The Huron Expositor, 1894-05-11, Page 8r AV 77 -0 4 T _�,A_,� '41 71 V 14 A� �t� 2W4 _7 �L . T -, , i J . , I - r _7 t X7 T, -H URON' E X u-91 AWAY lilt 1894s' T -E the �call to `*field. Circtilars ivere r' s4ih iaU'v Within your vileri -of ihflaen�e. I H i6nioved there 0, number -of years "ago- pla;ces, but *hat is now cauping much inter - t eapee ast a number of gentlemen from Zurich, A qiocari6i oheai P for -among thdin W Mr. Henry Bai4er from � Mornington, He wa-a� known very eat, and wonderment here is fhe great change I will be asked of the Have no fearol, your warning,finger wiU si. F. Hess,. RIDAY., eave Mowing lence all sue . ereq an - ash- or T rade o GenerafAsae4ibly to- receive the ih h d base -m-gratitude, and'Mr. I gh here on famorably as the President of the East Huron that has recen adb in the person 1.0 h P. W. Hess. passed throu Ily tak;n -)I ank and file always obey the crack of their way to . gan, been for 36 years ministers who, made tiou to be re-. Tke�r Lo to attend a, Sabbath I arm6ra Institute) a position he has . held. of Miss McLeod, who It -, X ­ 'ea MAY 11thl cheapest plabe y -Z ceived ,as ministers "M a helpledsl§ bedrid#en in-,- 'i+ It had been 01-ybu want to find the to bu our o the chure viz.: the paxty whip with the:utrnoat alacrity. -School Convention held in t e Lutheran e irer since it started until this year, whe h of the Bank of Cont- Revs J e' h Hamilton, and W. 11"try-oasoloor gout -E. Ardbi- church there on Sunday. They returned on be quit on account of failing health. It was arrange by some Scientists, of do -pleasanit.and Moday.—Th position suit m=e, nearly oppW�a 1he Post office, Soaforth. bald Ph-$ of the -Presbyterian Church of W19DDING _Bzus.--�-A *ery e Lacrosse Minstrels are prac- ed to the man. His faneraJ Toronto, -that at a ce., 6am. time last week buff a larMand well. sasorted stock of Ane a groceries, flout prpiet,ons, etc., All fresh, the 'fTateW' States,; 0. F, Amarciii, F. interesting event -of a matrimonial nature tising ste'dily and we think their entertain- Will be to Vlillbauk, where his* wife is special pray6r should be maAe that this per- We are o ffering' this mouth: go bought In - ihe lowest market, for cash Lamb, of the.Conrertional Church ; P. A. took place at the residence.of Mr. Win. ment-will eellps� anything,, of the kind ever baried. His two sons arrived -here a few sop should be restored. Tbat,- day. (Friday vallue in or triAe imly, yow, can.depen 'ays'ago from Sault -Ste. Made. He leaves last) shi- arose front her bed and walked - so. we- "S for as* Tinkham and W ar P. Anderson, of the Alexander, of MeKillop, on Wedu6sday held in Seaforth. the fu ch6ruses are im- C on Wag the bedgoadsoh"per here than anywhere 'E. Dobbs, of the eveningjast, w d -mense.—We are'inforined that theeouncil f )ur sons and one daughter 16 mourn 'his across the room, and has been able to walk LADIES' UND Baptist Church ; and C� hen his daughter was unite 10 Aswaguar"Mear"11110 ve, satisfaction ERW AR 0 aft quite aft to-frive i Reformed Episcopal hurch., Mr. .'A. �m; marriage to Mr. JamewM6K&,y,, of Tuck- intend immediately to alter the steps of the ME& He and Mr. Currie werb two of the about each day since ands slowly re ammg flyon have not our pricois will con-u4ned yon it will Anderson, B. A., w Rev. P. Musgrave . performing the in& e a strength.—Many willremenibet, 0111111 - cash or trade as appointe4 a member ersmith,, town building goi as to ke th6m safer, and I.-ading men of this vicinity, and will b CORSETS togetit 'Would like a trial order from Phtl`0103 of the Assembly Committee on Bills and ceremony. There was a very large number more sightly.----ilyfr. William Bell', a f6riner Mss to all.—Brussels council niet on Moil; i I Day celebration, which was�dnai-ug.urgted 0 ustry vrethers who send away for their goods. ion Overtures. It w" agreed that the grant of invited guests present, and thegifts were respected resident of McKillop, but now of of this week.—The CoUrt, of Reision last year, It was eitch an unbbunded sue - 4 least -save you the trouble, and belleveo -field unusually numerous And handsome. After Michigan, was in I town this week on I HOSIERY AND GIIO,�E k sell as- cheap an you can buy In Toronto or else. from the , Augmentatio Fund to Bay visiting be held on the second Monday in June, coss thit it was decided to makie it an an- are,besides You willnly have to buy what 7--ou. and Bethany be divided eqiially between' the ceremony all sat down to a most sump- his son-in-lai,, Mr. RichardRobinson, The E s- the Reeve will be at County Council the nual affair. This year a, Much i more exte n- A lvge assortment of 3ew'"evoed,and can !aspect goods before buying these two congregations during the vacalicy, tuous repast, and the remainder of the even- old 'gentleman seems to be standing the I rat week in June.—Brussels will this year sive programme and attractive prizet list wLqh "VUlaly is an advantage. Ali kinds of g;% in fai produce taken in excharg-'a to) goods at the A call from the congregation of Union ing, which overflowed. into the next in@ - battle well ---LT& bicycle races here on the f oat $5,000 wdrbh of debentures for 1-50 will be arranged and band engaged.:�-Af- bitheit market pride, Give up a call no trouble to Church, Brucefield-, to Rev. A. Stewart, B. ing, waspent in social smill4emeats. ;-The 24th will be under sanction of the Canadian years, to tak� up those falling due this ter some months of idle4ess, owing !to a BLACK and 00 LORED SI a:hIc-do. it we cannot tielt you, v Post You On A, of Clinton was sustained, final action yo1mg peoplirwill settle down invwdiat4 Wheelman's Association, ho will have an y ear. break in the dam, Mr, James Thompso4 has of goods. 7 1 thereon to be taken on the 292nd inst:, at an attheirfinehome in.Tuckeramith,and we official titnekeep rpresenb. The traokhas CoNsERvATivE MEtTioa.—The EastHu- &in made repairs, and now has the i mill EMBROIDERIES C. WILSON, Seaforth. adjourned mbeting to be held in Obuton, join with their many friends - in w,, ia�hing also been careful measured,- so -iation held their an- ag good sh4e. Tliis will be i wel- that every- ron Conservative Assoc rqnning i Bank of Oommerce Block. Mr. Han -Alton to exch aige with Mr. Stevt- them all happiness and properitV through thing will be 0. .—Mrs. William Merritt, nual meeting here on Friday last. A fail- edime news t RIBBONS o the farmers, they can ow- ar on the 13th inst., and cite the con re life. of Chatham, is v itiv at the residence of a'atendance was present. Tfie following are goit gristing done. —Rev. S. A. Carriere and tion of Clinton Grand g 0 g 14 '� VEILINGS and Mr. Shaw on the 2 th. her parents, Al r.. 4 krs Martin Charles- t ie officers elected : James Irwin, President; Miss Carzier�, of 13end, calle& on osr ionay: wor An adjourned meeting of Pr6sbytery will be BnoUGHT TO A 0j, .