HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-02-23, Page 8. I - � 1 W%.04-01 0 . I P . I mm" axis a. ew weelm with ir in luc- workof aloreign mi"ionary.-Miss Me ritt's, conductedthe servi6ein the Metho- - the several'oompliments with him, and then I -1 ��
� �n t
. � � I - y lage.-In looking over bur 'township ac- Killop.-Divisim Court will be held, in ,the Beattie, of Wi%tminster, is visiting t e dist church last Sabbath. His address was '. asked him. if he intended to build the com.- P, -
. i I
I . - ,,�Iring these dull times every house keeper should counts for - 100, we 'noticed , With pleasure Young Men's Christian Association rooms, Village. -On Friday *B-tp :the senior and interesting and full of life. He gave his ing.summer. The fari, !r hesitated for a - RIDAY, -� � I
- � . d got the best poselble value for their money, ' that, the railway debentu have been paid on Saturds -
�� - � � rem _y nexii 24th inst.-Mr. W. junior football teams lof Mr. McLauchlin's own experience for a number of years, 11 moment, and exclaimed t- - - at he . was going I ,
� , I ' -
I cent saved is JaAt as stood ms so much diore ofl wfiat is.to prevent ' " . . 8 nd � to build a well. The f..-Iin' Is of the two FEBRUARY 23rd, 18 ;, -
as evcr� ., you can,mve 26 per cent. bv paying .for . � and now our town- Brine, of ,Peterboro, is here this week and Mr. 8 tt h As played a football which was a strong rebuke to �
� earned gambler ,g ft, ,
I .... ....
. -
:� ship fathers from j1pending a few hundred visiting his parents and other 'relatives.- I ' ' "' 'I a victory for both also to fault,finders.-A superi contractors can be bette, Imagined �
k � your goods when you buy them it Is just eq4al to dollars in the erection of a town'liall. It ;g Mr., G. Vr4ch-c_ Th result, W" 71" a I r
__ getting your goods for one fifth of the year, or two . . V. Willis and Mrs. W. Somerviffi., ' r. �, . .. .or high c than de- The frt-quent arrival of Spring �
w� aud a halt manth0rea. . �A lilin's teams, the scores being 3 concert by- Edison's newly improved o- scribed. They Te4ched home at a late hour, ?, Xner- -
. .
. -
- Will it pay you to do so? certainly not creditable to a wealthy munici" sm t oncert in Mitchell this evening, to I and I - O. -Mr. Muir has purchased go, tal s and -vowmg vengeance on the parties who played z
I , I think it wili,-and It will piy vae as I make no bad 'a a c h the instrument that sin chandise, is forcing Winter ,,oQg
-- debsta that good customers have to M ; have ito ex. pality like Tuckersi6ith, to be -without any unler�the auspices of,the Canadian Order of Mr. Win. ikenhea&4 dwelling in the vil-
! I � .
I . -_. pense keepint booluk s6nd can buy where I can bu3 lace 'in which to hold its public: meetings. Foresters. -We have the following on irre- lage, occupie by Mr. Robert Murdoch. �.r,a,ph ' and can be heard'over a large church, them such a measly practical joke. - �out of linal The neW things for.
I I , I I a . W
. to this beat advantage. ��Iv I be given at Boston Methodist Church 0
1 pring are appf-aring, and while
- I haves, large stock off resh e are not a bit selfish in the matter, but prombable authority,: A, young lady an&' - - �� 19 S ,
� , groceries and & emall, well- assortedstock of crockery . � e � - Friday evening, March 2nd. - .
, would suggest1hat our village possesses th gentleman had wended their way homeward . Stanley.
I d Issaaware, whioh I am selling cheaper than I . Lup:l ey. 9� it does seem almost out of pl"
� . � =1 possibly do If I did not sell.strictly for cash or maximum of advantages for such a building. from the rink last Monday evening. Their , , COUNCIL MEETIXG.-The members were -
. N - little daughter of Mr. C. Cann . all present, the Reeve in the chair. The
., We can afford a splendid site,, are within , to talk 11 Spring business "
,�� trade. Extravaluoin Flour, Hams, Bacon, Ltrd, convereationhad been so engrossm OTES. Staffa. while - .
. ' g that - has been seri ugly ill with la -grippe, but i ClIuxcli NoTEs.-On Sunday morn ng minutes of the previous meeting were with sno -
� . �: , Tubs, Pails. Wash Boards, Teaa,, Sugar, Syrup, easy reach of most of the townships, and the quite by accident they . had walked twice the. country is covered- W, - ,
:! � is
I Ralsina, Currants, Prancs, ngs, Canned Goods, Majority of the people come this w itch .better t presenC-Mr.�'E. &one and next Rev. L. . W. Diehl, inenralyent of amended by striking out the name of G. J. yet we merchants have to figm,e
� Sp1bes, etc. I ay to around two blocks, and were still lingering m .&�
% . transact private business. ; - - - family have b en afflicted with scarlet fever H61inesville, Summerhill and Middl t U, Stewart, as clerk, and inserting that of J. ahpad an i the new goods �
� I . at the gate when the town clock began to I
1-. I C. WILSON, Seaforth i *---, r- rallat .
I � .
.., - . . . which is very prevalent in . this ne" hbo, will officiate in Grace Church, and IR v. T. ,Cairns. G. J. Stewart was ordered to
.11 . Bank of Commerce Block. I QUEM * strike eleven., The young man was struck I r be bel'e in advance of yourneed,j,
-� hood. The children hwie recovereT an� E. Softly, pastor of Grace Churcl ill be paid six dollars in settlement of .
1 1362,- 1.� I nurr.-A friend in town showed by a sudden consciousness that it was time . � �, salary to . I
I . � I . 'us yesterday the queerest thin� in the line to go and said sweetly, "just one.", Mr. ,Stone 18 - � although still very. ,fulfil pastotal duties in .the parish of � e date, and each deputy -returning officer five Several cases and bales - h4ve beell
. . - ____ "Why provingi
�. - � - . I
" . I
, of eatables n 0 . . . opened, and, the godds show up
I I N we have seen for som -time. The no ! " said' the young' lady, thinking, Of poorly. -The annual tea -m etmi f the former. dollars for services in connection with the
;1 . I
- ; were Chinese nuts importeVinto BritisK course, he referred to the time " eleven-" Presbyterian c h, Tl�la;�eseroaf, was held. SPARKLES. - re election of reeve and councillors for 1894. splendidly. We were'ne'ver better �� t;
I - i . Monday las I .. w
� Stookestaking Sale, :, Columbia by the CKLese to be C Low' . i ent to Russe!A�fe last week, to an oyster The council accepted the Treasurer's bonds.
� i rie and Mrs. ' I - i oil -,j, and -
. cekbra�ion of their now j, I . 0_�__ sit er, which was held tinder the auspices The Clerk wa's ordered to have fifty 'Audi- I sati.-ified with our selecti 11.
�In outward A. Forbes were in Toro.!i't? last week, at- pp .
. I
. .. We are now'in the midst of our annual otock-tak- appearance they somewhat res�mble small tending the great .missionary conference Leadbury. of the Chosen 'Friends. -We are sorry to tors' reports printed. The petition of I we feet confident th;tt you Will I
I in�r. During its eontiatiance we will offer many big � � �
I ; ��
z pine cones, and have a -very thin andfragile ' held there. While in the'eity Mrs. Lowrie McMillan, M. P., hearthat Mr. Ferguson, an old and honor ' be lil'eased with tbein too. � .
I � � drives allover the st6re. - The balance, of all winter LECTU'R.E.- r. John: ., -- Joseph Foster and others, re division of The
I., .+
` goods will be sold at and, below cost peces. A splen- shell. The meat surrounds a -seed or stone, met the converted Jew, Rev. Hermann will be at'Lead ury Tuesday, 27th inst., to resident of our vWage, is very low at pr - pathmasters' beat on concessions 6 and 7, - lete so far are
. . lines alost COMP �
� did opportunity for . .that looks something like a coffee bean. We Warazawiak, of New York, known popular- give a lecture o the pl4tform of the Patrons ent.-Mr. John I�ivingston and Mr. T. �'. was granted and No. 'I beat was made from �
i I
I . I presume the nu,tff arp dried in some way be- ly as "The Little Messianic Propheti" for the . Delgaty were visiting friends in Blansh d lot 3 to lot 5 incl-haive, and beat No. 2 from Cottons
: , ' of Industry d taOff reform, in Jones' I
a , . . : 0 being d for � use, and the meat, in building of whose syna 0gue she has been hall,� at 7:30 P. in. The local committee last week. -Several loads of young Ise ot to ot 10 inclusiv'e. A number of ac- . Shirtings %.
'- rea
. � " In the following lines startling bargains Are at your ' appearance an7flav6r, is very much like an collecting funds. Mr. varszawimk is rapid- have madsb arra 3gementP with the proprietor from this vicinity besieged Mr. George Idil- counts were passed and ordered to he paid. I Uottona&8 _%, I
I PObAl : r Coate, Far Caps, Fur Capes, Collars, I
) Blankets, OvercostA, Jaekots, Prints, Under. evaporated plum. Itis said, that once a ly gaining fame as the foremost missionary of the Leadbur, - hotel for a supper, to which lar's Hall in Cromarty, last Thur§day nig . The council then adjourned to meet on Sat- - I
__ ,, ar, - I � . I Flannelettes I
. I � e shawls, Ladie*1 and Gents' Winter Gloves 'etc. , persori has cultivated a taste for these pe- tbs the Jews of the day, and in Toronto they imite 1 fr. McMillan and 'all his They spent the -evening dancing Highla d urday, February 24th, at I o'clock p. m. Prints
- I � refer you to our advertisement on page 6 of � culiar nuts, he grows exceedingly fond of crowds went to hear him. He expressed friends, irresp etive of politics, � flings and Scotch reels. -We are plea,sed o 0 1 . .
t s paper foir particulars. . for the I Linens
., 0 them. i himself as deeply modest sum of wenty-five cents. Mr. Win. ' Rivers able to be out aft r . - Embroideries
I .., � : WM. PICKARD I - I - � . . grateful to the people of - isee I � Zurich. .
I I . Seaforth for the donations th6y had sent, �4 ,,his severe illneis,-Mr. Angus McKaig, w o BANKRUPT STOCK.-HaVing purchased Laces
1� Seaforth. � CUP-Wmck.-Our curlers succeeded in a4toMis. Lowrie for her faithful efforts I Jronlaft7. ) has been working at the blacksmithing part of the bankrupt stock of Mr. D. Gottschalk, I Art Muslins . I
. - i � Mr. R. P. lNichol's left for home last wee . an: therefore prepared to give you big bargains in
� . beating Peterboro at .Toronto last- week. to help on a good cause. -Dr.- G. L. Mackay,, MONEY To Li IND on mortgage security, at ,
� .
. .
�, . I � Peterboro is considered one of the strongest of Formosa, China, the great Presbyterian Mr. Frank Hambly has- started as his su - Boots and Shoes, as I am desirous of cleat ing out � Curtains and Carpets.
16I, 0J, 6 and 6J per cent. Apply, to W. 0 Surm, Bar- ,
� teams in the association, and -it looked as if Missionary, will lecture in'the Presbyterian nster, Solicitor, Cc �, Hertsall.' is67.t cessor, . this stock at greatly reduced prices, The stobk is In
� � I excellent condition and has been bought al a great Whether your wants. be little or rau.ch _.
: . The 11rorn f$X: ositot. Seaforth would be pretty well -up. But the church on�Thunday evening, March lot. CLICKS.- � � 0 reduction on cost. .
. I- fut P I Th * i inity has been visited We have a] so secured the ser- in any of the above good..4, we can,
I vie
i - - . same afternoon they struck hard luck. Be- He will be accompanied by a native convert by a de Chiselhqrst. vices of Mr. Gottschalk and we would like to see his
i I . I changed from the keen ice of the Granite and will ) lu 'e partiesi and the most en- forwer customers glve us a call. We will endeavor I .
: Ing probably also have some of thusia2icgpar0t1! please you better than usual,
. � the ipants are gettm*g tired of WORLD'S FAip. ViEws. - A pailoran a to use you right. FR15D KIBLER. 1 1367 11
. I . DISTRICT -MATTERS. Rink- to the soft ice of Prospect Park, they idols used by the Chinese among, whom he its semi-weekly appearance. Still, there is given in the Chiselhurst Presbyterian chur h B,RIEFs. -The political meeting last Mon- Try 'Uri. I
- __ .
I i . avagery -
evening, while Mr. P. m. -Miss Stobie is this week visiti' that commends tself to the young people, the Wor d's Fair, by ' fr. Senior, phot - w
I ACMDmxT. -The other round. On Tuesday afternoon two rinks of day e n held by Mr. John McMiNlii,
. were easily beaten by Oshawa,in the secona, haslabored. The meeking will operkat 7:30 something abou this social form of s on Frida evening last, of the Buildings f The Silks, Dross Goods, Mantles and- -
. James Lee waa ddv' . Ing g -
Ti as ve t Wraps are on their way, and will
in I -NL w2lia �ended. The speaker spoke for .
J_ g into his -ard on I Stratford curlers came up to play a friendly friends in Milton. -Mr. Hirtzel is at present as was evinced y their being treated to graph4, of Exeter was well attended. Re . about two hours to a very attentive ajudi- behere we expect, shortly. - We
eigh ,_ vi M artin I y
Street, on a 16ad of hav, , match,� and try to get satisfaction for their preparing a class of boys for the choir of St. three of them I t week � Owiing to ser ce r. M , the worthy pastor, was all great'praise for his 'able 'Will take pleasure in advi�ing you
. =Ied with a, wood pile with su force -&s beating at home recently. They�were beaten a Thomas' church. They appear every Wed- beinj hel in T's church, -fullarton, on and gave a short, etlai-, ion of each b - discourse. ft'veseems to be the general , , .
