HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-03-16, Page 97 _T_7�'J
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t .31 1 Vnr
been COIR111cr
Erew far aa(i
the uxated- terms Ot Coxifqderation wag all6Ved to en- $45,507, we have still left as casual Tevenue In. ew districts,, Se+l- of Pedago- and eight -asylums is $346 83; and In -Ohlo, with both justiftble an&- unavoidable.- and in MrIlliain wid Rat Port -age was api)o!
ly, wed,
ter the union, taking with it h certain, $62,248, -and this' amount is twlce'as large v -a
4 school inspection hA cities, and town.4, and 'its six asylums, it is $297 88. Our average nearly every," instande made with the con-, In the same yoar, fcr the first bule;
amount of debt. --It w 'ii Provided further as'our casual receipts of 'ten year aince that - tim6
-,s 4g -o.
w ha spent for these cost per week for each patient f6r asylurii sent and approval ol the whole House. I' have a R f,��ree under the drainage act.,pald
We 'now E --BUDGET$' by -statute that the excess of debt' over Our cVual revenuit Is a growing r�venue, three� new' ervi
a ce respectively, and in maintenance is $2 66. In the New . York will speak of some 4f the more important by tile Provin-e.
it was f-oliv belleved on
an(I ope.31 this $62,500," should be divided between rnd material Increases may, I think, be, e\- the otder.named '385, '$18,138, and 99j045. State hospitals for the Insane the cost ave- increases fr. this dep�artment made durin-_ all sides that this apIpO111tMent wouid
Ontario and Quebec, that these Provinces pected from year to year. During 14st year
In the shoit'space, of -'three yeaw there- raged for thre week has been the last four or fiv years. The -Deuart- greatly lessm litigation und expew*ye
e years per
illo should pay -intei"t on this excess, and we received nearly $2,00D more from the fore ur e ucationed. expenditures in com- $5 18, or nearly twice as muc
0 - li as ours. The ment of A.-Oculture was created In ISM, dralhage matters. The re.�ult has smPI7
orry modorat - that this Interest should be d�Aucted halt Secretary's office thaIn we did In 189�, $2,500 -dire'ctlbns,. in which we had average cost per week for each pattentin and this inVolved, among-4st other things, shown that this belief was v
e pletehr, new viell und
yearly - from , their, subsidy and speeific more by way of -fines, $1,400 more from the liftheito not spent janything have aggre- 7,6 a$yl <Iitu�es 'was
:t h unis In the -Ufitted States liks been sundrY new, devarbijental expenses, suen 'No' one of &se new expen
As rPceived t was asciirtained that the debt Official Gazette, anql�;1,40D more under the ..'ated -no I an
ess a sUm th -044,670. And $4"13,or W per cent more than ours, -The as prIntin stationery, postage, etc., foUnd fault with or opposed by lion, gentle-
d Mr. Harcourt's Acc:nt o grant- 1 Itted that, 1. 0
reat dis- ob actually amounted to $73,0D6,088- and, there- insurance act of 1892.;
7,;- 'these are samples'only of increasad ex- cost per week in the Montreal Hospital am 10 about'$1,70D a year. men Opposite. It Was adM
teen in ev�ry fere,deductions which increqse4 4�very -half- SUCOMSS16N, DUTIES. penditure§ to Which not one' word of ob- fo . r the. Insane has' been $8 i2, or 30 per Mr. Clancy -Was. that expenditure con- public 4nterest required- and demanded 41
year� for the interest on our share of the But, far- A
0 i0etion wfAs .ev4,r taken in this House Or cent. more than ours. The cost in sim- sebted to on this side of the House ? -each and every one of them.
His Steward: exceEs, that is, ob our share of $9,7334691, as. � Our rgcelpts 'Under the succession duties elsewhere. I h;ive "Id that our educa- ilar Institutions in England averaged over 884 h - ps were built
The Treasure --Does my hon. friend also tiler, in 1 , t ree rgrr - look U
of date July.lst� IN7, were made eachhalf- at.-'. during last year exceeded our expecta-. tional sy Ali and Bracebridge,
Week to Inell- stem is expanding and that there- a long period of years has been $2 92 per Intend to move. for �, the abolition - of the at Sudbury, -Hunts e
year from� -1867 to 18779 from our subsidy. tions. 14, will,be ranembered that thiact -fore Increased expenditures Yearl)y year at Fori William and
new, good's -w� bepartnient. ? I welcome the in 3-886 tww MIC re
week. New South Wales has five Institu- Agricultural
The amount so deducted each year from came into force'July 1, 1892, and that, the are Una,%soldable. I will refer briefly to tions like ours, and the ELverage cost there Interruptl6n of MY lion. friend as a sure Buries Falls ; in 1889 one at North Bay
K later o a-, but
bsidy as interest on, tlxe excess of duties accruing u d r it became due id 0
our su I?. 'e
S me f in 1899, one at.Frendh River; and in 1"I
acts in support of, this statement. years has indication of his cfefeat com4ng
was, - by esti er- per week for a long' 'number of at the 'Of
ink debt Mate (ifterwards ase paya4le at the deatll of the deceased; or In 1.892 we liad 3D7 more Public School been $3 73. Our o ials, one and all, well elections. (LoudMinifterlal. applause.) Ne. One at
ideal ; -.1 0. Rainy -River. Aside from cost
,md fashionble taiiied to be- too high)., $291,G66. In IV$ 'witlild eighteen mrntba thereafter.. - A teachers: and 95 in o*re High School teach- tiou, or capital expenditure, the
-was take4 to creation of construe
nderstand that every account rendere objection t
an a vinces -ups . ve
PROVI C I Al F IN -A, NIA" ct was Passed rellevin the Pro period- of eighteen linonthe havin ers than we had In. 188% We had 65 More eveii -subject to the the department by member of loc'.
eye"' LU& g. elapsed hiese k In lVes,
the smallest, will be� Any ta 7raCntenanee of t
the act came InVo force, we may no�%y 1%jechanics, Institutes an' d free librries in was considerable expense'. -
t, it cox:txtain, of the excess of debt as then acertain- since closest scrutiny. i The Inspectors, men of House, all conceded hat the change Last year
ed, $10,506,088, so that'on the Is of July, expect reigular and continuous recelp.M
and therefore while our -the �best interests of the the fact that ISM, for the first time we eceiv- ventured to 1893 than In 1889, wide experience and practical knowledge, desirable and in mountS paid for 4alar-les and InaAntenoxi'CaL
remark lkat year that it wouid &018 and 1OCk-UPS In the -new dis-
grants to Mechanics' 'Institutes- and ]I- lie g
ed our subsidy and speaffic grant be! found that our experience would r acquaint themselves with minutest de- Province. I am not. forgetting that re- of t ritarlo cost the Pre-
y - nted to $81,429 In IV& they talls, and are thus,, constantly In n. post- t dentJy the President; of tl� Young MeWs
aud Money brarles amen tricts of Nqortherxi 0
due -
In. full and fTee from any, de I semble thato other countries In regard to
SPI spent
are ho ed were Inoreased to $44,476 in 189ii. We tion to Insist that there,shall,�be in the Conservative Club. ot this city, In his in- vince W,660. f
P 9 on: excess of debt. Succession 'duties,' that our act would wor 4, more on our Normal Schools in 181.4 matter of the purcliase of supplies neither augural address deliNered in ' Xbvemb �CI'VIL G
endid Showin MrW6 tion for Inter, 5W
-increased OVL
000d Sp.ring This act of 1973 - rekdju'sted an& fairly. that It -Vould not be vexaious, that than we did In 1889. We had nine more waste nor extravagance. As the whole- 1.893, pronounced against the Department
by thO TrefkSUJr49`r. the subsidies pkyable under' the B.N.A. t 'wlould prove -as little burde-'
nsome as any ,in a s I t L High Schools slid M more Public Schools said that t -he cost Of
P (krLdid itu sale dealers 1estify, our bursars take ad- df Agrieultlxre r-Lud. contended that -it Will it be
act, but the increase dated, onlv from the subst te- Qilch could be devIsed, "-u Ill 1893 than In 3889. We had 4,20U more t and of Ie91sI&tIOn.Is unduly,
xisting '"IOU governmen
which mu 11st of JUI*Y, 1873.:L The act of 1884, to which experience of nearly two years fully.con- Htgb S,,bool pupilg' In 1892 than. In 1889, vantage of the keeia competition e Id be In the best Inter6sts of the Pro st Jn all branches of trade, and thus secure- Vince,, as welt'as true ebondm3r, to do increasing, and that in these servIoes
firms this belief, I would remind lion.
