HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-05-25, Page 4.v U. T �'HURO -P MAY 9' N EX 0SITOR0, ial March. They were met at thl Conservative all rq*rt chancel by Ansociefion pf that city, when funds' of the church were after- fifteen UMs-; Ron. Richard H-arcourtf- Provine But yet, r ,zatained. � The membership6 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. duty"oft. raw sugar sad refined sugar has dustry in Canad iwa, formal address delivered to that Asso- Well Mr. Fitt, the groom, and his best man, My years of this protection,. a strike in the coal Treasurer, and Mr. Thomas S. Hobbs, Lib- Mood cis cuit ii now three hundre been increased so, mu�h that Sugar Trust ; a brother of the bride. The bride otion last November he, paid : d and five, 1*:rhe figure between the parenthesis after each This will be Then we have a Minister of Agriculture increase of thiltv-three. all the certificates have advanced thirty per cent. fields.of the United -States shut.8 off to a ( candidate for London. was given &Way by her father-, and the en- 'of L the " of the paper; on whi —kr. J. Finlayson, ac- AdOttioement will be found. C anaaa, Sir Oliver MowaVs first visit to London for tire ceremony, while impressive, was sint- h cticaRy nothing to do, and W, pr since the Wilson Bill left the House. The large extent the supply of coal W .0 I epartment which home, with a, load of potatoes the -+U me ears, and he is certain to receive a plicity itself. The officiRtm' cler men cordin does little—a, .. thether -Smith Steet. -or. at least 'of Ontario. To put the matter so y In anaged by one Of for Ripley. - On ThWW*ek at the Golden Uon (5) -1 duty upon raw sugar aims nominally, of f thloal cgureh, c0ild ily have been at the inarket, were S. P. Cook, pastor o 1114, enthusiastic welcome, and the meeting was lastonighed W Wak rd (5) Can- ve4 trirg §� o bring reve Trea4ury, plainly,the duty has not developed the� have never he had not Su '=iU. =;nkwend. (5) #--, course, t nue into the end Rev. Dr. Hartzler, of Boston. At the the ot Ministers, and that 2 Z single bag in the wagon. The tail 13ftli 146M tain to be4ef the greatest political 1, 6 ce-wl� Lea by adding forty per cent. to the sugar bill adian coal fields to any appreciable e�tqnt, is cer conclusion of the ceremony the order of the b�en iiested." Fam, for Sal, a -Wm. Camp6ell. (5) oom. ewise stated b Mr Clancey in havWg come out the potatoes. fell on for they are totally unable to supP13; the events that Ontario, has known for some bridal praocession was reversed, the gr Jt was lik ti J.4810161 Sal"i lialcomeon. U44 during the by big. Farmers following up piae46d 0%) of every family in the country. Really, and his bride leading down the right aisle Of. his speech on the Ontario Great Shows, (6) however, it furnishes indirectly to the Canadian demand, but. on the other hand years. t bags Gii,fhe- milk stands -and for, to Town-Pirot. Dorenwend. (8): the church, followe7d by the bridesmaid r4cent session that the D partment mi*11 fenciX, and rbad nicely decorated. a Works --H. Ricker. (8) Louisiana sugar -planters nearly the same that little duty has cost consumers of Mal atof honor, Mr. and Mrs. Moody, -the xpiceptably be placed widel, the supervision the (8) th&tLtfJe �CK The xc s —In order to properly water the u J� bounty millions of dollars, and has enriched a little 's and the immediate friends of the con- of the Minister of Education. e it e Crediton -F. Holmested. (5) LA . inley Law gives them DOINGS AT TIRE DOMINION us c g Rar.tie The usual reception was j�' that such a move wou14 be in the inter- Tenn[is creasespon the park, --in Clinton Attention-Jessop & McElroy. (6) directly. With characteristic generosity to clique of coal miners, as dishonestly as if tra-c -$his Department, club' have' arranged with �Nlr. Your Money --Jackson & Greig. (1) CAPITAL. omitte(l, but the intimate personal friends o0ts of economy. but why, James f* hominion Bonk Financial Statement (5) special interests, the Senate protectionists the Premierand his ministers had gone all others, s6uld be sejbcted, it is diffi- for a supply of water, and,Avil.l is - of the groom and bride came to the resi qJ y a pipe 4-i %blic Notice- Christopher Dale. Sr. (6) extend this bounty to the sugar -planters around and held peoplid down while the (By Our Special Correspondent.) dence and tendered- their' congratulations. dult to understand, espec4lly when it is re- couilect with one at the head of the lg6ml XUsfc--Xfw McWhinney. (8) hat it 1, as of otd, be ifiembered that it u so t' 1aust In Caidno'a Hall f4l. (8) of Hawaii, who wil exempt mine owners lightened their pockets. OTrAWA, May 21st. They left on one of the evening trains for & gives a, dire I vat ftiii Lett -J. VcTntosh. (8) ey ispen in. -frra the forty per cent. tax levied upon the Along every other line it works the same The Government majority in a fairly full bridal tour, Later in the season they will i)ie farmers for -the men t ' connee- in any � way interfere with the Park. as opi Wanted�iameg fleattle. (8) ttee h in Chic where Mr. f�m'on with it. Such a policy is certainly a Park coranti. permi figareL 6 rluz Free Sugar -C. Wilson. (8) bhe make their home ago sit producer of -all other nations. Yet. way. it is as much robbery s the black- house is now 34. This is the in I e t the to be done, subject to approvg gar -1 Fitt is Mr. Moody's representativ fery short-sighted one,- ajid those professing the work 'he e- mailing system practised brTaritmany in L division on: a question affe ting the seat of te famous training school. , believe in it cannot t two of its members. more remarkable from the standpoint of D eit er appreeis f the work updertaken or syni- —Justice Armour has --A large dam g inocratic tradition areAlie numerous changes New York,, or any similar organization of Mr. Turcotte, the member for Montmorency: Ti-iE RUSHING WATERS. unportance o rews vs. Buechler tri int. Pennsylvania, with it. tile ase of And od- 00L introduced