HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-03-16, Page 4L 31ARCH 16q 1894* THE IU 0 0W. ucemets to ft, Hodg- "Ie. It Was riot po�sible to Issit7 of employing Mrs. D ove shortly tp presented strong ind of service. But the nece unkin and AnWy rem not burden placed on them by theich, and' was noi, equi NiW' ADVIRTISBMENTF. a of Edstern. servants is )a lems-eownt Thorridale. The �ttendsnce was 14ge and k, kirtion, who was a contractor and in PQ froln. which Dr. Ryerson. was uoting his micipilitieo being disiiMsfied- 0, 8qu& is nothing loft for the poor maiL but, prevent mi.. t tion finarleially to take hold of bi 'figures respecting . the maintenan6e of in- there w 6 danger- miv6's;ffair then ihat of engagifig two law- ver, enjo Lble -evening was spen n. social ejtar� i eX6 ises, so with his family he came vLvaa ftm.m between the parenthesis *tor each these circumstances- it -Mr.. Garrow said the section We - nt�ciou inj of the t1lent tea to Toronto 8 in the . Utica asylum,'and rather anarchy. Under ous one, which worked bailly an!d 'might yers to put it qu ti bef '%a& court.,If partsk-in. tion of �i 1 FT& f o*un d. mate by might be work worse. It 'had been . Pro Ion w P' true th axe to th ringisomeve r cons *.,t 4at f the paperr *q'which the Aight advisable to I rovided by thei ladieo and took part. in the knocked the"breath out of the Doctor tCo eave well ductive of men apply- the, a they will sood andhea 'reduce its dimensions'. And there seems to. Ce music reuddred? by local �alent. ?t Northern railway. They lived at Peterborc, a,. b that is the -eSward's much mischief in Huron county. Spring"18114-win. Pickard. (5) hoing him that he had omitted the larger enough alp't ut be at least aifow 11 moldertrig branches " must have been� as pleping as it was gratify- Cobourg, Brantf6rd and other places; as r. Hardy said there its Vird Opon Un-Johnssn Bros. (6) can insti- course. It -is neither wise nor right to per-- Hop. M was no objeo L is. Dunkin S;jd their fam­ nature of eorltraet4 demanded. to J Coln- which members of the -profession have ing to Mr. ani Shom fortAttle People -Good Bro#. (6) part of the expenses of the Ameri tion to the bill cipal a- going to the Muni a effort to do &way mitte ISUy as some hon. members grown accustomed to. and which -could be ily to have so rr�any 6�. their old neighbors the hone y of men with whom he h to ED rlr Utmails-Mullett & Jackson, (6) histead of their costing mit injustice because th tatious, - and that a expec The I v4ntage. To nff lya cost is $221. This with it may be dan rous. What ought to considerecT there w.aa a grievance. lopped away with ad be sure, and friends present at the last of such en- L deal, he is ere heavy losses and went to -R. McFaul. (8) $97.92 per year, th ge that the Southern S"yx to retrieve is lost for. Spring M1111nery i barristers, but tertainments given in, their home, and he said, had 'been in- most solicitors in Ontario are chest -A. charlesworth. TS) injured ones ini present legislation, a is Clewing Sale of Farm Sto3 -T. LaingJ rather spoiled the DoctorS point, and akthe be done is not to'keep th ig be- tune. He was thrown into tVon a�ong iended to settle's question which was con- that is all the more reasonwhywhat they will hkve the prtvilege of attondu rs at the time of Am ClewingUleof Farm Stock -John t ng, (5) Ontario patients are�m4intam­ed for $135, a ignorance, but to devis6. a remedy before, in othe eriew tinually coming before the House. It was really only a theoretical distinction, should fore they leave the c�mm�unity. Proceeds a -,T1 Clearing: ikie. of Fam Stock-Lins. Lan46b&ough- (6): to redr, ess wrong at worse for the benefit of poor be abolished. little over $14. war and after three montlis! confinement was ,!Boon for the?]PArmer-Cook Bros. (8) 'difference of 1$85 in favor of Ontario, it the effort especially intended li ate and a once nliste Sale Extended-A.Weseloh. (8) ich- -these insti-. wrong is perpetrated. It' seems to -:us that and sparsely settled townships, amd not for The Hou�e sat, for about an hour and a �John Barkley, who last autumn bar d t e I d, With the Clover and Timothy 8-aed-J it' Gi Is. (8) shows the economy vrith wh 14 the first . step is o fy our code.of laws,p rich and populous townships, which appear- half on Monday. Some routine business sold his farm to Mr. - . Andrew Hackett, has 1;ortheru army. In 1-862, while crossing the r -acre farm on the, 4th Mississippi with his regiment, he fell off the'. AgrIcaltural Implexrents�4 `s:s. (8) s in thi I waa rh tution a Province. are managed., It t simpli i disposed- of and a number of bills came purch"ed a fine 100 I ad to be'talilng advantage of it. . i Millinery 10pening-Duncan & Dunca9i a his is t k worthy the greatest minds up for second readirIg. The most interesting concessibil-of Asbfiel�d. transport boat and was drowned. His bo�y also shows how people: are frequently de- nd t a as After a little further discussion -the bill n Millinery-: R'. MCFAUL (8).. i r recovered. Mrs. 1-lodgkinsoil to increase as Mr aters' -MT.S.T.Bai-ed,of,.,Stauley,startedplowing was neve 70"WoUiry-4albraith & Coultas. (4) luded. No doubt Dr. Ityers-oll 'was quite of the day; the second step is was read a, second time and referred to the discussion of the dayw on W 31oney to Loan -J. A,. McIntosh. (8) -bill for the protection of the public against od on Monday,11arch 5th. This is sonie� silled in Brussels for 34 years, and made her a in his belief that he wWquoting the the efficiency'of the Beech and lessen. the Municipal Committee. Low Pricee-J. McIntosh. -(8) smear level railway crossings. The bill was with- what earlier than ordinary for spring plow- home with her daughter, Mrs. Ballantyze, Dressmaker Wmpted- (a) ourts; the -third is to do AWAY figures correetlybut he had evidently only number of c Mont drawn for t6 double reason that it, was con- mg. for 31 years. She was kind hearted an& Estrsiygheep�-Wm Clarke. (6) witil.trial.by jury in civil cases. it seems THE real Star, which cannot be ac- ull 0 borly, and scores of people in Brussels Bulla'for Sale-MoKay Bros. (6) made a superficial examination of the ub- Mowa, sidered -to p1dee too much power in the -The balmy wina6 and summer a neig. ject, and had he �not een corrected as to us. lea, the b 'he The Musee-Stark Bros. (6) sed of undue favoritism to the *t' the first is much, the most important hands of