O-Ve or oI have alluded, was Intended to allow the and our High',. SPhool grant was $2,100 iY the Government has It In its
t algo mer6blers that our x�ecelpts under thisf the best bargains available. Consider- a aV with it' and to make it a Mere in-irwor ticular W
Inereas4 to date from uly'l, 1867. 1 larger in -1893 than in,,1-899. Our grants to d part- else ecoomy The volume -of
ower to exer
nutri- brane o 0 som�e o er e
e wid de our deals with an Increase to. the subsidy,ad are by the express terms o(f the act Itself p te atid Ing the excellent, wholesome and h r appendix f th In each of
The num
lArge and AB,OUT THE S TJ PLU9. its intent was to restore to -us the pay altdcated -to OW support of our b to'. Separa oor. schools were tious dietary which. we urnish, the per Ment. The leader Uthe Opposition also, business has greatly Increased
$4,678 more In 189 in 18%94 or have ber of reports
and asylums. In 1893 we spent by way of capita cost of rn&fn�enance Is, all. must 1 w8s astonlshedl4o' learn, rece�itly ex- the departments.
ments which we would have recelVed if we'had occasion time to regret any olumef Printing done each year
-be yotfTij upoll
grants- to hospitals and -charities $i6i admit, surprisingly low. In all cases where oniewhat:similar -view. I can and the
the Increas had.dated�-from Ist of July, Of L these new Or Lincreased expenditures. assUre the Hou2e that this G rnment is constaptly increasing. These Iems the,
Practicable, and where it can be done ov_e�
We need ot be surrised if within a few The'poition of the Province,' education -
of praht, yt 1973.
1131ts by',way a o the -Provine House
3L867, Instead of from lot of ul our. repe ith advantage t e, tile sup-� has no sympathy Whatever With' that
.Ong list of low These payments, the act declares, shallbe Yea" f su6cessi011 Wly considered, Is admittedly�an enviable view-, that, on 1he, other im If thp-y 1*0050, There
owing to the said duties will balahce our grants to hospi�als n plies for the public Institutions are Pur- t -YOU deemed "capital Pro- one. No cou trV 01ers: to its every child, i thing possible wilt,be done to Ostrangtheii 'is an over -expenditure, for
fact and, charities. Our act, It -will- be. Ohased by tender.
Revenue Larger, ]EXp nd-itUr6 borne a.11 things considered.- greater or better i�nd - build up this - Important. departmotit In
vinces respectively, bearing nterest at 6 1gN, classed as ` tdincidntals!t
many Spring in mind exampta sill estaes Which do not
per cent.per annumwhich 'Interest sh&lI school facilitleaL or pilvileges than -ours. FU13LIC ]BUILDINGS. and add tolts'- usefulness. Since UN flve� under -agriculture- ' it is largel7t
ExPe ceed 'While primary" education, t he edu cation to the Increasing cost of PrePar-
than ordin ..ed.
ary .$10,000. Ner relatives, such as,fa-
be payable to them as part of thelryear_ ex 'new, electoral district societies ha:ve, been due
�ai words, take ly subsidies." The capitalized sum of tber, mother, ohilaren, husband wifei etc., Imparted In on;? Public Schools, is our We have a still more striking illustration tile vatlouo
Wc6rpofateA ur annual grans.to-them irg, prInting and distributing
pa no duties whatever except when the we -E)Unerins, - -for
L2,848,289 Is'made Up of 12 of these. half- first and chief concern, we have not ne- -of uncontrollable expenditures when winounting to $3,550. We have alwo glye. agricultuyal reports and
estat4 exceeds $100,000. All property given glected the secondary education which. come to consider the large sums we have commencing with 1892. Thera
yearly payments (from Ist of July, 1886P $100 additional to whieh there is so great aemand
t aleats there
Inclusive), with sim-
to Ist of January, 18M, or b6queathed for religious, charitable. or our High Schools aff6r.d. Indeed, we spent in recent years, especially the last each of our 85 electo' dIstri0t societies; were 21i,200 more reports issued -in M VII&IX
Legislative Chamber, hiarch' IL educational purposes. Is also exempt. S!ml- dare not. do so, striefy the healthy and four or five years, on publWbuildi s. Ve re reports
that which pie interest -added at., 6 per cent.. from the Ile N and� this called for the.-6onsi4erable an- 11�1 1892., There were K490 ino
lar las In other countries, Engl&pd, New new build- 3899 'than
This was In many respects the greate t day on which each payment would hae Und growth of the 'one is inseparablv speut in 189.9, for example, on We have publpshed for the departments In
so mial incre"e of, 38.5W.
York Staite, Pennsylvania and- Maryland, ament
CLay f the see ion. it was t] te, day . n been Made to the lt of July, 1894. - In connected with, that t e I � Will ings, 'including these new Parli giving during recent years to in W*2, at an Increased cost of 32,912.- Let
-d.- all the other 1884, then, for the first time, we received for example, apply xo, and affect thousands be allowed, air,.In thiol, n to re- buildings, $778,315, and this amounts to flie Dominion Sheep' BreederEl :kssoeta- me Illustrate by ne department the
which the Treasurer made annual interest on a neW fund, vlz.,op this sum of estates which, under our law, are a -Ito- mind the House Of the glowing tribute more than oile-lifth of all our expendi- tion and to the Swine" Breederi- osocta increase In business which Is common ft.
