The Huron Expositor, 1894-02-09, Page 2- eet THE HURON EXPOSIT -Cht d 13ennett s Planing Milia - The uridersigned wotAd beg:leave) to thank their many aortotners for theft very liberal IlltiPFdri or *he st and iwould say BIM they are in a tench better volition to soret thew ihan ever before, as they are addingo. new Engine ma Reiter, also a dry kiln and • ••.ie their Intilding, which will oxalate the to turn out -work on short notice. Lumber, Sash) Doors, Mould- ings, Shingles, and Lath always on hsud. • . Contracts taken and Estimates furnished. Cluff & Bennett. P. S. -All inarreskire tdeaee pay up. 13214 f THE FARMERS' Banking - House (In oonnection with the Bank of Montreal) LOGAN C0.1 BANKERS AND iPINANCIAL AGENT REMOVED ' To the Commercial totel Buildillg, Mein Street A General Booking Batmen done, drafts hone and cashed. Interest allowed on deposits. MONEY TO LEND On good notes or mortgages. ROBERT LOGAN, MANAGRP • 1058 ' Perseverante in using it will give relief, raen in cases of tong standmg. where a cure seemco impossible and life seemed hardly worth tiring Fier Bottie,25c,50c,or$1,00 the time to get your Photos for Xmas. Remember, only three weeks, and as I am making all kinds of Cab- inet work for $3 per dozen until after the holidays, you should get sittings at once. I have all the newest styles and designs known to the trade, and use nothinglaut the 'latest inventions out to secure the highest finish and great- est perminency in my work. The very niceet assortment of Frames in town at my studio, and pictures such as Etching, Artotypes, Olios and Steel Engravings, going cheap for Xmas. Remember the place—the Ground Floor Photo Studio. BAUSLAUGH, Seaforth. DUNN'S BAKINC POW DE THECOOK'SBEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. HURON AND BRUCE Loan and Investment OC)M1:".Al\T"Y'.. This Company is Loaning Money ot Farm Security at lowest Rates of Interest. Martgag'es Purchased. SAVINGS BANK P.R.ANCII. 3, 4 and 6 per Cent. interest Allowed DOPOSitS, according to amount and time left. OFFICE -Corner of Market Squats North Street, Goderieh. HORACE HORTON, MANAriati and Goderfoh. August 6th.,18s5 - % POWDERS Cure. SICK HEADACHE and. Neuralgia in zo ivrtarurgs, also Coated Tongue, Dizzi- ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. To stay cured and regulate the bowels. VERY meE TO TAKE. PRODS 25 ORNTS AT DRUG STORMS* The McWirlop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED. etanoass. D. Ross, President, Clinton P. 0.; W Shannon, Seey-Treas. Seaforth P. 0.; Michael Murdie, Inspector of ',Osseo, Seaforth P. 0. DIRXCTORS. Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Alex. Gardiner, Lend bury; Gehriel Elliott. Clinton; Geo. Watt, Harlock ; Joseph Evans, Beechwood; M. Murdie, Seafortb ..hoe. Garbutt, Clinton. AGENTS. Thos. Nellans, Harlock ; Robt. McMillan, Seaforth r. Carnoohan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan and Geo =die, Auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurances or tree e hither businees will be promptly attended te' on pplication to any of the above officers, addressed to herr respective post offices. 1 - - MAN WATsT, D To faa,lre charge of Local Agency. Good opening for right main en salary or eommiesion. Whole or part time. We are the only powers of both Canadian and American stook. Nurseries at Ridgeville, Ont.; and Rochester, N. Y. Visitors welcome at ground. (Sunday excepted.) Be quick and write for full in- formation. We want you now. BROWN BROS. Co., Toronto, Ont (Thie house is a reliable incorporated Conapany. Paid capital, $00,000,000.) 1358x13 Cream OWDER PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST. Contains no Alum, Ammonia, Lime, Phosphates, or any Injuria,, E. W. GILLETT, Toronto. Ont. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. TIARM FOR SALE. -For sale en improved, 100 X acre farm, within two and a half miles of the' town of Seaforth. For further particulars apply on the premises, Lot 12, Concession 4, H. R. S., Tucker - smith, or by mail to JOHN PRENDERGAST, Sea - forth P. O. 1290 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. -For sale, on William Street, a frame dwelling house, with 6 rooms, summer kitchen and bard and soft, water, at present occupied by Mr. A, Crozier, also a vacant Jot on Centre Street. These are both suitable properties and will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to GEORGE DUNCAN, Seaforth. 