HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-08-10, Page 8id
7, 0.
-A ETGLTQrr 10, 18ft
0 X
A Denomy, era ar ly'through hauling poses $N
7 for 11 =pa school rate
ound here are near
an has mi consequence, receiv- 'A., 31, Claike, A. Cummings,
hat his Previous �.lans for the Wool for fpwnsF4 .1 rate for school pur- X JLVIDAY
8 "go in their grodil.—Mr. atoll, from $1,168 96
Witsoh's Gas h Geocery. deraingip somew. sevnetbaek in S A. Xegg"on, B. Guest, 0. Hawkins, A. S., J. Living,
h0lidays.—Nfaster Frai* Smith, of,,Bjussels,.,; ed A eaforbb. -if women poses - $3 195 25 for" .1 wnship expenditure
is spending his holidays, with his aunt, Mrs: can't keep their husbands from playing 'McDoiv'ell, J. McLean, B. Regan, B. Rusk, Baden, has been here receutly. He says he . f 1
Wwarft still sollivig sugars at old prices, 20 pounds A. E. Wetheral. wants rain badly for his spread of flax., We and salaries and the dil"erent school section
Bell Sillers, C. - 8 t
David -&Io6re M4ster. Smithis -a very cricket with feUows7 who beat them 40 runs _nj
best granulated -sugar for $1, 28 pounds I Jr. 7. Jeckell, hope it will corrie soon. rates A Patron deptimtion waited on the
raw or 24 pounds coffee sugar for %.' Have ir c a and 4 wickets in one inning. they can!t be Senior Legieving—S. J. Bell, A. coun em by-law pro- AUGUST Ift, V
received the first of the new crop of Japan tdaa. . ever yo gs er, 0XIM a 11 a M. Vi,- LeTouzell, C. H. Russell, P, H. Tom, qil asking th to,pass a,
t' t at I t pxa 1 h trusted to vote.—Messra. W. A Brigh
nation, thoug
xy one pound for 2 q avilloe YOU that. we 'Der mull
rurevid �5 , It, will co K. Beattie, A Johnson 4nd H. Megarey on— — She phard, second-class Vama. Iiibiting all cattle and h rig at
--�f - news from Mr. larl
only twelve years ol Ate je bn the highwayii, and appointing Offi-
saill h parthinyoucan buy from any1ft RY LEcTunE. —On Sund
ng: c .. eal went on a . fishing excursion to Benmiller on honors in English, Frene� and German. L. MissioxA ay last
pedlar. We beloolF to no combination to keep up James Co - 'e is now reassuring, but is not as ed in English, Frenchp Ger- the Rev. D- r. McKay, who for the past 1>2 cirs whose duty it wOuld be -to impoidid the —ALL THROUGH_;�_
prices, but are selling all kinds Of choice groceries at wy had a splendid da. for M. Strong,' 2_
satisfactory as eon desired.—At the Wednesday. Th y pus The council greed with the deputa-
lowest possible prices for c rid family, irian,. first-class honors in English,, second- years has been a missionary amongthe same.
mh or trade.
the ver)
as re nisition of about liiollit�er;tepaycrs, Mayor the sport.—Mr. George Whitely ai tion as to the eat injustice to the public,
When you have the cash i yfield Road
Dr tride you might just class honors in French and German ; H. C. Chinese, preached in the Ba
cash'prices. T&G,ee has beewplease4 to proclaim to -day, with other friends, picnicked at Bayfield on I __� 1 71
-%%Il have the benotli of buying goods at 'German, and will give tfemattbr their serious eon-
Weilnesday. —Mr. G Good paid Sea- Stran Bed in English, French, Presbyterian church. He gave 9, very in- s4,Jhis MonthIlles
No one can do Y. credit business all for the mine as Fridayj a public holida sideration. Council i&ljournedlo nieet in
eor am, h and tereating ac
they could for cash. Gem fruit lars it OnTeduead return- secong-Smss honors in English, Frene count of his hardships '&rid the
-all sizes, and forth a flying visi k6y)
the bftk Aouir ht less thau regular Wed. W K. Orerman. thrilling adventures he had with the natives Crawford's hotel ' Dublin, on Monday, Sep. -
,value in fine dinner seto, tea and to et sets. A-11 Az� OLD AND PRO31I NT -AESIDENT GONE. to Wingham yeaterdS—Mr.
tember 3rd, at I O'clock p. in.
"'gree, utanager 'of the omini rid of Formosa,. Dr. MCICay has WE WILL BEREOEI TNO
Pbe highest The subject of the' 161 owingaketch, which Pea on Bank of the Isla
for good butter slid all Inds of trade. we take from the (4 -alt, �eporter of the 3rd �ere, is away just -now on his vacation. He Bruceffeld. one of his stuidentg �ecompanyiug him, a na-
tys _6 t1i. we are satisfied we can suit you in SALE. —Tiagon—nice and light, with tive Chinee, who sang a hymn in the Blyth.
inat., was a brother a - Mrs. Anderson of Is accompanied by Mrs. Pearce and Master FoiR
d rice of goods. rry �Ole and shafts and tine peddling box doinplete. Chinese language. The church wits crowd- BimviTiEs.—Mr. Cjidleyls new signs,
this town, and uncle of. Mr. A D. Wljs.�'� : Rex.—Messrs. Walter Willis and HA so oth In.use little ..,New Fall Goods,,,,,.
mforth. good set single Harness. B ed to" the doors. Those who were not pres- which have just been Vitt up, add greatly to
C. WILSON, Se There died at the fa yresidenceinTor- Beattie spent Sunday at Bilyfield. —In Mr. more than one season. i.moibvrosit,-Bruceneld.
Bank of Commerce Block., at . Sunday, the pulpit appearance of
s ent missed a rare, treat. the the front of his store.—
Onto, on Thui 116th ult., Mr; James Galloway's absence la Isis
NOTER.—Miss Jennie Eacrert, from Ohio, The Epworth League, of this place, 'we uu-
Isu occupied in BREvxTiEs'.—On 'Monday of last week,
B. Wilson, for ly Years oke of Galts -of the Methodist church was
TUO1`- ing bv Mr. W... M. Gray, and in it former resident, is visiting at'Mr. John derstand, has e#ende4 the Auburn League
88th year. Originall f irmer Ill the early the E
V 3 0 Ai
Ily choir are taking with them fat cattle for. the the end of this in ntlL—Mr
est.knowninen. , Mr. Wilson was in his the Messrs. James Turner, Henry Montieth, Wanless', and is looking liale and hearty.— an invitation to visit them some time liear —THE BALANCE OF—
Biglun WHIN/m Ting bi Mr. James Leatherland.— and Fred Waldron left for- the Old Country, I "At Home" will be given at' the resi- tion,' as -
days of the town, Wilson combined The Seaforth Metihodist church foreign sistalit post mistress here, is away'spending C
that Vursuit wi nqp n cap
&N ized road for -,fare.�To--day that farm6ra a almost obliged to ship their Of the her vacation at present.'—Mrs. McCracken, S
'th tea the macad=4 runnin an excursion, to Niagara Falls on market. ' Cattle are at present soch dence of Mr. David Robertson, on Taesd
inst., at a very low re M: -Summer to,
many years. teo ore the ope'n*mg the 181 next, l4th. iust., under the auspices V
..BARGAI N of the railway to Gilt. Jimm y is Seaforth's Civic -holiday, and the railroad own stock.—Mr. Alexander'Roas and sister, Bayfield aoad brick church. A g?od time of Wingliam, is visiting friends in town: this �e
os- gives cheap rates to all points, but the Miss Annie returned home on Wednesday is expected. -week.—k[r. J.Raukini of &6$orth, was in
was a household name ip those days. P
We'lla,ve, been anceessfulo in securing another bi sessed of a keen intelloet, abundant health lacrosse matches will proNibly keep a large last, from a weeks visit to Lount &-rid town on Saturday last.—A large number BE CLEARr
1�. Our towns- Niagara, where they enjoyed a pleasant 'Chiselhurst.
bargain lot. of and considerable force of character, lie -was munber, of people in town. from here intend to take in the Sarnia, and
WAME UP CLOTHING, a noted man. Th f 'I was originally people are anxious to see how the Beavers visit.—Miss Eliza Bell, ;f School Section CHIRPS. -10 iSS Elnina MeTaggart, of Lon. Detroit excursion oil Saturday of this week.
rpose roug e iraeT� Lothind, - coming will come . out against the Excelsiors) of No. —Mrs. James Hamiltoli.is visiting at pres-
r the bone[At of out Successful deal. f lider the pa- Me
st a great saorifice to the maker. We now pu rom L Roxbo hall' - 3, Tuckeramith, had the , largest num- don is spending her holidays u 8 a At' a Sacri e -t:&
to give the weare — ie Alisse
Amongst our new lot will be found Men's Suits worth here with the earliestse'ttleri. T�hege were Brampton.—Mr. Herbert Young, of Blyth, ber of marks made by any candidate in the rental roof. —Messrs. J. Hicks and C. B. ent witli friends in Otaffa.
-which we will sell at $10; Suits worth 611, two brothers, James as in town this -week visiting friends. — county for the Public School Leaving, her L -spen I t' Sunday last with friends in Gray, of Seaforth, are Visiting at the resi-
aUdCharleg, and they, w atta
which we will sell at $7.75; XeWs Suits all wool, v, with their father, took �ip a large block of Mr. W. F. Wilson, furniture dealer, of marks being 916. This"i speaks '-svell for Goderich Township.—Mr. John Fitzgerald, dence of Mr. N. H. Young this week.---�The
ri( ay a
we will sell at $4.25 -, Boys' Suita worth $6.50, we of Seaforth, both teacher and pupil, Mr - Scott is one sr., left last Saturday for Kingston, lo at.
c nes,.
lan wh Te, office ai a*'teacher*r. tend tho Supreme Court of the Independent Was Spuhl, of Auburn, was visit -
will sell at %.25 ; Children!�s Suits worth $4, we Will laud on the Cedar Cree4 road, Where they Brandon, Manitoba, forme I band enlivened the tow on F I by P1 y
soon and his partner, Mr. A. D. kin, made a ing out.—.
sell at $2.76. The above are all now perfect goods, arried on farmin J� however, P 'i Edward McFau
I * ' , 88 -th on Tuesday.—Miss 0 ma 11 a friends in town on Sunday.—Mr. A. M.
well made and good linings. We have also gone put teams - Me ro ing A,
on between,here and busine ' call in Seafoi eg r left on Tuesday for Kingston, Order of Oddfellows, as a delegate from
through the balance of 91. the stock on band and in _McJr Hensall. lodge.—Misq Jennie VanhQrn and —Miss L.
Hamilton, assisting'the pinigrants up and Edith Davis, of Wingham, has been visit g�� here he Will be a delegate to the Odd Babb spent Sunday in Clinion.
niarked down the pricesi so astobeonaparwith Campbell, So friends in Belgraye SEAFORTH.
buying produce here anq'selling it in Aumil- at the residence of Dr. Utb'Jellows' conveiition held there.—The River Mrs.,Alex: Wien, of London, are spending McConnell was visiting
the new lot., Now Is your golden opportunity for last�- Week.
clothing. Ve i kly aoc?imUlated considerable Main street.—Mrs. Hiscox, of London and'
Uic hotel bus, of Bayfield, comes to our station this week. with relatives in this vicinity.—
a gue4s bf' el
W M. PICKARD means, in 7=, wealth., but the evil (lay was' Mrs. Rance, of Clinton, were thi abliost everyday, t4king - tourists to and Mr. Samuel Couch, Pr:ncipal -of Breslau at the parental home,—Mr. Albert T
ys last week.—The Misses from the station, who are stopping at the Public school, and'Airs. Couch, are spending Hibbe�t.
'Launchingout, he entered Mrs.R.S.Ha:
rallip with the I late John Me. McGregor, of Clev�l 'grand -
approaching.' of Clinton, who is learning the
Seaforth. into -1,&rtno and, Ohio, hotel. —Miss Man -de McIntosh reilirned on their holidays with Mr. Couch's parents. — No�Es.–rlfr. Charles 6 Aberhart had the business,
LU .3 Mr. D. McGregor, sr., foinier- is doing li —Miss AL
aug ton, in the Dumfries. Mills,.and in ..daughters of Wednesday from her visitto London,—Mr. We notice that our qc ung friends, Norman isfortune1 to break his wrist while working
their I - Mordie, of London, is spending a few
eat rhey, area, visiting among -Monday for Algoma, -hat,
Jai and flour ��ade, and the his Ids �oudfoot left on eter a d avid Leech ing is
eneril. 'Y Of Haripu as Pr Workman, Thou 1 8 n t a, 'thresh' recently. It appears t is
here with friends.�l a Lizzie Lam
(low, lifor6unate'partnership is bui many r ei hereaboitts.—Mi Maggie
tor of that U1 wh6re he expects soon to inove -his family. have successf ally passed the recent entrance thestand a which Afr. . Aberhart stood week visiting at Chicago, and attendi `U-
V too we known. ibe !it to sal tihat Mr' e from Vanalino, British hile workin
loan f 0
Is hom examination, -While Ernest Connor has pass- 9. gave w4, and he,
Wilsou'left the business strippe o every Columbia, on a visit to her mqther and marriage of her sister, of that cit;
Bayfield. ed his primary examination. LFenEa'yoring to save hftns�lf,. fell he&y Liul y eonn Sarah Cudmere and Miss A� Whitman.
other friends. —Miss Ajar, sister; of Mrs.
'a adcumulatioip .&ud a very poor
cent of hi You sHouLD see the * Pantings H. F. arm, thereby causing, the fracture.—A away on a two weeks' visiting trip.
, Us
in Colin Fletcher, of Thames Road
DISTRICT MATTERS. an. His losses weighii,,g heavfty uponhis (Rev.) Edwards is now offering at .93.50 per pair, made to Wroxeter. great number of faTmerg bave finished -cut-
brain he became very ni�tch soured. - En- borne, is. the guest of Mr. D. D. Wilson's your ordero The relrular price of any of them is e will finish'har-
T NIOTELET's. —Some two hundred tickets ting their rrops and som Moms.
