HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-05-25, Page 8_7 , -77,
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-1 Q"
cture will commence at 8 o'clock, and for dxtremeregret to many that the propos-
s for the the le
relatives– Few are more di materiallystrengthen; it.—Entrie ed basis of the two town -A_
Wits66.1s Oash G; Mr ]�:rtin, of Exeter,
months with -service on -Friday, at eleven o'clock a. in., FRIDA
the servic�es we bespeak a, large attendance, as the lee- union betwv!m
roC,ery. serving of an outing, and her many -friends sports on the 24tk are closed and every andRev. -
set -back on
&nt visit. —The event, "espI the bicycle races, is Well on Monday at Ae same hour. —Mr. Jo4n turer is an able and interesting speaker.— Methodist churches reer -.- --ed�
rit' week. The total
us for your cash
or here will wish her a pleas re��
Ity-ou wank to got the best Tal' ng Deitz has finisWed the stone foundation of Miss Walker, of near Hamilton, is and has M 1(solay eve ing of L
filled will mean great racing. Arno I M -
you. eo4.*et it here. We bavi&,a fine, wen so- Rev.- Mr, Stewart preached excellent ser- ;a at. There was AY 25tk 18%.
trade I stocl, t 411 nev are rownin wo, his new frame
each of the three
F groceries, "d sawe sell. for mono imour chur h on Sabbath last. Brief, the entrids B of Exeter t barn.—The fram�rs are bti�r been the guest of the Misses Chapman dur- vote is 75 for an(F 118 1, in
cash or trad:' - ITI we have not to charge customers, ollerty, of C' I rking at- the lean- of Mr. John Jarrott a ing the past few weeks. —The Rev. Messrs. a majori: y against in
scholarly in expression, -and a clear reasoner, mile county cbam�iion, linton -wo
who pay for Ceir goods. something extra a week.—Mrs. J. Bengough and McDonald, of Varna, and Henderson, of cluirches. Rattenbury, 44 for and 58 against;
t"s his exposition of a text leaves -but little to Stokes, of odeiiih, and many other out' barn . thi
deb* but will give all our oudemeze aid to be very Afro. W.' -Clark, of Hensall, were the gnesti this -village, exchanged pulpits on Sabbath Ontario, 28 for and 37 against; TarAer's, 3 We are offering this mouth
ibill viamieI theirmoney or trade. Another lot of be desired. siders, some of whom are a extr&
essrs. Cook Bros., the enterprising for and 23 agairist.-Mr. Gporge Eme"on, value in
that fawouil'-Ze Japan -Tea just recei Would dark horses, and may furnish a surpri36 or of Mrs. John Jarrett last Tuesday. iaat.�__M
like anyone, ho thinks they cannot,geta good,whole. he Grad we roprie ors of with 4inte
I I pound CUTTIffa OFF THE TRArNs.-T two. -Mr. and -Mrs. T. F. Coleman nt to t thb Hensall flouring mills, -Clinton's popular bicyclist, t
some BlaoW for 2.5c, per pound to try one gave a good staff of men at work in the mill an accideiit while 6n his wa7;rdm' Gorr, ie to
otau it 8"" Most of them. We airs stilf sell- Trunk sup�ply of -coal at Stratford Oakville on Monday to visit Mrs. Colemiku's Bluevale. LADIES` 'UNDERWEAR
and they may find it BEvitTIES.-Mr. Charles Leech, of De- pa
ing. the ty Boar for less than mill prices. is rapidly diminishl mother Mrs. W. Robertson. -The - meteor- making and preparing s ce for the large Mildmay, last' week. He Was travellin
namo o -litingof our village by north oil the Gorrie aid
fine,warm jr6i Joseph ronto, redicts i visiting his -uncle, Mr.
Have no --o' stion prices here,. but sell all goods necessary to cancel t le freight trains on this ologicai office at To _t, was f r the'l eroad p1ter dark CORSETS
just aa IJV�ae we poossibily can for cash or trade. ning a bulletin -was "Of ert will be Leech, of is P when in a swamp about -five I miles out his
Mond' cone Xetricity, and w�e' are -pleased to learn. that
G line. On ay pilor weather for the 24th. ace, as
lveu*a4kit will pay you. The highest price the system here will contain many advan- wheel struck a projectinLy ro t and -broke,
3 gie a is er, of Morris, open
paid for alf kinds of trade nosted at the GreatI Western Telegraph ven- in the English church Sunday school I N t t Sunday at Mr. HOSIERY'AND GLOVES..
en in many.
b g! T choir boys, P. B. ScoWs.-Miss Smillie, teacher iii Zet- taes tbut are not found e V of letting him fail heavily. - Hi� head struck
0. WILSON, Seafoy,_th. ffice stating that until further notice only on eaday evening next, by the
till freight trains of perishable goods ould lip of Mr, Hertzel. The land, was visiting at Mr. Robert Duncan"s our towns, which speaks well for the enter- the root and -one of his 1pars waa badly
Bank of Commerce Block. under the leaderal A large assortment of
-ken whe
1374 be carried on this line, and warning iner- proceeds will go o the organ fund of the lak week -.-Mrs. A. Y. Hartle�, and daugh- prise of the Royal Electric Company, and lacerated. Throwing the bid' el into
Of L 7 -he
chants and others togovern themselves tLe- church. -Many of our readers will rewein- ter Nellie, are visiting in -Woodstock.-Mr. the MeCook Bros;, this place. -A the "swahnp he trudge4 back t6 Gorrie,w re
BLACK. and CSILKv, �s pril
cordingly. Where the freight traffic is as ber poor Archie Galbraith,. the phrenolo- Samuel Scott, of Xiiiieheffer, is bringing a large number of our vi agers attended the his wounds were dressed, an! tile following
is on this line, this is a serious ist, who wits an enemy to no one but h* - funeral of the late Mrs. 'Win. Lamb, of the morning lie started out again*.pn his journey,
heavy as it 9 'in large number of hogs here to fatten on the E"KBROIDERIES
last, -%vlio reachiri Mildmay after a trili of about 20
01116th ng Deal andwe hope'it will not be of long self. Ades h says he wits found dead London -road, oil Friday afternoon
matter, whey at the aeese factory. -The political
Alvi6ton.' meetin died at her hoine on Tuesday morning- of miles, Arotigh b
duration. The cause of the trouble is the in: bed last Suni morning at g on Monday evening was well at- eirig misdirected. He has RIBBONS Througiihe agency of the nevier-failing factor Coal.Strike in the United States., which has Mr. Galbralth-was, in his younger days, a tended. last week, at the advanced age,,.of 86 ybars. beeniding for several yeais, �nd until the
enabled to close out a consider- -eptionally good
CARR we Xavc been The deceased was a wido never met with ad accident.