18644 1 200 tC"b!ARrig Pli.%8FlOIRanSIL11,-Connlelelronscirfle Grey, is offered for Sale. 120 acres are cleared ana the balance is well timbered. Buildings first-class. Orchard, well, &a School house within 40 rods. Possession given at once ii desired. For further particulars as to price . terms, eta., apply to MRS. WALKER, Roseville P.O., or to NELSON BRICKER, on the farm, 1209 -ti WARM FOB SALE. -For sale, the west half of Lot ▪ No. 11, concession 6, Hullett, containing Fifty acrea, all cleared and in a good state of cultivation. There is on the place a good frame house, with large kitchen and woodshed attached, frame barn and other outbuildings.- This property is pleasantly situ- ated, convenient to market, and is within one mile and one quarter of the village of Kinburn. Will be sold on reasoueble terms. Apply to WM. LEITCH, Jr., on the premises, or address Constance P. O. 1367-12 • WARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 2, 3M Conces- • sion of Tuokersn3ith, containing 100 acres, all cleared and seeded down to grass. It is all well underdrained, has good buildings and a young or- chard. It is well watered by a never failing stream running through the back end. This is an extra good stock farm and is also well adapted to grain raising. • It is within two miles and a half of Seaforth. Will be sold cheap and on terms to suit the purchas- er, Apply to D. DONOVAN, Seaforth. 1347-tf MURK IN McKILLOP FOR SALE. -For sale the _IP south half of lots 1 and lot 2, concession 4, Mc- Killop, being 150 acres of vety choice land mostly in a good state of cultivation. There is a good how% and bank barn, a good young bearing orchard- and plenty of never -failing water. A considerable portion -seeded to grass. _Convenient to msrkets and sohools and good gravel roads in all directions. Will be sold cheap. Apply to the proprietor on the premises, MESSRS. DENT & HODGE, Mitchell, or at THE HURON EXPOSITOR Office, Seaforth. - JOHN O'BRIEN, Proprietor. 1298-tf T'OUSE FOR SALE. -On North Street, Egitiond- vile, about five minutes walk from the church a frame house, one story and a half, with seven rooms, very comiortable and beautifully finished. There is a quarter of an acre of land, well fenced, with a few good fruit trees and a large „number of currant buehes,good cistern and well, woodshed and coal house. This ia an exceptionally pretty and com- fortable place. Apply to MRS. C. HOWARD, on the premises, or write to Seaforth P. 0. 1323 ti TIRST 0Lk3i3 FARM`FOR SALE IN THE TOWN - 12 SHIP OF McKILLOP.-The undersigned offeri his very fine farm of 160 acres situated in Maillop, being Lot 8 and east half of Lot 9, Concession 6. There are about 20 acres of bush and the remaining _ 130 acres are cleared, free from stumps and in a good state of cultivation. The land is well underdrained and contains 3 never failing wells of first class water. Good bank barn 5860. Hewn log barn, and other good outbuildiegs. There are two splendid bearing orchards and a good hewn log dwelling house. It is only 7 miles from the thriving town of Seaforth and is convenient to schools, churches, etc, It is one of the best farms in McKillop, and will be sold on easy terms as the proprietor desires to retire. Appiy on the premises or address WM. EVANS, Beeehwood P. 0. 1353.t f 0 PLENDID FARM FOR SALE. -Lot 26, Comes- ° sion 6, Township of Morris, containing 160 acres suitable for grain or stock, situated to and a half miles from the thriving. village of Brussels, a good gravel road leading thereto; 120 acres cleared Ire e from stumps, 6 acres cedar and ash and balance hardwood. Barn 61x60 with straw and hay shed' 40x70, stone stabling underneath both. The house is brick,22x32 with kitchen 18x26, cellar underneath both buildings. All are new. There is a large young orchard. School on next lot. The land has a good natural drainage, and the tarns is in good condition. Satisfactory reasons for selling. Apply at THE Ex- POSITOR OFFICE, or on the premises. WM. BARRIE, Brussels. 