The Huron Expositor, 1894-04-06, Page 7; 1894. Clothing 1 GOODS MG. assortment of _Wren's Ready - 'y low prices; fine goods for t rock bottom_ kele. 111ATS all the leading -No the finest Alit KGB. les in Shirts at the lowes OX the Spring reatly reduced `VITED. _UFF, End Clothier.. ind Bruce. Mixed. 9.80 ten. 9.00p. 938 9.45 957 10.1� 10.07 11-20 Ker. Mixed u..ea A.*. 7.2o rat. 1-88 81& 1.69 9 oet Mt 930 d Bruce. Paseenger. 8.26A.N. 5.45P.M, 9.29 6.18 9.42 621 9.47 sm. 9.56 6.44 10.12 7.00- 1029 10.38 7.28 10.52 7.42 11.10 8 Cra l'assenger 8.46e.ez. 6.54.05 7.0te 4.20 7.15 cee 7.45 4.4e 8.05 5.06 8.13 5.13 8.22 5.18 Mil 5.30 Ooft dation a• Certerms. 1.28 - 9.22 P. M. 10.15.1.er 7.05 r. U- . 4.59-. us. 8.M alai Fire. any. 3 TOWN iURED. . O.; W 3., 04' Michael ;P. 0. eardiner, Lead. Watt, HarIock ; rdie. Seaforth elan, Seaforth lvan and Geo. 'noes or tiara touded tn oss addressed to rorthereure .:IDNEY AND flbled with Sternlieb APAPE.riaz, 1-, Sleepless cee cme, rer Cure itTACure, any ONT. E Seaforth. r's rm.. TRI� N. notice, liesortel best ix and a 'rotT hed. org a atilt Mlle& for • na al. ed on ads of kept ishing tion. man. APRIL 6 1894. KNOWLEDGE " Brings comfort and inaproVenient and tetids to persanal enjoyment when Tightly used. The many,. who live bet- ter than others and. enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly anlapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liqtzid laxative principles_ embraced in the ecinedy, Syrup of Figs. exce.11euce is due to its presenting :in the form moat acceptab'.e and iileas- 71Pt to tlie taste, the refreshing and truly naficial proaterties of a -.perfect ben - satin's) ; effectually cleansing the system, t:Tai.e;f:eig colds, headaches and fevers Led peemanteitly curing constipatien. hex (riven satisfaction to minions ad freet ieith the approval of the friedical prefaseiee, because it acts on the Kid- -neysa.,Liver and Bowels without weak - eningthean and. it is perfectly free Lena ry objectiotlable substatice. Syrep oE Figa is for sale by all arnee a eiste in 75c. 'bottles, but it is mann- - lectured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose naute is Printed on every Deakeee, also the name, Syrup of Fig's, and being well informed, you. will not lomat any substitute if offered. Turnberry. 00 UNCIL MEETING. -The Council met in McDonald's hall, Bluevalea on Monday, March 18th. Membera all present. Com- munications were read from Messrs. Cameron, Holt & Holmes, re Bryce vs. Loutit et. al. The Reeve reported that sev- eral aulverts had been washed. out, and he had -employed John Watcher to - rebuild cedar culvert on lot 4, oppoaite lot 5. The Deputy -Reeve reported thht he had let a job of building new cedar culvert on Culross boundary, at $10, Culross to pay hall the cost. Mr. Diment reported that culvert on McLaren's side line is washed out and ret" quiresimmediate repairs ; also, that culvert on Morris boundary, opposite lot 25, is washed out, and. requires immediate re- pairs ;'also, that he had let the jels of open- ing and. putting in new box in drain across the street in Biuevale, to A. Patterson, as the box had broken and left dangerous holes in the road. Application was made isy William Wright, concession A, to have the road divisions in that concession changed so that Robert Douglas, Frank Wright, -Wm, Wright, Mrs. R. Moffatt and Alen. Hislop's land on B line, concession 1, Shall be in. div- ision 37. Action -will be taken at ne;xt meeting, -after other parties are notified. Application was also made to the Commil by a committee from Lower Wingham for assistance to build foot bridgeon the sit d of the oldlGraham bridge. Moved by William Gemmill, seconded by John Musgrove, that the Reeve and -Deputy-Reeve be a Om- mittee to see John Ainsley if the pier caanot be replaced by bent and cost reduced wghs out:injury to bridge -Carried. Moved by John Diment, seconded by John Musgrove, thatijohn Gernmill be authorized to connect the fence on the eat side of the Gemneill bridge and on the south side of road allew- arice.to the railing of the bridge-Cataiesh Moved by John Diment,seconded by Win. ,Gemmill, that a by-law be passed appointing the following ratepayers fenceviewerel: for thecurrent year : John Rutherford, Thos. Aitken, John W. Walker, John Robinson, James Elliot,. Thomas Evans, Peter Sentt, Robert Leathorne .and William Hornitth- Carried. By-law read three times and passed. Moved. by William Cruickshaiik, seconded by John Musgrove, that a bynlaw be passed appointing the following ate- pa.yers poundiceepers for the current year, viz: William Mundell, George Bremner, George B. Scott, Thomas Gilmour, George Nicholson, Henry Wheeler, James Stewart, Robert Douglas, Henry God -kin, William Netterfield, John McDonald and. 4obert Maxwell -Carried.