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UNE 29, 1894.
Wilson"s Cash Grocery, son Treasurer, s C. A. Porter; Re- both sides. At no previotm election did the' the ceremony. The bride V&B tUtrefUlly at- —Mrs. James Moore is -visiting friends in Medical aid was at once Summoned and her�
cording Seer, s Grace E. URiott. Conservatives fight _so hard as they did' tired in a costume of in k 1 ittlea-veiling cov- Saginaw4—Afr. T. Mellis is again laying in injuries d ed we are ple
ased to say.,
lace, "While Miss em ild be expected.
way combination treatsthe consumers, eve Y time" I fs rs but there are A- owifig that they place fidelity to party Baker, of Goderiell township, as bridesmqid, tical batt a has once more been fought and iss Macar hur,, of 1.,raig, is vie I
belong to nocombine to regulate prices, sell all teaddy to its numl� ,and
n 1.8
Wheat goes down. but bread,goes tip ; that to the This society is doinW.good work &nd addin gainst cLean at this 'election, thus ired with. cream a good surply of binding twine. —Th� poli- sht, is'doila ell as
br tiff
ut tiff
Some of our young Apople -who would add to igher than local, personal, or even temper- wore a
goods at the lowest possible price for cash or trade liess of cream nun's -veiling. Air. won inSouth Huron. Although theigbt was I �er brother.Mr. J. Maca I tur, banker, andip
JUSE 29th, 18K
on!y. Keep no books, make no bad dalitse and can their usefulr tending its meetings. roe considerations. In this, respect they Will Stoddar of Buff4o, officiated as 'the bitterest we have had for a long tiniej ether telaiives here.—Mi -i' G. Morrison,. of:
goods cheaper than any one can, who does a RETUnNaD ]Nwtf ALcom.',..—Mr. Pe6r Bet [tan example which, had it been followed groomsman.
credit business. The best family flout for gl�70 per Moor , f rm t , of good kwishes of their here we fought it out with very little dis- Londo, and
100 lbs. it er p"prie or V; I he eform outhern part of fonierly of this has:
will Pay You well to bake your own mith. -h t
bread, A first-class- brown sugar. 29 lbs. for $1., Tuok-ers
e 0 a f r It in ers in the 8 friends Wilere shown lbi the number of !cord between neighbors and friends, and been spending the past week with friends in!
ret 0,
as Ina urned from he: idi ,there would be to,day a Liberal -eceive They left at now that it is over, things will settle down and- about Hensall —Mr. J. C., Clausen re. AlI through this will 0
=ome presditts I
Choice now Currants Figs, Rice. Tapioca,)etc., for ix(,t Algoma. Mr. Moore ajorit 200 instead of a majority of 16. for their future home at Chicago, as before.—Mrs. Ann
prospe ting tour mouth we ffer
MeMordie, relict of turned home1last week from London, where;,
Hani, Break- was much pleAsed h th -ountry, -and e o cial returns will be published next amidst the best wishes. 'of their -timily Bargains in
5,ceats per pound. Beat quality Por once
fast%60nitolled Bacon and Lard, etc., always e the late Robert Moblordie, of this place, he had
on beena!ttending the Synod, as repre-
hand at lowest prices, I has given earnest oftills Pleasure by taking eek. friends, and the usual showors of rice. died in London on the 296th in t.,
4 new season Green, Black, 8 at the sentative ofSt. PauPs Church.—The Re-: LADIES''UNDERWEAR
Japan T--",. r have the best in the. markek- and am tip 120 acres of land Inear Port Finlay. His ripe age of 87 years. The remains were formineedng held in Mr. MeLeait's inter-
selliag them at the same profit as o tl
thergoods. Do land is partially imptoved, having .50 acres SERVIECES.—On Sunday last, Lumley.: brought home oil Wednesday, and the est in the TdWn Hall, on Monday evening
not send awa for tea or anything in the grocery cleared, aad some bi# -,CORSETS
11118 as I can and will give you better value here and Idings, which he pur- -e-opening services were held in the kletho- NOTES. -em, VIr. Alexander last, ivas wry largely attended, the
chased for $1,4 , i ', In —The portable saw mill owned by funeral took place fi - spa- I
take your trade at the hichest market price and 00 nb_i ding crop and part ist church here, the church having been Mr. T. Doig, which hai beeii here for the Montieth!s on Thursday, and was ver cicus hall beiiig crowded to overflo-win
guarantee all goods to give satisfaction. of the farm implenf?nts. Mr. Moore es- Y g,
Soibe osed for alterations for several weeks. past three weeks, has le largely attended. HOSIERY AND GLOVES.
good POtAtoee. wanted, 4 a good price. timates that he woulp ay about $1,200 for he change undertaken -was the I ft tuntley for Mr. antl very iifteresting addresses were given
owering of
William Dalrymple's, nearl Croma by Mr. -AfeLean, the candidate ;'Mr. ff. D.
e pipe organ an
0- WILSON, Seaforth., the'land. UnimproffX land can be pur- It d choir loft, and the finan- has been given good satisfaction and has Wilson und 14r. Prendergast, of Seafortb. ANN
Bank of Commerce Block. as ]BeIgTave.
chased for from $6 WIN per4acre, and Gov- ial responsibility w shouldered entirely sawed one hundred and ten thousand feet of The chair wiK very ably filled by Mr. J. H. D SILKS
ernment land at 62-1 Vents per acre. - The y the choir. Messrs. Tyerman and $par- ADDRESS AND PRESE--,-TjiTzo--Z. Rev- Beek, of, tlu� vill-age.—Rev. Deilil, of BLACK and COLORE
Government I I' dayi. It is - th George Law and family, being about to
an( is qq good lumber in seventeen* e
Bl# (01LOTH C[ $8 per -acre, as that at $6 or I g had the contract for the carpentering and proprietor's intention to vis�t'Lunlley a --in Clinton, pr�ached with much accept.
only it iFA' further from settle- illard & Company for the painting, and galn leave Belgrave soon, a number of ilieir friends EMBROIDERIES ments: Mr. next year. —The friends f Lmnle anee in St GAIN Moor# says there is a4ly mt hat the job is a most credit- Y serlo]. and well-wishers ri�et at the manse on Tues- .'Taul' Church on Sabbath hZst,
amount of good land ��nd homes for 'those picnic —Mrs. R. Coats and her son, Robert, and
intend holding their. annual in Mr- day evening, - 19th inst., and presented Mr. RIBBONS
&)Ie one fo these gentlemen. Thearell be- James Glenn's bush oil Frid ' June -99tll- Law with a purse of money, accoilpani4 Mrs. J. M"cG---`rva, all of Clinton, �are this
'ik, a has heard of bud the organ has been re -painted and A good' time is expected. — e, many friends week spenditg a few days with Mrs.
are willing to wci nd
no one who'has been isappointed. He in- d )corate b n address expressing regret at 'his and
waS A RGAI NS.. who d with mottoes in old. English VEILINGS
tends to of Sir. A. Bishop will be gla, to hear Sherray, of tile township of Ray, il�nd Mrs.
oVe his fareo of his his family's departure, and setthig forth
in Sutherland ot Hensall.—Air. James E.
lythere in October' If ttering. The organ itself las been grained recovery to his usual health.— r. Thomas most complimentary terms the appreciation
We have been successful in securing another big T 0& d the loft is fronted by a rail- Cudinoye is also recovering1is usual health- by the congregation, of Mr. and rs. Law's rned home this week from Mich- PARASOLS
bargain lot of DE��Tz Aff OLD IDET.—Mr. Hugh i ar
hardwood, with oak panels.
purpose* of recording his vote
MeDonal a 0 reI"'dent of this county, e�e alte atibits are an immense improve- 0
MADE UP CLOTH:I:NLG n Id efforts ill their behalf. The address was AND MILLINERY.
