The Huron Expositor, 1894-05-25, Page 1;-777
4. 011
Ion AV
A 'Tr ing this moxxth
Value ''UNDERWEA R_ MeLFAN BROS., PuWA&6-is-
$1.50 a Year in Advance.
MAY 25 18944
0* A-N,D GLOVES. WlaOLE N-LTMB rig drove up. Rose was p*ed in it, and
ral teeth. She was t4e only lady inem- drove ff. As
seve 13th inst., he' received a kick. from o4e, ith their cdidates in the field for East Huron, no pub- df - bar of the household whe�was not afraid of therio w than once
ie producin, masterpieces and that, too, 'in
Ment Of tl held by any of which proved fatal, as he died from the they went, along Rose was more
o'clock, that they may be preserved for belief for his fitness for lie meetings have yet been mg itu lightning and no one else se WAS njoined to keep still Or his brains would be
accompanied by any on fects on the following Monday. Be'
No one was
Sue -
a COLORED S1 your o n e y ation. so much them, although the work of organizati and highly respected, the ac- struck, although there were several stand_
a, literary voc blown out. He kept still. When h was
LK goes on. Mr. Gibson the old and tried old resident
Almost every tiny window has a lace sash imself at his remarkable tk-e ing around, The clock irt agother room was
&in rigorous ge- surprised as h leap gloom over the an that night or early Tuesday mom-
iTl cur� , behind which blooms a N sentative, is op�csed by a cident has cast a, c and a lot or dishes broken. released
tantial. proofs Liberal reprei knocked down ear Woodstock.
ted cess, and it takes all the subs athre, and also y a Liberal neighborhood. he was in -a swamp n
�ROIDERIES Should be inves raniam or a box of mignonette. I was jold straight Consery bolt left the yoi' it went
ousewives of it to make this extrelliely modest young After the Ing woman Me made his wa to Wbodstoek and. reach -
seasonable Underwear, there is much rivalry among the h s Ropularity as a Patron, but it is almost certan that one or in two directions. One kii�ckod a hole out
Such Scotchman b9lieve in hi ed Elora by train next morning, much
flowers. these will retire before election
over their sash -curtains and other of Worth its Weight in0old. of the side of the house a -pd the other broke distractea -family and
tolerated in writer. He.: is a true son ol Thrums, and a Conservative can- the joy of his almost
vanities would not have been hat d Mr. Dickenson, th (Written for TFrs IkxPO'BITOR). several boards in the floo�. tified ana sorel
In the long summer resides here for the Most part, finding t except in b 1 t friends, who Were MYS _y
e te, is unkliow e ongin
Gavin Dishart's days. in the dAa' n in the riding,
o your The special dairy bulletin, just —Lightning struck a� calf 0
Lon- alarmed by his
r door. he gets through much more work traiie disappearance. It
evenings the wom while Mr. Gibson is 0 f M 9
country than wherethe demands of society the northern end of it, der the authority of -,the Minister A i- r. Henry Nicholls, Grey street East -with
endangered. facings and knit stockings, -while the men 0 It the robbers secured $1,6W,
'A R A S 0 May be thoroughly known throughoutthe riding, John Dryden, from the a- don, during the recent stOrm. split the is said
ass- are more exacting. culture, Hon. a way to discha
A friend p om head to tail, which Mr. Rose was on hi
-ull d already has the promise of Conservative animal completely in two,fr
e carry a f line of sit on the steps andamoke. tual association of Thrums we an partment of Agriculture, Toronto, a a mortgage. Detectives have got the case
in gr "Ay Davit," and The last ae
NERY. eeting, ive support, That is certain of
jug by says 3 Mr. Gibson coi4cl do the job.
Seasonale goods in all the more parted with at Forfar, a t�wn four or f tion to which -will bring to any one as nicely as a butcher St. Clair in hand. A later despstel;1 says Rose hm
"Ay, Watty" is the response, or is admitted by all convers- House) be a fabrication.
w4'ich is the Tillie- being elected write their name and address, a copy is —Mr. M. Stanley, of the
-from Kirriemuir, confessed the whole story to
sizes in garrulous ones will observe, '� It's fine the miles e of opinion in the con- his fine fP0 acre farm on the
day," is the drum of Mr. Barrie's Idylls." The north ant with the stat worth its weight in gold. Sarnia, has sold He spent in unfortunateSPecu-
d, aN VS fine the
gan, Lisle Thre%d, Nf %y, D dt." ��Ay, i �o &C
Balbrigg the whole river front, between Brobillefleld and Cor- the -money
After an elaborate treatment of count
end of the town is caledoar, and bere it stituencY d this Story t
WO61, Mefino. No house ap- as waited SOUTH 0 of Petrolea, who lations and adopte
GOOD. voluble answer. will be rem Hur, N. ji South Huron the of the questions that are raised by ;old unna to Mr. John Harrolf
'The Square, 11 embered Jamie &!ways udidate, Mr Weismiller, for it. -ere --or-
which is Thrum'd heart," re ive ca d. ejoese recently returned from A�stralia to settle in
indon, for Conservat ell butter ail
aches us for good value in Under came home from Lo fashioned farmers wh —Alva. Everett, and wife, who w
-u- when he
pro mains almost unchanged with the 11 irreg til that has the advantage of being in the field a
Hookey, Crew, the mail-cerrier, un T making is advocated as all advantageous Lambton, the of attempt-
-V rested at London on
Jarly built little houses squeezing up close to iber6l —Mrs. Villianison, th
Wear. 11 last time when -the poor conscience-stricken long time before. Mr. McLean, the adjunct to the present system of grain grow a oldest settler in
clustering round a hen. selected, but this is more jug, if it is not a satisf&ct who has attained ing a crijainal operation oil- young girl of
it like chicken. was, titut liship, and
VUSLINS lome to learn that Jess was candidate, cry Subs d $arah Dove, dau ter of a,
for Blaudfora tow name
s painted every ]ad came I of about 18
How faithfully Mr. Barrie ha; than opularity isiting
offset by the personal p the venerable age of 94 years was v
that' exhaustive and at present m94 un farmer, were before
MWs Summ r how often he Though Howard
detail of, this: square, and Mr. McLean and the zeal with which he an- to follow On- friends in Woodstock last week. � M. Wednesday
for the space ol a meenute profitable kind of farming . - ve Syer, at 'bliameaville, on 1
HALLIES makes it the background of his pictures, the "He stood HoZ;key said after- tered upon the work of organiza�tion- SO s timely bulletin ends with a series nearly a centenarian, Mrs. Williamson Is: Rea, aek. T4 hearing was with closed
tario, thi
fig- lookin straucht at me, has met with much encour- of last W4
readers of his books are aware. Every e forrit, far Mr. McLean active and vi�' Oro -as.
