The Huron Expositor, 1894-03-02, Page 1% , I
out of
WLEAN BROS.1 Publishers.
Ty -SEVENTH YEAR. $1.50 a Year in Advance..
'ed with saow;_ -SEAFORTH FRIPAY ]NIARCH 18940
twl e to nr
1,368. WHOLE NUMBE k including
mat at a cost of $1-2 per wee
House of 1m --
V, goods 't helps the chairman to keep ord r. If a'his orrandfather over a hundred years ag
. MUA r men present, and although they did not take kee 0 eu In the Welland
-3f* your nee'a co 11. These have been from each cow. He 'approred of soilina all ey' P
tivating and curing r much part in the, discussions, it was quite char e were made the receipts uld be receiyed as grant from the government for
s have DZcribed I fre"cluentl in these columns, cows during summer as he' thought the; d. An- fidelAy and loyalty to the British Crown dust q1, for an average of 40 inmates, it cost
beeh 1 1894a i f onnected with
-g .. . I U- an conse- during the dark and. stormy years of the 81,2_1 per w
)ods show Sprin and as Mr. fl could be fed more profitably in this way evident they took the keenest interest in all wis y expended for the public go eek. The farm c
up that was said. other - cause ot lack- of interes' a high state7 of
dren the 1 jter institution is in
,e never better differ materially from others, it is not neces- than by pasturinL quently good order is to be folin in tile American Re %rolution. All he chil of
er't, Superintendent Poul- THE EVENING MEETING. cultiiation, tile surplus products during.,.,
sary to repeat them here. He thought peas Mr. A. G.'Gilb ment it and the aged couple and a. few friends were
ellent crop to grow, not alone for its try . Department, Dominion Experimental In the evening large, orderly 'and intel- character of the entertainment it elf day eleve i months having sold for $686.
and a happy and memorable
of this an e" d. The hall was here perhaps I maybe treading u on deli- present
the c0mioaencement C. o followed Rev. Mr.
h -*t YOU Willi" With profit direct, but for the good the crop does Farm, Ottawa, gave an address on poultry. ligent audience usenible was spent. —Ttev. Lutz, wh
amp plow in- Prior to his address, Mr. McMillan, M. P filled, although not overcrowded as it was cate and somewhat dangerous gr ol, but
month, we begin our Spring c all the soil. For this crop he would to the last few days the Experi- Lewr ; as priest -vicar at St. Alban s Cath-
ENM tOO:.- Th -4 911* t*' Mr. Joseph Snell occupied the let me say here that I have no" 0 ord. to edral', Toronto, and who resigned 'that pos-
assort,- the fall ad harrow or cultivate in the gave him a most flattering introduction o last year.
so far are, We do it with one of the finest y in the way of fault-fifidingbui erely- of menta Farm'at Ottawa, has received be -
It the- audience. He said that when in Ottawa chair and a model chairman he makes- Ad- a&
ten months ago, to accept, the rector-
s of men's -Furnishings, Cloth- spring, so as to make p6 good teed bed. molily criticism and suggestion. I have tween 12,WO and 13jOW ap lications for itlow
ed stock is a great mistake to plow clay land when it he frequently visited the Farm, and he could dresses were delivered by Messrs. Kerna- f rie e, e seed for test putposes. Wow the list is ip 6f the Anglican Church at Harwood,
ing, frats and Caps to be forilid in McMillan, D. Weismiller and nothing but respect for the men wh cam fre atholic Church. He
is wet. After taking off the peas, gang- say that no department was more efficiently, ban Gilbert, t Tl C
i f them, loni distances 0 struct closed. as jbined the Roma
ft. Y. McLean. 'The Zuri6h string band many :i can
-The greatest care has 0 ing Brewery # *Baden, reaph
Elow or cultivate. By working in this way carefully and intelligentl d than that er Spi ed his last sermon. as an Angh
t,hisi section. iiy manage me of these are —The Sil
goods nd presided over by Mr.Gi bert. lie evidently gave several beautiful instrumental selec- and entertain us. inin'E ter at Harwood three weeks ago, Nni-i
been taken in the selecti011 Of e considered it ugood for cleaning the la ght in tions; Miss Snell and Mr. Brockenshire specialists in their own line, and allTofeltlhem belonging to Mr. L. Dantzer, was totally if is position. Air. Lutz is a
2, -Will be as summer fallowing. By frequent culti- understood his; business, and took deli destroyed by fire at 5 o'clock the other then7a resigned h
attractive, ongs proved themselves to be men of se age and (I is con -
that, besides being an excellent solo, while.the a of Oxford University, an
We -have anticipated your vating the thistles can be killed better than giving his beat services to hisemployeis" th ter Willie and Eddie lability. pither do I find any fault with morning with all its conte&.s. The loss is gra6ate
Gilbert and recitations of Mas
durable, gets green public. With,. this send-off Mr. in heavy, -partly covered by insurance. sider",ed a very able man.
by plowing. When the thistle 0 8 i - addresses g iven, not Passed
amus- the papers road or tile
ice. We on the top it comm -nces to lay Up starch in went into his 'subject with treat vim.. He Geiger brought d wn the hou e. An —A. I Pickard, one of the beat known (la,y of strikes is. Vet
-wantst and are at y6ur sery hol some
ing recitation by Mr. Henry Nab was also themselves. They were all good, a, aiii nig the choir
in the latest being
Very facility for giving you first- the io.ot, and until it doei got green' this amid he thought poultry a raaich of far re of a d -cidedly printers in Montreal, has disappeared and over,
have e meeiings throughout of the papers especially we i, Ayr- IOU
t styles, perfect starch is being given out from the root. By industry which ha(f been too long neglected. well. rendered. The a 'u of tanloy Street chure!
ng moral to tiigh his friends believe that he drowned himself 'S
woik, correc ssful, and while gratifying to elevati. ne, as well as leader, -Air.
Carpet class would e -a were very succe 0 a jecent Sabbath, tile
repeated cultivating, as soon as the green He knew of nothing that Te that while temporarily insane. Mr. Pickard wa A
-prices. Our refer- giv the Directors, must have been pleasing and literary excellence. It seems to , ac lumorous writer. as left withot any as -
at reasonable appears thus catting off the green top, the larger, safer and quicker return for the rincipal di culty ies in a a of well known as a I Al'after Reid, W in
little or ratich k part in them. voluntered, but' the
the bet dressed mem on the root is deprived of its nourishr-nent and money invested than poultry. Food that profitable to all who too
-L-Mr.- A:. Moyer, of the Palmerston Flour sist;tuce, a few others
ences ar he art of our " at ctors. It h4s been
:good -,4, we C%la ld be wasted, can be turned , ilig the chairs' were all empty- The
things are to dies. By cultivation in this waythistles otherwise won 8 i has purchased from -Goldie & Me eve4
street. All the proper to )oultry, and indeed these are the foods Kind Wor4s *om Manitoba. is i t at br ity is th ears to have been caused by a
than usual, n one in Culloch, Gait, a new seventy-five rou
be found with us, and at rivIA Drices. call be pretty thoroughly cleaned out i fatactl hors6 t - 'ble app
can With regard to manure, if the soil bbst lor them. The poultry yard can be DEAR EXPOSITOR. —Since the' nomination think that he same might be said by the Rev. Air, Hardie
In a word some of the papers were 0 long power steel boiler, which will give needed sery on preached
velties as they are produced, vicusly, wherein he
the"Sabbath evening pre
No is light, it should be well rotted before it is made a valuable adjunct to the farm at of your Mr. McLean, as the Liberal candi b " egg.
and elaborate. They were all right in their facilities for his increasing t uain
Malitles and- nly be found with u%,. applied, but in heavy soils he would prefer small outlay. But to make it most profit- date for South Huron I have read the many ir distoursed of the qualifications of those who
often o place but their place was not pr perly a —The Woodmen of the World held the
considerable shoilld compose a churchhoir.
way, and Will Lr we are show- to apply it green. He also thofight the able we must keep our hens artificially so %a good things said of him by a para n eek.
,2 living
For early Spring wev meeting of. this kind, which t k co - an al m6eting in Brantford &at w
eta 0
s.hordy. We various manures should be mixed-; for in- to have them for use when their produ portion of the f Ontario, and as a edly, more of the nature X2 e' all re- aines D. McDonald, & farmer
fess r ain- e session was very
e new hapes in Hats: lav
all wu badly hurt on Thurac
im, th n ual meet*
i,advising yOu stance, horse manure is hot ; cattle manurer are dearest and not cheapest. ' He of ose deserved encomiums mellt than of a lecture room. The subject spects. The next will be new, Acton, Tru 'i
)nie to h cold a d pig manure rich, so that to get the should be made to lay all winter instead of came from political opponents, I have the papers an& a dresses held in Strathroy oil the thfi7d ednesday last week, while crossing the Grand.
an matter of 4a$lay track. He was driving across the
d. Men's Tourist Hats, beit rellsults they should be thoroughly mix- in the urnmer only. A laying 'hen is one of thought that aolage that a man's good should be divested of technnica as of February, 1895. cpress struck the
io ia now in ed before applying to the land. He thought it the largest money producers on the farm, qualities were told after his death," has much as possible and also sho Id be —ThecGrand..odge of the Ancient -Order traock when the 2-,30 e)
f4 e ha
oz preparation Stiff Hats, a mistake to keep on plowing a summer fal- not even excluding the cow. Hens weighing been reversed in his case, as such numi3rous e Province of sleigh, cutting it in two, throwing Ach If
boiled down to a proper cons stence. of United Workmen for th
specially if when plow- 1,000 lbs. will produce 6,000 lbs.' of eg estify. Allow me also to add do of the track- M-,Dousld
low too frequently, e acompliments t
li Spring M that For example the minutise of the chemistry Ontario, held its sixteenth annual session in to ion opposite si
as ;h as the smoke stack and
ie abwxt the Boys' Orush Hats ed the land turned up hird -And lumpy. He The Dorkins and Langshans are th- my congratulations. I feel confident of an egg may e very interesting to the Toronto last week, Grand M ter Workman wip thrown as hij
0 call d
would much - rather cultivate and harrow, eat prooucqrs of eggs. The PI nth Rock after his election, which is tolerably safe as ge pe own on his head, receiving serious In -
all round elections go, will be in active intbrest in the breast of the aver- —The team of horses which has served on jukes. The horse was unhurt -
specialist, but. it G. Inwood presiding.
and in this way make a good eed bed of is the beat and most profitab e his influence any of London, met
School Oaps, a his good spouse, and i the Galt fire department for the past six I—Mr
thoroughly pulverized soil. There is noth- hen. -There are two kinds of foods, the ni- the direction'of a i ti g to keep ir Oliv r James Ballantyn e
in i a nd I also age farmer or many Mr. A. J` David- w#h a . raher peculiar accident -the other
i ike having the soil thoroughly pulver- trogenouA and carbonates, the latter pro- in the straight'and narrow p th, a
cases rather gives a suggestion of d a and years, has been sold to
dqy. He had been troubled for some time
Girls Mi or kind Of seed. It is better and ducing fat and, the former lean. Theye is feel. confident that he Vill not accept any -900. The committee is now on the
y chemicals, and bad odors generally. either son for $ -settled in his
an an usually toc 'This Free Railwiay Passes, as he has often given outlook for a suitable team to. take their with the grip, which finally
1-cFau I more profitable to put two acres in well th 1 Much gmin fed to hens. M. is it interesting to the farmer in the e days
I a the proauc-. sound lectures to various naught fo t. Considerable pain resulted, aud to,
ten acres poorly. makes them too fat and cause ten used
Chi td ren's -Fancy Oaps., r1at he of keen competition and low prices t hs -place.
