The Huron Expositor, 1894-08-03, Page 83 T iff H AGUST 3 1894. __E UIRON'' are Waigh is 'few Annie Farrow, of Goderich, is -a and 'Mary.Kellis _nIDA -V of the ljdder.­��Claries ras so highliesteemedL—Mr. of Tuckeromith. He. was a steady, indstri doing well there.--­Wiss -day.­bHoll'Berthsk Witson.'s Oash Grocery. -whom he 'm ell doing man I hI' i n. en- n, Ing Tpturned. on Mon- on$. W, �v a eeks with her W�thei, at visiting At Mr. John Forrow's.�Two rival are visiting friends in Stratford. -7-r. U Henry Jackson and family ing.: bee e di ee gaged ih threi 1 is, f4her and —Miss . Minnie butchers from Winghain make things lively Watson, -#bo is engagel in the sewing in& - d from camping at B�yfieid for thr shinj AA(ith Eon township of' Logan. We are still selling, sugars at old prices, to pounds some good sales est granulated sugar for $1, 28 pounds- Ay well browned,, and brothers every year sine —Mr, when they come to Bluevale, Last Sstur- chiue busi of FAdpatb7s 7) weeks. They are all e her' was old enough Hicks is visiting friends in Stratford. ness, i I s M-, Wawon seems to have good raw of 24 pounds coffee sugar for $1. Have seem to have enjoyed c life immense- to be of use he �ras well and]: widely known and Mrs,' Isaiah Holman have been renew- day one was driving so fast to get first to around he�e. AUGUST 3rc� i INC Just received the first of the new crop of Japan tem. d a -part of the - family and was a universal favorite! with 611. In- ing old' acquam*tanceshiri in Waterloo the other one's- customers, that his horse the kna f d" tl things. —Miss -that we L 0 D Let ly.—Mirs. McCoy an Try one pound for 25c, It wi%convince you esteint in which he was held and county.—Miss- TyUbr ai Mrs./ -Kirkman got excited, ran away, �roke the agon, Xennie� h: n on a two weeks' aft sellInVah than you'can buy from any tea have been welcome visit6O in the village. deed the pidlar* =r to no combination to keep dusty -ri;ad. visiting. t�ur, tiking in the sights and this week.—Mr. � John D&IT, is erecting a the sympathy felt for the 1friends in their arrived home, on Friday -last, -after h&vmi and dumped the meat on the our cif —ALL THROUGH— but =Mng all kinds of choice groceries ual neat brick veneaed resid"1 ut elpf He seems to have learned the -wisdom of' scenes iof many of ties and towns. — site bereavement, was Well insfiffested by the visited Niagara, Toronto,'hlora and Gu po the. very lowest possible prices for on Of trade. When you have the cash or trade you might just " Mr.9 Jacob Schm' who' on their holiday tour. Robert Logan laughter, however, for his spirits are Always r. Shal re� has stipplied himself with &,new Als.—Mi" Lee, of Oak unusuallv large L concourse !of people well have the benefit of buyinggoodsat ca& -prices. wood farint near Galt, this- week the attended the funeral on Mo�d&y., It was and his mother Mrs. P, 10 -.spent part of jubilant.—Miss Lizzie Robertson has been' ontfit, horse har4ess and - wagon, so that Was gait No one cat do t credit business all for the same as ea of the family of Mr. Win. Elliott. — one of the. largest funerals seen in. these last week visiting friends in and near Galt. visiting in Teeswater. the farme�s of This section ivill be well ...This 110 they could for cash- Gem fruit isre all sizes, and wh; has been in Galt par for many years. He I was connected. looked after in the meat line. the best flour at lew than regular. lam Z xtra Giaee lliot aThey had a most., enjoyable time. --It is said to& ad ets. All for the past couple of months, returned with the Egniondville Presbyterian church, bbat the crops East of here,'4s far as Berlin, Brussels. value in fine dinner sets, go�ds guaranteed' to give satisfaction,. The bighed home on Saturday, and Miss Grace Cant, and the funeral services were conducted by are. exceedingly -poor, so "or in ma4y in- FAFad SOLD. —Mr. -John N. Knechtel has' B�ucefleld. WE WILL BE RECBIVIN.G WH10iA ely worth Cutting. price, paid for good butter and all kinds of tradff niece of Mrs. - W. Elliott, who has been the pastor, Rev. Neil ShaN0, ' Mitch sym- stances, as to be', scare ALE.- agon—ni disposed of his fine farm in the township of FOR S W cc and light with atrial, we are, satisfied we can suit yon, visiting here since the beginning of Tune, path is felt for th f il d friends, and Data are worst.—Miss Sbobie *and her Grey, adjoining this villige, to Mr. James pole and shaits and 1ine peddling box complete. quality s�nd. price of goods. y returned to her home 'in Galt yesterday, especially for the re L Shaw, of Chiselhurst. The farm conta ia=nmts��uo hive thus so mother are at present * visiting ins Also good s singlo. Harness. Both in use little Q W11 -SON, Seaorth. carrying with her many - pleasant recollee- suddenly been bereft of a beloved son. friends in Walton.—On Friday afternoon 135 acres and in one of the best in this more than oa!�teeason.� J. Mcli;Toaff, Brucefleld. New Fall Goods;,,_ bank of Commerce Block. oul tions, of a happy visit ;ni�ng our villagers. last Mr. A. Cardno, or., had the, misfortune vicinity. The price reieived was 5,�00. GnA_ND MOGUL T EA. ­W e hold the agency THE LATE DR. LYNCH. LThe Winnipeg to fall from an applQ'tree, breaking a bone Mr. Shaw is to -be congratulated on ilia In this village �forthe,d�ove celebrated tea, which is Frim.—On Saturday afternoon last the Tribune makes the following reference to in his foot.' It was an exceedingly painful -purchase, as he has got a good�/farrn 'very the -highest grade of tea for thb least price and is fire alarin whistle brought most of our citi. the late Dr. Lynch, of that city, whose hurt, but Mr. Cardno, is, we are glad to cheap. noted -for excellent flavor and great strength- On. —THE. BALANCE ADIR - VIOTHINO his farm Wednesday, August 8th, we will have an exhibit in noticed last we�k and who was a hear, progressing. favorably, -7Miss Millie C 0 zens to'--thd streets, and it was not long till death we Of BRiEvsf.—Adam. Scott has sold ourstore. Alladv representing the tea company _U1 anxious, groups all over town were asking son-in-low,6f Alm. Doctor Coleman, of this Campbell-, daughter of the Postmaster being the south half of Lot 15, Concession will be in charge, and *ill despense . free tea and col - the fire was. The hook and ladder town. . Itays Dr. Lynch was born Ovening. You are therefore where near Goderich, is this week the guest Of M 4, Morris, to William Sheddon, for $1,700. f durin the'layand- M . MARGAI.NSON truck and a hose cart were speedily on the London,- Ont., in 1841. He was educated '011ie Willson, Goderich Street West.