- By-iaw - read three times and passed. Moved by John Diment, seconded by William.Gemmill, that a lay -law be passed appointing the following rate- payers pathmasters for the current year, viz. : No. _1 George Bremner, 2 John Toucher, 3 " William Aitkens, 4 Andrew Reid, 5 Edward Jenkins, 5.1i , Thorns Guy, -6 John McKinnon, 7 William Horauth, -8 George Orvis, 9 James Weir, 10 John Cope- land, 11 Isaac Metcalf 12 James Taylor, 13 Thomas jams-, 14 Ben Holmes, 15 Lawrence Fife, 16, John E. Fortune, 17 James Cald- well, 18 Robert Hastings, 19 John Robin- son, 20 Frank Carruthers, 21 Peter Deans, 22 George Wade, 23. Charles Homuth,• 24 John Wray, 25- . Elijah Higgins, 26. Peter Campbell, 27 James Powell, 28 Samuel Van - stone, 29 Charles Sanburn, 30 Robt. Harris; 31 john Ralph, 32 Thomas Walker, 33 James McEwen, sr., 34 Robert Hamilton, 35 William Douglas, 36 John McEwen, 37 William Wright, 38 Peter Scott, 39 Joseph_ Breckenbridge, 40 Samuel Black, 41 Joseph Leech, 42 John Diment, 43 Henry Diment, 44 Robert Maxwell, 4-5 Thomas Tipling, 46 Samuel Anderson, 47 N. J. Kerswell, 48 Joseph Yeo, 49George Moffat, .50 George Walker, 51 John Mulvey, 52 Robert McIn- tosh,: 53 Thigh Thompson, 54 Robert Linton, 55 Robert Miller, 56 David Moffat. W. T. Plot -No. 1 Thomas Netterfield, 2 John Ainsley, 3 Peter Murdoch, 4 James Dalziel, 5 James Netterfield, 6 William Campbeil-n- Carried. By-law read. three ' times and passed. A number of accounts were passed and orders on the Treasurer issued, and the conned adjourned to - meet in McDonald's Binevales on Monday, April 23rd, 1894.. aagrist and the mill -wheel was gaun round birr. The wheel stopped in a mo - anent. Tam had turned the sluice. The Miller came oot o' the min, and ran at Tam like a battering ram, and knoeketUhim heels or head into the mill dam. Tam. cam' out 140 a drookit craw, and lay in his bed for tfiree weeks. There was naething the Matter wi' him but downright dourness. His mither tried to get him oot, btit oot he Wadna' come. She was at her very wit's eiid, but at the rang and the last the thought stuck her that she wad gang and tell the zuUer aboot his conduct. She did' so, and tie miller forthwith procured a big rung and he went at Tarn, in the bed, like a day's wark. "Blast ye," the miller cries out, 'I will either kill ye, or cure ye.". In his agony Tam cried, Pm cured! Pm cured !" On hearing this the miller ordered • him to pat on his claes and go out and bring in hay for the kye to eat. .The auld, wife thanked the miller for his services and it only now rOnains to be added that Tam became as docile as a lamb and shortly afterwards wi' 4111 approval he got married to the miller's second auldest daughter -the auldest -being already married. e • Gaieties. -The following notice was found posted On a bulletin of a Western post office: f Lost a red kaf. He had a white spot on 1. of his behind legges. He was a she kaf. i give thre dollars to evribud.di wut will ring hyrn hom." Sam Jones recently preached to - -the colored people at Dyersburg, Kentucky. .After the sermon a good old sister came to him and said : " Brer Jones, God bless you; you is the preacher for me; I understand every word. you sa,y. You preaches 'just like a nigger; y_ou has a white skin, but, :thank God, you has a black heart." -It is said that Holland rnem 12,000 wind - ills. We can beat that, only ours are noVen as legislative bodies, lyceums, and 'debating secieties. -Mrs. Henpeck (playfully)-" I don't see why a big dog like that should be afraid of 5' a little gini like you." Little Girl-" We's been together so long -I guess he finks I'm his wife." -We' all know that a woman cannot throw a Stone with any certainty of hitting 1 a mark as big as the side of a house, but she can thread. a gross of needles while a man is finding the eye of one, and ,she can detect beauty in a squalling baby where no man sees - anything more than a pudgy mass of unat- tractive humanity. -A .Scotch country minister called to see a member of his flock on a Monday morn- ing. He was shown into the drawing -room, and a little girl toddled in witk a dish of fresh strawberries. The minister was about to help himself, when he said, "1 hone they were not gathered yesterday." She looked up at him- with a shy, serious 'glance, and said, "No, they were picked this morning,. I know, but they were growin' all day - yesterday." -Chaplain "'W'as it liquor that brought you to this ?" Imprisoned Burglar: "No sir; it wa.s house-cleanin'-spring,house- cleanin', sir." • Chaplain: "Ek? House- cleaning ?" Burglar: "Yes -sir. The wo- man had been heuse-cleanin' and th' stair - carpet was up, an' th' folks heard inc." -Scientists are now telling us that the dangerous'microbe is . lurking in the green- back. "Those in arrears for subscription," says a contemporary," can send the:amount; we- have facilities for "-disinfecting small amounts, asid are willing to take the risk." 3 -Mother of Nine Children (looking into the stocking basket)-" Well, Bridget, for one thing, I am sure we shan't have to darn stockings after ten o'clock at night in the next 'World." Bridget (serinpathetically) : "Shure an' that's thrue for you, ma'am, for all the pictures av angels that iver I saw was barefutted." -Bo-bby: "What has giraffes got such long necks for ?" Fond Parent: "God gave them their long necks so that they could reach the leaves of the palm, which only grow on the top of the tree. That is the only way they can get at them." Bobby (after a pause) : " Gouldn't he have made the leaves grow lower down ?"