HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-03-30, Page 17r:77 7 IFWT-77— k7I IIMEN= 777 -10 ][84A IH 23rd It kaife been coming -31 ,11,. from fair and my, Switzerland tain, th, r McLEAN BROS., Pu7blisher& that 'we now an, $1.50 a Year in Adance. aud open 18940 -F X]RCH 301 SEAFORTH RIDAY9 M ,of those seekin 9 NUMBER, 1,372 By exhausting it so it was nought ad very moderate VSOLE rapi( twenty- anelegant repa,st prepared by �he ladies. ine to Po�t- fisheries are now in progress, and visabie to remove it. Although the open- ma e. d nent to the Commis- to build a railway' from the in in� pre- r of the abdominal cavity isconsiderod one
meat has received mollux � Mr. Pickard was The plutL� Another deduction had to be d all would be it two steamers, with between 6,000, and 8,000 During the even In. and a great dis- ction from sales of Common School sioner of Public Works when the present rock harbor, a distance of ton miles. ere hunting seals right in the centre sented with jan illumin�ted-'� address, iiid Mg �ions insurgery, and es -
Tho, colle acific, Railway passes through of the gravestperal passed away. It is feared that the made the recipient of a beautiful parlor re Truth (Hear,hear.) Canadian P' 1110, th pecially to remove a solid growth in a deli -
n be Seen in every Mo lan4p during the four years of Sandfield's members had all oi.tLwstorm. area. ke �up in- er for East partof the roperty. suite. The happy party bro 4 ted other matter the hon. memb it was attemp terM. amounted to $440,000, of which four- I An Cect upon them will be very serious. Cate child like this, yet had touched �1=nwaa the adminis- —Rev. U Tohnie, of Windsor, has been ef] one of the old- early mornin mizAhs belonged to the Province of Quebec, Algoma u ted chaplain of the Twenty -First —Mr. Chauncey Burgess, and resulted successfully, s the child is now
this week to meu- �0200,000.% Every cent of the sum has tration of the license a s, which he said 7POM bright and sprightly as ever it was. I est residents of Elgin county, died on Con- as Poetry. say',� of new goods we paid to Quebec by the - present Admin- was a partizan one. This accusation he (Mr. usiliers, Windsor. cession 2, Yarmouth townshi recently, erth ItemB. —While M. J. Davis, living about f13ur kt, that later on but been this as a Gibson) denied. The tavernkeeperf3l in the —Mr. John J. Hall, late president of the 1pf it n in New York as a te ing a
isti4tion, not by Sandfield, and died the other aged 92 years. He was horn The St. Marys spring fair will be held miles south of St. Marys, w a they Ontario College of Pharmacy, St think of all "ideal ge upon is 3learly les- County of Huron were free to vote a State in 1802, and in 1818-- settled in Yar- wood bee he was accidentally �struck on the hi surplus which 4 - , day at Woodstock. oil April 3rd.
ely obeyed, the law. Pre of Ze left hand with an axe, which
an(! fashionable -No sell -respecting man who feels ser4ed the amount by the Sum named. Then 'pleased so long as th, to mouth townshipy where he died. He, had ]�, block back
_ur , "miud's, eye " n 1) ewd- —Rev been inducted —Mr. J. A. Watson�s fine bri, in - once is must ap th4 purchase price of the Rockwood vious to the last election one of the shr James Ardill has ch, Owen been for 56 years a member of the Methodist severed an artery. Mr. Davis was at pear in Spring time gear, eorge's ch#r Mitchell is nearly Completed. -the meantime :118. As 11m, $1( arged ve tavern- the pastorate of St. G e annual spring fair will -be held in d ha it conta�, about the outlay when )0,000, ought to be ch est and most intellige�t Consefvati church. 4 —Th drivento St. Marys, blood in
worry keepers in his coiiatitliency had stated to Sound. mesa, Scotland, Courier of flowing profusely from the wound. With .sing the fact that need - �Ust Sandfield's surplus. The asylums —The Inver ell on April 5th. a2d,11 his year will be Mitch r and ;��,r much loss ekson & Greig are makin-, himself (Mr. Gibson) that he preferred that —The assessment of Galt t March 6, contains a notice of the death of le difficulty, U and WOO taken over by. tile Province from; the Is, a degree over 41 mills —There are at present 19 patients under considtarab e was at last stop- money I),,, - - than a little over 17 mil cl� -ation, but this one was the law should remain as it was, rather . Elizabeth Russell, wife of Rev. J. Mactav- od, the hemorrhag
times. are hopeY 2 , I 0imlon at Confedei that the licensing power -should be in the gom&for school purposes. I alm- treatment a the County Hospital in Strat- of blO he cut bandaged. 8pring suits to Order, 61 noVaccounted for at the tim ish, D. D., for many years pastor of Ch 4P ped by the doctor, and t
Council or ev. A
as paiA for by the hands either of the County of the C. Macdonald, of Inverness, hurch, Woodstock. ,The decemed,who ford. --A representative company of the WO- f a crood Spri Keredith—That w -de- .13 lug to $ 2-8. Ur. ' Town or Township Council. In concluding. Scotland, formerly of Thamesford, is on a er's c —Blaushard agricultural society has ion with the d a: I Pr6ent C 3 present time. disppnse with its spring fair this meWs Auxiliary, in commee.