the mumelpali and that Monday, March: 5th; rought forth the snakes an& vicinity have very keen regret o er t n - indl re Administration, in speaiing of the, Budget jurisdiction of the Province in this mat- from their winter' quarters, to enjoy the demise of "Auilty." holding i k -y a At any rate there is something radi promptly as he was, -his #gures would hare st P. py acts of membrance he old lady's mI tem. that gives an Speech; of Hon. Mr. Harcourt, and the criti- ter over Dominion railways in On- genial warmth. gone to the world and would, no doubt, cally wrong with any sys tario is an unsettled and uncertain *- -Mr. John Flukd'r, of West Wawauosh, kindness in the gick room and her sympathy right or cism of the Opposition thereon, says: But 4ave been. believed -L -by :Inany." it is well,* advantage.to wealth irrespective of int. After adjournment the Govern got three fine sheepiworried I . by dogs lately, - in the hour of bereavement. -TV Fina ; ce Min� PO in I I : , the fadt- remains that Mowat's n in%T,, g s a justice. It, is also well to remember th ment received a number of deputations, In and is on the watchlor their return with a -A-rather amus' th' aid to have therefore, to take thefigures of uch men at Holmesvi a ce a surplus, while the re a occurred the other day. A that machine is most nearly perfect which is ister can announ st fact a good deal of the time of the Gov rn- doublebarreled gu with considerable caution.r this -While skiddin- ndirte-0i of us.' ape compelled to be content with put- ment eachday seems to be aklen up iji' 0�io at Grand Bend, very highly esteemed gentleman u BRAFORTH FRIDAY, Mo 1894. simplest iii action. ch 16th ; but it seems'to be one of the most ef- recently, Mr. 10 0 �Beld had the mis- to build a wagon box of a particular- kind way akes on our debts. Canada will is likely inside his premises. He got it Ar ting the bi fectiife methods the people have of making f tune to injure his kn;ee-capwhi mlyut The Abolition of Government House. enjoy congratulating Ontario upon its * 4110- their wants known, and 'the time occupiea to I hi f r some time. together, -and made an excellent joof it, The Budget Sbeech; As Viewed by an Outside im U91r. oi'ob�n Eilber, of Crediton, but, had forgotten to make any eaiculatiolt case ; knd will hop� that it will not continue- in listening to and discussing mitters with le An interesting discussion occurred, in the heull I of last week, about the size of his door, and whe�r-; posi- dge eption deputations is, no doubt, time profitably was out f1riving, on The Bu t Speech. dIfFyered by Mr, The exc' ally fav4able fine, to d* I Legislature &.few 'days ago over a motion im its lustre by such anomalies as the 0 fourid. it was Treasurer Harcourt in the Pntario Legisla- tion of thie Province of Ontario, and the he,,- fat fe spent. It would sepni, howev�r, that a his horse ran away! . MIN captured before dertooktotake the boxou' e system. The Patrons have underz by Mr..Marter, affirming the principle that great deal � of time. and money might be any darnage was done. too large for the oper= & and had- -to take ture: a faw days age, was ode of the ablest est and economical manner in which- it after the expiration of the term* of the pres- 13 taken, . to look after this latter. withered saved if the people whom those numerous -Mr. D. Rush, ;f Wingbarn, took about out part of the door casing, before he could efforts ever listened to in khe " Legislature. business -has been � conducted -for s ch off th thumb of his right hand get the box out. ant Lieutenant -Governor, the Goyern�eii't 0 many' branch-; and, thq appe4r to be well 'equip- deputations represent would post their repre- half an in et day lately, ltjlacea Ou financial � t:m4iug of the Pro- year,, by the Mowtkt Government, is a 'mar- jed for the task. sentatives and allow the representatives to at the foundry, in that town one should not hereafter maintain the residence vince so plainly that imm- N vel to the people of the other Provinces and attend to the Government. If the repre while iunninga chtcular saw. Oic, do . not wish of that official. The; weak oint in Mr. Grey. sentatives are not a medium between the -Master� Eddie Kilt of Clinton was sus - to misunderstan(l. the posifiail need do so FiFTY OF the counties of Ontario took they seem to wonder how the -.thing is done. GLxA.-�NNGs.-A few farmers started plaw- Matter's motion is the delay he prop?ses. n rnment y pended head da%mwarTon a picket fence for ear We this week send out wi h copy of people a d the Gove �rhat are the C6mmenting on 'the very able budget speech advantage last, ear of the provision which a last week. -Miss Anna Livmigstw is If it is desirable that this establishment th re for? somp time one even�ng lately,but was relieved IrlK usly ill at present. -Mr. John Botz THE Expos'ITOR a full rep' it of this speech, of Treasurer Harcourt, delivered last week allowo.the county councils to nominate a The afternoon and evening of Tuasd by i neighbor. before serious injury resulted. ser"' P sly should be abolished, let it, be done at once. arrived home from Florida week before last. ay a -a admitted t6 the Ontario were devoted, to the continuation of the Deadmap, of Brussels, shipped a inupplement form. It well rep �eform in the Ontario Legislature, the Montreal pupil. who will He had- an enjoyable � trip.-M.Mr. Geor THE Exrosrroa has advocated this i Fer on Ing', ge 'be should Witness says: Agricultural- College for free- tuition. Last buget debate. The speech of the day was grade Jersey. beff careful perusal, and after, ng read the brilliant Olver is back from a visit of several months I keSL for many years and we are very pleased to effort of the Commissioner Of week to a gentlem�n in Fergus. This ma to Tapperville, Kent count,�Mesrs. Har. be caref-ully laid aside for fuure reference Ontario is to be heartily congratulated year there were 280 students at the college, he -owe�Lands. Ile spoke for an hour and-& his. fourth sale to this same individual. notiee that while only a very few could C upon her financial position. She haa a our- '2207 being natives of the Province, the great half iii the a1ternoon, ris & MeLauchin sire getting everything in and during that time John Murr haA the misfortune to have' got to support such a proposition in the plus this ye 0 10 first class shape attlid chedse f actory.-Y%ft. 