HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-05-11, Page 7•
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May and Novels: -
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(1 be Made
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Brings cOnfort and improvement mid
tends to ,Personal enjoyment when
sightly sise'd; The many, who live bet-
ter than o trsere and enjoy life more, With
less expenigtere, by more .promptly
adapting the World's best products to
the needs a physical being, will attest
the Yalue ti health of the pure liquid
laxative prciples embraced. in the
• rentedy, Syrep of Figs.
:Its oncelletice is due to its presenting
in the form asiost accepta,b' a and pleas -
au t to the, taee, the refreshing and. truly
beneficial prisperties of a perfect lax-
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling coldis, headaches and, fevers
.ema. per maneefly curing constipation.
ft has given setisfact ion to millions alit:
anet with the •apimoval of the needicel
profession, because it acts on the Kid.
neys, Liver and towels without weak-
ening them seat it, is perfectly free from
every objectioeable substance.
Syrup of ?hen it for sale by all drug-
gists in 75e. 'bottles, but it is manu-
factured by the, California Fig Syrup
Co. onlyrwhosetlaine is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and. being welrioformed, you will not
accept any substitute if offered.
A Herd a Immigrants.
Thursday, Aprit26th, 1894. Rembrand-
tesque at once in As virility and intense
humanness, the somie this morning at Mon-
treal in the Canadian Pacific Railway
immigrant sheds Was not unworthy the
brush- of the pa,iater,* Thrust, suddenly,
- into one apartment, a hundred and fifty
men, women and tbildren, and -despite the
.eeverest conventiOnal drill-idiosyncracy,
and temperament and manner will be
developed and fokm an attractive study.
Add what, to the onlooker, are the novel-
ties a a foreign tengue, a startling frank-
ness in dress, and On ingenuousness of man-
ner to sihich his e&cation has made him a
stranger, and the study vnll deepen in in-
terest. ks'ErirtfiLlZ13.,Y,P,F.t9 7.44
The German mei i women and children
are formed in family groups on the floor.
Here is a family of six all eating soup Out of
a common dish; -Which is placecl on the
father's knee. The 4 soup is manifestly an
extravagance, for beck of this group are a
man and woman, Who, munching dry bread
and a raw herring,•look with longing oyes
at the stea,neing di4 Each group has its
own pecuh.-ar interest.. • seteeeel --
Near the door :is an old woman, lying
upon the floor, wit% her head resting on a
bread box. She is nearly seventy; her face
is seamed, with olio,with grief, it may be.
She si ill, and breathes stentoriously, and
her old man puts his ragged overcoat over
her, looking upon the poor old face .with a
• _rough tenderness. Near the end of life,
they have both uprooted themselves from
the old foundations, and, with a courage at
=once reckless and pathetic, have determined
to face a fresh envkaiment in a free country.
But the end is noar, and the crowd look
upon the withered figure with pity.
Close to the feet of the old woman are
two children, careless of their bare limbs,
playing. But mdat of the children are sic:
and weary, and their weak cries are con-
• stantly heard. :'!..0-reat brawny •fellows
sprawl upon the benches, and sleep or yawn.
Here is a metherdividing a black loaf of
bread amongst the •children with a jack-
knife. The raw herring shining in the
fingers of the children, is eaten with vora-
cious relish. Correspondence under diffi-
culties: Alone, near the end of the shed, a
young man is wrIting a letter home upon a
dirty piece of paper. The task is hard, and
the progress is slow, but his heart is in the
work, and, unmindful of the cries around
him, or the snorieg of. his immediate com-
panions, he tells his humble and wistful
.story to his friends in the Fatherland.
Several young women are combing their
hair, and throw coquettish glances at the
big fellows stretched on the forms, Which
are lazily acknowledged. But most of the
poor mothers wimild fain sleep, and- their
heads hang while the children pull at their
skirts. They,are unutterably weary and
homesick. The old men have that stolid
look which means that there is no longer
surprise in life. But the young fellows have
hope and strength, and they laugh with the
girls, and make rough, but perfectly candid
anit innocent love to them, which is re-
sented not by: the tapping reproof of an
ivory an, but by, in some instances, a re-
sounding smeck on the face, delivered
with a rea,.• atreng hand, that many a
day in the rinan fields gathered' in the
It would be, idle to note the absence of
sweetness in the air, the frowsy belongings,
the sights and signs that indicate a merely
animal life, The humanness, the robust-
ness andthe'pathos of the scene constitute
the vital features.
•po You Know?
• Do you know that every cruelty inflicted
on .an animal in killing or just be-
• fore death pnisons to a greater or less extent
its meat?
. Do you know that every cruelty inflicted
upon a coW'poisons to a greater or less ex-
tent its milk!
Do you know that fish killed as soon as
taken from the water by a blow ox the back
of the heakwill keep longer and be better
then those:permitted to die, slowly?
