The Huron Expositor, 1894-04-27, Page 7-7
South End Clothing
We have a large assortment of
Men's, Youths' and Children's Ready-
made Clothing at very low prices;
also some exceptionally fine goods for
Suitings and Pants at rock bottom
prices for the Spring trade.
New Spring styles in. all the leading
shapes and makes. Also the finest
stock of Soft Felts.
All the latest novelties in Shirts
Neckwear, Gloves etc., at the lowes
prices, just opened Out for the Spring
far -Underwear at greatly reduced
The South End Clothier -
(*onto Nem-.
Wingham.. -
Wingbun -
Grey and Bruce.
Passenger. Mixed.
3.00 P. ts. 9.30 ealt. 9.001ex.
8.13 - 9.43 0.46
8.27 9.57 10.10
8,37 10.07. 11.20
Passenger. Mixed.
6.25 Aar./.1.20 Al. Is, 7.301:1r.•
6.87 ILSE sas
6.54 11.69 -9 00
7.08 12.14 130
London, Huron and Bruce.
0.29 , 048
9.42 • 4.131
8.47 6.96
9.65 0.44
10.12 7.00
Londesboio 10.29 7.19
Blyth... - 10.88 7.28
Belgrave. 10.62 ' 7.42
Wingham arrive 11.10 8.05
Gonna sotrrn- 16.40enger
Wingham, depert.... 6.40k.m4 3.43aset.
Relgrave • 6.66 4.06
BI ..“.• 0. 7.08 4.20 -
Clinton . 7.45 4.48
Brucelield 8.05 6:06
Kippen.. ... 8.12 513
Hansen ....... - 8.22 0.18
Exeter 8.40 5.30
• Grand Trunk .Rall*ay. °
Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton tsthmJ as
Passenger. 1.12s. ar. 1.28
Passenger.. 1 0.05 P. It. 9.22 P. s.
Mixed ... 9.80 A. it.
Mixed Train- . 6.80 x. 7.05 rat.
Gorge hasr-
Passenger- - 7.04 I.. M. 7.37 A. 11.
Pissenger 8.05 r. it. 2.40?. it
Mixed Train.. 5.25 P Ist. 4.50 r. as,-
' Freight Train-. 4.25 r, x 8.35 .
Goma Noun -
London, depart....
. - ..
Kippen. _
The McKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Company.
D. Ross, President,Clinton P. 0.; W. J.
Shannon, Seoy-Treas., ,fiesferth P. 04 Michael
Murdie, Inspector of Longest Seaforth P. 0.
• 1314•3T0PS,
Jas. Broadfoot, Seafetb.; Alex. Gardiner, Lead -
bury ; Gabriel Elliott. Clinton ; Geo: Watt, Ilarlock
Joseph Evans, BeeoliwoOd ; M. tfurdie, Seaforth
.hos. Garbutt, Clinton.
Thos. Netnews, Herb& ; Bobt. Mardian, Beaiorth
Carnochan, Seaforth. Johie O'Sullivan and Geo
urdie, A-uditors.
Parties desirous to effect Insurances or trail
e tether business will be promptly Atended to on
ppliaation to any of the above officers, addressed tO
heir respective post offices, 1.
is thelatest tritunpls inphatins,op_tor theme
of all the symptoms indicating EMI= ANN
Livan Complaint. If YOU. are trhuhlokwithe
costiveness, -Dizziness, Sour Stomach,
t y,
e Lead,
Linseed Oil.
lose prices.
ters for
;roughing arid
Id Stand,
Day Sure.
imitiloor address arid I will
roake A. day: absolute-
nish the work and teach
work in the locality whoi-e.,'
ine your And
s• business fnI
e a clear profit of 6;:s_
rk• absolutely sure, dorrt.
S„Windsor, Ontario.
eying. fast. Money Lea
e Fair to get bargained
ei will not sell at co*%
ta it interesting for ;LA
ir order. People ta.,
luotry will find it tO
ecanaine our stock ot
y Carriages,
Nagons, Etc.
It is worth your
t buy anything, just
.e have.
first awards at the
double the number
my friends and cos-
ily solid a oontinu.
le Place.
;•` E. McFAU L'S
alist on the
and Ear Hospital,
eiNew York Post
Pital on the Eye,
ea Tested. Fait
nd Lenses. Wilt
argett Moderate.
th.e let Mauro-
1aler in all
style, and
n be found
ek andfget,.
aext to the
APRIL 271 Ivo
Brings comfort and iMprovement and
tRid.,3 to personal enjoyment wIten
rightly used. The many, who live bets
tar than others and enjoy life more, with
INS expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world's best products to
no needs of physical being, will attest .
tho value to health of the pure liquid
laxativo prhfcipleanbraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Fig -s. -
.las eucellence is dna to its presenting
in t110 form most acceptable and pleas- _
ant to tho taste, the refreshing and truly
hcresaehdt properties of a perfed lax-
ative; effectnally cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
fled learinal.ently miring constipation.
It liae hiven satisfaction to millions and
net with the approval of the medioal
profession, because it acts on the Kid.
neys, Liver and Bowels without 'weak-
ening theii and it is perfectly free Len/
every objectionzable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug-
gists in 75c. bottles, but it in manu-
facturedby the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed. on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
accelat any substitute if offered.
Re -Issues.
-Not Doing a Retail Business. -He -
"Darling, I just want one kiss." She (in-
dignantly)-" If that's all you want, you'
shan't have it."
-There is really no gambling going on in
Chicago except that which is in progress in
the gambling -houses and elsewhere. -Chi-
cago News.
----A rich man despises those who flatter
him too much, and hates those who do not
flatter him at all.
-Water tight.-" Does the cellar leak ?"
-" No. It's had two feet. of water in it
ever since I've been in Vie house. Not a
drop has got out."-Haaper's Bazar.
A Probable Consequence.-Bess-"Oh,Ned,
have you seen the round oak dining -table
papa has bought ?" Ned-" Round ? Then
we shan't have any more square meals, shall
we ?"
-No decision front the Higher Court. -
Watts "How is old man Gilfillan ? Is
he out of danger yet ?" Dr. Bowless--" I
don't know. He died this morning." -In-
dianapolis Journal.
-A Diplematist.-" Carr, it is not very
good of you to say bad things of your friend
behind his back."-" Yes, hut, father, when
I say them to his face he beitts me."--Flieg-
ende Matter.
-Cousin Nell (inculcating generosity)-
-" Supposing your chicken should lay a
nice egg, Tommy; would you give it to
me?" Tommy-" No, I'd sell it to Bar-
num. That chick's a rooster." -Judge.
-It Didn't Go. -Warden (to new prison-
er)-" We like to assign the prisoners to .the
trades with whieh they are most familiar.
What is yonr trade?" Prisoner-" I am a
commercial traveler." -Lawrence American.
-Uninteresting Company. -Mrs. A. -
"How do you like our new neighbor?"
Mrs. B.-" I never met such an ignoran
woman as she is. She can't talk about any-
thing but paintings, books and music.