4huf off largely, thd`supply of bituminous man of fine presence, of ev w, ana one of the past VEILINGS,
able portillu of the balance of a large manufacturers' ery.Oldest residents in this. Q�ction of the
,stock of M_'d Clothing at a bavgain� The prices coal. education rind possessed of qualities which H:rot)ertk
'ey are bought will enable us to, sell would have ensured an honorable and useful cotifity, and, owing to her kinct, genial aild Londesboro"
MENIS SPLENDID SUI IT&' TVIKTING A-wp,,R YF.ARs.-A rather career, but drink proved his rnin.-Mrs. hospitable disposition, she was a great LOCALITIEs.-The Sons of meet -
Hill the well-known stock breeder, of Hib-
favorite with both oldaud young, and will on Friday evening was jeff attended At, $77.0D #ad W.00. - In fact we have romantic in eeting between two brothers Charles Lowrie has just completed a hand- AND MILLINERY. Tile
$6 very nice All bert, has recently sold to Mr. John Mel. in J, - es b#a
W-oot Suivat st.60, warranted to give good satlefac- oo her day. Mr. H. J. some autograph. quilt ori which she has be greatly missed by her near relatives and altghottgli the niglo was weV and disagree- .
ville, of the 12th concession of Hibbert, a
e can send the ahost of friends. The funeral cortege to the able. Four candidates were �4, initiated and JLad gC
tion. In,43oys! and Children's sits w Punchard, of this town, and Ar. Charles spent many hour of, to her, mo t enjoyable
fine shorthorn bull, 14 months old, forwhich
mothers home delighted with the bargains we can Rodgerville'cemetery was largely,'attended, B&Tgains in
.1 . Ptinebard, of Toronto, have not seen e w two applied for a $1,000 beneficiary certifi-
ve thent A Bat amid Bat ien to each boy get- ach , ork, and which it is. her intention to pre- good figure was paid. This animal was Many ed by ?10 h'
esid- sent w the, Young Men!s Christian Ass6ci- despite the very disagreeable -state of the
cate.-The next meeting of :Pistriet Lodge
-19 a S14. Call and inspec other- for �28 years. Both have been r aired by Langside Hero, one of the best
t DRESS GOODS;' fit price.
ing in G�nada for nearly -15 years, yet ation. to dispose of in whatever manner they weather and roads, testifying to the respec No. 2t Independent Order of Good. Tem -
WK PICKARD neither knew where thi� other wag, and it may de'em most profitable. We understand 6took bulls in the township. Langside in -which the deceased was held. -The Rev, plars,ivill be held in Londes�oro early in ]glue Sr1m
Hero was bred y Mr. R. 13allantyne, of
another similar H. Softley, B. D., of London, preached lin- October -4 -There is to SILKS for Seaforthi: -wasbut a short time ago that 'Nfr- Charles it is her inte tion to work Sebringville, aired by Methlick Hero (imp). be 'debate in the
'Purichard I T"
1374 earned tfirou h 'letter from the article for the Mechanics' Institute. Mrs. St . P�ul?s church last Sunday evening, Xay Good Templar," lodge next �esday night,
old country that his rr whole Hia dam was bred by Mr. J. T. Dickson, all Wolnan Suffrage. J. J. Brown, MUSLINS
other, -was in Sea- Lowrie deserves the 'thanks of the 20tb. ev. E. Sdftley, of Hens on At 4-2-4
sired by Duke of -Kent fourth, bred at.Bow is son)
forth. - Hells a travelleI for Mess
ra. Cars- commuili�y for her disinterested and ben- Park. Mr. Hill has also sold -a two-year-ol 1;is beenn poor ealth for some time, ana harness maker, -%,ill occupy MT1 HilFs shop'
rttfou a evolent efforts to assist our social institu- his pulpit is bein supplied by his father for CHALLIE8
well & Co.,- of. ToroI elling law books, to Mr. T. Cameron, of Farquhar. This . after the-Ist of June. -Mr. XVnes Bron,
and has been all over, America and the West tions. Any one desiring to Bee the quilt a few: Sun�lays. r. T. Agnew, who recent- of th 13th conce Dn, had barn raising
an exceptionally fine stock. bull, and was e sail
India islands. Heeft here to go to Nova can do so by calling at Mrs. Lowrie's real- ly successfully pa Bed his final examination, AND DELAINES.
on Monday last;LMr. Thoma,4� Riddell will
bred by Mr. R. Delbridge, Winclielsea, was in the vill tge calling oil some of his move into Mr. J. HUB Ifose i 9, short
Scotia. It is needless to say both enjoyed dence.-A family'gatheriligg of the sons and
DISTRICT MATTERS.' aired by ultan Selfin (imp.), the present
-we show 4
the meetin and spent a happy day talking daughters of Mrs. loss, oi near BruceCeld, friends. -Mr. J. C. Clausen�s sacrifice sale time. McLaughlin assiotaut - teacher Close Prices for
9 evening at the resi- stock bull of the well known stock breeder,
of his large sFplus stock of harnes in No, 8 school, intends leaviri.4 at theum-
over old times. took place last Friday a oil
Mr. T; Russell, Riverside Farm, Usborne. CARPETS
Tuesday was wel. attended, and the bidolin mer holidays. -Several of oilr Good Tem-
dence of Mr. J. W. Elder, in this town. is dam was bred by Mr. J. S. Smith, of Tw�ii
IV&$ spi� e and' ices fairly Lrood. -Mr. plars attended the District meAing at Chin-
WELLwisuEs. -A 'v6ry pleasant little Two or three members of the family who re- We D.
a meeting CURrAINS
side at a distance, were unable to be present. ill a held in Cox- a 0
Political Meetin Satur- ton. -Mr. T. Adams leaves for Michig , n n
gs- athering was held in'the Manse on
ry 0
ay ei make his And all
Ashfleld. well attended, and the beat of order pre
M. Y. MCLEAN, to aged mother, who is stAfhale and -hearty, - I I reming last, when tho members of the To the universal regret.; of the family, the worth's Hall oil Tuesday afternoon. wasive MoniJay. where lie expects f -in j[1OUS F
Presbyterian church. choir asser4bled home. -On account of the favorable
vented from assembling with her NOTES. -The farmers finished their seed- vailed. Interest" g addresses were given best hues
The lAberal -candidate for South -Huron, and bid good-bye to Daisy Borrett, was pre weather the Sons of'England 41d not attend
t. at emi brpuglit p
one children by the unpropi ious weather and 4ier this year than they have done by Mr. Weismi er, as candid e, and by the church parade in Goderich I Sunday, dward
ather$j will address the electors on the jpa'Vw who has for several years been slight Mr. -ast
ailment. The re -union, how- for years. -There are grand prospects for a Campbell, �E McFau
lieq.4ations of the day at the following of their most valued members. 'Dur: some mar, but will go to Clinton next Stin4ay. es, I
in- ever, was a most happy one, and the'gre lar e crop of fruit in this vicinity -this year. and others pr ent at tile meeting.-
placei�,' on the dates named ing the evening Miss Borrett .was y
lldoudayMay 28th. -West End School vited by the Pastor to stand besidehim for dawn of a new morning. was breaking before e weather has been extremely cold and Mr. B. Gonini; w1ko been attending the
College at 'her
a few moments, while Mrs. A., Scott read a -they could summon resolution t wet for some days. The ground is wetter A al Guel,
House Ttickersmith. o separate. ic"Ur h, was e LocALiTIES.-Sacramental services were
easing Mrs. Z. Beam and family left on Tnead' now than it -has been this spring. week, spending a few days among his
Tudsolay. May 929th.-Baird"s School handsomely iluminated address, expr ay conducted in our village churcli on Frid
rt I Huron, where. they iia- old friends before sailing for the old country. MY
in very simple bat feeling language the re- morning for PO afternoon ar d Sabb und&y school.