Do yowlinow that birds destroy millions
of bugs, Mosquitoes and harmful insects,
that withOut the birds we could not live on
the earth, tuul that every little in.seet-eating
bird yotteinty kill and every egg you may
take front its nest means one less bird to de-
• stroy inacats ?
Do yob' hum that a check -rein which will
not peilnit a horse to put his head where he
wauts to when going up a hill is a cruel tor-
ture to the horse!
Do yQtt know that the mutilation of a
horse by: eutting Off his tail compels him to
° suffer torture from flies and insects every
Summeirets long as he lives?
• Do yMi know that every kind act you do
and eveky kind word you speak to a dumb
ma,ke not only the animal but
yoursolP happier, and not only make you
happier, but also better ?-George
have _ beeome millionaires. They didn't
make their rummy out of lumber ,eo ranch as
out of -timber lands, and they are of the
opinion.. thatthe same condition of affairs
will result ni northern Minnesota before
long, and they are backing their jttdgmeiat
with money. Saginaw meat are sacrificing
their present interests and are putting all
the money they can get hold of into Minne-
sota pine. Stumpage at $2 a thousand near
Duluth as collapsed with from $5 to a
thousand in Michigan is quite a difference,
especially wheel lake rates from Duluth to
Tonawanda are only $1.75. Su& an ad-
vantage is hard to pvercome.
o •
School Reports. .
• • No. 13 Howacia-The following is the re-
port of Union School Section No. 13 How
ick and Turnberry, for the month of April:
Fifth Class, -M innie Fry,, Agnes Fortune,
Ella Neill. Fourth Masa-Cassie Barton,
Joseph Underwood, Lilly Fortune. Third
Ciass,--Frank G-emmill, Willie Abram Mel-
vin Willits. Second Class, -Waldo Weir,
• Ralph Gemmill, Mary Willits. Part Seconi
Class Sr., -Bella Fortune, Mary J. Gemmill,
Henry cGlynn. Part Second Jr. ,-Maggie
Abram, Armond 'McIntosh, Minnie Abram.
Part First Class, Victoria Willits, Jessie
Barton, James Master. -During the month'
an examination for promotion . from Part II
to Second Class was held, with the follow -
inresult: Total marks obtainable, 600.
Marks required to pass, 300: Bella Fortune,
506; Robert Underwood, 412; Willie J.
King, 396; 'Rosie McGlynn, 330; Mary J.
Gemmilt, 478; Herbert Neill, 396; Henry
W. McGlynn, 358; Jos. A. Barton, 296.-
1 No. 2 HAY. -The following is the April
report of School Section No. 2 Hay. Names
in order of merit: Fifth, -R., F. Chapman,
C. C. Ross. Senior Fourth, ----Maud I. Rus-
sell, F. E. Ross, Annie Northcott. Junior
Fourth, --Nellie Gould, Milton M. Russell,
J. W. Todd.. Third, -Sarah J. Northcott,
Willie Jackson, Carrie Gould. Second, -
Willie Misch, Fred. Corbett, Robert O'Brien.
Second Part, -John Jackson'Ethel North -
cotta James Northcott and Ethel Harvey
equal. First Part,-Lulie Munn, Frankie
Northcott, Louisa' Armstrong. The best
spellers in the monthly epelling matches
were: Fifth, C. C. Ross; Senior Fourth,
Maud I. Russell; Junior Fourth, Nellie
Gould • Third, - Willie Jackson; Second,
Fred dorbett ; Second Part, Freeborn John-
son; First Part, Louisa Armstrong.
' .
The Amen Corner.
A text of scriptete in a stump speech is
like a sweet violet in a, cess -pool.
The Bible ha S many uses but it was
never intended as a nail to hang poor jokes
Unlike butter,a, Christian increases in
sweetness as he ineretses in strength. ,
To make a goqd dinner out of a poor
one it meet be served with the sauce of
Bad words, like scavenger. birds, are
usually found in the neighborhood of some-
thing dead. ••
The troubles which mellow - and • sweeten
a big heart may harden and sour a -little
Search the Bible for pins to stick in other
people and yeti will likely get pricked for
your pains.
An ounce of sense is worth a pound of
sentiment ; but they should never be mixed
in that proportion. ! •
There are peopl$ who still believe that
calling the 'kettle black is the best way to
improve the pot's cernplexion.
I never object to a peacock's showing off,
it is all he can do, and besides he never
struts in -borrowed feathers.
We are co-workkg with Go'ci. not co -
architects. He is solely responsible in the
specifications; we 'are solely responsible for
sticking to them. f .