—The miss' th.—Mr. D. ID. Wils on has sold hie I dward Bryan, Vice President ; R. L. T friends here last week-. ay - t -Deal.' held in Clinton on the 22nd inst., and the exercises, conducted by the Jesuit Fathers in � splendid yourig driving mare to Mr. Arthur l6r, Secretary; J. Hanna, Treastirer. Town- PARASOLS C 1 h be held in Bruce- St. James' Church, in this town, nd Fobe.— e r next regular meeting wi. a r 8 M as Frank and Archibald a Chairmerl,—Morris, J. Mooney; Grey, fie for eight days; came -to a Barrett left here this week f9r Port AND MILLI, TERY. I�Through the agency of the never -failing factor Id on the second Tuesday in dy. which continued Finlay, illsworth Winghairi, William Clegg HensaU. T TrLoA.­1 h4ve to thank the 0 "a vre- have been enabled to close out a consider- close on Sund evening last, the- attend- Algoma, where they haire purchased a farm. I att, M, Stewart; McKillop, Tho ay ull mas N, bli f th - kl�d patronaie in the past and. hope Man B.a GET iff LiN-E.—From reports that are ance on this occasion 'bping something They took with them a lot of stock and im- H a; Howick, B. S. Cook ; Turnberry, able portion of the balance of a large manufacturers' Ay u Ri1ock of Made Up Clothing ata bargain. The prices to pre- einom there being 700 people.present, . Er a econotrin=ce of the same in the- future. lbave y coming in from all points, it is safe plements. They . are good, steady oung T ioma Musgrove; Wroxetei Wm.Wilson ome'bsrgains to offer in the way, of suits and suit. rillanoible us to sell ag which they are bought wi y diet that there will be one of - the biggest -t e largest number ever congregated to- menand will do well there.—St. Thonlas' B mssel, H. Dennis; Blyth; FIvretcalf, E. $gs. foii will find a few of the many good bargains -E N'S SPLENDID SUITS M DRESS GOODS crowddintqwnonthe24th that has ever ether at one time in the history of the. church Sunday s�hool will be changed to' L Dickenson, their candidate, was present ering given below. Worsted suits for, S14 47 very nice All assembled here. It is a long thue, since Sea- c ch. ev. Father . Doherty gave the the morning throughout .-the summer andaddressed them, Rumor has it tha ed suits for $10, SILKS .00 and $9.00. In fact we have a the latest-etyle -, �fm a bar. 7,,IoolS.ult;at-,S,4.50,warranteclto give good satisfac. tgain skeleton stilts for summer wear at low prices. forth has ha&. a celebration on Queen's, closing sermon, th wi&h was months, comlyiencing next unday at 9:30' tl Le n. To Bays'and Children' y were discussing whethe eir �i, suits we mu send the r to' run th J have just received, a new stock of pautings of the erabomadelighted witfi'the birgains we can Birthday, and outsider always seem to ex- "'The Rule df Faith." 'To say -that he o'elock.!LThe Alv'instoil Free Press of a re- = an, ol� withdrarw him and support Milne, P'tmt And choicest patterns. Worsted pantiags for them. A Bat and Ball given to: each boy get- peet something rather better than the ordi- handled his subject well, would be but to cent date makes the following reference to who is the Patr f2.76 ; tweed pantings at 82,.mad' e to order. ave candidate. X6thiug def-. gasuit. Callandinspect Oil 41sc, a good line of finer pantings, and made up in naryfrom Seaforth.'-If wegive peoplea feebly express the opinion of allwho heard a gentleman well kilown here ; he i a son- i ite w s E a (lone the latest styles. Remember the following: 'You CALLIES WM. PICKARD good day it will be abig advertisement for him, for a more mastefly mid logical dis- in4aw-of Mr. Joseph Collie, -of Egmond- can get a good fitting suit of clothes At E. Nablo'o course seldom falls to the'llot f the average ville.: " Mr. Dallas, Presbyterian pastor at the town, and our citizAns should do what Pailorhop. He always cuts theprlees close. IbwIll Seaforth. Belgrave. AND DALA.INES. they can to help the affair and, at the same individual to hear, and, although one -hour. Inw6od, preached his farewell sermon to pay you to stop aud see yours truly.. 1@. NA-Bpo. 1374 NOTES.—Miss Nettie' 'Bruce, -who wa�i 1878-2 time, to- show the town at its beat. One and a quarter was occupied in its the Inwood congregation last Sunday. 1vir - delivery, dressmaing at Mrs, Nixon% has finished G� J. Notary Public, com- Close PrIces for way they can help is b taking part in, the feW thought it was half that time, so inter- Dallas is a talented worker, and 'a eminent- h4 �r term there a -ad will shortly return to missioner, donveyancer, has within the past month I fitted for the to ial ofession. His trades' proceqston. Vere is a splendid eated did tbeg become under the persuasive nums r hei 4ome near IGFIenal&n. Sheis an estim- received the offer of a large amount of money from CARPETS chance for a display of the town's energy reasoning an eloquent pleading of this. skil- pat -tare will be genner,Uy regretted. private parties at lowest rates of Interest on good alk c younj lady, and will be greatly missed mortgage security.. Offlee at the 1?ost Office. 1876 and resources. Another way is for the mer- ful master of logic.. The exercises closed Njis was received 'by riends here last f 11 this vi age.—Mr. James Proctor is, hii CRrAINS chants to dress the windows of their stores with the inf n - re proud to -state that arting of the Papal benediction week of a serious accident which befel. Air. BRmFs.—We a DISTRICT MATTERS. in their best style and to leave theourtains by Rev. Fatheri Dollerty—COT'r. OVing slowly.—Mr. George Porterfield, of. up, and ev�rybody can help by doing a -little anda James Collie, a fo�reman in the Calumet Mratford Business College, spent S3 Hensal in addition to its illustrious. And all HOUSE FUR-NISH an. He was assist. men in the professions and tra%es has on St in Michig PLIP-ED.—The Exeter Advocate of last ing u ler the parental roof.—A number from decooratin Get out every flag and pieee'of S load' some iron,. when a piece fell itor, in the person of our popular bar - t is village attende 9 it where it will be week says. The residence oi Mr. John leg, racturing it just above the IXST.ULATIwL,- OF Opriam-ts.