in overnenr was upwards of 80 years of age, had a large visit to Ontario at thf nd- his remarks, Mr. Gibson referred to the in Woodstock who regret to cided to Presbyterian Cliurch at Atw.;od, met at Vie
Gibson.—Of course it was ; but 8, hotel- circle of friends e e E t gom Of the Palmerston year. ooda, which must rep -Ing Overcoats to ord it. (Applzuise) statement of th n rob r for as Al a —At a meeting h&r of her demise. residence of Mr. Win. Dicks,)n, on Friday, ey 3 fieW ought to have paid for -owed its ascendancy test the legality —Rev. Mr. Dewdney, of Trinit? hurch,
.a improve or not Ta4ing, then, the various items he had men- that the Reform party keepers it was resolved to —Last Sunday morning, about one: and a March l6th, and presented oiie of theirum- we will do our 2 to $24. e gerryulander, but such of the by-law, passed by the town council, half miles from the town of Waterloo, a barn Mitchell, says the popular way 0 keeping ber, Mrs. Joseph -Priest, with a valuable tio4ed, -every one of which was a legitimate in the House to th Good Friday �s a disgra�-,e to Christianity. ac a raisin ew Groff was COM-- and beantiful set of furs and a dre-sa, as a '—this large and C114j,ge upon the Sandfield McDonald sur- a statement mis�epresented'the f t . There Tithe licenses to $275 belonging to Mr. Andr g if you at that sailed the B r. James Gillis, of St. Marys, has dis- Better be prompt orderi IM, viz., the payments by Dominion for was a Liberal majority in the Province on e first steambo ay in, implements, —M roan team toMr. tangible recognition of her services in behalf all be, yours upon on of of Quinte was the Charlotte, built b 'Henry pletely burned� All the gra d of his handsome pose want your garments early. -Never Dridvince,$500,000; railway fund,81,550,000; pular vote at the last-electi Finkl �-� Point, pigs and poultry were also burned. The ale for $200. of theAii-ciliary, accompapied by am�' ap- two This was sufficient to give the Gildersleeve, of Kingston, at e a Daniel 'AcQuorqud mair.-in of profit. this depart -m. Qu;bec`s hare of Common School land col- 10 ere saved. Insured in Mennonite propriate address. Mrs. Priest is iemaving, lave we been so busy in cattle w will re- -my for $1,", months with her family, to Glenbpro, Manitoba. a Ion- list of low The reason is, we have the lec�'J'Ons, $200 000, and Rockwood Asylum, Mowat Administrati;n a good and Bufficient- near Bath, in 18,18.' eel- Insurance Compa on barn, none —Hannah's Creamery, at Kirkton, 0
—An oak tr'ee was recently cut at Fr suine operations for the summer ng,, ie M Lo -Of L. at of $2, - title to power. (Lond applause.) _Mr. Win. 0. Lebann, was
state a fact—you $10P,000, and a total is arrived on contents. popular prices. ton, near Guelph, that wag 349 years old, 42 01111 est, buy'many Spring goods at 30Q?000, which should be deducted from the —The Trade Bulletin says: Last week early in ay. arried to Miss S. McLaughlin, _Mr.. Joseph Rosenbargo, of Riverbank, in I feet to the first limb, and 5 feet in diameter ontreal with ht r of r. McLaughlin, of Eor=g,
Candidate. -d in M dau W
amount left by the predecessors of thd The Conservative () baled haywar. receive
16as than ordinary at the butt. He and has gone to Guelph to take lessons on,dairy on Ee 14th inst. The knot was tied by 'in plain words, take We7psrm,Administration. This left $1,500,000 DEAR EXPOSITOR, �Seeing your paper is keavy stones imbedded in the midA e e. ues- —During the first week in January 8,365 -nee a dead calf was taken from iuql the Agricultural Coll I Rev. Mr. is tor of Glenallpip, -as nd his lion. friend the- Treasurer, in open for the discussion of all public q in one insta a build a new th cars passed over the cantilever bridge over me, r. George, Davidson Miltam, of ListoweL I'anc e in- you t ese the middle of the bale. Anything, it see stable on the s#e of the one burned down sisted b lepartment Furnishingso hiNn ia- 'statement the�other day, itons, I take the liberty of writing . I -s there .11 . theiagara river. Thisbreaksthe record, e persons in -ero, the deed of - 100 -there was in the them space. forlmed the House that few lines, hoping give which formerly stood at 6,335 cars. Would be resorted to by som. recently, in rear of the Hicks House, in Among the resents w A bi George Longl Lhan that which ittino, there was to. be a y- order to increase the weight of their hay and FIB and an yo Ire Struggling with uuf bb." at the present"time at the credit of, I have always uUerlstoold tchell. acres of a� I u —Rev. D. G. McPhail, of the Preab Mi le, bride!s .�ats, Bounets, Rb- rawly shirts or gim hq Province $1,550,000 in cash, so that the regular Conservative Convention.� held to me more money out of purchaaers.than —A Stratford young me named Wadey, organ cheque foil $1, py terian Church, Picton, was the other day the squee n ene' We in
r I D us Of the Mowat Government is as good decide who was to be the RICAL Candidate for r, and all the other for all recipient of a handsome gold watch, the gift they are entitled to." was sci itenced to flie years at Kingston, the father. A you 9 couple COMM Collars let's We what we can do -David Livin ton a building contractor, C, W this 8 ocli Aandfield Macdonald's was. (Cheers.) the Conservative party at the coming elec- ex tay, for wholesale. robbery. A pal under so iclous ircumstances rl no GROWN LANDS COLLECTIONS. tion for the Local House, in this Riding, and &I friends. of it the City hall, linery. You' will you. You ought to kno t of Beve- Torontg, was killed the other Oth doubt, succee our gorgeous dis- l I 2 g being done, —Thomas ff. 'McKenzie, inspector orning. He was repairing some brick- turned Queen's evidence. has purchased -the , �Thd long looked for public debate be- better. We carry all sizes, from the JVith regard to the collections on account as time is passing and nothin *eights �nd measures, Hamilton, has been �] ork around the boilers in the pump* —Mr. W. J?. Whaling ton and y ask whl� * Mg irkton, on, the sub-
nd SAXURDAY d when you of Urow lauds during the Sandfield Mae IS this thus? eld the position w farm of Mr. 'philip Breen, Of North East- tween Fullar allest, to the largest, an exation sm elf the superannuated. He has h �t of March, our proper do0ald re which amounted up to for over 14 years.i house when it suddenly gave wayll Causing imectiox Or Ann gime, 31st 'Who is this man that . calls hims I hope, 50 acres, about four miles from Strat- ject of 11 British Co come here you're sure to get a to fail upon his chest, crushing came dff in the Town Hall, Fullarton, on
