting oil Mr. G.' W. Curzon's new to Toronto, where lie engaged ''in ' business. t i out much better than was was discovered to be oil fire. It was ex. is a mettlesome creature, to become uneas
urnin eir summer holl-
book, "I Pr4blems of Far East," given when kt%e harvest commenced.: T ken sit a assio-tatice could be got to Ye' day trip to Muskoka.,
cause "'they didn't lik&� to ref rise hin credit; ul received his educati expected nfuialied, but not before the cook 'house and before turned to Mitchell from tb
others 'who were afraid to expeess their on 'in a 'i
expressi Toronto schools of that time; but by the whole, the wheat crop of Minnesota and an part of the kitchen had been destroyed. boy's aid the a"pinial - was off around the -The Harvest Home at Trowbridge, Fri -
on to a daring dream, no less than The house is on the farm of M r. W. Square, -It
opinions on political or any other questi death of his father was thrown on his owl, North Dakota, this year is one of the a a raC6 which caused other rigs dayevening, was a great success. Over *0
resources. e obt ined a situation in the That of Minneota will the gate.
O's that, at a not distant do" e, the Government largest
for fear it would hurt their trade, and peo- ever harvested. Weatcott, of Clinton. Loss is covered by to clear to the ".side streets as quickly as was received at
of the great Chinese Einpire might be in the leading publiabin insurance. How the fire originated is not possible, while pedestrians had to hustle to -The lat half of the July cheese was
ays : "Ali
a a Thompson, where ie acquired a thorough bushels. This is not far from equalling the shipped from the Donegal factory on Thurs-
ple, would Say, " of course you can't blame a b*uds oi Englishmen. mady house of Rothwell come fully tip to the eet-mate of 50,000,000 ner
business in , arl;" editors, preachers and known. get out of the way. Little Homer Tan
the C Ist big crop of 18 wever, a sooft as he found
i �ms Service -is jil the hands o knowledge of the publishing business. He -Mr. R. D. Stanley, of Clinton, who for ho the horse was day, 23rd inst., the price realized being 92c,
as unindnageable -riot down in the box of the per pound.
other public men who would let the wrong f !he a LY - 99
English. I May not the'f` then went into journalism on his own c- 01 ONE 'WHISKY FAcToRy.-There is the past year has had the appointment
triumph because they " d lnglish, at China's coutiv as the editor and publisher of a famil now only one di6tillery in operation geIleral agent,f�r the Dominion Life Ass buggy, and th�r% lie crouched and held on -Mr. Peter Ef')y, the founder of the
in Chi- ur-
like to stir request nertake the f -lest of the work of ;newspaperi the Canadian Famil.y.HeralZ cago, the whisky trust having closed tile
-men who didn't dare atice Conipan�, of Waterloo, hag seyeibd his to whatever he could get a grip of to brace Stratford Beacon, which he started in 1854,
up trGuble; work connection with that Company, and has re-
gover2n This woilld certainly be a He also became an active Reform politician, others. himself. Mr. Wilson ran across in order to placing Mr. W. Mow t in charge, died in
ceired the appointment as special agent for try to head off the horse,� and when in front Buffalo on the l5th of this month.
open their mouths for fear they Would " lose a
good thin fo and, along with the-lte 'Peter Perry father BAD FOR THE PEACHE9. - The each
r both t4l�gland and China v p I Western Ontario, of the M ritual Life Amur -
their job, and so on, till his bear6 - was r I egistrar of Ontario, II6,was I yellow8 are very bad in the district around
of the ex -r of Robert MeLea -a butcher shop made all -A few days ago Mr. J. W. Wood IF-
��lwould be ance Company, of New York. The Mutu effort to get hold an pwful kick about i instrumental in getting up influential epu- Ann Arbbr, Michigan, and many thousands al the reins but missed 'bolsterer, St.Afarys, sent a very handsome y
Getterally'it is their daily bread they among tl e other natt a. For examplej Itations and petitions to- Lord Elgin in sup- of treesimust he sacrificed. is the oldest company in Amer h was iolently
think in danger, but not always, by any n thrown down. upholstered barber's chair to Mr. Kerney, at
wbat woul Russia say port of the rebellion losses bill. largest in the World. A number of efforfs were made by different Wiligharn. The chair was . upholstered at
When ROUGH WHEELMEN.—Tbe first meeting of
meau& 'Almost as often it is simply the William Lyon Mackenzie, returned from t '-The Exeter Times says pur- Ali% AVolod's furniture store.
he Mount Clemens wheeinien was held on "A couple of parties to stop tliq animal, but to no
street was -There have been filed ii St. Mar
fear of their fellow creatures. But there is d b anlKry mob at the 23rd inst., and was the largest ever held n
exile and ivas besie pose, and when Hamilton
y an- London bicyclists while riding through a,
Worse than that.. As the Globe says: We S Ts ouse in Toronto he inAlichigan, except the National in Detroit, reached it turned off the Sqtiare and bolted against the voters' lists over 200 appleals,
They It a hauntj�l school I oti,,ze in Mr. John AacIntos town the other day. utilized the sidewalk.
outh Gre This being contrary to by-law, Constabl up Newgate streeV, turning sharply at its and in Downie 87. A large numb
near the yi ]age of Durham. was one of those who assisted the old Eighty wheelmen took part. There were
bow to the c Lib -
'r . The pecu rity of the elatives in. ef-
p of ('essler in a - hundred eral leader and some of his r Creech brought them tip short. In futu e owner's gatei thro�,ing 11�mer out with con- peals will also be filed against ancharp(l
our modern �Tells or if -.iant" -is that'he many accidents. - Several riders were re siderable force, brOiking his leg in a couple
forms, and laugh at d fecting their escape through the qroWd of these gentrywillbe filled if' Caught violat- and West Nissouri Iists.
oes'not in e hirnaelf' vp4ble even a the knocked senseless, and one of thern is in a
send them to jail for breach of the peace.', rioters oil Yonge streel. Mr. Macdougall serious condition from internal injuri Ing our sidewalk by-law., %1hen they come of places, badl bing one of his hands, -11. Y. Smith, teacher in No. 5, returned
awful hour f midinglit, �,ut mak as and cutting an(fil)'Alaa I
i es his pres- w all his life a Liberal journalist, to Exeter, somehow these London 11ising him terribly. The on his "bike" via Hamilton, Galt, Berlin and
Not only do those Nvllo have couxa&: meet and pos- McLeod, of Sarnia, won first prize, nweird alifl' uncanny sounds Blessed in a special degree tile confidence and the quarter mile scratch, and firat, %0 imag
ence k bicyclists buggy struck the g
with opposition from the wrono, doe ine they are among aborigines'. _ ate post, knocking the Wellesley, a distance of one hundred and
rs, but in broad, d li'bt. esteem of the leading men of his party. in top off, and upsettoi it, the horse stopping en
Ther !was considerable He the open mile. -,Mr. J. MeMill sev ty miles, doing one hundred and five
9 an, of Blyth, suffered a at the stable
the very ones who, are suffering the wrong - I
the matter AfIll
Dr.'� itely was sulumonea, miles on Thursday, and reaching Newry at.
atta trouble ove ofore the summer was remarkably well informed, and,. being a MOODY WANTED 13 JAPAN.—Mr. Moody serious loss on Tuesday of last week, at and soon had the�ehoy's wounds dressed' and 3 p. in. on Friday.
ck them. -witb backbiting I I � ready and popular speaker, as w II a a ig- has been invited, by a unanimou vot o 70- ning of the saw -mill in we undertand
and :�slander - ttion, an no explan a e f noon, in the bur *
Vito[ ation of the strange orous and incisive nen, he is getting along i&;1y.
too often, like a pck' ' of snarling doyotes, aper wrilera he was churches represented, to go to Japall for an Morris, together with a I Owing to poor health, from. which he bas
arge qu
d.o As soon as for many years a po, antity of Mr. Wilson considerably shaken up and
be fo '$fill supporte' gelistic paign. valuable lumber ready for shipment. f
-who, pounce upon and devour occurrence �culd %ver was been suffering for some timle, J. Ross o,
comrade. God forbid a wouded school 'bpen�d after Reform party in different parts of the Prov. NuISANCc&EM- Black Riv' cause of the fire is not known.
t4i holidays, the A Th� bruised about the' arms and legs, but Fullarton, has decided to give up farining,
ei�, which flows The men
that this trait in otherwise appears to' have escaped serious Richard Ross, tenant of Willi Hansonl8far
strange noisds began agahii� and ince.. In 1856 he removed to Berlin, where through the' center of Port Huron, has had been gone to dinner butLa few minutes, injury. 111, conse. he became proprietor and editor of the Ber- become a ublic nuisance, and Mayor when the building seemed to be enveloped on the 13th concession, will take the farm to
Canadians should grow. We think- th:
verse it be vacated- by his brother oseph.
ere Is a quence, scho�lhas been dj�inissed until the lin Telegraph and German Canadian, the O'Sulliva tas issued a; call for in flame. Tlie building was
v1plig the sum�me
r, 00
i the Bible which says, Trust in new school latter being the first German- Liberal tic * -In the McPherson -Herald libel suit, in
6 public insured for
use, built d
ws- meeting to Ziscuss plans for the closing of $1,5 which will not nearly cover the Cahada.
occupancy paper published in Canada. In 1864, on his the river. lo
the Lord and do good, and verily tliOrl $halt is ready for -tratford, which is just now the occasion of
I . *,ost of the neigh- 88.
