HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-06-08, Page 8-EXPIORTORO TffE ATiNE 8 4e, HURON
Witum's Gash Grocery. -Kin d to Come." d Cardho 400 Com —Master Ritchie Elliott. McLean an ard and Leather- this town, "nt; Sunday in 'Goderich. in the ground and will ha'y'e to be planted o'clock p. in. the bridal part ied accomparri e. under the doetoA.6-Are if some laa(l and Papt 600 yards, ot er atarlters, if Miss Carrie Sha,.;'O The land at present is far from be- b. eight couples, drove f Toronto, was �in town again.f: Wingliam., where FRIDAY Wheat 0 down, but bmd goes up that is the day.—Mr. Peter Moore left last I" eek for any, bein W g arranged later;. ha mile for mar- last week attending the funeral of her ing fi�lfor plei hing, bIeiing sad and glazed t ey took the train for Kincardine' amid way coin n7t IOU trolV1151119 CODSUMere every time. i Algoma on a prospecting tour. 'He - will ried men belong -to o,,eomblas to re half mile, boys- und r fifteen ; half aunt, William Shaw, She returned like mortar.- tatute labor wi I soony have showers of rice. The h,; )y couple left tbat ulate prices, but sell all -,^A. _# t. likely locate in that district if a suitable mile named race Baldwin Wi er and Liv- home last RaturdiLir —Ming Min-n;a Mot— ;4-.0
Fl-me as price for omen or trade 5 a- ep W1 ru blielutowing morn, for a Trip up Tine only. K ep no - Selection� can be made, -The Rev. J. L. get Z Or d UJNA t1th
books, make iia, bad debts, and can ingston of Hirpurhey, is visiting friends in Toronto ose of - gravel and stories, and the ea. AmIinir-the ivruest� were: Mrs. Hig- small good c . hesper t6aii, ally one can, who does 4 1 Wilkie gave a very - interesting account of Pak and vicinity. -There was another severe cross -logs a lick a -ad a promise-zo mlt�h for ley ; Mr. and- Mrs - Cilining, (father, and credit bum oss. The best family flour for $1.70 per his missionary work in our church last Sab- A REsuLT or LATE Hou .-We have frost on Tuesday night, sufficient to make road work. --j. Agin has' purchased 4 fine mother of the groom,) together with the 100 lbs. 11t wilt MY you well- to bake your own 76NW. A[ fird-clais brown = bath He is laboring in Indore, had some very dark nights du ing the late ice and a - good deal of injury has been Berkshire hog from,.Mii. Carbert, of H�llett other members.of thelir nt
2a lbg. for. $I. mornin family - Mr. Win. All th Ough this � o 1 h we Choice uew� Currauts, ftsi Rice, Tapioca, etc., f9r India, and cale to Ontario. a few weeks ago cloudy weather. Last Mond night two done to fruit and early vegetables. -On townshi .-Mr. R.. -Miller, ston k Will Oser. 5 cents * cund. Beat quality Pork Ham, Break- P . e. ton, Littlefair and wife, of' Luc now ; Air. and e if- ourig ladies were spending e even hell, of near finished a large barn wall for Mr. -8 ve 3h.S "harles-Hamilton. and son, Blyth; Mr.
fast BAl Hod Bacon and Lard, etc., at to recruit his healthi and is visiting th d ing th lug at a Monday last as Mr.. Alex. Mite d "wit fereut congregati6m in order -to arouse them Trirnd's residence and in the eductive al- Varna Was returning home frd)u that vil- 5th concession, this week.—Base ban -will and the isses Halliday, Belgrave ; the LADIES' UNDER han at I wost ri a. in new season Green. is 08
lack$*. J& to the great needs of that'part of the -foreign lurements of crokinole the hou sped by So lage, a couple of steers that were on the be played in Mr. Michies field on Saturday Misses Tucker of Wingliam. ; 'Mrs. John Irn TO ,, I Cyces the best in the market, and am WEAR
ise ing them at the same profit M other goods. Do field. —Wise and brave words those of Dr: swiftly that, epe the co I . Inpan ere aware, road ran against his buggy, breiaking the evening of this -week, ff'it is fine on that Isfooney and Mr. William MooneWe Brvu,svi not send 4wity for tea or anything in the grocery Grant, as lately reported , in the� press the electric lights had Me 'their. last shafts, but causing no further inju y.—Mr. date.—The question now is will Gibs : or sels - r. McLellaud and sisters lgra e. CORSETS line as I 4awand will. give you better value here and r On Wise because in the verybest interests bf wink and* closed their eyes for th6 night, David Chesney, of Tuckersmith, take your trade at the highest -market price and has a horse Milne be elected. Election day will tell ; The costly presents showed - fhe high esteem
gultrilintoo all goods to glye satisfaction. Some our country -. brave, as they are in 6pposi- leaving. theyoung ladies d rkness that with a mane, the hairs of which measure 4 some say nomination dayill tell. HOSIERY'AN-D GLOVES.
good toes wanted at a good price. in & in which the bride was held among her tion to his political associotions of 6, life- might be felt. In gropin d f f6et 8 inches. This leaves Tuckersmith ends. After the wedding tbur- Mr. and Dping, r�c, or the
lythi�lg, th ft
C. WILSON, Seaforth. time'. - The results will probably be as dis- sidewalk, &-tree, or ai i. 'lost their ahead so far on the long hair question. —The Varna. Mrs. Cumin� intend settling down to the
Bank of Commrce Block. astrour, to Ontario if Stich words of Wisdom reckoning. ' In trying o lerce t e'darkness social which was to have been held on Wed- ON. June 11' realities of life in their hom ne r Bly h SILKS t374 th there will be lime for $'be a t - 'BLACK and OLO ED are no X
t observed in the coming election, as they spied a ow an( directing nesd by the Christian Endeavor at I 3 cents per bushel, one mile north of Varna, on We wish them all prosperity. they have been to the Dominion since 1878. their course Gwards it found th inselveg. at ay evening, the fArm of WmwAm Tuniim. Society of the Presbyterian church, has been By condoning the Pacific Scandal and rein- the house of an elder. The N% rbhy man, postponed until ne 'NoTps.—The Rev. -Nilr., Henderson, I of (freenway. EMBROIDERIES g I xt Wednesday evening- statin the actors M- that unsavory transac- though surprised at such I calb liessrs. John an& Frank Scott, of: Chi Hensall all un ime
Bi ng Deal, cago is en aged to deliver a lecture'in tion* a reign of corruption was inaugurated furnished.the ladies with a GTHENGs. —The Corbett Presbyterian RIBBONS
lant rn, ly the and Mrs. James Murray -h t Canadias Of London, are the Town Hal here on]Nfonday evening, the garden party is to he -held at Mr. ScotVs, which has made ones blush aid of which they were rejoiced t soon find here this week,, attending the. funeral of 18th inst. A rare treat is in- store for th9se uea,x Moray, on June 20th.—Mr. D.Brophe VEILINGS -Through- the agency of the. never-fallirig factor with Shaine many it time since.—Mr. ames their own doorstep. Ring.curfe ring find their mother, Mrs. A. Scott.—The -Sacra- who will avail themselves of the opport it CASBA w - ha*e been enabled W close out a consider- y P McIntosh, of the. P�ill Road, met with ii call the (children) -home in time. An [ Y and family were called away on Thursdxy of able 'ien:of the balance of a large manufacturers ment of the Lord's Supper was celebrated in of hearing this brilliant speaker.-�-Qiir
Motle Up Clothing sta bargain. The prices Most unfortunate accident on Tuesday last. the Presbyterian church on k9unda . y, morning Methodist friends purpose having a g rd" last week to attend the funeral of Mrs. Dor- PARASOLS manwho died at her home near Ailsa Craig. at they are bought will enable us to sell He had been delivering baled hay im town- A Wi@LL WRITTEN BOOK. — have re- last. There -was a very lar e attendance.— party on Wednesday evening, the , 131h She was well known in this vicinity and a AND MILLINERY. n
MON N'S SPLEN61D SUITS withtwo teams,one of which was young ceived.a copy of a book, which, though it We are pleased to hear lat Mr. Joseph inst�'., id Mr. John Wanless' orchard. T e number of her friends from here attended At, r. ,lis.r4$9.M. In fact we,,have a very nice All and spirited, driven by himself. On his re- has had a large sale in the 'United States, i's Prendergast passed his final examination at Clinton Brass Band is engaged for theiocca- the funeral. —Mr, John Sherritt is in God- Wool 8 t at;114.60, warranted to give good satisfac- turn, and when near the pottery, the pole of just appearing in, Canada. It i "entitled Rush Medical College, Chicago, and received Sion, A big time is expected. Everybo I
tion. I Boya'and Children's suits we can send the the wagon dropped, from the bres;king of a mother Beautiful Joe." by I iss M rs i 11 Sauin�
iIhomedelighted with the bargains we can- his degree' of M. D. a few days ago. dy erich this' week, attending' the County
Rush wW be welcome.—Last Sunday, a g6odly Council,—.Mrs. John Belling returned home gye them. I A Bat and Sall given to each boy get. strap . , while the horses were going; at 8, ders, of Halifax, Nova Scotia, A sister of is due of the leading medical. schools in the number of Court Varna, Canadi�ii _Or4wr of last week, alfter -visiting her friends at Yale, DRESS GOOD'S
zing, a suit. Call and hApeeL smart pace and caused tile driver to be Air. E. M. Saunders, who wits, a years United States. It has on its faculty, amen Foresters, went to Clinton and proceeded WM;. "PICKARD thrown olently to the ground, dislocating ago, a clerk'in �Vfichigan. —While laying foot ball last SILKS
v the Bank of -Co, erce in other prominent 1 physicians- the c.oleb.ratel with the Clinton brethren to th i Eriglish his shoulder. In spite of this, Mr. McIn- tfiis town. Beautiful Joe 1; W s written surgeon, Dr. Seim. . It is 'customary each church, and the Rev. Mi Tuesday evening, AV. George Glendenning Fairlie preitc�ed it ved a severe kick on the leg. He has o rth. tosh pluckily stuck- to the lines, and was to compet& for and receiv I ffered year for the faculty of this school to nomi- very able and practical sermon. The chure'
1374 Seaf e( a priz O: MUSLINS
dragged a considerable distance. The by the Ailierican Hum h been unable to be out since.—The _McPher-
8 ane Socie for a nate ten i horses, however, ot away and ran M far as A story on ' of their; new -graduates to the posi- was crowded to the door. ion Manufacturing Comp �e citting out CHALLIES
I animals. It is a most interesting tion of dispensing physicians �.t Cook Mr. Der ere they were stopped �tory and -b�sides contains a grea A &I of a large quantities of bee
without further da t e CountyHospit L S
t , in the city,, and it is an Bayfield. alniiivea nd racks. mage. There musk'be infolmatioril well calculated tew f,&0016 Their num-ns ha rack-, ra" -nd AND DELAINES'
something highly exciting to horse flesh in yonng ev ence Dr. Prendergast s good standing FARMERS, when you need Tea purphase 3 J . I . . I . -
people, whq'are apt to be thouallitless . to as a student +.ha+ ^"4-, -f �,l 1119 brated churns are in great demand.
A from your own store keeper rather thanfrom travel- tile air of out- village, as on he same day treat with 1 in Icre kindness and better re- year, he was one of the apointed ten. These agents cannot do an well lor� DISTRICT MATTERS. Mr. James McMichaeFs dignified, well con- s" ling tea agents. ults. their four footed pets. In our opi- Mr. Taylor's.repair shop on wheel's moved Walton. you, and a great many who have ordered their tea aitioned and - usually. amiable tempered ion it is mu have found this out. WKre you can get the best CARPETS all superior to� "Black Beauty," out of town the i first of the week. It had Ines Is at H. F. EDWARDS'. His 25e Japan tea SocLAL.-The Ladies' Aid Society in con -
driver concluded, to smash things up, so which has been so extensively read, par- become such a familiar. object that our va 1382.1 nection with the Walton Methodist Church CT-TRrAINS
leads all.
that the rig had to be left for repairs, and ticularly in the interest. of hnarrative, citizens rniss it. �-Tlie Windsor football teain eBItEEzy LocLs.-Mr. John Kitchell, oi ri'tend holding their monthly entertainment the genial owner 4ad to wend his way home which is a true story -taken directly from have defaulted to the Hurons, so that the Lobo, was here this week, the piest of his at the residence of Mr. Thomas Williamson, And all HOUSE FURNISHfNGS.