When a men ride five miles to a country
church and stays oetside during service he
probably wants an opportunity to examine a
purchasea,ble horse.1
It matters little vhat a man professes to
be, if his voice in prayer sounds like the
dripping from an idiele he dams not live in a
prayer meeting climate. • •
a The only way Ged can keep his hold on,
some people is to hold them clown. Let
them get a start and the next moment they
will haxe the bit between their teeth.
We should not allow ourselves to be
puffed up when people tell us that we
are too -liberal. . l' They don't mean it;
they are only trying to excuse their own
You can no morel tell how good God is
without testing bim than you can tell
how sweet ' an atpple , is without tasting
it,. It is, "Taste and see that the Lord is
The eyes are the windows of th.e soul;
bat a window mayappear cold and for-
bidding, while We room within may ,i be
warm and inviting. n, Don't judge,by appear-
ances. s
Sourness- in a seta is a stubborn com-
plaint. A verse at scripture taken after
each meal and allo*ed to dissolve slowly in
the heart, will, if persevered in, correct this
saintly acidity.
The hair of the clbg may be good for the
bite, but trying to :cure .the saloon evil by
establishing high-tdned drinking places, to
compete with the flow groggeries, is like
trying to reform chicken thieves by giving
them a chalice to steal city bonds.
If God answeds our prayer a little
different from - what we expect, it is be-
cause his goodness4s better than our expec-
tations. ;
In dividing a tixt, as in dividing an
orange, care should be taken lest all the
sweetness drip through the fingers. This
will surely happen if you try to divide it
into more than its 'natural parts.
It is a (rood thing to investigate great
questionsfor ourselves, but it is not safe
to be always stirring Up the heart with
an interrogation . point. Have something
settled or you will have nothing to stand
': •
What a Pas -Book Revealed.
A pass -book belOnging to a poor man was
picked up in the streets of Toledo, Kansas,
in which an act:out:Ai was kept of the man's
current expenses for himself and family.
The items covered a period of two weeks,
and amounted in all to $10.69,of which $5.35
was for whisky, beer and ' drinks."
, From this it can readily be seen that, if
the man ate his share of the food provided,
he and the rumseller got the greater part of
his earnings.. Of the 69 entries on the book,
32 were for liquor, of which whisky took
the lead to the amount of $2.05 ; then beer,
$1.55, and drinks $1.75. To off -set this the
family had $3.26 worth of flour. There
were no luxuries, and thirty-seven cents'
worth of herring constituted- the " meat
Comment on the above is unnecessary as
any thinking person can see the bare, cheer-
less home„ the half -starving child, the' ill-
treated wife, ,and last and least of all, the
brutal husband. A fearful retribution lies
at the door of the poor wretch; "who to
satisfy that red-hot blast from hell, when he
feels it, will leave his wife to starve, and his
children to. perish." A fearful retribu-
tion also lies at the door of the rumseller
fiend, who, too lazy to work and earn an
honest living, is willing to aid in crushing
the manhood and destroy* the life and
siml of his fellow man. I
Talk about "overproduction." If the
money spent for intoxicating liquors in this
country was expended in purchasing neces-
sary food, clothing, houses a,nd furniture to
make our wage earners and their families
comfortable, there would be no men idle
Who were sober, and capable of earning a
living; the manufactories Would be kept
rannia' g all the time, and businessmen
would have more interest in paying higher
wages,' through a belief that better use
Pine Lands in Minnesota.
Somebody is going to make a lot of money
out of ;pine lands in northern Minnesota,
says the Minneapolis Lumberman, especially
on the Unds up in the Duluth district,before
ananye years have gone by. There is an
abundance of good timber up in the vicinity
of ,Raihy lake, and when that region is de-
ve/oped with railroads and water transpor-
tation available, it will undoubtedly be a,
ereet lumbering district. Michigan men
are eliaady awakening to the fact that there
is Manny in Duluth timhes. Years ago they
bought Michigan timber at the cheap prices
it Was then selling at, and since then they
would be made of the same, and that larger
means of improvement would be properly
appreciated. It is little aatisfaetion to an
employer to raise the wages of his workmen
and then observe that most of the increase
paid to one-half the men goes into the till
Of the saloon keeper, and that their families
are no better off than before. -Vermont
Union. •
News Notes,
-Alfred Matin,1 of Beverly, had his foot
frozen twenty years ago. It was touched
with frost last winter and gangrene set in.
He died Friday, 27th April, from the effects.
He was 64 years old.
-The Canadian Pacific Railway Company
have justalischarged 130 men employed in
the workshops at Winnipeg, and it is ex-
pected a number more will be let go. The
cause assigned is the continual falling off in
-The Public schoolbuilding at Watford
was burned down about two o'clock
Sunday morning of last week. Insurance
-V. Ling, reeve of the. township of Nor-
manby, is dead. Re Was ex -warden of the
comity of Grey, and one of the best known
and most popular'men in that county.