bo a after-
-The -The other day, while Mr. W. Weir and ontaining half a dozen people
'liristian country seems to r us�ect �he teacher, Miss MaKeelinie was aja6 the recipient of a handsome testi- dispatch to the Central News, from others, were at work in his fields, jilst out- W are all sent it for trial at the autumn as -
be fed," but this ( , - t Thoma.4, oil Wednesday
retirement from active newspaper life, he SCOTCH MISSIONARY MURDERED. no�n��, , b Su ta. c so much conversation, the three defendants
have forgotten it to lag e extent. of be as oing to the race, track, and the driver
mg in sotne way or a 'ther at the root monial. from the people of the county. He Shanghai, stating that James
of the matter vkrylii, a Side of Clinton, they were startled by the did i ot notice the mail train coming it, un- when M. JuAice Street and a jury
was 11
and she h consequently a that year appointed registrar of Scotch missionary, had been mu whiz of flying bullets, and concluded thr will decide the question'.
rdered by til It was on the ra'ils. He itnined
A Change o Base. resigned. Waterloo by theandfield Macdonald Gov- Chinese soldiers, at New Chwang, is con- the same were from the rifles of some marks- ii�hip d his borses ta the si -The fall wheat crop around Listowel
f iatelv
de, and the trai-
Previous to the recent Provincial elections ent, although Politically opposed to firmed. The attack upon Mr. Wylie w In has turned out very . well in. many caes,
as men who were practising at the butts.. One, rush d by within a feW lea of the rig. It some farmers reporting 30 to 35 bushels to
that administration. He filled the office of entirely unprovoked. The missionary was of the bullets passed through a room in Mr. was- close call.
the Toronto Erapire was exceedingly anxious incl
A P. P. A.'Lodge in Toli4iito has resolired registrar until about three years ago, when clubbea, kicked and stabbed the acre, the grain being a good my
resigned Ale- to death in the
with the P. P. A. Association, to, boycot the Industria(!� Exhibition: He was a mail of g 11
to stand in Weir's house and was lost in the second =9�lle body of A' gue Matheso, who 'Ie,
be- reat public streets. A demand was made fipon wall. If shooting is to be as wild and dan- niyste�riou8ly disappeared last -fall at Some reports show a lighter' The
-for all it as worth against cause it'is to elation and force of chara-Aer, of wide sym-
and worked it
;�e opened )xy- our Catholic the authorities that the persons concerned gerous as this, the target should be removed cardiiie Kin- oats have suffered considerably from' the
and who Wa'
patbies, -generous to the last degree, and a a thought by a num-
1r. Alowat. It is now preparing for a Premier, Sir J6'h,n Thoirips�p. in the commission of the crime be turned to some less dangerous locality. grasshoppers.
aberef1hisfriendsto lave been murdered, -.Mr. Jame Nortligmves, of Drayton,
Can asainine benefactor to all who made their wants over to the civil magistrate, but the officials -Mr. J. Elliott, of Wingha was found ol '"red
change of front. It now sees in that orgaii- bigo�ry go any farther V�arl this? Had known to him. ni, while nesday morning, last who was a resident of Listowel for k few
-He was never married. refuse to surrender theguilty parties. The driVingthrough a gate opening onto his
ization d
anger to its own friends, and it is they not better send in le a
week, 1by the Government dredge, whi t yeara, and was well known in Westep On-
�etition to the British reeidents of New Chwang will it rairie, one Jay lately, had a narrow ea work i the harbor. 'The body was badly tario, died at his home in Drayton o
4 therefore prepared to slap in the face those mnagement to refuse. to Catholic I , I is Cape
stated, petition their minister to send a war ies, or perhaps iftues-
From severe injgrii worse.
r coat he r. The Orange
whom itformerly professed to worship.' horsesand cattle, on P&W f their severe vessel to the scene of the trouble. There is considerable of an incline at tile wore o the night of his disappearance. One lo(
pr HE Toronto Empire is, evidently, pre decom osed, and still bad on the fu d ' "last week agd 46 yva
Paring for a generafelection. It has once
fThisl of course, is its we expected, and we- displeasure ?
gate and the buggy wheel struck the post, arm an one leg were T�e from Eistowiil drove down to tbe
more unfurled the old flag" and has corn-' thro- WM* him forward, one of his fe t be gone. An inquest was funeral.
venture further to predict that many of the held o the remains, w4en averdict of
-The other evenin ill Listowel, Mr.
members of that association, of the Ryet-son- 19 t in the rig and. the other in a cidenta ly drown
irienced to wave it vi orously, w1fille its ex Huron Notes. coming fas mta ed" wa� returned.
driving his four year old
to ped a few feet -Jos I Hazelton was before the 'for- colt on the street, when one of the front
The total' 6at crop -1vir. J. Saint's greyhoupd got a dose of front wheel. The horse a p Henry Leslie w
Birmingham stripe, will follow the Empire's estimated at 15,761,868 bush"Is, an average newspaper lights in the Conservative od Samaritan, in the onto pi�pcle court again tbe other day, buggywheels came off And the home ran
� i - Manitoba is &triple is being followed by -all the lesstr poison on Wednesday of last week, in further oil. A go
ean e. In a recent issue of that paper, . camp. Wingham, but J. Golley, V. S.,' was in at- son of Rev. Mr., Law, of Belgrave, came charged�with selling Miss Annie Gardiner, away, resulting in a broken IeL The ai-
of 15.6 to the acre. The e
14�11nated yield of No doubt it hopes to cover up the Curran tendance in time to save its life. long in the nick of time, anducceeded, employed in a restaurant, pills for impro, r mal had to be kill r. f lie eseape(T
it says eats is 12,198,772 bushels,
n average per bridge and other similar large and dangerous bush fire with much difficulty, in Pe ed M
p in the township I his perilous position, from whi& he could we
ting- -k
ri a no more N ig- acre of 29-5. The, followjng�ij the estimate the country has been robbed of hundreds of e - and he could 4ot furnish $2,000 -The Atw;od Bee says Complaints
As Quebec Protestantism'lla scandals by wluc)l been raging in the swam rescuing him from purpose�. His case was adjourned for a without -injury.
don Gleaner, a criticism which appeared in
bail 1;6n he went to jail. Hazelton has have been made to ui of parties setting fire
18�-J,5290 bushels thousands of dollats, with the ample folds of been filled with smoke in consequence. -Word has been received of the death of made o�siderable in oney'selling such drugs, to neighboring wood, resulting in the de-
orous or ultra exponent than the Hun of other grains Barley, of Hay, for the past few days. The air has not extricate himself.
that paper yeaterday on Rev. Mr. -Aladill's - the ol& flag",
peas, 00,000 bushels; flax, 20,480 bushels, and denunciations of the -C. W. Bunting editor of the Mail Air. J. D. Brown, of Chicago, eldest on of and cu (Juite a dash in the city, driving a struction. of valuable timber and endanger -
the late James Brown, of the Huron road, tir oil
United Empire, on Wednesday morning of near Clinton. The information was h iug other property. About two weeks ago
'6d throughout succeeded .-cry well at the last all the a t I'll, It 0
rec t speech in Str�tford will be readwith and rye 53,074. Potatoes afid other root Americansnd American connections. It Toronto, was a passenger on the steame'
interest by friend and foe alike of the so- crops are reported fairly styli with a coachman.
called P. P. A. movement in the sister pro- election in -The fol owing notice is posted at Atwood young men were seen Bert
eports 'ftk time Mr. more startling from the fact that- it- was coriter'of Wain and Soutl Wa r t t o rrvmg
�vince of Ontario. fooling the people and binding theur once Bunting has been in Goiderich t te a ree a ab rit in Aloses Harvey's bush with ve
the Province, and r as ito live a, last week. This is the firs th6 two
in 20 years, known by his relatives that be was in An thing more uniust," begins tile. are exceptionally favorable.' There has the G'alt 01rivitations, t4 cious actions, and immediately
N. and he expressed great surprise at the axi- best of health. Mr. B
more iinder the grinding wheels of the bicyclists.
rOwn was tile James' glican church, Hespeler, extends
lz'011 d
sentiments here expressed by the lie� eate,. from
een issuing
vancernent the town had made in so far as ]European buyer of white gogds for the firm a hea 3' elcome to all bicycle riders from a dozen plafts in the woods. Other fires
Gleaner, "or more un -Christian than the bee" a0-mlsubstantial increase !1n the stock P. and the monopolies which it cr 'a"Mpri their visit fires were a
d of since last year. The foil fine business blocks and handsome private of Carson,, Pirie & Scott, and was just coal Galt, lue ph, Brantford and other lama, have been set bv miserable geoundrtls in
owin is the total Will it be as successful at the next election? residences were concerned. He is a pleting arrantements for a trip to the who are in the h4bit; of riding
out,. to John Dickson's bt�sh. The perpetrotot-8
Aeods of devflt
j8St#Uces1P and si� term
Vill, probabl, fall to
Mr.. Andrew, W
VMtoci Eden farm in
,of j1r..Robe-rtT*ne91
nual rental of $ 800. �
is oneof tI
acres and I
.04 account of failin
tepda residing in toi
—mr, (korge Fau
who, had been tUre
bor's, h9A the mWor
to the cylinder of tl
h6adcaught in it, te
tasm of jelly. The I
for 7months. -
—Thirtynine yean
j=lanted from 0
. it . , two natural -
re&r.spast they have
I A (s, fruit is quite larg
tr"s are quite a A(mri
on. the
um, Little's farina.