You WiU J
Since the, passag6 of our
statemexkL. Nothing sensational WaW X gther exempt. paid to our school systein by Sir. Richard tures for that year. For several years ra had 59 public In -
of $2,848,P89, the interest &mounting to Vn,- tion $10V& year each, and for lieekeepers' all f th In 1 we
gargeoUa� let every Proviiice in the. Dominion has Webster, 'the cultured and scholarly At- past our expenditures under'this head have ij�spection and expenses $800 a Year. These stitution, all told, IncIdding asYlunls;�'h011-
pected and nothIng sensational took pla e.. 217 each half year. This um of $71,217, as The States of ast five
passed EL,Iaw similar to It. torney-General Of Lord Salisbury's Gov- been unusually large. During, the I are all new Itebas-a-epresenting,:1n. the ag- pitals, gaols, etc. Ift 1-02 wehRd ZZ41achl
SATURDAY, it increased subsidy under the act of 1884, was
The Ontario budget for over t*entY yea a. Mahv� and California passed similar ernment, who,. in spea;kint of a" We have spent'in this way $3,16T,666. tions In .1871. the nuMbe17 Of. Per'*
March paid to us along' with the other specific. gregate, a verk � considerable inc.regseo and institu
our past now has been a simple rejord of th laws in 1893. California takes 5 per cent. tional exhiNt at Chicago, said (I give his During the previous dive- years we sp was :tim.- In 1,192
payments'of ii)tprest on the trust funds ent yet no word of objection: was ve4 taken sons admifted to them -
orable business tra-11940- of the value of all -estates over $500 In "That It Was one -of the most $1,479,634. Not a. dollar of this expenditure
straight a=4 hou up to July 1, 1888. On Ist Jaqary, 1989, own words), to a single one of them at any time in tile number admitted was 37,950. The
value and devotes th-e proceeds to Its
tions of the Mow&t Ad -ministration beautiful and Instructive In the whole was ever questioned, either In this House the House. And these' conneedon. "Ui
itew the Dominloil Government, in order to car- are only a -few of ber of letters written in
school f4nd. In Kinnesota,,a constitutton- exhibition ; that It. was the only exhibit or In any committee of this HouSe. There the agricultural incre ses. AtAhe eol- their management in 18n_ wa§ 1,749,, *h1le,
oubject is not one -that lends itself to ry out the agreeme4t of October, 1898, to al amendment. authorizing the taxation of 6
which I will more . fully refer hereafter, which at all approached. his Ideal of what has been no Want of opportunity for full lege there have been recently 'Instituted i -n 1892 it was 9,874. In 3.871 the "S
lush of laveli- quence, jet, treated from a StandPOfilt lriheritances.19 to be submitted to the pen- an educational exhibit should be ; that it Incluiry and thorough investigation. L n ew se aes. For 11 asylms were not managed
remtted to us specifically the subsidy of not a few very valuable n _Mattes in our
whIchL financial acumen and an exh pie next ydar. We exempt 981 estatep out wal; thL! most. perfect- In arrangement, each Instance it was recognized that our example. an assistant'.
$598,486, and also a pay�ment of $130,000, "on chemist *as added- by the Inspector. In M2 the sentor 111010er-
sind -the new- of every 1�0(�j, judging from the resufts in and explanatory Urgent needs called'for� the erection of to
ive array of facts blended h pily W1 In -a simple and satlsfac- the staff In 1891 at. a fyear'; a horii-N ter had charge of SU theme - estates. IV
t account of pending settlement of ae 'we In tory Way 4118 -
1893. and the scale of duties which Ur n I= 0 at' $900 a
c(Aor% and the toricai graces for whic X -r- Har- counts." Since January 1, 1889, the o- of the finest practical system of ne-w buildings, and that any further delay Cult ist I
Un the revenue received tmm Paying -IW-
the ora eacth case exact Is v�wy ii�oderIte- f)Ur public education, trp)rn the kindergarten to would be Inexcusable and againsf-the pub- year ; an assistant 1 dairyman aiid tients was In.= It VM84M406-
the speaker 0 the di Ly Minton GovernineUt ceased making specl-
r , &k&
court 4s noted, receipts In 1893, amounting to, as .1 have the Universit that tljo world aords to- lie interest. The work was commenced laborers In th6 d; �iry d i artme*t ',As to civil goernment, In Orde t
Ile payments, and Instead have-each,half . ep
was able to hold -keenlY- 1'. d tiat sam, $45,507, were Paid by 27 estates, ten day." A few -months a:go several of the In each case Pot one day too soon..- -Co at a charge of $1 360 a year, and fpli 43,r h8ijjest compalsons,* the increasing.
L,mer *eason of year sent us round sums as payments on t
of which were the -estates of persons re- cipals of the Normal S61lools' of New Meet pressing needs we commenced the an aoslsta4- 1rard'd-.1
account. We!-reeelvdd In 1:893 as, interest prin er $500 a year. Then Volume of )Dusiness must be
only his� fellOW-members In,the cli kel3t In mind
9 ry Important matter of :expert Ortant, �wle must
the V I- h Two es- York __ State, men (it very hIgh standing erection of the mainbuildin' and te eight Lii� the ve and, what to 4nore imp
I sident In t e boui�ty 'of. York.
but thenumerous'accupanus of t on our Investments r79,897, and this Is our
-you have often- tates, one Ottawa and one In Toronto, educationally visited his city, Inspected asylum cottages at Afimi6o In November, mental work, *-blch b14; t few Individual rem*nber thiLtome braches,and dsV&rLt---,,--',
largest receipt under his head for sev- taken together, paAd duty io the ;imount our various 4ducational Institutions, and 1888. These were completed in ' arch, M.L. farmers can afford to oin- e
ous galleries.
7%- want to in� eral years past. Of this amount the o, but which the ments � of the service now c under 41Va
of - $29,221", which Is more than one-half of made most careful inquiry concerning In June, 1891, the erection of two addition- Province through .�tbx Instituttlon at government, and re charged atainot, it
THE STA m4n items are $1E6272 which represents a
to, see. It _ for refractory patients was Guelph is ex�ected io d there � h&Ls r Under that
ig it our total receipts for the year. These two them. These'learned-and experienced p) al cottages been which foymerly did not a-ppea
was not quite 3.30 o' I k when Yqar's interest on'the, drainage debentures were estates unmarried men, bose fessors d teachers publiclyispoke In the commenced, afid these were finished In a consta Only head. Ift comparing different yeexx W40
Id -time "' open- an Jitly grbwInk.-.e:kbendIture.
9 we hold.. and $55,444, received from the pr.)perty passed to collateral and notne very highest terms' of our school system APAI� My in 1888, while, mu$t elimInate' from the letter yeiir �ftft
the Treasurer began h14 L Stat-ein n -t, a few ar 1892. - Up to the end of 1893 'we had $500 was spent ini, this
ideas and, baiik�das interest on sums specially ,de-
6il. 'The Immense lm-� cost of services which did 'not eXI8tL&-t�4LJ1
rifie of formal business - h, ng ftz st oste relations., In only one estatt? out of the -se, In gene cla;Ify-of our provision expended on these new buildings, which in 1,893 we spent. -$5
ral,. alid eppe
line.. In to
P with them from time to _t a professional furnish excellent' accom�modatfon for 600 portanpe. of this. a�i nply ifies this
He spoke u il. eig 1it 27 was any duty paJd by tile verX near for giving every teacher- jus,t during the former Year, or which at MO
been disposed of ot4er words, our cash investments brought
in relatives of 'he deaeased, such.as wife or training, The 'numerous awards secured patients, the large sum of $535,760, The expenditure. Th6se h have *1sitedthe earlier period wre!'not ehatged ag&tns't
so c e- n- TO-
W :xpertmehtal plots civil gov6rnment. For example, the du-�
1 -)aye d this was an by our educational, exhibit- at the Clitottgo Province owns in connection with thdae farm and inspected the
Opaninc, E minutes to 6,and fis deliverance as during 1893 $217. a day Ily way of I :childr6n, an estae In
liberate and clear that every word Of I terest, while the Interest paid us by "the
ronto valued.over the $1130.000. limit. The Exposition, to WhIch -the Wnister In buildings a valuable plot of ground con- consider them as formth one of the most cation Office, wIth, Its salaries. and
excellent speech was heard in 1 all pai ts banks alone represents 4 per cent. on a Surrogate 'Court clerks I the Province charge wilLInake �ktended reference, fur- taining 6" acres. In 1885 we commenced the Useful features of the Uole institution. nSeo, was not charged under civil
of the chamber. His speech Was as L 11- 00000
day, capital investme t of $1.4 From the have sent me. full returns 'for 1893 of the nish clearest, proof that this ProLvince,. in erection at Or.1111a of two cottages, with The travelling diLtry, thp wide usefulness ernment prior to IL890.7 This 91011i!� added
'Crown Lands Department we received last estmtes for which probates; or letters of the very, important ;nAtter of education, kitchen and outbuildings, for the aecom- of which is generally re, ognized !through- $19j268 to, the cost of civil move
r lows
th and 31s It is my dutY Once more, Afr. Sveakw. year $1,823,550. This is $23,550 In ex Was
administration were issued. AltogetWer has won for itself an'enviable position. modation of idiots. These were complet- out the Province. has )een In existeuce
that year. Then the Board of -H:ealtl�
before moving that you do Mae the my estimate. -From tho woods and for- s, and of all these The main front building and only three years, durin which time we not established until IM -imd'It
I they report 4,674 estate nisterial applause,) chair In order that the House may go-, n- ests branch Oone ' we received $1,757,005..
