HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-07-13, Page 81� !7� wA i In'OQ T 01 0 1 t ty. 1,894 Tlrlrlm ON' TOR JU HUR 8 As last, by -the -pastor, from the text, 1, Give- cess which attends him F. enables him to sell 'at lowest prices.. He unites �fiusband and wife, in his usual buis- viersar 9 I tende� ervice aet.: Sabbath was 4ell at. Wilson s 0 h Grocery. Brethren cA� the order from differ� *V2dlr"g%r like style. DAY1 4- j 4"N fth. I here for To, o, on Wednesdav erected one- of' his steel. mills for Mr. T. iness The beautiful bride, L;f y Irl. �tl J I - � I . " t week. We understand the -dressed in a rich cream satin dress, looked ent- Courts' Clinton, eii forth,Exeter, Bruce. leron boving places to A Iffaxe just. received oneTraTe of one maner sets, mayest.be no longer s6eward.' Ll;,tp 16 .,V�here-he has secured ago daituationathis Can .3 111"11W nA-.A with the outfit charmina and was attended bv her sister- R d and othdr nei the smstbing extra. Anyone wanting a, good con�lplete 2. An Tine GiscoUrSe IT; pucyNvil rade as a er. y wu"Is nu —A F_ . . I - loublic Miss Eliza, and Milos .Tar� in erices. -189C pAce will do well to see to,. 6er of I.' the s Smer good bargains in plain and decorated Tes and that itre are responsible to a higher power man and a good woi, a d is sure to. do and says he can recommend it to the JULY well wherever he got t iness has been as being a first-class a Cie, both simple and. in beautiful cream cashmere. The groom The. Sabbath- �eing Aue, the . church was _.Sats�a A full line of Gem Fruit Jars at lose for the proper use of our time, �_qvoney, 'W11" uring the past 'dur 'i e Rev. J. S. Hen - and "' ft somewhat dull iii to on the other hand, was assif4ed by Mr. crowded to the doorol- T1 than regular priced. Groceries, we are selling cheap- mentEd ability, physical -vigor, artbou Us cheApost.. Extra value in to% and coffee the farmers hayiiig. - Alex. Moir, of Hay, and Mr. Simp- ders9n, who conduct6d the service, was ih, everything we have and are. Vp are week, as are - N busy I Another lot of that choice sugar son, brother of the bride, and it is needless thefinest of trim, an4 delivered an address We have opened another hip tast in' L 28. lbs. forcibly reminded of the Iiinited dar4tion of The fall wheat is coloring d will be ready Ethel. UP forSI, lacanuettgoo.4 i e best. brands to say that the. functions performed by each which should be long, remethbered, not only Ment of of trult and vegetables in the market, also the best our stewardships, and that each wo.#Id be for the binder �,s soon as the ha,7. is off. -BRiEFs.—Mrs. Fisher, of Hamilton, is goodst uitable for July trade, canned salmon, lobster, Ronan ho4dy, kippered her­� held personally accountable. 'A oodly Mr. Robert Scott is having big residence. on visiting her brother, Mr. John Imla.:—Mr. ere faultless. - The bridal gifts on this oc- by the Society brethren, -but by all who had se 'in- George Imlay . in renewing acqu ermon. - -The - consisting of )ung were en- Goderich street added to and otherwi ilintalfees casion were exceptionally valuable and the pleasure of hearing the 8 bicke It You went a . g( niiinbir of both old and y4 corned beef, pip' feet. turkey, duck led article at� the 10W- tive listeners. —Most of the memberl pf our ove(I.—We are sorry to learn that Mr. B. and making a few new ones. —Mrs. Holland, nunl xtremely high es� pralitical points brou�ht out by the speaker, ask mb. price, we: ean suit you. Some go'W butter if well practiced'bi w L For a really - good Christian Endeavor the Pnion 91 Gunn, who is now in Montreal, is not of oronto, spent a few days with friends in t.im.ate the friencb and relatives - have of the all, mankindwould tend VICTORIA LAWNS � Anted. -good article, Will give a price, as we must have It. meeting in the Methodist chtreh, in fown, regaining Ins health as rapidly as his friends amiable youj�g couple, About 8 -o'clock a a great deal to iiiiiike' k a cold -and selfish this vi Th i collapsing of a neum Iiis 0. WILSON Seaforth. on Tuesday evening, and spent p1b'oant coulddesire.—Mr. John Weir, who has been tire, nday, caused sore isappoint- large procession of rigs drove to Seaforth, world a paradise for .-fallen humanipy.— �ogic,, 'confined to his residence by iUndss for the Grasshoppers are getting very numerous, Bank of ZmnierceL Block. and profitable time dicussing the ment the heart of one i of our youn station, where a crowd had assembled to SPOT MUSLINS ( g extend congratulations and showers of rice, and are causing Considerable damage to the Little Failings." It might be reaslina, ly past two weeks, is recov6r1fig, and we hope bicyclists, who was oil ple bent.—Mr. as a.;ked why such meetings, are co9posed soon to see him around again as usual.— Tait, Of Gorrie, ha ol L Jeda n implement beforetheir departure for Goderich,'where oat crop. —T. Mellis i�l dealing'out the bin- WHITE DRESS DTTCK inet percent. of ladies and confined to Miss Elder and Miss S. -1. McLean are al- shop in the buildin 151y used as h the young people will live for some weeks der twine in good shape to the farmers. Tom 0 before settling down to the realities of always keeps the best, and NO CLOTHINUft two Yenominations of Christian workers. tending the annual convention *of the So iety buthe.r shop.—Mr. ppent Sunday t4e low price, LACES liln Endeavor at Cleveland hi everyday existence. at which he is selling it this season com� Do not Episcopalians, Roman Catholio'q"and of Christi t 8 on the 16th conoessio uite a number IL NS oin the S attended the circus on Tues -ay, at Listowel. mands a ready sale. The following persons Salvationists believe in the same God, �rust week, as representatives fr eaforth V rria. w for the next six VEILINGS .BARGA' No '.in the same atoning Chri4t, and profess to Society.—The pulpit of' the Methodist Mo constitute the 01fic be guided by the same Holy S as church on Sunday evening last was occupied MCKMOP. NOTE.—Mr. J. Kelly had a. big manure months for the Christi Endeavor Society CREAM SILK MITTS Methodists' -and' Presbyterians ? h not by Rev. Geo. McKinley, B. D., of Owen Miss J. Melli's Pr ident; Mr. -James We,have been succesOul insecuringanotherbig COUNCIL MEETING. —council met on June bee on Tuesday' last. —Farmers are busy n bargain lot of all meet in such gatherings and by injitual Sound. His- discourse, which was a most '28th as a Court of Revision, on by-law No. with the hay crop, but it won't !list long Moodie, Vice irside bIr. John Thouip- aid fprwarda common cause ? How will it thou*htful and eloquent one, was very son, Secretary; Mr. as Riley, Treas- LADIES, VESTS WADE UP G.LOTKING, V.; for the assessment of the east corner of this year, as the crop is on tile light side, be in that future land all are cra- ipg to pleasing to those present.—Mr. P. Lennart, at a. great sacrifice to, the maker. We now purpose the township for an outlet to Beaucham many fields not half a crop.—Let every far- urer. The good work done by this Society reach 9—miss Ireland, of Morris, has been a who has been attending the Stratford �Busi- p i to give the: wearer the benefit of our successful dqal. creek, in the township of. ey. By-law mer cut the thistles and burrs oil the road gives the officen good neouragement. SUMMER CORSE -YS Amongst our new lot will be: found Men's Suits worth welcome visitor to friends in this vicinity ness College, has returned home. He has $15, which wa will sell at frio ; Suits worth $11, � for some days.—The beat wishes of oureo- taken the f ull business. course and intends was amended in two -instances where the sides opposite his lot, then it will make a which- we will. sell at V7.76 ; Men's Suits, AILWOOlt $71 amount of land benefitted had not been cor- clean swee ) nd PUtL a top to the seed U MOIRE- SILKS wg.,will aeR at *4.26; Boye"SUIto Wor.tfij80. 50, we pie will be given to Mr.'- Hogarth, tea6her going back in the fall -to take a course in -lawwas finally passed. At spreading all O" -lie time to. SOCIAL PARTY.—A wM - sell at 04,115 - Children's . suits worth $t, we will in Hannah's school, 'who with his estiniable stenography and type wkiting.—Mr. James rect, and the by ver, and now is t A PIT cial dancing party seZatwm Theaboveare &It now perfect goods, bride, formerly Miss Simpson, lauliche(I out Gray, well known throu hout this county, -a special meeting of the council, held'at the do it, when the plants are in bloom.—The under the auspices of the young men of MOTM RIBBONS well made And good linings. We have also gone close of the Court of Revision, account-,, for g&ssboppers are tt, and Dublin will be held in# McKennes hall on tj t a( through the balance of all the stock on ban on the sea of matrimony oil Wednesday and who usually made Aeaforth, ' his head ravel jobs and culverts,, araountilil to are alread te m,% very numerous, y V4 le. music d and T a ing t e turnip crop and Frill e aning, the 20�lh inst. TI AMERICAN SAILOR HATS., &c.. -to be on a par with oppii!g, (own by" Brodhagen's String markiii down the pricev, so im last. quarters, died a few days the ue.w,.IoL Now is. your golden opportunity for of Refuge in Strb6throy. Mr. Gray was well 9149.79 were paid by cheques on Treasurer. or the pasture fields at a great will il'be provi( clothing. Next meeting of council to be held on Mon- rate. - They seem to be worse than they Band, and a good time, is expected. PRESBYTERY bF HupoN. —This Pre�ll)jery educated and of a quiet and ge day, August 6th, at 1 o'clock in the after- were last year. The cattle fly also is a ter- WM. PIKRD e inst. Mi. disposition, and'vas a, m6st skilful and com 4net in Brucefi6ld on th 10th noon, at Jones' hotel, Leadbury. Trustees rible pest too, and last buC iri5t leasit the The Stock i very npiete in ever accountant. But for his unsteady Jcol 'Seaforth. Shaw was.appointed�Moderator f6r the en- hp= he might have occupied a high . are requested to send in the total required potato bug has not forgotten how to go for ITFutis.—Elections atie now over, and peo- departnIent. suing six months. `0cm missioners to the P081- for their Sections, exclusive of the Govern- the potato patch. 'Notwithstandini the tion in both business 'and social circles.— pie have come down fi�m their lofty atti- Assembly reported their attendance on the Mr. and Mrs. John McAllist' ment grant, before the Ist, of August.. very cool weather of late all the above pests tude �o their past staulting, and everything er, of Hensall, :eting of the Supreme. Court. The com- -as lively and industrious as —Mr spent a couple of days in town this week, are ever. . is oing as smoothly before. —HiLying is mittee on the superintendence of students, Brucefield. J. Young intends going to the Old C= now the order of the Afty, and all hands inith i daughter,Mrs. Arthur Forbes. ut4=04 :reporred the following tudents within the vi8i ing eir NENY T.-,,moR SHOP.—I hereby wish to an- ao ith Mr. Parker's cawo of from the cradle up h - sonlething to do, as Edwa':rd McFaul... r.1bavid. Doren-ce, principal of the Har- ung wil ll�;unds, Mr. W. T.all, a theological nounce to tne surrounding public that I have open- blrn'Y� I help to attend to the ani- -work is a necessit for a time.—Miss student who is SUPPLly ing Bayfield and riston public school, is here his ed &custom tailoring shop nearly opposite Dixon'a mals on board.—Wingham -was the centre Florenpe Turner, o as been residing in SEAFORTH. DISTRICT MATTERS. Bethany, and Mr. David Buchanan, who is holidays. He had an average of seventy Hotel, and am prepared to give satisfal'or work in of attraction on Thursday. They should to be certified to thib authorities 'of Knox pu ils in his room during the last quarter, the tailoring line at moderate prices. WN, be pleas- the county townn for t past 1hree months, anN still h,, don�t look over-worked.— ed to haveyou call. .B.McDoNALD. 188�4 have fired off the cannon that camefrom has returned, ace .!ied',1jiy her cousin, College as a student of the' first year liter- BREVITIES. -2Miss Kate -Walker, of War- Ottawa, to see how it could thuilder. iss Mabel Newco —Mr. . Orr has AssomTitN oTEs.—The subject of the ary course. Mr. Buchan I an holds a degree An interesting game of lacrosse was played ences by the active members, intersper-Red New York State, is- visiting at the in eh.%pe of a little with suitable music, occupied, otof the proper keeping. of the Sabbath -Day. 'will be from the Unversity (agricultural depart_ orf the ' recreation grounds in this saw Stanley. quite a curiosity , i in. 11 taken up in open discussion at next Sunday mentl. Mr. And' son gave, notice that at tOwu on T4esday evening last b home of her sister, Mrs. Edward Papell.— wooden ma4i, which is put into activity, he time. The topiq citills for the weekly, er etween pray - Dr. Elliott, of Chicago, is visiting in our Loc.ALiTm,3.