1335-tf VARA' FOR SALE. -For Sale, 80 acres in Stu:lilac -1-' County, Michigan 76 acres cleared and in a good state of cultivation, fit to raise any kind of a crop. It is well fenced and has a good orchard on it, and a never failing well. The buildings consist of a frame house, stabling- for 12 horses with four box stalls, 36 head of cat% and 100 sheep. Ninety ewes were win- tered last year,sold 8630 in wool and lambs this sum- mer. There are also pig and hen houses. The un- dersigned also has 80 acres, with buildings, but not so well improved, which he will sell either ha 40 acre lots or as a whole. These properties are in good localities, convenient to markets, schools and churches. The proprietor is forced to sell on ac• count of ill health. It will be a bargain for the right man as it will be sold on easy terms. GEORGE A. TEMPLETON, Doronington, Sanilae County, 'Michi- gan. 1298x4 -t4 VtIRSTICLASS FARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot _II 36, Concession2, Town Line, McKillop, contain- ing 100 acres, more or less, 10 acres new land, about one third of it free from stumps. It is well fenced and underdrained and ia first.class state of cult va- tion. About 40 acres seeded to grass. Seven acres' fall wheat. Fall plowing done. The Maitland River runs almost straight across the centre of the lot, giv- ing abundance of water without any waste land. On the farm is a good frame house, heated by a coal furnace, soft and hard water convenient, good frame barn with stone stabling and root house underneath, also a hay barn on cedar posts, with implement house and stabling underneath. A good bearing orchard of choice fruit trees. It is situated within three miles of Seaforth. For further particulars apply on the premises, or by 'letter, to MRS. WM. BLACK, Seaforth P. 0. 1353-t f -LIAM FOR SALE. -For sale Lot 21, Canoes - 12 sion 3, Hay, containing about 99 acres, of which SU acres -are cleared and in a high state of cultiva- tion, well fenced and over 1500 rods tile drained. About ‘2.6 acres seeded b grass, good frame house, large frame barn and frame stables also a good bear- ing orchard and plenty of never -failing water. It is on the Zurich gravel road, within one mile of the prosperous village of Henson. Also the East half of Lot 16, on the 5th Concession, Hay, containing 60 acres, of which 15 acres are cleared and the balance well timbered with c,clar, back ash and soft maple and well fenced. There is a never -failing spring creek running across the place and no waste land. A splendid pasture lot. These farms will be sold cheap and on easy terms as the proprietor is anxious to re- tire. Apply on the large f arm or address Hen- sall P. 0. WM BUCHANAN, jr. 1352tf When we assert that Dodd's ...... Kidney Pills ......,,,,,?..„, Cure Backache, Dropsy., Lumbago, Bright's Dis- ease, Rheumatism and all other forms of Kidney Troubles, we are backed 14), by the testimony of all who have used them. THEY CURE TO STAY CURED. soLatildruffit'i'ir. sntitir &refttpOit rI 31,AGE 0 N yEsTivrty. LUXURIOUS FEASTS PREPARED BY T6E GREAT MEN OF THE EARTH. 5 Lerd: Leicester and Cardinal Weise, as Eil,*ertairters-But the Grandest Enter - 4 tatitment of Ali le the • One in Which 1 CO,r.i !. Lord the King Is the Banqueter j ADO the Angels Cnoelnearers. i 1* t BROOKLYN, N.Y., Jan. 28. -The usual large audienceassembled in the Taber- naclie to -day and listened to a sermon of yernekkable power and interest by Rev.., Dr., Talmage, the subject being "Festi- vity." The text selected Was Luke 14:11 -"Come, for all things are now ready." Ittwas one of the most exciting times in English history when 'Queen Eliza. beta yisited Lord Leicester at Kenji- worili Castle. The moment of her ar- rival, Was considered so important that allthe clocks of the castle 'were stopped, so that the hands might point to that one Moment as being the most signifi- cantia all. She was greeted to the gate with floating islands, and torches, and the tender of cannon, and fireworks titat*et the night ablaze, and a great bursa br music that lifted the whole seep41 into perfect efichantneent. Tlien she was introduced in a dining -hall the 'Wattles of which astonished the world ; four pliundred servants waited upon the 4 uesti: ; the: entertaininent cost five thotellond dollars each day. Lord Leices- ter rikade that great supper in Kenilworth Cast10). • UaRelinal Wolsey entertained the Frenhh ambassadors at Hampton Court. The !sea cooks in all the land prepared for Ilie banquet; purveyors went out and traveled all the kingdom over to find poils for the table. The time came.., The tguest were kept during the day huntIng in the king's