every 52, 'were liable dining hall were pommenced in IM and have spent upon It $13,5 T"' is a new C� v rim, n
see,ina the new. o give some $86U to , 1 41 g ver - e t. The X11#UC,
t, t Committeeof Supply, t From our public institutions we received to pay succession duty. Twenty Of these PTJ8LJ(� INSTITUTIONS. conipleted In 1891. These buildings furnish expenditure, which has been th means Bureau, a �new service, first appear - . 12V
ke younelves at -0 e
planations, more or less minule, of tie V9,8M, exclusive' ot al receipts from the
88 belong -to the County of YOrk, =d 61 Perfect accommodation' for 6N. patients, of awakenin.g.a,gre4t upgree of -interest the Crown ands Expeiiditure, big wa*
you like and as, somewhat varied ftnanetal Our largest single appropriation Is that
CM1 goVernMe_
trans" 0- Central Prison, to which I will make spe- of thern are still unsettled and outstanding' anti their cojit, up to December, IM, is $484 - in one of the most important departments at In 1W.,
tions of the Province lor tie claJ reference. From these Institutions, voted for tWe -iiiiiintenince of our public transferred to
will p!res& the- same time I and have not as -Yet paid the duties. In Institutions.' We vote now each Year -122. We own 150- acres I of land in. conne�- Of agriculture. No one -Would now think It Coat US in In$ Tha :13epartnqnt-
year omitting the prison, we expected to.recelve tiou with this institution. In October, U92, Of sug
-1M. At fifteen count ies in the Province viot a sin gesting_b� curt&U6'�nt of. the eX_ f Agrlcultpre�WABL established- In IMI. 44d,
�ur frif-nds along Hou: ie, three times as Much for this service as we
propose,L with the approval of the $7$,'(00, so that our actudl-receipt ls.sligbt- gle estate in U93 esme within the provis- we commenced to build a new asylum -at pejqs� -.WJdch'It. ihveLveg.! In 1$91 the Ltr&V_ it Iner
eral Way of our revi n- diu twenty ye4ro ago. Opr anual.appro- . eased. Wgi cast f civil 'gpV_-erA#10'nt
-to speak in* a gen 'ibilcounles In addl- 'Rth�_t a1em enjoy, the ly in of our estimate. Detailed tons of the act. I the State� of New York BrockviII6. One' part of this, namely, the ellfitgUirles visited fli
ues and expenditures.-, of previous yea,s, of- all the operations at the priation Is �25 per cent.,more than It was S5,60. - A coMpkilson. th,
'9 and, before closi
partieU tto'n 'to A exh
S ' :1 it is estimated that one estate out Of eV- ten yea:ri ago.' We spent -in 1893 for this main buildffig, will, we expect, Ve complet, some of 'our latigest fa I
g, to make a hurried i e- Celitral Prison for 1893 Will be found Iri the r�y 35 Is llai)le to.duty. In this Provinop ed this year. It W.11, when finished, ac- UOUS ; In 1892 28 -.countfis wer.4. visited. -have kept. down us lo as the public. in-
ferelice to ouf prospective. revenues aid e service.'$1%,696 mors.th&n -we-,Ud five years
Hon. one out of 52 pays dut ago, and $170,452 3n"ore than ve did, ten teres, to 'won
report of the Inspector Of Prismis. y The State of commodate 500 patientS.L We g%Lve $U00j and In. 1893 16 coulities i6d A'istrlctiL. NO Id admit the edst or".botivi,.1vit
expenditures. "The whole subjeet, members, will notice'that, In'addition to Ne;w York'P?r7the yesir ending Septembef for the -farm of 150 acres adjoining less tha;n 659 mfttIngs1&ave been held
so exhaustively d, It Years 'We e for this Brock- government and legisladono '� Zek:,Aix 1ALke"
thp details given in thig report, there Is .1 1
Speaker, has been -the end under their auspices, sq,_'that the Whole durinij t4o,,,
30, 1893i recived 41S revenue under its olin- ville On which it Is built. Up to
o year, so frequently d one purpose the enormous SUM of $778,S39, for example,- the pertod
with from year t ap ended for the first tim,6 to the public heriaec., act $3,071,687; the State of Penn -w which. Is . moie than h of of 18.43 we -have expended on this zfew Province has to soizie exi so ably discussed from every point of founs of the -year' an. abstract of the asylum $1U,823. As to all of thes e build -
great benefits they con ei
McFaul one-fift �nt shared In tile present G6ve t a;t Ottawe,,bas 'beeg
sv ur* total expendidures for that year, ., M to 1892. During this period
t I L Ivanis, for the year ending Nvember f I uIly believe in Office, VIj
view, that I cannot even hope to pres 0 - f
t rIecelpts and -,expenditures of -the�-prison. Ings, te Slefore so po of fourteen ye�Lr# the cost of evil
30, 18,93, $1,124,466; and the Sta' of Mary- 'And this House, I am glad to SEW, is prac- nders were called for, and the �con- that the college'(never pular mov-
It, In any new light or to point out any
hich -Its ilairy school,
T4p new binder twine Industry, W land for its last fts--al year $70,693. tracts let An the usual way�I mean, of as now) and its adiikncts'
I Its travelling dal
jf--ct o interest hith6rto, unnoticed. tically unanimous in making thl�*iarge ernment In Ontaio has hicreased (I take
coviimenced operations in March last, and
se. Mr. Speaker, not to detalrax he .- -yearly appropriation for this very Import- course, Mr. Speaker, the usual way a4 far ries, Its summer dairy:' the same servIcesfor both ars) 17, -per.