-Puck. • School Report. „ No.i HAY AND STANLEY. -The following is the standing of the pupils of Union School :Section No. 1 Hay and Stanley, lbased on Friday examinations for the past fonr weeks": Fifth, -Sarah Allan. Senior Fourth, -Sarah Johnston, Ralph Drysdale, James Howard, Louis Durand. Junior Fourth, -John John - Store Charles Cleave, Alex. Chollett, Sarah Witwer. Senior Third, -James Pollock, Mary Ann; Drysdale, Louis Stela, Esther - Murray. • -- Junior Third, -Lizzie S•telck, Lizzie Allan, Lizzie Albrecht, Pai,1 Cleave. , Second Class, -Ida Durand, ?erdinancl Schnell,. Edward Dowson, John Johnston. ! Part II, -John Drysdale, Melvin Pollock, Sarah Dowson, • Emma Schnell. Part I,- " Ellen Johnston, Edward Blake, Horner, Aidie Witwer, Emerson Snider. -I -Wei. J. MITCHELL, Teacher. _ Kill or Cure. Auld Peggy Dunlap was a very fencible d thrifty guidewife. Her guid man had orShken her, and where he had game she didna,' ken, neither did she muckle care. She had three or four kye, and artonly son, wha answered to the name o' Tarn4 Under 'the cireumstances it will clearly be seen that the Kye and Tam were the mist feck o' , her care. ,Tam was a huggiie-muggrie neer- •• do -wed, and on account o' his conduct he s cost his Daher mair vexation than tongue tell. Ae day the miller was grinding e • John Quincy Adams Proud of His Mother. There are few eminent men who have not -Said that their -success in life was largely owing to their mother's teaching, and who have not been proud of the many illustra- tions of this truth. The mother of John Quincy Adams said in, a letter, written when he was twelve years old: _ "1 would rather see you laid in a grave than grosis up a profane and graceless boy.,' Not long before the death of Mr. Adams, a gentleman said to him, "1 have found out who macle,yeu." " Whay do you mean?" asked Mr. Adams. The -gentleman replied, "1 have been reading the published letters of your moth- er." " If," this gentleinan relates, "1 had spoken that clear name to some little boy who had been. for weeks away from his mother, his eyes could not have flashed more brightly than did the eyes of that ven- erable man when I pronounced the -name of his mother. He stood up in his peculiar manner and said : Yes, sir; all that is good in me I owe to my mother.'" • .1 THE HURON EXPOSITOR. ion. He did the work well, and was much appreciated by his political chiefs of what- ever party. He had the handsome pension of $2,700 a year. -Sunday morning 25th ult., a stable ownedby Thomas Easton, in Sarnia was badly - damaged by fire. Two valuable horses perished in :,the flames. A lan- tern exploding is supkosed to have been the cause. -At the late assizes in Winnipeg, Wilson and Wallace were acquitted on a charge of murdering Paul Blondin, The Judge said the Crown had not made out a case, and ordered the jury to return a verdict of not -guilty. -Mrs. Snider, of Otterville, a widow, fell into a cistern the other day, and stood in four feet'of cold water for two hours, shout- .ing for help. She may never entirely re- cover from the effects. -One hundred acres of .valuable farin land adjoining the Village of Komoka, in the township of Lobo, Middlesex county, and upon-which'are a good two-storey residence, ; bartaand building, Were offered for sale by Mr. 3. W. Jones, on Saturday, March 24th. The clerk of the Chancery Court placed the property at an upset price of $4,500, but as none of the bids reached that figure the sale was withdrawn. ; -Tiverton has been torn up over the dis appearance of T. B. Milier, principal of the Public school. His flight is proof of the charge that he had seduced a young girl pupil. For a time he denounced the rumor as a blackmailing scheme, and many sided with him. Heaves an excellent teachenand apparently a very moral man. A -wife and several children are left behind. At the Dufferin assizes, held at Orange - vine, on Monday, 18th inst., Justice Mac - Mahon disposed of a suit over land in sharp , order, by drawing his pen through the back of the record and dismissing the case. The value of the land in dispute was 20 cents, and the costs will be in the neighborhood of $.500. Each party .was ordered to pay his own costs. -On Sunday evening last week, a young man of Teeswater was not acting just .as he should act in one of the churches, and next day he offered to thrash the usher who re- proved him. The official declined the thrashing and laid a couple of informations against the young man, one for disturbing a place of worship and the other for the pugil- istic demonstration. It required. '$7.50. in cold cash to make things jest as they were before this little.incident occurred. 7 --On Tuesday afternoon of last week, a large number1 of friends and relatives of John Campbell, jr., assembled at the Grand Trunk Railway Station; Harriston, to see him and his two sisters leave for Grand Forks, Dakota. Mr. Campbell has spent . the winter visiting among his many rela- tives on the 4th concession of Minto: He takes his two sisters, who have been living with their uncles, Messrs. R. and T. Wilkin, for th.e past five years baek to their old. home. --Mrs. McMahon, wife of,Dr. McMahon, M. P. P., - who died -recently at her home in Dundas, was a sister of F. R.. Ball, Q. C., County Attorney, Woodstock ; Rev. W. 8. Ball, a -prominent Presbyterian divine of Toronto ; Mrs. McKenzie and Mrs. Rankin, of Detroit ; Mrs. Piper, of Woodstock, and Mrs. McFarlane, of Niagara -on -the -Lake. , The family first settled at Niagara in 1796, when her grandfather, a United Empire Loyalist, came over from the States. Her mother was a sister of the elate William Notman, who at one time represented North Wentworth in the Domini= Par- liament. - -Mr. William Fraser, of the 7th conces- sion