from aid -valorem �o specific An- political plunderers, and it works -the same Mr. Turcotte 'was -elected at a by-plection in broke at Kittaning P9 Rathize last Saturday night, and a locomotive was 1�r But results are the b.es� vindicaion of Mr. the Spring Assizes at Goderill. The ploil. ties. The Demoqrati c' party., it will be re- way. Certain persons are allow?"d to impose 1891, without opposition. He was the head tiffs sited for $1,0N daages for theUk4 sent out to warn people living below of their Dryden and his departniept, and he is per cries danger. Atle by Buechler, and -ed, has championed ad upon the public andn return f( -,v the priv- of the firm -of Turcotte & Prev9st, groc bed to abide by of the c. memet -fectly willing, as he has stal Q themselves as t6 feedigthem buttliecase iznowd SAFORTH, FRIDAY, May 25thy 1894 val6r6m duties because 'they tax at the same ilege must disgorge a portion.of their spoil and hich firm was under con- PRESBYTERIANISM iw TExAs.—A move- 1he decision of the farmei provisions, w with, costs against plaintiffi The actioQ- rate the goods fconsuilled by all classes to keep those who gave them teir oppor- tract to the Government to supply the Cit- inentis on foot to establish in Texas a Pres- *1heth the course of the Povernment in re ure is justifiable or not. Buehler vs. Andrews in which, the -,*-ill r k h- ard. to agricult A Call to Arms. while specific are proportionally' tunity in power. adel at Quebec, B Battery and some of byterian College, which an wit 'kiher� is tA fL. the leading educational institutions in the not a reading or thinking farmer in site for $1 ON damages for breach�� Pr The Provincial election promises to be'the heavier upon the cheap goods consur6ed by Ariother of the absurdities of the system the lighthouse4 with groceries and provis- CS11 try snoVibeen directly or tr by which Andrews was to)relpu�a_ n 11iis Pr ce who ba ontested. that has been held in It has also attacked specific du- is the cry that while the ditty k.eeps out, ions. The contract was continued ater -OPPOSED TO THE JEsuiTs.—The Ring of Indirectly beliefitl le is yet to be decided. most keenly c the poor. �ed by 'the Department',% the datt, I $3 1 Were eV the Wurternburg has announced emphaticaly Work & ring the present Minister's .'short —rwo Brussels youth this Province since c�nfederation. In for- "ties because y become heavier as time ad- foreign goods, domestic competition will Mr. Turcotte -was elected to Parliament and oil his own behalf and on behalf of his iterin of affice. No member of the Govern- haul rig out -chips from a yard with a mer . Provincial- electioija the Dominion vanees, while ad valorem antiei beed-Ine keep down prices, so that we L will have &W' was even renewed, the tender, however, be- Government decitled opposition to the !w I ent is linore-assiduous ir�[ his attention to wagon and dumping them vqr tu politicians did not take much part. This lower as the prices of imports beconid1ower. the benefits of protection without its cost- ing agan putill in Prevost's lame, Sub- law re -admitting the Jesuit order into idlity thLi he, and certab4y no department rivet bank. The process was to back 7i time all are up in arms and a desperate The changes that are made are not made in ing anything. This seems plausible, but if sequently the firm was dissolved &nil Prevost Germany. -,Js better managed thau his, or gives to the wagon over the bank a little and allow Id; to slide out. Once they backed effort is to be made to snatch the Provinc dance with any principle; they are competition is going to keep down prices, retired, but Turcotte continiied to put in DzA.-D. —Andrew J. Graam, author of :Province better value 'for the money ex- loa the well known system of shorthand which too far andover went vebicle, se supp, lea 0 from the Mowat administration. The fol- o the tenders for the h in Prevost's 'pended. hoo, and A imply concessions to special interests charn - of what possible benefit is protection, t bears his name, died of Bright?s disease on Wh9# - 311W name. This is the Whole story and is quite do the farmers tbink about the Op- A pair of broken shafts, a, set f d& if rightened h6r,* loing despatch from Ottawa appeared in pioned �y particular Senators. Senator manufacturers. Canadian - competition, Saturday, at his home in Orange, New 'positiQs proposition to e�n tihe. Gov- harness and a badly f sufficient, if proved) to expel Mr, Turcotte aIt is suggestive Mills, of -Texas, has made a bitter- speech there is eno`ugh of it, is just ashard to rneet Jesey. ernment of the codntry a at nt -perintent, ay. �g� - the Empire of Saturd from the House,beeaus� it is a breach of tte r de erest two boys satisfied that the ex ith 'nEEP.—The 'in Ontario? of V* -sum total Wivvw STORMS HARI) ON S not be tried again, was the The Tower room in the House of Par- denouncing the. comprom isir, though decla-r- as American or' British competition. he the Independence of P,arliament Act for a 11 Sierra ar, snow, rain alic win 6 ral ill t e, haafent was toAay crowded with the Con- ing that he would vote for. i"s long as it truth is that the m6ment' competition be.