—At the ]as tl d the funeral of the late buntin in town and -tut ness maker, Mr. J. C. Clausen, who has of the Forest, No. &eeting of Court Flower Chaprles Spooner, of Clinton, on Sunday last. seen. lie route of i e procession will -be Hawkshaw was the scene of a pleasant -and e, but -when last heard from he was do- recently obtained a patent both in Canada A Can�dian. Order of Foresters,, the follow- announced next week, with further particu- intereatfilk event Wednesd�y, 2nd inst.', at ing as well as could be. expected under the Why not get tip a baseball team this and the United States, for his new and ira- Edward McFaUX� officers were installed for, the' ensui about 2 o'clock p. in., it being the marriage trying ordeal. Mr. Collie is aage? R9 lug an bld Sea- proved metal haMe tUg for team harness, Ga -. C. R..., W. J. Sutherland; P. C. R.) of his daught�r, Hattie May, to Mr. Samuel forth boy and -is a son of Mr. -Toseph Collie' end has made satiefactory arrangements SEAFORTIff. Speare; R. S., W. Hartry; F. S., H. ELECTRic LiGHT.—Brilliant safe clean, ]Dryawe. kc igan, son* of Mr. of Egniond-ville. —The regular meeting of the with a large and strong firm for thip manu- 'o Treasurer, George Duncail; Chap- cool, free from smell, smoke or troluble. Insurance -Whitd, of Detroit, Mi hi James White, of Hensall. The. ceremot�y Women�s Chr4tian Tempetance Univa -will T Tinp.�Miss L. Badour, of fadture of the'same, and we are pleased to in, John Thompso Companies make a reduction of 25 per cent. on all P "AN by reading a verse of Scripture, by o -1h Melville 9 W �Ila:el=g, the wholesale houses are a short prayer, or by announcing a h W�, John Iffallidai ; S. B., J. Fonmd hazaidous risks to all using incandescent light, was performed by the Rev. E. W. Hunt, in "be held next Wednesday in their mlms at W � who has been visiting friends: 'State that aill IV: I e., ` favorably impressed with the new invention,, hymn. A couple of articles b.oarin fty of the contract* 4 p. m. —Professor Gustin, the magnetic he ' returned to her home -in Clinton Oil B�, L. Stark; Physician, Dr. M-cKay. provingitessfety. Agent extra inducement goottBros. the,presence of about fi offer to bear half the cost of instalhag incandescent g "on ties' near relatives. The bride lookeg heaer, who has been in town for several T ursday, last week. Miss Annie Badouk -intend pushing the sale of the same.—, topic were also read, -b- r 8rm Ste'rensou'and Speare were elected lampe in private housm, kc., to all subscriberi mak. and, one of them' eibg rch ng in a costume of cream � cashin weeks, leaves nexteek for Owen a Mr. Alphonsus Geoffiroi, also Mr. nk tracts a, once. After the first installation arml ere, Sound.— Fr'L Dr. Thomson was in Galt this week at -the beautiful "Extract" given in THE Mm6�s Olegates to the High Court, which meeS Coo ire full obarp will be.made, viz: $2.00 surall and lace,anil was assisted liy-Miss Maud Mr. William Copp ha�s returned home after off-roi, accompanied her- as far as Hensall, Jit Woodstock on the 12th of June. Th, i Orden,lsfjat� ottBrothe usio Stgre thr h -within reach can be Beaton, of Detroit, who was also: attired in nearly a yea's absence' in New . Yoik and ter, aild the illness of his si�ier._Mr� -next . Sunday night, rem w they extended their drive to-Exe parental home, bein called there last week, No one Oosea the most successful term in the. hL. $ended to. (Rev.) - to miss the meeting cream cashmere, surah and lace. ' Mr. Me- Boston. —Major Anderson is laying down a c e baek in time for her -to take the even- Kibbon and her sister, . Miss Jennie . Mellis, the topic is a me viz. Missionary 4 iat 47 FAWMRS, Mechanics, P&tronji of. In- Leod, of Detroit, acted as befit man. The new dressed plank sidewalk in tram. The remainder tory of this Court h mit ed in the, last h aving on the south Of thep&rty,re of Kippen, are in the village this week via- sons from the lives of great dustry, TAborers, you can.pealtively save from 20 to 40 cents on evei� dollair by haying your Shosi'st T. ceremony over all sai down to a sumptuous side of Goderich street.—There is to be tu id home after having pent a very ithig friends.—Mrs. -Laing, with her son and the subject will be ably disou d m* Covxrmy'a Old stand.* Cub only. 1371-1 repast, to which all did ample justice. The & brigade meeting of -the firemen ihis PI anti time. Thomas, and daughter S. Hunter, number of papers and addresses. _TH.z Y. M. C. A. BATn&.—The AssocX4_ JUST RP0EMP at Robert?s Drug Store 'large number of useful and costly presents (Ftiday) evening, to arrange about the 24th. ere- all in Wingliam this week, being called 4 tion hwye pleasure in submitting the follow - t strictly Vre Paris Oteen, Sulphate of per, Liquid received by the bride, goes to show the high Afullmeeting is' requested. —Miss Lillie StaffA. ugh theyery serious iHness of 9 report of their bath patronage for the pper Car. esteem in which she is held by her Beam arrived home on Wednesday' -from OCAL STORIES. —Mr. Isaae Nor, is has re- a Bmeeffeld. Assiron . Sodium 04rbonate, flulph�ir?.O& man 46 �Weeks endin A ril- 28th, 1894: Total bonite y a eldest daughter, Mrs. John CEDAR POSTS 'FOX 8 car I 9 U Sulphate of Iron, Insect Powder, Pure friends. At aboutfivi o'clock py Bay City, Michigan, where she has resided LE. —TWO baths 663 average per he hap tur)aed from College, and spend and w d ` I' regret to chronicle f rstclaw Cedar Posts for sale -lava itumber of ta en, Powdered Hellebore,'and all Fungicides and losecti- e e e couple, accompanied by a large number of for the past -two years. Apply to 10ax sele cheap at Bru fruit -growers, gardeners and the� summer at home.—Mr. Ram and Mr. t everyt' Y ireek 3 15; smallest number any week 7; cldes used by 1400k hirig that medical skill station. L"11020SOV811, or the relatiyes, were driven d' t Hugh Campbell, of Mitchell stamatter. owners, all of.which -will be quoted at exceptionally to the i epo held political an hand's could d7o 11VIT-ft farge.st, 3-2 largest number by any one mem. was done, Mni lowprioes. Call and got quotations. 1378-11 -where they took the evening train for their SAD DRowwING Ac6DNT.—The home of meoting here laet Tuesday evening. in_ MIX �assed away, leavin inf - t Goixo'WEsT.—Mrs. D. Came ber, 55. Tito total n umber 663 in 45 weeks- g. an- an rMen in future home in Detroit, carrying -with them Mr. John McLean Riverside Farm Tuck- str4etive addres child n1Y a few days Buy your milk cans, milk pans, cream- sea were delivered tthe old in addition to her leaving here next week for Manitoba is equal to 780 per year, but as all the Win- ere and all dairy supplies at MuLLaw JACKsm's. -the best wishes, for their future ha ersmith, made desolate by the drown- ge�tlemennamed, aAd also by Mr. James raily of three. The * remains will she goes to take up her abode with: ppmess was er inonths are included in. the ao,�e term their many friends here." ing of his bright little daughter, Annabel, W#son, of Sesiforth, and the Reeve,,Xr, e r lit home here for interment in the Mrs, Cameron is, an,!old and highly respe- prosperity, of toung ai the total per year may be safely estimated an(' Low prices foi-famers' produce, and hi 'h The groom is a former well-known Sea- on Sunday afternoon last.