Houso last.--Vpn Wedues- He was a good maii
Stanley. ath
Walton. -Cricket is now a favorite pastime with ev, Be
tl gret felt by the choir at losing one of their tend to reside in the futiure.-Mrs. H. � of the -term and will be inudh
day a numbd of young ladies -"armed With ry oVarri�. most valu�d iiiembe:rs. and their hearty Killer and �children, of Elizabeth, New WAwiNGs.-Elder Smillie in attend" our young men. -4Mr. and Airs. Win. Grain, missed in the place where he was so long, so
was Jersey, arrived in town on Wednes- was df Hay, who brooms, brm hes and scrubbing utensils, be-
a.1st.-public ance at the Presbytery of Maitland on Tues of the townnsh number well and favorably known. Mr. King wag
Tbittsd&n a wishes for her future welfare. This sieged ourillage church, and ofter a dili-
accompanied by a very prett, fluit ay. They are visiting Mrs. Killer' amongst its pi er and much respected in' of robust constitution, and till -abot
e -r David- I
parents, Mr. and Airs. Alexand day of last week. Re also sat on the Gor esidents, are sp nding� &'fev�- weeks with gF4 day's labor succeeded in elearit ag it,
giving it 9, bright,. clean and initiniz
I June 1st---7Ten-iper&nee Hall a beautiful photo iblum, as me- don-McQuarrie commission which metin r ap- four months ago hzid alwayo enjoyed goo&
mentoes. Dr. Mebo'nald made a very son. -Mr. and Miss Belden, of Moles- . their son and laughter in the State of health. Al that time he bad a severe at -
t. worth, spent a couple of days this week ingham. on Monday. -A-u effort as made Michigan and anong friends there, and pearance. The following day was arbo�r' day tack of Ia, grippe, which developed. hlw
bappyreply on behalf of Miss Borret at the Methodist church District meeting' in the graveyard, when many iinprovemen
After this there was some music and thell with their brother, Dr. G. F. Belden. -A we join with Aheir maAy friends here in Bright's disease of the kidneys. He was a
M6nday June 4th. -Dixon's 116,111, BraI held at Blyth, on Tuesday of last week, to were made, b friends of departed ones. -It With -evei
d hostess, M1 wishing them 4 very pleasant time.- etW and try -
the kin ra. McDonald, invited: new Aidewalk has been built out to Mr D. have Jackson's appointment attached once is itnilerstoo(T that the suit b een B. Dun- !evere sufferer, but during his all to adjourn to another room, where re. D. Wilson�s barn, on Ann street, which The annual meeting of the Hensall Meehan- ing, 4we ogx
I - Ing illness he displkyed -the
Tuesday June 5th. -Red School ljous,�, more to Walton circuit. It was added to 1 and our Fire Insurance Company has patience -and
to r bt ai
J firulne" that was so Prominent
Blyth a few years ago. -The political ball is -a part
freshments were served. Miss Borrett has W-1112 no doubt, be a great convenience ica' Institute was' held recently, in Cox- been settled. Mr. Dunlop receives $700.
been a model choir, member, a good, mu- lovers of good stock. -Miss rie Clark, f worth's hall. The report for the year closed Jan punlop and of his character. His end was peac
Weduesda, June 6th.-Duncan's Hall, be g -to roll in this locality. Thomas e.
Alio the suit between
1w&ys Woodstock, is visiting Mrs. George E. was the most el'acouraging yet rendered. we an
sif4an, always in her place, and a
GiCOI He leaves a widow and a family of fi
Ben. Dunlop has been settlep, Bqn. re- ve sons
ir i in
a June 7th --1E Ws School to do her Wat, and her place w meeting for the dispussion of the questions at
Thi id ill be Henderson in town this week. The prospects were never brighter, -and a ceiving one thousand dollars. '$en'g many and three daughters to mourn his 1des.
difficult to fill. She. left on Monday for rge additio to the membership is ex- They have the sympathy of the communit
Hot.., K�Me. issue to be held here on Monday, 29th inst.,' a n irtends will be glad to hear of hj4 success. -
ected. Already the vigorous canvas being
hday,-June, 8th.-Strp& School House, Algoma, to keep house for her brother, who Winthrop at 7:30 o'clock. -An auction sale of the farm P The first barn raising for 'this selip'on Was at The remains were interred in the
made has brought it into the seventies. cemetery on Saturday last. The funieria
has taken up lnd the Ire. We join with her and effeeps of the late J. Ritchie, 18th; con- gen McLean"s on'Friday last. The day
NoTzs Ity THE WAY. -The Sacrament of Mr. A. Pherson i ras elected president, Mr.
many friends in wishing her all prosperity the Lord's �Supper will be dispensed in cession of Grey, was held on Friday of last J. C. Stonema-E secretary,treasurer, and was wet and disagreeable, nI it hara was largely attended, the occasion bringing
hn lUch of the above meetings will comm, ence in ]ter new hoine:;�
Cavan -Church, Winthrop, on the second week at I p. in. The executors -T. McFad- tggether many- whose fleeble to work, but Scotch pl-tick .94reame the
Messrs. William Elder, H. Reynolds, J. 0. headalforce. upo.n us the that tVe The
At o'clock in the event, g. zean aiid D. Campbell were looking after the dfifficulty.-On Saturday last our worthy thought
ain' Sabbath df Juli�.Mr. R. Pethick is niak., Clawson, Robert �Patterson and Rev. J. S. pioneer settlers of 30 and 35 years :i%o will
Other meetings will be nounced in due business. Geo. Kirkby was the auctioneer. r0eve, Mr. Ryan, his deputy and 6tincillr
FRzfoiq Labadie and Hattie Rowel with ing preparations for building a large bank Henderson, direc.�ors.-We learn, with re- soon have quitted the scenes of their labors
a strong company will play "Faust" in Cardno'd barn on his farm adjoining this village. -Mesirs Coombs & McDonald completed the gret of the death of Reuben Charles Stone- a4cended to the summit of tile tau�entian forever.