The annual
on inst.—Mr. W. 0. Sinith, bar;- -of the t0anad
at a great sacrifice to the maker. We now purpose and well known in this vicinity died at the ut to the interior of the church and the MclKillop. signed on behalf of tile donors, by James the 26th
to give the wearer the benefit of out successful deal. residence of his brooller; Mr. Donald Me- c( rister has bleen in Seaforth severaldays in -the I
ligregation should be -grateful indeed to FkRm SOLD.—Mr. George Chesney has Ferg on, David Geddes, and Albert Cc held Amongst our new lQt will be found Men's Sults worth le, DRESS G0`ODS the I
Donald- fOth concessi, this week visiting at the parentar home.—
q Tuckersmith, on t
which we will @ell at $10; Suits wo;th $1,1, of
eit energetic and successful choir. Con.61 sold his farm, lot 31, concession I thi elders. The reverend gentleman, then Ili a
inwhich we, will self at 07.75 -, Men!s Suits, all wool, $7, Saturday of last week,'�, Aft. McDonald was ctor Snider, the celebrated railroad e -van- township, to Mrs. -ames.-Jamieson, w o the The Rev. Mr. Ball, of Fairmont, was in the of S
-J III feeling and appropriate speech, thanked as SILKS
0 nuinerou
Sell at $4.25 ; goye Suits worth 86.5% we a native of Stitherlaii1dshire, Scotland. He Ii ning to owns fifty acres a short d we Wx village part of t week and this, visiting:
will sell at r g and eve istance away S., d espectable
14.26; 0hildren'tSuits worth 04, we will was 79 years of age, 44d came to Canada in I ge , audiences. In t his sister, John McArthur. -a to U
gathering of friends at the manse that even -
sell at $. the same line. The farm is al, most excellen ".75. Theabo.veare an now perfect goods, he evening thete
1859 after having spelf one, containing 100 acres, with brick hous Ing, for their kindness in presenting him
well made and good linings. We have also gone Stat, f several years in the w uld doubtless have been an immense plimmer' the:
through the balance pf all the stock on hand and es. He took- tip farm on the 10th cr W;dhaditnotbeen for theran which and bank barn, and th 86 425 is one
e pricl with the address and money, reviewed at Exeter. CHALLIES r4�s6a the ep
marked down the prices, so as to be on a par with concession of Tuekers4tb and lived there be in shortly before the time for service.. not often obtained for a, farm in these d some length the pleasant and social relations ITums.—The, isses Levitt, of Parkbill lows
the now lot. Now iq� your golden ays.
-opportunity for for several Years,' when"Ale' disposed of his was, the church was comfortably filled hat, until lately, had always existed be- are AND DELAINES.
clothing. Mr. Chesney has not yet decided what lie t the guests 4f Air. David Johns, post -
farm to Mr. Donald Metinnon. -He after- an all were delighted -with Mr. Snider's will do, but we -hope he will - ientain in the tween them as pastor and people, for up- master, th t i The, Directo,
WK PICKARD wards, for several years'made his -
home at ea 'est and interesting railroad sermon neighborlwod,as he is too good 9, citizen to wards of ten years back, and concluded I;y and wife, of Foiest, spent Sunday and Mon- holers the I
Kippen, bat as soon as.his health com- t. CARPETS
jKc lose. again thanking them for their esteem and day last here, visi. in rlatives.:-Mr. J. T.
Seaorth. an ;a beautiful -song - service "given' by
menced to fail he went to reside with his ch,
ir under the able leadership of Mr. W. good wishes, hoping that prosperity both Westcot villiant J., togq4er
t and son were the 1894,
brother and family, and'where he was most D. Bright. temporal and spiritual might attend them guests of Air. L"Imin Butt, of Kipp
Drysdale. I;,:,
jr. Assets
CWA kindly nursed through a long and painful A GooD TimE, EXPECTEP.—The Cedar all wbilst journeying through the present as d .—Air. Thoma's Fisher and Mr. Bounce. st &I
illness. He was a genial, kind-hearted man' ON ORIXQ world. A pithy and spirited address was William o(ktes spent4 last Sunday at �,,cooiint. b"
k HunoN LADY.—The" lady Grov i lids, situatedtwo anda then given by Air. George Hood, (chairman Kippen, ti e guests of A-fr. Blain Butt, sr.—'
and had many friends and few enemies. picnic grou
ef rred to in the following paragraph, half miles north of Drysdale, � are engaged
The Xbt produl
we take from the Ingersoll Chronicle, for a picnic on -the second of� July. of tile meeting,) another by 1r. John Mr. DavidlWeismiller the defeated candi-
P ATO BuG FrNisii.—Church's Potato
fall is MOM
OT a daughter of Mm. James Kerr, of Mo- P'6' Young, and vocal and instrumental music 'date for South Huron, spent Wednesday 1:
fessors Allen, Smith and Geiger will fur --210 per pound. JOHNSON Prior to her marriage, a couple of nish first class -music for the occasion. There e ands t:j
I ando i�aproves the potatoes Ki� er , baking It wi
Bu Is b M C. and the Misso AleClelland.' A afternoon h 11 his Edward McFau-1
DISTRICT MATTERS. I.Fin a decided on kil!s the 'b
BR v ago,shewas leader of the choir in will be several prominent spe4ers present. pfentiful supply of excellent provisions pro- numerous a .—The Reformers of
I dmi' rers
church, McKillop. Hei numerous There will also -be all sorts of aphletic sports, vided by the ladies was distributed aroun
e arw- jubilant. over . their recent I W
ORTIE1. hich li�s bet
,TRAxd6- ExAivmsaTo�vs.�The en- 'Photo Gallery will be open en. a in this vicinity will be pleased to Then followed more music by som I I
on Monday, July 2nd. and an' eggrace. Among the many attractions e of the victory. —The young men of tile village had
trance Public s400l le examinations le h It younger people and general conversation by
will be Mr. Hayrock's steam a base ball Ina DividtnA
an), at s e is still active in every, good
began at the Collegiate ute here ye- FOR right prices in olene, lardine, climax ices are acht, which onet tell here, on Wednesday even-, per *Udui
attit, :work� and that her. se'rv" a highly will be at the disposal of all desiring a sail the older i. When, at a seasonable ing last.—The 6ditor of the Times has his Hat, at present used as Sat evrba to VA
black machine oil 90 to MULLM JACKSON%.