—On Friday Imt.1%irs. Thomas claims, by an electric - tery, which causes er meetings of the Society, for the �att;;r evenino,'s meeting. Ali welcome — open next meeting he would move "tha in the the junior and senior Beavers. Althou ,meeting. Thebatliswillinfuturebe open future the Presbytery shall hold its r tVe . *He 'always re- Fraser receivell'the sad intelligence of the it to perform many diferent feats. e - ha of this year are already in the handsf egular the seniors won by five goals to none, d H in . U d Friday evenings, and Sat- es a hearty elcome aniong us. —Mr. death of her mother, Mrs. Malcolm Cam- t ds hay' ' it at thq 'ffe Wednesday an meetings in Clnton." The following are game was at times very close, -and. during ceiv en ing I I rent fairs this the members. The cards are veryeatly de- Thomas Fraser is laid up with an attack of ercin, of Dakota. The family formerly lived fall. We AongratulaflT John on his in- urdity afternoon and evening.- All who the standin* committees for the year: most of the time the " kids " kept the old ilted as well as very handsomely gotten up. euma, ism the regular business meeting of the So - have free use of the baths are entitled , to Rome Missions—Mes-ars. Martin (con.) fellows h.ustling.=Mliss Maud Jones arrived inflammatory rh t* . He is recover- on the second concession of Stanley. She geni.iity. two baths per week if clesired. Bathers are Fletcher, Carriere, ministers, and James home from Toronto on Tuesday. last, on a in& although unable to work.—Miss Fannie leaves behind her a husbaud and five child- ciety held in the vestry of the, Church on -n McGregpr, visit to her parents and friends.—The em- us, it was decidea requestedto make use of Wednesdaand Hackney, John Strang and Joh Fotheririgham, of Port El 8 spend* ren to mourn her loss. —Mrs. R. Young, of Step4en. Monday evening previo her vacation at home. —Mr.Vmi. McDona,15 Harriston, is visiting at the home of her I to coone the prayer -meetings during the i Friday ch as possible to- ployes, of Messrs. Bright Brothers enjoyed WHAT THE COUNCIL A evenings as mu Pre- elders. State of Religion—blessrs, Stewairt , Avs BEEN DoiwG.— an Mr. Win. McQueen, school teache mother, Mrs. D. Fraer.—Farmers are now vent overerowding on Saturday evening.— (con), Hamilton, Dr. Ure, ministers, and their annual picnie kt Bayfield on Tuesday. ..d rs, At the last meeting of ithe township council hot -weather strictly to half an hour. The are spending their vacations at their homes. busily engaged at having. The crop, al- ive�c —bir- George Good,. jr. is spending his tenders were re,,!e members should bear this in mind and gov- CON. George Swallow, Alexander Reid,'elders. for the mud creek ok holidays at Wingbam.—Mrg. Meyers, of —Xr. John Jaihieson and wife, of Edin- though goo , is not a; heavy as last year.— drain. There were folii, viz : T. ! Haftnell;_ ern their tongues accordingly. We hare a. Temperance,—Messrs. J. A. Anderson, TuzRE�s LiFz i.N Him YET. —Our reader - (c6n.') R. Henderson, McLean, ministers, Miss Aggie Kidd, of burg, Dakota, arrived in Brucefield on Mrs. Jacob Haim, ton J. Laws d C tealfe. member or two who- read very long vefer- Wednesday last. They will visit in the 'Me Lima, Ohio, formerly r visited, last week, at B. Jhns andJames Buchanan, Gordon Youug,jr., this town the home of her brother, Mr. Alexander The contr rall will be greatly pleased. to leax.t is visiting und,er the parental act. Was xwarSledaltlo: Mi. J. Law- ence sometimes a whole chapter, but this at- should generally be discouraged, esp ly &� vigorous and characteristic lette.- Richaril Somers, elders. Sabbath Schools, roof.—bliss Re nolds, of Wingliam, is visit- village for a short time.—Miss Aggie Be Thompson.—Mr. Donald Grassick raised his son for # $1.484. on �iotion of Mdssis. R. ecial which ap", in another columil.3, tha. —Messrs, Acheson, (Con.) J. A. McDonald, Ing Mr. and airs. W. Somerville, at pres� tie, of Westminster, is visiting at the home -nevv barn yesterday. It will, when finished, icks and A. 8�ehwetftr. The Reeve and if the chapter is Y, ion one. The ideal South iluron s. Arch. Bishop is becornin�- ministers, and T.Rellis, R. Drysdale elders. ei�t .—Mr. Bauslaugh has on exhibition a of her sister, Mrs. Scott.—The meeting of be a fine building. Mr. Hood, in the same Treasurer were authoriz.ed to borrow $2-000 prayer meeting gives 3 the members a tjle Huron Presbytery was held in 1Ynion neigh rhood, has his ew barn nearly com- f ur ent e- n es unlil the -taxes of the chance, and th4�y �11 take it.—Mr.L. himself a am We are pleased to be %,bit; Sabbath Observance. —Messrs. Musgrave, very fine group picture of the first and see. bO re r xpe s -Harold to state tc i4r. Bishop is recovering, and (Conve' at , hurch on Tuesday last. pleted. nor,) Barr, Shaw,ministeis, and John ond elasses for this year at the Collegi e present year are avail4le. The clerk was will represent the Society at the great Cleve - h h still very � weak, he is nla Institute, with the teachers.—Mis M. gai gr Campbell and Samuel Carnoeban, elders. authorized to instruct.the engineer to ex- land Convention. alt oug be as gooa Finance. — Messrs. Shaw, (Convenor,) Dr. strength daily, and hopes soon to Bacoul of Montreal, is at present a guest a Blake. amine the water coursli'on W. Millen's and -FOLIT1cAL.--­:The wicked Tories are still 4 Tuckersmith. ' to the L as ever. He was missed in the recent South Mconald, Musgra-ve ministers, and S. Car- Maple Hall.—Meswrs. S. Barton & Son, of GARDE -N PARTY. —The people of Blake H. Shank'� property, and to - report grinding their teeth in,vexation and repiorse this town, have just turned out a handsome dry accounts tile ever the defeat,, of their candidate in the a presence in the earn- nochan, 'John Wilson and J. Campbell Presbyterian church intend holding a gar- council. After passing sun Huron election, as hi L.iwx SoCL&L.—The young people. of Tur- ner's -church intend holdin an excellent would have added a good many3votes elders. Superintendence of Students.— new delivery wagon for Mr. John Dodds, of i party in Mr. G. Douglas' oychard on 'ouneil adjourned until -Monday, August -y), recentelection. 'There is. no better evidence social at the residence of Mr. � W. Crich, der ii� Reform side, but although he was Dr.'McDonild, (Convenor,) . Stewa�rt, Me. Frid�y ta�ening,'July 20th. As this or6hard tot e the Seaforth Pop Works. It is handsome, of the, spuriousness of their loyalty, and Of on Tuesday, July 17th, at whibii there will . not with us in person he was in spirit. Lean, Fletcher, ministers, and John Wilson well made and has on it all the most modern is an excellent place for the purpose, find Gor#e. the rottennesfi of their professed anxiety for I be the usual refreshments, ice criam, lemon- -the future welfare of the country, thail the 'ow, R. Somers and J. Hackney, devices for convenience' and lightness of ade, bananas, water -melons, candies, pea. G.Swall the people of Blake spare no pains in making Edward James, who - WELL Dosm—Mr. James Ingram, the elders. Syste imiti6 Beneficence. —'Messrs. 'draught. Itw6uldbeacredit to the best e a success of 'anything they - undertake there has been very ill for so�ne tilne, is conval- &cttliat they cannot acceptan honest de. nuts etc. The admission tick t entitles fe teacher of School Section No. 1, Tucke- McLean, (Convenor,) McKay and R. Hen —The.Twelfth of July I is no reason why this'sbould not be the best 8 4 at and bow to the will of the majority. ity establishments. also to cake and coffee. The vouug people esdent. Hi in ny frie.nds were much pleaa� smith, and & former student of Seaforth derson, m -inisters, and R. Somers, Joh passed over very quietly in these parts. The garden party ever held in these. parts, and ed. to see his fahiiliax foym on our street$ There are a nundber belonging to two dif- P . are doing their beat to make it a success, ferent classes who, are kicking themselves Collegiate Institute, has been awarded see- Horton and Gordon Young, elders. Chris-' Orangemen of 8eaforth'and the southern and. fill tTiat is necessary is to have a good all wishing an evening's outing should make again. —Mr. George Pe0ins, son of Mr. H.. a or yLed in the'recent ond prize for the best time -table suitable for tian, Endeav-or.—Messrs. J. S. Henderson, p rt of the county spent the day at Park- f, the part which they PIS crowd. Everybody should come, for it will the best useof this opportunity. The com- Perkins, post-hiaster, 0orrie, is home from a rurtil. school. The competition was con- '�Convenor,).Martin, Acheson, ministers, and hill, while.thos ofthe north went to Wing- be the great�st treat of the season. In or- mittee have already a lengthy programme, Belleville,­11cLaughliki & Co., have, so far, canipaign. Tho fprinciple for rn- al,' 'Robert McArthr, John Straug ad as ham.—Mrs. Win. D. Trott -has retu and there will also be a good band in' attend- ne ductedy the Toronto Educational Jou Thom' xned to der to make things lively and interesting failed to see r the thi4f who stole- $50 from the sake of nationality, and only gained de. feat. The other the Templars, %-wallowed and Mr. Ingram receives the distinction Iviell; -is, elders. The next m eetmig is to be town, fter monihs' absence spent in vie- ance. their store a short tim(, & & to there will be singing by the choir, instru- ao.—Some person or persons stole $40 4- missionary mone amongavery. large number of candidates held in' tou on September 11th, at 10:30 iting friends. —We are requested state ental music on the piano, and the Clinton their professed iemperance principles and forth6honors. The judges -were the prin6i- ol6lock a. m. that the collection in Millhill U. P. church, m voted for the whiskey eandl�ste and the brass band will also be present. Bayfleld. from the Methodist chu z pals of the ProvinciiI Normal Schools. referred to in these noU)A last week was whiskey ty allL WEST END NoTEs.—Dominion Day was Bnmzy Locms.--Miss Stuart, of Toron- thieves have been quito� successful in tb i - par , d gained nothing unless it There was so larae a number of competri- f,215 13s. 4d. instead of f,115 Ils. as stated. b pt.—Wh were not the tar FLAx BINDER TwINE.—Pure three cord celebrated in various ways by thepeople to, accompanied by her two little neices, pilferings in our illagifin the past, and we tors that it took several months to examme I —Seaforth vs. Stratford cricket clubs and faggots which the truly awflax, Eureka -Flax Binder Twine. The prices of the P lay here. A nuitiber picnicked at Bayfield, Marcruerite,and May, are visiting at the suppose this accounts for recent thefts; A the papers. Mr. Ingram is to be highly above reduced and sapply limited. Leave your ordeT a match game on the recreation grounds on - others took in the sights at Clinton, while a resiTence of Dr. 86nbury. —Misses Li . . s effort should b L made to capture had prepared ignited on the -night of the congratulated on his success, early. JouxsoN BRo. issm - Saturday, 14th inst., wickets pitched at 10 zzie NrIgorotl 26th? Cal anyone tell? Whyinott-he HOUSE FOR ShLE.—For sale cheap, the few vieftell �the circular town.—A largre Biggart and Mary Walwain have returned the guilty pe�soii or prsons this tiihe, that �h 0 o?elock a. m� Admission free. All lovers (lancing croiA gathered at the ba;rn of 16. from Detroit.—Mr. McPherson and Miss justice may be mete4 out,Mr. Robert Exeter baud, whic hiil been engaged for THE TowN FATHERs.—The town. council r6sldence on Jarvis Street, formerly owned, �y the of the game. are cordially inviter]. —Messrs. the occasion, parade on our streets? -On It is large, comfortable and Harry Cu(biore last Wednesday night.. Kate McPherson of Norval, Ontario, were Baird, who has spent *early ten years in met on Monday evening. for the transaction late Thomas Sharp. MeMann & Archibald intend to ship forty Dancing appeared to be the pr week.— California, is visiting -?.Onder the parental the other hand, why did the Reform Coln- commodinus and has all modern conveniences an4 horses tc�the old countr on Monday. incipal attrac- visiting at Mr. John Waser's last mittee room 1-ing with three loyal cheers for of business. It was resolved to grant the III be soldfor half of what it Is worth. Apply too y tion, and was vigorously en agecl in until Rev. J. T. Kerrin, of Trinity church, de- and roof. OldFa.ther Ti;n is dealing gently -the member use. of the council chamber free to the RoBzRT LOGAN, Sealorth. 138i-tf the Queen, for Mowat for HLv . roil Medical Association. the early morning hours ie music was livered a very_ eloquent sermon to the vith Robert.—Mr. Nelhon McLaughlin, our elect,)J Why did the Reformers then quietly -By-laWS MULLETT & JACKSON for - -Harvest Tools, DIEDI.x 1vLA.NITOBA. 'The many friends.of furnished by X. Vorsythe and others.