—Mr, ty den Smith's last cordially invited to call�and testa cup of this dellcl-� Summer Stoek-,,,., lar , of St. Thomas, is in town ous tea. R. G.1 Simpao* way, but the hose had scarcely been at- at Toronto University andphos6 the study Archie Wi Friday evening was a success --R. Roche uly W�Rs Q. We have been successful in securing another big tached to the hydrant, At thelcorner of John of medicine. After spending some time on this week visiting his brothers, who are in a OUR CIvio HOLIIiAY.-Thursday, August ha now eight horses� here in training, and —WILL BE CLYARED— bargain lot of and Maistreets before word '_ received the Allan Line he decided 4o'strike into the: the painting and paper hanging b 9tb, has been proel4inted (by the Alavor ?) a lw Price was names" J. Taylor is here with John Nelson, MADE UP CCOTHINGN that the danger was over. The fire wag at Far West, and arrived ih Fort Garry. in ere. n, R. Winter, jr., George Roe with bliss Garfield. The civic boliday6 and all the business men of '-Will be OOUQ at a great sacrifice to the ma er. Mr. S. Dickson's residence, where a manure 1869. He was taken prisoner, by Reil six and W. Cudmore left on Wednesday for ports can see a race any day, if they want the village having �greed to close up on pu to, e the wearer the beneft of ouf successful,= -of cattle. �_-Xessrs_ mouth raust our new lot will bi foundRea% Suits worth 1DUe in front of the stable had becoine ignit- months after, arri*ing in this country, along Liverpool with a cargor to.-Faimers are busy now with the spring that day,'alldutereoted should take notice ce-, on -:- At a Sacrifi $15 which we wilt sell* at $10; Suits worth $11, ;d ad was a man of fire before being with Lieut -Governor Sch4ltz., J. H: Ash- Alexander Pavidson, Stephen Lanib and grain and the dry Weather is httrryinLy it and govern themseltes accordingly. which we will sell at $7.75; 3fin's Suits, Ali wool,'$7, A IIAPP.y EvENr.L­A quiet but pretty e will sell at $4.25 *1 Boyar Suits worth 06.60, we noticed. However, X little presence of down, Archibald Wright, W�iilialn Hallett, John Turner, of this town, also left on along. -In about two weeks - it will be- all wineellat$4.25 ; Childrerve Suits worth $4, we will miind and a few well directed pails of water Thomas Scott, George Faulkner and Wednesday 6ii a trip to the old land. Mr. housed. -Five of the local sports went out wedin too place at the residence of 16. We. Are Idetv, .75. The above are all ne�r,_ perfect goods; fixed things just as the flames were ealch- others. He was rescued after three. months Davidson will.spend most of his time re- James lamiten in -'this village, on Tuesday sell- at $2. north this week on a,fishing expedition and ell me *ell made and good linings. We have also gone �ug the woodwork of the stable. The fire - of imprisonment, and. made his way through Visiting well remembered seenes in Ireland. returned in the evening with 350 pars of last. Miss Rach, el, -t'he second daughter of Edward cFaul through the balance of all the stock on hand and marked down the prices, so an to be on a par with e -have originated from sparks Minnesota and Dakota to Li)nd;n, Ont.,' -Mr. Harry Brundle, of Plattsville, who -Mr. Jamieso:�, was married to Mr. Walter Is sup _,�Uto town frogs' legs. -Things are quiet just now in Adams, bar themew lot. Now is your golden OppOrtUDIty for from tloes planing mill chimney., as some rub- where he was'presiantea with an address by was formerly employed as a clerk iii. town and news is about as scarce as busi- R. dware merchant, of Edin- SEAFORT11. bish in Mr. Box' yard just behind Mr. the may�r and council and received as a has been here the past week visiting friewls, ness. -John Varcoe sells his lot and dwelling burg, Dakota�. The ceremony was per- WM. PICKARD Dickon's stable took fire on the same after. Caiiadian patriot. In 1870 he returi;Lpd. to -Mr. J: H. Cavan, Deputy Postmaster is on Main street by *public auction on Friday -formed by Rev. Mr. Thomson, of Haniil- noon and the clothes on the line in Mr. Hsr. the Province, took up the praetied of his off -on a month's vacation. - No one deserives of this week. -Brussels voters' lists are in ton, a former! paitoi�, of Union church, and Bend, have returned home, while- 31r.-andi Seaforth. gan's yard adjoining, were blackened with: profession at Portage la Prairie and'; shortly- a vacation, better. He is at present visiting the hands of the printer. was witnessea by a i select company of the Mrs. J. T. Wren and Mr. -and -Mrs. F,' -.G 1389 cinders. If this surmise is corredt the mat- after removed to Winnijeg, where he had relatives in Paris. -On Wednesday Mr. relatives and more iinmediate friends of the Arnold and their families are ter should - be looked into and provisiow since resided. He contested Marquette 'for R. Winter Ahipped 45 head of beef cattle to Tuckeran2ith. contracting psrtiei.-,, Mr. Adams has done camping at Taylor's grove. -Mrs. revent a recurrence of the tiouble, the Dominion House with-� Mr. .Angns' Me- Ins of London,* who was visiting her In made to p the old country. Mr. C. Wilson also ship- well to come to Ca#4d& for a wife, as WEST END NoTus.-A large amount of Kay, now Indian agent At Norway House. ped 60. ana Messrs. McMillan, of Hullett, -rs. X. McGregor, of the township of H harvest threshing is being done this season. bormie bride is as g(Jkod as she is handsome, M A NAaRow *Esc".u.-On Tuesday for The result was a tie� ai� id both were de- and J. T. Dickson, of Goderich, _shipped and it will not be h& fault if their future this week, was alled, to Chnton on clared elected. They pro�ee'ded to Ottawa, quite a number. These, Nve believe, are all -The fall wheat is not yielding, as well as account noon last as Messrs. Robert- Torrance an life is not both h nd, prosperous, `THE of the death of some relatives. J.. pa acre is Jolm Lamb, of Harpurhey, were en a er ap a Cged in received thecath as mer a signed to one man. -Miss Bessie Rioh� was antici ted, as 30 bushels per Exrosrrm joins wilthe many friends of XcA)rthur has been visitig at'her mothej,4. hile Wei DISTRICT MATTI�RS. ran the largest yield which is spoken of.-Miso day in the House. The peculiar case was mond, daughter of James Richmond, drawing in barley for Mr.. Daid ce, Mrs. Adams in the o& that her future Mary Townsend is at present visiting rela- r as W w then referred to the coniLttee -on privileges Esq., of Washington, is visiting the family have they met with a mishap which came very h tives in London. -Mr. Peter Valely, of Chi- may bei unel�uded-� i ' and that her life in Wingham this week A X6t;zsT DEXAXD.-T near resulting fatally to Mr. Torrance. and elections, which.deTided that itwas of her uncle, Afr. A. Young.