park, so that their appetites might be)keen : and then, in• the ievennig, to the sound of the trum- pete4s, they were introduced . into a hall hung with silk -and cloth of gold, and there Were tables a -glitter with imperial plate, and laden witl the rarest of meati. and a -blush, vith the costliest wine: and when the*cod course of the aeast came it was' found that the articles of food had been fashioned into the shape of men, birds and beasts, and groups denting, and joustling parties riding- against each other:with lances. Lord ii and princes and ambassadors, out of chps filled to the Ihrim, drank the health, first to the king of England and next to the king of France. Cardinal Wolsey prepared that great supper in HamPton Court. . . But I have t� tell you of a grander en- tertairiment. My Lprd, the Sing, is the banqueter, Angels are the cup -bearers. All the redeemed are the guests. The t.allsiof eternal love frescoed with light, and paved with joy, and curtained with unfailing . beauty, are the banqueting place.- The lrarmonies of eternity are the Music. The chalices of Heaven are the plates; and I am one .of the servants comilig out with both hands filled with inviteeions, scattering them everywhere; and, bb,that for yourselves' vou might bleak ie seal of the invitation and read the wPrds written in red ink of blood by the tremulous -hand of a dying ,Chriet: "Come now, for all things are rea.iiideyre:i ,: 3 he have been grand entertainrnents ,,,,, was a taking off -the wine gave out, of the st events a ere rebellious, or. the light failed: but I have gone all around aboue this subject and looked at the redemption which Christ has provid- ed, arid I come here to tell you it is cony- pleteelind swing open the door of the ,feast. tellioos you that "All things are now ready*" • , In the first place, Ihave to announce that the Lord Jesus Christ himself is ready. Cardinal Wolsercame into the feast After the first course; lie caine in booted and spurred, and the guests arose and cheered hint. . But Christ comes in at the beginning of the feast; eye, he has been waiting eighteen hundred and ninety-four years for his guests. He had been standing on his mangled feet; he nad had his sore hand on his punc- tured tide: or he bad been pressing his lacerated temple, waiting, waking. It is wonderful that he had not been impa- tient, and that he has not said, "Sliut the door, and let the laggard stay out ;" but he has been waiting. No banqueter ever waited for his guest so patiently as Christ has waited for us. To prove liow willing lie is to receive us, I gather all the tears that rolled down his cheeks in sympathy for your sorrows; I gather all the drops of blood that channeled his brow, and his back, and his hinds and feet, ill trying to purchase your redemp- tion; i gather all the groans that he ut- teredin midnight chill, and in mountain hunger, and in desert loneliness, and twist them into one cry -Sitter, agoniz- ing-, overwhelming. I gather all the pains that shot from spear, and spike, and cross, jolting into one pang -re - 11) orseless, grinding, exceucia ring. I take that one drop of sweat on Ins brow, - and under the G-ospel glass that drop en- larges until I see in it lakes of sorrow and au ocean of agony. That Behar,- .stanoing before you now, emaciated': and gashed. and gory, coaxes for your love with a pathos in which every a ord is heart -break and every sentence martyrdom. Hove can you think he trifles I . neutsuerus prepared a feast for one hundredand eighty days; but this feast is for all eternity. Lords and princes were invited to ttia:t; vou, and I, and all our world are inviteOto this. Christ is ready. You know that the banqueters of olden time used to wrap themselves in robes prepared for the occasion; so, my Lord Jesus bath erapped Himself in all that is beautiful. See how fair he is: His eye, His brow, His Cheek, so radiant that the stars have no gleam, and the mornink no orillaucy compared with it. His ace reflecting all the joys of the re- deemed, His hand having the omnipo- tent surgery with which He opened blind eyes, and straightened crooked limbs, and hoisted the pillars of heaven, and stung the twelve gates which are twelvn pearls. There are not enough cups ib heaven to drink up this ocean of beauty. There are not ladders enough $e scale this height of love. There are not