HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-08-31, Page 1r
1 4.
McLEAN BROS., Publishers.
IUVIN G FRIDAY9 AVGtTST 31 18940 .-$1.50 a Year in Advance.
con- of the United States Congress, a bill voting
oir the vrdgses :rdund at I-ast in the nem d rit- on the tli�rd floor and br�ught birn some of Public Works, -which office he held
was brought to me at the offide, an ly u to tl 1 ie time of his resignation a million dollars for its extermination W"
time there tinual
3odst 8; V nigesave organs -couIq Manage, W44 astr omy of -the gospel to be one ani the request thtLt I -would filtered water and ice. At that
g wrong, and during tbl� ast seOlion. His wife was a Miss failed n
It tossed for months on ro,*, the cross --that which'iWas set ul ite.No. �House,Sam- di'd not appear to be anytbinj
on n upon *1 wall adopted by the Senate, and only
00sts You t e as�c at 8
gh seas, landq�d le the House of Represetitatvm
all it the slightest Lafayette, of BrOckville. In 1876 he was
d of which. I "hays p nt tr t, is city, that evening, at 8 Mr. Peppin withdrew without
d naked savages,_ 1, 900 years ago and n ee ih t, n il, and in - 1879 he trans- —An old tentlean of Hills, Pelmyl
reniinis o'clock. -'I sent word out by the office boy anxie y about Mr. Fraser's condition. made a Queen's co -6 c Williams,fell over the Ni ars
huts, spent their life w�kid the squalor, found'either a rophecy or a o Brockville, vania name
that I would be there, and the carriage That ;vas the last seen of him alive. ferred his parliamgntary seal. t
OF— othing but Time and the stench, and in that -uplifted splendor seex which'he had represented ever since. His' bank,'near the cantilover bridge-, L;,tllun
I tainipg the sender of the car
k 0,
vermin' anc ceuce MR. FRASFS DEATH. It is supposed hd !1WI
the epidemics, and the 1�w -vice' s'of thOst night by ni t while pacing the deel reel ination -of the. portfolio which he had day, and was killed.
awal. The name upon the card seeme;J rolledff. The body was fottn&
whom the had come to rescue. Of i I it was IN. Fraser's custom to rise very bell for over'twent-, years was announced to asleep and
T,*_ step into our store on Saturday a steamer on the Pacific. familiar to me, but as more thin two years early, and for that reason the morumi below.
the House by th Iremier in the early days on the rocks, 100 feet
suc4 men ah om seen it, I
er ist, and see the 'many bar- roll of 180 names of d w T. Die-WiTt-TALWAGIL had elapsed since I bad heard. or papers were always taken to his room as soon of tbeessionof 1:804. It Was SUPP(med to —Mr. George Adams, an unmarried man
Qeptemb on I
en not more than four or five of then wing shered'in-
-0 did not recognize it. as delivered at the buildings. Fr wo
have to offer. R's the clos- idaY 'InOm- to be due to differeAes with his colleagues on who has been rking, lie says, ae a farm
galins we were ever heard of outside of their owr. THE SILENT MAN'S SECRET. to the parlor of Suite No. — that evening, ing about six o'clock therefore Mr. Pep t was no 'hand n the employ of Mr. Win. Nance-
ian)L - Pra the question of the school ballot, bu
of our Summer Sale, and an'.y I wam soon joined by a lady in deep mourn UP
iDg dai kindred of the circles of barbar took them up to the ex -Minister's room. South Oxford, was lockea
es that are left will be closed amon whom they livA HIS TRAOICAL DEATH, AN -D THE SFQUFJ,. ini, accompanieAl by a hearty-iopking, well- Hepring no sound when he opened the door doubt patly actuated by the state of his kivel. of ek at police head -C
oda lin 9 health, which was at that time very delicate. Thursday of last we
fe man, who had the map of � England 'in Mr. Fraser was cruelty to a' -livery
ices that no house will ap he called'out,, Are you up,
ftCe )ut at. pr The story of the Christian heroes ant Daring his legislative career he.was the in. ters. The charge
weseed -upon his speech and countenance. the bed- introdiucer oi-matiy Adams was fined S5 and costs.
07w Receivin�, beneficial !horse.
Prices are out down fine in heroineswho came to tbeseislaudso!'. io reply, he looked into
ar . t of important and F
proach. T room. h folding -bed was opened and dward Lawson, the pioneer tea mer
(Written for Us EXPOSITOR.) hey were the sweethe Mr. Brodie, measures, and he renowned for the
every depaTtment. 'so- fine that* they the Pacific in the brig Thaddeus, th* t f andherfather. My letter eDntaining the
ars of the lar ready for occupation ; lying on a chair were sturdiness, an&,eve- gedues with which 1cliant, of Ontario, died at Toronto Junction
el in this section. Leland, thd Benjamin Bush, the Ave, One of the membi g? a1f 0 a dog
4 had been a long time Mr. Fraser's coat and vest, where he had , undf 5
are witbout a parall news of Brodie's death hich he had last IS 6y night, at the ar� of 7 YeNtsf,
imall list of rich and the Mar3r Frazier under Cap colonists which emigrated to Spanist on- in reaching her, and when it iA the cruel he would stood by a position Deceased started business' in Toronto 51
prices, not thrown them down; near by was a suit of once taken, anct lior the perseverance
]�elow is a F duras, Central America, in the fall of 1891, 1 . 1 6
tain Charles Sumner can never be Ul nowing that she ihould never clothes put out in readiness for the years ago and had been in ever since. He
by any means, but they will and of whom your correspondent was one, which he would bring to bear in carrying
cFa,u I complete told. All the talents, all the soliQlar again see the one she was giv ng the beat next day ; but the room had - not as a Reformer and a mem j'er of the Mvtho
through any measur4 on which he had - set
how prices will rule on- Was a -man named Brodie. Being very deaf., roof herlife for inwear3�waiting,
-show YOU been occupied, and Mr. Fraser could not be hi diet church.