y VIE Bank
rerda morning And will be concluded to- and h hour, and after heartily singing Auld usual last week?� Arm w1itten
appree ated t ere. as here. The' Chronicle on the lake. ' The b6at will I also make 9, smile knoeked clean out of
morrow. There 4re 1,05 pupils writing alto- 1885-
sayq Parrackt,at2.30p.m. A,68�-.m.c6-Mo�- �earried
av *,in g w p so to BluI&BTT JAbKBOX,,8,. team 0
7 boys for the le want a binder buggy or last round trip to Bayfield in tile e4ening. C me pper will beiserved at the
gether 19 girls.-4nd IF You 0 Wednesday evening of Jimbg Syne," all quietly dispersed, well him.--7.Vow tha� the election is over every- evening, an,
IM54 weeak er of the Presbyterians assem- one, come all andenjoy the b ipleased with the success of the entertain- one has resume(W.:bis former o
eximination and, 46 girls and 33 boys o bled at 41iny breezes ccuPati011-----�A same place, aft
P ouie of Mr. George Barr. As of Lake Huron.' ment, givin Mr. and Mrs. Law and young number of our ifflagers intend going to the er which the im cream will
the entrance exaxhination. All of the c to -buy a n,i�e picture or
soon as r r was restored Mr. West, the served at the town hall., Ensign -and
didates for the les ving, d an- frame call -at BA-UsbAuGni Ground Floor Gallery, daughter a early good bye, and wishing strawberry"festival. at Centralia on July Mrs. Maltby and Lieutenant Bryan, of Bea- The umal
examination an tbC Whitney's Block, Sesforth. tor, a,ose and began to explain the as- them every success and happiness vrhere�- 2nd.—The Exeter band-hai been engaged, to
greater proportion of 'those for the entrane. P" 'r Wroxeter tire assets of A
CLoT1XEs LosT.—The person who had p ever their lot may be forth C tam Scott, Goderich - Captain sit Ud.
sem bla'gee by reading an address to Mrs. cast in 'the -future. ay at the Elittiville, picnic on July 2nd. and;dio
are from outside of town, a ELECTIO.NS.—ElectiOn day pa�ssed off verv, CA.)Ilier oaf Clinton an
suit of clothes left in his buggy by mWake, si Dio Barr, wh since her abode, here haa been —0 ering wassevere 2 oldiars 'from Mr.
0 k1s quietly here. the ietul ommencer urroundim towns are expected.— The "O.011s
Hotel stables, on Saturday last; wi When 9f.r. Thomas D ly bitten by the a
Y` ning the OP On The.
Tax Cm,,ADiA.:� BAINK OF CO -N b . leaving the same at Dim's H&ml, Seaforth. choir I er,., and when - he came to the however, began to rise, and *,'bell thb re- Thursday Charles Snell,- jr., has �he English church partments of I
11 oblige the owner very n. iQng in her efforts as organist and to come in in the eve 'lee Brii a dog in front ot Snel's butcher sh
mperature, Zilat gar3en party in connection Tvith
The annual repor tl of the, Canadian Bank t) clause,, "' e ask you to acce�t this chair turns ELFCTXO-,,-.—It 'is now all 'over and our Baylield, will be held
THE BEST AND CHE-,JPEST.PUre the cellar dug out for a new brick residence during the yei
Commerce, a branch of which has been 6z.- announced the veteran standard citizens have settled back into the ordinary on Monday evening, July 2nd, on the lr4vn
'shed in this tdwn for the last sixteet, binding. 900 feet to the pound ; Eureka flax as a token f our ap�reciatjon,' Mr. Duncan bearer of East Huron had been again elecfbd tat in the rear of Sa?fiwelils block, on the old in front of the rectory. A splendid tea will A branch of
tabli flax binding, eD e of mind, and some are now regrettin roller skating rink property. —Mr.'Bonthron ed. at Water]
60a feet to the pound ; you can bind your crop for ouald. walked in with the article, by the very handsome majoiityi- be served from 5 until 7 o'clock
we�, beautiful piece of of 5W, the that they were Patrons or P. The
Itwillbe' adwibhinterestbythe, general duced. JonNsoNBRoB.,Se&foyth. valuable Aepol
years, 'Will appear dii our next week's issue. leve money with flax twine� Order e%ri prices re. which, lieve, is' a A.'s, ang and wife, of London, were the guests of Air. Crediton bras band will enliven
proceed -
re 1385 furniture. Mr. Barr, oil behalf of -Airs. old village bell, which on so litany former by the time of the Dominion elections it will R. H. Collins, barrister, the beginning of thateigh1kid
�pu lic, both for the substantial progress it Barr, ma a very suitable reply. Occasions has rung out the peals i of victory, be a put issue with a great many, being with choice music. There Will he
twa to have beeii The re- this week.—In the 1890 election Mhs where useful articles will be. offered llav� foulidItO
made during the past was again called upon to perform that very y an
a refreshment very
music, singing and pla�ng of game t succeed, nor yet in the while last Tuesd!�y Exeter only gave Weis- booth. Go to the garden part after the necteaiwith il
.NLIASONIC SERv][ap.—The members f Inlainder..0 the evening -was passed b only used as a cry to beatNifowat. In this Holmes," Conservative, got 148 majority,
vear b importaJit monetary institution, Britannia Maso ic pleasing duty. The result of 'the poll at riding they did n for sale. There will also be The
mat ercial lodge celebrated A this subdivision was Gibson 69 i Milne, 31, village, as our maojority stands over 50, be� miller, Conservative, 98. Exeter will soon
6d for the able review, given by the,general -JohWs Day by attendinF a special ervice present enj , e(I themselves highly, so much Y
in 52, and in ris, where the repeal of be a Reform town% -At the rate it has be day's sports arc' Over, -and have agood sup -
of the cotintry. Sabbath afterno'On last. They*erejoined Mrs- ar "a preciated their estimate of her hg en per and enjoy the musi in time to ell&
iager, of the comin and iigricultural. for the occasion in St. Thomas' Church, on :the . ore Mr. �6iId DoTs.—Rev, Mr. Kippen; of �Claremont e brdgelaw underwhich theirreeve expect- goiiig. Cal pr*
Use they saw that giving the former a majoriti, of 48. Mor
by brethren from. Exeter Oil Tuesday last an old and respected resi-
occupied th6 pulpit' of the Presbyterian ed the rest ol the c
Hensall, Mitchell well, perfor d duty." Qunty to build -a pa t of to be actually
PASOED AIVAW'2�-Maliy of our readers -will., Clinton, Brussels and Blyth. T�ey assem- church here last Sunday morning and i even- their bridges, was expected to tell ajaiii'Bi dent, in the 'person of -Mr. Abel Martin has just -c10AZN
ing, and �delivered an able and eloquent ser- Mr. Gibson, it had a good effect �isather ti.lan Mr. Martin
learn with feelings of regret and sorrow of bled in he lodge room at ba;4'-past two ed away to his last home. ly expected tAl
the death of Mrs. LocAL BRiEFs.—Mr. King the genial old non On each occasion. —INir. George Fun -
William Clapperton, of o'clock, and marchW in evil for Morris'Micrea8ed its ma NOTES.—At the "tarn raisi-neof Obeen ill for some time. Th -KOU in a ew 11
a b64Y to the scissor sha 'ner, has been with us again for ston, of Arthur, was in town f�r a few day� 5 jority
'Chicago, and third (,laughter from 1r.. Sam- e funeral
of Mr. R. Me-. church -where Worshipful Ma-Qte to 54. The election, on the whole, how- net Love, on the 5th lille, on Thursday of -v*as on Thursday, from the residence of his
r Rev. J. a week or so. A4 has gpt to be +he begintlin of this week.—A foot e, -son, r. W During the:
Michael of McKillo�, near Kinbaril. Mrs. W. Hodgins, th� incumbent of S�� Thomas' a familiar 9 ball ever, was a quiet one, there being no Pa- last week, quite a few accidents happened. 8 oods. He was 74 years the old;�t Dir.