-By Messenger. -Husband-" Where is
my wife, Anna ?" Maid-" She's just gone
up -stairs, sir." Husband -"Well, just give
her this kiss, dear; I have to catch a train
in five minntes and can't wait I" -Pick Me
Isa-acs-" I sells you. dot coat at a
greed sacrifice." Customer-" But you say
that of all your goods. How do you make
a living?" Mr. Isaacs-" Mine frient, I
makes a schmall profit on der paper und
string." Texas Siftings.
-No Time for Discipline. -Tommy Bin-
go-" Sister had a bean last night, and. I
was peeping through the keyhole looking at
them when ma came along and stopped me."
Willie Slimson-" What did she do ?"
Tommy Bingo-" She took a look too." -N.
Y. Sun. _
-Family Communism.- Teacher --- If
you had a suit of clothes and., .some one
should give you another, how many would
von have?" Willie Slimson-" One." Teacher
`" Now, Willie, how do you make that out?"
Willie--" My little brother Bobby would.
have the other."-Harper's Bazar.
-Repairs Needed - Mistress --" Mary
what are you doing with that clock ?" Mary,
(with the servants' bedroom clock under her
arin)--" Plaze, mum, Oi'm takin' it to a
watchmaker's. It's all out av order, mum.
Ivery mornin' at foive O'clock it goes all to
pieces, an' makes such a racket -0i can't
sleep." -N. Y. Weekly.
-A Baby' e Nature. ---Wife-" 0 George !
Willie got his little hand.caught in the folding
doors, and. crushed his little finger horribly.
He cried and cried until I was really fright-
ened." George-" Poor little chap ! I hear
him crying yet ; where is he ?" Wife- Oh,
he's crying now because I won't let him do
it again." -Puck.
-"Allow me to congratulate yoa on your
engagement. Tell me how it came about. I
theught you intended remaining single."
Yes, certainly; but I met the other night
at a ball a young and pretty girl, with
whom I got into conversation, and, only
think, she confessed that she, too, had de-
cided to remain single. Impossible to inh
agine greater harmony of disposition -and
so we Lot engaged.- --Clem= Paper.
----Little Flo Sanborn, upon being cen-
sured by her mother for some small mischief
she had been engaged in, sat " thinking it
over for some time, and filially said in a
complaining tone : " Everything I do is laid
to me."
--Brown thinks his wife is the most in-
genious woman in the world. He has been
married ten years, and she has succeeded in
putting his cuff -buttons in a new place every
morning during that time. Jeweler's
--Said a mother to her little girl, who
evidently objected to seeing another child
petted : "Why, Sadie, I - believe you're
jealous." "No, mamma," she replied, " I'm
not jealous, but I don% feel comftable."
-" My wife always comes to me with her
troubles'-' so,id Brown. " Quite right," re-
plied. the minister. "A wife should always
look to her husband for sympathy: And
how do vou cousele her ? " • Why," re-
plied old trown. " I laugh at her." -New
'York Sun.
-Detroit Lawyer---" I have . collected
that account of $11 for you and will charge
you a nominal fee for my work. Here's $5;
that squares us." Detroit Victim-" You
call that a nominal fee? Six dollars for
collecting five !" Lawyer-" Merely nom-
inal." Victim-" Almost phenomenal, isn't
it ?" But the lawyer had the money.-De-
a -Time, Nth century. Place, at the
polls. First Female Voter-" How do you
do, 'Mrs. X. Who. are you going to vote fer
for governor ?" Second Female Voter -"Oh,
I have not decided yet. The republicans
have put up Mr. A. - They say he svery
popular and sure to -be elected. But Mr.B.a
his opponent,- doesn't Seem to have any
friends at all, poor fellow ; guess ril vote
fOr him." First;FemaIe Voter-" So will I:"
-a-Yankee Blade.
• -The liquor traffic is a terrible thing,"
said, a traveling min who had been going
through some statietics in the newspaper.
The remark was addressed to a portly er-
roan, who occupied the same spat with hini
in the cars. It is getting to be very bad
indeed." "Von bade you; dots a fact. It
YDS gedding vorse efery year." " True ;
there ought to be something done to relieve
the situation.", "Dots a fact; ff dose fel-
lers geep pudding on taxes un4 pudding on
taxes, der first ve knows dere don'd vill pe
any money ad all in der saloon pisness." -
Merchant Traveler.
-In Wyoming territory the settlers grow
their fuel by the acre.Sunflowers are used
instead of coal. The Stalks when dry are
hard. as maple wood and make a hot fire,and
the seed heads with the seeds in are said to
burn better than the best hard coal. An
acre of sunflowers will furnish fuel for one
stove for a year.
Only One Fault. •
I was riding through a country town in
Vermont, when I noticed._ a concourse of
people in the churchyard encircling an open
grave. It was a warm day, and I had
ridden ten miles, so I drew the rein under
some trees to allow the horse to rest.
Presently a. villager came toward me .and
I said, "There is a funeral '4o -day in your
"Yes, --Stephen. He was one of the
largest -hearted men I ever knew. He had
great abilities; we sent him to the Legis-
lature three times. They thought of
nominating him for governor; but," he added,
sadly, "Stephen had one fault."
I made no answer. I was tired, and
watched the people slowly disperse, leaving
the sexton to his solitary work.
"A .very generous man, Steplien was; al-
ways visiting the sick. . The old people
liked him. Even the children used to fol-
low him on the streets."
"A good man, indeed," I said, indiffer-
"Yes ; he had only one fault.," -
"What was that ?" I asked.
"Only intemperance."
"Did it harm him ?"
"Yes, somewhat. He didn't seem to
have any power to resist the evil habit. At
last he got behindhand and had to mort-
gage his farm and. finally, had to sell it.
His wife died on account of the reverses -
kind of crushed, disappointed; the children
turned out badly, his intemperance seemecl
to mortify them and take away their spirit..
He had to leave politics; %wouldn't do,
you see. Then we had. to set him aside
from the church, and at last -his habits
brought on paralysis, and we had to take
him to the poor -house. He died. there -
only forty-five. Poor man, he had only one
"Only one fault !" The ship had only
one leak, -but it sank. '
"Only one fault" The temple had only
one decaying pillar, but it fell.
"Only one fault !" Home gone, wife
lost, family ruined, honor forfeited, Sooial
and religious privileges abandoned, broken
health, poverty, paralysis, and the poor-
house. vs -gee
One fault, only one. -Ex.
This is a delicious hard gingerbread, so
delicate as to be worthy of admission to the
most exclusive cake -basket. The ingredients
are two and a half pounds of flour, one
pound of butter, one pound of brown sugar,
one pint of mdasses, one ounce of ground
ginger, one nutmeg, and a half a pound. of
candied citron or lemon peel. Work the
butter and sugar together, add the molasses,
flour, 'and ginger, grate in the nutmeg, and
stir in the citron cut in small pieces. Let
the dough stand over night, roll it thin, cut
in shapes with a biscuit -cutter, and bake in
a quick oven.
-This delightful compound is worthy of its
name. It is mixed and baked quickly, _and -
it is inviting enough to be relished by an
empress. Rub together half a cup of butter
and three cups of flour, stir in a cup and a
hall of molasses, a cup of cold water and
one egg, very well beaten; add a table-
spoonful of ginger, a teaspoonful of soda,
and two teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar;
beat the mixture and bake in a flat pan.