—bliss Orangemen and Young Britons on Sabbath baseball twirler,. went 0, Goderich on Do- etaMishing & lookup in the towi*1bUI1dm 9, Mitts, Binder Whips, Machine Oil, etc. jUL disperse to their homes without noise or "'8" Mr. and Mrs. Win. Co9per, formerly of the Roatley, of Winchelsei, is visiting at the morning, from the text, " Prove all things - million Day, to partic' ate match. The parade The Reformers are men and their authorizing the sale of the BethwfOproprty THE party who took, without leave, 4 Mill road, Tackersmith, but now of Bien- residence of Mr. Ceorge Crich. --Mrs. and hold fast that which is good." � St. Unions defeated the- pderich ieam by a to F. Holmested, confiroling-the sale of the good horse collar from the stable of Mr. J. R. Jack. iiiit M ito manliness is nowhere better seen than in the - ectric light plant to Messrs. Scott Bros. son, Wil in Street, Sea: an ba, will regret to learn of tha Miss Tilt, of Blair, visited. relatives here Andrew's church was crowded to the doors sc6re of i3 tw 4.—The Fordwich football magnl . . el Ila forth, will pleatic return the P au-mity with"which they treat a failn. same at once and save further trouble. 1387-1 death of their third son, Frederick G. Coop- last week.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles, Cosens, on Sabbath both morning 4nd evening, to team and our boy play, d a ,"match in our and authorizing the raising by way of as- s village, last Saturda 'ening, which result- foe.—Com. WE have secured the sole control of er. Mr, Cooper died in the general hospital sr., of Listowel, visited Air. N. Cosens last hear Mr. W. T. Hall, of Toronto, who i y bN sessment the suni necessair ' y for stre.et-water. Winn's Children's shoes for Seafilrtb. Thqy- are at Winnipeg, on June 306h, of acute in- week.—. Mrs. Joseph Townsend is -Visit . ing stationed here for the anulimer.—The sixth ed in a draw, each obtaining one goal. —On ing -were passed. Councilor H�wksluvw Monday of this week bf. without doubt the beat children's shoes made in flainniation. He had for the past three relatives at BayfieU anniversary of the organization of the Bay- 1% J. Sander -on had Vaima. was instructed to inspect the working. of the Canada for the money. R. WILLts, T- Coventry'i olq years been an employe of the Canadian ----------- O.— field corps of the Salvation Army, was cele- a bee hauling brick for �iis new,house,which Goderich watering cart and to report to the stand. 1387-1 GARDNx PART)r.-=The anual garaen. Pacific Railway at Winnipeg, and was high- brated in the barra6ks and Town hall oil hels erecting in the noAh end of our town. %r Y, ouncil as to the advisability of having -a XR P. S N jTR Greenway. pi t under the auspices of St. jolnl�,s CEX AL P I 0 P E MANIIJA ly esteemed'by his fellow workmen. Re Sunday and Mond --:-The brick, work on Anderson's new IN ay. Officers and soldiers Church, Varna,will be held in Mrs. Secord7 test on our own streets at the expense of BtN.DER Tw have in stock a carload of the FIRST Slass smoked Ham, home cured was just entering manhood, being only '-20 froni neighbori�g towns took parL—Mr. brick residence is b*g prosecuted with the buittler. A number of accounts were above Twine, which we will supply to farmers at 8c. Bacon, beet Cheese, Flour, Corn and Out-I'lleal, Me. When completed orchard, on Thursday evening, the 19th j 0 John Jowett, Bit, ill be a pplendid 'programme P per pound, -factory prices ; runs from 600 to 650 feet years -and 3 weeks of age, and was a promis- Call,Bros. - No. 1 Lardine Oil for liale at the B @ton Tfield's expert. wbe6lsman, considerable! despatch. inst There wi passed and the council ad ourn to the pound. The cheapest Manilla, Twlue In the ' n. . The remains were interred has been confinel: to ;he past Mi. ..Anderson will have one of the best of * IIng young ma store. Prices reduced for cash. 1387-1 bed during I vocal music, and the cemmittee have se - market Call and examine. JonNsox BRos. 1387.1 houses in the village.—The Rev. Mr. Moore - in. Estevan, wherehis parents now reside. LOCAL NoTEs. — Mr. Thomas Stinson visit! week as a result of takin a, swim after eurea the services of the Seaforth brass BURGLARY—A daring burglary as coni- MR. William Pickard of the bargan'l L dry The sympathy of many Huron friends will ed frien6 here last week �--Misses Al . racing on Dominion Day.!�%Lr. A. 0. Pat- house, of Ingersoll, is v�,.siting friends in our band ; their reputation is a sufficient guar- mitted at the house of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- goods house has purchased the stock of Noble T ice be extended to the breaved ents and and incle tison, of Clinton, took his weekly whiff le Wi. liams, John street, near the cornpr of Main Cluff, at the ver low rate of 48J cents on the dollaf ar Carrie Wilson are visitinT their-\- :'Of village.—Mr. Joseph lFergusoil, of Bur- antee that a magnificent tin IL goyne ' is sp L il be pro� Al comparatively new goods. and will offer f Mt� T. .Stinson at Bayfiel .--:-Our Atiblic Bayfield breezes on Sunday.—Mr. Huston, endi vided for all who attend. street earlWednesday. morning. It seems or thi� falhily, ng a fe� days with friends. , i Tponth, some of the greatest,bargains ever given to —A correspondent also writes We re- school closed last week and from the Ilispec.; of London, a former'teacher here, spent laFit Ue,Was very popular -%ihiiii lie was clerking NO1ES._,Miss -ance of Zurich that Mrs. Hiams was awakened by he& r- the people of Seafbrth and vlainity. Look e tor's report,, the trustees are highly pleased week in town.—Mrs. Jennings, of Bay City, for McLaughlin & Co. .t. f ing some one moving ab6ut the house. She advertisement in this issue. Hard times ar:tmileatIn gret to announce the death of Ellen,; the be- is visi ing ormer friends in i� th'e neighbor - a manner surprising to all, at PioxARD & with the progress of the scholars under the accompanied by her son, is a guest at the spoke to her husband, but he did not Co's. 1887 Yoved wife of -Mr. John Dodds, which sad hood.—.Mr. and Mrs. R. M,�Cool, of HAr;- - Wakeri, and she called louder. This fright- D upamc� the months of L July ind August event took place at her home in Brookdale, administration of Miss Laura Bsker.—Grace residence of her father, Mr. T. J. Moore- HenspM. rington, spent the -first at Bayfield, enjoying. &fy church wasfilled to over4lowing last Sab- bouse.—Mr. James Donaldson h ved BRiEFs.—Tbe farmeeg in this section are. the breezes of Lake Huron. ened the thieves and they dectimped. When. we will give extraordin bargains in all kincys pf Manitoba, on Wednesday, June 920th, at 10 as impro slimmer shoes. Cash only. R. Witims, T. Coventry's o'clock P. in. Death resulted from a balb. The Orangemeil of 219 and some the appearance of his mill by the addition busily engaged in securing their hay, which ORANGE SERm-ox.—The English Church the old couple got Up they found the whole com- old stand. 1387-1 from 1210 Moray and 1097 Parkhill met of a set of sliding doors.—Seven gentlemen is a good, fair crop, house ransacked and the pockets in the liealion of -diseases. The deceased had although not as heavy at -Varna was crowded to excess, many be - clothes of their son anct another young man Eeen ailing for some time, but was supyosed there o listen to Dr. Bea,umont, who from Texas are expected at the. River hotel as last year's. The wh6at crop is also in ing unable to secure seats, and standing LOCAL BRiEFs.7--Next Sunday, 15th, Mrs. -to be in a fair way to recovery, and her preached from the text ; Ist Joshua, 6th this week. Verily the fame of Bayfield's places almost, if not qitite, fit for cutting.— room was at a discount � on Sunday laid. who stays there, but both of whom. work on refA, Brigadier Mar etts,. wife of the Provincial eath was very sudden and � un' verse ; "Be strong and of good c urage." breezes has spread over the face of Business is ra all turne � 111181 e out. The bti,r-. 9 - d expected. On 0 ther quiet.in our. usually stir-' he occasion was a special sermon preached glara 0 'in J Officer for West Ontario, will lead meetings The sermon wits instructive and interest- the earth. — Mr. J. W. Erwin, wife ring village, the famerii being too busy to to the Orkngemen of the district by Re Friday, June 15th, she took seriously ill, taiined . in cash, but did not take V. all day in the Salvation Army Barracks. and, in spite of all that fnedical skill could ing.—Mrs. Beamail, nee Miss M. A. Stin- and family, of Clinton, spent Monday at the do much shopping oi; marketing. — The J. T. Kerrin, of Bay -field. Rpresentath�es anything else. They obtained an entrance Meetings at 7 a. m., 3 P, M. P. son, and Mrs. J. D. Wilson, of Aurora, Il- lake.—Pi;nic parties from Clinton, Sea- hbo. through a small, window which had been left do, she continued to grow worse, and be- Orangemen of this.place and neighborhood were present from many nei op Ali are welcome. —Messrs. Good Bros of came unconscious several hours before the Iftiois were expected to arrive in Parkhill last forth, Staff&, 2nd concession of Stanley, and celebrated the 12th by goin , 4 to Parkhill, to : and all marched frorn the Llol�ne rroom. to the en'L and left by the door. They seem to this town, have removed their stock" of end, when, without any apparent Mon -day, but have been delayed on ac- the members of the 'Front Road Presby-, join their brethren in spending the day in boots and shoes from Brussels and hae open- her spirit took its flight in peace. In her true Loyal Orange style. . The, Hillagreen Ra have been acquainted with the- prei se' struggle, count of the strike in Chicago.—While fix, terian church, occupied the grove on Thurs. church, the - brethren being in regalia but there is no clue, so far as we can learn, Worshipful Master W athwell womin to their identity. edoutinWigliam. r. George d dying hour she, was surrouilded by sorrow- ing a hay fork in his barn last Friday, Mr. day. lodge afio came here t6'catch the mornmi command. Everything was done to secure I attending to the transfer. —Miss JeAr0e0y(, ";l1f, )uld 0. H. Wilson received an ugly wound in his (From. Another Correspondent.) train for Wingliam, whb ing friends and relatives, but none cc , re the day, was =0 the comfort of the brethren in the church, Buffalo, was visiting -friendL8 in town ast stay the hand of eath. The deceased was cheek. The fork slipped and came down being celebrated, and .�oth lodges treated: seats being reserved for them. Huuos MEDrCAL-AssocL',Tro-,,.—Tbe re DEATH OF, MRS. EDWARDS.—It is our The service .9- -week and part of this. —miss McAdam, of the youngest daughter of M" ith full force, striking his face. panful duty this week to record the death irrin -music nging un er ular meeting. of the Hurou Medical Associa- r. and Mrs. .7 our villagers to some st before was very hearty, the al d thelead- tion was held here on Tuesday, in the Coun- Detroit, was visiting the family of Mr. � S. ]'David Mack, of Crberry, and came to L of Mrs. H. F. Edwards, -,kife of ne of our leaving for Parkhill' and �Wingham.—Mr. ershi,p Of Miss Maud McNaugton being Barton this week.—The Presbyterian eboir Manitoba about t4ree years ago. he was merchants which occurred on Mon W. C, Smith, barrister' has returned from excellent. Mr. Kerrin k for hi xt, cil Chamber and was attended by a large P. I Blyth. tADO s are enjoying their annualpieme at Bayfield born in the to nship of Hay, ty of The sad event 4&y Seaforth, where he w"s ending a, couple of 11 Timothy, 1-13. It is safe to sa number of medical men from (h eren see- V oun afternoon, the 9th ffist. was y that no ff to-ft�The Band of Hope, in charge of BREVITIES.—MiSS M gie McQuarriie i 9 Orange tionsof thecounty. Thechairwasoce -ie M Huron, and died �n the bloom of woman- ag 113, not wholly unexpected as the deceased h84 weeks' vacation dw e hdated season, finer sermon was ever preached in -id rs. . - Logan and Miss Cowan, picnicked hood, being only 29 years of age. � Sh we are glad to state, improving, though and her and ed his usually ac- this by the Pres ent, Dr . Turnbull.'of Ii. ton e was slowly.—A quartette club from here drove been ill for some months previous, has pnee more resum of L district. The discourse lasted for over programme,,- - co LLL in Case's grove on Tuesday.—Th� English married to Mr. John Dodds, of- Brookdale, death M' . tive duties and practice.—Mr. Johns, an 4oar, and and an. interesting sed of was looked for at an�,st' Church Sunday School held their annual to Wifiglia,in on Friday evening last. A iZe ro it Mr. H. Cook's the conpreatioR were intense - reports of cases and discussion thereon, was Jo L on Aril 7th, 1893. Oar departed friend Edwards was a native of 8 havin Guelph, has been VISIL I%& ly interested. The following questions picnic in Mr. lin Scott's grove, Roxbord, good time wai put in.—Mr. W. W. Sloani. been bom there on October 26th, 18'26, aul during the past,vi e is favorably im- taken art inby all �reseAt. A special fea- was highly repected by all who.. had the were touched upon : lot, Was thei� any ture o the meetin as an in, on Wednesday afternoon last.—The Bell pleasure of . her -'acquaintance. :The dear of Toronto, was in town last weeki—Rev. ,had lived in Bayfield for some seven years, ressedwith our village and residents.