HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-03-23, Page 5,.-- ­ ­ ­ . .. - . - .., -- frz, ,T g, - - " ­ . - ­. , , --I lk;7 fr ":T, -Tf- - -- i -j- - * t: `1 F 1. - . ? " - M . - ;4,;!, r. . , , ,, jkz, '. - , - 1 4' Z,;! I ­ ik;- fr-., * :T­ ( " 'i `-T ' -- ';-, I - - - k - ,-- - . . I - - - -­ - . __ , _ - MR - I -- If 14 , - ­==- . , - - - --- --- , , - --- - - -- ­ I — ­­­­­=.­--- L -, ­ - ­ ­ "' : - ­- - ­ ­­­: 1- . ­ -r -- Z ­­ .- .-- -- -4o---, -.­-, - —,t0,­-----­­­ ­ - _ - - - ­ - ., - I - ­ . - I .. ­ -; , - - . . - 1 , - - . - I - . I I - - - - z - I - I . ; I I . I - - , --- - - - - - -- . . . . --- , , . ­ -- I - - — . - --- - I I - - - I i ... , JEL - '. - --- . I — — — — -- - —M—" --T-M—M--- - 0'. I - .. I ­ . i -- . - I . .i I . XTIFILTIVI I I — I . . I I I I U..#-"— —a' .4,ua sele#: Best heavv steers, $4.25 ON HAND AGAIN WITH I a- -A00ment & fevr weeks Huron Notes. 1AA;A.L 1NUXJLUJNi5- . I " I 1 4 . . 1 $4,40 ; good, 13.85 to 04.16 ; light and othpra.418.60 I 1 11 Ere Waa Cho - I I I . for U146 L IM75 ; I EGGS. THAT WILL HATCH. -, 'a any ice can be seen on the lake CHEAP. -A heavy all taxas steers, 03.00 to $8.601; mixed i l . e ina-Ce ; -65 to $L25 ; fair to good 0owc I r I -!1 I . —Hardly . I ­ 11 in Zing - . . b4tchers', $9, ; 12.25 to .. nine, , . t t y r, A'- CIIA . at Charles. : I . . jW Goclai.ch, except some aisiris =a;A EFpl fodden, 6215 to $3 ; Last yes rower ll =11h9holff his . a tore. Main street, Boxforth. $3.25 ; stockers, $L25 to $2,50 ; r I Advertised eggs that will hatch, and 1) A IV89 I I , I am to the * south pier and aom4, in the karbor. L . . i . 1870-tf fresh cows higher at $L50 to 48.45; Yeats, f 16 to' $7. the reports I have recelv6d from my numerous cue- , i ome time before he . . .80 This I I Xill mouth of Gbileric -Yorkers, 14.85 to $4.90 ; mixed pack rs, $4 toesers prove that statement to be correct. A A I , I cross the -The unde i i Lm-A Rood azid wife . . -The boom a CLoVER Alm TimoTHY. I -signed to .86 ; pl^ 04.86 to'$4.00 ; rouge, $4 40 $4.36. ear I have a4argd pen of thoroughbred f, I . - , y . ; b&rbor -broke away the other night and L . e on Tuesday of thin I e drifted into the harbor. a has a quantity of Ane clever and timothy seed for Sheep. and Lambe -Bost lambs, U to 0445; good. BLACK MINORCAS . "I . . qssntitY Of ic I sale, at reasonable prices'. Parties needing such wilt 04.25 to $4.40 ; light too fair, $8.60 to 0440; best I I . I - it. JAmn MoGimNis, Be a in the Dominion, and I chiallenge. li N It . Iff" i;0815- choice to tancywathera, $8.75 to 'Saturday, s- ." I 419"th. -ixed shtep, $3.26 to 43.5o - I --One of the cribs at the Goilerich harl do well to call and see . fair to good, $2.00 s000nd to nob 11 I'll Saturday night Mi " iambs, $3.40 -to $8.00. 1 .14.25 ; any breeder In Huron to produce their equal. This Fridaw and . I iii . -broke away on MT,T,IXEgy OPENING.—Our spring Milliwl headed by one of the highest scoring mole I., %all 1 - bor ;ed 16 . ! I gift A - . I . ; eaO - lace 01 on;=w 101, March SO,-Stoc)re LPooderi.-These aji d (h,ifted to the island in t6 har a Friday and Saturday, i ' girdj'&'!jn Canada. These 101rds were exhibited at all .1 ' 6kelet. . imt.) i chp6ning will tske.,t ro mat fall, carrying off let- ,, f ! got and Sle 1894. DumcAx & DvxoAN9 were some of the transactions .!sright head, 1,140 the leading shown in Huron 11 all . 1 U48 . . . b"- istand 2nd at March 3fth and 316t., & Dulm who haa , . t Dickson, Private -secretary for Thos Seaforth. I 1870 The averap, Sic per lb ; 2 head, 2,130 The weight, Me and 2nd at Exeter, Olinton, and I - 11 . -do not 11 . I ' I -W. - - jU the first prizes at Seaforth. Therefore, I I It IMpL,zxENn, -Coleman's per Ito ; 2 head, 2,100 .Ibs weight, 866 - I LOW . - . - I . weight, 8 per no ; 3 head, SIM ii, She I I I EsseX on W Keane, the great tragedian, is in I have to offer prizes -for my own stock ne , ]; Z=ee I Gj i AGRICULTURAL The 61A in order to i9s daughte I . I or anc Dale Pivoted Roller, Plows .and scuffiers, Noxon el - 1hese are the dates of 'our r U recover- I ,e; j visiting his parents, Jail Gove i per Ito ; 1 cow -!%Td IV make sale for Allem, as these birds have already M NIERY M & numbi . rn Hosier Combined Dint r 'of . . . a &ad other implements ; also lb , 4,590 The weight, * SPRING MILLI st 04 b the farini I r,2,200 The weight, $11. Butchers' CAttle-There widned for themselves a reputation as prize winners. - - rs 3fts: Dickson. the latest Improved combined Drills m%nufactured 810 ggo sold at prices to suit the times. Satisfaction OPENING. All are cordolly invited to visit our store m, - In - Guess Vre ,News has been received of the death 11 by the Peter Hamilton Manufacturing Company, of was practics,11y; nothing clone in tl Broderick rar mak his line. Prlp ' =W . Con. Peterborough, Out. Bate wagons and Buggies for the absencoof trimeactions were purely nominal. guaranteed. For full information call at will be on al " 6 IndepeUd- penver, Colorado of - Nil. Dalton shop, at Grieve's implement Ile. PZ I I r Ito worth? talking about. & Aitzel's harness - and Show Rooms on the rabove dates. There - re Diam end ha;ving . . eldest lion of 114r. John Dalton, of ABb1le1(' mto by TnoxAs BROWN, Seaforth, Ont. 1870x2 Nothing went above-Sic'p a low as 2c and I moot emporium, And Mr. Aitzel will give any In. . . I f I 11 . , int I . SPRWG MILLINBUY.-YOU are cordially Common stuff sold very idow)Y At Is as fr Be 'r" )r at my poultry yard, two exhibition ; I S1 ' rday, Afarch Ifth. ' Therpageforthe beat w om C awitlon required, ( - . Everything that is,ne4, . . tow ,- invIted to otir Spring Exhibit of Trimmed Millinery, , re factory. Templar, -Mr. -kVillia ; inship- . I per lb, xld at so per lb. b , Ice west of the B roadfoot 4 Box f urnitu .. I I . . pi 'M ­Rfobertson Farrow, of the 4th concessioii hich will take place on Fridiv and Saturday, the Mic per Ito. quite a few bunebbe so , : . I ' w Three staers, averaging 1,110 lbs sold for Sic ger lb, " Seaforth. , Everything thilt i ', nice, i; - M &M to Mr. Bell - --- a snake on th 30th and slat of,blarch. E. MoFAUL. 