These little cakes always Imeet with a
favorable reception • their merits speak for
theria in unmistakable language. Mix a
quarter of a pound of butter with half a
pound of sugar, ad.d three eggs, beaten light,
and half a pound of flour ; grate in the rind
of a lemon and a small half -teaspoonful- of
mace ; lastly add a teacupful of cnrrants
powdered with flour. Drop -the mixture by
tablespoonfuls on hot buttered tins, not too
close or they will run together.
These delicate confections are well worth
the slight trouble involved in their manu-
facture. Blanch three ounces of almonds,
grate or pound them in a mortar, and mix
with one tablespoonful of. rose water to a
smooth paste ; take the weight of three eggs
in butter and the same quantity of sugar
and flour, mix them together and moisten
with the yolks of three eggs well beaten,
beat the whites to a stiff froth and add
them, stirring in the prepared almond last.
Bakedn a pan not more than an inch and a
half deep.
Rub three Cups of .granulated sugar and
one cup of butter to a cream, add one cup of
milk, the yolks of five eggs beaten smooth,
'a teaspoonful of soda ; Sift in four cups of
flour as lightlyaspassible, put in the whites
beaten to a froth, and lastly squeeze in the
juice of one lemon. Bake quickly. .
One pound of sugar and half a pound of
butter beaten to a cream; pour in one cup
of milk and the well -beaten yolks . of six
eggs, sift in half a pound of flour, half a
teaspoonful of soda and one teaspoonful of
cream of tartar, add a teaspoonful of ex-
tract of vanilla, half a teaspoonful of extract
of bittpr almond, or any flavoring desired,
and stir in quickly the whites of four eggs,
beaten to a, froth. Reserve the whites of
suffering with weakness and
emaciation, who give 'little
nourishment to babies,should
the Cream of Cod-liver Oil
and hypophosphites. It will
give them strength and make
their babies fat. Physicians,
the world over, endorse it.
Don't be deceived by Stl!sTiofi,!
sc:ott,t 13owne, Belleville. All Drugele... e3e. 4n $1.
"We alwayy
fry ours io
Our Meat, Fish, Oysters,Sara-
ioga Chips, Eggs, Doughnut
Vegetables, etc.
Like most other people, o
folks formerly used lard for
such purposes. When it dis-
agreed with any of the family
(which it often did) we said it was
"too rich." We finally tried
and not one of us has had an attack
of "richness" since. We further
- found that, unlike lard, Cottolene
had no unpleasant odo' r when
why- we always fry
our in Cottolene.
Bold in 3 and 5 lb. pails, by
all. grocers. Made only by
Wellington and Ann Street.,
the other two eggs . for frosting. Bake in
loaves • and as soon as drawn from the oven
eover with frosting 'made from either of the
following recipes:
Mix six tablespoonfuls. of chocolate grated
finely with one cupfnl of sugar, break into
it the whites of twof eggs, and: beat until it
is smooth and sti1 Frosting cannot be
made satisfactorily linless the sugar used is
the.powdered kind i made expressly for this:
purpose. Some .perSons prefer to beat the
whites of the eggs to a stiff froth before
adding 'the sugar and chocolate. a , -1
One cup of very fine sugar, tivo table-
spoonfuls of water, the white of one egg
beaten to a froth. Boil the sugar and water
together, renove from the fireand stir in
the white of egg, mixing it well. Apply
to the cake at once4
Stir together One teacupful of sugar and
one teacupful of fionr with two tablespoen-
fuls of milk and the well -beaten yolks of
three eggs, sift in a, small teaspoonful of
soda and two smalli teaspoonfuls of cream of
tartar, add the whites of the eggs beaten
stiff; spread the mixture thinly in a long
pan, and bake in a quick oven.When
done, cover wOh jain while hot -raspberry
jam is the best -and roll up.; cut in slices
when cold.
"By a thorough knowledge. of the natural laws
whioh govern the op.erations of digestion and nutri-
tion, and by a -careful application of the fine proper-
ties of well -selected Coeoa. Mr.Epps has provided for
our breakfast and supper a delicately flavoured bev-
erage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills.
It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that
a constitution may be gradually built up until strong
enough to resist every tendency .to dieease. Hun-
dreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready
tosttaok whetever there is a weak paint. We may
escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well
fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished
frame." -Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold
mely in packets, by Grocers, labelled thus:
' LONDON, ENGLAND. - 1361-26
feli THEE. makes of dress goods may have many ex-
cellences, but in the texture, the finish, the
possibility of lovely contours in the completed cos-
tume, Preistley's noted dress fabrics surplus every
other manufacture. That is the verdict in England.
It is fast becoming the verdict in the States. Our
Canadian ladies, when once they begin to wear
Priestley's dress fabrics, will wear no other.
THERE IS A FRIEND FOR You, -In the struggle of
life, when you are buffeted by the waves of adver-
eity, with what thankfulneee you grasp the hand
held out to save. The eick headache wears the life
away. It paralyzes energy. It unfits for effort or
conquest. A dull melancholy -possesses mind and
heart. Ambition flags. The world has no longer a
single joy. Stark's Powders are the friend in need. •
The headache vanishes like the mist before the sun.
For neurergia and biliouenese they are ' an equally
positive and marvellous cure. 55 cents a box.
411‘ • *-
PERRY DAVIS' PAIN-EILLER.-Its effects are almost
instantaneous, affording relief from the most intense
pain. It soothes the irritated or inflamed part, and
gives rest and quiet a the sufferer. It is eminently
the people's friend, and every one should have it
with them, or where they can put their hand on it
in the dark if need be. Get 25c. Bottle, Big 2 as.
Wonderful Success. -
DEAR SIRS, -1 can highly praise Bil3.13_, because
it had a fair trial in -my epee with wenderful
success. 'My symptoms were dropsy, backache and
--sleeplessness and all those disappeared after using
two bottles of B:13.13. I cannot praise its healing
powerietoo highly.
Wood Point, Sackville, N. B.
Grey Council Meeting.
Council met as adjourned Court of Revis-
ion of Drainage Assessment under by-law,
on Tuesday of last week, at Cranbrook.
Members all present exCept Deputy -Reeve
Oliver. -The Reeve of McKillop township
and Mr. Coleman, Irepresenting the Canada
Company, were present at the meeting.
Moved _ by James Turnbull, :seconded. by
Thomas Ennis, that having heard the parties
re complaint of McKillop township, that
certain lands in that township which. have.
been assessed to drain into the Beauchamp
creek, had their proper outlet into Logan
township, and it having been stated that
the township of McKiilop would at an early
date instruct James A. Bell, C. E., to locate
a system of. drains in McKillop, to drain the
Northeast swaanp in said township, it . is
hereby resolved that if the said. James A.