Aiss Janq� Ryan, of 84.50 and $5, but they must be cleared out for OASH.
gaging -in other bubiness, � lie for sometime family, -at Ingleside..
-but the t present visiting her Special prices for Readymade Pants for cash. 1391 were sold here for the Sabbath School Union vesting this week.—Mr. �4ugh Miller, the
A SmART Boy. --.Master Lloyd ]EI, fefut an hotel in Owen Sclund days Caro, Michigan, is a NoTEs.—Mr. George Parker is away
odgins, pianic excursion to the Credit Forks on popular thresher, has 'purchased' a -:6ew
sister, Mrs. �rohn Killoran the old country with a cargo of 60 hea.ij
son of Bev. Mr. lElodgins of this town :�vjo of prosperity never returAed. IFor the atter in SeafOrth.— �BRF.Ezy BiTs or too.4,L.—Myril. Walker whing outfit, the engi�e being made by
Tuesday last. The day was fine. and a de- 01 rf JaUlft YO�ng
the highest number of marks amon gars of his life he has re�jded with his fam- Miss Julia Peters has returned home from wife and child, of Detroit, are here, the Sawyer, Massey and C6mpany, Hamilton,
t 9 ily y- *isiting old friends! an extended L 'Bit to frient lightful. time'was spent at that romantic cattle. —Messrs. John and
in Toronto, but rarel Vi Is in Lond filler is companied him. —Mr. Michi&s house is noyr
those who wrote on the Public School En- g�ests of Mrs. Walker!s parents, Mr. and spot. —The Crescent " Baseball club, of and a Waterloo sepaiat4r. Mr. IN
ere. He leaves a family Of tww sons, John Mr. John Rankin, of Mr. Holmested's Isw Mrs. Thomas '- Liddy. _Miss E. Lowry, of liging, and as for 0 fifth 2.
t-ran&e Examination at Seaforth, had just h Toronto, is again to cress siverds with very OW oing,good work is ready for the plastering. This is the
present outfi+
reached his 12th birthday the week before and Charles, and two daughters, Ann,' office,. returned home on Saturday from, a Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. . Dr. Stanbury. at this-plac6, on Friday, -the second to none. With house Mr. T. Ramallaw and men hl� L
th the 11 Uidom t I for the plaster and theylavw".
the' examination was held.. It is all the widow of the late Mr. T-flomas Johnston, very pleasant onting, up the lakes.—The �Mias J. Stru era, of Detroit, id visiting loth inst. It will be renie-mbered tl e bo a Mr. Miller will make a li�'; season, and -sus-
-rid Janet, unmarried, all residing in Tor- . &pile' buyers are once more scouring the friends in -town. A large load of our young five more yet. This is th�e' w to hus*`
more creditable to him from the fact 'that a . - fromthe Queen Citywere defeatedbytKe �tain his g6od reputation -�s a thresher.
concessions for fruit, but it is very scarce. 'ran Bend on.Wed- a -long at work. Mr. Michle 'will hit
he; had not yet reached ther head maRter's DntO*. people picnicked at Unions at Port Elgin, on ' the 24t.h of 'May
room, and was 0 nesday.—neV. A-urnbull, licanclenitu,
the only one who wrote : rom
last, and we hope the laurels won there -svill Goderidh. —All kinds of grain are coming in fast
CRocKmy,' Cno6lixny �,t A. Young's, son, of Seaforth, are buy- arrived here last week from - Toronto, and
Miss Watson's room, rea din lip the vxtra George E. Hender ATTE Adily ser- and Oats are. being harvested this
9 not be lost at this game. Play is announced CHUCMs.
subjectsat home. His teacher is Seaforth- This week.'we have - ppened out a lirge ing for Millman, of Woodstock, and Mr. A. are comfortably quartered at Mrs. Peck's THE L
Car -The-contractfor -at church around- Sunshine; of course, the Clim
consignment of Crwkery direct duo is also in the field: -Mr. Win. vices of Victoria Street Methodi
proud of his high standing on the 4ist., h* , from the pottsrles� to begin at 4 o1cloek. erect!
made by Meakins, put up th agqorted crates, which Cottage, and purpose remaining a month or ing new drivW, g shedslor the use of farm-
,Sleeth is still' 0onfined to his residence so. -Rev. Mr. Armstrong, the new rector of were largely attended olf Sunday, and in a warm one and everything seeing �o
marks being 597 instead of 5779, as repo, Led. we will sell at wholesale priceq, Any person who through illness. -Mr. Win. Moore the effi- era attending the Presbyterian Church here,
h, preached his initial sermon the morning Mr. Irvine received ten persons pushing allead.-ohn Wightman, 6th
wantA to buy -Crockery, it Will i to call and Trinity Chure
i the bargains we are oftering ;q4`9dple6ei. Dinner. cient Secretary and Librarian of the Me- is -to be let by tender. A buildiiig of the into the church members About fifteen ha -'d- a runaway a few days ago. When,
CRzoKET -KtToH.-On Wednesday � the to a Bayfield congregation on Sunday morn- kind is badly needed, and we hope to see have joined this church ince Conference.
Bets, Tea Bets and Toilet Sots. 0 trouble to show chanies' Institute, leaves, next week for ing last. On Tuesday he departed or the way to Blgrave e picked UP a
Brussels cricket club paid Seaforth A visit goods, '1391 1 Q Mon- -%
game three weeks' holidays. He will rusticate in Chatham, where, on Wednesday, he was something -substantial 'as well as connnedious At the uarterly Board eeting on passenger, vho put up a parasol, and
for the purpose of having a friendly A LAWN PARTY Under t4p auspices of the, put lip.
with the �ridketers of this town. they Goderich and vicinit During his absence married to Miss Warren, of that: town. We day evening, the pailtor's alary was raised animal ran a -way. Both 01_�Cupants
EpworthLesgue will he hold Tuesday, August'
the libriiry'will be Ised, but the reading Mr. and* Mrs. Armstrong a long and (The following was intended for last week, but did to $800., and the quarter a it paid in, ex- thr.ownout &,rid the rig shed to pi
were short two men and,had to obtain the 21st, at the residence of Mr. Jamj4 Beattie. Parde- wish not reach no In time.) I eAn. Oat ups: L . room, will be kept'open as -usual.-We, were ceptini about $30. This i church has
ins and Mr. W. Ulan next week. haly journey through lif Sherritt, Can, over.
and a tele rallh, r
loan of Rev. Mr. Hodgi NOTE9.-The Rev. Mr.Wilkie will OCCUPY solidated all local funds, iand . Superannua- one v n
Seaforth TO not aware that Seaforth possessed a, base of pailanti, Michigan, ise a guest at the urt, how er.-Jolin. SCRII
Bethune to, piece out their team. GuAIND HARVET.Excum NIAGARA ball club until we learned from our Exeter Albion. -Miss Susy,Burgest, of Point Ed- the resbyterian pulpit here on SiCubath tion fund, and the people liz-ve pr�mised to had his new barn raised f�w -a
were lunusually weak, and seemed to have FAms.-Arrangements have beA, made with the ays
entirely lost their grip. They were beaten Grand Truiak Railway to run e Ion, under correspondence that such was the case. They ward, is home oil a visit. -Messrs. D. D. next. -Mrs. Ireland and family,left last pay it khrough ' . Kelly and A.1 T. Cole geted as
U xcurs fill the envelopei. The pews
Tuesday to join Mr. � Ireland in Owen Sound, are free, an ere is to be no
the auspices of the Methodist rch goir, Be&- The 'Sorzol
by. aja c goo i many rus, Brus- haVe surely been hiding their light. -Misses inith, W. T. Vanstone, of London, R. Mr. Cole's side i�on by half tjie raftem.
qrn, on Saturday, Edith and M. grence Beira have gone.to Har- Mitchell and J. Golden, of Brantf9rd, were e ed out in the grocery line. r appeal for Armstrong (lid :the frame work in a
forth, to Niagara Falls and re�q wher' he has open socialAea meeting, or dtthe *b*1)00"
sels play:ed a. o ame, being especially August 18th. ' Tickets good to ve on afternoon
riston. for a couple of ' -weeks on 'vi We 'Wish them happiness &lid su�cess in their
train on 17th, and morning train �p.n 18th,,,returning here for the hop. -at the Queen's on Saturday money during this Confer."ce year. class manner. A noticimble feature at ft 1i
8 imn the b department, while
the Seaforth a will leave the Falls on Monday e'y�ving at 6:80, thus Mrs. D. D. Wilson left yesterday on a -visit eve and remained over Sanday.-Mr. ew venture.�Mr. James Fox, our popula
i(Wt seem able to raising was that two butchers a doctor
the sto;k of W11118mi
giving excurslovists ample time �o view th to friends in Buffalo. On her return she drug ist, having find the wl4kets at all. Curry, of Brussuls in Ja UnIgi AuburA. a oap maker were on b ess m-.
nificent sigh mes . Anderson and Mr. Johnston, of
act. T&M Mr. 11. T.- Pepper, P
made 529 and Grewar 22.- will be the only excursion to the" 119 this season, will bring home Mr. J. A. Mrilson�s little London, spent Wednesday here, wheeling I- Of1=87 has Clark, H. MeArthar and J. 6 of the world's greaffst catar one to
take charge of the business. Mr. I ax has NOTEs.-Mrs. A. Moore of Thessalon, .and everybody should. take adv&Ut4ge of'the cheap daughter, -Helen, who hi been staying with from Goderich, then home oil Thursday.- back froin Algoma.
been in Wroxeter from boyhood, find he Algoma, ace d bi, her children, is
THE WmTE CiTy.-The Bayfield corres- rates. Fare from *Seaforth Only'$I.75 and return. friends in Pittsburg, lVermsylvania, for tome On Sunday next,, some- t-sventy-five of th 'The mosO i
See mail bills for furfinerparticula.ts. e leaves here with -the respect and kindly re- visiting Mr. John Piereell-The childrens.
giv�& the time. -The work of installing the incan- London Bicycle Club are expected here and roniaTty.
ondent of the Clinton ew Era, IffousE To REN -T. ard of all. His sterling qualities are d service% in the Hullett German Evan- UM
APPJ� to GEOPM, descent -electric lights in town is proceeding are to have dinner at the River Hot ollowing graphic descri GooD, Sealorth. 1801.1 el, - found to make him Succeed wherever be gZi ca church were great success, and very as -reti
tion of the bea idly, and it is expected that the plan NoTEs.-John Mcllwrafth Min until,
the, rap stdo '110
u Miss Susy Steep� of Toronto, arrived this -tte ded them.-.MLss home, having spent a. month with. his
ful camping grou d adjoining B fi Id 'goes, interesting to all Who a
POOLE WHEAT. -I- procaro'd seed of %'i start up -about the first of eptember..
where a number � of our t6wns-peop e ae week to visit her sister, rs. Turnbull.- ss "Jenkins, gur public school rents in Lanark county. -George brAtion of
Dey and Mi
lFoole variety last year. slid see*4 about thirteen -Mr. Harry -Beam, -who -for several years Mr. and Airs. Jambs W. Westervelt,- Mr 19. walw:fti
enjoying a most delightful outing: Nestled acres with it. - Put it In after oatJ Stal2ley.
And had an teachers,have been re-engiged for next year. hasgone toStratford,where he hssaitu
un- h -as been employed in THE ExposiToR office, James Westervelt and MiQs Maud Wester*- h and -Thefloorof Xanchest�i-lridgeis in%rery with Hamilton Bros. George possesses aW' the lep"
among the trees, to 'the north of Wilr. usus!ly good crop considering the, Voudition of the
Jow-ett's grove, is onq of the finest little laud on which It was sown, as iy�.sat eeldom. does left oil Tuesday last for Port Huron, where velt, of London, who have been . greati en- I NOTES.-INIessrs. John McBeat
Donald Dallas have returnedfrom . their, bad repair, &lid win have* �to be renewed it excellent character, and will be cities that one could , see anywhere -a ome . Bqyferea=i�
well after Oats. It stood the wintef remarkably well. he has secured employment. -The congre- joyingtheir vacation here, ret rly date. -Mrs. McDjarmid, of South- missed in social circles. -Mr. himself atl
elLbe early, and is thus likely to escape r . It is a very Th% were at the Queen!s.- wold, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Dr. wife are spending a fewdays.at w-lth his A
suburb of which an� - place migh W Thomas' chureli intend holding on Monday. P r. Dallas will ail ca
none of it being wintdr killed. 1Jt matured very visit to British Columbia. -V
ga"on Of S' R has
'te �ity of , tents is almost bard red wheat, and should mill v0r.r well. I have ot , of Brantford, who
oud. The whi their annuai picnic at Baifield on Wednes- Mr. Charles I return to British Columbia. this month) McLachlan, at present.-Miiss May Cassa- Bend. -Wm. Webb,,of Lomionana WA
ntirely hid from view, so thick are the threshed the largor portion of io crop, and this a next. Mrs. Dr. Smith, Of London, spent a month here and been much bene- where he is engaged to teach school after
ngland, formerly of Seaforth, is at present the summer vacation, He has prove -day is a gues
variety yieldeU oVtr 80 bushele-per acre. D. D. t at the home of her mother. I and Miss XcLaren, of Toronto, are visit
l him -
shady bowers in which it sprung UP in. a wnso!1. fitted in health, returned home on Wedne
Her many friends were pleased to again in this vicinity. -On Saturday last town visiting old friends. -
Many Sea- day. -Mrs. A Forrest- and Mrs. D. Smith, self an excellent teacher, and we wish him
single night. -Evergreen avenue is the prin- HAVE so�ie exceptiogqlly go meet her. -The Messrs. Leach Brothers ex- Win. Towers was threshing for Walter 490:- tong4le to �1
WE uccess in his new field. -Farmers have
od a,,,d
ipal, thoroughfare, with many little IY chesplines of Ladles' Fine Butto4 Poots, and Men's forthites will remember Dr. Smith, who of Walton, haye taken a cottage here. 8 t anew separator veryt soon from. L. A diner., bysome means some straw disintegral
t practised here some nineteen years ago, moStly finished cutting their grain. The Pee i
covered nooks at either side. About. a and Boys' Heavy and fine Shoes, fql,ly 25 per cein,. a Sa,%7er & Co., of Hamiton.-Miss Minnie floor was ignited, and in a moment the ar-o drenn
less than regular prices, at T. COVOTR's old stand, residing o4:North Main street. lie is now weather during harvest has been very d
clozen-tents have been pitched along the ry
Schforth. Exeter. and Warm, and the grain is all of good qual- Hoar is visiting a -t the ol& homestead. Her place' was a mass of flames. Some mak."?_ vith the A%
avenue, and each is furnished in 8 1 working ill the barn narrow1v
first clas 1891-1 Pract' With his son, in London, Eng-
I o1c. friends were d'elighted to renew Bean -
campingstyle. Everythi-hasa, Ei c=ic LieHTri-To. -We Deg to remind land, aithas,lwe believe, been very snecas- MR. J. T. Westoott, general agent for ity.-Mr. Gregor McGregor is. visiting at nany escape
�Ieligbtful those intendingto use Electric UgA their acquaintance with her. their lives. So quickly ditl i he flamessprm-d wb�
that the price ful. Mrs ica Cavers Bros , Nurserymen, Galt. is strain on his can- the home of his daughter, Mrs. Cameron of
negligie appearanc -ling coun- Smith intends to stay in'Amer hier
e, and T11 bean for the first installation is Sr pet, lamp, and that several mouths, visiting relatives v wh6t - b
ttesing tour for fall'94 and spring. '05 orders. Par. that they were unable to remove the sevars*
and old Bruce, county. -Miss Christina McLaren has e
ou8 campers, orders will have to be In atonce toloccure this low f d of anything In the nursery line would tenwuces of the many courte bs In'nee . tor, which shared the same fate as the 1*im tm
who welcome the visitor to their summer rate. The full cost will afterwards ?0 charged, viz.: riends.--:-Mr. Dartnall, of Toronto, is act-ing coafer a favor by sending him a card to Exeter P, 0. returned from visiting relatives in Toronto. CHntoni -Appolm .1
andeantents. The machine was a-new'o!*,- the-ble iall
home, speak- lquder than Words of the way -52 per lamp. ScoTT BROTuicis. 1391-8. as junior clerk in -the Dominion Bank dur- All orders carefully filled, with block warranted to -Miss Jennie Mustard is visiting at the (From the News -Record.)