figure ni
Clapperton was a victim of that -terrible Church, delivered a most orth.—We learn from ex- match between Wroxeter and a' clubfrom trons here a Air. Love got his 19g and feetbadly bruised 0
appropriate dis- nd.the Tories playing a quiet a e.— verybody and the neighbors are Taylor, JIM
di6ease, consumption, and was just changes t4hat r. Win. Buggin, Turnberry, was played here last Saturday hand. Grey's majority- in see the sports and -hear the band -as
course,.whiA was listened to &#entively, proprietor by a pile of lumber falling on him. - George -C in
f on
Dn of the Plat s i e Echo, rm4trong got struck oi; the side'
up -the prime of life when he was and favorably commented on aft6�' and an'&d Seaforth evening, resulting in favor of the home team front former elections, and 0 *ck dropped with a oi ul 2n, Come of the Bank f
wards b early-
-en down. SII6 was -99 'In fact, it is v n for the I
strick Y boy, has r c y joined the army of b two goals to none.—Mr. George Lackie, 18 and would have'done, in bracIL'iand a rafter fell on A. T. Cole, strik- over a ye
years of age. all who heard it b
er diets. Wewish himself and Mrs; BugAin Ing on the head and �shoul About five years ag.01shew-as marriedtoMr. that so Much is y seldom , of. Brussels, spent Sunday in Wwu.—Rev. inflammatory speeches of usgrove and der. W. �1 LakeJet.
C pperton and for ithe c -
included in so few words. It long life and pr6s�erity.—M:sses Allie E. A. Shaw preached his farewell sermon Spottonon sectarian issues 1dichie,who was putting a backing brace in 1 meezings
past three years was logical, interesting and profitable, and Donald and . Jennie D last Sabbath evening, and is 'this week during the last few and purloin plate when he noticed the short ding -was, they have resided �i Chicago. She came ickson have arrived —A very nice we4
if the- precepts laid down were practised,'all days. As it was, the a resoii�tion V.
home about eih o ud,� despite home for their summer holidays, from school moving to his new charge in Belgrave. plate was not in the tennant, stepped back 4leinnized by Rev, `Mr. Brown -lee, at the
-Nv-lio heard it could scarcely fail to be better majority in tile Tory stronghold of Gorrie holders redue
eerything that inedil-cal skill and- d and at Toronto.—Mr.. Jack Smith,'.4 the 'Bank ------- and called to D. K'i r4sidence of Mr. Jacques. The contracting was reduced 50 per cent. The Brusses ell to ie�t out -of the. iss were
men as -well as better Masons. - A� the con- of Commerce, Woodstock, has been holiday
d Young Tvlen�s Liberal glee club weritto w" ip�ped off and fell to New-
loring friends could devise, she passed peace- clusion of the servites the brethre� ma�rohe tLy, when the plate s Charles R-4rris, of
fidly awky on Friday Iasi ing in town.-�Mr. Thomas Ward, of Varna, Tuckersmith. the floor below. F me- n g and Miss Nancy 'J'aq.yes, of Lake- The Wirecti
She bore her back to their lodge room, where Brother Wroxeter on Tuesday evening to welcome meording th,61
istian fortitude and D. —While up at Algoma oil a lirtutiately the le The bride looked beautfiful in her wed -
i treated himself to green field pes, grown reach in tZme. The timber went d and zeal --with
long. illness Fith. dir H-odgins was given a vote of tbm-n�s for I BULL SOL their member. out of its
ay, the well g robe. 'Miss Maggie-- Jacques acted as
excellent Berm on, and was highly" com u's on his own P a�e, last week. He considers known stockman of NOTES. —Everyone is now looking'forward -together rather tight. J. McArthur and
f resignation, aiid submitted willingly to the pli- trip recently, Mr. Peter McK bave been pex
*ill of her Master. ' She was' admired and this pretty early.—Messrs. Jordan & Deve- Tuckeramit1l, disposed to the 2nd of JuIv, and with fi D. Somerville acted 'as captains-! JMC- blfidsmaid,,while the groom was assisted
mented- by both the vis,i�ting and Ideal lir
eth- Of it fine young bull, IS months -old, to John ne weathef t tough the trying ordeal by his brotber
e all who, knew her, and her amiable iren reaux, grocers, have dissolved partnership' Arm there will be a bi ere Arthur came out s�cond best; as his men
Tile' attendance of Visiting 13rethren strong, of Port Finlay. This was a wd. The horse races
dispo r. Devereaux embarked im business had to put up one pl6't est. After the ceremony the usual eel'
Iisin n Harpilrhey cemetery S-followe
in d, itild then the guests
a most cordial welcome from the brethren of strontr oil Friday last. avisit to friends. He to the number of 200 enjoyed themselves. in --Si
s -were interred 1' ey received the hope.tbat the change would benefit -his g the grand stand and making ot Win. Scott is here 64 e a seeond time.—Mr.,
sition won her many frien s. The re- was exceptionally large, and th fine Vvill be good ; the directors are busy cover
Wihbull and was shipped by boat to Mr. Arm -
c a Sunday last her tin -
The "sincerest sympathy Britannii halth, but as it has not done so, lie is re has been 'in S provements, and the races are well filled ichigau, and says
illbeextended tothe bereaved husband turning to the farm, and Mr. Jordan will ;WE`ST END NOTES. —A number of the far- there being seven horses to start in the times ate very (lull there di. rent ways, esp�cially at the tabli!,
and farmers hard
and sorrowing relatives. FOOTBALL M.4LTaH. —on Sa r * an at the old stand, as before. —Air. J. Vity visited d ere a sumptuous tea, was served.—Mr, liotex at the'
She had no turdy afternoon the MO el three minute class,and others will a up.—Mr. Win. Iffillie spoke at the township
McDougall, of Gait, was Farm in Guelph last Friday. so bewell Airs. Harris jntend settling down to
club came up to Seaforth visiting the family in- hall on Thursday ev L
the Galt football —A large Ali filled. The track is in extellent condition. elling of last week. He tb realities of life Ili Deposits not bei
of Mr. J. McNabb, thi her had their annual picnic at Bayfield last —The Brussels cricketers have again a was, assisted by r. R. their home near New-
s week. —We are very Saturday.—Mr. and Common, of McKil- terest.,
M sincegoin, br dge. We wish them prosperity and hap -
es this lop. Mr. Thomas Gibson`4 side was chant. - -d
to play the first of the two home an(I hon glad to learw t) t g to the hospital Mrs. George Turner ized, and intend giving settle gain Org n epo
A WELL DEsxRvEjD TmBuTE.—On Friday -matches for the championship of w are spending a few days with relatives pi ess.