Bell, on making said location of drains for
MeKillop township, finds that any lands in
-McKillop can be better drained into Logan
than into the Beauchamp creek, the Council
of Grey will :assume pro rata with Mc-
Killop, as an extra assessment on the roads,
the assessment on such lands in McKillop
as drain into Logan and the extra cost of
survey other than location, survey and. lands
in McKillop. Carried. The following ap-
pellants were heard, viz : James Cahill,
sworn, stated that he had sufficient outlet
and had already paid •for it. L. McNeil,
sworn, stated that he received no benefit
Whatever ,from he proposed work and
should not be tax d for it: Duncan Mc-
Nair, sworn, state1 that he had all the out-
let he required and should not be assessed
for the Beauchamp creek. . Peter McNeil,
sworn, stated that he was too high assessed
M proportion to his neighbors, who were re-
neiving more benefit. Donald Stewart,
sworn, stated that his assessment hue too
high and. should be reduced, owing to hi .
land being cut up by. the straighten; -ee e
the creek.. John McTaggart, sworn, statc!
that he was too hikoril assessed in proportion
to other lots, both for- benefit and for origin-
al construction of Government drain No. 2,
that lot 22, concession 15, should be assessed
for. original construction of Goa -eminent
drain No. 2 that the maintenance of said
drainage should be paid by the parties re-
ceiving direct 1+iefit. - . James McNair,
sworn, stated that the water from the east
half of lot 22, concession 15, would go down
the tap drain if Government - drain No. I
was cleaned out. 'John McNatight appealed
on the .ground that he was too high .assessed
for benefit received, and that his assessment
was Much higher than some lots adjacent to
him. ., James A. Smith appeared on the
ground that his assessment was unjust and
unequal with the rest. James Cummings,
sworn, stated that he was too high assessed
as he was too.far way from the drain, that
40 acres of his land would drain into the
14th concession drain and 60 acres into Gov-
ernment drain No. 2.. Thomas Williamson,
owner of lot 25, ,concessien 15, agreed to
have 10 acres more of his .land . assessed for
outlet and allow his assessment to be raised
$6.50. James McNair also agreed to allow
his assessment to be raised $11.50. On
motion the assessment of the north west
paUt, of lot 6, conceSsion 14, was reduced to
and the assessment of the north east
part of lot 6, reduced $3; the assessment nn
lot No. 25, conces- ion 14, was increased
$6.50, and the asse sment on lot No. 22,
concession 15, incre ed 811.50. The Court
of Revision was clo„ ed and the assessment
of the by-law DS amended sustained. Gen-
eral council business was then taken up.
Leave was granted to Peter Robertson to
file his requisition for the Engineer Under
the Ditches and Wetercourses Act with the
Clerk. After passing a number of accoimts
the council adjourned until Saturday, May
266h. - I .
Of 'medicinal agents
the old-time herbs;
table extracts to the!
gen (1 use the plea
Ta4e, Syrup ?-
rerneay see that it
California Fig Syrui
all leading druggists
is gradually relegating
ills, draughts and vege-
rear- and bringing into
ant and effective liquid
Figs. To get the true
is manufactured by the
Co. only. For sale by
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup.
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs,
colds, asthma. bronchitis, hoarseness, croup, and all
diseases of the throat and lungs. Price, 26c. ;and
60c., at all druggists,
Milburn's Cod Liver Oil Emulsion with Wild Cherry
and Hypophosphitee cures all throat and lung
.‘• • ••• I s
Prevailing Sickness,
The most prevalent complaints at this season are
rheumatism, neuralgia, son throat, inflammations
and congestions. For all these and other painful
troubles Hagyard's Yellow Oil is the best ' internal
and external remedy,
si• • as
Milburn's Beef • Iran and Wine the beet $1. Beef,
Iron and Wine, Milburn's the best 81.. The best
Beef, Iron and Wine, Milburn's 81.
Do you Feel Well?
You have no appetite, you don't sleep well, you
feel tired or perhaps lazy. Then take Burdock Blood
Bitters and obtain a keen appetite, resfful sleep and
vigorous health.
High Healing Powers are possessed by Victoria
Carbolic Salve. The best remedy for Cuts, Burns,
Sores and Wounds.
Beyond Dispute.
There ie no better, safer or more pleasant cough
remedy made than Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. It
cures hoarseness, sore throat, coughs, colds, bron-
chitis and all throat and lung troubles.
-Itch on human and horses and all animals, cured
In 80 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This
never fails. Sold by Lumsden & Wilson.
-Englieh Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft
or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses,
Blood spavip, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney,
Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs,
etc. Save $60 by use of one bottle. Warranted the
most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold
by Lumsden & Wilson.
IS now the fashion, and
Are Right in the Swim.
We are prepared to abandon all
profits and part of the cost on many
lines in order to get our shai e of the
ttade. We are not rich enough to let
goods lie on our shelves, and, besides,
goods soon go out of fashion. Our
aim has always been to show a clean
fresh stock, as old goods are always
hard to sell.
We therefore announce a clearing
sate of the whole of our
Of Boots and Shoes'Groceries, Hats
and Caps, Crockery, China and Glass-
ware, Tinware, &c., as follows :
Five hundred pairs' of Boots at ,50c
on the dollar.
One thousand pairs of Boots at 75c
on the dollar.
Two thousand pairs of Boots at 85c
on the dollar.
One hundred Men's and Boys' Felt
Hats at 50c on the dollar.
Two hundred Men's and Boys' Felt
Hats at 75c on the dollar.
Boxes of Boots at 50c a pair.
Boxes of Boots at $1 a pair.
Men's Felt Hats at 25c and 50c
.each, most of them costing two and.
three times the price.
Butter and Eggs wanted.
The Great Boot and. Shoe House;
Seaforth and Brussels.
Shingles for Sale.
The undereigned has now a large stock of British
Columbia Red Cedar Shingles, also Ontario Cedar
Shingles on hand at each of the following places and
they may be procured at the very lowest prices,
either from himself, or the paities named: Belgrave,
Win. Watson; Blyth, D. Cowan ; Brucefield, at the
Station, or from Robert MeIlveeti, Stanley, and
Londesboro, from himself.
WM. WHITLEY, Londesboro.
Toronto Testimony.
iyAlt SIRS, -Two y. ars ago I had a had ititaek of
biliousness and took one bottle of Burdoek
Blood Bitters and can truly reeommerid It .to any
suffering from this complaint.
Coughs and Colds lead to consuniption if neglected.
Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures quickly and is
pleasant to take.
MONTREAL, September 4th.
TO THE PUBLIC :-In my practice, and in the
capacity of Veterinary Editor of the "Family Herald
and Weekly Star," I have had occasion to !test the
merits of "Dick's Horse and Cattle Medicines." I
have found them so thoroughly reliable that I have
prescribed them in hundreds of caseir, in all of
which they have proved highly satisfactory.
411.. 111.
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A.t San Diego, Cal_ sa3re :
" Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy ie the first medicine I
have ever found that would do me any goo&" Price
50 cents. Sold by all druggists.
A Keene Lady.
A lady named Mrs. T. C. M. Himiphrles, living in
Keene'Ontario, who used only two bottles of Mem-
bray's Kidney and Liver Cure, has forwarded a
statement to the effect that it completely cured her
of inflammatory rheumatism, kidney and liver
troubles. Such a complication of diseaseyielding
to this remedy should encourage sister sofferers to
give it an honest trial.
Having been troubled with bilioueness and head-
ache, with loss of appetite, I was advised to try Dr.
Canon's Bitters, and found great relief after a few
Toronto, Ont.