they are enjoying the beauties of their SPICES.-WIien you are ing the absence of the maager, Mr. Pearce - grow and,true to name. Thanking illy many'� ous- only being outf the foundry a few Ing to tbof
VINEGAR AND homes. of her sisters in Paisley. NOTES. -Mrs. Dunsmore, (daughter of
ampers are order solicited. J. , T. WESTCOTT, general agent. product of 10 acres of wheat, 17 tons f h he lbadb
making your Catsup3 and Pickles,'it pay place an a tomers for their past favors and patronage. - Your he contents of the barn consisted Of ills,
temporary paradise. The c a. you to Mr. k pson takes Mr. Pearce,s Mr. W. J. Paisley), and son, of Toledo,Obio,
buy the best. A. Young, Seaforth, deps pure whole r. McLennan is acting teller. -Miss Nellie P. S. -A few good ag,6ntg wanted in this county. are holidaying at the par6ntif iesidence.-
Wear N�il and wife; A. B&uslayh and Splees for tbab purpose, Bell] LeadburY. some barley. The barn was Downsav
rAl& P4 pure French Cline Of Wingliam, daughter of Mr. James 1387-t f Operations Will soon be under! Way for the and ad -no a
yrife, and Miss Buchanan ; J. S, ackson Vinegar, also English Malt VlnegAf, White , wine
JOTETTINGS.-Threshing, with the dust and by Mr. Rundle, and is partly coverea by in.. "'As I oz
est quality A in The Cumbersome . , 1
hard work which accompany it, is d d ast surance.
and wife; George Cavan ; Mrs. D. Meln- Vinegar, and Older Vinegar of the vei� b Cline, for erly of eaforth, is visiting ITEms.-Mr. Robert Saunders leaves on Hallett swamp drain.
tyre ; Mr. George E. Henderson and 1301'. friends in to*n.-Miss Annie Patterson, of Tuesday next for a two months' sojourn in 'low redge rrive I Wednesday and is being A
family; Mrs. Buchanan; Miss Waugh WHEAT ! WHEAT ! WHEAT 1, -We would, Wirighaiii, is visiting her ister, Mrs. P. Manitoba and Dakota. -he electric light general.- Thewheatis. yielding from 20 to removed to the swamp. 1'�- is of very' many -U
again remind farmers and others interested that we Cavan. -Althouill to -da Civic Holiday poles are erected and more'light is looked 25 bushels per acre.--ThiB grasshopper tons weight.. About fifty'men will be ern- Bluevale..
Miss McKay - Rev. Mr. Galloway and will, in a tow days, be fully opened 'u . p to Y is mi _. -- i ad C
family; Mrs. and Miss Stephens, Joe and r the fall it is not a bank lioliday, and those'institu- forin the near ftiture.-Tliere is a scarcity plague is serious, and is becoming alar ing. ployed.-An unfortunate accident occured 4A HDRONX BOY PROSPR1.5G.-Another
trade. We will have on hand a eplendid stock of the Thousands of dollars' worth of Oats have . of self
Grace Stephens; Miss -Richardson, of Chat- leading varieties of fall wheat, also q choice sample tions are open as usual. -Messrs. J. W. of water in some parts of the village. -Mr. been destroyed, and it looks as if marigolds, in binton the other day in, a cricket, match Huron -'s young men has ma4e a mark lor
haul, and Mr. and Mrs.'Jacclues and family. of home own timothy seed, and all"at rook bottom Livingston and A. Winter went down to G. A. K. McLeod and wife, of Exeter, are between Clintonand- London.,. Becheeand himself in Uncle Sam's dominion, in the
prices. fle have.10rocureii from carrots and turnips will suffer the same fate,
0- Messrs. D. D. Wil- Exoter on Wednesday night, to tbe bicycle -,iisiting relatives in Seaforth this week. Reid, two London players, in attempting a person of Mr. Thomas King D. V. S., -om That m
son and Thomas Lapslie their stock of the Poole and every bit of grass is being nibbled off by I
rades*there. Winter and Miss Alice Russell, of St. Marys, is visiting catch,collided with much force, and the for- of the late' Duncan King of this lacc the Isle io
got one first,
E(4A10_NDvuzE Nozcs.-Rev. Mr. Shaw whest,'which they recommend- very highly, and thesepests. If those who require to buy P
Livingstofi -a first and a-second.-Frorn the her parents at the north end of the village. mer came out second best. He was ren- After teaching in this county for so=*�,_
begins his well earned holidays this week judging from what -A e have seen of this variety, we butter are wise they will lay 'in a larfe
certainly think that it is one of the best that has Canada Presb terian oi the 8th inst. dered unconscious for some time, and re -
To -d - Friday, he and Mrs. 5 -ham leave for Y 'wQ -Mr. George W. Davis, of the Exeter supply now, as it is likely to be a cost y years he graduated from Toronto Veterin been introduced -here yet. Our aim has always been learn that Rev. Thomas Goldsmith, of Tor- marble works, has a number of fine mouu- ceived A severe wound on �, the upper -lip. College, practised his profession for a t let low,
Toronto, accompanied by Mrs. Karcus, re- to procure for our ustomers'llie beat possible in sit article in another month or two. -The flax -
turning on Aforiday. We believe it is not lines. Come in &us examine our stock. No matter onto, officiated at St. Paul's church, Peter- ments on hand'at present. -Mrs. Pratt grown around here has all been marketed. Both were driven to Dr. Shaw's office for at Belmont, Ontario, and then removed and 11
whether you intend buyinp or not we -w Ill be pleased borough, onabbath, 22nd ult. and deliv- Fisher and her daughters, Miss Vina and repairs, but *ere unable to continue the the city -of Kenton, Ohio, where, c i i — The
their fittention to take any lengt1jened tr�p, 9 ojoint to have you do so. Thanking you for the liberal pat. . Although in many respects an unsatisfactory 1. 1 f , - ,
ered two very earnest and impressive dis- Mors. Win. Davis, is visiting friends. in a with his practice., he to6k up -the gay
but to go and com e as convenience Orin- ronawe you have -given Tus In the past,we hope to mer- crop, it.is about as good as anything else g e, 'a I
courses with his Usual' vigor. Mr. Gold- Tuckersinith and Stanle this week. -4virs. AccrDE.Nmm, DEATH.-�-Micbael Grealis medicine. A few mouths ago be Ile
efination �ictate. Four weeks will soon It a 6ontinuance of the same in the future. ROBERT this year. -Rev. Mr. Smith, who is sup- rem
Soon, mith will continue to discharge the duties Armstrong and -Mrs. Eby, of Soutba;npton, who had been workinle at the Stapleton to Cincinatti, in which city he has been
tss, and all will extend best wishes for an Main Street, Seaforth. for Rev.,, Mr. CobWdick of Brussels,
of pastor of the congregation during Rev. are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Henry Harris, plying Salt W orks for some time past -P, Was acci- pointed first professor of the theory WhIcilt: e
enjoyable tinle aind a return to duty with at present in Europe, occupied the pulpits f t4
Mr. Torrance's vacation. The many friends and other relatives here, this week. -A dentally killed between ten and eleven t, ve . rinary medi -OM6
renewei OL BRTEFs. -Mr. and M r,,,. W. Somer- I v prac ice o ciue at .
d� vilgor.-Rev. Mr. Leask-, of Tor- Lo' of Mr. Goldsmith, in this town all( icinity, large number of.pienickers and of the Methodist churches in Walton circuit o'clock las jff
on -to, will take charge of the church serz ville, of Seaforth, spent Sunday in' Gode.- Campers one Sabbath lately with much acceptance. 6 . Monday evening. He was, as Veterifiary College. The salary attached ire preps
will be pleased to learn that their former leave here daily for Grand Band- Park moving a cart or buggy load of salt $5,000 per annum. Mr. King is qui
vices during Mr. Sha's absence. -Th one He is a pleasant as well as a fluent speaker, 'usual, sod for
e rich, the guests of Mr. &lid Mrs. J. T. Dick. pastor retains his old time zeal and vigor to of Ontario's finest anminer resort's. -Mr. on the track to the shed, or bin, for packing being not 7et thirty iko=ced:
Y and his personal appearance! is certainly members Of the sewing SOCiet finished their sorl.�--Mrs. T. Stephens, Mr. J. Stephens, such a happy degree as the aboveari�graph George Cudmore, whi) has been in for the purposes. No one witnessed the accident. age, but pluck and ability, combined, ars
labors, last week, and a large bale of warm Miss Stephens, and'Miss McKay, are much in his favor. We wish the Young
camP- would indicate. They. will also wish him past few wee'�s, is, we are glad to learn, He was found on his back:dead, by his son sometimes rewarded even in early
clothing was shipped on Saturday last, eon- lug at Bafield, having recently joined the gentlein�n success. -S peo�le havb th-e
able to be up. -The harvest is completed in impression
oiller ar-ti - White City from' Seaforth. --Mr. H. E. calling. that the worlteer of - these items
SiSting of nine quilts �,nd various many further years of - u efulness in' his high Edward, who was working close by. It is hood.
cles, amunting in all to the value of over -Mr. and Mrs. E. McFaul are at this neighborhood. -Messrs. Prior , Balk. surmised that the unfortunate man tripped BRxzFLETS._,Nfr. Daniel Lewis, of thist;
ood shipped several carsof cattle wrote a letter for the Seaforth San over the
Cherry.; who has been spending his liolidllYS the county town, enjoying the lake breezes. well and W' and fell backwards to the goor, a distance place, section boss on the Grand Trunk wbere
$40 Such clothing is sent to one of our at Bayfield, returned on Tnesdy.-Mr. ture of " Conservative Patron," a
-Mr. Peter Anderson, brother of Mrs. J. from this station on Monday last, also a few" d of several feet. . Thete was, a long,dedp gash Railwag for eighteen years, and an emplqy.'s
missionaries in time ago. Thig is a mistaken i ea,
the Northwest, who Will see George Ewing and family picnicked at Bay- R. Lyon, --who has been *orking at St. cars of -hogs.-. When - will Rxeter's Civic, all t in the crown of his head. His- age is 63 of the ompaiiy for 26� years, receiva 46f
to its proper distribution..-Aodem Chris- field on Monaay, as did �Iio -Mr. S. Dick- and impossible, ai; -1 -am not a Patron, and
8 ome time past, is at present laid Holiday be? -A base ball club is expected a Ing
tianity may� not be all its great founder in- ith some friends.- The Misses Mary for a years. He leaves a family of - wife and dismissal on Friday. The dismissil is the
son's family, w never sail under false colors.
up in Stratford Hospital with typhoid fever. from Seaforth to play here to -day -against -two sons and two daught,;rs, all- grown up. result of a jnistak,6 he made in the',bool* log,
tended it to be, but from our dev4ed mis- Barr, Miss Elder, Miss Graham, and Air. He -is, however, Progressing favorably' and the Exeter club. -Exeter bad's weekly Afewyears since the deceased removed having recorded being off work for one
sionaries, to the humblest worker, the main McPherson formed a third d
en days. party from Sea- noserious result'is anticipated. -Mr. El- �pen air concerts and bicycle races are be-- Constance. from Toronto to Clffiton, previously emigrat- when it should have be object is the elevation of the race, hence in -
forth on the same day.-Afts. -John Daly dridge T. Kellam is at present in D`ublin coining very popular here. -The Misses Methodist church is Ing from Ireland. Lewis -went to Hamilton on Wednesday tp
in -The new
creased ha�piness in time and a fitting pre- has returned home after spending a month looking after the interests of Dr. MichePS IN�ary and 'Jennie Friend, of London, -are' NOTES.
g rapid progress
paration for 6ternit3-.'-N1rs.'(Rev.) makin The brick work have his case looked into, and we sinceftlyL,
0'-rahani visilting her brother, Rev. Arthur Trott, Of practice, while the latter is a -way on vaca- visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. h he may be returned to his usual work. 4=1 11
e M of was completed last week.-w1iss venlock, K�Ppen.. ope
and Miss Graham have been 'spending som Nashville, M11-chiligan.-Miss M. Gillespie, tion.- r Jame Beattie is in Kingston Hunt, Mill street.-Mis Rosie Herman -Mss Kerr of Brussels nt Sunday. poetr7
f of Clev!Jand, i4, at present the gue of ra.
weeks vial ing, riends in Brucefield 'and vi- dailghter of Mr. John Grillespie,pased. her tl is week, attending the convention of the St. Marys is visithig f ' nds here. GAN -c. P�ows 17on ALL.4T. Mellis of1crs . Andre
rie -Mr.
