The Huron Expositor, 1894-04-13, Page 8-J" TtI.- 7,11 7 7:777� �7 7 �M FV�4� -Z ? iz, _e� i" v Ax� _J SM1199KNINku 'Ara A 4% -:-,W TV OF N :A ­�X_ 4 'A 2 UZI_ i4 WON& N S -W.,- 3L, L I k 77 W', T-7. 777=7 IMP5 77-77� T -Pt? W - WWI! 5, r APRIL. 13.4 1894. THt HURON EXPOSITORO ---------- as oi� e,c ara tural-duty of a 0 1 IDAY v. Mr. Hodgins exchaned he tellsalthat Mr. Morgan has b6en ap- visiting h trother, bia. J. Macarthur, 1'� Wilson S, Oash Grocery. A who,profess 'to" be Chris- I bh h oterof the animals shown. severe illndss- —Be' these banke' tr! and Mrs. James Moir left, R 5 tians regularly attending some place of It i� safe to say that several of � these p its with Rev Mr. Dewdney, of Mitch�ll, pointed*,i but on, enquiry neither of r. -- in eV for their :!.)me Snowflake worship, Mr. Shaw leaves on Monday for anini*ls would do credit to any show ring *in on3unday laot.—The fire if Sunday morn- gentlem4n know anything about it. Several here this We danitoba. J. J. Phippeii,. photo - am Sul so I selling all kind& of choice Groceries at Hamilton to attend the mepting of Synod, Amelica. Theattendance was -not so lair I last.'was the first test. the Automatic around here h ve been duped and are now I Mr. APRIL 13th In t ieir notes. I ave lower prim, for cub or trade only, than they w6re paxental10 retturne I? ever told for in this part of the country and it, you and will be. absent Thu—rsday.—Mr. R.IrStew- -as in former years. The show was lield ';ielephone had as a fire, alarm, and it Alled UP Joun gryber, has dto -he me x 'WAS given at, thb the goods.not represented and are afraid 'fill. would like to. ape pric" still lower give me a share of The alarm an main gallery in Parh —The present art has -been on the - sick, list for tho.'jpast abou.� two weeks earlier this year than the bill. - if 2 notes be raised. Met1rdist Fri'me Church is now en route your trade. Everk little helps, and, the more busi. week-, but we hope for a , speedy- return to usu4 It was thought that by bringing it Queen s'Hotel, which was promptly ans- the amounts of the to EVERY DEARTMOT qii)lrl hi -w cheap goods can be sold by the strictlyeash spring wor c nesa 1, do the cheaper I can sell. I anx.trying just health and activity.—MT. ames Murray on be�Qre the I on the farms got wered at the Waterworks, and the engineer Again we say have nothing to o with these I'll" �ers at Mr. Coxworths and will stani; skating yii� --is NOW— system instead of how much I can charge for them, treasurer of Tuckerilmith, was in the vil- pushing, there would be a larger attendance. had 80 pounds of pressurg on the water strangers, —'On Wednesday - of last week, he�em& k was, and the the old style of doing business. Toes I am selling at lage on Mondayj looking at some residences But, . the expectations of the Directors in mains before the fire Whistle at Broadfoot & Bayfiold was the loser of � two of ber fair Congkegation!will worship in it there until the same profit as other goods. I have a fine stock, this �-espect w6re 'not realized while, no Box's factory first sounded. —Mr. Matthews, daughters. Oneo Kiss Helen Aldsworth, the new brick church is completed, which 1q0 need , with a view to purchasing, but he did not D V ther newest and best goods in the market. of this D will be in �he'month of December, ake it selection. doubt there would have been a larger show of -New York, r JVJ for any one to send out of town for Tea, so I will sell rn -traveller for Dunn, Wiman was claimed by Mr. James Mdie, of Gode ADY. AND 0 1PN cheaper than any one can travel the country and sell of h6raes had a later date been selected. Company, was. in town oii Thursday. —Mr. Ach township. Rev. E. Olivgt ppAorining present year. -i --Mr. J. Zuefle, our new and retail. and will guareiitee all goods to give flatisfac- awarded: Moffatt, general agent for the Preston Far the marriage ceremony. . Mr., Win. bobson, enterprising iihoe-maker, has recently pur- How TuEsis Hfr.JtOX BOYS DO COME 'To The �ollbwing are the prizes —FOR— tion, of return -the monei. Flour, Syrup, Currants, and William -Tim FRONT, �The Observer, a beautifully il- —6 -nace Company, was in Seaforth on Wednes- of Stanley, andiss Agnes feck, of Bay- chased from:� Messrs Jaes HoUsEs.—Heavy4raught, Imported, alsins and all kinds of Canned Goods at old prices ban a f ma Be their lots on the South side.of lustratM paper published in 'Ontario, a. entries,—Ist, Berry & Geiger's 'I Craig day.—The regular meeting of the I Women's field, were United in the holy d o t- nthron,- 0. WlLSON, Seaforth. nion ill be held in rinioily at Varna, by- Rev. Me, Leitch. We Rchmond Street, dair's Survey, and in - art Californik -town, makes the following Ronald -;" 2nd, William Habkirk's "Crysta Christian Temperance U SPRING Bank of Commerce Block. amlif - tends erect ing a neat dwelling on the same. reference to a forMer Tuckersinith boy, Mir. City ;f' 3rd, 0. E. Mason's " Clendery the Usual place on Wednesday next, at four -wish all a long and h, e. —On Wed nesday, April 4th, ther d aWay to his —Miss M. Stewart has returned from visi- lavid.Eldoat, brother ofthe Messrs. Elcoat, Princ6." Three years old, -5 entries,—Ist o'clock p. in. e,,.passe i in and near Mdrpeth. long home, after an illness of several ing friends, of tho West End. The Observer says and best horse of any age in US 4field. months, Andrew Gor4dii, -Elliott aaed 28 (From ecasional Correspondent.) an' 0, cliploma for B TJ S I Onel6f- the best-known, mostdeservedly elks$: x. Innes "Chief of the Clans Bruc -ward Elliott,' of the years, son of popular, and liberally patronized livery and 2ndi �9 its Leiper's "Prince of Midlothian Mr. Ed FuNieniL SNPvicE.—As was intimaed by. Bin,- Clothin Deal k .1 A-10"fEy to loan at low rates 'and easy Albion hotel, The funeral on Friday illie's 'I Maernoran. " Two terms on Farm Property. Deeds, Mortgages, Willa, af ter- your regular correspondent last Week, the boarding tables in this county A the one 3rd, I rames Sin moderate in a .1 THE'.STOCK IS' Through the agency of the nover-faffing factor owned by David Elcoat,'located oil A. street, old -,—S. Smill e. & Son,' ." Golden etc, carefully and correctly attended to, at noon was litrgely attended.—On Saturday f er I of tl e I te Win. Lammie, sr., left e are al years W-1 charges. Some five farms for sale cheap. J. A. MC- orn g last Mr. and Mrs. Harve,�, Greer, CASH we have been enaffled to close out a consider- near Euelid avenue, Ontario. Tfiis business FFrinc Aged Cana ndraught,—Ist, and I -the family residence on. Wednesda,-Aprd 1370-t f b. ur able portion of the balance of b6 large manufactUrCIV 08 b� e%th their little one.