The Huron Expositor, 1894-02-09, Page 7ttentenere UA 9 18940 „. VIEDGE Briagie aainfort and improvement and Inogn persored enjoyment when ld: fieIn rale& The many, who live 1:ret- than others and, enjoylife more, with - isse expenditure, by more promptly Adapting the world's best products to : the necdaof physical being, will attest io value to health of the pure liqr.id • lexative principles embraced in the • rem(dy,%37rup of Figs. excellenee ia clue to its presenting in the Pam most aeceptab'a and p1cai- •aat to the taste, the refreshing Bald truly beneficiat properties of a perfect bet- utivo ; elk:dually cleansing the system, dispellinti colds, headaches and fever& and pameanently curing constipation. It has Haim sedisfactioii to millions anr: met Tith the epproval of the medical srofcd sedbccruso it acte on the Kid- "-• ff • neys, Licr aidd Bowels without weal: - ening thom and it is perfectly free from very objectim.able substance. Syrup of Figs is for eale by all drum gists in 75c. bottles, but it is menu. factored by the California Fig Syrup Co. aely, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Fig; and beirg well informed, you will not tccept ally substitute if offered. agiumMUNIIMIlk School Reports. a standard of comparison we would give about $20 a ton for lenbn, if we believe in manure aa a primary consideration. To conclude, meantime it is indicated 1. That bran is more valuable than its aim whole grain, or flour for feeding put -- poses. 2, Ateording to chemical analysis, or nutritive ratio, bran is worth 321 per, ton. 3. According to actual feeding tests, it a worth $20 per ton, irrespective of the manurial value. 4. The new process bran is more valuable for• feeding cattle because, while it contains less of the starchy Matter, it has,in per cent. considerably •more valuable protein or albuminoids, so valuable in forming bone and muscle. • No. 10 MOKILLOr.-The 'undergoing is the standing of the pupils of School Section No. 10 McKillop, for the month ending Jan- ' utia•y 31st t First Class -M. McSpadden and John Carnpbell, T. Horn, John Howes. Second Class Junior, George Eaton, Ida Fulton and M. Horn, C. Dodds. Second Class Senior, P. Morrison, V. Murdie, Jas. Carter, Third Class Junior, B. Grieve, J., Riley; Nt, Dodds. Third Clasa Senior) Robert Grieve, A. Aitcheson N. Dodds. Fourth Claes, L. Blanchard, Vd. Govenlock, James Grieve. W. 6BROWN. Ontario Agricultural College. s ‘ . ; Grey Council Meeting. !The council elect for the township of iyrey met at the Township hall, Monday January 15th, pursuant to statute. Moved James Turnbull, seconded by Thomas nobs that William Spence be clerk at the me ;alert* as last year. -Carried. Moved y A. C. Dames seconded by James ,Turn- Ibull, that A. lammaxm, be assessor at the isame Warnas last year. -Carried Moved by Walter Oliver, seconded by Thomas Ennis, that Alex. Stewart be auditor for 1894. -Carried. TheaReeve then appointed janies Livingston the ther auditor. Moved by Walter Oliver, seconded by Thomas Ennis that Peter Sinclair, Joseph Arm- strong and Alex. McKay be members of the Board of Health for 1894. -Carried. By- laws Nos. 48, 49, 50, 51 and 52, were read three times and passed. Moved be, A. C. Dames, seconded by James Turnbull, that all accounts presented hereafter be read by • the Clerk before being passed. -Carried. Alex. Stewart applied for aid to the Logan family stating that they were in very desti- tute circumstances, moved by Walter Oliver, seconded by Thomas Ennis, that the sum of 312 be 'granted to be expended by Alex. Mc -Nein -Carried. A petition from the secretary of the Single Tax Association re local. option in taxation was read over by • the Clerk. Moved by A. C. Dames, second- ed by Thomas Ennis, that -the petition be signed by the Reeve and -.Clerk on behalf of this council and forwarded_ to Thomas Gib- son, M. P. P. -Carried. ---A letter was read from James Irwin re printing contract for 1894. W. E. Sanders applied ifor permis- sion to establish a slaughter house on kt 22, concession 10. Moved by Janies Turnbull, seconded by Walter Oliver, that the appli- cation be granted provided Mr. Sanders complies with the proyisions of the Public Health Act. -Carried. Moved by A. C. Dames, seconded by Thomas Ennis, that the sum of $36 be granted to James Lindsay as a settlement in full of all elaims for dam- age sustained to his horse by falling through Cranbrook bridge. -Carried. --After passing a number of accounts the councilthen ad- journed to meet again at -the Tewnship hall; on the 2nd day of March next, when path - masters, fenceviewers and pmmdkeepers will be appointed. I • Bran as Cattle Food. Mn. EtitTOM-I think one of the we k- nesses of agricultural things in these times is not knowing exactly what wheat bran is. Its comthonness everywhere for hundreds of years may be the cause of this. Many z4en, no doubt, can tell.of