I with and Mrs. Bruce. story of
Oiliity.-Mr. Peter 'TN1cG'o-,van- left I "t week primary, or third-class, exalination, but I John Willson. -Misses Annie and, Mary to all good bargains in his num r one gang plows
Canadian Order of Odd Fellows, its a repre- George Armstrong and wife and family, of SedfDA14
OMere I
for his native land, the Green Isle, where her name was in a fo Schoales have been absent for a short,, time. cott and Mr. James � H-0
orne way omitted from r for the next month. A full line of all plow. repairs the sentative from the Order in this town.- Paris, -%i,bo have been holidaying here were visiting -at Mr. F. him 'in
he intends to spend the remainder of his pu7blished list. -Mr. and Mrs. ames Me- visiting their brother, Dr. Schoales,7of St.' on band. Call at the Kippen Plow Shoo for idl your B, ScotVs last week,
days. Miss Josie-Buchana, of Seafortb, had a the past month, re turned home on NA)ediies- waqta. Plow handles, would boards, skimmers. -Out of the ten pupils from Bluevsk
-One of he most, tasty and comfort- Michael and Mr., John Weir have returned narrow escape from - drowning at Bayfield day last. Clair, Michigan. . heals, bolts and castings.always on band at bard
THE GOOD TEMPLARS.-The officers of the w school who tried at the recent en
line prim. T. A[Zlims, kippen I8W2
Independent Order of Good Templars for
able looking residences in ou"r village,. since home from Bayfield, where they have 'bee' on Wednesday. She was bathing, when, in. amination, seven have been succesfuL )ft.
trance -ex:-
the recent improvements, is tha of Mrs. en . ng the lake breezes. -Airs. Oliver, of some w , she lost her balanceo and was. ay �,18.-The. foll�wing pleasure
the ensuing quarter are as follows C Party McEwen, their teacher, &serves grest
H rd. Mr. James Brown has also added C jpy' is at present the guest of MW. carried 0 Zurich. W- have returned from a trip On the lakes, per credit -for his hard work in prepwing hem.
h1cago, t by a, wave. Mr. Bauslaugb,
mAch to -the appearl ce and Comfort of b is , 0 of Code -
R bb Seaforth. Miss Olivel who happened to be'near, caught her its she BRIEM-N[r. Zinn and wife have left for T., Miss Annie McIntosh; W. V. T., Miss steamship * Cambria:' Mr. R. MeMordie
ic Hincliley; $ of Chicago, is visiting in The o
Mrs. Win. rich, was-.alao her guest n. Wed'nesda Amu W. X., James Reid; W. Miss M.A. MeMordie -.Nlr 10
d-svelling by- remodelling it. -T 0 Y.- was going down and ot her -to shore. and their home, Cavalier, N. Dakota, after spend- Of London ; Miss * Bert Leech
M a slid a the village. He says business,is unpr
e , Bert Mary MeMordie and Miss hizzie Montietb. in
Powell iad family, who have been speuding Rev W. . K r i e nd Mr. A, E. Bond, C., Win., McIntosh ;1 W. R. S ving imetea
she is now, we are glad to say, none the lug a good time here niong their relatives that city.-.vir. Joseph 'AfePherson, vf At is -a'
Iong, holiday at Mrs.IJPowell`s former botn'e of I h ffield, - Ontario, paid a.visit to Stephenson; W. F, S., George Wheatley; T
worse for her narrow escape. hey report h
, ?aTing a vi i
and friends.-M:r. Henry Geig aving had a 4elightful voyage- Toronto sit to Ills home butit
here,, returned to Toronto on Monday last. L. McFaul tbisweek. They rode up Oil is, V
-0 k th er W. T., Miss Ettie Proctor; W. 1. G., Miss They touched at Sarnia, Detroit, - Windsor,
-Mr. James Forsythe has soino magnificent their bicyc�les, doing the whole distance, 80 Monday for Cavaier, Nor Dakota. -A Mary Wheatley; W. O� G., George M6dd; Bluevale. ii1e going across the fields n rL host of our young folks from here went to ault Ste Marie, Mackinac � Island, and the visit Mrs. Thornton one d4y InAt week Mroo
e my and 2 idly
pecimens of Scotland's national ern-blem m es, in i e hours. They left oil Wednes- THE EXAMIN ATIOss. -The followina are Grand Bend to canip for ten d L. D., J. D. Hinchley. In spite of tb numerous islands of Georgian B John Beaman was attacked by a ramud
in 0 ays or so. r Way 11 busy time &lid hot weaher this Order is that t
hisgrarden, which he tends with (Jay, returning b3 of Listowel. -Mr. the restilts of the Jn ior Leaving, or second There are people going there from here a- North Channel. -Airs. Joseph Smilh h
mare, preparatory, -We presuine, to their 'Julius Duncan and Miss Dundan lefton a orfiratch well kept up. On Wednesdayevenin'gof badly, but not dangerously injured. MM. TO
cla a; Sein us, and Ma- most every day. By all accounts it is a son, of Bluevale, are visi rig friends in Thornton heard her 11' for help It was
L triculation examin ations, for Huron County: grand place.-.'NL1r. J. F Rickbiel is in the lodge Ki and vicinity. came to the rescue, cal in
adorning the next Caledonian procession.- Tuesday for Brantford, on a vi it t r. last week over 30 assembled
AV, hile here last week Rev. r. McCoy ajid Dunca�'s sister. Miss Dmicn will go froln EAFORTH,-Jimior Leaving -W. Brett, T. making room, and, after going. through with the ppen and w1il the ram wag,
preparations to bnild a. kitchen %lid stable cms. -Friday last called for extra var-
family drove to Bayfield with piti-ty of there to Toronto, and will be for H. Brownlee, regular business, were treated to sand- bi in -ting -Mrs. Thornton,, Mrs. Bosnian m=-
(111 T. Doig, A. (41lass. Annie on his newly bou&ht place.-.Nc1rs. H. L . : hes, cake and lemonade by the sisters, menti, everybody saying,�� "'How cold' it aged to crawl inside the barn - and tie tU
frieu�ls. During the (lay Mr.'McCoy's eld- couple of weeks. -Miss INT. "Lyop, of Chi- Gray, Hills, X Hill, A. -Hays, W. Kil- Peine left last, Wednesday for ew Ham- wic is !"-Some o d cutting W�-s done on'the Possible
est (laughter, a briallt, lively., girl of f our- cago, daughter of Mr. J. R. Lyon, of this lora�n, W. Nfulcally, J. -Morrison, visit her mother and other frien after which a good progra-mme. was given by farm of Mr. illiam Kyle; 'on do -or. Mrs. Thornton walked backwar& Cost th
C. Me- burg to Monday last, and gradually approached the barn, and
Mrs. INT
teen, and a), V01111r, --companion, concluded to town, arrived home on Tuesday -2NIr. W. Donald, A. Mc1rinley,J.RiChardSbn; Senior iller, after a three- the members. This being over,all di ersed when 21 acres of Oats were' -cut with go iii bati'l weeks' visit with the one
ung. After danning bathing Prendergast returned on Friday 11ast 'from climbed in throtioll a window. Mrs. Bw
Leaving -H. Brooks, C. Clarkson, W. Tu to their homes, feeling that it paid in more binder. No wonder ou rotmd's
rn4) her grandmother,Mrs. Steekle, left, with her r hikvests don�t last be s9me
%vaded aout for some tirne, Toronto, where be was on the Dellatinental bull, A -McGregor; Mariculation-J.Ho , son, for her home in Berlin, a, few d -y go. iins4ale, the veteran oue POU
suits, the two than one way to be a Good T6iplar. man was et Line and it will
99 ave. her r-oom.-Mim
at *Examination Board. -Messrs. J01111 Camp- passed, in Latin and Pbysies; C. Willis, -Rev. George Firikbeiner, of TayiStock, thresher, is out this seaso;4,� and is accom- Ave to
exijoyingthemselves immensely, but all a a long. -Mr. Thomas D weeks before she can le
once one of them slipped into a hole beyond bell and Ted Dawson, who were epuaged to passed in Mathematics, French, History and occ ied the pulpit ill the Evangelical chureb MCKMOP. 'fishingsome. good worl;�,` X H. Ball, of Brussels, spent a few davo
p -,IMr. Dimadale, hem:tbis -Week visiting her friends.-�&
'bead. I
her depth, and the other oil goin(r to her go to the old count ith Mr. 1)EL&Fs cat- Geography, first class honors in Mathemat- lastuciday forenoon. nd preached good COUNCIL MEET1_N(..-The council met pur- although between 60 and 19 years f age, Richard Hockridge has purchased a, new-
resette soon fourift herself floundering about tle, and left with them on Saturd# last, re- tea,- second class honors in History and sermon to a lirge *congregation. -Rev. J. suat to adjournment in Jones' hotel, Lead- has still the ame ambitidit as he had 40 tinis ho
in the same condition. Both sank several turned at the beginning of the 'iyee, the Peerless threshing inachm*e and ie novA Olt
Greographv, CLINTO-,-Junior Leaving- trellipfer and wife have been to the east, bury, on Monday, August 6th ; members all years ago. -The Busines
timeq, and but for the timely arrivatl of two cattle having been sold at Mont 8 Boar&' 'Of the the road. No (Toubt -Dick" will
Oal.-The G. Bielby, H. Cooper, 11. Doherty, 'TNI. oil a visiting trip aniong friends. -Rev. IT. precent. Accounts were paased for - gravel- Kippen Methodist circuit held'their regular sh1pers:
yoling men, wbo happened to her their Sampson, of Toronto, are in town' A. Duncan, H. Fair, E. Hitch, Thomas Jar- Dierlanini, of Milvertoria, will preach in the ling building culverts g ravel, etc., and business, meeting on Monday last. The at- good season's work, and he deserves the the Alri
C), 0 liberal patronage to which his eterpr1M,,
cries from the sh6re, both -would have been visiting their brother, Mr. Saillps4p, of the rott, L. Johnstone, D. A. Mackenzie, B. E vangelical Church next S-unday even cheques given on the treasurer for 593 66. tendance was not as large�aa formerly, but 'have M
drowned in a few moments and two homes ljAli 9) entitles him. William Hid is to run t1W
imon Bnk. I'hey will occupy Mr. Murch, P. -Pxoss, Emily Ti
left desolte. Happily. however, thei were Pearce's house for'a nionth, d I uring' the ab- irner, L. Whitely. cominenemg at 7 o'clock, and will also t1anke A petition reqiiesting the council to have an a� good share of business _0as accomplished. while Dick " and Mr. Jameff� lepers.
8enior Leaving -W. McKay, (4. Tbeobld, tip a collection in aid of the church in Mil. en out drain and make a report -Some farmers who t k binder twine un 101.
on restored to consciousues;, and nothing sence of Mr. and Mrs. Pearce.--�441rs. W. C. McKinnon. gtrsbanks will handle the separator. --
Matriculation -.E. Coad, verton. A good turn -out is expected, as 1W. ongtee'samtoelaiyu the swamp' in the eastern never runs out have been 46 their wits end
more ser Sparling,lof NAing- pass�� in physics : J. 0. Lindsay, pas Errington's machine is a
ious thtm badly shaken nerves re- Homiltil, formerly Miss ) _gain on the go, be
corner of the township, was considered to get a supply the pas6., few days, some a" per.
sed in Dierlamill -was stationed here some ten years
aulted. It was close call and not soon to ham, is in town this week lug managed byllessrs. Errington, Bray, -
visiting friends Fren�,ll grammar ; W. Martin, second- ago for three years 'Mr. Morris Elines, and the council appointed James A. Bell, travelling for a whole d "'without success. ties we
lie forgotten by all concerned. -Rev. Mr. Mr. H. _'Ldecraey, of St. Thomas, i4 in town, class honors in English first-class honors in froin Delaware, Ohio, where he attends col- civil engineer, St. Thomm, to do the same. -The many fri R. Mellis will and Fiwer. �Md th
ends of Zi.
haw Was taken ver r "
ill on Saturday night visiting Dr. and Mrs. Aruce Smith. 'The classics ; W. J. ifelean, second-class hon- lege, is home witli'llis parents for the holi- By-lawswere passed appointing' Messrs. J. be sorry to hear that he been a fferin tbat. -pu
-et U 9
lat, and was rendered entirely incapable of bachelors and benedicts played crick ors � in classics - W. J. Scott, passed in days. We trust be will have 9, good time and J. McKenna engineers under the Ditches very much from 3 for some time -Rev. Jacob Maurer, of Mahone Bays
ore eyes
conducting the Sabbath services. Weare match on the Recreation gromids On Thurs- Latin ; T. D. TUmbull, passed in Latin among his old school comrades and other and Watercourses Act, 1894, also fixing, his past. -Mr. Allen Jones, of London, travel- ova Scotia, is at present with his fathOr do is dc
happy to say, however, that he is now re- day of last week. Sad to relate the married authors and French authors. GoDERic11_' friends. -Mr. James Wing, from-Neiv: Dun- fees and the clerk's. A by-law also was ling agent for a spice firla'' in that city. for at Brunner. The reverenil gentleman Was
Coyerin defe' d, and Junior Leaving -N. Bailie, E. 0. Buchanan, dee, bus been here- on busluess.-The farm. passed for raising $3,5 329 for county p es a is now taking a few ho called home owing to his
nicel. His sickness will probably gentlemen were very badly 4te
58 -ur. manyy r, MA, YS fathe-es illness,
7, 0.