D6pember, 1871, to $1,600,000, he,wished to Conservative Candidate? if I am rightly Gc GeorWe Ha*kins, of Douglas, York a damper %if ford, for $2,500. led speek-' that they w 10 . Cir- informed he -has supported the Moviat Gov- died, him so terribly that he died in. about h —Me rs. Weiderhold & Honderich, Con- Monday evening, last week. size. sa ere forced collect; me county, ewBrunswick, who latell Deceaaed leaves a widow and 38 -v!as displayed on both sides, but on ad of newtyles, cv&r letters were sent out to the Alettlers de- ernment, and has been in sympathy with -it the father of 26 chil- an hour. was twice il arried, was tractors, of *ilverton, received, the other Ing amounts due. he has les direct from Van- SumnIllig UR e the referee .,ribed—Hats and ATS AND CAPS. m*nding payment of the ever since he came to these part g, and leaves -over grown up family. theeyidene a de H dren, 18 of whom are livin a Mg had�sus- laid by set- Equ d has tried —Mrs. H. A. Ferrin, the oldest Metho- day, a car load of hi cided that the Fullarton gentlemen also been an al Righter, an bi blush of loveli- Noarly all of these sums were p , 100 gandchildren. tained their cause, and accordibgly the de- styles, durable quality tlits ii� the Counties of Huron, Bruce, Grey,' his hand as an Independ nt for the Do- diet in St. Thomas, died on Monday of last couver, Britioh Colum la. b -by — early $200,000 worth of mica, was pro- —it is said, that the mail carrier between for an given in pea and the new- For no or From I the cling around open- years. But Molesworth and Listowel wbridge, their favor. Among e
and easy fitting Hate, w alre oof months ago, by which e who i e claim to be N th and Wellington. Gale minion, and isnow 9 dueed in Canada during 1892. A part of week, at the f 96 via. Tro bate - was� ipheld the honors of Fullarton -�w cGlorg and the rce during the year 1893 the receipts mouthed aa the Conservative candidate for exported, accident a coup is likel to e a considerable sum of thos and Girls' this t, to $68,466, was y , jr eiv leaders. See- our Boys' 0,000 only. Multiply this 1by four, the Local. In fact, he has been all things I she broke a leg, she gave promise Of rea hing C were two old Huron bo 'in the pe millinery, mind! amoun Inited States, for eleletrical mon!y by death of an uncle. a I` wore r years a by turns and nothing long. Now, I - wo'uyd mostly to the 100 year y Armstr - Stanley, u' born in Plymouth 7 - Ong, lco=rly of New We are the s. Ske was r I ox College, Toronto, Dr. W. J lummer season f chool Caps at 25c. the last fo —Dr. C r D, of u a4d y u have during -n ink well, purposes. Hampshire, September 28th, 1799. She and Lorning and and Mr. J. D. Morrow, formerly of Varna. tq�al of $200,000 from collections on Crow say to good Conservatives, to th —Mg convicted at Ber- e Led ani�iversary sermons it ,ping to tell you leaderi,. any one who has been ggie Mitchell was her husband opened a general store in St. Pr ach an Church in —On Wednesday evening, the l4th inst., 14-p'ds. San"eld 'Macdonald had thus an and not be gulled'b lin a few days ago, by Mr. Mackie, J. P., evening in the First Piesbyteri Cedar Sp North Easthope, was the --you have often a4yantage of $1,200,000 on this� one item, such a complete *Zbler. for having'used a postage stamp in payment Thomas in 1�28. upheimia, Milverton oi� Sunday, l8th inst. township council of E of lupfzsaut and1uterestingevenC we want - to in- aW his receipts were swollen by the forced A Coff SFRVATI-TE. of posta e,which had been used before. She —The —Mr. R. Wood, of the 5th concessiog of Centre OpIlections made from the settlers. That srAxLxy, March 24tb, 1894. n Lambton comity, are submitting a by-law to is inin Shortly after five o'clock Rev. R. Pike, f lere is to see. It was fineg $13.45, includi costs. raising by MorningtoniL has moved to h new ho e eived the sum of ; d and family have been Shakespeare, united in the holy bonds of & G rei dininistration also rec e Uppar Ottaw meet Wallace 1t%r.,Woo, 4 —At Lonelv Lake, in I a the ratepayers, for the purpose of old-time " open- Jackson 99 debentures the necessary amount to ton township for nearly matrimony, Mr. Alexander Clarke, of Rus- asi Own a steep ents of Morning $495 000 in collections on account Of mun'c'- The Veteran Cattle King Again. disitri t, the w log I de d Orange resid ieldale, and -Miss Jessie, elclest daughter of al ideas and the judgment of. $5,500 and costs, in E P-41 loan fund, from which- source nothing P uni he rigin The Progressive Clothiers, DBAR ExposiTOR.—I notice iii. your issue chute 600 feet Iona. and I ;e through t emia. The total assessment of 'the 30 years
1871. The debentures - ice of the lake witl a force which shakes the vs. EuPh —Mr. Win. Roxburgh, of Avonbank, who Mr. George McCallum. The ceremony and ps collected after f the 16th inst., an article from your Con it hi is about $1,000,000, 80 that it will usual cop*ratulationa over abounteous repast d to his bed for seven weeks,
SEAFORTIE1, ven to the Government by the indebted 0 correspondent, which refers to some surr'or, owl!$ has been confine Mirth, ilidings. y le Openi-ric, Days, a sum which fell stance� If mills or more on the dollar to pa as now so far recovered followed in due course. Thereafter four steers ow ghig with a broken leg,, h igunicipalities realized med in McKillop, wei --�-There is a family named Witherill in require Miss Orange is a Glencoe musi and dancing beld sway until an. early tjiree-qarters of a million short of recoup- : I plaster., and expects