—In St. 3durys, tb
t4libed to & bUggY1 a
of -the shops, becamf
bji cle rider, brok
gwere owned b
Wfr- Richard N
ployof Mr.1ames I
Was severely, hurt thi
ing a-eoit for Mr. Jc
ba6k injurea. He
home, and from last
way to recovery�,
-:-Robert S. Han
inasterof GaIt Colle
-of Rev. Mr. Hamilto
married the other
bride was Miss Bar]
t& most popular at
ladies of Whi
Elma, Swam]
.,overrunwith bush i
..considerable damage
41anglering the foxii
.sw&uips have been
twe', which have b
.occasional- having U
—Ain Thomas �C
-boy, of the Oth eonce
,to kitchellon Mondi
Aeliver a horse to a b-
jioine were t1hrown. oi
-was slightly injured,
�ceived, a deep,gash o)
was 6therwise bw �,
—In the ., gold -%
'Ifiss Hanna, �of E-11io
4 St., Afarysl at �
Stratford on Saturda
number.of vrotes-giv,6
miss Hatirla received
ton; 547. Each of d
sented witb.,a, handso
—What ht hav
runamay acWent hal
inst., whileMiss Susi
was driving to Mitch
farm house a dog ean
e the lierse, Nrlib
t the occupaaU ..
Murray was allghtly�
Tom came �-,Ut all Ti9l
_11r. James Fish
tobs, formerly *f 8t,
xanitob& Legislaturf
day, "mil inst., -at a
to Miss Gertrude F.
Connecticut. The -cc.
Zb Rev. Dish -op V.
lautatiqua; Universi
old friends in and arx-
in congratulations to.
. —The public marri
vationists, At, the, Bal
Thursday night, last!
m-andant Booth, was
interest, 'not only to
to the citizens get
Leitch and Rev. L. I
ent and addressed th
Booth made the tvaii
in-Litable, and gpacefdl
—Farmers tadjoinh
watch their premIt
train. Four fires i
Dublin and Mitnhell.
Tuesday, last week. .
,over severalacrewof
it,coUlLd be put out.
necessary to plow sei
burning spotbefore 1.
—The stratfora 4i
of theAtethodist chui
ford -a few daysago,
3fiteliell, presidin
transacted was the
superannuation fund-,
from each circuit, '
Central $93, Waterld
$135 ; Alonk-ton $511
bro, $38 ; Fulf'ar'tai
total, sm.
Air. W. R. Davi�
vocate, has removed
he has occu I fo
and hasta L
resideace'.on -the Ra
town,- recent-l'y owne
J. S. Coppin, slid w
W. Abbott P
ihe genial e
dweR ia� pe --
aee w
Much 19 t,
nger one in
has ilre-acty -done- in
—Mrs. Ifenry K
denly at her home -1
0ay morning, last W.
usual health but co
able to breathe -free]
Was thought tio -be t
but,later on ibdidn.-
was called Lin and -all
were of no avail, as
his arrival. 13he 1"i
and,four children to
early demise. � ' .
—A Urmer L -� -- "
town cleared -off his �
aid of his wifel ,who I
cut, Un acres of ;&I
loaded ' 20 acreg -I
xhould Acon r4ul4te
a worthy felpinate.
This farimer i oliight t,
Yard for expept
Off - , his harvest.,
in the harvest -field
farmer ought to be
Atwood Bee,
Dr. D. W. B
has just returned
at " Pleasant Valle
hi Wellingtortco
an(paisters Were Jatk L
family has'beeu gal
Years. - J C. Burt,
Fleuveu� �rere there
the In ish ehanuel
anan, -. exorth Bay,
vine, and Miss B
:at home. The on
still reside -s
33urt, medical st-ide,
PE &S 0'�N-A I j, k.
ley, and 1dr, JoIll, I
ia�t week for-afanitA�
Tottl who recently i
rcertificate, left last
Inal School.
118 are still raging, a
men have beeii woe
tinie to keep the fir(
11elds and fences, a,
felt In ease of high
-held a &w -
Tisauntivnif m-fti.0
'Our Villojestreeti4a
tr to, �
�Y - raise the
in tihmWe
��v ;4XV,", I 4Ze
vit 14, t
re H
Sin nnew:sr
NEW "VERISIMN". ne"'r- me and true' to in- foreign markets. He bid gone up to his attend -'the follow -
the P. P. . We y be mods of Ciinadians ha*ye
per man,
pulsive to and will be ener getically re- able returns z: Hormosi 88,60 -1 cattle, 183,- been rutfied bk shippi country at no , roppe nto the Signal offi and 4th room, apparently in the beat of health, Sundav inservice held ev*
Ing the old
1�otestant. afternoon at
. confie
YOU wish.
�M!The figure between the parenthesis after esoh pudiate(I by every right-mind6d h6l the editor out bg doing a '-wheeling eostume
30 O'clock
me 0 9W sheep, 35,430, and holge, 08' markets, whereas, had the American mar- chore at and two minutes after his wife beard a noise your aus, denotee the I the paper on which the 367' The
adverthement wilfbe found. -Theclaim -of every British subject. to a treading, and the gnal mays he that was unusual, and went up to find her
yield of prairie h and cultivated grasses keb.been open to them, they it well, too. will be a r
voice in the government of the country the SY might have afely lockedp..,
U,� - husband dead. The doctors who were suin- 9, ine
is light, averaging 152 and 1.40 tons per saved themselves and perhaps made'a small -Four little girls, dreamed in white, were m6ned declared that his death was due to fboyal
Fall Importations --Smith b-Steet. (6) P. P. A.' dny� They. want to introdu umbent.11 NOW, go to
A Reminderim-Bright Bro& (5)
a theolooicil test for -citizenship. A mah acre respectively. Pint AnnovAcev.*0-Ww. Pickard & Co. (5) Harvesting commeneed 'margin. One would think that these -men pall-besrers at the funeral of Hother heart failure. He was only 46 yedrs of age,
Yaw Pall Goods-11offman Co. (5) may be a 4runkard and 'morally vile, but if he first car load of wheat of this
tionally early. It is pointed out that Adeline, the infan Lt daughter of W. J. and an� his ability mLV be lud 'ed froin the fact son's crop arrived in Winnipe
y One Can Look Well -Dill & S peare. (5) he professes to be a Protestant he may be exceP would hardly allow,,�hemxelves to be fooled
tooskyou Nothl%;� Mrs. Brandon, of Belgraive, on Tuesday. Of thot he hel dbfe position he did g on the
Jackson & Smig. (1) Premier. . A go?d,man, it he be a Catholic, farmers are giving increased attention to again by oid flag"- vaporings. last week. d the r;spoiL It graded No. I hard�
school Opened -R. illis. (5)
My 40th, Year -John foi a, number of years, and was retarded nection Manitoba farmers in this
Steet. (5) is to have no voice in ruling the destinies of dairying, and the resulta-g*�,,ve promise of -Messra. Smousher & Campbell, two are
bj4bblesal� men its one of the best le
Nude Emporiurn-J. L. Downey. (5) his country, That is, P. P. A. doctrine. itypr by the announcement that the CanaaiZ,
00unter Yetition-John T. Dick4bo. (5) uccess. News of the Week. young printers of Torguto, have bought the in America. He leaves a wife and ohe
The very design Mr.Madill attributes to the cific Railway will this year r
Catholics, of seeking supremacy, and for FiRE I FIRE I -Forest fires in Wisconsin,, plant of the defunct Hensall Observer, and ehAd.
Stat=at of Expeasm--jobn T. Dickson.,(5 in the course of a week or so will revive that charges for handling gm �biice the
eir 1�crt
4 -Mr. John Hunter and Mr. R. Cudmore,, William and other eleators. it.