Mrs. T.S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tennessee, says:
" Shiloh's Vitalizer 'SAVED MY LIFE.' I consider
it the best remedy for , a debilitated system I ever
used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it
excels. Price, 75 cents. Sold by all druggists.
I have used Dr. Carson'e Bitters for twelve months,
and can say that they are, for an appetieer, purga-
tive, and nerve tonic, the beat I ever used.
J. MARTIN. Notary Public.
Toronto, Ontario.
SHILOH'S CURE is sold on a guarantee. It cures
Incipient Consumption. It is the beet Cough Cure.
Only one cent a dose; 25 eds., 60 as. and 31.00 per
bottle. Sold by all druggists.
aisk -
Rheumatic Cure for Rheumatism ancilleuralgia radi-
cally cures in I to 3 days. Its action orlon the sys-
tem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at
once the cause and the disease immediately disap-
pears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents.
Sold by Lumsden & Wilson, druggists, seatorth.
RELIEF IN SIX Homs -Distressing Kidney and
Bladder diseases relieved in six hout.s bY the "Great
South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is
D. great surprise and delight on account of
its exceeding promptnese in relieving, pain in the
bladder, kidneys, back and every part cif the urinary
passages in male or female. It relieveretention of
water and pain in passing it almdet hornediately. If
you want quick relief and cure this Is e our remedy.
Sold by Lumsden & Wilson, Seaforth. '
How to get a " Sunlight " Picture.
Send 26 "Sunlight" Soap wrappers (wrapper bearing
the words "Why Dees aWonea,n Look Otd Sooner than
a Man " ) to LEVER EROS., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto,
and yOu will receive by post a pretty picture, free
from advertising, and well worth framing. This le
an easy way to decorate your hotue. The neap is the,
best in the market, and it will only eget le. postage
to send in the wrappers, if you leave /he ends open.
Write your address carefully.
ItWili • • • •
Heal Your Lungs,
Ptttr1esh onYour Bones
Prevent Con s vmption.
EGGS FOR .SALE from White Leghorne and Black
Fi Minorcas. My pen of Minorca e this year is
headed by a grand n lb. Cockrel, sited by Thomas
Duff's let Prize Cockerel at the Ontario in Hamilton
last year, mated into extra flne hens bnd pullets. My
Leghorns aro of Rice's strain, headed by a grand
pure white Cockerel and mated to choice hens and
pullets. Eggs, $1 per 13.
The following teetimonials, among many more,
were received last season :
}411Thile ABRIaTcRkr M: inorca Eggs hatched 18 birds from the
13 eggs,and with the Cockerel you shipPed me in Sep-
tember took first and second prize oyes the tnan who
took first and second at the Western, London.
Got 12 chicks from 13 Minorca egga, 10 pullets and
2 Cockrels. SYs. HOAGE, Seaforth,
Had splendid success with eggs you Fent me.
L. STAMSFORD, Watford.
Also a few Colonies of Pure Italian Bees, and will
keep for sale Bee -Keepers' Supplies, such as Hives,
Frames, Sections, Comb Foundations, Smokers,
Honey Knives. Akio agent for Mrs. Jennie Atchley's
celebrated Italian Queens. Beeswac taken in exi
change for supplies. Visitors welcome, Sundays
Reference -Mr. James Beattie, grain merchant.
Opposite entrance to Mr. J. Bea ie's grove,Seaforth.
• 1371
4 0
It Purifies staid Strengthens the
entire System.
The belt itiediclue eve discovered.
SA01.23 :EVERY IliERE.
Notice to reditors.
The Kippen Mills
The Kippen mills are now running at full blast and
are prepared to do GRISTING on the shortestnotice,
and most reasonable terms. In this way you get
Hour frem your own wheat, and better value for
the money than in any other way. Good flour
The highest price in cash will be paid for good
loge, or they will be cut to order.
All kinds of Lumber for sale, cheap
1357-t f
Care SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia
In za MINUTES, also Coated Tongue, Dizzi-
ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation,
Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. To stay cured and
regulate the bowels. VERY MICE TO TARE.
Musical Instrument
Scott Brothers,
Notice le hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0., Chap-
ter 110, Section 36, that all creditors and persons
having claims upon or against the Mate of the said
John Brown, late of the Township of Stanley, in the
County of Harem who died on or about the 30th day
of April, A. D., 1893. are hereby required to send by
post, prepaid, to Cameron Holt & Holntes, of the
Town of Goderich, in the bount3r of Huron, Solici-
tors for the Executors of the said John Brown, on or
before the 22nd day of May, A. D., 1894, a statement
in writing of their names and addresses, together
with full particulars of their claim and the nature of
the securities (if any) held by them. And further
take notice that after the said 22nd day of lay, A.
D„ 1894, the said Executors will proceed to distri-
bute the assets ef the said deceased among the
Parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the
claims of which notice shall have been given as re;
ouired, and the Executors will not be liable for the
said assets or any part thereof, to any person or per.
sons of whose claim notice shall not have been re-
ceived at the time of such distribution.
Solicitors for Executors.
Dated April 7th, 1894.
PIANOS,, -Dunham, New York; W.
Bell & CO., Guelph; Dominion Piano Corn -
any, Bowmanville.
ORGANS. -W. Bell & Co,, Guelph;
Dominion Organ Company, Bowmanville;
D. W. Karn & Co., Woodstock.
*The above Instruments always on hand, also a few
good secondihand Pianos and Organs for sale at
from $26 upwards. Instruments sold on the instal-
ment plan, or on terms to suit customers. Violins,
)oncertinas and sinal instruments on hand also sheet
imsie, books &e.
. Pince in the World for Young Nen
..e.„,:i.../nesn and Women tie Secure a Business
Education, shorth
tband, Etc., is e
Detroit Busi'University, De- •
troit,Mich. Illustrated Catalogue
Free. References: All Detroit.
t W.7..izimx,President. P.R. silniorts,Secretary.
See that horse?
has a
smooth and
glossy coag
and feels in
goo d enough
condition to win
and so would any
horse if its
owner used
It renews the system, eariches the blood and gives
nature a fair chance, is also an unfailing eradicator
of bots and worms. It hi just as good for oattle as
for horses. Try a 50e. package if your horses or
cattle are not thriving., For a epavin, curb, ring-
bone or splint/ use Dick's Blister, 50e. -Dick's Lint-
ment for sprains, swellings, bruises. etc. 25c. --Dick's
Ointment for scratches, old ores, saddle galls, etc.
26e. mailed on receipt of price.
DICK & CO. P. O BOX 482, Montreal
The Old Established.
Planing Mill and
Sash and Door Factory,
This old and 'o11 -known eetablishment is still
running at full blast, and now has hotter facilitiee
than ever before to turn out a good article for a
moderate price. Sash and doors of all patterns al-
ways on hand or made to order. Lumber dressed on
short notice and in any way desired. All kinds of
lumber for sale on reasonable terms. Shingles kept
constantly on hand. Estimates for the furnishing
of buildings b whole or in part given du application.
None but the -best of material used and workman-
ship guaranteed. Patronage solicited.
1169 H BROADPOOT, Soda*
Itlik,iiNnotliatgazegutr&oPPern,", Meer
Nights, Melancholy Peeling, Baez "wan,
Membray's Uldney and Liver
wingt•eimmediaterclief aUdEPPECTAXIIret.