estern in Tor
est. Including.,
o0, 15th iiist., IL large numbel: of the Ontario, and the posses V season.—Airs. John Leckie and inclAir and BI , of
-to ibearim
of th� onto, Miss Mary Copp has progrbased pioned by Messrs. 8 accrued to Amo
visiting here, and Mr. Leckie is expeeted -1 aunders has returned
ratepxyers of the ol 860tion which has blematic of that position. The day Ivas an Mr. If H
scho $1011 lip em-, very favorably, indeed. —Mr. Andrew Craw- Colborne. —Miss Fanny Towns d is visit family are Brussels.
0011�y occupied the hoine front her fatli6ls, in. Wa
for some Years been under the care of I ford, a former resident of this t ing friends ;it Orillia. —Mrs. H. osens is this week.—Mr. S. W. Laird, representino, Balances du
Mr. intensely hot C cliair.�--The Sunshine picnic was fizzle She
e, and football playj� own now a
Andrew. Scott, assembled at the school alm ost an i on g was Salvation Army capt visiting relatives at Buffalo.
a On is #ow able to go around an crutches
mas Ballantyne, was in town Friday last. The day was ','very hot, and att R
States, is at present visitning nf A� - ER OLD SETTLER GwzE.—From the E
inpossibility in conseqne.4'ce, bit i the ' United NOTH -Mr. The .0suadfa
riends her 0 home
Miss Gertie r arge to rifil, which made foi, five weeks, onac
It a put up a good game - before BlItSIU.. -tby teacher it notwithstanding this the boys managed to Beai ice Reid, of Seaforth, offi- Mitchell Advocate of last weekwe clip the quantity of cheese oil this trip. the people scatter- for It count of sickness re -
and presented the wor week on business, having purchased a I t four o'clock it started IT&
house, a short distance -out of Biucefield,' 'i erfahood wh has been
cc There was ome. A game of Dividends 00
-ad all exceedingly kindly spectators. In the at the marriage of It turned to Iowa, on Friday, where he 'will Dividen 0.-1
well filled, purse a fair crowd of ciated as bridesmaid following noti
first half no goall were allat, Miss er buried in base ball was started, but it stopped short take charge of the First Methodist Church
worded address. Trinity church cemeter
Clara Waugh, of London, oil y on Sunday L last,
one of HibberVs oldest and most respected r the
the pi -es- Tues &Y of ast week.�-Rev. Father Ken- Hensa3l. —The lawn i-ocial held-- at Af r.
The address was read by scored, though there were a few parrow like raudf,&th6r's clock. So much fo
Air. William Fotherighain, ancl d I in.Pomeroy.
escapes, but shortly after pla was ro Sunalfline picnic wil, be held at 0. Wi
entation made by Air Y sumed settlers, Richard Green,, formerly of the 3rd pi --Ison,s in cof
I � Iso"
petting binders and chool Section NO. 4, on Friday Loft on
the conclusion of this concession. He died on Friday, 15th ult., mowers in good 1 Chlarch, was a grand success, there being
Thomas oyce. At Oughten put in a pretty one for Se4forth, sermon at- the annual convention 0of the repair for le he p at the Hensall 29th inst., weatheil permitting. a 6rw&rd..
B nedy, of this town, preached the A number of second ]land Barric's 8 aW of the Presbyterian
Pleasant pirt of the and then the boys seemed to wake up, Mor- at the resilience of his daughter, Mrs. John Implement Shop. —A good go
proceeding, Mr. Davi Ancient Order of Hibernia-ris, held in Str,t- Wx. EhDER, alelsman. IS85-1 dly number present. Aftei tea -a foot.
d Bell took the chair rison and Jackson got- good chances which ford la t number front this 'township attende'J the
and a, very pleasant time was s. 8 i week.—The Roxboro pulilia and Oldfield, of Tuckersmith, with wbom he had. MUNISTERIAL. —Rev. J. A. Ball �gu- presentati b . match took place between Gorrie and
on to Rev. George Sh;�w at tile
ent in listen- they didn't manage to seize, then !, Birown" Sabbath Schools are to Id a grand been sto ing of late. Mrs. William Rob- Mildmay which, res- ited in one
ing to music, recitations, etc., while the 'banged one into the goal po lie - "n' Phrasia, Pounty of Grey, has been visiting his u
st, but it drop- pi manse in Belgrave on Tuesday 'even goitl to
good ladies of the section performed their n be onlr. John Scott's farm- a6le Mitchell- road Fullarton, is ister, Mrs. S. . McArthur, of this village. last week. e -Sabbath School and Lid,epen-
onto inon, ing of Goirie. —Th
ed on the wro ), side. The s got it of July 2nd. There will'be several go aso a daughter of his, to wh' dexit Order
part nobly by supplying a most excellent through on a free Jiek from a fouf Od om and other —Rev. Louis Diehl incumbent of Holmes- f Good Teltiplar specie..