-A horse with a most interesting history
was killed. at Winnipeg on Friday night,
27th inst. He was born in 1850, and served
in the American war, passing through some
of the hottest entagements, the marks of
which he bore till death. When the war
was over he chaneeds hands several times
till he reached Manitoba, when, as a stage
horse, he pulled Lord Dnfferin on a„ part of
his trip to the North West. He alto figured
in General Wolseley's expedition.. He was
the first and for a time the only, fire brigade
horse in the city, and when a teens was re-
quired, he lasted While two other horses
were killed. by the herd work., Falling
into the hands �f a local lumber firm, he did
oddjobs till be met death at the feet of a
younger animal. :He had quite' a large
PRIESTLEY'S Crovepettes may be had, in all the
newest fabric. Asolutely rain -repelling they
are not to be distinguished froru the same goods not
waterproofed. This is their great merit. Cravenette
includes sergea and all dress fabrics. They are per-
fectly pororts, non-odorints, and they never change in
appearance. Theee are merits which no other water-
proofing process has been able to demonstrate They
are rolled on " Tbe Varaished Board" like all Priest-
ley's dress goodet
-Touritaciie -Do you toiffer with it?. GO buy a bot-
tle of PairoKiller and find relief in the twinkle of an
eye -for Toothache it iaa speolfic.
THE SECRET OE Hear arses. -It was not bad, gen-
eralship, it WM neuraleia, that lost the ,battle.It
was not a bad heart, it' was dyspepsia that made
Carlyle so hard to live wiith. Headaches have shat-
tered dynasties. : The headache has been responsible
for the wrong order that lost an empire.' The cure
for sick or nerVous headache, for neuralgia and
biliousness is Stark's Powders. In other words,
Stark's Powders Open happiness. An infallible, swift
and easy remedy, 26 ceete a box.
Captain Sweeney, U. Si A., San Diego, bala says:
" Shiloh's Catarrh Reniddy is the first medicine I
have ever found that woUld do me any good." Price
60 cent. Sold by all dreggiste.
Scraped with a Rasp.
snts,-I had such a severe cough that My throat.
felt a if scraped with a rasp. On taking Dr. Wood's
Norwp.y Pine Syrup I fouid the first dose gave relief,
and t e second bottle co pletely cured me.
, Miss A. A.:DOWNEY
Manotie, Ontario.
SHILOH'S CURE is so1l on a guarantee. It cures
Incipient Consumption. It is the hest Cough Cure.
Only one cent a dose ; 25 cts., 60 die and $1.00 per
bottle. Sold by ell druggists.
eat --
Satisfactory A4lvance in Price.
Our shippers find thee god prices can be realized
for good animals, but ill conditioned ones are a drug
on the market. Our stock raisers admit that most
satisfactory reeulte come from using Dick's Blood
Purifier. Meanie up the whole system. Be sure
and get Dick's.
Mrs. T.S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tennessee, says:
" Shiloh's Vitalizer 'SAVED MY LIFE.' I consider
it the beat remedy for a plebilitated system I ever
used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it
excels. Priee, 75 cents. Sold by all druggists.
A Keene Lady.
A lady named Mrs. T. M. Humphries, living in
Keene, Ontario, who used only two bottles of Mem-
bray's Kidney and Liver Cure, has forwarded a
statement to the effect thet it completely cured her
of inflammatory .rheumetiern, kidney and liver
troubles. Such a coniplication of diseases yielding
to this remedy should (encourage sister sufferers to
give it an honest trial.
I have used Dr. CarsOnt3 Bitters for twelve months,
and can say that they ar0, for an appetiser, purga-
tive, and nerve tonic, the hest I ever used.
J. MARTIN. Notary Public.
Toronto, Ontario.
How to get a " Sunlight" Picture.
Send 26 "Sunlight" Soap wrappers (wrapper bearing
the words "Why Does aWoman Look Old Sooner than
a Man " ) to LEVER BROS., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto,
and you will receive by pest a pretty picture, free
from advertising, and well worth framing. This' is
an easy way to decorate ydur home. The soap is the
best in the market, and it will only cost te. postage
to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open.
Write your address careful y.
Having been troubled w'th biliousness and head.
ache, with loss of appetite I was advised to try Dr.
Carson's Bitters, and foun great relief after a few
• Toronto, Ont.
Constipati n Cured.
GENTLEMEN, -1 suffered for a long time with
Constipation and tried many mediciees without
succe3s. I then tried Berdock Blood Bitters and
very soon had great relief, eo I continued its use and
am now completely eured.
Quebec, eel,.
-• .11* -41-40-
110 as t is the old Scotch neme for a cough Ta.
English name for the beet bure for coughs is .or
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup.1
A Postmast:T.'s Opinion.
"1 have great pleasure i Aertifying to the useful-
ness of Hagyard's Yellow 0l," writes D. Kavanagh,
postmaster of Umfraville, Otntario, " having used it
for soreness of the throat, b rns, colds, etc., I find
nothing to equal it."