. .by three shots, as the following score will nesday evening at the Lenten services, and s i h it as soon as they come to hand. '
'to knock Mr. Lee� off his balance, causm S a d' en as 1 w s 0 "I
w �r
e n t, the Young People't Tfw en n on the cE n s- opinion'that it is time our country should
I . him to fall- ofF the load. In the fall he hag %sfiow: . their worthy teacher deseryes praise for the Sr y v n i t the Rev. t ,the display was over Mr. Mar * Our Afiss Stobie, who is now in
, . . c ty id � neet. Peter Scot ei In endeavor to make a change, especially in the -
his shoulder blade broken, and is now oblig SEAFORTH- STRATFORD. rogressing.- win i t 0 thanked the audience for the excellent order � tariff. At the conclusion of the address Mr. the markets inaking pre
- . manner in which they are p n oduce the subject next Sunday
- miss En'a McCosh has evening. paradon
. ed to go aboutwith one arm in a slinj� - W. McDougall, W. A. Moore, , gone to Toronto to . . . and gave a short sketch of his visit to the S_
. - I f amuel Rannie moved a vote of thanks for an early show of Spring Kil-
Alex. Wilson, James Stamp, attend the millinery ogenings.-Mr. T. 0. l World's Fair, referring briefly to the many which
A. Young, J. Welsh, ]� . � �
� AT 111omr.-The Ladies' Aid Society of I Kemp was in Stratfor onday,, where, in ' . i op. . creditable exhibitions from Canada. was passed -with three cheers. -Mr. linery, wiU be home about the __
I E C. Coleman, skip -13. S. Laird, skip -18. � . Henry -
the EgInondville Pre b ian Church held � � company with severai'other representative CHirnsh FAcTo MIMXTIWG.-At the na- 10— � Plesch, who has been learning , the first week in March. -
harness business with Mr. H. Well for' the �
a very successf III At 8romrel, on Wednea J. Turner, R. T. Kilbert, . millers of Western Ontario, he inspected trons' meeting the 17th inst., a nu Blake. �� I
I . ; C�I`y A. Forbes Inter
evening, whi W. ldsvr�Lrd, past three years, left for New 4�vnburg last . .
ch netted them quite a nice J. S. Ro�rrts, W. Watobn the Plansiffer boltmi m chi , nes recently of milk routes re let for next season,and a MONXY TO LEND on mortgage security lat Saturday. The boys will miss Henry. -Mr. -
suin tol add to their funds. There was a John Weir, akip-17. .T. A. KoFsAen, skip -4. p in the Hodd MUga=n 3any's. mills la�ge incr�e is expected. The 5J, 6 and 61 per cent. Apply to W. C. SMITH, PI -
- . - ! - B r. Frank Bossenberry had a trip to New ffam-
I good turnout, quite a number going over � - , ol Goderich,. prices are ase rister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, He 1. 1367- _
I,- , , 7 tmtheallt city'. Mr. H. Smith he so, femasit"t year's, for those burg on horse business last week.-Rer.' D. Edward McFaul
I from Seaforth, and it is needless to say the Total, so. I : lisal
1 y 27. was also one of the inspectors. -Mr. C. S. getting the milk returned, viz.: For May, ..." ............. ..... 110—
i � - dergast,-�of San . _ ' � it I �,
enjoyed the good things in the refre hment ,, Two rinks go to St. M to -day (Fri- Pren I . Francisco, California, June, July and August, 5 cents; S,pptem- Port Albert. - I H. Braund has returned home from a via -
. line provided by the Egmondville ladies. da ) to I to big father, near, Phil* peburg.-Mr. Louis .
, . YS D match. Several of who haa been a visitor at the parental -home ber, 6i centa ; ctober, 7 cents. . SEAFORTH. .
I The programme consisted of selections b th , ap curlers, whoe at Toronto, were, , IK
� - -,-.- e e 0% a friendly in I Where PrrHY ITXMS.-A very successful lea Wurm ha,s moved into � se villa e,
- �.nckersmith durin . . — 00110000101i � ,
game with the . , g the last three months, milk is not retu ad one cent more is allow- meeting was held in Christ church on M n- ing i John Wesloh's house.- r. Z�hZur%e; -
�� .... the choir of the church, VOW solos, instrill'-, invited to participate 'in a w4efft back to California on Saturday. -Mr. ed for eve4 ten . 21
. I unds; . Patrons can have day evera%, 19th inst, An excellent ea Birill has, bought the dwelling for#ierly han, Colborne ; Roddick,
II inental music, reci4tions, reading&, etc. Governor-General, but were obliged to leave , of Stratford, formerly a master in the these or the r rage prices paid by cheese- was s . - of Woodstock and �
I � L erveCL in the basement from 5 7 owned by David Gottschalk.
� cc " te Institute here, was the guest of � � He intends to Gilbert, of Woodstock ; the last two gentle;. -
I Altogether it was a MoBtL enjoyable affair., before the game came ofE factories, and are to take their choice at the o'clock, after which the people repaired to mov� into it shortly. -Some -of our citlizens men taking dairying and poultry rauitug r,e- - .
. �
I _*_ ___ On Wednesday evening two L rinks , from Dr. mith over Sunday. -Miss Nellie' first of the seasor, so the terms should be the church, where an interesting pro a e attended the funeral of D. Beaver, near sj�ectively. All the addresses were ;I . th, .
. Wright, formerly of Seaforth, stopped over I
: CAXAi)rAx APPLzs iw THic OLD COUNTRY. Hensall were invited over to pl*y a friendly satisfactory, as tl Le Nr�ctors are to arre"ge wai carried out. Addresses were give by Dashwocd,` -, last Tuesday. -Mr. ,John h .
-A gentleman in 8,cotland, who has been game with some of the .Sesdo a day with friends here, while on her the cheese price ff ig'! order and elicited ranch interesting, dix- ,
11 . apples, rth club, and way � any of the patrons. are the pastor, (Rev. Mr. Jeanes), v. Deichert bo*ught himself a fast driver at a
I I I handling a good many Canadian were beaten by 20 shots. After the match from Gorrie to Woodstock. Miss Wright paid on- that plan� , Com. Kerrm, of Bayfield, and Rev. . reasonable price, lately. . � cussion. In the evening a most ,excellent "
� . writes that some he had received recently the curlers partook of a spread at Dick's has resided for some years with her sister, - . 0— . of Dungannon. R. Fairbai ) - musical aud literary entetta,inment, vas
11 were of very poor quality and ve hotel. I Mrs. Young, of Rochester, New York, and . I Two other clergymen w. -re __9 -given to a crowded house. A more soom- -
I I ry- poorly On. unavoidably absent. The
� . - Will choir of 3t. Bayfield. i lete report of the afternoon discussions WiR
t . : packed, being little better than windfalls. , � ---------- I*— I after visiting her parents in Woodstock, NEws WAVEL .-Miss Kate McKibben Geo�ge's 0hurch, Goderich; furnished -i he .
: He ow!ys it seems to him as if those who ptit FOR garticulars about eitcursions to Mani- return to that city. Her .old friends here LOST, in Bayfield, about July, 1893,, two ren next week. . I
. them up were trying to get all they could toba-a, Northwest. call on 0. A. Stewart, agent of were much pleased at meeting her a i is home on a viai .--Rqv. D. B. McRae, muic, Which was all that could be desir A Rings. Finder kindly return to bliss AtARTiN I , Bay- UEPAW-wcks. -The weather has been very
9"-- Cranbrook, assist d at the communion service The proceeds amounted to $76.75, w9l field, and receive reward.
I . in I a iLy A- load of yougn peogle from Clinton drove . 1367.2 cold. here during the past week with slight :
: -X 0 n. oz - d?wn to . an Mrs. James Jackson a eshyter plain . of the falls of snow, the sleighing being very 9004 -
- of " Free Faco, Farms and si 0 in the Pr n church last Friday.- goes to p4Ly off t1le church debt. -Rev. r. THE majority of people com
out of, them, without think g what damage Canadian Pacific Railway, Seiforth, it)d Nat
� such unfair dealing will eventually L WOr . directly opposite A. Cardno's storle.0 186711 x -Since the marria� e of Miss Hewi 'Turnbull, rector of St. George's Chur h, carcity of ea -4h, and for that reason they look aboui , .
I- - . pVcdnesdaj, and together with a _
. . visit on t, or anist I on -roads running north and south, but not,
. Canadian farmers and. dealers should take k GOOD Busmicss QaA 7 in St. Geofge's , oderich heni tv st:e where they can obtain the beat value for so on ro,
. I I xem. The under- , -very acceptable er- 6heir money. Nowhe mis running east and wes(L-2
note of this complaint, for it ' _i few town f ,hurc-h, some liffictifty is. preached a t
i .
- won t take ,signed offerb for sale his entire tooksf Dry Goods - riends spent a very sociable and being experiencei securing a successor.- re caix you do better than at � �
I - , , very much of this sort 6f thing to spoil the and Groceries which is all n:w an pleasant evening. -Miss Hebn" in mon here last Sunday forestoon.-Owin to H. F. Edwards'. f Messrs. James and P"obert Stewart were in
I fresh. The er, of Berlinj I 1867-1 . I
i- , reputation of Canadian apples in the Old whole stock ar'nounts to 08,W0, or more. This is a is at present the guest of Miss Birdie Rev. James Livil g8ton, of Kin.cardine, was the lack of ice on the lake no' fishing as Wingham. on Tuesday attending the funer- ..
� qd c ance for anyone wishing to into business, to have lectured here last Mon I day evenin been done' this winter. - BREEzy LocALs.-Alex. Ferguson has re- al of their relttive, tfie 6te Mr. John Buch- � '
- I I bein first-class stand, a good store an I a
on sense can s go us' e -doEe. Satisfactory reasons given for
i I ordinary comm Ciidk turned from his visit to the Bend and * ae-
� T Country markets. Any person gifted with Stephens, at the Queen's hotel. -On Wed- on the "Human I?"oice" but the storm causel —9 .
, � ee that honesty nesday afternoon, a young son of Mr.
T I Companied by Mr. Thomas Farreil.4Miss aRan- .
. " . wishing to sell. I- - Bluevale. K. Gibson, of Toronto, is the guest of' I Mrs. I M
: I is the best policy in such -a case as th' For further informas Joseph 0. Rose, of Egmondville, was han � postponement. - I'lie regular quarterly meet , He recently resided near Goderich,
: � � Is. . tion a;ply to . ; and was well known ' this sebtion.-Mia
;;;; ,F( . P Fariners just now can hardly afford to GroRes H. SmiTErsits, Seaforth-j, Ont. 1367.1 in 0 sleigh load of logs, when he e Ing was held at the Methodist church last , I , ; Amy Murdoch was ii Exeter the -first part ,-
- ; REMOVAL. . n & . . 1 Sunday. BFaEF BiTs.-While Mrs. John Dr. Stanbury. - J,
: t , . throw away an source of revenue, however � -Mr. H. Speare, who has oon�. ow the sleigh i . At the meeting Qf tile official board was M er
f - y e of Mr. Rot 1. of the week, visiting friends. -Miss Davis - .,
I I passing over one foot injuring a resolution of regret was passed over the ex- . leaving the hous' on_ OYSTER SUPPER. -In past seaso
I I du .� iert 5 na the
I ; � small. I oted a tailor shop in Geo ge Good'r block for near- it very seriously. -We notice the name of can, on ,Sunday evening, she had the mis or Foresters have been in the habit of hi i left this week for Toronto to attend the
I � t
� , -1 � ly four years, will i emove on or it pected earl or &vm -
. . I 8 . he y removal of Thos. Jackson and - I -
- . bout Monday, t Mr. Herbert L. Casson mentioned in Wed- tune to fall and hurt her knee, which the d o memb millinery openings. -Air. John Kernighan, ---..
� - '26th next, to the store lately occupied by Mr. M. an oyster supperi but only .
F I TuR KIND 0,F Hoc -s TEmy RAISE. IN EssEx. . I �
11 I � I rs
I - Jo-dan, one door eauth of the Expositor.office nesday's papers as one of the le wife from Walton. Tk ey have been faithful. tor says Will cause her to c_ e - ang Of �7 ' '
F I'll, 11 aders of the be lame all ier their wives participated. This y near Auburn was in the village this
F � I in I ear they week, visi
11 I -Mr. William Wallace of Comber Essex. where be will be pleased to see all of his old cus' workers in the ch irch here.
I - . socialists Boston, who are demanding of life. -Mr. Win. Jacklin, decided to make it a more extensi Iting acquaintances. -Miss Ron- -
:w i '. .. County, writes as follow' ' I tomers and as many new ones as may favor him wit " r . --*, . the livery In vu, Ve affakp
� ,� � past I have noticed several items crediting � ,s and issued invitations for an
I 8 : For some weeks nor a -ad Legislature of Musachus- � has put a telephone into Mr. McPhersc W thron was in Wingham. this week. -Miss Mae -
3 I a call. Parties bringing their own cloth will receive Constance. - oyster supper,
� I the same careful atteiltion as hereto setts, that they give werk to all unemployed saddlery shop, which win be a great n- enade, which was held in arthur, who has been here for a number of `
I �
� f - . Is .
: , riship. of Tucker- bnu- t from me will be out free of charge. Thank. men Mr. Casson, is a son of - Rev. Mr. ' HEAVY CATTLE.-Mr� John Clark of Con- venience to himself and to the village. - he - -on Tuesday evening last. �� :
differenf farmers in the tow fore. All cloth 0 concert and prom
I � sinith and Hibbert, with having Ing, . � .9 the town hall weeks visiting her brother, Mr. J. Macarthur, -
� marke6ed ) ou for past favors and hoping for a -continuance Casson, of Harriston, formerly pastor of the stance, weighed a pair ':of beef cattle Annual Tea -meeting of the Bluevale Pres - Two long and very attr - banker, and other relatives, retuined home
; . pre- . actively arranged I .
� . .- some heavy hogs, and thinking it might be of the same. I remain, Yours truly, H. SPEARN, Methodist chu�oh here. . pared for shipment in May, the other day terian Church took place Thursday nig t. to Ails& Craig this week. -Mr. John Pope,
� I . of some interest to these entlemen, to hear Seaforth. - 1307XI . tables were spread, and a bountiful supply I
: � . I
. .
. - y of Essex, I —6 - r e
: from the so-called corn count merchant tailor, has opened out,.a new stock - �
9 , � 0 which tipped t1le beani.at 4)150pounds Foresters' hall af e of oyst rs; and other refreshments were pro- �� �
McKillop. These were steers brought from Southern which everybody went to the church lo h ar vided.' After all bad been well served the of tweeds in his new shop adjoining Mr. W. ,
. . a few Mr. el tte . ere. Mr. James the programme, whic- h consisted of mus' b e concert Miss Curry, of Hay _- . -
� -
� . Y LoAD.-Mr. James Smith, of. Hinchley, of Hu , also has a steer that the Brussels Presbyterian choir and 'd- friends here. -Mi. -
shipped a car load of very fine horses to the Ilth concession of McKillop, drew a township, is 1-isit
i .: .0 the Middle road, delivered in Comber ' f d h C. Danes' grocery.-
, - I wish to state that Mr. Samuel Jackson � of LOCAL BRiEFs.'-4r. James Archibald A HEAV Manitoba, to b tables were remov A and the pro-
� ceeded with. The leading attraction was
� - - days ago nine en White, of Winnipeg, a few days a O.- load of logs a distance of 11 miles over some I I
11 � .