I am proud to hear 'Smith's Falls, and the aggregate age of the the bill. woman as to have the leg put il MR, GIBSON ON ONTARIO 2,800 pounds each. hour in the morning. The wedding pres- arday.,,- the P Yince for the amounts Paid out The who sued the township for libel. to be moving around in a few weeks. that there are four such steers opt twelve living children is 694 -Professor Jones, of Portage la Prairie, umerous, 0 in McKill years. Chaste and valuable. ;r Which the larton cir. ents were n FINANCES- In.9clist ibrution of the suiplus, of . but would rather see them than hea of eldest is 74 years of age and the youngest —Rev. J. Bal, pastor of Ful tle clown in their 'Oth and 31st. tion of it&. an English accountant by ofesion, and ple will set pity of London received in'redue them. Then your correspondent goes on is 50. r' cuit, preached a very able sermon on Sun The young Coll] Mr. Thomas Gbson, the veteran member ebt ihe sum of $295,000. atements I made about —On Thursday before Easter, the pu Is who taught private classes, lost his life in dayi 19th inst., on the subject of New home at Avndale. and refers to some at _pi :or seeina the new for Ealat Huron,delivered an excellent speech gb- - ntral school, London, the blizzard on Friday night, last week. He stament Socialism from the words: " The Mr. Meredith—It was not enou heavy attending the west ce e house of the Te A -ia the Legislature during the Budget de- cattle I had fed and sold; he:says, " 'driving with a friend to th h and poor meet topther, the Lord is New Pest. was take yourselves at Of Mr. Gibson—You got that much, anyway. oxen sold at the close of the American war." undertook to supply the Rome of the Friend latter, fifteen miles away, but owing to the ric An exchange says that an appeal is made bate. Mr. Gibson has the happy faculty Whe Town of Chatham, in the constituency a i 6"i , less with eggs for Easter, each pupil 'bring- the Father 4f them all.' country to as you like and as p�tting things in such a plain, concise way Kent, also got Now, I did not say they were heavy storm they were obliged to abandon the rig, ce, had J. Sloat, of in the press to the farmers of the th "f his'llon. friend from West —Adam Suiter, ot Elli he now avicul- one will pres.4 e and sold at the cl6se of the American war; ing one egg. for some time, but the agistrate be on their uard against t an the most otuse can not fail to the benefit of it was years after ihe close of the war that —W: G.,Murdock, of Toronto, the well- The two struggled c fllI Ord in -our friends. alo-net sure his remarks will fhese sources a -reduction of $50,000. Of - known criminal lawyer, who is also a mem- friend fi �mself, and the same pla e, before a tr tf tbte Russian thistle which is said
comprehend. We are of revenue, viz., receipts from nally struck out for hi for shootiu4 his do' Sloat pleaded gui t tural pest, adi y - they were sold, and the price would noi in ines, who was an tte ext U than the Can an them enjoy the be read with interest, not only by his brown land sales, and on account of. munici- found shelter. Mr. Jo was taxed to ent of $13, whicK to be more dreaded eopl dicate they were heavy oxen, and cattlemen' ber of t1he Buffalo bar, has been retained as and
stituents of East Huron, biat by the p Con maly elderl- og an the costs thistle, which hasgained such a foQth6ld in ty of our Spring e P'al loan fund, the first yielded abnor know that oxen do not bring such prices. Onq of the counsel to defend Mr. Erastus man, was found later frozen to death. included tho value of the d d of the county generally. For this reason fluring Sandfield Macdonal&s time, and the taken Wiman. —Rev. Dr. Clark, founder of the Young f the cour�. our country. The Russian thistle was im- we giy 'following extended report: Had it not been for iny h ncl is an Endeavor, ar- occurrence took place at rted in some flax seed to Scotland, South latter ceased � altogether when Reform 'la ethe 0 the sick the day they were shippZ,vc�6ng having —The proprietor of the Royal hotel,Ham- People' So iety of Chr ti —An unusual Mr. Gibson said that the Opposition ower. carrier pigeon with the rived in Toronto� Saturday, and the same Brunner oIiWednesday, 14th inst., it being Wakota, seventeen years ago,and haa in that- Administration came into cp -ate James Shaw, ilton, has found a dience in the 'charged the Government with extravagance, ASYLU11 DIAXTAGE , MENT. to send them on with the I wing, and a evenin addressed a large all the marriage of Mr. Robert SmitWs two eld- short space of time spread over 30,000 square MCFAW but the lion. memb Middlesex and my son, expecting to follow'them -the name C. Ayre printed on its Elm gtreet Methodist' church. He also miles f territory. The damage to crops The principal charges of extravagance next day, they would have been sold. for at ring around one of its legs with the. letters ed to large audiences on Sabbath. est daughters, Ellen and Maggie, to two is placed at
had well exposed the hollow- , preach the past year from this enemy (Mr. Waters) ade against the Government durin the least 50 cents per 100 pounds more, as that J. F., 93, N. " on it. Toronto, five years prosperouskfarmers, Mr.'Mattliew Whitney mesa of the charge. That gentleman had in Vst but as J. B. Young, iiiid- J. T. Me- Since his last visit to Mr. C4arles Stewart. $2,000,000. total expenditure under past two years by file members for was Offered for them the first day, of Appin, ago, Rev. Dr. Clark has been all over the and ed Clover seed de- e shown that out of a 1 Kent and Muskoka were with respect to the they -expected me along they would not put Lean, of Mayfair, have finished their de- —The latgest load of R Tom Bodgers. �he supply bill during the last ten years oi, 3eason, having world working in the interests of this pro ed Mg a of kicking He found horning campaign for this I livered in St. Marys this year was purchas
against Management of the asylums. a price on them,'and had to sell them after society. He stated tha� the so- L, A well-known General, in review' igh, the $39,000 000, the Opposition had taken ob thatthe cost- 61. maintaining the asylums 1,400 head of the horned tribe gressive United by Mr. S. Fraleigh, on Monday of last week, a of cavalryo suddenly stopped before a Pe swamp� ection -third the market was over for 50 cents per 100 changed over ciety was now established in tile from Mr. John Hooper, of Blanihard. The '-OrP -and asked, abrupt- have to pay J during the last �ear of Sandfield Macdon -%Vill �o only $142,000, or about one pounds less than , they were first offered, into muleys. in of I per cent. He (Mr. Gibson) had taken - reutwclrth States,Canada Great Britain,Irelaud,Japa seed proved all A I quality, for which Mr. splendid look g fellow