ot4lor new and Important f IONAL EXPEND'ITURES. as this Province Is concerned -the build- school and its expert I
nn ne or eatures In con- It is true that objedbion.has ja ta' work have cent. Under the Governuipirt at Ottaw&
House as long as. I have done on one ne6tIon with the prison' Industries, will ant service. ings hav been completed, and no ques- proved themselves to be high degree e- per , Iqd It has increased 6 . 0 per
ie CongregatiORal for the sam
two similar occasions. At the saiiie time walrant the Provincial Secretary in giv- I will now turn to the expenditure side been taken in committee by one or. two tion is now ralsed, or has ever been tais- Instrumental In diftsing
�Unday eveRing:- I hope that not a few lion. r;iemb&s;. of our account for the year 1893 and. briefly members In i�egard to some very trifling nd POPUlarl-ZIng cent. Or take four Years, ay from 10W
In at an early date fullest explanations. comment ,Pon its more imPortarxt iea-� It is contended, for ed, in this House as to the character of 'advanced sci6ntjfie of agricul- to 10,9. In Ontario It Ila I
s ent few das whether supporting or opposing the Gov- matters of' detall. er
received from the Education Depart- the buildings, their adaptability to our -ture, and that very satisfactory Joractical t&
eant.,'whie at Ot wa. it has Inqrea$e4�1
11of las-t eof6re, U- e tures. I have already said that our actual example, by some members of the oppos,
ern. m -ent, ,,will, as always her mi� t $47,640. Our'egftimate was $45,000. tion that as U9 some of the table supplI69 results are even. now P141111Y apParenE. 7.7 per cefit. The cost f legislation has
�be discussion and recelpts- for the year exceeded our esti- business needs, or as to their c9st. Every
ation Army, from art In -.�ive to,,,,,he
se-receipts�are made up of, for the 466 member In this House must admit �,hat Over and above all this might refer to increased from 1878 to 1892 In Ontario loss a visit last Thus- Vouse fully and.unreservedly the behillit -1 mated receipts by $95 . I am glad to beJ purchased for the -.Asylums a saving, &d- the Commissioner of Public Works �has our signal success at,tht Chicago EXPO_ than 5 per cent., and at ttaws, 86 �t part, fees received from students at- able to say thait we hae also kept our per
,-t16 very successful o -f their criticisms and sggestions. . I teiyfling our. 1-iormat Schools. and fees mittedly very -,inconsiderable in amount, succeeded in erecting sition as furxiisAing conot
Invite, beforehand, exhaustive- discussim, e%pdnditures 'Well under the estimate. The could be effected. Even If this-�contentibu these - large build- asive Proof that cen�t. F romusfi to IS92 It has Increased :4 1-2
paid by the candidates at the department ings, which are a credit to the Proviiice. Ontario has grdatly advanced -and is a(A-
al House vices of 1853 $3,57-4- we're�well founded, and I.do not admit It per cent. In Ontario, and 64 'per eex�t; at
fal Inqury and minute Investigation. It voted for the, ser at, all things considered, yancing In everything rel�,tlng go agricul- Ott&Wa_
exhm1nation& Normal School students a marvelloUsly I -have thus far been. spealdnC
has always been found convente t, an, 1 789.1 We actually spmt (I am speaking of for a single Moment,- alt� the, items -thus
his studies at Pa. 4 last Year $16,873, and depaitmental. low cost, and that, as a result f his tUre. Others 'Will,- -during 'the session, - of our ordinary expenditures. Apart from.
W11-11therefore follow the usl pract ce ordinary expeditur-as) t3,3,71,748. We then objected to 11% this large yearly approprIa- skilful management, of Zt4il& doubtless -enlarge upon this Interesting these there wi�ge in :189.3 special x7pendl-
x mastery
t -retu'ril- Dn this occasion, tG'speak In . e at P1 ce e- I unination. candidates $24,093. The stu- 6 more than our -a the aggregae 'in detail of the extremely tures, sl.,L, -as $g%495 '10
�t ci y. He reefived $90,46 tion of $M,000, would not (I careful supervision and -firm control., tns topic and speak eh
R n. dents attending the School of'4;edagogy 200,041,less than te I -louse amount to i -loth of 1 per cent. In caring aned. to dIfferent
of the 'receipts of the Past yearl ended creditablei Position Won
-ek pa d $1,835, and thoge attending the School s have been sa�ed by the Province., municipalities for drainage PUTP L one wOr
to resum- e his
notice, I am su�e, W: gayei us autority to spend. In the cas.e
.of Dr. Irelad. members Will of ZTractical Science $2,510. We receh�.ed for our unfortunate Insane, we cannot ig- to the Province. This large, wealthy 41nd If a comParison-is had either with differ- retired rail t1ficates and. annuliten
that our total receil. s of each . of thirteen lea4ing' services we way cer
fro'M law stamps $84,246, or nearly $6,000 nore the serious responsibilities we have important Province Is now well e ent States of the Union or with the rest to
Em ounted to $4,291,114. spent consideraly less thian the HOU assumed. Our assumption of these respon quipped of Ma DQMInionthe result must be highly the amount of $219,616 -. w;q zent ou
forw In the matter of public bibldings, and "we these new' buildin $159jOO, aiyl -the
This amount Includes, it vill.l. be seen. an unAer our estimae. In 1892 we received voted, For example, weL spent for civil that gratifying to ou�r people,; and our sue- gs on
representing Domin on S91,617, and IL 1890 $110,1349. On the other - gvernment.,85,000 *less thgai was voted, for sibilities means, be it remembered, will �be pardoned, in these. days, at any Brockville Asylum, $12,385. Thore -� were
Item: of $20000, of the various municipalities cesseq, it will be noted, ere not limited
h the., receipts , of 1889 and 1891 are rate when we recall with pride and iat- other exceptional expenditures, such a3
n of justice $22,0110 less than
[Ln(I the viciuity of band�,, which has regularly a;p,peared in administratio, In the Province are lightened exactly In ifae'tion the undisputed and Indisputalble', to one or� two departments only, (AP- $84,308.4 for the Wrld!s Columbian ExpoNd-
On 0 U 1. ve. s4m. r In amount to the receipts of
our schedule of assets, as oii6 i�n was voted Z ODO less for maintenance of proportion to the expense Which the Pro- fact that In their erection not one lause.)
�iion', $68,000 less fo� public 40 tton,; $10,234 for arbitration4between the
I backed & note to, la� Yean t"u Vince from time to time I
vestments, during recent. Years. These public -ins 4 ncurs. No State
certain party on bonds matured earl buildi works, and lar of our very large appropriations has ADkINISTRATION 4�F JUSTICE. DoWInIon and the Provinces ; -25,WD for
lIe D ngs $23,000 less for public ever L been diverted - tram its prop the- School of and Agriculture at
Y in 1993, and4lth.. IPTS FROM LICENSES. I CL in the Union, no -other Province In the
(leclre this to be s on ro*n lands. er pUr-
minlen. Goernment promPtIfy P&f4 thein lem for charge 3 were 416L,- Dominion, assumes these responsibilities pose. To meet well -d d pressing As another IllustpatioM , take our large Xin&rton, and $3,898 In connectlon -with Al.
�ijuue any note or at date of matiirity. Excluding these . We received from liquor licenses in 1893 Our totat expel-lditures for 1-89 to the same extent. We niust continue public wants in this directlOn a Ye&r1Y "grants Un
Th, k - $294,611, being $2,10 less tha our receipts of 112 less th, 2, $251,314 less than far !I the head gonquin Park.