favorable expetienc in its use with calves, dairy cows, and possibly fattening tattle also, but its exact posit on, singly as a cattle food against grain of y • kind, as well as its manurial value, are etill largely maknown - hence the very important question ef its value in the market rem ins a doubtfid thing. The subject demands More light, es eci- ally in these days of increasing - wheat afrea, and lowering prices, for unquestionably,' as • we get about 200 pounds of bran per acre; e on an average, of winter and spring varieties -the crop may be worth so much were we • fully satisfied of its value, bath for more Hour an bran. Bran, ehemically, by the old and new process of milling, will average about :- '' OLD • NEW 4.27 5.25 Starch 66.12, -61.54 Woody Fibre 9.23 •8.46 Gluteoe"... ... . ... 14.79 17.64 Ash.... ...• 5.59 7.11 Both these analysis are free of water, which ig actually about 13 per cent. Com- pare them with whole wheat that on an average contains 1.75 per cent of fat; starch, 65; gluten or albuminoids, 13; as, 1.90; water, t3; and crude fibre 6 per cent. Do the seam with flour as •represented by the following :- Fat Water Gluten Starch. Ash.. 1.2 16.5 12,0 r. . 69.6 .7 Now as by the old process of milling, the bran took most of the gluten with it, and,as by the new,, the greater part of the glutten is left in thflour, it follo-ws-that the bran from the new process should be stronger,- richer and fatter. Even by the old pro- cess bran contains 2a times more fat than the whole wheat, turd exactly three times more than flour. In his report on eneilege this year, Sir J. B. La -eves gays It is somewhat remark- able that the composition of bran tears a very close relation to that of milk in the pi °portion of the digestible nitrogenous and digestible non -nitrogenous constituents, thus Dig. Nit. Dig. Non -Nit. 3t /ha bran will supply 0.42 ; 1.41 Disanilk will contain 0.42 1.49 A SEDENTAIrr OCCUPATION; r piorty of sitting down and not • much exercise, ought to have Dr. Pierces Pleasant • Pellets to go with • it. They absolutely and permanently cure Constipation. One tiny, sugar- coated Pellet is a corrective, a regulator, a gentle laxative. They're the smallest, the easiest to take, and the most 'natural remedy—no retie - tion afterward. Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all stomach and bowel derangements are prevented, relieved and cured. "COLD IN THE HEAD" 18 quic•kly cured by Dr. Sage's Cat tarrh Remedy. So is Catarrhal Headache, and every trouble caused by Catarrh. rx) is Ca- tarrh itself. The proprietors' offer 3500 for any case which they cannot cure. ditto (most brutal and violent) 81 ; drunk in churches and chapels, 2; stealing drink, ; robberies and theft through drink, 36; arson through drink., 3; drunk in charge of horses, 35; permitting drunkenness and offences against licensing laws, 35; drunk an4 disorderly, 956 -total, 1,334. -Archdea- con Farrar. • - A Farmer's Philosophy; There is being so much said in this coun- try about hard times and the scarcity of money, andetas everybody has a cause and knows a remedy, I thought I would write to - tell your readers whet I think is the cause. " We buy more than we produce. "We let our timber rot and -buy our plow stocks, sliingletrees, axe handles, hoe hand- les anal fencing. "We throw- away the ashes and. buy soap and axle grease. "We give away our beef hides and buy hamestrings and • shoestrings. "We waste our manure and laity guano. "We buy garden'seed in the spring and cabbage in the winter. ".!We let our land 'grow up in weeds and buy our brooms. I "We waste the wax out of our pine and gum trees and buy chewing pun for our children. "We build schoolhouses and hire teach- ers and send our children off to be educated. "We lanl a five cent fish with a four dol- lar fishing rod. "We send a fifteen cent boy out twenty dollar grin and a four dollar kill birds. • "We raise dogs and bay Wool. "And about the only things in the coun- try that there is overproduction of are poli- tics and cTogfics."-New York Press. ViThite Feet. From an interesting article under the above heading, in which Hallerton tells iO the Winsted (Conn.) Herald how he relieved a stray horse from the great suffering of a cruel check rein, we take the following: I patted_ his sides. He said " thanIt you," amd God bless ye -a !" and we fell iiito the following conversation: "But what is the matter with youi eyes? how they, weep! they look as if ca raets were growing over them; how red thy are! and your nose! what is that Sore ?" "My eyes? the check -rein draw e them right up into the staring sun., They are almost burned out - of my head: My nose? that, too, points straight upward and catches every scorching ray. "And 'your. neck! le beautiful curve that nature has given to a horse is 'straight- ened out into a long, stiff, bony Muscle ! Do you really mean to say that thiS