1370 i. -H. REA A I of Ashfield township, killed .. t Q . which was About the beet deal during t to day- ! 1871-6 ,I. f Z " very dis . - 101100 - brou I ` Everything t4 6t is nobby, agreeable -7 .pAd on'INfarch 5th, 2 feet 2 inches long. I JAmbs and Shoop -Good giain-led lambs ght . -. ­ da I , , — ­ --- - . il, i sold very Welf i from 0 to 410 Per lb. I -011 Everyth ng that is proper, , in . . Lambs weighing from 90 to "' A. Jul ; Births. eep . / 't f!; 1$60.-- A public Curr' 6. EGGS FOR SALE. t t 0 - I . Was as smart as i I . 100 the each sell readily at those 111guree. A few sh . ­ Ild .. -A ie, lnussX, recently pur 11" BUIR.-In Morris, on March Sid, the , wife of Mr. 'can be sold st from $4.50 to $4.76 per head, accord- .. I . i. f Ev rything that is prailseworthy, Isl by the Patrons of jz . I a dressed hog, 4 months old, that weigghe Robert Blair.. of a zon. Ing to quality. CalveB-Good vaalg sell well. Those . "I I ly I Ever3 thing that is desirable. rance -hall. A nunIber - I -1 Ig I a I 00 to 100 lbs fetch $6 to 48 per head. I I I ., i . I t St . 162 pounds, from Elias Dickson, l2th coni EDGAR. -In Brussels, on March i3th, the wife of we h ng fr n " 1 1 sent, i Sir. W. A. Edgar, ,of a daughter. ; Commoi calves and'poor are not wanted. Some men . I Ong w o ,W " oession of Grey. I GGS FOR SALE from White Legh0rns and Black ; i . WIGHTMAN.-In Morris, on March,9th, the wife of down to $J.Wto, $2 per head. Milchers and Spring- a I which to be adm , O Hop Minoreas. My pen of Minorcas this year is I iocial sowtelonging to George Pvle Mr. John Wightman, of a-daughter erg --Quotation@ are from $80 to $50 per head. E ,homas . . . ?'i -A headed by a grand 7j lb. Cockrel; sired by A Fair' Womans .1 1 4: "i I ;- -1 13th waa ":, s ogiven birth to 36 pigs inelln; 0 EGGRIECT.-In Blyth, on March llth, the wi -For long loan and godd half -fat hop the to f-lgg'g Oil the id fe of Mr. ,- roads are in a , . Morris, ha , ew out of that larg Wm. Eggert, of a son. Ififures Duff's let Prize Cookerelat the Ontario In Hamilton 11 I r B paid were $4.60 to 04.70 per owt, weig ed off i I better 1; ;0118; eeX and lost very f . X g BOWES -In Hullett, .on March lith, the wife of cars. Heav3f-\ fat hop sold 'at from $4.40 a ft ated into extra fine hens and pullets. MY 1 I ! L I at y r, m N ;-A public examination - , f Leghorne are of Rice's strain, headed by a grand . : --a r. Porkhas been & valuable a Mr. George Bowes, of a daughter. ' ' to $4.60 per owt.; sows, 4c per lb; stags, d mated to choice hens and ' I i i rs. 20 to 2jo per lb and! no iequiry ; storoa,$4 60 to $4.7 z pure . . hearer, in -the 0,ang,, li the -past few yea' white Cockerel an . I :: -product for STEWART.-In Exeter, on march 9th, the wife of I I . 4f uskrat, r t Mr. J. A. Stewart, of a daughter. I I welghcd off cars. These latter are keeping fairl pu I . arch Illets. Eggs, $1 per 18. H andsome is as ha dsome doesi" P j, - A good concert -The other night a lively in . tebtimonials, among many more, I I S( of an t in ; The following ) vening by the chjjdre3, u gauntlet on TArnberry street, Brussels, with .WHITE. In Exeter, on March 9th. the wife or Mr. steady, and are fetching the best prices . were received last season: says. the Droverb. . I xpect the e -<aillinati A M. J. White, of a son. . going. mr. Harris says that what to thaimatter wi .1 I . I I - On 4 "e or four youths in hot pursuit. The COLLINS.-In Exeter, on March 17th, the wife of R. the rbarket. Is that too many hop weighing from 80 - I I I Mr. Shearer is among ,; - I R. Collinal to 180 lbu are offering. Those wanted should weigh MR, HAR Y: I s e who hand- P , =mal found a refuge under the sidewalk at' Esq., Barrister, of a daughter. TR j -- from 140 to 220 the. Only those hogs -shotild be of- The Black Minorca Eggs hatched 13 birds from the - 9c"ITagdsome will be Mr. Jerry AjcK111n,y ,, Gillies & Smith's bank. 7! jould be 18 eggs,and with the Co6kerel yon shipped me In Sep- --- , , I . . I I -Aows," Say we. `Gba on Monday,-3&ij j 1 -j. E. O'Brien, who was foreman for . fered, but anything below those weights BI to buk tewber took first and seconkprize over the man who some . Z -, I MaxTiages. leftwith thefarmers. Drovers do wrong to is visiting her friends A. W. Robins on the Grand, Bendl . ok first and aeoond at the Western, London. I I :1 ­ ; . Mr. A. on IYRNER-McDOUGALL.-At the residence of them. ­ JULIUB CARBON, HighgAte- . : cut last . For 01 ' James 85'aunder- h,,, summer, diedinTorontoon Alowl LYMB . 7 I the brid e's brother-in-law, Grey, on March 14th, , e woman who knows whaVs 1 fr. Reading. He has _; day of lad week, from the effects of a I by Roy. D. Millar, Brussels, assisted. by Rev. D. NPORTANT NOTICES. 7Got 12 chicks from 13 Minorca ego, 10 gullets and I . . , -1 : . I . I handsome, .Will be handsomely --dressed. _ I lere he inteitda build- . ; t, of Walton, Mr. Jawes Lymburner, of I - Coekrels. WX. HOAGE, eatorth. I . . I Fokres , I . . 16 I- . broken leg- er of the late Dun- , . - , -Mi,qs Emily Potter -Aserious fire might haveresulted ou' DAkota6 to Miss Bella, daught . I She will 6130 our can McDougall,.of Grey. LJTRAXED.-Strayed from Win. ReedY's, Conces- Id success with eggs you Frent me. - I I - . Htd splend . I ! A. Potter, wn'o is at'- , by a -Atthe residenceof the bride's- 0 sion 5, Mo'N I I ' :- Mo!aday of last week, in Cranbrook, GILLIES-THOM. . ,illop, on Monday Evening,Marchfth, L. STAPLEFORD, Watford. . . ; I ,-. - Mr. 0 largebay horee,white stripe on face,had harnew on.' - . -- I I I N I 4ge, Toronto, was, sent - , spark from the saw -mill smoke stack light father, on March 6th, by Rev. A. McKay, lead to recovery will be I 1 4 iciety, as del cDonald's hotel. David Gillies, to Min Janetisecond daughterof Any Information that will A JL. 1 egate to . ing on the stables of M suitab!y rewarded. ANDREW GOVENLOOK Win- /,, DRESS - NA "'ERIAlru co! , I -)etr " t. Mr. Wm. Thom, of West Wawanesh. ' Two LEGHORN COCKERELS FOR SALE _e_ 1. . I LING, -At the residence of the brid -t f ; . . I Ol We think it r There was a large hole burned in the roof BL&OR-STIR 8'8 tbrop P. 0. 