ship, all. the nerve and muscle an( served, he was the a ind. As a party counsellor he Was 111 -
and perhaps naturally re Cr upon a sick bed that we .1 nigh proved seen. in alarm, the attendant opened the valuable and well -mi . #h ime ualled, and his D the recent accide-nt to the
Spturday brain, all the spi#tual energiei of thest most reticent one of the party, going about lioXble
her death bed as well. But 14 is sometimes door of the adjoining bath-rooni, and lying eirIA geriam, when she became
Christly m6u and women -put fortl� 0 by himself, silbut, quiet and ad-lookin ability in this respect was emonstrated od btealn
shapes, on Saturday hard to shake off, and thoughlearth seemed him rawny occasions in the history of his party. id C ptain Dunlop displayecl 50c ',kTeckwear all itton of Ion 25c,; 25c ditto, l0c� behalf of people.whoin they had/neve, But few -of he others tried to engage him prone onthe floor he saw the body -of the R pi S, a ous ere
eve, in conversation, 6wing to the difficulty ex- to have but little left to offer, ishe slowly re- whom he had left in apparently ood health The closing scenes' in his parliamentary nsideraZe courage, and his acti
lohn 2 Scott a0i I gained health and' strength i with one re' but a few hours before. The bo( y was cold, career were dramatic' in the extreme. When -ppreciated by, several fema e p ngers.
L seen and whose names they had n osierrfor 20c on Saturday. er enced in making themselves heard,
bear pronowiced until the day of thi p
�pened on, d solve firmly fixed in her inindi: She deter- and it was plain that some time had el sed iscussion, One of them sent him a check the other day sizes 14 to 1-1, for 10c. ee Ballot bill was up for d
hae not 10 0 pallis r
25c Linen Collars, Is I Some of thesi ed to get him away on the forward deck mined to t 8 It Honauras and visit ithe Count
for the first arrival on these Islanc 3 ould drown' since life became extinct. Medical el P he twice essayed to� speak, and we% twice
&50 Lin where the roaring of the sea' w for herse the lonely grave beneath the was at, once summoned, and as . rapid1v as lo—Tme Forest City -boundaries have been.
r- compelled to stop aqtl resume his seat, ex -
Messengers of light were cut to piecei even the frantic yells I poured into his o re alien hands had laid Dr. bta M s extent 'Are
4T enterprising $1.50 Suit Ralbriggan Underwear for 80e. ; palms whe tosaible Coroner Johnston and in
and devoured by cannibals. Some 0; hausted by the efforf" The House courteous. �xtended until the city limit
ontly been im- Lone of hearing, And as he , her intended husband; and also find the man erlain appeared upon the cene. Nothing ly extended to him every possible opportun- Ocond only tto Toronto. London now con -
$o_ suit NLatural Wool Underwear for -let tbd sav -My meaning, he would answer me in a low,
them toi I to save the besot bd sav
premises. He Christian coun. musidal voice, pr&6-6un�ed English accent? who had written her the account of his un- could be done, however, and preparations ity to coutinue, but his streulth was unequal ains 3,758 acres ; Ottawa, 3,366 ; Guelph$
Leat and handy. age, while profligates of were at once made for embalming the body, to the task, and he w" force to refrainfrom $,210; St. Catharines, 3,000; Stratford,
Fancy Shirts, all sizes. for 's 5C. -chosen language, leaving ]to. doubt timely decease, and get fullei
Ichols, of Lon- $1,50 tries landed from merchantman or wa; and well if possible ; perhaps, there was something the coroner not deeming an inquest peces- a third attempt. The occision was the more 835 - Hamiltony 2P700 ; Brantford, V41
$-1.25 Unlined Kid Gloves for 75c. of his being a man of education and refine- kept back from her that she 6: tight to know. ito 9,638.-
U jug t(
�Mr& D. r vessel or whaling ship were try sm. Undertaker R98ar took charge of the dramatic on account 94 the great earnestness ingston, 2,3ft and Toror
ment. lie seempd pleased at my efforts to
ination rick O'Brien, care- —Miss Jessie Alexander, Ontarios 4cele-
.�etroit, are destroy them She had the means and the determ
of 25c Girils School Hats for 15e. The daughter of one a embalming, and Mr. Pat and ability which had, characterized his re-
onverse with lifin, but made no reference
and other airT families describes he] c (or the obstinacy) peculiar to the British, taker of the Parliament buildings, looked ated elocutionist, has returned to Tor -
400 Bqys, School Caps for No. the mission to himself or hfs history, nor did, I make marks so far as utteted, and the evidently me
-recently came mother as toiling until the ski He and prevailed up . on her father to accompany after the funeral arrangements, great' desire. which jossessed him to make to from ber Furotexti tour. She
,%Ien�s Soft Hats for 75c. i wai ny inquiries. It was nothing, to me. e
ias been work- / $1.50, a her, which he did, in view of till she had it was not difficult to perceive how the ith great success in or recitals in Edin-
blistered off her. arms and sayR tha; clear his posWon on the question. His last
and, Your cboim on Saturday of any Stiff Hat was simply a fellow ' voyager,whose affliction suffered, although being an eminently prac. calamity had occurred. Mr. Fraser had.evi- �urgh and London, and succeeded in aeq�uiv
joined by bis� se for 75c. while her father was about, to . p�each i and loneliness compelled my sympathy. He tical buoiness Than, he strongly demurred. dently been making reparations to-reti *, appearance in the Ifouse was when the c o s pe
in the hou to Honduras,he said, td engage in re Hurontario Canal bil� was in committee on ing many new sele ti n - or her re r6
in- was voing in
oup of drunken sailors -broke the wi He generously abstained from airing his t ich occasion he, together with Mr. E. F.