Ken Wanted -J- F. -Calloway. (5 which he so unstintingly condemns them, lie The Advocate says that large numbers of and Northern Michigan are devastating the
Tht Kindergarten -Min Biennial. (8) a� fro timber limits and causing great aislral to paper. of Tuckersmith, who recently went to the the mating is likel-
unblushingly tells us is ;What he aims at for pebple are frightened aw in Toronto on -Messrs. Doherty & Company, of Clin- 6ra of interior eleatora V;ill
Notice'to Debtors-br. Smith. (8) - Protestantism. Extremes meet. I . . settlers.' Sections of New York State are 014 Country with a 4.uinber of cattle, tak- low snit
n prinei- account. of its puritanism. Statement of Expensex-John T.'Dickson. (5) ton, purpose lighting their extensive ing also several horses, have returned. -Considerable anxiety, is felt re
Splendid FUm to Rent -Win. Fowler. (6) pie Madill and Tardivel are identical. . The We think any also overrun -with fires. organ
factories throughout, with electric light, The did not strike as favorable a cattle garding
For Sale Cheap-N� m. H. Beattie. (8) unfair ad a for Cath. people who would atayj�way from' Toronto - HURRICANE IN BF.Laiu?,r.-A hurricane a the fate of seven young inen who ie
Pam for We -John Stewart. (5) olicisin the other claims for � Protestantism. for that cause, belong to"a class that it ept through Belgium the other (lay, de- ad have purchased an entire outfit for this maZet as on the ]QTvious visit. A team of ft Toj�
Seed Wheat for Sale -R. Cow -man. (5), is purpose. It will take about 65 incandescent hooes,: owned by Mr, P. McGregor, Bruce- onto in the small yawl -rigged yachtLarline-
troying farm houses and doing great on the last Saturday in
Toue by any means. i.v
Reformers" Attention -D. D. Wilson. (8) To taboo any man on account of his reli , desirable to frighten away from any town- light4s. field, thy sold at a good price. Mr. Oliver July. Theyiutftie
Gold Speotaclea Lost -Expositor Office. (8) belief -to say that because of hiw cz damage. -Mr. Geore McKenzie ed having a cruise of three or four A Good Thing at Coventry's old stand. (8) shall not bear a part in governing the coun- CoTroN CROP DEgTRoYED. -Half the cot. of Winghani, is Johnston a team were the envy of several going dow-� the sutith shore of the
House to Rent- -A. G. Ault. building a rei track on his farm propert would-be purchasers, and were left in the Mt
try -is the rankest tyranny and bigotry, ton crop in Dallas county, Texas, is said to coming up Ithe north. They wrote * and
Spe"Sale--4T.F.KdwarV11?,8) have been destroyed by bollworms. for the purpose of training young stock. 7t hands of a gentleman who conditionally pur- to tll*
Farm for Sale -Wm. Bell. (5) whether uttered by Ultrainontane or P. P.A., The New York Constitutional Conveiition friends every day Clinton
will be a third -of a mile track, mud itis said - chased them. He , New
arkid.theywere the best -was the date of the last letter, Butter Wanted -A. Young, (8) We diD not want in Canada either a Protest- has adopted a clause making RACE FOR Cup. -The Prince of Wales to be his intention to give the public the' matched, eaBiest handled, and most care-
. ant or a- Catholic Government, but a Gov- m"
Plow Points -O. 0- willsomm - has ordered that his yacht 'Britannia take
Eyett Front -O. C. Willson. (8) ernment that will administef-its affairs with- demeanor, punishable by forfeitur: 1-fioffice, part in the race for the Cape May'Cilp. free use of iL fully broken carria- nounced their intention of striking at
ge team he had come forToronto. Since then nothinghabim
Wavhitvg laachines�O. 0. Willson. (a) 4, gang of bridge men are boardi% at across.
out regard to. creed. The Gleaner has op- for any elected or appointed offic� I to ac- THE `MAoRI KINct is DEAD.-Tawbiao heard of them, idthough they should h4,F,,
the Ramsey house, Holinesville, repairing -Last Sunday evening, 19th inst., the reached Torontoon Sunday, 19th i
posed in the past, as it will in the future, cept K pass or other favor from aw.- i AIW&Y, the second, the Maori King, in New Zea- .1
as the rat wa� b i dges. Th think prob fipe greyhound, Clip, belonging to Mr. H. net.
land, is dead. His de th w due to in- Ne put in on the J. Stron photographer, of Brussels, lost jiam %4t.
telegraph or other corporation. flueaza. a new bridge �i -The old Wilberforce
Gover ments like 'Kercier's which discrim y ri 11 Ihve to Institute of
inated against Protestants. It would just gy
aideroadatJ. Trewartha's, and the Cut her life in a very unusual manner. She was which for many- years did the work Of
as energetically wage war against any Gov- HEAvy Loss Lv RusslA.-Alexiejeffes' Ifife one, if not replaced, will need consider- a separate high school among the colored i
for, that -a &gains - At a recent- Conservative Convej.? '-.,n in wool. cleaning works at Charkov, the Is, er people of Kent, has virtually - gone cut V
ernment, uch as ie Pl. P. A.:is laboring reest out on the -roof of thephoto gallery, (where
able repairing. she had often been b6fore,) and was lying existence, and will be c f
would discriminate in,Russia, have been destroy9d, togeth
t Cath- Cbarlotteto,%vn, Prince Edward Islal.t. , the nverted ihto an in.
SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, August 31st, 189 A houselin West Wawanosh, owned by on the front edgre of the building, apparent-
4- olica. Our aim is to have a Government with a law stock of wool, by fire. The Mr. W. A, dustrial school. At firstoit will be used fo
following resolution was passed: " Timt, we exander, was burned with all its ly asleep, whei� it i I something girl� Only,
that will know neither Catholics nor Pro- loss is estimated to be 1,500,000 rbubles. is rlippqse(
deplore the great mist contents on Tuesday of last week. lie and they will be taught inusle
testants in its administration of the affairs ake which has been THIS AWFUL Ditouo,11T.-The conthittal. Mr. startled her, and, losing her balance,.sc sewing, cooking and general house
A Great Canadian. of the country, but deal with all solely in repeatedly made by the electorate of this drought has -reduced the water in the San- Alexander and his wife were away from slipped off, and came down with great for e -work
but if successful in this the trustees ifttens
home, and the fire is supposed t6 have caught on the sidewalk beneath. Not a bone was to add a boys' department, where black.
One of the greatest bf the Canadians died their cM1 capaettly of British subjects. To Province in placing Prince Edward Island du,ky River, Ohio, to such a low stage that front a awamp, where ' bigfire was raging broken, and she did not appear to be hurt, smit'lling, carpentering, painting and ther
object to the present. Premier for, his con- the fish are dying by -r the thousand, slid are
at the post of duty last Frida morni in a position of hostility to the ' at the time, al nnary was called, and upon ex- trades
lng* duct of public affairs is legitimate; to ob- majorities rotting itpn the rocks of the river bed.
Christopher Findlay Fraser, the particulars ject I o him because of his creed is not legit- in all the other Provinces utchart, of Chicago, who amination discovered that she -was hurt in-
-Mrs. Thomas B
and we sincerely WAS UURLING HIER HAIR.-MiSa H. -Mr. Wm. Moffat, of lot 35, concession
Hitchcock, r in has been fignding some time! among rela- ternally. She died in less than two hour, 8, Culross. was drawing,in oats la
of whose tragical death we give elsewhere, imate. The tendency of such outrageous trust that after the next election; the Island of Milan, Michigan, was h tions and liends in Ontario, previous to re- after �he fall. st week
her hair by a lamp on Sunday. She turne
through his personal virtues arid unaided talk as Mr. Madill's 'will be to incline -fair- will be represented by men who will- act in Burning her medical studies 'in Chica id -A quiet but vei-y pretty cerenionv� to'ok when he met itha "ei.6us, 4cAdlent.
minded men to favoe Sir John Thompson, the lamp over on the bed, which k fire. 90) XXI --- -
efforts, attained the highest honor anion nent in urging Her cloth6a also caught and we 11 p ace Moffat was caught on the faS6 by the
9 to h ony with the Goverill' a short visit W her father-in-law, Mr. Yo'i I in St. George's church, Goderiob, on
his fellow countrymen. He was a self made make them oppose the movement to bound arm -e burned Butchart, Stanley, during the first art of Wed�esdav of -last week when Miss -Ruth on which the lines are hung and on tie bick
him down under the cry that he is a' Papist the just rights of the Province in the mat- off, She ran out doors, but coul not ex- p
tinouish the flames. A few hou Ia. r she as Al. 1AVIlliaiiis ad by a girth at the top of the
or a Jesuit.,' Imad teach the cowards who re- ters of public: works and winter comillunica 0 , youngest daughter of J. H.
inan, but a vell, made man, and. what emin- I tvveek. of the he
-In the Fargo Forum, we notice the Williams, Esq.-, of Goderich, was married barn door, and so squeezed that h
ence he gained, he earned. -.The story of his peat that cry a lessoin, We cannot endorse tion."' Thib is somewhat startling. It con- died. account of a fatal accident on August Ilth, teeth were actually wed . k'ed in be Is upper
life is one of indomitable energy, striking the po'liev Sir John Thompson has followed A BRIDGE CoLLAPsEs. -By the coll to Af�. C. Alban Sander hind
apaing a, of Highland the
k, when Clayton, the - 14 year old son of the lower ones. For a time.11t was feare
of late, 6ut we unhesitatingly declare that fesses in effect that as long as the people of of a bridge over a ravine at Fairmount Par Creeki The bride, who looked charming jawould d lock -
ability, and lofty principle. Hewas learned Hon. Leonard A. Rose, of Fargo,, accident- 'all set i ]n� His face is badly later -
the country is safer under his rule than- it that Island sendLiberal members to Par- Kansas -City, last Monday night, fifty per- elegant fawn travelling suit, was attend-_ ated and hia manth all cut tip. The
in the law. He was skilled in politics; and would be tinder that of Madill or any other sons *ere precipa,ted to the ground, and all shot himself while preparing his gun for ed byter sister, Aliss ],,'Yy �ejlliams, who wondei
liament they need not expect to get " the a hy is that there is a whole bone in Iiis luee.
his long r� trader upon religious prejudices." twenty of them were injured. unt. Mrs. Rose is the sister of Atra. H. W Neautifully attired in cregirl. Both
ecord of the ]lead of the just righta of tile Province " from a Conser- Hiford, of Holmesville. as The injured mail is gra-dall; y - recovering.