-A ETGLTQrr 10, 18ft
0 X
A Denomy, era ar ly'through hauling poses $N
7 for 11 =pa school rate
ound here are near
an has mi consequence, receiv- 'A., 31, Claike, A. Cummings,
hat his Previous �.lans for the Wool for fpwnsF4 .1 rate for school pur- X JLVIDAY
8 "go in their grodil.—Mr. atoll, from $1,168 96
Witsoh's Gas h Geocery. deraingip somew. sevnetbaek in S A. Xegg"on, B. Guest, 0. Hawkins, A. S., J. Living,
h0lidays.—Nfaster Frai* Smith, of,,Bjussels,.,; ed A eaforbb. -if women poses - $3 195 25 for" .1 wnship expenditure
is spending his holidays, with his aunt, Mrs: can't keep their husbands from playing 'McDoiv'ell, J. McLean, B. Regan, B. Rusk, Baden, has been here receutly. He says he . f 1
Wwarft still sollivig sugars at old prices, 20 pounds A. E. Wetheral. wants rain badly for his spread of flax., We and salaries and the dil"erent school section
Bell Sillers, C. - 8 t
David -&Io6re M4ster. Smithis -a very cricket with feUows7 who beat them 40 runs _nj
best granulated -sugar for $1, 28 pounds I Jr. 7. Jeckell, hope it will corrie soon. rates A Patron deptimtion waited on the
raw or 24 pounds coffee sugar for %.' Have ir c a and 4 wickets in one inning. they can!t be Senior Legieving—S. J. Bell, A. coun em by-law pro- AUGUST Ift, V
received the first of the new crop of Japan tdaa. . ever yo gs er, 0XIM a 11 a M. Vi,- LeTouzell, C. H. Russell, P, H. Tom, qil asking th to,pass a,
t' t at I t pxa 1 h trusted to vote.—Messra. W. A Brigh
nation, thoug
xy one pound for 2 q avilloe YOU that. we 'Der mull
rurevid �5 , It, will co K. Beattie, A Johnson 4nd H. Megarey on— — She phard, second-class Vama. Iiibiting all cattle and h rig at
--�f - news from Mr. larl
only twelve years ol Ate je bn the highwayii, and appointing Offi-
saill h parthinyoucan buy from any1ft RY LEcTunE. —On Sund
ng: c .. eal went on a . fishing excursion to Benmiller on honors in English, Frene� and German. L. MissioxA ay last
pedlar. We beloolF to no combination to keep up James Co - 'e is now reassuring, but is not as ed in English, Frenchp Ger- the Rev. D- r. McKay, who for the past 1>2 cirs whose duty it wOuld be -to impoidid the —ALL THROUGH_;�_
prices, but are selling all kinds Of choice groceries at wy had a splendid da. for M. Strong,' 2_
satisfactory as eon desired.—At the Wednesday. Th y pus The council greed with the deputa-
lowest possible prices for c rid family, irian,. first-class honors in English,, second- years has been a missionary amongthe same.
mh or trade.
the ver)
as re nisition of about liiollit�er;tepaycrs, Mayor the sport.—Mr. George Whitely ai tion as to the eat injustice to the public,
When you have the cash i yfield Road
Dr tride you might just class honors in French and German ; H. C. Chinese, preached in the Ba
cash'prices. T&G,ee has beewplease4 to proclaim to -day, with other friends, picnicked at Bayfield on I __� 1 71
-%%Il have the benotli of buying goods at 'German, and will give tfemattbr their serious eon-
Weilnesday. —Mr. G Good paid Sea- Stran Bed in English, French, Presbyterian church. He gave 9, very in- s4,Jhis MonthIlles
No one can do Y. credit business all for the mine as Fridayj a public holida sideration. Council i&ljournedlo nieet in
eor am, h and tereating ac
they could for cash. Gem fruit lars it OnTeduead return- secong-Smss honors in English, Frene count of his hardships '&rid the
-all sizes, and forth a flying visi k6y)
the bftk Aouir ht less thau regular Wed. W K. Orerman. thrilling adventures he had with the natives Crawford's hotel ' Dublin, on Monday, Sep. -
,value in fine dinner seto, tea and to et sets. A-11 Az� OLD AND PRO31I NT -AESIDENT GONE. to Wingham yeaterdS—Mr.
tember 3rd, at I O'clock p. in.
"'gree, utanager 'of the omini rid of Formosa,. Dr. MCICay has WE WILL BEREOEI TNO
Pbe highest The subject of the' 161 owingaketch, which Pea on Bank of the Isla
for good butter slid all Inds of trade. we take from the (4 -alt, �eporter of the 3rd �ere, is away just -now on his vacation. He Bruceffeld. one of his stuidentg �ecompanyiug him, a na-
tys _6 t1i. we are satisfied we can suit you in SALE. —Tiagon—nice and light, with tive Chinee, who sang a hymn in the Blyth.
inat., was a brother a - Mrs. Anderson of Is accompanied by Mrs. Pearce and Master FoiR
d rice of goods. rry �Ole and shafts and tine peddling box doinplete. Chinese language. The church wits crowd- BimviTiEs.—Mr. Cjidleyls new signs,
this town, and uncle of. Mr. A D. Wljs.�'� : Rex.—Messrs. Walter Willis and HA so oth In.use little ..,New Fall Goods,,,,,.
mforth. good set single Harness. B ed to" the doors. Those who were not pres- which have just been Vitt up, add greatly to
C. WILSON, Se There died at the fa yresidenceinTor- Beattie spent Sunday at Bilyfield. —In Mr. more than one season. i.moibvrosit,-Bruceneld.
Bank of Commerce Block., at . Sunday, the pulpit appearance of
s ent missed a rare, treat. the the front of his store.—
Onto, on Thui 116th ult., Mr; James Galloway's absence la Isis
NOTER.—Miss Jennie Eacrert, from Ohio, The Epworth League, of this place, 'we uu-
Isu occupied in BREvxTiEs'.—On 'Monday of last week,
B. Wilson, for ly Years oke of Galts -of the Methodist church was
TUO1`- ing bv Mr. W... M. Gray, and in it former resident, is visiting at'Mr. John derstand, has e#ende4 the Auburn League
88th year. Originall f irmer Ill the early the E
V 3 0 Ai
Ily choir are taking with them fat cattle for. the the end of this in ntlL—Mr
est.knowninen. , Mr. Wilson was in his the Messrs. James Turner, Henry Montieth, Wanless', and is looking liale and hearty.— an invitation to visit them some time liear —THE BALANCE OF—
Biglun WHIN/m Ting bi Mr. James Leatherland.— and Fred Waldron left for- the Old Country, I "At Home" will be given at' the resi- tion,' as -
days of the town, Wilson combined The Seaforth Metihodist church foreign sistalit post mistress here, is away'spending C
that Vursuit wi nqp n cap
&N ized road for -,fare.�To--day that farm6ra a almost obliged to ship their Of the her vacation at present.'—Mrs. McCracken, S
'th tea the macad=4 runnin an excursion, to Niagara Falls on market. ' Cattle are at present soch dence of Mr. David Robertson, on Taesd
inst., at a very low re M: -Summer to,
many years. teo ore the ope'n*mg the 181 next, l4th. iust., under the auspices V
..BARGAI N of the railway to Gilt. Jimm y is Seaforth's Civic -holiday, and the railroad own stock.—Mr. Alexander'Roas and sister, Bayfield aoad brick church. A g?od time of Wingliam, is visiting friends in town: this �e
os- gives cheap rates to all points, but the Miss Annie returned home on Wednesday is expected. -week.—k[r. J.Raukini of &6$orth, was in
was a household name ip those days. P
We'lla,ve, been anceessfulo in securing another bi sessed of a keen intelloet, abundant health lacrosse matches will proNibly keep a large last, from a weeks visit to Lount &-rid town on Saturday last.—A large number BE CLEARr
1�. Our towns- Niagara, where they enjoyed a pleasant 'Chiselhurst.
bargain lot. of and considerable force of character, lie -was munber, of people in town. from here intend to take in the Sarnia, and
WAME UP CLOTHING, a noted man. Th f 'I was originally people are anxious to see how the Beavers visit.—Miss Eliza Bell, ;f School Section CHIRPS. -10 iSS Elnina MeTaggart, of Lon. Detroit excursion oil Saturday of this week.
rpose roug e iraeT� Lothind, - coming will come . out against the Excelsiors) of No. —Mrs. James Hamiltoli.is visiting at pres-
r the bone[At of out Successful deal. f lider the pa- Me
st a great saorifice to the maker. We now pu rom L Roxbo hall' - 3, Tuckeramith, had the , largest num- don is spending her holidays u 8 a At' a Sacri e -t:&
to give the weare — ie Alisse
Amongst our new lot will be found Men's Suits worth here with the earliestse'ttleri. T�hege were Brampton.—Mr. Herbert Young, of Blyth, ber of marks made by any candidate in the rental roof. —Messrs. J. Hicks and C. B. ent witli friends in Otaffa.
-which we will sell at $10; Suits worth 611, two brothers, James as in town this -week visiting friends. — county for the Public School Leaving, her L -spen I t' Sunday last with friends in Gray, of Seaforth, are Visiting at the resi-
aUdCharleg, and they, w atta
which we will sell at $7.75; XeWs Suits all wool, v, with their father, took �ip a large block of Mr. W. F. Wilson, furniture dealer, of marks being 916. This"i speaks '-svell for Goderich Township.—Mr. John Fitzgerald, dence of Mr. N. H. Young this week.---�The
ri( ay a
we will sell at $4.25 -, Boys' Suita worth $6.50, we of Seaforth, both teacher and pupil, Mr - Scott is one sr., left last Saturday for Kingston, lo at.
c nes,.
lan wh Te, office ai a*'teacher*r. tend tho Supreme Court of the Independent Was Spuhl, of Auburn, was visit -
will sell at %.25 ; Children!�s Suits worth $4, we Will laud on the Cedar Cree4 road, Where they Brandon, Manitoba, forme I band enlivened the tow on F I by P1 y
soon and his partner, Mr. A. D. kin, made a ing out.—.
sell at $2.76. The above are all now perfect goods, arried on farmin J� however, P 'i Edward McFau
I * ' , 88 -th on Tuesday.—Miss 0 ma 11 a friends in town on Sunday.—Mr. A. M.
well made and good linings. We have also gone put teams - Me ro ing A,
on between,here and busine ' call in Seafoi eg r left on Tuesday for Kingston, Order of Oddfellows, as a delegate from
through the balance of 91. the stock on band and in _McJr Hensall. lodge.—Misq Jennie VanhQrn and —Miss L.
Hamilton, assisting'the pinigrants up and Edith Davis, of Wingham, has been visit g�� here he Will be a delegate to the Odd Babb spent Sunday in Clinion.
niarked down the pricesi so astobeonaparwith Campbell, So friends in Belgraye SEAFORTH.
buying produce here anq'selling it in Aumil- at the residence of Dr. Utb'Jellows' conveiition held there.—The River Mrs.,Alex: Wien, of London, are spending McConnell was visiting
the new lot., Now Is your golden opportunity for last�- Week.
clothing. Ve i kly aoc?imUlated considerable Main street.—Mrs. Hiscox, of London and'
Uic hotel bus, of Bayfield, comes to our station this week. with relatives in this vicinity.—
a gue4s bf' el
W M. PICKARD means, in 7=, wealth., but the evil (lay was' Mrs. Rance, of Clinton, were thi abliost everyday, t4king - tourists to and Mr. Samuel Couch, Pr:ncipal -of Breslau at the parental home,—Mr. Albert T
ys last week.—The Misses from the station, who are stopping at the Public school, and'Airs. Couch, are spending Hibbe�t.
'Launchingout, he entered Mrs.R.S.Ha:
rallip with the I late John Me. McGregor, of Clev�l 'grand -
approaching.' of Clinton, who is learning the
Seaforth. into -1,&rtno and, Ohio, hotel. —Miss Man -de McIntosh reilirned on their holidays with Mr. Couch's parents. — No�Es.–rlfr. Charles 6 Aberhart had the business,
LU .3 Mr. D. McGregor, sr., foinier- is doing li —Miss AL
aug ton, in the Dumfries. Mills,.and in ..daughters of Wednesday from her visitto London,—Mr. We notice that our qc ung friends, Norman isfortune1 to break his wrist while working
their I - Mordie, of London, is spending a few
eat rhey, area, visiting among -Monday for Algoma, -hat,
Jai and flour ��ade, and the his Ids �oudfoot left on eter a d avid Leech ing is
eneril. 'Y Of Haripu as Pr Workman, Thou 1 8 n t a, 'thresh' recently. It appears t is
here with friends.�l a Lizzie Lam
(low, lifor6unate'partnership is bui many r ei hereaboitts.—Mi Maggie
tor of that U1 wh6re he expects soon to inove -his family. have successf ally passed the recent entrance thestand a which Afr. . Aberhart stood week visiting at Chicago, and attendi `U-
V too we known. ibe !it to sal tihat Mr' e from Vanalino, British hile workin
loan f 0
Is hom examination, -While Ernest Connor has pass- 9. gave w4, and he,
Wilsou'left the business strippe o every Columbia, on a visit to her mqther and marriage of her sister, of that cit;
Bayfield. ed his primary examination. LFenEa'yoring to save hftns�lf,. fell he&y Liul y eonn Sarah Cudmere and Miss A� Whitman.
other friends. —Miss Ajar, sister; of Mrs.
'a adcumulatioip .&ud a very poor
cent of hi You sHouLD see the * Pantings H. F. arm, thereby causing, the fracture.—A away on a two weeks' visiting trip.
, Us
in Colin Fletcher, of Thames Road
DISTRICT MATTERS. an. His losses weighii,,g heavfty uponhis (Rev.) Edwards is now offering at .93.50 per pair, made to Wroxeter. great number of faTmerg bave finished -cut-
brain he became very ni�tch soured. - En- borne, is. the guest of Mr. D. D. Wilson's your ordero The relrular price of any of them is e will finish'har-
T NIOTELET's. —Some two hundred tickets ting their rrops and som Moms.