DELAINES. hitts. ure, every character stood ou- ards, R, as if he would like to com of ten conclusions that clinch the argilment remarkably 'cou-nnittea for
t in � memory w Lt, and he has pretty fully covered doors. The priS6nars were'�,
d na' an'- syne lie turned an' 9gemexi —A notorious burglar p=ed Law
e people We have know -ix,, ag� we identified but cure not being a for the cow. They are - s convicted be- trial, but were released on furnishing baff
lik the muir like a, hunted ilie riding. Mr. Weismiller
ir For accuracy of measurement -�f this back- strided ava' ower 1. --Prices of grain have fallen over 30 per rence, alias Leonard, who. wa for $1,500.
pronoun d fore Judge Laeourse on Saturday of break
the characteristic features ced Conservative, has not met with iarkable capture was made in
methods employed in srengthenin�g ground. thing. cent. in ten years ; prices for butter an and Tr.u#k, Railway station —A ren He -Valet,
the cordial reception he axiticipated, nor
cheese have fallen less than 6 per ceut�.! jug: into the Gr
DA RPETS the township of Puslinch, near
-P -Lunan don- ad to
u Tammas Haggat and ate will he receive the unanimous support of ng is less exhaustiv . sente c
the parts s bject to strain, excellence 2. —Dairy farmi than at Galt, was on W dnesda_ recently, in the shape. -of an albinocoM. She
an the German electors, as he ex
der into sight bare -headed," - d by-and-by The Prospects. ipects. This kingston Peni-
oves seven, years at hard labor Tn After
MAINS %liship, variety grain forming. The sale of butter r rfectlywhie, with Pink eyes.
Of �styles and workmi still to discuss the immortal- is Pe
?Ome to stand The Globe of Friday last gave a most in- class is too intelligent to be misled by a man
superiority of f th nothing from the soil. In fact, by dairying tentioy P mother of
Ity of design, ng silently teresting diagnosis of the political situation d nove 8 own, and
soul, "meanwhile looki ixed opinions of 11i n The owners
who has no f the lost fertility of the soil may be re- —0 T� of a splendid bay team Owned by bringing her home she became thi
TSE FURNISHINag handling Shirts ity 0' 3� death in Chatham three coons as white as herself.
work, are what our most every corr Mir. Robert Grey, met its
at the B in a stituency in the Prov- when the election is 'eld and Mr. McLean's have received7 numerous letters coAceruing
d for—sze e runs ince. These reports were supplied by the owards Petes wif a is certain of be- stOr
fo to dairying. liesda, last week. The team, while
12 ta 17. A few iliutesafter ull majority is 6, lyzed, for ii adapted on T
ee note 3. -Ontario is well trewure and no doubt a linaidsome,
straight cross the squre for the --,B , Trom r- iurse, dashed their
f fac- rsuing their mad cc against a
Globe's own correspondents and the in received if they part with the
ing elected, it will be found that the ma )00 pounds o figure -will be
We produce now 90,00031
McFaul which e soon emerges ti6lking yolubly to mat*' conveyed was based upon the know- jority of the German electors have been true -Colborne street, and one horse
AMA� Ion 000,000 of creamery butter;, Cat car at d family.
a ME tor cheese, 3, It had to be mother an
Hats. re, tdo, the flighty young se correspond- to Liberal principles. r
Ll edge gained the $250 broke its legs of New York, fo -
UFORTEr. &.bout 50,000,000 of dairy butter. valued at —Mr. David Millar,
instead of reading ants. The reports are most encouraging for HRoN.—The contest in West an
an of the community, WEST haye �een in- killed. John Watson a -ad merly of London, was in Talmage?s Taber -
m While Canadian dairy exports
approache -Party and unlQes they come Hu t*een the present, Liberal repre-
As the warm weather si their Pilgrim's Progress at home oil Sa-ur- -the Liberal ron is be ere sing - , those of the United States have .—Edward Fefgusou, iscle directly before the fire. In 0, letter to
a a police
o knots ;,kes place Mr. Connolly, were charged� in th I
nd cool day nights, ga;thered, and forming int sentative, Mr�.�Garrow, and Henry Drew rathatif it had
F as Inall, PoSsasaffig qua&--- uire somethinc, light a greatly short or a great change b don, he aw
ou req n been decreasing.
n ompetit-ors in court at T4 gl i h he, with
led to make true state at the corers, talked solemnly and mysteri- utario's ives have so far IV a, relative in Lon
c We aim to supply you betwee this and election day, 0 Patron. The ' Conservat 4.—Our principal butter c Dronto, -the other mom� broken out fifteen minutes earlier
n hea I -ear. * are not likely to
5 ously of women. De once more sustained made no nomination, and 4uce and trespassing on the Grand Trunk
mtrY eeds at the Grand Old Man will the British market are Denmark, Fr; e hundreds of others, would. have be�n killed.
and best goods in t er province -Tatron candi only the e0vane
_% ith of the square is the low-ro, of- weden. Victoria and New Zeal4nd or-- They clairned they were
with the latest On the Sol. as in the church looking at the organ
Osman; and f0wer political;�' by the eople of this bann Of do So, for the reason that t - he*
P He W
See our Men's ed town -house, -with the pie -,er Conservative, S were sent down
great malty of the best trade. As a starter, ces of lime ha�ng- Ontario. The following are the - 'report, 11 date has always been a bit, their exports of Coxey's army, but when he saw the flames leap from behind
the LAer- vicinity : rapidly increasing to 'or
is still regard him as in the
I parties axegettina,
eliti sold at ing from ceiling and walls, where given from constituencies in thi and the party, eedin those from- Canada. for 3(01 days each. rossed the street,
usually ime he had c
Sailor Straws t 60C all. who is it. BY the t L, fact.—The ary Club wrangled over the question, Nor.TH OxFonD.—Though 7 Sir Oliver faith," notwithstanding his alleged repudi excl, Wtereas our best creamery brings as —A careful farmer near Cornw
the whole interior was a raging furnace.