is the work of the check -rein ?" "Yes, it is. I can remember when I used to look • into the brook, and my eyes were dark and lustrous; my neelt was an :tech. • was a handsome colt, and not the bject I am now." • " But what are you doing here?" "1 am running away. I am goin to Bos- • ton. I hear that horses don't have to wear check -reins in Boston'so I broke oat • two nights ago and have been w,aiting! around for somebody to show me the weed Could you show me the -way ?" If these ehemical constituents are of equal value, relatively, to its own souree-athat is the bran and the milk -and as the 3,t pounds of bran costs with es about two cents, and -the milk nine cents, we are again in posses- sion of a fact highly favorable to ham as eattle food. Some years ago our experimental station made a test with 18 head of store cattle, • durieg winter, by feeding 12 pounds of, hay, priattels of turnips, and 9 pounds of bran per head daily ; this large quantity of bran (about one and oue quarter pressed patent pall full) was given against several foods - grain 'principally; and as we had an exten- sive series of them, all the comparisons are meet interesting and valuable_ The means of the testing was 2.05 pounds of a daily , rate of increase per head -at a cost of ten cents per pound -the highest 2.70, at a cost of 12t, the lowest 1.60, ata cost of 1141. The bran gave a daily rate of 9.14, 4 a cost of 9 Petits per pound of the added live weight, and as the lowest cost of production or 8a cents, was with a mixture of the best grains ' -corn, peas, oats, bark:se-giving a rate of 2.25 pounds, we get•atiother good. idea of the importance of wheat bran. ! • ! I tore a leaf from my Memoranduni book and wrote to the President of the 'Society for the Preveotion of Cruelty to Animals,' in Boston,a,ndstucked it into his thiek mane. I thentold him where to present the note, and as we came to the -highway I ! pointed out his course, and he galloped off at full -speed. CANADIAN WOMEN, THEIR WISDOM AND PRUDENCE How They SucceSsfully Over • Troubles slid Dangers. S TOR. 1. A Black Record. Here is a summary taken in one year from a single newspaper ; and let it be ob- served that not one of these cases is invent- ed by fanatics or faddists, but ,simply taken -from'the bare, bald and colorless records of justice : Frozen to death when drunk, 1 person ; burnt to death when drunk, 2 ; drowned when drunk, _4 ; drowned in vat of hot beer, 1 • death from bite of drunken woman, 1 ; Children killed through chinking intoxicants, 2; deaths from drink other than above, , 15 ; murders, 19 ; suicides, (3 attempted and 8 completed) 11; maimed for life, 6 ; ,matrimonial quarrels, 8! ; gross cruelty to children, 5 ; murderous, assaults on women, 42; assaults on the police, 55 ; THEY SPEAK OF THE MARVISTJOUS POW RS OF PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND. with a dog to What He Did Read. The old subscriber had just laid down a bushel of fall apples on the editor's desk, and the editoitwas asking him about elapse stock, and the farm, and then he came around to the paper. • "How do your neighbors like the Vindi- cator ?" he asked. "Fust rate, ez fer ez I've heard," replied the visitor, "Did you read my editorial in the last issue on the tariff?' inquired the editor, with pride. "No, I haven't got to that yet." "How about the one on the silver tion ?" " Hain't read that un neither," The eclitortlooked disappointed. "Did you read the one on the relation of plenty to poverty, from a socialistic point of view ? "1 seen the headin', that's all." "You don't seem to be particularly in- terested in the important issues of the day," ventured the editor, more in pity than in anger. • Oh, yes, I do," :protested -the visitor ; " I read the remedy you give for hog cholery, and it's the best I've ever tried," and the editor felt better. -Ex, - Them again looking at the maRurial value of roods, when used to cattle, and building (Tim what British experience and analysis hate shown as the actual fertilizing proper- tiee of the manure from them, we are struck wilh the position taken by bran. • MANURE VALVE OF WI -MAT BRAN. Per cent Value per ton $8.38 o 3.83 Potash 1.43 • 1.15 $o at the present price of $12 per ton, we - get $13.36 of manure, or, in otherh words, when we feed store cattle with one ton of bran that cost $12, the residue in the form of manure is actually worth more than the efiennal cost. If this be doubted, or laugh- ed at, or pooh poohed, it simply places the akeptieal party outside the pale of all mod- ern science and practice. The mean COSt of the four kinds of grain referred to as having given the cheapest ' cost of production being 321.85 per ton, be- fore feeding,and valued at $9.33 when got as manure, it is evident that if we take this as Nitrovric Acid •2,75i 0.47 Phosp Clificirerif Cry fop ques- Mits. GILBERT F. SAUNDERS Our Canadian