HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-04-27, Page 84
27, 1894. OWN"
Wilsons Oash 6rocer ed to a duel, but it fell to the lot Of orosse and football clubs have both begun day a lady coming to town with a basket of Gardening is the order of the day. -Messrs. _JHouse cleaning is now the order of the
Y' EgniondvilIecribe-this week to.be threat. pri*We, and wheelmen are beginning to t i Ped over one- of these brokeylanks Rollins & Williams, of the Exete flour day; and the Health Inspector is on -his
e 174
I am still Selling all kinds of, ch lee Groceries at ened with destruction from a boulder in the freqtient the bicycle track. -T e t FRIDAY.,
revival ser- and broke one half of her eggs. tr is a mills, are do' iness, rounds seeing that the p clo, and outbuild-
Prm'". for cash or trade on y, they %were, ing avery extensive bu;
lower k ban hand of a wheelman who seemed bent on vices which have been he
wonder people do not h ve some. of their Numerous Jarmers' wagons can be. seen ings are al
eve r -in this part of the cou try and, it you avenging e craft by ist church have been very sul cessful
r sold to so attended t,,. .-Robert Wilson
_the insult o0cred to th from limbs broken. -Rev. Mr. Bean, of,, Rodney, there ever day. -The grounds of the is pusbing along his ne i , residence on Mill
your trade. Every little helm i
would like to see prices still lower ae&09h re of our remarks of a week or two ago. Next more than one point of vie They liaie occupied the APRIL 27thi
ve is Evangelical Pulpit, on Sunday ' Trivitt Memorial church are b dded stre6t.-The case of ags..ulf, preferred by
g d
,, th busi
I do the cheaper I can sell. I am trying Jusi week we look for an attack from a man beenvery well attended, the hutch being wie of em 0
Re Mr. Yager was the guest ind trees planted, which will adl -greatly G. F. Blair against George Henderson last
hOw cheap goods can be soold the strictly cash armed with an old stove -pipe or a pot -lid, filled every night, -ad on Sun . there were Mr!=Morje vkarcher on Monda.-Mr. to the appearance of the place_ Ivfr. 'S. C. week, has been settled by the defendant
system instead, of howmuch I ca them,
arge or on account of last week's notes, Not being fouf large ineetings, one in the afternoon in Henry Wi ert had his hotel repaired last-
the old style of doing business. am soulng at ersey, who has been a resident of Exeter apologizing -to Air. Blair and by being fined A COMPLETE
the same profit as other Roods. eve a fine stock prepared for martyrdom, in such a cause,we Cardnos hall, and besides mucR interest has week, which,greatl improves the interior for a number of years, will move to London $5 and costs. The charge was laid - as an
the uewftt and best goods in the m rket. No ne;i suppoue the wise course would be to stop been manifested and much ood done.- of the building.M. Rollins, of Exeter, with'his family shortly. We wish Mr. aggravated assault, but on account - of the
for any one to send out of town for ew, an I will sell scribbling and make h bl 30logy to Fishing was never better in th river than. was in the village on unday. -Mr. and Hersey the greatest of prosperity in 'that, apology, Mr. Blair withdrew the -seriou's -is NOW—
cheaper thin any one com travel the country and @ell
retai. 1, and will guarantee all goods to give satisfac! all -having injured felngHT-Mr. 'tale, who now. Mr. Richard Hewitt caug t eleven and Mrs. Fenn were visiting friends in Parkhill -The Exeter Salt Works Company charge, thus leaving it in the hands 'of the
tion. or return the money. Flour, Syrup, Currants, owns three comfortable cottages in Sea- a half pounds weight in eight hours. In on Sunday.
ig W, I gain commence operations on Monday justices for settlement.
Raisins and all kinds of Canned Goods at old price& forth, has let the contract of putting stone the lot were two mullet from he lake,ca
i tte ught
C.. W1 next! The many friends of Mr. William Ready fo YOU r
foundations and cellars under each to Mr. between Egmondville and Broa # , I i TwEa
LSON, Seaforth. t's bridge, Vaxna. Kydd, ex-)eputy-Reeve of Usborne, 'will
Bank of Commerce Block. R. -Kruse-, of this village. Thejobbasgone -The many friends of Mi. Job Dalyisr., Staffa..
1374 to a good workman, and will be well done. NOTICE. -For 30 days I will give a dis- regret to learn that he is in very pool, (IRADUATED.-J. T. Norris, of this place
who had his leg broken some nontlis ago, count of 10 per cent. from my already low prices, on health. He bad a very severe attac
Any quantity of new Hats ancl B
-For a pastime Mr. Bale taker, an inter st will regret to learn that he is no improving all tweed suits niade to order. Also black worsted rippe and the disease has settled in - hi - who has been attending Queen's University, ou-
e-keeping and gardening both of which very rapidl , as the fracture is n t uniting. Suits, guaranteed fit, for $17, for cash ohly. I sell 18 Kingston, graduated in Arts at the recent
the best 25 cent Japan tes In -the county. He intends going to Toronto shortly nets, latest shapes and styles; at- priew,'
lie thoroughly understands. 'He reports his He'18 an ol man, and the coi See m3e flead. examination. This was one of the largest. 013
Big Clothin 'Deal. bees weak this spring, n ement is stock of boote and shoes, Print@ and staples In every to undergo an operation, which it is hoped, - to nuit everybody, from a few CMts
but his garden ex- hard on him. -Mr. Robert Wint r is now graduating class in the history of 'the T-Tni-
line. 'Givemeacal.l. J.T.OmRNS. 1373-2 Will result in his complete restoration to, ver ity. each, up to as high -as you want
eels, having onions fit for the table and peas sh g two car loads of but, rs' cattle,
Through the agency of the ne -r SPECIAL SERVIOES.-Special services were health. to
tolploinntreal, every week. Aft. Wiriter Is held in the Episcopal church here ei ery
-failing factor well above-grouftd, both planted this spring. CASH we have been enabled to olos out a consider-
able portion of the balance of a largp manufacturers' about the only shipper in these p AS I that is Ethel. A first-class lot of Parasols, durable Last weg
stock of Made Up Clothing at a baroin. The prices Liovor, PE:Rmias.-At a meeting of the keeping thin Mason, night last week'and this. The services Tuckersmith. tment
98 moving. -Air. C. L OTE. -IS it not about time the baseball andiolid in color; large assor His fb
were conducted bv Rev. Mr. Kerrin of F_4RAI SOLD.
at which they are bought will anabi t it License Commissioners for South Huron of Brucefield, -was in town Monda , he hav- -Mr. John Gibson, of Stan clu was organized. -Our teachers are at- nico haudlesj 'anol low in price.. The f un(
"; Z71 T S held a. Hensall on' Friday.last, it was de- Bayfield, assisted by Rev. F. G. Newton, of ley, has sold the farm on
MENS SPLENDIIDI ing returne oin the old countr on Satnr- the 3rd concession, te ing the convention at Brussels this At hal
In faotwe have, a very nice All market, there as
At $7.00 and $9.00. oided to grant licenses to the following day. e Says the horse Strathroy. These services have been very north of the Mill Road chool house, be- week. -Our junior football club was defeat -
I lai ely at ended by both old and young, loll There has been quite a b
Wool Suit at U.50, warranted to gi e ties-: ging to the estate of the late Mr. Morton
good satisfac- par well as here, is very dull. Mr. ed, last Friday, by a much heavier tealn done in. Spring Capes, still
tion. In Boys' and Children's suits we can send the Scaforth,-Jaines Weir, Thoma's Stephens crossed the Atlantic- 40 SsOn 118,11 any a general revival is manifest aniong the for the suni of $5,000. The farin contains from Atwood. The' score was 2 to 1 - there is
times.-Alpst, farm- people. Manywhow6re formerly careless one1undred acres, is wen situated and is Wellington.Fogaliserectin a kitchen mothers home delighted with the argain8b we can &SOn If. Edsally James Dick, William ers in this vicinity are no* done seeding, A Still
give them. A Bab and gall given eac.h oy get -
good assortment left, chiefly, i, medium..
ting Flan and indifferent about spiritual things, have an excellent place, the buildings, however,
Tske war
air. Mr. Thomas Lane, who has a U C e -R Becker spent and low-pricea lines. For those 4*-
a, suit. Call and inspect. k, L.'L. Walper Shop, -.L Daw- andif the crop does not pro- e abt'mdailt it beenledto manifest a concern for their are only Lqr. Simpson t&s week.-Wr
son ;a1Va%olesaIe,--H. Jacks 8 will not'be because the seed has got been future, while'many others have been quick- had the farm leased for a number of yearp, 8 n a obert Nichol, of i3alt, would prefer --to have their Capes,
WX PICKARD und y i u 1ph
T;J&ersmi1h,-JacobWe1:rn, ',',nonadville; ut in under favorable circurnotances. pe t few days with his brother Samuel,
-forth. ened in the faith, and a splendid work is is the purchaser. in this village. -Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Thom- and Wraps made -up, -we _14P ramh,
Win. Dixon, Brucefield; Win. *,I,. P'iss Hext's entertainment, underi the au- being done. 'Mr. Kerrin is
Sea acket
an indef t*
Stanley, -George Faugh, Brucefield iees of the Mechanics'. Instit0e, takes able and earnest son, of Atwood, spent Sunday with friends showing a choice assortment of Sprint -chaugmg,
p ac worker and an Cook, Varna; Henry Shafer, Kippen. e on the 8th of May. The young ladies Chiselhurst. here -jRje Id Peitch was called home to and Summer Oloths,
Baj field, reacher, and he is rendering good service gina I*hier g .