* as Wilkin- may be one of many oys and few sorrows. sis Miss J.ennie bfl=ay. r, he'Clerk of the 'best to hold a new election. Dr. Lynch did on is alsb the guest of Mr Yo g' cago, formerly a resident here, but yvhols Bpedial PnOe They had got on a large load of sheave and -an a family. �0 - - Hodgins, f theCornmercial House t- bi of Stanley writes as follows If now employed as a railway detecti-ve,_'is ing fbisan Eieter. daugher,-Misa Myrtle, h4ye been away yowuv%l minit of Stanley Council, send were going to the barn with it. Mr. Tor- not 'contest the seat a second, time. - For -Miss Annie Grey is in Toronto, and Misses here spending his holidays. stamped envelope rance was on the load driving and when twenty years Dr. Lynch� has been the.sur- Gertie and Lily are vis'iting friends 'in and I will furnish the m3t. J, 97. lWestoott, general agent for during tfie past week, on a visit to relatiVis. minutes. If the , ucil of the townshi through the gate into Mr. Dor- geon of the Hudson Ba' C He Wingham.-Mrs. Johii Cowan -and -family, 11p h1 Company. Blyth.: Cavers Br6s, Xuiserymf�, Galt, is again on his can. and friends.-Mms Dick, milh-ner, of W*am- we AIM ren =39 aves a wife and five to mourn h of Stanley are gett' g so poor that they can- r lane the horses got startled., and re" is of Sarnia, arespending several weeks with assing tour for fall'94 and spring '95 orders. Par. is home at present on a BREVITiES-Civic holiday was observed v -Mrs. John Cowan, sr., at Maitlandbank ties in need oUanytbW reery line would not afford 'to pay cent -for the publica- made a sudden jump forward,. and -Mr. loss. Velomitt+ed to mention in last week�s in the nu by our citizens on Wednesday last. Some confer a favor by'sending im a card to Exeter P, 0. ley the lines, when he fell off the load, aig THE LATE JOHN S., McINtYRE.-Tlie exemmon, grow and true to name,' Thanking my many on*- Torrance in pulling them up, broke ime of ti6n of the� minutes of their council meet- farm, McKillop.-IvIrs. Al. Thompson and All orders carefully 89.0, with'btock warranted to that My. John A. Mitchell, of Dixie fobn­ ings, they had better sell out. In marly bting Miss Jessie F. Thompson. leave to-d�y for wimt to Port Stan on the erly bf this village, brought in the Verry firi on the whiffletrees, at one of the horses' heels. Bruce county, where they intend spending a others to Bayfield. But the large Majority tomere for thL eir past fa#ors and p Counties the local papers are paid for ia- gentleman referred to in! the following e __ stronage. Your load of new grain to Messrs. Cook Brotuw staid at home and spent the day quietl ordoi solicited, J. V WESTOM; general agent. serting council minutes. In this This made the animals more frightened than tract from the St. Marys Argus, was fathe couple of weeks visiting friends at Glammis, risiting Mills the same testingover standard. Z -Xr. Crocker, of Exeter, was i 7r: P. &-A few good agentsmanted in this county. TH LEA rimmage Mr. Tor- of Mr John MoInt re, and brother of Mi. -find other places. -Mr. and Mrs. 1887-t f shows what our old vinagers aii do whe the papers have been in the habit of doi., ever and during the so Aberdou; y Mat Floody for a few days last week. -1%1r. t gratuitously and now the �Stanl�-, rance was thrown from this position under Donald McIntyre, of Seaforth. The Argus W. F. Addison, of Toronto, are'here this and Mrs. Irwin have returned. fr -A large number from here went they tum'their attention to agriculture - Council must have its postage paid ; soon fyb the wagon. He still pluckily held on to the says In the death of ',Mr. John. S. Me- 'week, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. orn. their ivill be aaki. unbroken line, and visit up north. -Mr. Georg to Port Stanley on the excursion on Wed- Miss S- Woods And Miss Ella, XcPherwi, drawing the horses t Bright. Mr' . Addison is an'old Huron boy,' e Emerson was a premium from the nem-,;- 0 Int emoved one Of, the beat known nesday.-Farmers ate busy cutting their are visiting relatives around St. Helem.17 ,yre, was r -ege papers for the rivil ' '-of publishing the one side, the front wheefof the wagon bare- but has resided in Tor -onto for many years in town this webk.—The new livery stable most highly respected citizens of Perth oats. -31r. John Upuld, who has been The many readersof THE ExPOSITon *a. minutes. No, gentlemen'of ly ese, -ped h bead, but the hind wheel county. - He always took a 1�rorninent part and is now 11 member of the Monetary is being erected rapidly.-�­We understand sudden death of Aft, struck ' im s via in Council, if -you want your minutes published h on the head, making a. severe in affiirs connected with church and state, imes Printing Company, one of the largest that Mr. J. B. Kelly has sold his flour mill. spending the past thtee weeks her it g regret to learn of 1he ndon, to Messrs, A. Tiernay and D. Mle.Kellar.— his parents, returrted� to St. atharines ell Edward Johnston, of Gra Casi count).,, g t6 ugly if you-, NO 4A�, 1 �� I .. i we axe wi, I -in -do it gratuito und. The horses then got away, and and the influence he wi�lded in the com- and most profitable printing concerns in. the send them to us , if not, the readers e intinity was for good. His kindly dispos- city of Tor�nto.—Mr. 0. C. Wi son lia, Ing of Ttjji 'with the wagon and lead, ran up the Ian H d the Miss E. G. Young is this week visit' Thursday last.—Se-Oeral Exeterites spent Dakota, formerly well known in these padi_ ugh the field, and were an - te- friends in Toronto.—The flax last Sunday -at Gr6d. Bend park.__Mr. as Miss Uaggie AfcKinley, of the ExposIT6B in Stanley will know the r and around thro tion ty of ch ' ter I commanded misfortune,. the other day, to -cut the end off mill has line, Stanley. The deceased was well eason d I arm George Cudmore is s0ill confined to his home LETTEI li liation, making their way to the road again, when th respelent oreveryone with whom he came the third'finger of his right hand. , He had started to run this week aad flax is being favorably known, having taught sch I , i�l -h J T. Westeott and ua:for' -in rapi. t rough illness Mr. Torrance, realizing the position, dly drawn in.—Dr. of Toronto, a great many years. She 'leaves a e in contact, and he will be[ remembered as a famillyy,,-who whatever there is, is all on the sideof th sprung been sharpening a lawn ower and gave the was in Blanche up and headed them oft, securing them be- man of sterling worth. We give a; few facts knives a whirl to see that the machine was town on Monday.�—Miss h;ve n *spending the past and four children t6 mourn her loss, one council, -ek at " Ivy Cottage," Gand Bend park, We fore y injury was done, not even a 'sheaf in running ail right. His finger happened to Chamberlain is home, from Chatham Bus- Arlessant4m, an connected with his life. He was born' mesa ome on !