C � MIS. weighs 2,200 po"d6 This steer is not yet dresses by the Prof. G. L. Money, of Kirkton, in h . William Elder an'dilliss Jennie Murray, .
I I . dressed, 413 pounds. These were of the He1ir Currie, of Blenheim, who as been following reverend g .
i . y T le- Is COMIC -
I � Berkshire breed steep hills, which weighed on the scales in. four years old., c lop will please take men: Mr. Seller�y, of Wingham; Mr. bl' costume songs, and, as before, he created were in Clinton on Wednesday. attendin I
- the guest of Mrs. �
.... - and were fed'entirely on Robert Richardson, of notice. ' I - 9
. . Seaforth 13,000 pounds. Mr. Smith says roe, of Harriston; Mr. Cook, of Rip y, nixich merriment. Miss Lilly"Morgansaing the Sabbath School Convention held there. .
I ; corn. Now- I think that both the Tucker- this town for .some days, left- for home on he has dra even heavier loads t i NoTzs.-Mr. ohn , King, teacher, was and Mr. Pring of Bluevale. The Brus eIs eicellen . The string band gave several -Mr. H. A. WiLson, formerly a .7 .
; . smith and Hibbert farmers will have to get Saturday. -Mr. Samuel Hannah, of Gris- Wu his tly dr� i -
. win- home seeing his f ther, who is on tha� sick . choir sang well, and Rev. A. Y. fine sele here but usaw of Toronto, was.. . I I
I ter, and would like to hear from some of Har ley ctions. Miss Reta Stanbury recited in the vi ..
let their doings in the line of hog raising be beei � n in town for some dials, viol . I I . . . was a very genial and humorous hairm n. week. -The many frien&s rs �
up a little earlier in the morning before they wold, Manitoba, a former Huronite, has the crack drawing teams. list. -David Mils n has,quite recovered, and 0 in splendid style, and Miss Hilda Moore- this ' Of M . ar.
I ( I again oing .
I . I s t e rounds.—Mr. Frank . 10 �
4 -COUNCIL MEETING. -Council met in the sob McArthur and Mrs. R. Coad, will be � -
I ; n otkpr friend 88
knomn to the Essex'farmers. ter, Mrs. S. Dickson, a 8-. Mr. day T . house sang finely.. Mi' Porterfield, ac- pleased to learrithat W11 of these ladies
I e Royal hotel, Seaforth, on Mon ad a cl se call from fire afew days companist. Altogether the programme was I
I . . � as ad a much enjoyed. Seats were then removed ug from her recent serious ill-
Ham-nah is one of the bonanza farmers of the instead of Fulton's hotel, 19th inst., Blyth.
- - �`_ MATR-IMONTAL.-A quiet but Prairie Province. -We are sorry to lea the latter h ago. 11is h le i I got hold of some mitches . is recoveri
. � � ,
.t� - pleasant s were all land was pl i g BRiEFLETs. -A. large load of Blyth tes and a large number remain6d and took part � -
I I drove down to Clinton on Wednesda . .
. . been burned down. The member ith them in the hou ', ness.
- :v event took place at the residence of Mr. that Mr- Joseph Brownell has :been soonfinerdn present. . The Audit a received when the i o -curt A en- in the dance. We are pleased that this . ._1
. I
. ors' report wa ains caught fire. He in
John Hannah, in Tuckersmith - on Friday to his residence for several da happened to b I Ing to attend the Sunday Schos: . .1i -
t � vere at vs with a se- and finally a4d#ed by the council, showing i the house axi'd put out the tion. )I 60n, en- effort of the Foresters was such a success. � I
t, last. This was the n�a�riage of Mr. David tack of sciatica, but we hope soon to a baL fire before vere uch dant They enjoyed themselves thoroug ly. The proceeds were over $60, Wroxeter. ,
I. Sproat, of Ethel, formerly of Tuckersmith see him around again. -Dr. Smitli and Mr. ance on hand at January Ist, of $913.-' y age was done. -Mr. Charles Floody and family are � SUNDAY SCHOOL COXVENTtOX.-The thiri .
' 71 and $3 000 t 'invest in mortgages of - . *_ moving into town this week. We wele me meeting of the Howick Union Sunday School � . - ___4
I. , tp Miss Hannah sister of the worthy host. George Patterson are in Toronto this week Municipal' *Loa7n. fund. Accounts were —
The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. a passed and cheques given on Treasurer for ' nsall.. �
i � . , . them. -Mr. James Walker and fxmily,lex- He so . Convention was held in the Preshytexian ,
ttending the Grand Lodge of United ibbert. �'i
� -
- � -
I � I .Shaw of Egniondville, and was witnessed Workmen, as representatives from Seaforth $116,49. OBITUARY. I is our painful duty this c'Pt'p--g �he youngest daughter, Aninie, eft MONEY To LEND oii mortgage se church here on Tuesday last. All the sen- I
. i by . &-.g)oo(Uy number of the relatives of the lodge.-Messr& William Ballantyne and - The Clerk was authorized to have week to re the death of Mr. Jam4 .for Chicago this week. -Miss A. H ig curity, at sions were largely attended. Pleasing an
. elm
I . I the abstract published in both Seaforth cord elwi of 5J, 6 a d 8i per cvm Apply to W. 0. SMITII, d 11
. 5 1 papers. Auburn was visitin friends in to ristrr, Solicitor, Con4yancer, Hensall. Bar'�'\ instructive addresses were delivered by the -
contracting parties. The ceremony over William Chesney, assessorg for Seaforth and ftonnor, one f the oldest pioneers of this 9 on 1367.2 ,I
Tuckeramith, respectively, have cc at . I -
� the guests were entertained at a s Council; then adjourned to meet. township, who assed � peacefully away on Saturday. -Mr. Harry Hammond, who as The highest market price paid for 9 Revs. W. F. Brownl9e,of Gorrie; Thomas - .-
umptuous mmenced Crawford'4 hotel, Dubhn, on Monda , the rood)
. repast Prepared by Mrs. Hannah, and after the work of assessing their - municipalities. 19th of March. y Thursday, ebr a 16th, at the advanced hostler. at the Commercial Hotel for a n m- Clover and T.wothy .9ced at the fieneaii Flouring Davidson Wroxeter; J. Green, Gorrie; S. -
- - � e selling dinunds, B. D., Vordwich; A. B. Dob- �
� a few social hours the bridal party left ,by - of Rev. A. Mae- . in feeble Isewhere. COOK BROTURRS, Remall.
, -Mrs. Macdiarmid, wife Re had "been ber of years, has now taken a similar p w Mills. it will Pay farmers 0 8ee tie be -for C. -E ,
train for London and other parts. Mr. and diarmid, of Windsor, is the guest of Mrs: . health for some ears, but was only con- tion at the Queen's Hotel. -Mr. R. Jam s '_ 1 1863 son, Gorrie; A. C. §tewart., Belmore; E,
-e Graham, Chifton Cottar,Egm6nAvill on - I Alff sorry to inform my friends and pa- A. Shaw, and Wm. Smale M, D., WrOxe- -
Alis. Sproa.t are widely known and few &I i e. -Mr. Tuckersmith. fined to bed abo t three - days before his has returned 'from Lynden, and states bat' t'rons that. o , a cotiot of increase of )
niore highly esteemed, and their hosts of WOOD CUTTING.�ND QU business in the
J. B. Sproat has sold is house and lot on ,ILT.INC. BEirs.-On death. Mr. ' onnor was born ' his brother is now out of danger. -Ther is ter. It was decided that the next meetin
friends will unite -with us in the sine Jarvis street, to -Mrs. S. James for $". Thursday of last week, man - talwart C, i do) in -County some talk of revival in I mairt uallery �at Parkhill it wi]] be viecestary for me -9 1
. ere wish . I . y s are, Irelauf� In 1842, accompanied by eetings behig sta ted to leave fienoall. But I have decided to slay about be held at Belmore. IThe officers elected for .
� th%t their fature may be happy and pros- The sale was made through the agency of young men armed with saws and axes h4n,e and ily, he came to Canada and in the Methodist church in the nelagir 7utire. five weel,s lowiger, if b!�.ejnesA is good, it not, will the ensuing term are : President ,Rev. A. ..
leav,. sooiiet Gr nt reduction in prices. I
-hat they may be long spared A. Strong and Brother. Mrs. wended their way to the bush of William' too] 1p . a�bo e in Preston. Sub.giequent- friend E; in paipppri. phoi ographer.
Perous, and 1, . Messrs. H * his a, ( _Mr. James'Somers was visiting J. J. C. Stewart, Belmore; Vice -President, Rev. .
tG enjoy the pleasures. and'share the vicissi- James intends coming to town to live. Allen, where they spent the afternoon in ly he removed t Hibbert where he con Wingliam -on Sunday.--LThe Agricultiir 1367-1 E. A. Sh
,_� I . -Miss - - al aw, Wroxeter; Secreta-ry-Treasur-
ill reside at, Stanley, of Lucan, is at present visiting cutting wood. Many invited ladies of the ti-nuously resid d until his death. Society's supper, which was held on Wed- D. X. AfcDonp,ld,Be1morP_. I �
tude�; of life tsagether. They wi A tKRUPT STOCK. -Special Bar- er, Mr. -
, . . . On ar- gain sale fd Two Weeks c�)mnieneiiig Monday, -
I I I wi ome riving he encountered many hard_ nesday evening, was a grand success. A Februar% 26t . We have 'hwight a big bankru t ,_
Ethel. Mrs. Dr. CampbeH.-Miss Hattie Ir� in, of same neighborhood assembled at the It in Canad LocAy. Bit-EvITI-Es.4Mr.W. SI M-cKercher I
; I —0 Clinton, was visiting friends in to of Mr. Allen, where they engaged' arge crowd was in attendance. -Mr. D ug- 8tock of Boot and Shoes at a di secretary of the Ho I
I " for a . in quilt. ships in procu i g for ';himself a home, in 1 . -count, and a;re se - wl in-
. - I couple of days la�t week. -The Presb g and other fancy work. as McKellar is on the sick list t iT�g it chea r caeb. We inviteyou to call, I Ft - ick Mutual Fire 1 1 - T
AN OLD IA1,-DATAFJC GON,H.Fulton�s Ho- yterian I After all the which he was a, ly assisted by an affection- I his w as you 811ralatce Company, -
- � We hope Mr. McKellar will soon recove ust be attending a 111"ting of the Und�r_writer% 11
I . � previous sold at. otice.i regardless of prices, and ca,mot be I
� tel, about four miles north of Seaforth was choir were invited out' to Roxborough on wood Mr. A-116 had wanted cut had been ate partner, wh died twelve years i � ek. wul savu 26 t � 36 per cent., as these goods m -was in Toronto this -week
Miss L. Sparhug, of Winghairt; is at pre * .
- i , completely destroyed by fire on - Thursday. Wednesday evening, by Mr. and Mrs. John cut and placed in piles, the young men re- to his own deat . He leaves behind him a ent replaced. erms,cash. Sign of the Big Boot A. AssPciation.-The phonograph concert hold .
ni-ht of last week y had a the guest of her cousin, Miss E.'G. Yo W11815LOH. i under the 7
� 0 . The fire was caused by Scott, and it is needless to say the paired to his residencel where they partook family of thme ons, three daughters and ng � ". 1.367-2 auspices of the Epworth League , - '
- I I
. I V. most enjoyable time. -Mr. James of an excellent supper which -
defective chimney, and had gained such Lennon, was got up in several grandch ren,,'who have the sym- It is the intention of Miss Mary McQu He glssi:ONAIC�y SER140N. - The largest con and Christian Endeavor Societies, ou Th&s-
I headway before it was noticed, that nothing barrister, is in Toronto at present, acting as first class style by the ladies. The supper at of the co to start a- dressmaking - establishmen in gregation. that ever g thered Cal u - day evening of last week
. unity in their sadbereave- a in -Mel Pres ,was quite a site-
. . sessional clerk in the over, all spent a connection '*ith Miss - cess. Owin to the storm _ . .
could be done to save it. Most of the cGn- Legislature. -Mr. . most pleasant night . trip- ment. The rem ins were followed to Irish, Bentl6y's empor- �yterian church was that of Sabbath even . 9 y evenin the at. - �
- ' tents were also burned. . Archie Scott cut his Jeft hand badly on P g the light fantastic, to the joyous town cemet , by a large' conoourse of lum, in a shoA time. -Mr. Jacob King is at Ing lsost, when the spacious church,including tendance'was not as large as bad luen. ,ex -
pane 4 * (I I , the g4llery, aisles, pulpit, platform and lob- pected-, but all 'Who had the privilege of .
oving f Aessrs. Chesney's violins. It friends who ,
: � been owned and occupied fdr - several ye - ars Tuesday while rem' 6 broken I strain of the 1 J us paid their last tribute of present home from Manito'ba, I
This house has 1,
. of glass from the door of the music store. - e time 'was : ....
by Mr. F`ulton. There was an insurance of is needless to say a very enjoyabl respect. I . . ies was literally packed, whTle"over one 11 in this wonderful machine were well 1;
$900 ou it, but Mr. Fulton's loss will be con Miss Bennoch and Mrs. A. H.' Al t, and after � ----------- 411_�. . - - earm ' � ,*I
.� undred at !a, very conservative estimate please :-;� �,
- exander, the guests had done wishing � Call not back the dear departed, I I I with the evenLug's entertainment, I
I . of Stratford, were in town Tenand Mrs. All* ; . Exeter. . 71
siderably more than this. It will not I nday and en long life and happiness, Anchor'd safe where storms are o'er ; I were unable 0 gain admittance. The occa- Messrs. George and CharlielStuart, df Wing- 1i .
.rs ago,'before the the advisability arted to their homes. . I I On the b rder ]and we left him, . I gh Staulake is ill ith sion was the visit of Rev. Dr. McKay the I .
be rebitilt. Twenty yea 'leely and Tuesday, looking into on Mo they dep ITRms.-Mr. Arda
- kindergarten. They sacceeded . : to Im t
and when I I doe ond partnomore, inflammatory rheumatism at the resid nee honored mis6ionar of Formosa, fe-4 at the hands of the
railv�ays to the North were built, of starting a 8 I haM, spent Sunday with friends here.,Our
. in securing enough subscribers to warrant a � � I I Farooble-yo, this world. ofeliangeg, . - who was curlers suffered cle . .
� the produce for fifty miles back had to find beginning, and Miss Bennoch will open a . BrUcefteld. I I Far bey nd this %vorld of care of his sister, Mrs. Peter Bawden.- r. occupying pulpit that evening and who Harristou players last Thursday afternoon, .
I . I shall rid out missing loved ,one, . .