Sold at all Drug Stores. '
Membray Company
of Peterborough, (Lirmited),
For sale by I, V. FEAR, druggist, Seaforth.
Boots arid Shoes
HAS on hand a large number end Bootsand Sheet) of hif
own make, best material and
Warranted to give Satisfaction.=
you want your feet kept dry eetne and get a pair 0.
our bootie which will be sold
0I{E,A.P FOR 0A$R.
Repairing promptly attended to. All kinds of Boote
and Shoes toade to order. All parties who have not
paid their accounts for last year will pleaSO call and "
settle up,
1162 D. MoINTYRE, beafortha
fromchfltiren or
•C 0*. S IN I TN'S
irompt, reliable, safe and pleasant, requiring 110
r medicine. Never failing. Leave 110 bad after
lr" " Price, 25 '-‘71t.S pc.r r.‘,71: .3
A General Banking business transacts&
Fanners' notes discounted.
Drafts bought and sold.
Interest allowed on deposits,
SALE' NOTES discounted, or taken for
OFFICE -First door north of Reid I;
ffilson's Hardware Store.
;;rite and conservative
authority came
out and ' gave it
a big recommendation
clinched the matter.
So that's
why- we always fry
our in Cottolene.
Bold in 3 and 5 lb. pails, by
all. grocers. Made only by
Wellington and Ann Street.,
the other two eggs . for frosting. Bake in
loaves • and as soon as drawn from the oven
eover with frosting 'made from either of the
following recipes:
Mix six tablespoonfuls. of chocolate grated
finely with one cupfnl of sugar, break into
it the whites of twof eggs, and: beat until it
is smooth and sti1 Frosting cannot be
made satisfactorily linless the sugar used is
the.powdered kind i made expressly for this:
purpose. Some .perSons prefer to beat the
whites of the eggs to a stiff froth before
adding 'the sugar and chocolate. a , -1
One cup of very fine sugar, tivo table-
spoonfuls of water, the white of one egg
beaten to a froth. Boil the sugar and water
together, renove from the fireand stir in
the white of egg, mixing it well. Apply
to the cake at once4
Stir together One teacupful of sugar and
one teacupful of fionr with two tablespoen-
fuls of milk and the well -beaten yolks of
three eggs, sift in a, small teaspoonful of
soda and two smalli teaspoonfuls of cream of
tartar, add the whites of the eggs beaten
stiff; spread the mixture thinly in a long
pan, and bake in a quick oven.When
done, cover wOh jain while hot -raspberry
jam is the best -and roll up.; cut in slices
when cold.
"By a thorough knowledge. of the natural laws
whioh govern the op.erations of digestion and nutri-
tion, and by a -careful application of the fine proper-
ties of well -selected Coeoa. Mr.Epps has provided for
our breakfast and supper a delicately flavoured bev-
erage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills.
It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that
a constitution may be gradually built up until strong
enough to resist every tendency .to dieease. Hun-
dreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready
tosttaok whetever there is a weak paint. We may
escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well
fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished
frame." -Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold
mely in packets, by Grocers, labelled thus:
' LONDON, ENGLAND. - 1361-26
feli THEE. makes of dress goods may have many ex-
cellences, but in the texture, the finish, the
possibility of lovely contours in the completed cos-
tume, Preistley's noted dress fabrics surplus every
other manufacture. That is the verdict in England.
It is fast becoming the verdict in the States. Our
Canadian ladies, when once they begin to wear
Priestley's dress fabrics, will wear no other.
THERE IS A FRIEND FOR You, -In the struggle of
life, when you are buffeted by the waves of adver-
eity, with what thankfulneee you grasp the hand
held out to save. The eick headache wears the life
away. It paralyzes energy. It unfits for effort or
conquest. A dull melancholy -possesses mind and
heart. Ambition flags. The world has no longer a
single joy. Stark's Powders are the friend in need. •
The headache vanishes like the mist before the sun.
For neurergia and biliouenese they are ' an equally
positive and marvellous cure. 55 cents a box.
411‘ • *-
PERRY DAVIS' PAIN-EILLER.-Its effects are almost
instantaneous, affording relief from the most intense
pain. It soothes the irritated or inflamed part, and
gives rest and quiet a the sufferer. It is eminently
the people's friend, and every one should have it
with them, or where they can put their hand on it
in the dark if need be. Get 25c. Bottle, Big 2 as.
Wonderful Success. -
DEAR SIRS, -1 can highly praise Bil3.13_, because
it had a fair trial in -my epee with wenderful
success. 'My symptoms were dropsy, backache and
--sleeplessness and all those disappeared after using
two bottles of B:13.13. I cannot praise its healing
powerietoo highly.
Wood Point, Sackville, N. B.
Grey Council Meeting.
Council met as adjourned Court of Revis-
ion of Drainage Assessment under by-law,
on Tuesday of last week, at Cranbrook.
Members all present exCept Deputy -Reeve
Oliver. -The Reeve of McKillop township
and Mr. Coleman, Irepresenting the Canada
Company, were present at the meeting.
Moved _ by James Turnbull, :seconded. by
Thomas Ennis, that having heard the parties
re complaint of McKillop township, that
certain lands in that township which. have.
been assessed to drain into the Beauchamp
creek, had their proper outlet into Logan
township, and it having been stated that
the township of McKiilop would at an early
date instruct James A. Bell, C. E., to locate
a system of. drains in McKillop, to drain the
Northeast swaanp in said township, it . is
hereby resolved that if the said. James A.
Bell, on making said location of drains for
MeKillop township, finds that any lands in
-McKillop can be better drained into Logan
than into the Beauchamp creek, the Council
of Grey will :assume pro rata with Mc-
Killop, as an extra assessment on the roads,
the assessment on such lands in McKillop
as drain into Logan and the extra cost of
survey other than location, survey and. lands
in McKillop. Carried. The following ap-
pellants were heard, viz : James Cahill,
sworn, stated that he had sufficient outlet
and had already paid •for it. L. McNeil,
sworn, stated that he received no benefit
Whatever ,from he proposed work and
should not be tax d for it: Duncan Mc-
Nair, sworn, state1 that he had all the out-
let he required and should not be assessed
for the Beauchamp creek. . Peter McNeil,
sworn, stated that he was too high assessed
M proportion to his neighbors, who were re-
neiving more benefit. Donald Stewart,
sworn, stated that his assessment hue too
high and. should be reduced, owing to hi .
land being cut up by. the straighten; -ee e
the creek.. John McTaggart, sworn, statc!
that he was too hikoril assessed in proportion
to other lots, both for- benefit and for origin-
al construction of Government drain No. 2,
that lot 22, concession 15, should be assessed
for. original construction of Goa -eminent
drain No. 2 that the maintenance of said
drainage should be paid by the parties re-
ceiving direct 1+iefit. - . James McNair,
sworn, stated that the water from the east
half of lot 22, concession 15, would go down
the tap drain if Government - drain No. I
was cleaned out. 'John McNatight appealed
on the .ground that he was too high .assessed
for benefit received, and that his assessment
was Much higher than some lots adjacent to
him. ., James A. Smith appeared on the
ground that his assessment was unjust and
unequal with the rest. James Cummings,
sworn, stated that he was too high assessed
as he was too.far way from the drain, that
40 acres of his land would drain into the
14th concession drain and 60 acres into Gov-
ernment drain No. 2.. Thomas Williamson,
owner of lot 25, ,concessien 15, agreed to
have 10 acres more of his .land . assessed for
outlet and allow his assessment to be raised
$6.50. James McNair also agreed to allow
his assessment to be raised $11.50. On
motion the assessment of the north west
paUt, of lot 6, conceSsion 14, was reduced to
and the assessment of the north east
part of lot 6, reduced $3; the assessment nn
lot No. 25, conces- ion 14, was increased
$6.50, and the asse sment on lot No. 22,
concession 15, incre ed 811.50. The Court
of Revision was clo„ ed and the assessment
of the by-law DS amended sustained. Gen-
eral council business was then taken up.
