HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-06-08, Page 4THEHURON EXPOSITOR, JUNE NEW ADVERTISEMEJqTS. we Are inclined to think the collective settlement endapiers the pine on, un 1894, licensed Howo jtv�ill VLThe fturs between the parenthesis in put a severe strain on the afterwards performed. by he bridegrooW could bottom. it wh after each n ere he was, there was on the market square Whi emory' of the whole country is not as good lands of the Crown, the o ly course open to loyalty of their followers. There are father. Lord Duffe ch should be trft one denotes the, page at, the paper on which the 9 rin pvie away the bride. diep water all around and the stream was ed in the advertisement will be found. the memory of an individ &I, - other -wise the Government is to dispose - of it for the numerous petitiolm laid on the table from She was dressed in whiiFe sitin with a r takin him do rge Tebb savae w&Y--3fr- John W4 e n on Tues day for Algoma to c Ta op en ende d to Ontario highest -possible price, and place no of Industry and others against and wore a tulle veil. Her' ornaments were After Lin and though he had g utt Welit i Visit h1i Ae care of the expenditure of one down for Willi 115at Ssl"ackeon Ak Grefg. I did services the Patro sin wil eo Just Received -Win. Picks& by Sir Oliver in by;sr, yea this large sum of money, diamonds and Pearls. am.—Mr. Urne. for Sale -Wm. Turner. (8) would not so the timbered district in the ha do of private i�, the last time managed, vdth the hel f H and Mrs. John Scolttft which will represent a capital of $2o000, PO a 44uttez a Novelty -Stark Bros. soon- be &Rowed to pan. out of mind, and be owners. The Province OW. REFUSED TO WO*K 04 SuNDAY.—The George Levis, get him t 'ensall, Faid 3fr- James Miller FOfeman Wanted le(Sbax co. (8) thuou reah* the . It Will probably require some very effect. workmen who sort all the logo that go down th o land, where Monday.—Mrs Wn,.. HTmt PM by got the wa er out of him. It was is of St. visiting1fra. R H ore Sir the Chippewa river, Wis66nsin, refuse to narrow escape and a few more minuteswould unt.—The ive pressure from the Opposition bef eclipsed by the petty questio a and sectar- value bf its asset, and the timber has a bet Barb Wift-Reld & Wilson, (S) dividine th i 02 Firm, for 6416--Rugh Oke. (5) I ian 8trife that are John Thompson will acknowledge what his work on Sunday, and as - husia,stie, political Conveyancing, Et electors to ter chance of perservation- for exp�rienoe a result all work have -finishea him. � -A. Little. meetiii The, Eleetionw-Dilt day. Had theirs been no Oliver Nowat, intentiO1184re as t? the suggested Gerry- has been stopped. h�3eol!d" inetthis place w ore. 0) has shown that the A ilant ovefti A speei'41 meeting of the -A bad accident happened to Mr. P. evem as that of Th, -11son. (a) -9 gh Wheat Goes Down ­0.1r, Ontari t which mander in the Province of Qu�bec. He was directors of the Dolles Improvement Com- Bart, one of the workin last week, in the mt-er.es en engaged on the the %IcLeAn the Liberal Actuol-Worth-W. H.. Willie. (a) o would have' been ob.6 -n of half her -Private ownership can exercise over a timber asked in the House about it and gave some any, which owns the i. reservoirs d railroad bridge, east* of Stapleton, the other South Huron.' candidate Wool Picks -Mullett & j&ckgon. (8) territory and half her pow ra -of self -go rather flipp�nt reply which brought Mr. . I an Tes and Coffee -[41-A. Young. (8) v- limit is more effective than any government Sams, has been held, an t ere are miles of day. ernment. His labors have 'as ittred Laurier to his feet with an intimation He fell from the to " to e ground chairman. a Afe I -intentionerd. The i rent below, a distance of 35 ee spear era were ),I- Just Arrived -Johnson BrOL (8) _these to supervision however W611 that logs waiting to be sorted au P , e�51` nd the k Leart V* P,4net Jr�­Johnwn Bros. (g) us, and we can now in safety luarrel about it would be much better if, on such an rtm to diffe f t, Alighting on Me,Mil sales of timber limits are Q Ian, R- H. I �Ilim and 14. Y tio, toves--Johnson Bros. (P.) ways. by public important subject his back, and thus paralyzing himself. He or the Liberal cause, and Aft, T. the leader of the House THE WHEEL,-' Miss Franbes E. Willard, was brought to Pike's hotel and medical as- and Dr. Bethune for the 'Opposition. So( Fam for Sole -Peter Gardiner. (5). the )-*at means of electing cou It officers, or auction, and experienced -lumbermen dmit gave some definite reply. Sir John Thomp- who has been making a lonLg, visit in Eug- sistance summoned, where he remains at meeting broke upith three Atain We Ropes". McIntosh. (9) whether or not the calf really, had a son then replied seriously that he could not S�oe"oad Bros. (8), cough. that the Government of Ontario have always land, and will soon be Ae T'0wftv--Good Bros. say �ack in America present in a low condition. His home is at for the Queen, tL he heartir 'A., I But more valuable even that his unbroken at the moment what the intentions of again, among other things a4id in an innter- Stratford Alfowat Govemijeut, -Of Succession of vi tories for the and his wife has been with him Mr. McLean.-Niirs -new W&HOr 1511OP--4. B McDonald, (8) c igh. a been extremely shrewd- or extremely- for- the Government were, but he would tate view: " In addition to my)"Vork, wid I have ever since the a Barnby 0 f Killftrdiij� Province is ecident occurred. is spei days under the- WW t of the tunate, in choosing the 'time 4 such sales' them very soon. If he does not carry out been kept very busy, I admg a few literally his promise, it will be the dut*y of bicycle. Although I am 5 roof --'Mr. James ooper, f this A the high ideal which Oliver The sale held in 1892 was phenomenally sue have learned to ----wDuring the thunderstorm on Sunday af- Mowathas striven to maint L 5 �ears old, I en- ternoon of last week,- the pump factoty, of the, asessor As,% is �m cessful, indeed, many In � o see that no further -estimates joy it immensely. I do notil know an PO of the I T mbermen think the y exer- Mr. p. Willows on Morfis argest nu Doi ministrationof public affairs. are voted until. the Prime Minister ives his cise more deligi street, Blyth I inlier Q in the ad Mr. aurier t finest quality of sheep in this section. ing he pubUc. prices then obtained colild never have be Itful; the sense of in elled en 'answer. a8terY wai'struck by lightning. Happily Mr. has a lot of good colonization compo tb.h If any such bill is uced It and 'the swiftness of motioN, in the pure open Willows detected the smoke issuing from. while attending to her hou o9us repeated since. will mean that the session will be prolonged air, are deliciouily exhilarating." lands have not been pigre out to 1� -introl nief, in schold d reti rn for votes, It is better for the Provin,,,-o t a month or six weeks longer the corner of the building before the fire. had the misfortune o ell it" be otherwise, and as the Government is &I- flowi ix BRrrisH CoLulhm&.-The ever- was far advanced., and with the assistance of to fall down cel4l. SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, June 8th, 1894 nor has the timber. wealth, of the Provin than it would FLOODS ee timber limits at high prices f t,)tn bi lig of tile Fraser river, cently, a step breaing iiiider her and r. me to ways paused by heavy a few neighbors succeed been bartered away for political support. anxious to get away from the House rains &lid melting snow. in 4he mountains, ed in, extinguisbint, ig her to lose her balane—she was, Slat Aid w time, than to hold them for a p, oblemati as speedily as possible', and as the advantage what inight have been a serious blaze. Be- ever not seriously injred.-T.1 To The Electors of South Huron. 9 C has q4tised. untold damage. -An estimate is id tile spoilng of a little I le in to rail ays has been rani ed on consid- rise in value, and then watch them go up al of a gerry-niander in Quebec is at lumber, and the -'a Supper eraiong of publiC7 benefit, not to bribe in ather think ))eat, prob- -that 2 000 families are homeless, and or Of the Lord wa obs r-auft. 'GENTLEMEN.4 Permit me through THE smoke before it comes. lemat�.cal, I i fully io as of 'several pails of water, the damage erve(i in c' that the Pr property hasi been lost. A Was slight. doubtful Onstituencies. (xralits to O�,pi- emier $3,000,000 of AndreWs church, bVer. h will dboide to let sleeping dogs lie. largest number of Comm XPOSITOR to correct some statements which tals and ch -------------------- steamer from Westminster iriday, brought -The -other day, while Mr. Win Pi' unicants theri chu ekard been for some time. Nine new 1000) writies have tot 'been madeat Mr. Foster got his ariff R�esolutions to Vancouver 307 settlers from there, among and wife,- of Holmes,ville, were driving down joined on are being circulated by our opponents,to the ,.Notes and Comme, half -hazard or Placed Where -they -�rill do the nts. finally throulli Committee of Ways and which was the fmily of a rameher that had the 9th concession of Goderich townshp, effect that Ism not doing my utmost to 6 Mr. Meredith'has, so far, not e 'I this ocemion.-. Par.." h most good " ven made Means, or w iat everybody thought was been rescued from a raft ii� mid a -Chiselhurst conducte in a party sense, but have tr�am, d servie nii the,1-10' atof, help Mr. X. Y. Mcean in the present elec- a promise- to do bettpr should he get in fi�nally,. two or three 'days algo, but he has after being exposed. for teki hours. The they met with a very unpleasant accident. dist churell'on-Sabbath last. wla$ campaign, I am confined t . o bed and appli We The horse shied at a pile of lumber that was ti4n been paid . on a fixed basis oe d by law power than the Mowat Government since given notice of some further changes surrounding valleys have b4n submerged, ovej Cable equally to has and the House will have to be moved back houses and outbuild' on the roadside anct upset the rig. Air.- through il al�. institutions-- done e seemingly expects mgs oxh ranches have Pickard fell in a dich containing eighteen Iness, and.1 am very much trOu- belonging to wh yet 11 the PeQple into Comrh'ittee. A couple of years ago, been swept &,%rmy, and herd4 of cattle and inches of m P PhiladelPhi-a. eggs were taken from tile free list flocks of sheep have been drowned. Whole the- opposite bank and the horse f&enll oil its bled to -think that I cannot be with Mr. atever denomil aion or sect. �to put p,3vay an old and trusted servant ater. His wife was I SeRms.-A heavy thinidrt,orm c -Le The public works of the Provi ice :have not in ad put (led on on the dutiable list �at over here on Sunday afternoon, but no lw oid d I be able before election time I fre Thiel an and give h the aid I would like' been farmed out to order to let him try experiments. We 5 tents a dozen, in villages on the banks of the stream re back in the water. Fortunately ilone of age was done. -Mr Geor passea h nally Mr. Meredith is thelvIcKinley A Har- them sustained any particular injur ;i;e. sbuild. But, all' contracto -a allowed t do retaliation for a Similar duty imposed under floating. The towns of Chillawack ing a �ew fram, e & m ake vast ile mate profits, trid expected get w ' pi Y. giti ct. When the Bud as ison and Centreville have Wen inundated. - very successful Sabbath School Con- get the cage andth - is -a goodplau first to - $4 ng among settlers in vention w;s held at Brussels oil Tuesday of m ing for. In conclusion, I would earnestly, p There is terrible sufferi ell the bir.d.-3(r. will let our opponents know who I am work- t6-conribute uprightand honest,- but we doubt very brought down this session, eggs were puton A return large -1 sums to the much that he can- control f the free list, buf now. Aft.- Fostp Con Schilbe is putting a stone foundati.' he corrupt ele. r has given the flooded districts many bf whom have , r his a arty exchequer., The greatesi Public, work ment in his party. notice that he last week for the district comprising Grey, d Stelck- and 11r, urge UP= all my friends -and former sup- will again replace eggs on the been living on one ' house�--Nfr. Levi under -the Present Government, the ne' dutiablelist t5cents. Rehas alsogiv scantymeil. aday since Morris and tbeiiortliern part of McKillopl. via g friends and porters not to leave a sin w a J* Albricht were iti gle stone unturned ell the�flooda destroyed their 14 relk. -40mes. At the A n1liber of ver interesting and profitable tives in this- town non Sunday. -A Parliament buildings notice -of some further resolutions respecting beginning of this week both fr to �seeure the triumphal return of M r., Me- to a has just been brouvht A mail named Muldoon has come forward the iron duties.' 