Aiss Janq� Ryan, of 84.50 and $5, but they must be cleared out for OASH.
gaging -in other bubiness, � lie for sometime family, -at Ingleside..
-but the t present visiting her Special prices for Readymade Pants for cash. 1391 were sold here for the Sabbath School Union vesting this week.—Mr. �4ugh Miller, the
A SmART Boy. --.Master Lloyd ]EI, fefut an hotel in Owen Sclund days Caro, Michigan, is a NoTEs.—Mr. George Parker is away
odgins, pianic excursion to the Credit Forks on popular thresher, has 'purchased' a -:6ew
sister, Mrs. �rohn Killoran the old country with a cargo of 60 hea.ij
son of Bev. Mr. lElodgins of this town :�vjo of prosperity never returAed. IFor the atter in SeafOrth.— �BRF.Ezy BiTs or too.4,L.—Myril. Walker whing outfit, the engi�e being made by
Tuesday last. The day was fine. and a de- 01 rf JaUlft YO�ng
the highest number of marks amon gars of his life he has re�jded with his fam- Miss Julia Peters has returned home from wife and child, of Detroit, are here, the Sawyer, Massey and C6mpany, Hamilton,
t 9 ily y- *isiting old friends! an extended L 'Bit to frient lightful. time'was spent at that romantic cattle. —Messrs. John and
in Toronto, but rarel Vi Is in Lond filler is companied him. —Mr. Michi&s house is noyr
those who wrote on the Public School En- g�ests of Mrs. Walker!s parents, Mr. and spot. —The Crescent " Baseball club, of and a Waterloo sepaiat4r. Mr. IN
ere. He leaves a family Of tww sons, John Mr. John Rankin, of Mr. Holmested's Isw Mrs. Thomas '- Liddy. _Miss E. Lowry, of liging, and as for 0 fifth 2.
t-ran&e Examination at Seaforth, had just h Toronto, is again to cress siverds with very OW oing,good work is ready for the plastering. This is the
present outfi+
reached his 12th birthday the week before and Charles, and two daughters, Ann,' office,. returned home on Saturday from, a Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. . Dr. Stanbury. at this-plac6, on Friday, -the second to none. With house Mr. T. Ramallaw and men hl� L
th the 11 Uidom t I for the plaster and theylavw".
the' examination was held.. It is all the widow of the late Mr. T-flomas Johnston, very pleasant onting, up the lakes.—The �Mias J. Stru era, of Detroit, id visiting loth inst. It will be renie-mbered tl e bo a Mr. Miller will make a li�'; season, and -sus-
-rid Janet, unmarried, all residing in Tor- . &pile' buyers are once more scouring the friends in -town. A large load of our young five more yet. This is th�e' w to hus*`
more creditable to him from the fact 'that a . - fromthe Queen Citywere defeatedbytKe �tain his g6od reputation -�s a thresher.
concessions for fruit, but it is very scarce. 'ran Bend on.Wed- a -long at work. Mr. Michle 'will hit
he; had not yet reached ther head maRter's DntO*. people picnicked at Unions at Port Elgin, on ' the 24t.h of 'May
room, and was 0 nesday.—neV. A-urnbull, licanclenitu,
the only one who wrote : rom
last, and we hope the laurels won there -svill Goderidh. —All kinds of grain are coming in fast
CRocKmy,' Cno6lixny �,t A. Young's, son, of Seaforth, are buy- arrived here last week from - Toronto, and
Miss Watson's room, rea din lip the vxtra George E. Hender ATTE Adily ser- and Oats are. being harvested this
9 not be lost at this game. Play is announced CHUCMs.
subjectsat home. His teacher is Seaforth- This week.'we have - ppened out a lirge ing for Millman, of Woodstock, and Mr. A. are comfortably quartered at Mrs. Peck's THE L
Car -The-contractfor -at church around- Sunshine; of course, the Clim
consignment of Crwkery direct duo is also in the field: -Mr. Win. vices of Victoria Street Methodi
proud of his high standing on the 4ist., h* , from the pottsrles� to begin at 4 o1cloek. erect!
made by Meakins, put up th agqorted crates, which Cottage, and purpose remaining a month or ing new drivW, g shedslor the use of farm-
,Sleeth is still' 0onfined to his residence so. -Rev. Mr. Armstrong, the new rector of were largely attended olf Sunday, and in a warm one and everything seeing �o
marks being 597 instead of 5779, as repo, Led. we will sell at wholesale priceq, Any person who through illness. -Mr. Win. Moore the effi- era attending the Presbyterian Church here,
h, preached his initial sermon the morning Mr. Irvine received ten persons pushing allead.-ohn Wightman, 6th
wantA to buy -Crockery, it Will i to call and Trinity Chure
i the bargains we are oftering ;q4`9dple6ei. Dinner. cient Secretary and Librarian of the Me- is -to be let by tender. A buildiiig of the into the church members About fifteen ha -'d- a runaway a few days ago. When,
CRzoKET -KtToH.-On Wednesday � the to a Bayfield congregation on Sunday morn- kind is badly needed, and we hope to see have joined this church ince Conference.
Bets, Tea Bets and Toilet Sots. 0 trouble to show chanies' Institute, leaves, next week for ing last. On Tuesday he departed or the way to Blgrave e picked UP a
Brussels cricket club paid Seaforth A visit goods, '1391 1 Q Mon- -%
game three weeks' holidays. He will rusticate in Chatham, where, on Wednesday, he was something -substantial 'as well as connnedious At the uarterly Board eeting on passenger, vho put up a parasol, and
for the purpose of having a friendly A LAWN PARTY Under t4p auspices of the, put lip.
with the �ridketers of this town. they Goderich and vicinit During his absence married to Miss Warren, of that: town. We day evening, the pailtor's alary was raised animal ran a -way. Both 01_�Cupants
EpworthLesgue will he hold Tuesday, August'
the libriiry'will be Ised, but the reading Mr. and* Mrs. Armstrong a long and (The following was intended for last week, but did to $800., and the quarter a it paid in, ex- thr.ownout &,rid the rig shed to pi
were short two men and,had to obtain the 21st, at the residence of Mr. Jamj4 Beattie. Parde- wish not reach no In time.) I eAn. Oat ups: L . room, will be kept'open as -usual.-We, were ceptini about $30. This i church has
ins and Mr. W. Ulan next week. haly journey through lif Sherritt, Can, over.
and a tele rallh, r
loan of Rev. Mr. Hodgi NOTE9.-The Rev. Mr.Wilkie will OCCUPY solidated all local funds, iand . Superannua- one v n
Seaforth TO not aware that Seaforth possessed a, base of pailanti, Michigan, ise a guest at the urt, how er.-Jolin. SCRII
Bethune to, piece out their team. GuAIND HARVET.Excum NIAGARA ball club until we learned from our Exeter Albion. -Miss Susy,Burgest, of Point Ed- the resbyterian pulpit here on SiCubath tion fund, and the people liz-ve pr�mised to had his new barn raised f�w -a
were lunusually weak, and seemed to have FAms.-Arrangements have beA, made with the ays
entirely lost their grip. They were beaten Grand Truiak Railway to run e Ion, under correspondence that such was the case. They ward, is home oil a visit. -Messrs. D. D. next. -Mrs. Ireland and family,left last pay it khrough ' . Kelly and A.1 T. Cole geted as
U xcurs fill the envelopei. The pews
Tuesday to join Mr. � Ireland in Owen Sound, are free, an ere is to be no
the auspices of the Methodist rch goir, Be&- The 'Sorzol
by. aja c goo i many rus, Brus- haVe surely been hiding their light. -Misses inith, W. T. Vanstone, of London, R. Mr. Cole's side i�on by half tjie raftem.
qrn, on Saturday, Edith and M. grence Beira have gone.to Har- Mitchell and J. Golden, of Brantf9rd, were e ed out in the grocery line. r appeal for Armstrong (lid :the frame work in a
forth, to Niagara Falls and re�q wher' he has open socialAea meeting, or dtthe *b*1)00"
sels play:ed a. o ame, being especially August 18th. ' Tickets good to ve on afternoon
riston. for a couple of ' -weeks on 'vi We 'Wish them happiness &lid su�cess in their
train on 17th, and morning train �p.n 18th,,,returning here for the hop. -at the Queen's on Saturday money during this Confer."ce year. class manner. A noticimble feature at ft 1i
8 imn the b department, while
the Seaforth a will leave the Falls on Monday e'y�ving at 6:80, thus Mrs. D. D. Wilson left yesterday on a -visit eve and remained over Sanday.-Mr. ew venture.�Mr. James Fox, our popula
i(Wt seem able to raising was that two butchers a doctor
the sto;k of W11118mi
giving excurslovists ample time �o view th to friends in Buffalo. On her return she drug ist, having find the wl4kets at all. Curry, of Brussuls in Ja UnIgi AuburA. a oap maker were on b ess m-.
nificent sigh mes . Anderson and Mr. Johnston, of
act. T&M Mr. 11. T.- Pepper, P
made 529 and Grewar 22.- will be the only excursion to the" 119 this season, will bring home Mr. J. A. Mrilson�s little London, spent Wednesday here, wheeling I- Of1=87 has Clark, H. MeArthar and J. 6 of the world's greaffst catar one to
take charge of the business. Mr. I ax has NOTEs.-Mrs. A. Moore of Thessalon, .and everybody should. take adv&Ut4ge of'the cheap daughter, -Helen, who hi been staying with from Goderich, then home oil Thursday.- back froin Algoma.
been in Wroxeter from boyhood, find he Algoma, ace d bi, her children, is
THE WmTE CiTy.-The Bayfield corres- rates. Fare from *Seaforth Only'$I.75 and return. friends in Pittsburg, lVermsylvania, for tome On Sunday next,, some- t-sventy-five of th 'The mosO i
See mail bills for furfinerparticula.ts. e leaves here with -the respect and kindly re- visiting Mr. John Piereell-The childrens.
giv�& the time. -The work of installing the incan- London Bicycle Club are expected here and roniaTty.
ondent of the Clinton ew Era, IffousE To REN -T. ard of all. His sterling qualities are d service% in the Hullett German Evan- UM
APPJ� to GEOPM, descent -electric lights in town is proceeding are to have dinner at the River Hot ollowing graphic descri GooD, Sealorth. 1801.1 el, - found to make him Succeed wherever be gZi ca church were great success, and very as -reti
tion of the bea idly, and it is expected that the plan NoTEs.-John Mcllwrafth Min until,
the, rap stdo '110
u Miss Susy Steep� of Toronto, arrived this -tte ded them.-.MLss home, having spent a. month with. his
ful camping grou d adjoining B fi Id 'goes, interesting to all Who a
POOLE WHEAT. -I- procaro'd seed of %'i start up -about the first of eptember..
where a number � of our t6wns-peop e ae week to visit her sister, rs. Turnbull.- ss "Jenkins, gur public school rents in Lanark county. -George brAtion of
Dey and Mi
lFoole variety last year. slid see*4 about thirteen -Mr. Harry -Beam, -who -for several years Mr. and Airs. Jambs W. Westervelt,- Mr 19. walw:fti
enjoying a most delightful outing: Nestled acres with it. - Put it In after oatJ Stal2ley.
And had an teachers,have been re-engiged for next year. hasgone toStratford,where he hssaitu
un- h -as been employed in THE ExposiToR office, James Westervelt and MiQs Maud Wester*- h and -Thefloorof Xanchest�i-lridgeis in%rery with Hamilton Bros. George possesses aW' the lep"
among the trees, to 'the north of Wilr. usus!ly good crop considering the, Voudition of the
Jow-ett's grove, is onq of the finest little laud on which It was sown, as iy�.sat eeldom. does left oil Tuesday last for Port Huron, where velt, of London, who have been . greati en- I NOTES.-INIessrs. John McBeat
Donald Dallas have returnedfrom . their, bad repair, &lid win have* �to be renewed it excellent character, and will be cities that one could , see anywhere -a ome . Bqyferea=i�
well after Oats. It stood the wintef remarkably well. he has secured employment. -The congre- joyingtheir vacation here, ret rly date. -Mrs. McDjarmid, of South- missed in social circles. -Mr. himself atl
elLbe early, and is thus likely to escape r . It is a very Th% were at the Queen!s.- wold, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Dr. wife are spending a fewdays.at w-lth his A
suburb of which an� - place migh W Thomas' chureli intend holding on Monday. P r. Dallas will ail ca
none of it being wintdr killed. 1Jt matured very visit to British Columbia. -V
ga"on Of S' R has
'te �ity of , tents is almost bard red wheat, and should mill v0r.r well. I have ot , of Brantford, who
oud. The whi their annuai picnic at Baifield on Wednes- Mr. Charles I return to British Columbia. this month) McLachlan, at present.-Miiss May Cassa- Bend. -Wm. Webb,,of Lomionana WA
ntirely hid from view, so thick are the threshed the largor portion of io crop, and this a next. Mrs. Dr. Smith, Of London, spent a month here and been much bene- where he is engaged to teach school after
ngland, formerly of Seaforth, is at present the summer vacation, He has prove -day is a gues
variety yieldeU oVtr 80 bushele-per acre. D. D. t at the home of her mother. I and Miss XcLaren, of Toronto, are visit
l him -
shady bowers in which it sprung UP in. a wnso!1. fitted in health, returned home on Wedne
Her many friends were pleased to again in this vicinity. -On Saturday last town visiting old friends. -
Many Sea- day. -Mrs. A Forrest- and Mrs. D. Smith, self an excellent teacher, and we wish him
single night. -Evergreen avenue is the prin- HAVE so�ie exceptiogqlly go meet her. -The Messrs. Leach Brothers ex- Win. Towers was threshing for Walter 490:- tong4le to �1
WE uccess in his new field. -Farmers have
od a,,,d
ipal, thoroughfare, with many little IY chesplines of Ladles' Fine Butto4 Poots, and Men's forthites will remember Dr. Smith, who of Walton, haye taken a cottage here. 8 t anew separator veryt soon from. L. A diner., bysome means some straw disintegral
t practised here some nineteen years ago, moStly finished cutting their grain. The Pee i
covered nooks at either side. About. a and Boys' Heavy and fine Shoes, fql,ly 25 per cein,. a Sa,%7er & Co., of Hamiton.-Miss Minnie floor was ignited, and in a moment the ar-o drenn
less than regular prices, at T. COVOTR's old stand, residing o4:North Main street. lie is now weather during harvest has been very d
clozen-tents have been pitched along the ry
Schforth. Exeter. and Warm, and the grain is all of good qual- Hoar is visiting a -t the ol& homestead. Her place' was a mass of flames. Some mak."?_ vith the A%
avenue, and each is furnished in 8 1 working ill the barn narrow1v
first clas 1891-1 Pract' With his son, in London, Eng-
I o1c. friends were d'elighted to renew Bean -
campingstyle. Everythi-hasa, Ei c=ic LieHTri-To. -We Deg to remind land, aithas,lwe believe, been very snecas- MR. J. T. Westoott, general agent for ity.-Mr. Gregor McGregor is. visiting at nany escape
�Ieligbtful those intendingto use Electric UgA their acquaintance with her. their lives. So quickly ditl i he flamessprm-d wb�
that the price ful. Mrs ica Cavers Bros , Nurserymen, Galt. is strain on his can- the home of his daughter, Mrs. Cameron of
negligie appearanc -ling coun- Smith intends to stay in'Amer hier
e, and T11 bean for the first installation is Sr pet, lamp, and that several mouths, visiting relatives v wh6t - b
ttesing tour for fall'94 and spring. '05 orders. Par. that they were unable to remove the sevars*
and old Bruce, county. -Miss Christina McLaren has e
ou8 campers, orders will have to be In atonce toloccure this low f d of anything In the nursery line would tenwuces of the many courte bs In'nee . tor, which shared the same fate as the 1*im tm
who welcome the visitor to their summer rate. The full cost will afterwards ?0 charged, viz.: riends.--:-Mr. Dartnall, of Toronto, is act-ing coafer a favor by sending him a card to Exeter P, 0. returned from visiting relatives in Toronto. CHntoni -Appolm .1
andeantents. The machine was a-new'o!*,- the-ble iall
home, speak- lquder than Words of the way -52 per lamp. ScoTT BROTuicis. 1391-8. as junior clerk in -the Dominion Bank dur- All orders carefully filled, with block warranted to -Miss Jennie Mustard is visiting at the (From the News -Record.)