of Kincardine, died on the 6th March, after being a bed -ridden invalid for fourteen Years, during most of which time he was unable to move a limb. He was born in Sutherlandshire, Scotland, in the year 1832, and emigrated to Canada when quite young. A Wide* and eleven children survive him, his sons being Dr. Roderick, Dan and John, Of Victoria,British Columbia Alex., of Nanaimo, British Columbia, and William, Who lives on the homestead." His daughters are Mrs. Matthew Berry and Mrs. John Collins, of Kincardine, 'Mrs. Captain Mc- Leod, of Vancouver, British Columbia, Miss Kate, of Chicago, -and Misses Ettie and Maggie, of •Kincardine township. A College Girl Who Could Make Bread. "Bread," exclaimed a Vassar College, " Bread ! Well, I should say I can make bread. We studied that in onr first year. You see the yeast ferments and the gas thus formed permeates everywhere, and transforms the plastic material into a clearly obvious atomic structure, and then-" "But what is the plastic material you speak of ?" Ob! .that is Commonly called the sponge." " tut how do you make this sponge ?" " Why,you don't naake it; the cook attends to that. Then we test the .sponge with the thermometer and hydrometer, and a lot of other instruments, the names of which I don't remember, and then hand it back to the cook, and I don't know what she does with it then, but when it cornea on the table it is just splendid." • A Famous Rose. Many flowers owe their names to famous people. Among the number are the dahlia, named for Dahl, a Swedish florist ; the magnolia, for Magnol, a celebrated French botanist ; and the fuchsia, for Fuchs, a dis- tinghished German savant. But . there is only one instance known when a mrn awl a flower received a title- at the same mo . How it happened is pleasantly told i Wide Awake : When Niel, a brave French General, ese: returning from the scene of his victoria,: 1;1 the war between France and Austria, he re- ceived from -a peasant, who wished to honer the hero, it basket of beautiful pale yellow TOses. One of the stems, which happened th have roots dinging to it, the general took te a -florist in Paris, in whose -care it re- Mained until it became a thriving bush COY- ored with blossoms. Neil then took the plant as a gift to Empress Eugenie. She ex- pressed great admiration for the. exquisite flowers, and on learning that the rose was nameless, said significantly : " Then I will name it. It shall be " The Mareschal • ; A New Theory about Jonah. A Southern man says that Rev. Mr. Jas - pier, of Richmond, who believes that "the sun do move," isthe author of an original and unique explanation of the story of Jonah and the whale. It is as follows : "Dat country war a sea shoah .an' de hotels (ley was named aftah de tings ob .de sea. Dat was de Sailors' Rent, de Mariners' Retreat, de Seafaring Man's Home an' a lot ob- sich - places jest as pan kin fin' em at Norfolk now. Among dese places was one. called de Whale's Belly. Jonah came along,' an' he didn't hab no scrip in his purse. He etaid. dar tree days, an' when the landlady found he didn't hab any money she spewed him out. It is gib to us to show when we don't' treat a man right kase he's pore we may be kickin' an angel unawares 1' For the Farmer's Wife. The rural farmer's wife: who has a faded kitchen carpet and cannot afford to buy a new one this season should make a strong dye any colors you prefer, and apply with an old tooth brush while the carpet is firm- ly tacked to the floor. If it is a rag carpet, use stripes and shade the different colors by using it weak 'dye ; if an ingrain, follow the original pattern, or if wholly obliterated, trace with pencil on very thick cardboard. an oak or maple leaf, cutting mit the design with a sharp knife. Press the piece of card-. board firmly to the carpet and apply vari- ous"'shades of brown dye. • If my flower friends have an Obstinate fuchia, that refuses to bloom, they should place a few pieces of copperas on top Of the soil above the toots, aucl in a few clays watch the result. I never knew it to fail to pro- duce, buds. The very best potato chopper I ever used is an inverted baking powder can, minus the cover. Try it. My sentiment as regards old horses that . ahve seen their best days, do not -sell them; for a song, but keep thein for the good they have done, and bury them when dead on the farm. .• News Notes. -0-eneral•Booth, of the Salvation Army, will visit Canadanextfall, when - he will conduct a jubilee Salvation Campaign throughout the Dominion and the United States. -Charles 'O'Neil, a yming Englishman living near Niagara, was drowned while crossing -the river On Thursday afternoonof last week. His boat became fast in the drifting ice and he attempted to crawl ashore. -By the death of Mr. Jelin Langton, says the Toronto Mail, a gentleman who, during the period of his active service, Was a very able and efficient Federal officer, is removed. Mr.