—On Saturday and lothing at a. bargain. The prices Large Attractiv was established during the first year of the djpIoi*8l,—GeorgoTaIor "Gulf tream;" 4tb, for- the:�Rodgerville �ceinetery. We stock of Made Up A SmAF.T OLD hlAx�,­Mr- Duncan Mc- last, after along and painful illness, there Dunn Young L McAlpine." ii�ay further. n"iention that after a brief ser-. efothe), we A at which they are bought will enable us to sell colony's existence, and 'has been since its 2nd, 4ohn Donald, who resides on the London Road, a died at her home, Annie Dupee, d In the -following Goods, ViZ aughter pe at 2 o'clock, the remains," oi ll( MEN'S SPLEND1,13 SUITS opening a favorite one with tourists nd the, Aged Parriage Stalli —4 entries,—Ist and wee in the 461 short distance north of this village is, prob- 16 traveling fraternity At this sitable can be diploina —William Levy, Melbourne of -Mr. ai�d Mrs. M."Dupee, at the age of were conv�ye`d` by the pall -bearers to Cax- TRUMMED HATS A14D BONNE At $7.00 and $9.00, In fact we have a very nice All 0 -not years.—Mr. John Eason has returned to mel ably, one of themartest men for his ye found rias of all kinds, single, double and 42nd,'J-,oKu Shaver, Youn Fulton." Aged ich,:-which was crowded to the that PU4 'as is now ool Suit at $4.50, warranted to give good satisfac that can be found in the county. He Nairn. tion. In Boys' and Children's w -lits we can send the th�-ee seated vehicles as WLWH s saddle Roadster Stallion,—Ist, Thomas Murdock, doors. T 90 years of age, and one day last week he 4Pon. -lie- platforin were - six minis- SHAPES mothem home delighted with the, bargains we can ters of e - - - - - - - horses. Special attention is paid to the '� Kin -Stanton �nd, Robert Brock, "St. to carry sap from th. GoApel, viz.: Rev. Messrs. Hen- give them. A, Bat and Ball given to each boy get i amus�,d himself 4elping McKillop. MILLINERY TRIMMINS wants of the m any visitors who sojourn for Liuu.', Two year old Roadster, —Robert derson, 801114, Swan,- Fear, Walker and F. ting a,'841t. Call and inspect. the sugar bush, And could trip along -With health or pleasure' in the various resorts 4 '001) BVIJ, OL.—Mr., Win. H01111e8, Of Swan, sr.; ofTergus. The S , ture lesson T A Brock! " Sir Ada Wilkes. " Coach Stallion _heroe X DRESS TRINIATINGS Ontario. I Jr. crlp Elcoat has' superior accom- —Ist, Alex. Dow, " Pasha 2nd, William the I lath concession, recently (11" osed of a was read Py: Rev. E. Softley, St. Paurs WM. P10KARD pailful of the - juice of the maple as blithe y p Of as many men not half his age. He is st I s 0out his A, SeaOrth. modation' for the boarding of horse� bi the fine young Durham bull calf, 10 11' Shill aw,"VAi in the enjoyment of all his laculties and is onths church. IThe pastor preached an eloquent DRESS GOODS ean who Upp day -%veek or month. The water is puie and B ged Dnrham,—Ist and di I old, to Mr. Win. McIntosh, of the Ilth con- and'ver sermon on the subject, 1374 'P om blessed with the beat of health. He can y appropriate SILKS abundant, the stalls are ell ventilated nd for bel bull of any age, —D, D. Wilson, yet put to shame, some of our young men by cession, receiving therefor the sum of $70. " The Nsurrection," In his closing words PoOrl-y mdt -forget dained, aikd.an anxious regard for the re- I'Pr' Minister." Calved after September This is -u very fine calf, and those interested he paid- ai fitting tri�ute to the memory of his 6 his agility in handling the axe. We hope qiiir customers is apparent to all 1891, -41st, Elcoat Brothers, " Lord Lossie in good stock should lc�lf on1%1r..'Mc1n;oh. the deceased,and characterized him iiLi the PARASOLS 'The couse, W 0 he be spared many years yet toadd joy patronize this first class establishment. 5th 2nd., William Ross., "Perfection's to the home- and cheer to his umeros words of Jesus to Nathaniel, as an "' Israel- of,Glen- The citizens of fully appreciate the Air rd, W. J. Chesney, Pride ite, indeed, in whom is no guile." Pr4ers WRAP, friends. Belmore. efforts put forth by Mr. Elcoat to keep up coe."_ Calved after September 1892,�Ist, were offered by Revs. Fear'and F. Swan. soursuce DISTRICT MATTERS. A PLEASANT OccAsioN.—Mr. and Mrs. CHANGES.—Mr. Garrick has purchased MANTLES The Rev. Mr. Walker pronounced the bene - his] ever-bicreasing, business, but to the D. D. Wilson, 'I Royal Sailor;" 2nd, H. & Andrew Swan celebrated the 40th anniver- Mr. Jaines Kirby's brick cottage. Mr. Jas. diction. CAPES Inuat b stranger and the pilgriin we have no hesi- W. D.� Smitli, Abbottsford';" 3rd, D. sary of their marriage on Wednesday, April 'Kirby has bought the Royal Hotel from Mr. UD BATT.A.Liwi- BALL.—The annual tation in reco ift to the On- Flotheripgham, "Prince of Huron. 'N1ATrixoxiAL. —A laxge erawd again as- TH & a `vi8 t 4th, whe4 their whole faimily, with the ex- - Atchisoji. Mr. Atchison has rented Mr. we are er, W �G 3 ace tario . -livery m=ebll e�eveir a riding or JuDOEs.—Heavy horses eorge Spierin, seinbled in the saine . church, on the same LACES coception of Mrs.' William Kaiser, of Rib Philip -Baker's residence. Mr. Philip Ba- atti" erich, is exciting consi rable' rest ariviff horse is wanted. It is safe to assure St. Makys ; Lightorses, PatricK Farrow, propp-r inLake, Wisconsin, and Mrs.James Tho - �Pson, er has moved into the house lately purchas- day, this tivne to 'Nvitness a marriage cere- ty circles. It will be held in the Horti- 'ails ch that for civility said- good service a Woodstock - Bulls, Thom mony, . the contracting parties being Mr. RIB BONS con af the m tie, as -Russell, Us- Moose Jaw, Northwest Territory, wer, pres- ed by Mr. ,Samuel Wallace.—Mr. George pavilion in that town, which will better place will be bard! to.find." borne, Andrew M11rra' son of James Murray,Esq., 9 and 15avid Milne, Ethel. Mr. J. A.. Out $21 ent. Quiteanumberof old friends of the Do-Libledeehasthe material on theground HOSIERY Oiqconunodate 500 people. The decorations Lang, o� St. Marys, waa the gentleman - ap- of the Londbu road, Tuckersmith, and Miss worthy couple were'there also, and a pleas- for the erection of a lar tht e in the hands of a professional, the est PURR Maple Syrup for sale at A.- Youngs pointed,by the Society to judge the bull�, ant evening was spent. After an excellent ge bank bqllrn during Jennie, daughter of Mr. Robert Patterson Suits are .1 L Thursday of last Tw Seatorth, . -1 but lie got sick at Exeter on hi t the coming suminer.