Ne IR bonds, as well as all paym ents, recet d an those of 389 to provide for the Insane, and to furnish Increased expenditure was lmper,,t'jTy of admi-nistratIon Of Justice."
to the aourit of $32,257 la.,�tyear. In 1889 there were Issued 15,60 t1hose of 1891. and only $10t82,1 more than additional accommodation when required
q)erwitting nie this during the year, The Luc �7 RAI-LWAY ID.
needed. To speak at I head
ox: accountGf the drainage debentures w not heedless and Irresponsible wa,' from time
in 1890, 3,G23 ; in 1891, 3,414 n thage of 1890. We are happily -agreed in arge In a general, unde this
renimu, or else, as unfortunately happened eare ve -noticeable, �Xe :It will be noticed that arter next
1899, 3,369 ; -in 1893, 3.195; a falling oft In affecting,
Y of Increks- year.
hold represen-tin- loans made by us to Ill"- this !House as -to many matters ago, allow them to drift Into ed expenditures, to ma , for exa pie, in 3 $105,407 more the paymen-ts requfred�to retire
0 many years ke nebulou spent
cipalittes, our total receipts f r M3 fouf years of 365 licenses. In 1875 there the administration of our finances. The a insillu Muni and occupy cells In our county gaols. We atlbns of extravagance, a -ad than we did in', 88M3. In we spent $97.5,- railway certificae will - materially .,de -
A -gain left to nloaa wwi. -ranted one lidense to each 275 of (rar differences between us, for ex.%illple, as to to keepeare-
were $4,039,656, It has not been custom L Y lust furnish them with comfortable homes f Ully out of sight such explanations as 246, and In 1893 W,652, be
v-.-hite, of which we popula1lon. In 1893 we granted one license exp�ndltjxres,. con- 1 9 an Increase of crease year �b year for the next $even or
our estimae t bulk of our e 38 per
to:. tp-ke into consideration An the gre�, and provide them with good, wholesom am hurriedly giving, is, I submit, cent. in ken yea
Q11pply this winer. ese lallon. According cern maitters of more detail only, and when and utritious food, our rie,�, cbttage honest nor patriotic. These ne neither mind in this'H' . We are of one eight years. For example, the payment will
of the year's receipts th pamens st reLurns thore' is one license rtant. n W asylums ouse as to this large ex- be in'roud numbers $5,000 lessIn IM
(if the day t of drainage debentures. fully analyzed are few and unimpo
aald the made, on accou. a lum at IvIlmico, has accommodation for 1 o which I have referred'and the new Par- penditure, which it Will b, (.25,0W less in 1897 ; $53,.00,0 less In 18W; 168, -
to ever 150 of the Population of the State o 'noticed a;bsorb
ni- I Y As one illustration o�f this fact I would sy
i r'enewed energy e 9re constantly loaning to the mu of �Tew York, one'to every 246 In Illinois, sing educa- 560 atients. During last year it had un- liaent buildings have cost us, up to the about one-tenth of our- t6*H4,exPftd1tures. Ux, less in 1890, and VOW les* in L4W thau
mt portion of it cipalftles.on the security of their deb, point to Our lair der treatment 593 patients. The new Ori6 end of 1893, $2,400,596. lKost of the money and over which every one must admit the the payment of this year. In nine yeaTit
L r stoves_ -As Mr. tres for drainage purposes. and we"i-re onq to every 248 In Ohloi -one to. every 294 tional grants, WhI011 now absorb nop less Ila Asylum has accommodation for 550 pa-` has been spent during this very Parlia- Gcvernment can have bu� little practdcal It will decrease to the extent Of
constantly in receipt of payments in�de in ndlana, and one to every 300 In Nklichi- - xth of our olta expenditures. $1011W.
than one sL tients, and last year It had under treat- control. It represents,'fot the
ag line he set c6 net With this stpady and rapid reduction d one ment, and yet not one minute of tile time most part, We
by the ii�unllctpallties on account of th�se out of ev,�,-_-�. six dollars e spen have -aided railways most generously.
hys hater it to(k in the number.of licensee, with hotels pos- As to ment at different times 553 Inmates. Later of this House or of any committee of this expenditures made1r. the different counties ) . K' loans, S g:oes for eclucational Purposes. I make further reference to these House has been spent in discussing every -day Since Confederation and up to the I
uaknon. - He is For exampit!, we made� fres-A loans In st"asing much better -accommodixions than ;Idly Increasing this of U93 our total 'grans to radways ha"
. eturnand that it.' formerl with a ccmplete separation of these grants we are all of one mind In on I Wil administration of c 8 i4i? he
1-893 to the amount of $62,495, and we re- Y1 this House, and no one even sugge3ts a new buildings. The rap vast expenditure of money, or of any part rIMInq justice, for all amounted to L$5,959,084. It - is very-7grt
gr ceries from, iiquor shops, witla sales to ugh yee by year there Ig number of patients compelled us to.pro- of it. In considering these questions of 'whi0i we reimburse t4e counties. Our Iiig to know that the mount we ha4a
r. 8. A ! 5� i6n, alth we
ceived $52,257 on accont of loans previo educt iarged accommodation, andto total expenditure on
m1%ors prohibited, with numerous other- r unavoidaIV-1d-1-1d I vide this en must ot forget that� the statute which -accoqnt of the adnin- y et to pay -is trifling, compared with the
-ilig made. -§Tl&bly
I estiniated last session that ur for iny, and - 'Ital expenditures. a 0 istration-of Justice In 18W'wao $,q6S,l8Q
re.�Irlctions, each of them making ly-ar, Increa;sed ex- incur therefor heav cap provided for the ere ti n of new Parlia- I aniount we have L paid. We have Paid di -
Is Iyusily engged revenue for 1893 would ainount to $4,0 0,- ht say automatleaA In our asylums we had in 1881 3,559 in- ment buildings set apart for sale certain 1110- $313,828; In 1891, $401,490 ', in 1892, $391-- rectly, that Is in
sobriety, we can. I think, reasonably claini
572. We acually received $95,466 over , d, penditun-e. On tife otber hand, If our rev- 134 ; In 1803, $385,837, Of t4eave amounts we is cash, We have
.%,Vn trotting mae, thwt our license laws have brought about ven- mates, in 1888 3,808 inmates, in 1889 3,953 lands, th e proceeds when sold to form the ued and paid certificates to the amoull.t
above this estirnae. T'his, we will all enues -Permitted it, we would, 1 1 gs paid'to County Treasurerq. and other 0oun-
�S is- quitL sure she a 'axked and businesslike abatement of ut 8, Inmates, In 1890i 4,187 inmates, In 1891 Parliament build n construction fund. ly officials on account of 4dminlstra Of of n less than $4,251.&Q9, and the outstand-
concede, Is a very satisfactory result. he th TIP_ ture to say, witho
C e evils of the liquor raffic. The Province tiga 4,972 lnrj�ates, in 1892 4,785 inmates, in 1893 One of the Parcels of land, so set apart tiu Ing certificates, these yet to pay, aino.unt
Ir.- Mr.' 11 more substan
:ftmt itern of receipts, that of our subady senting voice, 'ike ev 4,893 inm justice in counties rd 41istricts In L�89, to c
received for Its own use as revenue from ates, being an increase of 1,340 was the site of the old Parliament build- nly $1,312.:L49. But these outs
wIts the guest- Gf M' tMur vote for edil_ tanding
and specific gran't, remains of course, at increases each year $2716.472; In 1990, $289,608 ; Iri 1891,,$296,739 ; In
patients in six years. Te extra accom- Ings, 91-3 acres in extent, situate in the
ay e !rom year tio lic6nses (I am' speakift of the calendar ses. We spent in 189' under certificates do not carry Interest, and ra
veain g. He 1692, $9291,656", In 1893, $263;455. in each of
the same figure f year. ye�p-) in 1839, $302,734 ; in 1890, $312.007 : in cational purpo L $662,521. This Is modation provided in 1891 accounts for the heart of this city. Owing jo the marked spread over.A long term'of.y6arsi Their
4�itk ad its attro- -758; In 1893, $294.-, _the head of edu atiO, missios of that year. With depression in real est te we have not old thse yeara. therelfore We Paid to the CoUn- ee nly $9=;O
INTEREST RECEkh-TS. 1,%.1, $298,184 ; In IM, $294, IS88 and incre & S
077 mo�e than we spent In 91. rr-116
516; andgave back to the inunicipalitias )n antly Increasing number of pa,- this very valuable property, worth say present valu� of the Annuitles is $1,311'rJ5,
we'spent In 3.8893. '.\T o this const ty Treasurers 9nd oher, county officials
The next,iten�, that of Inerest received, ai.i9x,4 more than iearly 76 per cent of orur total expendl-
thq same years. v1z., in 1889, $297,353 ; in r J In, these tients, no bne save a charlatan will, ex- $500,000, 'VVe have erected these new and these -are our onlyobligiLtiong. When
from the Dominion, may rquire a brief 189Q, $294,968 -, dn 1891, $289,487 ; In 1892, $299.- fair-minded person seeks- to fln ture, and In this way tind to this'extet.