1371 Also a few Colonies of Pure Italian Beee, and will ei, 1 4 1 ; irl of sixteen. I - e was notiGed. - pa ents. on March 7th, by Rev-. R. Henderson, - keep for sale Bee-Keepers'isupplieg, such as Hives, I . . j I - before the fir r BOAR FOR SERVICE. -The under- mb, Foundations, Smokers, ! . . -6M-==W I -Mr. WM. Snell" of Hullett, is :raising Mr. John Black, of Paisley, to Miss Lizzio, eldest -E)EUSHIRE Frames, Sections, Cc . . , ,,, she may be, . t dauKlifer of Mr.Alexander Stirlinjr.of Smith's " signed has on his premises Lot 10, Concession 4, Honey Knives. Also agent for Mrs. Jennie Atchley's I 'And how6vm; economical - , ' 4 fifteen lambs from seven ewes, which jare all Hill. . Tuckeramith a thoroughbred Berkshire Boar for ser- lebrated Itallau Queens. Beeswax taken in ex- I she will find% -he can affora them. idale. -1 .1 A irf% i Ini &-.911 U ..h I f service with T " . --t-cl sires Thev ri, -- 2 i a payable at time o U #­ .. lt- visitors welcome Sundays I I U 0 1 11ft9 , - outh End 1014 : , I—, S . : '. I , It I . I I . lao SIM- " . I -- .. I I I . I — i . q - 11 I I - . I E W 100'rml R I N 0 WON . - . : - . . ,I - - --- I - — I - - I I . CLOTHING. I :1 I Ve have a large wsortrneut of I ­ , I J en's, Youths? and Children's Ready- -- j - 4 ide Clothing at- very low Priem; I I 1 - I 3o some exceptionally firie' goods for 4 1 Litingis and Pants at rock bottom ., I ! - . - i ieek; for the.Sp;ring trade. J , I I I , ! i HATS HATS - ., ill - I New Spring styles in all the 'leading , 1 . apes and makes. Also the finest i I I ' i ock of.- Soft Felts.. I j A I I G:ENTS FURNISHING& : Allihe latest nov-1ties in Shirtx I I . - eckwear, Gloves, etc-, at the lowes . aces, just opened out. for the Spring . . 2son. -- I . , C p-'Underwear at greatly,reduced . I I vices, . ­ INSPECTION., INVITED. y - I I I I N. T. OPLUFF, . The South End Clothiei- ., - I I W -1 11 0 E S ,0-% 7 f . . . -Foll- . . I I . a goo 8 Zv, - -r . . I . . .. - . SENGHAS—GILURKLON.—In e, on - V. . . - W.J.CUESNEY 0 a-*- Fr - I I . r 0 excepted. I have been dropped since the middle of 7tb, by Roy. W. H. Johnston, of Chesterfield, privilege of returning If necessary ISTI-t f ! I . : I I I lie ice and snow have .. . . City, Michigan, F,gmondv,llle, P. 0. Reforence-11r. James peattle, grain merchant. , , 1 OPLEW - -V-11­ He has them all sold at w good. Captain A. H. gengbav,of Marine " 1 A *0MD'V I . LITTLE PE - - -1VXeQ I OM L'.110 ja,Ke.— I I I.T I . .. to Miss Aggie E., daughter of Mr. G.D. Gilchrist, . I IT . I I 11 I T ! ,A " 1POrtIlItu,te enough to- - .., figure. I Clinton. OWN pRopERTY FOR SALE.—For sale, 41 opposite entrance to Mr. J. Beattie's grovo,Seatorth. ! .. - ; . ., _ I - i: 1. '- --The other morning, while workipW 'af NOBLE—PERGU30N —In Hallett, on March 14th, I I 1871 "I i , air -'d , Of last week a I T acroe of land In Wingham, on which there @ a I ; . ay - 7 , id4y was I by Rev. Mr. Hamilton, Mr. W. T. Noble, of East I 1, . I . tt1v Prpud--Afrs and 'the dock, in Goderich, Herb Colliday I house and a barn. -with orchard. Apply to MRS. — " . 4 . i" Mi@s Jane Ferguson, eldest ROBERT EADIE, Wingham. 1371-4 1. . . .I., precipitated into the cold water, and bad it Wawanosh-, to . i. I .if Fansville, waa th,& 1 daughter of Mr. D. Ferguson. . . . AUCTION SALE I ""CANt ig acquaintancea in the . G 14cMillIen the WCAN & DUIN I . ­ . . ast week.--mr. wm . not been fox- t4e timely assistance of C4ptain , FELKER-BELL.-At the residence of the bride's - -OF- . - - 1. - aff%ir mighV have father, Blyth; on, March 15th, by Rev. T. E. AUCTION SALE' DU -U.10 . i . - . 'usv Higley, Mr. Win. J,. Felker, of Auburn, to Miss S. I " - - eorrBerio, J. W. Bell, . -0 - ' .. - He and his friendg -. ende -he - cou , Me of a month James Tim- Mary E., eldest aaughter of Mr. 1, , VALUABLE - FARM , . - S;EAI die Vicinity for sumajer !, -In 4, Blyw nLEARING AUCTION SALE OF PARK STOCK . - . . I FORTH. - min will close np his business in Bl4evale, TOLI--ANDERSON.-At the residence of the bride's -Mr. Thomas Brown had -AND- CARDNO'S BLOM ,,onstructing at Lake- U AND IMPLEMENTS. . I . :1 . . I )e .used through - sad will probably remove to Toronto. Pefdie uncle, on February 29th, by Rev. G. Buggin, Mr. been 'instructed b,v Mr. John Looming to sell by .1 I the Wm. Toll, to Miss Emma T. Anderson, all of Public Auction on Lot 3, Concession 12, McKinop, on . d --Dame rumor re- r doingsolletalks of visiting theNorthwest East Wawanosh. I , CHATTEL PROPERTY ' I - I 0 Tuesday, March 27, 1894, at one- o'clock p.m., sharp, I I - ! t , 0 a , 9 eatern States. Mr. and Mrs. Tim- , property, viz. * Mhat is a loss to us . years old, 1 colt ndersigned administrator of the estate of R' atio . Dut to, lose one Of our and V CAMPBELL-HAWLTON.-At the residence of the the following, Horees--One mare 10 : 'M --he gre-atly,missed in'the vill?,ge. - - nine months old. Cattle -Two cows ' I : ins will . bride's parents, 'n March 18th, by Rev. D. Per a two The u of , I - . -Robert Symonds has sold his br4 resi- rie, Mr.Arohibald Campbell,of Morris to Miss supposed to be in calf, 2 milkiner cows. 2 steer David Ducharme, will offer for sale by Public Ann We're Proad our - -JE- I- lesex. W 0 1 ;. . . . '. I . -Fire broke out , Margaret,oldest daughter of Mr. Hugh Hamilton, years old, 2 kelfera two years old, 3 yearling heifers, I I w 'I;-cri-nn street; Itlyt, V I ..#..- tion by E. BOSSENBERRY, Auctioneer, ion the ands * I h and I Ell. on zjunaay, at tj - , . I - dence on. 0 1 1 . of ingloam. I At the resideric 1 large store snw, 18 8neOP, I ram. MP .— hereinafter mentioned, on t I . -.ther Courtois, He, . three lots, to Iffi'. Geo. Stewart, for, $7()O ANDERSON—HENPERSON.