Chapped Hands and Lips, cracked skimsores, cuts,
wounds and bruises are promptly cured by Victoria
Carbolic Salve.
Burdock Blood Bitters cures dyspepsia.
Burdock Blood Bitters curee conetipation.
Burdock Blood Bitters cures bad blood.
Weakness, Debility, Patenees, Anaemia, etc., are
cured by Milburn's Beef, Iron and Wine.
Altogether Disappeared.
GENTLEMEN, -About two months ago I was
nearly wild with headaches. I started taking
B. B. B., took two bottles and my headaches have
now altogether disappeared. I think it is a grand
• Massey Station, Ontario.
-era •
eases of organic or sympathetic heart disease relieved
in 30 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Agnew's
Cure for the Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by
Lumsden & Wilson.
A Boos TO HoRSIMEN.-One bottle of English
Spavin Liniment completely removed a curb from
my horse. I take pleasure in recommending the
remedy, as it acts with mystarioue promptness, in
the removal from horses of hard, Oft or calloused
lumps, blood spavin, splints, curbs, sweeney,,stilles
and sprains.
Gsonoe Rolm, Farmer,
Markham, Ontario.
Sold by Lumsden & Wilson.
RilEiMATISAI CURED IN A DAY.- South American
Rheumatic Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radi-
cally cures in 1 to 3 days, Its action upon the sys-
tem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at
once the cause and the disease immediately disap-
pears. ,The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents.
Sold by Lumsden & Wilson, druggists, Seaforth.
RELIEF IN SIX Houns.-Distressing Kidney and
Bladder diseases relieved in six hours byl the Great
South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is
a, great surprise, and delight on taccount of
its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the
bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary
passages in male or female. It relieves retention of
water and pain in inning it almost immediately. If
you want quick relief and cure this is yCur remedy.
Sold by Lumsden & Wilson, Seaforth.
Worth Its Weight in Gold.
Doan Sins, -1 can truly say that Hagyard's Pena
toral Balsam is the beet remedy ever made for
coughe and colds. His worth its weight in gold.
HARRY PArauta,
• Lorneville, Ontario.
Low's Worm Syrup is the standard of excellence.
Mothers recommend it. Children ery for it. Wotms
fly from it.
The following horses will travel during the season
Of 1894 as follows:
Joine MoGneeon, Proprietor.
Monday, May 7th -Will leave his own stable, Lot
16, Concession 8, L. R. S., Tuekersmith, and proceed
by the 2nd Concession to .Wood Brothers'. Ushorne,
for noon ; then to his own stable for night. Tues.
day. -Will proceed north along the 2nd, then east to
Robert McKay's, 4th Concession, for noon ; thence
to Wm. Chesney's, 54h Concession. for night. Wed-
nesday.- Will proceed to Thomas Melady's, Hibbert,
for 000n ; then to David Scott's, 3rd Concession, Me-
Killop, for night. Thursday. -Will go to the 7th
Concession to Robert Campbell's, for noon ; thenoe
to Hugh Ross' 1 mile west of Winthrop, for night.
Friday. -Will 'proceed via Roxboro to Seaforth, to
Dick's Hotel, for noon ; then, Moog the Kippen
Road, to his own stable for night, where he will re-
main until the following Monday morning.
This route will be continued regularly during the
season, health and weather permitting.
WM. HABRIRK, Proprietor.
Will travel thefollowing route this season, health
and weather peril:fitting :
Monday. -Leaves his own stable, • Seaforth, to
Robert Campbell's, 745 Cdneeseion McKillop, for
noon ; thence to John Grieve's, 11451Concession, for
night. Tuesday. -To Timothy Nolan's, town line,
Hullett, for noon; by way of Button's school house,
Morris'to the 1645 Concession of Grey, at Hugh
Stewart's for night. Wednesday. -To Alex. Gar -
diner's, 14th Concession, McKillop, for noon; to
John Murray's, lith Concession, for night. Thurs.
day. -To Peter Tully's, Beechwood, for noon; to
Thos. Grieve'e, Nash's old place, for night. Fri.
day. -To Andrew Archibald's, sr., 4h Concession,
Tuekersmith, for noon; to Simon unter's, for
night. Saturday. -To Hugh 4. Grie 's, 2nd Con-
cession, for noon; by wio of Alma and the Huron
Road to the Royal Hotel. For further particulars
see Propriety. 1376-4
JAMES BERRY, Proprietor.
Monday. -Will leave his own stable, Lot 23, Con-
cession 3, L.R.S , Tuckersmith, and go to Kyle's
Hotel for noon ; to John L vingstone's, Staffa, for
night. Tuesday. -To Russeldale for noon ; by way
of Mitchell road to Roye Hotel, Mitchell, for night.