L MR. J. A. RUDDICK, Of Woodstock, Sup-* tion of weak shelled and double-yelked eggs. P's for doing that sort of thing ; and t tb pages of dry statistics regarding e area —The succession duty of the will of the a4eviate his sufferingS Mr. Ballantyne
There should be more green feeds -and green will frown down, every sort of corruption wing
erintendent of the Dominion Experimental and probable productiveness of - alo pitable late Mr. Pintn of Ottawa, which -goes to tijr entine. After follo this course of
broken small. White or red thitt c sual observ- al- t: ocedure one day Mr. Ballantyne went to,
gave a talk on Dairy' bones cut or rops up, and which any ca
creameries, in He boiling er can discern even in the smallest patro- regions.', A few thoughts chosen h tact the Ontari6 G-6vernment, amounts to were thor -
irying hands suddenly
Woodstock and The comprehensive character of our said that twenty years i%_o, when Ja clover out up 'in small pieces, and and ha pily expressed, are infinitely better most $17,000. Stamps to the value of filit hisTipe. before his hands
water placed ov r it, and let it adak over age that is in the ljift of the Government to I
1"t. two gen e- stock enables ug to show you almost was in its infancy, people predicted that it than w ole pages of mere details, r even $504 were required for the prGbatin.9 of the y ry, when 'his - xely biirned.
ti I *ught fire, and were sevf
light, and then mixwith other food, suoh as bestow. Do not anderstand m6 as particu- c
d soon be overdone, but the interest has vague generalities. But even after al that will.
altry raising re- articular style. When you woul rumba, waste, etc. rmnent as bhe painful fact —Andrew Roger, a highly respected far- F. Gurnett, ditor and pro-,
every p d this last kitchen c All fbOd larly referring to Sir Oliver's gove still emains 1—Mr. George
sea were of a, been continuall, y, growing since, an Id at has been said I Chronicle, died
Interesting have call and see what u are adepts distiiet there is a class f law- mer of London townshi w 0 -died a few r tor of the Ingersoll
time th spare sho given in a crumbling condition, I think the Ottawa "boys" h
dis- year there was' a greater demand for both that in this leT er an
lop form. Feed hens in this that sort of thing. 1 - 0111 Rrkshire, England, W*Ilednesday morning last week) aft
and not 14 8, 8 ( ayis days ago, 3aifie. fr
Most, excellent, -we ve got., By examination you'll cheese and butter than ever before. Can- less boys and young men, who see
Sul you will have fewiir sick fowls and I see by a cut in Grip that ir Oli * r's rich. nom of three days. His illness was liot at
Ive these 36 years ago, and first settled in Gode
rtainment. was learn that we ar ada had won a great reputation for its Way to make it a point to be present
e the leaders. more eggs than on any other food. Bran, dreams are troubled by the P. P. Xs, but I wife 0 ious, but it developed in
A more com- cheese. T%ey make just as good cheese in meetings for the purpose of disturb ce and He was m rried in 1869-, and I leaves a pat considered ser
ceful slumbers to a malignant form of diphtheria. Deceased
rith boiled potatoes mixed with sand or ho e that.Mr. McLean's pea a em to and r', ug ters.
discussions will the United States as in Canada, but they mo at make not be disturbed by them, as I have mischief. These amatear despots 1*6d been fifteen yeart connected vith the
had allowed their reputation to run down, bone rtar is also good. You mu pride themselves upon their ability , hold —Mrs. m. Innes, sr., of Mosa, while
into, T4per, and leaves 'behind him a wife the
r has been very and, hence the fact that American cheese the conditions of the hen as natural as pos- never learned that that association has the succeis or failure of the meetings i their putting a tick in the stove,ran &,sliver three Iff hass, on & Craig hr. r of Sheriff Brady, and
sible to Ret the beat results from gained much strength in South Huron. My
eek'with slight igh a price as Can- own hands, and when,any part -of t e pro- her hand. 1 The result was that in a ew Oughte age
does not command as h If kept in too cold a'place the ood that op ffiion is that tbere is no call for such an d turned into a very -serious cue ivn.. He was 36 years Ot Anacarried a,
eirig very good The Famous Glothiersj' adian. Dairying must have proven- profitable %mpg gramme does not suit their taste (i the hours it' ha
should go to make eggs will be consumed in organization in Ontario. Their oath sti y of blood poisoning. Doctors operated on life insurance of $20,000
but not OFif would not have assumed the propor Ous have any), they have only to pas th word
k per-
keeping up the animal heat. The remedy them as not disposed to show any relig! Is
and -weat.— tions it has. In g8ing through the country and pandemonium is let loose. I t he hand. 1 She is slightly better at present, —Mr. jacob Wttlaufer of the l3th con
for hens that eat eggs is to let them run toleration whatever'. haps the performer§, ssion of East Zorra, met Nwtii a severe loss
rosperous themselves, i some though still in great danger.
)tewart were ill he -found the farmers the most p
outside. The absence of meat, the craving I think that Manitoba is at present passing kk few days ago. Twenty-one out of a herd.
MLr the furler where they go most into dawymg- cases, unwittingly pander to this ho ollum —A young man, named Frank Benhiger,
Take and running an e ge saw in Thompsons mill of twenty-five of hiis ho a which were near
FARMERS' INSTITUTE. for instance the township of Dereham, for blood and too close confinement are the through its li d a struggle as has ever been o often to I' d poisoned. Ar.` J,Dhn Ruch- e .1narfet causesforthis habit. Exercise is6ne her lot in the past. 1 he causes are not far at Shallo I ake, Thursday morning, when fy ready for th
near Goderich, -in the County of Oxford. He knew main boisterdua encores. . It is a pity th young 61led in but beforc
(By Our Own Reporter.) of the beat incentives to hens laying. They to seek-.- Mi%nitob is almost exclusively with the saw. The f)r. Herold, V. S., was es
section.—Miss, of a factory at Mount' ' Elgin, which hen there is men in this enlightened age, should so far his wrist c, me in contact a ything could be done the above number
second series of meetings for this should have to -work more or. less for their agricultural r ce, and w c s 6 with
The soned with arsenic'
the firat part under tile auspices of the South had only 16 patrons and they made 100 tons living, and should have plenty of room to an anyur heard of low prices, fol- divest themselves of all that is true -and hand was ut off a clean a if done
Davis season ofelleese last season, and there are other a short crop anly as to lend themselves to such prac- knife. They had been poi
Huron. Farmers' institute opened at Hen cratch, and materials that would induce lowing close on pre ious disappointing years 7 r perpetrators of
tices. As was quoted by one of the speakers —The other morning a,young farmer Who the perpetrator o
-to, attend the factories on all sides of this one within a good and I might also add, as millionaires are -rille, neF 11ch a diabohaal deed could hav bee
sail, on Tuesday last. The attendance, both em to do it. Hens should kave a en. is r4lished named James Dune of Norton. +r 0 Wettlanfer
hn Kernighan, -radius of three miles and -they are all. pros- th in- a little nonsense now and th
d afternoon sessions was run both summer and winter. New clover scarce, the problem iszo'lved when we true gen e an Brair 'ton had his right arm out off below. sbrowded. in mystery, as Mr.
at the morning an But in order to carry on dairy- en " and the t man who was supposed to have an
- -illage this 8 'n
lie quite large In the afternoon the hall was perous- hay, fresh bone and exercise are the three elude the plucking process that tile tariff by the be t of i
of is the las
*.—Miss Bon- ingy profitably it must be gone into thorough- may enjoy any innocent full. But dancing the el ow by a cutting box. Dr. Heggie,
filled. with the intellgent farmers of the su r- essentials for 4ealthy and productive hens. allows. Mr. Fostiar in Grip tells young pneniy.
ly and conducted intelligently. He spoke and making eat calls,&e-, in the meetings, Brampton, dressed the wound. The young
rounding country, many of them coming done by As to eggs : Unfertilized eggs will always Canada that he cannot ut a suit to fit him correspondent of the
)r a number of highly -of the excellent work- being nd of a depraved moral man was to have been married in a few —The Burford
The chair -was occu- keep longer.than fertilized ones. The ateam- until he gets his fashio m t -Woodstock Sentinel Review says A very
r. J.Macarthur, from long distances. the Dary and Creamery Associations - and nature, are not the acts of a gentlema;n. It days.
ip companies talked about furnishing cold incrton.- If the f4rme of Canada do not arristoil's wedding took place at the residence
pied by the President, Mr. S. J. Hogarth ey r io k Gov- all' ainful in a case of this kind to —Mrs. S. Teeple, one of H for- et7t th, manufacuirer of thro the balloti 11 Mr. Foster, as is always P r.
ernment. lie thought no money speiit by storage., so that eggs covld be delivered fresh a, and as in other mer residents and most highly esteemed by John A. mi
at Toronto, Messrs. Jo, eceive from the Ontar d 0 :e a poor resort to stern measure r February returned home the delegates to the Central j& ers' the aid th ugh )x
r. John Pope,,
Institute nieetin hn t- the in the Id untry markets. They shoul well'as his colleagues, t. at they ai died on the 14th ult., at brooms, on Wednesdayl
m -t, new stock the Government gave a better return o the storage. things so i;ii this, iprevention is better than all who knew her, eple, in -Wh ghter, Miss Sarah Smith, was
Ketchen,_ ey, and S. J. Hoggarth, of He ry start a, theohen and not at So fi m of tailors, then they should not say any It. ei of her son,
Of Stm advocated ve cure. I would si _aaest that in future meet- the residene E. B. Te en his daik
joining Mr. W. farmers than this. ed in matrimony to Mr. WM. DishPr-
tephen, gave reports of the proceedings at long asi fertilized'eggs are shipped they ill more, -for ever, that, every interest is constable be at ione Minneap ains were strongly the making of cheese in summer ings of this kind, our olis, Minnesota." Her rem --R _ assisted by Rev.
Jlurry, of Hay leetings of the Central Institute. be stale before they reach. the old country, legislated for but the f4rmers' interests. I 'Pilot Mound, Manitoba, for inter- - ey. W., Hay, of Scotlilaid
ds .4ere.—Mr. the n and butter in winter. At first there were thor- at the back part of the hall. to tak down taken to 4. T. Daley, performed the ceremony. Ad- mR. J. KERNiGn", of Colborne, wis the two experimental Winter Creameries no matter how much cold storage they will 6ink if the farme s of Ontario are as' ment.
offenders' names. The rear of the in is
enuie gu rraj(, ould keep the oughly in earnest as M nitoba farmers are Idresses and speeches made the occasion very
an excellent paper have. But, if farmers w misollief is —On Mon de, of
1 first speaker. He read dis-
th capacity
4.ay, attending started in the county of Oxord. This was invariably the place where the day last week, W. Hin
'Why are Farmers' Insti- car loads of fine live oyable. A number of friends from a
on the subject, d now there are in the roosters carefully from liens that are laying that Foster will never again in E one, as it, is farthest from the light and. Harriston;, shipped two
tanceere pr
Lon held there. tutea need two years ago n for the market, theggs would reach their of a Minister, tell Britirsh:Columbia miners d 'light circulation a good many esent. The happy couple will
!rly a, druggist ed." It is not so much what is Province 2-2 cheese factories that are being evil disposed men always avoid the hogs whic- put into
ad- tinationfresh and good flavored, if.shiP- to go into mixo: d falrinin' Just think their future home in Me atoba.