-E. Elliott, E. R. Swarts. who took part in the recent eCar ival will JOTTIo.s. -We are pleased to notice our Cro ' I I on, Saturday last. His father
for the Master, both here and at Bayfield
-W at -we
The fWunall &IP051tot ay,-W.R.Hodging And James Cox- assist on this occasion. -Mr. and Mrs. John blacksmith shop open again, it being 00- died the same evening.. Seeding is well ad- So far this season we have had wh
worth, Hensall; Charles Greb and H. L. Landsborough, of Tuckersmith, have re- clapied by Mr. Hall' of Varna, who comes vanced. 1.
Peine, Zurich; Win. Nicholson, Blake. Bayfield. considerable ru n Of 'I able,wei
turned from a visiting tri to Brussels, Gor- highly recommend'ed as does also I some specia Atift.,
pomto. his a4 - of . Black Dess Good
DISTRICT MATTERS. e t, Dashwood; rie and other northern Mr.il Lands- H. F. EDWARDS is now.showing a splen- sistant, who is a wood -worker. - We wel- Morris. !S, which are not
Joseph B ancy straw hate.for common or renrierargiramd Blend ; James Han- boroug is looking for a house in town, with did assortment of plain and f NOTES. -The fine weather continues, and
boys. IFIrls' misses, women and inen. Prices are come Mr. Hall and his family to our burg, ordinary value. nan, z8hi k Robert McFauls, Corbett; a view of coming here to reside. -Xr. John eu Nugly low. As usual tLe stock of now prints and trust his business may be a success.- another week will finish seedin t Should see them. Our customers
g in MOB THE MissIox.-On next Sunday, at 10.S0 Patric Wala Limerick; Win. Holt, Khiva; McTavish, who, for the past two y ars, has Is Ing much Rev. Lewis Parish' of Manitoba, who is places. -Mr. Kelly's barn wal wil
t mired and the choicest patterns are
a. in., a mission. will be opened in St. James' Walter Clarke and August Hill', Crediton ; been connected with one of the ti v 11 being q ckly sold. Al I be finish- loud in their praise.
a 16 in and cur . in notal ' special values in art musline home at present, preached with much ac- ed this week, but then, eleven men should
Wm. Moffatt and Mrs. Hodgins, Centralia 1376-1
Roman Catholic church, in this towu, con- dairy outfits from the Ontario Agripultui!21 ceptance in the Methodist Church last Sun put up -a big wall in two weeks. -The stone - A dozen or more In 00TT01
ducted by Rev. Father Doherty, 8. J., and 'Exeter, Sarah A Pane, W.T. Atchison, College, has been engaged to take BREEZY LOCALS. -Mr. James poll akes of c z rge of ock re- day. -Quite a number of the farmers in this masons are busily engaged at Air. Wm.
Rev. Father O'Brien, S. J., both of T.'W. Rawksbaw, John Leathorne ; Sh' cently purchased from the vxec Dress Goods, in the fairest and p
Montre- ops,. the Seaforth creamery for the c2g sea" UtOrs Of the, vicinity have finished seeding.- Michie's house wall -this week. They are tie'st shad BALBK
al, which will last eight days. The order of -Farmer Brothers and F. J. Night. son. Mr. McTavish is one of the beit but. Connor estate, that large frame building,. hustlers, and intend to be at Mr. Dickson's, es, are daily being cut
exercises for the weeK will be announced on Usborne,-Alfred Walters, Devon; Jo- ter makers in the Province, and hi a 'eng- Ion known as the Queen's hotel,, and s lr
age -
morning.' Tese distinguished seph Stephens, Woodhani. real ang of men at work makin BeIgTave. near Walton, next week, having finished a Into dress lengths. These are All WATUU
Sunday ment here is a guarantee that the patron's y has a 9 NOTES. -Mr. Elam Livingston is a
priests harve a wide reputation throughout of the Seaforth creamery will get the' very extensive &iterations and improvements. big job for Mr. AfcCulla, near t adbury, in special valuq, ' with trimmings to-,
rushing business at present. He is a McKillop township. Messrs. McDonald LISLE
Ontario 'as pulpit deliverers, and we feel MULLETT & J--,LCKSON's for Alabastine, beat possible results from their cream. -Mr. When completed this will'be the most com- match.
Paris White, Whitink and prepared Paint. 1376.1 plete and conv hustler. -Mr. Dan Geddes is very busy a and Coombs have three jobs, and a lot more
sure much good will result from their labors. W. Prendergast, of the Seaforth Collegiate enient summer hotel we have t
DON'T forget that'you - can get, th t had. -On Tuesday night Mr. Ransom present, hav,,,n got behind with his work elsewhere. Miss Maggie Agen has gone to The Prints, Ohallies, Huslins, e best Institute, has been appointed a member of sic g tt, game De -
Ax,OTHER asts -for -7c amse at T. Dopes, seeforth. 1376-2 the Board of Examiners for Toronto 0, niver- o ness.-Mr. A. Sco, town at seiving. an establishment in that I&ines
SUCCESSFUL HURONTTB.-The Relds and Mrs. Henry Howard, of the rn to Seaforth to work in
r on two Izes
Peterboro Examiner of a recent date says: WHOLESALE PRICES. -Good Brothers will sity.-Mrs. James Broadfoot, or., mother of Sauble line, were joined i' n, had better keep his eye -Mr. Jam" Colter, of the and other washing niateriak
n the hol ho d
n 8 men in this town. 9th line, is very poorly thi for Drew", are well wor
yo n -Mr. Win. Wr th seeing
Mr. M. A. Morrison, L. A S., of the well always sell Bots and Shoes " cheap as the cheap- Mr. Win. G. Broadfoot of Tuckersmith, of Matriniony, at the residence of Robt. ay a sprMg.
I is in ondon at present, A WAR-.NiwG. -Would it ta
knowx firm of Rose & Morrison, surgeon set, quality considered. See ad. on page S. 1876-1 left this week for, Abilene, Kansas, to visit Johnston, by Rev. E. Oliphant. -Rev. Mr. visiting his sister- not be better for All the patterns are choice, and
n -law, who is very ill. certain young people attending Sunshine qualities are the beat that esn
PATRONIZE your home butchers. -Beat her daughter and -other friends. It is a lo Newton preacherd in Trinity church on Sun -
dentists, was notified to -day that he - had ng &
nn as church to try to keep better order -and not
been -successful in taking the houora de -i steak so %t J.Doipp's, Seaforth. 1376,2 journey for a lady over 80 years of 'age,,but d. y mor g He and Rev. Mr. cured for the money.
_.LAws Mowers, Spades, Shovels and Hoes Mrs. B Kinburri. make themselves app ar foolish by. talking,
gree of Doctor of Dental Surgery, at roadfoot is unusually active for her Kerrin are holding mission services at Jak
at MUUWff k, JACKSoN'8. 1376-1 Varna.- laughing and drummingon the floor with
recent examinations of Trinity College. If years. Her many friends will join TnE Ex- Mr. E. Swaftz, of the River hotel, FACTORY TO START. -The Constance Do you require anything
g arounq to look- at eye far- -
has put in a fine new I b r and refrigerator, ions on ry- Tile,
has been placed in Class I and awarded You can save' from 20 to 40 cents; on Posrron in wishmig her a safe journey and a Cheese Factory will start operat- their feet, turnin ? - ;-,c
one who opens the door to come in, and tains, CarpetF or Oil Cloths H
certificate Of honor. Dr. Morrison's nuT_ncJ every dollar by going to T. Coventry's old stand for pleasant . visit. -The Military or Robby and is making extensi improvements to Monday, May 7th, and on that day the milk throwing candies and beech nuts at others ou'll 16e suited Ou of our stock q
your Boots..And shoes. Repairing and custom work ve drawers will call on the patrons for uicir-
ous will heartily congratulate hii,. attended to as usual. arfe in y
friends Horse Tournament, of -Aich we made men this popular house, in anticipation of a I their
on t milk. Mr. Papineau, who has conduc
on his new elevation of tioft last week, will take place in the skating attendance of summe church; chewing gum and writing non- ly and cheaply. Every Curtain professional success. SEE the Hathaway Wire Fencing at MUL- this house will be r fuests. No d ted sense on the back of the seats. All the
Dr. Morrison is PA old resident of this LTr & JACKSON'S. i -1 evening Mr.
rink in this town on Wednesday crowded, as under the factory for several, years most satisfac-
1376 show is a beauty, from tile - low
neighborhood and his many old friends will AT n next. -Mr. George B. Scott, barber, is right Swartz's efficient management, the beat Of torily to all concerned, will have charge above should be put a stop to at once. If TH,
o place in Western Ontario can you again thi year. people cannot to church and behave price up, and tke Carpets are in very
he glad to hear of his added honors. He is bay in line in the free portrait business. Every- satisfaction will be given. -On Thursday,
B40te and Shoes as cheap mat T. Coventry's 0
themselves in a It and proper manner then select patterns and shading&
a son of Mr. Andrew Morrison, formerly of old stand. You are invited to prove this assertion body should ee his window. -Mr. Joseph April 19th, the death. occurred of Mr. Thor.