75c. literature necessar minoral?" ad when Mowat has not yet been 9ble to visit his ation of ConservatiAre principles. As he is min, successful one, estimates that the lo-sa
it"Ough here last Tuesday di- high price as Danish creamery in Brit also a _Mr. James Boyd f Mitchell, has
Watch for our big June sale of SOf t �On taWed. openly cif sla- [ted counties"by the
,this the blinds were se of the Legi a farmer, however , and the �Uberal can Ave to the farmers of the uni $of MT. Walter
Season. We are. jA_ constituency since the clo ourexports to Britain averaged i6ver the jewelry bilsines
-W our 25c Cap— Sh -you will d since his re -nomination as athrough wear Kirkton, for- his
S e One of the members,, the date a, lawyer, the contest may be more ill- n tire ew-,
and Stiff Hats. akespeare. ture, an 3n
Notcheville who made� . z. cents per pound less than the Doinish ex use of narrow wa
ber,was Johnny McQuhatty,the great arer of the Reform party in an usual, though no one an- Wesh lois of time, etc., of son, Mr. W
great SatiSUIGUXI last Sea remain standard -be teresting th in, 4herefore, ana tear of horse ton has already taken
unapproachable value ts. Our exports to Brita;.
nd400m who wove and made North Oxford, hig friends PO
-the ha ticipates any other result than that,Mr. per Tear.
genius at in the riding have ton Boyd. New
,Ingaged for this sea e leaders in our line. consist largely of butter of inferiot. quality. amounts to $10,000 which
pon. WeL ar a ma- , of our inter in —As the outcomeoVan accident
two'shirts which he sent to the Queen and been lookihg after hi% interests. His POP- Garrow will be re-elected by a larg 6 —The production —Mr. Nichol McIntyre, postmaster at
theDucheas of Athol. Sensible Johnny ular colleague, ]Ion. John Dryden, addressed jority. Mr. Connolly has no stumping pie on the Grand eaon Fnday, 11h
creqmeries instead of'home dair�es would took place to some ca� ervie Bruce county, di
,nnybrook. ter he had viade his two meetings, one in East Nissouri and the ability, and is not even making any effort to unk failway last weeX at Limehouse, one 'BI
onlv took to literature of e a large amount Of high cla, 9 "butter of Tr s just., hay reahed. the age of 79 yea".
UcClain is busil name. other in West Zorra,. Mr. Nicholas Avvrey, familiarize himself with public questions, glv consumption of Detective Day's men served ummon ry some 455 years
Gaj�er from Thrum's heart three mee�knjs, and while on the other hand, Mr. Garrow is a uniform quality both for home
enll tec to
The northwest o-atlet M. P. P., also attended eil� Hill �nd Garven, farmers He �1 this count
arnJoLAson Greig d add ov6.k $1,000,- on Messrs. O'N 16giS- ago, anro,=d a farm close to the village
J,f the stone work.—M. is a crooked wynd where formerly lurked both gentlemen met with a most c6tdial re- good 'a eaker' d thoroughly conversant and for export, and woul appe�r before them
an in the vicinity, to -ad till about ten,
Some people- Of B ept 000 to its vaue. ervie on which he liv
-'Lean, cattle bayers, hav,& the postoffice, which had the r itation of ception. from the farmers of Nortli with a I leading questions.
it- 7. —Patrons of ereanleries get as: much for vears ago. Heillad charge of the post of-
ress' kers do for 'IMr.
mttlp in this vicinity. Te, The Froo, ive Oiothiers, being as crooked in its Ways as the street They discussed with them all those subject are so sanguine of Mr. Garrow's election
their cream as home butter -ma, illness, ini He
—After a long and p?oinful lice since he barne to that vie' t
the postmistress of the that they are offering to wager that his M'M-
hed oil the Dolinybro self. Lizzie Harrison, which engage chiefly the attention v nters in
ok 4i 7ork of David Sleeth, one of the oldest p�i leaves one son, and six daughters, be -sides
aSEAFORTH. used of "steam- is needless jority will be larger than ever. One thi theirbutter they are Saed the
fine looking lot of cattl I whom the'schoolmaster ace - electors in this campaign, and it 9 and marketing ; they are paid in Toronto died last Friday everime. De his widow.
way of all the to say that both Mr. Dryden and Mr. iscertauasanything can be in advance making
ing thern on t)ie grass, and ing" the letters, has gone th( for many yehrs might foreman of have been
idi was trials of
Awrey left a fine impression in the r mg- Huron will send back three sup' cash and returns come quickly. ceased ' —A number of youn men -with
�mto, the old country.— earth, and you may now drop any numbei and that is 8.—A separator creamery with� caP%c'ty The L leading jou charged at Edenrove, truce County,
t eader, one of the
ce without feel- held'b a Mowat, Administration.
,rson, jr., and Mr. ;Simon of letters into the box at on Several meetings have also been 'Y porters to till for 5()() cows eon be built and equipped for the city, which ceased publicAti(M some
A TRIP TO THRUMS a very serious offence., ths� of housO)reak-
end tte:
g it I 'only reaonable" to make the post Skilled ba r mak- 'them, Richard
from Mr. Mole of �n local fri s of tile Premier, notably prorq, from $2,500 to $3,000. yea -s ago. jug and teali Two of
- 'becoming Pont
rwn as " Boxtypart."� 'GES HANDLEY t for her trouble. in the beit s Ohepse Company's fac -eie brought before
Mr. BY' FRAN� mistress A small presen the inent farmers, who recognize in hi The House of Rofuge. era and cheese makers are now --The I Mill esp Connor and Elias BailY V
of the and gave bail
-ulating the temperance
But mistakes do occur even yet among friend that the fatriers of Olitario, ever had. ilt. Aurc
e WHAT THE TOWNSHIP OLERK OF STEPHEN more available thro gh the work tory, near London, is bol)ming A r n a lay,
The little manufacturing t6wn of Kirri other - day, of East Zorra ; U
I was told . the son, THIXKS ABOUT IT. [&I Dairy Scho of illitural Monday morning there as so much for their appearance. Rumor has it that 8,
lay next, in the Sunday muir, or 11 Kirrie," as it is popularly ola people� Ex -Warden James Ander. Sped ol Ontario Agr
Lk this a, good moe.—Miss says Mr. Barrie, " that one of them -took ex -Warden D. R. Cader of East Nissouri to stand'until the afternoon.