contained in the papers read, or in the wo years deg 9. dollars. James Arthurs, of Minto, brought make Thornhill
in the run as creameries in the winter. T the In that case they will get their lighf. from vinage, of benefit fit able time after being layed, how that sounds Pomi him one him- —31r. John Wallace, Of
aS Of Mrs, J. dresses delivered, that is ago therd were only about 22, 000 pounds of ped in reason ing from other sources. Thanking you for so much in one sleigh load that brought a . U -
e for Domin Minister. I listen- faxm," Waterloo township, bavM
Variners' Institutes, but it is the discussions This but fertilized eggs could not b relied pu ion - Finan6e dred dollars, 41c live weight, being the price
butter made at winter creameries. valuable space, I remain, was
01oad, will be which arise oxt Of these, ; the interchanre season the make will exceed 75,000 pounds. shipment to foreign markets, -no matter how ed to Hon. MrI Fos4er, for two hours, _R-6STIC. paid. his intention of moving to G
F these ladies of practical carefully they are looked after. Nature trying to tell an a6dien6e of farmers that in tly surprisedthe other night by
of sentiments and experiences There. are now four creameries running Hensall, February 21st, 1894. Sarah 0awley, relict of the late W. ssession of
Clarke, formerly of Biddulph township, "ber of his neighN
serious ill day men. Some Inight, ask, why are worked in- the opposite direction, and na- substance we did lot know what we wanted, :)rs, who took po
eveU which average an out -pat of 7,500 p I gented himself and wife
e a miser ay. .his residence and pre
rs' Institutes needed? He would re- ture i4 a hard thing to work against. If but he mad able failure and was died in Mount Hope, London, the other d
Faine Elgin da.
week. The creamery at Mount J
Cana----- h ded address, accompalued.
because of the d6riged conditions eis w ould 'bear this in mind and use hissed by many old ti Conservatives. and her remam'*a were interred in St. P
ply now be makes more butter in December than dur- farm lock, while their daughter was
ul a 1I to Mii, r has been very J. H. R. Molson, of Montr al, has valuabl.
rmi-g is carried on w t7 te ee
julder which fa At' first care *in' this respect, they wo d o muc. The weathe Mi. Cemetery, Biddulph. She was 73 - year of ",by a
ing any other month in the year. to da , n ust donate e General Hoispital. le the recipient of a handsome vase. The
ides -what it'- -was twenty-five years ago. improve the credit of Canadian eggs in tile mild,' with few torm te a d d $5,000 to th age and w, s one of the first settlers of the 'mai
—The third when winter dairying was commenced, all mrkets. enough snow for pleasa t sleighing, which --Joseph Hartley, porter in Winnipeg township. partook of refreshments and spent a,
In the early days strength and muscle were old country m
School the cows had been milking since the, Ist of Mr. Gilberts talk was a very interestino' has-been taken a lvang_ge of by pleasure hotel, has fallen heir to $35,000. —Mr. J. E. Wetherell, M. A , 'has been ,most enjoyable evening. Mr. Wallace has -
the principal requisites for duccessfu.l farm for nearly, forty
Presbyterian to a April and the milk 6om such cows does not years pruic
mg, newly
All the ses these are essential 8 10 ipall of Strathroy Collegiate -y
but now, whi ood butter as from cows one and was li toned to with great atten- seekers. Yours ruly, —Robert Kershaw, one of the Stratford -Jived- at Thornhill farm
make as W BARBER. Home boys, was drowned at Pais ey Fri- ears, and his son Will now succeed him -
extent they must be accompg6nied by
Pleasing and 7 certain calved. w, the cows are made to Come in tion by all present. flae, Manito"l, Febr ary, 20,1894. Institute, and one evening recently the
skill and knowledge. These can be best ac- obably 10 MR. KIEMNIGHAif read an excellent paper Snowflake day. pupils of the school read an address to him —The will of the late ThoraQs Palmor
red by the at different months in the year, pr —A prohibition union for Prinee F d expressing their great regard for him as a died recently at the age of
experiences of others and he -dwa "Baylla-in, who
Thomas quired from the per cent. of them in October, so that the on the management of manures, which held in teacher and friend. T _e%_,ddress was hand- es that the
knew of -no better method of gainn brought out a lengthy and interesting dis- The Evening Session - bf Our Far- County was organized at a meeting '492 years, provid !,;;do y1urn
tica 'closed the afternoon session. me
knowledge, derived from prae 61 butter made is as fine flavored as that pro rs' Ins#tutes. Picton Friday somely illuminated and framed in -oak. 'for the Insaiie, the Toronto Asylum for the i
A. B. Dob- hduced in Ju ne. He did not object to tur- cussion. This of !Toronto e legal firm of which Honorable A. S. ' I
e Blind
experience; than - at meebings such k the city treasurer —Th '-Ingan6, the Brantford As lum forth
Belmore; E. f mers' Insti- nips being fed to milch cows if given in mod- THE NEW OFFICRRS. D.Ekn EXPOSITOR.—With your permission —Last wee the unemployed for two Hardy is tile head, has been deposed fron't !land the D af-aud Dumb
as those inaugurated by the Far eration and after they- were milked. If regard to the paid out $4,000 to utitue at D., Wroe- The Secretal days' labor. of Wantforo
s are schools at 'which 'all ry announced that the follow- I wish to say a few w6r#s in
tutes. Institute ' I the positioii of city solicitors e to receive $800 eachy-for which
next meeting given before being milked they would taint meeti 8 of the -Farmer nstitute, held in
&r ing officers had been elected : President, I
are teachers and all are schol is. There- —Ex -Mayor Flerning, of Toronto. has filed which it has held for some 25 years, and ist y 6 per cent. interest, three of
rs elected for in agriculture the milk and butter, but if afterwards there John Ketchen, Stanley ; Vice -President Rensal, oil T-aesday of ast week. It must an 4,hey mi the
suits. The., private 3 ipn to all those in- a suit against the Canada Cit* for othir firm, that of Messrs. Brewster, Muir- -them to his"i daughter Catha;rine and
Secretary e
dent, Rev. A. has been such & revolution would be no injigious re R. Gardiner, Usborne -Treas- be a source of gr4tificat 000 for alleged libel. to - do the durin- the last decade that to be successful I
esident, Rev. all eliaged in it must use their best,-ener- dairyman is in as favorable a poAiion to urer, John Harmah, Tuck-ersmith ; Auditor, terested. in agriculture to see the fatiners head & Heyd, has been selected other to his grandson., Thomas, during their
m I ive to Itheir own best in- —Charles Wilson, of Swansea. oot k Politics are said to be at the bot balance of his property 90" to
'Ila his f wor Jives. The
Directors,— more ai
tary-Treasur- make good butter as the creamery is, but a ame of
ies h mind. The use of the -trouble is be does not make' so much George Jackson, Egmondville. he increasing num- frozen badly while watching of the change. children and grandchildren. The will has
are. 9 ent Exe- terests, as is shown by t ier Pond, Toronto, oil beeti entered at Brantfor
- S. W. Sanders, Stephen ; J. -P. Ross, d
S. McKercher, steant has completely revolutionized the butter of a uniform quality and consequ ber who attend these meetings, as -well as hockey at Grenad —The will has foreated. much surprise.
ter ; Owen Geiger, Hay ; Donald Burns, Wednesday, last week.
—A London citizen, wh
M , n- carrying trades so that the farmer now has ly he cannot command the price. For in- by the active interest a4d enthusiasm mani- for probate of Edmund Brown, miller, of 0 wu a;kound
scores of competitors in the markets of the Hensall ; Richard Delbridge, Usborne —At St. Catharines the other day, Burton Paris. He leaves an estate of $19,899-50. tly taking notes says that at the York
0to this _Vveer. staire, creamery butter was selling this Peter McKay, Tuckersmith ; Thos. Fraser fested in them. a' 4ure.that no one who was killed by being He leaves$2,000 each to his daughters, Mrs. Aule
Under -writers. world to- one he formerly had. The ele- winter at 24 cents, whereas at the same aged fourteen, , 3treet wood market, in that city, a certain
ments of fertility have also been extracted Stanley ; Robert Mcillvaine, Bayfield B. attended tile afternoon session
concert, held time dairy butter would only brin __ about the meeti-Dg was not. a Tsuccess. The Urge thrown from a milk - vagon owned by Henry Charles Lloyd, of Paris, and Mrs. Austin aealer has two or three different loads Of 9 Switzer, Goderich township, mild D. D. Kottmyer.
orth League from the soil. The aim of the farmer 18 cents. Perhaps the dairy butter was the esent, Clement, of Los Angeles, and $3,000 in trust od of. different quality and -quantity on
number of practical farmers pr he Clownship, w10
--George Harcourt, an Arthur to his on, George Henry Brown. The bal- sale. The load marked extra, good's gen-
must, therefore, now be !to produce articles Wilson, Seafortli.
on. Thars- the lowest possible price and at the same better of the two,but there was not so much THE EVENING MEETING. able papers and 4oldresses give - n by practibal boy, fell from the main mast of a sailing ves- ally sold oif--sight, and the buyer goes
at t- tr
of uniform quality and this is where the dif - men, and men skilled in their' own depar ance of the estate goes to the widow.
uite a sue- time restore his sod to its original fertility. The evening meeting was presided over by sel bound from San Francisco for Liverpool. _Oil the 24th of a e wood he bought
be sent to house. Instead the mark-
enin the at- ference m* price comes in. Another advan- and the dinssion which these papers May last,, a traveller 'bome expectmill th t th
ard. s9 The pioneer method of &rnli,T g will noi do resident, Mr. Ketchen. The hall wa ment ot,to mention -the recently, and was lost overbo i named D.,\H. Williams, repreelenting the *ri
and addresses provoked, n f the
ad been ex- tage of winter dairying is that the farm the P e and uty acres c
who adhere to it willassured- wded to an uncomfortable degre —One hundred and twe d stick on which the quality and amount of
,e privilege of hands can be employed all the year round cro ' -whiAl prev,-4iled, all go to show London, fell
and those good order Wortmn/& Ward Company, of 0
e were ly be left behind in the race. Farmers have suit better men can be got for' the entertainment furnished was of 4., varied, that the meeting was eminently successful. Parker estate in -Danwich, Essex county, while getting off the train at Elora, and had vood. is recorded iis tranfiferred to an inferior
and as a re 9 old tb McKillop Brothers for
now come to the forks of the -road and it work for less per d ilistructive characte , and it He saw one
int'eresting an I wish that the same co, uld be said of the has been his thigh bone broken. On Wednesday last load and sent off to the buyer.
rtainment.— take. less money, as aman will and interest the great ma- ngi But the same cannot be $5,300. load sold three times in one day and the
for them t6 say which way they will a oul seemed to please m his injuries. He never
art, of Wing- month the year round than. if he coul evening meeti le week, he died fro
ffete ne present wiri —Captaill Win Berry, of Port Stan rined.
Whether they will pursue old and e or eight months e&cK jority of the audience. said with truth and anyo y recovered from' the accident, and leaves a #&me tricX perfo.