'ancouver and W papers ere rem:, lolls on Chi, ly successful ending, ter We and the discuss* nber has greatly iinp high Nobody, even Mr. Fos 8chwartzentr an on the 926th of this month. Westminster were cut �ff Irom the out roved hil; Le. Person !and no one in Toronto wit], a charge of wholesale P Iliniself knows these were not the least interesting part of farm by Putting on it a new. has dared to hiilt at job er- just where we are on this side world, as the telegraph was in bad the proceedings. -4anong the prominent 'Blurs I bery ol ir corruption sonation against the last revised tariff. It has been reprinted after it order and could not be dep4!toled on. Al- speakers were Rev. Messrs. Y. the (ay.- ally, he is worthy of your confidence and I in connection with Liberal party,in the and had a raising on Cobbledick Liberal candidate. A -roll support, and, as a supporter of the beat' the undertaking. pro' had been altered and re -altered in. Commit- though the Canadian Pacific had 1,000 men Ross, D. B. souti Th Of Xe&ae, and TNI.essrs. Smillie, ' Huron, svaa in this villrage on Friday. iand vincial election. Muldoon avers that be tee and then Mr� Poster took the reprinted at work repairing the tra-ek, dthe flood was Walton, Kerr3BIair and !far most honest Government that We do not say that no mis4es have beel� wa's one of a committee employed in per- and linally revised editioit-and again revised breaking it faster than they could mend it al. church 'r W- ever existed made or things done which would not have Mr. Dick pillet, r of Bussel, choir.of the Evangeh. ne 3io 1hvQ in Canada, every Liberalhould rally arou sonain dead and absent elec it, making over a score of changes, some The flo, OW' practising for the annual 'Chi of R, not been better left undone but .9 torg. His od:will at folesworth, left ldren!'s take charge of a, ill be held ell the 1.5th' . Da-yv vieft Z OP all farm 9 Operations oil Monda hi h �lfl Y.Of last wee� to new w� &,fflrnl that statement, th of them of considerable importance. He along the Fraier river for th4i season. of Jul whole method of c Oug very cunningly devised, refused to consider an Government cheese facto "%elenr I hiiii and make his election sure. Let it the onductin t usine 8 by and containing many insinuD, appeal from Mr. Prince Ed raisim ver be said that old South Huron has Oliver Mowat,s b ry lit 'anmie will no doubt. be a good a tions against. Mulock to do something f6r the consumer in ward Island. Many wishes for success at- oe--3 . J- fon. Oliver 1V1owat, has been Cal Miller was the guest turned 'its back upon I government i of raise Prominent Reformers really proves nothing the matter of rice, wl 0 id George Wilkinson and Thomas i Smday- r. ROther- tend him Leno Kiff culated to create and maintain tnow subject to er 0 1 1. a . M high tone even if true, except that its auth Huron Notek Garness,' both old residents of Iforris -Inealandfamily werevisitig On tarWa true and tried friend. I am, a tax of about 100 per cent, and the busi- Mr W. Birtch h )urch4a,�d the Wu g- township, left for a 'visit to England last (111and Bend On Sunday. -A meeting,,, of Public opinion or com- mid Yours Truly, ness community which has been so disturb as feeling. This is some- mitted a crime punishable by law, - bam *brooln factory, and endea-�'or to week. They Were ticketed by the Steam in t thing that cannot be truthfully,� aid of many yet the Col over this revision cannot rest - assured as pu held the otherevenin Davi ARGHnRALD BiSHop. nipire and other Conservative papers try to what the duties will finally be until the all trade throughout t6t ship Teutonic, White Star. Line, and No. 12 ]�T-av )01 --house Gov-�rnmenta on this cofitinent, and cer- to mak f S h I Sect�en MBoRss, Jun.e.5th, 1894. i a 00 e c&Pital Out of it. Any paper that bill is printed in the Stat' w et er they are going to have D, pic*a to dcids tainlY not of the Gov- -A new platform has be4 j�placed in the from New York on Wedne�da h h und ernment il 1 power at utes, and even then Brussels Methodist 8 y afternoon. h lustoms, Department will administer it abbatb 180)lool room for ood time spent at the so- it decided to have one at �44, T oil way and interpret it at their own sweet will. the orchestra and! superintendent. cial given at the residence -of Mr. -John th fQr;b indeed be hard lip for @,nimunition and is be- -Mr. A. Best, of the fthconeessilll of Orregg, one of Howick's councillors, oil the A Liberal Triumph i a Ottawa : but it is the Mostvalit tble service would use such material in'suc must the.0 the use of -There was a g which an administration can reiide� to th Mr. Weldon's bill ta disfranchise h spare neit I er time nor paina to lna;1ne One of the most persistent fihts'ever e neath contempt. voters Hullett lost a valuable ropei rted post -4 tyll ee, tball on mple in ill". Gorrie and L4011dAy and it is a dandy 'tt b t -not until it had been have been g�as oil the stomach.�,' "AFroxetef, being well representeel. Lakelet - Sieman Caine lip the street -yore'. country or Proviu(Fe- rp ar who had taken bribes was finally repo team of horses a 15th of May. There was a great crowd cessfu.-The Acrobats Crot their new f6ot- matte by a minority was that of the Liberal hands. Sir whose 'affl e in its from Com short time ago. The cause 4 supposed to plesent, Redgrave, Fordwich Oliver's exa is respect Party at Ottawa against the DominiOli has been a happy one, an The Dominion Parliament seems to be I- so Dmende4 as to rendir it utterly useless. -Mr. Albert Truin, of Hu4" on Tuesday. Fran d if the bountry As it was 'impracticable aaiy-% ett, is having foot ball team scored 3 goals against a pick- morning with a broad smile on his face. g him called, less, some import wife has presented left hich tliat.-measure was introduced, will be ant measures are being any persons desiring a t now stands put tinder it. J udging bythe amount of build- a recitations, ape him with a boiine mos os t vay, this (lid his barn enlarge'd and a SO* foundation ed tean-i that was present. At night club chise bill. The session Of 1885, at has really grown tired of hearill t I sigh of just now, but neverthe r not matter a great- deal. - AS i w tile cause was that Tis the Just, it will be well i u inquiry by a Judge winging) eches and inuic ing baby boy. -NI -r Lotus r t forward at Ottawa. as to whether persons have taken bri were given in such a as to delig the Schilbe was the guer, f . � The rfiost lit- bes in farm, ers;. audience. Th. lit tfkjr. Ir. e d to it by title. creating is theabiendinelit. of -the Franchise all election inust put up $1,000 which they pro 'Is amounted to lit.-,Nfr. ",V�i 'am Daw$olf enterabered as marked by the long-conitinti- man who will prove equally deserving of the t ' ighten. Huron e cere f his successor be a brougli on this year, bard!, times don't 'ng gonif d And strenuous opposition offere seem to r Ili J. Souell, 3rd line ot, Morris, bad- Wards of $40. lip- never jet back. If any one imagines tha three fine I was visiting relatives at 1311yfield. last week- open thelLiberalswilosa-winit a attempt to Act, which is a virtual back. down by the half a dozen men lit ally county D, ambs destroyed by d1wild-cat one -J. A. King's delivery horse mad Messrs. Reynolds Broth ell re going day lately. The cat is 8 t e a bad era f Dashwocd, throttle the honest opirlion of the country, A Purely Bu Goyerllm t- Every day the people see to throw away $1,000 in the ill 4 larIge and smash one afternoon lately atthe cornerof were in town wifh a loatj as smess View. crests oY, will make a of yo the s well astan occasion of unnecessary ex- 11106 clearly, the crookedness public moraliCy they will good mark before ong for his John and Minnie s Sunday. ung folks On of the Do believe Mr. Wel- musket. As I Pense both tQ the public and to Parliament- The opposition 'a continually carping million (4m,ernment. don's bill a practical one. Coming tilintanageable it threw the driver, Mr. Weldon 'I mem about the financial M, anagenteut of the prov- himself, how -Harry, Sol, of Reeve !�-Mooney, of Frank Kh119, out and then rail lip ary �cajiolidates. The Governm ever, declared that the bill was had two of tile en, how ince orris against insisted mit passing the Act, andthe old and e it was born, and it ]land injured las Exeter. speill CrYing "extr practically dead befor finieA of his left some shade trees, when Frank regained pos- DTagauce," "wasteful- Americans are generally of the opinion would be well if t, week by a bite from a session Of one line, turning the horse aro D. Weismiller, the r. Weldon -as a legislator mare. The equine was cross Ov4- some inter- but eventually getting a,way didate for outll Huron Cofiser. ness of resources," etc., etc. Of course they that their con occupied the same position. und, vative can be -A. -a ;� spent simple measure of adopting the Provincial "try bests the record for rapid ference with )ter foal. 1141n, -Monday -and Tuesday last he vot nit' t cry something or their leaving the bread box froin I oil the centre of the -politics w tile list clause -wagen as far as the -Dr. We 6iiald� M. p vilage., a spent in discussin 2 Mr. -Mr. Joseph Eidt, �Of Dashwpod, recently road and taking the are gettin ists for use a Dominion elections cities,yet late statistics show that Charlton's Sunday bill, over the li Pres] drs' I occupation growth of A long time wa purchased a fine St. Bernhard dog front L. ]VIethodisthurch Of Winghani, would be gone, but it can be so easily shown Get�nany takes tile Palm in this respect. 4P to fever heat re, as:abandoned for the 011may, unfair, anoi that there is nothi prohibiting the sale and circulation of n ib the sum of the' herae. The ' rig rs Of Exeter in Drev& hsts� for Domnion an be so blinded by party or a 1 '.Ir fo was considerably expensive -scheme of maing up separate marvel people c ag Berlin, Frankfort,` Cologne, Hamburg and papers on Sunday, and finally adopt e '8- . ecto in their objections, we Ruth%of New Ha -sv-here?t broke loose fro"' ad Tess tile el tinder the super- vote of 65 to 31 in Committee. is one o Opera RR1.1 on "Thlirsday even- purposes other cities have had a phenom f the 3estg;brere4,', of dogs of damaged. . - y pr enal growth The bill, this kind in Ontario. McLe ing next, n inteudence of a.Partisan �omnae b ejudice as to befieve them. If ally within the past quarter of a century. however is not yet through. behalf of 'If r. Al. Dese! d by the -8011le tilue ago. the Clinto an. 11r. A Town W6ismiller is Mr. I ame out in discussing the estimates ghan1l horse won Council sent a request to the Ontario (:T'ov- invited -to attend anol take . . . . . Robe 9 Of James Cott returedon Fridayevening Ociding heat taveky, or a portion of it, which as t then expected v;oithk last h -OM dence and provide now resi- spreading. Coal is on the r nse- admitted that it was lying useless bec�use hole in the 'track, int -01 revert to t iwas HolmesVille where shelvs isiting rela- well as Liberal ones, Cried out at the vast Coa strike still hangs on, and is even has cost about $600,000, and Mr. Hagear beaten by a head in t�e d ad a boomeran Conservative candidates, runing expenses, bu Id a splendid to a soft at 3 wever, has prov- second money at Shelburne on Ole 24tK be- erninent akilig that the estate Walter West - Government. The Act, ho farmer in this Province had, during the past it C Miss Garfield, the Win tlyenty:to years, been able tO pay ­&11 his The that the second channel in the Galops Rapids ing part in the driscussioij. elf with the best quence, and a famine ise as a co OWN he Govern- Monday eventrig ast advance -office expense to which they were put when a re- hinis navigators would not use it. vvi�c the pale faced mare stepped. ment, be given toward's the erectioll of some tives. Roya Outbuildings and il It is not sa;fe -Rev. E. S. Rupert, an oU pastor of charitable in Council NO. 9-07, Royal in of Tem. aISO admi eir ti( eveni nPlements, out of the parts of the Unii threatens in many and they prefer thd old channel. Mr. Hag- Rattenbury Street church Clinton, preached ton. stittition in the town of Clill- perance vision of the lists had to be made. Contrary produce of:his wood lot and the 'sale of the ted Sta es. The Grand rt ttea having given to the 'Nir, (;arrow as its local re held th 'eleTeo Tnlarosf O:Wftxs Vern Ay raere elected the iie-,t term : 'elect Councillor (i Aeco- hort a week or Sunday morning of last week aln-d in Rat- the'govern�iellt the justice of to the provisions of the Act, the Go Privilegeof picking berries inhis berry patch,. Trunk Railw gessrs. Davis who are favorite contractors is ilerolial attentill, the followilig office miss: which ran�s in Ontario Street churell' in th�t town on gave the matter h -presentative: when I upon, of the -lists owing to the costliness of tile and is ag evening. 