- Langton was a prominent man in Peterborough in the '40'S.11 He was a member of the old Parliament of Canada for some years, and in 1855 took a position in the Finance Department as Auditor Gener- al, or deputy of the Minister. He attended to the finances from that year until August, 1878, when he accepted superannuation, and gave way to Mr. Courtney, who is now the first officer under Mr. , Foster. Mr. Langton had a very difficult task to per- form, namely, the adjustment 6f the finan- cial relations of the provinces to the Donain- A Wonderful Gift. - A silver egg was once presented to it Sax- on priucess. By a secret spring the egg was opened and disclosed a yolk of gold. By another spring the golden yolk was opened, "and there stood a beautiful bird. By press- ing the bird's wings its breast was opened, revealing a jeweled crown. And even with- in the crown, reached like the rest by a spring, was a ring of diamonds which fitted the finger of the princess. How many a promise there is in God's word which contains a ;promise -silver around the gold; gold around the jewels. Yet -how many of God's children ever find their way far enough among the springs to discover the crown of rejoicing or the ring of peace ?-St. Louis Republic. 1 THE BANK OF ENGLAND, INTERESTING FEATURES?' OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST FINANCIAL HOUSE. Scales to Weigh c Wafer -The Operation of Making a Rank of England Note Minutely DeecrIbed-Constant Police Surveillance. One of the first objects of interest upon entering the building is the bullion office, where all the gold and silver that enters or leaves the bank passes through to be checked, says a writer in Harri- son's 'Magazine. To the right is the gold; on the left the silver. The promi- nent feature of the room is the "grand balance,". or scales, constructed by the Messrs. Napier. This marvelous in- strument is a ponderous and peculiarly -- built weighing machine, standing nearly seven feet high and weighinz about two tons. The whole is under a huge glass case, access being gained thereto by a . sliding panel. The scale is worked by; , hydraulic power, and is the most sensi-11 tive weighing maching in existence. On each side of the `scales are fitted with weight e amounting to 400 ounces. The gold is made up in 400 -ounce bars, and an ounce can be detected. By the mani the difference of one-thoutandth part o pulation of the machine, so tiny a thin as a postage stamp can be weighed,foij on the same being placed upon the scald the index will jump a distance of no les than six inches. It is the only balance of its kind in the world, and cost abou $10.000, THE- SILVER SCALE. The silver wale is not so finely balanci- ed and'thetwo are respectively christeni- ed "The Lord Chief Justice" and "The Lord 11,igh Chancellor." In another room are\several machines for weikhing sovereikns and half sovereigns. Each machine coneists of a complicated sys- tem of counterweights, and it is not unlike a sewing machine as to its lower half, the whole being completely inclos- ed in glass. A long feeder, like a tube cut in half down its length, and made of braes, is set at an angle of45 degrees, and isfilled with a long roll of sover- eigns. These turn as they slip down on to a circular movable plate, slightly larger than a sovereign. If the coin is of the right weight, it slips down a metal tube into a till below. Should, however, it prove to be lighter than the standard, the delicate machine turns to the left, and. condemns it to the guillo- tine. Theseinachines weigh coins at the rate of 26 per minute,and a day's weigh- ing at the bank amounts to about $500,- 000. TONS OF DEFUNCT CIRCULATION. Another interesting feature is to be found in the vault containing the de- funct circulation of the bank. Some idea can be gained of the quantity when we say that they are over 77,000,000 in number, and that they fill 1400 boxes, which if placed side by side would reach two and a half miles. If the notes Were placed in a pile they would reach a height of five and a half miles; or if joined end to end, would form a ribbon 12,455 miles long. Theia superficial- ex- tent is little less than Hyde Park; their original value was over £1,750,000, and their weight exceeds ninety and a half tons. Among them is a note for £1,000,- 000, also the first bank note ever issued (one for £500, and another for £250 left at the bank for 111 years, whose accu- mulated interest raised ite value to R60,- 000. MAKING A BANK NOTE. The printing of the existing papencur- rency is an ihteresting process. The notes are struck off two at a time on hand-niade paper, which, upon being cut, gives three rough edges and one smooth one to each piece of paper -a distinguishing feature of a Bank of Eng- land note: Tee paper is manufactured at the bank's own mill, and the produc- tion of it is intrusted entirely to the members of one family. The ink used in printing the notes is made from the charred stewof the Rhenish vine, which is beiieved to pro- duce the richest black of any ink in the world. Each strip of paper has to be strictly accoimted for, the whole process being under effective supervision. The bank can boast of possessing the wealthi- est room in the world, in the shape of a kind of vault surrounded from floor to ceiling by iron safes containing rows upon rows of gold coin in bags. of £10,- 000 each, and pile upon pile of bank notes. The amount of specie contained in ,this room is not less than £80,000,000- ficteoNnrniojetncgtion with the bank is the fact that he least interesting feature in the whole system from beginning to end is under constant police espionage, in addition to the military protection, and the electric arrangements are so com- plete that communication with all parts of. the building can be effected at a mo- ment's notice. 