- Irt appears tha Th as Ryan. The meeting closed �4th odger ' e cemetery, the funeral leaving ed resident of Br at. 8%`baths. Many who paid for free priv- y 11y, -h for goods the b ' make ard times. li , having for some years been' ucefield, and she has clerk the little girl had left her father's house for is for the Queen. Marie Robbiris is good friends here -who =educed the price of. Boats and Shoes from 20 he in floge, have availed themselves of but a small rs a residence, opposite the post will not forget -to 40 per cent., and the result is that times are good jLu Piokard's store in this town. His old the purpose of meeting her grandmother wh has been takin music lessons in : Sea- 0 c on I riday at I I o'clock a. in. The her new home. She will be acco 1��, part of that privilegi. The association, a at this store. T. Covaimay's-old stand, Seafortb. ra. Moffatt and her sister. friends will be glad. to hear joyful. news and Mrs. Thomas MeMinali, who were re- for , has returnedionle.—A1arge 'number dec ed, as we have already stated, was M would be pleased to wait upon, all a uLch who - Cash on 1378 -1 - of him. turning from the farm on the other side of fro here went to Mitchell last Monday, to well and favorably known here for her many A RousE WARxnzo.—The 0 can6vaithemselves of at least one bath� A LARGE Bto 0 ow�_!' ek, of Readymade Clothing theriver. Theynoticed the child comin down the trial of Mr. Harry Drake, for as- kind and excellent qualities, and - her - Per week two if they destre. No com- selling cheap hea bus have fitted up their new hall in Seott?s -110, 9 at X000811 BILOTEmRs. Seaforth. 1378 the opposite b4nk, -but not seeing her when sau ing his father-in-law, Mr. Annis, It is band'and widowed mother, brother and sis- block in first class style, and now a8t plaints have been heard, and it if; no little CATTLE SHrPPED.—On Wednesday morn. WANTED. —Remember we always pay the they cam� tocross the river, 'boncluded that qui 6.evid�nt that Mr. Drake has the sym- -ter, have the heartfelt sympathy of the one of the finest society meeting p in�-4t gratification to know that the baths are cattle were dehvS;red. in town -to Messrs. highest price in cash, and two cents more in tr7We for she had returned, to the house. When they Pa;tl�y of the people. whole community in their sad bereavement. the co Wool. Bring it along with or withoutyour grain to 'a speaks well of theeii1r;,, well appreof!6ted.---C6' rWinter'aad Gilbert Dick, as follows unty. Thi came in and in I for the little girl she —The Rev. Mr. Fletcher, of the Thames ion and oa�iterprise. With -theit usniI_ h Mec No. 6 Warehouse. J.Axas BzATnE. 1378:kl . T. E. Hays, MeKillop, 10 steers,'vieighing to f ambit in now. ere ound, although immedi- Hills Green. i iv on Ila to they THE Tuo*mRsmiwir Cows.—MR. EmTort. ATTzN,�iog.—Our ware room on Main 14,100 pounds ; J. McMillan, McKillop,' 1 was road, was in the village on Tuesd V , I pluck, progressiveness and good taste, th4l; ate search was made everywhere - about the, way to Clinton, to attend the Presbyte —In your last isshe mention was made of Street is now stacked with ajyll line of furniture, of steer, 1,370 pounds; , Win. Devereaux, O�ITUAUY.—One of the saddest eve�nta r — are now on the occasion of the The anniversary held in Coxworth?s hal the Eguiondville cows being placed in every description, and we ext6nd to you a cordial in Tuckersmith, 9 steers, 12,500 pounds ; -Ed. premises. On account of the h a . rain hi ffi have taken place in this neighborhood aflon the new"hal, providing for our �Vnle the� previous night the river was e Vy Fridav evening last under the auspi elsewhere. We have 6n, exhibition for a few days, 7 ui w line time was the death, on Monday Ces Of intellectual treat Such as few people oitUide*.- pound in Middletown, and it was said that vitation to call And examine Vame before pfirebasing Papple, Tuckersmith, 2 steers - 2 500, q te high, for 3 pounds; J. Sinclair, Tuc andat once it was thought she must have Hens�ll Lodge', No. 223, Independent Order they had been taken from their he , 4 steers ,en ug the larger a -of population aTe 4V4T rderilfrom two solid MahogsnyBed Room Suits and. one Walnut kersmith fallen in and been drowned. Mr. Job. Me- I lastj of William Wesley Cons�tt, of. Oddfellows proved a great success. -The i Hall Tree which cann'ot be excelled for style and .5,400 pounds; Edward Devereau:i; 6Kil_ privileged to enj the, 2nd concession of Tuck-ersmith nd un aged! 5 years and 11 m.,ti1m, eldest and oply oy. Sarah Lord Bailevr beauty. Be sure you see them and.place your order 10 all the.,w Lean, Mr. Thomas McMillan and a U11filber spacious lia-11 was crowded to overflowing, ng early. Yours respectfully, BRoADVOoT. Box & Co., of the 7 - U ay to the pound by M'&rau4l I steer, 1,540.pounds J. H. M#D rem4ining son of Mr. Thomas. Consitt, Boston, comparati a new star in on - Harp of. neighbors searched all along the ri nd a,, urhey boys." Now, I know this t4 be Seaforth. a , Tuckersmith, 10 steers, 13,460 pounds; dilige t, u bil ver .1arr! Line The little fellow, had . been! ill oyed the excellent has fair] til- heoxts of Cana 1378-1 V absolutely' untrue, because the cowswere 9. Hunter' Tuckeramith, 4 st6ers, 5,350 ng n quite dark,but without literary and musica pro ra-mme that was ONE huud ust for 4veral weeks, of some affection of � Ithe 9 atioliences-wheeVer she has appeared. !L-- orning a num provi -feeding on Harpurbey commo for at east red pairs of Lace Curtans j A' avail. n Monday in (led. The chairman of the evening pounds lexander McGregor, McKillop, ber Of hear�, and what makes the event- seem 1 an as a dramatic -read- in and selling from 47c add upwards, at the World's friends gathered at fact she has -few e U IL11 hour before they ded EW4 no Fair Store. McCosit BRos. 1378-1 3 steers,�4,300 pounds ; Daniel McMillan all early hour, and were the More distressing is that onl� in Feru- was the ReN% J. S. Henderson, who dis. PA rom the Toronto prm,, were unpoun r, as ilipp Ts KEYp the flies out b Tuckeramith, 18 steers, c 111le h ding to erect a raft from which they charged.his duties in a very pleasing erders were near them, mud wi 23 120 pounds aiy 1�st the bereaved � parents were , able notices. The event comes off on y usnig MULLTT & d Saturalm intended -to carefully drag the river, when a, and entertaining manner. The following been, driven there by any of the JAcKRON's screen'doors and Ntindos. oddsizes Hugh McCartney, Brucefidld, 4 steers, 6,000' uponl to bury out of their Eight their i ng� May 19th. -Doors- open at 7:430 p - mg distant shout was heard from Mr. A composed the programme : A musical selec- gin MaraiadngHarpurhey boys." Th& made to order. 