England. See the Boys' Suits at $2.25, formerly gr banana culture, like most of the part and had gone into is bathroo, '. Here, whz ter tle coming season.
taple family, of sold for $3.54 and M.ZiO. Ditto -at $3, dows and one brandis Lding feelings on the subject before his daughter, while standing up, he fainted, and fell along %Clarke, matle a deWrinined fight against a � —Manchester, Robertson & Allisont the
Q lied A knife abou,
The details of the t and our
his facd,' saying: "Here he is. I, havo rip but he afterwards assured me that it was "a the floor, striking and slightly bruising his bill con- rgest dry goods grm. in St. John, New
M-isa formerly $4 to $7 and ences in the laud of -the aribs number of the provisions which the bill con
Petty, of, this. gothip. Comeoul" These misgioultriel bit of sentimental foolishness, hunting up a forehead on the right . side-. During the runswick, have notified -all their clerks
'v Ir Civilized coun- faint y Partly assisted by -the stun- tained, and succeeded in having several oBoys' Seho6l Pants, 45c. - ha :x, rZy been published in, these col
trip to' Eng- se4� their little children to America an? u e grave in the wilds of a semi
Why, d
vents modifications embodied in its clauses. This that they have no further use for men
re no, so we will pass over ensumf &while over it." forwa�d icycling on Sunday, an wamt no
'Ife voyage andL Men's Tweed Pants to oMer,2. in 4 tryi juFft to bawl ning effect of the fall, the action of the closed his career, and from that day o b
Mg on hi h ast saw
gular price, $3.50. Europe because they could not be prop . tip until the morn' w c blaust me," he continued, Even the bloom - heart ceased, and death ensued. seen, in who does not respect the Lord?sr
Troyer haa
s Tweed Pants to order, $3 ; regular erly brought up amid heathenism, ano r Brodie alive. H6 was. pular in camp in' monkeys seemed to ave a laugh over it his voice w" not heqd, nor his fm
foorobis ever ready help and %,ilrindly unobtru- TAKING THE REMAINS HOME. Imoii, and Men! the Legislative-hardber. AY.
what heartrending partings took placi
Finding that I had returned to the United id ently, in
dwelling. —The price, $4.W. and sickness. As The body of the dead statesman was lai --w-Andrew Weldon, who died ret
connection Tweed Suits to order, $12 regular as fathers and mothers surrefidered thfji) siveness in times of trouble' States, along with others Who could have in the reception -room at the west end of the is 84th year, was one of Winnipeg's
inWen�s me by one the new comers sickened -and
CnIcked at Bay- children for the voyage across the seas, given her information on the subject, she, buildings early, in the afternoon, and was Canada-
ioneers. He has been an invalid for two
price, $15. died, Brodie went quietly about doing ood
lead guided by advice from the United State's Brantford will have a Trades'. proees-
reaular In many cases those parent� neve visited by hundreds of those who had known e a
port having bad iq
AJ Men's Tweed Suits to order, $14 0 to the sick, and making coffins for the oul, decided to return to England by and admired Mr. Fraser during his lifetime, sion on Labor Day. avi been totally blind. He leaves five
[iss nv Mar- price, 8,18. ing their children agaiul e;= out of rough bits of lumber, for it developed Uon of -Chicago, -where she hoped to discov- and who lost no time in paying him a tri. —It is expected that the Macdonald hil ren'James Weldon, of Winnipegv John
postal arrangements --letters were oftt that ewraKer informant. The -Burchard -Honduras bute . of respect when they heard of his Memorial statue at Kingston, will be finish- Charles Hovey
,vhe was a good carpenier. in all the arid Joseph, of Ch icaffo, Mrs.
here this week- If you. want to secure the beat com"P- not received until 18 months or t`W( dafs of encampment, nothing further was Fruit Company in Chicago informed the iong the earliest callers were Ilia ed before next summer..- itto of Clint -on.
.been engaged as death; Am and Silas Pri
a- I the only one who
early, as thib -beat will go first. years old. The ship captain, Charlei le rnNd of his history, anc sad -faced English lady of my present where- Honor the Lieutenant-Gdvemor, Sir Oliver —Robert Morrison, aged 7 5 years, fell —'Nfr- Robert Ellingham, of Hamilton,
Sumner, for the first part of the voyage tt tried In talk to him was myself. We used abouts, hence their visit to Toledo, and Mowst, Hon. Messrs. Dry a died near his home at Singhamp- tight a pike from an itinerant vendor ' at
�gpnndent.) the Pacific with his group of missiona to 0' -off into the jungle, where I would their mission was accomplished. and Ross, Mr. E. J. Davis, M. fi. P., ton, while returning1rom. a fishing trip. his door the other day.; When he Was
Ustead of the.. ers in Our Line. shriek out information and questions at him th on re -
We are Lead, fles scoffed at Christianity, but he wat Truth stranger . an fiction? Decidedly and many other close political and per- —There was a ball in Soutbampt cleaning it the eat came mewing towards evening a, voice that In% ade even the monkeys bold him for a piece, and his valuable terrier also
converted under the influence of tbeii- in so. A literary genius could sit down and sonal friends of the deceased. The,. em- cently, and the cro-%,Vd was made up of
Society held a their breath in astonishment. -weave with the point of his gifted pen a ployes of the Public Works Department gen lemen�n adies. a taste. Both animals were sup -
I begged for
The, example and becanie their champion, One beautiful morning an expedition had tDoug 17 'burton, attle
'from the facts K t 4 of Hali
most absorbing romance v I meeting. _d the room in a body, and gazed with -jeeper, reports that he flied, and both of them died in terrible
iver, tersely ou.tlined above. Could we d respect and keen regret upon the features aRny a few minutes after.
Ivas well filled, Jackson & He said about one of these Pacific is' been planned to ascend the Saugulaya ri drov r a ellat
Greig, elve e d hotel k
ore, an e the party consisting of four or five canoes. into thd closed heart -cupboards of many a was robbed of $417 While drunk in Toronto.