McKillop and attended school at Seaforth by ailing and seeing our prices. It makes no differ- Brownell, who has been laid tip so long Parker,. an old and highly esteemed resident lot them stay at home, as it is very hard -for
with McKillop.
once whether you want to buy or not. the minister to speak when others are it&Ik- by Premiei
Cash only. of Bayfield. Air. Parker was bo We will be p1mmed to have you calf'
1376-1 Leg,
lor some time. sciatica, is now sufficiently recovered to be rn in AmmAm RuNN-mG AT LAR(,E.D1kAR EX- Mg. We hope this will be a pointer and a and look through our Spring stock..
able to come down town, but he has to England in'1819, and was a resident of POSIToR.-We have a by-law in MaKillop fair warning. -CHURCH GOF.R, Sunshine. 00AM6
ArowEM.-Rei Stanley and Bayfield for 17 years. We know you will gain something, be aged in
d & Wilson, Sea a crutch. -Mr. B. B. Gunn who has been w
NARRow EsaAP.E,Afr. John McKee, of forthi have a large'stook of the beat and *sWest run- hich forbids certain animals from run -
McKillop, had a very narrow escape from n ,%,: Lawn Mowers made. The cheapest going, laid up for the past five weeks with inflain- at Ia , yet there are certain perxons by it.
day ty considered. Just try them. 1376.1 is recovering Brucefield. ning rtirepir hones and pigs on the high- HensaR.
serious injury while in town on Mon u matory rheumatjim, and was who turn
last. He was assisting in loading a roller CHEAP MEATs.-*l do not propose 0 be &ble to- be out esterday. MONEY to loan at low rates and easy way the same'as if it belonged to them, in- IL&TEST STYLE of bu d
t g1gs an carts at the
terms on Farm Property. Deeds, mortgages, Wills. -stead of the travelling public, thus so no sh
in his wagon at Coleman's ware -rooms, near undersold by outside competition. Best steak 8c, endau- Henull Implement and M Le
rometa 79 and 8c, other cuts in proportion. j. Dopp, etc, carefully and correctly attended to, at moderat Sprag Pump $5 each. Wx LDIR, 0 $man. 1376-2 Mr. 31ej
the railway track. He was standing on the Dublin. e fering the ives and property of their neigh- E ste Best Bucket Edward Mc -aul
1370-t f condition t.
wagon rs. Some of those animals belong to G. J. SUTHERLAND, Notary Public, Com -
when something Startled the horses DOTS. -The spring work is pretty far 4d' BREviTiEs.-Miss Bessie Ross, of the
1376-2 charges. J. A. McImsil. F
anii th 1o_4,RDiKns.-TWO Or fou
A CIIAXCE FOR 16 r would firt
y Ma a reclar church-goinj people, I hold that miWoner, Conveyancer, has within the past montiq SFAFORTH.
de a sudden spring forw rd. High School students, young men, can find a good vanced in this section, and the fall whea 'is manse, returned home on Thursday -of last
re gion begins at ionic, and tt.ny person reeiived the offer of a large amount of money from he seemed I
Mr. TC]5Lee was thrown looking splendid. All the farmers are - hop- week, from McGil.1 College on re I pri*ate parties at lowest rates of interest on good urpos 01
fRrward On the boarding house, at 82 a week. Convenient to bui. M t h
fiW- __ . e who does not keep the laws of the township moitgage security. Office at.the Post Office.
whiffletrees and tongue, and in this position ness part of town. Apply at Tax EXPOSITOR OFFIOX, ing that President Van Ho me's prophecy has lately completed her first year' 1376 WhEle he h
H1 Y Des Moines, Iowa -
s studies does not keep the laws of God. As a resi- OCAL BRiEFS.-The weather is continu- &91931 of Irishmex
t oru
was carried a considerable distance, when, SeafOrth- 1376xl will be fulfilled before long. -We have had irt the college. -Messrs. P. McGregor, C- dent of McKillop and living where thi by- ing: mo Rev. J. rn r Cleveland, Oh'
e,am9n ge
9 and P had been. 11
was Taylor, practical cutler and grinder, will be here for Saturday last from a six weeks' trip to Scot- ttiug in thei cellent con- Xesers. C. P. Braun and M. Fi
in some way or other no person seems to STEANt WORKsKor 0,, r WHEELS. ' E. quite a bi 'of sickness in town of lat Mason. and J. Murdoch reached home on law has been broken for ye r favorable for the farmers, and they r,
11 people. Mr. Maddigan, Editor J. C
know ve well howbegot off or old who war suffer- a S %ud the signs are%e ir crops in ex e.
tow days, so bring along your knives, sciesors, iazors sand had thr The ing Tro i inflammation, is impro'ving s land. They took with them two car loads dition. The fall wheat also
own c, and escaped unhijurea. and have them Xrou*ad and made as good as new. Um_ are no better this spring, I wish to remind biner, Toledo, Ohio. Messrs. J. Leibold,
giving prom- af1ittrod
horses, a spirited t down the brellas and parasols neatly repaire His life was despaired of at one which they disposed of is ise of a good fair and Amos Y. Haist were licensed to preach.
eam, took te - the law -breakers tha ' Air. G. McGee'
cf. Lawn mowers ly titei. of horses, 32 in all, oper- Meiiedith o
track-, bilt were captured befor sharpened, Saw@ filed and set, I yield
going fat-, ai wn machines re- Mr. T. Slayin is still in a very critical in Glasgow. They still think there is no poundkeeper and lives close at hand. If atiQ'ns are going o lively in ll quarters of Messrs. J. W. Ortwein, of Zurich, and A* to the rfei
Save th
red. All work guaranteed. M%in Street dition. Owfng to his advanced age ac ter -
and no serious damage was d, ne :
e "S t a d they want to save -costs they had bet Goebel, of Hamilton, formerly of .
his attitud4
ic ,Rle I like Brucefield. -Miss Maggie M our village 'And we think- this. year will. Centre, were deposed from the minist
breaking of the wacron an Nouth, next to Stewarts Blacksmith Shop, Seaforth. ' take their animals inside of their gates, a
d kno, king down a 1376.2 h is recovery. avial and ke pace with former, years in the build' made from
opes are entertained for hi Mr. i returned home from Detroit on Fri -
Cing -expelled from the church. Messrs'
then put on their logging -chains and iron ekimprovement Roland ud- semaphore pole on the railway rack. Mir. T. Carroll, 'our township c rk, is also 'on day last. -The farmers of this neighborhood and.
had deelart
McKee had a fortunate esea: e, as, under MILUARY TOURNAAMm -Don't miss this the'sick lisL-77The people of is pins. --FAIR PLAY. Umbach and D. Kreh were elected presidi4,_.`
ovel exhibition in Rink on 2nd May. See adyertis- 'i h place were have finished seedin The weather dur- more, our enterprising stone Mason, brick parties to t
the circurn tances the wonder is that he surprised last week to learn that Mr. Jacob ing the seei eldera. The Conference will meet next year
ment. ling has feen especia V
1376.1 Ily fine. laye' and contractor, has recently purchased sc -1
was. not killed, Bruxer, of MoKillop was fined here for The fall wheat is n Bluevale. at South Cayuga. The Rev. J. H. Yaggy,
ng a cane ow looking well, and those two fine building lots on the west side agent for North-Western Collegre, a4We6xxwJ mee had re
THE FoOTBALL -MATGH.-Saturday last 1181 :elled postage Stamp. He, w4s there is every prospect of a bountiful bar- A SEINSIBLE RiSOLUTION.-The Board of of the railway track, at the porner of Brook - Mark whiel
HOTBLORANGEs.-Mr. James Weir, the was not a very pleasant day for playing foot -Mrs. Thomas Simpson has retq'rned ompany, the Conference in the interests *1 the same,
tried before Messrs. John: Aikens and J. J. est. Directors of the Bluevale Cheese C and King streets, and -formerly owned nd seen that 1i
at their last meeting, passed the following occupied by Mr. R. A. McIntyre as an hotel and secured aiubsc tion of $1,OW for the --
owner of the Royal Hotel in this town, and ball, as there was a drizzling rain falling' all McKenna, J. P.'s, and a fine of $10 Ild from a visitt.to Tara. -There will be a meet- Something 1
who has been living privately fro' -four or five day. Nevertheless the Berlin High costs, c ;sts amounting to $1.50, were ini- injrr, on Thursdaynext in Union church tt) resolution That our salesma' College Endowm= Ed. The Rev. C. A.