-eight feet
a here. Our backwards, or adapt them- g t eplo is not opposed to i THE SBCOND DAY. e greater 18 building a fine sail boat twenty widow and three child Mrs, Mary Fraser, relict of the late
met bear me 6ut in aying
ands of the hods and go d more enligl' ar. t iat for th he lost ren
selves to the an ited inoisy nd disorderly one. long,to take the place of the Whaler —A
v afternoon, utis Thesecond. day's meeting was held a art t was a fford M. -1 1 Fraser Petty street East Williams,
newer cheese in summer. last fall. Toronto dispatZ Says Ck Ponalo: he
methods which have: been made known at-
ashwood in Willard's hall.. There Kow to wha causes should we -walker, has re- ied in London, on February 13th, at f
luck next When cows come in in the spring, , the D were capse cor ertson had two fingers and a Calverley, the injured rope
eri- ling session, but in the tribute thie The object of the meeting —Wm. Rob . Dow -
through the li4ht Of science and exp turned to Toronto after spending two 'residence of her nephew, MT. George
water milk does not make as good cheese as the ing
dsome ence and go ahead and win and prosper. n vetj few at the morr turn -out, was a good one,! viz., to combine profit with portion of the - hana amputated while run months at his home in Thornbury. Death was due to heart failure. She
ndel*u, was, irrilk of cows that calve earlier in the seaso aftiernoon there was a splendid a Gordon press in the 'St. Thomas
Farmers' Institutes form a very important in tr ctioli with entertainment. ning till walking a trifle lame, and his arms are was born in Inverness-shire, Scotland, in
and that have been giving milk for a longer
t week. He the hall being filled by a highly interested pleasure, day.
school in which to pursue our agricultui:4 Journal office the other j828, and came to Canada in 1861. She
al, period, The best resultj can be obtained in and i t Hi nt audience, composed prin- The same able.4!'ien were present to instruct, yet weak. But in other respects he is in
ular amm elves for in el e —Mr. Joseph Jacobs has shipped eigh-
education i -n order to prepare ours cheese makina- where the enrun- with the addition of the best local talent to capital health, and hopes to be fit to fulfill (eaves three sons, IluFh, Findla ot John,
his sudden dairy has be livy of. Ze farmers within a radius of per teen horses from Glencoe. The horses were
the new order of thi'nga that has gradually. ning the year "round and where the cows come elpa tan, and yet the meeting was, com- his Englishengagement next summer. frienS who will
left oil Mon- also spoke highly haps, five orix miles. W .have not room enter bought in that neighborhood at prices rang- t`esides a large number a
e !'been forced upon us. in at varying periods during the year, thus- for anythinw like an extended report of this paratively speiking, a failure. Now, my —Mr. W. L. Land, 4 Aux Sauble, rafted #iiss her kind and pleasant face. Her re -
i ad th bed- of the Agricultural College and the benefits furnishing a iftbre uniform quality of milk meeting. retty much the . same ground principal object in writing these lines is; to ing from $60 to $85. m #:iains were, interred at NairnCemetery, tile
W_ Id confer upon —The whole family of Antoine Dorion, of about 2,500,000 feet of fine lumber fr la ggart, John
which a training thereat wou and cheese. It will also give employment was gone over as at the previous meet' indicate what, In my humble opinion, lare everal Michigan for Tonawanda, New York. The earers being essrs. Neil Mel
diNg a few it would an poisoned, and a MoKeenzie, Geoi-je Wyatt,
the young farmers of the county. to cheese makers all the year round, thus MR. MCMILLAN gave -a talk on eOifage some of the piobable causes for the failure Montreal, have lbe4 blizzard and gales broke Vlark, William
ames Yox — the of them are not expected to live, from the late accompanying If gh. McCallum and Alex. Rose.
a ve them new and enlarged ideas of entertainments, U
I securing a better class of makers for less so many of ur eve=g . I
eft for th,eir and corn growing. He said that last season of ed tomatoes. Up tile rafts, and now the timber is frozen in
d under the jauspices of the Far.
ignity and respectability of their calling, mers'i sti- effects c
—I' Old John Mal' afaulihar character the
ichigan, on no money per month. The capital invested in he kept a strict account of the entire cost of -held One cali'se is the lack of proper sea ting f eating ca ice below Niagara Falls. Mr. Land will —Miss Lily Evans, the well-known and
ich there is ne more noble, eleva buildings is also kept constantly employed . ere e talented elocutionist., was married at the
eorge Allen than wh producing and storing in the silo six a a tute. was gain some of the lumber when th
ting or independent. This was an able and around Courtwright, t" found frozen to try to r(
roof.—The b having the buildings and plant kept em of corn. The cost, including everything, accommodatimi. It is utterly an(I absolutely i hurch of the Messiah, Kincardinie, on
-aseful paper and. only a faint idea of its ood oder if 'any large death 'in that village Tuesday morning. He ice breaks up, and thus save some of the Q iiight, 921st ult., to Mr. Harry
and a great ?Oye l'(i all, the year round, instead of lying was $202. He go over 20 tons . of ensilage impossible to keep g $40, 000 at which it is *valued. Wednesday i
value can 'be given in a report of this kind. anding erect or had lain oat all. y fatal accident occurred on boker, of Toronto. The bride wa prettil.
that very idle half the year. In every way farmers per acre, thus making it cost at the rate of part of the, auKlience are st —Captain Richardson. commanding the —A ishockingl near Breslau,
0ifff MCMTL AN, M. P. P., next would find winter dairying profit&ble. In ton. Two and a half tons of ell- sitting in tire lome positions. Now we have cov
Of took up " The Cultivation be $1.681 per three alls in He died the farm of Mr. Fred Weicher, attired in white silk eried. with white
I fact he believed that farmers would soon qual t a ton of hay. Twenty two or Hensall but no public Allanteamer Sardinian, is dead
with friends of the Soil." In silage are e 0 from general debility. Cap- on Wednesday, last week. Mr. Weicher tulle, shot with silver, ajid carried a bo4uet
il there are three at Liverpool
the preparation of the so and no li ll with anything like the ac-
ke'it up if they desired to mak6 fe oc-lan 4 a young German farm hand, named of lilies of the valley. She was zupported
week. --Mr, forced to ta tons to the acre is an amo * unt of ed ' that hall, equir Now if these meet- as well known by
things necessary to si.iccess in crop raising %y.. It was the experience of tain Richardson w erknecht, were sawmg cordwood. by 'hy her sister Miss Hattie. The g1room. was
_h on Slatur- cultivation farming p; can not be got in any other. way. On en8il- commodation r rs travelers in Canada.
Ist, drainage i 2nd, Ith o had tried this winter dairying which are so valuable to the farme Tor
.secured a First, th farmers wh age there iWa clear profit of $6 per acre', ings, her day, when in Toronto, Lord horse -power, when the saw brokel and one slipported by Mr. H. Oswald Byer, of
3rd, care of the manure heap. en the skim milk did more than p arton black- that ay while on wheat there is a loss of from $4'to and others, are- to b continued, would it * —The,6t ed a rink at Victoria Rink. of the flying pieces struck the young man onto. After the ceremony a reception 'Wag
i the part of those inter- Aberdeen ski
ge. It- is necessary Dot so their M or IPP
ibim' its to the draina, d, for the extrw feed they had to gi not be wisdo ' ihe head, instantly killing him. He wag n at the residenw of the brides father,
success. $6 per acre. His opponents were skipped by Mr. Thomas on
much to carry the w ter away from the Ian, e milk the MR. K_ERNIGHAN gave an excellent paper ested to tke he iiecessary steps at once to 25 years of age. VA. J. Evans, 'Princess street. Mr. a -ad
has been cows and that the cows gave mor
the Pres y_ as _1h the soil, takingit followinEr summer. on e an- erect a comfortable hall in our village? McCracken. The result was adraw, seven —Isabella and James PentivEd were sister Afrs. Barker left the following --mornin,
to attract it throu ( 'the production of man-ur Mr. H a side. g for
from the surface andenablino, it to preculate would hot only be valuable
lie past f6iv 0 Avery anteresting discifasion took place nah gave an instructive talk on dairying, ffi Such a building - and brother. Neither was married and t eir home ip Toronto_
th rich. Besides more ways than one, but —On Sunday a muskrat worked its way
flicers of the rough, making it moist and on this address. Mr. John Hannah gave which he showed the profits that cows well to the farmers in on —The Harriston Tribune is reWnsible
ked our throuFh the bank- of Goin's dam, Tilson- both lived in Beverly township.
rained can be wor it would alsobe a credit and a boon to
Kna(,ben this, land thoroughly'd ances. of farmers who had increased and intelligently cared for are sure to short time a large stream of December 22nd, 1893, Isabella died, &no, fir the following ! One day last week, a
earlier in the spring. In tilling the soil he ir1st ell. Another chief cause is the burg and in a
mas David-- e wa " washed its course through. By hard. two days ypung mail
incomes from $300 to $700 per year provide. _He strongly.,urged farmers to give villao, as W later hei bachelor brother also of the 14th concession of Mintoi,
-ge ter
preforred a nice square furrow, well set up. their attention to da' ving wheat and selling grain, and cheapness of the entertainment. No char went the way of all the earth. Isabella left btmght a pair of horse clippers with the
Gibson, Jr.; lrY- up.gro-i I work the leakage was stopped.
In plowing sod he would always use a skim- simply by giving greater consequently a large number of her iAten_tion of clipping his 2:40- driver. He
The ig and feeding their cows, and this in ad- turn their attention to summer and winter is made and part of —The sheriff is in possession G1 the jewelry a will -which gave a large amount
ish. are not inter'ested in any side of the
mer- In this way the sod is thrown into come who a, and James left a, s4cceeded in getting apart of one
t and third are fur- dition to -the pis and other stock and grain dairying and he showed as plainly asligures of A. Goebel, at New Hamburg, estate of -$2,544 to Jame then the horse
let alone the dry part. It stock
the bottom of the furrow, and a, squ )rogramme, of two will bequeathing his $2 004 worth of earth?s the horse . clipped, but
to say nothing of the gained from actual experience could, -the in- the I
turned up in tile fall, will be thoroughly sold off the farm, is well known that lack of interest is con- whose father made him a present to finish the
row - creased profits that farmers would reap from aa business possessions to
0 that in gre
Iverized by the frost -in winter, a ' who agreed to drive his best.girl W
at increase- in the fertility of the farms tagious in a meeting, and those do not thousand dollars when he beg Isabella. In both wills the r4belled and he was unable
pu oviso appears that in the event of the 4e had
Lodge held spring it can be harrowe -thoroughly Mr. McMillan.; t6 show the great differ- their farms. pr
d and rement of Mr- Gilbert also gave an interesting talk come to bells4ve -will not let others do so. three years ago. ; atee the estate is to be foird and time was short, so he hitched up
de at the door it —Mr. and %%. W. Howell, of Ancaster death of the I
u . Wedneg_ It, after being harrowed and enck between good and bad manag etentland, of Galt, the driver and called for his girl, but on -the
owing cultivated. cows gav an example of two patrons who on poultry and eggs in which he reviewed But -if a charge were ma t town -c -hip, near Dundas, celebrated the 50th to Robert another the horse
e foil cultivated, the soil is not fine enough he pretty much the same ground as the day woilld tend to sift the audience. Chris mArriage, on February brother. Robert is the executor of both she discovered the state of
e, Prospect lk to the Black Creek cheese factory anniversary of their
would roll. The soil cannot be too well sent mi himself sifted his audiences and still sift to 21"'whien they reached Harriston she re-
-aged, before. at their own hosie. For h6lf a century wills, and they were admrti 11 to proba in an
Stratford pulverized. For corn or roots, the drier the last year . The cows of one man aver The several subjects were pretty exhaust- ing men. A-nd. not oply that but the major- 7th, d. and Haraflton a few days ago. f*ecl to go further with such a looking
Recordmi soil is the more it should be cultivated, as $53 each for eight months, while those of Mr. and Mrs: Howell have live
only ively discussed by the meeting. Messrs. ity of those who paid for their entertain- farm where, —The Municipal World says that the hqrae, and the ung man was obliged to 90
the road, that had not -been
'Whe newly worked soil. draws and retains the his neighbor, just across 'Gies and others ment would see to it that they got the worth wrDught side by aide on the I
ton, T, for anot er hoise
&surer moisture. The more the soil is cultivated averaged $23. He also instanced another Holt, Bean, Baker, taking in Tliere is always good order over seventy-three years since, Mr, HoweR county of Wellington House of Industry, home
part. Ohe plesaing feature of this meeting of their OneY vided for an average of 67 in- dresed up for the Occasion -
R rs half "of of the audience was born, as was also his father, and which last year pro R. Grgy, in dry weather the ore moisture it draws. man, who with a herd of 21 co meeting when every one
J. L. Me. 'Re described his methods ctf planting, cul- them heifers, made an annual average of $53 Was the unusually large number of young in a
t e
u on
Lt el
7 ......... 7
J _ tAQ
% , I
out of
WLEAN BROS.1 Publishers.