Wednesday. -To Crawford's Hotel, Dublin, for noon;
to Seaforth at Dick's Hotel for night, Thursday. -
To Clinton at Commercial Hotel for noon'to Swartz'
Hotel, Bayfield, for night. Friday. -To John Dunn's,
Bronson Line, Stanley, for noon; by way of Blake to
James Hagan's, Hills Green, for night. Saturday. -
To Wm. Berry's, Brucefleld, for noon; to his own
stable where he will remain nntil the following
Monday tnorning.
Loins 10111 will take the same route as tho above,
except Friday forenoon, when he will go from Bay-
field by way of the Situble Line to Bressau's Hotel,
Drysdale, for noon ; to Mr. Hagan's, Hills Green, for,,
night. - 1877
T GEORGE HENDERSON, of the Township of
Morris, Farmer, hereby desire to apologize to
G. F. Blair, of the Village of Brussels, Barrister, for
a most cowardly andlunprovoked attack tnet I made
upon him while engaged professionally in settling s.
dispute between my sisters and myself in connection
with the winding up of the estate °Deny fether, the
late David Henderion.
I also wish to ,say that I never Made any state-
ment at ,any time in any way reflecting upon the
professional character of Mr. Blair. So far as I
know, Mr. Blair acted in the settlement of the said
estate simply in the interests of his client, as he had
a perfect right to do.
It is my wish that Mr. Blair shall have this apology
published in three successive issues of the following
papers, in a most prominent place in thein: the
SEAFORTII ExToSiToR, the Brussels Post, and the
Herald of Brussels, for which publication and all ex-
penses therewith I agree to pay.
Dated at Brussels, April 21s4, A. D., 1894.
Property in Seaforth
Pursuant to the judgment of the Chancery Division
of the High Court of justice in the action of Andrew
vs. Andrew, and with the approbation of Neil Mc-
Lean, Esquire, Official Referee, there will be offered
for sale by Public Auction by J. P.Brine, Auctioneer,
SEAFORTH, at the hour of one o'clock pen., on
WEDNESDAY,THE 23rd DAY OF MAY, 1894, the
folloaing lands and premises in one parcel: Town
Lot No: 82, on Railway Street, in Jarvis Survey, in
the town of Seaforth, in the county of Huron. The
said lot contains about one qharter of en acre of land
and is conveniently situated to the Grand *Trunk
Railway station, and upon it are erected three frame
dwelling houses. The property will be offered for
sale subject to a reserve bid fixed by the said referee.
Terms -Ten per cent deposit at the time of sale, to
the Vendor or his solicitor, and balance within 30
days thereafter, without interest, into court to the
credit of this action. The purchaser s3hal1 investi-
gate the title at his own expense and shall not be
entitled to demand any abstract nor' the production
of documents or evidence of title not in the Vendor's
possession. In all other respects the terms and con-
ditions of sale will he the standipg condition's of
court. Further particulars can be had from J. G.
VanSittart, Esquire, Vendor's §nlieitor, Tilsonburg,
or from W. L. Beale, Esquire, Solicitor, 61 King St,
East, Toronto.
NEIL MetEAN, Official Referee.
Dated at Toronto this 25th day of April, 1894-
1377 -td
Notice to Creditors.
11/ELLETT •&
Nails, Glass, Putty,
Pure White Lead,
Linseed Oil.
Turpentine and
Whiting and
Full stock and close prices.
Headquarters for
Tinware, Eavetroughing and
General Jobbing.
KID'S Old Stand,
The latest Shoes for Ladies.
1 The latest Shoes for Misses.
1 The latest Shoes for Children.
The latest Shoes for • Men.
The latst S oes for Boys.
The latest S iiioes for Youths.
The latest Shoes for Every-
body. ,
You can prove this by a
careful- comparison and in-
Richardson & McInnis
Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0., Chap
ter 110, Section 36, that all creditors and persons
having claims upon or against the Estate of the said
John Brown, late of the Township of Stanley, in the
• County of Huron, who died on or about the 304h day
of April, A. D,, 1893. are hereby required to send by
post, prepaid, to t ameron, Holt & Holmes, of the
Town of Goderioh, in the County of Huron, Solici
tors for the Exeeutors of the Bald John Brown, on or
•before the 22nd day of May, A. D., 1894, a statement
in writing of their names and addresses, together
with full particulars of their claim and the nature of
• the securities (if any) held by there. And further
take notice that after the said 22nd day of May, A.
D.' 1891, the said •Executors will proceed to dietei-
bute the assets of the said deceased among the
parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the
claims of which notice shall have been given as re.
quired, and the Executors will not be liable for the
said assets or any part thereof, to any person or pe -
sons of whose claim notice shall not have been re-
ceived at the talip of such distribution. •
Solicitors for Executore.