FiGHTI41W TuBERcu ivorellandsoine pearl broaches -with pen-
greatspeadin"department of the Ontario LOSIS.-Ireroic Inca- -rM I � -Aman named Scott, who was ' the
vative Government. �Ale other day William Campbell, son dantsi'gifts of the room. The bride car-, in
Evidently the Conser- ures are being taken to stamp but tuber -
of the Clerk of Hullett,was hauling manure, ried , wbite prayerTook, while the brides- e mploy of K#nnedy Brothers, of Owen
Government, pro-ves.those politics' to be of -A Deserved Tribute. atives intend to fight to the death for the -und, the firm that is placing the pow
ir culosis among thei cattle of British Colum- when part of the load, slipped,: and he fell maid vVlore c 6
the cleaner sort-. On the floor of the As- The Toronto Telegram pays the following bia. Dr.Hickingbottom and & health offi- osage bouqueb and hand er
battening troughs, in. the next general to the ground, injuring his shoulder so as to bouquet of golden -rod. The groorn Its machinery on the ship canal, at SAUlt
cer are constantly tourffig the country W,
�erhbly he was an able parliamentarian and well deserved tribute to the holiest manimer election. require the services of a doctor. It is Ste. Marie, was accidentally killed
among ex- support0ed by -.Mr Hodae, of -on
Hon. C. F. Fraser admin- Highland A16nday last. He `w&4 workmi at a pie
an eloquent, forcible and convincing speak- in which the late the ranches. They report that not a. petted that he will soon be able to work Creek. �I After show*ers of L congratulab -ee
herd oil Lubu and Sea Islands is fr'ee from 'oil**- of heavy iron tuhing, let
er. And he was a. mail to whom, the istered the business of his department,. It The neii tariff bill went into operation on the disease. As soon as the veterinary sur- again. good wi'81ies (and ricb,) the happy couple whi
functions of attack, and defence never says geon is coil -A fishing party, consi br a severai weeks an incline, the tubing fell on one
-sting of Nlessrs. lef tl by the earlysiWin f -of his
Tuesday last, without the. signature of tile vinced that a cow is diseas . ed it -is A. M. Ross and three son$., of Toronto, Dr. trip d9wn the Ll feet, knocking him over and then rolled
seemed distasteful. Of his department he Cnadian politics have been enriched, proi-qptly ot. � waivrence. The presents over his body, killful him instantly. De,'
In President, the time having expired in. which R. Shannon, W. Horton, F. White, . received by the Uride were both numerous
he might A- to it. A big carvo of raw sugar TIRrs. -Aftei
and ought to be permanently improved bv THE c� THOMAs K. BEECHER RE -
was an cient and, economical head. -aniple of C --F. Fraser. Honesty was r a pastorate of forty years, the Alalcolnison and P. Holt left Goderich on and costly, showing the.,bigh. lesteein in ceased was a marrie man and leaves a Nuvife`
the Cabinet he represented his race and the ex Saturday night, 18th inat., for Maintation, which she is held. and four children. The remains were sent
not a pedestal that raised him so' far above S'-0116igned tothe Sugar Trust, -was nipped, Rev. Thomas K. Beecher, brother of the where they intend staing for a week. They -The inhabitants of Wingham and Bur- to Owen Sound. This makes the ighth
religion- upon the only excusable basis; he his rs ha surrounde t he could no uty late Henry Ward Beecher, has retired from
no� getting in in time to escape the d went up on the tug Aikens,. which returned rounding country Were painfully startled death by accident on.theartal construction..
for his prefermient, value in service ;- sins of others. His honest. ws a sword the active duties"as pastor of the Park on Sunday ino- -The Hustler, published t Hantiots
�and they will have to pay $50,000 to swell church at Elmira, New York State. Mr. rning. week before last to- learn that James John -
he, held. his position not because he pro- that kept dishone sty out, of public ork, --Acounty constable might make hirnself ston, familiarly known as " Red Jim," had Alnioba, tells of a part from South Ya -1
Beecher's new assistants, Rev. Samuel East -
are prospecting for locations in
femsed a certain treed and boasted a certain and made his dep�rtmeiit pure. The per- revenue of the country.. However, they Useful in Lower Wingham after night. sudden died In NOittighain, on Thursday kota, ho
sonal honesty ofa public man is often urgeil will make so much out of the tax put on all and his wife, the Rev. Annie F. Some of theoys down there are becoming aftern Northwestern Manitoba. These people sa
eed to -the residionce of his brother
Eastman, of Rochester, will once oon, at -m- that a whole settlement down there are
blood, but because no better man for the in. Canada as a def0iice against proof of his for their special benefit, that tliis)fiftk a nuisance 'to peole while driving, by law, John Johnston.' Few men in that
position could have been found. A distress- failure to enforce onesty upon his subor- the duties of the pastorate, although Mr. throwing stones. This is rather a danger- vicinity were better known than he was. taking steps to move, as they 0annot longer
thousand won't be a drop in the buck
ing ilment drove him from parliamentary dinates. Honesty, that trusts to others, et. Beecher will remain head of the church exist with the high taxes, high rates
o a practice, and one I'Vingbam merchant Grood-bearted aud jolly, he had a pleasant oin.
life, and that recognition of his splendid terest -charged and -the recurring seasons of
when it ought to b� wide awake, is not hon- which lip, founded andlostered,as long as he hit a bruisen his thigh irom being struck good- dayland, mile for everybodv he knew.
esty, at least it is il'ot the sort of honesty Another Prominent Canadian witIV a, big $tone. drought and hail, leaving thernwithout pro -
a To REIBUILD OLOMON'S He lived �fn Turnberry from. boyhood, and
tv 11 a V C Dead' CODUIT.S.—The —on
achievements, which a grateful p rty ae- which C. F. Frwer� g e to t e er i e of Monday morning of last week, while was give the� above nick-naine to dis- vision for themselves or their stock.
corded him upon his retirentent, and through this ProN ince. Turkish Government has decided to rebuild
Macdougall, ex -Registrar of tile Charles Cook, a young man employed at tinguish him from the many other persons han township, by the name of Stewart,
Mr. D. I -An aged and decrepit couple f roin Dere-
Solomon's water conduits at Jerusalem
which it was hoped he ndglit still be able to county of Waterloo
Coo er's Planing Factory, Clinton, was at around he"re of the same name. This Bruit -
and one of the oldest and join thern to the ancient Arab que-
render his Pkovince valuable seri hm.,e been taken to the Oxford House of
-ice, was td a eircula saw, a piece flew nier he ha been working on a new dwell-
omments. nada, ducts. The cost of the work bout _�or arour
Notes aiqd C and ablest newspaper inen of Ca died will beaac d
not questioned. from a board and struck him just below the ing house'of his own in theown Refuge. The husband is said to be a cen-
His end was untimely, and ESO,000. - plot, and . . . . .
The British Parliament was proro ed on at III$ residence in Berlin oil Tuesday last. I4ft eye, making - all tigly gash. He was bd it nearly completed. About four weeks tertariam, while his wife is not far behind
will be mourned among all classes among Saturday 1 911 TRAIN HELD UP NEAR CHICAGO. -An out- him in the matter of years, Neing an oeto-
ast. It bas been a Ion He as 70 years of age. ti�keji to a doctor's office.. and the wound ago an abilcess formed on his wrist, which . . . . . .
ch his influence was exerted, g'session His was a bound freight train on the 01"calzo, M'l- dressed. genarian.
Had not busy and useful life. He. was kind wankee and St. Paul Railway as leld It is thought that the sight of the was soon rmoved. A couple of -Weeks later The old couple, -tvhile very intel-
and prie full of harq' work- for the ministers,
a seuse of duyound him to his post in this eye will be destroye-d. 11gent appearing, are both bed-riddn, hay.
hetirted and generous to a fault, and noth- on Saturday morLin at &small stati lie coniplitined. of a pain in his side, but
thoU'gh the results �aeem meagre. There. is on be- -Mr. Ludwig Hartt, (son of Mr. C. A. kept work�ng as long as he possibl could. ng been so for years. The all is suf-
ing afford tween Cook an g wom
Province, he might have filled in Dominion ed him greater pleasure than�, to ake counties. The watch ]Rartt, of Clintonj who for some time has Finally ho had to give tip an came to hr
a great deal of discqptent fit the dominant fering front chronic- rheumatism, while her
of the conductor was taken, and a detect
at uge o
affairs, a, place relativ ely as conspicuous as - help the needy, while not a few who hold ive h ld the responsible position of private Wingharn.* � He complained of feeling chilly. 'ban is stone blind and unable to, move
party over the f 'I f the Government to Who came to the conductor's aid was shot secretary to the eneral manager of the and shook. 4s thou It cold. He down
that Which he held in , Ontario. But the 1 (f 9 Jay
d positions in social aif(I business life to- - dead, and the bandits, two in number, . then Wabaish Rai C -A .3-months-olcl child called -Baby
take a decided about on account of paralysis.
nd in the matter of
value of Provincial statesinanship,is not un -
abolishing or curtailing the power ' the Nay, have to thank the -deceased for the en disappeared. ompany, at St. Louis, at at the Central hotel for a -short time and
derr&ted in the Canadian Federation, and of Two MucH RAIN. -Heavy rains have a salary of $125`si, month, has- resigned and then walke4 to a physician's office. "The Roy " is the latest arrival at the Woodstock
amily to 'Toronto, where he man of medicine found that he ich
House, of - Lords T4e fact is that the couragement and more, substantial aid,- fallen in Alabama, ruining a good deal of brought his f House of Refuge. The cbitA wh is a,
Mr.. Fraser's name will be long remembered * I a stiffer- foundliug, was -discovered iriman orchard un
Cabinet is divided on the matter, he which enabled them to get their first start cotton and- corn. Harvest prospects in formerly resided.' What heh,asin-view,we ing from ano,ther abacess, this wtia., in. his
in Canada as that of a most influential meni. have not yet learned. de
pig in rope are arm r an apple tree adjoining a farmer's house
'overnent, wilich in many -re- najority not wis to dopt, extreme been failing, and a the end of July he was wet weathier. -sit. in Derehani about two months ago. The in.