- member of . Parliamei* to have a contract - was most feltal An attempt was made on 'Mondayevelft� servative M. R's from Ontario, who had as- -with the Government.' The matter was re- Nevada foot -hills, recently reduced the taxation of the people -by five comes keen enough to affect prices, a com- 3' liptes. as to remove the sembled to confer with Mr. G. F. Marter, ferred to a committee to sheep. The road for 92 miles is litied Huron ing pf I t week, CRUM* 3a- f royA in hall to thep ik one of Mr. Meredith's most, trusted- leaders cents. Sonator Chandler, in a satirical bination is formed, and offenders in this re- A Parliamentary ia�ce %VMS with dead sheep. In the ravines and beside —A calf was killed on� the Canadian I front of the town - � a enacted in the McLean 4� Son's log -truck Va. us 11 aproachin "I no &P al e and all went wel� until in the Legislature, in reference to th -ead ani- speech, has welcomed the Democratic `Sena� speet are' frozen out. Protection has its House when consideri in committee of the the.boulders along the road, tile d cific Railway tra k t W' I last week. Wit IC a Mr. Marter whole, preaching elections in Ontario. tors into the party of protection. This, of roots imbeddedin the basest sort of selfish- Mr. Weldonsultill t6 disfranchise mals are piled two &ad three deep. Probab- —Thomas Edwards, oTfi,ast Wawtnosh, Mr. hassold. his driving m4retoW. Brandon, Be s ware -rooms, -wh6n the heavy made a vigorous address, showing that voters who have taken - bribeA, a bill the ly 15,000 perished. xi e 4 or- course, is an overstatement of the situation, ness. , Ev man who votes for : protection nature of which ha alreadybeen described in GREAT DA-MAGE.—Half a Million dollars reahzing $250. the Itruck broke in the centre. Thecauft Meredith and the Opposition were well cry was, then put tothe ganize w engaged. iii the struggle. bat not a ve4 serious 1 overstatement, it does so either becase he fears to lose some this correspondence. There has been deter- —1k1r. Janies Tabb, the'lvell-known Oxford - tlie Pad'sid d and no will scarcely cover the aamage done by the side of The utmost enthusiasm prevailed at tile platform pledges are to b6 regarded as any- age hie now has, -or because lie ex- rained obstruction to the great storms of Tuesday and Thursday of Colborne; has a lam. b about, tak�;, t�e rest of the way next morning, 136. passage of the bill advant night last week in Minnesota and Western 65 (lays old that weighs 100 lbs. ing � bauled on a plank by two te"i bonference and from the tone of the different thing more thaik phraises frpr the deception pects to get some advant e he has not:now Committee, and the fact that this speakers it is evident that the whole Con- Ag rotest W isconsin. —Mr. D. McKenzie atffl Mr. D. Rather- hasi not been mounted oil the earriage yet, the people. = permitted without a single p r. of got, and nine times out of ten lie knows in *f�ola either side of the House, shows NEW ENE�IY OF WHEAT. —A new disease, ford, of n6ar Lochalsh, Asbheld, eakh raised —As the f-aneral procession of thelgc servative party are determined to put .0 . Min that Uriah McFadden, of Grey, was promedp Meredith in office as Premier of Ontairio, his heart that it is an unfair advantage. the bill is without a single friend besidesi a white microbe, has attacked the wheat a very fine barn last week. . . _ q crop in the districts of Vendee, Brittany, . ­21'herel is an unsual'number of cows toward3lillbank-, Jairews G. KtAys. and: that they feel it- to be the duty- of each Notes land Comments. i No man with the best int6rests of his con,,. Weldon himself. Mr. Jeinnotte, the mem- of the to assist personally in the fight. ber for L'Assoulption, diAinguislied himself and Anjou, France, and is inflicting great dying this year throughout the, township of got frightened ;.it a load of milk tWft-, The Sureme�Court of South Carolina has try at heart can be- a protectionist. rone to the cheese factory, and j Mr. Marter was, hghly saisfied with his as the chief opponent of the Ml, and as hav- dainage upon the growing grain. Morris, from various calibes. N —A heavier snow —Allen eze measuring 7jx6� inches was sideways ups decided that the Prohibition law in that et the buggy and A M7AY 81� ow STORM ow the, ability to 'alk in French hour after reception." storm than any during the past winter pre- 'fouria ­�thers in Bobier's egg: empo- into the ditch, a short distance past On r Liberal friends in Huron and else.- Election Notes. iausting his vocabulary. State is unconstitufi� with -the the ex- our without exib among vailed at Markeson, Wisconsin, last Friauy. �j rium, Exeter, recently. It looked as large brook. Mr. Kelly had his shoulder a] ception of end clause. It will be reniem- The Meredith party se'em to have & dif. He objected to the bill in tote but it was inwhere iould profit by this watning note. Michigan also had a blizzard. It is es- �, as it meiisured. cated by the fall, but the' Misses �L64yhr. a ll force there, placed, the ferent policy in, every riding. However, detail that be tried, to kill it, by Moving There is no doubt that the -whole force and tirnated that the loss occasioned by thel —Mr. W. J. Johnston, lower town Wing- tunately and miraculously escaped i -jm arnelidnielits which -would-have the effect 4, liqupr traffic-� ontirely'in the hands ot the when the various policies are boiled down, storm in the country from Chippewa Fails : liam, had a regular old-time loggig bee one The horse -%-as caught after running a. Aa influence of the Dominion Government, and changing the principle of the bill. He was the Dominion Parliamentary members will I through "Dispen- that is left, as the Globe says, is assisted byMr. Amyot andMr. Belley, and 0 b about'all Goveramenc, W4 - a, to St. Paul' will amount to $3,000,000. Friday lately. Over it dozen luen were in distance. Mr. Kelly was con It . .2) ? Great damage was done to crops and fruit 'attendance an, d they worked like Trojans. and aphysitian summoned who soon saries, and it wa6s required that the liquor Mr. Grundy and the Tuberculous calf." one or two others. The scene during the be thrown into this contest with the view. ati y boug benipt to pass the bill ma be imagined. trees ill the track of the storm. —.9, Crerar, 9th concession, -was struck in the, dislocation. h should be consumed off the premises. Ell —A Vancouver telegram of defeating the Ontario Government, and -Mr. 1�ergeron sat in the chair at the head TiiE 106Tir GENERAL Ass BLY.