— 3� GLOVES eed st chestra in the Province has been secured,. at a reasonable price 1374 sr., of the Hensall planing inill. The groom repast, Mr. Jamieson and Mr. Scott ave week a load of young people from Wingham Ty you will need a new pair of shoes �his Bracefiel I had to return home. slier was suppQrfed by Air. John Patterson, bre- Prop r ahvA( d eve is. eing done to make thi anc some good Scotch songs, and Mr. McLeod a drove oat to'the residence of Mr. G. Barton DELAINE all the cial event of the year. ring you cannot possibly do better than to go to all the & Menzies' carriage stallion was awarded te. ther of the bride, while the bride -was sup - Coventry's old stau4, leaforth. The whole stock Gaelic song, which delighted all present- and spent a pleasant evening, dancing, e Tweed an, second prize by the, judge, but was declined CHALLIES- urray, sister of the ported b ss Aggie M *-.ill be cleaned out at a big kerifice. Come in and.. by the owners. Mr. and Mrs. Swan look hale and hearty, —On Wednesday of last we d $8. ek Mr. ames THE Erxmmic —The vote� getour prices wheth and bid fair, -We hope, toee many- years to-. '�Aheiknotwas tie by the pastor -0 LIGHT VOTE. er you want to buy or not. Hall- was United in the holy bonds of matri- Kroon CARPETS f -a thp,-electric light resulted as follows 13T4-1 Rer. J. S. Henderson, a -ad from the start to gether yet.. They received some nice pres- mony to Miss Emma Irwin. The cerem EAST WARD. SIECOND HAND -HIGH BWYo'rx for sale All departed at a reasonable hour, ony the finish nothing seemed to be- lacking but AND ton; W611te, tro sell the plant.. 19 For thq. Extension 19 cheap. Apply to the BANK OF COMMIRCH. 1874xl tocAL BRimFs.—Mr. A. G. Calder, of. enta. was performed by the Rev. A. C. Stewart. the word "obey" from the service, and the 0 it happy to meet, sorry to part, happy to meet Palm rsto te A-gainst the sale.. 18 Against extension 11 and Mr. W. A. Edgar, of Brus- --Mr. Samuel Rantoia, of e n, was T� M -p- E. TAYLop., cutler and grinder- is Winthrop, gain.—Oxm Wno ws TREPm. bo pla�- the wedding' march. The knot LACE CURTAINS. brgall 1 United in wedlock to Miss Etta Harmeston, late here for a time, and is prepared t4 do all sorta of sels, recently passed the full course examin- ade secure nevertheless. Your cor- st Ah You will find all our goods iiG.HT Iw - rinding, such as sh wo, soim*re, saws, � hool of the Ontario' of this place, on Wednesday last week. The was in the largest Majority for.... 1 Majority for.... 8 1 - )ondent unites with their many friends ru fawn mowers and theaTknelafy1team power. Um- A ceremony was performed by the Rev. R. SOUTH WARD. wgicultural C91lege.—The Salvation Arniy Tuckeramith. 111 wishing thim happiness and p*6sperity in PRICE- The proper I brellas and parasols neatly repaired and sawin 11 9 celebrate their tenth anniversary on A PLEASANT TrmE.—One day I" we Shaw. 11 es t ek Front -For the sale ..... 17 For the extension machin fixed. E ' TAYLo,% next Stewarrs Black- their new �eiatlon aud in their new home. A CALL SOLICITED. ed Saturda, Sunday and Monday, April 21st, ah. 1374-4 Mr. William Hudson,. -of th 7th c � c Against the sale. 26 A st extension smith Shop, Sestoi e on ession, .,7 CHRisTIAN EmDEAvox—The meettig of.- galn 2-2iii and 23rd. They will have a grand old Vaxna. We AV u the Christian Endeavor Society, on BOOTS AND SHOM bo � -at a low 'rate invited a number of the ung men of the count of 10 For ent. from my already low prices, tended. cost and under, for cash only, at T. Coventry's old laffs. —,The third performance of the Carni- "bath Edward McFa J4 �i lit holesals time, and all will be welcome �o their meet- neighborhood to a bee to &ssist him in evening I%st, was, as usual, at Majority against 9 Maority against Ili on the dollar and will be ool , at actual -v WoTIOE.—For 30 days I will give a dis-. 'N'ORTH WARD. removing wood from the bush to the read. On The meeting� was led by Miss Agrgie 11 all tweed on to n1 a to order. Also black worsted 9 nsion 9 stand, Seaforth. 1374-1 of Nations, given in aid of the� Several teams were at work. Ain Hudson gart Xor the sale.... 39 For the exte suits, guaranteed fit, for $17, for caah only. I sell ;h, who also introduced the subject. The SEAFORTH. NOTICE.—We-sre now busy renovating echanigs' Instituie, on Friday evening being a believer in the old adage that all the beat 25 cant Japan tea in the county. Bee my subject was' -.further discussed by Mrs. S. TAgainst.the sale.. 13 Against extension 17 the Warerooms lately ocenpiedby Mr. J., S. work and no playinakes Jack a dull boy, stock of boota and shoes, prints and ataples In ever Porter, last, was! a grand success, and the Institute on Main Street, and will bpen out -this week with a line. Give me a call. J. T. CAiNNs. 1373-2 Karmick and others. The reading of the will roap� quite a harvest from it. We ne- Majority for.. 26 ajority against 8 full line of Furniture of the: very latest designs and determined to Ove the brave lads and retings ton -e Society from the Presbytery istheprizelist: :Stallion VxuiEwEs.�--Mr. Win. McAllister has 9 Aged Clydesdale Total Majority for the sale, 18 total in&- wouid thank Tou to call and eismine our goods be. glected, in ouraccouut�of the Carnival last bonnie lassies a pleasant time in the evening. of Huron by the Corresponding Secretary, I -at, Coursey Brothers, Lucau, 'L, oe Ander- The fare purchasing el "'Where.' We also carry a com- week, to. mention Mr. Cheswrighb, of the About - forty-five assembled and 'a more sold to Mes srs. J. G. Snell & Bro., of Ed- urity against the extension, 18. Mr. Win E14er. gave the- proceedings an son plate stock of.undertaking goods. Yours,respect- 2n4i, Hewitt & 1"Y, 11arquhar, Collegiato, Institute, who. had charge of molltdn, his celebrated Berkshire boar agreeali1q, light-hearted and joyous assem- added intere 'at. Mr. Elder, - Scottish Hero;" 3rd, Berry & fully, BROADFOOT, BOX AND COMPANY. 13,4-1 training the young' ladies for Lhe Inter- blage coidd not take place. The merry Mo��o, which he purchased from them Cho en re in a few well er.. Geig sfan, s in e ae ive op I V A Rxwa.—Whle Messrs. 'Broadfoot & BicycLE REPAm Siror.—Those rid* aiks, referred to th t' 11ensall. "Craig Ronald. Tfiree Ing nationa drill, one of the very best and dance, stimulated by the invigorati and in return has purchased a sow Old, 13ox' furniture store was being renovated, Bicycles will please -note that we are now prepared sition with which the Endeavor Society has Draught Stallion, - Ist, James 8 RELIG3 e pr gramme. es, and those most popular numbers on thi 0 oya inne ception in all Itsbranch had to contend from its in to the Kippen, MeMorah A e4i Shire 8 i4er they had taken -possession, a document to do Bicycle Repairing strains of t4e organ and violin, manipulate sired by R I W* r," and a boar,sired L karme to light which will be of interest to having -wheels to be overhauled will do well to bring A new feature was also introduced at the by 7 -Kiss Allen and Mr. D: Chesney, waa by " Prince Regent." Mr. McAllister is present time'and pointed out sorne of the lst,FrancisColein -, Agreen '-'British., an them in before. the -rush Also remember, we are last performance. This was a ser quite a hustler in the pig business. We wish Tit; older residents of Seaforth. It was an ies Of kept up from barlitin the evening to eaily causes that 16d the Presbytery to adopt tkis Lad -1-1 Carriage St Ilion, Ist, Thos. Bissett, Agents for the celebratea Raleigh Bicycles. MrL. tableaux � by the male chorus. The is him success in his 'enterprise.