life. For over two years his health bad I F, U unfavorable owing to too much , �bad made great headway. He
ber of a G -The Fnen engaged on the Wingliam 'was rivenj* his sister's house, where he
measures at the present time. t I . fant had been placed in a - basket, to ether
NEW YORK TimEs PURCHASED. sewer have finished their labor. The town was well ca&d for, but all that kind treat -
meats of the world. aggra d u the
with some clothing, a -ad deserted. 11
lovern- prostrated with nervous exhaustion -I%fr has 5231 feet of drain to ay for, while the ment and me: ical skill could do for him was
gards, has set an example to the H. H. Kohlsaat,* of Chicago, has purchased propertyownera throng who 'basket was a note which read something
va,ted by valvular disease of the heart, the New Be property of no avail, as the abscess broke inivardly,
The recent Free Trade. victory in New York Times for ii quarter of a the dram goes have 634 feet to pay for. and the blood like this To whoever finds baby Roy
South Wales, Austra.i which proved fatal. His illuess was the rer million dollars. The same proper -poisoning which followed re-
lia, seems to have gi
iven tY-was The job is an excellent, one, and the men suited in -please take -care of the child. The moth -
a hisAienth. Deceasedwas a typical
A Weal: Spot. tilt of long continued mental strain and sold about two years agg for one million had great difficulties to contend with in the 'kind-hearte4frishman, andwas never ar- er, wbo 1*8 it poor, unfortunate,. deluded wo-
a new impetus to file movement for Aris- dollars.
In n article on the " Defence of Public traliai federation. It is expected that a worry. The following record is given of his way of old logs, planks, etc.. They more ried, but thought that he intended to man,, is Unable to do so."
SET oN FIRE. -A despatch from Wiebit than earned their rn.oney. Uil
Rights, the Toronto Globe touches wbtis, new c nference will 1.�e call Kansas, says that miles of Kick& be, and was ding the house for that pur-
ed in the near POO county
perhaps, the weakest spot in the Canadian -On Friday, 17th a large number pose.' He was never known to be sick a Perth News.
fKture Dougall Macdougall as born in the city is on fire, the tall grass having been set of relatives, friends and old ti tain- day in his life before this. -fany friends -Thomas Barton sr. of Donegal, died re -
national character. � Canadians have not the line acou
nd, 70 years ago. He ablazeby the Indiana for the -purpose of tanceg assembled at the ri6,sidenee of C fi-arles will miss hi
courage of their keepin in, and his relatives have their cently at the. great age of 90 years.
_,convictions. They, are Was of Highland 86otch. i�parentage, his FE,,g out white settlers. hy.
Eng all ammunitio4 and armament mak- father being a native n Argyle- Girivin, jr., West Wawanosh to celebrate sympat of
mortally afraid of bein in the minority, of I�b ALE LIFE SAVING, CREW. -Admiral the birthday of Charles Girvin, sr., and a -About T:'30 Tuesday evening of W. -Scott and.Miss Scott of Listowel
,9 ing v ire, and his mother of i aila all Edwin D. Ayres, unteer
ap ers are protest vertiess, of the tate Vol very pleasant tit' last left a few-4ys ago on a trip to British Col-
pearing ridiculous, or of injuring their ne was spent in doing lionor eek, James IA'ilson, of G.odericb, and his &*e States along the Pacific coast..
stringe t enforcemeatipf tile Toreign -enlisi_ his ",e,tors and near relatives oil both Life. Saving Corps, bits organized a crew to the venerable gentleman and pioneer, nephew, Honi%r Tanner, of Toronto, a, boy of
prospects by saying ov doing something that aides were Highlanders. A number of them of women in Buffalo, who will s --A. A -foyer & Co. of Listowel. are re-
soine, one lse maybe offended. at. The equipp
ment a�t, in regard tq� the Chino -Japanese con I -)e who has held several offices of trust and aboutS years, 'drove up in front of the for- building the elevator lately destroyed by fire
were officers in the Britiab army and served led and ready for the work of 8mving prominence in the township and county. All mqr's drug st�ore, in GZdericb, and Mr. and will have it ready for the fall trade.
war, as'thdy Are in reepipt of large orders y- ith distinction in different Darts of the human life.
writer ba�.; seen in Canada storekeepers who
f rom bo',fh sides'. World. His father came to Ca�ada, with BETTER THAN present enjoyed themselves immensely. Wilson g9t out and went into the istore,
would say "good bye" to goods , they had -i a EXPECTED. -All the - Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong, of Fullarton,
9 large family of thirteen sons and two d threshers' representatives in Some time during Tuegdav leaving Homeein charge of the horse. The have Just returned from. their six weeks'
St. Paul,
augh- night of
just sold w' a man they were perfectly cer- ters, settled first at ie Minnesota, conctir in the statement that the last week, the cook house. -at the little fellow got hold of the whip
tain would. never pay for them; simly be ondon " Spe4er " has lately, in Chateaugay, in ti �Iashing it about, and began tour tbro, ugh Great Britain. re.
The L I Prov'ince of Quebec, and afterwards removed wheat and all the small grain crops are Mr.W. Lawson's, 7th concession of HnIlett, causing the horse, which -Rev.' A. F. TuRy and !arnily have re -
commenting oil Mr. G.' W. Curzon's new to Toronto, where lie engaged ''in ' business. t i out much better than was was discovered to be oil fire. It was ex. is a mettlesome creature, to become uneas
urnin eir summer holl-
book, "I Pr4blems of Far East," given when kt%e harvest commenced.: T ken sit a assio-tatice could be got to Ye' day trip to Muskoka.,
cause "'they didn't lik&� to ref rise hin credit; ul received his educati expected nfuialied, but not before the cook 'house and before turned to Mitchell from tb
others 'who were afraid to expeess their on 'in a 'i
expressi Toronto schools of that time; but by the whole, the wheat crop of Minnesota and an part of the kitchen had been destroyed. boy's aid the a"pinial - was off around the -The Harvest Home at Trowbridge, Fri -
on to a daring dream, no less than The house is on the farm of M r. W. Square, -It
opinions on political or any other questi death of his father was thrown on his owl, North Dakota, this year is one of the a a raC6 which caused other rigs dayevening, was a great success. Over *0
resources. e obt ined a situation in the That of Minneota will the gate.
O's that, at a not distant do" e, the Government largest
for fear it would hurt their trade, and peo- ever harvested. Weatcott, of Clinton. Loss is covered by to clear to the ".side streets as quickly as was received at
of the great Chinese Einpire might be in the leading publiabin insurance. How the fire originated is not possible, while pedestrians had to hustle to -The lat half of the July cheese was
ays : "Ali
a a Thompson, where ie acquired a thorough bushels. This is not far from equalling the shipped from the Donegal factory on Thurs-
ple, would Say, " of course you can't blame a b*uds oi Englishmen. mady house of Rothwell come fully tip to the eet-mate of 50,000,000 ner
business in , arl;" editors, preachers and known. get out of the way. Little Homer Tan
the C Ist big crop of 18 wever, a sooft as he found
i �ms Service -is jil the hands o knowledge of the publishing business. He -Mr. R. D. Stanley, of Clinton, who for ho the horse was day, 23rd inst., the price realized being 92c,
as unindnageable -riot down in the box of the per pound.
other public men who would let the wrong f !he a LY - 99
English. I May not the'f` then went into journalism on his own c- 01 ONE 'WHISKY FAcToRy.-There is the past year has had the appointment
triumph because they " d lnglish, at China's coutiv as the editor and publisher of a famil now only one di6tillery in operation geIleral agent,f�r the Dominion Life Ass buggy, and th�r% lie crouched and held on -Mr. Peter Ef')y, the founder of the
in Chi- ur-
like to stir request nertake the f -lest of the work of ;newspaperi the Canadian Famil.y.HeralZ cago, the whisky trust having closed tile
-men who didn't dare atice Conipan�, of Waterloo, hag seyeibd his to whatever he could get a grip of to brace Stratford Beacon, which he started in 1854,
up trGuble; work connection with that Company, and has re-
gover2n This woilld certainly be a He also became an active Reform politician, others. himself. Mr. Wilson ran across in order to placing Mr. W. Mow t in charge, died in
ceired the appointment as special agent for try to head off the horse,� and when in front Buffalo on the l5th of this month.
open their mouths for fear they Would " lose a
good thin fo and, along with the-lte 'Peter Perry father BAD FOR THE PEACHE9. - The each
r both t4l�gland and China v p I Western Ontario, of the M ritual Life Amur -
their job, and so on, till his bear6 - was r I egistrar of Ontario, II6,was I yellow8 are very bad in the district around
of the ex -r of Robert MeLea -a butcher shop made all -A few days ago Mr. J. W. Wood IF-
��lwould be ance Company, of New York. The Mutu effort to get hold an pwful kick about i instrumental in getting up influential epu- Ann Arbbr, Michigan, and many thousands al the reins but missed 'bolsterer, St.Afarys, sent a very handsome y
Getterally'it is their daily bread they among tl e other natt a. For examplej Itations and petitions to- Lord Elgin in sup- of treesimust he sacrificed. is the oldest company in Amer h was iolently
think in danger, but not always, by any n thrown down. upholstered barber's chair to Mr. Kerney, at
wbat woul Russia say port of the rebellion losses bill. largest in the World. A number of efforfs were made by different Wiligharn. The chair was . upholstered at
When ROUGH WHEELMEN.—Tbe first meeting of
meau& 'Almost as often it is simply the William Lyon Mackenzie, returned from t '-The Exeter Times says pur- Ali% AVolod's furniture store.