4r. Rupert in', &lid doing his utmost to seeltre it. 'Penhale Vice Cou,nei ek f 'O so ago, has in some way obtained a supply� a Con In connection w th the Corriwall tenbury Street in the ur n ' retainn 9 all his other land' and his sto, canal amounting t6 $400, i tbegia a -1,1or Robert Zeoige mentmereohligeoltof regoyearly revision tract am carry . Rowe - ing freight as usur 000 -without tender has in& warm friend C to As our readers Chaplain, R. A. Follick 0380111tey free as a clear source of gain, he lly urer eration and bye-'eleebions would" be' on. Treasurer, took and without dompetiti 'a in lin know, the matter ]ins been Fryne. ; R -e -The 19th quarterly meeti4 of the in the cord mg -Se "mmm"moo D&vN considered he shrewdest amil Ti H courts for some tfine, persons whO od; place have, in many cases, been held on listv amilton Herald, W, Independent Stanley, Tuckersmith and Haly Simolay would have shared in his Financial -Secret ' Cretary, FrankWo nel.� Most successful mail of the age. yet this s ollse v& i e jo ary, Gkill The Governin, ent News of the Week. School Association,-%vill be held in -the Meth- made, oliaiming th will, !lad it been Herald Warren nell i Guar, John I Cud- will,: at least two yeairs old tv arnal, says It is a Com- e Whole estate. The ap- ii) -ore 'Sentinel-, All&ew Dempsey ;-Organ- have t last 'been convinced that theic odist church, Bayfield, oil Thursday, June of theown council has been ap -Attorney-Gefieral. at iw'ha the Governinient Of Oliiario has done Par tivelY easy task to defend the Mowat -Among tile striking 21st A I programme hag': been pre- proved of by thd each' for the people of the Provi . . Adminstration and.1' iners in the Danville, Illinois, field', many p ist, Miss Annie Giregory.-INI-ess, =6- .' They ared tile occasion. son V has been the failure- which the Liberals pre- rather difficult one to - for' goo( rs. eorge have d of the families ae starving. Penhale and Thomas iff. Afeca-1111. Themps6n rits, , it's a -Early Sunda dicted it woud be, and Sir Joint OnemOr for they have sold but one attack it on its me -WC are srry to anno-tince the death of A. Dowil and tile S. ospe were kholof u ber ins have been F-RosT.-Frost has caused great y mormn. Of last week 1%-Iiss Bila, Jessie Hoi aMIClara V from but a small 6orner of few, when all is �aid and done, &lid its vir- osen a a r elei to place -need that it is to be abandoned to fruit %fichigun, Wisconsin are . store in' of A'fl'- John Houston, Prin'Cipal of the"Col- has annou damage burglars entered the harlw -late,, elde t f-l'all"hter ell d h attend tile distriot and Ill- Blyth, helping tbel aii couple of legiate Institute, Clinton, v1siti e lot, so that it inoi8, liselves to ' ineeting at W 1911SM On Thursday, th 14th Mr. Or, at any rae greatly at the present rate of ttles Ina11Y. 'Ili a number of respects has revolvers and broke which sad event amended. In the a Con ot in at the bac4i entrance occurred oil- Frid y evening, 2 th nit., from da, tr I oduced uIllption that lot wili last 100 year r COPPElt -Rich deposits -Mr. James Egall who has acted n. new Franchise biU,, shortly to be in a record that is unique among Go of of Moser's store, all tile capacity of bs;,,,Igag� mail at the Grand more. The people have been lef So well1as it withst vernments. cop f d took other t4i a-, n cOngestio 1 of the braill. he 'was a prom- . per have been found near Onaway, 30 Ot t ab9olutely orf etting to enipty the till, whi-hut Trunk RailWaY station, but whose term - f that after all these years Rainy River. A 600 pound nugget of -pure for some time- but there Ws not thelight-- expirefl -was waited upon by some a far as PrOvinCia affairs f I 5 Years, and has been ailing office has it will be provided that the b asis of rep re- free of taxation a I ood the assauIts of - the miles South of Cheboygan, Michigan, on the ate. y ortun- ising girl1O 8�04t&tilon for the House of Conl.mons will be Opposition no Only Contained a, few coppers� are concerned &lid yet some of them listen -The Unions of of the v a Wroxeter played. -two on of "her death, until tile' with a b 9 in the vktrious Provinces. eat anticipati' illagers - L -d presented that , prevailin charge of ,corruption and dial copp;r a picked ouf-- of the river last games with and- ionesty can be week. day some gold watch, to the prtings of 'would-be man ained against it.. 5 club. of before it occurred. Mr. Egan' imtendseav- agers In an age of corrup- Toronto, in Mildinav le ing Shortly for Chicago where lie h Her parents have tl age, oil the twenty-fouth. sincere sympathy of their friends,' n .1 sa cured a good itIlDtioll, asible,) to suggest, no,claim to 9 y a sympathy that wa's practically silo Our :best, wish �as loca elections. him, Roe is highly respected in the: Apparently, Wit ell go with offer, nothing ewi tion -and dishonest govern Chinaman is arranging to et two hundred score of 12 to 7, but in the after4�on turn- Nionday, by the large attendance at the tattffr ' will be the rule in Dominion as welmany This will mean thatin Ontario manhood have nothing better to' who Bust FOR MEXICO'. -A distinguished fn the morning game they were N'iten b (that is fe "'cut this is cer- taililysomethin tobeproudof.11 thousand of hiscountryinen to settlein edthetables the .9 howev er, present but the personal. claim we wDilt to Rexico to Work- on coffee ind hemp plunta- score bein the he far�e Of a !eparaite list for D g 12 t to 5 in funeral, tile Co village. -Tho wi�.& Of Vr Johil McCa in ontinio. their favor. llegikte pupils lllg;j�fiing in a 11-1 run the Government." tions. I bod Painter, of Exeter North-- tied n d !,,olectiom is to be retained, based. i1on the WTATED some Weeks legiy, and the members of bo,th the- Col- 1111 ay, Listoi een men ate an�l Public school ifoards also U Francis in the neighborhood of ttelid- last, after a h "gerig -The fulleral -ist, And subiject t revision by William Milne, who was sele Willard, owing -to the Onpeasion of ing. Tile floral tributes contributed -werc took place at Tor6nt0 01, Tuesday -3 last it ago that Mr. RETURN§ HER SA1,4, A large wild cat has recently b the the 9th c Why there sould be a 1wood lost a dog some numerous and very pretty. Pearce has tto the -after 'Federal' effig Timber Li- s. Patron candidate for East Huron States, returned to the National time ago for,wich he would not hallye taken -This is not IltlY vacated by Air Ed. Saudels S imit eted as tile United financial distress in Hullett. Mr, Haze :4econd list wilen one alrea, A curious grourid of was not Women's Christian Temperance Union her a considerable amount I oh-0me ar Se e e L dy exists "svith complaint against the ligible for melnberdhip in that order. We last tw of money, aq. i was an age for superstition,'yet of Carling treet.-IMr. ch-a-;Ies Sneiil, jr., -the-sme franchise, is a mystery which call Ontaio, Govern 0 Yearssalary which she received is ia it is currently reported that , certain j) h. I ment nly'be ex president is its alleged- mim made the statement on good one. 16 is las purch an supposed that it Pas been 'elor in the vicinity of Porter's Hill had his the roller rink :28th, i plaine VINDIN(4 Up BU-SINESS.-The bleach ig notr' Ur a rovide Something for tile re- ver- are reqt.tested t6 give publicity and spffining firm of Fenton, Connor & -At a meeting of the joint boards of the in his ficidabout 9.30 an the rest 'were seen lling house ion i neces a nd ace of it. On the 811PPOsition hat it 'We are ow informed, , I �Vas built oil, from -Aill, the authority of Df that orga�izatioll. Shot Dr killed by the wild cat, as he can get Potatoes Plnted by fairies. Fo bealltiful . Richard Davis agelnent of the public timber. They have, leading Patron. a A ased the lot which -ry to P it is said, nee dlessly sold large a,reas. co we -10 figures, two smaller th' tnte .8. e and a to the 'Company, at Belfast, Ireland, have decided Bru sels Metbo ist has seeral menit e eo to wind up business and retire, owing church held the other ,]light have waved their invigorating wands Sarnwel. farin.-.Ai1r. Visig barrister to do. Surely the printing -in stat melit, that Mr. Milne has since become a Saturda night, and line lots for sale, of the 3d ith pine and wasted tile proceeds I -Mr. Win. Ba;wden �d what must be Practically a dup licat travagant administration of P to the evening, it was decided to put all tl � mo es '-er the whole crop bad not earthly sounds Jones' disposed of sevrainew Wagons 1"t e _ of ex rovincial- a melliber of the Order and is now a Patron. depression in trade. The assets exceed tile into a coinnion fund the same as I&O year caused them to fl le ni or Ole P6viincial lists is an epeftse which tile affairs, instead of keepi liabilities.by ,200,000, and the creditors will the church debt being omitted. I)r. Cav' ork unfinished. it soutliwiird, lea;ving their cry is running at full 1)la We make this statement in- enry rit these limits in dting the Past wek.--Vite Exet,er cream. justice to all the `bi I 11*,1ry might well. be spaed. It is said possession of the Crown , ntil the demand coucerne4 E Exro, be paid in full. We have only to await as Tif ITOR is anxious, * , pUV-ISHF at t ere are sonle Domillioll o f in offices the potato harve Patrons having I)een aAldeZ-'Mir 'D anagh was appointed to the combine# at ands Alfred Seeral new. -30 their -%-&Inc. y con for timber Should have- Fort BALLOT TUF'FING.- of Secretar -Treasurer of tile Trust4 Board visits. It ee thefruitsof their Sheere vice M cials prohibited greatly enhanced So far as C an, to act fairly and justly to Kenneth F. Sutherland charged with,ballot and Envelopete-ward. tr-�6tOr and bricklayer bath,' fi'Otn YOU169 at ocal elections, an(�J who The pine, Pf was found -out by lis-tenhig to plenced operations on tb . has cow- ease Se Michigan wid _all partie4. Stffilig in the Gravesend elections, has their pleasant laughter j e new bank barn for- .-Ond day recently Th t and Conversation ment iii Sing Sing for two years and eight be6 near Blyth, by being accidentaliv, struck mainder in a tree to a, ose. V. d Of -of 8tephen.-,*,Ir. Sames B. of Wit i 9, serious accident while atte*diiig a potatoe;in eight hills and suspended the re- place, this nanies should be on tile Federal lists. This ern States, I it is alleged, is been sentenced im Brooklyn to imprison- Oulas McColl nie that they had Planted about half a bag Sanders of the secon(l. concession other North rapidly being exhauste h 11 be the- only source of supply,. MINION months, and to pa a fine of five hund I 14-1� matter,which miht well be rric,,ed y and soon the forests DOINGS AT THE DO attend the session at 'wit out incurrin of Ontario wi I g the cost of a Separate re- dollars. re( on the right knee with an -axe. The�'��wotind chanti vpoor Ivait their next ell- Goderich bled Profusely before the vilion and separate lists, as welas epo Which case the Americans will be tu inCAPITAL. FRicuTFUL WIDS. -Terrific willd 119 - -The Exeter Sing nowball (lid ilir, best Yin" - % . injured mail was to drive away the enchante '1illing Company have been making large n- cured. racing towards town to call his nia-, 3' shipments. of flo& from this station recent, cowo -(By Our Special CorrespGndent.) Kansas, and other western sections, be hoped the accident will nOt"stiff ster, but Jy­--4r. B. A. FORick) baker and eonfee, en apart, front a little noise, no dalna,jt.'re Was tisan, Tory revisers. The' Gov- vand enormous the knee or leave &i m week xamt by part Storills got to his* and Physician rs Lis'Peral voters to the risk of disfranchise- bli�ilg over each other to b occurred Monday in Washington -State, It is to house occasionall uy our pine whe 4t is offered for sale, eril;me'nt are. evid OTTAWA, June 4th. DEAD. 