- Tuesday night last. Ing an infant of only a few days. The do. THE PREsBYTEwAw, Suw]D'AY 80HOOL PIC- fi�lliug off the load. Mr.- Torrance had al- Paisley, Scotland, in the ��ar 1816, and at be in the way and the top was cut clean off. College, for holidays.—Miss Miller, Of returned h 0ueat A -Exeter, who.has -been visiting Miss M They report having had a splendia tirne.— -ceased ded as she had lived trusting Nic. —On Friday afternoon last the annual most a miraculous escape from serious, if the age of three years came to Canada —Mr. Andrew Sutherland has gone to Thed- with The infant son of Mr, X J. White, of. risen Saviour; -Mrs. -D. We miller is viait�' �aWo -and 1 an� Sabbath not fatal injury, and he owes his escape his parents, who settled ford, where he is taking charge of the post Murray, returVed home on Friday last. the pionie of the Seaforth Presbyteri in Dalhousie,county inTimes, died on TueQuy last—mr- ing friexi;lo New Iffamb, arg. —Miss Broww. the 3WaVmU School was Veld on Mr. John Scott -'a flats, largely to his own presence of mind and of Lanark, where his early days were spent. office. Andrew is a good, steady yomig James lee has been. visitin relatives and friends in� Creech has gone into the hen business 9 Rexborough,, in connection with -the. Rox- pi-rce-k. While still a Young man his parents and a man and will be sure to succeed.—Miss Farquhar. and has had a 'fine b4ilding erected on Mill Clinton and Hamilton. borough Sunday School. Before one o'cloel- number of other f a ii ilies Jef t that somewhat Begg, of Mitchell, was visiting at W. W. A NEWS OTES.—Mrs. Cameron and her street.—Misa-M. E.ill and Miss Annie (By an Occasional Correspondent.)' the vaim began carrying out picnickers aet —The Beaver Lacrosse rocky district and inoved to Fullartort. Bright's, on Wednesday.—Rev. Mr. Guth- grand daughter, Miss Phernie Allen, have I dn' corwe to 8 ell rie of the Presbyterian church, preached in returned from their week's rusticating at Gregory are rusticathig at Grand Bend park CHURCH MATTERS.-Ptev. J. S. -Hender�- by three eWoek there was a large crowd of Clubhave, under a very heavy. expense, at last Be. Here he e red a farinjeleared. it and estab- the ex-queexi cured the famous Rxoelriors'of Bxamptonfor a game lished a comfortable home for himself, in London, South, on Sundat last, and his pul- Grand Bend, and who has son, pastor of Carmel Presbyterian Chutelt, this wee.—Mr. Tomas Daw, a holars, parents and friends on the ground. here on August 10th, our civic holiday. They are ,port a -very enjoyable been spending the.�past week at III-vy is at present away enjoving his 4trander' that 2nP=111i The children had1t1&1ri1t �o,od day's sport so as to enable the which he breathed his last on July 16th pit here was occupied y Rev. Dr. Ward- time. Mr. and Tvirs. Spackman are to be W00%time, playing arranging a I Cottage," Grand Bend park, retitimed hom. e holidays. The reverend.gintlemarth"weR-' W hide and seek in anti on the of Seaf6rth and surrounding country to enjoy 1894,, at the. advanced age of 77 years. 'He -robe, of Guelph.—Miss Freil, of Ottawa, is c InElim6nted on the manner in which they through a a holiday withoutthe heavy expense of going from 0 1 on Tuesday evening last, much improved in earned his vacation. The hearts of hiw flats, lacrosse, baseball, etc., while there. iting her sister, Mrs. Hodgins, at the con net affairs on their grounds, and the ndcoconnut was a Preshvterian in religion, and early be- via heath.—Mr. R. N. Creech was the only inany friends go with hm, and the t Myer, homei The Excelsiors have the tation of being werelots-of interesting and amusing races the test lacrosse . tearo in = came a meniber of St. Andrews' Kirk, in Rectory.—Miss Emery, of Stratford, is the friendship they extend towards. everybody. 0 ds outeldc the one in a class of �ialit who wrote for f the congregation is that he may aveA­ the yai-d witli for both boys and* girrs, with candy Shamrocks, of Montreal, and the Capitals, of Ottawa, Dalhousie (of which Dr. Gemmil was then guest, this week, of Miss Livens, Jarvis Any person wishing to take a few holidays sun can p asant and enjoyable time, and. tome ba6k, scrambles innumerable, and two most ex- but by the way the Beavers are practising their ad- pastor) And took an active part in church street.—Mrs. Sills, of Toronto, formerly of "Would do well to patronize Mr. and Mrs. third class certificate�,Vtiai was able to pass.. ple Congratulations, Ridbard. with renewed strength to carry on the citing tugs of war. There was a bounteous m,irers think they* will administer to tlie Bramptons also of SD-Ckman at Grand Bend.—On Tuesday the first defeat in some two ears. 1390-1 building and church work here in the early Mitchell, and Mrs. J. Hutchinson, roundie�ty a supply of good things for the supper'table, days. In politics he was a staunch Liberal, Toronto, the guests of Mrs. Al. Y. Mc- Fred Stewart dut a sixteen acre field of work in this part of the M ter's vineyarL w in V4rna. Weundrstaiidthathe TM' es to combilief jonLi, she av THE IMPERIAL RESTAURANT is no t and the amount of provender -stowed away full ninning order. Ice crea and took an active part 1' Lean.—O li, a week from to- oats for Mr. Cameron in eight hours. We n many a campaign in, Lemonade, Milk pwp of thei may be judged by the fact, that ten wash-' day, the E:Kcelsiors, of Brampion, will be I HAVE secured ft� )in T. B. Escott & Co., Pleasure with profit, by spending a part of- shakel all kinds of summerdrinks, first class brands in the.stirring times when McDougall, Me- would like to hear from, others. —Threshing of London, the ageno for the celebrated Grand his month"s holidays in X-oody's school Jor tubs of lemonade were required. After of0igars, Banaas, Oran s, Lemons, etc. When Farlane Daly, Foley, Guest, kidd and h vers a lacrosse match. is the oraer of tho d here now. 