he Mount Clemens wheeinien was held on "A couple of parties to stop tliq animal, but to no
street was -There have been filed ii St. Mar
fear of their fellow creatures. But there is d b anlKry mob at the 23rd inst., and was the largest ever held n
exile and ivas besie pose, and when Hamilton
y an- London bicyclists while riding through a,
Worse than that.. As the Globe says: We S Ts ouse in Toronto he inAlichigan, except the National in Detroit, reached it turned off the Sqtiare and bolted against the voters' lists over 200 appleals,
They It a hauntj�l school I oti,,ze in Mr. John AacIntos town the other day. utilized the sidewalk.
outh Gre This being contrary to by-law, Constabl up Newgate streeV, turning sharply at its and in Downie 87. A large numb
near the yi ]age of Durham. was one of those who assisted the old Eighty wheelmen took part. There were
bow to the c Lib -
'r . The pecu rity of the elatives in. ef-
p of ('essler in a - hundred eral leader and some of his r Creech brought them tip short. In futu e owner's gatei thro�,ing 11�mer out with con- peals will also be filed against ancharp(l
our modern �Tells or if -.iant" -is that'he many accidents. - Several riders were re siderable force, brOiking his leg in a couple
forms, and laugh at d fecting their escape through the qroWd of these gentrywillbe filled if' Caught violat- and West Nissouri Iists.
oes'not in e hirnaelf' vp4ble even a the knocked senseless, and one of thern is in a
send them to jail for breach of the peace.', rioters oil Yonge streel. Mr. Macdougall serious condition from internal injuri Ing our sidewalk by-law., %1hen they come of places, badl bing one of his hands, -11. Y. Smith, teacher in No. 5, returned
awful hour f midinglit, �,ut mak as and cutting an(fil)'Alaa I
i es his pres- w all his life a Liberal journalist, to Exeter, somehow these London 11ising him terribly. The on his "bike" via Hamilton, Galt, Berlin and
Not only do those Nvllo have couxa&: meet and pos- McLeod, of Sarnia, won first prize, nweird alifl' uncanny sounds Blessed in a special degree tile confidence and the quarter mile scratch, and firat, %0 imag
ence k bicyclists buggy struck the g
with opposition from the wrono, doe ine they are among aborigines'. _ ate post, knocking the Wellesley, a distance of one hundred and
rs, but in broad, d li'bt. esteem of the leading men of his party. in top off, and upsettoi it, the horse stopping en
Ther !was considerable He the open mile. -,Mr. J. MeMill sev ty miles, doing one hundred and five
9 an, of Blyth, suffered a at the stable
the very ones who, are suffering the wrong - I
the matter AfIll
Dr.'� itely was sulumonea, miles on Thursday, and reaching Newry at.
atta trouble ove ofore the summer was remarkably well informed, and,. being a MOODY WANTED 13 JAPAN.—Mr. Moody serious loss on Tuesday of last week, at and soon had the�ehoy's wounds dressed' and 3 p. in. on Friday.
ck them. -witb backbiting I I � ready and popular speaker, as w II a a ig- has been invited, by a unanimou vot o 70- ning of the saw -mill in we undertand
and :�slander - ttion, an no explan a e f noon, in the bur *
Vito[ ation of the strange orous and incisive nen, he is getting along i&;1y.
too often, like a pck' ' of snarling doyotes, aper wrilera he was churches represented, to go to Japall for an Morris, together with a I Owing to poor health, from. which he bas
arge qu
d.o As soon as for many years a po, antity of Mr. Wilson considerably shaken up and
be fo '$fill supporte' gelistic paign. valuable lumber ready for shipment. f
-who, pounce upon and devour occurrence �culd %ver was been suffering for some timle, J. Ross o,
comrade. God forbid a wouded school 'bpen�d after Reform party in different parts of the Prov. NuISANCc&EM- Black Riv' cause of the fire is not known.
t4i holidays, the A Th� bruised about the' arms and legs, but Fullarton, has decided to give up farining,
ei�, which flows The men
that this trait in otherwise appears to' have escaped serious Richard Ross, tenant of Willi Hansonl8far
strange noisds began agahii� and ince.. In 1856 he removed to Berlin, where through the' center of Port Huron, has had been gone to dinner butLa few minutes, injury. 111, conse. he became proprietor and editor of the Ber- become a ublic nuisance, and Mayor when the building seemed to be enveloped on the 13th concession, will take the farm to
Canadians should grow. We think- th:
verse it be vacated- by his brother oseph.
ere Is a quence, scho�lhas been dj�inissed until the lin Telegraph and German Canadian, the O'Sulliva tas issued a; call for in flame. Tlie building was
v1plig the sum�me
r, 00
i the Bible which says, Trust in new school latter being the first German- Liberal tic * -In the McPherson -Herald libel suit, in
6 public insured for
use, built d
ws- meeting to Ziscuss plans for the closing of $1,5 which will not nearly cover the Cahada.
occupancy paper published in Canada. In 1864, on his the river. lo
the Lord and do good, and verily tliOrl $halt is ready for -tratford, which is just now the occasion of
I . *,ost of the neigh- 88.
bo a after-
-The -The other day, while Mr. W. Weir and ontaining half a dozen people
'liristian country seems to r us�ect �he teacher, Miss MaKeelinie was aja6 the recipient of a handsome testi- dispatch to the Central News, from others, were at work in his fields, jilst out- W are all sent it for trial at the autumn as -
be fed," but this ( , - t Thoma.4, oil Wednesday
retirement from active newspaper life, he SCOTCH MISSIONARY MURDERED. no�n��, , b Su ta. c so much conversation, the three defendants
have forgotten it to lag e extent. of be as oing to the race, track, and the driver
mg in sotne way or a 'ther at the root monial. from the people of the county. He Shanghai, stating that James
of the matter vkrylii, a Side of Clinton, they were startled by the did i ot notice the mail train coming it, un- when M. JuAice Street and a jury
was 11
and she h consequently a that year appointed registrar of Scotch missionary, had been mu whiz of flying bullets, and concluded thr will decide the question'.
rdered by til It was on the ra'ils. He itnined
A Change o Base. resigned. Waterloo by theandfield Macdonald Gov- Chinese soldiers, at New Chwang, is con- the same were from the rifles of some marks- ii�hip d his borses ta the si -The fall wheat crop around Listowel
f iatelv
de, and the trai-
Previous to the recent Provincial elections ent, although Politically opposed to firmed. The attack upon Mr. Wylie w In has turned out very . well in. many caes,
as men who were practising at the butts.. One, rush d by within a feW lea of the rig. It some farmers reporting 30 to 35 bushels to
that administration. He filled the office of entirely unprovoked. The missionary was of the bullets passed through a room in Mr. was- close call.
the Toronto Erapire was exceedingly anxious incl
A P. P. A.'Lodge in Toli4iito has resolired registrar until about three years ago, when clubbea, kicked and stabbed the acre, the grain being a good my
resigned Ale- to death in the
with the P. P. A. Association, to, boycot the Industria(!� Exhibition: He was a mail of g 11
to stand in Weir's house and was lost in the second =9�lle body of A' gue Matheso, who 'Ie,
be- reat public streets. A demand was made fipon wall. If shooting is to be as wild and dan- niyste�riou8ly disappeared last -fall at Some reports show a lighter' The
-for all it as worth against cause it'is to elation and force of chara-Aer, of wide sym-
and worked it
;�e opened )xy- our Catholic the authorities that the persons concerned gerous as this, the target should be removed cardiiie Kin- oats have suffered considerably from' the
and who Wa'
patbies, -generous to the last degree, and a a thought by a num-
1r. Alowat. It is now preparing for a Premier, Sir J6'h,n Thoirips�p. in the commission of the crime be turned to some less dangerous locality. grasshoppers.
aberef1hisfriendsto lave been murdered, -.Mr. Jame Nortligmves, of Drayton,
Can asainine benefactor to all who made their wants over to the civil magistrate, but the officials -Mr. J. Elliott, of Wingha was found ol '"red
change of front. It now sees in that orgaii- bigo�ry go any farther V�arl this? Had known to him. ni, while nesday morning, last who was a resident of Listowel for k few
-He was never married. refuse to surrender theguilty parties. The driVingthrough a gate opening onto his
ization d
anger to its own friends, and it is they not better send in le a
week, 1by the Government dredge, whi t yeara, and was well known in Westep On-
�etition to the British reeidents of New Chwang will it rairie, one Jay lately, had a narrow ea work i the harbor. 'The body was badly tario, died at his home in Drayton o
4 therefore prepared to slap in the face those mnagement to refuse. to Catholic I , I is Cape
stated, petition their minister to send a war ies, or perhaps iftues-
From severe injgrii worse.
r coat he r. The Orange
whom itformerly professed to worship.' horsesand cattle, on P&W f their severe vessel to the scene of the trouble. There is considerable of an incline at tile wore o the night of his disappearance. One lo(
pr HE Toronto Empire is, evidently, pre decom osed, and still bad on the fu d ' "last week agd 46 yva
Paring for a generafelection. It has once
fThisl of course, is its we expected, and we- displeasure ?