.-ere out in full lands: "I,have been here bef of him who had been their chief for so meii '��'A. F. Spring, manager of the Western
9 Mr. Ferguson (a Scotch- y
ty.,was favorect 1E I see the difference. Formerly as sooT Mr. Brodie and silent, suffering life, what need of an auth- —Windsor ministers are reaping a bar -
THE LBADING CLOTH R years. As the day wore on the stream of Bank at Penetanguishene, 11as left the codn-
an and new arriva ung peo- try, ith a shortage of $3,600 in b
�er from a dis- 1 in the country) agreed ny wer wriages �f Amerian yo, is ae-
as my anchor was down my ship wa. I or's fertile imagination with uch stores of ;aHers increased in volume, and ma e vest from mt
I by N to go together in one canoe, aua-as neither material, whose truth -lined fabric is woven the tributes paid in hashed -and solen-in ple who are visiting Detroit on - the fall ex- ounts—not $15 000 as reported. Spring
- L lr- , T, SEAFORTH. surrounded b- was an adept in th6- art of paddling a native I I
�m the late Inter- dissolute men and wom- from the" joys and sorrows and heart's blood- tones to his sterling qualities,betli as a poli- cursions from the west. lost the money J speculating in Cwica
6n skimmin.- out from shore and try canoe, they started out more than half an 90
of r6al life ? Ucian and as 4 man. —The picking of lips at lErani Walker & stocks. The London Guarantee and Ae.
1,vy Miss Grace, Ing to come aboard. How different 110-vV hour in advance of the remainder of the
I e . ompany
At half.past,seven the body was removed Son's farm, near Widkerville, Ess count C f Tor I to, will mak
ge. -way and -,0 on e good
Harold, of this., Christianity has -made the chan party. "The rest finally got under o the Union began this week. Beveral hundred hands the loss, and tlie bank will lose nothing.
en, Ju,hter R. �-;-LWS And when some one traduced the IUN- had proceeded some two or three miles up DEATH OF A GOOD MAN, from the Parliament buildings t 11 ff�l
NV station, where it was forwrded to Brock- are thus given empl4yment every fall. —Morley Pettit, so'n-of S. T. Pettit, 8th
Theve Nvas, -6rhouse, the new pastor 1
1 boi the river, when they espied the canoe of
�ay. sionpwies lie said: '.'Oh, you ne& F. FRASER FOUND DEAD IN ille by the 8.45 train. Previous to its re- —Rev. J. H. Mo concession of South Dorchester, bled for 40
li't cheir, and a. rguson drawn up on !the river Hois. C.
tell rn ived foTu. Brodie and Fei as conducted by of Christ Church, London, was the objec Where
e these stories I I have 1 movl a short service w hours recently, in Cleveland - Ohio,
THE EMBLEM GOD MADE WITH FOUF As it contained the paddl6s, shoes, Room."
spent. shop Walsh, only the relatives of the of seven presentation 9 at the hands of his, lie had Lone to have his tonshs removed as
months with these &eadful peop] Archbi
WORLDS IN THE HEAV§!NS. lunch The body was lat in Ingersoll. Physicians could not
etc., of the two men, it was thought arishioners f lor catarrh.
orme'- deceased being present. a relie
Hon. Christopher Finley Frasek, f r Gegrand Trunk Railway return..of earn-
rmow themwell. I Imew tho natives they had gone into the jungle a short way ed down by six of the . assistanfs stop the flow. The young Mau is very
races on too, as they were many years go, after some game, and the party proceeded l Commissioner of Public Works in the then carri week ending August 18tb, $368- weak, and it will be - many days before he
Br,Talmages .13eserlption of thi dn* that eve e'rnment, and recently Imspector of the undertaker and placed in the hearse, ings for the
am fully convinded that the -change further up the river. Returr n- Ontario Gov )3; decrease i
trot and d. which was in readiness� to. convey the re- 998 ; same week in 893, $394,21 can return home.
Celestial Crurcift—Grand Work Done bl
stallioll own- see is from the influeuce of the religio, ing, the canoe was found to b� in the same of Registry Offices and of Forestry, is dea ains to the station. Carriages to the num- in 1894, $25,122-25, —By & cablegram received from Shaugaig
nr,,,. Shots were fired, To many the news will come as something In servance As- the sad news has been brought to Canada of
uth Sea Islands —The Hamilton Sunday %
)�rry. and driven of the Bible. so ber of about fifty were also in waiting for
and but it was too iate to knstitnte a search for which was more tha-ii half expectel. , onihiodation of the relatives and sociation are making strenuoils effort
the Ist, -was the means of the civiR 'of his ffiffin th c 5 to the death from typhoid fever, of Iffiss 'Tens
Ir(I Heroes and Heroines. One boy erg -tion of the Sabbath by J. Scott, of
the -missing men, .-�honi it was feared were much has lately been heard 0, e a c
Sand. rge numbers prevent the dese Mount, X`Dy, Martintomm, Glen-
[Copyrittht, Louis Klopseb, 189-1.] zation and evangelization of the lost -in the trackless jungle. Mr. Fergiison health, and so many evidences. have beeo -.friends, who bad gathered in 1,
and has bc�lt in to pay &1ast tribute of respect to the dead. the runnin of boats cars, etc. garry county, and sister of the Rev. A. H.
9 VIs only... STEAmmip ALAV DA, Midocean, SuI3 wich Islands. His father and m`Othei 1adhiswife in canipwith him, afacthe given of the weakness which was so -soon to the following —Lord and Ladl. Aberdeen w rth.