—The the face by &stone last week while masons The eiiforceme�t'of this law b the Gover- Atthe Conservative Convention, held in onehundre(land sixth General Assembly., were at work on his father's frtil and a Col. Holmes,, who was acting deputy adjut- unless the Liberals close up their ranks and y of the long green table, the Speaker having United nasty cut inflicted on his lip. nor- brought ab"ut a serious c of the Presbyterian church in the ant*general of thus district, 13efo re C. present i. anited front to their opponents, onflict and the South Perth on Friday last it was decided retired to his chambers. To his right Sir States, opened in session at 11 O'clock —John Scott, of Galt, the cattle king, has aordered east, will be appointed warbi.- matter was finally brought before the 9u-' not to bring out a candidate fo John Thonipson, Mr. Ouimet-, Dr. Bergin they will suffer the mortification of defeat r that- Riding, and those of the ministerialists who car Friday, in the irst Presbyterian church, leased tile Falls Reserve troni X. Baechler, oNbe provincial jail, in place of Mr. R. X-1- ed t preme Court., They decided that the State but to support -whichever of the three can- oft of Saratoga, New Y ork. and, we understand, willb put a couple of Joh, who is to be pension4id, At prenut.- on election day. The Conservatives are no to stay hi ancl see the full. To the I had not the� Col. Holmes is deputy adjutant mt Wmnip* to be blamed but commended for their en- power to ap. prate to itielf a didate' now in the field will most nearly the Chairman were Mr. Laurier, Mr. Mills, ? hundred catle out to grass tb is season. 'Pro A Col. Holmes is the son of Mr. JosiahAo&j —We mentioned laq week that fr. tho li� monopoly of Luor qde. but held that meet their views. The irs6nt candidates (Both -well), Mr. Mal�ck and a, number of ergy and determination. Let the sup- It Wingham District Meeting. -e had purebsed the Metropolitan. of iSt. Catharines, a veteran of the 1-9.th Bat. the clause in'the'law prohibiting the issuing are Hon.' Thbmaa' Balla4tyne, the Liberal Oppoaition members. Behind Sir John Thomas 01, -in active service dii:,�� porters of the Mowat Government entuh4te Thompson was Mr. Jeailotte, who was al- The Mayineeting of Whighuni District, hotel in Exeter. We si4ee learn that the talion. who was of licenses to private citizens was valid' and- nominee ; Mr.� McNeill, the Patron, and I of the Methodist church, was held in the sale has been declared o. F�uiari raid." This gentlemw is a. coiiiiab4 their example. If they, do, success and not ways on his feet at every possible oppor- 1. - .1 ­ remaind M. R. Holmes, of the Clinton New Em. that as the er of the law was uncon-' T. H. Race, Independent Liberal. Methodist church, Blth, on Tuesday of.�� —Mr. R. Grigg, of qpderich Township, defeat wIl be their portion. They have tunity, &lid who took wdery interruption or tstitutional, all former' last week-, all the ministerial and lay repre-,; had a narraw escape froln being killed the —'.Nfr. RicharaLeislimaii, of East Wawt- aws which it repealed callto order.,writh the utmost good nature. everything on their side. They have sentatives being present. S. Sellery, B. D.,'! other da by being strnc4 a axe that nosh, met with ar�' a�ecidell n Tuesday at again came in fdrc Hen. Jbhn Dryden, Minister of Agricul Sir John Thompson joined in any hearty e TJ with a leaders upon whose skirts no staiefkw-rong so that private citizens was in the chair. Rev. T. W. Cosen froin t4 handle. last week shortly after dnner s became etached laugh that was going, and there were many He andlis.' cannot sell liquor %vihout a license. goath ture for Ontario, will address a mass meet- appointed Secretary, and. Rev. J. H. I: —Mrs. John Reid, of- Goderich, bas re- son were: using a land roller, one of the tqAoi Dyke; doing rests they can poi!nt to twenty -to firom. the gallery ; it was bard to see the Carolina, therefore, now has the strictest ing in the interests of Hon. Thomas 13allan assistant.* The moral and religious . charac-!,i turned from Kingston, liere she had been attached b -in colt. The son Avas on reason. for allowing tliq waste of a whole years of progressive, honest and economical )e. a prohibitory law' on record, for h' tine, in itchell, on Wednesday nek-t at 2 day, but I suppose the members regarded it ter of the ministers and probationers Wasli� attending her- son, Samu4l J., of that city, seftt of the roller, while the fat -her was lead- whch has never Government, the equa-of quor can day off, and a little relaxation from passed as. satisfactory. Mr. AV. A. Smith,.J� who had been ill, but is il�gw­ convalescent. in the colt, Sm , . -as a, not be sold eit) I her for medicine, mechasni- p. in. sharp. Mr. Dryden is an able speak- ttery been reached by any other Goernment in of Brussels, a probationer, of-opeyears,li —11, a, package of Lpitisiana, Lo around slid caused tile serious work. As it is the bill will come up colt to kick, strikimg da, and which - is the envy of other again in about tell days, if nothing happens, ets ei7ed at f e xpyoss offi ce Lon- Mr. Leishman "in the abdomen. The &ilib Cana' cal purposes or its a beverage., Though the er, and a many as possible from this county staildinW, was recommended to be gontinue(P tick 8 11 at at collegei a's a probationer. W. , AslitoW (Ion recently were soule'f dressed to par- then rail aay, and the son was throw Despensary Law has- beeli the cause of ex- shotild go to hear him. but it,will not pass, because it was drafted provinces. They should remember the fate was b aniateur and would not work effective- recommended by lArroxeter church as a1l ties in Exeter. of the Mackenzie Goverru nent in 1876, and it were on the Statute book. The -candidate for the ministry, and the distric�' —Messrs Geo. Snell atfl Wat 14air. of Leishnian was _eonsiderably inikire&, bartto.. evidently educated the peopie to some ex- Politics in South Huron are commencing f ceedingly stormy tiales in the State, it has' 1 y 0� receiving it -cut in his head by the faft. -restilts. I&. not history re-, r y I endorsed the recommendation to Conference.: Hallett, 11 wards midnigh felt mcheasier,ndiiii the subsequent eally serious thing about the bill is, that- ave had t3heir lParns raised and it terft,. for the Charleston "News and ( lourier" to reaGh boiling heat. Both candidates, and Revs. Kerr and Paul, of Briissels, and Mills,! 