Political Meetings. on foot. life. 'The introduction for the Canadian latter will nowonly have to meet exalt in uncle, H. F. Edwards. -Rev, K Olivant is on Tuesday afternoon, June 12th. Teawill
edition is written by Lady Aber�deen. AL Y. MCLEAN, home ad home! lnatclle4� -Mr. J. P. Brine attending Conference at Goderich this we be served fi-om. 5 to 7 o'clock, and in the ek Crockery, Groceries. (Treat I — I The 14iberal candidate for South Huron, and bargains. GooD BituruaRi. 1382-1 ' has been confined to his residence in Har- -Mrs. Thomas King has returned from a evening a good programme ill. be carried CHURCH PARADE. -The members of the purhey, for 'a few dayq; by illness, but, -we isit to Clinton. --James Donaldsou�s mill out. All are cordially invited.
otherg the electors on the pub- WE have just received a large consign- Canadian Order of Foresters and also of the are pleased to learn he is recovering and was shut doo-n for a few days this week, NEws NOTES. -Mrs. Forrest is A United Work�nien assembled in the hall on siting Edward lie questions of the day at the following ment of the newest styles in ladles" lists. the whole McFaul
Cos, on the dates named: of which, tojtether with the stock remaining on hand, will soon. be able to wil Pla, be around- a in. -Mr. b ad to the engine :at _'Monut Albert.�-_blrs. HallEpenny, of so. Wu. ga � e repairs were ein m e we will sell at nearly one ha regular pric Sunday afteinoon and marched to St. Robert Cblemaii, who has been confined to -There Was i y large attendance M r. W. M. SEAFORTH. Mooday, June 11th. -Town Hall, Bay- PICKARD. Thomas' chur .Trowbridge, has been visiting at 382-1 ell, where they listened to an his residence for some days by illness, is, we at- Trinity church on Sunday - morning last, Smith's. -The Ladies' Missionary 'Society geld. i able and eloIlitent sermon from the Rev BARB WEP-m-We have- secured are glad to learn,recoveiing. -Miss Florence when Rev. J. T. Kerrin reached an elo- -intend holding a garden part a, Supply
_y at Mr. D. t Galvanized Barb Wire ere Tuoday, June 1-2th.-Town Hall, Zurich. of beat American two poin Rural Dean Hodgins. His disco - urse was Johnson leaves' to -day for Toronto, wh quent sermon to the anagan Order of For- MeCuaig's on Friday evening of next week.. kneeling maybe iRdulged in, according te,
Wednesda, June 13th. -Town Hall, which we will sell for the present at three and one founded upon the appropriate7 text " Bear- she will spend it month or so visitilng friends. resters. -Preparations for Dominion Day Tea -Will be served, and afterward o0d age, or tern rament, but sittin Thursday,, June 14th. -Drew's Hali, 1382 Law of Christ," and thi sermon was replete is a f g is -not to be
Crediton, half cents per pound. Raw & WiLem, seaforth.. Ye one Another's Burdens and so fulfil the -Dr. and lvls� R. W. B. Smith are at To- celebration are being s rapidly 'puiflied for- r that habit genera y
ronto this . week, where the doctor is attend- ward. programme will be fuiiished by Our Oc&1 ent , as - 11 has a Send to the secretary, George- r- talent, aided by Best Brothers, of Hallett, mot'depressing effect on the crop. -The Exet SHOES, Shoes, Shoes, are cheap as the with many practical lessons in regard to th the ProNiincial Medical Association- win, for prize lists.-6eorge. Stanbit the Stewart family, and G.
cheapest. Don't buy until you see our present e
Mel At the Bafield Zurich it paternal relations which should prevail be- y re- Hngston, of 26th of June is ad-vaneing at &,very �!Pid
Cred-Al: prices. Big reduction on. every pair. GooDBROB. Ve -are sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs. turned last week from the 'University, To- Brussels. to arms 11 is
rate, and the call L4 t
and gxeter� Afe sing an eloquent S. W. Cady,.who has be en confined to her ronto.-Wesle win and Herbert Collo- �o arms etings Mr. NIGLean will ; 1882-1
sermon is seift ringing.- 'pea in assisfed by Dr. McDonald, M, P. for EEL,, HIGH -EST price paid for wool, picks at the rev6rend gentleman spoke very house for some days past. Her medical at- Er f the ladiiies it
and � others, blubLicril & JAoK8oN's Hardware, Stove and favorably of the good day were down from Goderich "on Sunday Chiselhurst. 8 ki 01 is Hur4n, altogether unnecessary for us to _A; Depot. Tinware work being done by. tendant hopes; however, to bring hei around last. -"-Vr. Judson Moore and Utn,112� that bigsleeivesure becomin Tema ut 1382.2 friendly societies, in which at a small ex- all right agair� shortly. -Mr. Boyd, of Clin- g very prevale
urday, June 16 -At Blake. I buy my Tea and Coffee at A. Youzml ]?e-nse many were able to provide, in case of 'ton, has started a bakery in town, in the of Woodham, were visiting friends and d dangerous. The spr '_of an
me 18th- Pickar&s Hall, Seaforth. death, for those dependent upon them. 01, store Vacate the infection two 12 AsMeld. tives in and about this Village last week.- may be attributed to a laxity of the uar- Hoh' esville. Sri (I by Messrs. Galbraith M-cTaggart sold his farm, farm antine regulations. Many here ure �en J11ST ARRIVED. - Americ ntheir return to the hall the brethren passed tas. breild is OTES.-We are glad to hear that Ethel r- 1 down to four cents again. - T�esday, June 19-Nornination at, Hen- Barbed Wire and plain'Twist Fencing Wirei' a very, heality vote of reduced to Sic a pound. Mr. Thomas Ward, of Varna, had peas i stock and implements, recently, to his son- the complaint, thanks to the reverend n McLean, who was so seriously ill, is on a while not few have to, JoHN80m BRos. �' 1382.1 gentliilniian as an evidence of 1 their appreci- full bloo on Xay� 27th. -,Rev. Dr. McDon- fair to recovery. -The weather lately iu-'-law, Mr. 'Thomas Xyre.-Mr. David Per- be Bat up with. nesda, June 20 -At Shipka, Town. I can get no Coffee equal in flavor to the ation of his services. There are now over in has Way consequently th� son, of the 9th cone d his ed ald leave� On 'Monday next, for St. been wet ajid cold', ession, move shi, of Stephen. Coffee I buy at A. Yousals, deiforth. 1382 John, barn to a more convenient plaee on his farm PLANET JRA HORSE lffo�_ On 90UpFLER._ one hundred members in the Workmen's- New Brunswick, to- attend the Presbyterian growth has not been very rapid. -The Stanley. sday, une 21-Willart's Hall, Dash- Society here, and about one hundred and ral asem amount of damage done b the frost in this 14t week and then haddt elevated so as to Gene A bly. WOO Balance of stock will he closed out at reduced prices., twenty-five in the Canadian dMer of For- — - -------- : re a stone BOARD 011 HEALM-The Board of Health neighborhood can scarce y be ascertained. You got the best in the market when you buy the Z follud6iion. erected u.
F iday, June 22 -Separate School House, esters, and as a large number of them turned Small fruit will probably suffer most. ath. Messrs. Kennedy Brothers had the Planet Jr. Jonr;goN Bnos. 1382-1 Drysdale. berall present. The appointment of Dr. M in WHEN it comes dowh to actual worth and out on 13�pnday they presented a splendid THi,-- Y. P. H. H. A, Cedar Groye Picnic jo i and managed it to the satisfaction of Armstrong And contract made with him by Messrs. Hyde Brothers, of St. Marys,
r�Zy, -�'Sune 23 Separate School be appearatice. al' T at value for your money there is no getting, -Away Messrs W. J. Sutherland and Ground's situated two antPa half miles north of Dr�,s- Zurial.. the council were sustained and the Secretary HO e, Drysaa-le. from the fact that . Coventry's Old Stand is the 11. Geib-p-lare the presiding officers in these dale, on the lak6 shore. The grounds. togethe brothers-in-law of Mr. Ferguson, have se- authorized r with BwEFs.-Mr. AmosSchwitzer froin Kil- t -have 400 notices printedfc�r
da, June 25-Cowortli?s Hal1, Heu_ p e.. Our prices for Boots and ,'hoes are Societies this year, and the union parade platform 82xI2, refreshment stand Sxloo and tables Michigan, on cu�led the contract for -the -building of the distrib tr ny other Shoe house in this town or, 811 to acconimadate'200 peopleialao thause of a is the gruest of his'lincle, in schools, makirig known
I. managh, I stone rk.�Road work is now the order uti n
nday indicateA a most friendly feeling stove"d D. S. Faust. -Mr. John Veil and his -sister t e the doctor will be at the the vicinityt,can offeryou. Cash onl.v at T. Coventry's 0 be- feed for horses and also a number of b6ate. This is one im diffeMr.. chn. M. P. for South Old Stand.' tween the two bodiet. of the day.LSome of the farmers are pre- schools to C a Hur, 1382-1 of the best and most lovely picnic grounds along. the from Cavalier, North Dakota, are here visit- va cin te a requiing the saine. Hur will �ddresa the Shipka, me VELTY i' SEAFORTH is the rounds for a ing their brother and sister. It is about ten eting. QUIIi� A Ao shore. Anyonedesiring themse of the k pakt:na their grorid for turnips,
C5 while The board then adjourned t idea of having a business and carrying a picnic should apply to SAUEL WHSTLARIC, Presi o meet again at
stock of dent years since -nd fenc- the call of the CQ E ch of tho above mee gs will co.min en.ce oods upstairs. Ho%over, this is a very common OBITUARY.—It is our sad duty this week of the Y. P. H. If. A., Dry8d4le, Ontario. i3 they were here last. -Mr. W. others are busily engag I draining a irman. 82.3 at 8 �'clock in the eveni thi ingithe land. -We notice the Chiselhurst
mg. 09 in cities and in the Udited Sta;tes to. see a large to chronicle the death of another 'of Sea- DOINGS. -The weather for the past week H. -Battler, and wife left the other day for. corkespon. ness done on the first flat. Stark Brothers are dent of the Clinton News Record k is is iderable sport at his fellow Aill having a rush in the,tailoring line, and the Mrs. Alex-. Scott. is place, are cordially in- eople are finding out it p0i their when b Mrs. Scott had been in nearl at a standstill.. The majority of STALACTITES. -Mr. John White of Wiar- date� or others in hi 11vig coils Staffa. . elsinill he person of or so has beft very wet, and firm Wor M_ Gartner has returned bome again" after cou trymens expense, but surely he need
3ffir, W er, the Conservative candi- forth's earliest residents in t Waterloo County, on a visiting trip. -Mr.
o visit our estab- e tea, e not . be jealous of the boys around the orner ton spent last Sunday with Mr..,Dau. Mc� vite(I to be uy'ng d Ii t health for sever ye r but ce will have to plant their pot4t6es the C. Greb and wife have returned home from Dou'galLA foot ball matcha played last sent. suits, overcoats, Jackets, etc,, t &I sin a month's visit in Waterloo County. -Mr.
lishment up stairs. Out expenses are --snial e
1, and last fall has been perceptibly failing, and at second time, as t for he hits f till sway with the ladies him- we buy for cash, so we can sell cheap, Show r in he first is nearly all- rotten. A PLEASNT Trmn..-The regular meeting over Good's GroceryStore. STARk BRos. jig Loa - times suffered severely. Death to -her was Seed seems to be very scarce, and the peo- a, visit to Mr. Greb's brother-in-law,, at Mil- Saturday, between Staffa Of theL 2-2 self_ and Fullarton, n
's Foreign Mis a happy release. The deceased was -Mrs. F. Kibler has been at Lis- Womeg siou Society of L daugh- ple who have it -to spare are Mking a big verton. the ground of the latter, and resulted in a,
-raw, neither is iA. YouxG'S Japan Tea, four pounds for fer of the late Walter Smith -of Mitchell. price. -Mrs., John Horner has returned ide seori Staft had con- the resbytexlian church, on Monday even- $1, is the best I ever used fcr towel visiting her sister. ing, i;
ook a r�the and was mar- from %lisiting,her son in the vicinity of Bad Hensall. siderably the best occa the rheeting was made an open one Goderich. game, and if the: unusual form. On this TEA AND Copr.E AT A. You-xds, EA- ried at Kelso, to Mr. Alex.,,'I, Scott, in 1850, Axe, Michigan, and says she likes! that Al PLA' of te�
-the money. 1382 he was a native. of Scotland, TORTn.—We have been paying special attention to XT FOR havgoal posts had been 24 feet -wide instead of re rly and late cabbage plants for sale, 16, Stafra wud, ity hav-e
and 1he lady collectors for the Society we 3 this branch of our business and -have exercised great in &Il probabih
just 44 years ago. About & year after the country very well. -Mr. W. Bann�rlrian SUNDAY SCHOOL CON-yENTrOx.The Eng- q u f especially invited to be present. Then re- care =n marriage the yot lish church Sunday School Convention, for beat �Jttryeties. D. STR to%tomake selections that would give - lug couple deternii-ited to had the misfortune to lo'se a valuable colt wART, Heneall. 198-1-2 been the winners, by at least four ents were served and- a very enjoy he public, try their fortune in Canada, and, arriving in last we nflanimation was the s Biftns.-Mr- R. Carlisle jr., has returned Or five --- I
fresh in -we say we the County of Huron, was beld at Goderich als.-While Mr.