Al- Wei iler, the Conservative cndi- Hall on Saturday evening- Prices, 9.5, 35 and 50c. jqay k
friend 'Richard have E�bountiful her. stone work for W. J. Die' son's mammoth 14ills, and there, under the, dorporation
Plan at C. W. Papstle. 1380-1 an, elde
at brothipr of Messrs. William and
_�a,te, or Others in his place, are cordilly in- barn on the 12th inst. The dimensio no
ve,-Yt to filf it. -Mr. James Mann, Of the are J. C. Stoneman, 'f this place, in Springfield, hainmer wielded by theeeve, a oumber of
-vited to be present. THE PROFESSOR is ',CoAjrxc-.-The ladies 60x126 with 10 foot walls, and the four build- 0 . ttrats for gravelling and ditelph ,
and gentlemen aff ected with baldness or thin. bair Missouri. I for the e0l] g were
11th concession, is also erecting".a handsome r. Stoneman left here
ws engaged did the work in ten days. They a e a h- al�da District Lodge Meeting.
will be pleaseI learn that -Professor Dorenwend, brick residence, which, when finished will e - # THII
"t "it I Or "4 ag
-Very many' readers did a -good job in short order, NVest som 23 ye rs ago, t'- f
Di,ED ix ToRoNTO. do Ve e ge ing n �e 01 r
the Great Hair Goods Artist, is coming to Seaforth leave 'all the others in the shade. 'Long ur ri�a '% r sp -tt i The regular meeting 4 District Lodge XAJ) BEF40
of TEiE ExposiToR will remember �ohu Me- once more this summer. He will be at the Queen's may he live, to enjoy its comforts. -The (From an .0cbasion&I Correspondent.) t ey ai-e to be Oiled again. No. 24, Independent Order of. Goo
Catcheon, who formerly kept otel at Hotel vii Monday, May 28th, with a fall line of his
y S -Th Templars, was held in'CHntort on the ISth
weather d tiring the past week has been ei taffa. NOTES. ie ti f the Young Peo- well known Hair Goods. He will -have ladies and
e Wigs, Toupees, Bangs, Wavy fronts, Switches, n 11 e nigo h1st. and notwithstandig the very -wet and
Wingham. and Clintou. He was also at one v as 0
Cold and.chsa r6eale.-lAr. A. Calder h _Y, ple's Society, n inday evening, was inter -
'i ACTITES -Mi. F. D. Hutchison we t Exeter.
rery disagreeable day, there was a
inpeg, but an all sorts of Hair Coveiings. Beautiful hair on been engage by 'NEr. Hannah, of the Sea- to London on a business trip list -week. eating as nd v
time in the hotel business in Wir In tile absence of Miss
of late years ha;s lived in Tor6 o. On either lady or genCeman is admired and -the Frofe ITEMS. -Mr. Richard Seldon a � Afe and
-forth 0 reamery, for. the coming season. - Mrs. Howard, of Detroit, is visit represetation- of delegates from - the daer
ing her Jennie Murray the meeting was'led by Mr.
Monda afternoon last he was foujid dead in sor has the art down fine. In his line his goods ar Mr. Thomas Seldon, of Ingersoll,'! spen ' ent lodges in the dist t B ot ier Broe
known the world over and worn by leading people Com. mother Mrs. Chubb. -Mr. Cameron, our E. Roeding. Quite a number took part in few days here last the gnestA of Mr. T
lils bed at ffNeil's hotel, in that city, by and as this is the only visit to Seaforbb this summer, discussing tile t4iie for the evening, viz.: week enshire, of Wingham, D. C. T., was ThEe Am
blacksmith, has hired an ap _in the
prentice, in the George Sainwell. -'e hotel clerk. latinediately on. the dis- every one in - need 'of some sort of style should see Nfr. Joseph e, of St. e -al, in Bur
What love does Ifor the -world- 17-111 tile chair. Th
morning sessi6yf consisted 4
wrery of the body the cor6ner was sent for, theiii. Queen's Hotel,Monday, May 28th. 1380-1 Brucefield. person of Air. Thomas Larner.-Mr. Sarn- Marys, spent the latter part of ie week
-at coinmittees
uel Chesney, of Cartwright, Manitoba, but party who borrovved a unibrella, from us the appointing of the diffre
our a ence from th anD.-Last year w Ti-toucal: our stock has been greatly re- ell.- that le
tho pronounced the cause of death. heart WOOL WANTE formerly of this place, was renewing old ac- latelY,ill e- sa Me, and %,isiting his sister, I -a. Harry 8 and the reports froni the different lodges.
4ease. r. McCutcheou. was fifty-tivo, Wool - anticipating 'change$ in tariff. No change duced and some sizes in shoes are completely sold Reeve Bawden intends offering th balance madeyet. -Wool lower than ever. Wepaylbehig out, wii have still inany choice lines of Dry Goode, our w] quaintanceships last week. -Dame Rumor without kilo edge or further allo-wance, Thereportsshow theordertobein about -grellit ma�
tr de B ; . . please resto' -of t
rears of age- The remains were taen to emit price in cash or two cents more in Shoes, Crockery, and specialties in Hardware, whi re it o or before the next thun- 'of the amwell property, which if already ion as it was at last meet- swea,
ch says there will be wedding bells rmi i t: same condi
gin ment and.
surveyed, into park- and village lot�, by -
am, we believe, for buria. I r. c it along with or ithout Iyour grain to No., 6 vi are. we will sell at less than cost price, for cash, produce der storm, and s e wear and tear and other ing, thei being-enouh suspension -for
Orn fierme t
-1 at cash prices, or approved credit.