c nly a Red is the famous Thrum, a of J. M. Ba� a number of years past the County College, Guelph. that a load had n of these -you g fello..vs have for months
a g
q Seotti Of Riverside, t a postal. order, meaning to send the B enhe n vatsfor it. The -at th
s Uooks. It lies about 60. miles north of Ou Walter Murray, Reeve of -1 1 i i ; Louis For sed the Poor we have mitde o no room at the, ad ace--- ol the hotel cello -is
-Huron hae discus 9. —To show that There was
be staed
was th rie' oney to a relative, and kept the order as a Kaufman, Reeve of East Zorra Columbus Council of ave decided to purchase a new
m dairying, it mW7 Gro-%
Edinburgh aCl is Perhaps 20 miles north West Zorra ex -Mayor House question) generally resulting in a ma- fair beginning in directors h a, and that they succeede(l in guz�ng
�Brooks, her daugli lie of cheesd illade per Alex, McCallum is the
.ter, last- eipt." Ross, Reeve of January I s meet that the averae val vat and cheese press. several barrels of �ivhisky, The case is be
west Of Dundee,- but the hadful of are the tenements D. R. Ross, of iority against it, but in last
In a street hard by (.,,rant, of Woodstock
I i Licht a,11 -one), voted head of the rural population in Ontario is cheesemaker. reatigated.
together in acupinAult May n of East Zorra ing the majority, (a, very smi �nd Oxford Ale
jumbled rrie was born -Embro ; Francis Macoll —Dr. Cochrane of Brantford, sails from Y,
noo warld wi� trains where.James Mathew Ba, ited. to $8 - whereas Leed, Grenville �Vhee" sudden death of Mr. aleb Ha
days has "become,
is mother and her faily
9th, 1860. Dr. Hotson, of Innerkip, ; and others, have for it. A committee was appon
ly; and report at the June averae $32 per head. on the Cnnar4er Lucania on the
Exeter. � New York at X-ew Durham, Oxford county, recently,
the bonnie Vae o' Lum HO Willi and
ran 1=1 7
nin' through were Auld-Lichts, and the stories she told been-- speaking with much � effect. Mr. select a locality,
forget -elebraiou of ce quiet He No doubt strong efforts will be 10.—In grain growingwere competing -30th of June for the old country.
the c dges o' has caused a sensation in that V*
engines reek& P the an people first directed iss
rthday on Thursday next,, her son of that peculia Horseman's meetings seem to have been meeting. in foreign markets with the proftets of the be -accompanied b� his daughter and M wherever he was known. symptomsauring
Guindey ; bills stickin' a' ower the st which fact the beef of Sarnia, niece of the
his attention to then', to chiefly private, - although a few of them have made to defeat the scheme when broughl
nAnnie Mackenzid,
Iss band. has been, formed Oil next meeting of the COuntY` cheapest labor in other counti his illness suggested Poisoning 'ana 'aetac'
an� pain's P the Ranges o' Roby tellin' y up in the
world is indebted for that delightful series been attended by friends of Sir Oliver. )uipete with thepro- ekenzie. They re -
Mr. Harry d -ley s lead- whuskey or get your and mutton also we c( late Hon. Alexander Ma tives are investigating thease. The alleged
four tae buy Your of bool,-.s that have aready become cl is understood to be Council.
late himself
Pamers, of Jaffa, Elgin o great a
oxi our Streets on, The candic i county for the undue intimacy of Mrs. Hartley with a hired
Saturday breaks made. Aye, its a 1100 the local d personal calvass of It appears the cost to the ducts of cheap land ; in dairying we are turn the first week in September.
Ili this same row.of tenements is making a pretty genera e led —Alr.. George. ulanname Ling, Ww a, cause f u-
3pearance in public. . They irligigs of time have undoubtedly maintain,%nee of the poor is rapidly increas- competing with the work of inor skil morn -
n of Tammas Haggart, vilio has Th friends of Sir Oli er
era, are & credit to The wh ill -a toon" habitatio the constituendy. e laor, ana With the products of � high priced county 'died very suddenly the other cc to the unfortunae ma -A. Caleb
any ught many changes in the "o een called the own brother to Bottom, and kd arrangements are ing—for instance: I novan
b are, however, alert 9111 dairying, therefore, He was feeling in his usual health and Durham, and for
In 1887 it cost the county 284 land. The outlook for ing. H�Aley was born in New
nization of
Street church Choir- "the dominie of (4len Quharity -was the rpiece of Mr. Ba 1. - cc int to es, when
since who is certainly the inaste being perfected f rgo
on E10 a yea. Not or complete o store in
cc IS
Hectorthe Black Knight, elsewhere ill 88 483 in Ontario is promising, provided we a went out to the barn to do his ChOr maity year has conducted a general
Free Church precentor rie's creations. the party, so that his friends ay supply of uniformly good his wife aud some friends saw him fall, He is spoken of by those who
[tem. on th ers are left to 765 produce a, constht the village.
e -Z-7th, 28th and many back -beat handweav But all other places of interest yield to e assured that the Premier's interests will 1889 cry cheese they hastened' io hini, only him as an honest, upright. man.
h_—Rev- Mr. McDonagh,, against the work- fe 1 815 axticles, namely, fine shown fact to find him knew
keep. -ap the gril struggle that Window in Thrums," Where Jess be cared for in. North Oxford just as in the 1890 ie the
tt ehurch, aaid Rev, W. 11. rs they will live only 1,411 and fine creamery butter. dead. Heart disease is supposed to I McKay,, who -died the other day
house,. a -ad in a few yea waited and watched so long for the son who past. Many Conservatives throughout the 1891 _Mrs f her daughter, Mrs
ulpits On cres Whole rows of the 1,574 cause.