large incr. a matter of legitima,t� pect either stationary or decreasing ex- uildings without borroving a single dol- I Inform the House thut -.we have this
e es
explanation. If 'hon. members will refer 9--, in 1893 $287 as in lar, and still own very luable Properties. the municipalities -in this one dir6etion,
11649. It wIll be remembered ritae't, 4 very hour at our credit In t4-# bazko
or begause & them penditure. At all times the Minister va More,
eveab to the schedule of receipts -appended Ito Muni'* al -Councils ma criticim, which the Legislature authorJzed us co were. directly adedrom',the public chest. thwi $1,550,0W, I s#bmit
CAP I` charge of these Institutions has earnestly
121ce particle of blame to the Adm4lltratioii. that:, these vbllg4,
my last !,Financial statement they will bb During the four years f ' 1889 to 1892 In- tions axe not very alarmln#1 If time. 41�
of Hugh without asking the assent of -the elec- and methodically aimed at t*o things, sell, the proceeds of 'which, It was expect- ro t,
oerve In the column resr e a r- on the contrary, a neglect on the part onomy and highest effl- 'ecl, would. go a long way towards th clsive the County of ]E� for example,
I I'Ve ty, 1th tclsf namely, rigid ec e nr� lowed I could explain all the ItemswbieJ
receipts. that from 18gS. to 1883 inclu require a larger duty to be paid for f the exoveenment to make prompt a(i received from on grants for administra-
dings. Another make 'up dr Increased expenditures one
,he marriage of her ta rn an shop , censes. an r an or ision for those pressing edu- clency. -He has ng e- erec on n e n w
d off ifteen years, these receipts 'r�'- thefr own use the revenue thus derived. adequte,prov tin of Justice $?A,00, the0ounty of
by ne, and show conclusively that they
111, to -Mr. Peter which from time to iirne gree In both regards. I could quote, sir, -of these properties. consistIng,of 213.5 acres,
stated to be exactly the game in amoun exact a duty, which. cational needs �"x $41,3772, the County of"Carlton ;27,59j,
otic;) woula from the highest and most imp&rtial au- part of the asylum far. -In, and valued at -are In each case,the outcoe of a qon-
of tnley- each year, viz., $136,696, 'A48 for es force tj
JeLn",seles upon our n the 'tounty of Hastings'! $84,560, and the
or ch added to the statutory duty, wdII exceed reipuke. Dur- thority, and Ill unsold. I wish to remind
performed by lialf year. This am ount represe�nts in�t n- loudlyeall for well -merited give td the House the testi- $15000, Is st County of Slincoe $28,230. 'Out vorte for the taiat pressure of new duties a -rid -obliga-
$_01J6, unless the by-law has been approved Ing the J."t ten years our educational mony of experts and. alienists of dIstin- the, House that In these two propertlEs of jUS tions, and tlxat they have one and AL11 rAm..
f.n, in the preseace, est at the ra!& of 5 per cent. on the vr- of the elecL . ors. Only In, 318 out of WS lusively alone the Province haLq a va-luable asset, administra-don Me# has beerf in- suited in giving to the Province an4-a--tent
lous Items then held and shIl held by the grants in the aggregate have amounted guislied reputation, and prove cone creased in recent year ib tl
ritetl n(I s le common
MUD 1palstles have the Councils Passpd, estimated to be worth $850,N0. (Applau e.) sion and improvement of the sem-lbex tilerez
er DOMIP-1011 in trust for On�tarlo. It M�xs by-jalwos increasing the duties. and In only to $5,968,710, In other, words, we have that our large asylums. which now, taken use In itnany ways; for tofore existing. Wh, ir, as long ago,&Ig
veu aury b conseat of the lie
Rot Untill July, 1873, however, that a r in ten years directly returned to the peo- together, contain nearly 5,000 inmates, the -k the
ULT LrRj,- Payment
v, of alily, e- of them throughou't the whole Pru- to be spent maintenance of which; costs the Province EXPENDITUPF, FOR AGRIC example, b of witnesses Ill 1869, 25 Years ago., the Ifute Hon. j�, US Speelfte&rly a st sum of money
Fisher, of S1 a vile were the fees Increased 'beyond this
irnittance was sent to ple this va criminal cases, by the ment of'official Wood, Treasurer In the AdrixinistriL-tin Of
in lessening their local more than $1,370 a day, are seeslid to mtae '.\To one will learn with disappointment reporters fr. the courts, boy'K
half -Year's interest. From July 1st, 1873,� limit Of $200. These six were Brockville. by them . the appointment
ties of groomsm Bail- rate bil eillicient. management, that our expend the Hen. John Sandfteld Macdonald, In
UP to and theluding July 1st,,18S8, thebo- educational Is. Uaoh year in t7ae matter of Itures under the bead Qf of stlpendtLry M4glstratef other need- discussing our lIn Ition, said
Fort Hope, Chatha.m,, ud-
antial Poo
dd -wore dressed in m-liliGn remitted to us each half year brings with it new educaional expendi- wher! compared with those of any other 2LeTiCUlture- and arts are constantly In- d officials here and tb e in 'Nortbern
-with lace id as bury and Rat Portage. We have In all 410ur. expenses will'Increase every year, �d Iterest 'on tru,-t funds $68,848. This amount 8081 munieipa44tles in the Province. In 52-8 t" re I peratively called for by the, grow- State or country. I need not argue this creasing year by year. We spent, for ex- Ontario. I will give some rter instances
"t(k k-1 S, in a CIO -a 'W what we maY -W Prevent 'them-, as
Is m d Ing needs of our expanding systern- A few point. Ron. members of the Opposition I mple, $127,, 6 1 if) 1 $1-19,535 in 1891, of recent Increases, which �very,one in the ur
a e Up Of three sums, viz., Interest on there is not a single shop license. 9 n population Increases, 150 will our
of them I. are nbt disposed to dispute ft. They prefer, 2& In 1892 and $169.5713 1 1893. No onr: In House deemed unavc4d4ble, and ed for the occasion,. Upper Canada building fund, tra!tions will, -I hope, no' be out of
an4 in 1&5 o them. nearly one-fourth of Illus
as we ao, while rejoicing at the fact, to the House or out of it, so far as I know, were u Theim are the wyords of the first Treasurer
Tpper Canada Grat I whole numb4r, there is no license for example -4 will take needs -it
terest Orl,.L place. In 11890, rgently called for'lpy the
_d the evem of the Proy-Ince. Since thatate. ISO,
-we appropriated money for determine to leave nothing undone which ever complained of these Increases. All -e, the ur
ete- The, fund, $7,819 ; interest on C the public. Since 1883 for examp]
ommon School granted of any 10nd - whaever. Sjrj(�(,, recentyears trainin woul lighten the sufferings of the afflict- the.conditions of successful farming, in- annual voteof the Rouse� for the litig=lon populatloft has Increased by m6re thals
fund, 23,719- The Interest on the Cam 3n September, 1890, 1 c I ption by-laws
(;ostiv hand- (Y a o have ne ftrst time for a school for d
rn 00,000, and new territory. Vast In 4ttent.,
School fund was subject to variaion. sir ce been carr L led I ' 28 mundelpalities and ae- French teachers, and for three years we ed of this Province, or place within their deed all econornia conditions, have so of constitutional questions' has been More