gate and the buggy wheel struck the post, arm an one leg were T�e from Eistowiil drove down to tbe
more unfurled the old flag" and has corn-' thro- WM* him forward, one of his fe t be gone. An inquest was funeral.
venture further to predict that many of the held o the remains, w4en averdict of
-The other evenin ill Listowel, Mr.
members of that association, of the Ryet-son- 19 t in the rig and. the other in a cidenta ly drown
irienced to wave it vi orously, w1fille its ex Huron Notes. coming fas mta ed" wa� returned.
driving his four year old
to ped a few feet -Jos I Hazelton was before the 'for- colt on the street, when one of the front
The total' 6at crop -1vir. J. Saint's greyhoupd got a dose of front wheel. The horse a p Henry Leslie w
Birmingham stripe, will follow the Empire's estimated at 15,761,868 bush"Is, an average newspaper lights in the Conservative od Samaritan, in the onto pi�pcle court again tbe other day, buggywheels came off And the home ran
� i - Manitoba is &triple is being followed by -all the lesstr poison on Wednesday of last week, in further oil. A go
ean e. In a recent issue of that paper, . camp. Wingham, but J. Golley, V. S.,' was in at- son of Rev. Mr., Law, of Belgrave, came charged�with selling Miss Annie Gardiner, away, resulting in a broken IeL The ai-
of 15.6 to the acre. The e
14�11nated yield of No doubt it hopes to cover up the Curran tendance in time to save its life. long in the nick of time, anducceeded, employed in a restaurant, pills for impro, r mal had to be kill r. f lie eseape(T
it says eats is 12,198,772 bushels,
n average per bridge and other similar large and dangerous bush fire with much difficulty, in Pe ed M
p in the township I his perilous position, from whi& he could we
ting- -k
ri a no more N ig- acre of 29-5. The, followjng�ij the estimate the country has been robbed of hundreds of e - and he could 4ot furnish $2,000 -The Atw;od Bee says Complaints
As Quebec Protestantism'lla scandals by wluc)l been raging in the swam rescuing him from purpose�. His case was adjourned for a without -injury.
don Gleaner, a criticism which appeared in
bail 1;6n he went to jail. Hazelton has have been made to ui of parties setting fire
18�-J,5290 bushels thousands of dollats, with the ample folds of been filled with smoke in consequence. -Word has been received of the death of made o�siderable in oney'selling such drugs, to neighboring wood, resulting in the de-
orous or ultra exponent than the Hun of other grains Barley, of Hay, for the past few days. The air has not extricate himself.
that paper yeaterday on Rev. Mr. -Aladill's - the ol& flag",
peas, 00,000 bushels; flax, 20,480 bushels, and denunciations of the -C. W. Bunting editor of the Mail Air. J. D. Brown, of Chicago, eldest on of and cu (Juite a dash in the city, driving a struction. of valuable timber and endanger -
the late James Brown, of the Huron road, tir oil
United Empire, on Wednesday morning of near Clinton. The information was h iug other property. About two weeks ago
'6d throughout succeeded .-cry well at the last all the a t I'll, It 0
rec t speech in Str�tford will be readwith and rye 53,074. Potatoes afid other root Americansnd American connections. It Toronto, was a passenger on the steame'
interest by friend and foe alike of the so- crops are reported fairly styli with a coachman.
called P. P. A. movement in the sister pro- election in -The fol owing notice is posted at Atwood young men were seen Bert
eports 'ftk time Mr. more startling from the fact that- it- was coriter'of Wain and Soutl Wa r t t o rrvmg
�vince of Ontario. fooling the people and binding theur once Bunting has been in Goiderich t te a ree a ab rit in Aloses Harvey's bush with ve
the Province, and r as ito live a, last week. This is the firs th6 two
in 20 years, known by his relatives that be was in An thing more uniust," begins tile. are exceptionally favorable.' There has the G'alt 01rivitations, t4 cious actions, and immediately
N. and he expressed great surprise at the axi- best of health. Mr. B
more iinder the grinding wheels of the bicyclists.
rOwn was tile James' glican church, Hespeler, extends
lz'011 d
sentiments here expressed by the lie� eate,. from
een issuing
vancernent the town had made in so far as ]European buyer of white gogds for the firm a hea 3' elcome to all bicycle riders from a dozen plafts in the woods. Other fires
Gleaner, "or more un -Christian than the bee" a0-mlsubstantial increase !1n the stock P. and the monopolies which it cr 'a"Mpri their visit fires were a
d of since last year. The foil fine business blocks and handsome private of Carson,, Pirie & Scott, and was just coal Galt, lue ph, Brantford and other lama, have been set bv miserable geoundrtls in
owin is the total Will it be as successful at the next election? residences were concerned. He is a pleting arrantements for a trip to the who are in the h4bit; of riding
out,. to John Dickson's bt�sh. The perpetrotot-8
Aeods of devflt
j8St#Uces1P and si� term
Vill, probabl, fall to
Mr.. Andrew, W
VMtoci Eden farm in
,of j1r..Robe-rtT*ne91
nual rental of $ 800. �
is oneof tI
acres and I
.04 account of failin
tepda residing in toi
—mr, (korge Fau
who, had been tUre
bor's, h9A the mWor
to the cylinder of tl
h6adcaught in it, te
tasm of jelly. The I
for 7months. -
—Thirtynine yean
j=lanted from 0
. it . , two natural -
re&r.spast they have
I A (s, fruit is quite larg
tr"s are quite a A(mri
on. the
um, Little's farina.
—In St. 3durys, tb
t4libed to & bUggY1 a
of -the shops, becamf
bji cle rider, brok
gwere owned b
Wfr- Richard N
ployof Mr.1ames I
Was severely, hurt thi
ing a-eoit for Mr. Jc
ba6k injurea. He
home, and from last
way to recovery�,
-:-Robert S. Han
inasterof GaIt Colle
-of Rev. Mr. Hamilto
married the other
bride was Miss Bar]
t& most popular at
ladies of Whi
Elma, Swam]
.,overrunwith bush i
..considerable damage
41anglering the foxii
.sw&uips have been
twe', which have b
.occasional- having U
—Ain Thomas �C
-boy, of the Oth eonce
,to kitchellon Mondi
Aeliver a horse to a b-
jioine were t1hrown. oi
-was slightly injured,
�ceived, a deep,gash o)
was 6therwise bw �,
—In the ., gold -%
'Ifiss Hanna, �of E-11io
4 St., Afarysl at �
Stratford on Saturda
number.of vrotes-giv,6
miss Hatirla received
ton; 547. Each of d
sented witb.,a, handso
—What ht hav
runamay acWent hal
inst., whileMiss Susi
was driving to Mitch
farm house a dog ean
e the lierse, Nrlib
t the occupaaU ..
Murray was allghtly�
Tom came �-,Ut all Ti9l
_11r. James Fish
tobs, formerly *f 8t,
xanitob& Legislaturf
day, "mil inst., -at a
to Miss Gertrude F.
Connecticut. The -cc.
Zb Rev. Dish -op V.
lautatiqua; Universi
old friends in and arx-
in congratulations to.
. —The public marri
vationists, At, the, Bal
Thursday night, last!
m-andant Booth, was
interest, 'not only to
to the citizens get
Leitch and Rev. L. I
ent and addressed th
Booth made the tvaii
in-Litable, and gpacefdl
—Farmers tadjoinh
watch their premIt
train. Four fires i
Dublin and Mitnhell.
Tuesday, last week. .
,over severalacrewof
it,coUlLd be put out.
necessary to plow sei
burning spotbefore 1.
—The stratfora 4i
of theAtethodist chui
ford -a few daysago,
3fiteliell, presidin
transacted was the
superannuation fund-,
from each circuit, '
Central $93, Waterld
$135 ; Alonk-ton $511
bro, $38 ; Fulf'ar'tai
total, sm.
Air. W. R. Davi�
vocate, has removed
he has occu I fo
and hasta L
resideace'.on -the Ra
town,- recent-l'y owne
J. S. Coppin, slid w
W. Abbott P
ihe genial e
dweR ia� pe --
aee w
Much 19 t,
nger one in
has ilre-acty -done- in
—Mrs. Ifenry K
denly at her home -1
0ay morning, last W.
usual health but co
able to breathe -free]
Was thought tio -be t
but,later on ibdidn.-
was called Lin and -all
were of no avail, as
his arrival. 13he 1"i
and,four children to
early demise. � ' .
—A Urmer L -� -- "
town cleared -off his �
aid of his wifel ,who I
cut, Un acres of ;&I
loaded ' 20 acreg -I
xhould Acon r4ul4te
a worthy felpinate.
This farimer i oliight t,
Yard for expept
Off - , his harvest.,
in the harvest -field
farmer ought to be
Atwood Bee,
Dr. D. W. B
has just returned
at " Pleasant Valle
hi Wellingtortco
an(paisters Were Jatk L
family has'beeu gal
Years. - J C. Burt,
Fleuveu� �rere there
the In ish ehanuel
anan, -. exorth Bay,
vine, and Miss B
:at home. The on
still reside -s
33urt, medical st-ide,
PE &S 0'�N-A I j, k.
ley, and 1dr, JoIll, I
ia�t week for-afanitA�
Tottl who recently i
rcertificate, left last
Inal School.
118 are still raging, a
men have beeii woe
tinie to keep the fir(
11elds and fences, a,
felt In ease of high
-held a &w -
Tisauntivnif m-fti.0
'Our Villojestreeti4a
tr to, �
�Y - raise the
in tihmWe