'The ProgTe or of ordinary revenue over or- or VPO ss of T4riff Revision in majority being young men under 24 years of traversed the entire timber p Ii I f the one of his hands injured while workingJ in Duncan Taylor shoi a f t und wild at Legislature a few years ago, now -it is sup- dinary.expenditure-of $312,768, and a total Government since Confederation. he Op- Ament'Brothera' riilll in -Brussels- Jandis now 'the United States. surplu; of interest -yielding assets over liae age. The cost of the, college and farm is lately and has had it stuffea by Air. I T. ported by leading -members on both sides of position speaers were Messrs. Whitney, tak enforced 4oh ays. 1 in sion Brussels.; ­Swam -ping isover forthis United bilities of $6,13,5;480. She seems -to 6ve a $55,000 a y9ar, itom. irhich is deducte cl Matter, and A. F. Cimpbell, and the other has vacated his-houso in John The Finance Commi-ptee of the the House, and althougk Mr.- Matter's !1r. C. Beacom large � stoelE it timber has been States Senate have, reporte million and a half in the 'banks at interest, $7,000 for board money and fees, $4,000 fok speakers, on the Government side Messrs. the village of Summerhill, and taken pos- season. A d to that body"On motion may not be carried tis session taken Out at the Star mills, and prepar- tile including a balance on current . account of farm stock and products sold, and $3,500 Conmee, of -Wait Algoma and Mr. Gibson, ession-of the -Maiming farm, Mr. Lawson the Wilson BA and, tq' say the. least., they principle -will be so clearly -affirmed in de- $75,016. 'This splendid 'position is - the of Huron. moving from it t6 the' farm of Mr. George ations are now being made for sawingit.- 1�ave left their. armark prid brand upon it. result of a busiaess-like minagement Of fromthe dairy department. Mr. Win. Bright representing Messrs; I.* -bate that the change will come, possily, the Westacott in Huflett. J- Livingstone, has iianted the Tindall farm Provinebs timber limits and 6ther sources who recently sold his 'They have changed the 411ty On many News of the Week. -Wm. Whitef6rd, the 9th coin during the term of the present inGumbent,­ of revenue, and a strictly economical and THBP.E has been a very material decrease farm in Morris, h6 purchased 100 acres in owned ty Mr. James Knight, of -Iftodities, and have added a few to the free. The Lieutenant -Governor is appointed and. honest spending of the -people's money, by Afi�t. GL the township ot Usborne, 61 miles fioin colice"10111 and will put in a big drop of flax ADSTown RacovzPNG. in the number of liquor licenses issued in list, besides taking several out of the - free paid by the Dominion Government. His the Af oy;&t Gw�ernment during 22 years or Gladstone left London for Brighton Monday year- xeter this for Aiell he paid 4,450. He Will this -Province during the past twenty years list aa passed in the Wilson Bill. The chief erio uninterrupted adininif4ration. Under� the afternoon. 1 DzATif s HA-a-vEsT.-The Standish, M- chi. salary is $10,000 a year. It has hith take possession 'A ril February 9th, -Fred. Youi ullett, has sold nil epenent' of xAr p pf Mr. -Fraser, the retiring and i the County of Huron has kept pace ADPLuGF. OF Moi3:kow Missio, iEs- iems of interest to Canadians, of course of theLocal Governments ment -Works, upwards of three- with, I the other parts of the Province ud io f for n the practic;� end' ng&U� of H g vs 0 a nier�residentqf re -y. -Minister of Public in this The Mormons of Utah are said to be s as horses, barley, cattle, wool, bay, lumber, to lnai�,�.tvn a residence for the Governor at millions of ddllars 1,000 missionaries.to Europe in search of his farm, in i the. Maitla - block, to John McQueen, who was a sister of Sir. lthomw Vave.been spent duri Good, of Colbo 7 for $3 500. It contains 1119 respect.' In 1874 there were 150 hotel rri, eggs and lish. Lumber, eggs, fish and wool s of the last five years - upon public, buildings, converts. Stokes, of the 02nd concession Airs. a further expense of several thousand 100 acrei, and a few years ago would have licenses and 38.sh9prlicerises issued in this EMIGRTING To AywcA.-The stea*mer, Thomas IvicQueen, sr., died at her home lan are left on the free list; the duty on cattle dollars. Now, what we'have always con- andyetiiotadoBarwaschaRenjoil-as mis- b lit $1000 niore. 2 -ning at,2 o'clock spent. Not�a single extra of any kind was county. These have been gradually falling City of Augusta arrived at New York from rouf r. Robert !)owns, of Clinton, who lasti Standish, last Tuesday moi v n all Saturd h 38'negroes ater an illness of about three months,: prin. has been left the same as. in the_ Wilson. tended is, that as the Lientenant-Governor allowe in the construction of the new Par- off until in 18992 the number of hotel licenses Sa a n V morning'm January bough� the premises oil Albert Bill viz.: twenty per cent.; the duty on en route to Liberia. They came'fioin At- cipally heart trouble. She had not been, receives an ample salary for the performance. liament buildings. has been no con- 'was 102 and shop licenses only. 5. street in that town, at one time occupied by horses, hog -been. left at twenty per cent.; the b is Zonfined. to her bed much of the time unti of his - duties, there is no reason why he spiracy between the contractors and the lanta, and say that efore the summer Mr. R. M. Race�,, intends to fit the same tip whenhe duty on hay has beenmade twenty per Government, by which contractors getting over 2,000 negroes will have emigrated from Sunday forenoon before her death,, should be further presented with a fine as a machine =4 blacksmith shop. extras contributed to election funds. The Atlanta and vicinity. f Hon. j. became suddenly worse, continuing to M cent. instead of two dollars per ton as in the The Ontario Legislat -A`Toroatop�Lpersays that the ure. residence'and other perquisites. All. the only wonder is that during the -.carnival . of IN VA-scouv.ER.