'Woman and Poverty., It is hard to the womanof small means and- luxurious tastes to keep within her income and abreast with the times, but a little sound sense, in the way of find- ing out short cuts to economy will work w onders. The woman who has learned to make a good appearance upon next to nothing becomes an object of envy to her less fortunate sisters. It is largely a ques- tion of investigation, of watching sales, of Shopping properly, of making $1 buy $1 worth of goods. And only that severe teacher -experience -will teach all this. A wonian can be dignified even if she is poor, nor should she feel that because poverty has flung its somber cloak about her she should draw its folds still closer and hide herself from the pure sunshine of the door or the kindly friendship of her friends. Too many women are inclined, when poor, to withdraw into a shell, snail fashion,and become crabbed and poverty spoiled. Poverty is not the greatest of crimes, as many suppose. There are lots of things worse that that, and wealth is not the alpha and omega of ha ppiness. The woman of fine nature will accept this fact gracefully, and by her example help niany a -disheartened woman to look on the bright side of life;to look her finances squarely in the face and avoid laying -out her money in unnecessary expenditure. By a bit of forethought a small sum of money can woek wonders, as the active, fine natured woman who has learned it all well knows.-Cincin- na i Enquirer. a Sunny Days of Boyhemod. One of the happiest remembrances of the 8( uthern gentleman is of the sunny days of Loyhood when he crawled under the heti ancl slept with the big water- melons. -Galveston News. • hospitality to be ob iged every day to enter- tain a tedious old woman of 80. The fah,- orite book or the necessary piece of work had to be put aside in order to shout bits of conversation in her ear. At last the father, in desperation, planned to go into a sudden fit of temper in the hope of convincing her that they were not pleasant people to visit. Accordingly one evening, when he return- ed from business and found the old lad present as usual, he began to talkloudly and in an irritated voice. Then, growing more excited, he stamped about the room, knock- ing furniture right and left, and ended by going out and banging the door after him. The old lady knitted away quietly through the confusion, and when the man was gone she turned to the family and said in a com- forting voice : "1 reckon it was mighty lucky' was here or you'd had to take it. But you needn't be frightened. 1,11 stay right here with you till he gets over • Mr. Moody in Chicago. People who ask the question, "Is Chris- tianity played. out ?" may perhaps be helped to its solution by the following extract from an article on " Chicago," by Dr. A. J. Gordon: Mr. Moody estimates that from 30,000 to 40,000 people have been reached by his special Sunday evangelistic services. This multiplied by seven days easily foots up about 200,000 brought weekly within reach of the gospel. Every good opening for the gospel is readily seized. When Forepaugh's great circus tent had been set up in the city, Mr. Moody tried to secure it for Sun- day. He was granted the use of it for a Sabbath morning service, but as the man- ager expected Sunday in Chicago to be a great harvest day, he reserved the tent on the afternoon and evening for his own per- formance. Fifteen thousand people eame to hear the simple gospel preached and sung at the morning service. The circus, however, was so poorly attended in the afternoon and evening that Sunday exhibitions were soon abandoned. More than that, the manager said. he had never been in the habit of giving performances on Sunday, and .shauld not attempt it again, and he offered, if Mr. Moody would appoint an evangelist to travel with him, to open his tent thereafter on Sundays for gospel meetings and be re- sponsible for all expenses. It was the same with the theaters. At first they declined to allow religious serrice,s on Sunday. Their performances on that day not having proved as successful as they anticipated, now Mr.' Moody can hire almost any be wishes to secure:. -Christian .Commonwealth. -The large number of marriages that have taken place in Harriston during the past few months, has caused a boom in the retail furniture trade in that town. • The Evolution Of medicinal agents is gradually relegating the old-time herbs, pills; draughts and vege- table extracts to the rear and bringing into general use the pleasant and effective liquid laxative; Syrup of Figs. To get the true remedy see that , it is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. For sale by all leading druggists. an ea.- GRATE FULe--•COM FORTING. Ineffectual. In country places where amusement is not abundant and people depend upon each other for diversion, neighborly familiarity naturallyflourishes, and the habit of run- ning to visit friends may- be carried to an unpleasant excess. A family living in North Carolina found it something of a strainnpon their ideas of EPPS': - COCOA_ BREAKFAST -SUPPER. "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws whieh govern the operations of digestion and nutri- tion, and by a careful application of the fine proper- - ties of well -selected Coate. Mr.Epps has provided for our breakfast and aupper a delicately flavoured bev- erage which may save us many heavy doctors' bins. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until. strong enough to reeist every tendency to disease. Hun- dreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many it fatal shaft by keepingourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nouriehed frame." -Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with boiling water or milk. eold only in packets, by Grocers, labelled thus: TAMES EPPS & CO., LTD., Hosmemerine canners, LONDON, ENGLAND. 1851-26 A Quarter of a Century. .For more . than twenty-five years hie; Hagyard's Yellow Oil been sold by druggists, and it never yet failed to give satisfaction as e household remedy for pain, lameness and soreness of the flesh, for exter- nal and internal use in all painful complaints. ee • se Milburn's Cod Liver Oil Emulsion with Wild Cherry and Hypophosphites cures all throat and lung troubles. Evil. Results Removed. Overeating and lack of exercise cause indigestion or dyspepsia, this causes headache, bad blood, ponsti- pation, etc. Burdock Blood Bitters cures dyepopsia and removes its evil results. High Healing Powers arepossessed by Victoria Carbolic Salve. The best remedy for Cuts, Burns, Sores and Wounds. ....____ A Prompt Cure. GENTLEMEN, -Having suffered over two years with constipation, and the doctors not having helped me, I concluded to try B. B. B., and before I used one bottle I was cured. I can also recommend it for siek headache. ETHEL P. Hems, Lakeview, Ontario. it Coughs and Colds lead ta consumption if neglected. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures quickly and is pleasant to take. After the Grippe is Over. DEAR. SIRS, -My husband, havine a severe cough from La Grippe, used one bottle of Hagyard's Pec- toral Balsam and found it the best couch medicine he had ever used. AIRS. H. Moorce, --est sees-- Aurore, Ont. -Itch on human and horses and all animeds, cured in 20 teinuesa by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by Lumsden & Wilson., Facts for the People. It is admitted that the healing virtues of the pine surpass all other remedies for throat and lung dis- eases. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup places these valuable properties within the reach of all. It is the best cough cure. -Englids Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calleused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone,,Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throati Coughs, etc. eave $60 by use of one bottle. Warrented the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever knosen. Sohl by Lumsden & Wilson. -e•-•-eue MONTEEAL, September 4th. TO THE PUBLIC :-In tny practice, and in the capacity of 'Veterinary Editor of the "Family Herald and Weekly Star," I have had occasion te test the merits of "Dick's Horse and Cattle Medicines." I have found them so thoroughly reliable that I have preacribed them in hundreds of cases, in all o which the3 has;e proved highly satisfactory. R. W. GICAUMd. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal„ says: " Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do um any good." Price 60 cents. Sold by all druggists. •-•.- "The Beauty" of having a 'eottle of Perry DAVIS' Pain Killer in the house is,. that you aro prepared for the "worst," Croup or Chreera, the Pain Huller is a sovereign remedy. 25e. Big Bottle. • A Keene Lady. A lady named Mrs. T. C. M. Humphries, living in Keene, Ontario, who used only two bottles of Mem- bray's Kidney and Liver Cure, has forwarded a statement to the effect that it completely cured her of inflammatory rheumatism, kidney and liver troubles. Such a complication of diseases yielding to this remedy should encourage sister sufferers to give it an honeat trial. ire • se Having been troubled with biliousness and head- ache, with lose of appetite, I wee advised to try Dr. Carson's Bitters, and found great relief' after a few doses. W. F. CANIN, Toronto, Ont. olle • lee " High mountains are a feeling But the bum of human cities torture" to those who suffer from headache, neuralgia and biliousness, but Stark's Powders are an immediate, pleasant and permanent cure. You can get them from any good druggist for 26 etude a box. 6 . . ' ... . , _ . . . . . . ,roar-mia..........a. --.,........, -,,...._,........,--a, ,-oat ,......... a...,- --,._-,.- ...a aaa-- ',a...a,. . inflivinmatory Rheumatism. GENTLEMEN, -After suffering for sometime from inflammatory rheumatism I got a bottle of B. B. B., which, I am glad to say, cured me, and left me with good appetite and health. I can reeoramend it both for impure blood and rheumatism. EDITH Ana 4-01C, Arkwright, Ontario. e•-• ess- Milburree Beef Iron and Wine the best $1. Beef, Iron and Wine, Milburn's the best 01. The beat Beef, Iron and Wine, Milburn's $1. • Mrs. T S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tennessee, Bays: " Shiloh's Vitalizer 'SAVED MY LIFE.' I consider it the beet remedy for a debilitated system I ever used."' For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it excels. Price, 75 cents. Sold by all druggists. I have used Dr. Carson's Bitters for twelve months, and can say that they are, for an appetiser, purga- tive, and nerve tonic, the best I ever vsed. 3. liteirrue. Notary Public. Toronto, Ontario. .0 0-6. SHILOH'S CURE is sold on a guarantee. It cures Incipient Coneumption. It is the best Cough Cure. Gnly one cent a dose; 25 cts., 60 cts. and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by all druggists. RHEUMATISM Cum) ix A DAY.