on was a 1380 The bottom has our village this week. -A number fr non' from the,(
itueghe' 1110,11 who 1386�,e many house. J_kxits BzATTill. attend damages The ui dermetioned umbrella. is ion sale on the 29th inst. *Nlr. 410in Gill payment of dues to'balance the new mem-
of e - u iss Fai*ie Raw-
athdf dropped out of the butter and egg market, but dur. ed the funeral of Miss Chesney, will wield the haminer.-INI
d and he had hosts of the in this F&usT is one of the gr6atost plays on - ly Willed
ing the next ten days you way bring along Tuckersmith, last Xonda. ra. W. Shil- short of a, rib, but is otherwise in good re- bers received. The afternoon session was
your eggs -M
pair. den and Miss Carrie Dre,
stage and has never before appebred outside the who 4ve been devoted )iumber1w
at 10 cents per dozen, and butter at 15c. -per pound, It will 1) anxiously looked forby -chiefly to the. discussion of cities. At Cardno's Halt on Saturda evening. linglaw, !of Mitchell,1 was visiting old friends
and take away anything we have in Dry Goois, isiting relatives at Los Angeles, 0�11fornia,. of the Order." A great Many good Buff-
DomA miss this chance. t our village this week.--Rr. Win. Kers- " Your§ TI1For the benefit of those
1380-1 Shoev, Crockery, HardWAre or School books, at our it, 'for the past two months, returned on Fri-
CLISTON.-COUS who havie been uno�ler the weather lately, we tions were made and it is to be hoped t]We steadily o
nMISS Mc,"THINXEY.-��Vocal teacher, pupil regular prices, which we guarantee to be as low as lake, of near here, lost a valuable mare last iday last. -Mr. Andrew Dempsey 1�nd wife
tOL th ir
Selgates will ca--rry some of these
tereat has beertaroused by the cal� given to of Sir,or D'Auria, Tioronti)L. and W'L Elliott Hamilarri, thelowest. This extremely liberal offer we. make, as week. The cause wwkinflammtion of the would like to renl.4rk that the weather has
spent- Sunday last at' Lucan.-Thq fini of tural inju
and respective lodges and try and'put them into
'the ReN�- A. Stewart, of Clinton, by Union New York,6 Tor full particulars apply either at this we are anxious to get the goods out, in order to close
brain. been heavy di�arreeable, so it has.
C' the store. Got Pitchforks, Harvest witts, Machine Cobbledick and Folland, hardwq
office or 8 Ott's Mucic Store. i -1380.2 mer-
Phiirch-, Brucefield, and it was hoped -that, oil and screen windows now. J. MCINTOSH, removed practice. The foll" ing officers were the nligI
I chants, have dissolved partilershijq, which of �eivihg
6hould he accept, the two Presbyterian con- � EVERYBODY Bhoiild see Francis Laadie next door to Dixon's Hotel. 1380-i for tile ensuing year - P. A 0. Z,
. I took effect on Saturday lot. MrA Cobble- Brother Brockenshre of Winoain D. 0. first knov
in his great conception of Maphisto in Faust. Sat. 0 Stanley. Tuckersmith.
ecrationsinthajtvill�ge might be iited. DDFELLOWS' OPEN.nNu,.-Saurday even -
tile humla
ed also dispoi
0 accept rd,,, evening in Cardno's Hall. 1380-1 of dick will continue the business, -w1iiell has T., Brother G
Mr. Stewart seem is not the best. for art entertainment, nor
SUCCESSFUL TEA-MEETi-Art exceed- A (-,',OOD POSITIO .-Miss Annie'Torry, Ailurdock� Lucknow I).
FntsT duty free Suga ; good raw Sugar heretofore been carried on by the fii.4n.-The
he smaller charre, as his heath is never the D. Conn,,
is a wet evening the in6st desirable for the ingly pleasai.t as well as successful tea- this township, I a been engaged for V. T., 3ister Errett, Hullett oceupaic
iolnist, and, though tile salary offered *was 28poundiI C.WiLsoN,Seaforbh. 1380 ng: and entertainment was held on funeral of Morris Bertram Grigg d
opening of a new hall. Howe-% meeti summer, at a hand ome salary, by the new 4ge I six Brother R. Somer, Blyth ; A S.. J, T_
�er, the treat years, eleven,montlis and two ol'ayq, son o 7
DON'T fail to see Faust played by a strong 'IN16nday evening last, in'the Bayfield Road proprietors of the otels and store at Grnins- f Sister C. Mto6att, Blyth ; D. Sec. -Treasurer
tess. than his present one, he felt that the provided by the Odolfellows wits highfyap- Alr; Bert. W. Grigg, who formerly clerked ]Brother B. Lawrason Londeabore -
)any of legitimate artists in Cartino's Hall on church, underthe au es of the Young by Park, Ontario, -lie famous summer re- offensive
-41rucefield charge would give him more open 0-0 p D. A.
Sa7turday evening next. It is�a ehance. not often ob- preciated, ad the size and quality of the here for Mr. George Sain.well, too� place
bir work and enail less of that severe study tained in a town of this size. Tickets, 25, 35 and 50c. audience, uliderthese unfavorale 'circui 881hristin. Endeavor. siderable ex Sister Bay, Clintion A - M.-,
People?s Society of sort. Miss Torry iis had 0011 here Secretary, a ravenot
for -which he has become noted. Howevef, Plan at Papsts bookstore. i380-1 The refreshments were served at the perience as head cook and manager -of smn-, oil 8410(sy afternoon last, from the Brother H. B Chant - Clinton - D. D. M., f rom the,
the residence of \bIr. Win. Grigg, Maill street. Sister Farnham, ana th6 I
stances, is a tribute to both the artist of 51
..'the Clinton people were very loth to lose' evenina and the Independent Order of Odd- old Wells residence, which. is just mer hotels, this beling her third cons ecutivei: Hullett ; D. G� . Sister
IN -1r. Stewart, and protested* most strentious- ss the ' Tile young, lad, was accidentally Rill -ed at -Lillie Ali the prese
road from the church, and, of season at Grimsb y freqnentlyl
Loom, BmEFs.-Mr. James Johnston, fellowswho furnished the entertainment. "cro Y!PWrk. The , I Montreal, on Thursday of last we' Iler, Clinton; A S., Brother R, -invender
At the'Presbytery course, were all thA could - be wished; For have in the height bf the season from 600 to;' "k, by a McClena,,,harl, Whitechurch ; A Chap.,
of Calgary, nephew of Mr. Thomas Lapshe Sam Lord Bailey well maintained the�-`repul ;� I trolley car. It appears that he was�
meeting in Clainton, on Tuesday last, they an hour or two there was a continual stream 1,000 at dimier in one day. of llger"
phis on the car track and the step of the car
is at present -visiting his uncle here. I tation. which preceded her. During the -flitting Brthe W Gordon, Leeburn. - Brother
had six commisaiorters resent, and as a re- to and from the tables. The in- . WEST END NoTis.-Mr. Harry Cudinorq Brown, of Maitland Ididge, was chosen riepre� Johnston. is atiold Seaforth boy who has rendering of the "-Chariot Race," some of hi4 strtick him, killing him. instantly. -IN U116 brabi
sult of the pres Vought to bear, Mr. =al portion of.the entertainment -%vas raised a large bank barn on Monday. T r. and sentative to the Grand Lodge to be held in
Mrs. Win. Grigg, of St.