—The neces�ity for the formation -of ch i , R. N Aructive pa- Mr. Higley preached a serm sit an nsti- 3er by Dr. G tf Sol , any has this week placed an sister, the W'arm friend, the loving, wife so F, 0� Ila Telephone Comp gh, of 'Toronto, on revious to which she resided in Strathroy. awn social held under'the auspices of' the tution as the Orange Order for !the protee- instrument in J. A. Clark's bakery and put y evening last. The Epworth Leagu Mr. Coads lawn, n the subject of diphtheria. Those who had fond and true, is gone forever from thoEe to — gervice was conducted on Tuesday ' evening e,- on tion of the relWous �riberties of the people; another in Clff & Bennett's factory, re- whom she was so much and the'llome she brass band enlivened the town considerably Monday evening last,; was ell attended, 2tid, Is there any necessity for its .the privilege of listening to the,paper con placin an utoinatic instrument.—Mr. and loved so on Friday evening by playing outside. —bliss by Rev. J. T. Kerrin, of Trinity church, at enjoyabl continu- -a M 1% well. She will be sadly inissed in e time was spent by all - 3rd, What are the ep es Sider iVone of the best ever presented at rs is�t which a large number of friends attended. and a most auce pecial liberg of Toronto, are the guest' M. Smith,.milliner at the Mammoth House, The funeral took place to Brucefleld station, that it is souglif to preserve, re they vital neeting of the Association. In the discus- M 8 of the home she used -to cheer and brighten. both on the lawn and 11. the church, where r. and Mrs.' L. L. McFaul this left for her home in Brussers on Monday, tere tin& literary. and musical pro- The -first question brought out an intensely to Mr. George Good, who has been rusticatin - sympathy of the community in this, his par- mil teresting account of -the 40.1reurn- sionwhiclifollowed allusion was macl week.— the bereaed husband has the heartfelt to lin Wednesday morning, at 6 o'clock, thence a very in s beg tak� her holidays.—Miss Mabel Jameson is to Strathroy cemetery, where Rev. F. G. am the fact that the Huron district has pro gr me was carried out, after all had in Winghava, , was -in town the in- hour of trouble. Although her ta at present visiting friends in Leyden --Mrs- Nev;ton, formerly of Bayfield, offliciated at taken of the refreshinints provided. The stances which gave rise to the Refom ti duced two of the leading, throat �pecialists 6, on nig of the week. — Miss, Aggie McIntyre, of Brookdale was of short durati6n her in G. herlock, of Winnipe th ormance of the last funeral rites. proceeds go toward th4i'fund for the eree- and the forming of -the Orange Order, which in Athericaj -Dr. O'Dwyer, of New York, ind e perf 'Operation of ill- merlyMiss F. Floody, Mrs. R. Dunbar -.—Mr. W. K - Hog- made it whose of the the Toronto General Hospital, who has been nd genial dispositiot-11 will nevei be forgot- Manitoba, 'for Mrs. Edwards leaves a husband and one tion of the new chureNz clear to all that there was a neces- sp-en'ta formerly Miss J. McQuarrie, are both home pi,e di g her holidays here, returned to To- �en, He m=ry -will ever live and be son to mou " her loss. th public school te 0�her, an ion ; the speond y.—Mr. D. D. Wilsolf ph knew at - present visiting parents and friends.—, i -ion and the instruftienti'for the sa , ronto oil Wednesda, rn d only son of sity for such an organizgi have given him %Vl B. Roggarth ageJ -was mar- and -third points were ably dealt with by the div Mr. E. D. Chamberlain is running a restaur- L I known famil ried on Wednesday last to Miss Margaret cher, and he-closedith an earn ap. tubat a world- "de reputation, has sold his we! erishe in hearts of those wh6 r, rr., of t&s Vill and Dr. McDonagh, lecturer in laryngology y her I The funeral took place on Fri- Kippen. �est r day, une 922nd, to the Carberry cemetery, Bi.xDER TwI.NE, Fop. ALL. T. lellis to the brethren. After the service was Canada,. Both were sons of farmers ho and was attended by a large concourse of i's v'ting would remind all that his lar of Binder r . —Kr. Archibald Dick -son, on of Mr. H. Crittenden, of Atwood, wi at Toronto University, who is well known eramith Simpson, (dau h F ed " to Mr J. Spfoait, of Tuck ant in opposition to Mr. Allen just now. — ter of: Mrs. A. Simpson, of' =1 s McKillop,) formerly a teacher in out over the brethren returned to thei' looge Ohn Dickson, of Roxboro has opened Inourning friends and relatives, Twine has come to hand, which for quality and, public school here.—Mrs. where -the usual vote of thanks- was arnong the early settlers in the Huron MJ friends in town last week.—A large number ye supply T. Jackson and room, distrit, Dr. O'Dwyer beh a native of the a law offlace in Blyth. Mr. - 'Dickson -is a from here- celebrated the 12th of July in price cannot be excelled. There is a big reduction two children, and -' her brother, Mr. Win. tendered to the Rev. Mr. Kerrin, for hgable township of Stephen, anditr 1cDonardi a clever young ma., and the people of Blyth Wingham on Thursday.—Miss E. Taman, Of in prices this year, so that the home market will be Crawford and his wife, all of Ripley, are ermon, and Also to the'visitig brethren for d Vicinity will find him not only a capable Fa�rquhar. Detroit, returned home this week,—The the cheapest thia season. Call and get your suppiv. native of the township of Colborne. Th;re. steers are being watered daily now by Jim T. MyLhis. 1386.2 -visiting at Mr. crawfords. London road.— ,their attendance. —Com. and trustworthy legal practitioner but -it LOCAL —The picnic lield in Mr. John Shirray, of i Detroit, is home at are many other such instaces illustrating good citizen. We have no doubt he will do 'Mr. T. Henderson's grove last week was, in Davis, NOTES.—Haing is now in full swing, and present, Visiting his mother, Mrs. Shirray, the stuff Huron boys ae made of. 0 0 the fine weather has favored the -work so —The Brocksden cheese factory in North well in so progressive a town as Blyth.— all respects, a grand success. The children's well that the farmers will have Of Hay townslip.—T N1 r. Nelson Hays, son of Mr. T. F a good sup. he Miss" MeEwen, Easthope i� -doing a rue ' na business this 14,'(­%f0XDVILLE NOTF.i.—We would suggest �Fays, of Vaces were good, but when it came to the Walton. ply of good hay.—Fall wheat is fast ripen- teachers; and daught6sclf Mr. J�hn year. The factory is�o'v ly Robert M. that a sign be placed outside the office of McKillop, who has a good position in Chi- trustee's race e)�citenieilt ran high, and if . GARDEN PARTY.—A garden party will be and has every appearance of Ewen, are home spending their vacation.— Balantyne, and ta cago, and who is one of old Huron% sons bhe public were inclined to betthere innfil being a Mr. Rose of near OtUwa, is visiting at Mi. a a.� ri section of the the "Port of E-ritryin town, if on.Man would, lieldatthe Methodist Parsonage, Walton, crop, the last few days being greiitly in township, eight in! � cirriers being employ- -who is doing his Illative county - credit in a f street, and a finge�-boaxd to direct the way, fio doubt, have been a good deal Of monev n,-xt' Tuesday evening. After tea a first �ohn Mckwen�s.­Mr. 'Louis Harold, Grand ed. The make an average of twenty cheese forei lad, is at prese�nt here on a visit.— olianged hands oil this race.' A ver favor of the filling of the golden heads.— y if on a back alley as business men have not y inter- class musical concert -will be given, one of Threshing machines are beginning to move Trunk Railway agent, of this village, is a day, with twen�y-fivecln Mondays. The Mr. G,ovenlbck, of the Ingersoll High psting game of football was -played between spending a couple of weeks' holidays. been iible to locate it yet., though the 2nd of School, is at present spending his holiday h the principal attractions of which wiR be to %ad from the repair shops, which reminds away receipts of milk are 2 000 pounds more daily July is a thing of the past. - Or -perhaps it t, e married and singl� men of this place, numerous choice selections by the famous us that. -the season$ are passing. Messrs. —Mr. W. Wood, son of Mr. ,Tohn Wood, of r a, r we -vicinity. e- 4ud some very good playing was done on Tuckersmith, and who is attending trat with friends in ihis 8 are to run two cheese is three more thin last year. None ridge ha co enced the brick work on oth sides and- upon tirne being called MATRIMONIAL. — On Wednesday after- machines this season.—Alfoin but white cheese is made at this, faetor uld be bette for those prevaricating Mr. Gutt Seaforth Brass Band. Thompson Brothers than last yea nd the daily output, of scribblers and stuinp orators to cease Carmichael's new"block. The front is being "ther side had r. feter Grant *9 ford Business College is also home for his l 1611—oull i ells n 4 y no wh i th ipt, evil and learn �to do well in the future. �Tli failed to score. James noon, Ilth inst., a most joyous affair took more than busy spplying all in need vacation. e faced -with press -ed red brick and will' ia with which has now been five or six inost nobby outfit'in this viGinity is that of ve Purdbu, who has successfully taught the place at the home of Mrs. ',Simpson, near his (lelicious currants and berries. Peter (BY an Occasional Correspoisdent-) yearsn an imposing and attractive appearance.— ubl i . operation and has acquired an nviabl, the.Misses piclat, since their purchase of a p ic school in this section for a number Of Walton, being the celebration of the inar- can do that in good shape.—Mr. John ed CHRISTIAN ENDF-AvO4--The Young Peo- reputation. The total make to date is.iii i store, whiclizivas recently : y Mr. Ault iias hi' Le 8 stylish driver from Mr, D-. 1). Wilson. — ears, has resigned, with the intention, we ;i,,,ge of her fifth daughter, Miss Maggie, lost a valuable milch cow shortly after pie's Society of Christia,�'Endeavor held its the vicinity of 7.00 boxes,�and the.,storeroom damaged by fire, completely renovated ;and elicVja, of studyin medicine. We wish 0 in Mr. o asement contained 400 kli&ses Maggie and Jessie IM&Dclugall have 9 erly a teacher of Hensall Public school, calving. I , Lt4eds refused $49 f r her a regular consecration service in the -b 'boxes on-Aursday, last week. really for occupancy. It looks as good as tim-success, as he is a whole souled, jolly to Mr. W. E. Roggarth, the very efficient few (lays before. —Mr. Thomas Riley,, who of C ag, The whey of the factorY is sold to Mr. W. been holidaying with relatives in Goderioll new. Mr. ult will occupy it himself, and ainel churchon Sunday eveni July towaship for the past' -week or two.—Miss i�, I - - 400d follow -who has always shown himself teacher of abool Section No. 7 Tucker- is in the emnlov of Mr R B V;,T-. I st The ttendance was ve in in a'"Al" f AN -nvivoh L__ 1J &.1arge and well- agect any good cause while in smith, and only son of Benjamin Hoggarth, while engaged pi king cherries, had the ount of ry g porkers, r S. r. willing f, help on, Maggie Sproat's health has been the ,fwve c 9, a s Hugh Grieve, in addition to his large imple- �his';--.neighborhood. mis. than usual, partly, no doubt,, on ace pigge , containing 430 yun man —Mr. P. Mudge, the Es .,,of Hensall. At 4 o'clock a moit gay fortune to fall froin the tree,tbe con the- oppressive heat. The meeting was led some distance- away. Both facto f anxiety to her many friends for a couple in incs as put sequence ry and ent bus, s, h disposed of a lar num- ivin4mill king, has been compelled to hering having assembled, t sore back by the President, Mr. D. Stewart, and was pi ry are conducted on the. highestseie de�- esifils, lis en do- son, the Zhurch was preached on Sabba ur of weeks. —One of the most able and in- ber of new buggies and carts of t e most on two extra gangs of men this summer, officiating clergyman, Rev. J. S. Hen for some days.�Mr. Shaffer is busily en- of the usual character, the calling of Zc 'principles, and the care that is taken tno a I festive gat he being that he will have to nurse a pressive sermons ever delivered in o fancy and modern d Q i sea�on. Mr. owing to the large business he has be of, Hensall, assisted by Rev. . Mr. aed looking up a, car load of pigs for Mr. roll. by the Secretary, Miss Jessie Moir, and prevent waste of any kind is a revelation to, in advance Forest, of. Walton, tied the knot which gRlite, of Mitchell.