—Mr. Fred huerninated ad&ess presented to Mr. Mar-;- _zm & JAOKsox, Hardware Stoves and Tinware, first in the morning. needless to s e course. A vocal selection was given sr., Exeter, St. Blaise 2nd J4 ay that wis was tenting on the old camp ground," the worthy host and hog Dtmd&s has left Varnii, having gone to his by Messrs. ;Cramford and millie, after gha-ver, jr., 4,uis Chisholin, at one time a well known� Senforth. 1374- tess did everything Blake, Young Fultom" the other two, the milittiry execution and former home -in Hamilton. He ;inll be much fesideut of this town, -Upon the occa n of in their power to make every person feel at which.the. sinking of the grand hymn, God Coach Stallion, Ist, Alex. Dow, Exeter sio A BIG CLAIM AND' EASILY DEGIDXV.�I bearing off the body of the Court Jester for home, and to. add to the pleasure and e missed among the bo�i. We wish hi nber- his leaving Glasgow in April,._1867. The claim the finest line of Wall Paper, Window S14des, in' "uc- be with you till we meet agin�' closed the `Pasha." A ch Wall Mouldings, etc., 'for i the lowest price of any interfering with the sentry on" duty. The tsi cess whefever his, lot may be cast, as he was ed Roadster, I-st, E. Han— Ana is i4dress, whi s"eke'euted with very - ea! nment of their guests, and that they sue- meeting. ham, St. Marva " tonelliver ; 2nd, Wim eci a very estimable young man. Mr. Cairns th�e, We Al tkillL reads as follows - " To 8 housa in Ontirio. To d this, call at the city Carnival Nv. - wound tip by the singing of Maxquis� R ceeded. was abundantly manifested by the walltvaper house and inspect. You are walcome Johnston' wood -ham, D.&Iberg." Aged' Auld lan froni a few of hi; friends, on the occa- Itg syne, and " God Save the many pleasant faces abounding during the has secured the services of Miss Dawson to whether you buy or not. Wall papers- 8 cents with Blake - lerest, --not I Lumley. Durham bull Ist John Allison Queen." was, without doubt, one of the evening. Itis pleasant occasions such as work for him in the store, -and we congratu- 4onf his leaving Glasgow to - enter on a ceiling mod 1 band h, 5 friends in W of frieze painted to at, Noi-Lis. - Thursday, last week, 2nd, 0. Aldsworth Grand Trunk. Two - t enjoyable. and successful entertain- late him _04 while �ow sphere of action in Grreenoek, in testi- hides of ingivAn ceiling and frieze to match, window MOS this that endear the grand old farm to the on getting such an estimable young gaged in year-old Duham bULI-I Ist, C. Aldsbrth, L shades from 50 cents up, hang on best Hartshorn ments ever held in 'Seaforth, and will long boys and girls, and mark green spots in the lady for the position. Mr. John R"ssell -was exi 40, eax*ful: pen O*ony of their high appreciation of his abi 9 roller ; wall mouldings from ij cents up,. cornice Scott, (low] V�ple tree a, I e liall.) broke Lord Abedeen. J adges :—�On horses,' My goods are all new.. Blue- lives. of some who once to�a �a a composer and pianist, his most in- poles 20 cents, complete. be remenibered.—Mr.- Frank Of were boys and girls - My reason for selling so cheap Is, I have a big stock, Winthrop. off, strikin�� lifin oil the I vale, nephew of Dr. Scott, of Seaforth, se- ie -2 cutting him Alex. limes, 6&ton� ; James Bell, Birr and aiusing delmeations of Aus- rwb times,are hard and money soarce. why I qan afford ely. 'Adic William Hazlewood, Kirkton, sever alaid was caled,and at Bulls, J. flWian Chinese and Japanese life, but 9�ve cared. a scholarship -at Trinity Medical incidelit Of 0 to is, I pay no rent Kippen. WhNNOWINGs.—Mr. Prederick Horn'has last reports,!1he was in a fair way to re- Sutherland, Kirkto. and my expenses are low in School in Toronto at the recent first year's receime t his true-heartedmes;. as a man, his Bin- othot ways. Will open on Alonday, April 16. Shop rented Mrs. Murchie's farm for this year.— covery. —The. weather for the past few weeks examination, being third on the honor list. NFw GOODS. —My pring stock is weat William street, half a block f rom Rual �HoteL thouglibe wi c4ity as a friend, and his modesty as an ar- Mr: ThomasBroom, who has been living in h unsettled ; the fall heat is Zurich. t�ft, and to exTress their heartfelt wishes Come and see me. Paper -banging,,. ceiling or side —Mr. J. W. Livingstone of this town, has now complete, consisting of all the leading linos in as been very, �Iyeln, bi dia Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes and one of Mr. R6bert Hanna�s houses, has pur- suffering fron� the-frot, in soine places be-' wall 10 centv per relL JAB, GRAYES. 1374-1 passed his first year's examination at the G- John Truniner, froni KA. Aw his continued -�velfare and suc,ess." Mr. roceiries. Give rqe a call and judge for yourselves. tley saw 0 n ic -e chased the house lately -�acated by his ingliftedbadly. eeding operations have nagli, hn was called A.Youx(,,Se&forh,is opening out thi� Tri ity Medi &I Shool, Toronto, securin in Wall Papers I hkve a large choice of I t e to t home b thst we bid f Chisholm will be remembered by many 5,ea- father-in-law, a little west o�. thU village. comenced, �ut there is not much prospect In graln fo�,thites as a -very gifted music week a..new line of Toilet Sets, Water Sets and Glass first class honors in three subjects, ang patterns. All 'colors In prepared Paint. Timothy t3e to attend his inother's funeiar, and lrlonslxme� k i8lu who Sets, whichhe- is offering T�ry cheap ; Dinner 'Sets, Clover and Alsike Seed on hand. You6anget"' Mr. Broom is a good citizen and we are of in e which. took place last Tnesday- rebuked then 4 second class honors on the whole. He is to arly growth.—Mr. . Charles Cohn is er 1, Y4,lkht have ha a brilliamt career had it not 97 pieces, for $6.00. They Are a Bargain. 1374-1 our money as in any house in the s remaining with us.