'We, ex - supper the games went on until tkne to go You what anyth thielp'ne call at the Imperial Trow sy Mogul Tea, and twintrod! ice it Mr. Escott will send Christian workers. Carmel ul 't wiR bei, in were before the people, and rendered excel- This is tlie' team that beat our boys last pect to see some pretty th, to p good work this an expert to my store 6 ir Thursday, August 9 where you Will be well and courteously treated R* filled during the pastor'sabsenee ry a Ana. horne, and at bed time there were a good HAxw, Senforth. opposite Bank of Commerce. * lent service to his party.. He was a volim- year in the fifial tie for the intermediate season as Mr. W. H. Fassmore and 1NJr. draw the Tess, and all ari invited to call and test the' -many sleepy youngsters and tired out grown- iswi teer in Her Majesty's service during the Mc- championship and the game should be a niot John Westlake have both purcha§ed new., 'quality of this celebrated, brand of Ceylon and mixed ent of Knox College, in his seeona year m. teu. Remember theda* J. T. CAiRxs. isgo-i Theology and. a -graduate in Arts. ups, though al had had 'a most enjoyabli Gits buyers can save from 20 to 30 cents Kenzie rebellion, and was stationed at Tor- exciting one. We believe there will be machines. Their separators are run by two prayer mee time. on every dollar by buying their boots and shoes at 6to and Brockville. 'In 1856 be received other gamesand sports besides the lacrosse very competent men in the persons D. NOTES.—Mr., Kerrin passed through CHRiiTIAW ENDEAVOR. -The t--: T. Coventry's old stand.- 1390 from Sir Edmund Walker Head th match. Th e' Seaforth team will be about Brown and George Bell. Varna on Tuesday afternoon on his way to ing of the Chriatiaa E udeavor Society. hel& BA-Y=Ws BREzEs.-Our citizens, in IGH pointment of Lieutenant of the Fif e ap the sa me as the one that defeated St. Cath- MitcheD.-The Rev.4. L. Armstrong is ex- in the basementf Carmel Church, on Sun-, H SCHOOL PUPILS. -Board for four th Bat- pected to officiate day evening last, was interesting as usust. large numbers, are taking advantage at this young min attending High School at $1,75 a week. 6 as here on Sunday next. tali n of Perth Militia, and in 1862 he w arines. -The football boys have not yet re- Stanley. We sincerely hope bdh pastor and c The leader for the evening was r. F. Kar. ongre- 0 ke breezes. -Those who can spare cup. It reposes in Windsor still. Windsor gation will get a ong, -Messrs. Craw - season of our nearness to Bayfield with- its Apply at E.xPosiTo:a office. 139 x2 raised to Captain in the 'same Battalion by ceived the Western' Association Football A TREAT nN STORE. -Rev. Dr. McKay ;ofeEer co Iffig la IF you 'want first-class childreWs shoes Viscount Monck y I well Mr. nick. A duet was 'sung by Thirty years ago he re- -the Presbyterian General week rom. Zil Watiles returnedlast ford and Smillie. Those taking part in or ceived a commission as Justice o ' the Peace sembly, and the celebrated Chinese mission- kee, Michigan, er� en for the ;srg the s1xbfdct were the -pastor, the time or money dxe spen d in.g a wee you will be twenty cents on every dollar in pdaket hould be waked'up.-Mr. William Sleeth oderetor bf two campin or boardine, While others con- by bu3 ing them at T. Coventry's rld stand. Cash' i" eer� at(- up or only. for Perth county, and was the lall t surviv6r I b I 'I f aweekormere with a wb 'be has be ok Airs. 1390 ary from Formosa, will preach in the Bay- last year engaged inA2 the drug buiness.- arni Mr. James Wood and Mr. WaL, tent t fves -*with a day now and &gain. of those appointed in Fullarton a J that time. REPAIRS for Tolton Pea Harvesters. T. severe attack of illness, but is now recover- field Road Presbyterian church on Sunday Jt would be 9, good thin for both Bayfield Byows, Seaforth. He represented the farm brw Leh of the ing.-R6v. T. G. Thomson, of Hamilton, Xr., J. T. Cairns and! Mr. W. A. McBrayne Buchaan. Other members were pl;epareA 1890XI next, the 5th inst., at 11 a. m., . and in the were away up north tout fishing this week, to discum the topic if time permitted. Thin - and Seaforth if our people would take even Perth Mutual Fire Insurance C)mpany for fbimerly of BrUceifield, was in town this Blake church on the same day at 3 o'clock They report i further advantage of their opportunities. week. He came tip to this part to attend 4 good'. time, but fish just, a, Only a very few can be many years after its formation, v;nd forthe SuDDEY D -A good deal of surprise as an- Is It .Pa., There is nothin g like a day at the lake to EATU. past seven or eight years was one of the to a Very important matter for one of his p. in., instead of at half -past six, trifle scarce. the A4 of half an hour, but all -the was felt on Tuesday aftemoon,- when the an- nounced in the church last Sabbath. sweeten the te;9F�r and rest the nerves of License Commissioners for South Perth. He old parishioners at Brucefield. Mr. Thomson PREsmXTATm­,.-OAL Monday evening last members who feel at all capable shouldwilte otmcemant was made HARVEST. -Most of the fall wheat and 'te a large numberf the young peo that Mr. Charles waa rmm*g commun- looks well' and is pleased With his present 111 a, worried business man, or a housewife bur. n widely known to the fa _ple of fully prepared to take & prominent Pao it� barley is now housed, and some have cass a' short And sweet temp-- in ity. as a grain de location and people. -Miss C. E. Bi dened with many cares. Lowrie ha,d passed away. He had been i aler, being in partnership er, of Xle Varna English _�hitrch surprised. Mr. d'- ing thp subject either by his usual. health ad, on that day had par- theesbed. In the front of the township fall Kerrin in the midst of his packing slay, by a few remarks, or by readililar era and healthy nerves are an inestimable with his brother Angus in St. Warys. Toronto, is spendin her h lid a wi up, at blessing both to the possessors and to those taken of a hearty dinner. About two Taken altogether he led a busy life, and parents in town. -91r. Choarl" thher wheat is turning out fairly well, butin the Bayfield parsonage,'4y taking litl;ral pos- suitible'extraet. Whatever may be taiXto-, O'clock, while sitting in his chair,' he as es Stewart, lake shore district the result as revealed by session of the house, And making themselves the c I ontrary, the interest can not be kept. hity of beart who are in daily contact'with the possessors. k,d his death leaves a blank not easily filled." 'band -master, left on Monda Mrs. Lowrie to bring him a drink Of water. 'list ' a the threshing machine, is disappointing. at homo. After an egritest address to the up if all speaking and literarT is ex- born to high The crop was a very heav fortunes aaer Who can estimate the barin. done and the month's visit to California, wKere he has a work unh When she returned with the water, to her One and Was reverend gentleman and his good wife, by appiness caused by cross, impatien't brother and other friends. cluded, and the meetings are made pure1jr ber. She sp e an Durn coneiderably lodged, and 6 a result the Mr. ames Armstr�-ng, Miss Kate fc- devotional, as some ad -vise. 