—The Foresters' anni- the re&ding of the re�ponsive Bible refer- a person unused to such things. th evening Grieve is a hustler, an 1e deserves the sue- jug, and his' paying for all order headquarters Chicago Univ,e A- Hamlin, DJI both members' dligrant the riatialls anpolh ca in iseafthip. Th IV) purity- a"$ ....... ....... do with publi as Wif ment inust be party'ams c ot annot r simply the le 1) P Part in tbic? sthat the Chri itizenship 1 oi nothing dblit cial Ae the -8 the _cQ -whomhe- that. Chris to bring abo was gard the nat, prot'valt it 11 private ,chm ulaiss of. those and to insist to -sit in tleavor the iz� a nob To and an � inem the eaTth., ----- - - - - - - .... A !7� wA i In'OQ T 01 0 1 t ty. 1,894 Tlrlrlm ON' TOR JU HUR 8 As last, by -the -pastor, from the text, 1, Give- cess which attends him F. enables him to sell 'at lowest prices.. He unites �fiusband and wife, in his usual buis- viersar 9 I tende� ervice aet.: Sabbath was 4ell at. Wilson s 0 h Grocery. Brethren cA� the order from differ� *V2dlr"g%r like style. DAY1 4- j 4"N fth. I here for To, o, on Wednesdav erected one- of' his steel. mills for Mr. T. iness The beautiful bride, L;f y Irl. �tl J I - � I . " t week. We understand the -dressed in a rich cream satin dress, looked ent- Courts' Clinton, eii forth,Exeter, Bruce. leron boving places to A Iffaxe just. received oneTraTe of one maner sets, mayest.be no longer s6eward.' Ll;,tp 16 .,V�here-he has secured ago daituationathis Can .3 111"11W nA-.A with the outfit charmina and was attended bv her sister- R d and othdr nei the smstbing extra. Anyone wanting a, good con�lplete 2. An Tine GiscoUrSe IT; pucyNvil rade as a er. y wu"Is nu —A F_ . . I - loublic Miss Eliza, and Milos .Tar� in erices. -189C pAce will do well to see to,. 6er of I.' the s Smer good bargains in plain and decorated Tes and that itre are responsible to a higher power man and a good woi, a d is sure to. do and says he can recommend it to the JULY well wherever he got t iness has been as being a first-class a Cie, both simple and. in beautiful cream cashmere. The groom The. Sabbath- �eing Aue, the . church was _.Sats�a A full line of Gem Fruit Jars at lose for the proper use of our time, �_qvoney, 'W11" uring the past 'dur 'i e Rev. J. S. Hen - and "' ft somewhat dull iii to on the other hand, was assif4ed by Mr. crowded to the doorol- T1 than regular priced. Groceries, we are selling cheap- mentEd ability, physical -vigor, artbou Us cheApost.. Extra value in to% and coffee the farmers hayiiig. - Alex. Moir, of Hay, and Mr. Simp- ders9n, who conduct6d the service, was ih, everything we have and are. Vp are week, as are - N busy I Another lot of that choice sugar son, brother of the bride, and it is needless thefinest of trim, an4 delivered an address We have opened another hip tast in' L 28. lbs. forcibly reminded of the Iiinited dar4tion of The fall wheat is coloring d will be ready Ethel. UP forSI, lacanuettgoo.4 i e best. brands to say that the. functions performed by each which should be long, remethbered, not only Ment of of trult and vegetables in the market, also the best our stewardships, and that each wo.#Id be for the binder �,s soon as the ha,7. is off. -BRiEFs.—Mrs. Fisher, of Hamilton, is goodst uitable for July trade, canned salmon, lobster, Ronan ho4dy, kippered her­� held personally accountable. 'A oodly Mr. Robert Scott is having big residence. on visiting her brother, Mr. John Imla.:—Mr. ere faultless. - The bridal gifts on this oc- by the Society brethren, -but by all who had se 'in- George Imlay . in renewing acqu ermon. - -The - consisting of )ung were en- Goderich street added to and otherwi ilintalfees casion were exceptionally valuable and the pleasure of hearing the 8 bicke It You went a . g( niiinbir of both old and y4 corned beef, pip' feet. turkey, duck led article at� the 10W- tive listeners. —Most of the memberl pf our ove(I.—We are sorry to learn that Mr. B. and making a few new ones. —Mrs. Holland, nunl xtremely high es� pralitical points brou�ht out by the speaker, ask mb. price, we: ean suit you. Some go'W butter if well practiced'bi w L For a really - good Christian Endeavor the Pnion 91 Gunn, who is now in Montreal, is not of oronto, spent a few days with friends in t.im.ate the friencb and relatives - have of the all, mankindwould tend VICTORIA LAWNS � Anted. -good article, Will give a price, as we must have It. meeting in the Methodist chtreh, in fown, regaining Ins health as rapidly as his friends amiable youj�g couple, About 8 -o'clock a a great deal to iiiiiike' k a cold -and selfish this vi Th i collapsing of a neum Iiis 0. WILSON Seaforth. on Tuesday evening, and spent p1b'oant coulddesire.—Mr. John Weir, who has been tire, nday, caused sore isappoint- large procession of rigs drove to Seaforth, world a paradise for .-fallen humanipy.— �ogic,, 'confined to his residence by iUndss for the Grasshoppers are getting very numerous, Bank of ZmnierceL Block. and profitable time dicussing the ment the heart of one i of our youn station, where a crowd had assembled to SPOT MUSLINS ( g extend congratulations and showers of rice, and are causing Considerable damage to the Little Failings." It might be reaslina, ly past two weeks, is recov6r1fig, and we hope bicyclists, who was oil ple bent.—Mr. as a.;ked why such meetings, are co9posed soon to see him around again as usual.— Tait, Of Gorrie, ha ol L Jeda n implement beforetheir departure for Goderich,'where oat crop. —T. Mellis i�l dealing'out the bin- WHITE DRESS DTTCK inet percent. of ladies and confined to Miss Elder and Miss S. -1. McLean are al- shop in the buildin 151y used as h the young people will live for some weeks der twine in good shape to the farmers. Tom 0 before settling down to the realities of always keeps the best, and NO CLOTHINUft two Yenominations of Christian workers. tending the annual convention *of the So iety buthe.r shop.—Mr. ppent Sunday t4e low price, LACES liln Endeavor at Cleveland hi everyday existence. at which he is selling it this season com� Do not Episcopalians, Roman Catholio'q"and of Christi t 8 on the 16th conoessio uite a number IL NS oin the S attended the circus on Tues -ay, at Listowel. mands a ready sale. The following persons Salvationists believe in the same God, �rust week, as representatives fr eaforth V rria. w for the next six VEILINGS .BARGA' No '.in the same atoning Chri4t, and profess to Society.—The pulpit of' the Methodist Mo constitute the 01fic be guided by the same Holy S as church on Sunday evening last was occupied MCKMOP. NOTE.—Mr. J. Kelly had a. big manure months for the Christi Endeavor Society CREAM SILK MITTS Methodists' -and' Presbyterians ? h not by Rev. Geo. McKinley, B. D., of Owen Miss J. Melli's Pr ident; Mr. -James We,have been succesOul insecuringanotherbig COUNCIL MEETING. —council met on June bee on Tuesday' last. —Farmers are busy n bargain lot of all meet in such gatherings and by injitual Sound. His- discourse, which was a most '28th as a Court of Revision, on by-law No. with the hay crop, but it won't !list long Moodie, Vice irside bIr. John Thouip- aid fprwarda common cause ? How will it thou*htful and eloquent one, was very son, Secretary; Mr. as Riley, Treas- LADIES, VESTS WADE UP G.LOTKING, V.; for the assessment of the east corner of this year, as the crop is on tile light side, be in that future land all are cra- ipg to pleasing to those present.—Mr. P. Lennart, at a. great sacrifice to, the maker. We now purpose the township for an outlet to Beaucham many fields not half a crop.—Let every far- urer. The good work done by this Society reach 9—miss Ireland, of Morris, has been a who has been attending the Stratford �Busi- p i to give the: wearer the benefit of our successful dqal. creek, in the township of. ey. By-law mer cut the thistles and burrs oil the road gives the officen good neouragement. SUMMER CORSE -YS Amongst our new lot will be: found Men's Suits worth welcome visitor to friends in this vicinity ness College, has returned home. He has $15, which wa will sell at frio ; Suits worth $11, � for some days.—The beat wishes of oureo- taken the f ull business. course and intends was amended in two -instances where the sides opposite his lot, then it will make a which- we will. sell at V7.76 ; Men's Suits, AILWOOlt $71 amount of land benefitted had not been cor- clean swee ) nd PUtL a top to the seed U MOIRE- SILKS wg.,will aeR at *4.26; Boye"SUIto Wor.tfij80. 50, we pie will be given to Mr.'- Hogarth, tea6her going back in the fall -to take a course in -lawwas finally passed. At spreading all O" -lie time to. SOCIAL PARTY.—A wM - sell at 04,115 - Children's . suits worth $t, we will in Hannah's school, 'who with his estiniable stenography and type wkiting.—Mr. James rect, and the by ver, and now is t A PIT cial dancing party seZatwm Theaboveare &It now perfect goods, bride, formerly Miss Simpson, lauliche(I out Gray, well known throu hout this county, -a special meeting of the council, held'at the do it, when the plants are in bloom.—The under the auspices of the young men of MOTM RIBBONS well made And good linings. We have also gone close of the Court of Revision, account-,, for g&ssboppers are tt, and Dublin will be held in# McKennes hall on tj t a( through the balance of all the stock on ban on the sea of matrimony oil Wednesday and who usually made Aeaforth, ' his head ravel jobs and culverts,, araountilil to are alread te m,% very numerous, y V4 le. music d and T a ing t e turnip crop and Frill e aning, the 20�lh inst. TI AMERICAN SAILOR HATS., &c.. -to be on a par with oppii!g, (own by" Brodhagen's String markiii down the pricev, so im last. quarters, died a few days the ue.w,.IoL Now is. your golden opportunity for of Refuge in Strb6throy. Mr. Gray was well 9149.79 were paid by cheques on Treasurer. or the pasture fields at a great will il'be provi( clothing. Next meeting of council to be held on Mon- rate. - They seem to be worse than they Band, and a good time, is expected. PRESBYTERY bF HupoN. —This Pre�ll)jery educated and of a quiet and ge day, August 6th, at 1 o'clock in the after- were last year. The cattle fly also is a ter- WM. PIKRD e inst. Mi. disposition, and'vas a, m6st skilful and com 4net in Brucefi6ld on th 10th noon, at Jones' hotel, Leadbury. Trustees rible pest too, and last buC iri5t leasit the The Stock i very npiete in ever accountant. But for his unsteady Jcol 'Seaforth. Shaw was.appointed�Moderator f6r the en- hp= he might have occupied a high . are requested to send in the total required potato bug has not forgotten how to go for ITFutis.—Elections atie now over, and peo- departnIent. suing six months. `0cm missioners to the P081- for their Sections, exclusive of the Govern- the potato patch. 'Notwithstandini the tion in both business 'and social circles.— pie have come down fi�m their lofty atti- Assembly reported their attendance on the Mr. and Mrs. John McAllist' ment grant, before the Ist, of August.. very cool weather of late all the above pests tude �o their past staulting, and everything er, of Hensall, :eting of the Supreme. Court. The com- -as lively and industrious as —Mr spent a couple of days in town this week, are ever. . is oing as smoothly before. —HiLying is mittee on the superintendence of students, Brucefield. J. Young intends going to the Old C= now the order of the Afty, and all hands inith i daughter,Mrs. Arthur Forbes. ut4=04 :reporred the following tudents within the vi8i ing eir NENY T.-,,moR SHOP.—I hereby wish to an- ao ith Mr. Parker's cawo of from the cradle up h - sonlething to do, as Edwa':rd McFaul... r.1bavid. Doren-ce, principal of the Har- ung wil ll�;unds, Mr. W. T.all, a theological nounce to tne surrounding public that I have open- blrn'Y� I help to attend to the ani- -work is a necessit for a time.—Miss student who is SUPPLly ing Bayfield and riston public school, is here his ed &custom tailoring shop nearly opposite Dixon'a mals on board.—Wingham -was the centre Florenpe Turner, o as been residing in SEAFORTH. DISTRICT MATTERS. Bethany, and Mr. David Buchanan, who is holidays. He had an average of seventy Hotel, and am prepared to give satisfal'or work in of attraction on Thursday. They should to be certified to thib authorities 'of Knox pu ils in his room during the last quarter, the tailoring line at moderate prices. WN, be pleas- the county townn for t past 1hree months, anN still h,, don�t look over-worked.— ed to haveyou call. .B.McDoNALD. 188�4 have fired off the cannon that camefrom has returned, ace .!ied',1jiy her cousin, College as a student of the' first year liter- BREVITIES. -2Miss Kate -Walker, of War- Ottawa, to see how it could thuilder. iss Mabel Newco —Mr. . Orr has AssomTitN oTEs.—The subject of the ary course. Mr. Buchan I an holds a degree An interesting game of lacrosse was played ences by the active members, intersper-Red New York State, is- visiting at the in eh.%pe of a little with suitable music, occupied, otof the proper keeping. of the Sabbath -Day. 'will be from the Unversity (agricultural depart_ orf the ' recreation grounds in this saw Stanley. quite a curiosity , i in. 11 taken up in open discussion at next Sunday mentl. Mr. And' son gave, notice that at tOwu on T4esday evening last b home of her sister, Mrs. Edward Papell.— wooden ma4i, which is put into activity, he time. The topiq citills for the weekly, er etween pray - Dr. Elliott, of Chicago, is visiting in our Loc.ALiTm,3.