— ki Il -eparations for rals'. Anoth pleased to see he i ma ing.exte ipive pi 7, Ing pione ne o bmix for an unortunate vice which gained be congratulaed on this, as he was very late �ounty. Butter nd Eggs as Cash. J. worl -er of Latowili BANKRUPT STOCK OV FURN Mr. Henry Hart, who has been living in the his I coii-klete control of him and blighted his u o1TURE—Thl in starting, and filled lug position in Mr. 1374-2 f 4xid putting a brick founda- d. —Va niel Mon s simply as Sol' ndersigned beg inform the general public th at residence connected with the carria e shop tion widernei6. Mr. Win, has 'the to John Bremner as hostler at the Huron He left Seaforth several D. D. Wilson's office tip to the time of his 9 years ago and they will offer for sale the whole of their fine stock T. ME, LLis is -bound to give the farmers Wh f0h I 1wi here, has moved away to the 7th concession contract for the mason work. Mr. Conn is Hotel.—All the ni.�,I.h of Cabinet Furniture, at greatly reduced prices. going to Toronto, having little opportunity the full benefits of the cutthroating which is goin in our townarex morwng. hmg since died, as was related in T -HE Ex 9 7 Now is your time to buy at prices that can't be beat. on a and has enga&d for this year with Mr. a most enterprisin fariner, aQ W11611 the busy inaking headgea� for the ladies and you loot V)MITOR at the time. Don1 nel! for study.—Mr. F. W. Tweddle returned ong our Manufacturerb and Agents in the plow. 9 �lect to take -advantage of the great bar - Robert Campbell. —Our village now needs a building is finished it' win: be one of the the business from Chicago oiil Tuesday, looking as if th line It the Manufacturers have not made money in is gaim a e in full blast.—Quarterly Tolerance, we ire prepared to offer you a the stock must the past there is not much chanO at p!esent prices. be reduceo to make room for the large stock of ne City had treated him Well.— But there are Plows for all whilq the manufacture p st baim, in the lom, lity. A I 0� meeting will be beld, in the Evangelical, to state, 'ouxom a, ineeting of the Rememl Church, eek for commencing ge A., Dewar leaves next w are outthroating. Great reductions all ne�.t Sat rday and stood by the carriage builder and it is ho ed that the laret and 4 Furniture, shortly t arrive. 3er the stanT �Tr. 1'e in Plows of' next renter of this property will be one of g's Red Block, --Main Street, Seaforth. 31. kinds; Gan� Plows, Plow Castings of all doicrip- u town council on Wednesday evening, it as Stron that trade —Fall wheat in this section Glencoe, Blyth. coutinuimy oyer Stuiday. to take up his practice there. —Mrs. Rev, G. Brown, wav m -whict deKded that.in view of the result of the ROBEP-TsoN & so, - 1374-1 tione, Aloul Boards, Handles, Bolts, %nd all plow looks well, considering the many attacks (Dr.) Grah and Mrs. Tufts, of Brussels BRi,;vTriEs.-1N*1r. Win. Powell, of Clinton, of ChesleY-, Nvill conduct " the s repairing. Wagon and Buggy repairing'; all kinds made Upon it by Jack Frost.—The fariners ervices Tvdtp by the ratepayers to accept the o Ser A. YouxG, Seaforth, ha's received a large were in town last Friday. They came over of wood work repairing ; beat Seasoned Timber and was in, town last week, visiting friends.— c o t throughout.---�Te annual conferei e f 'he brethren W seeding, Mr. W. W. Sloan, of Toronto, was the guest Evangelical Association of Canada, will be_ tereii to the' consignment of Sugar,' bought at the lowest i � of $5,000 for the electric . light, plant m, ade good work done. Positively no cheap truck work in McKillop have commenced parties wanti Pol"'; to see the Ca.-nival of Nations and were de - by essrs Scott Brothers and the -Electric ng to boy in quantities please ask for 0 will be tolerated. Z-hintims, Kippen. 1373-2 which is considerably earlier thaill prices before purchasing. 1374-1 lighted withJit.—Mr. Guthrie, the new as- last of friends iii town on Sunday.—Aliss A. held here next week LcIng on Tues- ight Committee were empowered to in cominer ke cripturali Fou prepired Paints, Alabastine,-Whitin, si!stant pastor of'the Presbyterian Church, ScRiBs.­Mrs. '"rin. Blair left on Wednes- spring- Aloffattp -who has been attending Chatham day,and will continue all week-. Mi aisteredw ecessary arrangements, and to comple. About fifty te Brushes, at&., go to XULLXTT & JACKSON, Seaforth. " arrived in town on Saturday last, and oc-. day morning for on a visit to - her Business College, is home a present.—Mr. ministers of the G, ospel will be presenf, years -of AW a. er, who is very 9.,W. - Ic I The tender of G'eorge Murray to 1374-1 cupied the Presbyterian Church* pulpit on Mic. James Nesbitt has purchased the Littlefair Bishop Bowman froin Chica 0 ill ifficiate- f thti sale. daughter, Mr c Ethel. 81 ply screened arael at $4.54 per cord, poorly at present.—Those who are engaged ITF,-.Nis. —Reeve Milne and J. C. Heffern THE Board Qf Managers of the Young Sunday evening. A social will be held in an property just north of the bridge, where the A grand time is expected. We -twde t=1d lie professldA tan in maple sugar making are looking for an- anIttanscreened gravel at $2.55 per cord, the Christi , Association desire to teadertbeir the b6ement of the church Ti Monday returned from Trout Creek on Saturday.�. old house stood. He is now erecting a that an English service will be held on Fri- Tno a e so te#iler of J. H. Broadfoot to supply P*, sincere thanks to the Conimitte of] di s,who evening next, under the auspices of the other big ran after. the young winter of A few of our villagers attended the Young handsome brick dwelling.—Mr. J. H. Ta- d ably got up the 11 Carnival of Nations," ayvening- p4i* at $15.50 per thousand, nd to dress and to the Hristian Endeavor Society Tuesday. Some have made from 50 t;o 75 Liberal's banquet in Brussels on Friday man, of Mo e of sid�walk lumber at $1 per thousaud, a -Rd members of the Orohe-tra, and to all who so kirdly a Which the Gorrie, spent Sunday in town.— OBITUARY.—On April 19th, therepaased be --eti gave their ti e aod aid in connection with the same. members of the congregation will have gallons of syrup. Now is a good time for evening last.—David Milne, the- proprietor Rev. Mr. Buggin preached oil 11 Popular to his eternal home very highly esteemed an off the thwtender of Mr. Louis McDonald to suppl a, Y They grea 11 appreciate the kindness of all, who by opportunity of meeting Mr. Gutlirie.—Our the boys to call on their fair ones.—Farmers of " Maitland Bank -' stock farm, intends Aniusenients from th f birus Martinof reek- elm plank at $10 per thousand, cedar lending the ir Goods, by their presence, and in vari. e tandpoint of Chris- young inan,in the person o the 3no photographers have taken some very fine are complaining of the fal wheat 3rit look- exhibitiug his thoro'bred bull at the Lis- tians, " on; Siinday evening, to a lar Hay. township, at the al-ge of 21 yeax at $112 per thousand and heinlock a $10.5() ous other ways,. contributed to make it the great ge audi- success it has proved to be both as regards an en.ter. photos of the scenes and pareicipats in the wb11 as it did in the sunny'days ot towel Spring show to -day, (Friday).