'Prof, Wm. iy permanent prices will be realized. lently convinced that they Ali finpot Roscher, the en.iinelit ­�-A injulty.. done. tioner, doeg a very extensive icecreambusi- 'tant change in the policy of tile Political eco'iioinis Correspondent in Laelet writes:Wever t of Germany, is dead. were there better prospects for a Dickson are attending tile con- ha,ve been in the wron but they might very Wbut, unfortunately, Government Prof Roscherwas born ad 9 n at C- Se e other day, and will be put DEAD. iGii and retra t, 1817 at Hanover k tha presenV e the confes. o %vas announced by tb� Premier 21s October harvest ill Howie i's well inak one important consideration is left out. of in the Hou ' th Tile Kippen. ference at RidgetoNvil this week.—Rcv. i-vl week tioh ground got SO dampened with the very �eavy (;0'11Pl0te- 011e list for both elections Wilson, a chichgo capital- rains that the warm weather of thes ist and inventor of the Wilson sewing ma- § T he i0babitants of ICipp,,n and last. view, Which entirely disposes of the objec in tile shape of a bill aendin a the Fralicilis CARRIA(4B WOV.1CS- H. Beamsh, of M'ngsto, occupied the pulpit i o e da would beg to inforn, t rch oil Sabblith is %ttlte sufft ent, ROW that there is to be 8 So great that no Act. The franebises of th chine, died of heart disease in San ose, is creating it change pleasing 'he yublic genarally, that he has now got down to tion. The Ask from fire i Ricker 01111�v One qualification. owner of & e diftcrent pro,- California to beholol, he was business and is ready for all lines of barliage, and thuber limit fall wheat now promises to be -the -verj', best, -can be sure of its inces are to' -be adopted as the basis of the Oil Monda�, while the spring cro and work. Ile has bought all jh�e drystock, -fro),, —Forest fires started 8un- ahead of p meadow are ;ar%lnt0sh 6)d good wo The existence from ole season to another. A I 11 Dominion Voters' List in lieu of the FOREST ything seen here for a timeo( rk and good tituber will 131yth. be his Inotto. Oliver the iust. unusually (Ivy summer. leaves these North- Ifininay lists w Pre- daY about 15 miles Out Of West uperior, —A teaanin belonging to specialty. GO and wagon P2irting wide a A 4r erit pine forests hi a hich have hitherto been pre- Wi8cOnSill,'On the Northerl, pacific Rail Peter Kinz, of odta'(1119i guaranteed, and Prices ex- POLITIC,&L Libera ceedingly low. H. Ricker, Hip.pen. min, eek country -n 'most ilillanimable con- paed on a different basis. There will still and were gr' ached to a hiCber -2 ened i lndll�il an, who luarked his; - 'as 14, t WaNvallosh, . att PLOW stone with the liatne of ity. on the T ain street NITing M`ellia is Well stocked wit), week, and to till ad nally working towards wagon, ran away 3:390 tfor Blytb was p oys`10� all dition. Tile fallen tiniber, and especially be revising barristers who will prepare the the other morning. They appeare: all lines of Pjaws, plow repairs of all kindso Nould The speakers of th. the debriS h ba " Aristides, t;laeycl it Thursday evening thil"ignified his wisli to 1.1mve 'Om the operations of lumber final list and make any altera, COAL FROAl 1ATALF­,3.—FOur d to the hallwas erow,(�Ied of last comes so dry that with the Dominion la in Of coal from Cardiff, ut a number of -per- kinds. Farmers ca,n get all their-wauts suppled at the v kil asked his reason for so the %nialest spal-k Ever since this ex- to town, one behind the ed, men, be tion to confori thousand tons be makiTIg for home, b Boards, Plow handles, Bolts and castings i all evening were the Lib,er Wales, was landed ill al candidate a tremendous confla 9 pas I a- instantly sets Oil foot pensive nd useless Franchise Act wa. New York, on Monday, for ocean steamers, Solis werd coining the Hippen plow shop. T. 31BLLIS. Af P. P-, and H -on. J, Ob am tired of lie aring him ed in 1885, tile op The coal other, i Dryden. Involves a loss of about $2.50 11 buggies, and these people at 1380'9 M, A. i calleit the Just. 11 graion, ext6nding often d, NOTF) E!rS.—Th IL our Reeve n- ton to the contractors. e e e masons are busily ell- chair. The Pied the the C We fear there is itt oil- Over -many square tended that by the adoption,6f -hey rea�bed th 'p Position have vainly co per the runaways before t ) occu miles of teri-itor the Prov' Waged putting the foundation tinder Platform '%va, crowded wit), In- -day, in certaa- quarters, a lists the Act could be. dispen —Immense d No harm God's, win. H06d bed only "" L D - Tile chair m�ajl asked if there was alle Y, and being quent bridge down the Bel-grrave gravel. Mr. J. ladies alliage doneo who has any op it' post ion speaker in the au( of a body of wati�r, or' ty res'llave been lost lish impatience, at a uniform fr, lience, but feeling of foo But Sir John Thompson has always replied by the overflow kilficient stock has been �ubscribed, in to no person replied S'milar by the intervention, sed with. to property and several ii been visiting his parents h Hibb a desire for -tile — 1S as returned tile tilliely advent of N1et 'llise for of rivers at Denver, Pueblo his 11011le ill Iowa,.—Ivlr. an'd Mr. of oh�ngt without any weather. the House of Mallitou - I AlVinghani t SO Ile called upon- ir brok ason beili and other places in Colorado. 0 Purchase the "JobiAoll Mr. Hougarth, jl-. 7rarrow, Nvho was rceiv�eol with loud p*' good re Er "here Commons -was indispensable. That argu prairi4 " to" St- MarYs, and -Miss and I bo pli 0 o L Tile 'ested alyainst the Present Go green pine forests Once stood, now only a Ment he now throws to tile u-ind bee' Mrorst is past however, and tile work the public park, and, no dou'llt of Stephen, Were Plus- He dealt -with his pas manif Purchase -will be' -,made ill a fe* days: last week. Air. N� Honey- charred new bill Will adopt th' ause his of repair has begkin. the guests of Air. J. member and as a in t record as a Of 011�tiario, 'A class of uuthi�ikillg voters wilderness appears, and more de- e ma. There ai nhood suffrage of snow ell t.he -e sev lc,,%reil has returned home, he aid be was an Istral feet The porollasers are bontributing towards after spending a few days near St Marys, Liberal and. did not fear to rived who olo not realize the value St`ucti011 is sometimes wrought by re in a frandhis of Ont io ell top� of Pike's Peak. Ilidepenent e ve his political property in Quebec and nous tration and was Prepared at hey Clean snd honest Goverinnent, as w AuAV�ST THF, LORDS.,—An immense de ge across the aitland attire and thinks there is no place like til strictly examined in t and bearcity of single season tilan by years franchjse based &r di.bg a brid are tired of Nor, though of lumbering. at! salt block and the bridge 'will be constructed concession. e second ad anY' 'me to meet his last. ll dealtwith a great man mer y prolv- traion, and think tile time h' It to prevent the occurrence of �elY the beginning of the end, becau eral associ- 9 ter. questions of the dav and close tillAother in New Brunswick brid e, as at first c011iemplateed. hearizi, e praises of the present adulinis- is used by the d e for general traf oppone t, q th 11,W66rent fr Oinchise in Nova Scotia, an D;99,inst the -House of Lord� was foot —.'Mr. Peter Cameron, -Who 11 He also I d - This is cession of trades 111lions, Lib '—Mr. A. Cameron, who has been ;� the Sick aluidst great applause. Hol; J. Drryden every. means 8 held in Gllasgo,w, Saturday. A great pro- suitabl -fie. instead of only VsOme ribs broken a few -weeks ago is bet of tile as come for a, —The other night some sneak thieves 11 list for several weeks with typhoid fever, Is fire, does it seem possil Se ations, Irish bodies and the like, marched gained an entrance into the ce Iwith e to 'eliminate the public will want to know Why rough h ' * - _,,a,. of M�t 'vraws received very enthusiastically h t both ("Overnments," risk &rising from *settlers t e Principal streets, and slowly.—The trustees hgTurn 01, with the provincial franchises adopted' the simple as mproving they sa,,�, as if c Joseph (-,arrett, in Londesboro by cuttink Of Our started off with 119 8't we're ourists' and inini should not also be folio meeting was 'held -in in burnill9s, locomo- method of adopting the Provincial lists watchedby clieeringy thousands. A mass the screening of the ho present member had just g.i OrruPtion and waste at Ot- tive sparks, hunters', t' school lia"ve purchased a bell for the giVingrai8e for the 1,a�tth 119 vell, the on a million a year different platf 'w Id. not h I but eveni cellai 1 fifty dollar&—There hasbeen abundance of return such a u ful in b"r in ih� to houel anip4ires, etc., not to menti �lie expense of a quarter of ere de�,-vPered from six Caine up tile stairway into the kitchen ae taa - good grounds for P�tlttilhl an end wed, thus avoiding which -speeches .' curing considerable provisions in , the house, ,qty &lid economy at Toro to. prospectors' c 'reeti, in which, when put up, w window, and after se- ill cost nearly and was sure the voters con Glasgow ( It is the torch of the incendiar in the preparation of a Orms- A resolution caii raindringthepast two weeks.�Considerable which statement was received very 9 01'ernment to abolish the it affairs a Christian InPloyed 0 1 until enthusi ng ransacked everything therein. aarret� damage his beien done by frost to fruit trees, asticafly.- Hie then gave an Barely worth something to Ont , which is not un- list. Separite Dominion se ell, Drio to have knolril. Upon the G d Ouse The fire -ran ing stafF, e knew nothin f 0 at the hiad of its public Mr.'Foa ght down his House of Lords tile next ;nornin beryy bushes, to early -vegetables. account of the by the Department of propo- was Crried amid great en- When he allivol-e and found tile door left w Tile Pi I prmg crops i*t1his section are now ic 9 a sub- ,stainless character and blame- tive and aert, but its usefulness is ne SidY to the Fast Atl in thusiasm. DAUGHTEP. WEDS.—.NfligS Vic. Ope. lookig help but please the large gentlemain Of Crown Lands, is ae- s'tiOu to anleAd the Act authori7 Agricultural Dpartinent ces- antic Ser,nce b -number of falTmers burn4' well.—Alden -M,!hitemian, who —On the 24th Of May, hile a linit, arm who were there - he showed conclusively to issuing creasing the Y In- toria, Alexandrilla Blackwood, daughter of got his less life, in hose career of many Years the sarily confined chief annua subsidy from $�500,0()o ber or Imost virtIlent 9pponen cannot specify an y warnings, to $75 Lord Dufferin boys were pl I broken 9, short time ago, is impro ayin ving as th )<)at at tile river- in well as can be expected.—Mr that his DepartmerLt was -a ver I y useful one, aris rance, to Mr. Lee Plunkett, abn of Imesville, e oat became caught in the - Robert Blair, Conservatives wih, e r ep I who has been in Algonia, for a short tim e, be done away with. The meeting, closed stro dition that the steamers should g all at a P i F 2 at current and was goiilg down the river, when returned home.last,week He a k for the speakers ancl the Queen. dav to check a fire once started r -General Ho act of unfaithfulnesa, to the Provinc - of Canada was maxried on Monday and Could not, as the and to attempt 0,000,,and instead of mitkin it a con a former Governo in- in a, pine forest is like trying to sweil back French port, lie has- atered tha c ea'c justice to� a political enemy. It is true that the Atlantic. one of the boys jumped, takilt the oar with f n UP Und there, read connect" t 80 &S to the ' 8 well with cheer no party mn live on its past record, but with a Fre Anglican Archbishop of - Dublin. theicountry and, has j;k ceremony was performed in th ng they couJ B-PiEFLEn.