as intend
-rents no one had touched it,no goal was co t. Paul's church, on Sun- Ing, a picnic On Mnday July 2nd, in r. Dominion Note
are glad to see - that the pa n hold-
, blit speakers present, and all who'� attend r, He was in the 68th year of his age. day last. Wa��n. Allan's grove.—Mr. H
tea. lVe frie ds, we extend-onr deepest sympathy. ville, preached in S'
14uted. sure to have an enjoyable time. Some Rev. Mr. Ball, rector of St. amilton. is able to
of his pupils past and resent, appreciate Galt were o Everybody I,- Deposit 'With
cott's service ecasionally able to break awaY,' is welcome who wishes- to spend the holiday years ago deceased sustained severe injuries James' ehurch, Euphrasia, also assisted in ONUAL.—Tlie residence of Mr. aro,ond again.—Mr, E. W. Mahood has re -
Air. S � we feel quite cer but were s MATIMM
-in that he is w0lf wol'thy of their deepest mintes before. time was called the Seiforth picnicking.—Mr tson . and her which lie never full unaway accident, from the services. Rev. E. Softly, jr., -and Air. Henry. Hamilton, ab(Alt a mile east of the tutted from Iowa City, _ where he has ob� Notes of iwd 0
ta eldoni dangerous. A cou.pi� Of W. N. Wa on the ]lead from a r
village, was the scene of a v4iry merry Balances due
dauhter, Miss Bella,: intend leaving y recovered. He was a J. C. Clausen attended the Church of Eng- tailied tile degree of f. A. We are glad to
nice work,sent it -elk. gathering on Wediles0ay of last week The he0 of his.suecess.—Qnte a number of he
gratitude and most heafty respect, t boys rushed the ball down, and aft for a man of kind disposition, good c aracter and land Synod in London last Nj�t
I er some trip to the Old Country on July 7S next. t
whizzing betweep the universal occas
im KxOT TIED.—The young lady
T refer- Galt posts. Galt claimed oJfiide at tile -
They go by the steamship Labrador, of, ly- liked. Pip,4c. —The picnic 'held in P. D. BelPs toWs iqn was the marriage of Mr. Hamil- farifiers are complaining about their pota0es the Vatted$
Dominion line. They were ticketed thtough -woods, near Rodgerville. . on Friday , -Miss Maggie, to Mr. rol
red to in the folloWing-paragraph,which was though it was pla eldest daughter tting with the wet weather.—Mr. James
in the claim could tiot be after- John B61 er, a prospey farm Wright raised his barn on Friday.— vs
clipped from the Arizona Dail:3P Gazette is upheld. What was the surprise of e�ery- 'Staffit. with Carmel Pres- er of by Mr. Somerville.—Mr. D. McCallum, a noon last, in connection' ous young,
byterian Sabbath"School, 'Was' ver place Matid Bowers and Jessie'Potter are isiting iolpd *nd ot
ession gne
-he referee, Mr. Hoop- has attended and a pleasant time was spent, in., was witnessed by frielids.—The friends of Redgrove, intend VAIM"be ion
nati"e Of this county being adaughter' . of one, however, when t formerstudent of the Collegiate Institute,r' MINISTEIAL.—The Rev. E. oftie Morris. 1he cerenioiy, which took
ad friefids.—Rev. Dr. McDonald P old of Iffensall and 9taffa. over two hundrelinvited guests from Se�- having a . icnic, on Saturday, on the. lake.
William Holmes, of the 12th conc er, of Goderich, stated that someone was in town on Wednesday, looking it resi d the parish �y largely on the lawn at 4
of RoKil-lop. urned rain
She went 'to Deaver, Col- clai, � ed a foul for Seaforth before the goal a complete rest for a which came on quite early in the evening, verton, Atwood, Brussels ancl They' wilfhave a good time
m ret He purposes taking which was only marred by the storm forth, mil
orad about seven years a o, and has re- was made, and ordered the Seaor home fro#i the Presbyterian General As- few months to recruit hi , as things are in Time LIONISIGn
th mer� to s strength.—On spoiling the most enjoy other places. The nuptial knot was firmly goo(f shape for picnis.—Fi
-sembi , at St. Johns, New Brunswick, oil
aided there u ly, when she re- take their free kick. They failed to conVert Y morning next the Sacrament of the � poon spo ble part of h is the Othervarrent I
Monday evening last.—Mr. Eldridge, Kel- upper will be administe W. G. Reilly, of Bruss eve4ing amusement around
moved to Arizona. The maiky friends of this into a goal and the whistle tile after- tied by Rev. t in adus Debts
I,9rd'sys red in Grac rts, which were then just at their els, the heg village.
the Oung lady will unite with us in con- blow, for time ivas lam is at Ingersoll this we k, visiting Mr. 'Church, Stafla, af e bel lit and best. We trus wedding march bein played by Miss Nearly every evening -all the boats are oe-
eaying the scare I to 0 in favor � of ter morning service.— wi b the weather Annie
gra-ti Zations on the ha Anderson Coulter.—The Hurons go to Galt The Rev. J. A. Ball, of Euphrasia, offici- If be more favorabI6 at -the next annual Of Walton. T 6 3tor
p event. The Seafort�- Seaforth play in Galt on Friday - bride was assisted' eupied for that parpo -keg".
Crazette says : "In the p -Y "'a 0 se.
--------- Other Assets
r performed the duties of groomsman.
terday, a license was iss David H. a.,E:ApoRTH. championshipof Western Ontario. The last, the Rev. E. Softley k of our
next. The following are the teanis - lay—the final match for the ated in Grace Church on Sunday evening
)ate. court, yes- to,day to 'p bygher sister, Miss'Nelli while Mr. Thos.
picnic. BOIg
ued to POLITICAL.—A very large number e
18chultz and Maggie Holmes, permi6tig GALT. will be represented by the fell Y ta ing duty in villagers atteftiled Mr. D. Weismiller's last After congratulations B17th.
Campbell Ca owingplayers: the Holmesville parish. Were over the com-
Goal -
their legal entrance into the blissful state of Mliott I Idwell Campbell, Elliottl Willis, Livingston, STALACTITES.—Quite a number from here and special meeting at Zurich, on Monday pany repaired to the tables, which were BiEvITMS. Herbert Young is home
matrimony. Theceremony was performed Willis Backs Elliott Stephenm, J. Jackson, Morrison attended the football evening last, where it was, loaded with edibles tha from! Toronto this week.—Mis, J. julli
Var4on Jack- match at. Seaforth last announced that would satisfy the
last evening by Rev. G. W. Pierson, of the son, Oughton, K. McLean, J. Clerinan. —Mr. Saturday.—Mr. Du Dr. Af6ritague, in addition. to Mr. Campbell taste of an epicure. of Bilfast, is visiting friends in town at
McKinley L Duo�er nean Carmichael and The evening was'pleas.