1 plit preparatory to having'them placed tip- no doubt be around again as usual in z AX peat itself in 1894. blocks the way oil Wednesdays to. leaching foundations. or two. —in in any respects the most reketionay their friends are at work. ' Mr. McLean, the several very it portant public bills, such as of Toronto� were continued in their presenfi on stone annaq,tion relation, uper —R,. G. Vincent, machig jouina in the South—adinits tlh�firhatever Lib e-ral candidate, has met with 'a most ea- Mr. blulock's bill reguldting cattle freight ist, removed his —A little circumstance occurred the oth- A resolution was presented from Walt olt family from Brussels to H;4,riston on We jday'illowing that waer will not always Going Back to the Old Thing. new I rates, Mr.. McCarthys 'bill respecting the d- Tu aw §outhiVarolina has must, like the couraing reception in, every part of ie. . circuit asking that Jackson appointmen Vincent has a, down hill, naless theeirearastances aie fwvor� North West and Afr. Charlton's - bill re- nesday- of last week. A. to e In any country where Protection has had Dispensary La, prohibit the sae of liquor Riding, which is now thoroughly organized, specting Sabbath obs- now connected with Blyth, be res permanent job there and 69nseq-aently par- able. Joshua Hill, of the'Use Ii erk�ance. Mr. ulock sway for a lengthened period it is very dif- to be drunk on the, premises,, a good- acti , working committee being or- made a protest at the close of the sitting Walton, which it was claimed was .. ch poses residi in Well migt",s capital. Goderich Towlish has put ill -a hydraiffic v� t nee&of assistance ; an animated and pro4i —R r. W. wst, . ais , 0 on raral ficut to break it up. In fact nothing, but ganized in every polling subdivision. Mr. agai'18 what he t-e'rmed making Parliamen� $ longed discussion followed, but - the niattek fered %00 for his drivil mare the other hill tary aroceedings a farce, but it was ve f 11 i o a b).rrel ; a flow -off pipe in the a general uprising of the masses .will effect Though the Louisiana Lottery -Compitny Weismiller, the Conservative candidate, has ry was defeated'on a vote. A resolution ronj day, at Wingliani ; t is is 4 big price for a rel runs down hill. In testing tbeapparutul�� evident that the farce has . been carried Oil a change. Such powerful monetary iater- has beeik diiven from Louisiana and is sup. also been doing good work- in the same di-, With the approval of Sir John Londesboro circuit., asking permission three-year old, but it is 411 tionally the other (lay it worked like a I'liompson; to ecep charm, and uder it that they can posed to have its headquarters in Nicaragua, rection, and. had a large meeting for that close up Ebenezer agointment, Was endorott fine mare. satisfied that everything was all right, the eats are buit up u the leader of the House, because all those ev boys frighten or bribe the political paxties into its different d ho have obstructecl the bill are followers ed by Conferenc6. Georg Buggin wa:t —One day last week twai Brussels barrel was headed up air tight.- epartnients, under the names of purpose at Hensall on Tuesday. The Lib- I . 0 �horfiy elected &a representative to the- Stationitlit -�raled over to Belgrave tokisit friend's and afterwards it was found the flow -off pipevu of the Premier. Committee. Rev. J. Ai McLachlin was on the home trip (lid the'nine iniles in It not woi , i- and it was some time before it ies are really carried on. in erals, however, were never in better'work- Mr. feredith's lieutenant Mr. Marter, submission unless they are well fortified by various' compund .2 the people who suffer from the bigh taxa- Florida, and it Continues -to flood the coun- ing trial, and are -determined to roll tip a was here for a coupleof day I elected to* the Sabbath Sihool Committee'; hours by the atch. The boys would make was discover'ed that making the barel air - 8 list week and tion. which protection causes. In view of try with its circulars and tickets through good majority for their candidate on election held a meeting in the Tower room, to secure Rev. G. H. CobbledieW to the Epworth it lively for old peds. tight was the causeof the trouble., League Committee, and Dr. Towler to th� —Richard ,Souiers of Blyth,had­-a small '—A couple of Wi b )Ullg men had in ain the demand b the Agriculturists of this the -Express 0 rapanies. I' the support of the Federal Conservatives "ill YA �y o n addition a day. Missionary Committee. bone in one of his legs brok�vt the otber day quite an experience Me other day. BeiAg country, it was couple of rival,c6mpaies have been at' IOntario, in. the Provincial campaign, which is no-"- open. T.1 meeting was remarkabl hoped a very material re- arted e The returns from circuit were as fol� by a large stone rolling upo4 it. The acei- at the place of business of a resient of the laws duction would be made during the present in Kansas City and New Orleans. Mr. W. R. Meredith, the leader dent is sufficient to lay him for Aome time,, towii- they found bottle containing some of for the-miunber who- did not attend. Sir It. medi session of Paliament, and when. the House campaign Jolla ThornpsoiVs followers are evidently but he is recovering speedily! cine, which they helped them - the 0 position, opened the C 8 p = 0 I PI not very enthusiasti 010 10 —Mr. Wal.--Bawden is U1 d i 9 selves to quite freely. On the return of the k I - 52 41 -ty met and the Finance Minister disclosed his Mr. Richard t Oro er, the boss of Tam- in London, by 4engthy addressi oil ic over Mr. Meredith, Circuit 0 0 of the Samwell propei , in rXeUtyer, Messr business man, they told him what they- had &lid it is safe to say that the members of the y, 'it did look as many, tariff changes to the countr has really resigned his posMon. as Tuesday evening last. He reoeived a House of Commons, with very few . ex* E' Farmer, Snell and Sealio., ng among the done. As joke on the young -men, lie tola if an effort was to be made to meet the pop- chairman 6f the' finance committee of 'that most I t rece tion from his friends ceptions, will !lot concern themselves much Wingliant. 