—,-qr. jolin This being til Will be a tall row over the Whole propos wh -h will return itch Port. There The him, the rest 8eei _h 9 do nothing e e case, wheuieer ad-vi6eing e ball room of jumped also, but unfortunately the 8 allest in a; few days,—Mr. family, of Baden, were in tone and and if theovernlaient "gets ition the British Embassy, which iias beautifully and last In Robert Mellis has improved the a ce tow -n ast week, set re to ppearan it through t&,- decorated. The leave, failed to get out u a visiting their old friends. —Mr. James ligio the- frbnt of his store by Put mg � own Though he layer of gr us ceremony ,vas boat had reached deep water ntil the of 4.t* d There are a few bad holes left for Kincardine on Tuesday, where he 41­� to intends to learn the wood carving business. a u th 0 ed to a e who h e nk co "'a 'theo d n' te ry n nT rend d t LvIce mo f did Iver In b Y_ St yea wol k1lowed to out of min( b y t y u ti he es a am vett7 I THEHURON EXPOSITOR, JUNE NEW ADVERTISEMEJqTS. we Are inclined to think the collective settlement endapiers the pine on, un 1894, licensed Howo jtv�ill VLThe fturs between the parenthesis in put a severe strain on the afterwards performed. by he bridegrooW could bottom. it wh after each n ere he was, there was on the market square Whi emory' of the whole country is not as good lands of the Crown, the o ly course open to loyalty of their followers. There are father. Lord Duffe ch should be trft one denotes the, page at, the paper on which the 9 rin pvie away the bride. diep water all around and the stream was ed in the advertisement will be found. the memory of an individ &I, - other -wise the Government is to dispose - of it for the numerous petitiolm laid on the table from She was dressed in whiiFe sitin with a r takin him do rge Tebb savae w&Y--3fr- John W4 e n on Tues day for Algoma to c Ta op en ende d to Ontario highest -possible price, and place no of Industry and others against and wore a tulle veil. Her' ornaments were After Lin and though he had g utt Welit i Visit h1i Ae care of the expenditure of one down for Willi 115at Ssl"ackeon Ak Grefg. I did services the Patro sin wil eo Just Received -Win. Picks& by Sir Oliver in by;sr, yea this large sum of money, diamonds and Pearls. am.—Mr. Urne. for Sale -Wm. Turner. (8) would not so the timbered district in the ha do of private i�, the last time managed, vdth the hel f H and Mrs. John Scolttft which will represent a capital of $2o000, PO a 44uttez a Novelty -Stark Bros. soon- be &Rowed to pan. out of mind, and be owners. The Province OW. REFUSED TO WO*K 04 SuNDAY.—The George Levis, get him t 'ensall, Faid 3fr- James Miller FOfeman Wanted le(Sbax co. (8) thuou reah* the . It Will probably require some very effect. workmen who sort all the logo that go down th o land, where Monday.—Mrs Wn,.. HTmt PM by got the wa er out of him. It was is of St. visiting1fra. R H ore Sir the Chippewa river, Wis66nsin, refuse to narrow escape and a few more minuteswould unt.—The ive pressure from the Opposition bef eclipsed by the petty questio a and sectar- value bf its asset, and the timber has a bet Barb Wift-Reld & Wilson, (S) dividine th i 02 Firm, for 6416--Rugh Oke. (5) I ian 8trife that are John Thompson will acknowledge what his work on Sunday, and as - husia,stie, political Conveyancing, Et electors to ter chance of perservation- for exp�rienoe a result all work have -finishea him. � -A. Little. meetiii The, Eleetionw-Dilt day. Had theirs been no Oliver Nowat, intentiO1184re as t? the suggested Gerry- has been stopped. h�3eol!d" inetthis place w ore. 0) has shown that the A ilant ovefti A speei'41 meeting of the -A bad accident happened to Mr. P. evem as that of Th, -11son. (a) -9 gh Wheat Goes Down ­0.1r, Ontari t which mander in the Province of Qu�bec. He was directors of the Dolles Improvement Com- Bart, one of the workin last week, in the mt-er.es en engaged on the the %IcLeAn the Liberal Actuol-Worth-W. H.. Willie. (a) o would have' been ob.6 -n of half her -Private ownership can exercise over a timber asked in the House about it and gave some any, which owns the i. reservoirs d railroad bridge, east* of Stapleton, the other South Huron.' candidate Wool Picks -Mullett & j&ckgon. (8) territory and half her pow ra -of self -go rather flipp�nt reply which brought Mr. . I an Tes and Coffee -[41-A. Young. (8) v- limit is more effective than any government Sams, has been held, an t ere are miles of day. ernment. His labors have 'as ittred Laurier to his feet with an intimation He fell from the to " to e ground chairman. a Afe I -intentionerd. The i rent below, a distance of 35 ee spear era were ),I- Just Arrived -Johnson BrOL (8) _these to supervision however W611 that logs waiting to be sorted au P , e�51` nd the k Leart V* P,4net Jr�­Johnwn Bros. (g) us, and we can now in safety luarrel about it would be much better if, on such an rtm to diffe f t, Alighting on Me,Mil sales of timber limits are Q Ian, R- H. I �Ilim and 14. Y tio, toves--Johnson Bros. (P.) ways. by public important subject his back, and thus paralyzing himself. He or the Liberal cause, and Aft, T. the leader of the House THE WHEEL,-' Miss Franbes E. Willard, was brought to Pike's hotel and medical as- and Dr. Bethune for the 'Opposition. So( Fam for Sole -Peter Gardiner. (5). the )-*at means of electing cou It officers, or auction, and experienced -lumbermen dmit gave some definite reply. Sir John Thomp- who has been making a lonLg, visit in Eug- sistance summoned, where he remains at meeting broke upith three Atain We Ropes". McIntosh. (9) whether or not the calf really, had a son then replied seriously that he could not S�oe"oad Bros. (8), cough. that the Government of Ontario have always land, and will soon be Ae T'0wftv--Good Bros. say �ack in America present in a low condition. His home is at for the Queen, tL he heartir 'A., I But more valuable even that his unbroken at the moment what the intentions of again, among other things a4id in an innter- Stratford Alfowat Govemijeut, -Of Succession of vi tories for the and his wife has been with him Mr. McLean.-Niirs -new W&HOr 1511OP--4. B McDonald, (8) c igh. a been extremely shrewd- or extremely- for- the Government were, but he would tate view: " In addition to my)"Vork, wid I have ever since the a Barnby 0 f Killftrdiij� Province is ecident occurred. is spei days under the- WW t of the tunate, in choosing the 'time 4 such sales' them very soon. If he does not carry out been kept very busy, I admg a few literally his promise, it will be the dut*y of bicycle. Although I am 5 roof --'Mr. James ooper, f this A the high ideal which Oliver The sale held in 1892 was phenomenally sue have learned to ----wDuring the thunderstorm on Sunday af- Mowathas striven to maint L 5 �ears old, I en- ternoon of last week,- the pump factoty, of the, asessor As,% is �m cessful, indeed, many In � o see that no further -estimates joy it immensely. I do notil know an PO of the I T mbermen think the y exer- Mr. p. Willows on Morfis argest nu Doi ministrationof public affairs. are voted until. the Prime Minister ives his cise more deligi street, Blyth I inlier Q in the ad Mr. aurier t finest quality of sheep in this section. ing he pubUc. prices then obtained colild never have be Itful; the sense of in elled en 'answer. a8terY wai'struck by lightning. Happily Mr. has a lot of good colonization compo tb.h If any such bill is uced It and 'the swiftness of motioN, in the pure open Willows detected the smoke issuing from. while attending to her hou o9us repeated since. will mean that the session will be prolonged air, are deliciouily exhilarating." lands have not been pigre out to 1� -introl nief, in schold d reti rn for votes, It is better for the Provin,,,-o t a month or six weeks longer the corner of the building before the fire. had the misfortune o ell it" be otherwise, and as the Government is &I- flowi ix BRrrisH CoLulhm&.-The ever- was far advanced., and with the assistance of to fall down cel4l. SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, June 8th, 1894 nor has the timber. wealth, of the Provin than it would FLOODS ee timber limits at high prices f t,)tn bi lig of tile Fraser river, cently, a step breaing iiiider her and r. me to ways paused by heavy a few neighbors succeed been bartered away for political support. anxious to get away from the House rains &lid melting snow. in 4he mountains, ed in, extinguisbint, ig her to lose her balane—she was, Slat Aid w time, than to hold them for a p, oblemati as speedily as possible', and as the advantage what inight have been a serious blaze. Be- ever not seriously injred.-T.1 To The Electors of South Huron. 9 C has q4tised. untold damage. -An estimate is id tile spoilng of a little I le in to rail ays has been rani ed on consid- rise in value, and then watch them go up al of a gerry-niander in Quebec is at lumber, and the -'a Supper eraiong of publiC7 benefit, not to bribe in ather think ))eat, prob- -that 2 000 families are homeless, and or Of the Lord wa obs r-auft. 'GENTLEMEN.4 Permit me through THE smoke before it comes. lemat�.cal, I i fully io as of 'several pails of water, the damage erve(i in c' that the Pr property hasi been lost. A Was slight. doubtful Onstituencies. (xralits to O�,pi- emier $3,000,000 of AndreWs church, bVer. h will dboide to let sleeping dogs lie. largest number of Comm XPOSITOR to correct some statements which tals and ch -------------------- steamer from Westminster iriday, brought -The -other day, while Mr. Win Pi' unicants theri chu ekard been for some time. Nine new 1000) writies have tot 'been madeat Mr. Foster got his ariff R�esolutions to Vancouver 307 settlers from there, among and wife,- of Holmes,ville, were driving down joined on are being circulated by our opponents,to the ,.Notes and Comme, half -hazard or Placed Where -they -�rill do the nts. finally throulli Committee of Ways and which was the fmily of a rameher that had the 9th concession of Goderich townshp, effect that Ism not doing my utmost to 6 Mr. Meredith'has, so far, not e 'I this ocemion.-. Par.." h most good " ven made Means, or w iat everybody thought was been rescued from a raft ii� mid a -Chiselhurst conducte in a party sense, but have tr�am, d servie nii the,1-10' atof, help Mr. X. Y. Mcean in the present elec- a promise- to do bettpr should he get in fi�nally,. two or three 'days algo, but he has after being exposed. for teki hours. The they met with a very unpleasant accident. dist churell'on-Sabbath last. wla$ campaign, I am confined t . o bed and appli We The horse shied at a pile of lumber that was ti4n been paid . on a fixed basis oe d by law power than the Mowat Government since given notice of some further changes surrounding valleys have b4n submerged, ovej Cable equally to has and the House will have to be moved back houses and outbuild' on the roadside anct upset the rig. Air.- through il al�. institutions-- done e seemingly expects mgs oxh ranches have Pickard fell in a dich containing eighteen Iness, and.1 am very much trOu- belonging to wh yet 11 the PeQple into Comrh'ittee. A couple of years ago, been swept &,%rmy, and herd4 of cattle and inches of m P PhiladelPhi-a. eggs were taken from tile free list flocks of sheep have been drowned. Whole the- opposite bank and the horse f&enll oil its bled to -think that I cannot be with Mr. atever denomil aion or sect. �to put p,3vay an old and trusted servant ater. His wife was I SeRms.-A heavy thinidrt,orm c -Le The public works of the Provi ice :have not in ad put (led on on the dutiable list �at over here on Sunday afternoon, but no lw oid d I be able before election time I fre Thiel an and give h the aid I would like' been farmed out to order to let him try experiments. We 5 tents a dozen, in villages on the banks of the stream re back in the water. Fortunately ilone of age was done. -Mr Geor passea h nally Mr. Meredith is thelvIcKinley A Har- them sustained any particular injur ;i;e. sbuild. But, all' contracto -a allowed t do retaliation for a Similar duty imposed under floating. The towns of Chillawack ing a �ew fram, e & m ake vast ile mate profits, trid expected get w ' pi Y. giti ct. When the Bud as ison and Centreville have Wen inundated. - very successful Sabbath School Con- get the cage andth - is -a goodplau first to - $4 ng among settlers in vention w;s held at Brussels oil Tuesday of m ing for. In conclusion, I would earnestly, p There is terrible sufferi ell the bir.d.-3(r. will let our opponents know who I am work- t6-conribute uprightand honest,- but we doubt very brought down this session, eggs were puton A return large -1 sums to the much that he can- control f the free list, buf now. Aft.- Fostp Con Schilbe is putting a stone foundati.' he corrupt ele. r has given the flooded districts many bf whom have , r his a arty exchequer., The greatesi Public, work ment in his party. notice that he last week for the district comprising Grey, d Stelck- and 11r, urge UP= all my friends -and former sup- will again replace eggs on the been living on one ' house�--Nfr. Levi under -the Present Government, the ne' dutiablelist t5cents. Rehas alsogiv scantymeil. aday since Morris and tbeiiortliern part of McKillopl. via g friends and porters not to leave a sin w a J* Albricht were iti gle stone unturned ell the�flooda destroyed their 14 relk. -40mes. At the A n1liber of ver interesting and profitable tives in this- town non Sunday. -A Parliament buildings notice -of some further resolutions respecting beginning of this week both fr to �seeure the triumphal return of M r., Me- to a has just been brouvht A mail named Muldoon has come forward the iron duties.' 