—' e Of one self binder, Brantford make, nearly new; I. . . y and a good- bar- the bride's &rents, on March 14th, by Rev. D mower, nearly new; I wagon, 1 land roller, I pair ol This is a very nice propert . . Be in the kitchen . Perrle, Mr Duncan Anderson, of Turnberry, to plow, 1 SATURDAY,- MARCH 31,1894 am It is Mr- Stewart's intention tQ move - _ iron harrows, I plow, I fannin,%mill, I gang 1 , as? - Henderson, sulky hay rake, I 'air bobaleig 9, I cutting box, and - . ened the door leading . , fi Miss Annie, daughter of Thom At one o'clock in the afternoon, the following prop 'he o - ., i aky to Blyth. I . . , The city : Parcel I—South half of north halt of Lot 8, 1. i , . RX - . o numerous to mention. .t fell from his hands is f Esq., of Morris. a lot of other artio an to i r . 4 —During the recent ice shovdin th4 Mait- WALKER—MeALLISTER.—At the Manse, Ki whole will be sold without reserve as the propriete Lake ttoad ewit concession, Hay, containing 80 acres. ognizei complete. y d ul 7 estro,yed I 1, ained good headway --- land riv r, the ice, took away the post that on March 21st, by Rev. Samuel Aoheson!p3rr, has rented his, farm. Terms --All SUMS Of $5 and This land is all cleared, in agood state of c tivation, I Samuel Walker, of Goderich, to Miss Mary Hun, under, cash; over tbal aniount 9 months' credit well fenced, but has no buildings thereon. Parcel 2 if we g (I . the guys of Mr. P. .NNIcEwen s 6moke. stack . —south half of the north half of Lot 9, Lake Road I re . 'The inmates ., ter, 'second daughter of Alexander McAllister, will lie given on'turnishinga roved joint notes. A . e the do,21 r will be allo west concession, Hay, containing 18 Acre% more or . . -ad when these brol - wed for r lives. The fire is I were fastened to, a, Esq., of Hay, Ontario. ., - discount of 6 cents on the . patroA . ts. JOHN LEEMING 7 at-ack fell out on the ice and was carried out , cash on credit amoun Pro' less. This land Is all cleRred, and in a good state of .caused by some live 1, I — - 1870. cultivation. Thera are also 10 acres of fall wheat in want . . HOMAS BROWN, Auctioneer. in the a hea left in Into the lake. It has been replace4 how- prietor; T The buildingg-con. : , - . .. the ground, and a good orchard. ; . Deaths. ding Waz insured for ,. ever. March 6th, Mrs. OUT AUCTION SALE OF FARM 818t off rRme barn and stable, and log house. This . it to n Of the -vicinity is 7. —The libel suit against Mr.1vicGillicuddy, GALLAGHBR.—At Belmore, on . nLEARING C.—Mr. Wen. Me- land isweU underdrained. Iti8situated about two I Gallagher, aged 87 years. , 1_) STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, XT W-0 weeks ago Wed- 11 -of the Huron Signal, Goderich, was tried JEWITT.—In Morris, on March 9th, Louis Jewitt, cloy has been Inatitioted by Mr. Thee. Laing to sell miles from Drysdale and about four wanes from . their - i eld last - on Zurich. Chattel Property—Three horses, 2 sheep, 6 1 1 h ese parts came to . and dismissed at the Spring Assizes h years. I b Public AUction on Lot 16, Concession 4, Hay, hogs, 3 head of cattlej implements of various kinds. I aged 80 . who c ;town line, Stanley I : week. k[r. Senior, a billiard room keeper BALSDEN.—In Exeteri on March 14th, Ch Vonday, Maioh 26th at one o'clock P.m., the follow- . . ,trlotte Ho;s'es—One span araught geldings Terms of said as follows :—Ten per cent. of the put- s I Baladen, relicfof the late James- 7R41ede , aged Ing property: o* sale, the bal- ' 4 and tobacconist,.was the plaintiff, and the ht gelding rising three, I driv- chase money of the land on the day I Arrangements accour r Canle to the house . I ; 62 years, 4 months and 6 dayq. five years old, 1 draug! . v -IC #.­ — 1-00 r in . Ai ; I-#-- —ro old I driving welding ance within thirty days thereafter. . 4-11 1, I . i i - I . i - - j I i you would rec- I L day we overheard 4 gentleman, Whom' immediately as one of the well-dressed Dien Of OuT town, I I - ere to name him, a . that' he would never take his ,W i e, 59 when'l from Brigl i ge away F ,it's, 111 .ecause,ll s4id h" nytbing done, they do it jus as I say, atid. when- I leave , t - , I t Tight, and heir judgm6ht, I -can 6 cere,4-ain it will b`,e Jus . .I. I i * 1) i da are always goo .' We have many!, good customers 1OP Ir --friends. This ,4.nstanUy recommend u in this way to thei i e. We believe 1 nd'always act on ts for our immense tra, . . f +'6,m+ Q are dealind , . cons4entious w6irk. and the beat . . . . . I . I - - 1. .. . I . I . I . , I * I 4 , I I 1 - . . - - I 1 4=114 - I 3he 0&uble line, Stan- . uvalbp, ac W ma mix ---.Y -- PAYNE.—In Goderion, on March oth. tit. ,one re ii)g brood mare eis .T I three, can be made for Immediate possession no given 0 V . lu -I- I I — I . . . dence of Mrs. Wm. Black, Bunn Payne, aged 58 four years old, one driving filly rising 0 1;1 come in i=)-M-%... . - ; . . . the Sio-mal. the land. Terms of Sale of Chattel Property -Under , fry us and see. . Can speak -neither - . - . I one roadeter filly rising two, one roadAer 'bring and keep patronage. I ; . . .r I I 2xinan, the corn in- . !'j LiEr. James.Lobb, of Colborne, the noted years. . Cattle that amount eight months' credit will value , I . - . MORRISON.-In doderich, on March 11th, Rachel filly rising one. -one fresh calved milch cow $5 cash; over discount of L 4 av-e a chat —FOR— - m; , prin . I th - ' xford sheep breeder, .has been very foTtun- 6sve in April, I steer rising two, 1 b3 given on approved joint notes, or a 0 t our stock! of S g - Good 11 - kee e on . - 10 Morrison, third daughter of Mr. John Morrison, and calf, 1 cow to 08 V bull, eligible for registri, seven per cent. allowed off for cash. - The laud will be and t' e a look a i i ;6te with his flo& this year. He has - now heifer rising two, 1 Jerse., The other terms . : I . - 4 to : I i -" lit P hey go- . I aged 16 years and 3 months. ; I steer rising one. She= offered:oubjeeb to a reserve bid. about'Clotbing. I . i BIG PEODI E -. it y t lore from 13 ewes 22 lambs, which were dropped AKER.-In Seaforth, on Tuesday, March 20th, Ro y About nine mont sold i t . . I is C , - h n hey - 1. % - . I B John T. BalieT, Bi-, well bred Leicester owes, 1 Leicester ram. and conditions will be made known at the Mine of . i ! , .. I , already Aubery, Youngest son of Mr. lode. JOHN LAPORTE, Administrator. A : I .. - . Iti February, and a 'few of them nd 7 months. about fifty hens. limplentents--Two lumber wagons, . .. . , " seed 2 years a GARROW & PROUDFOOT, Administrator's Sollre. i . Weigh 40 pounds. They axe doing well and. 17th, Jacob iotz, pair bobaleighs, 1 single buggy, I phaeton to 4 , - : ' . 