Ty -SEVENTH YEAR. $1.50 a Year in Advance..
'ed with saow;_ -SEAFORTH FRIPAY ]NIARCH 18940
twl e to nr
1,368. WHOLE NUMBE k including
mat at a cost of $1-2 per wee
House of 1m --
V, goods 't helps the chairman to keep ord r. If a'his orrandfather over a hundred years ag
. MUA r men present, and although they did not take kee 0 eu In the Welland
-3f* your nee'a co 11. These have been from each cow. He 'approred of soilina all ey' P
tivating and curing r much part in the, discussions, it was quite char e were made the receipts uld be receiyed as grant from the government for
s have DZcribed I fre"cluentl in these columns, cows during summer as he' thought the; d. An- fidelAy and loyalty to the British Crown dust q1, for an average of 40 inmates, it cost
beeh 1 1894a i f onnected with
-g .. . I U- an conse- during the dark and. stormy years of the 81,2_1 per w
)ods show Sprin and as Mr. fl could be fed more profitably in this way evident they took the keenest interest in all wis y expended for the public go eek. The farm c
up that was said. other - cause ot lack- of interes' a high state7 of
dren the 1 jter institution is in
,e never better differ materially from others, it is not neces- than by pasturinL quently good order is to be folin in tile American Re %rolution. All he chil of
er't, Superintendent Poul- THE EVENING MEETING. cultiiation, tile surplus products during.,.,
sary to repeat them here. He thought peas Mr. A. G.'Gilb ment it and the aged couple and a. few friends were
ellent crop to grow, not alone for its try . Department, Dominion Experimental In the evening large, orderly 'and intel- character of the entertainment it elf day eleve i months having sold for $686.
and a happy and memorable
of this an e" d. The hall was here perhaps I maybe treading u on deli- present
the c0mioaencement C. o followed Rev. Mr.
h -*t YOU Willi" With profit direct, but for the good the crop does Farm, Ottawa, gave an address on poultry. ligent audience usenible was spent. —Ttev. Lutz, wh
amp plow in- Prior to his address, Mr. McMillan, M. P filled, although not overcrowded as it was cate and somewhat dangerous gr ol, but
month, we begin our Spring c all the soil. For this crop he would to the last few days the Experi- Lewr ; as priest -vicar at St. Alban s Cath-
ENM tOO:.- Th -4 911* t*' Mr. Joseph Snell occupied the let me say here that I have no" 0 ord. to edral', Toronto, and who resigned 'that pos-
assort,- the fall ad harrow or cultivate in the gave him a most flattering introduction o last year.
so far are, We do it with one of the finest y in the way of fault-fifidingbui erely- of menta Farm'at Ottawa, has received be -
It the- audience. He said that when in Ottawa chair and a model chairman he makes- Ad- a&
ten months ago, to accept, the rector-
s of men's -Furnishings, Cloth- spring, so as to make p6 good teed bed. molily criticism and suggestion. I have tween 12,WO and 13jOW ap lications for itlow
ed stock is a great mistake to plow clay land when it he frequently visited the Farm, and he could dresses were delivered by Messrs. Kerna- f rie e, e seed for test putposes. Wow the list is ip 6f the Anglican Church at Harwood,
ing, frats and Caps to be forilid in McMillan, D. Weismiller and nothing but respect for the men wh cam fre atholic Church. He
is wet. After taking off the peas, gang- say that no department was more efficiently, ban Gilbert, t Tl C
i f them, loni distances 0 struct closed. as jbined the Roma
ft. Y. McLean. 'The Zuri6h string band many :i can
-The greatest care has 0 ing Brewery # *Baden, reaph
Elow or cultivate. By working in this way carefully and intelligentl d than that er Spi ed his last sermon. as an Angh
t,hisi section. iiy manage me of these are —The Sil
goods nd presided over by Mr.Gi bert. lie evidently gave several beautiful instrumental selec- and entertain us. inin'E ter at Harwood three weeks ago, Nni-i
been taken in the selecti011 Of e considered it ugood for cleaning the la ght in tions; Miss Snell and Mr. Brockenshire specialists in their own line, and allTofeltlhem belonging to Mr. L. Dantzer, was totally if is position. Air. Lutz is a
2, -Will be as summer fallowing. By frequent culti- understood his; business, and took deli destroyed by fire at 5 o'clock the other then7a resigned h
attractive, ongs proved themselves to be men of se age and (I is con -
that, besides being an excellent solo, while.the a of Oxford University, an
We -have anticipated your vating the thistles can be killed better than giving his beat services to hisemployeis" th ter Willie and Eddie lability. pither do I find any fault with morning with all its conte&.s. The loss is gra6ate
Gilbert and recitations of Mas
durable, gets green public. With,. this send-off Mr. in heavy, -partly covered by insurance. sider",ed a very able man.
by plowing. When the thistle 0 8 i - addresses g iven, not Passed
amus- the papers road or tile
ice. We on the top it comm -nces to lay Up starch in went into his 'subject with treat vim.. He Geiger brought d wn the hou e. An —A. I Pickard, one of the beat known (la,y of strikes is. Vet
-wantst and are at y6ur sery hol some
ing recitation by Mr. Henry Nab was also themselves. They were all good, a, aiii nig the choir
in the latest being
Very facility for giving you first- the io.ot, and until it doei got green' this amid he thought poultry a raaich of far re of a d -cidedly printers in Montreal, has disappeared and over,
have e meeiings throughout of the papers especially we i, Ayr- IOU
t styles, perfect starch is being given out from the root. By industry which ha(f been too long neglected. well. rendered. The a 'u of tanloy Street chure!
ng moral to tiigh his friends believe that he drowned himself 'S
woik, correc ssful, and while gratifying to elevati. ne, as well as leader, -Air.
Carpet class would e -a were very succe 0 a jecent Sabbath, tile
repeated cultivating, as soon as the green He knew of nothing that Te that while temporarily insane. Mr. Pickard wa A
-prices. Our refer- giv the Directors, must have been pleasing and literary excellence. It seems to , ac lumorous writer. as left withot any as -
at reasonable appears thus catting off the green top, the larger, safer and quicker return for the rincipal di culty ies in a a of well known as a I Al'after Reid, W in
little or ratich k part in them. voluntered, but' the
the bet dressed mem on the root is deprived of its nourishr-nent and money invested than poultry. Food that profitable to all who too
-L-Mr.- A:. Moyer, of the Palmerston Flour sist;tuce, a few others
ences ar he art of our " at ctors. It h4s been
:good -,4, we C%la ld be wasted, can be turned , ilig the chairs' were all empty- The
things are to dies. By cultivation in this waythistles otherwise won 8 i has purchased from -Goldie & Me eve4
street. All the proper to )oultry, and indeed these are the foods Kind Wor4s *om Manitoba. is i t at br ity is th ears to have been caused by a
than usual, n one in Culloch, Gait, a new seventy-five rou
be found with us, and at rivIA Drices. call be pretty thoroughly cleaned out i fatactl hors6 t - 'ble app
can With regard to manure, if the soil bbst lor them. The poultry yard can be DEAR EXPOSITOR. —Since the' nomination think that he same might be said by the Rev. Air, Hardie
In a word some of the papers were 0 long power steel boiler, which will give needed sery on preached
velties as they are produced, vicusly, wherein he
the"Sabbath evening pre
No is light, it should be well rotted before it is made a valuable adjunct to the farm at of your Mr. McLean, as the Liberal candi b " egg.
and elaborate. They were all right in their facilities for his increasing t uain
Malitles and- nly be found with u%,. applied, but in heavy soils he would prefer small outlay. But to make it most profit- date for South Huron I have read the many ir distoursed of the qualifications of those who
often o place but their place was not pr perly a —The Woodmen of the World held the
considerable shoilld compose a churchhoir.
way, and Will Lr we are show- to apply it green. He also thofight the able we must keep our hens artificially so %a good things said of him by a para n eek.
,2 living
For early Spring wev meeting of. this kind, which t k co - an al m6eting in Brantford &at w
eta 0
s.hordy. We various manures should be mixed-; for in- to have them for use when their produ portion of the f Ontario, and as a edly, more of the nature X2 e' all re- aines D. McDonald, & farmer
fess r ain- e session was very
e new hapes in Hats: lav
all wu badly hurt on Thurac
im, th n ual meet*
i,advising yOu stance, horse manure is hot ; cattle manurer are dearest and not cheapest. ' He of ose deserved encomiums mellt than of a lecture room. The subject spects. The next will be new, Acton, Tru 'i
)nie to h cold a d pig manure rich, so that to get the should be made to lay all winter instead of came from political opponents, I have the papers an& a dresses held in Strathroy oil the thfi7d ednesday last week, while crossing the Grand.
an matter of 4a$lay track. He was driving across the
d. Men's Tourist Hats, beit rellsults they should be thoroughly mix- in the urnmer only. A laying 'hen is one of thought that aolage that a man's good should be divested of technnica as of February, 1895. cpress struck the
io ia now in ed before applying to the land. He thought it the largest money producers on the farm, qualities were told after his death," has much as possible and also sho Id be —ThecGrand..odge of the Ancient -Order traock when the 2-,30 e)
f4 e ha
oz preparation Stiff Hats, a mistake to keep on plowing a summer fal- not even excluding the cow. Hens weighing been reversed in his case, as such numi3rous e Province of sleigh, cutting it in two, throwing Ach If
boiled down to a proper cons stence. of United Workmen for th
specially if when plow- 1,000 lbs. will produce 6,000 lbs.' of eg estify. Allow me also to add do of the track- M-,Dousld
low too frequently, e acompliments t
li Spring M that For example the minutise of the chemistry Ontario, held its sixteenth annual session in to ion opposite si
as ;h as the smoke stack and
ie abwxt the Boys' Orush Hats ed the land turned up hird -And lumpy. He The Dorkins and Langshans are th- my congratulations. I feel confident of an egg may e very interesting to the Toronto last week, Grand M ter Workman wip thrown as hij
0 call d
would much - rather cultivate and harrow, eat prooucqrs of eggs. The PI nth Rock after his election, which is tolerably safe as ge pe own on his head, receiving serious In -
all round elections go, will be in active intbrest in the breast of the aver- —The team of horses which has served on jukes. The horse was unhurt -
specialist, but. it G. Inwood presiding.
and in this way make a good eed bed of is the beat and most profitab e his influence any of London, met
School Oaps, a his good spouse, and i the Galt fire department for the past six I—Mr
thoroughly pulverized soil. There is noth- hen. -There are two kinds of foods, the ni- the direction'of a i ti g to keep ir Oliv r James Ballantyn e
in i a nd I also age farmer or many Mr. A. J` David- w#h a . raher peculiar accident -the other
i ike having the soil thoroughly pulver- trogenouA and carbonates, the latter pro- in the straight'and narrow p th, a
cases rather gives a suggestion of d a and years, has been sold to
dqy. He had been troubled for some time
Girls Mi or kind Of seed. It is better and ducing fat and, the former lean. Theye is feel. confident that he Vill not accept any -900. The committee is now on the
y chemicals, and bad odors generally. either son for $ -settled in his
an an usually toc 'This Free Railwiay Passes, as he has often given outlook for a suitable team to. take their with the grip, which finally
1-cFau I more profitable to put two acres in well th 1 Much gmin fed to hens. M. is it interesting to the farmer in the e days
I a the proauc-. sound lectures to various naught fo t. Considerable pain resulted, aud to,
ten acres poorly. makes them too fat and cause ten used
Chi td ren's -Fancy Oaps., r1at he of keen competition and low prices t hs -place.