in Mr. Barrie's Pag nevercame. " On, the bua� Of green riding ly declare their determination to 1892 —At an old-faioned bee, near Harring- at the. home 0 g, was born in'Scot-
ere a p e
and rs.Hear 0 ed cottages, wh 1893 2)594 Alke, Cra
Y 'earthexi-floored thach at the top of the brae, still stands a one- bliver in this capaign recog- w days ago there occurred a s ' - ) and ws married ir- vid- e support Sir fe Molls
t4treet, are visiting Mrs. score of years ago the had -looms wer It is Whitewashed.. but of dis- 11 1894 the county wards will Canada. toll'i, lose present having par- land 92 years ag(, 6f the
by the father
-Nlr,,;. (,reorge, Eaterbrook. orning until night have been Storey house." nizing, as they �o, his many years likely reach 3,989 for Quebec fracus Some of th dalsville 58 years ag
heard froin m n� ben" cottage, -Nvith a door opening into a
is well so far iake room for bigger an' tinguished service to the Provine,e', as well iow as Hon. John 'Hearii, M. P. her too freely of John Barley Corn, present Dr. Proudfb6t, of London. !let'
torn down tae n narro entry. On either side of the door as the impossibility of- defeating him in the The number of county wards i West, died on Thursday 17th4,aist- taken rat it was over a for 27
Simpson, of Park, chimneys, a 54, ned, and when
ones and the ta11 is,10,648 a battle ens and died over 40 years ago, Uuc
are two small rooms lighted by pores of constituency by one of themselves. Sir appear from the January minutes, ar re- —The population of Kent co0lity
coulder slatet bunch of the Whiskers and part of the auri- hu8b
and k t the
Rat Of uld call it, of the cloth -yrants, as per jailer's years she maaged the farm ep
the etrpolitan %ug lums," he wo Slates have replaced, the, Oliver, is e enthe campaign in and 22 in jail ty Vag and the assessment .520,39-91007i
knotted glass. xPected to.op one of the comb, atauts I one t116
ek.—The cows of e the animosity of the Chatham cular appendage of ay Tionle. The recital. Of her life as
tis e factories, Still arous thatch whi6h was held on by ropes, and a the riding shortly, slid his appearance here port. —The curfew bell enactinent in
d on the sward. early pioneers—as she w f the firit
dim�eyed old weaver: the formal opening of the cam- According to present appearance, an ; -
!allowed to roanx on our flis' h6 as 'One
who yet clings to his six mon ist. r -old daughter
e 3leat paing encloses the " bit garden" be- will signalize has been given
ne of the biggest nuis- ii, an a slow shak past Years, it —The a f _-Eigin May, the two -yea' to settle n the west side of the river in
low d he will tell youwith re -the house. In other respects it is Hen- pai!n througliout the Province. Jqil�t judging from ssessment for the: township o Frank Fortner London towliship,
It minor municipalities for thosel I w -11i —Would. rival any fietlo�
'they are a terror to shad of the head and a Si fo irst knew it. ably be held at conven- I linto is some $25,000 to $26,000 lower than of Ivir East I ; ams met with
Lgh how the "ould fowk On the right me tings fprob county and.' in the fish pond
n dry's cot as we f or the was drowned the other day —Joseph Howes, farmer
only who would be fit subjects f
Vvm. Bawden,wh.0, an' young area' huddled thegither for te s the room where. jent points for North and South Oxford and as -last year. on her father's farm. Slieas crossing on a Germany, Water-
ilwall Property in the vil ilka day mnoll' te sooch o; wheels ail' of the door as you enter i as of her life, pporters of Dr. Poor House or House of Industry, —Oil May 10th, Mr. J. G. Dunlop, B. A., orking serious accident at Little
hoors Jess spent the last tell ye Slouth Perth where the su to meet him, here he was w loo colluty, the other day. He was engaged.
le M. p. and M
and on thi in arket for warse than the Tower o' Babel. where all the humble joys McKay, p., and of Hon. Thomas follows iss Em -ma, Ely, both formerly of King- plank
clatter Where Joey died, a;djoining field, and fell into the water he-,ving 3, rafter of cousiaerable leagth, and,.
r.) suit purchasers. This sit to Kirriemuir was mad a 's family were Balaritylie can unite with those of the 54 coiinty wards (partially insane ston, were married at Tokio, Japan. in an Her (lead body was dis-, to keep it steady, plate
Our vi and sorrows of the weave $4,533 leady unknown to hill'. cl his 'knee on it. The
�ted on the east side of at Sir Walter Scott calls t last awkward, tender- Premier. To -night '�a meeting - in the nd destitute) .—The grasshoppers have appeared a a few min-ates afterwards
Augu jail 2,000 erecl by chance with which he was working, t-
st tile time th shaed, and where broad axe,
the beautiful residences of ight fade from the Premier's interest will, be held at Maple- The poor maintained in nilster township, ild are quite the
the sweet o' the vear in Scotlad, -when the hearted Leeby saw the I in Westi —A Hailton drunk wandered into tered 'Mr. Howes' leg, i. , cting a terrible
Wd. and lMr. George Sam- I � d the cor A dim ased by 'Messrs. Those maintained by minor muni- and. disrobed
ing the hills an eyes grown diiii from watching. inu- wood, lid will be addre plentiful in some fields. by mistake e
heather is crimson cipalities 21490 township, house., of a neighbor . He was conveyed to the reside -nee of
Amber of streets surveyed, r' - to the golden "hairst" in the Murray, A. S. McKay and L. T. Trott, of Daum himself in the parlor. He left his coat nd gash -into the
tpened tive garret is reached by a rickety ladder Balb, J a aoctor, who put eighV stitches
'rhough the situation It the rafters,which � others.