work, is performed. cia record aid's term was $171,000, and taking 1883, which was nearly $9 less per head; but' —Lorenzo Bishop, of Lynden, V� I ii, ,'which is -the best horse in the regi- -0bell the trouble to look for the fina a ' I 10 in- China, Australia, India, Arabia and Turkey. Hooper I* I �eived a good sum. "No 40 air." What James, Cam- period, the middle year between 1873 and 1893, as enough for that lot. Now, the other lots county, has agoose that laid an egg —Lady McPherson wife of Sir Davi ig Mr. George Dickson, I ment, my man?" ) 7 ,famie had an ex� of the opposition for the previous fairaverageof the-costduring the present , -and 13 inches the other. When —The otilier morrift think that he is the beat horse?" 2 were all sold in' Canada, and at my own ches one way McPherson, died in Italy a few. days ago. let 11 makes you
er day- He got a namely, from 1873 to 1883, and he had r' ks. It residing near Fredale's mill, in Downiel- a total expenditure in Administration, he found that the 'cost was stables, with the e:iception of the pastured broken it' shewed th ee f ull-sized, yel Deceased was a daughter Of Mr. Win. 3k of sheep for"' an He walks, trots and gallop$ well, is a good d 011t.—OnLe of Our found that out of su, ny years at lot 'was laid on Next into the yard his floo leaper, has no vice, no blemish, carries his under the ply bill $600,000. Dediieting$171,000froni$000,000, lot, and not in, ago. That la the 7th of March. Molson, of Montreal, founder of Molson's out of attacked by ,Pleasant experiencet that time and multiplying the remainder by twenty, d brought between to Sir David at her airing, wten the flock was I head well, is in his prime." And who is sold for $6.25 per 100, an —The Kingston News says : The farmers Bank. She was married of the number .11 T e was out-. walking $29,500,000, objection had been taken by foi the term of the 'idowat Government, it neighbors"Aogs, and even.4 the best soldier in the regiment seven and eioht thousand dollars; I call and Prince E dward counties are in conversation witK lion. gentlemen opposite to -$186,000, or would be seen that more than $8,000,000 had that a pretty gIod lot to be all grazed by 0 f Hastings father's residence in Montreal in 1844.' She were worried and died from the effects. combining to keep ut the price of vegetables a a air. Why?' something less than one-half of 1 per Cent.. leaves seven children living, viz : Mr. W. e Centr I meat Bodger , Because he is tha lie forgot there been expended for this necessary and humane one man and sold at on% sale, but I have ories. -Mr. A. Woolfe, of th reek purchased an honorable mani ient, tidy, tALkes were and fruits supplied to the canning act i M. Macphe6on, Queb�c ; Mr. David H. V iA' obedi I dy is equipm Jng, and the wind So far as the votes ill aid of railways e expenditure 'under market, St. Marys, la t
tile leader o object in excess of th sold, at variods times, ver 200 head. Thet claim that the factories have alrea M,�epherson, inspector of tile Northwest goo car.. and his horse, f the homas Evans, of the London concerned, he found that C' e d in from Mr T I do is uty weft And who iB the )ersons, carried his- Sandfield Macdonald. Yet, ff the a counts sold to one man, and delivered in - on CO ined to keep the prices down. unted Police ; Mrs. Dobeil and Mrs. w an do 4� Opposition and himself had voted against a 'IT Mo 4oad, tw* fine Durham yearlings eighing 41lows, of the were examined, it would be found 'that the I think that number wou d 'ankes, Mrs. pml rider --of the it orse Toll, Bodgers, so that they �rere on &4evel in 275 steers.. —Rev. R. P. Mackay, Secretary of he Beckett, Quebec ; Mrs. M. B This is an extraordinary
turch. * Our amar- krant apiece, er inmate of maintaining th' asylums clear out quite a fewf tile - steers aroun(I of' 2,200 potInds. on had by its cost P Presbyterian Foreign Mission Committee, Percival Ridout and Mrs. Kirk,�atrick, air.,, And who is Tom Bodgers ?" i that respect. The Oppositi eight for. yearling cattle. ;3 attend churchin der the I�tter was $134 per yeaNhile the Constance. -But I freely admit thd16 +,here -Governor of w am, air, The General could not help ved a letter from Formosa,, China, Toronto, wife of the Lielitenant der the auspices
has receJL —The entertainment, un the hat and be- action in the past, when the Government' "T of the same service last year -�&s $135 many fine- cattle awund Con- laughing, but he gave a sovereign to his In. cost are a (rreat ttmg Ontario. Societyof Knox Church,
were stand' in defence of e lip in the raoring, A the rights the atep an increase of only $1 per head. saying that the mission out there is of the Wiles' Aid
0 and - legislative, per inin stance. I have seen some ofthem, and also on well, and that Rev. Win. Gaut, the —Alfred Main, of Beverly, is seriously sidence of -Mr. W- formant- JAY at this Cri 1"rovince, both territorial He was Mitchell, givdn at the �re sl He. wbuld not be unkilid enough while on a lot of gbod, successful cattle men. But, ning, inPra-ying With Children -
Byers, ij�F�Ilarton, on Tuesday eve
scue, aild� Wi,,t put the country to an expense which he (Mr, k your correspondent has failed to writer, is in good health. t To- ill from a very singular cause. then �h the 50,000. this point to refer to the co ention of the air, I thin —The stage fare from Kingston o Galt 9, short timee ago and from no -affair . and a
before life as iGibson) estimated at not less than $1 lber for Toronto that the cost of ingle last week7 was a very pleasant Mg- ins ru junior men show me a a individual that has sold, t ction of a mother may Not only had they caused this, unnecessary as be- ronto in 1815, was Z2 10s. The Kingston known causel was seized with an excruciat- financial kkuc�ess,consideriiig the unfavorable The lov but it will appear maintenance in American asylums w at home or abroad, cattle that have brought thrown aws expenditure of money, but they sought Gazette of August 7th, 1815, contained an n in one of his feet. Before getting seem to be little y imissioner of Crown money than mine. Con- weather affer. many days. hen I was a betterprices cl� 'more g a—Mr.* ifles Br4 "my mother movingabstract, resolutions in the House toe low that here, as the Con advertisement inviting tenders for the ome, h a foot had turned cold as ice,though' d, was