e have succeeded as we find oui'1ca---and coifee- 4rade thi o ilitry in t a Galt, ek. I gosed y last. A la number of dele- GeOnre Willson: nd Mr. cause.--�-Mr. John Banneiman and e from ngersoll wher6 he was Spendig a Robbins were on th 'i' ay to Fullartoll,
5-rogalum of M, and literary se- is daily increasing. we guarantee sati4action and where they remained for some t gates from different parts of the county ee the foot eir
able.. ca e wes its far s Is two on-Tuesda 80
lectiOns, was given. All present had a most will not be under sold by anyone inthcvitrade. We They boys, John "d Joseph, are busily engaged week'or so visiting his brother -iii -la- and to S ball inat
ch, their horse, enjoy find it pays to keep a good arfiql�-, and our prices nex and later to ditching every day that is favorable. were prese interesting 1
able time. t removed to Harpurbey lit. Several very sister.�, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thompson. -The frightened and ran aay. They both he, are away down, our fifty cent- black tea is giving _.Seaforth. Mrs. Scott was of a gentle, �ami- papers,relating to unday School work were Rev. 1�1. Softley, and the Misses Softley, Petty on to the lnes till they were thrown ift, Brucefield. - read arid discussed A full choral service and were in Goderich this week at- great satisfaction. our coffee is admithd by a I able and kindly disposition, - F - very 1.1appy event took who have tried it to be superior to anything in -the good wife
0 bUt they escaped without any seriollsol-n-, place4a town on Wednesday, at the resi- market. A. YouNo, seaforth. and mother, a true friend, �one whose heart was held in the chu'rch -in the evening. The teudirl -v�ntion jury. The horse Virus -captured thr�e miles
I g a Sabbath School Con
1382 NEW T, LOR'SHOP.-I hereby wish in
COAL OIL GA,,, TOVES. -The bo o.licitous for n church was full to the door's. Rev. *1 r. conne�,ti -deric,0 of Mr. Rob, ert Young, when his eldest her household ; always s to an- on with the church of Englan di. - from where it started in a fagged on s -t working ounce to ti -e surrounding public that I have open- ride of summer Stove. No danger of explosions. No wick the welfare of her family and diligently ed a custom tailoring shop nearly opposite DIxoq.s JAI Organizer To"wnsendof the Xmights dau; er, Miss�.Birdie, became the b )dgins, Rural Dean, preached a very able Cook. and his sister, Miss- Cook, dition. t con -
Mr. es and you can cook a meal for two o*nis. Call and i,' ministering to their itec9sisities and comforts Hotel, and am Orepare-d to give satisfa6tor' work in ting were i� Clinton this e q and'inipressive sermon. The next mee accabees, is in ur, village t
one of Seaferth's most spect them� JoIrNsos Bitm. the tailoring line at moderate prices. Will b -week visiting friends.- of Tent hese
ead young men. The ceremony was 1382-1 as long is strength pernlitted. She bore, ed to bavoyou call. J.B.-MCDONALD. e pleas- of the Convention will be held in the to-wn We unerstand th�t Mr. H. Cook, of the days working tip a tent. P ed b GOoD Orgart, for -sale, Apply to her 1 illness with loving patience, and in 1382-4 firm of Cook Brothers, -with his H reports nine -
V. J. Galloway, pastor Of -E. T. KRUAld. Ong Gf Seaforth on the first Tuesday in June, usual teen nain
Ppiit es, and five or six*a1inost per�
zhe Me 1 dist Aitirch, in the presence of the 1-382-2 the calm security of 'perfect faith in her We, Rep�at the offer of o weeks 1895. of en�te�prise, has offered to supply steam suaded.-Hon. Thomas Ballantyne and his
Saviour's merits passed %-way to her eternal ago, as it has proved so satisfactory in shox�i'ng what po�wer !.free of cost for fire protection -for the supporters held a meeting here 'last w k, relativIes aad intimate friends of the'parties-. PAs -SED Aw,&Y.-A inost-promising we are doink W low prices. lat.-We willisell you most dconeerned. Theyoung couple man of the township of H -young rest. A familyof five sells and three daugh- Dry Goods, Crockery, Shoes or !Hardwvr. at our Tuckersmith. villagelil This is certainly a generous offer for the purpose of ee
b . ullett has passea ters, all of whom -were present at her death- regular well known low prices, which or � low as id o, villagers'sliould make 6, move to Politics , ro ppointing committees.-
egni, their married life itder very happy from this life. ' We refer to the death of bed. survive her, I% wen as t the lowest, and take in exchunge eggs at 10 celits WEST END NoTEs.-Mr. Frank Crich is t undhee are ot veryexciting,
allalOes and wifih the best of hosts Mr. George Millson, thir lie bereaved per dozen, or -butter pre ilie reel, hose,' etc. -Air. John ,%4c- so far. Of fri4nda, in t 16 cents per pound, r 2nd. i paring to move his barn and - build an ad- course this -is a Reform which we beg. t6j d son of � Mr. David husband, -who of all others,will miss her -we will somyou goa -�hich are tion to it. -Mr. T. Walker, -of Clinton, has tizens, neighbor- of at market pric s. and Mr. rd Thom pson's fine Bal- He was most. The eldest daughter, Bessie, and a less than the goods cost its, for cash or 'pproved the contract for the stohe worl, has purphased Mr. Berna -ous accident occurred -near
01A, for their Mil, Ison, of Hullett, near Kinburn. ods at our cut. prices, Farlaue, one of our most -respected ci hood, and nearly all will vote for
future welfare, kosperity and happiness. a victim Of consumption, and although he son, 117alter died a nuinber of years ago.. -credit, or for butter or, eggs, Take dwellin house toge 11,141tyrie.-A. seri
your choice, as either way will give you oods for George Logan, of Brucefield, has the con- ther with five adjoining here last Monday at Mr. IN. Colq1.1-houn-s They �go to R ton for their wedding had been ill for several months and it was The sympohy of the whole community IS iess money than either we or our compet tors can tract for the remainder. 9ots. 3111lis is a n tour. apparent to his friends that 'he could not 0 &I took buy thern. Sppdal bargains in beat green at If Japan send removed to Clinton last week, where ther improved by Mr, Me- 'nearly lost his life. - it seems that one Of le bi�reaved family. The funer To - doubt he ce property and -will nc' barn raising, by whicli Mr. Will Campbel
with tl wn still fur
en-ly at Teas for the coming we --k. Everything mu she will reside in the future. -Mr. James in the near future. -Mr. David the Plates broke, and struck I Jr. Campbell last long, the end cam e very sudd place yesterday afternoon t Fe rlarie;
TR L MAT611.-The o the -Maitland It
d en P081 ,!O ��Js Moir, of'Ptillinan near 111ittell. oil aturday proved to be a very his death, and oil Friday he was AICINT0811, Removed Inext dc hotel old friends eked him off the ast. H-e� was in Seadorth a few days before idec we wish to close the store as quickly TN
bank cemetery, all was largely att 1. Fostor, of Clinton was anion Cliicgo, and who on the head which kno
walking tam, e affair, its th6 Seaforthtes could make arou-nd out -side. He had never been con- Brucefield. 8824 here on Sunday. -Mr. G. Noble, of Clinton, has bee' here -for the past month or so building, he falling over
-rings round the �gtratford players. It'was fi twenty-five feet. ung m BnEviTms.-The tw( opics of sp, .-The Sab- -visiting 'anion- his many relatives, ieltIlcouscious whell picked up . ed to* bed, �nt�passed peacefully mva� LOCAL BR_ iEFS. -The returning officers for . ) absorbin(r i I ent Sunday with friends here' 0 re- He
r ay the county of Huron at the approaching interest now are politics and the�lieavy bath chool at Turner's Appointment now turned !home - this w,eek.-'Mr. Mac -
the score 4 t6 2� migi-It indicae a goo d in last, sitting in a rocking chair. brosts. meets at IL arthur 4turned home last Painfully one-sided all through, although oil Satu � 0 but ula4rqon in the night he regained con'
I d He was a' ost estimable yo election have been appointed as follow Many of' our citizens ar6 looking in., instead of 9.30 it. ill. en, an, and s week from the scious - ness. Dr. Naysmithwas soonon-the P ruefully at their frost Next Sunda,y the Rev. W. Sin Soo, lyhere he h' Dugh game T4e fact is however, that was a universal favorite with -aill -�'ho kneW West Huron, Sheriff Gibbons; South Huron bA te.n.�arden6.-Oii "Ith ad been for a week or so spot, and he seemed to think there -was no will a -
His deat4 is a severe berm incr Ift b " ess interests in the real immediate danger. 8eafor-tiNligixt ha4e scored four straights in him. Mr. J. T. Dickson, Deputy Registrar East' Monday evening last t v r 0
a, quarter of au h I . vernent to e . Wil4ie. of dress t1m Kilights of the Mace ees at Tum- looki , er usin It is a iniracle
our, and it was only their his parents and friends, a Indore, India, spoke in Union church 1 1' is er's Church estate 14ne.-lVIrs. Bissett, of Goderiell, indeed,, Huron, Mr. F.'S. Scott. -Mr. Thomas 'ib- - ;at 2.30. nd much- sympathy G 6i h there were lot more injred.-A -very
Wish to give the spectators a little more for is felt for the son, M. P. P. for East Huron,. Concluded a k�reln mission work. Many of the nAions who is 90 years of age was here re- pleasant party was held at Mr. John G
].!a says, are listening to th iiiti�ij her grand -daughter, Mrs. ley's last orml: ------ a— olitical meetings e Word of! od I week, And all enjoyed the
-Elderi. and- looked better -and selves to the 11 r - I.c e t Winghani. gainie by fooling round, -tossing the ball to in McKillop last week. and casting their idols asi 1�. But, Sad to v
their money, that led them to prolong the series of very successful � c
THE: ARMY JUBTLEE.—The Salvation -Mr. d NlVht-ni ir a s Qu 11 If �.ay, many are askin Smarter ttaii ;; -I each other and giving Stratford chanes to Arin C ristie, of Exetei, an old Seaforth Edwar WITnN-Gs.-Dr. McDonald, 1. P. #0�-adies scarcely hal her
y in Canada celebrates �Geheral Booth's I ite, -was 9 for missionaries but is ex- . score. It must be sa�d in justice to the age, and �,,eqii&d little or no latter, that their tel"�m was largely composed Jubilee on June Pth, 10th and 11th. it in town oil Monday. Mr. Christie is now have to be refused, on account f th Iscar- pected home on Saturday. -Idr. Garrow, urray, 0 1 e 111 Grev.
the Reform candidate for 'West Huron, Will
aged in farmina he has a fine farm city pf ineans to send. then travelling;-I'Ar.46hu. M
of juniors. There e- Of -1. he ti f i gliam,
-was quite a large turn- acres in Usbolle, about a mile South of now come when those: of address the electors in Wingliam on Jue and forulk-ly of thiii place, and w o was - re- out at the mb* gan h44 work for,the poor and the out t 11dais Maggie Stewart. Of
just fi,fty years Once General Booth first b's eng 200 It e 6�un s ce tly o , adl le uesi� of Miss
� y bereaved of his 7 aym
.tell. should awake# to tliAeeds of those he do 15th. - Other spe, kers will be present. -The n 8 Jubilee year will be mad cast" Exeter. -Mr. and Mrs. D. McInnes, of the i9 Bluevale was the lia-Laill.