348 340 $"8.88 $2234.lesl purchasers. The prices per tpli ranged from them that the liquid wa-s poisonous, Which le "'y lemand. But every reduction propos- id simply retains 'his mem. e -001AS $50 downward. ular i organization, ai' Uere. her was nothing new in his about the Provincial campaign. 289.83 2 startled them, ad they at once sought re- It is quite possible that there will be a Wroxeter 168 168 137.50 1233.40 —W. W. Stoddart, of lief tit a drug store and other places. One ed affected injriously som, e protected in- bership, of th.6 committee of 1,500. H simply e G rich, who has e speech �H nipliasized the position Federal general election before a Brussels 255 275 *2-60.09 22381 been one of The Signal sta F for several used his fingC-r instead -of an emetic and tried great many dustry and as a result the M iister had no gives as his reason the press -tire of private taken by the Opposition in the Legislature months, and the' embers of the :House Belgrave 174 184 1277M 1092. years, has gone to Buftalo,Ne v York, -%%,here to cast up accounts, The other young mama in sooner laid bare his -plans than he was' be- 'businqss and ilie orders of his physician. uring the last session. Mr. Meredith, here are already engaged in preparing Blyth. 281 203 301.85 152921� hebas secured a position n one of fille sought his home, where lie was soon under for it 22 22 2. printin establishments of tb �t city. the careful nursing of his mother, &ad the 9 248.82 lly able Man nid a on both sides. Sir John Thompson all- dtile sieaed by _-an irate'crowd of Protected mo- This is, the first instance on record of a, po. however, is &it exceptiona Lond-esboro305 264 d that the revision of the voters' lists 917.)tl few days ago while )Vm. Atkinson, family phy i i Onsulted, before t. siciall 8 c litical boss voluntarily relinquishing his, captivating speaker, -and alwi makes the 82 00. of Exeter, was engaged she JiV a horse nopolists of one. kind or another who threat nounce WaltoA 136 84 129.05 —A ay� would begin oil June the lst, &lid be 1) 413. IE leaked tile out that the liquid taken contained ro- ened hiin with vengeance if he did not capi- power. The genera opinion seems to be best of the material at his disposal. But ceeded 'with aecording to The law Bluevale 221 1,33 172.27 1962.1, animal made a sudden jerk, a nail. which .110 P dients. The friends of the olsonous ingre ayor Gil,' of New York City, 'Will, gives until December 31st for; the completion ate and it looks as if the pressure were that M I'lly there is one peculiarity about all his — was protruding from fli,e-foob caught in the younaen make iiierry at their expense now. !Co stron time, silccee(�I to the hi ft ine of the revision, but as all the machinery is 2403 1798 $2529. ­� fleshy part of his thumb anf lacerated it --Two weeks ago the'Coulity Council mew- g, as the boasted tariff Reforms, in e, 0, y, though speeches which cannot fail to make peop e tit the hands of the Dominion, 'Government, There is &it increase, in church mernbeii- badl bers of the House of Refuge Committee jn� ship of 49 over last ye'kr, and a considerable one by one, are being gradually re the TWlmanyites themselves -they could hasten the c mpletion of the re- "Lish McFadden Grey at- st4 -modelled say tha the doubt his sincerity and honesty of purpose. spected the Woodstock and. 19imcoe in wl 10 IV, and -wiped out, 'so that by the time the bill Orgaizaition will, in -future, be governed While he loudly proclaims his . detestation vision by a couple ontlis, if they wislied 0 of in decrease 'in the total im�unt of money rai4- tending his fathers reeturne-d'to tions of this nature. - On Wednes lier, finally passes the House it will. be just solely by its co mlinittees. ed. The total amount raised for ininisteriA Sault te. Mlarie last week. is it student- weelt they went to Goderich to i speet the of anything calculated to stir tip relig ions thus having the new lists readt on, the .31st n upport ill the district was $6,87 re about'as it was before. In one fon, a or in- of October, so that- a genei�al election is 2, in in his brother's office.' Mr. McFad- sites offe d for the Honee of Refuge, and 0 strifeandhatred in the Province, nearly crease of $62. den was to have writ 61so hispeeted the sites offered in the vicm- liable to occur any day after that date. ten on 411 examination c 11211 lid every'other sentence he utters is a pa,,Ision- The batle will be fought not- at the' polls, the (lay -his father was buried. ity of Clinton, -They then held alftt' th ther the monopolists will have just about The Canadimn Tariff is, not slowly t the same PVOtectiolf th&Y formerly enjoyed surely, but ratbe r b leaps and bounds y get- ate appeal to religious bigotry and Is —11Tednesday of last week a- calcu- atogether, but oil the "revision of these liorse belong- consider the claims -of the various sites r- ill eal all) de the tax payer will lie as heavilyburden- ting back to �h� old line. One after anoth- lated, whether designedly or not, io stir lists, and the Opposition . have re'olved to 'What Do The Farmers Think to Mr. Thomas Shapon, of Ptephen took ed, and after fully Consider g tb tip aed as before. er the refor6 are being reformed to attend to the revision fright while standing in frdt of Carling cided oil recommending the 50 acres the worst passions that sectarian as closely as possible. (Witten for Tim ExposiToit.' ownea t the Fr4nehise Act is, The census of 1891 classes 67. per cent. lof `xeter, and ran dfi he Main by Mr. John Pickett, a theeast side f 'the 0 turers, and by inspire, In other -words, while professing Street at a lively pace, but ��ras captured London RoaAl, a mile below Olint000 This As it is in Canada so is it ill the United suit the ideas of!, the manufac 