t gett ig home an t ken u day, child, said a good old man Sh. Lands had put tha Matt& right at the time Your correspondent asks, however, why I veyance of the mails to Montreal by stage or warmly protected, and on ii itchell on Satur -ger expen4- a denly ill in M commit the Government to lai the statement was made; The hon. member do not give some late' sales. ell, I will some- a u- ed th bid me kneel down 'beside her ana rections. They moved for single conveyance or on horseback. examination showed that there was lie has been confined to his bed on, January 23rd,- itures in other d for West Kent had complaimd at som minodate him. Last summer I place her hand upon my head while she s —A lot of Brai�tford P. P. A.'s went to thing seriously wrong with the circulation. l7th inst. sold a drove off the pastur t, Mr. Neil Amder- payment to criminal witnesses, and on ope try to acco, W'6� at the residence of Mr. J - oseph id le management of the Agri e for $4.90 per Mount Pleasant the other night and tried to Medical aid was called in but so far relief all I t prayed- Ere I was old enough to know her
;a in a ngth of tile ---)dges, %ud at times has been very low, but York, and -Mism occasion for lar ely increased grant al College. It was most unfair- to cation being H( e died, and I was left too much b0l� tur 100 pounds. 'They -were driven straight to worth gh %rities. . This was before organize a lodge. A local Protestant mil i I mortifi, &Ir. Charles Jick- of hospitas -.n(f ch, alaries of the four Ila- has not been obtaine, , at present is mending slowly. ance. Like others I wa& in- contrast, as he did, the s the -scales and weighed as uiekas.theygot ter and a, teacher took the plittforin itgainst alications in other my own guid er -, n returned. the present system of payment by results Mcipal officials of that institution with threatened, with coml —An interesting ceremony was performed ften feIt in self pr there, with not a pound 5 for shrinkage. et inse nstitutions are n them. The crowd hissed th e Brantford men, pafts of his body which threaten serious re- , at the clined -to evil passions, but rith. him his bride- was adopted, so far as these i cials in some Now, can the young farmer tell me of .&my on Wednesday evening, the 2 This,method -is a fair and equit- those of the salne number of offi who failed to form the lodge. sults. of' Mr. A. Sanderson, Stratford, checked, and, as it were, drawn back C a. d residenepl- When a gung �w�z; and -a mail of concerned. of the, minor Collegiate 'Institutes of the one around Constance that sold'for as -year-old chil to soft hand upon my head. ome improvement might —Mrs. McDonnell wife of Rev. D. J. --Mary Ethel Finlay, the 6- formerly of Nortlf'Easthope, Who moved lands, an waa
.-or severa -seasons able one, although 9' Provinde. - Why did he not `hoOW the Cen- But he says he, is sorry that I have to _Vend ch, Ter- the . occasion be a in foreign Andrew's Chur - man, I travle
'he first tory steps to e es, McDonnell, of St of Alex. Finlay, South Chatham, was ad the city a few weeks ago, - but when. I hicap as be made as regards the initi tral Experimental Farm at Ottawa for such e-marriageo ella, exposed to many temptations the tig� steamers of taken in, establishing institutions Wbich Schoolteach- my declining years on the stump. tu onto, died at her home, on Friday last, of mitted to the General hospital recently, suf - inu th f his daughter, Miss B d have:jielded that same hand was afterwards claim Government as- coniparison? Scores of High think I can see a little inois re in congestion Q1 the lungs. She was a daugh- fering from severe scalds, the result of an to�mr. Win. Waldie, of Downie. About 100 WOU seemed .Oinpainyll and will should ers call be got, but experts in the particular his eye, but it won't wet the cheek. I am r. Smellie, of Fergus, and was accident. The injuries extended over the an my h and I was saved.
n the opening of *stance undef the statute. rricultural education cannot so ter of Rev. D natural pro- 'guests were present to witness the interest- up ;he happy days of an now satisfied to remain at the foot of the 6 feel its pleasure as in. I h the question of the surplus, in the 49th year of her age, side of the faceand neck. The ing event. came with it a- Dealing wit C Of g d. They could command od tree. i ill fail-, Time tisfac�ory, the -o W, y A cess of healing not be L -'Donald —Mrs. Freeman, of Toront -Mr. as shown in the'e 8
amine the surplus left by Mr. leiaily be aha Ivro- Youth' and while visit Ing "do' on the: opera-� McDonald f ustowel,wbe infancy, and sometimes 'there
Ondent. says W. let them ex I salaries, as w &so of spares no. one; biit, " oung Farmer," you Ing a relative on Saturday, left her babe attending physician decide w wound c1h. the head from, a strike voice in"my heart, a voice that was ObeYe Sandfield Macdonald, about which there lin the 0, do not this wickedness, my son, nor Mr. B. Rothwell,, Robertson, who was taken frc may, before you have reached my age and on the bed while she went to lunch- tion of skin grafting, which was commenced receive a gatherin was so much talk, and which amountea to 'M'sol p I i oll by all offer of an increase of asleep mother Three nurses cheerfully vol- of a cow's horn, which formed toai sin a:gainst God." From this sum shou.14 be eg�. handled as may cattle as I have, be below eon. Oh -returning to the room the on Monday. on the4iain and resulted in almost Mongst hia friend about $3,8W,WO $1, 000 a year in his saary ff he would' go to the ,tump. But, in fine, let me say to 0,11 found the babe had turned over on its face, unteered to supply the skiro. from their arms. an an amolint of about half a million paralysis was relieved some time ;ago by in Englimd. Ie for the last week ded�icted the Cential Farm. He did so, and is now young farmers, strive to excel, not Only in in that position was smothered to These heroic young ladies are Mias John- Domei3tic Service on Government Cratip�' w4ich drew off the foreign matter Mongst us brings dollars paid by the Domini. -in receipt of $5,000 a year which salary has hat is and hens, and Miss OP the time, but I've cat'de feeding. but in everything t son, (head nurse), Uis$ Step kept a sharp eye on the young women. ill the early years of Confederation op ac- death. -, and restjored the faculties for avg a fel- when his father been paid him since two months and thirteen good and lauc&ble, and your humble servant . - Chancey Beckwith Shanonville, Restorick. a very good recovery) and in domestic service over here, h little log school ovincial expenditure. . last Do- . —Mrs. I low-feelin� for them, as you cam well under- count of Pr days previous to tile end of the will not feel, aggrieved should any of you th of her —About two weeks alo, says the Walker- he is not mak ed news recently of the dea