'ancouver and W papers ere rem:, lolls on Chi, ly successful ending, ter We and the discuss* nber has greatly iinp high Nobody, even Mr. Fos 8chwartzentr an on the 926th of this month. Westminster were cut �ff Irom the out roved hil; Le. Person !and no one in Toronto wit], a charge of wholesale P Iliniself knows these were not the least interesting part of farm by Putting on it a new. has dared to hiilt at job er- just where we are on this side world, as the telegraph was in bad the proceedings. -4anong the prominent 'Blurs I bery ol ir corruption sonation against the last revised tariff. It has been reprinted after it order and could not be dep4!toled on. Al- speakers were Rev. Messrs. Y. the (ay.- ally, he is worthy of your confidence and I in connection with Liberal party,in the and had a raising on Cobbledick Liberal candidate. A -roll support, and, as a supporter of the beat' the undertaking. pro' had been altered and re -altered in. Commit- though the Canadian Pacific had 1,000 men Ross, D. B. souti Th Of Xe&ae, and TNI.essrs. Smillie, ' Huron, svaa in this villrage on Friday. iand vincial election. Muldoon avers that be tee and then Mr� Poster took the reprinted at work repairing the tra-ek, dthe flood was Walton, Kerr3BIair and !far most honest Government that We do not say that no mis4es have beel� wa's one of a committee employed in per- and linally revised editioit-and again revised breaking it faster than they could mend it al. church 'r W- ever existed made or things done which would not have Mr. Dick pillet, r of Bussel, choir.of the Evangeh. ne 3io 1hvQ in Canada, every Liberalhould rally arou sonain dead and absent elec it, making over a score of changes, some The flo, OW' practising for the annual 'Chi of R, not been better left undone but .9 torg. His od:will at folesworth, left ldren!'s take charge of a, ill be held ell the 1.5th' . Da-yv vieft Z OP all farm 9 Operations oil Monda hi h �lfl Y.Of last wee� to new w� &,fflrnl that statement, th of them of considerable importance. He along the Fraier river for th4i season. of Jul whole method of c Oug very cunningly devised, refused to consider an Government cheese facto "%elenr I hiiii and make his election sure. Let it the onductin t usine 8 by and containing many insinuD, appeal from Mr. Prince Ed raisim ver be said that old South Huron has Oliver Mowat,s b ry lit 'anmie will no doubt. be a good a tions against. Mulock to do something f6r the consumer in ward Island. Many wishes for success at- oe--3 . J- fon. Oliver 1V1owat, has been Cal Miller was the guest turned 'its back upon I government i of raise Prominent Reformers really proves nothing the matter of rice, wl 0 id George Wilkinson and Thomas i Smday- r. ROther- tend him Leno Kiff culated to create and maintain tnow subject to er 0 1 1. a . M high tone even if true, except that its auth Huron Notek Garness,' both old residents of Iforris -Inealandfamily werevisitig On tarWa true and tried friend. I am, a tax of about 100 per cent, and the busi- Mr W. Birtch h )urch4a,�d the Wu g- township, left for a 'visit to England last (111and Bend On Sunday. -A meeting,,, of Public opinion or com- mid Yours Truly, ness community which has been so disturb as feeling. This is some- mitted a crime punishable by law, - bam *brooln factory, and endea-�'or to week. They Were ticketed by the Steam in t thing that cannot be truthfully,� aid of many yet the Col over this revision cannot rest - assured as pu held the otherevenin Davi ARGHnRALD BiSHop. nipire and other Conservative papers try to what the duties will finally be until the all trade throughout t6t ship Teutonic, White Star. Line, and No. 12 ]�T-av )01 --house Gov-�rnmenta on this cofitinent, and cer- to mak f S h I Sect�en MBoRss, Jun.e.5th, 1894. i a 00 e c&Pital Out of it. Any paper that bill is printed in the Stat' w et er they are going to have D, pic*a to dcids tainlY not of the Gov- -A new platform has be4 j�placed in the from New York on Wedne�da h h und ernment il 1 power at utes, and even then Brussels Methodist 8 y afternoon. h lustoms, Department will administer it abbatb 180)lool room for ood time spent at the so- it decided to have one at �44, T oil way and interpret it at their own sweet will. the orchestra and! superintendent. cial given at the residence -of Mr. -John th fQr;b indeed be hard lip for @,nimunition and is be- -Mr. A. Best, of the fthconeessilll of Orregg, one of Howick's councillors, oil the A Liberal Triumph i a Ottawa : but it is the Mostvalit tble service would use such material in'suc must the.0 the use of -There was a g which an administration can reiide� to th Mr. Weldon's bill ta disfranchise h spare neit I er time nor paina to lna;1ne One of the most persistent fihts'ever e neath contempt. voters Hullett lost a valuable ropei rted post -4 tyll ee, tball on mple in ill". Gorrie and L4011dAy and it is a dandy 'tt b t -not until it had been have been g�as oil the stomach.�,' "AFroxetef, being well representeel. Lakelet - Sieman Caine lip the street -yore'. country or Proviu(Fe- rp ar who had taken bribes was finally repo team of horses a 15th of May. There was a great crowd cessfu.-The Acrobats Crot their new f6ot- matte by a minority was that of the Liberal hands. Sir whose 'affl e in its from Com short time ago. The cause 4 supposed to plesent, Redgrave, Fordwich Oliver's exa is respect Party at Ottawa against the DominiOli has been a happy one, an The Dominion Parliament seems to be I- so Dmende4 as to rendir it utterly useless. -Mr. Albert Truin, of Hu4" on Tuesday. Fran d if the bountry As it was 'impracticable aaiy-% ett, is having foot ball team scored 3 goals against a pick- morning with a broad smile on his face. g him called, less, some import wife has presented left hich tliat.-measure was introduced, will be ant measures are being any persons desiring a t now stands put tinder it. J udging bythe amount of build- a recitations, ape him with a boiine mos os t vay, this (lid his barn enlarge'd and a SO* foundation ed tean-i that was present. At night club chise bill. The session Of 1885, at has really grown tired of hearill t I sigh of just now, but neverthe r not matter a great- deal. - AS i w tile cause was that Tis the Just, it will be well i u inquiry by a Judge winging) eches and inuic ing baby boy. -NI -r Lotus r t forward at Ottawa. as to whether persons have taken bri were given in such a as to delig the Schilbe was the guer, f . � The rfiost lit- bes in farm, ers;. audience. Th. lit tfkjr. Ir. e d to it by title. creating is theabiendinelit. of -the Franchise all election inust put up $1,000 which they pro 'Is amounted to lit.-,Nfr. ",V�i 'am Daw$olf enterabered as marked by the long-conitinti- man who will prove equally deserving of the t ' ighten. Huron e cere f his successor be a brougli on this year, bard!, times don't 'ng gonif d And strenuous opposition offere seem to r Ili J. Souell, 3rd line ot, Morris, bad- Wards of $40. lip- never jet back. If any one imagines tha three fine I was visiting relatives at 1311yfield. last week- open thelLiberalswilosa-winit a attempt to Act, which is a virtual back. down by the half a dozen men lit ally county D, ambs destroyed by d1wild-cat one -J. A. King's delivery horse mad Messrs. Reynolds Broth ell re going day lately. The cat is 8 t e a bad era f Dashwocd, throttle the honest opirlion of the country, A Purely Bu Goyerllm t- Every day the people see to throw away $1,000 in the ill 4 larIge and smash one afternoon lately atthe cornerof were in town wifh a loatj as smess View. crests oY, will make a of yo the s well astan occasion of unnecessary ex- 11106 clearly, the crookedness public moraliCy they will good mark before ong for his John and Minnie s Sunday. ung folks On of the Do believe Mr. Wel- musket. As I Pense both tQ the public and to Parliament- The opposition 'a continually carping million (4m,ernment. don's bill a practical one. Coming tilintanageable it threw the driver, Mr. Weldon 'I mem about the financial M, anagenteut of the prov- himself, how -Harry, Sol, of Reeve !�-Mooney, of Frank Kh119, out and then rail lip ary �cajiolidates. The Governm ever, declared that the bill was had two of tile en, how ince orris against insisted mit passing the Act, andthe old and e it was born, and it ]land injured las Exeter. speill CrYing "extr practically dead befor finieA of his left some shade trees, when Frank regained pos- DTagauce," "wasteful- Americans are generally of the opinion would be well if t, week by a bite from a session Of one line, turning the horse aro D. Weismiller, the r. Weldon -as a legislator mare. The equine was cross Ov4- some inter- but eventually getting a,way didate for outll Huron Cofiser. ness of resources," etc., etc. Of course they that their con occupied the same position. und, vative can be -A. -a ;� spent simple measure of adopting the Provincial "try bests the record for rapid ference with )ter foal. 1141n, -Monday -and Tuesday last he vot nit' t cry something or their leaving the bread box froin I oil the centre of the -politics w tile list clause -wagen as far as the -Dr. We 6iiald� M. p vilage., a spent in discussin 2 Mr. -Mr. Joseph Eidt, �Of Dashwpod, recently road and taking the are gettin ists for use a Dominion elections cities,yet late statistics show that Charlton's Sunday bill, over the li Pres] drs' I occupation growth of A long time wa purchased a fine St. Bernhard dog front L. ]VIethodisthurch Of Winghani, would be gone, but it can be so easily shown Get�nany takes tile Palm in this respect. 4P to fever heat re, as:abandoned for the 011may, unfair, anoi that there is nothi prohibiting the sale and circulation of n ib the sum of the' herae. The ' rig rs Of Exeter in Drev& hsts� for Domnion an be so blinded by party or a 1 '.Ir fo was considerably expensive -scheme of maing up separate marvel people c ag Berlin, Frankfort,` Cologne, Hamburg and papers on Sunday, and finally adopt e '8- . ecto in their objections, we Ruth%of New Ha -sv-here?t broke loose fro"' ad Tess tile el tinder the super- vote of 65 to 31 in Committee. is one o Opera RR1.1 on "Thlirsday even- purposes other cities have had a phenom f the 3estg;brere4,', of dogs of damaged. . - y pr enal growth The bill, this kind in Ontario. McLe ing next, n inteudence of a.Partisan �omnae b ejudice as to befieve them. If ally within the past quarter of a century. however is not yet through. behalf of 'If r. Al. Dese! d by the -8011le tilue ago. the Clinto an. 11r. A Town W6ismiller is Mr. I ame out in discussing the estimates ghan1l horse won Council sent a request to the Ontario (:T'ov- invited -to attend anol take . . . . . Robe 9 Of James Cott returedon Fridayevening Ociding heat taveky, or a portion of it, which as t then expected v;oithk last h -OM dence and provide now resi- spreading. Coal is on the r nse- admitted that it was lying useless bec�use hole in the 'track, int -01 revert to t iwas HolmesVille where shelvs isiting rela- well as Liberal ones, Cried out at the vast Coa strike still hangs on, and is even has cost about $600,000, and Mr. Hagear beaten by a head in t�e d ad a boomeran Conservative candidates, runing expenses, bu Id a splendid to a soft at 3 wever, has prov- second money at Shelburne on Ole 24tK be- erninent akilig that the estate Walter West - Government. The Act, ho farmer in this Province had, during the past it C Miss Garfield, the Win tlyenty:to years, been able tO pay ­&11 his The that the second channel in the Galops Rapids ing part in the driscussioij. elf with the best quence, and a famine ise as a co OWN he Govern- Monday eventrig ast advance -office expense to which they were put when a re- hinis navigators would not use it. vvi�c the pale faced mare stepped. ment, be given toward's the erectioll of some tives. Roya Outbuildings and il It is not sa;fe -Rev. E. S. Rupert, an oU pastor of charitable in Council NO. 9-07, Royal in of Tem. aISO admi eir ti( eveni nPlements, out of the parts of the Unii threatens in many and they prefer thd old channel. Mr. Hag- Rattenbury Street church Clinton, preached ton. stittition in the town of Clill- perance vision of the lists had to be made. Contrary produce of:his wood lot and the 'sale of the ted Sta es. The Grand rt ttea having given to the 'Nir, (;arrow as its local re held th 'eleTeo Tnlarosf O:Wftxs Vern Ay raere elected the iie-,t term : 'elect Councillor (i Aeco- hort a week or Sunday morning of last week aln-d in Rat- the'govern�iellt the justice of to the provisions of the Act, the Go Privilegeof picking berries inhis berry patch,. Trunk Railw gessrs. Davis who are favorite contractors is ilerolial attentill, the followilig office miss: which ran�s in Ontario Street churell' in th�t town on gave the matter h -presentative: when I upon, of the -lists owing to the costliness of tile and is ag evening. 