11000011102 I . I ,MOTZ.-In Crediton, on March 1 1 1 Portland box cutter. 1 Massay-:11arris bloX Dated tbis 21st day of March, A.D., 1894. i BRI6HT - BROS, - -he has not lost one.: out of the lot. . aged 77 years. buggy, 1871-2 . i . . . i Shoes to Shbe the Warld 11 11 -- , 'who jOHNS.-In Usborne, on March 17th, Eliza, rellet of er, just cut last season ; - 1 Maxwell mower, I seed I I . I I . . i 11 .. . Y, -Miss F. Maude Hicks, of Exeter ; the late Win. Johns, aged 53 years. . drill, I twin gang Plow, 3 general purpose I?Iow8, I , I U088, The Great Clothier Main Street, " I Almost. On the 9th of March jB attending the Toronto College of 14usic,, MOTTER.-At the General Hospital, Detroit, on set iron harrows, I fanning mill, 1 get team hat . - , i . 00 -JEA' A F OR T EI. I I Sharp's sulky hay rake, I bay I * , — ,,- f I .ed to witnt ss a very ! laas passed a very successful examination in March 16th, Simon Metter, of Elkton, Michigans 1 set single barfiew, DO i . I li, - I ' . I harmony, securing ninety-fi*e per cent and aged 36 years. . . rack, 1 gravel box, 1 grindstone, I work bench, 1 . i I Don't invest in -Shoes until you .-- aot ball between the . heading th ar Ye class. The student COWAN -in McKillop, on March 22nd, John Cowang lance tooth crosscut saw, a quantitT of timothy . I I - . I e list of a 1, . I ew Spring, stodk­. - I 9 -.W-., 1, 0, 0 I>- 4, )IOrris, and the ; agred 79 years. -bay in the bare, a quantity Of choice vati8tI08 Of YOU - . , I I pip'. I have examined our n been SUC'h . I : of second standing was twelve per cent. Saturday, 24th at 2 p. in., seed potatoes. As the proprijtor has rented his I li No. 1, Grey. The . AT --Funeral on I farm, everything will be sold without re8ema.- Terms sy, : i . Never before has . there .. , lower than 'Miss Hicks. i Maitlandbank Cemetery. . i . . i I the grounds of the . e I I Satur- - -All Isum8 of 86 and under, cash; over that amount 'N, E ED I —U I I . I CK lovely,. Shoes far 80 rittle money. I . a ---.,& farmer drove to WingNam. on A on furnishing ap- , -1 BAN K'F I : . . I 1. Ileteam was victori- I . dit will be allowc ; 8 niontlos! ere I -I-, and before leaving A discount at the rate of 7 . . day evening of last wee I THE MARKETS. proved endorsed notes. k ! . Tyats and Caps for men and bOyS. Me. I . lowed for cash on credit . I — . . . . ' liomE tied a greyhound pup underneath' the - percent. per annum &I . . ! -- I -- ` .1 . . rietor; WM. Me- ­ I I Croolk-ery, C s— - armers here began a gentle- ' 8 sAiroarn, March 22,,1894. amounts. THOMAS LAING, Prop: I I Groceries, . - buggy seat, which he intended for . 1370 I . YAliseS - th 1 9 --Daine Rumor -- Inan in town. Imagine his s4rprise when he Fall Wheat per bushe).new.'.'... ... - - - 0 66'to 0 68 CLOY, Auctioneer. Tinware. Trunk$ and -'z .. I the near future.- .: Spring Wheat per -bushel, new ........ 0 66 to 0 56 — WALL PAPER - ;, :. I . went to hand ove i 'the purp o fi?d that it ,I 'ALE w"", , Pri. ices. 'A Oats per buifiel .................... 0 32 to 0 82 E for everybody at 16west * It John HOlin er art, ; I ie­ rhere along the Peas per bushel ........ . .......... 0 63 IF -SERVED AUCTION SALE OF FARM . 11, 7 , . U -1 t r and Egg wanted. . 11* I ,I 9 '. badtaken its departure soli , , UN)STOCK, tHPLEMENTS, ETC, -Mr. Wm, MC- . GREAT. SLAU iHT ER. .- '-c i = at Croderich this ;; I Barley per bushel ........ ­ .. . .... . . - i . But 3 . roacf. Cloy has been Instructed by Mr, John G. Sproat to - i - . . . . 0 18 to 0 19 : ' I lVcNadr, Of Cran- oon oj last week, a Butter, No. 1, 10008.... .. .- ..-- ---- It by public auction on Lot 18, Concession 3, H. R. I i I , . -On Tuesday aftern 4 ,recte( L '. . Butter, tub............ .. .. ......,. 0 18 to 0 19 Be . . ! -- . .. , lon his farm, - are in God- ,Cuckeramith, on Tuesday, March 27th, 18%, at . . , ! team of horses while on the 3qu ............... 0 10 be -0 12 S., " ORMSOMM"I"- I .1 I I - I . E ). m., the I " . I CON BF -OTHERS '' ,fgb per doz.... ... following property: Horses— I I . I this season, -Mr. ed at s6methitg and F our, per 100 Ze .................... 1 80 to 1 80 one o'clock I i 4 - - ,epich, became frighten , ' reldings coming four, I ! : - : I i . . 9 . -1 I - . front o - - ---- - r- on"' "Itural horse coming Aye, . . , . in getting the mater- : ray, crashing into a ee in f Haype ton new.................... 6 " to ' 00 an heavy drauglot 1, I good driving mare . THE WHOLE STOCX-OF ' rtin am - priou 1 I I SEAV PME1. I . I - the British Exchange I I - . let,ion--mr. James hotel, and badly in- HidesperlOO -W------------- 1 60 to 000 a' - ,g seven. sired by CATItSIO; I general purpose , I . - it, . 0 60 to 00 comle foal to Sidney. , I i . . q . - --6-1 --- -­ - 1. g a juring it, . owe supposed to be in calf, 1 cow I ­ sh, was vial in . Lamb 'Skins ............... .......... four; I saddle mare in . . I -- - ; . t . as well as the liarn ss. They were Wool .......... ...... .............. 9 17 to $20 mare coming - , I days la-st wee -k.- aer before they could do potatoes per bag .................. . 0 60 to 0 75 Cattle -Three c iewly calved, 4 cows to 'WINDOW . -captured by the oyr. gaij (retail) per barrel.. . - - .'. - ..:. I 00 to 1 00 oalved In December, S cows I - I E011 - ras a wood bee at any further damage. L I 8 60 to 469 ealve In April, 1 farrow cow, 10 steers coming three, . & 'COMPANY STILL THEY CON -1 ffie 1 -5th concession, wood per oord (long) ................ g one, I heifer I ROFFMAN I . I . .1 -On Mofiday night of laBt week, some Woodpercord (short) .........-.... 1 76 to -200 2 steers coming two, I steer comin bull calf fiom i I -----I— ; f wood -were cut, 0 00 te 1 00 coming one, 1 thoroughbred Durham I I ; , I - I . 4 .0-- Vs-- . i ­ 'boys found a boat on the islind in Goderich ...... . imported bull, six months old; 1 i I jing Clotbing. . . F Apples per bag ................ I Orders .r ­ - 1 7 inusic be- ,lit they wduld have the' .......... 6 76 to 6 00 D. D. Wilson'S ., Ior 07DF eveuljlfr farrow about let . ii . . band. harbor and thoug Ir Clover,Seed ............... 1 26 to 1 76 thoroughbred 'Berkshire sow,. to . 12 4 . . t - I O'There have .1 Rrsr, ride of the seasc They pushed Timothy Seed ....................... May; 1 Berkshire boar, 15 young hogs, about 4 : q ­ . - ­ I ' :1 )n in it SHADES? ' 1 H T:U, -7 4 ay, .: Wheid Pork, per 100 lbs .................... 6 00 to 5 60 Harris ,8HI—A— 0 1 1 1 around here late the boat off the shore and Igot in. 06 months old. Implements, etc. -One Massey- I j , Not by the hujareds, but in suffiCient hain this one. I I feet from the la nd they 1,kot Tallo;W, per lb.... . z ............. ;' .- 0. 06 to 0 binder, in use'only one season; 1 pair bob-oleigba, I . 11 . . i . I numbers -to justify u in. making the asser- i -. - ' six or seven , ­j,ced —*-- jhay loader, I single horse seeder, 1 twin gang . t - ' Wded 'a - ' sA i r., '. I set single dray bar- I . . le crO With W tk - A number of that the boa,t was filling. Then came some id in a 'Shor time. Now is the time tion that we will 1) LrV9FtpO0L, March 21. -Spring wheat, 09 Od ; red plow 2 Clinton fanning mills, t , 11 . - which wtld have done' 'l turnip slicer, I milk ref rigerator, Also. i lot Of - Must be so, . I 1. before the season -is: fairly with us. How-' embled at the com- . fancy jumping fornia, No. i, 691jd ; peas, to tAess, I . . winter, 5s ilid ; Cali - and other articles. The whole I - . ­ for the - -, . er, we have made preparations '. John Strachan on ! . credit- to a -first of July eplebration. But 00d ;.pork, eft 9d ; cheesej 56s Odd. household furniture t be sold. ev . will positively be gold without reserve as the 0 ly. Eve ythinX MOS . r . I BuEcient number of . . - rc* to get yon 0 supP . - ; e`Aiid took a IF SOY rush by engaging i, 5th, to celebrate I all fell short of the shor' , , ath - . taken a smaller farm and has no Wilber : , . ; . . - PrIetor had .1 tical workmen to turn Out; ; in the cold water. This is good start for NTO, March 22. -Fall wheat. 10.61 to 60.62 ; need for the above property. Terms -All Burns of L nt first -elms, P I . .of , &sappoi work in a r" - I S V -Nffr. and I . ; wheat, 110.60 to go.60 ; oats, 40c. to 41c; $5 and under, cash ; over that Amount 7 months' . ' - thorou hly subst&-ntial ma=6r- ) . The guests were . the season. I K spTrioli9p 63c ; barley, 42c to 43c ; bay; en on furnishing ap roved! Joint Bring along your Oash; we will n . ot . We will make it o - - of. Our strong pantStO I ". - I - peas, per bush, 62,c to credit will be giv . ' I , , : Oh parlor games, -------t- ; butter, 210 to 22c ; pota- on the.dollar for cash. I I - I - .1 or ton, $9.00 to $10.60 notes. A discount of 4 cents er the be.-Ounctual in Ou ne -1 -The Listowel 'Banne of last -*eek eggs, per doz., 150 JOHN G. SPROAT,- Proprietor; WAI. McPLOY, . r promises. : - . p . al toes, per -bag, 80 60 to $0.66 ; . r complete and wen as- 6i chat. * At 12 . 1869 you. Remllunber the place) right I und ijur stock is nom i sting ad*en- . bo 16c -, dreesed lo p, per cwt., 45.60 to 86-0- . Auctioneer. I I - ieded to the dining , . publishes the followin - ; I ! sorted, and the prices will be found to be as J--,1,1&Ut repas pre- tare : " A well-to-do t= fro;n Artl ur --------- *— . I . I - ,-achan. Tk.e t host I township, a widower, was I at the Que'eWs Baled'Hay and Straw. : NRESERVED AUCTION SALE O ', 1.vam 010W. PAPSTS -01ock i n I 1 low as is, consistent with good material,and ' ' , ', t I ,. ;5' i " - I hotethere, a coulDle of wee 8 and offer- . T - I . -Worikmanship - -1 . j S OC,K, IMPLEMENTS, ETC. -Mr. V, -i . .N! 4 , . . ; I - I ago) ady . . ' , the recipients Of . get TORONTO, March lo. -Baled Hay -Is dull and ate Cloy has been instructed by Mr. John MeNt-11.1111 - i . . - &F,ull Cloth bought. from us will be cut . - 8 - who would Med I H. i eir ,own . ;.Pre (Ints, and the otion on lot 23, conces," -?, 4 ? bringing th ook P , free of charge. Parties ed a commission to anyon -at $9.26 to $9.60 for care on the track here. B I I by Public An .." STOREI -D-n — 01S BI - I -11TH CjOtjL will receive the same attention M if it t on the to go' BOOK ' . , r several home.5 - . him a wife. Air. Thom" Davidson Straw is unchanged at $5.60 to 86 for cars 'R. s.. Tuckeramith, on Thursday, March 29,ii, ,it jOCK, SEATO made everything track here. 4onwe I . - N I : k they ha(l spent 'him in hand, and promptl ,, _ ,o'clock sharp, the following property, viz , CAINJU I 1. . - . - -t3 . . I j lovely by driving him out t o the residence of . . I --One mare 8 years old, 1 mare 6 years old. 1 inal - - - ,Wore our own. - : - Ztlld wiihing INTr. - kree, I geldlng,cuit.-. --- '' - - be . i - j 5 years old, 2 geldings coming tl ' SHOE 8TORE-ESTABLISHED 18811 1 . in our Ftirnishing Department 'Will 1. I Ve4XS of happiness 7 a farnler in Grey township and introducing . British Grain Trade. ing two, 1 yearling colt, i blood filly rising three. WILLIS ! I . I t -- - him to his (laughter, to whom the ardent- . calf, I heifAr - found the latest and newest novelties M . Cattle. -Five cows supposed to be In . 11 . . I loyer poppe(l the question at once and was LONDON, England, March 19. -The Mark Lane Ex- coming three, ,supposed to be in calf ; 2 heifers and Hats Shirts, -Ties $ Collars and Cum, Un. -. - . *NT Uxabrellas, Waterproof COat0t -'. (IOCk We(Inesday . press, in Ito weekly review of the British grain trade, I steer coming three, 1 steer'three past, 2 heifers TIL cl:x-1 189 WE derZ rj I accepted, and the wedding was arranged to Ced from 239 to 26a, 1 suckling . I Afr- Bays -. English'wheats have roof rising two. 3 spring calves, S . - re-sidence of 10 and one ateor I I . Gloves, &c. 4 come off at the Queen's last Saturday. The" the west rices reached within a century. Foreign co6if 10 breeding ewes, 2 good 19ows, 16 store pigs, I - , I A , . I EW of the bride, on omptly, on hand, wheat has eclined from 3d to 6d. The best price . I .