137'9-1 pounds ; J. McCowau,Tnakersmith'5 steers,.,, lexander est obild. the funeral,:on Wedriesda� music be eat 7:4151 and the pro ar Gray, who, on his way to Mr. McLeau�s, a Y, was 5 910 pounds ; J. Caraockan, tion on the flute, harmonica and organ by sharp at 8. A I purbey boys may -be bad enough, but 'the Tuckeramith, very arge one, showing the deep sym- y arge audience sho Messrs. Se6acy, Walsh cover- pathy felt by the community for the sorely Laing and Miss A. Mrs. Bailey at this house warming., are more WomEN's FoRmLGN- Missioif 800,IETY 2 steers- 2,600- pounds ; Thos. McMichael, ed the body of the Bell; a trio by Messrs., Crawford, Millar mWv than to be"'guility of 81�611 a walking along the river bank, had dis trick as MEET]ING.—The regular montilly meeting of Hullett, 2 steers, 2,740 po child caught in some your correspondent charg6d fhem. unds ; Herbert bereaved parents and friends. Predict a crowded house, per drift -wood, nearly a mile front the place and 8 organis Millie with Mrs. Millar as t largest ever seen in Bra'cefield. with. The bo, not �6oys did not th4k of he Women�s Foreign Mission Society was Crich, Tuckeramith, 10 steers, 12,700 pounds h impounding the animals lintil requesto'dto held on Monday evening in the basement of J. Crawford, Stanley, 2 steers, 2,590 w ere it is uTposed she had fallen in. The le of solos during the evening by Mr. I io tenderly borne TO the Presbyterian church. There was a fair 'pounds lifeless little orm, was b Tuckeromith. OlMepr of NV odstock, with Miss Am� Mar - o s6 by the writer . of this article Who, John Bur(%6, tanley, 2 steers, d along with others in, the village h -a A �een he A I�INT.—Having notib.ed h:?w your Eg-1 in b: IN T OP kind.bands to her father's house, which 8 MCKill attendance of members, and several ladies 2,460 pounds. Theo cattle have been Sold doch as organist; a read g y 1� . W. e ongring o C ameron Smith, barrister ; musical selec-' Thou*s McElror- had loft in perfect health the day before. mond.' le a ribe looks after the posted by marauding cattle, Yours, �c.. t the society gave en- by Messrs. Whiter and Diek� to &r. John welfare -uoirm Xr. not yet b I Vil FAF.-.4 Bo —A Of has purchased th r. John -known how she happened to the c�mnmnity at large, I think it would be It *ill nqver'be violin and organ by Messrs t fr�m couragement ty 1heir pr6ence. The visit- Scott, of Galt, for shipment, to the. Old tion on the .13 farm of M faildn'to the rivet- Brown, on the 901 conicession, wes ing comm. Atee f6r'last montb, Mrs.- Archi- Country. Mr. Scott will put them on the but the general opinion is -the mal'�' Steady and Laing and Miss A. Bell solo by 0 well if he' would jog, the memory of The farm contains 50 acres, Winthr p. bald and Mrs. J. C. Laidlaw reported hav- thai'she must have attempted to cross on a who l4s' his horses run at large on neman, with Miss Ellis as grass for a time before shippill tbein. MArilliam %0 Tu -P FAin GROUNps.—The Tuckermith was bougJit for $2 200. It adjoins Mr. loj,1which she hadfrequently walked street of that village, endangering lives an organist; and,'& side splitting comic, duett ing visited 21 families, and were everywhere over El�oy's present Branch AgriGultural. Society, 'having de- wheil the water was low. On 8unday,,-fio break�ng the laws of the council.—Ax by Messrs. Oliver, of Woodstock, and Wm. farm, and gives him. a, received, with kindness and courtesy. Mrs. w- oided,not to dispose of the present bgrical- D' McGregor gave an hiteresting and profit- d of the lo oneinan LOCAL BnmFs.—Mr. 033- . . . . . . . . . . 4, e D. D. Wilson is iiow eve(r,'there was, between the en SE RVEP.. St of this place, with Miss Amy 100 acre farm. taral grounds at the present time 9 feeding a fifteen months t4ld steer - which aitA tile opposite bank,� a space through Alitrdoch as organist. Ih addition to RUNAWAY —On Sunday laiit, MT. Jwni a�le reading, and the musical committee FAUN RENTED.—Mr. James Berry has hi nuinber of men at work making extensive brings down the scaloii -it I t 8 Dorrance, of the 4th concession, was re gave some very. pleasing vocal and instra- 254 pounds. It which the water flowed With consii1erable leased'. the McNaughton farm,,being lot talefito coupled with the chairmans improvements. They have. torn 23J a ay of doW;l the mising. �One afternoon last current, and it is thought that, coming to in is of his own a rr ess ng from church with a young horse old ticket offices and cattle shed-, ­ qonces6ion j, L. R. S., Tac6rsinith, and[ address on ental selections. It was agreed to invite dd was grand week Mr. E. E. Hallett caiaght- five and a this place, the child must either ha buggy, 'when the animal got frightened, by A al -the y(jung lady collectors, in connection ve Aep- hasremoved there toreside onthat ar orkings of the t the road d becoming - in erected in more c9liveni, the aims, *objects and w going tohave the half -pounds of fish in the Egmondville data ped from the log, or attempted in some dog ru Int on on this society, to be present at the next: a fact �Vhich those having business wi vered by the worthy with Oddfellows Society,deli an a wil in Two of -the number . 11 0 an a -way. eat places. The front of the grou,nq meeting which will be held on the first weighed -way to cross the water, in her eagerness to would ',do we t remember. three hours until le, r Mr. - Dorraum be used in which to show the cattle. gheep, The farm is '-Paat*Cxrand, Brother Fit7patrick, of Hainil- Richard Rolche is me;t her grandmother and aunt. Mon 9, pound each.. —Mr. was thrown out and had his shoulder injr­' ry p, and -con- implements, &c., �and they intend 6yiiig day evenin in June, it being the ve The de- one of It -he best in the townshi tonv who although -not an orator, is a good ked, & laudable intent just now at Brussels, wher6 he has ed, and the vehcle was badly wrec of the memb in train ce4sed was aexceedingly bright and very eaer,and his address was brimful of good t.