'ur a ence Mrs. Stewart -will stay NY friends words that are not intended to be unkind,or d horror, she found him dead, Loc -AL Bpm. -Mr. James Dupbar, who 13 i& his ab 11fo t passe 0 Anyt hasty decisions and judgments that are not haiPiirag d away, evidently without a died at Blake a few weeks a in Mitchell, -Mr. W. D. Bright, whois one grain ismall and the yield not more tbau Maughton, in behalf a the young people of 0 . intended to be unfair ? We worry and bar- struggle and just as if lie bad fallen asleep. go, and to whose of Seaforth's most devot about'25 bushels per acre. Oats and peas thechurch, presente4 them wi-kil a substan- Staa. About two years. ago Mr. Lowrie had a made in the Bayfield I foundin 116, in al- demise mention was e, Argue, an old disciples of are now ready to out and in manF. places tial token of eateeln a'; 41 regard,'In the shape STAL&cTrrzs.-Mr. John Sadler drew. c If we 1601CA ras durselves, generally without reason, department, was, says th Isaac Walton, while trolling at Bayfield on have been harvested. They a rop, severe attack of paralysis which left hi re a air c of a well­fille4 pursc�t Mr. Kerri his new boiler home from Dublin thiseeJ6 exposed, and then snarl most a replied It we look- 1 until every nerve is resident of St. Marys, having resided there Wednesday last, in the river, got one of the although not so good as if they had ripened in a few well-chosen i!emarks, thanking the and snap at every person who unconsciously PhYsi�al NY -reek and affected his for 35 years, and his wife was a cousin of finest black, bass we have ever seen. Mr. Sadler intends placing it in the S&W - 118M brushes against its. For irritability try Wei, speech, but otherwise, he has since enjoyed It niore gradually. friends for their kind i remembrance. After mill fight.& 119,* gi�r Oliver Mowat, and' died, about twenty glied a pound and three quarters. He- It is a monster we . hi Bayfieid. When BafielcV-s breezes have comparatively. good health, although very 1180 ot a fin6 pike. ! 11youtig folks enjoyed- five tons. Way years ago. -Mn D. D. Wilson has He had another bass this cerem ny, the a -rig is hel less. Hewasgenerally able to take sold his I -Xiss Dora, MeIllh the- set on riTht, stay right by taking things -ly ever iarger, but When almost in the be themselves ion socialit�bs unt y, 111 -- ----i r V 'ar, m1w. around town,new Nell known Durham bull Prime Minis. ev4 at -it il-well, the gVest, of her aunt, Mrs, F. Carlm.-3W; inany of *08 coolTy an � rationally,' and giving mind and w ay and had ter to Messrs. J. & W.' broke away from the hook. -"Mr. Simoneau, CHIRPS. -Miss Polly Stoneman is. visiting went home early. (Dr.*) Haysinith, Miss Jessie Hysmith alla his accustomed walk the Watt, of Salem, as to compl, body a fair show. L y before be FAREWELL SERV:rcio.-On Sunday even- Miss Ide, Hoth&m are thing to be He is three years old, 'and was imported by electriciapi of Montfeal, is in town at present, friends in Manitoba. -Mr. C. B. Latta, who spending a Coup died. Mr. Lowrie had reached the -good Nfre Wilson when a calf. The essrs. Watt putting t Rev. J. TAKerrin, who for the h Mill&" the Automatic Telephone in der. has been attending London Collegiate Ingti- 'rig lae�, weeks at Grand Bend. -M War - or age of - 74 years and 11 months. r.. Hugh Mi . . . . . . . RGALONICiVILL-E NOTES. -Impartial readers Scotchman by birth b He was a hae - purchased him; to head their show -Mr. John Kerr. son,of Mrs. James Kerr, tute, is spending his holidays with his pa,- past sixteen months li�A been in charge of has started out with big -new thresher -and wands. sh ut came to this herd for this season. ays re- OP the Bayfield mission, �preached his farewell of our note's in the past- will we are a re, -Mr. Nelson H of MoKill , who has been here for a couple rents -Mrs. S.. J. Perkin is visiting her sis- is doing excellent w rk.- . William u country when quite a.' yoplig man. He NY" of � week, in St. Jhnis Church, here, to Flynn, turned to Chicago on Friday last. a visiting friends, returns to Van- ter Mrs. H. Searlett, at Owen Sound. -Miss sermon di a few days in Sealorth- not accuse us of intentional desire to injure 'Settlers of the township He took �ongregati( is open in and i me,-, of the pioneer hi 'British Columbia to -day, -where he Blanch McKown t present.�-M. V D. - Hutchison has r-01 f � llett. Having' by good management either the feelings or business interests of o An a sister Aggie With him for a holiday trip. cOuver, )n which Aumbered over 240 of Clinton throne. persons Mal e, an an has a good situation. His brother, Mr. friends and relatives in this vicinity. -The urned tohis post, after visiting at Sw She askei -Aft-s. George Chesney d Mr. Win. Dale, of d d 11i were unable to: t any of our people, and if we have inadvert- and � industry, accumulated a competency, 'an Alexander Kerr,� of Nanaimo, British Col. steam thresher has ag to( entlydone, sowe regretit. No, the pro- he sold his farm some fifteen years the Huron Road, returned home last week am commenced its X I up positions by -forth, Mitchell, Sarnia and Grand Bend.� �go the open WiLndov�s oe,`the church. The re. Joraething I to and retiring from the active duties of Life, ani pen ing a Inc friends in adornment, i prietors of the woollen factory must look after a (11 )nth visiting umbia, and his wife are also here visiting seasons work.-Prdessor J. A James, of Mr. Charilbs Aberhart had. the misfortLitne" friends. Both gentlemen are doing well in Detroit, lectured on How to Read Char- verend gentleman tc�l for his text 2nd Tim- toba. They had, a very enjoyable visit togethisarin broken at the wrist Ab with -a larla more potent sources for lack- of patronage c%me to Seaforth to reside. Hewasahon- the Pacific province and like the country.- acter," in the school house last Monday Othy, 113j'and preached one of those earn-: week at Mr. -David. Hill's threshing. Mr. than the seriblings of your humble servant, est, honorable man and report the crop 'prospects in Southe im; and a good and worthy Manitoba as very promising.�The families Mr. * and Mrs. Coats, of London, are here evening, to a fairly large audience. He also eat and practical sermons which has OMOL Thi- ever wished them, abundant pros- citizen. In relig ion he. was a yt guests Of M done 80 Aberhart was preparing -to cut bads, when It's wing a a Pre b erian just now, the rg. Coats' mother, took u the subjeft of Phrenology and ex- much to attract people to the English of -Messrs. A. Bauslaugh, G. E. Henderson, the platform gave way, he folling n his �0010r. perity. We have, at times, drawn atten- and in politics a staunch Liberal. He Ta number of he", to the satisfac. were Arm. with the above mentioned result. --Quo 5 Wi4o, and a son and matlon by A tion -to; the system of protection, the pet of twice married and hi was 4. - A. Jackson and Donald McIntyre are Mrs. John Ament.