by the launchin "ral-"e *Thames Road, Usborne, spent Sunday last 110t P03sess the BiW.-.Mr. Hugh cC Wifigham lacrosse team played w him with -!our children, one infant- Ball last' g in -,,,Cana ' e me art- ly Vreek.- 111WM Armstrog has
d& of a host of ith the -
was he been appointed pathmasterOn the 9th cri�
As AUXILIARY FdRArpD.-All auxiliary of social and other S;lemes un in toi", the guests of Mr. Thom'&S Richard- ney has begun op-ft&tions *in his b tter Listowel teard on Jane 6th, in Listowel. re Xi� week for a few and re'_ the Univers der the'auspices ate in its report of factory. Th 0 on Wingham were the winners by f turned hoine accompanie by s Sister The Owners of cattle in Bras.,E�ls
Army. Among them will be shelter the Exet d seao�._ er races oil the 294th makes the fol account of . the many rains our goals to Miss Jennie Murray who is goi to will now have to keep a look -oat f6r their
ition- has beer� formed in Seafor ad shelter depots, rescue t none. The first goa was. played in four house for fhm.�TW� Re-,% E. .13 ee a.' --The Trustees of School Section associa ity College Residence of the son. -The Exeter Advdc is sh uld be a WA 'A th, homes food a e st res r. minutes, the second in five minutes, the of le of with Mrs. C. Clarkson as President lowing refeience to a well known Sea- were never b6ttiiir than. at present. 'boss The homes, a wor1kynaWa hotel in the lumber
Wo. 9 ve asked to have debentures issued object of this associ4ion iso secure funds woods, a social farin forthite : -'.'Mr. George E. Henderson of James Aikenhead and wife, of Stanley, -are third in twelve minutes, the fourth in four- ondon, who has been here for seVeral a steam -boat for the drth, officiated as starter and gave'de- visiting relatives in Kqnt county and on- teen minutes. This is pretty Qod for the weeks visiting his son, the V. to build a home i-4 Toronto for the lady lake work, &c. General Booth himself will 9 E. Softi Seafo to cover $650., Payablt in six years at 6 per
students, where hOy -will be able to get be in A cide satisfaction to both horse o don.�Mrs. Ketchen and sister, Miss cent., for the purpose -of erecting a new merica this fail makin wriers. and ay- Wing4ani lacrosse boys. -The salvation eY, Of - St. Paula' . church, sell
good be d tour of spectators, and deserves great praise."-- lor, are visiting in London this week. Army went to Belgrave oil returned home to London this ool houieorge Oliver, ar, and comfortable roo ins at a rate Canada and the United 'tates. $hae nearest he Wednesday to of London,
S week--
withiu the reach of all and where th to Seafor Mr. and Mrs. B. Gerr, of Brussels, were in communion services will be held in Ul�'lon hold a ineeting.-Mr. T. A. Mills has rented Air. James Bofithron, -who has been erriagd has been awarded the ditch contract by the ey may point th he will touch will be town over Sunday visiting their daughter, church, on Sabbath, the 17th of this mouth. the stone block belonging to Mr. Walker a, , Pullman car conductor for some time council. His tender amounts to about feel that they have a home. ARY who have Stratford. The Jubilee days, Saturday, I past, has been here for the past week visit- $14,@N.-- There were seven tenders in all._
had anything to. do with ordinary boarding Sund Mrs. W. A. Willis. -Rev. Mr. Walker, of The services will�be taken charge of by he �nd is using it for storing wool. The wool house life in the ay and Monday, will, of course, be ob- Wiart upied the Methodist church Rev. Mr. Scollar, formerly of Hamilton - is Corning in in large quantities. -Mr. Di Ing his father, Mr. Tames Bonthron, A new bank barn will be erected b Of e TheSenateof -special meetin Mr. Scott has placed a new veranda in fr ltii0s will appreciate the served here by thi� Army, who will have pulpi on' oce merchant, Rodgerville. -Miss Boulton vif Robert N1 -cDon ld bou dary it A need I such an insti t on Sunday last in the absence of Rev Perri , pastor of the Presbyte is 3_ 1 the University ha gs o these days. Rev . rian church
a site for the Guthrie, " boys go -do here, intends leaving for the 'Old Country vresyterian . ch Wn nd il be fitted promised of the Mr. Mr. Galloway. -Tile Lacrosse of his store, which adds much to the iting her Alaetives in and near Bouton.- be 60x90 - feet a'
ation of $25,000, if tlle Re Mr. urch, and uilding. -Mr. Scott is i I with and to 8tratford to -day to play the club of tha ' Pearance of the b Mrs. Wrrie will acco The Rev. Mt. Shaw, of Lucan, will. occupy all * modern conveniences. Peter Me,- v et at next *eek. associati ay d him. -Mr. Goodhart, the crazy man is -A very 'st city. -The Windsor football present buying' large quantities of wool mPa"ny the pulpit 'of St. PauFs church here on Donald 4 preparing the timber Gil will rxise'the remaiixing slim church, will be present at th team was ex- fr n from necessary to build and equip the residence ing meeting, e Monday even- pected here tomorrow to play the Huron the farmers. Sabbath morning, June 10th. -Miss D' enjoyable time was spent at a garden Hamilton, has started a shop in- Dr. Tain-
and w' give addresses. s, ler, of rty
Forrest, andi-Miss H. S or picnic, at the home of
some four or five years wilil -be takeu ill but -word has been received that they ca anot- lyn's block, for the purpose utherland, of this Thomas Calder Of
aise it. - I I -
WHi n which to r� of cleaning lace, Were the 12th concession on May 24tb, Tin ties- Chution this week, visiting I
Wed be here until next week. Windsor are the Morm.s. clothing. -.Mr. Swarts has purchased a fine s.Th� under'the day ev d champions of the South Western distri0t.____: span of gr Mend auspices of the Kin Kincardine, 4nd formerly of this place, -was ev. gqTlLte a!, lar e crowd assemble Thefront of theDoininion bank and the front had a large frame barri raised on Frid in the illageithis week, calling 'hear Cameron and P -Ritchie. Choice entin NOTES. Mr.'M. Kelly, of the 1 ays. Rev. Mr, Barnaby, of, 9's Workers, Addresses Nov.$. -The 'R at the recreation grgun � S Mr. th lin were given by Re�. D B. McRae, R F
races oi on some -of music was
i ends. -There was a large attendance BlYth on Saturday laiit- On Friday Mr. the fist being the Two mile handicap, ill Olt of paint. -The centre posts. I Sides were 'chosen by -NIECLachln. -James I.1 icYcle of the three stores in the Whitney block afternoon last, Size 6Ox8O feet with 32 fo t his fri v
-epitratory services in races. There were three ft the card, -have received it fieli co Belgrave. supplied by the Misses Shaw conducted pi to see the b
Shaw had n exciting tin with his driver, which June Session of Huron District COulle.il of -Jackson WEDDING BELL$.—A very pretty wed- of the Foresters at thelifethodist church on P. Douglas and Miss E, A. Harris both of
-,at the mans and J. Barr. Mr. Jackson li' ding was solemnized Monday morning` Ma Sabbath morning las this towmIlip, were united in in t, and a Suitable and in- arriage on
which 4kip�ed awa, W- PaPst mri§ on the limit mark- and the,Royal Ternplars of Tempen ll e best inen as 'they got up the 2 th, at 9 a. in., at Trinity churc n was preached by the Rev. 3, from hin Livingston and Winter On held at 11-Tingharn, I
g4te, # -hile he was standing by her side, scratch. This on Thursday, June I Ith. tereatingseriA Tuesday, 22nd ult, by
-8 Rev.
'was a good race right plates with thJ c �h BeY the greatest ease. T, Wesley t4killg to a friend. 8he took fright at through, thou -The Sabbath school of the First Preaby Darkness grave, by Rev. Mr. Higley, J. S. Henders'on. of this place, the occasi Cosens at the Meth The young couple onling on made the ing nicely decorated with flowers for the der gh the serlitch men managed terian church, c hurch be- odit parson
something and bounded vilway in an instant, to cut down- and rain falling too age, Wal -
dangerous, so the pufloin plates were occasion. The 'contracting parties were t large circle of frieds for heir
will'ineet in'the morning 4ur- work being the anniversary service of the Or On ton.
making quick time towar all in front of them J. .W. Liv- ing the next three months, co ha;ve the besb and -was ingston being first, G. Baldwi known as Co� Ivy Green Lodge. of en- wishes of a
r ii, second, F. put lip carefully and W'thOUt aaiy race at Mr. James Cuming, of Blyth, and Miss Sall, -M r- Mrs. F. Pierce, f ature happiness and Prospe#,ty. -Dun 2 -Elfter I S and overl who iNvere cau
caught very nealy by AT . Charles Broad- Car next Sabbath at 9:30 a. in. -Miss A. Cowan, all. Thei itifil ays were not put Maggie Miller, of Belgrave. The wed here on a i it, have returned home to dno, third. The next was the half mile of McKillop, spent Friday and Saturday vis McDonald, 2nd concession, sold 19 foot near the railway tradk.. Not the least class "B," which surprised everybody, last in to up, The' head of 'dln three year to k M sr . Suel & frame was Put '.tip by Thomm march, played by Miss _IvIcLelland,
wn rene'lVing old cquaintwice- Armstrong, of Wawanosh, Who always doe forth, as the bride, leaning on the pealed "t --Mrs- H. Arnold is visiting relatives 01 to es s dainac was done to horse or rig. -Miss George Good winning slowed. lip in. 1.26. shipsI --Rev. A.- F. Tully, and friends in London. Baker, recently. The- thtal weight of the
Grace30artt, of Galt, at the resi- He could have pulle(T off si of Mitchell, ou.c arm
x ore if pied the pulpit of the Presb erian church like cloek work, Mr. went togethei Mr. Littlefair, who gave her away, entered. Occasional CorrespondenL dence of, her uncle, Afir. i&iani Eiji seconds m" 11- a good job, and � all the stick Of A D. Kelly got his face' The bride looked b utiful in per aninial. Ott. puse di, but tile othel- contestants ad just. From an cattlewa 24,800 pounds, an -average f at the preparatory services oil Friday last, ea her robef NOTES. 30 unds Four
Mrs. Keating, of Duluth) formerly -Miss got through riding in"bite handicap and out with a pike:pole but wasr not s -The services in Carmel 11 5 PO and a alf erioual ' White silk, trimmed -with ribb een�ts per pound was tile price obta . e Nellie Ryan, is vi�5itiu( r re'latives in the sril- not in it. Tile I were and preached an able sermori which 'was hu� y on and lace, Sund morming last were conducted b th in d
church�`on 9 ast race was a corker, 1?ei rt. It is estimated that over two hun with white veil and Rev.:7 Swann, Methodist minis 07th.e Mr. McDonald has twenty head for the July tweeit Or. Baldwin an the, usual' orange lage and vicinity. She came down to see a five miler, be in greatly appreciated by all present. -Dr. dred took part in the raising. The young blossoms. 'The bridesmaid, N 113 market yet. He is a very successful stoc�. I Livingston. Early ili the race d J. and Mrs. Campbell were in Toronto this I liss Littlefair, place, as the pastor, Re her sist M h een. very ter ill, but is nj;nidmprovin folks were dancing all night, and, judging looked charming in her dress of e nary v. J. S. IleriliJerson, man. -Grey township council has beert -The Rev. W. J. attempted to cross thii track in front of the r.. e by the looks of some of them, they must was absent preaching for the Foresters. -A
a Small boy week, where the doct
on on
der the ation andread an in- have been at it pat of the next clay, as they itnd lace, while the little " maid of honor,, who have lately divested themselves of their ril the question of
Of w lecture in our wheels, throwing JAck Living ton heaN y ribb chilly atmosphere still prevails, and those destroying black knot on fruit trees. Clark, tario Medical Associ 0 colored cashmere also trimmed with a asked to take action on
church on, At , oud-V everiiii I 9, June. l8th, un- and cutting his sh+le teresting paper. -Nlessrs. Gray and looked very tough indeed. -James Russell, Miss Edna Hamilton, of 131yth, was be inner bark would do well to hang 6n to their -Messrs. Scot r and arm.
aus ces of the 'Aromen's Forei HOvi- F. G. eelin, attended County Council at 6th line, has put a' large addition to his ingly attired in white cashmere ala lac�.. mitts a & Jones hiplMd two,
ever, George Baldwin . generously consented Goderich this week. -A wedding party bar -nd overooat.-Some of our gardeners loads of extra fine attle from Listew ociet.y. he last time Mr. to start again frO111 64 place where the fall n.-IMr. W. Hughes took charge of the The groom was assisted through the trying are planting out on
llus, the curred and the r4pe ended in a win ser large quantities of toma- Tuesday, last week, the lot including 0
ark :is for created a flutter of interest oil Nlaill street vice at Sunshine on Sunday last, Air. ordeal by his brother John.* After the toes this season. There is room for s mrust as large a gather- though the night wp jold there was a large sold their eale passed through Sunshine on Monday. followed pickling and canning factory here, and what neighborhood, - he to its utmost capacity and many had to re- Mr. Livingston by Tuesday, especially among the ladim.- Dyke being away a t conference. -James a of the best fat cattle ever sent from thati
main outside. re t d gen wheel lengthi Al- Messrs. Gabraith & Coultas have ceremony the usual congratulations his � lip a J. He is agent for monu to the number -of is more we have �he_stuff._Our onion kings mings, of Molesworth, " to greet the reveren bakery and confectionery business to My 'and then the guests, '>O ad fed by Mr. H Cum.
tlem an on attend nee of ladies a!jil it is probable that . Clark, of ments made in Clinton. �bout forty, repaired with the wedding may now talled 28182(l xt vi&it. A small fee will be these weekI this town. -The front of Lhe -The wet w�eather continues and in be seen: for hours every day, be- pounds ; 8 head fed by Mr. Geoye Sangster,, y sPlus will' become very poDU- building occupied by ere is under water. The grain on I any an party to the home of the bride, where a tween showers op their knees, and the re- went.,10 oo d 6 of the society. - X;xt implement dealer, and the Canadian Pa Ow land
Charged as a, nieans of adding to the funds lar. The band was "in attendance -r. Thomas Brown, a
gle subject of the lecture Wednesday evei�ing t' Ourriptuous wedding breakfast vhw served. Sult will, no doulit, soon be ap -pounds,an 9A - from Air.