—On Friday Imt.1%irs. Thomas claims, by an electric - tery, which causes er meetings of the Society, for the �att;;r evenino,'s meeting. Ali welcome — open next meeting he would move "tha in the the junior and senior Beavers. Althou ,meeting. Thebatliswillinfuturebe open future the Presbytery shall hold its r tVe . *He 'always re- Fraser receivell'the sad intelligence of the it to perform many diferent feats. e - ha of this year are already in the handsf egular the seniors won by five goals to none, d H in . U d Friday evenings, and Sat- es a hearty elcome aniong us. —Mr. death of her mother, Mrs. Malcolm Cam- t ds hay' ' it at thq 'ffe Wednesday an meetings in Clnton." The following are game was at times very close, -and. during ceiv en ing I I rent fairs this the members. The cards are veryeatly de- Thomas Fraser is laid up with an attack of ercin, of Dakota. The family formerly lived fall. We AongratulaflT John on his in- urdity afternoon and evening.- All who the standin* committees for the year: most of the time the " kids " kept the old ilted as well as very handsomely gotten up. euma, ism the regular business meeting of the So - have free use of the baths are entitled , to Rome Missions—Mes-ars. Martin (con.) fellows h.ustling.=Mliss Maud Jones arrived inflammatory rh t* . He is recover- on the second concession of Stanley. She geni.iity. two baths per week if clesired. Bathers are Fletcher, Carriere, ministers, and James home from Toronto on Tuesday. last, on a in& although unable to work.—Miss Fannie leaves behind her a husbaud and five child- ciety held in the vestry of the, Church on -n McGregpr, visit to her parents and friends.—The em- us, it was decidea requestedto make use of Wednesdaand Hackney, John Strang and Joh Fotheririgham, of Port El 8 spend* ren to mourn her loss. —Mrs. R. Young, of Step4en. Monday evening previo her vacation at home. —Mr.Vmi. McDona,15 Harriston, is visiting at the home of her I to coone the prayer -meetings during the i Friday ch as possible to- ployes, of Messrs. Bright Brothers enjoyed WHAT THE COUNCIL A evenings as mu Pre- elders. State of Religion—blessrs, Stewairt , Avs BEEN DoiwG.— an Mr. Win. McQueen, school teache mother, Mrs. D. Fraer.—Farmers are now vent overerowding on Saturday evening.— (con), Hamilton, Dr. Ure, ministers, and their annual picnie kt Bayfield on Tuesday. ..d rs, At the last meeting of ithe township council hot -weather strictly to half an hour. The are spending their vacations at their homes. busily engaged at having. The crop, al- ive�c —bir- George Good,. jr. is spending his tenders were re,,!e members should bear this in mind and gov- CON. George Swallow, Alexander Reid,'elders. for the mud creek ok holidays at Wingbam.—Mrg. Meyers, of —Xr. John Jaihieson and wife, of Edin- though goo , is not a; heavy as last year.— drain. There were folii, viz : T. ! Haftnell;_ ern their tongues accordingly. We hare a. Temperance,—Messrs. J. A. Anderson, TuzRE�s LiFz i.N Him YET. —Our reader - (c6n.') R. Henderson, McLean, ministers, Miss Aggie Kidd, of burg, Dakota, arrived in Brucefield on Mrs. Jacob Haim, ton J. Laws d C tealfe. member or two who- read very long vefer- Wednesday last. They will visit in the 'Me Lima, Ohio, formerly r visited, last week, at B. Jhns andJames Buchanan, Gordon Youug,jr., this town the home of her brother, Mr. Alexander The contr rall will be greatly pleased. to leax.t is visiting und,er the parental act. Was xwarSledaltlo: Mi. J. Law- ence sometimes a whole chapter, but this at- should generally be discouraged, esp ly &� vigorous and characteristic lette.- Richaril Somers, elders. Sabbath Schools, roof.—bliss Re nolds, of Wingliam, is visit- village for a short time.—Miss Aggie Be Thompson.—Mr. Donald Grassick raised his son for # $1.484. on �iotion of Mdssis. R. ecial which ap", in another columil.3, tha. —Messrs, Acheson, (Con.) J. A. McDonald, Ing Mr. and airs. W. Somerville, at pres� tie, of Westminster, is visiting at the home -nevv barn yesterday. It will, when finished, icks and A. 8�ehwetftr. The Reeve and if the chapter is Y, ion one. The ideal South iluron s. Arch. Bishop is becornin�- ministers, and T.Rellis, R. Drysdale elders. ei�t .—Mr. Bauslaugh has on exhibition a of her sister, Mrs. Scott.—The meeting of be a fine building. Mr. Hood, in the same Treasurer were authoriz.ed to borrow $2-000 prayer meeting gives 3 the members a tjle Huron Presbytery was held in 1Ynion neigh rhood, has his ew barn nearly com- f ur ent e- n es unlil the -taxes of the chance, and th4�y �11 take it.—Mr.L. himself a am We are pleased to be %,bit; Sabbath Observance. —Messrs. Musgrave, very fine group picture of the first and see. bO re r xpe s -Harold to state tc i4r. Bishop is recovering, and (Conve' at , hurch on Tuesday last. pleted. nor,) Barr, Shaw,ministeis, and John ond elasses for this year at the Collegi e present year are avail4le. The clerk was will represent the Society at the great Cleve - h h still very � weak, he is nla Institute, with the teachers.—Mis M. gai gr Campbell and Samuel Carnoeban, elders. authorized to instruct.the engineer to ex- land Convention. alt oug be as gooa Finance. — Messrs. Shaw, (Convenor,) Dr. strength daily, and hopes soon to Bacoul of Montreal, is at present a guest a Blake. amine the water coursli'on W. Millen's and -FOLIT1cAL.--­:The wicked Tories are still 4 Tuckersmith. ' to the L as ever. He was missed in the recent South Mconald, Musgra-ve ministers, and S. Car- Maple Hall.—Meswrs. S. Barton & Son, of GARDE -N PARTY. —The people of Blake H. Shank'� property, and to - report grinding their teeth in,vexation and repiorse this town, have just turned out a handsome dry accounts tile ever the defeat,, of their candidate in the a presence in the earn- nochan, 'John Wilson and J. Campbell Presbyterian church intend holding a gar- council. After passing sun Huron election, as hi L.iwx SoCL&L.—The young people. of Tur- ner's -church intend holdin an excellent would have added a good many3votes elders. Superintendence of Students.— new delivery wagon for Mr. John Dodds, of i party in Mr. G. Douglas' oychard on 'ouneil adjourned until -Monday, August -y), recentelection. 'There is. no better evidence social at the residence of Mr. � W. Crich, der ii� Reform side, but although he was Dr.'McDonild, (Convenor,) . Stewa�rt, Me. Frid�y ta�ening,'July 20th. As this or6hard tot e the Seaforth Pop Works. It is handsome, of the, spuriousness of their loyalty, and Of on Tuesday, July 17th, at whibii there will . not with us in person he was in spirit. Lean, Fletcher, ministers, and John Wilson well made and has on it all the most modern is an excellent place for the purpose, find Gor#e. the rottennesfi of their professed anxiety for I be the usual refreshments, ice criam, lemon- -the future welfare of the country, thail the 'ow, R. Somers and J. Hackney, devices for convenience' and lightness of ade, bananas, water -melons, candies, pea. G.Swall the people of Blake spare no pains in making Edward James, who - WELL Dosm—Mr. James Ingram, the elders. Syste imiti6 Beneficence. —'Messrs. 'draught. Itw6uldbeacredit to the best e a success of 'anything they - undertake there has been very ill for so�ne tilne, is conval- &cttliat they cannot acceptan honest de. nuts etc. The admission tick t entitles fe teacher of School Section No. 1, Tucke- McLean, (Convenor,) McKay and R. Hen —The.Twelfth of July I is no reason why this'sbould not be the best 8 4 at and bow to the will of the majority. ity establishments. also to cake and coffee. The vouug people esdent. Hi in ny frie.nds were much pleaa� smith, and & former student of Seaforth derson, m -inisters, and R. Somers, Joh passed over very quietly in these parts. The garden party ever held in these. parts, and ed. to see his fahiiliax foym on our street$ There are a nundber belonging to two dif- P . are doing their beat to make it a success, ferent classes who, are kicking themselves Collegiate Institute, has been awarded see- Horton and Gordon Young, elders. Chris-' Orangemen of 8eaforth'and the southern and. fill tTiat is necessary is to have a good all wishing an evening's outing should make again. —Mr. George Pe0ins, son of Mr. H.. a or yLed in the'recent ond prize for the best time -table suitable for tian, Endeav-or.—Messrs. J. S. Henderson, p rt of the county spent the day at Park- f, the part which they PIS crowd. Everybody should come, for it will the best useof this opportunity. The com- Perkins, post-hiaster, 0orrie, is home from a rurtil. school. The competition was con- '�Convenor,).Martin, Acheson, ministers, and hill, while.thos ofthe north went to Wing- be the great�st treat of the season. In or- mittee have already a lengthy programme, Belleville,­11cLaughliki & Co., have, so far, canipaign. Tho fprinciple for rn- al,' 'Robert McArthr, John Straug ad as ham.—Mrs. Win. D. Trott -has retu and there will also be a good band in' attend- ne ductedy the Toronto Educational Jou Thom' xned to der to make things lively and interesting failed to see r the thi4f who stole- $50 from the sake of nationality, and only gained de. feat. The other the Templars, %-wallowed and Mr. Ingram receives the distinction Iviell; -is, elders. The next m eetmig is to be town, fter monihs' absence spent in vie- ance. their store a short tim(, & & to there will be singing by the choir, instru- ao.—Some person or persons stole $40 4- missionary mone amongavery. large number of candidates held in' tou on September 11th, at 10:30 iting friends. —We are requested state ental music on the piano, and the Clinton their professed iemperance principles and forth6honors. The judges -were the prin6i- ol6lock a. m. that the collection in Millhill U. P. church, m voted for the whiskey eandl�ste and the brass band will also be present. Bayfleld. from the Methodist chu z pals of the ProvinciiI Normal Schools. referred to in these noU)A last week was whiskey ty allL WEST END NoTEs.—Dominion Day was Bnmzy Locms.--Miss Stuart, of Toron- thieves have been quito� successful in tb i - par , d gained nothing unless it There was so larae a number of competri- f,215 13s. 4d. instead of f,115 Ils. as stated. b pt.—Wh were not the tar FLAx BINDER TwINE.—Pure three cord celebrated in various ways by thepeople to, accompanied by her two little neices, pilferings in our illagifin the past, and we tors that it took several months to examme I —Seaforth vs. Stratford cricket clubs and faggots which the truly awflax, Eureka -Flax Binder Twine. The prices of the P lay here. A nuitiber picnicked at Bayfield, Marcruerite,and May, are visiting at the suppose this accounts for recent thefts; A the papers. Mr. Ingram is to be highly above reduced and sapply limited. Leave your ordeT a match game on the recreation grounds on - others took in the sights at Clinton, while a resiTence of Dr. 86nbury. —Misses Li . . s effort should b L made to capture had prepared ignited on the -night of the congratulated on his success, early. JouxsoN BRo. issm - Saturday, 14th inst., wickets pitched at 10 zzie NrIgorotl 26th? Cal anyone tell? Whyinott-he HOUSE FOR ShLE.—For sale cheap, the few vieftell �the circular town.—A largre Biggart and Mary Walwain have returned the guilty pe�soii or prsons this tiihe, that �h 0 o?elock a. m� Admission free. All lovers (lancing croiA gathered at the ba;rn of 16. from Detroit.—Mr. McPherson and Miss justice may be mete4 out,Mr. Robert Exeter baud, whic hiil been engaged for THE TowN FATHERs.—The town. council r6sldence on Jarvis Street, formerly owned, �y the of the game. are cordially inviter]. —Messrs. the occasion, parade on our streets? -On It is large, comfortable and Harry Cu(biore last Wednesday night.. Kate McPherson of Norval, Ontario, were Baird, who has spent *early ten years in met on Monday evening. for the transaction late Thomas Sharp. MeMann & Archibald intend to ship forty Dancing appeared to be the pr week.— California, is visiting -?.Onder the parental the other hand, why did the Reform Coln- commodinus and has all modern conveniences an4 horses tc�the old countr on Monday. incipal attrac- visiting at Mr. John Waser's last mittee room 1-ing with three loyal cheers for of business. It was resolved to grant the III be soldfor half of what it Is worth. Apply too y tion, and was vigorously en agecl in until Rev. J. T. Kerrin, of Trinity church, de- and roof. OldFa.ther Ti;n is dealing gently -the member use. of the council chamber free to the RoBzRT LOGAN, Sealorth. 138i-tf the Queen, for Mowat for HLv . roil Medical Association. the early morning hours ie music was livered a very_ eloquent sermon to the vith Robert.—Mr. Nelhon McLaughlin, our elect,)J Why did the Reformers then quietly -By-laWS MULLETT & JACKSON for - -Harvest Tools, DIEDI.x 1vLA.NITOBA. 'The many friends.of furnished by X. Vorsythe and others.