L MR. J. A. RUDDICK, Of Woodstock, Sup-* tion of weak shelled and double-yelked eggs. P's for doing that sort of thing ; and t tb pages of dry statistics regarding e area —The succession duty of the will of the a4eviate his sufferingS Mr. Ballantyne
There should be more green feeds -and green will frown down, every sort of corruption wing
erintendent of the Dominion Experimental and probable productiveness of - alo pitable late Mr. Pintn of Ottawa, which -goes to tijr entine. After follo this course of
broken small. White or red thitt c sual observ- al- t: ocedure one day Mr. Ballantyne went to,
gave a talk on Dairy' bones cut or rops up, and which any ca
creameries, in He boiling er can discern even in the smallest patro- regions.', A few thoughts chosen h tact the Ontari6 G-6vernment, amounts to were thor -
irying hands suddenly
Woodstock and The comprehensive character of our said that twenty years i%_o, when Ja clover out up 'in small pieces, and and ha pily expressed, are infinitely better most $17,000. Stamps to the value of filit hisTipe. before his hands
water placed ov r it, and let it adak over age that is in the ljift of the Government to I
1"t. two gen e- stock enables ug to show you almost was in its infancy, people predicted that it than w ole pages of mere details, r even $504 were required for the prGbatin.9 of the y ry, when 'his - xely biirned.
ti I *ught fire, and were sevf
light, and then mixwith other food, suoh as bestow. Do not anderstand m6 as particu- c
d soon be overdone, but the interest has vague generalities. But even after al that will.
altry raising re- articular style. When you woul rumba, waste, etc. rmnent as bhe painful fact —Andrew Roger, a highly respected far- F. Gurnett, ditor and pro-,
every p d this last kitchen c All fbOd larly referring to Sir Oliver's gove still emains 1—Mr. George
sea were of a, been continuall, y, growing since, an Id at has been said I Chronicle, died
Interesting have call and see what u are adepts distiiet there is a class f law- mer of London townshi w 0 -died a few r tor of the Ingersoll
time th spare sho given in a crumbling condition, I think the Ottawa "boys" h
dis- year there was' a greater demand for both that in this leT er an
lop form. Feed hens in this that sort of thing. 1 - 0111 Rrkshire, England, W*Ilednesday morning last week) aft
and not 14 8, 8 ( ayis days ago, 3aifie. fr
Most, excellent, -we ve got., By examination you'll cheese and butter than ever before. Can- less boys and young men, who see
Sul you will have fewiir sick fowls and I see by a cut in Grip that ir Oli * r's rich. nom of three days. His illness was liot at
Ive these 36 years ago, and first settled in Gode
rtainment. was learn that we ar ada had won a great reputation for its Way to make it a point to be present
e the leaders. more eggs than on any other food. Bran, dreams are troubled by the P. P. Xs, but I wife 0 ious, but it developed in
A more com- cheese. T%ey make just as good cheese in meetings for the purpose of disturb ce and He was m rried in 1869-, and I leaves a pat considered ser
ceful slumbers to a malignant form of diphtheria. Deceased
rith boiled potatoes mixed with sand or ho e that.Mr. McLean's pea a em to and r', ug ters.
discussions will the United States as in Canada, but they mo at make not be disturbed by them, as I have mischief. These amatear despots 1*6d been fifteen yeart connected vith the
had allowed their reputation to run down, bone rtar is also good. You mu pride themselves upon their ability , hold —Mrs. m. Innes, sr., of Mosa, while
into, T4per, and leaves 'behind him a wife the
r has been very and, hence the fact that American cheese the conditions of the hen as natural as pos- never learned that that association has the succeis or failure of the meetings i their putting a tick in the stove,ran &,sliver three Iff hass, on & Craig hr. r of Sheriff Brady, and
sible to Ret the beat results from gained much strength in South Huron. My
eek'with slight igh a price as Can- own hands, and when,any part -of t e pro- her hand. 1 The result was that in a ew Oughte age
does not command as h If kept in too cold a'place the ood that op ffiion is that tbere is no call for such an d turned into a very -serious cue ivn.. He was 36 years Ot Anacarried a,
eirig very good The Famous Glothiersj' adian. Dairying must have proven- profitable %mpg gramme does not suit their taste (i the hours it' ha
should go to make eggs will be consumed in organization in Ontario. Their oath sti y of blood poisoning. Doctors operated on life insurance of $20,000
but not OFif would not have assumed the propor Ous have any), they have only to pas th word
k per-
keeping up the animal heat. The remedy them as not disposed to show any relig! Is
and -weat.— tions it has. In g8ing through the country and pandemonium is let loose. I t he hand. 1 She is slightly better at present, —Mr. jacob Wttlaufer of the l3th con
for hens that eat eggs is to let them run toleration whatever'. haps the performer§, ssion of East Zorra, met Nwtii a severe loss
rosperous themselves, i some though still in great danger.
)tewart were ill he -found the farmers the most p
outside. The absence of meat, the craving I think that Manitoba is at present passing kk few days ago. Twenty-one out of a herd.
MLr the furler where they go most into dawymg- cases, unwittingly pander to this ho ollum —A young man, named Frank Benhiger,
Take and running an e ge saw in Thompsons mill of twenty-five of hiis ho a which were near
FARMERS' INSTITUTE. for instance the township of Dereham, for blood and too close confinement are the through its li d a struggle as has ever been o often to I' d poisoned. Ar.` J,Dhn Ruch- e .1narfet causesforthis habit. Exercise is6ne her lot in the past. 1 he causes are not far at Shallo I ake, Thursday morning, when fy ready for th
near Goderich, -in the County of Oxford. He knew main boisterdua encores. . It is a pity th young 61led in but beforc
(By Our Own Reporter.) of the beat incentives to hens laying. They to seek-.- Mi%nitob is almost exclusively with the saw. The f)r. Herold, V. S., was es
section.—Miss, of a factory at Mount' ' Elgin, which hen there is men in this enlightened age, should so far his wrist c, me in contact a ything could be done the above number
second series of meetings for this should have to -work more or. less for their agricultural r ce, and w c s 6 with
The soned with arsenic'
the firat part under tile auspices of the South had only 16 patrons and they made 100 tons living, and should have plenty of room to an anyur heard of low prices, fol- divest themselves of all that is true -and hand was ut off a clean a if done
Davis season ofelleese last season, and there are other a short crop anly as to lend themselves to such prac- knife. They had been poi
Huron. Farmers' institute opened at Hen cratch, and materials that would induce lowing close on pre ious disappointing years 7 r perpetrators of
tices. As was quoted by one of the speakers —The other morning a,young farmer Who the perpetrator o
-to, attend the factories on all sides of this one within a good and I might also add, as millionaires are -rille, neF 11ch a diabohaal deed could hav bee
sail, on Tuesday last. The attendance, both em to do it. Hens should kave a en. is r4lished named James Dune of Norton. +r 0 Wettlanfer
hn Kernighan, -radius of three miles and -they are all. pros- th in- a little nonsense now and th
d afternoon sessions was run both summer and winter. New clover scarce, the problem iszo'lved when we true gen e an Brair 'ton had his right arm out off below. sbrowded. in mystery, as Mr.
at the morning an But in order to carry on dairy- en " and the t man who was supposed to have an
- -illage this 8 'n
lie quite large In the afternoon the hall was perous- hay, fresh bone and exercise are the three elude the plucking process that tile tariff by the be t of i
of is the las
*.—Miss Bon- ingy profitably it must be gone into thorough- may enjoy any innocent full. But dancing the el ow by a cutting box. Dr. Heggie,
filled. with the intellgent farmers of the su r- essentials for 4ealthy and productive hens. allows. Mr. Fostiar in Grip tells young pneniy.
ly and conducted intelligently. He spoke and making eat calls,&e-, in the meetings, Brampton, dressed the wound. The young
rounding country, many of them coming done by As to eggs : Unfertilized eggs will always Canada that he cannot ut a suit to fit him correspondent of the
)r a number of highly -of the excellent work- being nd of a depraved moral man was to have been married in a few —The Burford
The chair -was occu- keep longer.than fertilized ones. The ateam- until he gets his fashio m t -Woodstock Sentinel Review says A very
r. J.Macarthur, from long distances. the Dary and Creamery Associations - and nature, are not the acts of a gentlema;n. It days.
ip companies talked about furnishing cold incrton.- If the f4rme of Canada do not arristoil's wedding took place at the residence
pied by the President, Mr. S. J. Hogarth ey r io k Gov- all' ainful in a case of this kind to —Mrs. S. Teeple, one of H for- et7t th, manufacuirer of thro the balloti 11 Mr. Foster, as is always P r.
ernment. lie thought no money speiit by storage., so that eggs covld be delivered fresh a, and as in other mer residents and most highly esteemed by John A. mi
at Toronto, Messrs. Jo, eceive from the Ontar d 0 :e a poor resort to stern measure r February returned home the delegates to the Central j& ers' the aid th ugh )x
r. John Pope,,
Institute nieetin hn t- the in the Id untry markets. They shoul well'as his colleagues, t. at they ai died on the 14th ult., at brooms, on Wednesdayl
m -t, new stock the Government gave a better return o the storage. things so i;ii this, iprevention is better than all who knew her, eple, in -Wh ghter, Miss Sarah Smith, was
Ketchen,_ ey, and S. J. Hoggarth, of He ry start a, theohen and not at So fi m of tailors, then they should not say any It. ei of her son,
Of Stm advocated ve cure. I would si _aaest that in future meet- the residene E. B. Te en his daik
joining Mr. W. farmers than this. ed in matrimony to Mr. WM. DishPr-
tephen, gave reports of the proceedings at long asi fertilized'eggs are shipped they ill more, -for ever, that, every interest is constable be at ione Minneap ains were strongly the making of cheese in summer ings of this kind, our olis, Minnesota." Her rem --R _ assisted by Rev.
Jlurry, of Hay leetings of the Central Institute. be stale before they reach. the old country, legislated for but the f4rmers' interests. I 'Pilot Mound, Manitoba, for inter- - ey. W., Hay, of Scotlilaid
ds .4ere.—Mr. the n and butter in winter. At first there were thor- at the back part of the hall. to tak down taken to 4. T. Daley, performed the ceremony. Ad- mR. J. KERNiGn", of Colborne, wis the two experimental Winter Creameries no matter how much cold storage they will 6ink if the farme s of Ontario are as' ment.
offenders' names. The rear of the in is
enuie gu rraj(, ould keep the oughly in earnest as M nitoba farmers are Idresses and speeches made the occasion very
an excellent paper have. But, if farmers w misollief is —On Mon de, of
1 first speaker. He read dis-
th capacity
4.ay, attending started in the county of Oxord. This was invariably the place where the day last week, W. Hin
'Why are Farmers' Insti- car loads of fine live oyable. A number of friends from a
on the subject, d now there are in the roosters carefully from liens that are laying that Foster will never again in E one, as it, is farthest from the light and. Harriston;, shipped two
tanceere pr
Lon held there. tutea need two years ago n for the market, theggs would reach their of a Minister, tell Britirsh:Columbia miners d 'light circulation a good many esent. The happy couple will
!rly a, druggist ed." It is not so much what is Province 2-2 cheese factories that are being evil disposed men always avoid the hogs whic- put into
ad- tinationfresh and good flavored, if.shiP- to go into mixo: d falrinin' Just think their future home in Me atoba.