'strfe call The trouble abou Bros' store in E Nva t Ithat it involves the ex enditure of a- great the people of Ontario as, rural, while the States, only a good deal more so." The thetime the D 11? -he million election comes on his desire that all religious sects should live deal of money, but we must take matters as port of the Burea of Industr before ay dam -age was done," W ill Snell, site is, perhaps, no better tbaii several ot, rX ws in a there won L, be anythi' he Democrats went to the counti7 two yea ! iea she t rig left of the Govern- amicably* tog ether,his every utterance has a we find them, and money spent in attending the total amount of capital invested in Agri- while -endeavoring to stop it, n4i,rawly escap- that were offered to the comituittee, but the ago with moat, earaest �ledges of tariff re- meat's program, me o to the revision of the voters' lists -will bring culture in this Province reache's the en ed being run over an(I seriousl�! injured. facilities for rn mh f tariff reform but the superior, tendency to array them against each other OrAl- goo( while the priee is also more reasonable., The form. They were over-whelmin I results oil polling day, to the party ous surn of oAe thousand million dollars i,in —Peter icIntosb, reported tp have 'Iski gly sustain- worthless paper loll which so uch waa 'said It is thii which destroys the confidence of who attend to it. roi�nd numbers. Considering the magnitij, Blyth, location is decidedly advantageous, being in ed by the people and it 4 ped " from as returne(ju Const W, was expected c- _about it. Even it, -er, -e e Mr. 1&redith's sincerity. it his, howev will, we $up- the people in L The dea,th of the Hon. John Hearn, the al iglit of both railroads, not far from P. st,4- Kinleyisni be bown out of existence pose, be en gh of the interests involved, ust be adnjit- Davis made a seizure of a li�pre and rig a0a elat Ito saisy the Conservati-,re member for Quebec West, was marked by teq that agriculture delliands all the consid- which Peter had left in charge! of r ives tion, all a splendid road, a -nil as pretty the placing of a, flora cross on a background er tion. any government having the interests near Bluevale, and repentan P t i t ed: ;e, re urn er of West Huron -I sati��ed with the f crape oil his desk in. the, Chamber of the oft -n give. to. elucidate matters. were eny for ever. But no sooner did: Congress ineet fariners who began to kick. They The -Cons vat.ives* intend 0 tl could be selected. As the committee than the moneye powered to prepare plans they have d intereat built tip by pro- always seen le people at heart ca A reco in He is ie is shell, while holding a convention in Goderich oil Wed- House. dcided'on having a survey and profile ina-de "chilek-full of honesty"; says ho was advised' arnel. hesday next, to decide whether; or not they Deposits ill the Post -Office Savings Banks, Administration wheri, in 1888, agricultur to le. y ill tile ianner he did location tection was brought into pla and instead of a, iew manufacturers get the ke tiQn of this it was that actuaed the -,%To at e a e n of the place, showing the proposed carrying out -the mandae iYeii them by the . : 9 will bring out a candidae. The probabili —'.N rs. John offatt of the various buildings required, and will during the ipplith of April, aniounited.to w" elevated to the p6sition of an independ and Miss Mary� then advertise for plans and specificationap people with decision and promptitude, they Mr. Eclat uhd Y, So558,0U0 andUe withdrawas to $721,000, cut department of thi'. Governm ent, and a Moffatt, of Moose Jaw, Northff�st Terri- %tes, the distinguished is.tliat they will not do so but:that they allowing an excess of withdrawals of nearly practical famer placed at its head to ,be who have been. in StanIg durmLy t e: tory, the architect whose plans are zbsequently have been, pattering overthe matter foi- author and journalist, died of po- will endeavor to co adopted, to receive 100 th The neentrate their strength $200,000, directly responsible for its efficiency and,: to winter, left for their home on Tues: erefor. of t nearly two years, and now all hope for tariff plexy on S atUrdaY last in London. Mr. upon Mr. Connolly, who, previous to joinl. Her x ellency the Countess of Aberdeen, devote his at es,timated expenditure for buildings is be - 9 E c -tention to the advancement � of -week; they were accompanied �q Mrs. ai: i -w eform, of any substantia kind seems to Yates was quite re -11 known to Canadians the Patrons, was one of the str d a seat on the floor of,the Commons tha industry. Until then one� of the other eron, of Brucefield, who is goi�g live 11 10,000, which are to tween S'SiO00 and on est and -u ie ocP have vanished. The almighty dollar has through his cables to the New York papers. oil Ri iay afternoon, and when the Speaker members of the Government, either a 1,4�w- tbe- vici ty of Wri accommodate 7.5 itimates. The eolumittee nnipe, wj�l her son rn.ost active Conservatives ill the Riding. air proved inore powerful tha principle. left the Cb * at 6. o'clock, came forward yer or a banker, had been placed ill charge John will report to the Junemeetigof theC The, oun and shook hands with tePremier, Mr. of the work, but no farmer had ever helA a —An eight year old son ofMr, hn Ford, Council, "and -it is to be sincerely hoped that New York Outlook sizes tip the matter ill The Mine operators and striking work- On Thursday evening, last week, Mr. Laurier and others. position in the Cabinet. The Opposition, of Clinton, met with a, serioliq accident on their report will be adopted and work .pro- 'cres made in the fienate ceeded with without t this way: The chang mThe Senate has adjourned until June 6th, strange as it may appear, did riq� concur. in. Tuesday. I te he fell from the coafields. had a meeting in Thomas Gibson, of East Hui- * llay- W iile playing on a on, and Mr. and the House '11jout -riff ])ill in order. to secure the votes of will a -a from the 23rd