intends taki n be in- property before his fir bey are gooa Thomas gave an -'address on the condition of
-years, School high -4ign]
Ing posse, 1 n of the posed. Mr. Bruxer claimed that lie did not see if the congregation are prepared to structed to attend the first meeting of the -building lots, and Mr. Cu ore, be' Chweli, W
and Seaforth Coll i te
Royal on the firs efta', stitute teanis call C d Ing a
t of May. He intends e oaW and use every in- good practical builder, is just the man to the publishingliouse. He reported that -the keephag thi
line on schedul ime to play for the know that it was used before, so slight was a minister. The church is now vacant for Listowel Cheese t
can b Evangelical Association has a higher
t erecting a large kitchen in the rear and will up and as lie has'alway8 been known about six montlia.-Workinen ha ring* to. bear against the fix up the r' and while improving tion Of
i"I emises the two
ve egttn circulw-
re-paint and paper most of the rooms as to be an honest, upright m4n, no one doub roposed J pound beam weight on cheese,, the villa church periodicals per mein-ber than
igh Cup, representing the sahool chain- the mark,, b fluence he
w pionship of Ontario. -There was, too, quite of Mr. P ereby make the same profit- whichever
ell as make other improvements. Mr.- his, statement. If some' to to build a new storehouse in the rear I
a crowd of spectators p of the post-inanterls ScotVs -new store. advocated by the cheese buyers of Western able to 1 69elf, and we wish him all success ny other denomination in America.
i,- Weir always kept a good house and resent. With the for thak yoi
then and.=
wm a Berlin boys, and filling that unaccustomed would only use a little A.Pore power and Ontario, and also alaint the principle of in his business enterprise.-)Aiss Allan, of
popular landlord. Joseph Clinchy, position of goal keeper, was that comp
Mr. Me Teter n, make their mark a little! pla much Lumley 111sionpropose bythe Association to near Cromarty, was in the vipage the first Greeuway. position to
who has conducted the Royai s Successful- Mr. D. Forsyth comp
the father of As8ocia- trouble would be saved. el all cheese to be sold, only at the part of this week, the guest of Miss Softley. GwsTmc -The 26th annual report Of th6K
NOTES. -MrL Thoma Cain, our enterpria- different Board meetings, as this Company goma, to s&I
-Rawksha(w.'s hotel, and - will conduct. that full -blast, nigh gtheir 1893 has bi en placed in the hands of -our J.P. had been u
ly since the death Of the late n Carroll, tion Football in Canada." They came witb -Quite a number of the Oddfellows of this de artment of Marine and Fisheries for
al. -n ing lime maker has his lime P
has purchased Mr. W)diper 's' interest in. high hopes of taking back the coveted Kippen. . kiln burning will not submit to either of the propositions, village and neighborhood inteild joinin
and (lay, preparing lime
During, the ScRiBs.-Mr. Robert BI 'r left -on TburSL the masons.- he fine weather of the past
trophy, but it was not to he. for as both are contrary to law, and to Say the Exeter Brethren, on Sabbath morning first Rev. R. L. Wilson, of Port Lambtox4 Yet. the ha
d for Al least, not strictly honest."
well known hostelry after the I., t of Mny. ill
first half the game was 'Stubbornly contest- goma, -svith the intention of tak and attending a special service for the makethe I
aY Or- visited his parents and other friends here
h r
u ce
n c
t I
e Ia
McClinche is well k hap buabled-the farmers to put in NoTEs.-At the last regular meeting of der, 6 be held in Trivitt Memorial church, last week, and. returned home last Tuesda
nown o and POP- ed, and, at first, looked as if it mig finds any suitable. -Mr. their spring cr in first class order; a few Court Dou*la Canadian Order of Foresters and conducted by the new incumbent, Rev. -Rey. J. H. hant and W. J. Wilson ddro-io Unite agam .
lit go to Ing up land if he few weeks
Iar with the travelling d alt] Lgh either side, but as Play progressed the Sea- Job, Thompson who has been teaching days more will nish. most of them. it was resolved that, tlie lodge having pros' them to-
7 iou
he may not take much of
of le'lar e -trade e forhites gained confidence and soon had school in the Northwest for some time, ba Mr. Hunt, who is said to be one of' the out to Mr. Gott's nursery, near Arkona, last
pere ith A
wi - is that he wa.,
alway things more to their liking, though only one el Cromarty. 'they should all be re-elected, and this was county. -A large number of our business stock of fruit -and ornamental trees. His,
had in the Royal with him he 8 d so well under the present officers,
returned. He has had poor health for som ' most able and eloquent preachers in the week. They were highly pleased li<A-. Whil
get his shareof whatisgoin We h goal was scored in this interval. When- t"'.' -Mrs. Brawn, of Seaforth, has- beeni
d-, however, they b . egan to the guest of Mrs. George Taylor for a few"
not learned what Mr. Wa er intends ends were change CLICKS. -Mr. James Scott has enlarged carried into effect. Brothers Pring and men and private citizens haN' arranged to, 'spruce, and nut beating trees are upon whic]
ddays.-Mrs. H. Hunt, of Clinton, is at his house by putting tip a new kitchen to it. Miller were chosen as delegates to the High light t4eir premises and dwellien s tihis en- of special not-ke ' NXT the ere
make things pretty hotaround the Berlin Cr
ti - - 51 -
.. A 'LL - essrs. L10naLU Fark and Alex. Purdon, Coun. The lodge has gained one member ing fall with electricity. -Mr. sweet chestnut tdees are inst the kind to They wert
qp TjKE h rUTroic LIGHT PLANT.-LThe to- stronghold, piling in four goals. The ball present at the home of Airs. R. H tint, assist -
F. Holme -
who left Senfort-b abo t .
r !i
was thorou y soalced,-making it exceed- in the nursing of her aged mother -i o x wee s ago for r each meetmg held during the last half gt-ed, barrister, of 18eaforth, and Mr. Young set out for abade ,,trees. In a few years they
council, in compliance with the vote, of the gni Majorities
ult to limidle and the shooting 'n- the old country, with a car load of horses, year. , The, membership now numbers 74. cured. So
ingly diffic law -Four opposition eyg wagons visited W%re in the village this week -Weare will bear enough nuts to paylor cost -and
our merchants on Tuei ay. ome on Monday of last week.- They have paid out in sick benefits in the pl4ased to state that Miss Ellis -%vlfo has expen6s of pla ting.
rate payers, having decided to dispose of the extremely uncertain, but notwithstanding Opposition arrived b lead the 0
town electric lighting plant to Mess Quite a number of the young people of half year $82 -and for funeral benefits $15, been confined to the house, through illness, His price, a er he wallq
the life of tradb, -Mrs. Robert Hunt, -or., ing quality of stock, is mugh less than for-'
rs- this and the slippery ground, the " kids" Cromarty attended divine sqvice in the and ihey still have a cash balance of $800, duting tbe past. few weeks, is improvM, eigq nurserick too. -Mx. H. B.;Quarry Li -
Scott Brothers,'this enterprising firm are played a corking game, and the way they mother of the late Mr. Hunt, is very poorly, to times so lox
the re- wn hall in Staffk, last Siinday.-Mr. besid6.s capital invested to the amount of -9 ing by the I
already making arrangements for rushed the Nkll down was a sight for sore having had a, light paralytic stroke on nicely.- -Quite a number of - 'u
our villagers cense Ins ector of Fisheries, passed t .
moval and enlargement of the plant. They Thomas Chappel intends building a n P 4 0 9
have purchased a lot on Main' ew $750.; This goes to show that Co A ktttende4 Service in the Qerman Evangelical here last week, If the Row
eyes. Berlin; were literally ',.not in it as Sabbath last. She is 83 years of age, but barn this sunimer-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dougli U putting up notices. -Rev, I.
guments A
bears ]let affliction 'With a cheerful spirit. as is doing well in a good cause. -14r. Church,j Zurich, on -Sabbath evenin last, as P. Rice, of -St. Thomas, preacaed a very in -
street, iieE r they secured only on6 or two shots on 'goal Harburn have moved to their] new home in William Patterson i .9
the Oatmeal mill and intend erecting on it a but their defence played a hard game and Many will be glad to bear that, at the time Hensall. s very ill. -Rev. A. Y. conferetice had been held there during the teresting and instructive sermon in the Boa,
2 brick power -house. They vill also put in is then i
ing, -Mug. y e were uttere
two large boilers and a powerful engine cellar dug for a new house. s wer
stopped some good rushes, many a -time of writ she war a little better. Mr. James Hislop is getting the Hartle has returned from attending th past weA, and special service e held at ton MetTiodist Church last Sabbath. He u
suited for the purpose of driving the electric sav*n the goal. The next aspirants,; we Tbomas McKay and Miss Mulholland have Synod at Hamilton. the Qlosipg of the same on. Sabbath m i Financial agent of the College, -appointed by one W, Uld
ornIng, a tiffit yl of
dynamos and will add a complete system of believge, are the Clinton Collegiate Institute both recently been under tile doctor's care. afternoon and evening. -Rev. Mr. McDon- order of London Conference, and intendsto ho
team, and then comes Goderich. It looks, Mrs.. McKay is now on the mend. -Man Farquhar. ald, of Ripley, occupied the pulpit of Car- visit every family on circuit. -M -r. George Might he ne
of our farmers have finished seeding. y Wroxeter. achools wrid
incandescent machinery and lights. The however, as if our boys have a "cinch" on -Our Cl -lips. -Mr. T. M. Kay was the loser of a te &in Grand Bend on his
Y mel Presbyterian Church on Sabbath last, Fos r
expect to make an additional expenditure the cup You xG LIBERAL MEETING.—The meeting and delb ered ood sermons both mornin new bi Friday. -Mr. John Geiggl, selves,- to n
Village has been deserted during the past valuable'mare one day recently. Shortly of the Young Men's Liberal Club, o n- Thurs- and eyeninj Exeter, _f than they A
and stationary dealer, o
system as is to be found in Canada. Not- in through thf
day evening of last week, proved , highly in- wat in the village this -week, looki Exeter, called -on our me rchantsLwt week.