eaough cymbals to clap, or harps to thrunt, or trumpets to peal (title the praiseii of this One altogether fair. Oh, thou flower of eternity, thy breath is the perfume of heaven ! Oh, nlissful day- break, let all people clap their hands in thy radiance! Chorus! Come, men, and satins and cherubim, and seraphim. and archangel ----all heights, all depths,all ion. rnensities. Chorus ! Roll Him through the heavens in a chariot of universal ac- claim over bridges of hosannas, under arches of coronation, along by the great towers chiming with eternal jubilee. ChoruS1 "Unto Him who hath loved us, and washed us from our sins in }lis own blood, to Him be glory, world without end!" , I babe a word of five letters, but no sheet White enough on which (0 Trite it, and no pen good enough with which to inscaibe it. Give me the fairest leaf from the heavenly records -give me tie pencil with which the anrel records his .victoryseariostfien, wan nay hand'a to supernatural ecstasy, and my pan dipped in tile light of the mornus , 1 .Nili write it out in capitals of lova: "ti -R -8-11.S l" - it is this One, infini IT,, to whom you are -invited. Chris is i waiting for you, waiting as the bane et- er waits 'for the delayed guest -.-the . meats smoking, the beakers _ brimming, the minstrels with fingers on the tiff ' string-, waitingor the clash of hoof at ir the gateway." aiting for you a a mother Waita for ifher son who went 4 off ten years ago, dragging her bleed ng heart along with him. - Waiting ! ! give me a comparison intense enou h, hot enough; importu.nate enough to press my my meaning -something high as heaven, and deep as hell, and long as eternity. ' Net hoping that you can II lp me with such a comparison, I will sa : "He is waiting as only the all-sympatl e - tic Christ can wait for the coming bit of a lost soul." Bow the knee and kiss the Son, Come and welcome, sinner; come, Again, the Hoiy,Spirit is ready. W Y. is it that so many sermons drop dea that Christains songs do not get the r wing under the people -that so oft.n prayer goes no -higher than _ a hunte s "hullos?", It is because there is a lin wanting—the work of the Holy Spiri . Unless that Spirit ,give grappling hooks to a sermon, and lift the prayer, an waft the song, everything is a dea failure, That Spirit is willing to 'coin at our call and lead you to eternal life; or ready t/a come with the same powe with which he unhorsed Saul on th Damascus turnpike, and broke dow Lydia in her fine store, and lifted th three thousand from midnight into mid noon at the Pentecost. With that powe the Spirit of God now. beate at the ga of your soul. " Have you, not noticed what homely and insignificant instru mentality the Spirit of God emplOys fo man's conversion? There was a man on a Hudson River boat to whom a treat was offered. With indignation he tore it up and threw it overboard'. But one 'frag- ment lodged on his coatsleeve; and he saw on it the word "eternity;" and he found no peace until he was . prepared .for that great future. Do you know what passage it was that caused Martin Luther to see the truth? "The just shall live by faith." Do you know there is-one—just one—passage that brought Augustine from a life of dissipation? "Put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof." It was just one pas-. sage that converted Hedley Vicars, the great soldier, to Christ: "The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin." Do you know that the Holy Spirit used one passage of Scripture to save Jonathan Edwards? "Now, "unto the King, eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God. our Saviomesbe glory." One year ago on Thanksgiving day, I read formy text, "0, give thanks unto the Lord, for HO is good ;. for His mercy en- dureth for ever." And there is a young man in the house to whose heart the Holy Spirit took that text for his eternal redemption. I might speak of my own case. I vsilleell you I was brought to thepeace of the Gospel through . the Syro-Phoenician woman's cry to Christ: "Even the dogs eat of the crunibs that •fall from the Master's table. DO You know that the Hoiy Spirit al- most always uses insignificant menns ? Eloqueist sermons never save anybody; metaphysical sermons never save any- body ,• philosophical sermons never save anybody. But the minister comes some Sabbath to his pulpit, worn out with en- gagements and