Women are the mo ful and conservatine on earth. They c as a rule, favor inoovations and 'great changes, unless perfectly assured of results for the faanily and society. In the field of isicknets, suffering ease, our Canadian women display able wisdom and prudence. Few c rush heedlessly Mr the common ad pills and preparations of the day • t More inclined to observe the porn& inent of the thuds, to which such .a is now directed. Feminine conserv- Canada is not 4 a stubborn and i character.' Our best women recogni directly it appears, and are not slo the best and most approved meims,e when the restoration of health is cc The Independent Order of Fores- ters. A PROSPEROUS FRATERNAL SiVIETY. Among the many societies that are com- peting for public favor there in probably not one that enjoys the confidence of the public to a greater degree than the Independent Order of Foresters. From information that -we have received from Mr., , the court deputy for the local -eaurt, we learn that the membership of the 'Whole Order is 54,000, the net increase for the yewr • that closed on the 31st December, was 10,500, of this large membership 22,000 are in Ontario. The friends of the Order claim that it leads all other orders in our great Province. The number of Subordinate Courts, in Ontario, is 550. 61 of these were instituted during the year just closed. During the 19 years of its operations Alas paid to widows and or- phans and to distressed brethren about $2,- )00,000, and has, at present, a cath surplus, for the benefit of policy holders, $858,857.- 89. A gain in the surplus for. one year of $278,000. The death rate has only reached the remarkably low average cif 5.29 in the .1,000. The Order has encountered a good deal of adverse criticism, its rates have beei pointed out as being too low, but its friend's have demonstrated again and again their ability to pay all claims and at the same time to accumulate a handsome reserve. They claim that the teaching of experience proves that their rates are ample, and cer- tainly the record. the Order has made would seem to bear out this contention. In the press, and on the platformathe ad- vantages of the Order have been set forth with marked ability and moderation by the Supreme Chief Ranger, Dr. Oronohyatekha, the High Chief Ranger of Ontario, the Rev. A. Macgillivray, and by many other promin- ent officers and members of the -Order. The Fraternal features of the Order are carefully c.ultivated,,andmany acknowledge gratefully the kindness received at the hands of their brethren. We have pleasure in giving these facts, knowing that they will be read with inter- est not only by our readers, who are mem- bers of the Order, but by others who will be pleased to learn of the continued prosperity and growth of this Fraternal Society. -Alderman Lamb's proposal to - close the saloons in Toronto at 9 p. in. has been voted down in council. -Mr. William Dunbar, proprietor of the Dunbar house, Kinmount, and Mr. Robert Cottin ham, were drowned in Pigeon lake This world-renowned Soap Stands at the bead of all Laundry and Household Soap, both _ for quality and extent of sales. Used according to directions, it does ewiiy with all the old-fashimeed drudgery of wasb day. Try it; you won't be disappointed. SUNLIGHT SOAP been in use in Windsor Castle for the past 3 years, and its manufacturers have been speciallyeappoiated SOAPMAKERS TO THE QUEEN JARANTEEO PORE AND TO CON,TAII4 KO INJURIOUS CHEMICALS Mianied 11 Gold. Measir care - o not, •adical happy ncl7dis- emarle7 f them ertisecl ey are • treat- tentiofl. tism in flexible e merit v to use pecially 'teemed. MRS. E. COLEMAI For some neers Paine's Celm Compound has been the chosen and favori mediciOe. of thousands of our Canadian won ten in every province, This truly womlerfu has almost entirely superseded of the old schools ; it hes doi suffering hemanity than all t efforts of physicians. No other medicine of our ti drawn 'forth such hearty and rnendation ! and testimony as Compound These ladies did the interested motives of profi eine dealers; they were not try the something else just a were fornmate enotfgh to bay icine that could save their live AN AGED LADY. . Mrs; Ecolestone's Sufferings from Kidney Disease Cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills -A Medicine that Produces Good Re- sults for Both Old and Young. ST. antennas, February 5.