—Win. ence.—Mr. pe� thoaand, were accepted, as recommend_ Arthur Irwin, of Wingliam, was While an infant lie was afRii6ted with a com. talument and as an aid to the funds of the Associa. Carnival of Nations, and will probably dis- Some will have to plow it up. Eckmier has ta&en possession ofthe Bank's in town oil Sunday, visiting friends.—Mr. plication of ailments which threatened his the P-0 a ed �Iy the Street Committee, The offer of tion. For the'Y. M. C. A. t. UNRCER, secretary. pose of -a large number of them as *Memeii- Everything seems to be goin agalinat the farm. it is reported that Williai- will have Davidson delivered a lecture in the --temper- life and left baneful effects Upo his system, Mri', Wesley Beat -tie to do the street water- n I teria ChUr( 1374-1 toes of the entertainnient.—Mr. W. Beth- Poor fartners.—Mr.. Shea?s fittle A, who a housekeeper before long.—Thefe is some anee hall, on Friday evening last, on his sometimes making his lif miserable, though ing-6t 25 cents per hour, with two horses*, p �d if une left town on Monday to resume his had hi -s leg broken some weeks ago, is now "talk of org nizing a base -ball club here, this traels to Chiforni�: . Ere is a very inter- he very seldom complained. The last seven, r indiIiiaus w %ccepted and the Clerk was instraote'd FiRF, —On Sunday morning our citizens, position as purser on the Cnadian Pa up again and going around, looking very sUmIner. e WorlWs Fair views in Brus- esting sl�eaker.—Misg Glolly, of Clinton, was weeks of his life he was confined to his roomi, �Clear to &eat to iyriteto London for thei�r lowest prices or rather some of them,- were aroused about Railway steainer 11 Manito'ba.?—A couple little the worse for bis painful experience.— sels 4on Th rsday evening attracted a few of the guest of!.Alf�s. T. 0. McEloy, on* Sun- suffering from Bright?s disease.. At the age, ing in regar-( na oa k" )ne an dl two horse watering carts, and the five o'clock by a feeble alarm of fire., When of loads of young people intend going to Our merchants are getting in lots of hen oar residents.—Fred L24rd is home from ay.—Mr. A. M. Babb was visiting friends of fifteen he was converted to God mot he jus Firi and Water Committee were instructed the first of the firemen arrived on the 'scene Clinton this evening to attend a party there. fruit,. and Mr. Wilsonlias t"end an extra. Detroii Medica College. He says the in BrussehIon Sunday. —Miss L. Critten- joined the EvangelicalAssociation, to Uncertain, the probable cost of a suitable. it was found that' Mr. George wagon to our leading eial, social SmiLher-9' —The Inspector. and Valuator for the village to tak away the, sup- trains made better connections this time den, who h4s been in London for the past et, uass J�r4her b, tank f:)r supylying the street watering cart. store was a mass of flames, an explosion Phceuix- Fire Insurance Company were in PIY--Nli-'s Muldrew, of E19mondville, was than they -did on a former visit. liming, consistent Christiai �nAinka - , � a � few weeks, has returned home again. —Mr. peui His remains, followed by a large con. was also instructed to notify having already occurred' which had blown town on Tuesday and Wednesday adjustin the est of Mr. R. Mellis last week.— and Mrs. idley tendered r, Charles course of people, were in4mue Thii cler, , 9 interred in the Baby. stoi%­keepers and others to keep their sweep- oat the windows in front and' scattered clans.—Miss Begg, of Mitchell, is visiting WeElesday must be a lucky day for getting Shobbrook 4 farewell party, on Wednesday Ion Line cemetery, the ftmeral sermons I;e, ing, such as paper and boxes off the street, goods ever the street- There were soon this week at Mr. W. D.. married, there having been a wedding in our Hensall. Bright's. —Slavery r. Shobbrook has been in M�. ing preaelied in Zurich, _T as. �hch endanger the of people driving three streams playing on the flames and the Days, the show neighborhood every Wedue-Iday for eight MR. JAMES SUTHERLAND, of the Post even ing. R which apeated in Card -no's Gdley's � e alotig the street and give the place an assorted �iployment for - the past thTee offielating in the German kuguage and Rev. fire was,in the course of an hour.extinimish- leeks ; a good harvest for the ministers.— years.—Nis Smith was visiting friends in Mr. Krupp, of Dashwood me by forve4 Hall on aturday night.'did not draw. a very Office Bookbtore, has the largest and best tidV, appearance. 'T'he Mayor, and Messrs. ed com. pletely. Had %here been an Wm.Marical, of London, is the guest stock of Wall Paper, Ceiling and Bordera that he Brussels: onsSunday last. es In English. He political P05! Mw Y hitell large house ; it was too soon after the Car- rs ever had, an will sell at prices to suit the hard leay' behind, his parents'�to brothers awl Ha'w'kah d Wavi were appointed a' in the working of the fire apparatus, or had nival.—The Mechanics' Institute, which had o Mr. Andrew Bell. times. Call and be convinc2d. ix sisters, Who deeply mourn their loss, but 01it to4mm, spelial co ee to: inteview property- the firemen been a little likter in getting secured Miss Effie Elaine Hext for last WEDDI_?qG BRTLs.—One 6f the largest 1�61aers adjacent to the to, G. J. SuTH=Lt.ND, Notary 'Public, Con- rejoice in the hope of meeting beyond. Al. n with a view to Sa 14 Exeter. around, the EXPOSITOR office and Me r . Tuesday evening, has postponed the en. wedding parties that has been seen here for veTanoer and Commimiongr, ban private funds to sectiring,teuders for a site for the House of though retiring in disposition, he had won MY powvr� Robb Brothers store would likely have one tertain, some time, gathe�red at Mr. Amdrew Bell's, loan an MOA2 age SeCUAity, at lowest current rates of MR.J! T. Westcott, fruit tree agent has large host of friends and no eneinies. nent until May the 10th. This was. Ref;ige. A mimber of accounts a too, but as it was the damage to if Wednesday, the occasion being the mar- niounting ese a wise step, as not only -was the time un- On interest. Office at the Post Office, Heneall. 137.4-1 ust completed his sales for Spring delivery on Sat. 8� we -e passed, and the cotincil ad- was slight. It is not known how the fire suitable but the weather on Tuesday riage of his eldest daughter, Miss Lizzie, to A couple of young men froin England, uVday last for the Gilt Nursery. He will have gev. coraifig -to ten- eral hundred fine Norway Spruce for hedges or wind DryscWe. originated, as Mr. Smithers says tke stove ial Mr. Luther Williams, a worthy young man who understand farming, are on their way here and ing turned out very stormy.