over and abore the purchase money, of two weeks, the farinero making good use of after dinner he hitched his team and went g -C. T. Carling, of wholeses-Tecielt
about $12,000, and will have as complete a
g, as
LoCAL BRIEni.-Allr. James Grieve of the the fine weather. -House cleaning and wall to work in the field, and had gone but a teresting to those who were present. Able usual, ha e and hearty. -Mr. R. A. Win- Yetl if tl
3rd concession papering, garden Makin' little way when one of he animals dropped and instructive papers were read by Messrs. —0 -
tyre, of Windsor, and formerly of this vil- would be
-Three little boys, children of respectable
ered seeding on the 18th inot. He is the earliest cleaning of backyards anTburning refuse dead. -Mr. John Allison lost his best Robinson and Cowan. The President, Mr. lage, wh4 was here part of last week wanted to I
-withstanding the loss the town has suff of Tuckersmith, nished lawn taking, t
cided wisely when they voted to part *ith although several toward the lake shor just now. -Fine strings of fish are un binin
in this matter, we believe the people de- through. we have heard of in 1his district re the chief employments of our villagers thoroughbred cow on Friday last. She was A M to, also delivered a very able and jn- par nts, hav-5 been found guilty of stealing Other W_
e got being. eating turnips and became choked and soon tpresti address. The next meeting of 4he g bupiness with pleasure, -has returned
it, as a private company canx riumun business through Ust week. -Mrs. brought home these days from our shing died. -31r. John -Cameron, who has been 4
of this kind much I'll His many friends were pleased to
more effic' ntly and Oliver, mother. of fi Club will be held in its regular place of home. money from the till of Mr Fred Davis gro- changes
Aturday am much a represent
economically than the council C where been resid in town for some years, raig, w fe* days before X t did not
the sorry to state, again confined to his bed, eve of nimt -week. ! y 2 waa stolen, a
suffering from a paralytic stroke, is, we are meetifig, the Oddfellows hall on Thur d y C as in the village this week
Mrs. Win. Robb, and Miss Oliver, who have grounds. see him ajain.7'-Mr. Kenneth Macarthur, of ce store, in Mitchell.
members are being changed from year ill 0 s a Ailsa as7i
*ioved to derich this week, where they with little hopes of recoverv--Miss Eva C -visiting his brother, Mr. J. Macaribur.- nday $1. All the money waa i counnissiol
om 4
could BlYth. GES IN PROPERTY. —Real estate is on The members of Hensall lodge No. 223, In- Pent but
to year, and we are sure the busij iess w C!O- &ad on Mo
not have fallen into better hands ihan those ill reside hereafter. -Mr. John Copp, of Passmore has returned h e 16m London, a $7 - ly the sami
-A son of Mr. John Agar, of Mitchell inan to d;si
this town, who has been SO extensively en BRIisns.-Mr. Ab. Scott and Mr. Arthur looking well after her visit. the boom here. Mr. Win. Wilson has pur- dependent Order of Oddfefl6ws, intend h
cli on Wednesday on tm=3 old- 0
who was attending makwil
of Messrs. Scott Brothers. Althlough they Tiernay were in Gode chased Mr. David Weir's property, and has ing their' ,anniversary on Friday eve Mr. Gibson ha d
are going into this business, they will- still e ( U 0
carry on mng school, down the
gaged in th e hay shipping , business for th business. -Miss Z e was visiting friends disposed of his own to Mr. S. B. McKelyie, Stratford road, got his the mmal
past two years, -intends returning to his old in towft oil next. Th members will meet in their lodge
theextensive musical instrument busi i Sunday last. -Mr. George Exeter. tbewhole transacticin being completedin room at 7.W o7clock ](105a badly broken a few days ago while gentlemen
ness of contracting an&building, as the Brownlee','of London, is renewing old i e- ITE_M's.H6ron st less time than it takes to tell it. and will march* pro-
reet present plaV base ball. ing these c
..,business which the T have conducted so suc- hay business does not promise very well for' quaint 8 a very BRuPLETS.—Mr. cession toCoxwort'h' 'a hall, where the even- r.
cessfully for many years. this season. -The show window of Mr. ances in town at present. -Mr. j. (x,. handsome , appearance. Road Inspector Howard Snell left on ing's entet aimnent will Thomas Male, of LiBtowel, has a himself int
___ _ __ __9 — - __ be held, commenc-
I Moser has the agency for the Brantford Creech with a staff of laborers has this Thursday last on a trip to California and r at 8 o'61ock The meeting will be Plymouth Rock hen that has reason to be ing about I
-nas Daly' c a ee
Bauslaugh's photo studio has been a great bicycles this season. -Mr. John Bennett has week been ren other-westeri States, expec ng to proud of herself in the production of an egg, his reeorAi
RGX0NDviLLi,:_NoT_us.-Mr. Th 1 entre of attraction for passers-by for sev- ovating and widening the ti be gone an open oilie, a d all are most cordially in-
e-ly settled ne time. We wish m contain
and family have got nic in their eral days. It contained photos of several of taken possession of the Mansion House. - street. -The funeral of Eliza Jane Irwin of for soi h a pleasant vit d to-' attend.-Brotber 'Fit ing by admeasurement dimensioas as done much
Centralia, aged 77 years, who died ther' d own, of zpat.rick, 61 oat for twe
kiew home. Mr. Daly, sr., who stays witb those %;ho took p rt in 'the recent Carnival We iinderstand the follo-* i:ng liotel-keepprs e on au profitable trip. -Miss Lizzie Br Worthy Past Grand Master, has been en- follows Equatorial circumference
all Of daring th
Lis son, is having a very painful experience -of Nations, in full costume. -Mr. Laidlaw, ge on Fordwicb, is- visiting at Mr. Joseph COwan7S -kaged to give an address and, as he is an
in our village have received licenses : John Monday last, passed through the villa inches polar circumference, 71 inches,'
which The Banner vouches -to be stri
the Sve4,
as his broken le- does not unite, paid there' of Chicago Emigh, John Kelly and John Bennett.- Wednesday, last, this week. -Mrs. James Hazlewood, Of excellent s eaker a treiLi is in store ctly
ts doing so on account of M Gbael,6 ' nephew - of Mrs. James Mc- enroute to the Exeter Clffo I for all
emetery. -The farmers, are through seed rd, spent Sunday with friends in town. true and no fish story. had been v
is little hope of T i who has been visiting relative Rev. Mr. Fair, of Londesboro, Occupied the c Mg attending, rid, in addition to this address,
Methodist Church pulpit both morning and In this vicinity. -Exeter will celebrate the R Elliott, of tile Win ham Times, tb -Early last Saturday morning fire broke into power
Iiis advanced years. -Our people were Sorry town for several days, left on Tuesday7folur _Mr ttee are providing an excellent
see three yonths, two of them 4011-1 to-svil, 1VA7y0111iRg,U-8--A1"r.Jas. Pringle, jr.ova es -,Mr. Ohn 8ander literary and musical programme.-.Afr. J. E. out in the upper storeyof the' post office, but he woi
evening on Simclay. Rev. Mr. Bugain offi- 24th of May by having horse racing, a trad was in town last week.
procession an(
ame da- last week, staggering I along our town over8unday, vi iting frie ciated in Londesboro.-Mr. A. W. 53elfry is .1 athletic sports. - j son had a handsome new Heintzman pia Troyer is 1 Marlette, Michigan, looking the Bske o,
of the C nds.-' Mr.W. ames no it blailding in Stratford. The flatimmediately
sitreets ia a state of painful paralysis. Wome- Bethune, purser, . P. R. steamer in town at present. -Mr. Will Powell, of Brintnell has had a handsome new fence placed in his parlor the end of Iasi week.- after his bi siness interests there.-Xr. R. beneath contains the offices of the Collector Dominion.