Stewart decided to reniain in his- present been ranchingli the Northwest for sevek, I ourlocal horsemen forgot they were merely of a much higher order than is . conimon at is what lie has been in need of for some I Thom�s, 4ftended Paris next month. with Brother T, W. in 'their
cliarge. This will, no doubt, be a. severe years. He came down cargo of beef being eritertalled, and, with perspirbig tea -meetings, and was much 'enjoyed by an tizne, and wh I the funeral of their nepliew, here, n , I
ell fi4ished Nvill add much t4i Sun- subtie, un
cattlp for the Old Country market, and -,%,ill brow and anxious countenance, were almost Moore, of Clint -on -.is alternate represent -
day last. -Mr. Alfred Sheere, bri
disappointment to the Brucefield people, but audience which completely filled the church, the appearance of 1 his farm. -Messrs. Ash: ekl�yer,has ative, It -enduring
take back a lot of stockers with him. He -heard to offer heavy odds on the'Jew, while Iva$ decided to hold the next
.1; received the con�tract of putting up' a fine
._,they will no d-o-ubt accept the decision as, and who,testified to their enjoyment by ton, of Wroxeter, Japent Sunday with rela meetin* in Londesboro at the call of the e best that could be, considering inintediately procuring & copy of 14 -Ben was formerlyl xec
xfter all, th 0 acteristics tha -made him so popular when E utive Committee. Whle in the
retains in as grea a, degree as. ever tile char- numbers have expressed their intention of their frequent and hearty applause. The tives here. -Mr. Code, who cottage for Mr. Charles Perkin, oh P and mall,
liam str town
all the circ-ttinstmrices. a resident here, is at present renew lolougbly the de Rgates wereentertailled by the mem�
Pastor, Rev; J. A. McDonald, ably fulfilled hio,� eet. A Sheere is a ti have bee
a boy at school here. -The past week- hs The music by Mr. and Mrs. Me- competent mechanic.
Tm the evening an
been about the wettest oil record. Sund Kenzie was in their usiia, good style. The the duties of chairinan and tlie.programine lacquaintan.ceship.-I Mary Townsend, oV bers Miton lodge. another,
Frowrmt D,,ky. -There was ay consisted of addresses by Rev. Alessrs. lClinton, spent Suilday here. -Mrs. Ingles-,'-! total "Of I
lany. It i open entertainment, was held, consigtingof
wegotalittleglimpse of the sun, butit new hall proved surprise to n is
0. most lovely and interesting scene at the Leech, of Varna, Henderson, of Henrall, by, of Waliton, is v6siting relati-vos liere.-., speeches, vocal and instrirmetai� mu of helple
hout, I
was very fleeting. More,rain fell. in three richly carpeted and furnished 'throug Brussels. sic,
Kindergarten room in the Pu4lic chool Cook, of rich Toi
and Kerrin, of Bayfield; several splendid Mr. R Gode �vnsbip, wag %recitations, readings, dial Les, &c. Brother
days last week than generally falls in s P
the furniture being of walnut upholstered in IX)CALIS.S.-Election matters are q1tiet sa
building on Wedneday forenoon. The roonl recitations by Mr. Guthiie'and music b the nest of Mr. �Ixeorge Crich on Sundav:_1� f Gribble, P is many eeks. This week it has been crimson repp, everytbingy being in good y a S., Coun.) of Wes, was 'in the
ar, ge_xeitenieut not -reaching fever he�,t. E.
WC16s beautifully decoraed with flowers. te Mr.V the popular Organist of, chair. Brother Hinebley, of KiuburRgave.
struggling h6rd to al�a tip and 'a little sun- taste and presentirfg an air of comfort. Th� quartette from the Seaforth Presby rian ewton Cric L. Dickenson, the Conservative ca#jiclate,
Ros of bukeC� filled with delicate anilbeatt- line a hurch choir. At the close hearty votes of Turner's church, tas been re -appointed an exhibition of -ventriloquism. Aesire to
s a alternated with: the showers, the Order is a noble one, doing good work c to h as withdrawn and some say, against his the 1wrl
Will blossoms,were on the tables, a picture
thanks ere tendered the speakers, . the, fill this position !�r another year. will, but on account, of a wing of thq Party - -------
cloudy weather breaking up pretty eftiatii- and we'are glad to see it so solidly establish -
of the Queen on the wall was enwreathed in beaefbela
ally on Tuesday. Oil several nights there ed in Brucefield. choir ad the ladies.. for their respective NOTEs.-Mr. Jplm Doig has for the Past be ed to him, some of theill being
purple and white lilacs with. green leaves, highly successful efforts. The proceeds two weeks been qn. the 7th concession _�Vitli ing 0 -Mrs. X-cCutcheon, who died recently f rom. the
was mch danger offrost, but hapily none in favorppoo; Milne, and others, es�ecially
A motto " Love, the letters of which were amounted to over $38, and will be used to his portable saw mill. This kind of sa Downie, was born in the county Down,'Ire- cam. e in this vicinity, tlieL high winds and Kippen some in the north, in favor of 'letting Gibson
nd e work of the children, g it. -Ur. William pay for the organ. A tea -meeting for the mill is of great onvenience to farmers, 110 get it this time by acclainati6n, as tlipy feel land, ill 1812 Joseph
c o idy k -y preven in 11 aid. was married to
CARRIAGE WOII - Mr. H. Ricker young folks on Tuesday evening, furil li -their rel
Was; also enwreathed in flower's and occupied he can,have th ir logs sawed into Iiiynb McCacheonin.1830. In the year 1840 they
or ished there is no hope of defeating hi�m ; 41so as
witT place ; but the crQw-ning beauty Johnston, sonof Mr. Rob t Johnston, who would beg to inform tho inhabitants of Kippen and a wind-up to a very successful and pleasant lout d fil them long distanees came to Canada - stopped *two years in the
of Mr. W. to Tepre- R. the public genorally, that he has 'now L got down they consider him a fair and honest business and is ready for all lines of carriage and as igs, eit to
has been . in the employ raw county then came W
of the room was the ft -pole, a pyramid social. stationary saw Is Mr. Doig is a hustle of aint hun
ler, for the past couple of sentative who is willing to do his d1t b
Couilter, jewel
shaft in the centre of t, e rooiyi, reaching wagon work. He has bought all the dry stock from and is giving go d satisfaction. We infinitel-
years, leftfor Arnprior under-:- I y Downie, where she lived for over fifty years
6n 14,onday last. Mr. McIntosh and good work and good timbe both sides. -Our sports are away th HN weeK
froin the floor almost to the ceiling, and one r will stand hei will n xt move to Lumley. -Mr,,
on the one farm, on which her husband7olied. of the u
mass of purple and white lilac lovdness. The
Re, is a am, art young man and -will make his be his motto. Buggy and wagon painting made a Hensall. Samuel Chesne , formerly a resident to the races, R. Roach with three hoioea to thirteen years ago. She leaves one son"" and their W4
acting and singing of the i papils " wa' mark wherever he may go. -.I' Faust " is to specialty* Good work guaranteed, and prices ex- BmEFs.-The weather- has been ver wet Tuckersmith, ut now 6f Exeter, and George Roe and P. Scott with one grand child.