� an outlet at Seaforth, this was one - of the I we Joseph Clarke and wife, of Seaforth, a nt delivered e of old time fo on the Harris _�
kindergarten in the public school building WHILE than ing� our many kind friends in our- atber'O mansion fair. . 5r)cible elo- ton rink. Better luck next �
most popular and largely patronized hog- for . e r nage in . last Saturday and Sunday here visi Ing iient d i erestin addresses on the ) time, boys.-" Moses," the handsome 111
abGut April Ist.-Rev. Dr. McDonald has th ir georous pat ' the past, and solicit, . J, Wellin on, of oreign 9 work water � . . I
� : telries on the road. It was then kept by ing a continuance of th same in the future, we wish ., . COM. relativee.-Mosters William issio, - spaniel owned by Mr. J. -W. g9ande � -i
. Mr. Mat. Chambers. During the good roads �een improving in health all this week, and to intimate ths e will change our plac - A FINE Anim. .-Mr. Peter De Course ' and Vdgar, sons no ; the Doctor spoke for rson, wm I
- �
I * on, the last w e of business y� of Mr. J. ' T. We�t tt, consi e bl over two hours, holding t accidentally poisoned one day last week. ,He - �
Bday of this . .i
. _* in Winter it was no uncommon thing for 30 113 now almost well. Miss Allie McDonald month, moving into � . t * ship, recently pur- I Ing he was a I
, e pig dealer, of thi ' 0 ul apent lut Saturday,aild Sunday i i i undivided attention of all present as he very intelligent and popular anim 11
L - - -
� was called ho the premise8 ately ought from Mrs.' McIntosh. chased the very ne Berkshire boar 11 Uni their uncle, Mr. Win. Weatcott, . -
I me from the Presbyterian _R. G. slxpa on regre is expresse all il -
t* I
I . Unit 40 teams to be stabled there daring the -1 rue field. 1367-1 Bo , "from Mr. C arles Young, of Newton atty, school tea her lishing th ba' demise. -Mr. W. X. Ro inson !oft -on Mon-
- I
� Ladies' Col -lege, Toronto, on account of the , e y forth. Mr. James Del rof ea- recounted thejobstacles met with in estab- and much 4
: � n�ight, while their owners, who rarely all ON the Ist day of March we will remove e "er of the Cross, an b
I illness of her father, but waa abi " to return farm, Brookadale. of -Fairfield, occupie . d I - i��
11 I could get beds, felt themselves fortunate to to. e the balance of our stock, Union Boy is sired by T the pulpit of the glorious -triumphs of the G_ De the d morning for ; �1
. then unsold, to the store Imported Uniom t 81,61 _..
r , first, bred by S. A. James Street Methodist chj�rch on Sab 8 08 I of Jesus e of li,� fathe Orillia, to attena Ahe led- I �'i
Onto occupied the pulpit Dixon's Botel. During the remainder of this mouth, r or , y 4ble . �tcd heathen 0. Stuart, of r, Who is very- ill. -Mrs. W. ,�
ench near the bar -room stove, and, as wood Andrews, of � ad d, England; his dam is lands. Witigbam, is spending a few -
eta snooze on the soft side of a wooden school on Wednesday last. -Rev. Mr. now occupied by Mr. R.1 G. Simpson, next door to h Christ in thp e dark, beni
� f Cidulthard, of Tor morning last, and delivered a ver , 9
wai cheap and plentiful in those days, of th6 Presbyterian church, in this town, speciai prices will be I given : I - : I
-they - Thej few lines of also from import�e stock, thus showing -him sermon. -Rev. E. W. Hunt, the new reotor HYXENEAL I AveryPleasing event took
S a Crockery, Woollen goods and Shoes still left will be I days with her daughter, -Mrs. James Fox.- I
.� on abb th last, Rev. Dr. McDonald be- Tpthoer of the Trevitit Atemorial church, preac ed place at the *;esidence of Mr. John Hawk- Mr. John Bone and' family left for t I
, could keep themselves warm if not overly to be one of the b ot br4ad hogs in the isrov-
sca,3rificed to save removal. Produce taken as ince. We believe heir .
ing ill. This gentli,man was a C0118ge Usual. J 'MOINT08H. 1867-1 Mr. De Coursey also in
sat into town tends Vi . igan on i
Samuel ughter Miss Martha was ay mornin,5 . George Allen . - I
za � I ' NOTES. -Messrs. James Swan and Yorkshire breed. He'will then not on Hunt is a very eloquent speaker. -Rev. J. - . united !pent Sunday under the parental � -
get thi,3 far at nights so as to a mate of Dr. McDonald's, and is a very earn. a boar of the improved - Sault Ste. Marie, Michi J
comfortable in other �vays- They used to - his ,first sermon on Sabbath last, w ich shaw, of the 'Uage of Exeter, on which cc home ift - �
' was highly appreciated by all present. .
early, and cret their sleighs unloaded at the - -On Monday even- Pollick are in Toronto . ly be
� est and'fluent speaker. � r. eAsion his da Mond last. -Mr.
Ing a small audience was present at M . this, week- Mr.. in marriage to Mr. Frederick C. McDonnell, roof. -The
mills and sVorehouses bef6re able to accommoda e his man patrons but Holmes, of Parkhill and Rev. Ge rge hardware merchant, of this villa ice harvest is noyr in f
., ' . the rush of I the r S -wan is on business and Mr. PoHick, as a will have fofir, of t e purest Ud boar Jackson, of the Jam ' _ge. The ull owing, and a great
. dayset in. These -ood old (lays are now Hodgson's hypnotic entertaininent, but they delegate from the Temperance Society here. ,many are layinq in a .
1. .0 . . I eg Street Church, , win ceremony was p.erformed by the Rev. Mr. stock o
. 4 no more. seemed so well satisfied that on Tuesday ers are ex- the county. , s in exchange pul 0 I _ f that very . -
. : _____o_____ - cc Ing a p . I I . e 1'" Jenkins, of ..
. summer judging was witness, - Turnberry, spent a few days with friends
entertainx.nent on that occasion, ' Street Church on Monday night last. ----The tives and friends of the contracting art, _ �
evening there was quite -a crowd out. The t, retty warm successful tea meeting was held in the _M ain ed rjy atlarge number of the rela necessary artisn,le.-M,ro. B.
-Ourhotel keepers and butch * I pits on Sunday next. -Avery Hunt,,. f th T i i t Memorial Church, and
F,G?4()-X1)VILL-E NoTEs.-Miss Jean Stew- however, from the quanties of ice e packing Gr Uway. here the latter� part of last week. -Mr. .
-. a proved! an entire failure, the professor be- away. -Mr. John Ashton thoeuy ar . Marks Brothers' concerts were fa�rly *ell The bridesmaid was Miss Hattie H.W,J Gavin Davidson left for Seaforth on Satur- - �
e to get nterprising A CLEVER CAT. -Betty, a cat belong- attended this week. They are gi d while the I a aw, day motning last', where he has see � I - I
,rt, of (1-rey, has been visiting friends in the ing utterly unabl anyone under livery man, has sold out h' h'eg_
I village for ;orne days. She came here last hypnotic influelic is business io Mr. ing to Mrs. C. . ilson, sr., besides beino groomsman was Mr. Isaac C liniz. ured a
� ,e. a -
. . 4
. Mr. D, Sproat, who, on Friday last, of niaa� on with Mr. Samuel Barton, black- �
I . He announced that he Troyer for a good sum. -Mr.. Wm. Simpso ll in town for beauty, will jump � their evening's entertainments. They g( y .
'ng 0 ar ,
- week to attend the wedding of her uncle satisfaction here, everyone being ;leaselby The bride was made the recipient situati , -
) would give another entertainment on Friday who was injured in.the bush last week, �18' broom handle, sho her teeth and play to valuable and, useful pre . sents. The ha imith of that town. we wish him success, . , 11
. I Ing ociety of Willing Workers has been I
was evening, in order to establish his reputation able to be about again. -Miss Parkhill from here on' Monday next. -Mr. couple left the same evening on a wedTipy -A o'
; united in marriage to Miss Agnes Hannah, a and show that he is'not Emma Nevin ball. If the ball is hro,wn she will run and George W. Davis has started a marble f .nd trip to Detroit and other cities and we unite a with the Presby- I I
Wingham, ; catch*it and bring organized in oonnectio I -
I well known in this people were inclined to think.-Migs Me- BREviTIE i to, you in her mouth granite works in Ba*den�g old stand, M tin ) t�
most estimable- lad a -fraud, as many is visiting ffiends in '
. n e ig, [Ile S. -Mr. Jameg Turner is having and win catch it se with their many friends in wishing them ] kn
- I - xhborhood. The st wishes of this en- Michael and Miss Henderson were delegates his brick cottage time it is thrown and, 'street. Success,George! = church . here within the PastfiW , i
following are the officers of the � I
- tire community, by wbom both are held in -4paired.-Every available e - throw. Her favorite A GOOD JOKE. -One day last week twc soci : President, Mrs. John Knudsen; � I
held here on Tuesday las un Mrs. (Rev.) Thonlag David_ I .
-bath dwelling in the village is now occupied. We repast. is sweet cl ke; and cold potatoes. our mechanics, a mason and a carpenter, The meetings - t
from the Presbytexian Church Sab bring it for anoth long and continued ha�piness. e a. The
the highest esteem, is that a liberal -handed School, in this town, to the C of THE FARmBRs, INSTITUTE.
( ounty Sabbath wonder why some of our mdnied men do Who has a cat to be .t Betty? t, der the aus- er'
- P � ence may follow them through a long School Convention, held in Clinton, on Tues- not build a few houses for renting. . were informed that a farmer in McGillivi -ay pices of the South Huron Farmers' Insti- Vicclesident, I �
life with His choicest benediction. In this day and Wednesday. -Mr. � and GRzETiNGs.-Mr. Tolin Neil, of Cen . son; Secretary-, Mrs. Thomas Gibson, ir,; - �
-Mrs. Thoin&s Fair of , tralia, township was g to build a new houses! a� ! ' Treasurer, Afi -,
est at the Prc , )In tute, were successful in every respect. On 88 Jessie McTavish. The, , ;
I The next morning, bright and early, th�se b the intelligent and progressive farmers ,
hoine froin ,e go .
connection we may state, that the only Miss McTavish and Miss Crerar', of Shake- paid our village a fl ng visit last Wednes- a pile of brick V2 been seen on his faiim- I Tuesday afternoon, Hodginsy hall was filled MC tin on the first and third
- 0hidon, was a gu �sbyterian * speare, Perth County, are now visiting at day. -Mr. Ernest u tz returned are hela
� young gentlemen from this village favorecl Church manse last week. -Miss Sheppard,of the home of Mrs. Peter McTavish. -Our 0 Tuesdays of each month. I � �
- -It is our two contractors were seen �endin th�,r .
. ;
- saw mill vard is now well filled with lop. I sad duty to record other death in Mr. way southward in a, cutter. ' . I —0--� .
� with an invitation, were Master Frank Clinton, has been visiting friends in Sea Salt Lake City, Uta , last week. 1 1
Jackson and Master George Hills, and it is . .
� his week.-Mr� win. Every ons;is'takig advantage of the sleigh- H.en7 t and they all seemed to feel that they had � � it'.
' forth and McKillop t i I , hen 01the surrounding country for miles around,
e, t
ttey 0
- needless to say that thb Voys feel at least an Broadfoot, I- b .� y. His son David, twomilessouthof this place'the 8 ( 1
inch taller since. -We t6gret to note the - ing. -Mr. -George Simpson visited J,ondon on a c t �dther's famil ' eiX, -The Perth Co�nty Oran I,odge held,
eldest. son of Mr. J. H. Broad . - ** - - .
last. _Mr. 0 1 been well repaid for coming out; as the num- its an,aua,l Mee ing U ge
- . foot, who has been home on a visit since Saturday ou nine years d, died last Tuesday gotso bad they had to pra.- us ti 'i I Mitche on Wednex-
in eorge H-21 is now night from diphtheria This terrible 'disease questionz asked, the manifest des' �
. 9 ice for 1 sum "c ' vehicle. A kind friend lent them a s for Ire da; 7th inst., 4nd'elected the followin I
_ I
�ri I
'I I
B b Pro 1
' I
- I
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- I
V# � at
hi I
. mer's use. -The has spread' to Mr. L,. Luther's, Mr. J. information and the interesting and 0 'd M9
rore t
. ' t or
ow - BeRin Is and Mr. orge Bloomi6ld's.- the axle and springs broke. Then they were introdu how - th t clo e a ention had �
ich took place on journey to British Columbi;. -Miss Smith, Missionary letter leaflet of February con but in going through the huge piles of
and Mrs James Grant, wh urn busy harvest
- very sudden death of the'infant son of Mr. New Year's, ;left Iasi Friday on his ret e a eel , 1 ero I
Friflay morning last, a bright little fell a Young Scotch lady, who came 9 I �w I Practical discussions of the variou's subjects Wc" : Messrs. � A. I)unsmore P
out tains a short letter� from Miss Dongan, of Miss Hill, W. M. ; T. A,
. of about nine months. His loss will be a from the Old Sarah Shant eed �s ed a a tt_ D. ]1, G. Watson,.'Stra ord, -
. - Country last fall -in Indore, India, cousin of Ain. Simpson, 0 a and sister, Mary, re- compelled to borrow a buggy to proceed ,o -1 Monqy, ]�irkton, Recordin -
� sad bereavement for the afflicted parents. company with Miss Turnbull, of f turned home from Det oit last Satu rd al, - been Paid to each subject. The -'schair was See _ retary ; J. A� 1�o �r�n, T. 7 I-
. . ; L.
aa via ing rela P 1 Wilson returned home om from Exeter. On getting to their desti i- I Hogarth, of Stephen, and ' I St.i � ; I Z
Mr. G'rant came to this neighborhood about 'and who since then h McKillop . the Mange. Miss � Dongart has but lately Mr. A. M.' r the end of their journey, some twenty- mil 3s , occupied by the President � _binson,
been it - gone to the field, and is now engaged in Xr- 8- J- J. D. Lowrie
a. year ago, as manager of Ar. J. T. Dick- tiyes in Downie, Perth county, is at present learning the lingiiage,. before taking . Thorudale last riday. ' Mr.-Johrison, of ation they an exc�Hent chair:. Switzer, Ande " M&I`Y83, Treasurer ; ft. I
- I I , found the farmer in his bar, i- � man he makes. Ad .n,a. -a. .. . .. - "304, X Gray.