this step and introduced the foll&%ving rpso- headforemosb to the groul ta Cleveland,, Ohio, last week- ad, refidering bim� y Senator Go but failed to Thomas Ba11wit ne, of South Perth, had a, to the 28th. lution unconscious, and it was a considerable time -11 r. Alexander Roe of ilverton, Perth o county near Stratforl" by rMan, of Maryland, Senator reach %a &green lent, � its the workmen re. union meeting a Dublin. They, make a Moved by Mr. Meredith, seconded bef re he rallied, o bones -M-pre broken, nearly met his death Br ce, Of Ohio, 'Senator Smith, of New Jer- fused to go back t; 0 work except at tile old strong team. The aight was very unfavor- ill not the other evening Mr. Creighton, that, while this House colt- and althongh he is recovering h is at Accompanied by his Sey, Senator Murphy, of New York, and tbe WIELLres. curs in the proposition to give greater atten- out of danger. wife he was travelling on the mi(Inight e. - -able, but they had a good meeting. Mr. two Senators from Louisi&na go further fiI FLOODS.—The Genesee valley in New tion by the Executive Government to' the —Mr. Blhop's bill and amendinents to, it ress to Perth. When two miles eastof bbert, was York State is overflowed, %ad much damage agricultural interests of the Province khn in Committee at tile Local Legislature has a -livers station, near Pterboroligh, he left the direction of protectioll than was antici- Some Beauties of Protectio pated during the last n. chairman, and addresses were delivered by hks been done by floods. has'llitherto beell done, it is of opinion that rather given the guietus to'the 100 foot the first-class 'car which he ad his wife were those mostkeptical of re ever per- the, candidates and by Mr, B. O'Connell, THE PRINCESS AND HER CAMERA.—The that end can be attained witIADut incurr and -went, not as he thought into c�M Paign even b,% How the people',of Canada we of ing bridges as far as maintenance by the various occupyin O,Con. Prine township, ing car, but instead into an lelloutLeed the 11cKin.- hotography, and a camera is her constant the, Executive Comicil. and the -inevitable ad- whose suit was before the Courts, will re- open vestibule car. He te ed 6ff and While the platform c aform Plqdes. suaded that Proteotionwas a paying policy Dublin. BothLfr. Ryan and Mr. p ess of Wales has become enamored of the expense of adding another menibe to Counties is concerned. M, passes our comprehension. Every day a. nell intimiLted' that they had been member§ pp ley Tariff Law as 11 the culminating atrocity companion. She. takes snapshots at family ditional expensewhich shall be consequent ceive from $400 to 600, it is expected, an d f ell on the ground near the track. most,we see sometliin happen which shows Of groups and street scenes. of al 9 the Patron society, but had Withdrawn, on such the County will have to pay the �ulk of the —The county of Perth Beekeepers'Agsoci- ass legislation," the duties now propos- as plainly as an D.'L. MOODY's DAUGHTER MARRIED.—At ' Since that titne the Opposition has at- costs, whf�h will be no sm-all 13unI. ation held its spring meeting in the Orange ed are il% soll e instances actually higher prot . Y 1119 can be shown, that so that, they would have liberty to support Northfield, Massachusetts, on the evening tacked the admiuist�atioli of the Depart —At a special meeting of the Official Hall, St. Mary, on Thursday, May 10th. ection is simply a device to put moll the candidate of their choice. The in- than those Of the McKinley Bill. This is in ey eet- of May 16th, Miss Emma Reynolds Moody, ment with a persistency worthy of a bettel, Board of the Methodist church, :�onciesboro, There was a very fair attendance of those the pockets of the favored few, and that ing was most favorable to 44,e Liberal cause. daughter of Evangelist Moody, was united cause, and has never -ceased to held on Monday eening of last' week, the interested in the little busy bee, and the re droughly understand this, in - marriage to Arthur Percy Fitt of Chi dismantle it and place it 'on its agitatiou "ed to seven meeting provedotb pleasant and profitable. tax upon sugar is made forty per ceat., anc, th its old foo $ salary of the minister was inerea ough they cage. The church was beautifully decorated How, in the face of such a motion, r. This notably true in the cotton schedules. The the favo d few th are careful always to tell The Provincial M M hundred and fifty dollars together Able papers on the subject of bee ulture the Louisiana Senaors a -re struggling to unsters will open the with white and purple lilacs and laurel Meredith and his party m4ll be able to square with a cash donation made in i ponnection were contributed by Mr. Da5vid Chalmers, Others that protection benefits the country. campaign at London, on Monday, May 28,, aeremony of the thpinselves with the Patrons of Industy it with the revival services -will raise the of Poole -, r. W. Worden, of St- P have it increased to forty-five. At the sam y leaves, and thenipressi e' i Orillstflce, take the coal business; aduty at a meeting in the Grand Opera solemnized before a -%NriU be interesting to observe. amount to very nearly eight hun( time that this concession is mad, church of England was v to th: was Put oil bitumi House �ed for the and Mr. Gernmell, President of the Associ- beautiful altar composed entirely of white The stand taken in this regard was luous Coal, to assist Cana- there, to be addressed by Sir 0 Teo,,r now closing. The amount raised for ation. Considerable profitable d on sugar -planters, the difference between the than miners and develop the soft coal Mowat; lilacs. The bri,dal party the left expressed by Mr. McPherson, Tarov..I., Ilis ions is one hundred and seventy-nine followed the readiAg of each paper, and in- Hon. A. 8- Hardy, Commissioner of Crown aisle to the rawaic of Lohco'm p lie t ed engiqii�as Wedding I lawyer, and President of the Young Mews dollars and seventy-two cents. 'The other much useful information was e i