- The newest and neatest things in Neck - I , business like swain was pl a been 23g and abou't 100 hens. Impleuiefits.-One mower, 1 fan- I ....— Odly company of inter cargoes ha I. turnip slicer, 1 sulky hay rake, 1 hay I wear, for Spring ana Summer 1894, xre the mother of the fairlmaid got it into for American and w q ; .. I - but the - V , -pair of bob- 4 1 )) and the " Prince I os the I Uptials of "Im wagon rac , .!, -,Graduated, D b I forArgentioe24s. Barleylias fallen Sdaud Amer Ins -r,T k 1 gravel box, I . " -affalr *as one of Ton- s per cantal. Spot get of double harness, 1 com- of Seaforth - - . her head that the ican corn at Liverpool has risen 1d ', sleighs, I grindstone, 1 I 0 the people er Wnd." We have -them M Dakota, and Miss . 7 fool tricks and failed to appear, leaving the e, b ns, peas and oats have been firm., To -day bined drill seeder, I Gowdy I .set of Scotch . 1. I Witb unquaj ,Aed pleasure) we beg to announce ' Knot or Flowing . e Duacan Me, . ia Foreign in eti stock is now and at, A reasonable I -.1 --his ry gli wheats show a recovery of 4d. iv.rw,l scuffier, I gang i allshades ) , %t - loss of En sh. diamond harrows, 1 land rol , large, varied and attra! - ve and patterns ' q I - . W P ; - disconso4te groom to mo4ru the - at depressed, barleys , tle, a lot of cream- and stirroundincr o ,Untry that Our >russels, per- : re firm, re& whe ket 0 4. Unusual figure. however, further white wheats at ave been at . e was ,ui,,4stcd by I 11 ,.expected bride. No doub ,, d fa,ith of quiet, oats and corn dull and beano and peas steady. plow, 1 single buggyi 1 sugar er, 1 crosscut saw, 1 n I e'very line of, each department- Weh . call respectfully solicited, I will esta,bli h the goo — ery cans and ice ,box, I cutl hives, and hostsof complete ii almOs , *e ha t made a per- A - - investigation . ------------ + large water trough, a lot of bee electing our stock. 'Although V7 -ve no j o- . a all articles too numerous to mention, includ- .. pains this Season YA 8 - The brides- t other sm - ,,. ' I I I ,the wooer, and the affair 1will y Bt be brou . ght 3. -One - tries, w4 have had manufacturers nf., I 'al DajXY Marketf Household Furniture. the , agentg, of . , , )MIff I and Miss - io a happy conolusion;­', - Ing a lot of lumber. The whole of sonal trip to Eurqoea'n coun DILU & SPEA" :SeafOrth' MISRlen were Mr. I . '1ORONTO, March 19 -Eggs--The receipts of fresh cooking stove, one parlor stove etc. , Germany) Austria.'. and Switzerland at OUT - I . I ------- I— gathered were more liberal to -day, and the market the above property will be solA without reserve, as Se -laud, France, I I I McDougall, 'for rm. The following I ,t "" . P. I ?: . . . wasloweratUctonc. Limedeasyat8c to go thoproprietoriB leaving the Is from England, of" whom was confined to 0 1 talring orders in thi - SEED GRAIN FOR SALEX I L IV(7re worn by . SALE REGISTER . thebe8t. There are some cold storage etill: Offering, properbywillbe sold subject to the approval Of dbors, each oDe . say that we i1nport all lines 6f , — t-' Miss Jennie " - Butter- vicinity. of cou sej we do not pretend to I , On Tuesday March 27 - 1894, at 1 o'clock and dealers are asking 6c to 8ic for them. Peter Moore, one of the Executors of the estate of Does r-etion afford- We have a large &m0unt Of Se :,a Grain for tole. " - . I R. S., The receipte of'ftne butter are moderate, thereisa the late John McNa7ughtono,iz ! One' aged mare, I How' Canada, v'ith the prot. Seed Peas And OAV6 .'.. la-yed the wed- * - . p. m.. on Lot 18, Gonces;ion 3, H. ariket 3radle, I wheelbarr6w, 1. goods we handle fvom. the older countries. Choice Si -k Rowed BarleY, jr seed. Ail of the - ,ff r P 1. I Stoe lumber wagon, I grain 4 o of $5 and un- ' !nOtably Staples and Feeding Corn and Ensilage Corn fo 'or st*8k fted- (,1, thei laces . -ersmith Farm _ sad Implements. good demand for all the beat offering and the m erms of Sale.- All sum e front with many lin4i of poods, . Tuel [CC I long sleigh. T a her, has come zp th , , best quality, Plenty of Feeding corn I jloy, . i firm at l9c to 20c for the best tulis and an acceat . and . 21c. All over that amount- 9 months' -credit will be e e very, best values from ers always on band, Drive right to the WArAO1166, ;S Of a useful ' I - e we have endeavored to, sele or, . PER11 N. Clinton. John G. Sproat, Proprietor ; Will. N . sional p"k%e of extra gilt edge sells at der, cash ; A die- :ling. In tl , et tki at the railway stati -- W H- -1 rnade, an(I M, any, . ), I . common or ow grade butter is slow at 16c to 17c for given an furnishing approved joint notes. This Please You ? Clotl ae.q. 1871-1 1 1.15 Auctioneer. sell at i9c and less count at the rate of 6 per cent. per annum will be f Silks, Dress Goods, Ii6ens, kosietY and Gloves I 28th, at I O'clock tubs. The choicest large rolls odi stock 0. I I I - . JOHN Me- ' I local makers. " ., V, March' I cash on credit amounts. ontes Milliner I . actill r parties. A . On Wednesda, of Hills Green, horse, desirable at 16c to 16c. f allowed for i or'- WM.McCLOY,Austioneer. onally fine. Prints and Cret y 7 y goods, Oar- takeil of - . p. In. I at the village MONTRRAL, M%rch 2e. -Butter -Finer grades o NAUGHTON, PrOPriet , 1371 -- will be found 1, Worsteds 'Hats I hy the " &C. dfresh creamery s Ile I ing, Twedds vehicles, robes, houseWd furniturel butter are very scarce. Goo . I I I : . ' d Oil w ' E MUSEE .- - . ,Ring was de oted . . , aXd Bossen- easily at 26c to 26c ; there ia some demand for fresh - petLa an -Xc I TH e C-1 P 10 elegant in designs. . Cloth ) I , - -Ir, proprietor, Edw The above out is the exact repre C Mid Mrs. Lym- John Troye ;- townships at 249 to 25c. Creamery,freBh, 25c to 27c; I arks, good values, ; .; - w berry, &Uctibneer. I I - creamery, old, 20c to 26c; townships, fresh, 24c to . sentation- of Slater's celebrated $3 and Caps rem A; - ing . This building in Toronto is U great Attraction f" I - at one Cheese -There is -never before, since do' . Alwalace OPOW Kt vveek. , On Tuesday, March 'I 27th, 1894, 26a; western tubs,18c to 19c. Calf -Shoe, made on the new Picea- f employees is, that (f people who &To cutiously Inclined . I %-There is a 'fair de'. . Egg . .11 itb a 8 ock so rich, varie , chant TA110409 - N -W ) k p. m., on lot 3, concession 13, -A,lc- nothing doing in cheese. NEW CROGERY The verdict * our staff 6 . I ­ . . 