Leave was granted to Peter Robertson to
file his requisition for the Engineer Under
the Ditches and Wetercourses Act with the
Clerk. After passing a number of accoimts
the council adjourned until Saturday, May
266h. - I .
Of 'medicinal agents
the old-time herbs;
table extracts to the!
gen (1 use the plea
Ta4e, Syrup ?-
rerneay see that it
California Fig Syrui
all leading druggists
is gradually relegating
ills, draughts and vege-
rear- and bringing into
ant and effective liquid
Figs. To get the true
is manufactured by the
Co. only. For sale by
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup.
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs,
colds, asthma. bronchitis, hoarseness, croup, and all
diseases of the throat and lungs. Price, 26c. ;and
60c., at all druggists,
Milburn's Cod Liver Oil Emulsion with Wild Cherry
and Hypophosphitee cures all throat and lung
.‘• • ••• I s
Prevailing Sickness,
The most prevalent complaints at this season are
rheumatism, neuralgia, son throat, inflammations
and congestions. For all these and other painful
troubles Hagyard's Yellow Oil is the best ' internal
and external remedy,
si• • as
Milburn's Beef • Iran and Wine the beet $1. Beef,
Iron and Wine, Milburn's the best 81.. The best
Beef, Iron and Wine, Milburn's 81.
Do you Feel Well?
You have no appetite, you don't sleep well, you
feel tired or perhaps lazy. Then take Burdock Blood
Bitters and obtain a keen appetite, resfful sleep and
vigorous health.
High Healing Powers are possessed by Victoria
Carbolic Salve. The best remedy for Cuts, Burns,
Sores and Wounds.
Beyond Dispute.
There ie no better, safer or more pleasant cough
remedy made than Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. It
cures hoarseness, sore throat, coughs, colds, bron-
chitis and all throat and lung troubles.
-Itch on human and horses and all animals, cured
In 80 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This
never fails. Sold by Lumsden & Wilson.
-Englieh Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft
or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses,
Blood spavip, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney,
Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs,
etc. Save $60 by use of one bottle. Warranted the
most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold
by Lumsden & Wilson.
IS now the fashion, and
Are Right in the Swim.
We are prepared to abandon all
profits and part of the cost on many
lines in order to get our shai e of the
ttade. We are not rich enough to let
goods lie on our shelves, and, besides,
goods soon go out of fashion. Our
aim has always been to show a clean
fresh stock, as old goods are always
hard to sell.
We therefore announce a clearing
sate of the whole of our
Of Boots and Shoes'Groceries, Hats
and Caps, Crockery, China and Glass-
ware, Tinware, &c., as follows :
Five hundred pairs' of Boots at ,50c
on the dollar.
One thousand pairs of Boots at 75c
on the dollar.
Two thousand pairs of Boots at 85c
on the dollar.
One hundred Men's and Boys' Felt
Hats at 50c on the dollar.
Two hundred Men's and Boys' Felt
Hats at 75c on the dollar.
Boxes of Boots at 50c a pair.
Boxes of Boots at $1 a pair.
Men's Felt Hats at 25c and 50c
.each, most of them costing two and.
three times the price.
Butter and Eggs wanted.
The Great Boot and. Shoe House;
Seaforth and Brussels.
Shingles for Sale.
The undereigned has now a large stock of British
Columbia Red Cedar Shingles, also Ontario Cedar
Shingles on hand at each of the following places and
they may be procured at the very lowest prices,
either from himself, or the paities named: Belgrave,
Win. Watson; Blyth, D. Cowan ; Brucefield, at the
Station, or from Robert MeIlveeti, Stanley, and
Londesboro, from himself.
WM. WHITLEY, Londesboro.
Toronto Testimony.
iyAlt SIRS, -Two y. ars ago I had a had ititaek of
biliousness and took one bottle of Burdoek
Blood Bitters and can truly reeommerid It .to any
suffering from this complaint.
Coughs and Colds lead to consuniption if neglected.
Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures quickly and is
pleasant to take.
MONTREAL, September 4th.
TO THE PUBLIC :-In my practice, and in the
capacity of Veterinary Editor of the "Family Herald
and Weekly Star," I have had occasion to !test the
merits of "Dick's Horse and Cattle Medicines." I
have found them so thoroughly reliable that I have
prescribed them in hundreds of caseir, in all of
which they have proved highly satisfactory.
411.. 111.
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A.t San Diego, Cal_ sa3re :
" Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy ie the first medicine I
have ever found that would do me any goo&" Price
50 cents. Sold by all druggists.
A Keene Lady.
A lady named Mrs. T. C. M. Himiphrles, living in
Keene'Ontario, who used only two bottles of Mem-
bray's Kidney and Liver Cure, has forwarded a
statement to the effect that it completely cured her
of inflammatory rheumatism, kidney and liver
troubles. Such a complication of diseaseyielding
to this remedy should encourage sister sofferers to
give it an honest trial.
Having been troubled with bilioueness and head-
ache, with loss of appetite, I was advised to try Dr.
Canon's Bitters, and found great relief after a few
Toronto, Ont.
Mrs. T.S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tennessee, says:
" Shiloh's Vitalizer 'SAVED MY LIFE.' I consider
it the best remedy for , a debilitated system I ever
used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it
excels. Price, 75 cents. Sold by all druggists.
I have used Dr. Carson'e Bitters for twelve months,
and can say that they are, for an appetieer, purga-
tive, and nerve tonic, the beat I ever used.
J. MARTIN. Notary Public.
Toronto, Ontario.
SHILOH'S CURE is sold on a guarantee. It cures
Incipient Consumption. It is the beet Cough Cure.
Only one cent a dose; 25 eds., 60 as. and 31.00 per
bottle. Sold by all druggists.
aisk -
Rheumatic Cure for Rheumatism ancilleuralgia radi-
cally cures in I to 3 days. Its action orlon the sys-
tem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at
once the cause and the disease immediately disap-
pears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents.
Sold by Lumsden & Wilson, druggists, seatorth.
RELIEF IN SIX Homs -Distressing Kidney and
Bladder diseases relieved in six hout.s bY the "Great
South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is
D. great surprise and delight on account of
its exceeding promptnese in relieving, pain in the
bladder, kidneys, back and every part cif the urinary
passages in male or female. It relieveretention of
water and pain in passing it almdet hornediately. If
you want quick relief and cure this Is e our remedy.