Dated April 74h, 1894.
EGGS FOR SALE froin White Leghorns and Black
Minorcas. My pen of Minorcas this year is
headed by a grand 74- lb. Coekrel, sired by Thomas
Duff's 181 Prize Cockerel at the Ontario in Hamilton
last year, mated into extra fine hens and pullets. My
Leghorns are of Rice's strain, headed by a grand
pure white Cockerel and mated to choice hens and
pullets. Eggs, $1 per 13.
The following testimonials, among many more,
were received last season:
The Black Minorca Eggs hatched 13 birds from the
13 eggs,and with the Cockerel you shipped me in Sep-
tember took first and second prize over the Man who
took first and second at the Western, Landon.
Jriars CARSON, Highgate.
Got 12 chicks from 13 Minorca eggs, 10 pullets and
2 Cockrels, 11030E, Seaforth.
Had splendid success with eggs you sent me.
Also a few Colonies of Pure Italian Bees, and will
keep for sale Bee -Keepers' Supplies, such as Hi .es,
Frames, Sections, Comb Foundations, Smo ers,
Honey Knives. Also agent for Mrs. Jennie Atch ey's
celebrated Italian Queens. Beeswax taken in ex-
change for supplies. Visitors welcome, Sun ays
Reference -Mr. James Beattie, grain merchan
Opposite entrance to Mr. J. Btattie's grove,Seaf th.
Shingles for Sale.
The undersigned has now a large stock of British
Columbia Red Cedar Shiugles, also Ontario Cedar
Shingles on hand at each of the following places and
they may be procured at the very lowest prices,
either from himself, or the parties named: Belgrave,
Wm. Watson; Myth, D. Cowan; Brucefield, at the
Station, or from Robert McIlveen, Stanley, and
Lone:Weber°, from himself.
WM. WHITLEY, Londesboro.
Day S u re.
$3• me your adde5
show you how to make $3ardsayrll
ly sure, I furnish the work owl tenth
you free; you work JII the ',veiny wl.,.ve
you live.- Send me your and
will explain the business ful*.
bar, I guarantee a clear profit .)f $76, •,
every day's work; absolutely sure, don't
fail to write to -day,
Address A. W. KNOWLES, Windsor, Ontario.
EP. Neuralgic
Manufacturer of and Dealer in all
kinds of --
Made to order in the best style, and
everything in stock that can be found
in a first-class harness shop.
Come in and examine stock and get
prices before buying elsewhere,
Strong's Red Brick Block, next to the
Town Building, Seaforth.
The Kippen Mills
The Kippen mills are now running at full blast sad
are prepared to do GRISTING on the shortest notice,
and most reasonable terms. In this way you get
flour from your own wheat, and better value for
the money than in any other way. Good flour
The highest price in cash will be paid for good
loge, or they will be cut to order.
All kinds of Lumber for sale, cheap.
1357-t f
Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia
10 20 wieures, also Coated Tongue, Dizzi-
ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation,
. Torpid Liver, Bad Breath, ,To stay cured and
regulate the bowels. VERY NICE rct TAKE.
Musical : Instrument
Scott Brothers,
Boll 8,11A -
any, Bowmanville.
ORGANS. -W. Bell & Co., Guelph;
Dominion Organ Company, Bowmanville
D. W. Karn & Co., Woodstock.
The above Instruments always on hand, also a few
good second-hand Pianos and Organs for sale at
from ($25 upwards. Instruments sold on the inetal•
ment plan, or on terms to suit onetomers. Violins,
30alertinaS and smal instruments on hand also sheet
.nuale, books &o.
See that horse?
It renews the system, enriches the blood and gives
nathre a fair chanee, is also' an unfailing eradicator
of bots and worms. It is just as good for cattle as
for horses. Try a 50c. package if your horses or
cattle are not thriving. For a spavin, curb, ring-
bone or splint, use Dick's Batter, 50e. -Dick's Lini-
mept for sprains, swellings, bruises, etc. 25c. -Dick's
Ointment for scratches, old three, saddle galls, etc.
26e, mailed on receipt of price.
DICK & CO. P. 0. BOX 482, Montreal.
He has a
smooth and
gl.ossy coag
and feels in
good enough
condition to win
and so would any
horse if its
owner used
The Old Established.
Planing Mill and
Sash and Door Factory,
iThis old and well-imowo establishment is skill
'inning at full blast, and now leas better facilities
than ever before to turn out a good article for a
nVoderate price. Sash and doors of all patterns al-
ways on hand'or made to order. Lumber dressed on
short notice and iri any way desired. All kinds of
, lumber for sale on reaeonatile terms. Shilagles kept
constantly on hand. Yetimstee for the furtilshing
of buildings in whole or in part given on application.