- h. ion ers to- enter- tains IbO acres. Mr. Berry has got a good track. constracted on the back part'of the. taill ing several trotting horses. Among the affactio, This is a very dangerous lerac ice w, icli. the young ladies at a social after the nate qhild, and had just passed her farm and Mr. MeNaughton a good teAant. trioughts, suggestions and information and groulid. In the centre of ths track the. h number many dogs have, and any do whic JA close of the biisiness pat of the me re " Florence G," " Terre Haute rth birthd4- She had attended th' Mr. B�rry also works the farm he 'formerly shewed eareful preparaion, and was Much the tru� eting. 9 9 e llGussie Pickard," ad " Dr. Livingstone:" Presbyterian church with her fond fath addicted to -it shoud be execue5 er�, lived on. appreciated . At the close of the entertaii� cess Alice be used for speeding contests. By these ontrary to general There.are few better horse -men than Mr. that morning at Egmondville, and little WES� END NoTus.—Messr. Hunter and !tieut, whichwas one of. the best ever held c Tiii HEXT CONGERTi —C ENT1m.TA1X1VVz1TT. —Prin hanw-es the'iround will be mach indTie con�, expectation there was a very a Roche.—Quite a number of the brethren of thought those, who saw the sunny face Avery, of the London road. intend shippin in connection with the drder, the Blue Lodge, Winthrop, purpose hold vemently arranged, and the Society will be mal audience' that 9 at the enter Britannia Lodge, Seaforth,. wein't to Clinton before the daV would clos social in the Orange Hall,- in thal bainment on Tuesday evening, e her youtig their stall -fed cattle to the British t on on an the an es of the Meell on Sunday to attend the fitheral, of the late len, and in such a sudden where, were ente ta Frids aventrig, Muir 18th. To nder anics' Insti-, They aie buying a sufficient number to Jill r ined to an excellent sup- serve enabled to meet the popular dem d for u aark2r` brethren from Exeter, Credit- * and els C.( life would be ta bo� -spic atbractio Mr. Spooner, who was buried with Mas Tfreo77:30 until 8:30 o'clo­X. us " such as speeding contests and such like. Although a little pn the t e per, Erepared bg mine host, Mr. James Cox. tate, and the proce ds were not large enough onic manner. The afflicted family and relatives three c�rs, and have already ecured the teresting*programme. con honors.—Master Arnold Case c sisting of rea o meet.expenses, in consequence. , The en- aught a have the sympahy of all in their great sor- number.—Mr. Whit rich i laid worl ontinental Hotel, which re- nall side, when these improvements are speckled trout at.Maple Hal last Friday to' The funeral on Tuesday last was very blood poisoning in his foot. — LAI up with will be given., W ment, h ted great credit oil his house.—Mr. T. J. "ita"O". muse, tertain. owever, was a more than or- flee Carried out,. it will be one of the most con- r. W. Robin- grand time is expected. which weighed two and -&'half pounds, atid largely attended. The deceased was a' son purchased aafety bicycle fro inarily good one. The features introduced. in Mr. G. Berry has returned from Boston, after di- veniently arranged shoW grounds - the measured 131 inches in length, by� T& LocALiTiEs.—Mr. John Dennis' has in from the Carnival of Nationsere ratur- in cir- g*i6nd-daughter of Mr. John Modeland, and, Emersoo, of Clinton, 'last week.—The Posing Of -his car load of ho-rses and has ouniference. It was snared qaite near the since the death of chased Mr. Thomas - Gilliganoo farm, southl�_-, ously. applauded. The people seem never to her mother last fall, had scholars of No. 4,3chool spent partf arbor brought with him a very promising trotting 1ouse. This is the only trout that h half McLean, day stallion, named Wilder Lee (17706). tire of ifie Maypole dance, the Internationa as been been tenderly cared for by Mrs. f lot 14 concession 14 for $3�600. It in 0eaning and decorating the play DEATH OF A FoiudNR caght so far down Silver creek for e -.her grandmother, who n contains 81 acres.—Mr. Trumait - Hackwell SEAFORTH Oy. drill, the Fairies' dance, and the male r aturally feels very ground and also bed$ and (From an Occasional Corres,,ondent.) many yeaps, though in the early d&ys Vtheyy keenly this sad affliction. making flower has purchased Mr. W. -m Caiuron�a farm,- The unfortunate entleman lluded tq'in the' chorusq.a., Mrs. Maclennan also gave a de- Truly, In the succeeded in making the grounds look much lightful soloi which was heartily encored. better. vi ge arm following, from Woodstock on Mon rere plentiful enough.—The Seaforth NOTES.—Our 'Ra f ers (that is containing and --midst of life we are in death." -75 acres and having fine bild- on W It 'A the north half of lot 40, on thw Clinton Collegiate Institute teams I ion farmers) have finished seeding, �e Posing is almost -perfect, day last, was native of Seaorth, �nd his Miss Hext?s Greek pay on u a - r LocAmms.—The spring grain is oe the 'Viill venture to say- that several hundred 'g h cup father, the late Matthew Morrison, was for she is- exfte,-dmg'ly graceful, and her facial ex- the Rec eation grounds for the Houg r 130t concession, �%nd the price paid waa- Ethel. groun ! d ' and looks well after the psih re - on Saturday. Clinton have been keeping pounds of onion. seed has been sown in this $4�,5W._One Of the Seaforth livery men wa* I many years,previotis to removing to Wood. pression could scarcely be improved. Her pretty. quiet, though there are dirk rumors ITEMS.—Miss Eva Imlay is home from freshing showers.—The fruit crop pro�nises immediate neighborhood. All our leading out theother day hunting after a yourig stock, one of our most respected business elocutionary selections, however, Watford.2--Miss Winnie Raynard was home to be large in this section. that they have'. something pretty good Man who had hired a rig to give h1a. beat —Qaite a, number inen, including navvies,shop-keepers, black7- "A fatal acci- seem to me with so much favor. There t!p from Listowel High School on Satur of farmers were out to town with potatoes smiths, manufacturers, millionaires, oke., girl a diive men. he despatch says da their sleeve. Our boys, however, are in Y.— near Walton. but w dent, took place at-Beachville on Saturday was rather o much of the stage tragedy a a nearli pretty good shape and will be On Arbor Day some noticeable improve- for shipment, this week. —Mr. Thomas Case, everybody who could command 'a " of two days j� night exceedingly piece -1-known citizen of business aoutthem ell away and had no mone bY which a wel It takes a genius to' hard to beat. —A dog race is among the at- menta were made at our school house. The &forth, _y to pay. make tragedy acceptable *to the great ma- the w, known cattle buyer, of �e mother earth from & few rods to a couple of Woodstock' met his death. Mr. Tohn A. tractions on the'aftern: yard wa& nicely cleaned and the interior of was aomid this vicinity recently ttmd pur- acres --everybody, (leaving out the profes- rmon, an en i� ocin Mo ploye of Ha's factory took jori6y of peqle, and, while Miss Hext is a of the 24th d rooma receiv( large number of stockers'%nd ex- ional men and the min rs a be to be harnessed and hitched to Carts. Jhe -d a general renovsting.