lit' events will be the quite yellow and meadow land is parent, Those went, 7,860 pounds. Two bulls cific is lurnin
The t After the repast was cleared away the time who claim that posture
j. 0. Greig, of of hay. Potatoes *as pleasantly spent in social chat, inter- not been in the onion busineng lately. Any 46W Pounds respectively. new dress of paint. Y a to r a good crop is immaterial, have from Mr. Joseph Cumberland went2,200 and
Kingtioul of the Present, and the two mile handicap, witill" Telegraph and ticket office is receivijag 0 we 0 A. BiiW;j
that were planted some time ago are rotting ' ersed with music and dancing. About 2 of the The price paid
1p Standing; blowing, was from 4 to 44 cent usual paktures, t - -------- --
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Witum's Gash Grocery. -Kin d to Come." d Cardho 400 Com —Master Ritchie Elliott. McLean an ard and Leather- this town, "nt; Sunday in 'Goderich. in the ground and will ha'y'e to be planted o'clock p. in. the bridal part ied accomparri e. under the doetoA.6-Are if some laa(l and Papt 600 yards, ot er atarlters, if Miss Carrie Sha,.;'O The land at present is far from be- b. eight couples, drove f Toronto, was �in town again.f: Wingliam., where FRIDAY Wheat 0 down, but bmd goes up that is the day.—Mr. Peter Moore left last I" eek for any, bein W g arranged later;. ha mile for mar- last week attending the funeral of her ing fi�lfor plei hing, bIeiing sad and glazed t ey took the train for Kincardine' amid way coin n7t IOU trolV1151119 CODSUMere every time. i Algoma on a prospecting tour. 'He - will ried men belong -to o,,eomblas to re half mile, boys- und r fifteen ; half aunt, William Shaw, She returned like mortar.- tatute labor wi I soony have showers of rice. The h,; )y couple left tbat ulate prices, but sell all -,^A. _# t. likely locate in that district if a suitable mile named race Baldwin Wi er and Liv- home last RaturdiLir —Ming Min-n;a Mot— ;4-.0
Fl-me as price for omen or trade 5 a- ep W1 ru blielutowing morn, for a Trip up Tine only. K ep no - Selection� can be made, -The Rev. J. L. get Z Or d UJNA t1th
books, make iia, bad debts, and can ingston of Hirpurhey, is visiting friends in Toronto ose of - gravel and stories, and the ea. AmIinir-the ivruest� were: Mrs. Hig- small good c . hesper t6aii, ally one can, who does 4 1 Wilkie gave a very - interesting account of Pak and vicinity. -There was another severe cross -logs a lick a -ad a promise-zo mlt�h for ley ; Mr. and- Mrs - Cilining, (father, and credit bum oss. The best family flour for $1.70 per his missionary work in our church last Sab- A REsuLT or LATE Hou .-We have frost on Tuesday night, sufficient to make road work. --j. Agin has' purchased 4 fine mother of the groom,) together with the 100 lbs. 11t wilt MY you well- to bake your own 76NW. A[ fird-clais brown = bath He is laboring in Indore, had some very dark nights du ing the late ice and a - good deal of injury has been Berkshire hog from,.Mii. Carbert, of H�llett other members.of thelir nt
2a lbg. for. $I. mornin family - Mr. Win. All th Ough this � o 1 h we Choice uew� Currauts, ftsi Rice, Tapioca, etc., f9r India, and cale to Ontario. a few weeks ago cloudy weather. Last Mond night two done to fruit and early vegetables. -On townshi .-Mr. R.. -Miller, ston k Will Oser. 5 cents * cund. Beat quality Pork Ham, Break- P . e. ton, Littlefair and wife, of' Luc now ; Air. and e if- ourig ladies were spending e even hell, of near finished a large barn wall for Mr. -8 ve 3h.S "harles-Hamilton. and son, Blyth; Mr.
fast BAl Hod Bacon and Lard, etc., at to recruit his healthi and is visiting th d ing th lug at a Monday last as Mr.. Alex. Mite d "wit fereut congregati6m in order -to arouse them Trirnd's residence and in the eductive al- Varna Was returning home frd)u that vil- 5th concession, this week.—Base ban -will and the isses Halliday, Belgrave ; the LADIES' UNDER han at I wost ri a. in new season Green. is 08
lack$*. J& to the great needs of that'part of the -foreign lurements of crokinole the hou sped by So lage, a couple of steers that were on the be played in Mr. Michies field on Saturday Misses Tucker of Wingliam. ; 'Mrs. John Irn TO ,, I Cyces the best in the market, and am WEAR
ise ing them at the same profit M other goods. Do field. —Wise and brave words those of Dr: swiftly that, epe the co I . Inpan ere aware, road ran against his buggy, breiaking the evening of this -week, ff'it is fine on that Isfooney and Mr. William MooneWe Brvu,svi not send 4wity for tea or anything in the grocery Grant, as lately reported , in the� press the electric lights had Me 'their. last shafts, but causing no further inju y.—Mr. date.—The question now is will Gibs : or sels - r. McLellaud and sisters lgra e. CORSETS line as I 4awand will. give you better value here and r On Wise because in the verybest interests bf wink and* closed their eyes for th6 night, David Chesney, of Tuckersmith, take your trade at the highest -market price and has a horse Milne be elected. Election day will tell ; The costly presents showed - fhe high esteem
gultrilintoo all goods to glye satisfaction. Some our country -. brave, as they are in 6pposi- leaving. theyoung ladies d rkness that with a mane, the hairs of which measure 4 some say nomination dayill tell. HOSIERY'AN-D GLOVES.
good toes wanted at a good price. in & in which the bride was held among her tion to his political associotions of 6, life- might be felt. In gropin d f f6et 8 inches. This leaves Tuckersmith ends. After the wedding tbur- Mr. and Dping, r�c, or the
lythi�lg, th ft
C. WILSON, Seaforth. time'. - The results will probably be as dis- sidewalk, &-tree, or ai i. 'lost their ahead so far on the long hair question. —The Varna. Mrs. Cumin� intend settling down to the
Bank of Commrce Block. astrour, to Ontario if Stich words of Wisdom reckoning. ' In trying o lerce t e'darkness social which was to have been held on Wed- ON. June 11' realities of life in their hom ne r Bly h SILKS t374 th there will be lime for $'be a t - 'BLACK and OLO ED are no X
t observed in the coming election, as they spied a ow an( directing nesd by the Christian Endeavor at I 3 cents per bushel, one mile north of Varna, on We wish them all prosperity. they have been to the Dominion since 1878. their course Gwards it found th inselveg. at ay evening, the fArm of WmwAm Tuniim. Society of the Presbyterian church, has been By condoning the Pacific Scandal and rein- the house of an elder. The N% rbhy man, postponed until ne 'NoTps.—The Rev. -Nilr., Henderson, I of (freenway. EMBROIDERIES g I xt Wednesday evening- statin the actors M- that unsavory transac- though surprised at such I calb liessrs. John an& Frank Scott, of: Chi Hensall all un ime
Bi ng Deal, cago is en aged to deliver a lecture'in tion* a reign of corruption was inaugurated furnished.the ladies with a GTHENGs. —The Corbett Presbyterian RIBBONS
lant rn, ly the and Mrs. James Murray -h t Canadias Of London, are the Town Hal here on]Nfonday evening, the garden party is to he -held at Mr. ScotVs, which has made ones blush aid of which they were rejoiced t soon find here this week,, attending the. funeral of 18th inst. A rare treat is in- store for th9se uea,x Moray, on June 20th.—Mr. D.Brophe VEILINGS -Through- the agency of the. never-fallirig factor with Shaine many it time since.—Mr. ames their own doorstep. Ring.curfe ring find their mother, Mrs. A. Scott.—The -Sacra- who will avail themselves of the opport it CASBA w - ha*e been enabled W close out a consider- y P McIntosh, of the. P�ill Road, met with ii call the (children) -home in time. An [ Y and family were called away on Thursdxy of able 'ien:of the balance of a large manufacturers ment of the Lord's Supper was celebrated in of hearing this brilliant speaker.-�-Qiir
Motle Up Clothing sta bargain. The prices Most unfortunate accident on Tuesday last. the Presbyterian church on k9unda . y, morning Methodist friends purpose having a g rd" last week to attend the funeral of Mrs. Dor- PARASOLS manwho died at her home near Ailsa Craig. at they are bought will enable us to sell He had been delivering baled hay im town- A Wi@LL WRITTEN BOOK. — have re- last. There -was a very lar e attendance.— party on Wednesday evening, the , 131h She was well known in this vicinity and a AND MILLINERY. n
MON N'S SPLEN61D SUITS withtwo teams,one of which was young ceived.a copy of a book, which, though it We are pleased to hear lat Mr. Joseph inst�'., id Mr. John Wanless' orchard. T e number of her friends from here attended At, r. ,lis.r4$9.M. In fact we,,have a very nice All and spirited, driven by himself. On his re- has had a large sale in the 'United States, i's Prendergast passed his final examination at Clinton Brass Band is engaged for theiocca- the funeral. —Mr, John Sherritt is in God- Wool 8 t at;114.60, warranted to give good satisfac- turn, and when near the pottery, the pole of just appearing in, Canada. It i "entitled Rush Medical College, Chicago, and received Sion, A big time is expected. Everybo I
tion. I Boya'and Children's suits we can send the the wagon dropped, from the bres;king of a mother Beautiful Joe." by I iss M rs i 11 Sauin�
iIhomedelighted with the bargains we can- his degree' of M. D. a few days ago. dy erich this' week, attending' the County
Rush wW be welcome.—Last Sunday, a g6odly Council,—.Mrs. John Belling returned home gye them. I A Bat and Sall given to each boy get. strap . , while the horses were going; at 8, ders, of Halifax, Nova Scotia, A sister of is due of the leading medical. schools in the number of Court Varna, Canadi�ii _Or4wr of last week, alfter -visiting her friends at Yale, DRESS GOOD'S
zing, a suit. Call and hApeeL smart pace and caused tile driver to be Air. E. M. Saunders, who wits, a years United States. It has on its faculty, amen Foresters, went to Clinton and proceeded WM;. "PICKARD thrown olently to the ground, dislocating ago, a clerk'in �Vfichigan. —While laying foot ball last SILKS
v the Bank of -Co, erce in other prominent 1 physicians- the c.oleb.ratel with the Clinton brethren to th i Eriglish his shoulder. In spite of this, Mr. McIn- tfiis town. Beautiful Joe 1; W s written surgeon, Dr. Seim. . It is 'customary each church, and the Rev. Mi Tuesday evening, AV. George Glendenning Fairlie preitc�ed it ved a severe kick on the leg. He has o rth. tosh pluckily stuck- to the lines, and was to compet& for and receiv I ffered year for the faculty of this school to nomi- very able and practical sermon. The chure'
1374 Seaf e( a priz O: MUSLINS
dragged a considerable distance. The by the Ailierican Hum h been unable to be out since.—The _McPher-
8 ane Socie for a nate ten i horses, however, ot away and ran M far as A story on ' of their; new -graduates to the posi- was crowded to the door. ion Manufacturing Comp �e citting out CHALLIES
I animals. It is a most interesting tion of dispensing physicians �.t Cook Mr. Der ere they were stopped �tory and -b�sides contains a grea A &I of a large quantities of bee
without further da t e CountyHospit L S
t , in the city,, and it is an Bayfield. alniiivea nd racks. mage. There musk'be infolmatioril well calculated tew f,&0016 Their num-ns ha rack-, ra" -nd AND DELAINES'
something highly exciting to horse flesh in yonng ev ence Dr. Prendergast s good standing FARMERS, when you need Tea purphase 3 J . I . . I . -
people, whq'are apt to be thouallitless . to as a student +.ha+ ^"4-, -f �,l 1119 brated churns are in great demand.
A from your own store keeper rather thanfrom travel- tile air of out- village, as on he same day treat with 1 in Icre kindness and better re- year, he was one of the apointed ten. These agents cannot do an well lor� DISTRICT MATTERS. Mr. James McMichaeFs dignified, well con- s" ling tea agents. ults. their four footed pets. In our opi- Mr. Taylor's.repair shop on wheel's moved Walton. you, and a great many who have ordered their tea aitioned and - usually. amiable tempered ion it is mu have found this out. WKre you can get the best CARPETS all superior to� "Black Beauty," out of town the i first of the week. It had Ines Is at H. F. EDWARDS'. His 25e Japan tea SocLAL.-The Ladies' Aid Society in con -
driver concluded, to smash things up, so which has been so extensively read, par- become such a familiar. object that our va 1382.1 nection with the Walton Methodist Church CT-TRrAINS
leads all.
that the rig had to be left for repairs, and ticularly in the interest. of hnarrative, citizens rniss it. �-Tlie Windsor football teain eBItEEzy LocLs.-Mr. John Kitchell, oi ri'tend holding their monthly entertainment the genial owner 4ad to wend his way home which is a true story -taken directly from have defaulted to the Hurons, so that the Lobo, was here this week, the piest of his at the residence of Mr. Thomas Williamson, And all HOUSE FURNISHfNGS.