-A colony of until her death.. Mrs. McQueen was bom C. Pattersoill member for West Huron, is Wilson Bill 'has The most interesting event in the House Cingalese Have located in Vancouver, British in England in 1836, and came with her uar- d extravagai ich iven a d 4iship This rumor has Province should furnis him is a comfortable corruption an ice k�irhi I to beg' 9 Columbia,.,and opened a temand jeweIr e�ts to Gderich Canada when� ley Bi U, ; the duty on cattle remains the -igned at Ottaw& and Quebec such a Go- last week,'after t�,e debate on the* budget, 3 4 � officein the Parliament buildings, in which re y been current fol some time, and so far we erninent as that of Ontario has been able to 6tore. They. appear well-behaved, clean and nine w4eks old. She'W&B married to Xi. ame as in the Wilson Bill, twenty per cent, he'c have not seen a-dy contradiction of it. an transact the public business he has was the debate on 4r. Matter's motion to guard a full treasury fl:oin friends and foes 0ducated. and the duty on barley ig raised f rom twenty - abolish Goiernment, House. His motion -The other d�y there was brought into Thomas ldQleen; at the age of twe*ty- to do, and he should be allowed to provide alike, and yet remain in owerf Ontario's CLEAR OF ICE. -The straits at Cheboygan, three years, and came with her husband to Bayfield a large eagle, measaring seven feet five percent to thi the opi e from wing t Standish in 1871, and was th first rty per. cent, which is, his Own residence. In opposition to ihis it loyal Opposition, like her GovIo-rinnent, have o wmg t ie bird was captured was as follows That in nion of Michigan, are clear of ice as far as he ey however, consderaibly 14wer than. the Me- refrained from encou ring bo6dlers to make can see. This is one of the earliest openingo settlers of this village. Mrs. McQueen will is said ie is expected to mainta�in the dig- rai this:House the maintenance Of Government in a trap on tii� property of Mr. McEwen. Kinley rate of thirty eel . lits per bushel. Mnt- raids upon the treasury, and deserve credit of gygation on record. factor that has baled the be reatly- missed by her friends, who extend gener-, for their attitude. House and the establishment connected He is an old mar nity of his position by entert There is ox DuTy.-The funeral f Robert as far as she was known, for we believe it ton and pork, which wdre both free uder therewith at the �expense of the 'Province R skill of several eraok shots. ously and that this costs money. Well, a and hope for every oss, who was shot in Troy, N. Y., while in truly be sold of her that she had not an -Inca of Canada,, and cl P�01 W. 8cott, of East Wawanosh, the Wilson Bill, have an impost put Upon man should be able to do a good deal of an-' for the Dominion, in Ontario's splendid should, after the expiration of � five years trying to prevent repeaters from violatin enemy inthelarorld. She was a kind-h-eart- 9 hauled a load of. butternut logs to Belgrave them of twenty4ive per cent. On the example of what Canadian state' the purity of the ballot, took place Friday, the other day which contained 1,361 feet. led Christian lady tertaining on $10,000 a year, and aything smen are from the appointment, or other earlier de- and iet an example be whole, however, -the bill, even as amended caable." and was attended by thousands, Mr. Scott gets the cre&,t of having handled fore the "world that was above reproach. termination of the term of office of his Honor required over this iight very profitably be A LiFETimE FOR A CENT. -A man named She was passionately fond of flo6n, and the present Lie�itenant-Governor:, be dis- De F rance has been sent to the Sioux geSt load taken� to Belgrave this by the Senate Committee, will be very sat's- dispensed with. This " eatertanin " is Falls the lar her beautiful home was an index f her h' h 9 factory to Canadians, -Whether it will pass. nitentiaxy to serve a life sentence for robw year She was buried by ittle not of very great importance at any rate. Patron& and Liberals. continued." This motion brought out a order of refinement. 6t Mg a mail -The engine�on the morning accommoda the Senate, however, as" re 't Ported by the It will ot carrier of one cent.. Christians of Standish. T. A W. eir maje mucli difference to Our good friend and lively *and interesting debate. The fact thE tion -train on i the Wellington, Grey and nmesake the Brant- BAj5 SpEcuLATioff.-The cotton mill at of Detroit, conducted the servic", the Committee is t�o deep a puzzle for eaby so- this imotion was brought- up during � the last Damson, Texas, erected at a cost of $500,- Bruce Railwaylon Tnesdayof last week, the vast majority of the rate-payersof this ford Expositor, has the following to say eral being among the;, largest ever heldi lution. 16 'is alt played out at Winghain and had to return oge-ther likely that the Hill Province whether the Lieutenant -Governor about South Huron polities: sess�`on of he Legislature and does not con- 000., has been sold for $30,000 for debt. The this PI e. Theemains were interred at, to Palmerston f�r repairs. Another engine ac faction bought the help of the Republican entertertains " or not. He is not under The members of the Society of Patrons template any present act -ion, toget her with mill was never operated. the Pine River cemetery." Senators in their recent light with the Preal- A DEsPEP.ATE SiTuATioN. -Women, chil. was sent to tak� the train through. any obligation to do so ; neither 'leg&! nor are here and there coming to the sensible the fact that Mr,. Meredith strongly favored -Reeve Melfurchie, of Clinton, speaking dren and catle in Texas are said to be starv- dent over the appointments to the Supreme conclusion that it is not wise to run to in- the � 'otion, in direct contradiction of the Of the apparen� earliness of the season, the in moral, and if he desires to entertain for his to death. Water sells at 12 cents Staffa. Court, by promises of help in regard to the evitable defeat in any constituency. If opiroon hi had always previously held and other day remaiked that in the latter part STAR BEA-MS.---LThe concert held under the own pleasure or gratification, he hould foot their object is to elect as many . of their expiessed, p�ointed so plainly to a'. political n, and provisions are so cos at poor of March, in #ie year 1860, he had seen Wilson Bill. In other words, Hill sold his the bill himself. members to the' Legislative Assembly as dodge that the members of the Government people cannot purchase them. farmers in this� county sowing peas. They auspices of the football club was a rand -in every sell paty for personal revenge, and what the possible, then it is the pirt of ' 'sdion, to go sid�`of the House refused to consider the ISRASE D CATTLE. -Lumpy ja has brok- Dy do it this illonth yet. success se f the word. The wi While they are at it, our Legislators an out among 500 head of cattle in Little in' night was fine, though the roads were 9. little bargain w.