the jangling of a frenzi- ed door bell; he has onlyi a text and two or three ideas, but he says: "0 Lord, help me. Here are a good many people I may never meet again. I have not much to sate Speak Thou through my poor lips ;" and . adore the service is done there are tearful eyes and a solemn- ity like the judgment. The great French orator, when the dead king lay before him, looked up and cried : "God only is -great ;" and the triumph of his eloquence has been told by the historians. But I have not heard that oue soul was saved by the ora- torical flow ish. Worldly critics may _ think that the early preaching of Thomas Chalmers was a masterpiece. But Thonias Chalmers says he never began to preach until he came out ,of the sick room, white and emaciated, and told men the simple story of Jesus. in the great day of eternity it will be found that the most souls have bean brought to Christ, not by the Bossuets, and Massillons and Bourdaloues but by humble men Who, in the steength of God, and believing in the eternal Spirit, in- vited men to Jesus. There were wise slaves -there were excellent ointments, I suppose, in the time of Christ, for blind or iuflamed eyes. But Jesus turn- ed His back upon them, and put the tip of His fingei to His tongue, and then, with the spittle that adhered to the finger, He anointed the eyes of the blind man, and daylight poured into His blinded soul. 'So it was now that tlie Spirit of God takes that humble prayer -meeting talk, which seems to be the very saliva oI Chris- tian influence, and anoint the eyes of the blinci,,and pours the sunlight of par- don and peace upon the soul. Oh, my friend, 1 wisli we could pet it more and morse,that if any good is done it is by the power of God's omnipotent Spirit. I do not know what hymn may bringeyou to Jesus. -I do not know what words of the Scripture lesson I read may save your soul. Perhaps the Spirit of God may hurl the very next text into your heart: z•Come, for .all things are now r e adgya. n" Ai , the Church is ready. Olaman, if I could take the curtain off these Christian hearts, I could show you a great many anxieties for your redemp- tton. You think that old man is asleep, because his head isi down and his eyes are eliut. No, he is praying for your re- demption, and hoping that the words epoken nia.y strike your hearts, Do you know the air is fall of prayer? Do you anoe- dolt prayer is going up from Ful- ton street, prayer meeting aud from Friday evening prayer meet- ing, and going up :every hour of the day for the redemption of the people ? And if you should start toward the door �f the Christian Church, how quickly it would fly open. Hundreds of people would say.: "Give that man room at the sacrament. Bring the silver bowl for his baptism. Give him the right hand of Christian fellowship.. Bring him into all Christian associations." Oh, you wanderer on the cold mountains. come into the warm sheepfold. 1 lei down the bars and bid you come. With the Shepherd's crook' point you the way. Hundreds of Christian hands beckon you into the Church of God. A great many people do not like the Church, and say it is a great mass of hypocrites, but it is a glorious Church with all its imperfections. Christ bought it. and hoisted the pillars, and swung its gates, and lifted its arches, and curtained it with upholatery crimson with crucifixion carnage. Come into it. We are a garden walled around , Chosen and made peculiar ground: A little spot enclosed by grace, Out of the world's wild wilderness, ri i,,- Again, the angels of 'od are ready. A great many Christie s think that the talk about angels is faaful. You say it is a -very good subject for theological students who have just begun to sermon- ize: but for older men it is imnroner. FEBRITARI. .