they are enjoying the beauties of their SPICES.-WIien you are ing the absence of the maager, Mr. Pearce - grow and,true to name. Thanking illy many'� ous- only being outf the foundry a few Ing to tbof
VINEGAR AND homes. of her sisters in Paisley. NOTES. -Mrs. Dunsmore, (daughter of
ampers are order solicited. J. , T. WESTCOTT, general agent. product of 10 acres of wheat, 17 tons f h he lbadb
making your Catsup3 and Pickles,'it pay place an a tomers for their past favors and patronage. - Your he contents of the barn consisted Of ills,
temporary paradise. The c a. you to Mr. k pson takes Mr. Pearce,s Mr. W. J. Paisley), and son, of Toledo,Obio,
buy the best. A. Young, Seaforth, deps pure whole r. McLennan is acting teller. -Miss Nellie P. S. -A few good ag,6ntg wanted in this county. are holidaying at the par6ntif iesidence.-
Wear N�il and wife; A. B&uslayh and Splees for tbab purpose, Bell] LeadburY. some barley. The barn was Downsav
rAl& P4 pure French Cline Of Wingliam, daughter of Mr. James 1387-t f Operations Will soon be under! Way for the and ad -no a
yrife, and Miss Buchanan ; J. S, ackson Vinegar, also English Malt VlnegAf, White , wine
JOTETTINGS.-Threshing, with the dust and by Mr. Rundle, and is partly coverea by in.. "'As I oz
est quality A in The Cumbersome . , 1
hard work which accompany it, is d d ast surance.
and wife; George Cavan ; Mrs. D. Meln- Vinegar, and Older Vinegar of the vei� b Cline, for erly of eaforth, is visiting ITEms.-Mr. Robert Saunders leaves on Hallett swamp drain.
tyre ; Mr. George E. Henderson and 1301'. friends in to*n.-Miss Annie Patterson, of Tuesday next for a two months' sojourn in 'low redge rrive I Wednesday and is being A
family; Mrs. Buchanan; Miss Waugh WHEAT ! WHEAT ! WHEAT 1, -We would, Wirighaiii, is visiting her ister, Mrs. P. Manitoba and Dakota. -he electric light general.- Thewheatis. yielding from 20 to removed to the swamp. 1'�- is of very' many -U
again remind farmers and others interested that we Cavan. -Althouill to -da Civic Holiday poles are erected and more'light is looked 25 bushels per acre.--ThiB grasshopper tons weight.. About fifty'men will be ern- Bluevale..
Miss McKay - Rev. Mr. Galloway and will, in a tow days, be fully opened 'u . p to Y is mi _. -- i ad C
family; Mrs. and Miss Stephens, Joe and r the fall it is not a bank lioliday, and those'institu- forin the near ftiture.-Tliere is a scarcity plague is serious, and is becoming alar ing. ployed.-An unfortunate accident occured 4A HDRONX BOY PROSPR1.5G.-Another
trade. We will have on hand a eplendid stock of the Thousands of dollars' worth of Oats have . of self
Grace Stephens; Miss -Richardson, of Chat- leading varieties of fall wheat, also q choice sample tions are open as usual. -Messrs. J. W. of water in some parts of the village. -Mr. been destroyed, and it looks as if marigolds, in binton the other day in, a cricket, match Huron -'s young men has ma4e a mark lor
haul, and Mr. and Mrs.'Jacclues and family. of home own timothy seed, and all"at rook bottom Livingston and A. Winter went down to G. A. K. McLeod and wife, of Exeter, are between Clintonand- London.,. Becheeand himself in Uncle Sam's dominion, in the
prices. fle have.10rocureii from carrots and turnips will suffer the same fate,
0- Messrs. D. D. Wil- Exoter on Wednesday night, to tbe bicycle -,iisiting relatives in Seaforth this week. Reid, two London players, in attempting a person of Mr. Thomas King D. V. S., -om That m
son and Thomas Lapslie their stock of the Poole and every bit of grass is being nibbled off by I
rades*there. Winter and Miss Alice Russell, of St. Marys, is visiting catch,collided with much force, and the for- of the late' Duncan King of this lacc the Isle io
got one first,
E(4A10_NDvuzE Nozcs.-Rev. Mr. Shaw whest,'which they recommend- very highly, and thesepests. If those who require to buy P
Livingstofi -a first and a-second.-Frorn the her parents at the north end of the village. mer came out second best. He was ren- After teaching in this county for so=*�,_
begins his well earned holidays this week judging from what -A e have seen of this variety, we butter are wise they will lay 'in a larfe
certainly think that it is one of the best that has Canada Presb terian oi the 8th inst. dered unconscious for some time, and re -
To -d - Friday, he and Mrs. 5 -ham leave for Y 'wQ -Mr. George W. Davis, of the Exeter supply now, as it is likely to be a cost y years he graduated from Toronto Veterin been introduced -here yet. Our aim has always been learn that Rev. Thomas Goldsmith, of Tor- marble works, has a number of fine mouu- ceived A severe wound on �, the upper -lip. College, practised his profession for a t let low,
Toronto, accompanied by Mrs. Karcus, re- to procure for our ustomers'llie beat possible in sit article in another month or two. -The flax -
turning on Aforiday. We believe it is not lines. Come in &us examine our stock. No matter onto, officiated at St. Paul's church, Peter- ments on hand'at present. -Mrs. Pratt grown around here has all been marketed. Both were driven to Dr. Shaw's office for at Belmont, Ontario, and then removed and 11
whether you intend buyinp or not we -w Ill be pleased borough, onabbath, 22nd ult. and deliv- Fisher and her daughters, Miss Vina and repairs, but *ere unable to continue the the city -of Kenton, Ohio, where, c i i — The
their fittention to take any lengt1jened tr�p, 9 ojoint to have you do so. Thanking you for the liberal pat. . Although in many respects an unsatisfactory 1. 1 f , - ,
ered two very earnest and impressive dis- Mors. Win. Davis, is visiting friends. in a with his practice., he to6k up -the gay
but to go and com e as convenience Orin- ronawe you have -given Tus In the past,we hope to mer- crop, it.is about as good as anything else g e, 'a I
courses with his Usual' vigor. Mr. Gold- Tuckersinith and Stanle this week. -4virs. AccrDE.Nmm, DEATH.-�-Micbael Grealis medicine. A few mouths ago be Ile
efination �ictate. Four weeks will soon It a 6ontinuance of the same in the future. ROBERT this year. -Rev. Mr. Smith, who is sup- rem
Soon, mith will continue to discharge the duties Armstrong and -Mrs. Eby, of Soutba;npton, who had been workinle at the Stapleton to Cincinatti, in which city he has been
tss, and all will extend best wishes for an Main Street, Seaforth. for Rev.,, Mr. CobWdick of Brussels,
of pastor of the congregation during Rev. are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Henry Harris, plying Salt W orks for some time past -P, Was acci- pointed first professor of the theory WhIcilt: e
enjoyable tinle aind a return to duty with at present in Europe, occupied the pulpits f t4
Mr. Torrance's vacation. The many friends and other relatives here, this week. -A dentally killed between ten and eleven t, ve . rinary medi -OM6
renewei OL BRTEFs. -Mr. and M r,,,. W. Somer- I v prac ice o ciue at .
d� vilgor.-Rev. Mr. Leask-, of Tor- Lo' of Mr. Goldsmith, in this town all( icinity, large number of.pienickers and of the Methodist churches in Walton circuit o'clock las jff
on -to, will take charge of the church serz ville, of Seaforth, spent Sunday in' Gode.- Campers one Sabbath lately with much acceptance. 6 . Monday evening. He was, as Veterifiary College. The salary attached ire preps
will be pleased to learn that their former leave here daily for Grand Band- Park moving a cart or buggy load of salt $5,000 per annum. Mr. King is qui
vices during Mr. Sha's absence. -Th one He is a pleasant as well as a fluent speaker, 'usual, sod for
e rich, the guests of Mr. &lid Mrs. J. T. Dick. pastor retains his old time zeal and vigor to of Ontario's finest anminer resort's. -Mr. on the track to the shed, or bin, for packing being not 7et thirty iko=ced:
Y and his personal appearance! is certainly members Of the sewing SOCiet finished their sorl.�--Mrs. T. Stephens, Mr. J. Stephens, such a happy degree as the aboveari�graph George Cudmore, whi) has been in for the purposes. No one witnessed the accident. age, but pluck and ability, combined, ars
labors, last week, and a large bale of warm Miss Stephens, and'Miss McKay, are much in his favor. We wish the Young
camP- would indicate. They. will also wish him past few wee'�s, is, we are glad to learn, He was found on his back:dead, by his son sometimes rewarded even in early
clothing was shipped on Saturday last, eon- lug at Bafield, having recently joined the gentlein�n success. -S peo�le havb th-e
able to be up. -The harvest is completed in impression
oiller ar-ti - White City from' Seaforth. --Mr. H. E. calling. that the worlteer of - these items
SiSting of nine quilts �,nd various many further years of - u efulness in' his high Edward, who was working close by. It is hood.
cles, amunting in all to the value of over -Mr. and Mrs. E. McFaul are at this neighborhood. -Messrs. Prior , Balk. surmised that the unfortunate man tripped BRxzFLETS._,Nfr. Daniel Lewis, of thist;
ood shipped several carsof cattle wrote a letter for the Seaforth San over the
Cherry.; who has been spending his liolidllYS the county town, enjoying the lake breezes. well and W' and fell backwards to the goor, a distance place, section boss on the Grand Trunk wbere
$40 Such clothing is sent to one of our at Bayfield, returned on Tnesdy.-Mr. ture of " Conservative Patron," a
-Mr. Peter Anderson, brother of Mrs. J. from this station on Monday last, also a few" d of several feet. . Thete was, a long,dedp gash Railwag for eighteen years, and an emplqy.'s
missionaries in time ago. Thig is a mistaken i ea,
the Northwest, who Will see George Ewing and family picnicked at Bay- R. Lyon, --who has been *orking at St. cars of -hogs.-. When - will Rxeter's Civic, all t in the crown of his head. His- age is 63 of the ompaiiy for 26� years, receiva 46f
to its proper distribution..-Aodem Chris- field on Monaay, as did �Iio -Mr. S. Dick- and impossible, ai; -1 -am not a Patron, and
8 ome time past, is at present laid Holiday be? -A base ball club is expected a Ing
tianity may� not be all its great founder in- ith some friends.- The Misses Mary for a years. He leaves a family of - wife and dismissal on Friday. The dismissil is the
son's family, w never sail under false colors.
up in Stratford Hospital with typhoid fever. from Seaforth to play here to -day -against -two sons and two daught,;rs, all- grown up. result of a jnistak,6 he made in the',bool* log,
tended it to be, but from our dev4ed mis- Barr, Miss Elder, Miss Graham, and Air. He -is, however, Progressing favorably' and the Exeter club. -Exeter bad's weekly Afewyears since the deceased removed having recorded being off work for one
sionaries, to the humblest worker, the main McPherson formed a third d
en days. party from Sea- noserious result'is anticipated. -Mr. El- �pen air concerts and bicycle races are be-- Constance. from Toronto to Clffiton, previously emigrat- when it should have be object is the elevation of the race, hence in -
forth on the same day.-Afts. -John Daly dridge T. Kellam is at present in D`ublin coining very popular here. -The Misses Methodist church is Ing from Ireland. Lewis -went to Hamilton on Wednesday tp
in -The new
creased ha�piness in time and a fitting pre- has returned home after spending a month looking after the interests of Dr. MichePS IN�ary and 'Jennie Friend, of London, -are' NOTES.
g rapid progress
paration for 6ternit3-.'-N1rs.'(Rev.) makin The brick work have his case looked into, and we sinceftlyL,
0'-rahani visilting her brother, Rev. Arthur Trott, Of practice, while the latter is a -way on vaca- visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. h he may be returned to his usual work. 4=1 11
e M of was completed last week.-w1iss venlock, K�Ppen.. ope
and Miss Graham have been 'spending som Nashville, M11-chiligan.-Miss M. Gillespie, tion.- r Jame Beattie is in Kingston Hunt, Mill street.-Mis Rosie Herman -Mss Kerr of Brussels nt Sunday. poetr7
f of Clev!Jand, i4, at present the gue of ra.
weeks vial ing, riends in Brucefield 'and vi- dailghter of Mr. John Grillespie,pased. her tl is week, attending the convention of the St. Marys is visithig f ' nds here. GAN -c. P�ows 17on ALL.4T. Mellis of1crs . Andre
rie -Mr.