#s no orie on the outside knows, so about accomplishing that object in the way matter seriously. Most of those who spoke. Rock �The other.' day Mr. Win. East, who .18 f th d the hall was might well consider the propriety of abolish- most likely to seimre it. Obviously running oil that side, were in favor of abolishing Arkansas, and much excitement pre- employed at th� Clinton foundry, -was in the muddy, but in spi 0 e inu that it isimPossible to say'what will be done. ing the office entirely. We believe the posi- vails, as it is charged butchers have slough- erowdedtothedoors. Mr.-T.A.Brow1$of canidates in alI kinds- of -'constituencies is Government House, considering it a useless moulding shop,;when some hot iron sputter- xeter hairman and However, we can say this, that the articles tion -is not required and that the official not that way, and so the Patrons of South burdin, but they were not inclined to tered many of the disessecl animals and sold E made& vepy efficient c give the meat. ad and struck e of his. eyes, burning it a. & Huron seem to have concluded. The can- tlieir assent to any motion which contem- e eyes�ht was in which Canadian farmers a�e Prc? Uy himself is more ornament I th ' can samg several solos 'which weri well. reqeive& an useful and CHANGE15 His MIND. -Prince -is necessary 0 u Mr. Sim Fax, of Zondon kept the audience not injyed, bu it wa interested are I'llikely to be left alone. might with profit to all-, be done away- didatef their nomination having retired plaed no action for three or four Years, Sir, the Russian explorer, who recently announc- in roars of laughter with his co'nuic sonsm, 'Oliver and Hon. Mr. Hardy. h the services of doctor. from the contest, a meeting was held to eld that if with. ad his conversion to the Salvation Army,has mud was -encored every time. Miss We, *I nominate a sifecessor,and at that meeting Ontario abcdished Goveniment House, thb -The may friends of Messrs. Arthur J. Russeldsle, proved lierself to be a, eciter of changed his mind and is going on another Toronto NewspaPerd6m, The Governor-General receives $50,000 a it was, after full discussion, resolved that probabilities were that the Dominion. Goy- Irwin, son of Air. Richard Irw in, of lyth, exploration. marked ability. Miss Hotham, of Staffs, th6 Liberal and Conseriratilre candidates be ernment would I increase the Lieuienant- J)IED IN THE PuLprr.-The Rey. Alonzo &I'd A. Watson, brother of Miss Watson, and Miss Parke, of Croniarty, autaln;i T he Toronto papers seem to be in a bad year as salary and he has his establishment left to fight'it out in" a dual contest. Governor's salary to such a extent as to be teacher 6f McOowan's school, will be pleased :Way. The News says that the Empire had ]kept for him at a cost ]'of as much. This is even more -burdensome than th T. Wood died suddenly On Sunday in the to learn that t*ey both have graduated at their reputations as, 'in ers of fine taste. SoutliHuroqlia� been, since confederai e present pulpit of the Westminster Presbyterieu The Misses Dalton slaill-IFT Inet which wa its last year's ano am a, Byst; the Province would have to Pay church in Omaha, Nebr"ka, after announc- 'A deficit of 40,0001 in ther extravagance that should be done tion, steadfast the Pennsylvai�ia College of Dental Surgery, Liberal riding in provincial deservedly applauded-, and the siging of Mr. for it. One of the members on the gems. That is, that the outl in connection &Way with. So long aswe have a Governor- olit* Th ' Philadelphia. Govern in %his text. aly P Is. a Present"veteran member ment side assured Mr. Matter that he was -Mr. Jam&Young, baker,of Clinton, has Miss Davidson, of Exeter, was well render- �with thebusiness excee(led the income by General, his salary.should be liberal, but he Bishop, is a stalwart Liberal, but he is also EATH or, JusTicE STEPHEN. -Sir James ed. Fine music was furnished by the Gid - not only in favor of abolishing Government disposed of his baking business to Messrs. Fitsjames Stephen, who, was appointed . a a t�pical fanner, and if - he is not a Patron, Hou�e, biit that he intended as soon as prac- Powell & Cluff, The former is a n -that amunt, and that while 85 per cent of should be required to keep up his own ative of ley orchestra from Exeter and the audience he certainly is well -fitted- to represent their judge on the bench of � th En lish III h seemed sorry when i�e- V�t-bio�;i Anthem the subscribed caital stock has been paid establishment.' This paying -out 4undred, ticable to bring in a resolution about which 'g Clinton, and tie latter of Seaforth. Both a H views. Air. Bishop, having announced that CoiTrt of Justice in 1870, died at Ipswich on was announced. :The proceeds were $60.� X�p, the stock holders can scarcely ciwe away of thousands of doll ; a year that a few he intends to, retire from public life, there could be no mistae, and Mr. Matter, are well-knoWn, pushing young in an., and tothe Sunday evening, aged 65 years. Two handsome drivers were bought btwo Mr. Meredith and other honorable gentle- tlieir, stock. The Empire retorts that in swells aad aristocfats around Ottawa and Liberals chose Mr. McLean, proprietor of Wn,�R TURNED TO WATEP..-The sale of will do their u�most to capture a� share of citizens last week, r. Win. Rivers land mr. an have a chance to she* the businesstliat is go' e Purchasers. - The Seaforth Expositor, as their candidate. in' would th 1119 - es opler to, meet current liabilities last year the �Toronto,'� may be feasted and wined at the whether they were really sincere or not. win � exhibited at -the World's Fair took -Mr. Willigm Snell, jr-, narrowly escayed, Walter hillinglaw being th Mr. Mo- place last Friday, and it is said many of the the face of Mr. --mortgage on Mit, prbprietors had toplace a ic expense, has,been parried on long, Lean is & journalist, he is a fair represent Mr. Mart an unenviable noto- being badly hurt, and possi * d�&;11, We feel quite certain that though We notice a broad smile on publ, er is ga lung ri6ty as a trifler, for party purposes, ith bottles disposed of contained only water, a. 