4r. Rupert in', &lid doing his utmost to seeltre it. 'Penhale Vice Cou,nei ek f 'O so ago, has in some way obtained a supply� a Con In connection w th the Corriwall tenbury Street in the ur n ' retainn 9 all his other land' and his sto, canal amounting t6 $400, i tbegia a -1,1or Robert Zeoige mentmereohligeoltof regoyearly revision tract am carry . Rowe - ing freight as usur 000 -without tender has in& warm friend C to As our readers Chaplain, R. A. Follick 0380111tey free as a clear source of gain, he lly urer eration and bye-'eleebions would" be' on. Treasurer, took and without dompetiti 'a in lin know, the matter ]ins been Fryne. ; R -e -The 19th quarterly meeti4 of the in the cord mg -Se "mmm"moo D&vN considered he shrewdest amil Ti H courts for some tfine, persons whO od; place have, in many cases, been held on listv amilton Herald, W, Independent Stanley, Tuckersmith and Haly Simolay would have shared in his Financial -Secret ' Cretary, FrankWo nel.� Most successful mail of the age. yet this s ollse v& i e jo ary, Gkill The Governin, ent News of the Week. School Association,-%vill be held in -the Meth- made, oliaiming th will, !lad it been Herald Warren nell i Guar, John I Cud- will,: at least two yeairs old tv arnal, says It is a Com- e Whole estate. The ap- ii) -ore 'Sentinel-, All&ew Dempsey ;-Organ- have t last 'been convinced that theic odist church, Bayfield, oil Thursday, June of theown council has been ap -Attorney-Gefieral. at iw'ha the Governinient Of Oliiario has done Par tivelY easy task to defend the Mowat -Among tile striking 21st A I programme hag': been pre- proved of by thd each' for the people of the Provi . . Adminstration and.1' iners in the Danville, Illinois, field', many p ist, Miss Annie Giregory.-INI-ess, =6- .' They ared tile occasion. son V has been the failure- which the Liberals pre- rather difficult one to - for' goo( rs. eorge have d of the families ae starving. Penhale and Thomas iff. Afeca-1111. Themps6n rits, , it's a -Early Sunda dicted it woud be, and Sir Joint OnemOr for they have sold but one attack it on its me -WC are srry to anno-tince the death of A. Dowil and tile S. ospe were kholof u ber ins have been F-RosT.-Frost has caused great y mormn. Of last week 1%-Iiss Bila, Jessie Hoi aMIClara V from but a small 6orner of few, when all is �aid and done, &lid its vir- osen a a r elei to place -need that it is to be abandoned to fruit %fichigun, Wisconsin are . store in' of A'fl'- John Houston, Prin'Cipal of the"Col- has annou damage burglars entered the harlw -late,, elde t f-l'all"hter ell d h attend tile distriot and Ill- Blyth, helping tbel aii couple of legiate Institute, Clinton, v1siti e lot, so that it inoi8, liselves to ' ineeting at W 1911SM On Thursday, th 14th Mr. Or, at any rae greatly at the present rate of ttles Ina11Y. 'Ili a number of respects has revolvers and broke which sad event amended. In the a Con ot in at the bac4i entrance occurred oil- Frid y evening, 2 th nit., from da, tr I oduced uIllption that lot wili last 100 year r COPPElt -Rich deposits -Mr. James Egall who has acted n. new Franchise biU,, shortly to be in a record that is unique among Go of of Moser's store, all tile capacity of bs;,,,Igag� mail at the Grand more. The people have been lef So well1as it withst vernments. cop f d took other t4i a-, n cOngestio 1 of the braill. he 'was a prom- . per have been found near Onaway, 30 Ot t ab9olutely orf etting to enipty the till, whi-hut Trunk RailWaY station, but whose term - f that after all these years Rainy River. A 600 pound nugget of -pure for some time- but there Ws not thelight-- expirefl -was waited upon by some a far as PrOvinCia affairs f I 5 Years, and has been ailing office has it will be provided that the b asis of rep re- free of taxation a I ood the assauIts of - the miles South of Cheboygan, Michigan, on the ate. y ortun- ising girl1O 8�04t&tilon for the House of Conl.mons will be Opposition no Only Contained a, few coppers� are concerned &lid yet some of them listen -The Unions of of the v a Wroxeter played. -two on of "her death, until tile' with a b 9 in the vktrious Provinces. eat anticipati' illagers - L -d presented that , prevailin charge of ,corruption and dial copp;r a picked ouf-- of the river last games with and- ionesty can be week. day some gold watch, to the prtings of 'would-be man ained against it.. 5 club. of before it occurred. Mr. Egan' imtendseav- agers In an age of corrup- Toronto, in Mildinav le ing Shortly for Chicago where lie h Her parents have tl age, oil the twenty-fouth. sincere sympathy of their friends,' n .1 sa cured a good itIlDtioll, asible,) to suggest, no,claim to 9 y a sympathy that wa's practically silo Our :best, wish �as loca elections. him, Roe is highly respected in the: Apparently, Wit ell go with offer, nothing ewi tion -and dishonest govern Chinaman is arranging to et two hundred score of 12 to 7, but in the after4�on turn- Nionday, by the large attendance at the tattffr ' will be the rule in Dominion as welmany This will mean thatin Ontario manhood have nothing better to' who Bust FOR MEXICO'. -A distinguished fn the morning game they were N'iten b (that is fe "'cut this is cer- taililysomethin tobeproudof.11 thousand of hiscountryinen to settlein edthetables the .9 howev er, present but the personal. claim we wDilt to Rexico to Work- on coffee ind hemp plunta- score bein the he far�e Of a !eparaite list for D g 12 t to 5 in funeral, tile Co village. -Tho wi�.& Of Vr Johil McCa in ontinio. their favor. llegikte pupils lllg;j�fiing in a 11-1 run the Government." tions. I bod Painter, of Exeter North-- tied n d !,,olectiom is to be retained, based. i1on the WTATED some Weeks legiy, and the members of bo,th the- Col- 1111 ay, Listoi een men ate an�l Public school ifoards also U Francis in the neighborhood of ttelid- last, after a h "gerig -The fulleral -ist, And subiject t revision by William Milne, who was sele Willard, owing -to the Onpeasion of ing. Tile floral tributes contributed -werc took place at Tor6nt0 01, Tuesday -3 last it ago that Mr. RETURN§ HER SA1,4, A large wild cat has recently b the the 9th c Why there sould be a 1wood lost a dog some numerous and very pretty. Pearce has tto the -after 'Federal' effig Timber Li- s. Patron candidate for East Huron States, returned to the National time ago for,wich he would not hallye taken -This is not IltlY vacated by Air Ed. Saudels S imit eted as tile United financial distress in Hullett. Mr, Haze :4econd list wilen one alrea, A curious grourid of was not Women's Christian Temperance Union her a considerable amount I oh-0me ar Se e e L dy exists "svith complaint against the ligible for melnberdhip in that order. We last tw of money, aq. i was an age for superstition,'yet of Carling treet.-IMr. ch-a-;Ies Sneiil, jr., -the-sme franchise, is a mystery which call Ontaio, Govern 0 Yearssalary which she received is ia it is currently reported that , certain j) h. I ment nly'be ex president is its alleged- mim made the statement on good one. 16 is las purch an supposed that it Pas been 'elor in the vicinity of Porter's Hill had his the roller rink :28th, i plaine VINDIN(4 Up BU-SINESS.-The bleach ig notr' Ur a rovide Something for tile re- ver- are reqt.tested t6 give publicity and spffining firm of Fenton, Connor & -At a meeting of the joint boards of the in his ficidabout 9.30 an the rest 'were seen lling house ion i neces a nd ace of it. On the 811PPOsition hat it 'We are ow informed, , I �Vas built oil, from -Aill, the authority of Df that orga�izatioll. Shot Dr killed by the wild cat, as he can get Potatoes Plnted by fairies. Fo bealltiful . Richard Davis agelnent of the public timber. They have, leading Patron. a A ased the lot which -ry to P it is said, nee dlessly sold large a,reas. co we -10 figures, two smaller th' tnte .8. e and a to the 'Company, at Belfast, Ireland, have decided Bru sels Metbo ist has seeral menit e eo to wind up business and retire, owing church held the other ,]light have waved their invigorating wands Sarnwel. farin.-.Ai1r. Visig barrister to do. Surely the printing -in stat melit, that Mr. Milne has since become a Saturda night, and line lots for sale, of the 3d ith pine and wasted tile proceeds I -Mr. Win. Ba;wden �d what must be Practically a dup licat travagant administration of P to the evening, it was decided to put all tl � mo es '-er the whole crop bad not earthly sounds Jones' disposed of sevrainew Wagons 1"t e _ of ex rovincial- a melliber of the Order and is now a Patron. depression in trade. The assets exceed tile into a coinnion fund the same as I&O year caused them to fl le ni or Ole P6viincial lists is an epeftse which tile affairs, instead of keepi liabilities.by ,200,000, and the creditors will the church debt being omitted. I)r. Cav' ork unfinished. it soutliwiird, lea;ving their cry is running at full 1)la We make this statement in- enry rit these limits in dting the Past wek.--Vite Exet,er cream. justice to all the `bi I 11*,1ry might well. be spaed. It is said possession of the Crown , ntil the demand coucerne4 E Exro, be paid in full. We have only to await as Tif ITOR is anxious, * , pUV-ISHF at t ere are sonle Domillioll o f in offices the potato harve Patrons having I)een aAldeZ-'Mir 'D anagh was appointed to the combine# at ands Alfred Seeral new. -30 their -%-&Inc. y con for timber Should have- Fort BALLOT TUF'FING.- of Secretar -Treasurer of tile Trust4 Board visits. It ee thefruitsof their Sheere vice M cials prohibited greatly enhanced So far as C an, to act fairly and justly to Kenneth F. Sutherland charged with,ballot and Envelopete-ward. tr-�6tOr and bricklayer bath,' fi'Otn YOU169 at ocal elections, an(�J who The pine, Pf was found -out by lis-tenhig to plenced operations on tb . has cow- ease Se Michigan wid _all partie4. Stffilig in the Gravesend elections, has their pleasant laughter j e new bank barn for- .-Ond day recently Th t and Conversation ment iii Sing Sing for two years and eight be6 near Blyth, by being accidentaliv, struck mainder in a tree to a, ose. V. d Of -of 8tephen.-,*,Ir. Sames B. of Wit i 9, serious accident while atte*diiig a potatoe;in eight hills and suspended the re- place, this nanies should be on tile Federal lists. This ern States, I it is alleged, is been sentenced im Brooklyn to imprison- Oulas McColl nie that they had Planted about half a bag Sanders of the secon(l. concession other North rapidly being exhauste h 11 be the- only source of supply,. MINION months, and to pa a fine of five hund I 14-1� matter,which miht well be rric,,ed y and soon the forests DOINGS AT THE DO attend the session at 'wit out incurrin of Ontario wi I g the cost of a Separate re- dollars. re( on the right knee with an -axe. The�'��wotind chanti vpoor Ivait their next ell- Goderich bled Profusely before the vilion and separate lists, as welas epo Which case the Americans will be tu inCAPITAL. FRicuTFUL WIDS. -Terrific willd 119 - -The Exeter Sing nowball (lid ilir, best Yin" - % . injured mail was to drive away the enchante '1illing Company have been making large n- cured. racing towards town to call his nia-, 3' shipments. of flo& from this station recent, cowo -(By Our Special CorrespGndent.) Kansas, and other western sections, be hoped the accident will nOt"stiff ster, but Jy­--4r. B. A. FORick) baker and eonfee, en apart, front a little noise, no dalna,jt.'re Was tisan, Tory revisers. The' Gov- vand enormous the knee or leave &i m week xamt by part Storills got to his* and Physician rs Lis'Peral voters to the risk of disfranchise- bli�ilg over each other to b occurred Monday in Washington -State, It is to house occasionall uy our pine whe 4t is offered for sale, eril;me'nt are. evid OTTAWA, June 4th. DEAD. 'Prof, Wm. iy permanent prices will be realized. lently convinced that they Ali finpot Roscher, the en.iinelit ­�-A injulty.. done. tioner, doeg a very extensive icecreambusi- 'tant change in the policy of tile Political eco'iioinis Correspondent in Laelet writes:Wever t of Germany, is dead. were there better prospects for a Dickson are attending tile con- ha,ve been in the wron but they might very Wbut, unfortunately, Government Prof Roscherwas born ad 9 n at C- Se e other day, and will be put DEAD. iGii and retra t, 1817 at Hanover k tha presenV e the confes. o %vas announced by tb� Premier 21s October harvest ill Howie i's well inak one important consideration is left out. of in the Hou ' th Tile Kippen. ference at RidgetoNvil this week.—Rcv. i-vl week tioh ground got SO dampened with the very �eavy (;0'11Pl0te- 011e list for both elections Wilson, a chichgo capital- rains that the warm weather of thes ist and inventor of the Wilson sewing ma- § T he i0babitants of ICipp,,n and last. view, Which entirely disposes of the objec in tile shape of a bill aendin a the Fralicilis CARRIA(4B WOV.1CS- H. Beamsh, of M'ngsto, occupied the pulpit i o e da would beg to inforn, t rch oil Sabblith is %ttlte sufft ent, ROW that there is to be 8 So great that no Act. The franebises of th chine, died of heart disease in San ose, is creating it change pleasing 'he yublic genarally, that he has now got down to tion. The Ask from fire i Ricker 01111�v One qualification. owner of & e diftcrent pro,- California to beholol, he was business and is ready for all lines of barliage, and thuber limit fall wheat now promises to be -the -verj', best, -can be sure of its inces are to' -be adopted as the basis of the Oil Monda�, while the spring cro and work. Ile has bought all jh�e drystock, -fro),, —Forest fires started 8un- ahead of p meadow are ;ar%lnt0sh 6)d good wo The existence from ole season to another. A I 11 Dominion Voters' List in lieu of the FOREST ything seen here for a timeo( rk and good tituber will 131yth. be his Inotto. Oliver the iust. unusually (Ivy summer. leaves these North- Ifininay lists w Pre- daY about 15 miles Out Of West uperior, —A teaanin belonging to specialty. GO and wagon P2irting wide a A 4r erit pine forests hi a hich have hitherto been pre- Wi8cOnSill,'On the Northerl, pacific Rail Peter Kinz, of odta'(1119i guaranteed, and Prices ex- POLITIC,&L Libera ceedingly low. H. Ricker, Hip.pen. min, eek country -n 'most ilillanimable con- paed on a different basis. There will still and were gr' ached to a hiCber -2 ened i lndll�il an, who luarked his; - 'as 14, t WaNvallosh, . att PLOW stone with the liatne of ity. on the T ain street NITing M`ellia is Well stocked wit), week, and to till ad nally working towards wagon, ran away 3:390 tfor Blytb was p oys`10� all dition. Tile fallen tiniber, and especially be revising barristers who will prepare the the other morning. They appeare: all lines of Pjaws, plow repairs of all kindso Nould The speakers of th. the debriS h ba " Aristides, t;laeycl it Thursday evening thil"ignified his wisli to 1.1mve 'Om the operations of lumber final list and make any altera, COAL FROAl 1ATALF­,3.—FOur d to the hallwas erow,(�Ied of last comes so dry that with the Dominion la in Of coal from Cardiff, ut a number of -per- kinds. Farmers ca,n get all their-wauts suppled at the v kil asked his reason for so the %nialest spal-k Ever since this ex- to town, one behind the ed, men, be tion to confori thousand tons be makiTIg for home, b Boards, Plow handles, Bolts and castings i all evening were the Lib,er Wales, was landed ill al candidate a tremendous confla 9 pas I a- instantly sets Oil foot pensive nd useless Franchise Act wa. New York, on Monday, for ocean steamers, Solis werd coining the Hippen plow shop. T. 31BLLIS. Af P. P-, and H -on. J, Ob am tired of lie aring him ed in 1885, tile op The coal other, i Dryden. Involves a loss of about $2.50 11 buggies, and these people at 1380'9 M, A. i calleit the Just. 11 graion, ext6nding often d, NOTF) E!rS.—Th IL our Reeve n- ton to the contractors. e e e masons are busily ell- chair. The Pied the the C We fear there is itt oil- Over -many square tended that by the adoption,6f -hey rea�bed th 'p Position have vainly co per the runaways before t ) occu miles of teri-itor the Prov' Waged putting the foundation tinder Platform '%va, crowded wit), In- -day, in certaa- quarters, a lists the Act could be. dispen —Immense d No harm God's, win. H06d bed only "" L D - Tile chair m�ajl asked if there was alle Y, and being quent bridge down the Bel-grrave gravel. Mr. J. ladies alliage doneo who has any op it' post ion speaker in the au( of a body of wati�r, or' ty res'llave been lost lish impatience, at a uniform fr, lience, but feeling of foo But Sir John Thompson has always replied by the overflow kilficient stock has been �ubscribed, in to no person replied S'milar by the intervention, sed with. to property and several ii been visiting his parents h Hibb a desire for -tile — 1S as returned tile tilliely advent of N1et 'llise for of rivers at Denver, Pueblo his 11011le ill Iowa,.—Ivlr. an'd Mr. of oh�ngt without any weather. the House of Mallitou - I AlVinghani t SO Ile called upon- ir brok ason beili and other places in Colorado. 0 Purchase the "JobiAoll Mr. Hougarth, jl-. 7rarrow, Nvho was rceiv�eol with loud p*' good re Er "here Commons -was indispensable. That argu prairi4 " to" St- MarYs, and -Miss and I bo pli 0 o L Tile 'ested alyainst the Present Go green pine forests Once stood, now only a Ment he now throws to tile u-ind bee' Mrorst is past however, and tile work the public park, and, no dou'llt of Stephen, Were Plus- He dealt -with his pas manif Purchase -will be' -,made ill a fe* days: last week. Air. N� Honey- charred new bill Will adopt th' ause his of repair has begkin. the guests of Air. J. member and as a in t record as a Of 011�tiario, 'A class of uuthi�ikillg voters wilderness appears, and more de- e ma. There ai nhood suffrage of snow ell t.he -e sev lc,,%reil has returned home, he aid be was an Istral feet The porollasers are bontributing towards after spending a few days near St Marys, Liberal and. did not fear to rived who olo not realize the value St`ucti011 is sometimes wrought by re in a frandhis of Ont io ell top� of Pike's Peak. Ilidepenent e ve his political property in Quebec and nous tration and was Prepared at hey Clean snd honest Goverinnent, as w AuAV�ST THF, LORDS.,—An immense de ge across the aitland attire and thinks there is no place like til strictly examined in t and bearcity of single season tilan by years franchjse based &r di.bg a brid are tired of Nor, though of lumbering. at! salt block and the bridge 'will be constructed concession. e second ad anY' 'me to meet his last. ll dealtwith a great man mer y prolv- traion, and think tile time h' It to prevent the occurrence of �elY the beginning of the end, becau eral associ- 9 ter. questions of the dav and close tillAother in New Brunswick brid e, as at first c011iemplateed. hearizi, e praises of the present adulinis- is used by the d e for general traf oppone t, q th 11,W66rent fr Oinchise in Nova Scotia, an D;99,inst the -House of Lord� was foot —.'Mr. Peter Cameron, -Who 11 He also I d - This is cession of trades 111lions, Lib '—Mr. A. Cameron, who has been ;� the Sick aluidst great applause. Hol; J. Drryden every. means 8 held in Gllasgo,w, Saturday. A great pro- suitabl -fie. instead of only VsOme ribs broken a few -weeks ago is bet of tile as come for a, —The other night some sneak thieves 11 list for several weeks with typhoid fever, Is fire, does it seem possil Se ations, Irish bodies and the like, marched gained an entrance into the ce Iwith e to 'eliminate the public will want to know Why rough h ' * - _,,a,. of M�t 'vraws received very enthusiastically h t both ("Overnments," risk &rising from *settlers t e Principal streets, and slowly.—The trustees hgTurn 01, with the provincial franchises adopted' the simple as mproving they sa,,�, as if c Joseph (-,arrett, in Londesboro by cuttink Of Our started off with 119 8't we're ourists' and inini should not also be folio meeting was 'held -in in burnill9s, locomo- method of adopting the Provincial lists watchedby clieeringy thousands. A mass the screening of the ho present member had just g.i OrruPtion and waste at Ot- tive sparks, hunters', t' school lia"ve purchased a bell for the giVingrai8e for the 1,a�tth 119 vell, the on a million a year different platf 'w Id. not h I but eveni cellai 1 fifty dollar&—There hasbeen abundance of return such a u ful in b"r in ih� to houel anip4ires, etc., not to menti �lie expense of a quarter of ere de�,-vPered from six Caine up tile stairway into the kitchen ae taa - good grounds for P�tlttilhl an end wed, thus avoiding which -speeches .' curing considerable provisions in , the house, ,qty &lid economy at Toro to. prospectors' c 'reeti, in which, when put up, w window, and after se- ill cost nearly and was sure the voters con Glasgow ( It is the torch of the incendiar in the preparation of a Orms- A resolution caii raindringthepast two weeks.�Considerable which statement was received very 9 01'ernment to abolish the it affairs a Christian InPloyed 0 1 until enthusi ng ransacked everything therein. aarret� damage his beien done by frost to fruit trees, asticafly.- Hie then gave an Barely worth something to Ont , which is not un- list. Separite Dominion se ell, Drio to have knolril. Upon the G d Ouse The fire -ran ing stafF, e knew nothin f 0 at the hiad of its public Mr.'Foa ght down his House of Lords tile next ;nornin beryy bushes, to early -vegetables. account of the by the Department of propo- was Crried amid great en- When he allivol-e and found tile door left w Tile Pi I prmg crops i*t1his section are now ic 9 a sub- ,stainless character and blame- tive and aert, but its usefulness is ne SidY to the Fast Atl in thusiasm. DAUGHTEP. WEDS.—.NfligS Vic. Ope. lookig help but please the large gentlemain Of Crown Lands, is ae- s'tiOu to anleAd the Act authori7 Agricultural Dpartinent ces- antic Ser,nce b -number of falTmers burn4' well.—Alden -M,!hitemian, who —On the 24th Of May, hile a linit, arm who were there - he showed conclusively to issuing creasing the Y In- toria, Alexandrilla Blackwood, daughter of got his less life, in hose career of many Years the sarily confined chief annua subsidy from $�500,0()o ber or Imost virtIlent 9pponen cannot specify an y warnings, to $75 Lord Dufferin boys were pl I broken 9, short time ago, is impro ayin ving as th )<)at at tile river- in well as can be expected.—Mr that his DepartmerLt was -a ver I y useful one, aris rance, to Mr. Lee Plunkett, abn of Imesville, e oat became caught in the - Robert Blair, Conservatives wih, e r ep I who has been in Algonia, for a short tim e, be done away with. The meeting, closed stro dition that the steamers should g all at a P i F 2 at current and was goiilg down the river, when returned home.last,week He a k for the speakers ancl the Queen. dav to check a fire once started r -General Ho act of unfaithfulnesa, to the Provinc - of Canada was maxried on Monday and Could not, as the and to attempt 0,000,,and instead of mitkin it a con a former Governo in- in a, pine forest is like trying to sweil back French port, lie has- atered tha c ea'c justice to� a political enemy. It is true that the Atlantic. one of the boys jumped, takilt the oar with f n UP Und there, read connect" t 80 &S to the ' 8 well with cheer no party mn live on its past record, but with a Fre Anglican Archbishop of - Dublin. theicountry and, has j;k ceremony was performed in th ng they couJ B-PiEFLEn.—,-qr. jolin This being til Will be a tall row over the Whole propos wh -h will return itch Port. There The him, the rest 8eei _h 9 do nothing e e case, wheuieer ad-vi6eing e ball room of jumped also, but unfortunately the 8 allest in a; few days,—Mr. family, of Baden, were in tone and and if theovernlaient "gets ition the British Embassy, which iias beautifully and last In Robert Mellis has improved the a ce tow -n ast week, set re to ppearan it through t&,- decorated. The leave, failed to get out u a visiting their old friends. —Mr. James ligio the- frbnt of his store by Put mg � own Though he layer of gr us ceremony ,vas boat had reached deep water ntil the of 4.t* d There are a few bad holes left for Kincardine on Tuesday, where he 41­� to intends to learn the wood carving business. a u th 0 ed to a e who h e nk co "'a 'theo d n' te ry n nT rend d t LvIce mo f did Iver In b Y_ St yea wol k1lowed to out of min( b y t y u ti he es a am vett7