—The spec ng A'71y breaks 18 inches high, for sale. Parties needi Was perfectly cold when he left and the will be open for v ngagement the end of this month. to XoTES.—Mr. R. Johnston, of Blake, was force for M services were begun in the Methodist of Edmonton, Northwest Territory. The Apply to R. CuumoRN, fleneall. 1374.1 can be supplied by sending their address him on a 144AfON_-DVUX-N NOTES.—The all absorbin post card, previous -to May 15th next. regard to 9 store is lighted by electric light. The con- Church on Wednesday -evening, ceremony was performed at 3 o'clock in the He is dispos. the guest of Miss Jane T-al.beft the thcT topf'b of conversation during the past week stable, w4o passed at four o'clock saw no although afternoon, by the Rev. S. Acheson, in the Low -L BRiEvs.—The weather ia once ing of them for 1b cents each and will deliVer tbom (18Y.—FarMer.8 in this Vici Church f Mr. Ranton, the evangelist, who was to be inri � are rreparing or tWo Anong a large -number of our people gue�ts. inore,assuming a spring like appearance.— free. Order quick. b sign of fire o —Mr. ab ut �he place at that ti He presence of some 200 invited After 1371-4 for"seeding at present. ert is at' me. present, has, not yet arrived in town. rda� last was i, very busy day in our: IN D19TROIT.—Mr. Geor e illis, presexit taing leSSIDUS on the violin has:been the late carnival, and one hears at Mr. Ault Satul DIED Xohsname� the owner of the building, who has, at the'earnest �iequest of the Windsor the eeremo congratulations the 9 from ny and the eeq turn such expressions as, "Well, I lives in rQ. village and one of particular interest to the�' an old resident of this place, died 'in etroit, Mr. J.' Bannerius�n. He says dhist, or Al oins over the'store, was awakened church congregation, remained there -Until guests sat down to a most stimptu he will be ous re - day with 01 He was about 53 - nev.br, if such and such a queen wasif t love- by the explosion and foun ladi�� it being millinery openi ft Monday, I have uo i d the room so full The bride was made the recipient of ug -last week. ready for the parties next -,;all. —Mr.. 0. Saturday, on account of the very great sue- Put- our milliners. —Messrs. AlcEwen and Geiger years of a e, and hadbeen in delicate health Schenen is laid up with a sprained knee 6f argumei ly," or she didn't look her be�st." The of s inoke �hat he as almost suffocated be- a large number of very handsome and val. cess he is meeting with in that town. He our enterprising flax manufacturers, are ar- for sever, years. The remains were brought present. W, I fine inaWa of honor" too, seem to have shot forehe could get out. Many of our citizens will preach here on Sunday mor able presents, which testified the esteem in N eope to'see him around before ning and d's -arrows at manyabachelor heart, and some of the firemen were unaware until ranging to sow a large area of land again here for interment. Mr. Willis was at one7 long. as the relil il which she is held in the neighborhood. In evening.—Quite nui ber of our citizens sAvocates whtLt effect time alone —Mr. J. Pope was in Dashwood 'time one of 'the leadin business m r. Robert Laiiindehas 9 can tell. wentaptoChaton last Frid theeveniiigapleasanttime was spent by this season. church tilue, that there bad been a fir�, as the a evening to I en of, the ARx BoUGHT.—M Strange, haw effectually the kings are left steam w this week on business.—Rev. Mr. Swann vfll�ge, and was extensively engaged iii the p�irehased the . farm of Mr. Snider near as about exhausted at the Broadfoot interfere hear Miss Nora Clench, the violinist. —Old the young people in the mazy dance to the outbf inention.—Mr. George Walker has & Box factory, where the whistle is located. sr., preached with much acceptance in the grain business. He owned the on here; being lot 18, Lake Road East. Th hU g b Mr. Taylor, -svithehis hou e oi vhe , ha strains of stirring music, the dancin n i4osed of Mr. Alex. Nifanson's house on s i '% eli s Methodist church on Sabbath e -i last. which aeomiderable portion of the village price paid was $2,800. The farm' c6utans 1, spe We think it would be a good 'idea to put a landed in town, and is sharpening kept -up untilan early hour. Mr. d vis! enin _e 4 scissors tern home —Mr. George Found, of Charing was now stands. He represented Usborne in Webt Frocit street to' -Ar John Johnson of good fire� bell in.' the7. town building. The razors, etc. an about 70 acres, and is an excellent -place Crass, —01i Ptiday last Mr. James in the village this week.—Mr. A. Lauunie, the County Council for some years, nd Lammie has already nte 8, Williams will proceed to their Wes h splendidl'y and to Archibad shipped a load of sixteen horses to red into. po Clixiton, for a faii price. Mr. ion, h brigade work in a few days, where they will commence dr selfj who is well known hi this vicinity lies their exertions is due the saving of Wi housekeeping. They will take with them 1122ist, of Detroit, was here last week at- afterwards ift%ks -to e( when Exeter was made- into a session. He will have a nice,, comfortable nnipeg, and on VIonday he shipped an - Mr. -uneral of his father.—Mrs. J-. municipality, he was the first Reeve. here are few places more pleasant; a n to London, 10ingi hes of a host of friends., the buildings on either side, lthough Chief other lo d of ninetee home. T ver,�ill at his sister's in 12lichigan.—T tenalng the f the good wi 'lark, who has been visiting at the Cline, of thefire briga' May Lang has got comfortably settled in her new I�RlEn.—Mr. Hugh Spackman, hardware to live in than allon this lake shore road- de, says he was badly This last lot were pu they live a long, happy and useful life. rchasedby himself and left on Thurs- handicapped bythe absence of some of his home opposite the post offi6e. We wish her merchant, has vacated the store one door RE-BUILDINe,.—Ihe residence in connee. no rigjxt s, Mr..-N-fillard,of London,,%vhowas outhere all health and happiness in her retirement north of the post -office and moved into tion with the Roman Catholic Chureb,'here, M. -where lie has the poor alarm being responsible for some time,, recently, after horses.— &0 for ood ock, just com- best ineil, I 13aYllel& from the farm.—Mr. Woods, of near Bay- Samwell's block.