� up the MichiRan. a I -___ i. _ Chaplain; __
� ,
I I I o fripsnel nf M� izik _3 _73 . . - . dresses wam riali -A __
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. I - � 1 W%.04-01 0 . I P . I mm" axis a. ew weelm with ir in luc- workof aloreign mi"ionary.-Miss Me ritt's, conductedthe servi6ein the Metho- - the several'oompliments with him, and then I -1 ��
� �n t
. � � I - y lage.-In looking over bur 'township ac- Killop.-Divisim Court will be held, in ,the Beattie, of Wi%tminster, is visiting t e dist church last Sabbath. His address was '. asked him. if he intended to build the com.- P, -
. i I
I . - ,,�Iring these dull times every house keeper should counts for - 100, we 'noticed , With pleasure Young Men's Christian Association rooms, Village. -On Friday *B-tp :the senior and interesting and full of life. He gave his ing.summer. The fari, !r hesitated for a - RIDAY, -� � I
- � . d got the best poselble value for their money, ' that, the railway debentu have been paid on Saturds -
�� - � � rem _y nexii 24th inst.-Mr. W. junior football teams lof Mr. McLauchlin's own experience for a number of years, 11 moment, and exclaimed t- - - at he . was going I ,
� , I ' -
I cent saved is JaAt as stood ms so much diore ofl wfiat is.to prevent ' " . . 8 nd � to build a well. The f..-Iin' Is of the two FEBRUARY 23rd, 18 ;, -
as evcr� ., you can,mve 26 per cent. bv paying .for . � and now our town- Brine, of ,Peterboro, is here this week and Mr. 8 tt h As played a football which was a strong rebuke to �
� earned gambler ,g ft, ,
I .... ....
. -
:� ship fathers from j1pending a few hundred visiting his parents and other 'relatives.- I ' ' "' 'I a victory for both also to fault,finders.-A superi contractors can be bette, Imagined �
k � your goods when you buy them it Is just eq4al to dollars in the erection of a town'liall. It ;g Mr., G. Vr4ch-c_ Th result, W" 71" a I r
__ getting your goods for one fifth of the year, or two . . V. Willis and Mrs. W. Somerviffi., ' r. �, . .. .or high c than de- The frt-quent arrival of Spring �
w� aud a halt manth0rea. . �A lilin's teams, the scores being 3 concert by- Edison's newly improved o- scribed. They Te4ched home at a late hour, ?, Xner- -
. .
. -
- Will it pay you to do so? certainly not creditable to a wealthy munici" sm t oncert in Mitchell this evening, to I and I - O. -Mr. Muir has purchased go, tal s and -vowmg vengeance on the parties who played z
I , I think it wili,-and It will piy vae as I make no bad 'a a c h the instrument that sin chandise, is forcing Winter ,,oQg
-- debsta that good customers have to M ; have ito ex. pality like Tuckersi6ith, to be -without any unler�the auspices of,the Canadian Order of Mr. Win. ikenhea&4 dwelling in the vil-
! I � .
I . -_. pense keepint booluk s6nd can buy where I can bu3 lace 'in which to hold its public: meetings. Foresters. -We have the following on irre- lage, occupie by Mr. Robert Murdoch. �.r,a,ph ' and can be heard'over a large church, them such a measly practical joke. - �out of linal The neW things for.
I I , I I a . W
. to this beat advantage. ��Iv I be given at Boston Methodist Church 0
1 pring are appf-aring, and while
- I haves, large stock off resh e are not a bit selfish in the matter, but prombable authority,: A, young lady an&' - - �� 19 S ,
� , groceries and & emall, well- assortedstock of crockery . � e � - Friday evening, March 2nd. - .
, would suggest1hat our village possesses th gentleman had wended their way homeward . Stanley.
I d Issaaware, whioh I am selling cheaper than I . Lup:l ey. 9� it does seem almost out of pl"
� . � =1 possibly do If I did not sell.strictly for cash or maximum of advantages for such a building. from the rink last Monday evening. Their , , COUNCIL MEETIXG.-The members were -
. N - little daughter of Mr. C. Cann . all present, the Reeve in the chair. The
., We can afford a splendid site,, are within , to talk 11 Spring business "
,�� trade. Extravaluoin Flour, Hams, Bacon, Ltrd, convereationhad been so engrossm OTES. Staffa. while - .
. ' g that - has been seri ugly ill with la -grippe, but i ClIuxcli NoTEs.-On Sunday morn ng minutes of the previous meeting were with sno -
� . �: , Tubs, Pails. Wash Boards, Teaa,, Sugar, Syrup, easy reach of most of the townships, and the quite by accident they . had walked twice the. country is covered- W, - ,
:! � is
I Ralsina, Currants, Prancs, ngs, Canned Goods, Majority of the people come this w itch .better t presenC-Mr.�'E. &one and next Rev. L. . W. Diehl, inenralyent of amended by striking out the name of G. J. yet we merchants have to figm,e
� Sp1bes, etc. I ay to around two blocks, and were still lingering m .&�
% . transact private business. ; - - - family have b en afflicted with scarlet fever H61inesville, Summerhill and Middl t U, Stewart, as clerk, and inserting that of J. ahpad an i the new goods �
� I . at the gate when the town clock began to I
1-. I C. WILSON, Seaforth i *---, r- rallat .
I � .
.., - . . . which is very prevalent in . this ne" hbo, will officiate in Grace Church, and IR v. T. ,Cairns. G. J. Stewart was ordered to
.11 . Bank of Commerce Block. I QUEM * strike eleven., The young man was struck I r be bel'e in advance of yourneed,j,
-� hood. The children hwie recovereT an� E. Softly, pastor of Grace Churcl ill be paid six dollars in settlement of .
1 1362,- 1.� I nurr.-A friend in town showed by a sudden consciousness that it was time . � �, salary to . I
I . � I . 'us yesterday the queerest thin� in the line to go and said sweetly, "just one.", Mr. ,Stone 18 - � although still very. ,fulfil pastotal duties in .the parish of � e date, and each deputy -returning officer five Several cases and bales - h4ve beell
. . - ____ "Why provingi
�. - � - . I
" . I
, of eatables n 0 . . . opened, and, the godds show up
I I N we have seen for som -time. The no ! " said' the young' lady, thinking, Of poorly. -The annual tea -m etmi f the former. dollars for services in connection with the
;1 . I
- ; were Chinese nuts importeVinto BritisK course, he referred to the time " eleven-" Presbyterian c h, Tl�la;�eseroaf, was held. SPARKLES. - re election of reeve and councillors for 1894. splendidly. We were'ne'ver better �� t;
I - i . Monday las I .. w
� Stookestaking Sale, :, Columbia by the CKLese to be C Low' . i ent to Russe!A�fe last week, to an oyster The council accepted the Treasurer's bonds.
� i rie and Mrs. ' I - i oil -,j, and -
. cekbra�ion of their now j, I . 0_�__ sit er, which was held tinder the auspices The Clerk wa's ordered to have fifty 'Audi- I sati.-ified with our selecti 11.
�In outward A. Forbes were in Toro.!i't? last week, at- pp .
. I
. .. We are now'in the midst of our annual otock-tak- appearance they somewhat res�mble small tending the great .missionary conference Leadbury. of the Chosen 'Friends. -We are sorry to tors' reports printed. The petition of I we feet confident th;tt you Will I
I in�r. During its eontiatiance we will offer many big � � �
I ; ��
z pine cones, and have a -very thin andfragile ' held there. While in the'eity Mrs. Lowrie McMillan, M. P., hearthat Mr. Ferguson, an old and honor ' be lil'eased with tbein too. � .
I � � drives allover the st6re. - The balance, of all winter LECTU'R.E.- r. John: ., -- Joseph Foster and others, re division of The
I., .+
` goods will be sold at and, below cost peces. A splen- shell. The meat surrounds a -seed or stone, met the converted Jew, Rev. Hermann will be at'Lead ury Tuesday, 27th inst., to resident of our vWage, is very low at pr - pathmasters' beat on concessions 6 and 7, - lete so far are
. . lines alost COMP �
� did opportunity for . .that looks something like a coffee bean. We Warazawiak, of New York, known popular- give a lecture o the pl4tform of the Patrons ent.-Mr. John I�ivingston and Mr. T. �'. was granted and No. 'I beat was made from �
i I
I . I presume the nu,tff arp dried in some way be- ly as "The Little Messianic Propheti" for the . Delgaty were visiting friends in Blansh d lot 3 to lot 5 incl-haive, and beat No. 2 from Cottons
: , ' of Industry d taOff reform, in Jones' I
a , . . : 0 being d for � use, and the meat, in building of whose syna 0gue she has been hall,� at 7:30 P. in. The local committee last week. -Several loads of young Ise ot to ot 10 inclusiv'e. A number of ac- . Shirtings %.
'- rea
. � " In the following lines startling bargains Are at your ' appearance an7flav6r, is very much like an collecting funds. Mr. varszawimk is rapid- have madsb arra 3gementP with the proprietor from this vicinity besieged Mr. George Idil- counts were passed and ordered to he paid. I Uottona&8 _%, I
I PObAl : r Coate, Far Caps, Fur Capes, Collars, I
) Blankets, OvercostA, Jaekots, Prints, Under. evaporated plum. Itis said, that once a ly gaining fame as the foremost missionary of the Leadbur, - hotel for a supper, to which lar's Hall in Cromarty, last Thur§day nig . The council then adjourned to meet on Sat- - I
__ ,, ar, - I � . I Flannelettes I
. I � e shawls, Ladie*1 and Gents' Winter Gloves 'etc. , persori has cultivated a taste for these pe- tbs the Jews of the day, and in Toronto they imite 1 fr. McMillan and 'all his They spent the -evening dancing Highla d urday, February 24th, at I o'clock p. m. Prints
- I � refer you to our advertisement on page 6 of � culiar nuts, he grows exceedingly fond of crowds went to hear him. He expressed friends, irresp etive of politics, � flings and Scotch reels. -We are plea,sed o 0 1 . .
t s paper foir particulars. . for the I Linens
., 0 them. i himself as deeply modest sum of wenty-five cents. Mr. Win. ' Rivers able to be out aft r . - Embroideries
I .., � : WM. PICKARD I - I - � . . grateful to the people of - isee I � Zurich. .
I I . Seaforth for the donations th6y had sent, �4 ,,his severe illneis,-Mr. Angus McKaig, w o BANKRUPT STOCK.-HaVing purchased Laces
1� Seaforth. � CUP-Wmck.-Our curlers succeeded in a4toMis. Lowrie for her faithful efforts I Jronlaft7. ) has been working at the blacksmithing part of the bankrupt stock of Mr. D. Gottschalk, I Art Muslins . I
. - i � Mr. R. P. lNichol's left for home last wee . an: therefore prepared to give you big bargains in
� . beating Peterboro at .Toronto last- week. to help on a good cause. -Dr.- G. L. Mackay,, MONEY To Li IND on mortgage security, at ,
� .
. .
�, . I � Peterboro is considered one of the strongest of Formosa, China, the great Presbyterian Mr. Frank Hambly has- started as his su - Boots and Shoes, as I am desirous of cleat ing out � Curtains and Carpets.
16I, 0J, 6 and 6J per cent. Apply, to W. 0 Surm, Bar- ,
� teams in the association, and -it looked as if Missionary, will lecture in'the Presbyterian nster, Solicitor, Cc �, Hertsall.' is67.t cessor, . this stock at greatly reduced prices, The stobk is In
� � I excellent condition and has been bought al a great Whether your wants. be little or rau.ch _.
: . The 11rorn f$X: ositot. Seaforth would be pretty well -up. But the church on�Thunday evening, March lot. CLICKS.- � � 0 reduction on cost. .
. I- fut P I Th * i inity has been visited We have a] so secured the ser- in any of the above good..4, we can,
I vie
i - - . same afternoon they struck hard luck. Be- He will be accompanied by a native convert by a de Chiselhqrst. vices of Mr. Gottschalk and we would like to see his
i I . I changed from the keen ice of the Granite and will ) lu 'e partiesi and the most en- forwer customers glve us a call. We will endeavor I .
: Ing probably also have some of thusia2icgpar0t1! please you better than usual,
. � the ipants are gettm*g tired of WORLD'S FAip. ViEws. - A pailoran a to use you right. FR15D KIBLER. 1 1367 11
. I . DISTRICT -MATTERS. Rink- to the soft ice of Prospect Park, they idols used by the Chinese among, whom he its semi-weekly appearance. Still, there is given in the Chiselhurst Presbyterian chur h B,RIEFs. -The political meeting last Mon- Try 'Uri. I
- __ .
I i . avagery -
evening, while Mr. P. m. -Miss Stobie is this week visiti' that commends tself to the young people, the Wor d's Fair, by ' fr. Senior, phot - w
I ACMDmxT. -The other round. On Tuesday afternoon two rinks of day e n held by Mr. John McMiNlii,
. were easily beaten by Oshawa,in the secona, haslabored. The meeking will operkat 7:30 something abou this social form of s on Frida evening last, of the Buildings f The Silks, Dross Goods, Mantles and- -
. James Lee waa ddv' . Ing g -
Ti as ve t Wraps are on their way, and will
in I -NL w2lia �ended. The speaker spoke for .
J_ g into his -ard on I Stratford curlers came up to play a friendly friends in Milton. -Mr. Hirtzel is at present as was evinced y their being treated to graph4, of Exeter was well attended. Re . about two hours to a very attentive ajudi- behere we expect, shortly. - We
eigh ,_ vi M artin I y
Street, on a 16ad of hav, , match,� and try to get satisfaction for their preparing a class of boys for the choir of St. three of them I t week � Owiing to ser ce r. M , the worthy pastor, was all great'praise for his 'able 'Will take pleasure in advi�ing you
. =Ied with a, wood pile with su force -&s beating at home recently. They�were beaten a Thomas' church. They appear every Wed- beinj hel in T's church, -fullarton, on and gave a short, etlai-, ion of each b - discourse. ft'veseems to be the general , , .