If r. e 111,that the sudden termination Th foremost carriages held Scott, of St. Andrews church, Pe Wiss
were killed, and be ran away with - hi, was neyer llowed to forget, for the way. conqu r b )DA, and will spend sev- Scott and her sister, Maggie H., Wvnt-
elatives: Mrs. Quinn and Mrs. Delaney, Wdanitoba next m( out
him, he will, no 10. —T4ere are 46me things in the miu� ith
baby brother on his back. The infan' his better half walloped him on the slight- of his illness could not but have been. ex- r
-lie trot- t sisters; Messrs.Thomas Bames,Wm Fraser, eral days in that Province before proceeding as missionaries to China, in conueption'w
year after year remaining a � caution. She was a pected, at least to some extent. But tha
before t ud4ined. as British Columbia'
was slain by a spear. The heroic bo3 est nrovoca-tion w an(T Martin Quirm, nephews; and Miss E. to the China Inland Misioll. Miss mawe H
the does not entirely do away with -the shock
The time for explanation does nof Seen Ifeilan' body,' and could " talk '�vith his brother Fred
--The Directors got on a shi' for New England. H Quinn, neice of the deceased. —Eddie Langraf, turned two years a and died a few
-'of !all C-ael'c' mon family mildence in
e. We had for yeaxs seen allu. P very fluently. When we returned which the event must occasion. The tragic nong those who took part in the cortege and another young p�ian from Port Colborne, re the got
50ciation have an- to com was found weeping on the steps e kicked up an and melancholy end of a' life which has been Ar went sailing on ihe lake last Sabbath.' ths after . at
-h will be oss. We knem � stor,. Ivithout her spouse, sh Oliver Mowat and Sheriff Mowat., I r
sion� to the southeth cr college, Connecticut. He told the awful hullabaloo in Gaelic, and from for so long devoted to the interests of his were Sir engar y.
Messrs. Joseph Tait, Aubrey White, Archi- Their boat capsized, and Eddie Langmf ar mill of Messrs, Tew
spark The large fle
�av, Sept 3rd and not what it meant. We Suposed it tt of his riative island. That story arou`oe� what she said in English, we' un- country—the snuffing out of the drowned. Marshall, n
-spring of 'such a great bald Blue, R. UcCallum, W. Edwards, J.P. was ear Plattsville, was burned t6
the Christian world. "'A little chilt derstood that remorse was gnawing at which. was the main arme
be an appearance in the heavens at cer Edwards, F. R. Heakes W. Ryan, ex-Ald. —The horses of Isaac Humsden, a f the ground the other morning. - Eve
�5 Trot or pace,, I guson out of —the taking away of a public iry.
em. " The Tahitian island, her -vitals for having chased Fbr intelligence
-and longitude, yet W, shall lead th. of Harvey, J. M. Grant, J. J. Murphy,E. J. of Carberry, raw awy on Sunday. IM y. thing was destroyed, includinj about 400
,25, Seem day, tain latitude I
supernal power the tent that morning -with a stick and with- character -whose place in the estimation Q. C., L. S. Bastedo, Patrick Boyd, Humsden was thrown out of the wagon, his barrels of flour and 1,000 bushels of wheat.
knew not exactly Vhat thatl appearanet have felt the same
pace, 0 letting hiiii have a bite of breakfast. big fellow citizens was so high—all these Brown, and his neck be -1 The fire ii supposed'to have originated irony
[�en Trot they had. beeh in the habit of slaying '"ut I head striking a fence post, a
ut or pace S50. 00� was. Bti, seated a few nighs ago or one of deep import, B B. Hughes, M. O'Connor, R. Kilgour C
The next clay a search party proceeded to mark the occasion as 0
(t 30th. �iie colt the deck of this ship in our voyag( aged parents, and where there were to( and on the minds of the C:,James, J. F. Sproule, W. Kennedy, J'hn ing broken. years, theI. a spark from a chimney. The total lose i
the spot where the canoe was found a%d serve -to impress I —T*fr. Hu*h Sweeney, ged 108 � -anc
iii 3, and � mile, leman bew many children in the .,*red a Scully, ex-Ald. J. Pape. estimated at $15, 000 ; insui e, $6,OW.
around the Nv Id, a gent family they wer( searched the j Lingle for some distance,but no people of Ontario. Few men have li lit the funeral oldest man in Canada, died in tarmoul;4
in was I a ew At five minutes past eig _Miss Zee Gayton, the transcontinental
over"me and said: "The southern crosi put out of the way. Cannibalis indications of their ever having been ashore life of such hones�y and uprightne s ; f . on arrived at the station, when the county,Wova Scoti�L, on the 22'd inst. He t8co
the 'rlruvinee and the diet. There wis no law 0: coul(l be found. Then some one started thef men havi) been called away so 8uddenl proce8si I health twenty-four hours pedestrian who walkd from San Franc'
Any further in is visible. Let us go and see it. part of I wox#en. One o: theory that perhaps they were drowned,and and few men have left t1ehind so few Tey coffin was taken from the hearse and encased was in his usua to New York in 176 days, arrived it Ham -
I looke� moralty for unmarrW in the outer abell, and subsequently trans- before he passed away from old age,
tzLiaed bV Avrit- y mourning -
to the opposite side of the ship i1tonlast Friday.having walked fromAl
First up and beheld it in all its stiggestive. their religious sacrifices wa4 a man an� after a good deaf of incredulity, the river 'tractors and so ma f riends. ferred to the baggage -car. The body was —Some ten days ago George thristie, of
d together. In,. the Fiji is was dragged. In a short time both bodies The cause of Mr. 'Fraser's death was a mpanied to Brockville by Dr. Chamber- the firm of Morton & Christie, of Windsor, bany. She was on her vay to Portland,
�-Iid is therefore . ness looking down upon us and lookinA a -pig roasto were fo;u'�d in about fifteen feet of water, Ion standing illness, which caused a gradu- accoi Oregon, to start on aalk around the world
thern cross' lands parents were burie ' 'alive, an� lain, the physiciau who attended the de- had his left arm scalded by the upsetting of
C1 She will walk from
down upon the sea. The sou axe close together among the dark moss and al fecline of the physical forces, and by for a wager of $-20, 000.
wives were captured as buiTalo, as- ed; Mr. Patrick U -Brien, the Parlia- a gasoline stove at his residence, and now it Portland to New York, thence by steamer
r foot 1All club Oui he bottom. The lessening the vitality weakened the action ceas
It is made up of four bright stars, wild rice and cane brake at t eper; Mr. K. Wilson, pri- is feared amputation may be necessarY.