—bliss Orangemen and Young Britons on Sabbath baseball twirler,. went 0, Goderich on Do- etaMishing & lookup in the towi*1bUI1dm 9, Mitts, Binder Whips, Machine Oil, etc. jUL disperse to their homes without noise or "'8" Mr. and Mrs. Win. Co9per, formerly of the Roatley, of Winchelsei, is visiting at the morning, from the text, " Prove all things - million Day, to partic' ate match. The parade The Reformers are men and their authorizing the sale of the BethwfOproprty THE party who took, without leave, 4 Mill road, Tackersmith, but now of Bien- residence of Mr. Ceorge Crich. --Mrs. and hold fast that which is good." � St. Unions defeated the- pderich ieam by a to F. Holmested, confiroling-the sale of the good horse collar from the stable of Mr. J. R. Jack. iiiit M ito manliness is nowhere better seen than in the - ectric light plant to Messrs. Scott Bros. son, Wil in Street, Sea: an ba, will regret to learn of tha Miss Tilt, of Blair, visited. relatives here Andrew's church was crowded to the doors sc6re of i3 tw 4.—The Fordwich football magnl . . el Ila forth, will pleatic return the P au-mity with"which they treat a failn. same at once and save further trouble. 1387-1 death of their third son, Frederick G. Coop- last week.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles, Cosens, on Sabbath both morning 4nd evening, to team and our boy play, d a ,"match in our and authorizing the raising by way of as- s village, last Saturda 'ening, which result- foe.—Com. WE have secured the sole control of er. Mr, Cooper died in the general hospital sr., of Listowel, visited Air. N. Cosens last hear Mr. W. T. Hall, of Toronto, who i y bN sessment the suni necessair ' y for stre.et-water. Winn's Children's shoes for Seafilrtb. Thqy- are at Winnipeg, on June 306h, of acute in- week.—. Mrs. Joseph Townsend is -Visit . ing stationed here for the anulimer.—The sixth ed in a draw, each obtaining one goal. —On ing -were passed. Councilor H�wksluvw Monday of this week bf. without doubt the beat children's shoes made in flainniation. He had for the past three relatives at BayfieU anniversary of the organization of the Bay- 1% J. Sander -on had Vaima. was instructed to inspect the working. of the Canada for the money. R. WILLts, T- Coventry'i olq years been an employe of the Canadian ----------- O.— field corps of the Salvation Army, was cele- a bee hauling brick for �iis new,house,which Goderich watering cart and to report to the stand. 1387-1 GARDNx PART)r.-=The anual garaen. Pacific Railway at Winnipeg, and was high- brated in the barra6ks and Town hall oil hels erecting in the noAh end of our town. %r Y, ouncil as to the advisability of having -a XR P. S N jTR Greenway. pi t under the auspices of St. jolnl�,s CEX AL P I 0 P E MANIIJA ly esteemed'by his fellow workmen. Re Sunday and Mond --:-The brick, work on Anderson's new IN ay. Officers and soldiers Church, Varna,will be held in Mrs. Secord7 test on our own streets at the expense of BtN.DER Tw have in stock a carload of the FIRST Slass smoked Ham, home cured was just entering manhood, being only '-20 froni neighbori�g towns took parL—Mr. brick residence is b*g prosecuted with the buittler. A number of accounts were above Twine, which we will supply to farmers at 8c. Bacon, beet Cheese, Flour, Corn and Out-I'lleal, Me. When completed orchard, on Thursday evening, the 19th j 0 John Jowett, Bit, ill be a pplendid 'programme P per pound, -factory prices ; runs from 600 to 650 feet years -and 3 weeks of age, and was a promis- Call,Bros. - No. 1 Lardine Oil for liale at the B @ton Tfield's expert. wbe6lsman, considerable! despatch. inst There wi passed and the council ad ourn to the pound. The cheapest Manilla, Twlue In the ' n. . The remains were interred has been confinel: to ;he past Mi. ..Anderson will have one of the best of * IIng young ma store. Prices reduced for cash. 1387-1 bed during I vocal music, and the cemmittee have se - market Call and examine. JonNsox BRos. 1387.1 houses in the village.—The Rev. Mr. Moore - in. Estevan, wherehis parents now reside. LOCAL NoTEs. — Mr. Thomas Stinson visit! week as a result of takin a, swim after eurea the services of the Seaforth brass BURGLARY—A daring burglary as coni- MR. William Pickard of the bargan'l L dry The sympathy of many Huron friends will ed frien6 here last week �--Misses Al . racing on Dominion Day.!�%Lr. A. 0. Pat- house, of Ingersoll, is v�,.siting friends in our band ; their reputation is a sufficient guar- mitted at the house of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- goods house has purchased the stock of Noble T ice be extended to the breaved ents and and incle tison, of Clinton, took his weekly whiff le Wi. liams, John street, near the cornpr of Main Cluff, at the ver low rate of 48J cents on the dollaf ar Carrie Wilson are visitinT their-\- :'Of village.—Mr. Joseph lFergusoil, of Bur- antee that a magnificent tin IL goyne ' is sp L il be pro� Al comparatively new goods. and will offer f Mt� T. .Stinson at Bayfiel .--:-Our Atiblic Bayfield breezes on Sunday.—Mr. Huston, endi vided for all who attend. street earlWednesday. morning. It seems or thi� falhily, ng a fe� days with friends. , i Tponth, some of the greatest,bargains ever given to —A correspondent also writes We re- school closed last week and from the Ilispec.; of London, a former'teacher here, spent laFit Ue,Was very popular -%ihiiii lie was clerking NO1ES._,Miss -ance of Zurich that Mrs. Hiams was awakened by he& r- the people of Seafbrth and vlainity. Look e tor's report,, the trustees are highly pleased week in town.—Mrs. Jennings, of Bay City, for McLaughlin & Co. .t. f ing some one moving ab6ut the house. She advertisement in this issue. Hard times ar:tmileatIn gret to announce the death of Ellen,; the be- is visi ing ormer friends in i� th'e neighbor - a manner surprising to all, at PioxARD & with the progress of the scholars under the accompanied by her son, is a guest at the spoke to her husband, but he did not Co's. 1887 Yoved wife of -Mr. John Dodds, which sad hood.—.Mr. and Mrs. R. M,�Cool, of HAr;- - Wakeri, and she called louder. This fright- D upamc� the months of L July ind August event took place at her home in Brookdale, administration of Miss Laura Bsker.—Grace residence of her father, Mr. T. J. Moore- HenspM. rington, spent the -first at Bayfield, enjoying. &fy church wasfilled to over4lowing last Sab- bouse.—Mr. James Donaldson h ved BRiEFs.—Tbe farmeeg in this section are. the breezes of Lake Huron. ened the thieves and they dectimped. When. we will give extraordin bargains in all kincys pf Manitoba, on Wednesday, June 920th, at 10 as impro slimmer shoes. Cash only. R. Witims, T. Coventry's o'clock P. in. Death resulted from a balb. The Orangemeil of 219 and some the appearance of his mill by the addition busily engaged in securing their hay, which ORANGE SERm-ox.—The English Church the old couple got Up they found the whole com- old stand. 1387-1 from 1210 Moray and 1097 Parkhill met of a set of sliding doors.—Seven gentlemen is a good, fair crop, house ransacked and the pockets in the liealion of -diseases. The deceased had although not as heavy at -Varna was crowded to excess, many be - clothes of their son anct another young man Eeen ailing for some time, but was supyosed there o listen to Dr. Bea,umont, who from Texas are expected at the. River hotel as last year's. The wh6at crop is also in ing unable to secure seats, and standing LOCAL BRiEFs.7--Next Sunday, 15th, Mrs. -to be in a fair way to recovery, and her preached from the text ; Ist Joshua, 6th this week. Verily the fame of Bayfield's places almost, if not qitite, fit for cutting.— room was at a discount � on Sunday laid. who stays there, but both of whom. work on refA, Brigadier Mar etts,. wife of the Provincial eath was very sudden and � un' verse ; "Be strong and of good c urage." breezes has spread over the face of Business is ra all turne � 111181 e out. The bti,r-. 9 - d expected. On 0 ther quiet.in our. usually stir-' he occasion was a special sermon preached glara 0 'in J Officer for West Ontario, will lead meetings The sermon wits instructive and interest- the earth. — Mr. J. W. Erwin, wife ring village, the famerii being too busy to to the Orkngemen of the district by Re Friday, June 15th, she took seriously ill, taiined . in cash, but did not take V. all day in the Salvation Army Barracks. and, in spite of all that fnedical skill could ing.—Mrs. Beamail, nee Miss M. A. Stin- and family, of Clinton, spent Monday at the do much shopping oi; marketing. — The J. T. Kerrin, of Bay -field. Rpresentath�es anything else. They obtained an entrance Meetings at 7 a. m., 3 P, M. P. son, and Mrs. J. D. Wilson, of Aurora, Il- lake.—Pi;nic parties from Clinton, Sea- hbo. through a small, window which had been left do, she continued to grow worse, and be- Orangemen of this.place and neighborhood were present from many nei op Ali are welcome. —Messrs. Good Bros of came unconscious several hours before the Iftiois were expected to arrive in Parkhill last forth, Staff&, 2nd concession of Stanley, and celebrated the 12th by goin , 4 to Parkhill, to : and all marched frorn the Llol�ne rroom. to the en'L and left by the door. They seem to this town, have removed their stock" of end, when, without any apparent Mon -day, but have been delayed on ac- the members of the 'Front Road Presby-, join their brethren in spending the day in boots and shoes from Brussels and hae open- her spirit took its flight in peace. In her true Loyal Orange style. . The, Hillagreen Ra have been acquainted with the- prei se' struggle, count of the strike in Chicago.—While fix, terian church, occupied the grove on Thurs. church, the - brethren being in regalia but there is no clue, so far as we can learn, Worshipful Master W athwell womin to their identity. edoutinWigliam. r. George d dying hour she, was surrouilded by sorrow- ing a hay fork in his barn last Friday, Mr. day. lodge afio came here t6'catch the mornmi command. Everything was done to secure I attending to the transfer. —Miss JeAr0e0y(, ";l1f, )uld 0. H. Wilson received an ugly wound in his (From. Another Correspondent.) train for Wingliam, whb ing friends and relatives, but none cc , re the day, was =0 the comfort of the brethren in the church, Buffalo, was visiting -friendL8 in town ast stay the hand of eath. The deceased was cheek. The fork slipped and came down being celebrated, and .�oth lodges treated: seats being reserved for them. Huuos MEDrCAL-AssocL',Tro-,,.—Tbe re DEATH OF, MRS. EDWARDS.—It is our The service .9- -week and part of this. —miss McAdam, of the youngest daughter of M" ith full force, striking his face. panful duty this week to record the death irrin -music nging un er ular meeting. of the Hurou Medical Associa- r. and Mrs. .7 our villagers to some st before was very hearty, the al d thelead- tion was held here on Tuesday, in the Coun- Detroit, was visiting the family of Mr. � S. ]'David Mack, of Crberry, and came to L of Mrs. H. F. Edwards, -,kife of ne of our leaving for Parkhill' and �Wingham.—Mr. ershi,p Of Miss Maud McNaugton being Barton this week.—The Presbyterian eboir Manitoba about t4ree years ago. he was merchants which occurred on Mon W. C, Smith, barrister' has returned from excellent. Mr. Kerrin k for hi xt, cil Chamber and was attended by a large P. I Blyth. tADO s are enjoying their annualpieme at Bayfield born in the to nship of Hay, ty of The sad event 4&y Seaforth, where he w"s ending a, couple of 11 Timothy, 1-13. It is safe to sa number of medical men from (h eren see- V oun afternoon, the 9th ffist. was y that no ff to-ft�The Band of Hope, in charge of BREVITIES.—MiSS M gie McQuarriie i 9 Orange tionsof thecounty. Thechairwasoce -ie M Huron, and died �n the bloom of woman- ag 113, not wholly unexpected as the deceased h84 weeks' vacation dw e hdated season, finer sermon was ever preached in -id rs. . - Logan and Miss Cowan, picnicked hood, being only 29 years of age. � Sh we are glad to state, improving, though and her and ed his usually ac- this by the Pres ent, Dr . Turnbull.'of Ii. ton e was slowly.—A quartette club from here drove been ill for some months previous, has pnee more resum of L district. The discourse lasted for over programme,,- - co LLL in Case's grove on Tuesday.—Th� English married to Mr. John Dodds, of- Brookdale, death M' . tive duties and practice.—Mr. Johns, an 4oar, and and an. interesting sed of was looked for at an�,st' Church Sunday School held their annual to Wifiglia,in on Friday evening last. A iZe ro it Mr. H. Cook's the conpreatioR were intense - reports of cases and discussion thereon, was Jo L on Aril 7th, 1893. Oar departed friend Edwards was a native of 8 havin Guelph, has been VISIL I%& ly interested. The following questions picnic in Mr. lin Scott's grove, Roxbord, good time wai put in.—Mr. W. W. Sloani. been bom there on October 26th, 18'26, aul during the past,vi e is favorably im- taken art inby all �reseAt. A special fea- was highly repected by all who.. had the were touched upon : lot, Was thei� any ture o the meetin as an in, on Wednesday afternoon last.—The Bell pleasure of . her -'acquaintance. :The dear of Toronto, was in town last weeki—Rev. ,had lived in Bayfield for some seven years, ressedwith our village and residents.