contained in the papers read, or in the wo years deg 9. dollars. James Arthurs, of Minto, brought make Thornhill
in the run as creameries in the winter. T the In that case they will get their lighf. from vinage, of benefit fit able time after being layed, how that sounds Pomi him one him- —31r. John Wallace, Of
aS Of Mrs, J. dresses delivered, that is ago therd were only about 22, 000 pounds of ped in reason ing from other sources. Thanking you for so much in one sleigh load that brought a . U -
e for Domin Minister. I listen- faxm," Waterloo township, bavM
Variners' Institutes, but it is the discussions This but fertilized eggs could not b relied pu ion - Finan6e dred dollars, 41c live weight, being the price
butter made at winter creameries. valuable space, I remain, was
01oad, will be which arise oxt Of these, ; the interchanre season the make will exceed 75,000 pounds. shipment to foreign markets, -no matter how ed to Hon. MrI Fos4er, for two hours, _R-6STIC. paid. his intention of moving to G
F these ladies of practical carefully they are looked after. Nature trying to tell an a6dien6e of farmers that in tly surprisedthe other night by
of sentiments and experiences There. are now four creameries running Hensall, February 21st, 1894. Sarah 0awley, relict of the late W. ssession of
Clarke, formerly of Biddulph township, "ber of his neighN
serious ill day men. Some Inight, ask, why are worked in- the opposite direction, and na- substance we did lot know what we wanted, :)rs, who took po
eveU which average an out -pat of 7,500 p I gented himself and wife
e a miser ay. .his residence and pre
rs' Institutes needed? He would re- ture i4 a hard thing to work against. If but he mad able failure and was died in Mount Hope, London, the other d
Faine Elgin da.
week. The creamery at Mount J
Cana----- h ded address, accompalued.
because of the d6riged conditions eis w ould 'bear this in mind and use hissed by many old ti Conservatives. and her remam'*a were interred in St. P
ply now be makes more butter in December than dur- farm lock, while their daughter was
ul a 1I to Mii, r has been very J. H. R. Molson, of Montr al, has valuabl.
rmi-g is carried on w t7 te ee
julder which fa At' first care *in' this respect, they wo d o muc. The weathe Mi. Cemetery, Biddulph. She was 73 - year of ",by a
ing any other month in the year. to da , n ust donate e General Hoispital. le the recipient of a handsome vase. The
ides -what it'- -was twenty-five years ago. improve the credit of Canadian eggs in tile mild,' with few torm te a d d $5,000 to th age and w, s one of the first settlers of the 'mai
—The third when winter dairying was commenced, all mrkets. enough snow for pleasa t sleighing, which --Joseph Hartley, porter in Winnipeg township. partook of refreshments and spent a,
In the early days strength and muscle were old country m
School the cows had been milking since the, Ist of Mr. Gilberts talk was a very interestino' has-been taken a lvang_ge of by pleasure hotel, has fallen heir to $35,000. —Mr. J. E. Wetherell, M. A , 'has been ,most enjoyable evening. Mr. Wallace has -
the principal requisites for duccessfu.l farm for nearly, forty
Presbyterian to a April and the milk 6om such cows does not years pruic
mg, newly
All the ses these are essential 8 10 ipall of Strathroy Collegiate -y
but now, whi ood butter as from cows one and was li toned to with great atten- seekers. Yours ruly, —Robert Kershaw, one of the Stratford -Jived- at Thornhill farm
make as W BARBER. Home boys, was drowned at Pais ey Fri- ears, and his son Will now succeed him -
extent they must be accompg6nied by
Pleasing and 7 certain calved. w, the cows are made to Come in tion by all present. flae, Manito"l, Febr ary, 20,1894. Institute, and one evening recently the
skill and knowledge. These can be best ac- obably 10 MR. KIEMNIGHAif read an excellent paper Snow day. pupils of the school read an address to him —The will of the late ThoraQs Palmor
red by the at different months in the year, pr —A prohibition union for Prinee F d expressing their great regard for him as a died recently at the age of
experiences of others and he -dwa "Baylla-in, who
Thomas quired from the per cent. of them in October, so that the on the management of manures, which held in teacher and friend. T _e%_,ddress was hand- es that the
knew of -no better method of gainn brought out a lengthy and interesting dis- The Evening Session - bf Our Far- County was organized at a meeting '492 years, provid !,;;do y1urn
tica 'closed the afternoon session. me
knowledge, derived from prae 61 butter made is as fine flavored as that pro rs' Ins#tutes. Picton Friday somely illuminated and framed in -oak. 'for the Insaiie, the Toronto Asylum for the i
A. B. Dob- hduced in Ju ne. He did not object to tur- cussion. This of !Toronto e legal firm of which Honorable A. S. ' I
e Blind
experience; than - at meebings such k the city treasurer —Th '-Ingan6, the Brantford As lum forth
Belmore; E. f mers' Insti- nips being fed to milch cows if given in mod- THE NEW OFFICRRS. D.Ekn EXPOSITOR.—With your permission —Last wee the unemployed for two Hardy is tile head, has been deposed fron't !land the D af-aud Dumb
as those inaugurated by the Far eration and after they- were milked. If regard to the paid out $4,000 to utitue at D., Wroe- The Secretal days' labor. of Wantforo
s are schools at 'which 'all ry announced that the follow- I wish to say a few w6r#s in
tutes. Institute ' I the positioii of city solicitors e to receive $800 eachy-for which
next meeting given before being milked they would taint meeti 8 of the -Farmer nstitute, held in
&r ing officers had been elected : President, I
are teachers and all are schol is. There- —Ex -Mayor Flerning, of Toronto. has filed which it has held for some 25 years, and ist y 6 per cent. interest, three of
rs elected for in agriculture the milk and butter, but if afterwards there John Ketchen, Stanley ; Vice -President Rensal, oil T-aesday of ast week. It must an 4,hey mi the
suits. The., private 3 ipn to all those in- a suit against the Canada Cit* for othir firm, that of Messrs. Brewster, Muir- -them to his"i daughter Catha;rine and
Secretary e
dent, Rev. A. has been such & revolution would be no injigious re R. Gardiner, Usborne -Treas- be a source of gr4tificat 000 for alleged libel. to - do the durin- the last decade that to be successful I
esident, Rev. all eliaged in it must use their best,-ener- dairyman is in as favorable a poAiion to urer, John Harmah, Tuck-ersmith ; Auditor, terested. in agriculture to see the fatiners head & Heyd, has been selected other to his grandson., Thomas, during their
m I ive to Itheir own best in- —Charles Wilson, of Swansea. oot k Politics are said to be at the bot balance of his property 90" to
'Ila his f wor Jives. The
Directors,— more ai
tary-Treasur- make good butter as the creamery is, but a ame of
ies h mind. The use of the -trouble is be does not make' so much George Jackson, Egmondville. he increasing num- frozen badly while watching of the change. children and grandchildren. The will has
are. 9 ent Exe- terests, as is shown by t ier Pond, Toronto, oil beeti entered at Brantfor
- S. W. Sanders, Stephen ; J. -P. Ross, d
S. McKercher, steant has completely revolutionized the butter of a uniform quality and consequ ber who attend these meetings, as -well as hockey at Grenad —The will has foreated. much surprise.
ter ; Owen Geiger, Hay ; Donald Burns, Wednesday, last week.
—A London citizen, wh
M , n- carrying trades so that the farmer now has ly he cannot command the price. For in- by the active interest a4d enthusiasm mani- for probate of Edmund Brown, miller, of 0 wu a;kound
scores of competitors in the markets of the Hensall ; Richard Delbridge, Usborne —At St. Catharines the other day, Burton Paris. He leaves an estate of $19,899-50. tly taking notes says that at the York
0to this _Vveer. staire, creamery butter was selling this Peter McKay, Tuckersmith ; Thos. Fraser fested in them. a' 4ure.that no one who was killed by being He leaves$2,000 each to his daughters, Mrs. Aule
Under -writers. world to- one he formerly had. The ele- winter at 24 cents, whereas at the same aged fourteen, , 3treet wood market, in that city, a certain
ments of fertility have also been extracted Stanley ; Robert Mcillvaine, Bayfield B. attended tile afternoon session
concert, held time dairy butter would only brin __ about the meeti-Dg was not. a Tsuccess. The Urge thrown from a milk - vagon owned by Henry Charles Lloyd, of Paris, and Mrs. Austin aealer has two or three different loads Of 9 Switzer, Goderich township, mild D. D. Kottmyer.
orth League from the soil. The aim of the farmer 18 cents. Perhaps the dairy butter was the esent, Clement, of Los Angeles, and $3,000 in trust od of. different quality and -quantity on
number of practical farmers pr he Clownship, w10
--George Harcourt, an Arthur to his on, George Henry Brown. The bal- sale. The load marked extra, good's gen-
must, therefore, now be !to produce articles Wilson, Seafortli.
on. Thars- the lowest possible price and at the same better of the two,but there was not so much THE EVENING MEETING. able papers and 4oldresses give - n by practibal boy, fell from the main mast of a sailing ves- ally sold oif--sight, and the buyer goes
at t- tr
of uniform quality and this is where the dif - men, and men skilled in their' own depar ance of the estate goes to the widow.
uite a sue- time restore his sod to its original fertility. The evening meeting was presided over by sel bound from San Francisco for Liverpool. _Oil the 24th of a e wood he bought
be sent to house. Instead the mark-
enin the at- ference m* price comes in. Another advan- and the dinssion which these papers May last,, a traveller 'bome expectmill th t th
ard. s9 The pioneer method of &rnli,T g will noi do resident, Mr. Ketchen. The hall wa ment ot,to mention -the recently, and was lost overbo i named D.,\H. Williams, repreelenting the *ri
and addresses provoked, n f the
ad been ex- tage of winter dairying is that the farm the P e and uty acres c
who adhere to it willassured- wded to an uncomfortable degre —One hundred and twe d stick on which the quality and amount of
,e privilege of hands can be employed all the year round cro ' -whiAl prev,-4iled, all go to show London, fell
and those good order Wortmn/& Ward Company, of 0
e were ly be left behind in the race. Farmers have suit better men can be got for' the entertainment furnished was of 4., varied, that the meeting was eminently successful. Parker estate in -Danwich, Essex county, while getting off the train at Elora, and had vood. is recorded iis tranfiferred to an inferior
and as a re 9 old tb McKillop Brothers for
now come to the forks of the -road and it work for less per d ilistructive characte , and it He saw one
int'eresting an I wish that the same co, uld be said of the has been his thigh bone broken. On Wednesday last load and sent off to the buyer.
rtainment.— take. less money, as aman will and interest the great ma- ngi But the same cannot be $5,300. load sold three times in one day and the
for them t6 say which way they will a oul seemed to please m his injuries. He never
art, of Wing- month the year round than. if he coul evening meeti le week, he died fro
ffete ne present wiri —Captaill Win Berry, of Port Stan rined.
Whether they will pursue old and e or eight months e&cK jority of the audience. said with truth and anyo y recovered from' the accident, and leaves a #&me tricX perfo.