how, it does RGt strike one so sadly to see Manitoba., spent Sunday it, town with hi Clinton, was in town this week.-.,Nliss erected in front of his property on Huron Miss Addie Anderson, Of Wingham, spent Cudm)6e h' of Customs and Collector of Inland Revenue what he im
Sarah Bentley was in Wingliam on We'd- street. -Mr.' Henry Jones sic Sunday with friends in town. ha the brick work of Mr. George while the post office proper occupies the'
old ,eterans at the business in such a condi- pareats.-Air. Archie Borrett, of London, i ceeded in MeEweWs new store nearly- fitaished
ground floor. They were badly deluged fact that
tion, but, oh ! boys, you who are the hope England, is at present the nesday. -_Afr. A. Irwin and Mr. T. B 11 selling a few fine buggies last .'Week. -Mr. and will be ready in a few day,
of injure evideoce, 11
Of thi f uture, stop and think where this Thompson, of Mcl clie, intends lo- W W 11f9in A. Deavitt is doing a rushing business sell- Brussels. to start on i the new Methodist church ,
Mlop. , . s
guest of Mrs. R. spent Sunday in towm.-Mr., Oa with wkter, but not otherwise d,
thinf is going to end with you. This is the was in town this week. ing the 1 yantford washing machiiies.-Mr. -North Perth Prohibitionists met at election w-
t eating in Algoina sbortly. He spent a year Thomas 13. Carl' Robert Watt, of Brussels, has. which was im- 4
-b offered as avictim. Whereis the con. -ed the country so family phaeton. ing sports a handsome new been a pointed game warden for Brussels -brick work.' -Our citizens along Welliiigton Milverton, and, after hearing the report of
re ; t o-' the traffic. Soiritebody's boy has to in Ontario before and lik BRiEFs.- he h4s the contract for the stone and
Mr. William - Ballantyne, and surrounding cotuitry. People who deservingof much credit for -the -scent deputation to ving
well that be has decided t9. locate here per- Dashwood. -1 street are their delegate on the x of ha i
ni , oney and send him Out on the street in I license inspector for South Huron, paid.the fine row of trees- they recently put out.- Ottawa, passed a resolution calling upon all he woula I
science of men who will thus take a boy's manently.-Work has bo'eit begun by the NOTEs.—Our village presented a forsaken village an o shoot game and catch fish out of season, had I nowR and first bill *I
contractor on thecellar for Mr. Carmichael's appearance on Sunday morning, there being fficial call on Tuesday last.- better look out, as his very The Rev. iT,. McDonald, of Ripley, spent ProhibItionists to vote only for k
instructions are avowed Prohibitionists in the conung pro- had madi
Capa le of caring for himself ? We are safe brick block opposite T Fislipeddlarsare numerous these days.- strict to see that the law is enforced. Stuiday at Mr. and Mrs., J. Crawford's,
msaym(r that this abuse of the liquor licers- Mrs. AT. P.Hayes*lio has been visiting friends -ch during The Exeter Foundry Company ar" vincial elections. The Houal
JiE ExPosrropt office.- no service in the Evangelical chni
the day London Road.
Ing systeom, that is selling to those alread e doing a Brussels Cheese factory commences oper-
sioners orable mej
e seen angling for have granted eleven'hotel licenses in Strat- If w
turned to town. -Mr. George McKinley,who to hear Bishop Bowman preach and were ment.-George Roe and his string of horses ford and given three monthe extension to
drunk- or on the verge Of intoxication, will on account of tile Conference at large- business -at present.-Tbree Young ations next week, under the new manage- -The North Perth license commis
y in London, Ontario, for some time, has re- Zurich. Most of our villagers went there men of our -villake wer
suckers at the' Sauble, on Sabbath afternoon Zuriefl.
be bne Of the rnain causes of its final over- has been Stationed as assistant pastor at well paid for their trouble. The Conference are here this week, and are comfortably THE EVANGELICA1, CONFERE.Ife The eight other hotels and to four existin
throw. -We are pleased to note steady pro- Preston, has be'en in town the past week, last. -On Saturda 'last Mr. Paul Madge, of E.
g shop bate it wa
(fre4"S. quartered at the Revere house. -J, & J.
appointed Rev. ^A -Ir Rb of Port Elgin, in, the Thames road, Slborne, received a severe Canada Conference of the Evangelical Asso- licenses. Some of the extended licenses - ful not to
healthwa of Mr. C R. Van- visiting his parents and assisting in 'the Rev. -Mr. Krupp's stel, Nvho leaves for the - injury to his hand by getting i Livingston have had a new smoke stack put ciation coAvened here Thursday, 19th inst. must then be out off, in accord with a reso_ relating U
EgphoDd, who appears almost as strong as special services da the Method ist/ church. - Ottawa district. -Farmers in this Niciility t caught in on their flax mill, to replace the one blown Bishop Thomas Bowman, of Chicago, chair- lution of the i c in -wbfc
moved to our village, and occupies -Mr. Tuesday evening.
was erect- down. -The East Huron Teachers' Insti- man of the Conference, gave the opening A man named John Hill was terribly
-Mr. Joseph Wam- ing at th farm of Mr. Robert Ee ssery, The subje,
evep.- Ir T. Campbell, from Walton, has The " Hurons " had their first practice on have finished sowing. the cogs of a windmill, which h 0 ty coun il
They need. a lot of work bold is giving his barber shop an overhaul- Credition.-The Sons of England had near tute meet here on Thursday and Fri urned at the foundry in Mite ell on Wed-
Walla,ce?s brick residence on the hill, South to put thern in shape, but with practice,will ing. -Ou the day of address. An enthusiastic missionary meet b MOVta tG.
of the river. -One ofoux citizens planted a have a gre&t team. r village is-- still improving in ap- Union Jack hun&out of the this weeLL-Division Court was held on ing was held on. Wed esday ni
-The Lacrosse- club min pearance, A n ght. The nesday, last wft'k. A carting was being sham balh
ir hall window Wednesday of this week.
as Mr. A. _McCormack is having a on Monday last, it being St. In future our Rev. Messrs. M. L. Wing, ot Berlin,. and J. run off, and whil doing so s,
George' e assisting in carryin
f g a- pot
ripped and back stene
e s day. court will be held on the last Wednesday of P. Hauch, of South Cayuga delivered able of Molten iron he t ell
large, patch of corn, on Friday last. It will strels are hard at work- practising and from veranda erected and Mr. H. Roe e a larg -The Rev. Mr. Hunt will (D. V.,) preach consis
al e every second month.-Onr merchants now Missionary aiddresses. T&e"following visit- wards, -the red-hot i care whet
do -Well to keep below the surface for some hints dropped now and again we judge thev addition to his bouse.-Our sidew ks ar a sermon in the Trivitt Memorial church to ron falling over his I
that he wi
are c I'll
weeka, is the balmy days of Mi ddle April willgive a great entertainment on the 24th if in a terribly ragged and dangerous condi- the Oddfellows, on Sabbath morning n close at 7 p. ni., except on Saturday ex en- ors were received as advisory members: and burning it -terribly about the knee an
d- eptive.-We have heard of newspa- May. -The recreation grounds present a tion at present. The village pathinasters k1r. Thomas Snell and Mr. John E" ext.- ings.-Farmers have been very busy at Professor S. L. Umbach, of North-Western ankle. He General ir
_pkr raen being horsewhipped, and ch&lleng- lively appearance at itights now, as the Ia- should soon have them repaired. Barnes was alsoseverely burned about
On 'Mon- are painting their residences this seeding for the last two weeks, but this College, Napierville, Illinois; Rev. 0. A. the face. He will be laid up for som consistelle
week-.- week will see a finish for the most of them, Thomas, book agent, Cleveland, Ohio ; time.
1 ,
. t
was thorou y soalced,-making it exceed- in the nursing of her aged mother -i o x wee s ago for r each meetmg held during the last half gt-ed, barrister, of 18eaforth, and Mr. Young set out for abade ,,trees. In a few years they
council, in compliance with the vote, of the gni Majorities
ult to limidle and the shooting 'n- the old country, with a car load of horses, year. , The, membership now numbers 74. cured. So
ingly diffic law -Four opposition eyg wagons visited W%re in the village this week -Weare will bear enough nuts to paylor cost -and
our merchants on Tuei ay. ome on Monday of last week.- They have paid out in sick benefits in the pl4ased to state that Miss Ellis -%vlfo has expen6s of pla ting.
rate payers, having decided to dispose of the extremely uncertain, but notwithstanding Opposition arrived b lead the 0
town electric lighting plant to Mess Quite a number of the young people of half year $82 -and for funeral benefits $15, been confined to the house, through illness, His price, a er he wallq
the life of tradb, -Mrs. Robert Hunt, -or., ing quality of stock, is mugh less than for-'
rs- this and the slippery ground, the " kids" Cromarty attended divine sqvice in the and ihey still have a cash balance of $800, duting tbe past. few weeks, is improvM, eigq nurserick too. -Mx. H. B.;Quarry Li -
Scott Brothers,'this enterprising firm are played a corking game, and the way they mother of the late Mr. Hunt, is very poorly, to times so lox
the re- wn hall in Staffk, last Siinday.-Mr. besid6.s capital invested to the amount of -9 ing by the I
already making arrangements for rushed the Nkll down was a sight for sore having had a, light paralytic stroke on nicely.- -Quite a number of - 'u
our villagers cense Ins ector of Fisheries, passed t .