Political Meetings. on foot. life. 'The introduction for the Canadian latter will nowonly have to meet exalt in uncle, H. F. Edwards. -Rev, K Olivant is on Tuesday afternoon, June 12th. Teawill
edition is written by Lady Aber�deen. AL Y. MCLEAN, home ad home! lnatclle4� -Mr. J. P. Brine attending Conference at Goderich this we be served fi-om. 5 to 7 o'clock, and in the ek Crockery, Groceries. (Treat I — I The 14iberal candidate for South Huron, and bargains. GooD BituruaRi. 1382-1 ' has been confined to his residence in Har- -Mrs. Thomas King has returned from a evening a good programme ill. be carried CHURCH PARADE. -The members of the purhey, for 'a few dayq; by illness, but, -we isit to Clinton. --James Donaldsou�s mill out. All are cordially invited.
otherg the electors on the pub- WE have just received a large consign- Canadian Order of Foresters and also of the are pleased to learn he is recovering and was shut doo-n for a few days this week, NEws NOTES. -Mrs. Forrest is A United Work�nien assembled in the hall on siting Edward lie questions of the day at the following ment of the newest styles in ladles" lists. the whole McFaul
Cos, on the dates named: of which, tojtether with the stock remaining on hand, will soon. be able to wil Pla, be around- a in. -Mr. b ad to the engine :at _'Monut Albert.�-_blrs. HallEpenny, of so. Wu. ga � e repairs were ein m e we will sell at nearly one ha regular pric Sunday afteinoon and marched to St. Robert Cblemaii, who has been confined to -There Was i y large attendance M r. W. M. SEAFORTH. Mooday, June 11th. -Town Hall, Bay- PICKARD. Thomas' chur .Trowbridge, has been visiting at 382-1 ell, where they listened to an his residence for some days by illness, is, we at- Trinity church on Sunday - morning last, Smith's. -The Ladies' Missionary 'Society geld. i able and eloIlitent sermon from the Rev BARB WEP-m-We have- secured are glad to learn,recoveiing. -Miss Florence when Rev. J. T. Kerrin reached an elo- -intend holding a garden part a, Supply
_y at Mr. D. t Galvanized Barb Wire ere Tuoday, June 1-2th.-Town Hall, Zurich. of beat American two poin Rural Dean Hodgins. His disco - urse was Johnson leaves' to -day for Toronto, wh quent sermon to the anagan Order of For- MeCuaig's on Friday evening of next week.. kneeling maybe iRdulged in, according te,
Wednesda, June 13th. -Town Hall, which we will sell for the present at three and one founded upon the appropriate7 text " Bear- she will spend it month or so visitilng friends. resters. -Preparations for Dominion Day Tea -Will be served, and afterward o0d age, or tern rament, but sittin Thursday,, June 14th. -Drew's Hali, 1382 Law of Christ," and thi sermon was replete is a f g is -not to be
Crediton, half cents per pound. Raw & WiLem, seaforth.. Ye one Another's Burdens and so fulfil the -Dr. and lvls� R. W. B. Smith are at To- celebration are being s rapidly 'puiflied for- r that habit genera y
ronto this . week, where the doctor is attend- ward. programme will be fuiiished by Our Oc&1 ent , as - 11 has a Send to the secretary, George- r- talent, aided by Best Brothers, of Hallett, mot'depressing effect on the crop. -The Exet SHOES, Shoes, Shoes, are cheap as the with many practical lessons in regard to th the ProNiincial Medical Association- win, for prize lists.-6eorge. Stanbit the Stewart family, and G.
cheapest. Don't buy until you see our present e
Mel At the Bafield Zurich it paternal relations which should prevail be- y re- Hngston, of 26th of June is ad-vaneing at &,very �!Pid
Cred-Al: prices. Big reduction on. every pair. GooDBROB. Ve -are sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs. turned last week from the 'University, To- Brussels. to arms 11 is
rate, and the call L4 t
and gxeter� Afe sing an eloquent S. W. Cady,.who has be en confined to her ronto.-Wesle win and Herbert Collo- �o arms etings Mr. NIGLean will ; 1882-1
sermon is seift ringing.- 'pea in assisfed by Dr. McDonald, M, P. for EEL,, HIGH -EST price paid for wool, picks at the rev6rend gentleman spoke very house for some days past. Her medical at- Er f the ladiiies it
and � others, blubLicril & JAoK8oN's Hardware, Stove and favorably of the good day were down from Goderich "on Sunday Chiselhurst. 8 ki 01 is Hur4n, altogether unnecessary for us to _A; Depot. Tinware work being done by. tendant hopes; however, to bring hei around last. -"-Vr. Judson Moore and Utn,112� that bigsleeivesure becomin Tema ut 1382.2 friendly societies, in which at a small ex- all right agair� shortly. -Mr. Boyd, of Clin- g very prevale
urday, June 16 -At Blake. I buy my Tea and Coffee at A. Youzml ]?e-nse many were able to provide, in case of 'ton, has started a bakery in town, in the of Woodham, were visiting friends and d dangerous. The spr '_of an
me 18th- Pickar&s Hall, Seaforth. death, for those dependent upon them. 01, store Vacate the infection two 12 AsMeld. tives in and about this Village last week.- may be attributed to a laxity of the uar- Hoh' esville. Sri (I by Messrs. Galbraith M-cTaggart sold his farm, farm antine regulations. Many here ure �en J11ST ARRIVED. - Americ ntheir return to the hall the brethren passed tas. breild is OTES.-We are glad to hear that Ethel r- 1 down to four cents again. - T�esday, June 19-Nornination at, Hen- Barbed Wire and plain'Twist Fencing Wirei' a very, heality vote of reduced to Sic a pound. Mr. Thomas Ward, of Varna, had peas i stock and implements, recently, to his son- the complaint, thanks to the reverend n McLean, who was so seriously ill, is on a while not few have to, JoHN80m BRos. �' 1382.1 gentliilniian as an evidence of 1 their appreci- full bloo on Xay� 27th. -,Rev. Dr. McDon- fair to recovery. -The weather lately iu-'-law, Mr. 'Thomas Xyre.-Mr. David Per- be Bat up with. nesda, June 20 -At Shipka, Town. I can get no Coffee equal in flavor to the ation of his services. There are now over in has Way consequently th� son, of the 9th cone d his ed ald leave� On 'Monday next, for St. been wet ajid cold', ession, move shi, of Stephen. Coffee I buy at A. Yousals, deiforth. 1382 John, barn to a more convenient plaee on his farm PLANET JRA HORSE lffo�_ On 90UpFLER._ one hundred members in the Workmen's- New Brunswick, to- attend the Presbyterian growth has not been very rapid. -The Stanley. sday, une 21-Willart's Hall, Dash- Society here, and about one hundred and ral asem amount of damage done b the frost in this 14t week and then haddt elevated so as to Gene A bly. WOO Balance of stock will he closed out at reduced prices., twenty-five in the Canadian dMer of For- — - -------- : re a stone BOARD 011 HEALM-The Board of Health neighborhood can scarce y be ascertained. You got the best in the market when you buy the Z follud6iion. erected u.
F iday, June 22 -Separate School House, esters, and as a large number of them turned Small fruit will probably suffer most. ath. Messrs. Kennedy Brothers had the Planet Jr. Jonr;goN Bnos. 1382-1 Drysdale. berall present. The appointment of Dr. M in WHEN it comes dowh to actual worth and out on 13�pnday they presented a splendid THi,-- Y. P. H. H. A, Cedar Groye Picnic jo i and managed it to the satisfaction of Armstrong And contract made with him by Messrs. Hyde Brothers, of St. Marys,
r�Zy, -�'Sune 23 Separate School be appearatice. al' T at value for your money there is no getting, -Away Messrs W. J. Sutherland and Ground's situated two antPa half miles north of Dr�,s- Zurial.. the council were sustained and the Secretary HO e, Drysaa-le. from the fact that . Coventry's Old Stand is the 11. Geib-p-lare the presiding officers in these dale, on the lak6 shore. The grounds. togethe brothers-in-law of Mr. Ferguson, have se- authorized r with BwEFs.-Mr. AmosSchwitzer froin Kil- t -have 400 notices printedfc�r
da, June 25-Cowortli?s Hal1, Heu_ p e.. Our prices for Boots and ,'hoes are Societies this year, and the union parade platform 82xI2, refreshment stand Sxloo and tables Michigan, on cu�led the contract for -the -building of the distrib tr ny other Shoe house in this town or, 811 to acconimadate'200 peopleialao thause of a is the gruest of his'lincle, in schools, makirig known
I. managh, I stone rk.�Road work is now the order uti n
nday indicateA a most friendly feeling stove"d D. S. Faust. -Mr. John Veil and his -sister t e the doctor will be at the the vicinityt,can offeryou. Cash onl.v at T. Coventry's 0 be- feed for horses and also a number of b6ate. This is one im diffeMr.. chn. M. P. for South Old Stand.' tween the two bodiet. of the day.LSome of the farmers are pre- schools to C a Hur, 1382-1 of the best and most lovely picnic grounds along. the from Cavalier, North Dakota, are here visit- va cin te a requiing the saine. Hur will �ddresa the Shipka, me VELTY i' SEAFORTH is the rounds for a ing their brother and sister. It is about ten eting. QUIIi� A Ao shore. Anyonedesiring themse of the k pakt:na their grorid for turnips,
C5 while The board then adjourned t idea of having a business and carrying a picnic should apply to SAUEL WHSTLARIC, Presi o meet again at
stock of dent years since -nd fenc- the call of the CQ E ch of tho above mee gs will co.min en.ce oods upstairs. Ho%over, this is a very common OBITUARY.—It is our sad duty this week of the Y. P. H. If. A., Dry8d4le, Ontario. i3 they were here last. -Mr. W. others are busily engag I draining a irman. 82.3 at 8 �'clock in the eveni thi ingithe land. -We notice the Chiselhurst
mg. 09 in cities and in the Udited Sta;tes to. see a large to chronicle the death of another 'of Sea- DOINGS. -The weather for the past week H. -Battler, and wife left the other day for. corkespon. ness done on the first flat. Stark Brothers are dent of the Clinton News Record k is is iderable sport at his fellow Aill having a rush in the,tailoring line, and the Mrs. Alex-. Scott. is place, are cordially in- eople are finding out it p0i their when b Mrs. Scott had been in nearl at a standstill.. The majority of STALACTITES. -Mr. John White of Wiar- date� or others in hi 11vig coils Staffa. . elsinill he person of or so has beft very wet, and firm Wor M_ Gartner has returned bome again" after cou trymens expense, but surely he need
3ffir, W er, the Conservative candi- forth's earliest residents in t Waterloo County, on a visiting trip. -Mr.
o visit our estab- e tea, e not . be jealous of the boys around the orner ton spent last Sunday with Mr..,Dau. Mc� vite(I to be uy'ng d Ii t health for sever ye r but ce will have to plant their pot4t6es the C. Greb and wife have returned home from Dou'galLA foot ball matcha played last sent. suits, overcoats, Jackets, etc,, t &I sin a month's visit in Waterloo County. -Mr.
lishment up stairs. Out expenses are --snial e
1, and last fall has been perceptibly failing, and at second time, as t for he hits f till sway with the ladies him- we buy for cash, so we can sell cheap, Show r in he first is nearly all- rotten. A PLEASNT Trmn..-The regular meeting over Good's GroceryStore. STARk BRos. jig Loa - times suffered severely. Death to -her was Seed seems to be very scarce, and the peo- a, visit to Mr. Greb's brother-in-law,, at Mil- Saturday, between Staffa Of theL 2-2 self_ and Fullarton, n
's Foreign Mis a happy release. The deceased was -Mrs. F. Kibler has been at Lis- Womeg siou Society of L daugh- ple who have it -to spare are Mking a big verton. the ground of the latter, and resulted in a,
-raw, neither is iA. YouxG'S Japan Tea, four pounds for fer of the late Walter Smith -of Mitchell. price. -Mrs., John Horner has returned ide seori Staft had con- the resbytexlian church, on Monday even- $1, is the best I ever used fcr towel visiting her sister. ing, i;
ook a r�the and was mar- from %lisiting,her son in the vicinity of Bad Hensall. siderably the best occa the rheeting was made an open one Goderich. game, and if the: unusual form. On this TEA AND Copr.E AT A. You-xds, EA- ried at Kelso, to Mr. Alex.,,'I, Scott, in 1850, Axe, Michigan, and says she likes! that Al PLA' of te�
-the money. 1382 he was a native. of Scotland, TORTn.—We have been paying special attention to XT FOR havgoal posts had been 24 feet -wide instead of re rly and late cabbage plants for sale, 16, Stafra wud, ity hav-e
and 1he lady collectors for the Society we 3 this branch of our business and -have exercised great in &Il probabih
just 44 years ago. About & year after the country very well. -Mr. W. Bann�rlrian SUNDAY SCHOOL CON-yENTrOx.The Eng- q u f especially invited to be present. Then re- care =n marriage the yot lish church Sunday School Convention, for beat �Jttryeties. D. STR to%tomake selections that would give - lug couple deternii-ited to had the misfortune to lo'se a valuable colt wART, Heneall. 198-1-2 been the winners, by at least four ents were served and- a very enjoy he public, try their fortune in Canada, and, arriving in last we nflanimation was the s Biftns.-Mr- R. Carlisle jr., has returned Or five --- I
fresh in -we say we the County of Huron, was beld at Goderich als.-While Mr.