Methodist Church, Goldis I
Jackson antly spent in various %vays, the principal PresOnt.—Divisioil Court was held in Indus -
Only a few friends of the B. Feauson, of Montreal, ex -11. P. P., and Mr. Weismiller would ad
sI hts
en- try �fall on Mond
I'll amusement being dancil
In the Clannan of Lon on, are visiting at Ingleside. —Miss. lake -at Bayfield last Sunday. M88 Lizzie
f hap% couple being present. nd Miss Elliott, Mr. John Heron took in the dreas the meeting. The gatherin
ev of the
b Pr#A
bridesmaid, Miss AT Gib
ng groom, acccompanied ickson 9 be6g a Music was fur- of Owen Mr. Harry Scarlett,
ride and b McLean M Murray, sister, of Mrs. J. Roche,'who Kidd, of Fullarton, is visiti very large one it was held in the opelf, air. nished, by Messrs. Nolaif and Roland, and now,,, The
Y Morrison Steep n at Mr. Robt. I ea who has been renew -
Jackson In addition to the Conservative t Brothers in
best Righi-wing of Hulle g qId acquaint Of tile
Holmes, and has been in a millinery' establishment in Nichols' at present.—Afr. William Rivers speakers, tt; on the Violins, t ances for the last few dayB,
they were accompanied on the Organ by , for home on Tuesday. posi
Ina Centre I Aitkin town for the Past four months, has returned and Mr. F.' D. Hutchison spent last Satur' ster, of Exeter, and Mrs ef
n,, A -r. Fred Tate, and'a few friends were Oughton Mr. R. Collins, barri and
entertained at supper by Hindmarsh Air. John McMillan, M. P., -of Hullett Walker, of lrwi� of Winghain, —Mr. Arthu)r The gene ml
To -da, e a decrease i
ArA. Baker. Referee, Mr. Hooper, Goderich. to her home in Paris to spend her holidays.— day and Sunday in Seaforth.—Mr. and Mrs. Bru�sels, and Miss Ater was in town this week. i
keeping near Pe fas -Maggie MeQuarrie is
-Y the cOuPI will commence - house- Mrs. Allan McLean and little son left last A. Cameron were were allowed. to speak for one hour betw�en' Culletigh, of Leadbury. The large array of —M ' improving
oria, upon a fruit fat -in of tin pend a 9 slowl�, from her severe sickne ---�Th of
- ELECTIONZS- —Tuesday last coupl; of ireeks visi g relative .—Mr. W. and- M basel)all team drove to Au , urn on Friday
Tii ss.
the Arizona improvement C E Tow-,, other,) e Blyth.
Friday for Guelph, where they will s Sebrin Ville last week.—Rev. Air. Burwashi in the Reform interests. popularity of the bridi. A silver cake
ontany of visiting relatives in them, (the one speaker to follow the presents, valued at over 0900, tesiffy to the been
wasabusyday ill town Beatty, the r. -Smitherman, preached' their fare -i The meeting was
which Mr. Schultz is superintend'ent. . The friends of successful candidate in Leeds,is well sermons here last Sunday. a'very orderly and well conducted one for basket was received from the members of Afternoon last, and played a friendly nlafch both political parties put forth their utmost a brothef-in-I w of Mr. James Dickson, of Many of' n close
Part of their household effects will be a large a an open air meeti g, the kers were St. George's church W Ito urn club, but owing to its the congregation were moved to tears, and 'a d spea li, as a slight with" the Aub given a very fair hearing. The meeting 8 in starting to rain, both teams had t icorrect Bed with three cheers for Mr. W -S, ell fignire they
f the Bani
lals of good will and affection. it' saying that both pqwties the s�ore stood 10 runs to 0 in --;
assortment of presents, both handsome strength and there 'was not an available vote Niagara, awell-known Huronite and former their kindly faces will long be remembered 611 counection with the ell -of which she was playiog at the e of three inni recognition of Miss '
Ham on�s service
a"d left uilpolled. We believe we are contributed by frien(Is as testi resident: of Seaforth.—A patent chemical by the Methodists of this - district% ---- �Mr. clo Weismiller a proin oir,
and Mr. McLean. The chair was abl'
ed at the result, as were disappoillt� fire extinguisher was tried on the market and Mrs. James Call, of- Sebringville, are Y filled ent member f4. -years. Mr. and ia O,r of the
the Conservatives ex- square on Thursday night of I by Mr. Torrance, reeve Of,L Mrs. Bolger intend residj�g on th ir Blytli team. The Blyth ast week. A t66 guests of Mr. A. Cameron.—Our mer-' Stanley. boys report ths;t
Mr, cLean's maJOritY` would be large bonfire was kindled and allowed to get ant Air. J81in Sadler, THE ELEariox.—the 26th passe on Grey, and they,%vere used well by the Anurn fellows. manner m,
NOTE.s.—Mr. J. 0. pected I ell the 16th concession of e farm I H
shipped thre d over T.HB
Roe considerbl y less than it was, While some of a good headway� when the extinguishe was thousand pounds of butter to Mr. here with a great deal of stir and intereat -EXPOSITOR joilis with th�fr may f
r riends in Frank Buggin was in town last week. earrieathe
met avith a slight accident wen' his more sanguine friends hoped it would brough shown by both political parties, but we wishing them long life, ibealtb nd pros- --Nfn W- W. loan spent -Sunday in town. the year p,
f J. D.
roul at business trip to Bayfiel(%.1 oil Wedl, be t into PUY. It did good work -we Moore, of St. Marys, this week. That is are
r es'7- considerably larger. ies perity. Cy - le
R. E. Jamieson was in Clinton on 1?01'
the largest amount of butter ever shipped xcitement
Every person, bow- believe, the compound subduing tile fla Aeased to say, that while the M-onday of this week. ive
day of lastWeek. When near the ever, was good u attired and, although there at once, wherever it touched.—The many from here at one shipment. —Mr. A. Me- ran high, there were. no blows str ck, or tent ting
utation at Brucefield his wheel struck were some things done which, perhaps, friefids of Airs. Win. Sproat, any A gisTHON'ABLE- WEDBIN-G.—A pleasant safe FY
Very pretty event took place in the which
cas in son has returned Presbyterian Church, on Weduesday, at 11 losses mad
and Mrs. Logan oclock a. in-', when Miss 1-31a, only daugh- in
disabled -vehicle along %vitb bim.—It has little ill feeling enge C, was very rl. of the candidates is a local man. The have gone on a trip to thq Soo.—Mrs. GM- ter of Mr. D. B. N
011ie, tri-Liling, the terness o the 'struggle, there ved saelyand well at their several des -
c tire renderitig it useless for the tinie, collaiderint the excitement and extreme bit' toba, will be pleased to that they ar- ion of that kind, particularly where one from a Visit to Nairn. -aud
mati left here a couple of weeks ago fer-'Mani-* week. which are almost inseparable from an oc-
stue with such force as to burst the pneu- would have been better left undone, yet actions, Bayfiela
and party, who Laren, of Toronto, was in our village ihi* thing beyond excited words and u
cl leaving him to foot it 11 learn JOTTINGS. —,Nfr. John
tinations.—.NL �D Kippen. IcKinnon,
was United in Wehea
of the day's 'polling,
car hall, where the returns' Detroit, a distance of 125 miles, the neigh- the result t" her sister,.NE8� the holy bonds of mat. to Dr. W. J. nioney
N r- XID6�'of this place-. brokers'
he first I de was waited
cupi s be Ir. McLean on Tuesday last, ooper being t largest ever seen here, and . the Rtformers guson is visiting in r. ohn Fe
ed by Mr. Rose, It, were being delivered and announced, was to vote for IN borhood,'Mr-. James C was the -'Lvl- Porterfield this week.