I with and Mrs. Bruce. story of
Oiliity.-Mr. Peter 'TN1cG'o-,van- left I "t week primary, or third-class, exalination, but I John Willson. -Misses Annie and, Mary to all good bargains in his num r one gang plows
Canadian Order of Odd Fellows, its a repre- George Armstrong and wife and family, of SedfDA14
OMere I
for his native land, the Green Isle, where her name was in a fo Schoales have been absent for a short,, time. cott and Mr. James � H-0
orne way omitted from r for the next month. A full line of all plow. repairs the sentative from the Order in this town.- Paris, -%i,bo have been holidaying here were visiting -at Mr. F. him 'in
he intends to spend the remainder of his pu7blished list. -Mr. and Mrs. ames Me- visiting their brother, Dr. Schoales,7of St.' on band. Call at the Kippen Plow Shoo for idl your B, ScotVs last week,
days. Miss Josie-Buchana, of Seafortb, had a the past month, re turned home on NA)ediies- waqta. Plow handles, would boards, skimmers. -Out of the ten pupils from Bluevsk
-One of he most, tasty and comfort- Michael and Mr., John Weir have returned narrow escape from - drowning at Bayfield day last. Clair, Michigan. . heals, bolts and castings.always on band at bard
THE GOOD TEMPLARS.-The officers of the w school who tried at the recent en
line prim. T. A[Zlims, kippen I8W2
Independent Order of Good Templars for
able looking residences in ou"r village,. since home from Bayfield, where they have 'bee' on Wednesday. She was bathing, when, in. amination, seven have been succesfuL )ft.
trance -ex:-
the recent improvements, is tha of Mrs. en . ng the lake breezes. -Airs. Oliver, of some w , she lost her balanceo and was. ay �,18.-The. foll�wing pleasure
the ensuing quarter are as follows C Party McEwen, their teacher, &serves grest
H rd. Mr. James Brown has also added C jpy' is at present the guest of MW. carried 0 Zurich. W- have returned from a trip On the lakes, per credit -for his hard work in prepwing hem.
h1cago, t by a, wave. Mr. Bauslaugb,
mAch to -the appearl ce and Comfort of b is , 0 of Code -
R bb Seaforth. Miss Olivel who happened to be'near, caught her its she BRIEM-N[r. Zinn and wife have left for T., Miss Annie McIntosh; W. V. T., Miss steamship * Cambria:' Mr. R. MeMordie
ic Hincliley; $ of Chicago, is visiting in The o
Mrs. Win. rich, was-.alao her guest n. Wed'nesda Amu W. X., James Reid; W. Miss M.A. MeMordie -.Nlr 10
d-svelling by- remodelling it. -T 0 Y.- was going down and ot her -to shore. and their home, Cavalier, N. Dakota, after spend- Of London ; Miss * Bert Leech
M a slid a the village. He says business,is unpr
e , Bert Mary MeMordie and Miss hizzie Montietb. in
Powell iad family, who have been speuding Rev W. . K r i e nd Mr. A, E. Bond, C., Win., McIntosh ;1 W. R. S ving imetea
she is now, we are glad to say, none the lug a good time here niong their relatives that city.-.vir. Joseph 'AfePherson, vf At is -a'
Iong, holiday at Mrs.IJPowell`s former botn'e of I h ffield, - Ontario, paid a.visit to Stephenson; W. F, S., George Wheatley; T
worse for her narrow escape. hey report h
, ?aTing a vi i
and friends.-M:r. Henry Geig aving had a 4elightful voyage- Toronto sit to Ills home butit
here,, returned to Toronto on Monday last. L. McFaul tbisweek. They rode up Oil is, V
-0 k th er W. T., Miss Ettie Proctor; W. 1. G., Miss They touched at Sarnia, Detroit, - Windsor,
-Mr. James Forsythe has soino magnificent their bicyc�les, doing the whole distance, 80 Monday for Cavaier, Nor Dakota. -A Mary Wheatley; W. O� G., George M6dd; Bluevale. ii1e going across the fields n rL host of our young folks from here went to ault Ste Marie, Mackinac � Island, and the visit Mrs. Thornton one d4y InAt week Mroo
e my and 2 idly
pecimens of Scotland's national ern-blem m es, in i e hours. They left oil Wednes- THE EXAMIN ATIOss. -The followina are Grand Bend to canip for ten d L. D., J. D. Hinchley. In spite of tb numerous islands of Georgian B John Beaman was attacked by a ramud
in 0 ays or so. r Way 11 busy time &lid hot weaher this Order is that t
hisgrarden, which he tends with (Jay, returning b3 of Listowel. -Mr. the restilts of the Jn ior Leaving, or second There are people going there from here a- North Channel. -Airs. Joseph Smilh h
mare, preparatory, -We presuine, to their 'Julius Duncan and Miss Dundan lefton a orfiratch well kept up. On Wednesdayevenin'gof badly, but not dangerously injured. MM. TO
cla a; Sein us, and Ma- most every day. By all accounts it is a son, of Bluevale, are visi rig friends in Thornton heard her 11' for help It was
L triculation examin ations, for Huron County: grand place.-.'NL1r. J. F Rickbiel is in the lodge Ki and vicinity. came to the rescue, cal in
adorning the next Caledonian procession.- Tuesday for Brantford, on a vi it t r. last week over 30 assembled
AV, hile here last week Rev. r. McCoy ajid Dunca�'s sister. Miss Dmicn will go froln EAFORTH,-Jimior Leaving -W. Brett, T. making room, and, after going. through with the ppen and w1il the ram wag,
preparations to bnild a. kitchen %lid stable cms. -Friday last called for extra var-
family drove to Bayfield with piti-ty of there to Toronto, and will be for H. Brownlee, regular business, were treated to sand- bi in -ting -Mrs. Thornton,, Mrs. Bosnian m=-
(111 T. Doig, A. (41lass. Annie on his newly bou&ht place.-.Nc1rs. H. L . : hes, cake and lemonade by the sisters, menti, everybody saying,�� "'How cold' it aged to crawl inside the barn - and tie tU
frieu�ls. During the (lay Mr.'McCoy's eld- couple of weeks. -Miss INT. "Lyop, of Chi- Gray, Hills, X Hill, A. -Hays, W. Kil- Peine left last, Wednesday for ew Ham- wic is !"-Some o d cutting W�-s done on'the Possible
est (laughter, a briallt, lively., girl of f our- cago, daughter of Mr. J. R. Lyon, of this lora�n, W. Nfulcally, J. -Morrison, visit her mother and other frien after which a good progra-mme. was given by farm of Mr. illiam Kyle; 'on do -or. Mrs. Thornton walked backwar& Cost th
C. Me- burg to Monday last, and gradually approached the barn, and
Mrs. INT
teen, and a), V01111r, --companion, concluded to town, arrived home on Tuesday -2NIr. W. Donald, A. Mc1rinley,J.RiChardSbn; Senior iller, after a three- the members. This being over,all di ersed when 21 acres of Oats were' -cut with go iii bati'l weeks' visit with the one
ung. After danning bathing Prendergast returned on Friday 11ast 'from climbed in throtioll a window. Mrs. Bw
Leaving -H. Brooks, C. Clarkson, W. Tu to their homes, feeling that it paid in more binder. No wonder ou rotmd's
rn4) her grandmother,Mrs. Steekle, left, with her r hikvests don�t last be s9me
%vaded aout for some tirne, Toronto, where be was on the Dellatinental bull, A -McGregor; Mariculation-J.Ho , son, for her home in Berlin, a, few d -y go. iins4ale, the veteran oue POU
suits, the two than one way to be a Good T6iplar. man was et Line and it will
99 ave. her r-oom.-Mim
at *Examination Board. -Messrs. J01111 Camp- passed, in Latin and Pbysies; C. Willis, -Rev. George Firikbeiner, of TayiStock, thresher, is out this seaso;4,� and is accom- Ave to
exijoyingthemselves immensely, but all a a long. -Mr. Thomas D weeks before she can le
once one of them slipped into a hole beyond bell and Ted Dawson, who were epuaged to passed in Mathematics, French, History and occ ied the pulpit ill the Evangelical chureb MCKMOP. 'fishingsome. good worl;�,` X H. Ball, of Brussels, spent a few davo
p -,IMr. Dimadale, hem:tbis -Week visiting her friends.-�&
'bead. I
her depth, and the other oil goin(r to her go to the old count ith Mr. 1)EL&Fs cat- Geography, first class honors in Mathemat- lastuciday forenoon. nd preached good COUNCIL MEET1_N(..-The council met pur- although between 60 and 19 years f age, Richard Hockridge has purchased a, new-
resette soon fourift herself floundering about tle, and left with them on Saturd# last, re- tea,- second class honors in History and sermon to a lirge *congregation. -Rev. J. suat to adjournment in Jones' hotel, Lead- has still the ame ambitidit as he had 40 tinis ho
in the same condition. Both sank several turned at the beginning of the 'iyee, the Peerless threshing inachm*e and ie novA Olt
Greographv, CLINTO-,-Junior Leaving- trellipfer and wife have been to the east, bury, on Monday, August 6th ; members all years ago. -The Busines
timeq, and but for the timely arrivatl of two cattle having been sold at Mont 8 Boar&' 'Of the the road. No (Toubt -Dick" will
Oal.-The G. Bielby, H. Cooper, 11. Doherty, 'TNI. oil a visiting trip aniong friends. -Rev. IT. precent. Accounts were paased for - gravel- Kippen Methodist circuit held'their regular sh1pers:
yoling men, wbo happened to her their Sampson, of Toronto, are in town' A. Duncan, H. Fair, E. Hitch, Thomas Jar- Dierlanini, of Milvertoria, will preach in the ling building culverts g ravel, etc., and business, meeting on Monday last. The at- good season's work, and he deserves the the Alri
C), 0 liberal patronage to which his eterpr1M,,
cries from the sh6re, both -would have been visiting their brother, Mr. Saillps4p, of the rott, L. Johnstone, D. A. Mackenzie, B. E vangelical Church next S-unday even cheques given on the treasurer for 593 66. tendance was not as large�aa formerly, but 'have M
drowned in a few moments and two homes ljAli 9) entitles him. William Hid is to run t1W
imon Bnk. I'hey will occupy Mr. Murch, P. -Pxoss, Emily Ti
left desolte. Happily. however, thei were Pearce's house for'a nionth, d I uring' the ab- irner, L. Whitely. cominenemg at 7 o'clock, and will also t1anke A petition reqiiesting the council to have an a� good share of business _0as accomplished. while Dick " and Mr. Jameff� lepers.
8enior Leaving -W. McKay, (4. Tbeobld, tip a collection in aid of the church in Mil. en out drain and make a report -Some farmers who t k binder twine un 101.
on restored to consciousues;, and nothing sence of Mr. and Mrs. Pearce.--�441rs. W. C. McKinnon. gtrsbanks will handle the separator. --
Matriculation -.E. Coad, verton. A good turn -out is expected, as 1W. ongtee'samtoelaiyu the swamp' in the eastern never runs out have been 46 their wits end
more ser Sparling,lof NAing- pass�� in physics : J. 0. Lindsay, pas Errington's machine is a
ious thtm badly shaken nerves re- Homiltil, formerly Miss ) _gain on the go, be
corner of the township, was considered to get a supply the pas6., few days, some a" per.
sed in Dierlamill -was stationed here some ten years
aulted. It was close call and not soon to ham, is in town this week lug managed byllessrs. Errington, Bray, -
visiting friends Fren�,ll grammar ; W. Martin, second- ago for three years 'Mr. Morris Elines, and the council appointed James A. Bell, travelling for a whole d "'without success. ties we
lie forgotten by all concerned. -Rev. Mr. Mr. H. _'Ldecraey, of St. Thomas, i4 in town, class honors in English first-class honors in froin Delaware, Ohio, where he attends col- civil engineer, St. Thomm, to do the same. -The many fri R. Mellis will and Fiwer. �Md th
ends of Zi.
haw Was taken ver r "
ill on Saturday night visiting Dr. and Mrs. Aruce Smith. 'The classics ; W. J. ifelean, second-class hon- lege, is home witli'llis parents for the holi- By-lawswere passed appointing' Messrs. J. be sorry to hear that he been a fferin tbat. -pu
-et U 9
lat, and was rendered entirely incapable of bachelors and benedicts played crick ors � in classics - W. J. Scott, passed in days. We trust be will have 9, good time and J. McKenna engineers under the Ditches very much from 3 for some time -Rev. Jacob Maurer, of Mahone Bays
ore eyes
conducting the Sabbath services. Weare match on the Recreation gromids On Thurs- Latin ; T. D. TUmbull, passed in Latin among his old school comrades and other and Watercourses Act, 1894, also fixing, his past. -Mr. Allen Jones, of London, travel- ova Scotia, is at present with his fathOr do is dc
happy to say, however, that he is now re- day of last week. Sad to relate the married authors and French authors. GoDERic11_' friends. -Mr. James Wing, from-Neiv: Dun- fees and the clerk's. A by-law also was ling agent for a spice firla'' in that city. for at Brunner. The reverenil gentleman Was
Coyerin defe' d, and Junior Leaving -N. Bailie, E. 0. Buchanan, dee, bus been here- on busluess.-The farm. passed for raising $3,5 329 for county p es a is now taking a few ho called home owing to his
nicel. His sickness will probably gentlemen were very badly 4te
58 -ur. manyy r, MA, YS fathe-es illness,