None hut the best of material moed and workman.
ere guaranteed. Patronage solicited.
nee J. HI AROADFOOT, Seater*
South End Clothing
We have a large assortment of
Men's, Youths' and Children's Ready-
made Clothing at very low prices;
also some exceptionally fine goods for
Suitings and Pants at rock bottom
prices for the Spring trade.
New Spring styles in all the leading
shapes and makes, Also the finest
stock of Soft Felts.
All the latest novelties in Shirts
Neckwear, Gloves, etc., at the Iowes
prices, just opened out for the Spring
Ear Underwear at greatly reduced
The South End Clothier.
Vitellingtou, Grey and Bruce.
Gorse NOILITI-. Paseenger, mer.a.
Althel - 3.00 r. a. 2.30 P.X. 9.109PJG
Brussels.a a. ._. . • 9.45
Bluevale- - .- 3.27 9.57 10.1.0
8.37 10.07 11.20
Passenger. Mixed.
6.25 A.X.11.20 A. X. 7.3;) P..
3.87 11.35 8.15
6.54 11.69 9.00
7.08 12.14 980
011ie BOUM-
London, Huron andBruce
GOING NORTH- • Passenger.
London, depart 8.25a.. bahlrE.
itzeter •9.29 6.18
9.42 9,31
Kippen.. .. - 9.47 9.30
Bruoefield........ .. .... - 9,65 644
Clinton - - . ...... - 10.12 7.00
Londesboro ...... .... - 10.29 7.19
Blyth..... - - .. - ...... - 10.88 7.28
Belgrave.. 10.52 7.42
Wingham arrive nao 8,05
Goons Soma-• Passenger
Winghara, depart- . - .., a 6.40A.x. 3.45P.X.
Belgrave . a 8.45 4.06
Blyth - 7.08 •4.20
Loudeeboro . • . VIA 7.15 4...SS
Clinton - 7.46 4.48
Brimfield - ..... - 8.05 5.06
Kippen... . ... .... .... 8.13 6.13
3.22 • 6.18
Exeter... .......... 8.40 6.80
Grand Tranle Railway.
Trains leave Seaforth and Clinkna station es
Passenger - _ ..• _ 1.12P. a. 1.28 as x.
Passenger- •. - _ 9.06 r. W. 9.22. X.
Mixed Train_ __ - 9.801. x. 10.751,..w
Mixed Train.. ...... 0.50?, X 7.05 P.X.
Gout* Muer-
Passenger. - - - - 7.54 A. X. 7.87 io lc
Passenger... - .. 3.06?. X. 2.46?. X
Mixed Train.-
... - 5.26 r X, 4.50 r. et.
Freight Train.. .. .. 4.25?. et 8.35 . Is
The McKillop Mutual,
Insurance Company.
D. Roes, President, Clinton P. O.;
Shannon, Secy-Treas., Seaforth P. 0.;
Murdie, Inspector of Losses, Seaforth 2.0.
Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth Alai. Gardiner Lead -
bury ; Glabriel Elliott. Clinton ; Geo. Watt, Ifitriock •
joeoph Evane'Beechwood; 11. Murdie, &Worth
hoe. Garbutt, Clanton.
Thos. Nellans, Harlook ; Rat. MoMlllan, Seaforth
Oarnochan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan and Gee
urdie, Auditors.
Parties desirou- to oiled insurances or tran
o tether business will be promptly attended to an
pplioation to any of the above officers, addreseed to
heir respective post offices.
is thelatesttriumphin pharmees_vfortbe cure
of all the symptoms hidiegting Klemm 4.tra
EdvnutIomplaint. If you are ixoubleavith
Costiveness• Dizziness- Sone Stomach
Headache, Indigestion, PooR sineTrra,
Nights, Melancholy Peelliig BA0X AMIE,
Membray's Kidney and liver
Sold at all Drug Stores.
Membro Medicine Company
of Peterborough, (Linuited)#
For sale by I. V. FEAR, druggist, Sego b.
Boots and Shoes
Has on hand a largo numbr- r of Bootsand Shoes &WE
OWLI make, best material and
Varranted to give Satisfaction.
you want your feet kept dry come and get * pair ot
our booth, which will be sold
Repairing promptly attended to. All kin. ds Book.
and Shoes made th order. All parties who have not
paid thetr accounts for last year will please call and
settle up.
D. MeINTYB.E, Seaforth.
the 1.,;:'c •
wor.i.Soteel hoe: ,
from ohildren or adults,.
use D. SMITH'S-
>tempt, reliable, safe and pleasant, requitftig no
dier medicine. Never failing. Leave no ba.d afror
Pitiee, 25 %Juts per Bon:
J. C. SMITH & CO,,
A General Banking business transacts&
Farmers' notes discounted.
Drafts bought and sold.
interest allowed on deposits.
SALE NOTES discounted, or taken for
OFFWE--First door north of
Wilson's Hardware Store.