-4re, F.E.Eeeleetone, aged 69, a well-known resident of thie city, bee for some thne been afflicted with kidney disease, the syniptorne of which were severe palm; in the small of her back. She is now perfectly eured. This happy result is dile to the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills, the famous and infallible remedy for all kidney dis- orders. Mee Eiolestone says the palee beim never returned duce her recovery, and her happinees over her restnration to sound health is indescribable. These pills are manufactured by Dr. L. A. Smith et Co., Toronto, and are Bold by all dealers, or will be mailed on receipt of price; fifty cents per box, or six boxes for $2.50. "One morn a Peri At the gate of Eden stood disconsolate." Poor Pen elle bad a headache ad had never heard of Stark's headache, neuralgia and liver powders ;pleas- ant to take,perfectly barmless,and imniefflate and per- manent in their cure of all forms of these distracting ailments Why, Mr. Flook, G. T. IL, Handlton, says they oured him entirely after suffering from _headaches for three years,and they coat only -twenty - live cents a box. CouenS AND Comps -At this season when coughs are so prevalent, anreffectual remedy, and one easily obtained, is Perrye Davis' Vegetable "Pain Killer." It is no new noetruni, vended by unknown agents, • but has stood the test of over fifty years; and those Who use the article, internally or externally, will connect with it grateful recollections of its worthy inventor. medicine of the methods e .more for ie combined • nes has ever honest coin- aine's Celery not yield to -loving meth - persuaded to - good ; they he only med- MRS: JOHN H. PIE XE. forcibly speak at every sick, iould use. if Owen Sound, The following testimonials in favor Of the one remedy t sufferhig and weary woman s Mrs. 'Gilbert F. Saunders, Ontario, Says : "FA civer a year I was pains in iny head, leg and sit( ima, bad condition. Iwent t but they gave me no relic.. afterwards advised me to u Celery Compound ; I did so, pletely cured me. I recom to all who suffer from the s Mrs. E. Coleman, of Bra lington, Ontario, who was il years. During my long ilh and patent medicines -faile At the hospital I was told t fering from tumors ; and of how I tried to cheer myself, ting an end to my life. I Paine's Celery Compound, to use and it. has done wo. can now get up „at five o'cl ing and get my sons to work very often I walk six mile breakfast. I feel better tha my life, and my faienda4 are wonderful change in my. Celery Compound is a grand will always recernmendit to it." ohn H. Pierce, ( \Vest, $t. John, New- Brun writes : "I consider it a duty to Paine's Celery Compound :ta manity.• I suffered terrib13, tearimemmewestemar How to get 671' Sunlight " Picture. Send 25 "Sunlight" Some wrappers (wrapper bearing the words "Why Does *Woman LookOld Sooner than a Man") to Li R. Ba00„ Ltd., 48 Scott St., Torontp, ii and you will re ive by post ' a pretty picture, free front advertisin , and well worth framing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The tom, is the best in the market, and It will only east le. jpostags to send in the wrappers, if you leave the suds open. Write- your address carefullee - wee 0 flat — 4 Keene Lady. A lady mauled, Mrs. T. C. M. Humphries, living I Keene, Ontario, who used only two battles of Mem- bray's Kidney and Liver Cure, has forwarded a statement to thaeffeat that it completely cured her of inflammatory rheumatism, kidney and liver troubles. Such a complication of diseases yielding to this remedy should encourage sister sufferers to give it an how* trial. ---00-4e0n----- Coughing Leads to Consumption. , Kentp's Balsam stops the cough at once. ----.0-0-0.--- . Rearm' ix Ste Honas,-Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the 'Great South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight on account of ite exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, beck and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by Lumsden ik Wilaon, Seaforth. all • • Lane's Medicine Moves the Bowels Each Day. In order to be healthy this le necessary. $150 WORSE THAN THROWN AWAY ON FIVE DOCTORS. Mr. Frederick Ziegler, Seaforth, the Loser -Fourteen Years' Expensive and Suffering Experiments --How Others May Avoid it. Mr. Frederick Ziegler is well known in and around Reaforth, where he has lived for many years. His prolonged and terrible sufferine from Rheumatism and la -grippe is also well known to most of the tehy- sknans of that town, baying been treated by them for years without obtaining any relief, Mr. Ziegler writes for the benefit of the readers of the HURON ExPosrroa : "Fourteen years ago I was seized with rheumatism, I have suffered terribly with it, the pains at times being almost unbearable. I tried sev- eral of the beet doctors, but to no avail. About four years ago I was taken with la grippe. I then doc- tored with five of the best doctors for five menthe with little or no relief. I.paid over $160 in doctors' bills and medicines of various kinds. I at last pro- cured three bottles of Williams' Royal Crown Bern- edy and Pills, and by the time I had used one bottle I began to feel better, and when I had taken two and a half bottles I was completely cured and have re- mained in perfect health ever einee. • I believe it to be the beet medicine ever introduced in or about these parte, for there