— chaseda iste eems to in the 8.45 express for Beablille for the par- %,cry clever reciter, she is not a genius. Al. Mr. John Eckmier sold his lot and stable, port feady a trotter, a pa cattle from the farmers.—Ur. David thi swim. We notice that in some KIND WORDS. ---Concerning tb t new Mblis- patches cer and several gallop ­ pose of remaining over Sunda. Al )out 100 ers ard in traning, and boys who have dogs" near the Presbyterian church, to Mr. Win. Ferguson, is making preparations for th� re- are already asserting �heki ori- ter in Vne Evangelical church here the Ber- the weeds Rev. V; yards east of the station, s the' traiit was EiGUONDVILLE NoTzs.—At a specialschool Cook, of this village. —In the darkness on moval of his barn to a more convent t I ce ginal right of p lin Telegraph of last wek Slowing up Mir Morrison leaped front t a ee should be ettmig them in shape. 'The� unless war -is t 9 Mr. Litt who lea-ves Berlin if'. W. k f rain, �rii'a'h he 'en 088"610n, ancl tin , held on S&tnrday last, it was de. Saurday evening last Mi. Will Newcombe ;on his farm. Mr. Ferguson intends h ving madie upon them i Hurons swouid get down to hard work minediately these fields moving slowly at the time. cided, almost unanimously, not i imexpectedly collided with a telegraph post. a stone foundation erecte his new charge. at Credito -preached his to enlarge pr6t, soon, or Clinton - may, catch th d. under his 6arn.,. might as well have 'been left His foot sliyped, an he was hurled� against �y em 9 Duff, late A is farewell sermon in h d the present school groulids. Considerin napping on the 24th.—Miss Ida bru - ed head and 9, black eye was the re. and when; this improvement is complet- his to themselves, or hande-4 over e Evangelical church ra conne suit.—Mrs- John Imlay is on the sick list barn will i add to the mqny Rue buildin to the inexorable laws of unrelenting on Sunday evening the beam o a cattle guard. It is supposed, the heavy rate paid by the farme et- of Seaforth, who has been employed as 98 last to-& large cosgrega- tit' -J�, owing to the darkness, tha the unfortunate ed with our section, the, decision' was this week.—Mrs. Green is vi4iting at Wood- that are to be seen in this section. nature. tion- Mr. Litt carries -with him to kis nevr a wise "telegraph operator at Mr. WyUie's offic% The village should be in PO six rat I'stock this week. —Mr. Haniiall. is vi easily d's- ficid of labor the go Maa mistook the a t where he intended to one. Tbe-fiv or ep%yers who usually Ayr, for the p"t thre siting cerned at a, considerable di�jaiiee t1lis sum- od wishes all whov e mothsi has get off. From appearances his b9dy struck compose our anitual meeting, will be glad to to, Coliourg to fi gone his sister, Airs. D. " Sproat.—The annual know him for tfie continued sue mer. —Large droves of eattle can be seen -afta the beam, at the pit of the stomach, and he see future Meetings as well attended 'as that 11-a Simi ar position in Mr. Oarrie�s book store.—All of out re was welfare f . elf I Mr . Litt aders who neeting of the Mechanics' Institute H. F. EbWARDS does not peddle go as on every day on . our streets and principal o hims B and family* b received suchinternal injuries that he died of last Saurda.—We re ret to note held on Monday evening last. The annua His success 9 9 the rem er Mr. Frank Paltridge, who was a roads, and also occasionally horses and pigs. lA in or, Rev. Mr. Hauch, will prenich afewhours later. The victim of the sad a wagon. Many of the farmers are dissatlefleO, with panful illness of. Mary and Jessie,- report was read and oCc t 4-ccident wm *in his 26th yea, anq grand- numbe'r of years a ers elected. usiness, ao hould be. The township ductory a Sabbath next. a prominent resident that unsatisfactory way of doing b This is not as it a' to ernion on 1'3aves a daughters of are iz is unreasonol )w and olle hThe reniiiiis were Mr. and Mrs. William Allen.— of 84forth, but oforecent years a resident- tired of the high prices, for it a to bY-laWs should be -respected while they suppose that these peddling merchants Pan sell main in fore 'brought to Woodsto orry to Briissels. ad if they arenot rightthey Miss Marion Houston came up from St. re - of Lds Angeles, California, will be s e xoods as cheaply when under so much extra eipense. Cromaxt7. Marys on Friday last and will, spend some learn�that he, is very 111, being a sufferer should be repealed. It is. poor encourage the young ladies of tb-' -------------- BmFa.—Owen Smith, of the 4th Con- The farmers, wives would much rather go t - CL10Xs.---Some of is vil- from consumption *ith no hopes of re store where they can- see, examine and make a ment timewithfriends and relatives inth -o the PIMBYTERY OF H :cession of Grey, atone time a resident of for those who plspt beautiful shade neighborhood are taking rausicessons. from y UROx.—The Pres-byter 1&gc&nd vicinity. She appears fully re- CoNery.—Mrs. Thomas Downey returned !Brussels, died on Saturday last of blood choice and they have found out that pays far better. trees on the streets, and 'build costly fences Miss Ida, Hotham, of Staffa. Miss Hotham held a regular meeting in Clinton on the 8th stored to her former good health, thanks to 'Saturday from a visit of several weeks -ng from a sore hand. to enclose their premises, to h&-ve these 18 a kind-hearted young lady of in- inst.. Mr. D. Guthrieo. B. A., linderwent to poisoni change of so The funeral BREEzy LoCALS.—Misses Annie'� and adoriments elle andfreedom. from. care. her daughter, Mrs. McKeniafi, of Chi -%�as, on Monday.—Don&ld Currie, one of chewed by horses and made estimable character ; is a vry efficient alla t cago. the Christy Murray, of Detroit, have bee-u'visit- scratching -posts for all the cows of the dis. panstaking teacher, and handles the 0 his trial eXamittation for license in Latin, Several works of art have been on exhibi- —Miss ntiy Balard, of Scheriecta rs of Morris, living about a mile from Greek, Hebre, Philosophy and - Chlirell dy, New !pionee ;7 tion during tho�past week in one of the store York, is visiti her cousin, Att- trict.