�haser& can get'a quarter- If the town and 9, square hole througg has a contract to supply ai. Elialish firm wound
$9,09-3 hat on verandah, and his neck -tie col afil up for the
-Vr reaper and
valleys the Mr. Ho was will be I
c in Scotland,with- the north riding Total with 3,000 pieces of as e draw-
�tt a very, low, figure. This of tile most rom anti was occupied at one 11 1
is one -ound, it will be remembered � Nor -Tit M although In Stephen there are two partially insane lar, vest and boots on the sofa in th rest Of the summer, if inded. he ever tn-
nister himself. Before
opportunity to th ha there is a, trianamilar contest 8,180, mo'wer tongues. e -be was discovered
.ose w the Little 'Mi leg -
the lame Grai time by By this thn y recovers the use of his.
while, S-0- y be traced ver of Mr. Fox (Conservative) destitutes who Charles Ing room- led $10 tiE
e in the near future, to outhward m, the inuous the house runs the road o * which Hockey there i o eta are on the county books as --James Ste&itt, son of the late He was fil Mark, of Ottawa who twenty
township ssouri, - d th and his arrest followed. —Rev. Dr.
site chea.—_N1r,, a"V pastor
James il it lose itself behind lexander, the - ounty wards, and two or three of West Ni ree others
curves of the Tay, unt Crew, the one-armed mail -carrier, whose c
which m and -who made retiring in f or of Mr. A township and Sterritt, a for trespass. five years ago wa -of the Methodist
sugF of fir-corered hills behind Otto was slow alid sure Conservati�7e P. P. A. candidate. Mr. Tay- wards supported- by the r explosion at Friday evening the' barn of r.
t who was work-ing, in the a low r [ouse of met their deaths in a bol orgallimr and BU -
as illouldered hed their n -Liberal nominee, seems to who would -be fit subjects for the E —Last John) ) church in Orillia, is now (I
asome In rises oil which h, it his boast that the letters all reac lor, the Patro t half what they cost Keokuk, Iowa, recently. il , had a co, John McNeil, known as (I Cariboo ent of Bands of Mercy for the Do-
popula,.. 11nduAtry anc for abou W end
hat stle, for these d to drive thepreak I I —A. Rowat, of Nilestow'n
he is confined to his the gey ruins of Macbetb!s c, destination -ill time, use be assured of election.'l He is very out three miles north of Paisley, was p�rint months 6 has Organ—
n bet- d it is not likely now. killed by lightning during the heavy storm ab have In seventeen
etoftora treatment. ears, yet for us the interest centres - -i vanion.
c 900 Y ing old cart and the pony tha had seen and deservedly so, an urned. The cause is supposed to to whieh there
aing House of Industr a at b ized 172 Bands, iittached
tiff- Cost of ruill y- last -iveek, value
the lowly homes�nd lives of those toil -S ter days, to Tilliedrum. Almost opposite thot his majority on this occasion will be oil Thursday morning The implements, last year's d to al
6upc dings are 80,556 persons pledgea to be kin
I and buil been lightning.
s drawil ek of "Viewillolint was virtually Say the cost of 91 $40. grain and hay were burned. Tile live stock
ened peasants,wholl, Mr. Barrie h, as small as when his' seat harmless living creatures a 4a to try to
Hendry's cot is the ba pro -
a "bury -wer, such Path House, where Mr. Barrie now lives with his Era in, the Dominion election of aouts to $16,000, and the- Government
d with such po os, and such lov- stolen from I —The handsome res lence Ad stables on WW ad, but one horse was so badly teet them fron, harm. in- this Work he hoa
Fe in the country is pleas- slenderly built man with a ants to $4,000, leaving the county to PHT the farm of Dr. Dame, a -few miles from S SaY
ing fidelity. parents. He is a, 1891. burned that it had to be shot. travelled over 5,000. addressed. 15
�ing filled -With, the big head, an a rehead from which NOrTH, PErTH.—The situation in both F12,000, Winnipeg, were totally ddBtroyed by fire —Sol. White, M. P. P., of Windsor, who
ar bc My first glimpse of the town was from the d massive fo of brown hatir. for twenty meetings, a -ad hasnot asked or received -one
I this time.' Sinking fxind peK year Loss, $4,000. owns severa thoroug
c plicatec ilibred horses was Bur -
tree blossoms and the, at "terrible sarcesticist, is puslied bacl; a thin thatch Perths is slightly Om $ 963 last, Friday. or printing,
1,-irky&rd Where th espond a.tes are t. G. G. years at 57. amounts to —Miss Smith, an English lady, who be- visit from a sheriff's cent for travelling -expenses
R- Drawn of Dashwood, as Haggart, used to stroll in search of Rather.smal �ray eyes, a nose corr In the north the candio terestand principal) prised to receive a read by Mrs. R. N.Grant, of
7 Tami brown mustache M --Pherson, Libera Mr. Thomas Maa-_ (Tilis irlders ur--hj veral of Mr. Whites
I'ler daughter, irs. ingly large, an( longed to St. John�s PreAyteria ell The paper
to -lor. Below ill its 11cup" lay Thrums, the I a drooping Offic a Sala in 900 deputy who placed se The Orillia, at the Ottawa meeting of the Wo -
un ies eek for South
and Mr. 8. Toronto, left that city lasti horses under seizure.
�.i tanzel, to have been put al but not handsoine Scotch wood, M. P. P., Conservative, The
who, was home older part of Which seems mae up a typic s, maintained at seven �w work in that most valuable F Missionary Society on
on. Mr. McPherson's 100 indigent for debt men's orexim
,d to hei re -the houses fac Wiederhold, Patr 21555 Africa, to engc;age in Missisn 'be'
- employment I I _ sheriff claims the seizure Was made bers of the iety
rnt �uyhow and anywha e, schoolincr" in exceptionally well. eents per day of 3fim and t
clown just f
school und;r the looking, as Dickens says of a similar town, Aft' some elementary candidature is tr6km*g municipalities, and distant land. Mr. White refuses to say anything on the I Duties �y Of the Women of t1le Chufth
cle and se o the Dunfries ohn Barclay, uf �Paisley, recently Res onsibilil
aint% has been as if they had been playing hi e Ki-rrie, Mr. Barriema sent t He is now in the rural is everywhere re- -Total $4,418 —Mrs. J entered. her foot, subject. d Grimmel, W mission Work appears to and stopped in the middle of the game. But Academy,. where he frequently saw Carlyle, the reports are that h6 n Present pei 9, fork, which man name anted- in to oreig if When e
J. J. al visit to his . sipter, -or. The city organizatio cost for same class and =g a slight puncture. � Blood poisoning —A was arrest- attracted much attantjon- e:- hauling hay to it is a, piettiresque confusi and with the ceived with fav burglary and forgery)