are a great many others in this town who have been cured by ,the Royal Crown Remedy. There is no person who thinkil more of this remedy than Mrs. J. McMann, of this tewn, who so highly recommended it to me. My wife was also very badly troubled with salt rheum, so badly, in- deed, that her finger nails all fell off. She had used but a small quantity of the remedy when she Was greatly benefitted, and, in fact, will soon be completely cured." Williams' Royal Crown Remedy and Pills is a wonderful blood purifier and system builder and should be continued until the cure is complete, and always kept in every house, as it is the most economical medicine rnanufactured, Only for pint bottle and 25c. for Pills,(lests a montb,) er 6 bottles of Remedy and 6 boxes Pills for $6. Sent by express by Isaac 'Williams Co., London, Ontario, or by druggists. Take nothing else; beware of sub- stitutes. ---eeneespa-- Aare& effects of Grippe go when Royal Crown Remedy and Pills some. , .—eaaele Mrs. T.S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tennessee, says: " Shiloh's Vitalizer 'SAVED MY LIFE.' I consider It the het remedy for a debilitated system I ever used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it excels. Price, 75 cents. Sold by all druggists. troubled with ulder, 'and was O four doctors, A physicia,n e . your Paine's :ind it has com- nend it highly ne ailments." It House, Bur - for nearly 20 ess doctors. and 1 to cure me. at I was wid- en, no matter 1 felt like put. heard of your 11(1 eommenced lam's for me. I ick every morn - at seven ; and before I take 1 ever before in urprised at the width. Paine's medicine, mull. :those who need f King Street :wick, forcibly reCoinined your • suffering hu - from constipa- tion, weakness, nervonsnesa kidney and liver trotibles ; I was also mibject to those tired, weary feelings, and hal a slight touch of skin disease. The first lose of Paine's Celery Compound relieved le ; mid now, after haying taken three bot les I feel much better. I am not eonstipa ed, I have no week' feelings. and I eat, an sleep well. I gave the Compound to my baby and the thrived! well on it. It is a greed remedy, and I hope all who read, this may benefit by my recommendation." --a---- e - Th -e Modern In alid ping with oth- be pleasantly !wholesome in ' in effect and entirely free from. every obj etioneble qual- ity. If really ill he consult it physician ; if constipated he uses the gentle family Having been troubled with biliousness and head- ache, with loss of appetite, I was advised to try Dr. Carson's Bitters, and found great relief after a few doses. W. F. CANIN, Toronto, Ont. --40-4111,6* I have used Dr. Carson's Bitters for twelve months, and can say that they are, for an appetiser, purga- tive, and nerve tonic, the best I ever used. J. Menem. Notary Public. Toronto, Ontario. Has tastes medicinally, in ke on Friday night. A search party Monday er luxurios. A remedy must discovered the team and cutter • frozen stiff accepta,ble in form, purely in the ice, but -the bodies of the unfortunate composition, truly beneficia men have not yet been found. -Rev. Mr. Hagey, pastor of the Luther- an church, Bright, while out hunting the other,day, broke thro-ugh the ice in deep water. His life Was saved by a .Newfound- land dog belong ta-J. Costin, of Princeton: He swam out, grabbed the preacher with his teeth and pulled him to safer, ice. P ineau who died last •--Miss Rosalie ap , week at Montebello, was a daughter of the celebrated leader in the affair of 1837, and a sister of the Mr. Louis Joseph Amedee Pap- ineau, who recently left the Roman Catholic church and joined the Presbyterians. Miss Papineau was a Roman Catholic, -and was very rich. Her home at Montebello was the magnificent castle which her f4her er- ected on the banks of the OttaWa river. The castle is solid stone, and conains mag- ,nificent apaatments full of antique furniture, much of which is of great historical value. There are two towers attached to the castle... One of these is filled with books and manu- scripts. 'Pitcher's Castorla. - laxative, Syrup of Figs. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Costoria, When she had Children, she gave them Casten*. Rik AGAIN THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY WE WILL • SELL Men's Gaiters $1, Men's Fine Laced Shoes 7ee, Men's Long Felt Boots St, Men's Rubber Boots $2, Boys' Rubber Boots $1, Men's Fine Lined Overshoes 11, Women's Boots 50c, Boys' Boots 60o, Children's Boots 25c, Girls' Boots 50c, Ladies' Overgaiters 250, Women'Carpet Slippers 25c, Misses' Carpet Slip - pent e0c, Men's Sippers 25c, Trunks at half price, 6 pounds Currants 260, 4 packages Cornstarch 26c, 10 pounds Oatmeal 25o, 6 pounds Starch 25e, 10c Brueb. 