—Mr. Z. D. John will which v estryed by centl , is ponplifed his apprenticeship as a inachimst, for this, Bth the building and the stock Charles, the thir�tl son of Mr. Julius Dun- IT itm'ghisdauvhter, Mrs. A. start'a, hardware and tinware shop in the be re -built at once. Some of the material is -v as d fire 're y to an(t it certainly speaks well for his ability, were well insured, but there 'Will b con- can) of thia town, died at Ehqn, Pennsyl. to his grocery stock faaly adh is not often that H. F. Edwards refers field, is here vis that he now goes to occupy an important siderablO loss. This department is always McPherson.—The Oddiellows intend hold- store vacated by Mr. Hugh Spackman.—The already on the ground and the cont-ra6t for vania, on Wedne�iday, of erysipelas. He hA -ell supplied with choice goods. Particular atten- p(,,,jtion in the saie shop.—With the ad- tion is directed this week to Teas, Japan, Blac ing a grand open meeting next month to bricklayers have commenced operations.— the building has been awarded to Mr. Jh-a pretence vea of been in an institution there for several k and Mr. J. T. Westeott and Mr. W. haustivel) I ood roads lovers of the -%vheel are ,TILE 9PRTXG 91,16w. —The annual Spr* Green at 26c, 40c and 50c. The choicest celebrate the anniversary of the Order. Afore G. Bisset C. Kalbfleisch. It could nothave fallen into lug years.—Mr. James Archibald has purebased nwe have no sho U1'der th auspices of the South Rui 0 sou fnii force, especially as Currants and Prunes, and an extra fine table syrup ron particulars will be given in a future issue. — attended the Mitchell Spring sh'w on bitter hands, as Mr. Kalbfleisch enjoy rom the Colem�n Estate the old Powell at 40c a gallon. Try it. �1374-1 Quite� a numb 0 as judge enviable reputation as an efficient -and Care. g on the sidewalks. Ag cefield hotel stable and Ue lot on which it staaids,, B*A-BEzy LocALs.—A f iew weeksago we sorneublie buildings, will be erected this of horses.—, Mr. Edwaxd Christie has moved. ful, builder. This congregati'c�n have bfttt law here to forbid ridin, 7 L niculPral Society, was held at.Bru er of go'd dwellings, as well as Thursday last. Mr. Bissett acted on ddler L our thriving v,*a very ge.—The Rev. to his farm IJ miles south of the village, p arly unfortunate. A few years a2cp many aro Say, as prosper- —Mr. John Robertson has purchased the in this part of the country anvassirig Bummer in articul form Of like a bo� titkingr his first ride on tion orry A few ride gracefullyand heathfully, but on Fridhy last. This tira -h d institu- and is ba-ying it fitted up for a sale stable.' stated that a shoddy pe was c onore not we ar s horeback, crouched over and gripping the 9' and that farmers Mr. 5oftley and Miss Softley, accompanied A valuable cow belonging to Mr. Thomas a fine new- church, which Was nearly co;n. ous d be, or as: it once was. But, stock and business belonging to the estate should refuse to d %I With stranpre, but we their mother home. to Mr. J. H. 8proat, of as assons e mane for dear life.—T thero are rea for everything, there Londoi� this week.— Snell died on Tuesday last.—Mr. John pleted, eaughtfire and was W;npletely of his father, Mr. M. Rob"ertson.. Mr. Rob- find that although they have been many Carmel Presbyterian church sheds are Mogg, who. has been spending the winter stroyed, and they didnot have & e t, f England, has been spending some are, also ood reaons for the partial. de- d oon ertson is a inost eserving an e a o in d. competent times warned, still there are many people to be moved back to L'V'P-rpo that 1, ir, d the village with relaives iid friends. cadence nof this show. The stagnation in. you, thehalf lot recently here with ielatives,'left on Tuesd last for suranee on it. But 'with considerable en - his agent terson, to afiord hd expected to find here. Church workers horse business boom once more, Ilent salesman and tells, a good morq' room, and an addition is of the Western hotel, spent Sunday last erected the present hanajFme brick edifice. VIMY au rae trade is the great cause. Let the stands eery department of the business, we is an exce I whom the ho ig inan, and, as he thoroughly -tinder- who are ready to be taken in. T purchased from Mr. PA Sault Ste Marie, MCiehigan,­Mr. J' terprise and liberality thq*set to orlk- e is a nephew of Mr.'Joseph Spro and as it boomed are sure he will do weft. —We are sorry to story about his En�`Iish goods, offers �several also': to be built to the sheds.— here, a guest at the Metropolitan hotel. They were more fortunate -with the pgrochW greatly u are very much encouraged by the six or seven years ago and a proportionat-6 learn that Mr. John 1torrow, of Ing increased attendance at both Sabbath and degree of ers011, cents more for pro ce than the beat market —Miss A. Murdock wa spending the past SrRrNG SHOW. —The Stephen and U8borne, residence, it i it! I as they had some insurance on. of niiin - - - prosperity � would attend this in- who h" numerous friends hereabouts, had price, and in some �ases buys a fevr dozen week- day services. A spirit of earnest in- stitution. The weel� with Matives and frien& in Brue Branch I show of horses on Friday, e- 4ricultural Society held their although not enough to cover the loss, in the misfortune to get his leg broken by, the eggs or some butter, but finally induces the field'—Mrs. Fulger is here visiting her inual spring show on Tueaday last. Early this ins ance 'the esteemed - pastor, Rev. terest seems to pervade all who attend. although fair, was not nearly so large as in kick of a horse on Snday in t ar ornlug, farmer to buy a package of his goods, for sister, Mrs. Burford, who is and has been in in the morning it began. to rain, which was 'Father CourtDiS Will ha per be the t I -ying e This should be. especially gratif to th some former years, bat there wer� many inst. Mr.- Morrow's previous ecarious which he giveshisote. T -he agent ill health for some time Past. —Miss M. Tay- followed b� which lasted throughout greates. loser as' 0Z to Wh) pi zealous, energetic pastor, the Rev. Mr. Shaw. good apimals both in the heavy and light health makes the accident all th agrees snow, -we ard informe t e more re- I to take eggs, butter and wool, and tells some lor, of Brucefield h re this week visit- the day. The spectators were few an the able to save either his library or r1e Was W e his wearm*g Nomps* t I Last Sabbath morning, the ieverend gentle- classe-4 In bulls there was an exceptionally aretable —We are glad to see Mr. 0 man preached an able serinon on the Scrip- good sh ow, notable not so much for numbeis James of the farmers around here L that Mr. Clark, 1jhe br h r D . Taylor.—Dr. list of �ntries for horses and bulls wza the �6pparel, or any of the lother 111a On around gain, after his recent stage driver, will ship the produce, others r here last wedk, slimest that has ever been yet. Following hc�u-se COntOntS of ths rthur, of ndi , was -dor Talrio _Z 7V