-Mr. Jonathan Miller &mine church ervice. A111 denominations camping at Bayfieldi near Jewitt's 0i't.- has disposed of *his interest in the Albion tion of all that were there. represented, and fro ' It around the dis- of the latest novelties in Staft, is a f"ther, but many manufacturers, and the means of I de- daughter " of the first family, survive him. , I Hotel,'Goderich, to Mr. J. W. Marsden, of trict came numbers Jo ;o basing linhitical life and fleecing the Xr. and Mrs. James MeMichaer, Mrs. ple to* hear the fish of hivers kinds, exhibited in Mr. The wing x major- The remains were interrecl in Burns' come- Ingersoll, and retired from that popular gospel of Jesus Christ'. Many staid to 8 Par- Frank Carlires hotel. Mr. Carlin has tWe'L ticipate in the y -1 rs Hi gen John Weir are enjoying Bayfield's breezes. hostelry on the lot of August. -Mr. Jmes celebraiion of the holy com- rig from a spring to the ewe, one ity ,he people of this Dominion during ter , Hullett, on T1 u. day. ial Chesney, and Mr. George Chesney and Mr. - Kippen. pipes runm -uty fort be& the past fourteen years. If this be the sin face and familiar, portly form will be much GANG PLOWS 'For- Aij,-T. Mellis offers munion, held at the close of the service. , 0 t -R and family went out to take the water in and the other f , Ak which has aroused the ire'of those gentle- missed and long remeinlYered e. Mr. Galloway �omerville, of Roxboro, McKillop, finished to all good bargains in his number one gang plows tqI NOW Y10; Much regret is expreosed, not only by the men, and we know of no odier in rakrence friends. Ayfield on Monday to enjoy a couple of In by many to,B cutting his grain on August lot. He has forthe next lnohth. Afull i e of all plow re ire itout, thus having h!eshwaterin the case PA we plead uity and have no ap weeks' cauiping. -Misses Reita Young, nourjust one feld of oats to haul in and he on hand: Call at the Kippen Plow members of the Engli4h church here, but by to them , oi- Shop for all your all the time Travellers are delighted W, 9 bity. She t, Jessie Bethune, Bella Bethune, Kate ough. Last year he finished cut. want". Plow -handles, 09rdS, skimmers. all classes of the community, at the sever it, and say it is unequalled in Ontario.- ogy to offer. Their personal criticisms -we will be thr would b A.FATAL AccIDENT.-A mo., wheels, bolts and castings always on hand at bard ance of the close ties *hich lia-ve bound the Mr. Fred Chubb charmed the good people at nielanehol On niany su can well afford to treat with silence.-NIr. atic i ta Y Broadfoot, Lulu Duncan, Feigns Campbell, ting on August 5th. -The inquest on Mr. time prices. T. Mimis, Rippen- 1890-2 hearts of pastor and -.7 people topether, and of Exeter ith sweet strains from fmt- =a ihI6 a, I accident befell Mr.0-harles Murray, Mrs. Campbell asters Harold Broadfoot, Clark's fire was concluded on Friday night his -Tioin Louis, Reirike1as purchased the house and of Tuckersmith, on Friday last, It M last. As was expected, the jury gave a ver- Sorias. -The b um, of the thresher is once Many pra era go up that God will abundant,- last week. seems orman and Douglas Campbell and Regi- '4 avin ly ble is servant's labors in the town of Wilson !3pent the past week the MP It is nicely, situated, and the lot contains sane farm as his brother John, on the 3rd cc Co - dence was rent to County Crow good vield ang Mi Wretched 4 lot near the 6hrch fromMr. John Chesney. that Mr. Murray, Who was engaged on the nald at diet of atte ted incendiarism. The evi. threshed report fall wheat a tchell, to which pUce the 'Rev. Mr. Ker - more heard in our midst. Those h mmercial,' Byfield. From Bayfield u. Att , 1. -xe-half acre. We beheve it is Mr. Reinke's orney ai concession R. S., Tuckersinith, had Miss Broadfoot will :) to pay a visit to Lewis at Goderich, who forwarded it to the Lfair sample. -Grasshoppers are in great rin goes immediately.-. (*rnlug her intentioa to rent the present dwelling �nd hitched numbers, and are destroying the oat crop YOT-ES.-JR-ard. times 'this year in Ale- so easy, - an up his team after dinner with the �r. Brew�r, of Park- Toronto friends near Clinton. Attorney General's Department build one for himself on the south in end.- view of goincy to work with then. 11�11ile and pastures. A farmer says they are �%Iiss Collie left on, Tuesday for Calumet,' hill is visiting at Mr. Robert Willis'. _,Aliss and Government Detective Rogers has been Killop is the cry. The potatoes are small, -abroad whi n. the act of7pickig tip the lines from the worse this year than they have been for a Hensall. the oat's are light, and the grass -hoppers t1ban good� -Elliott, who has beer sent to work up the case. -Mr. 'Harry Nveeks, has returned _k ri - Lin Campbell left yesterday for Chicago on a OP g are eating th istrange ths Nifichgan, - having been called away� by an ground one of the animals kicked, at ik I visiting at Ingleside I time. -A number of our good citizen BRIEFS. -The weather has been keepin em. badly -The wheat is li tly urgent telegram from her brother who was -him on the abdomen. � for a few to her home Witt His broth theirwivesand children picnicked�at most favorable for threshinj during the tobesold early thL; fall. -Nearly every - - - - - - X rulers Of' tl SG SeVerely injured some time ago, having others who wereworking near by soo er Mi in London, Ontario­�-A young Englishman, visit to his brother. If lie finds the Wind y the lake Thursday last. He daT being past two or three weeks b boughta new top bu -storms �of n came working for some of the horse buyers around City to his liking and can secure a situation ggy, hing, ear had his lecr crushed by the falhitg, of a large to his rese"tie, and conveyed him to the town had quite a time on Main Street, on he intends to. reinain. -During )at e.hg eer . , George W� C, fine all spent a good time boating, Lred in &W condition. -Messrs. sure sign of hard times, if not this year a I M` proving the ast ocured V1 ger, a W� mass of metal. Mr. Collie wa house. Medical aid was speedily pr Monday, Nvith a string of five horses week Bell- Telephones have been pi etc. , and all, having enjoyed the day)s fuil, . wen ers, some other year in the near future, as they nicely till lately, and it. is hoped that noth- and everything possible done -for his relief, , an of acel in returned home feeling that a day a cut for have this'season an unusually large number take a eat deal of the farmer's time away was styled ing very serious has happened to cause the ways - the residences of Messrs: I "I which wanted to go different at differ James . Archibald recreation helps to make life mo�e p easant. of hands t we are ail but all was of no avail, and lie (lied on Sat- ent speeds. With the help of a couple of in Dorrance & Har - present anxiety of his friends here.