moval and enlargement of the plant. They Thomas Chappel intends building a n P 4 0 9
have purchased a lot on Main' ew $750.; This goes to show that Co A ktttende4 Service in the Qerman Evangelical here last week, If the Row
eyes. Berlin; were literally ',.not in it as Sabbath last. She is 83 years of age, but barn this sunimer-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dougli U putting up notices. -Rev, I.
guments A
bears ]let affliction 'With a cheerful spirit. as is doing well in a good cause. -14r. Church,j Zurich, on -Sabbath evenin last, as P. Rice, of -St. Thomas, preacaed a very in -
street, iieE r they secured only on6 or two shots on 'goal Harburn have moved to their] new home in William Patterson i .9
the Oatmeal mill and intend erecting on it a but their defence played a hard game and Many will be glad to bear that, at the time Hensall. s very ill. -Rev. A. Y. conferetice had been held there during the teresting and instructive sermon in the Boa,
2 brick power -house. They vill also put in is then i
ing, -Mug. y e were uttere
two large boilers and a powerful engine cellar dug for a new house. s wer
stopped some good rushes, many a -time of writ she war a little better. Mr. James Hislop is getting the Hartle has returned from attending th past weA, and special service e held at ton MetTiodist Church last Sabbath. He u
suited for the purpose of driving the electric sav*n the goal. The next aspirants,; we Tbomas McKay and Miss Mulholland have Synod at Hamilton. the Qlosipg of the same on. Sabbath m i Financial agent of the College, -appointed by one W, Uld
ornIng, a tiffit yl of
dynamos and will add a complete system of believge, are the Clinton Collegiate Institute both recently been under tile doctor's care. afternoon and evening. -Rev. Mr. McDon- order of London Conference, and intendsto ho
team, and then comes Goderich. It looks, Mrs.. McKay is now on the mend. -Man Farquhar. ald, of Ripley, occupied the pulpit of Car- visit every family on circuit. -M -r. George Might he ne
of our farmers have finished seeding. y Wroxeter. achools wrid
incandescent machinery and lights. The however, as if our boys have a "cinch" on -Our Cl -lips. -Mr. T. M. Kay was the loser of a te &in Grand Bend on his
Y mel Presbyterian Church on Sabbath last, Fos r
expect to make an additional expenditure the cup You xG LIBERAL MEETING.—The meeting and delb ered ood sermons both mornin new bi Friday. -Mr. John Geiggl, selves,- to n
Village has been deserted during the past valuable'mare one day recently. Shortly of the Young Men's Liberal Club, o n- Thurs- and eyeninj Exeter, _f than they A
and stationary dealer, o
system as is to be found in Canada. Not- in through thf
day evening of last week, proved , highly in- wat in the village this -week, looki Exeter, called -on our me rchantsLwt week.
over and abore the purchase money, of two weeks, the farinero making good use of after dinner he hitched his team and went g -C. T. Carling, of wholeses-Tecielt
about $12,000, and will have as complete a
g, as
LoCAL BRIEni.-Allr. James Grieve of the the fine weather. -House cleaning and wall to work in the field, and had gone but a teresting to those who were present. Able usual, ha e and hearty. -Mr. R. A. Win- Yetl if tl
3rd concession papering, garden Makin' little way when one of he animals dropped and instructive papers were read by Messrs. —0 -
tyre, of Windsor, and formerly of this vil- would be
-Three little boys, children of respectable
ered seeding on the 18th inot. He is the earliest cleaning of backyards anTburning refuse dead. -Mr. John Allison lost his best Robinson and Cowan. The President, Mr. lage, wh4 was here part of last week wanted to I
-withstanding the loss the town has suff of Tuckersmith, nished lawn taking, t
cided wisely when they voted to part *ith although several toward the lake shor just now. -Fine strings of fish are un binin
in this matter, we believe the people de- through. we have heard of in 1his district re the chief employments of our villagers thoroughbred cow on Friday last. She was A M to, also delivered a very able and jn- par nts, hav-5 been found guilty of stealing Other W_
e got being. eating turnips and became choked and soon tpresti address. The next meeting of 4he g bupiness with pleasure, -has returned
it, as a private company canx riumun business through Ust week. -Mrs. brought home these days from our shing died. -31r. John -Cameron, who has been 4
of this kind much I'll His many friends were pleased to
more effic' ntly and Oliver, mother. of fi Club will be held in its regular place of home. money from the till of Mr Fred Davis gro- changes
Aturday am much a represent
economically than the council C where been resid in town for some years, raig, w fe* days before X t did not
the sorry to state, again confined to his bed, eve of nimt -week. ! y 2 waa stolen, a
suffering from a paralytic stroke, is, we are meetifig, the Oddfellows hall on Thur d y C as in the village this week
Mrs. Win. Robb, and Miss Oliver, who have grounds. see him ajain.7'-Mr. Kenneth Maearthur, of ce store, in Mitchell.
members are being changed from year ill 0 s a Ailsa as7i
*ioved to derich this week, where they with little hopes of recoverv--Miss Eva C -visiting his brother, Mr. J. Macaribur.- nday $1. All the money waa i counnissiol
om 4
could BlYth. GES IN PROPERTY. —Real estate is on The members of Hensall lodge No. 223, In- Pent but
to year, and we are sure the busij iess w C!O- &ad on Mo
not have fallen into better hands ihan those ill reside hereafter. -Mr. John Copp, of Passmore has returned h e 16m London, a $7 - ly the sami
-A son of Mr. John Agar, of Mitchell inan to d;si
this town, who has been SO extensively en BRIisns.-Mr. Ab. Scott and Mr. Arthur looking well after her visit. the boom here. Mr. Win. Wilson has pur- dependent Order of Oddfefl6ws, intend h
cli on Wednesday on tm=3 old- 0
who was attending makwil
of Messrs. Scott Brothers. Althlough they Tiernay were in Gode chased Mr. David Weir's property, and has ing their' ,anniversary on Friday eve Mr. Gibson ha d
are going into this business, they will- still e ( U 0
carry on mng school, down the
gaged in th e hay shipping , business for th business. -Miss Z e was visiting friends disposed of his own to Mr. S. B. McKelyie, Stratford road, got his the mmal
past two years, -intends returning to his old in towft oil next. Th members will meet in their lodge
theextensive musical instrument busi i Sunday last. -Mr. George Exeter. tbewhole transacticin being completedin room at 7.W o7clock ](105a badly broken a few days ago while gentlemen
ness of contracting an&building, as the Brownlee','of London, is renewing old i e- ITE_M's.H6ron st less time than it takes to tell it. and will march* pro-
reet present plaV base ball. ing these c
..,business which the T have conducted so suc- hay business does not promise very well for' quaint 8 a very BRuPLETS.—Mr. cession toCoxwort'h' 'a hall, where the even- r.
cessfully for many years. this season. -The show window of Mr. ances in town at present. -Mr. j. (x,. handsome , appearance. Road Inspector Howard Snell left on ing's entet aimnent will Thomas Male, of LiBtowel, has a himself int
___ _ __ __9 — - __ be held, commenc-
I Moser has the agency for the Brantford Creech with a staff of laborers has this Thursday last on a trip to California and r at 8 o'61ock The meeting will be Plymouth Rock hen that has reason to be ing about I
-nas Daly' c a ee
Bauslaugh's photo studio has been a great bicycles this season. -Mr. John Bennett has week been ren other-westeri States, expec ng to proud of herself in the production of an egg, his reeorAi
RGX0NDviLLi,:_NoT_us.-Mr. Th 1 entre of attraction for passers-by for sev- ovating and widening the ti be gone an open oilie, a d all are most cordially in-
e-ly settled ne time. We wish m contain
and family have got nic in their eral days. It contained photos of several of taken possession of the Mansion House. - street. -The funeral of Eliza Jane Irwin of for soi h a pleasant vit d to-' attend.-Brotber 'Fit ing by admeasurement dimensioas as done much
Centralia, aged 77 years, who died ther' d own, of zpat.rick, 61 oat for twe
kiew home. Mr. Daly, sr., who stays witb those %;ho took p rt in 'the recent Carnival We iinderstand the follo-* i:ng liotel-keepprs e on au profitable trip. -Miss Lizzie Br Worthy Past Grand Master, has been en- follows Equatorial circumference
all Of daring th
Lis son, is having a very painful experience -of Nations, in full costume. -Mr. Laidlaw, ge on Fordwicb, is- visiting at Mr. Joseph COwan7S -kaged to give an address and, as he is an
in our village have received licenses : John Monday last, passed through the villa inches polar circumference, 71 inches,'
which The Banner vouches -to be stri
the Sve4,
as his broken le- does not unite, paid there' of Chicago Emigh, John Kelly and John Bennett.- Wednesday, last, this week. -Mrs. James Hazlewood, Of excellent s eaker a treiLi is in store ctly
ts doing so on account of M Gbael,6 ' nephew - of Mrs. James Mc- enroute to the Exeter Clffo I for all
emetery. -The farmers, are through seed rd, spent Sunday with friends in town. true and no fish story. had been v
is little hope of T i who has been visiting relative Rev. Mr. Fair, of Londesboro, Occupied the c Mg attending, rid, in addition to this address,
Methodist Church pulpit both morning and In this vicinity. -Exeter will celebrate the R Elliott, of tile Win ham Times, tb -Early last Saturday morning fire broke into power
Iiis advanced years. -Our people were Sorry town for several days, left on Tuesday7folur _Mr ttee are providing an excellent
see three yonths, two of them 4011-1 to-svil, 1VA7y0111iRg,U-8--A1"r.Jas. Pringle, jr.ova es -,Mr. Ohn 8ander literary and musical programme.-.Afr. J. E. out in the upper storeyof the' post office, but he woi
evening on Simclay. Rev. Mr. Bugain offi- 24th of May by having horse racing, a trad was in town last week.