sful- be Ion) Who car'ne on an nnu the old man same number $9,020 set in and the other (lay t116 foot had to be Buffalo for ce of the matter of it is added$ .,Y-�
The sight of is perfect, and has been doing effective work
DNA week - Be fluted red -tiled roofs or a thatch with de -P Mrs. Aitken. diture in favor ed in Detroit the other day, - on the way to excellen present the beauty, Of
e S. the Conservaives Difference of expen
taking no more nbtice for two: w ek So far
Freeman Hokek-- -r ii', among the gray slates3 on his solitary ,valks, $4,602 lanced, leaving a large ca-vit climbed from the window of he ne Who was
v raceful writing, and tlear and forcible Ae-
yWho uncovered their heads have not made any important move. They of House of Industry —Mr �Tojyrlo
�Ledenthpemttches Ove 3 ispires that rise of the passers -b . W. J. Gage, the nto publisher, BuffiR,10 he car on the roof and rode,
ed Williala Cam eron's, slender churc by present way for - lavatory of the .0 ris
irreverent ones who whistled," to be awaiting the outcome of the P. Yearly average cost ac, has come forward. with a very generos offer, Arriving there fi very, it is not a matter f i a thst *0 ngs, it makes a than of the to Buffalo. SuRe prominent
seem v cost if in Poor be the establish- on top of the car t
�011ifortable place. Aove the mass of buildi old-world. picture. o have made a pro- P. A. convention at, Newton, which is to be one is $90 ; yea ly a erage the result of which may hand -cuff on paper is reckoned as one of
�ng ning Mr. Barrie declares t at the end of 4 d officer noticed the meeting- 2)
and chaxy S youthful mind. His- It I is known that the House for one is W. 18, and ment of a special hospital lor the treament a sbarp-eye features of this annusl
and north of Thrums, found impression on hi held on May 24th. ts and he was taken in
i the press a short time Nmewliat apart, e contributions to literaure began in Dum- p. p. A!s. will require the man" to whom 20 years the debt will,be bancelled and the of consumption. one of his wris aings and two ba;rns --It is reported Of a farmer 1i ' near
L.'Gingto the far west. Iii(rh with a, sharp eye oil th uildings free the sinking fund t of hauling the heavy —An hotel, two dwel , urg that one of his ooits -kicked
standing , te� printed in a aort io -pledge in turn land and b —The experimen London, in the New Hamb
arce with sorne writers town'l- is the white manse among the- fries, and consisted of a let they give- their ZuP1 r were struck by lightning in of the stable and got
Yed the t and influence to Mr. Freeborn, done away with and the annual ave age n roller over the foundation of a new mer through the partition
it.—Dennis I loca paper, wherein he gravely urg his suppor enses), for each in- tow tried the other storm of Thursday last -week, and a far �g fastened in tke kole. After the allfinal
cost, (including all exp a
thyite candidate for the Domin
trees. McOar Gait, wa ity had a cow killed by the its le
thre.,511ing firm 4 C tie one day need of an extension of holidays for the aca, the t their dividual, will then be reduced to $341. 55 in- asphalt wak in six tons and to pull outside the (
7 Dacrone tha mase Beat oller weighs inmates of the'llouses was released from itprisoliitfentot
t2 gie a swe rticle was signed: Pster- iederhold. would accel? a res $9 day. The r electric fluid. The a that its
farm. The 14th exclainie(l, never ar but there demy lads. This 8, -Letive ion. Mr. 1 but he is not stead of 0 as now. it ;ix teams of horses were hitched tO it- )f rain fell, and con- and the owner at once convince
familias, but as it proved to be prodt ipport on these terms, Aped. A deluge
gobbling up all the it is glowerin, at me." diate rewards the young aspirant 81 1 -as it stands f r Stephen's portion of county expenses is —William Varcoe, of Seymour East, near es( ne from flooding of leg was broken, and that it Would be - use -
of no imme dent of the constituency siderable damage was do
.,rheirt' hanrIcs' on. --Much But neither ihe pocket edition of a minis- it $8,OW less got an axe to kill it-, made & blow at
(lolled literature for the time Mr. Magwood has, about 51%, hence Stephen pays a, present Campbellfordl was suddenly killed last Fri damage amounting to fortunately only prod -aced a
an r a Poor
cd the news (d the who scuddeth to the cure of sols with to faille a the Commons. pt their terms. I poor rate of $496.20 ; would pa) While at work on a roller, cellars, and its head -which
ter V refused to acce� day evening- fell backwards, was clone to the streets. lit i%fisfied with
forniurly of or being, as a disappointing pursuit. said, so fa 2.99 ; difference in
his coat-tals quarrelling behind him, s to have been entire- Mr. Freeborn was defeated' for the reeve- House in operation $24 the seat gae way and he saw mill of Mr. W. R. Thompson, slig wound, and the colt, not
��u favorite Nvith all.-- whomhis flock pronounced The truth is he seem House, $9253.21. Loss to US. —The er, jumped on its
01 'ayin Dishijxt,
s,though ship of his township by what was said to be favor of Poor breaking his necL Death, was instantBueO vos completely destroyed by the rash act of its mast
�,y df-mr, it was not in the soun," because be was so haxd oil the ly unconscious of his literary talent f Liberals and Conseryatives county by not h Poor House, $4,602 —fmtellije-nee has beeti received by Mr. at Teeswater, v roughtback
.4 tha't' infidelity� was tenants the auld Licht Prof. Masson, Of Edinburgh University� 9 9, coalition -0 &vomfAtephen by not 'having morning, last week. Large feet and- rai OR. After it was b
If you are not too Book with hisfists, - which institution Mr. Barrie matriculated in aaust the. P. A. and McCathy, and loss to township n why J. D. Millie, V. S., of Iniersoll, that his son fire on Thursday i pie blecks, audi to the stable the farmer found, to his sur-
lecrenerate (lays of machine developed doubtless Mr. Magwood has this matter . Poor House, annually, $253.21. he William had been killed -')Y a trolley car at quantities of shingles, ma Loss about prise that, the only bleinish the colt had was
ihanse in these ( ere, burned.
ve the matter up and re- WO uco� all un-warranti),ble inno- seems -to have unwittingly )position, when the Poor House plan *ere Mutual for % Emu sear on the forehead which required
ven, cloth. S 1878, consideration. i the ol Brooklyn, New York. *Vhe body has been broom handles
.tioua in the Eginond-ville ns, the auld Lielits his'po,,vers in that direction. under E-RTH,_In the south Mr. Speaker i--; superior, morally, spiritually and final- $5,000. Insured in the G broken limb.