an( mentary houseke, to Liverpool. She expects to axerage 26
7 here last week, star standing at the top of the perpen soed. Incantation was quiniou, fisbes and'gators had partly eaten their of the heart. His condition of health has s shocked on Wednesday,
I etary to Mr. Fraser during his ten- ---�rgvistock wa
pry for the home snak� worship prevailed. ',Among tht hands and faces. Thiy were brought back been a matter ot public comment, as have vate 8ecr A,eek to' -hear of the sudden death of miles a d while walkin
ure of office ; and Mr. W. Edwards, secre- last 1 a
)a1s to none. —The dicular piece of the cross, and anotbei idry, or t�e custom 01 also been' his brave efforts to surmount his ent. - Mrs. C. E. IV itzel rt e�Vl J . Clark, of I the First Presby-
Marquesaus polyau Yho extred from he.
Et here last week star standing, for the foot of it.- Out to camp and decently interred. ities ta of the Public Works Departm Sev 1 8 e was 38 years of terian church, London, who has been spend. -
r while dressing.
star standing for the right hand end ol having many husbands, WBA cOusidere� Being better acquainted with the deceased physical . infirmities and perform di ing his vacation in Muskoka, has returne4
club did to Sea- le was *rn in th( Mr. Brodie than any one else in camp, your which would have been trying to far strong- eraf very beautiful floral offerings were con- failure A a daughter.
izontal piece of the cross ane. right. An Ironeed 1. tributed by Mr. James Pape. age, and leaves two souki all to the city,- and resumed his duties on Stin-
eing g ;the hori mittee of er men. When he left the Cabinet, early
e, our club b I y force qf tor. correspondent was elected a coni —The Bain Wagon Works Company Of
of it. nostrils. The lower 1113, 1), 1 day. Rev. Wih. Cooper, B. A., a recent
a, team which another star for the left hand end ture, was driven out to Otmost dis- one to overhaul Brodie's effects and discov- in the present year, it was well known that AT BROCKVILLE. Woodstock have sold their factory to Mr. duate from Knox College, acceptabl
he best Li-titowel -ho clear, so resplendent, so char ed witt' if possible, who his friends were and the health of the Commissioner was an hu- The following telegram was received fro carr gra y
�izatiou 01 er, a Ing —The town of
C I . bt: m JohnMcKellar, of Ingersoll, who wi d Mr. Clark's pulpit during the four
-signitcance, so sublimely marEng of tortion. There was i t they might portantfactor in his decision to retire from Bro kvi le Frid on the work and ill employ from 50 1 fille
,h (�un Club are where lie was froin,in order tha
acre. Tht - the:control of the department which he bad Brockville has seldom been thrilled by a hand. Sabbathe of Mr. Clark's absence.
.our club here on the'heavens that neither man nor wom filth and obscenity and mas§ be notified of his death, and that, his per
Wr hotel keepers the' Of sonal effects could be sent them. To my ruled so long ; and when lie accepted the greater shock than -it was this morning on —A bass, was caugb� in Hespeler dam a —A few years ago Mr. Win, Caldwell, of
an nor child nor angel nor devil cax Friendly islauds and 'Sw*10tY iOlau
s ano a
or having laid a tba ia-mgr k looking over his letters and pa- inspectorship which he bad held for the last t of the news that the Hon. C. F. Fraser few days ago measuring over twenty-tw4. the Galt nursery, laid o t three blocks of
dQubtit. The southern cross I Tomakt were at the lowest de al surprise, 010 e did so chiefly because receip D during the night.
e disclosed : couple of months h had died in'Toronb
Sheriffs Bailiff All those isand4i��have beet ers, the following facts wer He inches in length and weighing over- fon his laud in Duchess of Oldenburg apple trees,
it.,. God t those four worlds in theh cruelty. 0 as it did 0, and to 4 comprising in all nearly 1,500 -trees. They
.0 the corporation PU Brodie was native of Devonshire. he thought that the work, involvin was one of Brockville's most gifted son pounds, at least that is the spor
ll the places. The tender and tremendous em. illunitHEA' and the most of t�be abomina r.
d Method- ch e of air and occupation, would' be *all classes of the community unite in mourn- are yet ite small, but have b4i�ae more or
anda ay notvb�s(a o! Engl�nd, was a regularly ordaine report. U
ave blem. of our religion nailed against th( tions have speed aw be ing the loss of one so eminent and so highl less for S
iev no -i i 11 ist minister; wag a thorough Greek and :nKcial to him. Since his retirement y —Seven carloads of choice cattle were e past two or three years. Y h, the threat of foreign guns Q41 as a reml,� 091- h
L to a good mali� heavens with silver nails of star. Fow , t Hebrew scholar, as evidenced by manu- from office and acceptance of his new p i respected. - The delicate task of breakin shi�!ed by R. McLaughlin and D. MeDougl' -season they are well laden, and t e Itirl Valitiam, but to various eavel Glencoo. They went t promises to be at least 100 barrels of 1010110146
is, of national or interm the sad news of-7his death to the ber
holiday th we enough. to written in those languages in his tion he had made one or two trips all &st week from
lip their will noi by the influence of tba w)i�ch yondel scriSwritm besides Fienph and Latin trans- portions of the province, and it was thought widow andfamily was entleted to Dr. Antwe Belgium and good prie
ban r es wer: fruit.