- South Ameriean Rheumatic Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radi- cally cures in 1 to 8 days. Its action upon the sys- tem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once t o cause and the disease immediately disap. pears The ilrst dose greatly benefittee 75 cents. Sold y Lumsden & Wilson, druggists, /Ntforth. dem IN SIX HOURS. -Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the Great South American Kidney Cure." This neve remedy is it great surprise and delight on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, hack and every part of the urinary Passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold by Lumsden & 'Wilaon, Seaforth. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorise When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Ca.s toria, How to get a " Sunlight " Picture. Send 26 "Sunlight" Soap wrappers (wrapper bearing the words "Why Does aWoman Look Old Sooner than a Man " ) to LEVER BNOS., Ltd., 48 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising, and well worth framing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market, and it will only cost lo. postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write your address carefully. •••••••=1•••••••••• Don't Lose Heart. PLANT PERTLY'S SEEDS this year, and make up for IOSI time. Ferry's Seed kennel for I891wM give yen many valuable hints about what to raise and how to raise -it. It contains informa- tion to be had from no other source. Free te all. D.M.Ferry &Co. Windsor, Ont. HURRAH FOR THE FAIR. VARIETY FAIR a Is just one year old and growing fast. Money is scarce but people will go to the Fair to get bargains. We do not give goods away, we will not sell at cost, but we will sell cheap and make it interesting for all who may favor us with their orders. People of Seaforth and surrounding country will find it to their advantage to call and exainine our stock of Fancy Goods Stationery, Tinware Glassware, Rockinghamware VVoodenware, Baskets Bicycles, Baby Carriages, Express Wagons, Etc. We keep almost everything. It is worth your while to call in even if you don't buy anything, just to see what an array of goods we have. Last but not Least. -We keep the famous - SINGER - ]SEWING - MACHINE. It now burns te 'the tune of 64 first awards at the Chicago World'alFair, more than double the number reoeived by all the other companieut. In tendering thanks to our many friends and cus- tomers for past favors we cordially solici a continu- ance of the same. Don't Forget the Place. VARIETY FAIR CA D NO'S BLOCK FIRST DOOR NORTH OF E.McFAUL'S Milburn & Laird. - 1389-tf SHILOH S COM M P110 - CURE. This GREAT COUGH CURE, this suc- cessful CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos- itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can successfully stand. If you. have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup or 'Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease CONSUMPTION, don' t jail to use it, it will cure you or cost nothing. Ask your Drug- gist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price To cts., So cis. and $t.00. SEAFORTH Musical : Instrument -Favipo.E6TCTIVI Scott Brothers, PROPRIETORS, SEAFORTHI - ONTARIO. hD; uDnhamomin,iNonewpYiaonrok C; oWrn.. BellCo, Guelph; Corn - any, Bowmanville. pEttent)l,,&BCoow..inGanuevlipuhe Dofni"nioGnA0Nrii: D. W. Karn & Co., Woodstock. 0 et<10 CD Poi -0 4=Li puiva co. .*W f15-. g 0 CD 1-••• 1.40-..0 th, CD 0 taD - )-1 0.1 trti 1-1 CD CD 1_1 cp I I -cPQ at 0 ae . eeez I2 t-;" ce3 W 0 et -P 5cD • ct- oa as) 1-3 o ca. tS- 0 gi-) I;Dt- CD di. at cp P.., • et • it CC) ee O Ff /-/e • r2:1 151, 015 5 12r. eis CD CD CD t 4 CDcJas .01 ID 0 • 5- 1-t The above Instrumenta always on hand, alum a few good second-hand Pianos and Organs for sale at from 025 upwards. Instruments sold on the instal- ment plan, or on terrns to suit customers, Violins, 3oneertinas and sinal instruments on hand Siso'sheet booke SCOTT BROS. to 1-i • r:$ 3 z sHilladif3S lommi Ie0 P 1:1 0 2 P‘ P-t-ci 0 pFw 0 24a.aQ Citi r•"! - W 0OCD 0.1 of) t:d 0 CD 1-3 P.) matt rio P.1 ti P3. t• -t •=w Zr. CD CD * * * * * eir * CARS014s STOMACH Bi' ;'TER5 CURES CONSTIPATION, BILIOUSNESS, SOUR STOMACHj DYSPEPSIA! AND BAD BLOOD. It Purifies and Streuirtherus the entire System. 64 DOSES FOR 50 CENTS The best medicine ever discovered. SOLO EVE RYWNIESE. arBA&P!TBH 'NOWII. CD • CD C/2 c-1- 0 ri/ c-1- )•-▪ •4 0 CD CD c+ 0 Y2 1=a 0 P•1 0 11 r -d Citt CD CD 0-4 CD a, y[11 sovs3. 013 i.u. MleS Nvinouso %LW:AH.1A NIVIAI 14.oict.,tivas :2? Dr. McLellan,, London, 497 Talbot Street, Specialist on the EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT Graduate of the New York Eye and Ear Hos/A*1, 889. Post Graduate Course at the New York Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital on the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, 1892. Eyes Tested. Full took of Artlfical Eyes, Spectacles and Lenses. Will be at the RATTENBilitY ROUSE; CLIISTONI ON FRIDAY, MARCH 2nd, 1894 Hours- 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Claerges Moderate -At Brunawiek House, Wingharn, on the 101 Thurs. day of *sok month. 1361x52 a