vation On the good old pla SOUTH P brought home for interrhent. kposed to be the treatment in8te9A Of a
,�;(Jufb in THY, Exi,wTOR ons ing in the face of Dr. Whyte, the minister Of Free St. has for Opp nents so far Mr. cially to the present way of caring for the mIllable thorough- $1,500,, Lightning is 8111? ing last week
have a1ways cD idered fly' r-, 0 1 —Mr. C. P. Geary's N thunder storm was taking —About 7.30 Thursday, morn
ler the heading of Lead- ade you feel that Ballantyne 5 county ? a11188, as a violent Mr. R. T. Thompson, of Petrolea, StOne-
Providence. Cxeor-e's church, H a ell 0 inkertoni'died in St. Thomas c
�ignature of er all," also 'McNeil, Patron, and Mr. Race, of Mit h po r in thi�, bly renlinded in scripture bred stallion, F at the time, who was -anMad in
Ldinistee) yor, were an
certan " Little excellent person aft bricklayer,
tried to inake a moull- d. He wrote an Independent. The Conservatives have not We, are frequenl the other day, froin the eflectl�rof iuf[Rmma- Place' a, wood deaer of mason and"
It is told that a 'William G. Rose,
unced from the pulpit an strongly influenced his min but - have erecting a stone foundationor 8, new b`=
iiii. Ife says of this sect deno xh Cour- decided upon their. course yet to remember the poor and a, curse is the re- tion. Mr, Gbaly imported him from Ken- Elora, tens a strange story of robbery and
number Should war(i to those who oppress the poor.
occasional article for the Edinburg on for the 18th. ar ago, ad valued him at $4,000. i6ped being mnrder- near &;;;, was instantly kill6a bY light' -
I a barn faimer, tucky a Ye nur8day apparently narrowly esc-
agricultural implement callec d a couventi
,he lltve -te - alit, a paper edited by a the field Mr. Race. is -.Nlay of the county councillors who hith —During the terrific storm of inst. , while nm* It appears that' Mr. Thompson it to which had been introdi ed in the cOmmun jolir- they put a man in ad, Monday morn' 7th his
ad no idea of entering upon raw. Mr. Baiantyne is erto have voted against the Poor House, zt week, lightning entered the kin' other, J. J. Thompson, and an'tker
He bestowed upon it. the designation but still h pledged to withd evening, la riving clown the Gu6ef�h road, he stopped
tell. -,vv horne from debarred all persons. nalism as a profession. But when he gradu- the heartiness of his stated that they individually were in favor r. McIntosh on the Pipe Line grew man Saw the storm coming Ill? not del-tv that there Deils Wind, and now in the riding and against home of M to cut a whip from some willows that
rho were guilty &tbcl in 1882, he, as it, were, drifted into that his Ina- of a Poor House, but the people -were dough -
one w. from the sacramental �able v road in South London. ' A grown-up ng the r fifteen
easion, a per work- on. � the Nottingham reception seems to indicate it, he -ace, their adverse vote. I ani inclined on the roadside. While he was amo work, and. ran to a barn for kdetY- Thav
this nholy newsp, e larger than ever. His stand standing in the doorway of one of an, with dark complexion and wereinthe building about tM
�d -%vidow of winnowing their gran with jority will b opposition of county coun- ter was a tall m
110 %vs nd an atL implement. Journal. the great work 'he to think hat the dhe full force of the trees came up behind him, and lnilluteB, when the 'corner of ibe bAM W58
'Lls, but tt� ay that the the " British- Weekly ing as a business man, most cases). have influenced the the rooms and receive s black moustache, knoeking the Other
d It was the editor of ce of flesh wa, the muzzle of a torn off by lightning, al
*k theat"up or f a cobble-pae has done for the dairy interests Of the coun- cillors (in bolt in her face. A large pie turned around ss a A killmg I&- vs bac The kirk,%Yynd turns into s Barrie, ouged out pf her dieek and al when Rose n sensele
-washed houses, - who first discovered James Matthew 7, and his record as a parliamentarian, people aga-filst it- 3o�apletely g Mr. Rose had no two crentlerne
wroilt, (loing is a% pre� street lined with small lime contracted for a series of articles, These re might be aid but I will *Jet I , Of revolver was at his rl)se- stantly. He 'Was at "a time
tl t popular candi- 1 Much mo most all her lower teoth knocked out. Another. T. TKompsonl
alin' whose door -steps are worn into hollows from and make him one of the mos Lt or- expostulate.
the chap the " Auld ant. time to cry o Army in Fttrolao
-floor- ters which form laid ce for the pres e Miss McIntosh was knocked sense- )ehind, and in a, min- captain of the 8
-Mr. Race's, this suffi VU009. . e,
much scrubbing. The steps and stone were made his reputation. The dates in the f Then, too, C. PROUTY. cours man caught him from I in man
s,' and and is not. othei members of the house ground, his and is well known Y
ed entries are ornamented with curved lines Licht Idyll his I I Window in Thrums)" candidature is a personal matter I less, and the Several doctors ute he was thrown to the pock md two WasU children.
m. Keith, of the 2nd ,-1889, the result very materially. STRPREN' May 18th, 18%. wife f
a &uAing -with his
bound across leaves 012st,
nd figures similar to the Ogharn iuscrip- lit- full 6f ets rifled, and a, handkerchief
next yeaa ely to affect hold thought her dO as around
Inet with a serious ae- I published. or, and at lost accounts, He wa: Vil
tion ; so at least it seemsto the uninitiated. WW 8rrie drifted into literature$" ob- In short, the Liberals of Perth ae Mr. Norman McLean, of the were telephoned f, 1. his eyes. The highwaymen had come pre- attit4 ade he, was folmd. do&&
�0, while in his father's 44 Mr. B a the south and re- —While recovery. The
These curious markings are no unimportant ry journal, ,and one hope that they will hol Kincardine boundaryi near Ripley, wag the Chances were in favor of Sv;allowad parea fortheir Work. In afew minutes a a post, in whicy
lad, who Li only about serves a cOntempor '; that she
as. knocked down and part of the domestic arrangements of Sect- I that in pursuit of his deem the north. his cows on Sunday evening, young wonianbdleva.§
ig awoke'to find if.—While there are three call- tending
land. They are put down twice on Sat- morml d been EAsTuro
ite of the horses. - Be- urnalist he ha
-his legs broken, he urday, ther second time being after nine Ordinary calling, &a 30
head and foce.
1A IaA