'ew R. P. Xlehols these dayla ; cause, a welcoiiie., it is time it was stopped. The eats which the farmers their property for $75,000, and so on they enough and tive of the inter' diys ago. It seems he -was. at the- saw -mil in cry grave subjects, and it is noticeable that while the wine in other bottles was badly stranger apeared- - at his home the other go'. The fact is thait no business is so over- people, the common people, of this cou- general, and the Patrons in particular, have -diluted.. The purchasers had to submit to at Dashwood, 1 for the purpose of getting MOM -mg. -Mrs.. A. W. Hotham has gone to try, his t -viii most talked of resolutions have been slabs- and whAe loading, the pile upset and at heart. He will make, if el;cted, a thor- much ridiclile. Blyth to isit friends. -We are sorry to done In Toronto as newspaper business, have the power stop these leaks if they made at a time when the least could be done oughly intelligent member of the Assembly, IDAHO)S 13U'ILDING SOLD. -Idaho's State he narrowly lescaped being caught and hear that Hugh Miller is '.yery II -at building at the Wbrld's Fair has been sold c each, - establishment is trying to out the only had the courage. It is pleas*ingg to see whose acquaintance with the grievances, the to accomplish the reforms he professed to rushed to debth. present. We hope to hear of hdr speedy re. t a and the necessities of the tillers to a resident of New York � who will move -One of thi large plate glasses recent�y covery.-liss McIntosh of KinbiA Is the h-loat of its rival. There is not a Paper in that they are getting their courage up to difficultie wish for, and the Conservative part were of the soil, is intimate and practical. There likely to get the very greatest amount of ' It as a summer -placed in the Oddfellows'bl�oek, in, Exeter, of this thr,- city that is not going bac - and whic ' -1 t Nettie - -cDo4a147 h, the sticking point. A 6 a power to them, should & an easy victory credit -for advocating them. Many hesitated it to that State, and use was noticed on a recent morning to be badly guest of Miss 3 NM lot Mr. McLean residence. The structure originally cost place. -Quite a number from hire left for cracked. T& only reason- assigned for the -on � 83 if it had to -depend Upon its Own earnings, say we., A good many,of these excreseences in South Huron. to condemn him f6r his atteinpted legisla- $25,000, and wasioldfor �4,000. Manitoba last 'M d r. Amongt them woi)ld have to give up the st could be wiped out,to.the great relief of the tion� on Prohibition, beciuse-they thought break is that ihe ;asina became so ninch ru e in- -mbly .991 that though unwise, he might I HEAVY SNow ' -Tonx.-A heavy snow were Mies L. Ha Mr. C- Yeo, Mr. R. sido of twelve months. in fact, there is iot over -burdened and long-suffering tax pay 3e quite ,�On- swollen as to Press hea,;Ily on the plate and Mill - , er. storm prevailed at St. Paul, Minnesota, last ar and.Mr. Thomas Fawcett. scient" and really desirous of doing good. a it. It is to be replaced Having a Wrong Righted. Bu 11 a b:�per in the city that does not lose front Saturday, accompanied by high winds. Th6 th ' b" kill t Ms 8 t'cond offence stamps him as noth- shortly. qui'te genera , to. 25 per cent, On its weekly edition ing better ban a political trickster. storm was -Mrs. Md lveeu�s farm was sold by Constauce. Justice Costs Too'Much. Mr. Bishop will do the people of the CO11n7 r that An interesting matter was broug ;State and Morth and South Dakota. aldAe, and still they co try a good service if he succeeds in inducing lit up b ntinue year after Our attention has, of late, been frequently y STEALING FROM A COR-PsE.-Dr. A. J. auction on W�dnesday of last week, to Mr. JOTTIS(,,s.-Considrale aeti�ity has tre- -way. This, of called to the high cost of litigation in this the Legislature to adopt his amendment to Mr. M afternoon. Th' Robert -d, of Blyth, for $1,900. This vailed ;I-niong the farmers in thi,,; 0 year, doing business in this eredith on the same i neigh �r. Parker, assistant physician at the State was in. regard to the Court of Appeal. Mr. is cheap as firm is on the el road, QO7A1%C,, they Could not (10 if t1ley had to' country. So weil is it understood tha hood in - the a& w- log lineduing the 'past few t the Municipal Act. It has passed the seconct Prison at Columbus, Ohio, was arrested a Mere: dith moved for a return In conseqMenee, the geniiif -egun- depend on their own earnings for� of the number couple of days ago for.tealing a $900 dia- one mile nor th of Blyth, coaaining fifty months. to go to law, even if your case is reading and has been referred to. the Muni- of cases now standing for arguinent in the acres. We Aderstand that Mr. Howard tenance of our saw ifiiii pr�oprieto. we&'Ts a support. omes high mond pin from the bosom of the corpse of wo.�(lo not know of 9, paper iw the city that Just, that i nost pe6ple will Buffer injustice cipal. Committee. We are sure the iue�qua-' Court of Appeal, and the number which will erect a good dwelling on it this summer broad smile, or, is the reason something Henry Chute, a New York travelling man were, standing for argument on the first and he will tl�en have one of the best farms else ?-A Bible Society meeting as hel& in� 114qtodothis, They are d1ownedby-pom- rather than run the risk of sinking more 'ity and gross injustice of the clause$ which who dropped dead there a few days ago. days� of Jauary, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893 and in this sectio*. the church here on 'Friday evening. Rev. pa, a Mr. Bishop -seeks to remove must be SPITE OF His MILLIoNs.-Hoadley B. a si comosed pf wealthy inecha-uts money than thereis already a stae, and aP- 1894 He sad he intended no reflecti -Afr. L. TL Gill,.. *ho served his appren- Mr. Philp of London, gave an interesting so on Ives, the millionaire bank president, of New prof�ssional men nd politicians, who have, we know there are many lawyers who hWbit- parent to iWery one who will consider it, upon the court named by this 'motion, but ticeship MP Carling Brothers, in account of his travels in Palestm-e. A silver essrs insane, with t Out way or other, a persol.1t),l interest ually advisetheir clients to keep out ca e Haven, Connecti6ut, has become * Exeter, and a er held agoodposition in a collection was taken in aid of the society, - L of that its appearance on the Statute Book n h feared the condition of thingi existing in Mr. Ives is over! 80 years of age, and is -regard to litigation w�s really alarming. it in J ttenciui6l Public opinon, andwho ard court if possible. large store Cleveland, Ohio, has, we are A young man named Scott was arraigned be - suppose, for instance, A Only be accounted for by personal interest rated to' b6 worth from $2,000,000 to 853- eemed The last case on the present list, it. s pleased to note, been appointed to the ad- fore J. McMillan J P of this place, re- wililat-Ag to Pay well ii.