6o, 3 cans Batmen 26o, 4 pounds Ginger Snaps 26e, 7 bars Electric Soap 25e, 2 pounds 20si Japan Tea 250, 6 pounds of our Wonderful Tea $1, 4 plugs Smoking TobaR cco(r2;11d) 25c, 4 plugs Chewing o ace (McDonald) 25e, 20 pounds Granulated Sugar $1, pounds 4 1 GODERICH Steam Boiler Works. (ESTABLISHED IMO.) A. S. CHRYtTAL Suocesser to Chrystal & Black, Manufacturers of all kinds of Stationary Marine, Upright & Tubular BOILERS Salt Parte, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Irot Workss etc., eto. omeirs*••••moft Also dealers in Upright and Horizontal Slide Valve Engines. Automatic Cut-1ff Engines* specialty. All lees of pipe and pipe -fitting oonstantly on band. Bstimates furnished on short uotioe. Works -Opposite G. T. R. Station, Goderleb. For Children and Adults.. TneR. Lows Worm Syrup cures worms of all kinds in children or adults. It contains no injurious ineredients. Pric, 25e. A Healing, Soothing Salve for cuth, burns, bruises, wounds and sores, Victoria Carbolic Salve. GR ATE FUL-COM F 1 RTING. EPPS'S C COA_ BREAKFAST. , OR rkimova! worms of a I kin.ls from children or adu:ts, use Da. SMITH'S GERMAN WORM • LOZEPOES. l'elwaYe rompt, reliable, safe and pleasant, requiring no tiler medicine. Never failing. Leave no bad after 'ffects• Price, 25 eenias per Dr. McLellan, London, 497 Talbot Street, Specialit on the EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT Graduate of the New York Eye and Eat Hospital, . Post Graduate Conroe at the New York Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital on the • Ear, Nose and Throat, 1592. Eyes Tested. YnU stook of Artifical Eyes, Spectacles and Lenses, Will be at the • RATTENBURY HOUSE, CLINTON, ON FRIDAY, MARCH 2nd, 1894 Spring Time Coming Before the advent of spring the system should be thoroughly cleansed and purified by the use of Bur- dock Blood Bitters, which purifies the blood and cures dyspepsia, constipation, headache, liver com- plaint, etc. In Strength Givingean.d 411healing power Cod Liver Oil Entulsien excels all others. Highly Praised.. .•••. GENTLEICEN,—I have uted your Hagyard'e ;Yellow Oil and have found it unequalled for burns, sprains, scalds, rheumatism, croup and °Oda I have icon - mended it to many friends, and they also Speak highly of it. Milburn's JESSOP & McSLROYI BLYTH, ONT. "13y a thorough enowIedge of the natural laws which govern the operations of dige tion and nutri- tion, and by a careful application of the fine proper- ties of well -selected Coeoa. elr.Epps has provided for our breakfast and supper a delicate y flavenred bev- erage which may save us many hea '3,r doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such ar 'cies of diet that a constitution may be gradually buil up until strong enough to resist every tendency t disease. Hun- dreds of subtle maladies are floating round us ready to attack whei ever there is a weak i•oint. We may escape many a fatal shaft bykeepit g ourselves well fortified with pure blood ,4 a pr perly nouriehed frame." -Civil Service Gazett Made simply with bole wateror milk. Sold only in packets by Grocers, labelled thus: JAMES EPPS St CO., LTD. Hollow ATII1C Canners, LONDON, EN'OLAND, 1361-26 MRS. HIGI1T, Montreal, Que. Pure Imported Wipe, Prime Canada Beef and soluble scale salts of lion, are combined in Milburn's Beef, Iron and Wine. Cured His Boils in One Week. DEAR SIRS, -I was covered with pimples and small boils, until one Sunday I was given of a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, by the use of which the sores were sent flying in about one week's time. FRED. CARTER, Haney, B. C. I can answer for the truth of tho above. T, 0. C11a18FIAN, Hattey,B. C. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup positively cures Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hoarseness and Bronchitis. 1 1361.13 isimimmilimmoomisims M. ROBERTSON, Leading Undertaker MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. My facilities are unsurpaste;iI. I am pre- pared to conduct burials in a most satis- factory manner. All Modern, undertaking appliances. Competent management guar- anteed. A full line of burial goptis on hand. I aim to be prompt, considerate and reliable. ter charges most reasonable. RESIDENCE, NORTH MAIN STREET. •1228 ' Hours 8 a. m. to 4 p. nt. Charges Moderate At Brunswick House, Wingham, on the 3rd Thurs- day of each montb. 