Gi Maitoba, is at
ceedinglylow. H.Ricker, Kippen. 1390-2
osbe played in Cardno's hall on Saurday one each to Hamilton. They will be away
very cred table, considering and cold during the past week, coupie(Twith present visiting his numerous fr'�:;nds i this 6, -One d yet Eel
PLows.-T. Mellis is well stocked with , a lately the horses driven by a
night. This is the first time this play has for er month on thb circuit befo�e re -
the short time the kindergarten has been in all lines of Plows, plow repairs of all kinds, Mould thunder storms, but fortunately no injury township. -TI rain of the pa.� week h�"s ten year o1780A 0 rcara
eared in Seaforth. The company is turning.. John Roach is here looking after Mr. Win. Somerville, of
exi Boards Plow handles, Bolt nd castings of all was doneIn our village', save a slight dam- made pools on hiany of the farms, and oyde Blanshard, near. St. Marys, ran away and lug a lil
stence. TAiss Maggie Bennoch, -of Strat- ap I an
the rest of thetring while Dick is aray at
sM to be a good one. -A circus d Wild kinds. ' Farmers can get all tUir wants supplied at age to Mr. R. Bell's jr dwelling at th U be dr*�ed out, but many of tl�e threw the boy out of the4vagn as the.
ford, teacher of the A class in connec- the races.r-Brussels is going to have noth-
01111 e grain wi
tion with the Young Men's Christian Asso- West show will stri�e town on Monday. the Hippen plow shop. T. MELLIS. 1380-2 west end, which was struck at the corner of farmers are, commencing to dig draiiii,
rriage d
ffalo Bill's" m6.k-er, n ylven
lano cco Ur. Ricker, our new ca -the roof near the chimney. -The brick work which is the only plan to be thought of tho intends to make thing% 0
ciation, played the pi The leading character, Yellowstone Bill, ing on the 24th, but on Dominion da4yl she standing that.i wheel of the wagon THIA e
is said to have been one of " Bu over one of the boy's arms, still
mpainiments. . he held on
Miss Beurioch's kindergatteit school, ow has everything nicely arranged I of Mr. George McEwen's store is now com- will leave th(P ar-A dry after such heawy hum. The Itpiving to th 1i corner
attracti6ns iintil very recently. -Dr. Me- and is ready fo Park Associiti e nes and was draged a considerable,
was 0 r business. -St. Andrew's pleted, and it presents a very� rui on ill hold on of thl best
ending ce appear- rains- as the on we have just had. -The at- - , receiving n ' erous bruises and. bling si
proved quite a success, ad she Wirself has Cl l the. west, and the �"T . - -
Donald was in Toronto thisweek att church has been called npon within the past ance.-Mr. G. D. Arnol was in Toronto tractions offere �i at the 24th of scratches, but no injurie U
nly opened on the Ist of April, has distance,
the Foreign Mission Board .of the Presby- May cele- Foresters will have 9, bi a of a seri- lying
now many friends tbrough.her affability and two weeks to part with two much loved and last week, andbir. G. F. Arnold, his son, is bration will nof doubt attract many of the k - deniongtration.-
terian church, of Ivhich he !a a in us nature. k6ndness to the little ones. There Was a ember.- respected -members, in the persons of Mrs. in the city this week. -Mrs. Leslie, of T - young folks to 8eaforth on Thursday. Conn-eil met last night atfil passed a Ily-law 0 -A very Bad occurrence took place at the
Mr. Guthrie preached his trial sermons be- Dro 0 issuing 5,0W debentures for 20 years at ;we new largeattendance of lady visitors and soine ver, aged 73 years, and Miss Barbara ronto, was in the village last week, the I ! 1 -tar
f 9 re n Luther,
ritlellielt, all of whom were higlify de- fore the Presbytery n Tuesday, and was Chesney, aged 43 years, of Tuckersmith. guest of Mrs. Logan. -Mr. W. E. Cook 5 per cent; a-nd they a ow on -the irt4rket ?4iome of James Graham
Wellington county, on Thursday last week. What 4
duly licensed to preae-h.-Mr. David Mc- Both were long and severely tried
with Kindergarteri, Flower Day. 111 he of 'Kr. Henry Cook, of this village, has r Clinton. for -sale. They are to redeem those sued
Donad, son of Rev. A. D.11cDonald, D, D., e- A little- child 21 months" old -was left alone carded.
fiery furnace of ilifiliction, but were at cently purchased the neat dwelling and land as a loan to George Howe, on the �vpollen
(Froin. the 'News -Record.) in the house a few minutes, and by some home
I mill. -Robert Wilson is pushing his new
arrived laome oil AVednesda for' a short and comforted by their faith in the infli e formerly occupied by Mr. Win. Caldwell, NOTES.-Deputy-4eeve Kennedy is 1 means got the stove door open and pulled a
hAv- bard,
-11A dwelling ort Mill
NOTBS. - Tile thunder visit. It is some time � since he - hs love of the Father above. -Miss ay street to c6mplption.
t Out. il(Ps.
near Fannsville, and now occupied by Mr. Ing the fire ladder trhek shortened so olpittist burning stick The chi clothes
storins of last week rattled the nerves of been in eaforth. He holds a good position Clymont, who has been at- home for S me Charles -Brussels is going to have a second
Wilson. Mr. Caldwell having his mor'e effectiv4 performeollin ca-hght fire, and it was so severely burned -y -in time has returned to London, bere she roy.
as taken. rooms over Barrett's rber oming.- '7r e Detroit. -Mr. A. S. Dickson, i0io has been has a good sitution--'Mr. VI. Y. McL an, the dw ing mentioned and ten teabnry Stree� Methodist church has been Monday evening, the 14th ibst.1 the
80111e Of our people but no further' damage as stenographer irta large Organ -factol own fine farm.- near by, decided to sell e in the person Of Mr. Davidson, of Stratil that it died Friday in
The farmers in tile viciity we w 'LlanLnIrbnt of the Rat -
resulted. case of fire. -The �oel, He h b4 that -
ell e t s,
'lot so fortunate. Mr. Herman Bubolz' fine a student in the office of Mr. R. Hays, the Liberal candidate for Legisla re, shop -John Dulmage has added a bipycle,
acres adjoining the same - to Mr. removed, new 1walkl laid, lattice work ere - cart a of ,Melville Church Christian En. eir T
barn was struck by lightning, but fotunate- has passed his final examination, and is now was 'here ot member
to 86ranae a outfit.