0 cloc] mand for eggs.,as f 011OWS : Western limed, Be to 90; . dilly last, We have this line and ve we started a season W tl Ing out Our N*w Msr , . - ' - t Farm Stock and Implemen1s. John business in Seafor' bj ha . . Eiv r Goo. Good's . - , . ii, the rooms ove . . * Killop. Montreal limea, 90 to 110 ; new laid, 18c to 190. . , : ,I loprietor, Th mas Brown) auc- Isomestyles 1 . . 4 - sinoss . I . - 11 Leeming,,Pt many other new and banc and prices SOU,Ow- - , Grocsff S tbrc, our showroom bas been VIA- , I I 9 --------,-#— full) I I JOHN DOPP - - fine t3ot- 1i ' * to inspeet our well assorted Ito* Of `10, . i ria, ay Saturday, &d by I .- -1-11, Of Toron- . , tioneer. Live Stock Markets. , . in our new Spring etock of AYS will be oil F and -many ! . 0 ING D . I Uds in 'town,- , i March I 26th 1894, at one NIL -LIN F,I?jt OPEN I _ EDS . On Monda,y, I 7 Ha"y. . .P 'Receipts of American eat- TW . . ehased the resi- o'clock r). in.. olf lot 16, concession 4, LMRFOOL, March 19tb.- . 0 = . wear. . 48t. - I . E nued beavy. Prices recovered from the . perhaps, be surprised to March 30th aud 11 . - I . , ' ock-' and Implem6nts. Thomas tle bELve.contii You would$ ', I WORSTEDS .ql v, for the suln Farm t - decline -reported last Triesday, but are now weak. . I ! - FINE PANTING4, ETC ' 'Stratford, post . 'Laing, - am I Quotations in cents, co'nPut &:fine, new stock of - re is these days. ,:. 1 I proprietor, Willi , 1!4c()IOY, aue ed at $1.80 to the 1, are Will open out on $ATURDAY, MARC" I I ', see how busT this sto I I I . . M oil Monday on tioneer. I- . ! . ... )IIOW8: 1 The aetonishment to all is the low PA)CM We al* . as f( . poor to medium, 90 to 9jo ; - I has c0nunenced . 1 1894, a,t one choice, ion to iojc , o lie; good to 24, parep,lEj upon parcels of Shoes of every -V T -jA . 19 MAking up 11 On Wednesday Maxolx 28th Finest steers, 10ic I M PICKARD . I - ) ion 4, 11. R. I bulls, 80 tO'Sic' interiors, 60 to 70. FRESH, GROCERIES descriptim going out daily. Weiu-- I .. I ; . .1 giss L. Sparli O'clock p. m., on lot 12, coficess -kxtra beeves did not bring record- I . . I LADIEV JACKETS o ng., - i mile south 6f Egmond- MONTRRAL, M'arch 19. of all klnd , in cormpetior, with his [meat emporium. tend this Spring's trade to be a . i . I . ING 'k few days here : S. TuOkersinith, one 1 as high figures as our previous Exeter market, and 6o V1t - CLOTRING HOUSA MEffS AND 130YV 0 . c .P em, , hn No. I Stark's Block, brmker. - .L%, ,,A. I . . has been p_ur- - ! young, at pres- I Ville. Farm Sto k, Im 'I -.entsl etc. jo per - lb was about the top Of the market, and a very we,11 i B.A.RG All our A491C I iis Brown) fine bull was he lb, but it is probable I I In all the latest styles- I ched a sernion Prendergast, propr eto , Thom Id at'bic per onage, and i F,e j, enabled to sell At A I I that he would not sell ter -.wore than W per lb ; MaIn Street, Seaforth. o 11 " -r=0M]a abased for cash, solo - give received a numbeMe ; ! I . I ; . S:E] Already we b w1w. aning last. , He auctioneer. from Sic to 41c per lb ; - t _AL T %_-.P -LerV -A- - discount. And other line large bulls sold- t eat to deserve it. : ults Farm Stock, to, averaging, 1,125 do our b I ;1 . , audience. I a car load, 21 head, r for i I I . orders for fine work 'In 1966's 9 . The - Tuesday, March 27th. of -choice catt four very choice 21 Pounds Granulated Suga : i . ­­­. ­ jackets which we make our Spec -laity. WtIguaran- - - ed Leicester Ewes and the were bought at 4jo perlb* P . I , . . 6i fits andentire satisfaction, besides. YOO ied d includi ' , 4 P will be Educational tel f up St;Airs when you deelft - ' ancin as an mg 35 well br . i and fifteen extra , per- , I - 9 implements, &c Lot 6, concession heifers were bought at 5c per lb, $1-00 0 i on shipping loads' -Sunday, April Sth$ ,8 money by comin ' .. I We are sorry L rani, . m. James beeves &I- 5c per lb ; three extra calves sold for $DO ; nds Coffee -Sugar for - 0 Listowel buyers kee I Day in Traf9_jgXr aud.Main Street Churches, will 9" D001 jorge the plaoeo in the old T. loan is very ill Grey, at One O'CtOck P. . g 96 lbs, were bought at 25 Pou i Jje shipf to urebase 12, , 3o lambs, yearlin! averagin - lrj I Qe;d a a0lible or Alm irs . of stock. Mr. Hel ' ednesday, V -9A. NM16. I . George Kirkby, a,uc- I a few ,-) Mit, U Gibson, of Mitchell, Proprietor, 4ja per lb ; also t ree spring lambs for 817 ; $1-00 Ogs to Ivagersoll oil chell. j ev. PrOfM Austin, of I , ; load of h College, St. Thom", aad Rev. John Scott, QFV I . choice lambs were sold at 6jc Pe L : , esisrs. Scott & Jones a _ - I - Bn , - 'LIS in town this tioneer. r lb, while eOmm0u And All other goods proportionately eheap. V - I I , last week, and # am to be the preachers O -LARK j0S* 137" .old at about 4jc per 11). There Was a very so at his home . On Thursday, March 29th,. 1894, at 12 ones r gh prices paid for good calves to- grRomember the stock is all new. I sell for cash I of fin cattle on -Monday, last M A-31 'Of St" M-LMYSP, - . . vas tive demand and hi i ' uple of can for the Occasion. * V o'clock noon, sharp, on lot 23, concession 3, 1 eted. Fat,hogs can, or produce, no credit. I i isiting his. par- I week-! . i 4 y, but the 11 bobs " were neg e , 1 , co aramith. f Farm Stock, Imple- unue to sell at f rbm 4jo to 6C per lb. I JOHN DOPP. SEA F01q TI -1. ! . - tertained some L. R. S. Tucke . BU"ALo March 19.-MArket dpll and lower for I A . - . val) u party on ,Naughton, proprietor, IS71 1 1 1. . . I ments, &C. John M( 4 :, I I I E - - , heayy 9hipjIng and export Bteera'; strong for 'light I - IT,Tilliam McCloy, anettoneer. I : I I . I - ; . I I 1. I I . I . - - 4 I . - . ; - I . . . . I . . - . - . . . - I I . . . I . I - . . A I I - . . I . 1: .