-each the best eat-
Zteeta which the possible available tr changed I has been opened up, 80 that a Government
the amount of it depended on -our popu*a- featea in 12. In 15 munqlpaitties where tave spent $950 each year for this purpose. i n recent years that agricultural than doubled. In the former year it was would have. been recreant to its every,
4r. and tion relative to tha of Quebec. Our �h re these by -las were carried they were af. This expenditure has led to rery satisfac- ment. As r6gards the other question, that problems, at no time as simple or easy $5,000 ; t 12 now ;12,000. In IS8516an ad- m 'time to thns)
&nd THx mo� tory resdits. Hon. gentlenten will, I of economy, how Is it, I want to know, as the majority of people seem 'to JT.n- dition to the Government detectIve service trust If It had refused fro
Increases.,each decade, and the a n1 I terwardv set aside by the courts. "'At pre nterest a Plear and that the per capita cost for main- a ne, are now especially complicated anyl -%as made, at a yearly cost of $1,000, and to enlrge existing services, or to grant
of friends, ex- have named Is tha which It Yllded sent local :)ption prevails In only 12 Muni- know, read with great I
-he census of 3:871.. From cipalities, In which formerly 28 licenses f oil rep the new services which In a hundrod If_
der t t of this -subject recently Issued tenance of patients In our asylums puzzling. The successful solution of theke thelsame year, for the ftst time. we voted
,3 to s and well or
on Depamment. In IK41 is noticeably lower. Vhan that of problems means everything for this Pro- for the Provincial poli&- service at De� ferent. directions the development of the,
Province loudly demanded. (Applsiwk.)
and therefore, these paymeT�Its of Interest ft - were issued. In the Province of Quebec by the Educati e
ed and definite In number were . r first grant to kindergarten similar institutions elsewhere ? I hav Vince. Agriculture. is, and must always troit 'River $8N, and this vo-t has'since,
pecifte I- the receipts from licenses are verY much we gaveou ce that time we have at hand a schedule showing the cost -per be, the very basis of, our prosperity ar been rrc-re thaiu doibbled. In M It becarne ARBITRATION
1-1 made to us half yearly as interest nd sin
n larger, more than twim as much in fact, schools, a
'What We'LCall our trust fund o thaai they are In Ontario. The Quebec si�ent �7,370 for their encouragement. This patient according to the last return In for this reason our people will continue Imperatively necessary tfi� PLPpolnt In -New
,i, thQ hypnotiA, 1973 the P9 is approved of by each of 78 asylums In the United States. to approve of and demand liberal will -now make a brief referelle
-Yrnents, although Lh6 same n Government received from licenses in 1890- special expenditure eralits Ontario, In the District of Rainy River, a I e to the
*hawl, in !he town s;mount, were not speciftcal.1y ade as 1, i�,en any attention, The' a:verage yearly cost per patient in. In Its aid, and will encourage. In any ancl e Province. our
586,206 ; In 1891-2, �$607,989 ; in M-3, $672,- every one who has g Sheriff, aso a Registrat of deeds, and a assets and liabliftie. of th
The average every form, the dissemination of useful Deputy - Clerk for the Oistrijet Court at schedule of Interest-bearing asses the
iday evening, astterest. They came in a lum dollar f it to the even the slightest,to educational problentsi. these 78 asylums is $W 88. era
sum wl h 757; and did not return a that Of Jar L Y
tile subsidy. These Int -this Province. as has- We have 66 kindergarten schools in the cost per patient in our asylums was tof information pertaining to agriculturp.,. I' Thunder Day, and these'. appointments In- In some respeots from
vi eres�t lrecelpts, as m4niciPalities. In g 160 teachers, and Jim 93 $13571. Deducting the rev- am sure it will be conceded that there
wil be noticed, were Increased In 1*. been seen, we return to the municipalities Province, employin v- the year 19 volved an annual expense of $1,450, InjSSn_ and -previous Years- The Dominion 6
[I the Show. per, -
That Is the Year Ill which, by virtue about one-half of the tortal amount re- Ing an attendance of nearly 7,090 scholars. enue received from paying Patients, our has always been manifested on the part a Sheriff and a Clerk ofthe District Court cent. bonds, an I have already..,said Ma -
if Itusseldale died the Dcminfon act, 47 Vic., chalp. 4, theree sl ceived. We- also began to assist night Schools In average was only $119 GT per- patient, or of this Gover ire to were appointed both at!Parry Sound amd turd early In M, and Were paid at d,
:year. ffe ak; in placed to the credit of Ontario the capt"�]_ 1841, and our grants In their Aid since not.much more than half the cost in these aid and encourage In every way possible at Bracebridge, at an annual cost to tile of maturity. Our investments- in drainage
Ized sum of $2,848.289. � I will tbat date hae a -mounted to $2,70. In 78 similar tnstitutionw in the United States. every branch of agriculture. It will also Pivince of $2,100. In MO It became neces- debentures remain at about the
loing chores about re -mind t4e
enly took ill, and House briefly why thl' t will 18.,129 out first expenditure An connection In he State of Massachusetts there are be conceded that the Minister of -4,gri- sary, In order tO secure efficient ailnil)As- as last year. Owing to the partial awara
s credit was glv�n Under the head of -casual revenue I
the Public School leaving examina- five asylums 131milar to ours, and In them culture has been successful in many ways tration of justice, to appoint a District At- (bearing date XOvember 1899) of -h 'r
the cold arms of to us, and how the amount wag &r IV be noticed that we tecelved in 1993 $117,40 with Coat e a
r ed, tion was incurred, and In two years we the average iyearly per patient Is In Increasing the usefulness of bis -very- torney., a Clerk Of thP, Peace, a4d 9L Police b1trUtOrs to Whom were referrLi f- r set-�
at. At Confederation the Dominion a�-; TWs Is nearly twice a much as we have
OUS 91 P9 13, or as much Important department. But 1 desired e- agistrate for Muskokaand Pa�i� Sond, 1 dement certain quespions respecting the
surned the debts of the late Province Of everL received In any previ year, savel have given for this purpose $1,970. In li two and a halt times
to the amount of L d 'our grants under the as our ayerage. In New York State the pecially to speak of Increased expendi- �ind this Involved a new yearly iDutlay ot I all
Canad&, $SX500,000. In 2892, Deducting our receipts froan succe- I Lolso we commence owance of Interest and other M&tt
heads of training teachers in average yearly cost per patient In the tures and to point out thsit'they ;were ;900� In 1802 a Police 34wIXtrLt& for'*r
�ort tWldent t
f other worU "ah 9f th*,Pr9"nc*# by tb*_ %Wang Of. aaeaUttx L erg
dutleN which. I& 2W amounted to 'Various