IV Only slightly injured as it did nbt take fully qiialif will discuss the political issues of the da �at Cook. -Miss Arnold, who ed and flawer � be( 8 nicely arranged. -The deaver Society, Cote St. Antoine, Montreal, two d�
ied to enter upori the practise of Kippen Hall, on Thursday, even
i[re ing, set U,
Messcrs. Cudmore'& AY spending the winter months *ith her Sons of Englaild al+ays attend church in a turned out in full force -to bid adieu to their
'itewat had tivo law. -Messrs. Scott Broth -of this town, �lst, at 8 o'clock. -The fainers to the brother, Mr. G. D. Arnold, has returned to body,some Suild about the 24th 1; of Turnberry. president, Mr. John Pato, who goes back horses killed in, the field. All these parties sold and shipped a organ to Carberry this South of u§ have a1pparently found the ue Toronto. -Mr. Eacrett, jeweller, of London, May. Next "Ly l Wednesday toltisfamilyinScotland. The:societyover.
airefullyinsuredin the MeKii.lop Mutual, Ludatohre cali�mernbers and DEATH OF A PIONEER. -On week. They also received an order for secret for making their hens do good w rk, has been home visiting his - father and mo- neighboring ethr n I I to t. eveniuirr, May 16th, one of Tumberry's which MMr, Paton ha's so ably presided pre-
which pays full value for stock killed in this music from Caribou, British Columbia.. as four of Mr. D. D. Wilson's teams ook ther, Mr. and Mrs. C. Eacrett, of Victoria Pa,�ps ehu�clI afternoon, w�en pioneers, in the person -of Mr. Duncan King, ented him with a valuable gold-heaoll
way. -Mr. James Forsythe is dding to the Surelv their fame is spreading -lVork has heavy loads through our village last w ek. Park, e. r Sexsmith. -Miss vfcMurchie, of Rev. Mr. Fa L art of
appearance of his already neat prenuses by been begun by the masons on tile foundation went to his reward. Mr. King was born in cane. After the meetin was closed in Mel-
�Mr. George Taylor's horse, C nny Clinton was in the village last week, visit- reach a opecial ser- 9
the erection of a substantial, iron fenc' mon. Th:r y be a large turnout. Balquhidder, Perthshire, Scotland, in 1819. villeChurch,the pas' the 'Rev.
J. Mae-
e.- of 'Mr. P.. Carmichael's brick bloek.�--VNI'Ork Scotsman," has a mane measuring four eet, ing fri6pols. -The 24th of May promises to -Mr. G. illivray,'11rs- MacGillivrayana the youne
-e our tariff' tinkering Government who is progressin successfull Two years G Vance)
Li D. Fill who s, y afterwards his parents came to
g very rapidly in the reno-v four inches and'he woud like to hear rom be quite an attractive (lay here, as in the conducte t c s Commercial Hotel in Ontario, and settled in the county of Leeds,
made a pret(�iice, at the openinc, of -parlia- of Mr. A. G.' Ault's store, recen I I peo le, accompanied their worthy presidei�t'
UY gntte some one who can beat this.-Busine s of afternoon the corner stone of the new Me- seve al years, has leased the where he spent his to tailley Stre4 Church to
Mitchell, for' that b
-- ----- ... which they had
-three years ago he came west- been- invited. 'ere a hearty weloo
ment, of reform ation, "As yotiw�ere" seems by -fire.-Mrs. J. R. Aitchesoil and children all kinds has been booming, as the- f ers thodist churell will be laid with imposing Grand 'on here r a seriod of five years. Yonth and early Tnan- me was
hood. Thirty the le�
to be the motto of our town bread providers returned* home from a visit of a couple of have finished their spring work. -Mr. ugh ceremonies, after which a la-wil social will The house *as o ene for business �last ward, and settled on the farm where he re- -extended to the visitors and an hour was
who hae got back to the old price of five weeks to relatives in and near Paisley, On- McIntosh, while removing stock ro the be held on the lawn of Mr. Coad, adjoining his death. a met;
cents a loaf. Here, however, the imilaity f Monday, and: Mr. inlay will have every- aided at the time of As a farmer spent in social ii��r�"e.
tario, oil Tuesday afternoon. -Most of our upstairs portion of Iiis wagon shop, ther the church, and in the eve ing a ve Stanley Street our 114
thing after his liki g in a very 'short time. 'Mr. King was successful; possessed of the Church Endeavorerg xpre edth ir t
ends, as tile Groernment " Right about business men have dressed their windows fell down the stairs or through ry inter- e so regre 8
with A
'wheii the protected manufacturers for the 24th and there are some - splendid he does not remember which, a trEI OO,, esting lecture will be given in Carmel Pres- The opening Is gen.rally considered a ' od energy and 'industry eharacteristic of his at Mr. Paton's departure, and wished him
faced P
receiv g a byterian church, by the Rev. Mr. KeI of one.-Owingto th great strike 90 countrymen, he made
shouted, "The old terms oi- your life." 'displays. 'for himself a comfort- abundant au droui
A large number of them also in- rou6h shating tip which will neces amona � the ccess in his future work, After the
f,tate Bayfield, his subject being, " Life in the coal Miners able home, and at the,,tfme of his death was t e social w brought to a clo e many
thevar er 0 a ra kad d
Well, w e should Bay,. that taking 'such life tend to turn out in the trades procession, his or a while. Mrs. R roads throuihout
a t Argentine Republic, " and in addition. to the C 11 lusing first-class 9-00 acre farm. f riends conducted W1 Paton to the ste
-which proinises to be quite an af- Mellis is visiting her daughter, lecture aJso songs by Mr. Kerriu, Mi 'amer and k
would hardy be deemed murder in the first the ountry 'are to carry li�avy the owner of a
degree. -A fine gray marble monument from fair.-Mr.'J as Hot- freight, and ire dil h ing thousands of Personally he was kind, intelligent
Mines Clennan, who has been in Kibbon, at the parsonage, Em=b and AMarYnthiswhiehsei�leclenTuesda, Mr T so 011�-_
ot he ham, of Staffa, and Messrs. Crawford, men. Harland of 0 gin ed as a neigh. PatOli Will be greatly missed by(-)
(Irtig store in St. Thomas for! some time, Sacrament of the Lord's dis-, Smillie and Millar will furnish fine vocal coal on the vay to linton, and the Gra bor
the works of Nevills 'Bros., Seaforth, ffio's. '�rgd several bli and was much esteem
as Supper
erected in the Houeto plot in our cemelZryv has taken a position in the friend. In religion he was a Pres- Endeavor Worliers in trea
store of Mr. ensed in St. Andrews church on th4 first selections. The proceeds are in aid of Mon 1, Where h
last week. -Miss Grace Elliott left this J. S. Roberts, of this town. the Tiunk converted it� to their own use at,, the byterian, an ardent supporter of his church was al -W an earnest an - active hurch
He is to pla gsabbath in June. Rev. Mr. Hamilon, Of fine library recently placed in the Sab 91yo (I
bath Internationa� Bridie. How long the strike and every good cause. He was an elder for worker. He
week for Galt, where she wfll spend some on the Huron team on the C24th, and NJ Londesboro, will conduct the prepa�atojy School. Doors Will be opened at - 7 is & nephew of the great Tohn
and will continue. is haild to say. -It is a inoter many years, and also superintendent of tl1etG. Paton misoionwy to the New 4,eb