—The neces�ity for the formation -of ch i , R. N Aructive pa- Mr. Higley preached a serm sit an nsti- 3er by Dr. G tf Sol , any has this week placed an sister, the W'arm friend, the loving, wife so F, 0� Ila Telephone Comp gh, of 'Toronto, on revious to which she resided in Strathroy. awn social held under'the auspices of' the tution as the Orange Order for !the protee- instrument in J. A. Clark's bakery and put y evening last. The Epworth Leagu Mr. Coads lawn, n the subject of diphtheria. Those who had fond and true, is gone forever from thoEe to — gervice was conducted on Tuesday ' evening e,- on tion of the relWous �riberties of the people; another in Clff & Bennett's factory, re- whom she was so much and the'llome she brass band enlivened the town considerably Monday evening last,; was ell attended, 2tid, Is there any necessity for its .the privilege of listening to the,paper con placin an utoinatic instrument.—Mr. and loved so on Friday evening by playing outside. —bliss by Rev. J. T. Kerrin, of Trinity church, at enjoyabl continu- -a M 1% well. She will be sadly inissed in e time was spent by all - 3rd, What are the ep es Sider iVone of the best ever presented at rs is�t which a large number of friends attended. and a most auce pecial liberg of Toronto, are the guest' M. Smith,.milliner at the Mammoth House, The funeral took place to Brucefleld station, that it is souglif to preserve, re they vital neeting of the Association. In the discus- M 8 of the home she used -to cheer and brighten. both on the lawn and 11. the church, where r. and Mrs.' L. L. McFaul this left for her home in Brussers on Monday, tere tin& literary. and musical pro- The -first question brought out an intensely to Mr. George Good, who has been rusticatin - sympathy of the community in this, his par- mil teresting account of -the 40.1reurn- sionwhiclifollowed allusion was macl week.— the bereaed husband has the heartfelt to lin Wednesday morning, at 6 o'clock, thence a very in s beg tak� her holidays.—Miss Mabel Jameson is to Strathroy cemetery, where Rev. F. G. am the fact that the Huron district has pro gr me was carried out, after all had in Winghava, , was -in town the in- hour of trouble. Although her ta at present visiting friends in Leyden --Mrs- Nev;ton, formerly of Bayfield, offliciated at taken of the refreshinints provided. The stances which gave rise to the Refom ti duced two of the leading, throat �pecialists 6, on nig of the week. — Miss, Aggie McIntyre, of Brookdale was of short durati6n her in G. herlock, of Winnipe th ormance of the last funeral rites. proceeds go toward th4i'fund for the eree- and the forming of -the Orange Order, which in Athericaj -Dr. O'Dwyer, of New York, ind e perf 'Operation of ill- merlyMiss F. Floody, Mrs. R. Dunbar -.—Mr. W. K - Hog- made it whose of the the Toronto General Hospital, who has been nd genial dispositiot-11 will nevei be forgot- Manitoba, 'for Mrs. Edwards leaves a husband and one tion of the new chureNz clear to all that there was a neces- sp-en'ta formerly Miss J. McQuarrie, are both home pi,e di g her holidays here, returned to To- �en, He m=ry -will ever live and be son to mou " her loss. th public school te 0�her, an ion ; the speond y.—Mr. D. D. Wilsolf ph knew at - present visiting parents and friends.—, i -ion and the instruftienti'for the sa , ronto oil Wednesda, rn d only son of sity for such an organizgi have given him %Vl B. Roggarth ageJ -was mar- and -third points were ably dealt with by the div Mr. E. D. Chamberlain is running a restaur- L I known famil ried on Wednesday last to Miss Margaret cher, and he-closedith an earn ap. tubat a world- "de reputation, has sold his we! erishe in hearts of those wh6 r, rr., of t&s Vill and Dr. McDonagh, lecturer in laryngology y her I The funeral took place on Fri- Kippen. �est r day, une 922nd, to the Carberry cemetery, Bi.xDER TwI.NE, Fop. ALL. T. lellis to the brethren. After the service was Canada,. Both were sons of farmers ho and was attended by a large concourse of i's v'ting would remind all that his lar of Binder r . —Kr. Archibald Dick -son, on of Mr. H. Crittenden, of Atwood, wi at Toronto University, who is well known eramith Simpson, (dau h F ed " to Mr J. Spfoait, of Tuck ant in opposition to Mr. Allen just now. — ter of: Mrs. A. Simpson, of' =1 s McKillop,) formerly a teacher in out over the brethren returned to thei' looge Ohn Dickson, of Roxboro has opened Inourning friends and relatives, Twine has come to hand, which for quality and, public school here.—Mrs. where -the usual vote of thanks- was arnong the early settlers in the Huron MJ friends in town last week.—A large number ye supply T. Jackson and room, distrit, Dr. O'Dwyer beh a native of the a law offlace in Blyth. Mr. - 'Dickson -is a from here- celebrated the 12th of July in price cannot be excelled. There is a big reduction two children, and -' her brother, Mr. Win. tendered to the Rev. Mr. Kerrin, for hgable township of Stephen, anditr 1cDonardi a clever young ma., and the people of Blyth Wingham on Thursday.—Miss E. Taman, Of in prices this year, so that the home market will be Crawford and his wife, all of Ripley, are ermon, and Also to the'visitig brethren for d Vicinity will find him not only a capable Fa�rquhar. Detroit, returned home this week,—The the cheapest thia season. Call and get your suppiv. native of the township of Colborne. Th;re. steers are being watered daily now by Jim T. MyLhis. 1386.2 -visiting at Mr. crawfords. London road.— ,their attendance. —Com. and trustworthy legal practitioner but -it LOCAL —The picnic lield in Mr. John Shirray, of i Detroit, is home at are many other such instaces illustrating good citizen. We have no doubt he will do 'Mr. T. Henderson's grove last week was, in Davis, NOTES.—Haing is now in full swing, and present, Visiting his mother, Mrs. Shirray, the stuff Huron boys ae made of. 0 0 the fine weather has favored the -work so —The Brocksden cheese factory in North well in so progressive a town as Blyth.— all respects, a grand success. The children's well that the farmers will have Of Hay townslip.—T N1 r. Nelson Hays, son of Mr. T. F a good sup. he Miss" MeEwen, Easthope i� -doing a rue ' na business this 14,'(­%f0XDVILLE NOTF.i.—We would suggest �Fays, of Vaces were good, but when it came to the Walton. ply of good hay.—Fall wheat is fast ripen- teachers; and daught6sclf Mr. J�hn year. The factory is�o'v ly Robert M. that a sign be placed outside the office of McKillop, who has a good position in Chi- trustee's race e)�citenieilt ran high, and if . GARDEN PARTY.—A garden party will be and has every appearance of Ewen, are home spending their vacation.— Balantyne, and ta cago, and who is one of old Huron% sons bhe public were inclined to betthere innfil being a Mr. Rose of near OtUwa, is visiting at Mi. a a.� ri section of the the "Port of E-ritryin town, if on.Man would, lieldatthe Methodist Parsonage, Walton, crop, the last few days being greiitly in township, eight in! � cirriers being employ- -who is doing his Illative county - credit in a f street, and a finge�-boaxd to direct the way, fio doubt, have been a good deal Of monev n,-xt' Tuesday evening. After tea a first �ohn Mckwen�s.­Mr. 'Louis Harold, Grand ed. The make an average of twenty cheese forei lad, is at prese�nt here on a visit.— olianged hands oil this race.' A ver favor of the filling of the golden heads.— y if on a back alley as business men have not y inter- class musical concert -will be given, one of Threshing machines are beginning to move Trunk Railway agent, of this village, is a day, with twen�y-fivecln Mondays. The Mr. G,ovenlbck, of the Ingersoll High psting game of football was -played between spending a couple of weeks' holidays. been iible to locate it yet., though the 2nd of School, is at present spending his holiday h the principal attractions of which wiR be to %ad from the repair shops, which reminds away receipts of milk are 2 000 pounds more daily July is a thing of the past. - Or -perhaps it t, e married and singl� men of this place, numerous choice selections by the famous us that. -the season$ are passing. Messrs. —Mr. W. Wood, son of Mr. ,Tohn Wood, of r a, r we -vicinity. e- 4ud some very good playing was done on Tuckersmith, and who is attending trat with friends in ihis 8 are to run two cheese is three more thin last year. None ridge ha co enced the brick work on oth sides and- upon tirne being called MATRIMONIAL. — On Wednesday after- machines this season.—Alfoin but white cheese is made at this, faetor uld be bette for those prevaricating Mr. Gutt Seaforth Brass Band. Thompson Brothers than last yea nd the daily output, of scribblers and stuinp orators to cease Carmichael's new"block. The front is being "ther side had r. feter Grant *9 ford Business College is also home for his l 1611—oull i ells n 4 y no wh i th ipt, evil and learn �to do well in the future. �Tli failed to score. James noon, Ilth inst., a most joyous affair took more than busy spplying all in need vacation. e faced -with press -ed red brick and will' ia with which has now been five or six inost nobby outfit'in this viGinity is that of ve Purdbu, who has successfully taught the place at the home of Mrs. ',Simpson, near his (lelicious currants and berries. Peter (BY an Occasional Correspoisdent-) yearsn an imposing and attractive appearance.— ubl i . operation and has acquired an nviabl, the.Misses piclat, since their purchase of a p ic school in this section for a number Of Walton, being the celebration of the inar- can do that in good shape.—Mr. John ed CHRISTIAN ENDF-AvO4--The Young Peo- reputation. The total make to date is.iii i store, whiclizivas recently : y Mr. Ault iias hi' Le 8 stylish driver from Mr, D-. 1). Wilson. — ears, has resigned, with the intention, we ;i,,,ge of her fifth daughter, Miss Maggie, lost a valuable milch cow shortly after pie's Society of Christia,�'Endeavor held its the vicinity of 7.00 boxes,�and the.,storeroom damaged by fire, completely renovated ;and elicVja, of studyin medicine. We wish 0 in Mr. o asement contained 400 kli&ses Maggie and Jessie IM&Dclugall have 9 erly a teacher of Hensall Public school, calving. I , Lt4eds refused $49 f r her a regular consecration service in the -b 'boxes on-Aursday, last week. really for occupancy. It looks as good as tim-success, as he is a whole souled, jolly to Mr. W. E. Roggarth, the very efficient few (lays before. —Mr. Thomas Riley,, who of C ag, The whey of the factorY is sold to Mr. W. been holidaying with relatives in Goderioll new. Mr. ult will occupy it himself, and ainel churchon Sunday eveni July towaship for the past' -week or two.—Miss i�, I - - 400d follow -who has always shown himself teacher of abool Section No. 7 Tucker- is in the emnlov of Mr R B V;,T-. I st The ttendance was ve in in a'"Al" f AN -nvivoh L__ 1J &.1arge and well- agect any good cause while in smith, and only son of Benjamin Hoggarth, while engaged pi king cherries, had the ount of ry g porkers, r S. r. willing f, help on, Maggie Sproat's health has been the ,fwve c 9, a s Hugh Grieve, in addition to his large imple- �his';--.neighborhood. mis. than usual, partly, no doubt,, on ace pigge , containing 430 yun man —Mr. P. Mudge, the Es .,,of Hensall. At 4 o'clock a moit gay fortune to fall froin the tree,tbe con the- oppressive heat. The meeting was led some distance- away. Both facto f anxiety to her many friends for a couple in incs as put sequence ry and ent bus, s, h disposed of a lar num- ivin4mill king, has been compelled to hering having assembled, t sore back by the President, Mr. D. Stewart, and was pi ry are conducted on the. highestseie de�- esifils, lis en do- son, the Zhurch was preached on Sabba ur of weeks. —One of the most able and in- ber of new buggies and carts of t e most on two extra gangs of men this summer, officiating clergyman, Rev. J. S. Hen for some days.�Mr. Shaffer is busily en- of the usual character, the calling of Zc 'principles, and the care that is taken tno a I festive gat he being that he will have to nurse a pressive sermons ever delivered in o fancy and modern d Q i sea�on. Mr. owing to the large business he has be of, Hensall, assisted by Rev. . Mr. aed looking up a, car load of pigs for Mr. roll. by the Secretary, Miss Jessie Moir, and prevent waste of any kind is a revelation to, in advance Forest, of. Walton, tied the knot which gRlite, of Mitchell.—The Foresters' anni- the re&ding of the re�ponsive Bible refer- a person unused to such things. th evening Grieve is a hustler, an 1e deserves the sue- jug, and his' paying for all order headquarters Chicago Univ,e A- Hamlin, DJI both members' dligrant the riatialls anpolh ca in iseafthip. Th IV) purity- a"$ ....... ....... do with publi as Wif ment inust be party'ams c ot annot r simply the le 1) P Part in tbic? sthat the Chri itizenship 1 oi nothing dblit cial Ae the -8 the _cQ -whomhe- that. Chris to bring abo was gard the nat, prot'valt it 11 private ,chm ulaiss of. those and to insist to -sit in tleavor the iz� a nob To and an � inem the eaTth.,