� order to secure- such a 'suffers an injustice �at the hands of B, a On the part of those who were - instrumental to hi 000,()00. in, could,not be heard within a year Win. R. vanced'and I � crative position as buyer for eently, charge, witM RENVARD OF CIVILITY. -Rev. (I , , isturbing the meet- ed4trd'-, But, even coutril),utors of this wealthymani.1facturer in hisn in having it placed there. Thefollowing is This must be t disastrous to., many liti* the lace, 'h(ln' 4�erchief, ribbon and gents. ing in church. He was let off by paying -a eighborhood, mos MacNeill, now pastor of the Baptist church gants:, some�of whom had their entire prop- kina�,Vtll grow weary when or a, strong corporation. the disc-dssion on the sAbject in the Legisla�- furnishing d artntent, in the -bled too freely, He takes it to the I mporium, Pennsylvania, has fallen heir largest store fine of $1 and costs, the J. R adding to the erty involved. The Attorney -General sold in Rhode Island. lemency a severe lecture and for the stock- �vcr- ture, s reported in the, Globe: the�, holdem Of se l of the Tor- lolvest court and get� a*verdict. If the case to a $10, 000 farm, and his daughter to � $25, - his attention had not been called to the ma- -A cow Wonging to Mr. S. Alton, near future, which we trust will have the -desired onto � -Per have been nipiifesting Bishop moved the second rea 000 worth of property lander unusual cir- Belf t gay b* th to a ealf a couple of effect. -An item appeared in the last week's signs of stops there, well and good but mayhap. in din el y*, , 1 3 tj n%, of ter referred to, eitber by suitors or by mem- all as, uneminiess lat and we may expect, the course of the suif B s wrath has been . his bill to amend the municipal' ac w ch bers of the profession, as involving seri cumst i ces. While in Jrersey City last - fall- hie I had two perfectly forined issue of THE Exposrron to the effect- that weeks ago, OuB he noticed an old lady standing in the street, provides for the repeal of section 533a of the grievances. Still it might do so. -T! UM. The secti6ii provides for cogni�ed fully the immense importance of was killed shortly afterwards. by the owner. the contract for the erection of! a new 1�t �uy day, a big breaking up ainong I�indled, he determines to teach his puny municipal act. - He re apparently in trouble. She had dropped heads. The calf was aiive wheu born, but the Presbyterians of Kinb had , awarded the To"ronto papers.. During the past ye - antagon . ist a lesson, engages the most ern the her specticles in the mud, and several pack- 1 ar i- referbilce to a board of arbitration of dis- speedily disposing of matters that came be- It was a( red in color and was apparent- church This should have read the Metho- a s been terrible demoralization nent lawyer in the 'Provillce, and ap a putes ag ther6 between. counties and townsh�ps,­about fore the- courts. After some f0ther discus- es in her arms prevented her picking them ly all right ift other repeots,s;ive having the dists, �rho acknowledge the assistance ren- over a certain up. Boys stood on the sidewalk making two amoug �he job -offices there, both large and the case. There are, of course, aways sion the motion was passed. two ]leads. I Dr. Tennaut,,of Lucknow, has dared by their Preob length on streams running within munici- Thebill introduced b sport of her, and she was greatly exercised. yterian friendiL .8everal of the'largest establishments sides to a case. This time B's side is pre- paitie Mi. Bi hop g ve v ry a y . Mr� McColl on Mr. AfacNeill picked up the spectacles secured the skin of the animal and intends TnosE HEAVY CATxLm.-DEAR: Exposr- a a a abl ex Thursday to amend the Assessment Act ex- Tolt,-YO14 ems have in tht city were found not able to pivy 25 sentedo skilfully that be g having it stuffed. r correspondent. se ed them off and presented them to her. ets the verdict. Position of the municipal law in this par- tends the exemption of p earnings -word i ed Vy friends at stirred up a horneVa nest, when h �e wa ticulari and argued that the working of rece v cents �)n the dollar of their libilities,and Now, A must either lose what She asked for his name and address. The s on- -the from $700 to $1,000. Holmeaville n Wednesday of last week, you with the facts concerning t ose heavy law had shown the present machinery to be lady died recently and bequeathed to Mr. that Charli. Tebbutt is very sick -.it Hep- steers. W e -first heard through, o columns It whew th6 winding-up.time comes it is doubt- gina,111, unjustly (tis it seemed to him), de- Quite a lively deba k lace on the MacNeill a farm near Bridgeton, New Jer- �Ton defective in its resu 8 and more expensive saie day, when the cussion o the b wo al I -The if mu i y of the papers will do even this prived of, and in addition to this all he has ful if Ati, than a reference to the courts would prove. udget Bey, and to his daughter several houses in rth St ti , where he is teaching. wiled �n icentemporary of four steerr, o was resumed. The ncipal sp akers were a( -nee since the much But, in the meantime, people will already spent, or else appeal to" ha an in attenda ri illop, weighing 2,800 pounds each. a still hiher Air. Waters said tile question was a, very Mr. Clarke, of Toronto, and Mr. Balfour. Bridgeton. doctor 1. ex I day before, ut as to the nature and ant Now, if that correspondent wguld Inock -off get ampAj� reading. and mor'e expensive,court, and run the risk large oue,'and if any such change were. like- Mr. Clarke hacked away on �he old lines, of the sickAt'ss we do -not know. One o his each steer 1,000 pounds h f e *fll still have lytobemadether6 would be deputations but was more th?Ln matched b hi liuron Notes. of losing every cent he has in the world. So f -row. Then, in ur -last issue I and is oppon- sisters left �he ne %gain xt morning for Hepwor h. room to g or at it from 9,11 parts of the Pro- ent. Dr. Ryerson also took a and in, con- ,John Graham, a former Brusselite, is in We sincerely hope that it is not serious, and noticed a. letter - from t a veterarl� Mr, AN�- f�xamDle Of how easily even smart men I it goes. Our sysitei is, perhaps,as nearly He was opposed to any change him- tending that the expenditure oi the Govern- that town from. Buffalo, and . talks of be- -wenlock can be misled, was given in the Legislature erfect as any, yet it is an that he will soon be around again. Thomas G, Altou he says that P undoubted fact sef in the present law, though he did not ment on hospitals was exce�sh e, but Hon. co a resident again. �Mondaj afternoon of last week Mrs. he is -not in the habit of bl WM' own a few ev-e�ings ago. Dr. Ryerson, who re- that a poor man -has little chance of getting, d9ubt Mr. Bishop's motives. If the section Mr. 