—It was eharged up. receiv a return of parva sis is feared. ut 35 or 36 ears Mr. Meredi�t minion financial year. If the saaries of the and better idenially shot in C igners, ei of St. Marys, met with a stand, Zamp una since I've been in the entral Am- ton Telescope, a little co ony I T y Mr. Gibson h Undoubtedl it was a succeed in bringing out a bigger husband, aca of fore' Wre MeN d the poor folks and see lin of jealousy four leading officials at the Guelph Colle e drove than ever he has done. Now, dear eric�a on Februar 6th The letter from a saidtobe Syrians,. locatedin Walkerton. a defective side- country Five watche e present Governant had to pay expect seriXs �;Ccident through '-UP e his' death was delivered There are 20 or 30 of them altogether, men, le and till were compared with those of the four lee, , ExposiToR, I have don and do not night, l6th how they live, and its just plain to me sa ust to Cliarge, friend telling 0 walidn Woodstock on Frid are maidw enwho US. But many it. It wasrunfair and unj ing officials at the Central Farm up to the to trouble you again ; And if you think this ---a wom 8'andfield Macdonalds debts to the present h one from her husband written one w eek women and children, and it required a good inst. "i The end of a loose plank struck her on can be that the youn lighted with the 30th of June last, it would be seen that the worthy. of a place, all rt lit ; if not, let it wlt accommodate them. Me- and waitresses over Tiere are the kind W110, n. He should have paid them before his sad death. deal.of house room to le of the leg, inflicting an ,!Igly gash. Dr. Administratio hile the latter help to light'the stove. have tried to be shop girls and drm- v used him well, former amounted to $7,400, w turs respectfully, —Alf that section of Brantford lying west Th were stlecessful in getting a coup Lay pk�it in seven or eight stitches, when. the would y thauTrowbridge, m -s- he went -along. (Hear,hear.) Thatsum, amounted to:-*9900,,and allowingforthe THOMAS GovEN'LocK, McKillop. and even school teachers, M and south of the Grand River and canal has lee together. They entitled to be dequeted douelle houses, quite c1c iujure� woman was taken to the residence ,makers, was in all fairness increase in Professor Robertson's �salary, to of the servants we have .e.apected Downie, from the amount -of Sandfield's sur been laid waste a second time this spring by piid their rent in advance, -conducted them- of 'her �iiece, Mrs. Tindal. She is recover- America, and mw plus. $11 goo. "That was a fair comparison i quietly would be working in the fields ff they lived I o will not cover the dam- selves in an orderly manner, went ililliop and -floods, and $100,000 Mg sloWly, although she. will be laid up for family of three Then there was an %mount of a i make, andot such a one as the member for Canada. age occasioned, tdsay nothing of the tempo- about their work, and gave evidence of be- over here. -The faet is the English people ,Lrt by the Sandfield ) our popula- some tioe. money set apE Winnipeg's city piles and aluable addition tc man who ran don't go to other coUutries to get their ser- �'ded On. 10t 9,Cn- a half of West Kent had'made. (Hear, hear.) While! -assessment for this year %ray fund, rary discomforts. Fences, wood ite a Y the Vronto to' cosum- two nules frola Macdonad GgiverAmeAt as a rail saying this he did not mean to reflect upon'. $21,692,710. if peddling lest Mann. . Theii way is like a fac ap in the C. lent of the Central Fa thouses were mill swept away. itnioVu Their occupation is that c off wiiha Fullarton township girl when he, vants rm. He: ke. The' ung -d su appropriated by statute and locked i '3�andard Bank is erecting a $30,000 Ou e counties of a own smo 1w aur o iLte cide on the manage —The E es for th y. & � � —Mr. Stephen Hall, of Washington, died and they hold licens a e dy married, has been committed i-119 it could not be touelied for any othe --heard the member for Sout1I building at Chatham. both Grey. ad Bruce. They talk English construction Avomen, and there must of F -eek) by hanging bank. It aid of had frequently telligence. 0 tri Mann put a str&nge body was discov- urpose, aud had to be paid out ill Huron in the House of Commons, Mr.- John —Essex county .,haB had no less than five at the General Hospital, Toronto, on Thurs was of ield Macdomald's success- urers. day night, of Ust week. Mr. Hall had been readily and are not lacking in in bi ;amy. He them are used up inoxnestic service Lty foi Go years, a When at home a mile or ff an - Amer�W-an poor &I is good one of the Tailways by Sand McMillan, speak highly of its Director, Mr, defaulting county treas they live about on the.. governing I ridoot live with his Now, of Oxford cour e thati as he tarbnyt ors, as that - gentleman's administration Saunders. The member for Algoma had —The total Roman Catholic population of a resident th, OPM1 n ) be a first-cl�ss servant she wants o see what Jerusal . But they are not one enough t( e,, his din- would have had to pay -it out had they re- stated that the expenditure on account the Dominion is 2,058,000. member of the Township of Blenheim Coun- two. from em ouins of the desert, first *ff . his matriage' to the second be something else. � Sooner than go out I ould read the words also . I Bed omis .1intli"'Iftlyo: He w of the Agricultural College last year was nizing a Curling Club cil for over 30 years Reeve for 20 years,and Jews. They are the vas ehuiv�lent to a divor.. He e es to is orga The other I at tr trial to Be Of mained in effice. —Brantford Ishmael. developments rvie she will wori twice as hard in a ys, consi(TC ating this pum(34 is -was incorrect, as the costf with .515, r a rink. Warden of the county of Oxford. the true descendants of Lmenced some stattling ered P.- ofthe statute appropri $169 OW. Th 000 capital fo er named -John Hill, living at night some mischievous lads coir the shop, or even go into A' factclry�� Vic., oil —A new post offi. sand other- which will take place thi� week at ultnre only ce, named Lloyd, has , —A labor I have talked a goo& deal about this to- cason can b6 as- the 'whole Department of Agric d on the Canadian throwing stones at their door .1 I . I Ro'r Ze purposes- aforesaid �he slim Was "sizes. I t 'to be a pb4- is wife died some, a amounted to this slim I'4other night. He wise molesting the new comers. But i e far- Jone, and he says imt�ie�tjk I "takes iiiuch it (1) - been established in Lanark county. Chester, aged 45 kill the