. .by three shots, as the following score will nesday evening at the Lenten services, and s i h it as soon as they come to hand. '
'to knock Mr. Lee� off his balance, causm S a d' en as 1 w s 0 "I
w �r
e n t, the Young People't Tfw en n on the cE n s- opinion'that it is time our country should
I . him to fall- ofF the load. In the fall he hag %sfiow: . their worthy teacher deseryes praise for the Sr y v n i t the Rev. t ,the display was over Mr. Mar * Our Afiss Stobie, who is now in
, . . c ty id � neet. Peter Scot ei In endeavor to make a change, especially in the -
his shoulder blade broken, and is now oblig SEAFORTH- STRATFORD. rogressing.- win i t 0 thanked the audience for the excellent order � tariff. At the conclusion of the address Mr. the markets inaking pre
- . manner in which they are p n oduce the subject next Sunday
- miss En'a McCosh has evening. paradon
. ed to go aboutwith one arm in a slinj� - W. McDougall, W. A. Moore, , gone to Toronto to . . . and gave a short sketch of his visit to the S_
. - I f amuel Rannie moved a vote of thanks for an early show of Spring Kil-
Alex. Wilson, James Stamp, attend the millinery ogenings.-Mr. T. 0. l World's Fair, referring briefly to the many which
A. Young, J. Welsh, ]� . � �
� AT 111omr.-The Ladies' Aid Society of I Kemp was in Stratfor onday,, where, in ' . i op. . creditable exhibitions from Canada. was passed -with three cheers. -Mr. linery, wiU be home about the __
I E C. Coleman, skip -13. S. Laird, skip -18. � . Henry -
the EgInondville Pre b ian Church held � � company with severai'other representative CHirnsh FAcTo MIMXTIWG.-At the na- 10— � Plesch, who has been learning , the first week in March. -
harness business with Mr. H. Well for' the �
a very successf III At 8romrel, on Wednea J. Turner, R. T. Kilbert, . millers of Western Ontario, he inspected trons' meeting the 17th inst., a nu Blake. �� I
I . ; C�I`y A. Forbes Inter
evening, whi W. ldsvr�Lrd, past three years, left for New 4�vnburg last . .
ch netted them quite a nice J. S. Ro�rrts, W. Watobn the Plansiffer boltmi m chi , nes recently of milk routes re let for next season,and a MONXY TO LEND on mortgage security lat Saturday. The boys will miss Henry. -Mr. -
suin tol add to their funds. There was a John Weir, akip-17. .T. A. KoFsAen, skip -4. p in the Hodd MUga=n 3any's. mills la�ge incr�e is expected. The 5J, 6 and 61 per cent. Apply to W. C. SMITH, PI -
- . - ! - B r. Frank Bossenberry had a trip to New ffam-
I good turnout, quite a number going over � - , ol Goderich,. prices are ase rister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, He 1. 1367- _
I,- , , 7 tmtheallt city'. Mr. H. Smith he so, femasit"t year's, for those burg on horse business last week.-Rer.' D. Edward McFaul
I from Seaforth, and it is needless to say the Total, so. I : lisal
1 y 27. was also one of the inspectors. -Mr. C. S. getting the milk returned, viz.: For May, ..." ............. ..... 110—
i � - dergast,-�of San . _ ' � it I �,
enjoyed the good things in the refre hment ,, Two rinks go to St. M to -day (Fri- Pren I . Francisco, California, June, July and August, 5 cents; S,pptem- Port Albert. - I H. Braund has returned home from a via -
. line provided by the Egmondville ladies. da ) to I to big father, near, Phil* peburg.-Mr. Louis .
, . YS D match. Several of who haa been a visitor at the parental -home ber, 6i centa ; ctober, 7 cents. . SEAFORTH. .
I The programme consisted of selections b th , ap curlers, whoe at Toronto, were, , IK
� - -,-.- e e 0% a friendly in I Where PrrHY ITXMS.-A very successful lea Wurm ha,s moved into � se villa e,
- �.nckersmith durin . . — 00110000101i � ,
game with the . , g the last three months, milk is not retu ad one cent more is allow- meeting was held in Christ church on M n- ing i John Wesloh's house.- r. Z�hZur%e; -
�� .... the choir of the church, VOW solos, instrill'-, invited to participate 'in a w4efft back to California on Saturday. -Mr. ed for eve4 ten . 21
. I unds; . Patrons can have day evera%, 19th inst, An excellent ea Birill has, bought the dwelling for#ierly han, Colborne ; Roddick,
II inental music, reci4tions, reading&, etc. Governor-General, but were obliged to leave , of Stratford, formerly a master in the these or the r rage prices paid by cheese- was s . - of Woodstock and �
I � L erveCL in the basement from 5 7 owned by David Gottschalk.
� cc " te Institute here, was the guest of � � He intends to Gilbert, of Woodstock ; the last two gentle;. -
I Altogether it was a MoBtL enjoyable affair., before the game came ofE factories, and are to take their choice at the o'clock, after which the people repaired to mov� into it shortly. -Some -of our citlizens men taking dairying and poultry rauitug r,e- - .
. �
I _*_ ___ On Wednesday evening two L rinks , from Dr. mith over Sunday. -Miss Nellie' first of the seasor, so the terms should be the church, where an interesting pro a e attended the funeral of D. Beaver, near sj�ectively. All the addresses were ;I . th, .
. Wright, formerly of Seaforth, stopped over I
: CAXAi)rAx APPLzs iw THic OLD COUNTRY. Hensall were invited over to pl*y a friendly satisfactory, as tl Le Nr�ctors are to arre"ge wai carried out. Addresses were give by Dashwocd,` -, last Tuesday. -Mr. ,John h .
-A gentleman in 8,cotland, who has been game with some of the .Sesdo a day with friends here, while on her the cheese price ff ig'! order and elicited ranch interesting, dix- ,
11 . apples, rth club, and way � any of the patrons. are the pastor, (Rev. Mr. Jeanes), v. Deichert bo*ught himself a fast driver at a
I I I handling a good many Canadian were beaten by 20 shots. After the match from Gorrie to Woodstock. Miss Wright paid on- that plan� , Com. Kerrm, of Bayfield, and Rev. . reasonable price, lately. . � cussion. In the evening a most ,excellent "
� . writes that some he had received recently the curlers partook of a spread at Dick's has resided for some years with her sister, - . 0— . of Dungannon. R. Fairbai ) - musical aud literary entetta,inment, vas
11 were of very poor quality and ve hotel. I Mrs. Young, of Rochester, New York, and . I Two other clergymen w. -re __9 -given to a crowded house. A more soom- -
I I ry- poorly On. unavoidably absent. The
� . - Will choir of 3t. Bayfield. i lete report of the afternoon discussions WiR
t . : packed, being little better than windfalls. , � ---------- I*— I after visiting her parents in Woodstock, NEws WAVEL .-Miss Kate McKibben Geo�ge's 0hurch, Goderich; furnished -i he .
: He ow!ys it seems to him as if those who ptit FOR garticulars about eitcursions to Mani- return to that city. Her .old friends here LOST, in Bayfield, about July, 1893,, two ren next week. . I
. them up were trying to get all they could toba-a, Northwest. call on 0. A. Stewart, agent of were much pleased at meeting her a i is home on a viai .--Rqv. D. B. McRae, muic, Which was all that could be desir A Rings. Finder kindly return to bliss AtARTiN I , Bay- UEPAW-wcks. -The weather has been very
9"-- Cranbrook, assist d at the communion service The proceeds amounted to $76.75, w9l field, and receive reward.
I . in I a iLy A- load of yougn peogle from Clinton drove . 1367.2 cold. here during the past week with slight :
: -X 0 n. oz - d?wn to . an Mrs. James Jackson a eshyter plain . of the falls of snow, the sleighing being very 9004 -
- of " Free Faco, Farms and si 0 in the Pr n church last Friday.- goes to p4Ly off t1le church debt. -Rev. r. THE majority of people com
out of, them, without think g what damage Canadian Pacific Railway, Seiforth, it)d Nat
� such unfair dealing will eventually L WOr . directly opposite A. Cardno's storle.0 186711 x -Since the marria� e of Miss Hewi 'Turnbull, rector of St. George's Chur h, carcity of ea -4h, and for that reason they look aboui , .
I- - . pVcdnesdaj, and together with a _
. . visit on t, or anist I on -roads running north and south, but not,
. Canadian farmers and. dealers should take k GOOD Busmicss QaA 7 in St. Geofge's , oderich heni tv st:e where they can obtain the beat value for so on ro,
. I I xem. The under- , -very acceptable er- 6heir money. Nowhe mis running east and wes(L-2
note of this complaint, for it ' _i few town f ,hurc-h, some liffictifty is. preached a t
i .
- won t take ,signed offerb for sale his entire tooksf Dry Goods - riends spent a very sociable and being experiencei securing a successor.- re caix you do better than at � �
I - , , very much of this sort 6f thing to spoil the and Groceries which is all n:w an pleasant evening. -Miss Hebn" in mon here last Sunday forestoon.-Owin to H. F. Edwards'. f Messrs. James and P"obert Stewart were in
I fresh. The er, of Berlinj I 1867-1 . I
i- , reputation of Canadian apples in the Old whole stock ar'nounts to 08,W0, or more. This is a is at present the guest of Miss Birdie Rev. James Livil g8ton, of Kin.cardine, was the lack of ice on the lake no' fishing as Wingham. on Tuesday attending the funer- ..
� qd c ance for anyone wishing to into business, to have lectured here last Mon I day evenin been done' this winter. - BREEzy LocALs.-Alex. Ferguson has re- al of their relttive, tfie 6te Mr. John Buch- � '
- I I bein first-class stand, a good store an I a
on sense can s go us' e -doEe. Satisfactory reasons given for
i I ordinary comm Ciidk turned from his visit to the Bend and * ae-
� T Country markets. Any person gifted with Stephens, at the Queen's hotel. -On Wed- on the "Human I?"oice" but the storm causel —9 .
, � ee that honesty nesday afternoon, a young son of Mr.
T I Companied by Mr. Thomas Farreil.4Miss aRan- .
. " . wishing to sell. I- - Bluevale. K. Gibson, of Toronto, is the guest of' I Mrs. I M
: I is the best policy in such -a case as th' For further informas Joseph 0. Rose, of Egmondville, was han � postponement. - I'lie regular quarterly meet , He recently resided near Goderich,
: � � Is. . tion a;ply to . ; and was well known ' this sebtion.-Mia
;;;; ,F( . P Fariners just now can hardly afford to GroRes H. SmiTErsits, Seaforth-j, Ont. 1367.1 in 0 sleigh load of logs, when he e Ing was held at the Methodist church last , I , ; Amy Murdoch was ii Exeter the -first part ,-
- ; REMOVAL. . n & . . 1 Sunday. BFaEF BiTs.-While Mrs. John Dr. Stanbury. - J,
: t , . throw away an source of revenue, however � -Mr. H. Speare, who has oon�. ow the sleigh i . At the meeting Qf tile official board was M er
f - y e of Mr. Rot 1. of the week, visiting friends. -Miss Davis - .,
I I passing over one foot injuring a resolution of regret was passed over the ex- . leaving the hous' on_ OYSTER SUPPER. -In past seaso
I I du .� iert 5 na the
I ; � small. I oted a tailor shop in Geo ge Good'r block for near- it very seriously. -We notice the name of can, on ,Sunday evening, she had the mis or Foresters have been in the habit of hi i left this week for Toronto to attend the
I � t
� , -1 � ly four years, will i emove on or it pected earl or &vm -
. . I 8 . he y removal of Thos. Jackson and - I -
- . bout Monday, t Mr. Herbert L. Casson mentioned in Wed- tune to fall and hurt her knee, which the d o memb millinery openings. -Air. John Kernighan, ---..
� - '26th next, to the store lately occupied by Mr. M. an oyster supperi but only .
F I TuR KIND 0,F Hoc -s TEmy RAISE. IN EssEx. . I �
11 I � I rs
I - Jo-dan, one door eauth of the Expositor.office nesday's papers as one of the le wife from Walton. Tk ey have been faithful. tor says Will cause her to c_ e - ang Of �7 ' '
F I'll, 11 aders of the be lame all ier their wives participated. This y near Auburn was in the village this
F � I in I ear they week, visi
11 I -Mr. William Wallace of Comber Essex. where be will be pleased to see all of his old cus' workers in the ch irch here.
I - . socialists Boston, who are demanding of life. -Mr. Win. Jacklin, decided to make it a more extensi Iting acquaintances. -Miss Ron- -
:w i '. .. County, writes as follow' ' I tomers and as many new ones as may favor him wit " r . --*, . the livery In vu, Ve affakp
� ,� � past I have noticed several items crediting � ,s and issued invitations for an
I 8 : For some weeks nor a -ad Legislature of Musachus- � has put a telephone into Mr. McPhersc W thron was in Wingham. this week. -Miss Mae -
3 I a call. Parties bringing their own cloth will receive Constance. - oyster supper,
� I the same careful atteiltion as hereto setts, that they give werk to all unemployed saddlery shop, which win be a great n- enade, which was held in arthur, who has been here for a number of `
I �
� f - . Is .
: , riship. of Tucker- bnu- t from me will be out free of charge. Thank. men Mr. Casson, is a son of - Rev. Mr. ' HEAVY CATTLE.-Mr� John Clark of Con- venience to himself and to the village. - he - -on Tuesday evening last. �� :
differenf farmers in the tow fore. All cloth 0 concert and prom
I � sinith and Hibbert, with having Ing, . � .9 the town hall weeks visiting her brother, Mr. J. Macarthur, -
� marke6ed ) ou for past favors and hoping for a -continuance Casson, of Harriston, formerly pastor of the stance, weighed a pair ':of beef cattle Annual Tea -meeting of the Bluevale Pres - Two long and very attr - banker, and other relatives, retuined home
; . pre- . actively arranged I .
� . .- some heavy hogs, and thinking it might be of the same. I remain, Yours truly, H. SPEARN, Methodist chu�oh here. . pared for shipment in May, the other day terian Church took place Thursday nig t. to Ails& Craig this week. -Mr. John Pope,
� I . of some interest to these entlemen, to hear Seaforth. - 1307XI . tables were spread, and a bountiful supply I
: � . I
. .
. - y of Essex, I —6 - r e
: from the so-called corn count merchant tailor, has opened out,.a new stock - �
9 , � 0 which tipped t1le beani.at 4)150pounds Foresters' hall af e of oyst rs; and other refreshments were pro- �� �
McKillop. These were steers brought from Southern which everybody went to the church lo h ar vided.' After all bad been well served the of tweeds in his new shop adjoining Mr. W. ,
. . a few Mr. el tte . ere. Mr. James the programme, whic- h consisted of mus' b e concert Miss Curry, of Hay _- . -
� -
� . Y LoAD.-Mr. James Smith, of. Hinchley, of Hu , also has a steer that the Brussels Presbyterian choir and 'd- friends here. -Mi. -
shipped a car load of very fine horses to the Ilth concession of McKillop, drew a township, is 1-isit
i .: .0 the Middle road, delivered in Comber ' f d h C. Danes' grocery.-
, - I wish to state that Mr. Samuel Jackson � of LOCAL BRiEFs.'-4r. James Archibald A HEAV Manitoba, to b tables were remov A and the pro-
� ceeded with. The leading attraction was
� - - days ago nine en White, of Winnipeg, a few days a O.- load of logs a distance of 11 miles over some I I
11 � .
C � MIS. weighs 2,200 po"d6 This steer is not yet dresses by the Prof. G. L. Money, of Kirkton, in h . William Elder an'dilliss Jennie Murray, .