procession an(
ame da- last week, staggering I along our town over8unday, vi iting frie ciated in Londesboro.-Mr. A. W. 53elfry is .1 athletic sports. - j son had a handsome new Heintzman pia Troyer is 1 Marlette, Michigan, looking the Bske o,
of the C nds.-' Mr.W. ames no it blailding in Stratford. The flatimmediately
sitreets ia a state of painful paralysis. Wome- Bethune, purser, . P. R. steamer in town at present. -Mr. Will Powell, of Brintnell has had a handsome new fence placed in his parlor the end of Iasi week.- after his bi siness interests there.-Xr. R. beneath contains the offices of the Collector Dominion.
how, it does RGt strike one so sadly to see Manitoba., spent Sunday it, town with hi Clinton, was in town this week.-.,Nliss erected in front of his property on Huron Miss Addie Anderson, Of Wingham, spent Cudm)6e h' of Customs and Collector of Inland Revenue what he im
Sarah Bentley was in Wingliam on We'd- street. -Mr.' Henry Jones sic Sunday with friends in town. ha the brick work of Mr. George while the post office proper occupies the'
old ,eterans at the business in such a condi- pareats.-Air. Archie Borrett, of London, i ceeded in MeEweWs new store nearly- fitaished
ground floor. They were badly deluged fact that
tion, but, oh ! boys, you who are the hope England, is at present the nesday. -_Afr. A. Irwin and Mr. T. B 11 selling a few fine buggies last .'Week. -Mr. and will be ready in a few day,
of injure evideoce, 11
Of thi f uture, stop and think where this Thompson, of Mcl clie, intends lo- W W 11f9in A. Deavitt is doing a rushing business sell- Brussels. to start on i the new Methodist church ,
Mlop. , . s
guest of Mrs. R. spent Sunday in towm.-Mr., Oa with wkter, but not otherwise d,
thinf is going to end with you. This is the was in town this week. ing the 1 yantford washing machiiies.-Mr. -North Perth Prohibitionists met at election w-
t eating in Algoina sbortly. He spent a year Thomas 13. Carl' Robert Watt, of Brussels, has. which was im- 4
-b offered as avictim. Whereis the con. -ed the country so family phaeton. ing sports a handsome new been a pointed game warden for Brussels -brick work.' -Our citizens along Welliiigton Milverton, and, after hearing the report of
re ; t o-' the traffic. Soiritebody's boy has to in Ontario before and lik BRiEFs.- he h4s the contract for the stone and
Mr. William - Ballantyne, and surrounding cotuitry. People who deservingof much credit for -the -scent deputation to ving
well that be has decided t9. locate here per- Dashwood. -1 street are their delegate on the x of ha i
ni , oney and send him Out on the street in I license inspector for South Huron, paid.the fine row of trees- they recently put out.- Ottawa, passed a resolution calling upon all he woula I
science of men who will thus take a boy's manently.-Work has bo'eit begun by the NOTEs.—Our village presented a forsaken village an o shoot game and catch fish out of season, had I nowR and first bill *I
contractor on thecellar for Mr. Carmichael's appearance on Sunday morning, there being fficial call on Tuesday last.- better look out, as his very The Rev. iT,. McDonald, of Ripley, spent ProhibItionists to vote only for k
instructions are avowed Prohibitionists in the conung pro- had madi
Capa le of caring for himself ? We are safe brick block opposite T Fislipeddlarsare numerous these days.- strict to see that the law is enforced. Stuiday at Mr. and Mrs., J. Crawford's,
msaym(r that this abuse of the liquor licers- Mrs. AT. P.Hayes*lio has been visiting friends -ch during The Exeter Foundry Company ar" vincial elections. The Houal
JiE ExPosrropt office.- no service in the Evangelical chni
the day London Road.
Ing systeom, that is selling to those alread e doing a Brussels Cheese factory commences oper-
sioners orable mej
e seen angling for have granted eleven'hotel licenses in Strat- If w
turned to town. -Mr. George McKinley,who to hear Bishop Bowman preach and were ment.-George Roe and his string of horses ford and given three monthe extension to
drunk- or on the verge Of intoxication, will on account of tile Conference at large- business -at present.-Tbree Young ations next week, under the new manage- -The North Perth license commis
y in London, Ontario, for some time, has re- Zurich. Most of our villagers went there men of our -villake wer
suckers at the' Sauble, on Sabbath afternoon Zuriefl.
be bne Of the rnain causes of its final over- has been Stationed as assistant pastor at well paid for their trouble. The Conference are here this week, and are comfortably THE EVANGELICA1, CONFERE.Ife The eight other hotels and to four existin
throw. -We are pleased to note steady pro- Preston, has be'en in town the past week, last. -On Saturda 'last Mr. Paul Madge, of E.
g shop bate it wa
(fre4"S. quartered at the Revere house. -J, & J.
appointed Rev. ^A -Ir Rb of Port Elgin, in, the Thames road, Slborne, received a severe Canada Conference of the Evangelical Asso- licenses. Some of the extended licenses - ful not to
healthwa of Mr. C R. Van- visiting his parents and assisting in 'the Rev. -Mr. Krupp's stel, Nvho leaves for the - injury to his hand by getting i Livingston have had a new smoke stack put ciation coAvened here Thursday, 19th inst. must then be out off, in accord with a reso_ relating U
EgphoDd, who appears almost as strong as special services da the Method ist/ church. - Ottawa district. -Farmers in this Niciility t caught in on their flax mill, to replace the one blown Bishop Thomas Bowman, of Chicago, chair- lution of the i c in -wbfc
moved to our village, and occupies -Mr. Tuesday evening.
was erect- down. -The East Huron Teachers' Insti- man of the Conference, gave the opening A man named John Hill was terribly
-Mr. Joseph Wam- ing at th farm of Mr. Robert Ee ssery, The subje,
evep.- Ir T. Campbell, from Walton, has The " Hurons " had their first practice on have finished sowing. the cogs of a windmill, which h 0 ty coun il
They need. a lot of work bold is giving his barber shop an overhaul- Credition.-The Sons of England had near tute meet here on Thursday and Fri urned at the foundry in Mite ell on Wed-
Walla,ce?s brick residence on the hill, South to put thern in shape, but with practice,will ing. -Ou the day of address. An enthusiastic missionary meet b MOVta tG.
of the river. -One ofoux citizens planted a have a gre&t team. r village is-- still improving in ap- Union Jack hun&out of the this weeLL-Division Court was held on ing was held on. Wed esday ni
-The Lacrosse- club min pearance, A n ght. The nesday, last wft'k. A carting was being sham balh
ir hall window Wednesday of this week.
as Mr. A. _McCormack is having a on Monday last, it being St. In future our Rev. Messrs. M. L. Wing, ot Berlin,. and J. run off, and whil doing so s,
George' e assisting in carryin
f g a- pot
ripped and back stene
e s day. court will be held on the last Wednesday of P. Hauch, of South Cayuga delivered able of Molten iron he t ell
large, patch of corn, on Friday last. It will strels are hard at work- practising and from veranda erected and Mr. H. Roe e a larg -The Rev. Mr. Hunt will (D. V.,) preach consis
al e every second month.-Onr merchants now Missionary aiddresses. T&e"following visit- wards, -the red-hot i care whet
do -Well to keep below the surface for some hints dropped now and again we judge thev addition to his bouse.-Our sidew ks ar a sermon in the Trivitt Memorial church to ron falling over his I
that he wi
are c I'll
weeka, is the balmy days of Mi ddle April willgive a great entertainment on the 24th if in a terribly ragged and dangerous condi- the Oddfellows, on Sabbath morning n close at 7 p. ni., except on Saturday ex en- ors were received as advisory members: and burning it -terribly about the knee an
d- eptive.-We have heard of newspa- May. -The recreation grounds present a tion at present. The village pathinasters k1r. Thomas Snell and Mr. John E" ext.- ings.-Farmers have been very busy at Professor S. L. Umbach, of North-Western ankle. He General ir
_pkr raen being horsewhipped, and ch&lleng- lively appearance at itights now, as the Ia- should soon have them repaired. Barnes was alsoseverely burned about
On 'Mon- are painting their residences this seeding for the last two weeks, but this College, Napierville, Illinois; Rev. 0. A. the face. He will be laid up for som consistelle
week-.- week will see a finish for the most of them, Thomas, book agent, Cleveland, Ohio ; time.