'Hardy quietly pointed out to the great Henry Vancamp, of Montana, a Hodgkinso of Brussels, was summoned horn, til]. the blast does not 0 had not worked well in Huron county it was amusement of the House, that likd that presen-0,9 one of the Toronto constituencies, by process of law, what. he has unj the worthy ealthy miner, is visiting 'ce. ustly been friends in East away from irrie, -to the sad surprise of rela- of a nov, Why does'Mr. � Gognlock tell partly because Huron county had not treat- Doctor's figures were -very fi r wrong, and Wawanosh at present. qd da, as she was arently as your readers of some heavy tives arid oxen he fed and sold was piliqching up the Government with what deprived of, and the best thing for him to ed its townships fairly. the latter saw the point,an' came down a few hours before er dee' I for he thought a very sharp stick. He quoted -Mr. J. C. CPultes, of Wawanosh, is the well as usu VC ease at tl�4� close of the America. do in such a case is to BN�alo�v hard and Mr. A. F. AjKod agreed with the object rather quickly' from his perch. war3 prices,'and not tell of cattle he fed t while it cost $125 Per keep still. - We think all wo have looked of the bill and wanted it referred to com- Mr. ]Balfour s bill �o abolish th 103 unds. The cafs mother is a Durham ure was the cause of her death. Mrs. and sold the last few years ? I am glad to fture,a W khow tha possessor of a calf that weighed at birth and had bedu about the house. Heart fail- fabulous jproposing mittee. yea per patien to. maintan the inlriates of into the matter will agree with us. distinction between barristers, ad solicitorps- �20 Hodgkinson was the daughter of John Wat- know that Mr. Govenlock O)ice occupied so Mr. Gibson (Huron), Air. Meredith, and is a move in the ilowe'st of all reforms. The -A very successful social was held at the son and her�birthplace was Lancaster, Eng- high &Position in the tree, but amaorry that. Ontario 'Insane Asylum s, it only cost 97. 92 Such a state of things is not only unjust, Mr. Balfour agreed that the section was ob- distilaction is mystical to laynien,' and' like home of Mr. John Dunkin, in Stanley, the land. ife-i4 she was also married to Joseph he has to liend his declining - years on, the to maintain -the inmates of similar inatitu. it is dangerous. Once let the 'rich under- jectionable. electricity, is seen only in its effects. These other ler the auspices of the Hod insoil, about 53 years ago, and two I stump.. And'I�nightsay,fprthebenefitf evening, un( tions in Iftica., United States. This. was a. stand that they may oppress and escape the Mr. W. B. Wood thought the only reason are an occasional $10 added t:) the cost of Methodist clr�ich, of - Brncefield. Although Mrs. - Thomas our old friend that if he would rike to see ters, Pmnie and Selina for bringing the matter before the House law. The distinction savors of the rule the roads were about at their worst, the I BaM tyne)iwere born., They shortly after re- ittle- -he should come to Con - good point, well made, had it not been spot- penalty, and the poor learn that they can - some good again was in case the law on the subject was I which prevents the Oriental servant who op- evening was most favorable, being clear and moved to 19okburgh, Scotland, whare Annie ted. Mr. Hardy asked to see the, book not by the aid of the law, remove the un- dance ; as he 6,ri see 150 head of export not clear, or in case the'basis of arbitration erates thean from rendering a ay other kind mild. It was a farewell social, as Mr. and died. Fokty-five years ago the new world stee �ejng f f or the y et d ro ed M-0, mark ,an .77"T MARC] avbr 2W h"'A t1W . I All 4f t nides of the viU being fea by yr �40vinloek w�o--AB trM but they "on i. BW I either, Chat can'n, this redpect. To, March 14th, a nt! �&t the reoidelice Witness the M;arr-, ie to Mr.- Jenn, 0 xnovy wim perfoin a tri to Toronto ing pfft-ende, Thi fer,6f Afr. ana'! of Hu higbly esteemed .N,oble is a, PrOSP Wawanosh. Tb Xlstedby Miss L14 a . nd .41r. George Of the Mrs, �. Cibl'. will. pleasures throus Bnv,Ezx- Locm �Vu�rchaseathe pi att, of Itl*ff week.—Captaill Army, is at Str &p.—Mr. Don the saw ITAIL ail Una is now Prep and Allex, PPtgu Visitingrelative Mr. m J.-MaTL, .store opposite t), expects,soontO: site large a=ad p 6ut - Tf res at 1111 3nar rector, Re S.trathroy, —A 2 min near W3.11rdi as ere is a sl butchering busi arld during the: i sb� , g trade C0111 fint-eliss `Openi shoe store. T-ented Mr. on nesasy last ww bringing a 90 McCenuell, W0 were driving P dog ran out an( -atisi1v it to kii .wounding At - am miss M -C Such dogs sholl this is flie secoi —M.Mr. Wichard Da;kota on WO Nf�,Coyleft 0,11 .n kas rented -thi; Jefferson. 110. a short tiblea- ITEX6. -Our the season alre ,ed the reviva-11 church last IN! count -Q1f his lif it 1� �nl . - 918�left A, �koka on Mond Building 6pers t1is fine *;atl has zecuked th of 1301ton, 'to t Mr. Brewster,' 'llage thi �Our TI ited our sehod -Another la�- ceived. at our, couple of our 1 Knox eoricerV it not be a V repaiml thiz, 'has been corn May wore. fa - Nichol has A WrIgninlimb. supplied isi&rable b on Ues lard"s name l'onden, Cons mr. minhali ,ad io St, J Mrs. sholdip the orgau, 4 Yer—a ter SUP favor V 'ban of's ana&-,,conve lleefV bv un - with., ihJ fol :some future! chronied el e Her - late ilh maile refer -A her 4 eath M v a zh 100 was Christ Alliddle RR Breton, in her pareen Tucker-smi she was - bereft I US McDona I forth. 8b of I and two Marriea,,, i of Elimvil 3) t t "Ll' I=e( I' w f bi .Walker -course of 1'es ects mother. 'has g6ri, mostees' � � 46A� - Anot To Hoj tendin ni, sia left wee tore