I I . dressed, 413 pounds. These were of the He1ir Currie, of Blenheim, who as been following reverend g .
i . y T le- Is COMIC -
I � Berkshire breed steep hills, which weighed on the scales in. four years old., c lop will please take men: Mr. Seller�y, of Wingham; Mr. bl' costume songs, and, as before, he created were in Clinton on Wednesday. attendin I
- the guest of Mrs. �
.... - and were fed'entirely on Robert Richardson, of notice. ' I - 9
. . Seaforth 13,000 pounds. Mr. Smith says roe, of Harriston; Mr. Cook, of Rip y, nixich merriment. Miss Lilly"Morgansaing the Sabbath School Convention held there. .
I ; corn. Now- I think that both the Tucker- this town for .some days, left- for home on he has dra even heavier loads t i NoTzs.-Mr. ohn , King, teacher, was and Mr. Pring of Bluevale. The Brus eIs eicellen . The string band gave several -Mr. H. A. WiLson, formerly a .7 .
; . smith and Hibbert farmers will have to get Saturday. -Mr. Samuel Hannah, of Gris- Wu his tly dr� i -
. win- home seeing his f ther, who is on tha� sick . choir sang well, and Rev. A. Y. fine sele here but usaw of Toronto, was.. . I I
I ter, and would like to hear from some of Har ley ctions. Miss Reta Stanbury recited in the vi ..
let their doings in the line of hog raising be beei � n in town for some dials, viol . I I . . . was a very genial and humorous hairm n. week. -The many frien&s rs �
up a little earlier in the morning before they wold, Manitoba, a former Huronite, has the crack drawing teams. list. -David Mils n has,quite recovered, and 0 in splendid style, and Miss Hilda Moore- this ' Of M . ar.
I ( I again oing .
I . I s t e rounds.—Mr. Frank . 10 �
4 -COUNCIL MEETING. -Council met in the sob McArthur and Mrs. R. Coad, will be � -
I ; n otkpr friend 88
knomn to the Essex'farmers. ter, Mrs. S. Dickson, a 8-. Mr. day T . house sang finely.. Mi' Porterfield, ac- pleased to learrithat W11 of these ladies
I e Royal hotel, Seaforth, on Mon ad a cl se call from fire afew days companist. Altogether the programme was I
I . . � as ad a much enjoyed. Seats were then removed ug from her recent serious ill-
Ham-nah is one of the bonanza farmers of the instead of Fulton's hotel, 19th inst., Blyth.
- - �`_ MATR-IMONTAL.-A quiet but Prairie Province. -We are sorry to lea the latter h ago. 11is h le i I got hold of some mitches . is recoveri
. � � ,
.t� - pleasant s were all land was pl i g BRiEFLETs. -A. large load of Blyth tes and a large number remain6d and took part � -
I I drove down to Clinton on Wednesda . .
. . been burned down. The member ith them in the hou ', ness.
- :v event took place at the residence of Mr. that Mr- Joseph Brownell has :been soonfinerdn present. . The Audit a received when the i o -curt A en- in the dance. We are pleased that this . ._1
. I
. ors' report wa ains caught fire. He in
John Hannah, in Tuckersmith - on Friday to his residence for several da happened to b I Ing to attend the Sunday Schos: . .1i -
t � vere at vs with a se- and finally a4d#ed by the council, showing i the house axi'd put out the tion. )I 60n, en- effort of the Foresters was such a success. � I
t, last. This was the n�a�riage of Mr. David tack of sciatica, but we hope soon to a baL fire before vere uch dant They enjoyed themselves thoroug ly. The proceeds were over $60, Wroxeter. ,
I. Sproat, of Ethel, formerly of Tuckersmith see him around again. -Dr. Smitli and Mr. ance on hand at January Ist, of $913.-' y age was done. -Mr. Charles Floody and family are � SUNDAY SCHOOL COXVENTtOX.-The thiri .
' 71 and $3 000 t 'invest in mortgages of - . *_ moving into town this week. We wele me meeting of the Howick Union Sunday School � . - ___4
I. , tp Miss Hannah sister of the worthy host. George Patterson are in Toronto this week Municipal' *Loa7n. fund. Accounts were —
The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. a passed and cheques given on Treasurer for ' nsall.. �
i � . , . them. -Mr. James Walker and fxmily,lex- He so . Convention was held in the Preshytexian ,
ttending the Grand Lodge of United ibbert. �'i
� -
- � -
I � I .Shaw of Egniondville, and was witnessed Workmen, as representatives from Seaforth $116,49. OBITUARY. I is our painful duty this c'Pt'p--g �he youngest daughter, Aninie, eft MONEY To LEND oii mortgage se church here on Tuesday last. All the sen- I
. i by . &-.g)oo(Uy number of the relatives of the lodge.-Messr& William Ballantyne and - The Clerk was authorized to have week to re the death of Mr. Jam4 .for Chicago this week. -Miss A. H ig curity, at sions were largely attended. Pleasing an
. elm
I . I the abstract published in both Seaforth cord elwi of 5J, 6 a d 8i per cvm Apply to W. 0. SMITII, d 11
. 5 1 papers. Auburn was visitin friends in to ristrr, Solicitor, Con4yancer, Hensall. Bar'�'\ instructive addresses were delivered by the -
contracting parties. The ceremony over William Chesney, assessorg for Seaforth and ftonnor, one f the oldest pioneers of this 9 on 1367.2 ,I
Tuckeramith, respectively, have cc at . I -
� the guests were entertained at a s Council; then adjourned to meet. township, who assed � peacefully away on Saturday. -Mr. Harry Hammond, who as The highest market price paid for 9 Revs. W. F. Brownl9e,of Gorrie; Thomas - .-
umptuous mmenced Crawford'4 hotel, Dubhn, on Monda , the rood)
. repast Prepared by Mrs. Hannah, and after the work of assessing their - municipalities. 19th of March. y Thursday, ebr a 16th, at the advanced hostler. at the Commercial Hotel for a n m- Clover and T.wothy .9ced at the fieneaii Flouring Davidson Wroxeter; J. Green, Gorrie; S. -
- - � e selling dinunds, B. D., Vordwich; A. B. Dob- �
� a few social hours the bridal party left ,by - of Rev. A. Mae- . in feeble Isewhere. COOK BROTURRS, Remall.
, -Mrs. Macdiarmid, wife Re had "been ber of years, has now taken a similar p w Mills. it will Pay farmers 0 8ee tie be -for C. -E ,
train for London and other parts. Mr. and diarmid, of Windsor, is the guest of Mrs: . health for some ears, but was only con- tion at the Queen's Hotel. -Mr. R. Jam s '_ 1 1863 son, Gorrie; A. C. §tewart., Belmore; E,
-e Graham, Chifton Cottar,Egm6nAvill on - I Alff sorry to inform my friends and pa- A. Shaw, and Wm. Smale M, D., WrOxe- -
Alis. Sproa.t are widely known and few &I i e. -Mr. Tuckersmith. fined to bed abo t three - days before his has returned 'from Lynden, and states bat' t'rons that. o , a cotiot of increase of )
niore highly esteemed, and their hosts of WOOD CUTTING.�ND QU business in the
J. B. Sproat has sold is house and lot on ,ILT.INC. BEirs.-On death. Mr. ' onnor was born ' his brother is now out of danger. -Ther is ter. It was decided that the next meetin
friends will unite -with us in the sine Jarvis street, to -Mrs. S. James for $". Thursday of last week, man - talwart C, i do) in -County some talk of revival in I mairt uallery �at Parkhill it wi]] be viecestary for me -9 1
. ere wish . I . y s are, Irelauf� In 1842, accompanied by eetings behig sta ted to leave fienoall. But I have decided to slay about be held at Belmore. IThe officers elected for .
� th%t their fature may be happy and pros- The sale was made through the agency of young men armed with saws and axes h4n,e and ily, he came to Canada and in the Methodist church in the nelagir 7utire. five weel,s lowiger, if b!�.ejnesA is good, it not, will the ensuing term are : President ,Rev. A. ..
leav,. sooiiet Gr nt reduction in prices. I
-hat they may be long spared A. Strong and Brother. Mrs. wended their way to the bush of William' too] 1p . a�bo e in Preston. Sub.giequent- friend E; in paipppri. phoi ographer.
Perous, and 1, . Messrs. H * his a, ( _Mr. James'Somers was visiting J. J. C. Stewart, Belmore; Vice -President, Rev. .
tG enjoy the pleasures. and'share the vicissi- James intends coming to town to live. Allen, where they spent the afternoon in ly he removed t Hibbert where he con Wingliam -on Sunday.--LThe Agricultiir 1367-1 E. A. Sh
,_� I . -Miss - - al aw, Wroxeter; Secreta-ry-Treasur-
ill reside at, Stanley, of Lucan, is at present visiting cutting wood. Many invited ladies of the ti-nuously resid d until his death. Society's supper, which was held on Wed- D. X. AfcDonp,ld,Be1morP_. I �
tude�; of life tsagether. They wi A tKRUPT STOCK. -Special Bar- er, Mr. -
, . . . On ar- gain sale fd Two Weeks c�)mnieneiiig Monday, -
I I I wi ome riving he encountered many hard_ nesday evening, was a grand success. A Februar% 26t . We have 'hwight a big bankru t ,_
Ethel. Mrs. Dr. CampbeH.-Miss Hattie Ir� in, of same neighborhood assembled at the It in Canad LocAy. Bit-EvITI-Es.4Mr.W. SI M-cKercher I
; I —0 Clinton, was visiting friends in to of Mr. Allen, where they engaged' arge crowd was in attendance. -Mr. D ug- 8tock of Boot and Shoes at a di secretary of the Ho I
I " for a . in quilt. ships in procu i g for ';himself a home, in 1 . -count, and a;re se - wl in-
. - I couple of days la�t week. -The Presb g and other fancy work. as McKellar is on the sick list t iT�g it chea r caeb. We inviteyou to call, I Ft - ick Mutual Fire 1 1 - T
AN OLD IA1,-DATAFJC GON,H.Fulton�s Ho- yterian I After all the which he was a, ly assisted by an affection- I his w as you 811ralatce Company, -
- � We hope Mr. McKellar will soon recove ust be attending a 111"ting of the Und�r_writer% 11
I . � previous sold at. otice.i regardless of prices, and ca,mot be I
� tel, about four miles north of Seaforth was choir were invited out' to Roxborough on wood Mr. A-116 had wanted cut had been ate partner, wh died twelve years i � ek. wul savu 26 t � 36 per cent., as these goods m -was in Toronto this -week
Miss L. Sparhug, of Winghairt; is at pre * .
- i , completely destroyed by fire on - Thursday. Wednesday evening, by Mr. and Mrs. John cut and placed in piles, the young men re- to his own deat . He leaves behind him a ent replaced. erms,cash. Sign of the Big Boot A. AssPciation.-The phonograph concert hold .
ni-ht of last week y had a the guest of her cousin, Miss E.'G. Yo W11815LOH. i under the 7
� 0 . The fire was caused by Scott, and it is needless to say the paired to his residencel where they partook family of thme ons, three daughters and ng � ". 1.367-2 auspices of the Epworth League , - '
- I I
. I V. most enjoyable time. -Mr. James of an excellent supper which -
defective chimney, and had gained such Lennon, was got up in several grandch ren,,'who have the sym- It is the intention of Miss Mary McQu He glssi:ONAIC�y SER140N. - The largest con and Christian Endeavor Societies, ou Th&s-
I headway before it was noticed, that nothing barrister, is in Toronto at present, acting as first class style by the ladies. The supper at of the co to start a- dressmaking - establishmen in gregation. that ever g thered Cal u - day evening of last week
. unity in their sadbereave- a in -Mel Pres ,was quite a site-
. . sessional clerk in the over, all spent a connection '*ith Miss - cess. Owin to the storm _ . .
could be done to save it. Most of the cGn- Legislature. -Mr. . most pleasant night . trip- ment. The rem ins were followed to Irish, Bentl6y's empor- �yterian church was that of Sabbath even . 9 y evenin the at. - �
- ' tents were also burned. . Archie Scott cut his Jeft hand badly on P g the light fantastic, to the joyous town cemet , by a large' conoourse of lum, in a shoA time. -Mr. Jacob King is at Ing lsost, when the spacious church,including tendance'was not as large as bad luen. ,ex -
pane 4 * (I I , the g4llery, aisles, pulpit, platform and lob- pected-, but all 'Who had the privilege of .
oving f Aessrs. Chesney's violins. It friends who ,
: � been owned and occupied fdr - several ye - ars Tuesday while rem' 6 broken I strain of the 1 J us paid their last tribute of present home from Manito'ba, I
This house has 1,
. of glass from the door of the music store. - e time 'was : ....
by Mr. F`ulton. There was an insurance of is needless to say a very enjoyabl respect. I . . ies was literally packed, whTle"over one 11 in this wonderful machine were well 1;
$900 ou it, but Mr. Fulton's loss will be con Miss Bennoch and Mrs. A. H.' Al t, and after � ----------- 411_�. . - - earm ' � ,*I
.� undred at !a, very conservative estimate please :-;� �,
- exander, the guests had done wishing � Call not back the dear departed, I I I with the evenLug's entertainment, I
I . of Stratford, were in town Tenand Mrs. All* ; . Exeter. . 71
siderably more than this. It will not I nday and en long life and happiness, Anchor'd safe where storms are o'er ; I were unable 0 gain admittance. The occa- Messrs. George and CharlielStuart, df Wing- 1i .
.rs ago,'before the the advisability arted to their homes. . I I On the b rder ]and we left him, . I gh Staulake is ill ith sion was the visit of Rev. Dr. McKay the I .
be rebitilt. Twenty yea 'leely and Tuesday, looking into on Mo they dep ITRms.-Mr. Arda
- kindergarten. They sacceeded . : to Im t
and when I I doe ond partnomore, inflammatory rheumatism at the resid nee honored mis6ionar of Formosa, fe-4 at the hands of the
railv�ays to the North were built, of starting a 8 I haM, spent Sunday with friends here.,Our
. in securing enough subscribers to warrant a � � I I Farooble-yo, this world. ofeliangeg, . - who was curlers suffered cle . .
� the produce for fifty miles back had to find beginning, and Miss Bennoch will open a . BrUcefteld. I I Far bey nd this %vorld of care of his sister, Mrs. Peter Bawden.- r. occupying pulpit that evening and who Harristou players last Thursday afternoon, .
I . I shall rid out missing loved ,one, . .