lage ow -Red by Mr. J. W. Fear atid now oc way from
been reported that the residence in this vil- ight, dno's ridered Or shown. At fr. Ted. �i awsoll came all the NoTEs.—Haying has begun in crowd that gathered in the evenin,,;, to learn des, of Belgrave,ws visi
en sold. Such, packed with &it eager, enthusiasti We I&
however, is not the cue, as the place is still c and gooil and in order to do so, we noticed at work in the bay field. -LA -1 GDdqich.—On Sunday on IXY Miss Curtis, of Blyth, also by speculatio
a were naturally very much rejo'leed at r. morning last, Mr. W. T. 11all.
left his situation on D vid McLean has barley measuring four eLea-ri'a election. P1 some Of th
natured crowd. As the several reeuru the boat on which he was sailing. 'These - 0 ey, while the groom
on the niarket, and, 8 delivered a iss 4. 'Mullen, of Ri
considering the style of were received, an Liberal or —'Fall Nvhq;�t
feet six inches. very instructive and interesting address to was sUpported by )Jr, J. . McKin-tion, ter how tr
nouncing a a axe the kind of voters a candidate can re- is very rank in BRivFs.--Mr. Cameron Smith, barrister the children at the Presb;yterian church.—
building and location, it is a desirable Conservative victory, the comple.xioll of the ly On.—Mr. George McIn some places and ba4ly down ih others, o- bot�r of the bride and Dr. J. W. Sh believe thi
property fpr any person needing a cont -fort- audi tosb, of the Blind Owing to the building which he former -f; awl
ence could be %,cry easily distinguished Institute, Brantford is now home fo &ins' and the r ding her va. of Clinton. Rev.' ir. McLean ti ag
A number of our young people by the cheers. When the r his apid growth. occupied.,baving been removed, has removed cation with f ien ed the
able home.' ing to the May r Hilda Moorhouse
resence of -a pu 11W of
final returns from holidays. u %1r. Acheson returned ]ionic from his office, temporarily, to the Commercial mer visitors are arriving- Mrs y, of crowded church. was nicel Amounting
dive to Bayfield on a Piclite excursion, to- being the first of in =—The sum knot �erysqientificall
in the
very seriot
the Assembly on Tuesdky. Mr. Acheson HoteI.—Mrs. A. NTurdock, of Thames London, is at the Commercial; rs. Bruce carpeted and beautif�lly decorated with
'South Huron Were received, n k g it uly, N'londay will be 'observed as a Brier] in
--When is that electric railvea, -oilag tolerably certain that IVIr. McLean, IS in&- holida general P
to materialize 9 t seems needed ju.; y,-ancl &II the stores nd other busi- enJoyed his trip very muell.—Rev. -Mr. who was here for a couple of weeks visiting family and nurse, of Clintpil n, at the River' flowers. 11r. W.
t now. jority Nvas 16, he w to - the hall ness placesill be closed. Walker preached to a full house -in St. her sister, Mrs. Wren and Mrs. Harold re- W. 81can, of Toronto duAry of 4
to fwl in
v sen and thanked his friends for their efforts in his be- Walker's services are always appreciate(] by John Buch- Mr. de Nice, Detroit, at the Queen's. —The very becomingly, while Miss E. losses in at
�i harbor should boom that Village 1). Hotel ; TM rs. Tiffany, Miss 'Lucille Tiffany, and Mr. J. A
Those promised- improvements in Bayfield he was war"llaysreceived, an(l briefl; ----------------- Andrew's church last� Sabbath. Nilr. turned home this week.—Mr. Tayloi- offici
it aetthat the people of St. y are figu big played the wedding march. Or to imrr
land.—Blection day passed over -.-cry quiet- half n(I coligratulated the I oil the f Clinton. anan, son of -Air. Win. Buchanan, . P.,'Of Salvation Arm Q Young
here, but both parties worked its if the tl M Hy-ME'NTM1L--On the eveni Andrew's.—The St. the Township of Hay, and who is a d 9 time here On Saturday, T.,Ing on a After the cere-
of Wednes- Andrew's Sabbath School picilic took PI ce the Agricultural College at (,,rLl tten in 81114day and Monday, cting parties and thev have
ce of Mrs. el It, is home July 7th, 8th and 9th. It 'was intended for the invited guests drove to the
fr. McNevin's grove last Friday and all this week -on a W -6ough
nNP ilL
as the scene of one Reid's brid's
present had a most enjoyable tin' July 2nd, but as there are so many other ell- a
Yearly election of officers for the Young time made this result an assured fact. of tho, events that never seem to go elitire- ie. There little girl had the misfortune, on Friday ertai iel ample
candidates were personal friends.—The half- as the returns received IIP to this Oakes Albert stree ng m
Y e "0- "at Grovernment had been again
sustaffied, (lay, June 20th, the 9 den a
PeO140's 80ciety of Christian End f th r's resi ence, where they did thems
here -was the largest vote polled in ea- ly oil se was not as large an attendance it was thouAt better to post- justice to tile inner man, also vie villich
to k IT for
'In ts
the Yeal
as usual, afternoon last, to fall between the wheel ponie it. The sixth Aiinivetsary of Byfield money out
place Gn Tuesday eirerting, and i 0 t of style, it being the occasion
=i1red oin' forth ever iecorded at a political ele Of the owing to there being t1vo other picnic$ in and bolster of his wagon, while getting in it corps will be celebrat WstlY alatl numerous presents. teng the
ction Triarriage of her- youligest daughter Carrie, ed -by a three'days wedded couple, with some other friends, brokeim in
the foltowing choice: President, Mr, R. J. and certainly at no election held for twent; ftodr. James Stoddart of Chicag imbe neighborhood the same daY.—Mr. Ben when it getting so terribi
was golng, y
lAtildrew; ITice-President, Aliss,Vl. Steven- years was there so much hard work done oil I ly of Goderich. Rev. W. Smyth ie, of Canton, Minnesota, is spend a crushed'that pirt of the bolster had to be meeting, a grand supper, ice cream social drove to Clinton where they
0, former -o qniiU
mi took the 2 the
pefOrrned few days at the home of Mr. James S Ing eetings on Sat- m. train, bound for -a trip to New YOrt Inuell to
and musical festival
The m,
Ilie. sawn off before she could be extracted. I urday and Sunday, to be he�d in the Orange We wish them long life and happiness.