God wastes no worlds. He 99 ving bene- again plitting in sky tYPi. lations. He had loved �a young lady in that the new occupation was pro Moor, a strong personal friend of the deceag- —Bowling is becoming quite popular in
encourage stupidity. If you cauna, mighty cructfix in the realize i
open t some p es, u interes Ing game was
ifty cents )f a wealthy ficial to. his health. ed, and his physician for the past twenty- ac -a d an
Bee England, the only daughter —Some fiend or fiends latel cut
thlub t me the southern cross in the fom ites. Let no ship captair nece beITonging to Air flayea the other day on Dr, Aleldrum's fine
Vat they still [ncrham manufacturer"and she would Early iu the �preseut month it was four years, and Mr. G. A. Dana, Mr. Fraser's
0 an in- en were W. L
stars, 40 stars will not make you 'Be( from a deck on the Pacific(* passenger, Birnii sides of two valuable mares
but he was poor, and her sary for. Mr. Fraser to start out on of Albemarle township, ne I
or ofit sailing have Inafried him, successor as representati e of Brockville in Henry Rydall, awn at Ayr. The sides chos and W.
wk Sundav InGrn- It. 'Up yonder they stand, the fow whether for pleasure father said she should never marry a poor 8 ection-of the.offices� under his charge in the Ontario Legislature� The shock to them Wiarton. One was (lead when found an Reid, Dr. Meldrum, J. P. Ford
amid these islands, behol(t it withou
stell ists upholding the cross. r, and a e northe and north-western portions of
"ur vitiz from ar evangef "tbern cro especially a poor ministe Z ra was a terrible one) and it was almost impos the other had to be killed. Meldrum against A. J. Reid R Henderson,
What a gospel of the f rei4iiembering w ,q mall la , was
ttljotli$t cliurch on imament I Tht hat the se st Methodist at that. So Brodie came to the provu- Ce, and, knowing that Dr. Cham- sible for them to realize thitt he who had left C tain Wiggins, of the Sal-vatior J. WT1he and J. It. Hall. The p ying
fact'a Inasg America to mend his fortunes, and did get a berlain,- Inspector.of Prisons, was going in home only a few ulted ih favor of the form -
for the besotted sai�ges bound. days ago in better health Ar rantford, was arrested Sunday, or very air and re
cross that Constantine saw in'the slo has done
e vast,*,ildeamossei - the same direction, it was arran8ed that than he had been for a long time would be a charge of obstructing the thoroughfare er by a few points.
The en ed oh all sideo by thes astorate so newhere in thewest. His Eng
with the words, "By this conquer og�ther. This they (lid, charge dis judge 13ell on Thrsday of last week,
7 art was true to him, and wrote they should travel t
�106k- on% of Water. Fish sweethel brought home cold in death. Besides his He was bailed out and the
bilk, uiilv a 1, Was an evanescent cross and for ragement. leaving, Toronto on August 8th lost. They at Chatham sentenced- a colored man
i)rut the, ;rossl�'j Were eye] him long letters of encou widow, son, and daughter, he leaves to
Oh that southern C missed.
night, but this southern cross is for all I Mr. Brodie's s far as Rat Portgage, mourn his loss his aged mother, four sisters, named J. Albert Butler, who claims Lueati,
111 it- were 'flthan thost Butasevere cold visite(Y all the offices, ---�-Aneffbt.isbebigmade to induce th
on- lasts. four worlds better placed,., the limit, of Mr. 'al Biddulph to-w-cs
by N1cssr8- idghts, and to last while creati hearing to site)' an extent as to disqualify and here they reached ana one brother,Mr. 0. K. Fraser, bArrister. Very Rev. Samuel Rey-nolds 1). D., the De
F30 every'nig;it of this voyage among th. which compose it? Thoug� they Wert-, re, and thus it was Fraser's journey, as far as official business Flags are flying at half mast from all public visi� montbz in the Central Prison, on - A charge
cutters him for ministerial laboi of Rohester Cathedral, England,� to
-for this Sig. -vate buildin his reon. The
islands of the Pacific I rem.inded b3 uninhabited and built 0111Y�� lie gave tip his calling and embarked for was concerned. He, however, went Oil places and many pri out of re- Toroiito when on his tour to America this of indecent exposure of Pe
ificance, they were wo:�tliily built. The fun- fall.
biilding, this celestial cruGix of the only influ n Central Ain6rica, hoping to retrievehis with Dr. Chamberlain as far -as Fort spect for the memory of decease ffence Nvas committed in Camden township
'Ple of thi, c6, and appeared to enjoy exceedingly eral will take place on Sundav afternoon. e G� T. R., aud in
(ni the: ence that has turned the islands ffon Shine on until all the Poo, fortunes as the owner of a large banana Fran —The Toronto Normal Sch000l opened while walking along tb
e of the Woods trip. On In his will deceased requested ibat it should
it is w."Red �ee E'14iall bethinl forthe fall session on Tuesday, 21st inst., the presence of two ladies,
thtdr cru.61tv and shamelessness and hor 1emispheie who see V plantation—to be acquired. But man pro- the beautiful Lk
this P ou dost de.
poses and the fates decree otherwise McKenzie,
VIV oi lace. ror—the influence of the cross. themselves of the sacrifice*' , and the way back the party was not so fort"n be very simple, and that his'family Shoul with its fall complement of 120 students. —Early the other morning the barn and
ing,- silent ate ; a delay occurred at Rat Portage for we,
V ar no habiliment of mourning. Work at the farm of Roderick
These students come from thirty-seven dif- contents on
de ouf;�pf darkness, this strange, patient, perse'ver
Exceptig the throne of the Deity, A cross not ma ss 0 and when at length the ail- the asylum has been closed down uutil after ferent counties. Bearline, Dover, -were totally destroy(d by
work of an ill- 1kong enougl inan went on to his death as mysteriously as several hours,
think tliere Nvill be no higher throne. bu t out of light. A bro b the funeral. Helen Woodburn, of Toronto, has ap- fire, The- bam contained all the easo's
-ip w
lie had lived among us, for unto this day no way k as oncluded and the lake,-
nlesg in, heaven than. those occupied by tla( for alinations who see it tp hang theb understand or conjecture how two reached their worries� were not at an end. 111R. FRASER'S CAREER. plied for a divorce from her husband, clover and 400 bushels of newwheat.- The
UV to I watohe� man can e travelling, fire was the -Nvork of an Incendiary. Wbile
inissionries. Others have lived and di& hopes upon. One night whj�,e u, barrister, formerly 6f
O'llt and men could 111anage to fall out Of a canoe The Alberta, on which they wer Mr. Fraser was 55 years of age, having (",*eorge Hamilto
gather Detroit, N1 the flames were in progiess, a man supposed
this celestial crucifix the 4Dud - was grotiuded in Lake Hurou, and the con- ichigal,
without spilling anything else but them ville in 1839. His father Toronto, but now of
tiw tank, for their oNvu country. These lived he top of the crosis was 90111E� altough they had- sequent delay made tile passengers some been born in Brock rish. on the ground of adultery, desertion an(I to be a tramp was observed fleeing from the -
"Uld ed, and t selves out of it, of Scotch origin, and his mother I
t 111 vii.grine ddeid for the liatives of other countries. ped over in hours late in reaching Owen - Sound. The was scene of the conflagration. The loss Will be
11- 14111C and ther rad and the foot of it was gonefl)l and the out (lone it purposely. I Once tip Lan bigamy.