Sold by Lumsden & Wilson, Seaforth. '
How to get a " Sunlight " Picture.
Send 26 "Sunlight" Soap wrappers (wrapper bearing
the words "Why Dees aWonea,n Look Otd Sooner than
a Man " ) to LEVER EROS., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto,
and yOu will receive by post a pretty picture, free
from advertising, and well worth framing. This le
an easy way to decorate your hotue. The neap is the,
best in the market, and it will only eget le. postage
to send in the wrappers, if you leave /he ends open.
Write your address carefully.
ItWili • • • •
Heal Your Lungs,
Ptttr1esh onYour Bones
Prevent Con s vmption.
EGGS FOR .SALE from White Leghorne and Black
Fi Minorcas. My pen of Minorca e this year is
headed by a grand n lb. Cockrel, sited by Thomas
Duff's let Prize Cockerel at the Ontario in Hamilton
last year, mated into extra flne hens bnd pullets. My
Leghorns aro of Rice's strain, headed by a grand
pure white Cockerel and mated to choice hens and
pullets. Eggs, $1 per 13.
The following teetimonials, among many more,
were received last season :
}411Thile ABRIaTcRkr M: inorca Eggs hatched 18 birds from the
13 eggs,and with the Cockerel you shipPed me in Sep-
tember took first and second prize oyes the tnan who
took first and second at the Western, London.
Got 12 chicks from 13 Minorca egga, 10 pullets and
2 Cockrels. SYs. HOAGE, Seaforth,
Had splendid success with eggs you Fent me.
L. STAMSFORD, Watford.
Also a few Colonies of Pure Italian Bees, and will
keep for sale Bee -Keepers' Supplies, such as Hives,
Frames, Sections, Comb Foundations, Smokers,
Honey Knives. Akio agent for Mrs. Jennie Atchley's
celebrated Italian Queens. Beeswac taken in exi
change for supplies. Visitors welcome, Sundays
Reference -Mr. James Beattie, grain merchant.
Opposite entrance to Mr. J. Bea ie's grove,Seaforth.
• 1371
4 0
It Purifies staid Strengthens the
entire System.
The belt itiediclue eve discovered.
SA01.23 :EVERY IliERE.
Notice to reditors.
The Kippen Mills
The Kippen mills are now running at full blast and
are prepared to do GRISTING on the shortestnotice,
and most reasonable terms. In this way you get
Hour frem your own wheat, and better value for
the money than in any other way. Good flour
The highest price in cash will be paid for good
loge, or they will be cut to order.
All kinds of Lumber for sale, cheap
1357-t f
Care SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia
In za MINUTES, also Coated Tongue, Dizzi-
ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation,
Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. To stay cured and
regulate the bowels. VERY MICE TO TARE.
Musical Instrument
Scott Brothers,
Notice le hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0., Chap-
ter 110, Section 36, that all creditors and persons
having claims upon or against the Mate of the said
John Brown, late of the Township of Stanley, in the
County of Harem who died on or about the 30th day
of April, A. D., 1893. are hereby required to send by
post, prepaid, to Cameron Holt & Holntes, of the
Town of Goderich, in the bount3r of Huron, Solici-
tors for the Executors of the said John Brown, on or
before the 22nd day of May, A. D., 1894, a statement
in writing of their names and addresses, together
with full particulars of their claim and the nature of
the securities (if any) held by them. And further
take notice that after the said 22nd day of lay, A.
D„ 1894, the said Executors will proceed to distri-
bute the assets ef the said deceased among the
Parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the
claims of which notice shall have been given as re;
ouired, and the Executors will not be liable for the
said assets or any part thereof, to any person or per.
sons of whose claim notice shall not have been re-
ceived at the time of such distribution.
Solicitors for Executors.
Dated April 7th, 1894.
PIANOS,, -Dunham, New York; W.
Bell & CO., Guelph; Dominion Piano Corn -
any, Bowmanville.
ORGANS. -W. Bell & Co,, Guelph;
Dominion Organ Company, Bowmanville;
D. W. Karn & Co., Woodstock.
*The above Instruments always on hand, also a few
good secondihand Pianos and Organs for sale at
from $26 upwards. Instruments sold on the instal-
ment plan, or on terms to suit customers. Violins,
)oncertinas and sinal instruments on hand also sheet
imsie, books &e.
. Pince in the World for Young Nen
..e.„,:i.../nesn and Women tie Secure a Business
Education, shorth
tband, Etc., is e
Detroit Busi'University, De- •
troit,Mich. Illustrated Catalogue
Free. References: All Detroit.
t W.7..izimx,President. P.R. silniorts,Secretary.
See that horse?
has a
smooth and
glossy coag
and feels in
goo d enough
condition to win
and so would any
horse if its
owner used
It renews the system, eariches the blood and gives
nature a fair chance, is also an unfailing eradicator
of bots and worms. It hi just as good for oattle as
for horses. Try a 50e. package if your horses or
cattle are not thriving., For a epavin, curb, ring-
bone or splint/ use Dick's Blister, 50e. -Dick's Lint-
ment for sprains, swellings, bruises. etc. 25c. --Dick's
Ointment for scratches, old ores, saddle galls, etc.
26e. mailed on receipt of price.
DICK & CO. P. O BOX 482, Montreal
The Old Established.
Planing Mill and
Sash and Door Factory,
This old and 'o11 -known eetablishment is still
running at full blast, and now has hotter facilitiee
than ever before to turn out a good article for a
moderate price. Sash and doors of all patterns al-
ways on hand or made to order. Lumber dressed on
short notice and in any way desired. All kinds of
lumber for sale on reasonable terms. Shingles kept
constantly on hand. Estimates for the furnishing
of buildings b whole or in part given du application.
None but the -best of material used and workman-
ship guaranteed. Patronage solicited.
1169 H BROADPOOT, Soda*
Itlik,iiNnotliatgazegutr&oPPern,", Meer
Nights, Melancholy Peeling, Baez "wan,
Membray's Uldney and Liver
wingt•eimmediaterclief aUdEPPECTAXIIret.
Sold at all Drug Stores. '
Membray Company
of Peterborough, (Lirmited),
For sale by I, V. FEAR, druggist, Seaforth.
Boots arid Shoes
HAS on hand a large number end Bootsand Sheet) of hif
own make, best material and
Warranted to give Satisfaction.=
you want your feet kept dry eetne and get a pair 0.
our bootie which will be sold
0I{E,A.P FOR 0A$R.
Repairing promptly attended to. All kinds of Boote
and Shoes toade to order. All parties who have not
paid their accounts for last year will pleaSO call and "
settle up,
1162 D. MoINTYRE, beafortha
fromchfltiren or
•C 0*. S IN I TN'S
irompt, reliable, safe and pleasant, requiring 110
r medicine. Never failing. Leave 110 bad after
lr" " Price, 25 '-‘71t.S pc.r r.‘,71: .3
A General Banking business transacts&
Fanners' notes discounted.
Drafts bought and sold.
Interest allowed on deposits,
SALE' NOTES discounted, or taken for
OFFICE -First door north of Reid I;
ffilson's Hardware Store.