e have succeeded as we find oui'1ca---and coifee- 4rade thi o ilitry in t a Galt, ek. I gosed y last. A la number of dele- GeOnre Willson: nd Mr. cause.--�-Mr. John Banneiman and e from ngersoll wher6 he was Spendig a Robbins were on th 'i' ay to Fullartoll,
5-rogalum of M, and literary se- is daily increasing. we guarantee sati4action and where they remained for some t gates from different parts of the county ee the foot eir
able.. ca e wes its far s Is two on-Tuesda 80
lectiOns, was given. All present had a most will not be under sold by anyone inthcvitrade. We They boys, John "d Joseph, are busily engaged week'or so visiting his brother -iii -la- and to S ball inat
ch, their horse, enjoy find it pays to keep a good arfiql�-, and our prices nex and later to ditching every day that is favorable. were prese interesting 1
able time. t removed to Harpurbey lit. Several very sister.�, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thompson. -The frightened and ran aay. They both he, are away down, our fifty cent- black tea is giving _.Seaforth. Mrs. Scott was of a gentle, �ami- papers,relating to unday School work were Rev. 1�1. Softley, and the Misses Softley, Petty on to the lnes till they were thrown ift, Brucefield. - read arid discussed A full choral service and were in Goderich this week at- great satisfaction. our coffee is admithd by a I able and kindly disposition, - F - very 1.1appy event took who have tried it to be superior to anything in -the good wife
0 bUt they escaped without any seriollsol-n-, place4a town on Wednesday, at the resi- market. A. YouNo, seaforth. and mother, a true friend, �one whose heart was held in the chu'rch -in the evening. The teudirl -v�ntion jury. The horse Virus -captured thr�e miles
I g a Sabbath School Con
1382 NEW T, LOR'SHOP.-I hereby wish in
COAL OIL GA,,, TOVES. -The bo o.licitous for n church was full to the door's. Rev. *1 r. conne�,ti -deric,0 of Mr. Rob, ert Young, when his eldest her household ; always s to an- on with the church of Englan di. - from where it started in a fagged on s -t working ounce to ti -e surrounding public that I have open- ride of summer Stove. No danger of explosions. No wick the welfare of her family and diligently ed a custom tailoring shop nearly opposite DIxoq.s JAI Organizer To"wnsendof the Xmights dau; er, Miss�.Birdie, became the b )dgins, Rural Dean, preached a very able Cook. and his sister, Miss- Cook, dition. t con -
Mr. es and you can cook a meal for two o*nis. Call and i,' ministering to their itec9sisities and comforts Hotel, and am Orepare-d to give satisfa6tor' work in ting were i� Clinton this e q and'inipressive sermon. The next mee accabees, is in ur, village t
one of Seaferth's most spect them� JoIrNsos Bitm. the tailoring line at moderate prices. Will b -week visiting friends.- of Tent hese
ead young men. The ceremony was 1382-1 as long is strength pernlitted. She bore, ed to bavoyou call. J.B.-MCDONALD. e pleas- of the Convention will be held in the to-wn We unerstand th�t Mr. H. Cook, of the days working tip a tent. P ed b GOoD Orgart, for -sale, Apply to her 1 illness with loving patience, and in 1382-4 firm of Cook Brothers, -with his H reports nine -
V. J. Galloway, pastor Of -E. T. KRUAld. Ong Gf Seaforth on the first Tuesday in June, usual teen nain
Ppiit es, and five or six*a1inost per�
zhe Me 1 dist Aitirch, in the presence of the 1-382-2 the calm security of 'perfect faith in her We, Rep�at the offer of o weeks 1895. of en�te�prise, has offered to supply steam suaded.-Hon. Thomas Ballantyne and his
Saviour's merits passed %-way to her eternal ago, as it has proved so satisfactory in shox�i'ng what po�wer !.free of cost for fire protection -for the supporters held a meeting here 'last w k, relativIes aad intimate friends of the'parties-. PAs -SED Aw,&Y.-A inost-promising we are doink W low prices. lat.-We willisell you most dconeerned. Theyoung couple man of the township of H -young rest. A familyof five sells and three daugh- Dry Goods, Crockery, Shoes or !Hardwvr. at our Tuckersmith. villagelil This is certainly a generous offer for the purpose of ee
b . ullett has passea ters, all of whom -were present at her death- regular well known low prices, which or � low as id o, villagers'sliould make 6, move to Politics , ro ppointing committees.-
egni, their married life itder very happy from this life. ' We refer to the death of bed. survive her, I% wen as t the lowest, and take in exchunge eggs at 10 celits WEST END NoTEs.-Mr. Frank Crich is t undhee are ot veryexciting,
allalOes and wifih the best of hosts Mr. George Millson, thir lie bereaved per dozen, or -butter pre ilie reel, hose,' etc. -Air. John ,%4c- so far. Of fri4nda, in t 16 cents per pound, r 2nd. i paring to move his barn and - build an ad- course this -is a Reform which we beg. t6j d son of � Mr. David husband, -who of all others,will miss her -we will somyou goa -�hich are tion to it. -Mr. T. Walker, -of Clinton, has tizens, neighbor- of at market pric s. and Mr. rd Thom pson's fine Bal- He was most. The eldest daughter, Bessie, and a less than the goods cost its, for cash or 'pproved the contract for the stohe worl, has purphased Mr. Berna -ous accident occurred -near
01A, for their Mil, Ison, of Hullett, near Kinburn. ods at our cut. prices, Farlaue, one of our most -respected ci hood, and nearly all will vote for
future welfare, kosperity and happiness. a victim Of consumption, and although he son, 117alter died a nuinber of years ago.. -credit, or for butter or, eggs, Take dwellin house toge 11,141tyrie.-A. seri
your choice, as either way will give you oods for George Logan, of Brucefield, has the con- ther with five adjoining here last Monday at Mr. IN. Colq1.1-houn-s They �go to R ton for their wedding had been ill for several months and it was The sympohy of the whole community IS iess money than either we or our compet tors can tract for the remainder. 9ots. 3111lis is a n tour. apparent to his friends that 'he could not 0 &I took buy thern. Sppdal bargains in beat green at If Japan send removed to Clinton last week, where ther improved by Mr, Me- 'nearly lost his life. - it seems that one Of le bi�reaved family. The funer To - doubt he ce property and -will nc' barn raising, by whicli Mr. Will Campbel
with tl wn still fur
en-ly at Teas for the coming we --k. Everything mu she will reside in the future. -Mr. James in the near future. -Mr. David the Plates broke, and struck I Jr. Campbell last long, the end cam e very sudd place yesterday afternoon t Fe rlarie;
TR L MAT611.-The o the -Maitland It
d en P081 ,!O ��Js Moir, of'Ptillinan near 111ittell. oil aturday proved to be a very his death, and oil Friday he was AICINT0811, Removed Inext dc hotel old friends eked him off the ast. H-e� was in Seadorth a few days before idec we wish to close the store as quickly TN
bank cemetery, all was largely att 1. Fostor, of Clinton was anion Cliicgo, and who on the head which kno
walking tam, e affair, its th6 Seaforthtes could make arou-nd out -side. He had never been con- Brucefield. 8824 here on Sunday. -Mr. G. Noble, of Clinton, has bee' here -for the past month or so building, he falling over
-rings round the �gtratford players. It'was fi twenty-five feet. ung m BnEviTms.-The tw( opics of sp, .-The Sab- -visiting 'anion- his many relatives, ieltIlcouscious whell picked up . ed to* bed, �nt�passed peacefully mva� LOCAL BR_ iEFS. -The returning officers for . ) absorbin(r i I ent Sunday with friends here' 0 re- He
r ay the county of Huron at the approaching interest now are politics and the�lieavy bath chool at Turner's Appointment now turned !home - this w,eek.-'Mr. Mac -
the score 4 t6 2� migi-It indicae a goo d in last, sitting in a rocking chair. brosts. meets at IL arthur 4turned home last Painfully one-sided all through, although oil Satu � 0 but ula4rqon in the night he regained con'
I d He was a' ost estimable yo election have been appointed as follow Many of' our citizens ar6 looking in., instead of 9.30 it. ill. en, an, and s week from the scious - ness. Dr. Naysmithwas soonon-the P ruefully at their frost Next Sunda,y the Rev. W. Sin Soo, lyhere he h' Dugh game T4e fact is however, that was a universal favorite with -aill -�'ho kneW West Huron, Sheriff Gibbons; South Huron bA te.n.�arden6.-Oii "Ith ad been for a week or so spot, and he seemed to think there -was no will a -
His deat4 is a severe berm incr Ift b " ess interests in the real immediate danger. 8eafor-tiNligixt ha4e scored four straights in him. Mr. J. T. Dickson, Deputy Registrar East' Monday evening last t v r 0
a, quarter of au h I . vernent to e . Wil4ie. of dress t1m Kilights of the Mace ees at Tum- looki , er usin It is a iniracle
our, and it was only their his parents and friends, a Indore, India, spoke in Union church 1 1' is er's Church estate 14ne.-lVIrs. Bissett, of Goderiell, indeed,, Huron, Mr. F.'S. Scott. -Mr. Thomas 'ib- - ;at 2.30. nd much- sympathy G 6i h there were lot more injred.-A -very
Wish to give the spectators a little more for is felt for the son, M. P. P. for East Huron,. Concluded a k�reln mission work. Many of the nAions who is 90 years of age was here re- pleasant party was held at Mr. John G
].!a says, are listening to th iiiti�ij her grand -daughter, Mrs. ley's last orml: ------ a— olitical meetings e Word of! od I week, And all enjoyed the
-Elderi. and- looked better -and selves to the 11 r - I.c e t Winghani. gainie by fooling round, -tossing the ball to in McKillop last week. and casting their idols asi 1�. But, Sad to v
their money, that led them to prolong the series of very successful � c
THE: ARMY JUBTLEE.—The Salvation -Mr. d NlVht-ni ir a s Qu 11 If �.ay, many are askin Smarter ttaii ;; -I each other and giving Stratford chanes to Arin C ristie, of Exetei, an old Seaforth Edwar WITnN-Gs.-Dr. McDonald, 1. P. #0�-adies scarcely hal her
y in Canada celebrates �Geheral Booth's I ite, -was 9 for missionaries but is ex- . score. It must be sa�d in justice to the age, and �,,eqii&d little or no latter, that their tel"�m was largely composed Jubilee on June Pth, 10th and 11th. it in town oil Monday. Mr. Christie is now have to be refused, on account f th Iscar- pected home on Saturday. -Idr. Garrow, urray, 0 1 e 111 Grev.
the Reform candidate for 'West Huron, Will
aged in farmina he has a fine farm city pf ineans to send. then travelling;-I'Ar.46hu. M
of juniors. There e- Of -1. he ti f i gliam,
-was quite a large turn- acres in Usbolle, about a mile South of now come when those: of address the electors in Wingliam on Jue and forulk-ly of thiii place, and w o was - re- out at the mb* gan h44 work for,the poor and the out t 11dais Maggie Stewart. Of
just fi,fty years Once General Booth first b's eng 200 It e 6�un s ce tly o , adl le uesi� of Miss
� y bereaved of his 7 aym
.tell. should awake# to tliAeeds of those he do 15th. - Other spe, kers will be present. -The n 8 Jubilee year will be mad cast" Exeter. -Mr. and Mrs. D. McInnes, of the i9 Bluevale was the lia-Laill.