-Avweek urday niglit. -Although he suffered intense- and A. IM Ingr4m, and ulling flax and yet could give em.- from Ze farm. Messrs. Francis a91a - ly he was conscious until n getting or two a( go Nve advised some of these pre bystanders he finally succeeded i gart�s livery stable. -.Vfr. Joseph Brine, of eaforth, visited p1bymentp to'ever so many more, as t Culla, James Mann, William Hadie states pxe� ast. He was them straightened out. -A large picnic -turday lazt. Air. Brine have such a large area of land and the crop William.Sesman and Thomas Walsh hafe, drurilmrd A the 1. our village on Sa varicating- scribblers and attimp ojj�tom. '-' to pro trated last winter from typhoid fever of young people went to Bayfield on W iting all built brick residen R anybody says he feels as good a man as everbut not so is so heavy. -Miss Racrett is via ces that would be an mend their ways, but we little expected.our for several weeks 'and was at times very young. -Politics have lost none of their vim friends in Brucefield and vicinity. suggestion to bear fruit so soon. aw -The ornament to a city. Daniel Manley has a�_ Ive work bi One of the low, but be fullv rl;vcred from that dis- =my and another, consisting of the f, Bluevale. judqing by the warm discussions of the past Misses Gilchrist have been visiting friends new frame house idso, and W jam Dick- h v ilies of Messrs. A. Young, R. Lumsden' in ha � BRIEFLETS.-Mr. George Doherty week among the local talent. -Everyone is the past week. -Miss son, John S. Brown, William Hogg, Thomas moat incorrigible, however, has sionified, in ease, and was in"thet midst of preparations- Wilson,.J. G. Wilson vent on Wednesday Of in St. Marys during givin- his limited to enter upon a threshing campaign wi a gi 14 'We parted. -11 th his to enjoy the lake breezes. -The grass-hOP- villafte 7 nl_ 0 .. 4 print, his interitionof - 'blinton, is selling a number of oroans in' the wishingfor rain.�When will the in yor ve Wrigley, of London, " the guest of Mrs. C. Archibald, James Scott" and Louis HageY constituenev of readers a cleaner sheet for I-Imfbara ?J� NIT"�v _*LN1ia,,PQ A,�;o -I IAT� e er Us My, in order to give -as a N.IcAllister, or the tom snip of Hay. —Mr. have buil. t new barns, and some of them am -J _� Out, al years or pers arevery unmerpus in this vicinity I the future. We trust he -%vill keep his well age andivas unmarried. He was a son of have returned home from a visit to Clinton. rest these warradays.—Nlr. T. Mellis is now James Sutherland postmaster, and Atm, second to none im the county. McKill now and are be oming very OP At i olei taken resolution, but we fear lie needs a _�Tr. NV, m. Murray, formerly of ruckersmith, th destructive to —Mr. and ' Mrs. Campbell left on Tuesday dealing Sutherland, have been visiting relatives and now has such fine buil i go t at their H�i i out the gang plows to the farmers in d n. 1�.� k e crops, especially to oats and tu h tothe hote inore radical change of heart, as bribed re- but now of Port Findlay, Al d I S N. "ILIPS. of last week,for their new., home in Mani- good shape.—Mrs. Robert Rant has had a friends in the County 6f Oxford during the sured value is more than the assessed Value goma, an W io e eral farmers have cut large fie to the Mi pentance is very likely to prove spurious. — in the past years was familiarly known Ids Of toba.—Mr. Robert Stewart, teacher in the valuable cow under the veterinary's care for past week.—Our enterprising townsinam., of land. and buildings.. The insurance agent to oatg peen in order to get the start of t-beni only a Ifilril school at Willianiston is home for his some two weeks. IM r. and Mrs. James Culurnin- left on Tues- the readers of THE ExPOSITOR. His brother in this waY.—MissAlcColl, of Hamilton, is doeb, livery proprietor, and Mr. and assessor should go t H The cow seems to have Mr. T. Afur ether tyi President= (lay for a trip up the lakes. They expect to John, as we noted last wdek, return Mflays--Mrs. Georg� Haney spent a few lost all power: of '�kinthro'p is just lady; h ed from the guest� of Mrs. James Beattie motion in her hind quar-- Win. Colwell, carriage maker, have now on the Model Farm near Rant be -absent for some weeks, and intend re- Algoma on Thu this week. days visiting friends in Manchester last ters.—TvIr. Win. Jaison, who holds a good fil cc e rsday previous to the sad —A.11ss Mary ieel tri lightsinfiTont of thAr respee- started. If the weather keeps -fine for an - Mg -we th turningby way of Sarnia.—The funeral of accident, and his mother cami With him. a n s in"ba'V of Toroftto, is visiti week.—Mrs. Roberts, of Brussels, spent positioii *� in New York, arrived home on tive place, which is quite an acquisition, as other week they will finish� It consists of Tho prml& Id frie d Sea&th'. Miss Shaw is a Sunday with Airs. Robert McPherson.— Monday to spend a few days among frien well a -s a convenience to pedestrians and we a large number of different grasses. -%Vi14 the late Charles Murray, on -Monday last, It will be a sad affliction, and will mar the daughter of Mr. John Shaw, formerly of da; he Ta e Be e a -ope in was, perhaps, the largest procession tha: pleasure of her visit here, but, nd do The football match played last Saturd also blaster Edgar Whitman, of Detroit, h th near future to see man more mustard is the principal %pkWg crop on the -ver entered our cemetery. His di she will be thankful also that she came in ale c t of evening in Wroxeter, between the Bluev gmud-son of Mr. John-ReMurtrie, is home li nTs along our st gL 9,fo I ' I troIt' rieets —Mr. anY Mrs, farm, to all appeamnee just' -'now. $ome of e rth, i in yond Critic made a profoundly sad impression:'on his time to minister to her son in his lastliours. sit and Wroxoter teams, resulted in a victor on a visit. Bo- th these young men are push- I acarthur, Mr. and G. A Arnold, the G'rits are kicking about Mowat allowing t g g ur y _M � y a aide f a j �1188 st, rl %tea a Ha fairs as th h& for In t y en D Be th t her It any youthful associates in this vicinity, by The decemed was a native of the townshij frl It for BIlievale bY 2 goals to I.—Mrs. F. B. ing their way through, and, like all the Miss Bonthrou and Miss Alacarthur, all of mustard and' daisies to be grown, thus W Ot 8� W sr also real ent, br her h e d 9 of Detroit, Scott was visitin and At to, g in Lisoweil last -Thurs- KipPen boYs, Will soon reach the top rung whom ently at Grand juring �he farms along side. --CON. were camping 'lee -7 R. NXW