-1894 where is no moreliroof in that Billie that .there is a God than that there are angels. Why, do notthey swami a out -Jacob'il ladder?Are we not -WM that they con- ducted Intnartis upward? thatthey stand before the throne, their feces Covered up with their wing, widle they cry: "Holy, ut holy, is die , God Almighr ty Did net David see smsands and thousands? Did'not one angel slay' one hundred and eighty-five thousand men in Sell- nacherib's army? And shall they not be the chief harvesters at the judgment? There is a line ef loving, holy, mighty angels reaching to heaven. I suppose they reach from here to the very gate, and when an audience is assembled for Christian worship the air is full of them. If each: one of you have a guardian engel, how many celestials are there here ? They crowd the place, they hover, they flit about, they rejoice. Look I that epirit has just come from the Throne. A moment ago it stood before ' Christ, and heard the doxolotey of the glorified. Look! ] Bright immortal, , what news from the golden city I Speak, spirit blest 1 The response comes melt, iitig on the air: "Come, for all things are 'ilow ready!" Angels ready to bear the rtitlin s, - angels ready to drop the ,bene lotion, angels ready to kindle the They have stood in glory -they all about it. They have felt the joy. joy tl at is felt where there.are no tears laid nle graves ; immortal health, but no tuvalidism ; songs 'butno groans ; wed- ding hells, but noa funeral torches -eyes that - never weep -hands that never phstet—heads that never faint -hearts that iever break -friendships that never , Weak ned. I Ready, all of them. Ready thrones, inincipalities and powers! Ready seta.; Odin and cherubim I Ready, Michael, tile archangel ! .. , Agnin, your kindred itt. glory are all ready for. your corning. I pronounce: Model n spiritualism a fraud and it sham. If Jelin Milton and George Whitefieltl have no better business than to crawl uedera table and rattle the leaves, they had better stay at heme in glory. While I believe that modern spiritualism ie tad, because of its Mental and domes- • tiO ravages, common sense, enlightened by, the Word of God, teaches - us -Nam& out friends in glory sympathize with our redemption. This Bible says plain- ly that therais joy in heaven among the angelSof God over one sinner that 're - pewee ii ; and if angels rejoice and know of it, Shall not our friends, ' standing anione, them, know it? Some .of these spirits in glory toiled for your redemp- tion. .1Vhen they Caine to die their chief grief was that you were not a Christian, They said: "Meet me in heaven; and put their hand ont from the cover and said, •• 'Good- bye." Now, suppose you shou I i I cross over from a sinful life to a holy life. Suppose you should be bora in to - the •k Minton). Suppose you should now say: •'Ferewell, 0 deceitful world! Get • the goneomy sin? Fie upon all the fol- lies!. 0, Cnrist, help me or I perish? I take. Thy promise. I believe Thy 'Word. I enter Thy Service." Suppose you should • say and do this.? Why, the angel sent to veu would shout upward, :tup„ •lleisc:id,iing !" and the angel,. poet ng 'higher in thet air, would shou " He is ' coming- ;-' and it would run all up the line of light., from' wing to wing, and from trumpet, to trumpet, until it reached the, gate ; and then it would flash to "the house. (if many mansions," and it evould find out y _air kindred there, and before your tears of repentance had been Wiped froin the cheek, and before you had finished your firsnprayer, your kindre I in glory xvould know of it, and another heaven would be added to their joy, and they Would cry, "My prayers are an- swered ; another loved one saved. Give inc a harp with which to strike the joy: Saved 1 saved! saved 1" ' "If I have shown you that "all things .are ready," that, Christ is ready, that the Holy . Spirit is ready, that the Church is ready, thatthe angels in glory . are ready, that your glorified 'kindred are ready, then with all the concentrat- ed eninhasis of my soul, I -ask you if you are ready? You see my subject throws the w1018 responsibility upon yourself. If. you do not get into the King's ban- quet, it is because you do not accept tile invitation. You have the most important ' invitation. Two t went', stretched down - from the cross, soake i iu blood from elbow to fiuger-tip ; two lips quivering in mortal anguish ; two eyes beaming with iiifinite love; "Say- ing, come, for all things are now ready." • Tyndall's Last Letter. The last letter of the late Prof Tyndall s believed to have been one which he addressed to .Mr. Guiles, of the .Society of Authors, of which body Prof. Tyndall was a vice-president, as well as one of its earliest and staunchest friends. It is dated -December 3, and did not reach its destination Lill after Dr. Tyndall's death. flie following portion of the note is pun- ished in The Autheir : DEAR MR. COLLES,-I have bee:i 'shamefully entreated" -lifted on the vings of hope and then let fall like a. imple gravitating mass Without a pin • on. When I reached England froni witzerland six weeks ago any prospects vere fair. Three days after inv' retura hey became clouded. I was sinitten vitt, an attack in the chest, which drove •ne to my bed, whence I am hardly vet able to rise. • This is why I have not ao- tnowledged your friendly note inform -- ng me of the kindness of —din under- aking to look over the poems of . , youthank him on my behalf! 