-The alternate raiR and sunshine, of in such a way, as to prove that she has ve Mrs. Pickard. this village, died qn unday and was buried wood and family have -moved back from ry ,u 'History very satisfactorily. The hearing of windows. Two are pencil sketches and- 0 —Rev. Mr. e. ing here for about a week.—Mr. Writ. the past week has induced a rapid growth, few superiors at that instrument.—The far - his TheqlogicP discourses was held over un- lately of New York but Tuesday. His futieral. was one of the largest Goderich.—Mr. Wesley Erwin and, in oil. All represeni scenes of interest and now of Philadelphia, preached in the Pre - and nature is now wearing her mo# beauti- mers around here would be very f til the adjourned meeting on the 22nd inst. 3 een for some time, which speas well of t4e much are of considerable artistic merit.—Miss byterian church last Sabbath morning. were Mr. ,respect in which he was Campbell down from GoderiA last ful spring dress.—Earnest and bliged to some of the store keepers -of the his held by every unday.—!�Iiss Af. Wilson has returned powerful ser - Mr. John McGregor elder, of Grand Bead Stacey, the artist, intends starting a Glass of Wyllie is a Canadian and is a credit different villages around if they would resigned his commission to the Assembl to mons were preached on Sabbath last -morti- "one. In his early days he was ateamster bout from Toronto.—Mrs. Jo M tyrel who ay t instruction, if enough pupils can bd 'pro- 'Count .—The heavy rains hn oln ing and evening,,in Carmel church, by the at home *th their wagmg. When the's Mr. Muse -rave submitted a tabulated- at y ry of Saturday Galt, but returned here, taking up land near far. I , re- mer ivants anything he knows where it is to ate- cured. —Mrs. Rose and family drove to Bruce- night and Sunday were timely and advan- Br pastor, Rev. J. 4 has been visiting Mrs. H. F. Bdar4l Henderson, These stir - meat of the financial returias of c011grega--- fie as13 Ols, on which he has resided with his turned to StrathrOY last Friday.—Mr.::T. G. r�ng discourses were espeeial[ly lop b t ld on Saturday last to spend the day with tageous, and have stimulated veget helpful in be had.'�-Mr� James His as he stone average ation family eer since. Healsb purchased the Da a promin tions; for the past year, howing �he friends. T o much moisture from the up- wonderfully. Rarely, if ever, have crops ent citizen of London, who view of the Communion services to be held foundation for his new h6use built.—Miss at in Ba,�field,- on Sabbath morning next.—The Society of Barbara Pardon intends returning was a kind, warm-hearted to Mani was ordered to be printed for distribution very uncomfortable, and the youngsters they do n was here last week, contributions per family. The statement per regions, however, rendered the -return looked better at this season of the year than years ago. He as -lately taken much intere adjoining farm from George Forsythe some h Ow.—Last Tuesday's London Ad- man to all who knew him, or had any accompanied by Mrs. Christian Endeavor held its regular conse- toba this week.—Mr. John Scott, who has Umong our people. Mr. Martin was re- liadly needed their usual evening bat.h.— vert deal- Davey and Mrs- Corlie, Mr. Davey pays a iser contained the following pleasin cration service on Sabbath ve g last. the &tent right of the dead -lock wire fene, elected Convoin -Com. with him. Everyone could sjeak a great niamy Londoners purpose- e nin for er Of the Home 14ission Master Willie Hays is nursing very sore notice regarding a stude 'g(fd word for Donald Currie. Ile had been mittee. Th%reeommendati Tit iretty ou Of the 00M- leg this w ek, the result F wew coming to The meeting was led by Mrs. J. t& Hen- ea e township of Stephen, is busily en - of having. been run known in Naforth Mr. Bayfield this season.—Misses Whiden an4 derson. -Theubjeot nader discussion was, 9 among the farmers of that townahin� mittee On the remit on " Systeniatic Bene- over by a d roll J. A. Clark, of aii for some yeaxs, with heart trouble, paker have added to their. dr - 0; 'M er out at his uncle's. He Knox College, ess#taking How- to bear burdens,'-' the regular subject dt,�-Hdm —The farmeA ficence," as to the best Mode of ralsin.01 funds bears it r ely, and we hope will Will take charge of Knox but Led rather suddenly at last. Heleaves -business a well selected a o g the fence. lor the 'schemes of the church tock of trifflinery. for the evening having been wiseft atpo;� Of this Vicinity do not PUM Much _Wth in was reynitted all righ a soon be church, Aylmer, during the summer. Mr. a widow, three sow and four daughters to Tis is something the pro qatematia benefic'0110e. surely cannot be infidelity in,,the Tory canip 4the First Presbyt one -of 0 ee mg. e, 131- ph�cy that wheat *iU be $2 per t* the Committee on f —What! Sir Leadbury It Clark is a brother of Rev. W. . Clark, of that Bafield h`9 I ed until next prayer in t, The clerk mourn his loss-�Uriah McFadden, bi6en in need of, lind a good business ishoull pal parbf the meeting was taken 11D �buehel insidef 18 months. They, sa7 the stated that Mr, M erian church here, nd is a the leading men of Grey township, died on e -Kay delivered to which yo rofer in lat week's notes, very talented oung mau,,�_On Saturd b� done.—Wo sometimes read of mir�bulous the calling of the roll of the aWve i;nd ay Wedneac4y I&A, of cancer of the stomach. faith cura, 4ehig performed fai v*-' PrLft of wheat can stand -to,go up "me yi% y The mexaten mponded and not �be - WSh. in awa ociate members. V6rV A WHOM a bov a t Will Plu, wrinkle i i� sn mage V from ns. fitt g �G Boy -hi ,e Clot ibis sectic Rave you. Last-$easo with vverY 8) ym gomethii ind ban WAI: dotbiu97 U X W AT the trade Hosiery- 46—in seasc, Wool, Frei, xerin% V1, See our 25-0 Cashmere, woloal W e are The Pkc IOU 0 Saint Mari - Mo �or lie in ex, w�ttbha p,1 t1; ree Edgarl �Athj Af terwards, Volve,d , M, and VILetory vioat r.,obab I wt uiagax US,. m7st the 4 Caumorp- WA north of Enj that Eagar, - -for AdAee -at sail,,,(he w4l�-i with his.niol his own rop so the filgit ed " St. without Ao� certain, m I mrith thelpr was then was. e so) -Dayid snej� Jsud. in 11 Edgar, Won eastle.; and caole, "Idi, factswore, � gone in eon Intent,0116d �orisons and excitement querl& the It wasa, was there tween _8� many re She in lejaitnim to PORUce gton. includa -1 affair, T had fhf 43019-emony was cano at. the VA Philip 11 great po Boots .Saxon lislil the G that ;�r,C_Q g1lile bi Of f Seotlwn family be nuo an Iseot wras.110 i4h,din Sands. A 18,( Maizu tof her ner. W''Ordi ;sign tl of