HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-04-13, Page 4MI, V �Vn We— MR, N 7 .7 A� d d 7:77-777 TH IVR ON EXPOSITORO NEW ADV1MTISl9M1CNTS. passed in efficiency bi PRIL 113, -189,46 any.. Were Ontario Many of these'Sta tea have Old h 1,�'he not serve the Purpoe for which we require a stage. Mr. Taits bill IRLTfie figure between the palren, to adopt tile system in vogue in the Unit,6d population pf 0- I permitting mu.ni- atarl) and yet -the service, A high rate of speed on the cipalitiej local 0 for who did everything that if we could only get, mile of tr k thesis slier t1e'-y*lfb'0've -Adoptor was,, sent one denotes the p of the "per, an -eaoh which the States, Or in England or Germany, it would manY more representatives, Thiel tion 'as to the single advertiseme wufbqe found. -ocean can only be obtained b in Is Power 0 relieve him and to at erican aye is the y carrying three was brought up, tax i b* but without lay require an addition Am tem, but'we have the ;]British down so that we c0 let or ut the G City Grocery .01 annual outlay of Overnment think- avail, as he passed away them see how 1! .11. wooa -JoI Devereaux. (5-) pro GoverlimeAt the B Our thousand &118 of coal and keepm on Wednesday, Itish 0 19 Ing I unwise to take up such a - measure at 7th, without regaining conscipusliesii. that the wnia be better ably riuciPle and the the vessel well out of the water, and this the present time, Mr. Tait did not press it. wecOuld do it. Was it not odd ffrolat Drives Is P&T&GOI;h Steet. (r,,) W1000-- By allowing our teachem', Britishfag.' SureI over-gove 14� wisher not only had that humble 4 8 aughtering-Good'Bros. (s) mment does quantity of coal, would only leave a cipaci loaves a widow, two a One mile toba as tfinber hq,*ever, Ons and four daugh- wish gratified, but he laid down the who "k being e feature of the ;reek was the intro. ters in000 tons of f , ht all in comfortable circumstances. of the 161 iniles r&naining to le oticer to Creditors-Catneron HoI Holmes. (is) to get tI academic training not apply to Ontar of about I ty Th Conveyancing, etc -A. TAttle. (5) instead of duction on Tuesday. afternoon of the bill U a, the earnet solicitation of the Session e laid down Alltbroug� it'll] Big Clothing D. -al- in HOX. A. after begot the contract -,. and...not only that -must be 601 1W tk­�W LOI Holmested. (5) our high schools and Collegiate instit tea hree or four thousand tot relffreight. The making changes in the representatiin of the and members of tile Wroxeter Presbyterian but the whole Auctic _e, of Vill% - Pickard. (a) S. HAKDI Comn. 'of t -At Ie drect saying is made which is estimated lit is o n kissioner Conservative members for the city of St. Province. It was so simple and so b andxcavationsle, Ordered ClOtIackgon & G arned, and there is alsoindire eld's Fair store-mcCogh Brno. (5.) 1 justth&t church, Rev. Thomas Da k crown Lands, John and all the New Brunswick members the wind was taken completely vidson, M. A., has cessary to be (lone Cogre that trac (1) the sum n has represented South'� Brant e eelfid poorest off, as 81 saying to the tehohers in 'training a ther Mug time (6) �r o Il Jilts. The W1111 continue to act as pastor of that ihres rain -Reid & Wilson. a large Y' in te Legislature for over. a quart waited upon the Government on Friday and sails of the Government' Oul, of th decided to withdraw his resignation and be Zia down, besides several Reduction in Prices Prepared tst etc-Ifullett & Jae urged these considerations u on them. On only changes made are thatoTpopo e Cori- tracts, someof them rather ext Ila' koon& (8) century. Mr. Win. Patterson h P ronto, gi�glltion. rve,- nBioVole Repair 8hoL)--xulljI ixckson. (8). themselves, in many'casei, or t� �'heir al-� so �repre- the same day t Ham- e Grocery Stock -H. F. Zdwards sented he owners of the Allen line, i1ton and Ottawa each get necessary to tell the People of .South Brantin the Dominion line ion rents'I�ndguardiiais, through being' in th the Legisla, ke - for an additi al faTm in Ontar te and the Beaver line now member. Even the Empire Coll -;-06)asideiable discussion is takmg place Notice-BroaI Box & cc. is) about the same lengt k of time is running out of Id find noth- in Metho at circles about. A rather ��remar-kable piece Md goout AN' Fore Maple Syrup­A4.Young. (9) immediate -vicinity of their homes. the porb of Montreal' of a I Toilet Sets -A. Young. (8)L From also ing to criticize in this, The Govemnient- unite ' di over a proposition to person's history, wasn�t A, but a Sugar -A Youn The Education Department is one of the it will be.seon that tie good people of !Son ill *aited upon the Government and protested mining bill, personatior. bill and libel -law in Ethel circui and Henfiyn mission, and life. lih is Game is plentif y ake it a charge for an ordained minister jr-airie strongly against the proposed subsidy as ail bill, were each advanced a step. -We are called. m in to recorA own a fur -coati Shingles for SAI Whitley. (5) most important 'in the public service, &lid it [Brant are not of the fickle ki d, hut th it injury to them witbou and a probationer. 'It. is thought. it would the death of one ofupon this week New Spring Goods -J. Canning.. (8) tee that uaran Bankrupt Stock Of Furniture -ii. -Robertson & S:)n.(8) is a comforting thing for the people to know [they appreciate lion at worth and abiliny the new scheme vrill not fall -through a aid the cause. the oldest aild most re-' you go,badk M Boots andShoes-R. W11119. (8) fter n of Gorrie, the late Dullem its way into has at its head a in= who has not J.m�hen they find it is established. In conn ction -with ti News of the Week. -On a recent evenbig while Foster Wil- Ferguson, -who departed that it Hardy was speeted me A Big Saodfloe-N. whiis. (g) renoin. e Ila subject I learn that last- from this life even to the wat linated. again November an -Eng - Second Hand BiO1,7cle-Rank of Commerce, (8) 'bera Conventi R9COVERINo.-Congressman Wilson, un - only the interests of the people at heart, but at it of son, second son of r. S. Wilson, of. Clin- day morning of last week. Born near Glu - I Grinin lish company, promoted by Mr.. Hector to,', was Playing aroun4 rs Taylor, (8)'* Tariff bill fame, is now at San Antonio, b has an intense 1OVe,and. enthusiasm ew clays a and h election is as sill is A B, f d d the house he d - gow, Scotland, in 1811, he there received tile 19 lalln-Jantes Graves. (a) 90, re located his thr Carneron, C., cabled a proposal io Mr. Texa�, much improved in health. &rill at the elbow Putting two his early educaion. On reachin SPring 1&% -Dill & Speare. (5) the futur his noble* and patriotic e can be. The ntle- Foster to establish a line with a speed of 18 bones b& of joint" It requir�d considerable estate be came to Canada; and lived in differ. WallPaper-Jaines Sutherland worl�- of 8' "in In 90 FAILRD.-The great Crescent creamery -at 9 7 11 allls knots an hour for tile same effort 0 get ti Conveyancing etc -G. J- Sutherland. (8) d' ecting the edlicition of. lm:n whgoroposed Mr. Hardy is reported As Northfield, Minnesota, is e failed ent parts until. lie came to' Gorrie subsidy claim- said to ]lay leni bitek again. Situations W�a'b re men ted -R. Cadmore. (a) ing the advantage of being able an women of Ontario. follows, and we give his remark for $900,000, -Oir Mond 7 as a mer. Wilson's Cksh Grocery -C, Wilmon. (8) A little inisman- 8, as tile' to Carry ity Of last week-, Mr. Wesley chant in 1869. He ota sucessfill Y no general fre' lit, carrie doubt show the siate of feeli g in the 19 tile extra, two knots of APRrL SNOw. -Fro; now Snell, of Exeter, Purchased the D arelessness, or ally half- n Prop- business until a few years ago, Card of, Thanks -Y. Ii. 0. A. (8) ag. Iment, a little Con- speedwould- in Ri 9 to 122 inches of a Seed Barley -Robert Thom ake all the difference as to fell Friday last, along the line of the Central erty at Devon, consisting of 100 aand he was I i- acre PaY- noted for his -uprightness in all business ---------- the quantity of coal to be carried. Mr. He afterwards resold transiletions. The funeral took plae lut p8on. 09 he(atedness in the work'might result in ail st'ttlency Massachusetts railroad. ing there 0� $3,700. aI received te. and Application His position required some expl Foster cabled that the Government were GUNT.-Coll. Coughlin am at an advanced Tuesday afternoon and '�proeee&d to St. immense loss,to filhe people of the Province. anatI $ tile it to his,�brother Willi Mr. Hammer observed -i He was a Patron prepared to negotiate on this basis, but lie "Popular Irish giant, %rid as such p�ssibly was supp Of failed to con is lying dangerously ill 1391- Stephen a church. The f uneral service was, )5tablj- The te hit 11riff fXposiotot uron I'llunicate this to his colleague, at St.'Luke's hospital, New York. -Ivfr. D. VeLennan -r-lents per yara 'Wrong. a's Usual. has purchase(] the conducted by the incumbent,- the Rev. W, no part with litioill parties it to take pp I r- Mr. Bowell, who subsequently. made ai�ar- OF JOHN GRAAM---John Graham five acre plot in the real' of Thoinas Kelly's Zents P was DEATH C F. Brownlee, and the sernion was preached Milliel -hat ti russels known as the " rope by the Rev. T. A. Wrig for edur lumb� everal. of the Couser- t he di ffered I Ir. Huddert by which the well -k own New York- criminal lawyer, rarden in B notice thd s bn that one pZ nigement with N er Y&rA papers eof e and when he was no- tI gentleman was given thr died Monday morning oi;aik ))and will -put it ills ape AFORTH, FRIDAY, April 13th, h County ac Vie, IV] ee months In from heart failure, h for setting After the sel�vicq the funeral proceeded to vaive the Patrons' 6% 1894. cus Q; that privilege lie W a ready to wit dr v,. lich to float a company in England, resulting from the amputation out fruit� trees, bushes, vines, &c. -- of beingN the writer 11 where of his leg on -iva me letter He claimed the ri lit t be now is. He '%Vfll aiid'the remains Were there pine accept of a wh o exercise his -a ;,e -appointed loo Mr. Cameron is 'low here in Sunday. -the cemetery ich ippeared in THE Expo.slTor., of ralichise, independen) very migry modd ieir. last resting place. build a house on theaine property and make ilit.-erred in �l Educational Matters. of illy parties. at what he terms the P.AxIO:lN A CHICAC40 SOHO his ]ionic there. ally held their 30th, --signed "A Conservative)) and had no esitaion HO of business capacity oil the pat of t lack of a steampip, OL. -The burst- -Messrs. Jacob Miller and S. J. -The New Wetminste We Promised two weeks aI in comment March saying, as a man who he Gov- in e in'the basement of a Andrews, bia Day Colurn rq, British -of this week, had the welfare of agg eminent. 'It will require some Icago, Public schoo, of Clintoil, acted tile part of "safI6 breakers" dated Stanley: I am not the Writer of t iculture at heart th t courage to I oil Monday caused a biall, of Iviarch 28tji, 89 -Yo were ecCaptain Jam.es 'Ar. Rogers captain � . jilek-son, 2-nd L it nor did I know any -thing about it witil I� agricultural interests )f the Provi purpose, as Mr. Vail Horile said, f landing and badly� bruised. ers wag J uited in in ­ f rm,- with regard to the enormous subsidy to illy company forthe killod; and more than a score were Crushed erto re- Captain William Rog ing on edu he after closely watching the -'v e boy was of last week, by 01 the steamer City of Xan�rin�a' second son cational. matters, to give at a fa- letter in question; I had no connection with I m0wat Go -X ask the H�us,� of Commons to vote -such an panic among the pupils. 0,11 Oil Tuesday evening, Commander of ture time figures showing the. proportion of ment's 22 years' Coll the town safe, which had hith the boat of Collegiate Institutes and High Wat the LeTial, nee ing �iiae this moirni ar- JEdvar( sisted -all efforts to unock it - they four] (I it ng with 1 Mfe just al received it through the'Post2cffice.- When- ature ad (lone in favor a passenger from hilgland in Chicag( ApT, FOR SELF. -The will of tile late -Mrs. neceqsary� to cut a h It in' tlie Sa Emily eren't eyer I bare anything ta say about the farmers, he could lot see how ally ma allead of the Nework route. Cornelia Coster of New York directs that above- the lock,' and thOtle' rick, second daughter of Mrs. Arthur Schools in OntarI borne by the di a day her e' get at the Coin- Calbik. T, place, led I agencies contributing to their support. Person, with the iiiterests of agriculture at ntire fortun'e of $1 bination. ie ceremony took plabe at t he altaron. The I am n 'ther afraid hear THE111EBATI'; O'N'THE BUDGET. 000,000 be devoted residenceof tile brides ruother -A happy event took plicee at the Metho-' per and was nor ashamed to say it in could go back oil. that Governmet. to building a mailsoleurn in Woodlawn ingfor a trip, A f tile Cen, to Brussels anil He sup The'ilebate, oil the Budget has been car. cemeter tolib, di,t parsonage, Varna, oil Wednesday of tral Methodist church� The br f0floWing figures will 9 ve our readers a good such a n ianner that there can be no ported it heartily, and formed by Rev. T. W. Hali Y still kol ever erected in America. ide wJO e eformerl i ied on from2day to day, and is r This Will be the costliest idea of how the burden i doubt uld stand a wedded lifeon During 1892, the latest yea 8 ("'lstr'but d. as to thO authorship of tile 'statement. Will boulder to shoulder together 'oil, but is likely to beboncluded to -morrow F last week 'when Mr. William Dowsom, one was supported by her sister N is r reported, the thos for the Government wh ich had done IN of the ' t * * , I s Anie z rprising young farmers of the ell e e papers that so ungenerously accused for the farmers." LITY Monday Calbick, was given away by her un o muct night at a late hour, arid the result of the mor�n'ixnA fire was discovered in D9,,vidaon3,S Gtoshen line Stanley, -Was married to the total Legislative grant for these schools me of being tbe &I first divisi I -C e, tth g Miss A. Cal-bick, arid Willi t Agnes J. Peck, of Bayf an, Rogers, jr %vaA -as her of the letter, be so on of tile session- will be published iea re, in Milwaukee, arid eight fireman Rev. M r. best man. A lar 'company of friends in the, Province was $10000; the t4a;l kind as to give' oil; Wednesday in ield. e 0 who were oil the roof fell into the burning Leech perfornied1the cereniony. Iffis Dow- relatives sat down to the wedd time of year, bi ths denial the same pub- A LIEVEL-HEADED or, at the latest, 001111tY grants,, $116,492,20 the -tot cc 'temporary, in- dis Thursday. A feat licity they gave the accusation. -M. y. A lie debate was the building arid were instantly killed. The som, sister of the kroom, and Mr. J. p(;,ck at IV - _mg� breakfast us -04- P grants, that is grants from the t d fO- 3 sing the'recent tarif 'amendments, direct tti- ell th . e bealthf the happy Cc -almost tWoI very in, p 'tilde disclosed the'Opirvion of the M ver the theatre was walc eech made by Col. - O'Brien a hotel, which was built o brother of th owns an LEA whose ebrkd', assisted in the cere i warmly to Owens has see cities in- which the schools are ituate'd, i,ttention to ortmat fact as fol. cCarthy destroyed, but the guests escaped. 11103 asted. After*ards uple W -$iing of the party upon tile new tariff. RA Rogers and bride left for amid the Vittoria In e disposed of h f -ice. They leave for San Frm. for ther, e on Th, fees, What the O'Brien declared that the newtariff-was train -robbers, J. W. Lyrik, Thomas Brady J. Black-- 1011118"Clove-tro-01noll-row andil, be absent about a 'Wilt be lauh $334,41& 53 total amount received for .0 8: Competition is a strong leve MT IN Rol N E, A.! r in HA� G D. -The thr the M. Robinson has Hot-61-Keep-ers Want. lowering prices. The duty Wingliam foundry to Mr. R. on such things from. first to last a Mail $97,.=.45; to-t�lbalajice,linsPent,$97,698.20- The hotel4keep lifacturer's tariffand arid Albert 11ansker, who Well, of 2r4ntford, -a gentleman of large e -,x-:. a the farmer Ill, ti t the pretence that it was a f�rmerls killed the Cori - era Of this Province, to the needs at ould be redliced to h- r lie weI presents were very er, of Whe pupils in all Ontario Schools and nulb perience in t er of over five hund -tariff "ras Phe found Ar- ry - business, -arid lie and h has been misitili red, assembled at I �be 10I possible noI 11 or taken ose kan has taken possession. Air. BI llndsome." The many collegiate Institutes ductOr, W. P. McNally, at Olyphant, "laul. He said he would Opp off %Ito- as, oil November 3rd last, were haI vided as fol- Toronto last week. The object of tile as- gether. the upon the question, ckwell' Will frends of the briddn Brussels tile past week .rous were d I i Tbe"price of heat is ]ON%,, being pressed s6on hostility to a and lows: La13,435; from other municipa- and ex- at Newport, Arkans", tile other in Put in considerable new machinery ndt will wish herself arid bus ivill he preatheA the semblage was, so � i� CHH'All OCuANL the works for doing all k d 95 �" I far as we call learn, to cents it buhel. band smooth ities within the same Col , ro pificiple of war has aOf mill ill' ing oil the -voyage of life. tht _f Mr. 0 Which tile new tiiff is an been inaugurated by riva, 8 Ig Snvaay-, other repairs, as w effect a Provineial organization a d6ll Protection, UP luty, 7,5 It should be RATES. -A bitter ormlIg" el amship Ii ell as to turn out all kinds frol of iron c- dance But as tile' embodiluent. NIr. McCarthy-hiniself after- oil steerage rates to arid ean and astings of a superior grade. other counties, 1,80.7. In. ell- own county, W th the price of wJle it cannot be raised I te view of protectin I wards held a, Cori 11 Hurop Seaforth Collegiate Institut gtheir interests by eircum- ffs,. the- next best sultation with Mi.. O'Brien, New York ports, and as a result there has If Winglialn young folks went Staf ra. listat pres e receivedfrom )y thing is to enable and is expected -A load o the Legislature venting the efforts being Put forth bi the ';be farmer to get the greatest possi to speak to -morrow. been '.of sichiless arou %$1,2905,28, from One a reduction of $15 to Hamburg by ex- C T'ARDEAMS. -The the county te ble vaille Point made by.Kr. O'Brien out to a party at the residence of Mr. G. m atrinlOnial fever h4 erance and prohibition people. Th is worthy of no- press steam hChildren in from the town $1,soo, from, 'fees MIP 1�y the things he requires tice, 'viz.: That the new tariff discriminaes GOT, -era. Barton, near Belmore, the other evening again strilek Our il�ighborbooxl. Mr. for the money lie J also held aal, iterview with tile'- On tario J 1 lts for lis w1i against Great'Britain by imposing a tax D TRIKE COLORADO. -The greatest Just as the driver said who on Rawley jr., has joined the grand an V,305, Clinton received from nn arriving lly- of the Legisla- tea 0.11 801d. strike of tile edicts, and taken unto himself hehl at Mr, Hrw the re- i bushel for his whea' whiell does noL come diree tination tile ring -bolt came out,, a wife, n the form of a du T t, let us help 1jill, ed olorado, is reported in the Caledonia. The being prcviousi�-'brokeij,; allowi.na, th the person of Kat 91 449.78 froin the ture $1, 105.94, from tile Count at ben ent. The following -are year at Cripple Creek, their des of All - fees $725..5o in, Y� ril inake the'57 gh e front Henr-y and Ray their journey through life be 9ig mthe town $1,.600, from cents buy as much &a pos lading. As nearly one half of the tea con-' a]' Isto quests which the preferred to the Gove- It untry of growth oil a throu bill of vein is eight feet Wide. The lowest essay whe I to _Rt: Its come away, from tile rst of. the 'Cony S., of W lows $90 to tile ton. A half -ton essayed at vehicle happy and prosperous.-lHr.' and Mrs. -ere thro-wil, gently Into 8 le,- not ta-k the life Out of him by Diling su"16 Goderieh received from the d in Canad The occupants sh, Of Constance mrere visiting the a is Purchased ill England, $400 to the ion. forward, receiving-lio injury whatever. may kne es on everything he needs a of the English PlantatioI 0 1 dtiti;.; from the agent Legislaure 1. UnifoI as to hours Of closing to be jic $952,70, from the county. $1,225.64, froll-I settled. b' leiislation. to 'keep H,,Ls FivE iCorrivn isne 6 tf, ter's In y in India WivEs.-Alex. Watson -It is staied dat a mother,, Atrs. 'McMillail fox- a the to, 500, � 9. inthe flesh,-' and Cc ])its Jew days fAm fees, $1,3 19. 25. 2- Number of , taverns 'lot to' be 'on, it follows that every been condu society" man of a who �llways m%l Clin-- cted back from Deliver, Colorado, tawn ifot a thousand miles from Wingliam, last week, -.'I\frs. Do6l of -reduced pound of tea 13 be subjected to the tax. to Grand Rapids M * 1, Ile uest oi Head was -Nve awe pleasl ton had 6 loeg jupils, and 90: pupiis f yearly and arbitrairil , but at regul. � periods, by a detective. recently sent*$1 to aii, advertiser to learn Mrs. Janies Gri rom Y ar Phersister.'Mrs. AI Rivers, other nil three or foiir years apart. lY infI that Mr. week. -M, ,�Irs. T. C. be arounil agaix Inicipalities in the county ; Seafor th say of WE are credib Watson is known to ave at least five how to " have pai during the past A new viees. No. I lives in. Grand Raids, m not bag at the knees no matter how long Delgatty spent a couple of days last week at .its made so that they will T. and 3. Tavern -keepers to be eligible for muni- lilne, who w .-issue is raised in tile House Of here II&I local pupfls, 142 county pupils and 3 ciPal IDAC6S�' by the she was discovered by No they may be worn Varna, visiting r. Delgatty's sis Commons by the introduction of a bill' a2 and 3. They P f East Huron �s their. candidate 1Mr by "lie was delighted to ter and 44 local Dickey, member for Cu iberland N discovered that in 189!',, Watson had mar- told calling oil other friend from, other counties Goderic had 1 4. Power of -m-Unicipalities to increase f ,,,,o be 1 -the Leal 0I that, "knickerbockers, cut hort a -It, is our 'auty thi we6k ago, I a-, giving the right to -Vote at elections death of one of IlibberV cd ia the' Pup107 county pupils and, 6 from other license duties to be withdrawn. slature a fewl a not Reoti ried Mary Corrie, Of Hammond, Indiana, enough so that they would not come bel week- to record the Ontinue in the eld.' At the P, -ties. cigars to be regulated and as he had obtained her money , oner. John -young sr. Sale Of' t 0 e time ;to women. Mr. Dickey is ail calmest prolli- %lid as soon the knees, haA been fou-nd-to'fi-11 the biloiNvi a The 'deceaM bitionist, and lie decamped and married a seventeen-year- every instance. to the licensed by theto issioner. -milrie received t e of the arguments he ri Hibbert when it was a dense bri -great Ael settled i� 'a member of the Order, but ucaiona serin< Another very interesting and importl e nomination, he bring to bear old Chicago girl. Watson is about 40 years Rev. Dr.'Howie, formerly of Brussels, Clauses recq ring a majority bf quali- 'V not in support of his bill is, est,'and b per e'Verance and dustry at subject is the cost of school book- fied electors that The 'Otors to pe as the question of probibitio a W L greed of age- in ition before a, new license n bas become writin ROI Lebanon Paid, Ceeded in TI - thodist thux. Itilow t'ams out,, 11 oneof Practical politics, -1p11 of Call- aYs I have had the, Education Department has a system for in- is. granted to -b t ecome-one. the won 9 f rOI himself eI Out a comfortable home for W. H011riesi e amended and restriction as th Iff AIL STORM 111- -A If all of the privi ege of preach- and family. He ha, been- a great P-Pecting . school' to transfers to be lessened. dtathoingliheisquite illingtocarry ada Nvho are so cleeply interested- largest hailstones ever Witnessed occurred e i Sufferer frombelimatism 49treet thureh books as they leave the The depil, his out suffer so much from the e and �vho in the vic Ing the gospel to Jews several tim a n Jer- and asthi� for 'I, hall tation w of Street at 7 , Printer and binder, and by neas, last. in North Street -ds. of the c III Messrs. Har- Pal compact, bile Patrons must traffic, all r Sunday fternoon. Tile streets were urday in Syagogues vi Sat - 't of tile vils the liquo illitY of Emporia, 'Ka ' isalem. and neighborhood.' and t, ce on, years, and eath was happy relief. The li to -Vote for white Were is a pron church ceme- also.aacertan the num. 11 ere was not mucl, "sing tery if. Mon in Jus.01 a at head quarters members of Parliament, w with hail, and though th field compardively, as the people are easy eillyes a wife, seven sons and fear this system they GI Gibson, Ross and Dryden of tile Gov- faRill- theirs,.0 the Office remains wereinterred in Salem qussion took 'Place for at 'Ties We ' were broken, and daii.literL: Rev. J.. N. Hov itally, and in av- between the p me Dickey, however *y congregations vary. from 50 mons in ber of booka iftoduced 1111i lengthy, dis h �decided that -4 ict will have thi willd, many windo of access. r. Mil le is not eligible right of sittling this gre Mr to mourn his loss,. who have he erage exten arbies, but the interview, at lbership, rival h damage to the fruit crop since tile message is criven. in y of 'the communty in this, their, r d`9 Over four or., five years of or tion. posl- tion of chainpioll of women's rights, in their own every d the instance of the hotel -keepers, was pri tur r than farmer. Is- siderable of a as he is ni�re Of a manufac has a the 'a thought muc 150 arid ihe annual production might faI was done. 1110TT:11 be tak ell the T my language, they appear, vate, -what person of Mr. Mills, of Annapolis, Nova --HE CALIAPANXIA. BRA�;CH.-A despatch to appreciate it. ad -very friends and. '0I as evidence of the cost of'text books to the little of -was done or --------------- Scotia, who placed a rdsoluti on April 9th says :' The Industri the AppoiAting on on the paper al army, -PercyCoad agedabout sixteen Crediton. Goderiph. Pei . -working at a rl� sN, in W att's planrIlg Illill. Bmmil BiT.s.-Notwitlistandin Circulation. ell last night. People of the Province. Caculated "in this said has leaked'oia. It is understood, how- TuERF, was quite a rumPus in tile Russell declaring that the franchise should be e -x over 1,000 strong, reached 0 d ever, that the.Gove' House, at Ottawa, tended As the Union Pacific decline in Wingliam, recently, had the in' way, on the ba. is of four y nment agreed t on Tue 'day evenin . It to women. o take e&I it cOI, 'the requests 9 to carry them o the back. except at full pa isfortue wardness of the season a ood dial of grain at tht liquor m made into considerI appears that during, the day I * to run. the finger tips of his, right hand has been sown in People of Ontario, an; alverageli of 32k. Cents it r. Joseph citizens of that plae ssenger rates, and the this be noticed that, vihi Ma in The Insolvent e called upon G against the revolving saw per child pe the member 01 imons fo, overnor vicillitY.-The late If Prohibition - r anum Y Bill has. been int' , splitting It the Opposition in r Winni- roduced West fo rotection, h three first fing to the pix-blic, schools (luring for text books inv e ill -to the'Senate, 6nd the second reading fix- tary and e sent 9-00 ili- era hbAlle two �or ithe �the cold, bleakweather has been bard on the peg, Very strongly cond i second joint and fall wheat, although most of it looks are abovv Of Oillsolvene by their an 1111- luls are very w delh ered in the House th ngerslitid to'be amputated at tile POrtan industry of the place a e trol of tile licenses placed in the era cannot be fIcirced int This does not On e day this week. Under it, farm- guarding the army, which is encamped near the Legislatur are clamoring to - have the ned, in a speech ed for som r ce to Ogden, and they are now but sh htly cutting the little finger.) : The well. -The flax mills here, which re the past four' years. pnti�re POP, include note books Y three T, -Gre e the 1.1-adsoh Bay Rmilwa joint*. preparin scribblers. or hands Of the municipaities, I ? Creditors but they ard the depA. second at are -th the botel-keep- scheme. After permitted to make Nroyllad only leftschool a to sew 9 ROYAL LuxuRy-$31 a great breadth of land with flax- this balL Dressma voltnit"ary, assigi couple f weeki and his schoolmates and sea -son, and will. doubtless do a I bui- reaping a I grievie flaving to the ind- arger -e was seated in a chair in the -ro- tlla;t "nent. venture to predict EGGS. -Queen Victoria Will rettu to W Folt friendsofee d over his misfortune. he . The Department has era aalk- to have nearly the Only power t uph. er h -PEP. DozEw tund-a, of the Russell ness than people by C inim"c'Pal councils possess­tbat�of fixing use, reading his of Con�mons this session because it is Well luxury it may be inentione ns Ile f has been -e' for Year -4. This oyal also effected a reat the bill will not be pasedby the House sor on April 27th. As an i ta e o ebriiat 28th John Holmes, second *kVill tend to help both village and cc the amount of th -on F lessening thei,.lumber of text books. e municipI letters, when Mr. Hugh,43 th. known that the Provinc� of Quebec -i d rs. iober license fee- erland, of Will- that the first of 3011 of 'M untry In this a not in th' t Holmes, Alexander as a greater number of 'workmen will find' the promoto-r of the Hu 3 PAvay a Saving has been effected rem oved from inunici or season's plovers' eggs sold in the Lon- -street, Br'ussels,� fell a prey to dropsy and profitable employment -and, everyLbing, con - Pill anth ity. The nipej dson Bay ell- favor 6f it and the Government are apt to d ons 'rke Public school reading books fifthEform hotel -keepers, also, throw it over iinW ne t Were bought tip by the Queen's heart failure, aged 53 years. He went to Puny, who A&I been debating the 8chool apiece. me& a" ered, fla'xr is about as profitable a crop as Rouse, did' 110� as appeared from their terP ise, Came up nd tru k him with his The Senate-lf�s.' xt session. poI terer, who paid for them half a gui California. abouti 14 years ago and - -4 'the -Government, are one qst, f:nocku-lg out 'o his chair. has re- farmer,- can grow at the present time. Jpupil, or a total for the Province of 416,712. aterview with Mr. questi n for severid days on a motion ;or aided there alln Of, $1.25 per 'arte Mr. Ankers, the Minister of nt t in Manitoba and Ontario. e in show for Days Company, with t1 T I. some other gentlemen standing Pap I - ds 'continuously, excepting ----!Tli though theacti In History wherei form Ile temperance people ill opposing the A SUICIDE. -Kalit Siwabeeni the hand- one year lie ape spr g erly, the regulation,, Agri- some young stock was hel h re e near, cultur Ing more was one away asking ti b�t nterfered, andothi I on Wednesday. �euse of two books, costing 9.5 Thedeceasedhadliotbeeli in good health Tile weaithI6r although r required th Proposition of the Opposition to do -closed the' discussion by yriall, who sold coins in a booth near the Ferris wheel, on the for several aw and threatening had. i0larg them to fie afr&ir created cons wait until the result of the idwa years preyious to his. decease. -was favorable, u neil, Ca y era d the ex nient. d turn- acting Was goo 4ents, by Pupils trying for'the entrance ex with the Present System of license eollimis- erable talk Order- Plaisanae, at the World's Faix, kille Mrs. Aubery, hi.4 sister, formerly of theth out of the neighboring farmers and in -Co , &nd there was a large Bion an inspe- CiW Iling upon the Northwest A him- ctors appointe(f a- Self in New York the oth6r line, Morris, ws, There was by seTpbl3 to modify ' eir School " His bus- 1with hm. -wben lie died. a very fail- show in horses, -and allill t required., tl cc iness did not prosper in h 1numation, one book _only is now Gavermllen, and bay O!,dirian inghe.. entire contr and reniedl the grie New Tork, which Her boine is in Delano. tile aged draught class the Competition -was Costing 30 Cents, eHeCtig a tcltail I planing mill, hi saving to 01 ".r vallces comp, amed of, Was the cause. of the suicide. -Tile Licen W Of the licensing and inspection placed 'under glad to lea;rn ju3t. as we go to is Made noWn. Ke Coll"nissioners for the. keen, and . tile judge &rents and guardians in the Province of press, that tile Muioip A pr�test is %eing made against E'ast Rid a required 'considerable meet at tile Re- meditation before they c .&'�7,80'7- In dr books a total Savi jig of were ad valorem taiii-ff on pork as not affordingr vere house, Brussels, on Saturday, 21st Roland Beat6c ciPa' control. The hotel -keepers al Committee of the the- new '49 Of IffilrOn, will meet at the Re-' Legisl 1ture hive carried Huron Notes. Ouild finally decid-- sho is suffic W lie], of tile prize winners was most deserv- ha been effected of $29,7713 ; 'writing books bridg-'e bill, by n to take into Consideration gttin P inst., at 10 a. In tI view that the present system was Mr. Bi ie�it protection -to the farmers whe -Mr. John Stewart, of Stanley, has gone licatio."! a majority OfI twenty to , Ing- Of first place. In the light classes com- as"'l-ing Of $11,908. Thus. in. these ' a, for -lie on a vi alie better &a regarded the interests of tile te six- Prices were low in the. United States. The sit to his daughter at Den er. tile app hotel licenses. petition W, A.1iss Garliel(l, fOu'r Publi:6 and the legiti, There is n request is made to restore the a -Mr. J. A There are 24 applicatiol as 4iot so -keen, whie ill bulls #qbjects, viz.: Reading, Hi mate trade. The dele- Ow little doubt but tlimt pecific ditty. (brother of Rv Agnew), Nfrs. is,this year, th Stratford story, Drawing giltion only new e be,�g 4,1 at e there- -Was ()Illy one shown. e ii, left last -week for Cil' on Thefollowilig is aming mOuslY expressed the opinion the bilt Will be passed by tI L gislature., Mr- 1�&I McCarthy presented to the of Cl'ntO gnew, lCaLro. Steiss, askin Q warti has ei 9 - le prize list: H!mT draugh-t horses, Wilting, as to the Parents and House 17 petitions from for wine and beerlicens -4 tha everyon the peopl -Walton has now a veterin es for the Arligt class &I B- ill e of the &ry surgeon n entries,-lat, " cottish Ifero 1-1 Rewi.tt & . il gd e dOncerned 'Would be harl Nortliviest in support of his b in tile Pei -son of Mr. Ball - 24 licenses were graliteld' Kay, Usborne ; 211d, Quite a nul-ILLIX ilrd'aas Of childrell in the public schools the old system -of junnie ined if' giving them house, Foj(hvicll. Of'Oatario has been eff�ctetl, DonrGS AT liberty to Manage their own jiQts. last year. The Fii1toll hotel McKir tile banx ipal control were re_ THE DOMINION This _Charles Howlett ' I e- Jueti gil bill will� Cause -a hot debate.! recently Geiger Hensall - 3rd the You-ilg1ib 0- In this, at any rate, tile hotel- CAPITAL of prime butchers' ed the rs- brick'Work On The p�pers on the'Copyrightquestion will cattle, The price, we beli to 23. all to the quite respectable sum -8416.200. keeper Lild, F. Coleman verted t Morris ing destroyed by I(ire, reduc' Iof a take the correct view. disposed of four head' Of 102 ))e 5 Three -yea In schools, by a sin -41- be eVe, Was $60 per Bell Bo mr adniptatiolt of pipti laid oil the tble this Week. The head. -WhHe Mr. �19 was CoI Coach completed. -H .(By Our Special corres d y eon- 01111 -McCantney's i "Pasha Alex-. Dow Exeter ; yearli as tied in the shed at� Holinesvill d", 3 Ing - the, text boos �to, the course of studV ent') � t,bilian�laboratepi.�esentatiolI of Canada's -T. Miller, of Morris has a mare which open meeting the e the " Bisma.rvk,� J. WoI w Our -�te-,preseitatives. Gw4WA, April 9th. ease by 'Sir John Thompson recently gave birth to'i;4n foals, linfortun- other nig J �bn-"Schafer Hay. R ng moved tWo Ezz -just noI M- P The who arges lit, Some one Fulton ern Dolber j7 instances, an even eaI savi- tenti011 of made tbo United St ment )lave ustly IV, expensive black robe out c (later, mick and as a Substaatial' reditotion �rl vices Wellear 11, great many complaints ow x0verliment having arinounced its in- that the, British Govern atel , howeve stole a nefirly lie _a_ days about there being too ratifying the Fren: uenj r, bOtll Of th were lifeless at of his a Christen, Blood gr many ',h treaty have aes publishers a Present birl leigh. He' ias not found any trace tly" Joseph p the guests of, 114 been WAde. On the basis of the atend- Melltary representi6ti task before it. of the Can -Mr. J. J. -of it Yet; and i no easy' adian market, and lie protests McLaughlin, of Hull If thi guilty persons are found Durb Aged an ve I , H bein- r, ton ht, be punialle(l, s th de of 1892 t4d following amount h&-,, ever be n submitted to, tile ett, arid theYWill, no doll an' bull Patrick t, � f this country. NO measure has ery strogl� against Canada J. B. Wei of Clin left t be held in the denied they 'Judges,- -Janics Ballat..ynel -e TUkinga the Doillillion as a whole, $ he other should have been ilast tinle. Usborne; o 11 ',Sunday, 10th', the cojq,- Ouse of Coin- the right to egislate in her owii inly, ommend The Go of the Ray; W. ,�),tepbc' beeh saved, as the result of consolidating Plaint is, certa nions with less to rec alf. interests in ikni- Same persons wllo�, (lid the stealing two beg day to look after their One vernor-General sent for Mr. Lauri- toba. 118, Woodham. ance, we could get along on in er one day last week, and entered into a --Mrs. John Peck. of Weeks befo -1ted every Pupi pur ver comfortably rge .11 re, Was 4een coining towards the Black, .1 reducing prices, tal,-ilig for at 4 a it. It Means a la, loss of text books an( well founded. For in- C it and more to grB4 - I 84nley, Y reveniie to Cana long conversation with him in the lobby of iting at M.r. Pet ecLe chases one book in Without the Dominon Senate. da, amoullitin er Cole's, ile via- 1111 age that night, iaid perhaps lie thought posi $206 Delicate chamber in the sev Provinces and bruised er arm as 1!e got Off so e s� before, he -would try it X 0 IrE subject: Reading, $23,970; Coln The second g to over the Senate. Xhip, fell down cellar oderi I town -Morris. considerabl -Mr. Thomas Ru jover, Y. ail an - Three horses were ikjodieska,, witi -Tile License Commissioners! for West sold f Or 818, $25 and .1-27 respectively, the, laft Ott -a 41 ell Otiny enac ent of prohibition and �tion ale oil and Orthoepy, $,18�(,)20.; Histol -y, have it, lig whi way; (I- It Puts a decided block- ill the $6,698.401 lit, wth profit, be cut off, tm Shedderi and family are home from 'Olma where they spent several years went'for S39 sheep brought $1.3 to..%- eogra-phy, $5,529.50 ; Arith- and, it is Possible, that in strikds d mortal bI, at an The Ontario Legislatu W 'toll on Thuriday 29th ca1v One $1191682, 10 ome important Call- instanbes C if Hlrwl, met in CIlir, re. - I ( 11 an, Algebra, $3 t be de- adian i dustry, gral a irc-apjpOined Mr. J it weU oA be _14. mznufac�ure of native t Thursday oIfternoon the 4�h line, Alorris. on as chairman. allies Stevens Pei, pair. -Holvard Hall is able place si, sewn TrigbROmetry, $288.50; COlile-rcil Course, Creased without any iiiterest suffering, wine) besides lettill Ut committee on a Col Sist in working the homestead P11 a decided that the.9.3r(i Agen hahaid � new to go about away, between ,334-35 ; the popular or elecie bodies miqh ?e qrowIi;g and the The -House spent la of A il b nild be tile day for considering u kitchen put t ie license applications. y had the contiact. then '0.50; Physics, a eive that gave birth to a lamb h the Y, wever, that 00 000 for bills, and in the.evening i' is tile 8,65 Drawhg, &q,490,- Chen, 9 iple of Glovernmenb McGowan, of Blyth Coml J. Kell a $904 wirell We Or n Committee of Clause 8 Of S111)r , istr wo Id seem, he us in f' an annual subsidy of $5 49. 83,300�jo; ;Botal the esta'I'lishment, of a direct I Parker is very ill h' the lateperfe( ense: le 'rovides that 4,.XLo er borne 112 iDoninion, and wi Greek, $,I,,- one Tuesday morning, and gave birth to an regulations one 1� 8 lie Oi steani- Supply) Inainly oil the Education Depal-t- in ly, pare Ontario witil the other Province of the ail I ;,;13,509 Ps 'w th France, altogethe othe tilid creamy but I allow storm on Tuesday put er 21 Years of age shall be employed as ail end to seeding, and everybody thinks powifered a M 4 he following Monday night. Fren6h, luMli tates ill *the tile fast apart from ment -vote. The bills ady Walitic service. Tile great mis- Att &need were Dii & liar -tender, or act -in that capacity in the bori W. Or. Murdoch the well-known Riding;" this el that ail early Easter is n -the -right cre& total' neigh e �Irl take -was ilt the ini SIX) of ail 49 Ullioli, the'00111plaint does not through ti cmeY-Oeneral's measure to set criminal lawy alls6was amended ly ng at -ail Whit� Ailk $126,�36.84. This gives grand Ftotal Of apply 11-ith n. ating kud carryin tie 'trade er, of Toronto, who is o e of ing in g, ie negotiatiol 9 n y great force to this Pro and th' dispotes arid Mr. Ross' bill r vince. addition to, tj —Cloveria bad,]- dtj the case it i�equaliy must pei wbat they have own. It is is a, former Bayfield !111(1 lot of damage to fences, buildings and S-24096.84, saved to the people of Ontl But, while t egarding Upper tile counsel retained in ti c Erastus 6 foregoing, that no and fall wh rio this may be case, at New, York, Winian member Of a licenso-holder's family eat- is looking bad. -The Wind 'scarce, Ywithin the practica Canada Col ege. There were some li-Vely boy. that age shall be so �nlplo annutlly for school books alone, by the e- true that our representation eA and t e Of Commons rejectin -t 8 oil both bills, yed. Bile 'a anlPle, and h Hou" �Ossibility of . discussion lie T day. -W ichie sold pinue(l aowu agetinqut by the Education ]De justice to n bei eg 9 Lstowel. e of sellse and business ina'n- if it call not be decreased, of the fai Ill of the Crow -311r- W. Stew rt,, son of Mr. W. F. - -The North. Bay Despatch of last weelt, yi�o ea` the Upper Canada with e:w Coll; e bill drawin from Mr. Meredith a tem art, of Brussel's, is home from Chathal the other day, to M, all, We hope no icie s P edg e:d t o thus refer.'s to it former Clintonian : Alra. Kid,, �Of es willbe made. The the hands An & it by the i9mature of tile M&rq lie of Du pronouncement favor of the n a snowshoe party oil Mond srs is quit following fl ter the British amba I Nearl�V� a quarter of a million doll, in severance of where he has been filling an impoI E- Pay gave. e POI Dight which p ay may be whi 911res, given by qr. -Hardy ill 0, an aaclor atlPal tion in Stevens' flouring mill. lit roved tp be both unique rid traveller and a Col-Isiderable sum these 1harcil ti -kwkward dilenuna for any Pirli -is. It is. all relations beti-sveen the Goe He will a lectarer, of Ki e ered with h means that the Olitaio G ainly the National roller il, in -Brussels. tll:C t. The patty started on a tranip up esting lecture in Su' ovemnient 90 to show thpt Out ert i tile remark lake Short for 4 couple of miles arid evening, rishine on -Thurday breaAcrumbs, mes.! f It is recent speech, are it bad the College, and from Mr. RosF rnment and k pleall m-ardine gave a very gaiii -01, Thursday of last week, a nuiliber of hatted iiI Shanty ivhere provisions, 110 at 1 -saw from by If in, desirous that lie partly agreed with the idea, and ie neir, ibors of ,iqrs. Alex is not very @r Sting and c find itse ament to undill Of L Winnipeg btirdened JJY The wine vintage of France a to it. Ohtarlb People, and here is where the di�er- Over-rePresentatioli Wit, discus- t up -a ly enj gh- good speaker, and held the floor for over circumstances to reluctantly. assent �rris, turned out and cu ffee and a tokY line of 3i -0 some extent looked Caaneron, 5th cc toCalifornin.""Mr. lidwsollisa aXio, at any rate,' IS not' ba ind yet inipelled by file that theipreselit bill t la-dt week on 11 Wh' has ohmed its place in. the hearts of, the at the present time force in that direction. In the- eveniz ull were thoron 'He sa*lid: summer. It oyed arid e metho(Is of the Ontario I by a good was a,' two hours. Those, who ere a;bSellt missed ence bt-tween th uch' an SIOIT of some length, taken pait i� supply Of wood for the - in true' aboriginal style, ar daalce aro lid tile u -e thilty-thr., valoreln. Ill the ad inany members on both sides,.took place on fire camp a rare treat. In British Columbia there ai enormous crop that. immediately thou htful act. While the W aI r cent. i's taken off the increase, of $10,()oo - ames -would put OOD gil Wines t to 'blush many a den- 11 1 D4knill-iGrLadrtl*.m�istrations come$ in. The repreaent-6tives foi. 9s 000 People, or a ty of 30 p Nesbitt, a retired far He said that we only get the helFrench deale e' Made to Pool, schools. mer of izen of ell e( oranges to eat a, the forest. in this country; tha.t Ifas.. L V, PsAn he. ton, $1,5 a ton, or RD-Csr, one represen.tati bout rs will be 'in good The Opposition Morrist having lately Purchased the Little- MY.. Robert Peacock, of the London three-quarters of cent per pound; bammias small b-ouse In i as had the old road, Who was more ihtimatelY associated to W. a. WIL11,11 and is making pre- grow in clusters arid are cut off with a A fe1v cents, Oro bers for 152,000, a It Way in'which the poor school fund parations for building a fine brick residence. in his early days than iln a bimeb being as much as a man can lift. ery ill wine gro,N�,er Of Spain, Australia crease. Rev. Mr. Ballantyne, the Y livin�y mail Coll- _e I fewdo0ars, here. and there doI New Brunswick there is V Government speakers contrasted hos, Minister tributes the 1 0 d meals call be had for 25 cents. The th db u recklessly ovei'Llment flillas for 90 000 people - in MkIlitoba forty meln- duty 11 --ill ba"Ve to be taken off all ine, tI Was administered than to the Proposed in r building pulled down with the late Mr. Whitehead of Clinton ere are forty Contended their Opposition was ratl�e' property, Grverunient Keeps strict ve for3,000 ; -in Prince Ed- Condition Ito flood Canada froin end to end attacked the itm, though fail b It was 20- below zero. grapes are sold by t W in Blyth ecount of ward Island th they, ttle 841-1 the Donimion C, -three members with the4e sparkling beverages. As the to, t] or one for e 2 w lit, Orn and other c la Must bexp- irl ember for �very Ca VIII $"forth. following incident Palace hotel in Sfan to 8,000, and in Nov. S ouritries will- also be offered an the ell by the Molesworth congregation in tile 1100 amoI to much, but the aggregate piles up cotia there is Francisco e �Ost two Mi, OPP re d his fol- as inducted into his charge Tuesday7 the lv�xlter was woring lion ollars, and can accommodate 1 a nierdber ttractive Osition Of Mr. Me 'ditk all for every S,000. The p market in the Dominion With the lowers on the Present occasion with t.h* fall of 1850, i cheap. ApP1Y OPula-ti011 of Ontario is result tha the wholesome native 'Wines of stand they took- a f e April 3rd. Rev. Messrs. McRae, wor-W Browt into thousands of dollars. it would be 2 114,0007 -and there are IV th the late Joseph 1200 ew years ago,, Mr Whitehead on his farm peop e, Passengersare driven in bell Mr. I Millar, assisted at the induction. d that corners the Clinton cemetery lot. under a liberal Political education for� the people b' ninety-one illem- I Ontario will be altogether displaced. Still Marter introduced a resolution advocating Perrie an We lass I roof and takell'up in elevators. era, which equals one t Were one day engaged putting a floor into inof representative for I we cannot1have a High Commissi precisely wha;t the Government ---�-The present Lieutemant-Glovernor of FA`f Canada if they woud cilipare the pu bli c 23,000 people. These olier with - six Provinces to- ' Oil t paying, a pretty price fol, him wheni Ing, and wbi New Brunswick, Mr. F - have 242 representatives for f name is T c1h all the members of tile Oppo Vill sell, tor ap accounte of their Stewardship given by th gethet Was now do- an old log stable where 1he intended housing the neiSCO is one of the most wicked cities ill 'two C e 000 persons, 1,196,- Hartt, of C razer, and Mr. A the few cattle he bad the follo,%ving. w world. The most f the people there t our factory, overnme, -ments -viz : Dal TLANTIC We had the floor n as. The scene present- )ere, 07.20 ; Tv '-he Conservative party, e believe, atives The Go the a Y Was far ad of anythin to be split in SSIOn was held and ried to a cousin of at early in, all but- packing on the wa r Popltion we have ninety-one On Friday shorte the Sallie law office, and the former ns. It would cause a big while for that er sition had supported. linton, were feRow-students inter. seem to delight. in wickedne ;_1PSPT A re -SERVICE. goverliojrs we li&ve In C the latter. le ers which he was pry- seen in the Picture gallery at one, and so oil all t t hi even, if �'its working and agrioultural mem- but still ""3"49 out their In or ar a with a handspike show; r iri6 &es were& wonderful si t Way down I Ing up to the flo 'bo Nleffimerit is havi great difficulty pened was the,, fuss in of interest -that hap- -JO-Ieph Young, formerly of Gorrie, d d over a heel to support them, while I packed They ha about the oI thing s in' ve �ix !1p a few of ahe i Service of the Atlantic. T- eo he the Public Accounts , in South Dakota on March -th, 0 th PC ere is the Cry of Over- 50.,000 %Iye&r for a twenty knot stqamship f hemo, to hello d. government TO berswere to read he. �Dominion Auditor �ficy of grafting, Committee raised by Mr. Clam the hage of the brain, aged 60 yea them to keep'them. there. This in this part of crease In their tfie States, Georgia ]I& spoiled boy" of the C YJ Clay undet 0 One ever saw a r ommittee ho ject of this Iloti. TI report alone. 8 219 1 Glare it to Practical" men d� wanted a ra- . le s�b- the country; in 3, Alabama 133, P ecessar I I �� e packing ties up snow falls so thick an(, the west the lollowing 444 the steame' y trars orn In HurOn to the rails on rry the heavy freight d in th t&eb IN vhich to loca coaml a1icbulk of C&nada�s expo amined as $era to at that early wind 50� Kansas constitute4t i county- He and his family removed to -Were nei a railrI i a business we yoitr way so that you cannot see Illinois 206, Indiana 15()- If brought -before: the COmnlittee to Ve ex- Dakota about 14 years ago, tram In the -training of teachers members, Connecticut 27 e useless and -ulin couple of Deputy Re cc was b piece of business was so the Province , Iowa I fast that it darkens -165i Kentuckyl3s, Maine 82, 'Has to the efficiency of the Inspector aid' e- date., that it led to 11; 8 so strong, at the same time,. that of Ontario has probably the Most e 0 heie he Ither of us a ithd the rt the Y of Registry offices. ed for a number of years. H- conversaion oil the one would think t ep etts 244, Maryland 143, can byno ossibility ttain a high rate t he friends and acquaintances Will is numerous sub ect of track -laying, Of wanted, hence the trouble. n Mr. White Borne Person was shovelling system ib. existence, and yet it is sur- vania 254 0 14i 'Sa bu"- !'speed. If. hey Only carry exp whe the . Many afield U _i,, Pe syl He didn't get wha and Verniont 270, 17 C Oil, eased a wish that when' t of per centI -ex- th. He mvas his III whel including b�tjer and eggs, then they Wil' ut routine business 'taken ill on Monday Shocked to hea(jl-expr as ruined last season, ill the West ress freight On Monday nothing b hear of his very Sudden ilea be was done eveni road went on, if ever it �di a number of bills being advanced and in about 1% March d, meaning the with the hot winds and turned out, wh the work dor, Buffalo, Brantford -& Godeich rtport coI one hour be e unconsel6ouil.) which was in Conemiplatlon Vt t Railway, threshed, from 5 t� 8 bushels per a -ere ell a -lid bidle a mua hat time, some not that, made mutuall InAlly a field never beilig cut p6wI