� an outlet at Seaforth, this was one - of the I we Joseph Clarke and wife, of Seaforth, a nt delivered e of old time fo on the Harris _�
kindergarten in the public school building WHILE than ing� our many kind friends in our- atber'O mansion fair. . 5r)cible elo- ton rink. Better luck next �
most popular and largely patronized hog- for . e r nage in . last Saturday and Sunday here visi Ing iient d i erestin addresses on the ) time, boys.-" Moses," the handsome 111
abGut April Ist.-Rev. Dr. McDonald has th ir georous pat ' the past, and solicit, . J, Wellin on, of oreign 9 work water � . . I
� : telries on the road. It was then kept by ing a continuance of th same in the future, we wish ., . COM. relativee.-Mosters William issio, - spaniel owned by Mr. J. -W. g9ande � -i
. Mr. Mat. Chambers. During the good roads �een improving in health all this week, and to intimate ths e will change our plac - A FINE Anim. .-Mr. Peter De Course ' and Vdgar, sons no ; the Doctor spoke for rson, wm I
- �
I * on, the last w e of business y� of Mr. J. ' T. We�t tt, consi e bl over two hours, holding t accidentally poisoned one day last week. ,He - �
Bday of this . .i
. _* in Winter it was no uncommon thing for 30 113 now almost well. Miss Allie McDonald month, moving into � . t * ship, recently pur- I Ing he was a I
, e pig dealer, of thi ' 0 ul apent lut Saturday,aild Sunday i i i undivided attention of all present as he very intelligent and popular anim 11
L - - -
� was called ho the premise8 ately ought from Mrs.' McIntosh. chased the very ne Berkshire boar 11 Uni their uncle, Mr. Win. Weatcott, . -
I me from the Presbyterian _R. G. slxpa on regre is expresse all il -
t* I
I . Unit 40 teams to be stabled there daring the -1 rue field. 1367-1 Bo , "from Mr. C arles Young, of Newton atty, school tea her lishing th ba' demise. -Mr. W. X. Ro inson !oft -on Mon-
- I
� Ladies' Col -lege, Toronto, on account of the , e y forth. Mr. James Del rof ea- recounted thejobstacles met with in estab- and much 4
: � n�ight, while their owners, who rarely all ON the Ist day of March we will remove e "er of the Cross, an b
I illness of her father, but waa abi " to return farm, Brookadale. of -Fairfield, occupie . d I - i��
11 I could get beds, felt themselves fortunate to to. e the balance of our stock, Union Boy is sired by T the pulpit of the glorious -triumphs of the G_ De the d morning for ; �1
. then unsold, to the store Imported Uniom t 81,61 _..
r , first, bred by S. A. James Street Methodist chj�rch on Sab 8 08 I of Jesus e of li,� fathe Orillia, to attena Ahe led- I �'i
Onto occupied the pulpit Dixon's Botel. During the remainder of this mouth, r or , y 4ble . �tcd heathen 0. Stuart, of r, Who is very- ill. -Mrs. W. ,�
ench near the bar -room stove, and, as wood Andrews, of � ad d, England; his dam is lands. Witigbam, is spending a few -
eta snooze on the soft side of a wooden school on Wednesday last. -Rev. Mr. now occupied by Mr. R.1 G. Simpson, next door to h Christ in thp e dark, beni
� f Cidulthard, of Tor morning last, and delivered a ver , 9
wai cheap and plentiful in those days, of th6 Presbyterian church, in this town, speciai prices will be I given : I - : I
-they - Thej few lines of also from import�e stock, thus showing -him sermon. -Rev. E. W. Hunt, the new reotor HYXENEAL I AveryPleasing event took
S a Crockery, Woollen goods and Shoes still left will be I days with her daughter, -Mrs. James Fox.- I
.� on abb th last, Rev. Dr. McDonald be- Tpthoer of the Trevitit Atemorial church, preac ed place at the *;esidence of Mr. John Hawk- Mr. John Bone and' family left for t I
, could keep themselves warm if not overly to be one of the b ot br4ad hogs in the isrov-
sca,3rificed to save removal. Produce taken as ince. We believe heir .
ing ill. This gentli,man was a C0118ge Usual. J 'MOINT08H. 1867-1 Mr. De Coursey also in
sat into town tends Vi . igan on i
Samuel ughter Miss Martha was ay mornin,5 . George Allen . - I
za � I ' NOTES. -Messrs. James Swan and Yorkshire breed. He'will then not on Hunt is a very eloquent speaker. -Rev. J. - . united !pent Sunday under the parental � -
get thi,3 far at nights so as to a mate of Dr. McDonald's, and is a very earn. a boar of the improved - Sault Ste. Marie, Michi J
comfortable in other �vays- They used to - his ,first sermon on Sabbath last, w ich shaw, of the 'Uage of Exeter, on which cc home ift - �
' was highly appreciated by all present. .
early, and cret their sleighs unloaded at the - -On Monday even- Pollick are in Toronto . ly be
� est and'fluent speaker. � r. eAsion his da Mond last. -Mr.
Ing a small audience was present at M . this, week- Mr.. in marriage to Mr. Frederick C. McDonnell, roof. -The
mills and sVorehouses bef6re able to accommoda e his man patrons but Holmes, of Parkhill and Rev. Ge rge hardware merchant, of this villa ice harvest is noyr in f
., ' . the rush of I the r S -wan is on business and Mr. PoHick, as a will have fofir, of t e purest Ud boar Jackson, of the Jam ' _ge. The ull owing, and a great
. dayset in. These -ood old (lays are now Hodgson's hypnotic entertaininent, but they delegate from the Temperance Society here. ,many are layinq in a .
1. .0 . . I eg Street Church, , win ceremony was p.erformed by the Rev. Mr. stock o
. 4 no more. seemed so well satisfied that on Tuesday ers are ex- the county. , s in exchange pul 0 I _ f that very . -
. : _____o_____ - cc Ing a p . I I . e 1'" Jenkins, of ..
. summer judging was witness, - Turnberry, spent a few days with friends
entertainx.nent on that occasion, ' Street Church on Monday night last. ----The tives and friends of the contracting art, _ �
evening there was quite -a crowd out. The t, retty warm successful tea meeting was held in the _M ain ed rjy atlarge number of the rela necessary artisn,le.-M,ro. B.
-Ourhotel keepers and butch * I pits on Sunday next. -Avery Hunt,,. f th T i i t Memorial Church, and
F,G?4()-X1)VILL-E NoTEs.-Miss Jean Stew- however, from the quanties of ice e packing Gr Uway. here the latter� part of last week. -Mr. .
-. a proved! an entire failure, the professor be- away. -Mr. John Ashton thoeuy ar . Marks Brothers' concerts were fa�rly *ell The bridesmaid was Miss Hattie H.W,J Gavin Davidson left for Seaforth on Satur- - �
e to get nterprising A CLEVER CAT. -Betty, a cat belong- attended this week. They are gi d while the I a aw, day motning last', where he has see � I - I
,rt, of (1-rey, has been visiting friends in the ing utterly unabl anyone under livery man, has sold out h' h'eg_
I village for ;orne days. She came here last hypnotic influelic is business io Mr. ing to Mrs. C. . ilson, sr., besides beino groomsman was Mr. Isaac C liniz. ured a
� ,e. a -
. . 4
. Mr. D, Sproat, who, on Friday last, of niaa� on with Mr. Samuel Barton, black- �
I . He announced that he Troyer for a good sum. -Mr.. Wm. Simpso ll in town for beauty, will jump � their evening's entertainments. They g( y .
'ng 0 ar ,
- week to attend the wedding of her uncle satisfaction here, everyone being ;leaselby The bride was made the recipient situati , -
) would give another entertainment on Friday who was injured in.the bush last week, �18' broom handle, sho her teeth and play to valuable and, useful pre . sents. The ha imith of that town. we wish him success, . , 11
. I Ing ociety of Willing Workers has been I
was evening, in order to establish his reputation able to be about again. -Miss Parkhill from here on' Monday next. -Mr. couple left the same evening on a wedTipy -A o'
; united in marriage to Miss Agnes Hannah, a and show that he is'not Emma Nevin ball. If the ball is hro,wn she will run and George W. Davis has started a marble f .nd trip to Detroit and other cities and we unite a with the Presby- I I
Wingham, ; catch*it and bring organized in oonnectio I -
I well known in this people were inclined to think.-Migs Me- BREviTIE i to, you in her mouth granite works in Ba*den�g old stand, M tin ) t�
most estimable- lad a -fraud, as many is visiting ffiends in '
. n e ig, [Ile S. -Mr. Jameg Turner is having and win catch it se with their many friends in wishing them ] kn
- I - xhborhood. The st wishes of this en- Michael and Miss Henderson were delegates his brick cottage time it is thrown and, 'street. Success,George! = church . here within the PastfiW , i
following are the officers of the � I
- tire community, by wbom both are held in -4paired.-Every available e - throw. Her favorite A GOOD JOKE. -One day last week twc soci : President, Mrs. John Knudsen; � I
held here on Tuesday las un Mrs. (Rev.) Thonlag David_ I .
-bath dwelling in the village is now occupied. We repast. is sweet cl ke; and cold potatoes. our mechanics, a mason and a carpenter, The meetings - t
from the Presbytexian Church Sab bring it for anoth long and continued ha�piness. e a. The
the highest esteem, is that a liberal -handed School, in this town, to the C of THE FARmBRs, INSTITUTE.
( ounty Sabbath wonder why some of our mdnied men do Who has a cat to be .t Betty? t, der the aus- er'
- P � ence may follow them through a long School Convention, held in Clinton, on Tues- not build a few houses for renting. . were informed that a farmer in McGillivi -ay pices of the South Huron Farmers' Insti- Vicclesident, I �
life with His choicest benediction. In this day and Wednesday. -Mr. � and GRzETiNGs.-Mr. Tolin Neil, of Cen . son; Secretary-, Mrs. Thomas Gibson, ir,; - �
-Mrs. Thoin&s Fair of , tralia, township was g to build a new houses! a� ! ' Treasurer, Afi -,
est at the Prc , )In tute, were successful in every respect. On 88 Jessie McTavish. The, , ;
I The next morning, bright and early, th�se b the intelligent and progressive farmers ,
hoine froin ,e go .
connection we may state, that the only Miss McTavish and Miss Crerar', of Shake- paid our village a fl ng visit last Wednes- a pile of brick V2 been seen on his faiim- I Tuesday afternoon, Hodginsy hall was filled MC tin on the first and third
- 0hidon, was a gu �sbyterian * speare, Perth County, are now visiting at day. -Mr. Ernest u tz returned are hela
� young gentlemen from this village favorecl Church manse last week. -Miss Sheppard,of the home of Mrs. Peter McTavish. -Our 0 Tuesdays of each month. I � �
- -It is our two contractors were seen �endin th�,r .
. ;
- saw mill vard is now well filled with lop. I sad duty to record other death in Mr. way southward in a, cutter. ' . I —0--� .
� with an invitation, were Master Frank Clinton, has been visiting friends in Sea Salt Lake City, Uta , last week. 1 1
Jackson and Master George Hills, and it is . .
� his week.-Mr� win. Every ons;is'takig advantage of the sleigh- H.en7 t and they all seemed to feel that they had � � it'.
' forth and McKillop t i I , hen 01the surrounding country for miles around,
e, t
ttey 0
- needless to say that thb Voys feel at least an Broadfoot, I- b .� y. His son David, twomilessouthof this place'the 8 ( 1
inch taller since. -We t6gret to note the - ing. -Mr. -George Simpson visited J,ondon on a c t �dther's famil ' eiX, -The Perth Co�nty Oran I,odge held,
eldest. son of Mr. J. H. Broad . - ** - - .
last. _Mr. 0 1 been well repaid for coming out; as the num- its an,aua,l Mee ing U ge
- . foot, who has been home on a visit since Saturday ou nine years d, died last Tuesday gotso bad they had to pra.- us ti 'i I Mitche on Wednex-
in eorge H-21 is now night from diphtheria This terrible 'disease questionz asked, the manifest des' �
. 9 ice for 1 sum "c ' vehicle. A kind friend lent them a s for Ire da; 7th inst., 4nd'elected the followin I
_ I
�ri I
'I I
B b Pro 1
' I
- I
c a
- I
V# � at
hi I
. mer's use. -The has spread' to Mr. L,. Luther's, Mr. J. information and the interesting and 0 'd M9
rore t
. ' t or
ow - BeRin Is and Mr. orge Bloomi6ld's.- the axle and springs broke. Then they were introdu how - th t clo e a ention had �
ich took place on journey to British Columbi;. -Miss Smith, Missionary letter leaflet of February con but in going through the huge piles of
and Mrs James Grant, wh urn busy harvest
- very sudden death of the'infant son of Mr. New Year's, ;left Iasi Friday on his ret e a eel , 1 ero I
Friflay morning last, a bright little fell a Young Scotch lady, who came 9 I �w I Practical discussions of the variou's subjects Wc" : Messrs. � A. I)unsmore P
out tains a short letter� from Miss Dongan, of Miss Hill, W. M. ; T. A,
. of about nine months. His loss will be a from the Old Sarah Shant eed �s ed a a tt_ D. ]1, G. Watson,.'Stra ord, -
. - Country last fall -in Indore, India, cousin of Ain. Simpson, 0 a and sister, Mary, re- compelled to borrow a buggy to proceed ,o -1 Monqy, ]�irkton, Recordin -
� sad bereavement for the afflicted parents. company with Miss Turnbull, of f turned home from Det oit last Satu rd al, - been Paid to each subject. The -'schair was See _ retary ; J. A� 1�o �r�n, T. 7 I-
. . ; L.
aa via ing rela P 1 Wilson returned home om from Exeter. On getting to their desti i- I Hogarth, of Stephen, and ' I St.i � ; I Z
Mr. G'rant came to this neighborhood about 'and who since then h McKillop . the Mange. Miss � Dongart has but lately Mr. A. M.' r the end of their journey, some twenty- mil 3s , occupied by the President � _binson,
been it - gone to the field, and is now engaged in Xr- 8- J- J. D. Lowrie
a. year ago, as manager of Ar. J. T. Dick- tiyes in Downie, Perth county, is at present learning the lingiiage,. before taking . Thorudale last riday. ' Mr.-Johrison, of ation they an exc�Hent chair:. Switzer, Ande " M&I`Y83, Treasurer ; ft. I
- I I , found the farmer in his bar, i- � man he makes. Ad .n,a. -a. .. . .. - "304, X Gray.
� up the MichiRan. a I -___ i. _ Chaplain; __
� ,
I I I o fripsnel nf M� izik _3 _73 . . - . dresses wam riali -A __
mouth., V
We �do. it'
ed stocks
this. seOl
been taki
that, besi
--durable. I
. wauts, a%
have evel
clais W-0
. fit gtL re
ences are
street.. :
be FIOU'ni
often onl,
For ea;,
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