by the launchin "ral-"e *Thames Road, Usborne, spent Sunday last 110t P03sess the BiW.-.Mr. Hugh cC Wifigham lacrosse team played w him with -!our children, one infant- Ball last' g in -,,,Cana ' e me art- ly Vreek.- 111WM Armstrog has
d& of a host of ith the -
was he been appointed pathmasterOn the 9th cri�
As AUXILIARY FdRArpD.-All auxiliary of social and other S;lemes un in toi", the guests of Mr. Thom'&S Richard- ney has begun op-ft&tions *in his b tter Listowel teard on Jane 6th, in Listowel. re Xi� week for a few and re'_ the Univers der the'auspices ate in its report of factory. Th 0 on Wingham were the winners by f turned hoine accompanie by s Sister The Owners of cattle in Bras.,E�ls
Army. Among them will be shelter the Exet d seao�._ er races oil the 294th makes the fol account of . the many rains our goals to Miss Jennie Murray who is goi to will now have to keep a look -oat f6r their
ition- has beer� formed in Seafor ad shelter depots, rescue t none. The first goa was. played in four house for fhm.�TW� Re-,% E. .13 ee a.' --The Trustees of School Section associa ity College Residence of the son. -The Exeter Advdc is sh uld be a WA 'A th, homes food a e st res r. minutes, the second in five minutes, the of le of with Mrs. C. Clarkson as President lowing refeience to a well known Sea- were never b6ttiiir than. at present. 'boss The homes, a wor1kynaWa hotel in the lumber
Wo. 9 ve asked to have debentures issued object of this associ4ion iso secure funds woods, a social farin forthite : -'.'Mr. George E. Henderson of James Aikenhead and wife, of Stanley, -are third in twelve minutes, the fourth in four- ondon, who has been here for seVeral a steam -boat for the drth, officiated as starter and gave'de- visiting relatives in Kqnt county and on- teen minutes. This is pretty Qod for the weeks visiting his son, the V. to build a home i-4 Toronto for the lady lake work, &c. General Booth himself will 9 E. Softi Seafo to cover $650., Payablt in six years at 6 per
students, where hOy -will be able to get be in A cide satisfaction to both horse o don.�Mrs. Ketchen and sister, Miss cent., for the purpose -of erecting a new merica this fail makin wriers. and ay- Wing4ani lacrosse boys. -The salvation eY, Of - St. Paula' . church, sell
good be d tour of spectators, and deserves great praise."-- lor, are visiting in London this week. Army went to Belgrave oil returned home to London this ool houieorge Oliver, ar, and comfortable roo ins at a rate Canada and the United 'tates. $hae nearest he Wednesday to of London,
S week--
withiu the reach of all and where th to Seafor Mr. and Mrs. B. Gerr, of Brussels, were in communion services will be held in Ul�'lon hold a ineeting.-Mr. T. A. Mills has rented Air. James Bofithron, -who has been erriagd has been awarded the ditch contract by the ey may point th he will touch will be town over Sunday visiting their daughter, church, on Sabbath, the 17th of this mouth. the stone block belonging to Mr. Walker a, , Pullman car conductor for some time council. His tender amounts to about feel that they have a home. ARY who have Stratford. The Jubilee days, Saturday, I past, has been here for the past week visit- $14,@N.-- There were seven tenders in all._
had anything to. do with ordinary boarding Sund Mrs. W. A. Willis. -Rev. Mr. Walker, of The services will�be taken charge of by he �nd is using it for storing wool. The wool house life in the ay and Monday, will, of course, be ob- Wiart upied the Methodist church Rev. Mr. Scollar, formerly of Hamilton - is Corning in in large quantities. -Mr. Di Ing his father, Mr. Tames Bonthron, A new bank barn will be erected b Of e TheSenateof -special meetin Mr. Scott has placed a new veranda in fr ltii0s will appreciate the served here by thi� Army, who will have pulpi on' oce merchant, Rodgerville. -Miss Boulton vif Robert N1 -cDon ld bou dary it A need I such an insti t on Sunday last in the absence of Rev Perri , pastor of the Presbyte is 3_ 1 the University ha gs o these days. Rev . rian church
a site for the Guthrie, " boys go -do here, intends leaving for the 'Old Country vresyterian . ch Wn nd il be fitted promised of the Mr. Mr. Galloway. -Tile Lacrosse of his store, which adds much to the iting her Alaetives in and near Bouton.- be 60x90 - feet a'
ation of $25,000, if tlle Re Mr. urch, and uilding. -Mr. Scott is i I with and to 8tratford to -day to play the club of tha ' Pearance of the b Mrs. Wrrie will acco The Rev. Mt. Shaw, of Lucan, will. occupy all * modern conveniences. Peter Me,- v et at next *eek. associati ay d him. -Mr. Goodhart, the crazy man is -A very 'st city. -The Windsor football present buying' large quantities of wool mPa"ny the pulpit 'of St. PauFs church here on Donald 4 preparing the timber Gil will rxise'the remaiixing slim church, will be present at th team was ex- fr n from necessary to build and equip the residence ing meeting, e Monday even- pected here tomorrow to play the Huron the farmers. Sabbath morning, June 10th. -Miss D' enjoyable time was spent at a garden Hamilton, has started a shop in- Dr. Tain-
and w' give addresses. s, ler, of rty
Forrest, andi-Miss H. S or picnic, at the home of
some four or five years wilil -be takeu ill but -word has been received that they ca anot- lyn's block, for the purpose utherland, of this Thomas Calder Of
aise it. - I I -
WHi n which to r� of cleaning lace, Were the 12th concession on May 24tb, Tin ties- Chution this week, visiting I
Wed be here until next week. Windsor are the Morm.s. clothing. -.Mr. Swarts has purchased a fine s.Th� under'the day ev d champions of the South Western distri0t.____: span of gr Mend auspices of the Kin Kincardine, 4nd formerly of this place, -was ev. gqTlLte a!, lar e crowd assemble Thefront of theDoininion bank and the front had a large frame barri raised on Frid in the illageithis week, calling 'hear Cameron and P -Ritchie. Choice entin NOTES. Mr.'M. Kelly, of the 1 ays. Rev. Mr, Barnaby, of, 9's Workers, Addresses Nov.$. -The 'R at the recreation grgun � S Mr. th lin were given by Re�. D B. McRae, R F
races oi on some -of music was
i ends. -There was a large attendance BlYth on Saturday laiit- On Friday Mr. the fist being the Two mile handicap, ill Olt of paint. -The centre posts. I Sides were 'chosen by -NIECLachln. -James I.1 icYcle of the three stores in the Whitney block afternoon last, Size 6Ox8O feet with 32 fo t his fri v
-epitratory services in races. There were three ft the card, -have received it fieli co Belgrave. supplied by the Misses Shaw conducted pi to see the b
Shaw had n exciting tin with his driver, which June Session of Huron District COulle.il of -Jackson WEDDING BELL$.—A very pretty wed- of the Foresters at thelifethodist church on P. Douglas and Miss E, A. Harris both of
-,at the mans and J. Barr. Mr. Jackson li' ding was solemnized Monday morning` Ma Sabbath morning las this towmIlip, were united in in t, and a Suitable and in- arriage on
which 4kip�ed awa, W- PaPst mri§ on the limit mark- and the,Royal Ternplars of Tempen ll e best inen as 'they got up the 2 th, at 9 a. in., at Trinity churc n was preached by the Rev. 3, from hin Livingston and Winter On held at 11-Tingharn, I
g4te, # -hile he was standing by her side, scratch. This on Thursday, June I Ith. tereatingseriA Tuesday, 22nd ult, by
-8 Rev.
'was a good race right plates with thJ c �h BeY the greatest ease. T, Wesley t4killg to a friend. 8he took fright at through, thou -The Sabbath school of the First Preaby Darkness grave, by Rev. Mr. Higley, J. S. Henders'on. of this place, the occasi Cosens at the Meth The young couple onling on made the ing nicely decorated with flowers for the der gh the serlitch men managed terian church, c hurch be- odit parson
something and bounded vilway in an instant, to cut down- and rain falling too age, Wal -
dangerous, so the pufloin plates were occasion. The 'contracting parties were t large circle of frieds for heir
will'ineet in'the morning 4ur- work being the anniversary service of the Or On ton.
making quick time towar all in front of them J. .W. Liv- ing the next three months, co ha;ve the besb and -was ingston being first, G. Baldwi known as Co� Ivy Green Lodge. of en- wishes of a
r ii, second, F. put lip carefully and W'thOUt aaiy race at Mr. James Cuming, of Blyth, and Miss Sall, -M r- Mrs. F. Pierce, f ature happiness and Prospe#,ty. -Dun 2 -Elfter I S and overl who iNvere cau
caught very nealy by AT . Charles Broad- Car next Sabbath at 9:30 a. in. -Miss A. Cowan, all. Thei itifil ays were not put Maggie Miller, of Belgrave. The wed here on a i it, have returned home to dno, third. The next was the half mile of McKillop, spent Friday and Saturday vis McDonald, 2nd concession, sold 19 foot near the railway tradk.. Not the least class "B," which surprised everybody, last in to up, The' head of 'dln three year to k M sr . Suel & frame was Put '.tip by Thomm march, played by Miss _IvIcLelland,
wn rene'lVing old cquaintwice- Armstrong, of Wawanosh, Who always doe forth, as the bride, leaning on the pealed "t --Mrs- H. Arnold is visiting relatives 01 to es s dainac was done to horse or rig. -Miss George Good winning slowed. lip in. 1.26. shipsI --Rev. A.- F. Tully, and friends in London. Baker, recently. The- thtal weight of the
Grace30artt, of Galt, at the resi- He could have pulle(T off si of Mitchell, ou.c arm
x ore if pied the pulpit of the Presb erian church like cloek work, Mr. went togethei Mr. Littlefair, who gave her away, entered. Occasional CorrespondenL dence of, her uncle, Afir. i&iani Eiji seconds m" 11- a good job, and � all the stick Of A D. Kelly got his face' The bride looked b utiful in per aninial. Ott. puse di, but tile othel- contestants ad just. From an cattlewa 24,800 pounds, an -average f at the preparatory services oil Friday last, ea her robef NOTES. 30 unds Four
Mrs. Keating, of Duluth) formerly -Miss got through riding in"bite handicap and out with a pike:pole but wasr not s -The services in Carmel 11 5 PO and a alf erioual ' White silk, trimmed -with ribb een�ts per pound was tile price obta . e Nellie Ryan, is vi�5itiu( r re'latives in the sril- not in it. Tile I were and preached an able sermori which 'was hu� y on and lace, Sund morming last were conducted b th in d
church�`on 9 ast race was a corker, 1?ei rt. It is estimated that over two hun with white veil and Rev.:7 Swann, Methodist minis 07th.e Mr. McDonald has twenty head for the July tweeit Or. Baldwin an the, usual' orange lage and vicinity. She came down to see a five miler, be in greatly appreciated by all present. -Dr. dred took part in the raising. The young blossoms. 'The bridesmaid, N 113 market yet. He is a very successful stoc�. I Livingston. Early ili the race d J. and Mrs. Campbell were in Toronto this I liss Littlefair, place, as the pastor, Re her sist M h een. very ter ill, but is nj;nidmprovin folks were dancing all night, and, judging looked charming in her dress of e nary v. J. S. IleriliJerson, man. -Grey township council has beert -The Rev. W. J. attempted to cross thii track in front of the r.. e by the looks of some of them, they must was absent preaching for the Foresters. -A
a Small boy week, where the doct
on on
der the ation andread an in- have been at it pat of the next clay, as they itnd lace, while the little " maid of honor,, who have lately divested themselves of their ril the question of
Of w lecture in our wheels, throwing JAck Living ton heaN y ribb chilly atmosphere still prevails, and those destroying black knot on fruit trees. Clark, tario Medical Associ 0 colored cashmere also trimmed with a asked to take action on
church on, At , oud-V everiiii I 9, June. l8th, un- and cutting his sh+le teresting paper. -Nlessrs. Gray and looked very tough indeed. -James Russell, Miss Edna Hamilton, of 131yth, was be inner bark would do well to hang 6n to their -Messrs. Scot r and arm.
aus ces of the 'Aromen's Forei HOvi- F. G. eelin, attended County Council at 6th line, has put a' large addition to his ingly attired in white cashmere ala lac�.. mitts a & Jones hiplMd two,
ever, George Baldwin . generously consented Goderich this week. -A wedding party bar -nd overooat.-Some of our gardeners loads of extra fine attle from Listew ociet.y. he last time Mr. to start again frO111 64 place where the fall n.-IMr. W. Hughes took charge of the The groom was assisted through the trying are planting out on
llus, the curred and the r4pe ended in a win ser large quantities of toma- Tuesday, last week, the lot including 0
ark :is for created a flutter of interest oil Nlaill street vice at Sunshine on Sunday last, Air. ordeal by his brother John.* After the toes this season. There is room for s mrust as large a gather- though the night wp jold there was a large sold their eale passed through Sunshine on Monday. followed pickling and canning factory here, and what neighborhood, - he to its utmost capacity and many had to re- Mr. Livingston by Tuesday, especially among the ladim.- Dyke being away a t conference. -James a of the best fat cattle ever sent from thati
main outside. re t d gen wheel lengthi Al- Messrs. Gabraith & Coultas have ceremony the usual congratulations his � lip a J. He is agent for monu to the number -of is more we have �he_stuff._Our onion kings mings, of Molesworth, " to greet the reveren bakery and confectionery business to My 'and then the guests, '>O ad fed by Mr. H Cum.
tlem an on attend nee of ladies a!jil it is probable that . Clark, of ments made in Clinton. �bout forty, repaired with the wedding may now talled 28182(l xt vi&it. A small fee will be these weekI this town. -The front of Lhe -The wet w�eather continues and in be seen: for hours every day, be- pounds ; 8 head fed by Mr. Geoye Sangster,, y sPlus will' become very poDU- building occupied by ere is under water. The grain on I any an party to the home of the bride, where a tween showers op their knees, and the re- went.,10 oo d 6 of the society. - X;xt implement dealer, and the Canadian Pa Ow land
Charged as a, nieans of adding to the funds lar. The band was "in attendance -r. Thomas Brown, a
gle subject of the lecture Wednesday evei�ing t' Ourriptuous wedding breakfast vhw served. Sult will, no doulit, soon be ap -pounds,an 9A - from Air.
lit' events will be the quite yellow and meadow land is parent, Those went, 7,860 pounds. Two bulls cific is lurnin
The t After the repast was cleared away the time who claim that posture
j. 0. Greig, of of hay. Potatoes *as pleasantly spent in social chat, inter- not been in the onion busineng lately. Any 46W Pounds respectively. new dress of paint. Y a to r a good crop is immaterial, have from Mr. Joseph Cumberland went2,200 and
Kingtioul of the Present, and the two mile handicap, witill" Telegraph and ticket office is receivijag 0 we 0 A. BiiW;j
that were planted some time ago are rotting ' ersed with music and dancing. About 2 of the The price paid
1p Standing; blowing, was from 4 to 44 cent usual paktures, t - -------- --
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