IVIany of the rissionaxies were the g consequence was that Mr. Fraser and Dr. They were ot wealthy, and the young IV . No insurance.
—The much dreaded Russian thistle $2,0w
-inceton or Ne- e. more Of i7 one of those cranky little boats and it im ga c
uates of Yale or Ili did 0 in Ise
spread axms ere gon ach Toronto uutil had t hi ducation by his own labour.
the (Salsoia. Kati Brogue,) was discovered by —On account of the Ion
setting, ver beel meditely turned bottom side upward with Chamberlain not re e in the office of
-han if it had'xe almost two o'clock- Friday morning, and He worked for some tim great dam -
Brunswick or Oxford or Cambridge to be seen t , one day last w�ek, grow- drought bush fires are cauin,
t out. Had the cloud oqji ed th( the most arnazing celerity. raser, who had lost a great deal Brockville Recorder, and from there entered Professor Macou
-irklv ptit I - que L -in can
Edinburgh and were qualified for pull hoisted. eceased clergyman's goods that Mr. F e line of the 0. P. R., a short age to the country. Only a heavy ra
if we After awbilo.� the cloud, We sold the d tired, nd* in fact ex- the law office of Mr. A. N. Richards, at one ing, -along th
I of sleep, was very Professor extinguish the fires and the country is in
stars? No. 4 effects, which, with the um- distance eaat of: SmitVs Falls.
pits, for chairs, for inedic.
L ll but his person time Lieutenant -Governor of British Col
parted and railed back and 01, and thert ion that the seeds from- great danger. Between St. Catharin--s an(I
Itlacoun is of opin
achievenient, for great words nd deedi oninev amount realized, It urned over to the United hausted -img in the city, the two gentle- bia, He was called to the bar in 1865, and op - the
it stood wth the samq old efoblaz States Consul at Ritatan, who in turn for- On arriv ID where he which the plants found gr�w 7re tram Falls, all along the railroad, the countTj
ill courtrooms, for coramercial successel WM, aling ened tip a law office in his native CitYl Dakota in cars carrying is ablaz6. Between Stratford and Point
M o —the southern cross. So the hostilitiel warded them to his only relative, a.sister in men took a cab and drove up to c arne for ability in his profess- ported from in
nktan, f that would have brought all houors n� roll, Aip and seen, Liverpool, England, to whom I -wrote it let- first at Dr. Chamberlain�s house, where he sooii made a n that region to the Atlantic caboallrL Edward everything in the shape of shrub,
ning man. He from
ressed Mr. Fraser to re- i 'on, and was looked on as a coi
of earth and hell may b. freigt now passes through bush and grass is a rey to the flaine& Fve
. lo. all luxuries to their feet.. Many of tht of her brother's alighted. e p sue
tilt- the was defe plan
Tile t has rapidly ports received froinSlackwell, The,
of womeil of this loreign. mission caust to destroy the hope ofeOMP11131ities an�' ter giving full particulars ught, but ated for the Legislature in South Much of Pert]
he' i mith's Falls.
The but in God's pod time thi death, and attendant circumstances;� I ain in his house for t to renville in.1871, but, his successful oppon States during the ford and Lucan tell the same story. Bush,
nbry ing thit lie would go
of nations .1 man's siveet- latter ref�sed,-sa.vl hortly afterwards, he Nvasreturu- spread in the Western
49 were brought up in refted associations, 1 fall badki and all ob wrote likewise to the dea, d i wamp and field are burni and - nothing
Couldplaywell on musical instruments, �antagoiiism Wil heart in England, and told her thead news his own room, and enjoy at gobd rest on the ent 2 ng,
tons Of One
scurations )elle4 and all tht cordingly drove ed byTiarge majority at the bye -election. past.five years, but until this -year, when
wil.1 be disi- I , �t - - are found in Manitoba, it was but heavy rains will prevent serioua eatas-
tire. ere the charm of best society, had at as gently as possible. following morning. He ac notlong in the House before he was specimens W4
he buildings, where He was trophe. Siniil
hy see it, the soutp�ern crossfol 0 the west entrance Of t d in 1874 he not known to occur in Cana&. o bad is ar reports come: 1from Brum, I
WO traotiveness tht%t fitted thera for any eir. earth shall And now the kight"tchman, made Provincial Secretary -p an
lie *4 . hera &oss for thk he was admitted,bv the x rred to the office of Cammij�aiOner it in the Dakotas that at t e present sessiou Grey, Peel and Dufferin.
('11 Ole off ewe or opulence. Such men au� the sout4, the, nort a Mr. Peppin, who,eo�dacted him to his -room was transfe
W om
to, . . - -tb) the he'esst -tht The other day a dainty, perfume d car
on took �vha�leshipp for or6lgik nor Wd e4 gp far a 1) �:iftkiw