-eight feet
a here. Our backwards, or adapt them- g t eplo is not opposed to i THE SBCOND DAY. e greater 18 building a fine sail boat twenty widow and three child Mrs, Mary Fraser, relict of the late
met bear me 6ut in aying
ands of the hods and go d more enligl' ar. t iat for th he lost ren
selves to the an ited inoisy nd disorderly one. long,to take the place of the Whaler —A
v afternoon, utis Thesecond. day's meeting was held a art t was a fford M. -1 1 Fraser Petty street East Williams,
newer cheese in summer. last fall. Toronto dispatZ Says Ck Ponalo: he
methods which have: been made known at-
ashwood in Willard's hall.. There Kow to wha causes should we -walker, has re- ied in London, on February 13th, at f
luck next When cows come in in the spring, , the D were capse cor ertson had two fingers and a Calverley, the injured rope
eri- ling session, but in the tribute thie The object of the meeting —Wm. Rob . Dow -
through the li4ht Of science and exp turned to Toronto after spending two 'residence of her nephew, MT. George
water milk does not make as good cheese as the ing
dsome ence and go ahead and win and prosper. n vetj few at the morr turn -out, was a good one,! viz., to combine profit with portion of the - hana amputated while run months at his home in Thornbury. Death was due to heart failure. She
ndel*u, was, irrilk of cows that calve earlier in the seaso aftiernoon there was a splendid a Gordon press in the 'St. Thomas
Farmers' Institutes form a very important in tr ctioli with entertainment. ning till walking a trifle lame, and his arms are was born in Inverness-shire, Scotland, in
and that have been giving milk for a longer
t week. He the hall being filled by a highly interested pleasure, day.
school in which to pursue our agricultui:4 Journal office the other j828, and came to Canada in 1861. She
al, period, The best resultj can be obtained in and i t Hi nt audience, composed prin- The same able.4!'ien were present to instruct, yet weak. But in other respects he is in
ular amm elves for in el e —Mr. Joseph Jacobs has shipped eigh-
education i -n order to prepare ours cheese makina- where the enrun- with the addition of the best local talent to capital health, and hopes to be fit to fulfill (eaves three sons, IluFh, Findla ot John,
his sudden dairy has be livy of. Ze farmers within a radius of per teen horses from Glencoe. The horses were
the new order of thi'nga that has gradually. ning the year "round and where the cows come elpa tan, and yet the meeting was, com- his Englishengagement next summer. frienS who will
left oil Mon- also spoke highly haps, five orix miles. W .have not room enter bought in that neighborhood at prices rang- t`esides a large number a
e !'been forced upon us. in at varying periods during the year, thus- for anythinw like an extended report of this paratively speiking, a failure. Now, my —Mr. W. L. Land, 4 Aux Sauble, rafted #iiss her kind and pleasant face. Her re -
i ad th bed- of the Agricultural College and the benefits furnishing a iftbre uniform quality of milk meeting. retty much the . same ground principal object in writing these lines is; to ing from $60 to $85. m #:iains were, interred at NairnCemetery, tile
W_ Id confer upon —The whole family of Antoine Dorion, of about 2,500,000 feet of fine lumber fr la ggart, John
which a training thereat wou and cheese. It will also give employment was gone over as at the previous meet' indicate what, In my humble opinion, lare everal Michigan for Tonawanda, New York. The earers being essrs. Neil Mel
diNg a few it would an poisoned, and a MoKeenzie, Geoi-je Wyatt,
the young farmers of the county. to cheese makers all the year round, thus MR. MCMILLAN gave -a talk on eOifage some of the piobable causes for the failure Montreal, have lbe4 blizzard and gales broke Vlark, William
ames Yox — the of them are not expected to live, from the late accompanying If gh. McCallum and Alex. Rose.
a ve them new and enlarged ideas of entertainments, U
I securing a better class of makers for less so many of ur eve=g . I
eft for th,eir and corn growing. He said that last season of ed tomatoes. Up tile rafts, and now the timber is frozen in
d under the jauspices of the Far.
ignity and respectability of their calling, mers'i sti- effects c
—I' Old John Mal' afaulihar character the
ichigan, on no money per month. The capital invested in he kept a strict account of the entire cost of -held One cali'se is the lack of proper sea ting f eating ca ice below Niagara Falls. Mr. Land will —Miss Lily Evans, the well-known and
ich there is ne more noble, eleva buildings is also kept constantly employed . ere e talented elocutionist., was married at the
eorge Allen than wh producing and storing in the silo six a a tute. was gain some of the lumber when th
ting or independent. This was an able and around Courtwright, t" found frozen to try to r(
roof.—The b having the buildings and plant kept em of corn. The cost, including everything, accommodatimi. It is utterly an(I absolutely i hurch of the Messiah, Kincardinie, on
-aseful paper and. only a faint idea of its ood oder if 'any large death 'in that village Tuesday morning. He ice breaks up, and thus save some of the Q iiight, 921st ult., to Mr. Harry
and a great ?Oye l'(i all, the year round, instead of lying was $202. He go over 20 tons . of ensilage impossible to keep g $40, 000 at which it is *valued. Wednesday i
value can 'be given in a report of this kind. anding erect or had lain oat all. y fatal accident occurred on boker, of Toronto. The bride wa prettil.
that very idle half the year. In every way farmers per acre, thus making it cost at the rate of part of the, auKlience are st —Captain Richardson. commanding the —A ishockingl near Breslau,
0ifff MCMTL AN, M. P. P., next would find winter dairying profit&ble. In ton. Two and a half tons of ell- sitting in tire lome positions. Now we have cov
Of took up " The Cultivation be $1.681 per three alls in He died the farm of Mr. Fred Weicher, attired in white silk eried. with white
I fact he believed that farmers would soon qual t a ton of hay. Twenty two or Hensall but no public Allanteamer Sardinian, is dead
with friends of the Soil." In silage are e 0 from general debility. Cap- on Wednesday, last week. Mr. Weicher tulle, shot with silver, ajid carried a bo4uet
il there are three at Liverpool
the preparation of the so and no li ll with anything like the ac-
ke'it up if they desired to mak6 fe oc-lan 4 a young German farm hand, named of lilies of the valley. She was zupported
week. --Mr, forced to ta tons to the acre is an amo * unt of ed ' that hall, equir Now if these meet- as well known by
things necessary to si.iccess in crop raising %y.. It was the experience of tain Richardson w erknecht, were sawmg cordwood. by 'hy her sister Miss Hattie. The g1room. was
_h on Slatur- cultivation farming p; can not be got in any other. way. On en8il- commodation r rs travelers in Canada.
Ist, drainage i 2nd, Ith o had tried this winter dairying which are so valuable to the farme Tor
.secured a First, th farmers wh age there iWa clear profit of $6 per acre', ings, her day, when in Toronto, Lord horse -power, when the saw brokel and one slipported by Mr. H. Oswald Byer, of
3rd, care of the manure heap. en the skim milk did more than p arton black- that ay while on wheat there is a loss of from $4'to and others, are- to b continued, would it * —The,6t ed a rink at Victoria Rink. of the flying pieces struck the young man onto. After the ceremony a reception 'Wag
i the part of those inter- Aberdeen ski
ge. It- is necessary Dot so their M or IPP
ibim' its to the draina, d, for the extrw feed they had to gi not be wisdo ' ihe head, instantly killing him. He wag n at the residenw of the brides father,
success. $6 per acre. His opponents were skipped by Mr. Thomas on
much to carry the w ter away from the Ian, e milk the MR. K_ERNIGHAN gave an excellent paper ested to tke he iiecessary steps at once to 25 years of age. VA. J. Evans, 'Princess street. Mr. a -ad
has been cows and that the cows gave mor
the Pres y_ as _1h the soil, takingit followinEr summer. on e an- erect a comfortable hall in our village? McCracken. The result was adraw, seven —Isabella and James PentivEd were sister Afrs. Barker left the following --mornin,
to attract it throu ( 'the production of man-ur Mr. H a side. g for
from the surface andenablino, it to preculate would hot only be valuable
lie past f6iv 0 Avery anteresting discifasion took place nah gave an instructive talk on dairying, ffi Such a building - and brother. Neither was married and t eir home ip Toronto_
th rich. Besides more ways than one, but —On Sunday a muskrat worked its way
flicers of the rough, making it moist and on this address. Mr. John Hannah gave which he showed the profits that cows well to the farmers in on —The Harriston Tribune is reWnsible
ked our throuFh the bank- of Goin's dam, Tilson- both lived in Beverly township.
rained can be wor it would alsobe a credit and a boon to
Kna(,ben this, land thoroughly'd ances. of farmers who had increased and intelligently cared for are sure to short time a large stream of December 22nd, 1893, Isabella died, &no, fir the following ! One day last week, a
earlier in the spring. In tilling the soil he ir1st ell. Another chief cause is the burg and in a
mas David-- e wa " washed its course through. By hard. two days ypung mail
incomes from $300 to $700 per year provide. _He strongly.,urged farmers to give villao, as W later hei bachelor brother also of the 14th concession of Mintoi,
-ge ter
preforred a nice square furrow, well set up. their attention to da' ving wheat and selling grain, and cheapness of the entertainment. No char went the way of all the earth. Isabella left btmght a pair of horse clippers with the
Gibson, Jr.; lrY- up.gro-i I work the leakage was stopped.
In plowing sod he would always use a skim- simply by giving greater consequently a large number of her iAten_tion of clipping his 2:40- driver. He
The ig and feeding their cows, and this in ad- turn their attention to summer and winter is made and part of —The sheriff is in possession G1 the jewelry a will -which gave a large amount
ish. are not inter'ested in any side of the
mer- In this way the sod is thrown into come who a, and James left a, s4cceeded in getting apart of one
t and third are fur- dition to -the pis and other stock and grain dairying and he showed as plainly asligures of A. Goebel, at New Hamburg, estate of -$2,544 to Jame then the horse
let alone the dry part. It stock
the bottom of the furrow, and a, squ )rogramme, of two will bequeathing his $2 004 worth of earth?s the horse . clipped, but
to say nothing of the gained from actual experience could, -the in- the I
turned up in tile fall, will be thoroughly sold off the farm, is well known that lack of interest is con- whose father made him a present to finish the
row - creased profits that farmers would reap from aa business possessions to
0 that in gre
Iverized by the frost -in winter, a ' who agreed to drive his best.girl W
at increase- in the fertility of the farms tagious in a meeting, and those do not thousand dollars when he beg Isabella. In both wills the r4belled and he was unable
pu oviso appears that in the event of the 4e had
Lodge held spring it can be harrowe -thoroughly Mr. McMillan.; t6 show the great differ- their farms. pr
d and rement of Mr- Gilbert also gave an interesting talk come to bells4ve -will not let others do so. three years ago. ; atee the estate is to be foird and time was short, so he hitched up
de at the door it —Mr. and %%. W. Howell, of Ancaster death of the I
u . Wedneg_ It, after being harrowed and enck between good and bad manag etentland, of Galt, the driver and called for his girl, but on -the
owing cultivated. cows gav an example of two patrons who on poultry and eggs in which he reviewed But -if a charge were ma t town -c -hip, near Dundas, celebrated the 50th to Robert another the horse
e foil cultivated, the soil is not fine enough he pretty much the same ground as the day woilld tend to sift the audience. Chris mArriage, on February brother. Robert is the executor of both she discovered the state of
e, Prospect lk to the Black Creek cheese factory anniversary of their
would roll. The soil cannot be too well sent mi himself sifted his audiences and still sift to 21"'whien they reached Harriston she re-
-aged, before. at their own hosie. For h6lf a century wills, and they were admrti 11 to proba in an
Stratford pulverized. For corn or roots, the drier the last year . The cows of one man aver The several subjects were pretty exhaust- ing men. A-nd. not oply that but the major- 7th, d. and Haraflton a few days ago. f*ecl to go further with such a looking
Recordmi soil is the more it should be cultivated, as $53 each for eight months, while those of Mr. and Mrs: Howell have live
only ively discussed by the meeting. Messrs. ity of those who paid for their entertain- farm where, —The Municipal World says that the hqrae, and the ung man was obliged to 90
the road, that had not -been
'Whe newly worked soil. draws and retains the his neighbor, just across 'Gies and others ment would see to it that they got the worth wrDught side by aide on the I
ton, T, for anot er hoise
&surer moisture. The more the soil is cultivated averaged $23. He also instanced another Holt, Bean, Baker, taking in Tliere is always good order over seventy-three years since, Mr, HoweR county of Wellington House of Industry, home
part. Ohe plesaing feature of this meeting of their OneY vided for an average of 67 in- dresed up for the Occasion -
R rs half "of of the audience was born, as was also his father, and which last year pro R. Grgy, in dry weather the ore moisture it draws. man, who with a herd of 21 co meeting when every one
J. L. Me. 'Re described his methods ctf planting, cul- them heifers, made an annual average of $53 Was the unusually large number of young in a
t e
u on
Lt el