1361x62 A Splendid Business Chance. The undersigned wishes to dispose of her business and stock of Fancy Goods, Angering Yarns, Berlin Wools, Ladies' and Children's Underwear, ete, etc. The stand Is one of the hest in Seaforth, just opposite John Street on Main and the stook is a first-class one. This is as unequalled opportunity for anyone who wishes to engage in this line of business. Apply to MISS CARLYLE, 18514 1 Reatorth, Ontario. Post Office Grocery, Seasonable Groceries—new Fruits and Canned Goods. SPECIAL LINES. , Apples in gallon cans (these are tice for, pies,); Canned Pumpkins— cans for 25c; Canned Peaches, ears, Plums, Pine Apple, and a full assortment of Crosse & BlackwelPs 4ams and Jellies. - . I Evaporated Apricots, Pears and Peaches. - Jersey brand Condensed C3ffee. Highland brand Evaporated Cream. Christie's Fancy Biscuits. Choice selected Raisins and Cur- rants. An Excellent -Remedy. GENTLEMEN,—We have used Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam in our house 1 or over three years, and find it an wecellent remedy for all dorms of coughs and cold. In throat and lung troubles it affords instant relief. JOHN BRODIE, Columbus, Ontario. -itee-ae- -- -Itch on human and horsestand all animals, cured in 30 rdinutts by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fail's. Sold by Lumsden ta Wilson. ee. Bronchitis Cured. DEAR Stas—Having suffered for months from bronchitis, I,concluded to try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, and by the time I bad taken one bottle I was entirely free from the trouble and feel that I am cured. C. C. Weimer, • Toronto Junction, Ont. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal„ says: " Shilohet Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me, any good." ,Price 60 cents. Sold by all druggiste. 40 • 00 -Englirh Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted The most wonderful Blemish Cure ester known. Sold by Lumsden ez Wilson. ---es-40-111P- TIIAMESVILLE, May 28th, 1892. Dice & Co., Montreal. Gentlemen, -I bave been using several packages of your Blood Purifier, and find it the best condition powder I ever use& • Yours truly, GEO. M. CRAWFORD. SHILOH'S CURE is sold on a guarantee. It mires Incipient Consumption. It is the best Clough Cure. Only one cent a dose; 25 eta., 50 ets. and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by all druggists. TLREDVATISII CURED IN A DAT.— South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radi- cally cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon tbe sys- tem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once theicause and the disease inuaediately disap- pears. The Arst dose greatly benefits. 76 cents. Sold by Lumsden & Wib3on, druggists, Seaforth- Try our 300 Japan. Tea. A. CROZIER & C0.1 SUCCESSORS TO J. FAIR -LEY. SEAFORTH ONT. 1327 runnetxmourivazond ITERS , CURES • CONSTIPATION, BILIOUSNESS, SOUR STOMACH, DYSPEPSIA, AND BAD BLOOD. It Purifies and Strengthens the entire System. 64 DOSES FOR 50 GENTS The beat medicine ever discovered. OLD EVE Bit WHERE. NOTICE. SHILOH'S CONSU hi pie!ori ,CURE. This GREAT COUGH CURE, this Sue- cessful CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to pen it on a pos- itive guarantee, a test that nto other cure can successfully stand. If you have a Colagh, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for if will cure you If your child has ahe Croup, or Whoopiog Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease CONSUMPTION, don't/ail to use it, it will cure you or cost nothing. Ask your Drug- gist for 'SHILOH'S CURE, Price eo ctsa so cts. and. $1.00. Notice is hereby given that the annul weeting of the Usborne and Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in Gardiner's Hall, Farquhar. on MONDAY, February 5eh,1894,at 1 o'clock p. meter the receiving of the Directors', Secretary's and Treasurer's -annual reports, E1ect1on of Directors and Auditor, and other business. For the good and welfare of the Company all members are requested to Attend. DAVID MITOFIELL, THOS. CAMERON, President. Secretary. 1362xt d NERVE BEANS _era NERVE BEANS are & new dis- emery that cure the worst eases of Nervous Debility, Lose Vigor and Falling Manhood; restores the weakness of body or mind caused by ow -work, or the errors or ex- amined youth. This Remedy ab- solutely cores the most obstinate cases when all other TaTAXIIINTS have failed even to relieve. Sold by drug- gists at gaper pao=religTIx for IN or sent by_mall on receipt of price by M JAMESIOSINCINE 00,, Toronto, Ost. Witte for pamphlet, - Sold for - Sold in Seaforth by 3. 8. ROBERTS. _ CD et• <I 0 IV P''it CDP1 Ig CD cit -i uo, 1A4 W�) , 5 t -s H It P-1 el' * I 2 4 *1 ?2 ti PI im''' , w0 P 0 rn CD k i - ._, •Cfq pp, CD- ; giern . ;spa f4CDpt, Cr:1 PCS! CD tal nipcv oi., r/15_. p. 42 ' : .1 1:. Alai., 7) Ea_ i 17 0 pca in r4 o cp at Im- o F4 cp ctr. 1:1 1:34 I:1) cpz- 4 111,,A . er• rn Cn DO CD P p-15 P la) ; coo 1.44t. ur4 :0 cn al 0 0 f:. 0.11 0 (Dim tcpkill td) 07 `Aftws ino:Ho 3 2 SEAFORTH Musical Instrument MIZE7201:76I:CTIVI • Scott Brothers. PROPRIElrORSI SEAFORTH, - ONTARIO. Berl ii&AcoN.51412.1-0,D;upuhominagoliNeneWpliaonrok &Wm:: any, Bowroanville. poneily,33000vvnit, Ganuovillpieh DoOminRiGonA0NW rganSI—Con; D. W. Korn k Cc., WoOdstock. The above Instruments alasya onhand, also a 10W good second-hand Pianos andt thntans for isle at from $25 upwarde. Instruments sold on She ineird• ment plan, or on terms to suit ottetoeners. 1si 30unozbooksthiasangt.eminetrutnenta on hand alsoAset 3 SO9TT BROS: