HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-03-30, Page 4T I ---------- - R !, 7, 7- 17 .4 4 T_ _R E, XPOSITOR.' MARCH! 30.9 10946 AL 1A1 IMW AbVJ91RTISJ9M19WS. was $34.26. The expenditure tau t useful oc upatieng, so ths t per pupil g t instead of that the vast majority of the farmers a new railroad froni Ohio river to the Ajaoth appre- given to ism Davis & Sons, without er removal by death of a moxt esAM VLThe figure between the parenthesis after each the several institutes in this County are being a burden upon their friends or the' ciate what is being done for their calling and tender, for the sum of $374,000.; Why the Pacific coast, and other leirisla-tion in the in- able woman is that of Mrs. L Brown wife ot that theY will show their appreciation when vernment have violated- the rule of ek1ling terets of the westei portion of the coun- Mr. John Brown, of the same -joy, had a h one denotes thi me of the -paper on which the follows : Goderich, $10,385 ; Clinton, Public they are,, not only able to e rn their' advertisement wilt be found. oncession, ",062 ; Seafo;th, $5,892, making the total ances, the first opportunity offers. hco 'You Will Find -Smith & Steef. (6) own living, but are in not, A few inst for -tenders for all public works there is no tr r. The start will,' be next Sunday, and also a siker-of the late H. Snell other AsT- wr. Hamilton expects to leave Colorado urred on Tuesda lso explanation except that Davis & ons had a g But the Lion Bobbed up Serenely -Bright Br3s. (5) 4*penditure in thi's County $22,339. Of useful members of society. It is almost im. r ha , after an illness contract near at hand on the Cornwall with -at lea -at 50,000 Od take recruits, along several months. e W"a in Fruit Tren-J. T. Westoott. (8) _42 . s ainount the Government contributes pos Canal with which the new work is connect. e of t1le olessed'tG V Boarders Wanted -Expositor office. (8) UP sible to compute the value these inatitu- THE Toronto the line. The armywill demand free trans- Hill Presbyterian church, an I Grain Crushing-4acobe &.11art. (r) Empire says The Globe ed. - The dam in question renders useless portation from the railroads. and three daughters—one of the Wal Goder'lehhad an average attend- tions have been 'to, the Province. They does not try to defend the iniquitous princi- a IA More Truth than POetrY--Jackson & Greig. (I) �N , - ectiqua five and six, of the Cornwall Canal, SuzEP AT GLASGow.—The 5W sheep con-' the wife of r. H. Kelly, —Aug" ce of 243'pupils, Clinton, 159, and Sea- hae, no doubt, cost a� g ,lama V, flil Haruese--X. Broderick. (6) ah ood deal, but it -is ple of paying public officials by fees which for the improvement of which Messrs. Gil. signed to a Glasgow firm and shipped on the —Tenders are being received for the erec. Auditors! Abstract. -Town of Sestorth. (5) f I Girt Wanted-wo. 1. V. Fear. Irth, 213. It would also be nteresting to doubtful if the money could 'have been aa obtains in this Province under the Christian bert k Son had a contract, go that besides steamer Siberian, must' be slaughtered, as tion of a wooden; brid�e over the well knovul ThreFhing Vaebine for Sale -Henry Smith. (5) glye the manner in which these institutions Wll, has lefl e Kindergarten - Miss Bennoch. (8) profitably spent in any other way. approval of Sir Oliver Mowat.') What is the large sum already paid to the contrac- no landin branch of the aitlan, at the site Of the- joi on T f facilities have been provided for ealralale Property for Sale—gee. Dune -an a#ip maintained that. is the proportion, tors for these sections, there will be a fur- them. e Siberian sailed from New York old Graham bridge in in (6) Wi b life. Nve V g am If quite so, but the Empire, while condemning. ther loss in compensation for the caneella- with the sheep on March 15. . e value of Closing out Sale—J. Mcintoeb. (8) wJlich the Province, the County and the The Salaries -Fee Co' erected this bridge will ibilbane Tenders Wanted -w. Proudfoot. (5) innussion. the fee system under the Gove brig�teat i rnment of tion of their contract. It is possible that a DIED.—Mr. Frank Leslie eldest son of the propert over the river 'very consid6r- unday me] Effle Elaine Hext coming to Seaforth. (8), low municipality has to bear of the whole The Globe of Friday'last makes the fol- special committee will he asked to investi- the late Frank Leslie, died in a New York ably,.by in& ing it tliree-quarWrs of Ladies' Spring Suits -H. F. Edwards. (8) Mr. Mowat, justifies it under v a IQe oex gate these jobs. hospital on Monday evening, of right's nearer to the town. Assignee's Sale-kobert Logan. (5) 'pense, but space prevents our going fur lowing announcement: The Commission- ment of Sir John Thompson. This' is the NOTES. disease. He was 50 years of age. lightning - New Firm- Willard & Co. (8) tl��r in thih direction at 'this time, but we era in the matter of the Provincial - c —On Wednesday, 14th inst., Wall Papers -James araves. (s) quiet wed. ountY difference. between the two papers. The The Toronto members have refused to MORA�TONS Go* -G -TO ME.-ico. —Another din took place at the residencef Mr.Jolin -Soiiiewhat, 1 officials have been appointed, namely, Chan - Opened -D. s. Faust. (s) rn�y give this on a future occasion. Carnival Rehearsals, (8) Globe will not condone in the Ontario Gov- present to the House Labor Union petitions colony of severall thousand Mormons will ta way to Purehis, e8yrup-J.'O,Lmidlaw, (8) Bel of Blyth, when his eldest � aalighter, Pi cellor Boyd, the respected President of the course evem ernment what it condemns in the Dominion asking for a plebiscite on the future of the migrate from 'Utah to the Degolade dis- M�ry, -wa united in marriage to Mr. Wal JardheAds] Ponsisfency Thou Art a Jewel. High Court of Justice; the Hon. John Bev country, on the ground that it would be a trict, Mexico, n6xt'fall. Felker, of Auburn. Rev. Mr. Higley per: 'Thurs� but the Empire condemns at Toronto -wha oil erley Robinson, a distinguished Conserva- violation of their oath of allegiance. Bowx RIcii, DIED A PiuPER.—Charles, formed the ceremony in the pretence of daughter p! The jewel of -consistency certainly does it tries to justify at Ottawa. . ars, died at Marshall, few friends. 'The young couple take tive, who has held high positions in the gift The number of immigrants to, Canada, Covert, aged 76 ve. i i- UP no rest upon the brows of some of the lead- west of Lake Superior last year was 11,366, ,at. tit t of the people; Mr. Thomas Brooke, of the Illinois, on the 21s 4 - Born in -affluence, their residence in Auburn. nine month ing member�'of the, Oppogition in the On- a, decline of 1,260 below the previous he lost all and died a county charge. Mr. —while the Holinesville Patronsere year. Township of Brantford ajO Mr. John J. DOINGS AT THE DOMINION The number of homestead entries by se Covert was one of the 250 heirs to the fa- hrlding their meeting the other -night, f uneral to taijo Legislature. Last week they made a ttlers A,. S.EAFORTH F�RIDAY, March, soth, ls94. Hobson, of tile Township of Guelph, far 'CAPITAL. in the Northwest was 4,067, a decr;ase from mous Harlem Flats, 9, portion of New York p® ons driving through the village stopped motion in amendment to the motion to go in- the service. last year of 763. city, valued at $66,000,000. at the shed and unblanketed every horse btit erg with a Provincial reput tion for all th Zels "mete intp. committee of supply, to tbe effect that 6se (By Our Special Correspondent) Major-General Herbert's militia report BIG SNOW STORM I$ GER-MA-,Ny.—S li the three good everal one, and took away wit. The Old Policy but a New Tariff.' it is desirable to pay public fficers, such as qualities which create public -confidence, and OTTAWA, March- 271h. about which so much laa been said, is now parts of Germany ha*e been visited by vio- robes, two blankets and a inuffier, Mr. John James Mason, of I Hamilton The first week of the session has closed in the hands of the printer and will be short- nt which have seriously ift- amilel Sturdy being the heaviest loser Mr. Foster, the Dominion 'Finance Alin- registrars, sheriffs, &c., by silary instead, of a le' snow storms without an thing more exciting than the ly laid on the table of the House. they took his rob ister, delivered his Budget Speech on Tues- by fees also that all such officers should be man of exceptional business Aility and . ex y terfered with tr�vel.' Many railroads are as e, blanket and Mr. Mulock's bill regulat ocean freight buried in snow, and 14 some pl�ces trains muffler. are visitiN tensive experience. Accordin introduction by Mr. McCarthy of hi' bill to day; afternoon last. It was, prGbaly, one appointed by theCounty. Councils or elected g to- the Lieu- are blocked in drifts from which it was well Ils dia- rates on cattle, will wt ire pressed to a —J. Isamer, grocer, of Brussels )Dd. A10,9017 of the longest as well as on e by the people. Being moved as it was, it tenant -Governor's speech, as -'we undergtand abolish the official use' of. the French second reading this session- n h impossible to reloase them. Highways osed of his business to Messrs. 'Taylor..& lGoinq deliverantes ever made in e, of the most abl was practically, a vote of oners will, be aF ght. the - House. He -want of confi- it, the duty of the Commissi to language in the Northwest, and to relegate The estimated expenditure 'from consoli- e out of si 89millie, who took possessioil on Wednesdiy, him, as h4 OVERD' UE —There are now last week. Mr. E'amer's health has Ashbury h,, ascertain and report all material facts bear- to the Northwest Assembly exclusive' con- dated fund for the year beginning 30th " STEAMERS. commenced to speak at three o'clock in the dence in the Government, and had it been June next, is $37,321,806, a decrease from /three big ocean steanicrs overdue at New very poor of late, but the vacation he will LyhJen. afternoon and concluded about ele i.r,, the carried -by the Legislature the, Go' ing in any direction on the different views tr,ol over education in the Territories. This The interest on the 0 now bG able to take Will probably help him 11 Yen vernment last year of $371,000. York, the Apoll , State of- Georgia, and Is- town this -i evbning. The speech was important mainly would have had to resign. The -principle which have een expressed with reference to question is of more importance than some public debt will cost over $10,00o,000, an land- It is feared they have come to grief to recuperate. Air. Smillie has spentever. the mode of remunerating and appointing may imagine, because upon it the Cabinet increase of over $250,000. in the ice. al a more form on account of the changes in the tariff that embodied in the resolution is W11 might, but years in Australia, but he think er th( Provincial county officials. Man are divided and the parties are divided. A ' The death of Senator Botsford leaves seven Bism,%.-RcK HimsELF -AGAIN. —Prince Big- of Canada than of any of the Ian& hehas yet latter Ana, were announced. Tile changes are of a na- it is not right to make sport of it, or to use y statements vacancies in the Senate. Seventyseven inarck has recovered 1�1s; health so complete- seen. takeharg, and counter -statements of facts have been Government supporter from Manitoba, ture that will scarcely satisfy any person -'it for the purpose of placing ark opponent in va cies would greatly improve the. body. ly that Dr. Schweni �ii has withdrawn all —D. B. Anderson, r can lige eldest son of )I -r. tin left for made on the subject. To verify 'ild sift limitation upon his antoking and drinking. Findlay Anderson, of East Wawanosh, was he has a si� who is not, prepared to be satisfied with any- a hole and making political capital. If a a Senato Bernier, refused to second the ad - r thing that emanates from the G change of this kind is to be brought about, them impartially and accuratel would alone dress in reply to the speech from the throne, married o4 Wednesday, l4th inst., t10 for East T4 Gvernment. y The Ontario -Legislature. be worth to all parties a commission's work., owing to his inability to support the Gov- Annie Henderson, of Turnberry townhi P) The principles of Protection the proper way is, not by a catch resolution, There has not been very much of,i 'Not left on the 11 o'clock uterest Huron es. near Wingliam ; they cess. are not only maintained, but are gloried, in; although but by a bill, in, which th6 whole scheme is We have no doubt that. much ore thall ernment in its School policy. The Quebec happening in the Legislature during the past William Dane has 0' train for a honeymion trip east, number 4 mem pened out a grocery and win vthere is a definitely outlined. Ili this way a this can and will be doe, and that the la- bers supporting the Government wer some friends while ubreduction of duties in a fair vot week. On Wednesday of laht week, tuber- in Gorrie, in the place formerly occupied by aay. They will called to meet in caucus, but the meeting bors of the Commissioners will be of sub-' was declared off in fear of all open rupt e. culosis and bien Idims township clerk's office. reside in Turnbe where the groom -has; a on: MondaN -great variety ol articles. But these, after could be taken, but by a resolution such as ur nial sessions were the two rry, stantial service towards 'enabling the Legis- Mr. Tarte in hisspeech oil Mr. McCothy —Mr. Harry Stmp, who has been engaged farm. Both are estimable young peOglie and esent, ol all, do not amount to very much, and are that moved by the Oppocition; members 'in '13 not very closely related subjects 'which oc­ with Mr. Donald Ross, of Stanley, for the ha d wishes of their m i Mody hu lature and the country, to settle, the ques_ bill, held the Government responsible for -ve the goo any e)l&. more apparentthan real, while most of the favor of th� principle, who had full confi- all the bad feeling which existed over this cupied virtually the whole of that day's ses- st tNvo years; bas l4t to try his fortune in —One of the pioneers of West Wawano8h, millinery v ions in con hanges lilade A& leave the duty so high dence. in the Government, t troversy intelligently and rlelli an, in the person of Airs. Rose, passed to her & Rlef-s as had to vote question oil the ground -that if they had the sion. The tuberculosis matter came up on Wisely. to be prohibito against their principl Alex.,Fraser,^ of Ailsa Craig, wasin eternal reward recently at the age -of 86 fast, is at es eith rY. on many articles. - The er in one way or courage to declare their policy boldly, it a question by Dr 'Ryerson and a bitter at- tanley during the first part of last' week. s. Her rema' tered in Col� Kinnon "y ear ins were in principal out is on 4gricultural implements. the other. The manner in -which tile, would put a stop to a dajerous agitation. tack on the co gl�nd Minister of Agricul- He has rented his farm and purposes reynov- -vorne emetery, on Friday of last week, OP' THE Province of Quebec has a public debt He pointed out that newspapers controlled He The duty on these is -reduced. from thirty- position br�ught this matter up, therefore, ture wasmade. Mr. Dryden very ably de on to reside. She was the relict of the late H. Rose, nd eats f 1, of $23,586, shed 940; New Brunswick'bas a debt; by members of the'Cabinet, had publi, - ing to Clint' was sufficient to prove their insincerity. of $2, 000, assertion that the French members of fended his course of action, and was strong- The Chicaj as requested a de- has been A� widow for about' 30 years, She the Pr� live per cent -to t ro Herald li Wenty per cer the A., Mr. Fos - ON; Nova Scotia, $1,764,932 tailed obituary of th -91 late Joseph White- wais a member of the Manchester Presby- Of ter expects that the' reducti: But there are even stronger grounds than the Cabinet had threatened to resign. ly supported by Mr. Awrey, and other Lib- head of Clito and evenhi ons in duties Manitoba, $2,209,000; British Columbia, There' re other things which go to show teri n, for use in one of its an church, and leaves two sons and two a special Will decrease �the revenue by about this for sta g that they are only worki eral members, anion —ReN% $1,500,- t them Mr. editions. daughters, one of the latter being the� wife ng $620 844. The Dominion of Canada has a debt that the Cabinetare simply drifting. They -9 Bishop, 000. for effect. t -is not in connection wiA the Afeth4 On Wednesda;y, Sir Richard Cart- )h On- South Hur —We understand that the sons 4 the late of Mr. WASerlinageour, Of $9242,000,000, being at the rate of $50' cannot agree as to a policy on the French Of on, who"made some bumo, Wright replied in a tario offices alone that per rous Lizzile Pre from fees very large, fu L. W� in town st three hours speech. it a change treaty, and they cannot apparently control remarks anent the Joseph Whitehead, of Clinton, -have initi- —On Saturday, 17th inst., Rev. ]lead of the population. Ontario stands out all �eing ated legal proceedings to have his will set Di�hl, of Clinton received a telearam from was among his best and most racey efforts. to salaries ;uld be made with advantage to of their supporters. , There are, however, made over the matter by the opposition. a,%ide, conspicuously and alone. It has *� not only a score of members who have promises of Duluth,- Wisconsin, stating that Eis brother, 7 the public. A similarhange could also be These renlarks were objected to by Mr. —Mr. If. Elford, of Goderich township, G. Diehl, was missing,and it was thought he no public debt, but has -a s appointments and upon these the Govern - made in 6minion offices as 9 Meredith, who considered the subject one ell. !But, nient c4`1i safely depend. The w commenced seeding oil Wednesday of last was drowned. Last week he receied word Educational System of upon six millions of dollars, about o for very gra-ve consideration. Tile doctors week. from big brother's wife, stating that George drawing 6 these i no Mil- to talk so loudly in the On- Others in thrit neighborhood are Ontario. A,BEHRING SEA DANGER. lion and a- half of which is cash in the banks, on'tbe Opposition side were particular lik I to start in a few days. had not been well of late, uffering froin tir The Ontario ario in regard to Educational Department and the balance prod6es interest to the ly over taxation of work and gr t r po b tario, Legisla e about a change in Out Sir John Thonipson's. statement to the vehement in their declamations r. Robert Carlisle has sold his fifty ea es nsi, il for the spi CkrtwrighVs have issued in neat pamphlet form a report I to ity, as foreman in the mill-wright depart- -plow last i Offices have not a word to say in favor of a Houseln reply to Sir Richard the disease discovered in A few of the cattle acre farm, on the 2nd concession of Ha amount of over three hundred thousand dol- questions respecting Behring Sea Polic re- at. the Guelph farm. Y7 ohn similar change in connection with Dominion y� But Mr. Drden, Mr. Robert Jarrott, of Hills Green, for tile ment i ni the Imperial Flour ill in Duuth. which,. while it is comprehensive and inter. 3 offices. Notnly that, but many of them lars a year. These are facts which any per- veals the possibility of more trouble - with though not a do9tor, showed he had studied sum of $2,775. His body, if drownie4, has not yet been acres, for ating, is 8180 useful and instructive. It tile United States over this seal question. the disease moye closely and knew much yo Wls I son havin the material at hand, c ; verify —Mr. R. B. Jeffer�,y, station agent at found intena to I are actually in receipt of fees fro 9 an The situation is this,: The United Skates more about it than tile honorablegentlemen Londesboro, has sold contains a complete history ofo- in the Do- 7 ur educa- forriimseif if so disposed. And y t re a =-The suit of 'McHugh vs. the Township Bennett IN minio, Government for service' t have been going on the assum."ptiorr that the who had investigitted it from a medical or a ham Junction to Air. i3ophrnopCasemore. I of Stephen, was before the High - Court -at a which they tiORal institutions from the earliest days- up are people who grumble'and growl bee se regulations of the Bebring Sea arbitrators party point of view. to the present time. It al are supposed to render that Goverian,ient. In the evening the consists of a house and 1J acres of land. Toronto, on Friday, 16th inst. Mx, E.-. D. noso explains thp - the Cabinet Ministers who have placed d would govern this season's catch. The Gov- biennial -session debate was r they neai Mr. A. F. Wood' the mover of the re solu- esumed and —The remains of the late James Barron, Armour, Q, C., counsel for defendants. working of each separate depa ernment contend that the are concluded. The speech of Mr. Guthrie was an old pioneer of West Wawanosh, were in- ed for an interpleader or(ler: I mov-- nrtment and tion who kept our Province in this en-viabl posi- - se,-- regulations and for leaeJo gives full 'instructions for the gi' id of W. E. F. Clark-, Mr. Whitney and not iti force until ratified by a statute of the undoubtedly that of the evening and was terred in Dungannon cemetery on Saturday, pay $1,000 into court after aeducting costs. hm emplo k1i. ance tion,teceive a salary equal to that which the Illiperia:,. parlian, other rominent su orters of it c ent, so far as British sub- one of the very best that has been delivered cut the if P PP onie into trustees, instructors, examiners e city of Toronto pays its chief solicitor or jects are concerned and that even should within the 17th inst. He was aged years and 6 Order made. Issue- to be delivred and tried I eg walls of the new chamber. He months. F16C very this'eat ory. While t1ey prate so loudly at London. other person who; may have anyth�pg to do egal adviser. they be ratified immediately, 'it is still too made a Ily brilliant presentment of the succe about Ontario officers receiving large fees, —There was a large attendance at the —Mr. Joseph Case, of�, the, London Ro�d, in. which case a at biennial sessions. His speech confirmation service by Bishop Baldwin in north of Exeter, while liauling_squa�re tim- elderly P( In fact, any p�rson hav- the are not above takin larger fees from have alread sailed. This would simply was t did not X! with the sYste late to notify the Canadian vessels �y ing this work need not be in ignorance con- s Ps church, Cliiiton oil Mol ber from. the Woods, Y_� .9 reference to �he ..extras oil the new mean that t y U, st exhaustive, comprehensive and IS t. Pau aday even- recently, unfortunatel the Dominion Government. he regulations are not to be ell- convincing. Mr. Whitney was the only ing of last week. falult�_M It " not any Parliament buildings the Toronto News, fo jo tis- ceming any part of our education I st e-ni, reed at all this season and as the Modus speaker for file 0 positi n. He foll There were 30 eandidates had his ankle bone broken a -ad the in Out from. wonder, therefore, that they are awrae-to owed confirmed. located. The injured limb was at once set at every doing lave a good or how it is worked, while the co which does not often I word to Vivendi has expired, and is apparentl not Mr. Guthrie, but though dealing lag, will 411Ything that will destroy their o -very freely ames Mitchell, son of Mrs. Mitchell, in plac, but the patient will, probably be department, to be ren6wed, matters are in inuc i the and easily with his speech, was not equal to of the 6th concession of Howick, is home on 'unable to use it for some months. the books to say for t They Woi be used and what he Ontario Government, is con - grist. We direct the attention of thoe wh same position as if the Paris tribunal had meeting his arguments. our Uir they cost, are all plainly set forth. It also 0. strained to remark Mr. Garrow of a visit from Colorado where he has spent —Week before last was set apart by the I I - bank, heo net This, of course, will 1&ot suit the West Huron, on the Government side made some t1me ranching. He reports times dull Postmaster -General as enumerati n wee beteve in the sincerity of the Opposi- not I may contains handsomely - executed pictures of The Lionel Yorke contract for the car- view of the United States Government, or a short but sensible and practical speech. in the.rest. k in toheesema tion in �his matter, to the following facts penter i the E*eter post office, commencing Sunday, edu' work on the new Parliament build- of the Alaska Company which control the The- Government . brath ',Dl nany Of the lead cational buildings had three supporters ab. —WI B. Wilkinson, of orris, met -with -AL larcli 11, and ending Saturday, March 17, The �eport of the Auditor-Gene'ral sho the extras- amounted Prvb loff Islands. Sir Richard Cartwright sent unpaired, but in spite of this they se. quite a loss last week by the death of one Tile following is the result: Letters for Goftie,, V ws ings was and throughout the.-Piovince. $905700, her mbtl cured a majority of 25, the three indejend. of his ure bred Shorthorn cows, which Camidian offices It is a most valu- that My. Wood received the following sums to$M.. On the $76, 800 contract for plumb- dr;w attention to the report that United he- 1066 ; foreign, 144; regla- Mrs. able work and will do good servicein ac- - as vlu4Aor for the Dominion Gov ig, heatingi and gas -fitting, there was an States cruisers had been given instructions ent mernbers voting with them against recently, purchased f�om Mr. R Post cards for Ca�&_ ernment ussell of tered, 16; free, 2-2. uainting the people -with the —For tfie year ending Jime 30th, 1899 additional clam for $900. And $12,000 was as if the regulations were enforced, and every -other -year sessions7, Exeter. �b system with -which it (Teals. 895.09 p for the year ending June ZQth,1�91, allowed over tile price first agreed upon for suggested that British vessels ought to ac- On Thur than offices, 465; foreign, 9. Pacels, at, 6c We believe that if the peo- $3,236.- —Rev. G. Trotter Carri to whom the for 4 ounces, 3. Book packets, 216. Po- their aday a very short session was 49 ; for the year ending June 30,th, - the $752,000 job on excavation, masonry and comany the fleet of sealers in iorder to held, though considerable routine work was Tgaae Go' congregation of the, First Confegational tographs, deeds, etc., 30. Parcels at Ic per ple -were better informed concerning our 1892, $4,,274.51 and for the year endi brick work. In all, . Oil close upon $ 1, 000, - keep all eye on the United tates 1cruisers, accomplished. hamlet r 000 worth of work, the extr am, ex g educational institutions and the manner in June 99th, 1893, $2,54,5.81. Mr. About the only interestm, ing tended a ea: a short ounce, 16. Total amount of rev. enue durin woo as over the sum and, as Sir Richard expressed it, see fair e %rent of the da was when Mr. A. F.. W tg�in_re) seems to be constantly employed in the Do- first fixed amounted to only one and y ool time ago, finds himse# unable to come to the week, 847.15. are man aged, as well as the great a Milf. play. Sir John Thompson agreed that, in rose to a question of privilege and objected ',Vm*gh h i which they, am, on a, they are doing, t ccountl of ill health. —The other in Mr. James Netter - 9 minion qprvice. In 1890 he charged for 244 per cent. Whatever else may be.saidabout such event, a request for British - vesels because his statements and figures had been —9ilas Johnston, of the Ist concession of field, emploed oartnithe. Union factory, in work here Wuld be less days 1891, for 189 days ; in 1892 for 262 the Mowat Governm ent or the new Provin- will be made by the Ottawa Government. rather severel carping and fewer complainnts abo y handled b Hon. Mr. Hardy Morris, started o y n Mo�day 'of last week, for Wingham,,met with a most painful accident. at what days awd in 1893, for 161 days. B re- cial Parliament buildings, these facts at all It will be easily seen t bat with the during his absence. Mr. Hardy pointed Boissevain, Manitoba, where lie He had been running a b y a Iferring t� the journals of the session of existing purposes re, at best, only minor details. The 'Work 1892 events are very much to the credit of the ii'neertainty as to whether the regulations out that lie bad expressed his regret at the DETIOI uzz-planer for a was compiled by hir. Jolin Miller, B. A., it will bb seen that during that year the Ministry. They show the extreme care ex- were or were not in fo staying for the summer. He will be short time, and was in the act of putting liste(! al in 8 13 Provinci4l House wits in session fro' the ercised in framing the contracts In the fir t collision between the war vessels of the two sent, but at the same time it was rather too hood. ree, the danger of a time that the honorable gentleman was ab- greatly missed in th 4 Johnstron. neighbor- through the last piece, when hlLs attention the deputy minister, and he has- done it farmif 3 11th day of Februar to the 14 lace and tile firmiless witl was attracted by somethilig,.and the second, afternoo) y th day of P 1 which contrac- countries would be imminent. A bill is much to ask that the -Goyerl men should �Sunday of last week two young men at third and fourth fingers of his right hand ing of Mi days. tors were held to the terms afterwards. It legis- defer replying to any speeph or question Londesboro were exaniiiii dropped down amongst the knives, cutting well, as seldom has more information on April, jr �a period in all of 55 wor,kin t maller compa s. Mr. Wo -9d must, therefore, have 9 now passing ongreas giving ng a revolver, any subject been put in s ' 8 been paid "is doubtful if an equally good showing can lative eRactment to the decision of the at the pleasure of honorable entleman op- when it discharged, and the ball entered iil� V. fby the J)Omixion Government for part of the be made in connection with the erection of Paris tribunal. them off at an angle co In the Public school department there are mmencing at the herd ope posite. The Hpit9b adjourneg at 6 p. in. Ileg of a horse belonging to Mr. Brown, the first joint of the second'finger to the second time duripg which he was dr "g his ses- any other great public building on this con- awm 5,876 school houses in the Province. Of Intere sional allqwance as a member of the Legis- tinent. GLOUCESTER IS VACANT. until Vonday. - harness maker, but so far does noteem to joint of the fourth finger; -Tile sufferer had at. ttook i&j these 2,al8 are brick ; 549 aBlue Monday in the Legislature was have done much, if &�y, harm. the lacerated hand properly dressed without tone- lative Asse The ap ointiii�nt of Mr. Kenne P dy F. �be ;a, tA frame, and 619 log. 490 has dkawi nibly. The amounts -which he Burns, 1A. P. for Gloucester, New Bruns- r-garked by the introduction of several im- —,ivfr, Matthew Elliott, of the,13th con- taking chloroform There are 8,336 are on tile basis of $10 per iem , portant Government measures and the Ltd- cession o and then walked home,� whole b THE Empire says: "There-wi-as a time ick, opens that constitu f Turnberry,'bas rented his farm t ce for actumi'service, $3.50 for living allowa enc and u*l a few o a dist��11 " of over a mile. . He must be a teachers, of whom 2,7�6' are females, and nee, vanceilient of a number of public bills, al- his brother Ir chip of the old block in this respect. utes aftA and th when Mr. Laurier would not be �lays the writ for a new win, for a number of years, Nvas don, e aptual cost of railway fares or trans- seen in the efetion will be though the customary arrangement exclud- and intends to study for a veterinary sur. —Oil Monday night of last week, ed. Polling will likely take place on I males. Of these several thousand port. Mr, E. F. Clarke, sek ior member for same township *ith Mr, Tarte, but when ing anything of a controversial n to isuffer teachers, only 251 hold first-class certifi- Toronto, 41so denounced the fee system in April 16th. It is ftiterestin� to note how study for a time with his boys in' Blyth played a trick that might; is pe man is in need of a wicked partner he can- brought about the usual e cates ; 2,999 second-cla the most yigorous terms. At page 231, see- this appointment came to be made. On Tuesday the inost i arly adjournment. brother in Clifford. have C ss and 5,069 third Mr. Wused serious injury to any pedest n the ol class. The highest salary paid tion 19, of the Auditor -General's report Jo ilot afford to be too nice regarding tile selec- Burns being disappointed in his effort to be- nteresting feature —Mr. James Scott, librarian of the Clin. crossing the bridge. There are two iron perior t r was the attack by Mr. Whitney on the ton Mechanics' Institute, has faithfully di - stays supporting the outer railing f the a teacher '18931 we find the following entries .-- age e come Lieutenant -Governor of New Bruns- ballot system of Ontario, which he claims is charged the duties of � that office for about foot -bridge and crossing the sidewalk over - 1892 tion." Now, would the Empire ple X_ in a city is $1,500 in a town, $1,15% and Serviccs----!08 days at $10 peroday. -wick, intimated that he saw no reason Why not secret. The only object, he said, of a 22 years, and having Put in 22 years.of Sim- liead,� are attached to the beam that form them, 4 00 plain what Mr. Tarte 1as ever done in a rural, school or village, $800. .8 680 that lie should come to the House of Commons ballot was that it should allow secret vot- ilar service before going to that town, has among I The aver. Living alb,-wance-79 days at $4 Mr. Laurier, Sir John Thompson, or any this session and support a government which age salary for male teachers in' cities is per day. e the railing of the bridge proper. One of the and the- 'fus He made it es,... .......... 34 ed to recognize allow this. The ballots used were num. for 44 years. eans of a pry, Pullmans wilship with him. If it convenient therefore, to be in England When bered, and, the numbers corresponding with —111e'regret to learn that Peter, second would catch a, person for_ e,, so that it Wednes $907, and for a female, $396. The averae same to or some other sufficient _c ................. 316 00 other man should not want to be seen in the r ing. The ballot in use in Ontario did not the honor of being in'the librarian's harness r Far .... 169 hip, claim. iron bar."was bent down by in ...... 33 40 salary of male teachers in towns is $651, and Cabs and oartage ................ would substitute Parliament met, and refused to retuin'lintil of females, .15 03 the name -of Sir numbers on the list, identification became son of Mr. James Hall, of Mo' walking along the Fellows _,$299--; while in rural districts he had been called n se �ris, who, has sidewalk, across the hea or face. If a per� a YOUN Totai� -1 - i — Adolphe Caron or Hon. John possible, and it was Possible to tell how any been in Manitoba for a number of years, soil, after dark, w walk g f t and Hag- tactics accomplished his object, able- as the average salary for males is 386, and for . ....... $1,213 77 and a c en man in as came The fol gart for that of Mr. Tarte, then we gram was zent notifying him of his success, 1kad voted. Such identifications met with a painful accident recently, by in contact with the bar, the rough, square 34unro,. He sailed the next day for Canada and i frequently taken piece, and had been getting his arm badly lacerated in a grain edge would be su -.-cry serious vice -pre General's teport will be found a cop females, $268. On page, -237, section D, of the Auditor- could see theforte of its contention. If Mr fi.vd fficient to do The total receipts for the year in colince- _y of inediately on, his arrival the announcement mentioned in the House. Mr. Whitney crusher, which lie wa6 operating oil his farm injury. Poi-tunately the mischief was dis- prsidex letter ad4ressed to the Finance Dep- Tafte had'been guilty of the offences proven was replied to by Sir Oliver Mo tion with Ptib�ic schools was $4,771,311. nient, ar of his appo'intinent was made. wat, who there. coveied, in time to preveat any such possible protesting against Up. charge of 4 Mr. - Clarke's against either of these gentlemen, he. would, HE BUDGET AND THE TARhFF. showed that while the Ontario ballot was —One day last Week, Charles, soil of catastrophe. on: per dieni and living allowance no� doubt, be a fit subject for the Erapire's If the Government programme is carried not absolutely secret, this was one of its Air. James Davis, %vbo has recently moved --A -,,cry pleasing event took place Tues - Of this amount 3 168,498 were ' derived T from In unicipl assessment and $289,610 as for Septei�ber 4th and 25tb, on the ground contempt and derision. out Mr. Foster will' deliver his budget too most valuable features, enabling the author- to the 4th line of Mo�ris, from near Lind- day evening, -Legislative g that Mi.. Olarke left Toronto late on the itiea to guard against personation, ballot say, had the misfortu of last week, at the residence raiii.t. The total disbursements night of t�p 4th, and arrived back early oil morrow and the long talked of tariff changes lie to have the thumb of Mrs. Georae Moffatt, of Morris, on which box stuffing, etc., which were so common of big �igllt hand badly injured by being occasion ii " in connection with all the Public scilools the niornipg of the 25th, and, therefore, will then be made known. The- Manitoba er - daughter, Miss Bella "WaS who hai ACONVENTION. Under the system which Mr. Whitney ad auh mhine hey were putting to- united in - marriage to Mr. Robert� G. is home of the lRefformers of Narth members have been urgent ill insisting that as 11 lay 1�`im -up for some time. itchell, of Turnberry. The ceremony was Was In The Auditor -General, accordingly, ordere day last. The convention was c& Well jis bindar twine and' wire fencincr Mr. William J. Qurrie has ])ought Mr. performed by Rev. Thom", 3)avidson, M. a cated. He also. stated that although this s $4,076,241. Of this amount 52,722,116 should not have charged f r those days. Middlesex was held at Ails& Craig on Satur. agricultural implements b " made free gether. it was paid for tea bers' salaies ; for inaps, d system was supposed to be absolutely seeret -on b4si a reduCti6 lied to They represented th&t these concession's' e "P .11 of $28 in Mr. Clarke's account. in reality it was no more secret than th' Andrew Linklater's f4rni on the, 13th con. A., and was Witnessed -by it large numb�r of I aratus, &c., $42,521; for sites and build- Mr. Wh i ti " ey, -member for Dunda has nominate a candidate for the Le the gi8lature. present system in Ontario. Mr. cession of Turnberry�,' Mr. and Mrs. Link- friends and relatives of the contracting thlzl� f�gs, $460,655, and for rent., repairs, f' 7 would completely stop the agit&tions Meredith, uel, also dra,%4' -,Pon the Dominion treasury fo -Mr. John Waters, who ba- 'he for Ron. G. , W. Ross, and other in mbers on 9 repres gle 850,949. The cost per pupil in cities solicitor's iees of various am r entwl the tariff reform in t Northwest. It is pro e later have not made up their minds where parties. The bridesmaid was iss Ag last few yOars. ounts d.uring the Riding.for many years, Was nominated, t bable that the duty on agricultural imple- both sides took part in the debate and the they will locate yet.., They purpose spend- Moffatt and tile groomsman Frank -Nritchelle W, Nvas $13-57 in toils, bu t. on i few weeks -with: their son -in -la, J. j. The bride was made the recipient of many R8,92, nc�� rural declined to be a candidat 11 be reduced from 35 per cen division was made The in4nsistency of tile op ments straight party lines. in e Position— P again. The Col- 15 per SP si ctiors, $7.25. The averaV,, cost -per pupil re to Two of the three independent members, Elliott, V. ., of ChiTord. valuable and useful presents, which was near cOnstantl iit., and that binder twine will be shifting grouml upon almo velition then unwilmousl adopted M Messrs. McNaughton and McCallum, voted —Tile barbo Xy - r e in the Province ws 8.34. every q4sti011 that has co y; r. T left as it is with a duty of 121 per cent. 'light.,3 at Goderich Were lit sufficient to prove that e before the, lor, the Patron with the Governmat s' candidat�&, and the Refor- The financial'outlook for the current while Mr. Campbell, for the first time this season Oe was highly pres in fiscal There are 289 Separate schools in Ontario, House duflng the past ten years has been the equal rights member, voted with the evening, 3'last Thursday esteemed in the neigliborho7o-d in which she a than once. Ili their ye taught by erg of the Riding will ai which ends on June 30th, is very blue, Oppositio4. 639 teachers an�l with exTosed 1poi W11 give.14iiii their hearty and the fisIling tugs set their first lived. Over one hundred sat down to a Braa" 36,168 1 they', d support. and the cha�nces are that Mr. Foster will he nets on the previous Saturday , the first haul sumptuous repast prepared for the occasion. woer cases e I` to practise a rule of 0 Mr. Taylor is good mail and forced to announce 'a deficit, as the revenue 2�7expeztditure in connection ie ac- bein puils. The tion which the' 1, g made on Thursday. These events .,.Tile remainder of the -eveni e insist upon as - necessary will make a worthy repres mar ng was spent in f on g of the season nearly a parlor games and tripping with these schools amounted to,�278,687 the publib in s In lenta-tve, and he has beeli -rapidl dealining during the- last News of the Week. k the openi the light faiitas- r t Eest for the officer of the should be elected. He ira' ilionth ahead of last year. tic, after which te guests dispersed, all 'we hq n as the Patron few months. la!3t year. Province., If it is corrupt and daugero 1* 3,' candidate at the la'sxt Domillio I. a elections, FAST ATLANTIC SERVICE. McKenzie, of the O�Position alleges, to ]lave pu RESPITED.—Prendeigast, the murderer of — Clinton, has feeling satisfied witlithe evening7s enjoy - as -Mr. Alex. Now, turning to High schools Mayor Harrison, Chic& 0, has been respited sold his farm in and Colleg blic Officia paid by fees, what shall we 8 and came within two or three- votes of being A great deal of opposition is developing by the court until Apri 6. Tuckeramith, being lot. 36, ment, and wishing the newly married q in th� iate Institutes, we find that the ay of ers of the Ontario elec -re are of the payment of rnemb " to the proposed fit 3rd concession, contaning 50 acres, to Mr. douple a long, happy and prosperous life. ted. 911EEP-IIERDFPFitozE�N.—Robei�'t Baker Henry Carter, of,G 00 st Atlantic steamship ser - these in the Province 128. The number of Legislatur� b feesF om the tre vice, although of course tile Canadian Pacific a sheep -herder, was fo Y, r ich township, for the ray. asury of tile oder und frozen to death' sum of $2,150. Mri Moffatt, of Clinton, Dominion Railway influence will be exerted strongly oil the plains five miles from Laramie Wy- has pupils enro3led last year was 2-9,230, with an 9-verage attendance of 13,448. 1 THE Government of Hon. -Mr. Mowat is, in its favor. The members for the,, city of 06t. orning, Thursday ni lit of last *eek, also sold her farm on the front roi�d, Grey. Of these, 9 John, New Brunswick-, are 0] pre-eminently, a Farmer's Gov ppoklag� it UR- -ROYAL CONSENT.--�­Jt is stated that the near Bayfield, to Mii. Charles Parker. rMcNabb has minent. less �a subsidy is given to a freighit line run- Queen —A very pl easIng-event took place at the gone to Manitoba.—A. Briker and H. 49- per cent. wre the children., of4armers 22 T A E:RF are few countries whet e- thein- The Department -of Agriculture is Presided fro"' that city to England and Prince of Wales have i'ven their residence of Mr. John Plunkett, of West Douglas left on Monday of last week for i and back. c&ftsent to the marriage of Princez' in 88 Maud of Waanosh, recently it being the in P�l per cent. . of mechanics" 25 per cent of fortmiat - e and Offl cted are more carefully over by a practical farme Theftrade and manufaturing journals of Wales to Lord Roseberry. arri D Grand Rapids, Michigan. —Neil cNair re- erchants, and 11 per cent. Of professional looked r., and three-fourtlis he -Prov* of his daughter, a,�ilda, to. Mr. Rober a . cently of 'Manitoba, leftn Tuesd speal men There are 4,84 teachers, Of whom 69 the Province of 0 ince -goes to t% vernment aftOr or humanely cared for than in of the expenditure of i Montreal and Toronto are also out in opposi- SfOW STORM I.',' THE WEST.