ion five hundred thousand dol- pARLIATtTENT BUILDINGS- —Sandwich has Toted to spend $4,000 in Pacific Railway track th "and armed with knives —On Saturday, 17th inst.,.& Downi pher, but I donI gervative in Poli of one mill ut of the had been ill Toronto shopping in the after- Syrians were game imer came into Stratford and; 'imbibed freelY' oso ow this ease Roman Catholic lars shall The set apart from , and o e sidewalks. 'the humor for d of this Province, Refei ring � to the rem -arks made by th" of Waterloo will noon with his wife, and when half way made & rush at their assailants, who took to of shamrock dew. Feelingm, philosophizing to find out ' h� consolidated revenue fun r member for Toronto, about the Com. —M 7 ing he had for- their heels, ran tfll scant o' breath and then i r. J. E.,Seagram, ed back for someth lark he drove a neighbor's te�%m, Which was stands. If house service, cou�d be looked week-, the home and form a fund to be designated and kno-wn senio rks, he could only send 23 racehorses to Toronto this week to home star- a ipoii in the proper way - it wouian!t take inissioner of Public � Wo took shelter in a vacant house. They will ad of lumber, to & distant I 4t ming season. gotten. the railway fund." ngenerous. He be trained for the co efore trying a loose game with hite4ed to a lo )Wing Tuesday long for American Is who have to - Work ,an township, it think twice b part of the city. The foll( .estroyed by fire. (2) From and out of the said terize them as being ill the esti- —The next convention of the Ontario Sab- —The North Dakota woman who swal 'red before the magistrate for their IiviA to r(d ou� that its 8, lot bet- t-(-,xlove-.nor in about the increase in - the Bedouins again- morning he appea, expressing ter to liv it Council had sp6ken teeth, was brought to St e wi i Zee Xe sca;peJ with fund the Lieutenail, ent buildings, bath School Association will be held at !owed her false and Cook au< 'e'y ents mated cost- of the, new Parliam for an oper- tated from, some may by order in Council athorize paym Boniface Hospital,- Winnipeg,. —0— ana,'Pleaded guilty to the charge, n the table, those things to be made from time to time incorpo- but be would recall to the recollection of Belleville in October. of Wind- ation. ' Her teeth lodged aD6ut half way Ines$ to defray all expenses.. He wait
to any Tuesday evening, 20th inst., one of his willin natural to-WOMen the world
nd the number of times -the City —When Colonel lkrthur Rankin, away which co under the, cook- y ch. Dr. Good made an —On $1 and costs, and" went y rated railway Company of a sum or sums of his lion. frie H r, died, he owned a half interest in a tract down to the stoma h, and the those - pleasant events of appreciation of was fine over, than to standll day behind a counter inil were aware thumb of �a . floor -walker, a Council of Toronto came to the ser made manifest, ha�q bert, r grind
per mile �- near Desert Lake, eon- incision and extracted the teet at getting off so lightly
of the house was not less than two thousand dollars 10 se the amount to be ex� of land in Algoma, . . I ar way. ices, which are sometimes 0 tim-_ 0 Rg of Milver under the rat awakened by- nor more than fourth authority to increa and the taining 670 acres. The land woman is in a f to recovery. me Dr ousand dollars per works gave every in a terrible gale took place at the. residence of Mr. Amos of Millbanki their lives out like slaves among a lot oi ded on Don i 22nd mst. - n-, assisted es and machinery.
mile of any portion or portions of such pen mprovement n of being rich in iron, and slIce Mr. —About the of the South Boundary of Blan, to I The only restin'g, on some -jlumber of times ithe estimated cost of the dicatio coast of Newfoundland, and Pickard, t*cal operation upons, steaul engin house ser- I, George Rankin, of visited the rons the fire started. railway, etc. creased' They Rankin's death his soi shard, when about 280 friends and Pat performed a very Cn I 5th reason the English have better n mples assayed, which caused immense damage in St. Johns, many child of Mr. Nicholas Hammers, of the is that here any the house as the THE SURPLS NOT FOUL. ew city buildings had been in then London, has had sai of the Blanshard and Nissouri cheese fac minal vants than welave, 000 could not be regarded as first got autho $300,000) e than satisfied all e ctations new houses being blown clown and several to where Mr. Pickard has been cheese line of Mormingtoil, removing an abdo ho has to work is willing t* be a house 7tad to rush out This $1,500, iit have mor The child, w ()0,000, then $&,Of000r, and, finally, for sert Lake Tron Min'e other buildings partly unroofed. Many Vil- T could catch up really.fQrming any portion of the surplus $4 The Portrock and De for -the PaStL eighteen years, assembled tumor weighing 1J pounds. vant, and very good house servants thej- raething Eke a million and a half, and, at Company has now been organizeap lages were devastated and a large section of maZer e consisting which wag only one year and seven mouths ser d $50 in cash in left by Sandfield Macdonald, as it was his go, which the buildings Railroad as flooded. Telegraph wires to do him honor. A programm, success- olfl, had been in poor health for a few are, too.—Pomona, in lAdieS' Home jOUr- had S40 in her ntention, expresaed by statute, to expend it the rate of progress completion and a few days ago they applied to ihe railway line w northern localities. - The of readings, recitations, etc., was of months on account of the growth whi0h wag 'th al in aidimg railways throughout the Province. were showpig the time of their gislature for a charter. The were down in all after which'Lan Partook i 11 the other On the other -hand, the new Ontario Le his storm is that the seal fully Carried Out, rhere was no in. U hen, ao- is yet far off, I ar (Appla Fie.) These two items, t; ovincial,,�Buildings were th6ir own defence, chief claue of the ch' ter asks for the right worst feature oft counted for two million dollars 4 this sur- Pr