—A treniend- McKenzie, of Pleasant Vall6y. The eldest week for Algoma.—The Star mill5%rof r"int- deal of finesse G-odi ntario. The Go the farmers. tion, and it will evidently require a great ous fall of snow was reported Saturdy in daughter Of Mr. John Dunkeld war, also ning full bl-ast, with Thomas.5t. Armour as --are Isdieu, and 305 of the 484 are ulliversity of this PrqVince have spent They get their share in the. on the Part of the Govern- Wyoming, South Dakota an(I Nebraska. spraii awyer.—Miss Lottie Hill and brothers are I I three and a half general expendAure of the Province, and ment to secure the approval of the House to Railroad, traffic was. greatly delayed by the *-VVest Wawanosh. graduates. The highest salary Paid to any million dQ1lars in build united in marriage to Mr. John Bell, of a for th have speci an increase of a subsidy from $500)()oo to blizzard. �pending their Easter holidays with relatives teacher is $29,5W. T he' e al expenditures in their, inter% average. for- prin- insane anq idiotic, ,ts and half a million is ap- in the Agricultural Coll $750 000. There is a very general feeling CRIMINAL —There was avery successful and profit- in Toronto. --james Lymburner and -bride cipals is $1,177 and for assistants, $814. propriate,il ege, Agricultural: - ARIESTS.—Twenty nien and able meeting of the West Huron Farm every year for maintaining the Societies, Farm thata line -�vhich auct ers'lustitutes, Dairying and . Gould only carry xpress women were arrested in various parts of Institute held in I erg, left for their home in Dakota on Wednesday freight, would not meet the requirements of New York city ungannon, on Friday, of last week, followed by many good wishes During, the last year 413 pupils from the same. addition to this 54 has Fruit Growers' Associa Saturday, charged with ply- 16th inst. The speakers were Mr. A_ —Ja es 8,0()o High a6hools and Collegiate Institutes rna- tions, �etc. In fact, this countr - Then if the re ot be true as ing the vo, for their future prosperity, in D ug y p cation of abortionists. 0 been expe'�ded in erecting deaf and blind in- many expenditures are made in their intor- I believ Currie, of Winghain, delegate tothe Cen- las, jr., has been busy inoving to was triculated,400 joined the learned professions, stitutes, 4iid the annual cost of. the farin e it is, that the condition of calling THIS PATIENT OLD MAN. —Mr- Gladstone tral Institute, held at Toronto, Mr. Robert: occupied by J. anipbeill, son mainten- ests which are not made directly in the in- at a French Port is to be eliminated frofn attended divine worship at I the contract, the Government must count r., y person coni - and priva�e indiv 9 will take a law and medicine;, 1,202 left for 00,000. The municipalities terests of'an other class. No Sabbath, and remained throu hout a service Dean, of the Ontario Agricultural C two in a such ance is ne rly The most 8�ile life ; 974 for agriculture, and iduads have thus, upon opposition from the French members of three hours' duration. llege._� place in a week or e movin Inat mercan 9 ]D"'ghton last McMillan, of Constance, and Professor =sting part of Cth not Only Plaills of t", because all r4ognize tile at of the House. 0 cover6d buggy. 1,605 'became teachers. The Le"Islatiye been relie ed of the s� I , -We are very sorry indeed to record the —James Ferguson has a young goose that is t tl y upport of these unfor- that the farmers HEA Vy RAINS.—The recent heavy ii1terest is -the interest of C�&NAL' JOBBE RY. railis death of Mrs. Grey, wife of Mr. grants to these institutions for the year tunate pe�ple,. but which have prevailed over the sout. Stephen making &,record for herself in the sha�e of hern por- �Gre , of the 13th concession of Hull skilled treatment has paramount importance in this Pro Papers have been called for in relation to tion of Texas have caused incalculable dam- amounted to $99,693, and the county grants been proopred for th'em which would not vincer, an y et big egg 14ying- One- she laid measured d the Galldqp4 Channel work in the St. Law which occurred on Tuesday of last week, at 8Jxl2 inches, 4nd Weighed 12 ounces.—Mr. that upon the success of the fa:f- age- Many farms have been deluged, crops the age of 59 years, Deceased has been in John Brown lost a valuable heavy draught to $98,104, while the muilicipalities in- have beeW, procured otherwise, and in this mers the rence, oppoAsite Dundas) Ontario. Almost a destroyed and bridges wAshed aw success of most other classes depends. Iia million dbl Afty sunk in the under-. WONDERFUL UWDEP-TAKING.—Bert was not expected. ing some o pass - ,.Kra have been poor health for om but her death yearling colt a few days ago. It was t them ubt � the Goy- and kicked the colt on one of the front legs, her tures they do ii,, the in- taking &h"d y6 navigators will not use the ilton, civil engineer and actor, is organizing late Mr. 11C Snell - had a very wide which the several schools are situated had WaY many, have been restored to health and" making the exptildi Ham - `Sthiemwea a sister of the ther horses when one of to put up $402,527. The fees collected from usefulnesq. Besides, in channel in descending the river. the blind and deaf terests of Agriculture, no do A little in Denver, Colorado, ax pupils amounted to $89,886. The aver&ge iratitutes �hundre& hayje been educated anc?i ernment recogaise lower down in the river the work of con- Coxe a army similar to circle of acquaintanees. She a six sons breakin it 'in two places, The animal had I Washington and demand and three daughterai two of them m ed.—O rprisingyoung this fact, and we believe structing a dam at Sheik's Island has bee* the free coinage of silver, the construction of being Mr ed to be kI- ne of our eitte to go to leaye s. Mathers, and Mrs. Mustard. farmers -on the 16th concession, John Wort - Of 4 oil down