'otirs vertfaithfully, JOHN TYNDALL. There was, we learn, a postscript con. -aniline, another message of kindness and riendship. Suddenly Stopping a Train, If a train moving at the speed of wenty-tive miles an hour, were sudden- stopped,i the passengers would experi- e ace it shock equal to that of falling rom a second -floor window; • at thirty lilies an hour they miglit as well. fall .roin a height of three pairs of stairs; -old an express train would, in point of act, make them fall from a fourth torv Oarsa0d4s,Oanglts,Bore ThroatiOrenpilainsa- sa,WhoopinaCisigh, Brenchitisinul Asthma. A certain cum for Consumption *Int steals: Ind a nre relief in advaneed stone. Vse at saes. Te. will see the excellent effect after iddit4 the Ira dose. Bold by dealers overywhena Imp bottles 14 cents aad slew DOMINION . AM e.int BANK, MeirkiN STREET (NEAR ROYAL HOTEL), SM...4POPoliai, Csi\TT_A_Ria. I GENERiAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards at highest current OTICE OF WITHDRAWAL REQUIRED, ought and sold. Collections made on all points at lowest rates, Sale Notes' collected, and advances made on same; favorable BUSINESS ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. rates. No Drafts Farmers. • THE CANAWAN.- BANK OF. COMMERCE, - ESTABLISHED 1867. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. CAPITAL (PAID UP) SIX MILLION DOLLARS REST B. E. WALKER, GENERAL MANAGER. `SEAFORTH BRANCH. A General Bankind Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafts issued, payable at all points iit Canada and the principal cities in thle United States, Great Britain, Franc*, Bermuda, Arc. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT.: Deposits tot $1.00 and upwards received, Land current rates of interest allowed. liar Interest added to the principal at the end of May and Nova* ber in eackyear. Special' attention given to the collection of Commercial Paper and Far mers' Sales Notes. - sq.000,06o slitoo,000. F. 110LMESTED, Solicitor. M. MORRIS. Manager. Seviere Pain in Shoulder 2Yeais .Cured D.8cI1Aefitho1 Plaster: My wife *as afflicted for two years with a severe pain under the left shoulder and through to the kart; afteraning many remedies without relief, she tried a "D..ft L." Menthol Plasteelt did its Week. and owing ta this cure hundreds of these plasters have been sold by me here, givingequal satistaction. J. B. Suriteatoueri Druggist, River John, N.S. • Sold Everywhere, 25C. each. PIC Taking - During ou'F Annual Stock -taking, which commences on February 1st, we will continue -to sacrifice our stock by giving the big slaughter discounts on all Winter Goods throughout our entire shop. We still }ave a good variety of Ladies' and Children's Coats which we offer at selling price, less one-third off. A number of Ladies' and Men's Fur Coats, less 20 per cent. off. Ladies' Capes, Muffs and Collars, less 25 per cent. off. A good variety of Men's, Ladies' and Boys' Fur and Sealette Caps, less 25 per cent. off. About 40 pairs all -wool Bed Blankets at ,25 per cent. off; in other words, you eau buy an all -wool Blanket from us at 37ic per pound; they must go. Winter Shawls, less 20 per cent. off, Ulster and iJacket Cloths, less 331 per cent. off. Beautiful Sealettes, 25 per zent. off. Mena' and .Boys' Readymade Overcoats, regular price less 25 per cent. off. All Fancy Knitted goods, 25 per cent. off: Ladies' and Gents' Underclothing, 20 per cent. off. Big ran ge of 12ic and 14c Prints for 9c; 10c Prints for 171c. Ladies' and Gents' Winter Gloves, 20 per cent off. Many rare bargains will be found amongst our Dress Goods. Don't forget to nail some of the big bargains we now offer. W.M. PICKA_RD, BADE KOLARK THE VAIIINISRED OAR D ONWHICH THE GOODS AIIIE WRAPPED . Prie Dress Goods A good name is more potent than thrones and king. doms. In business a good name is vital. The name of Priestley is a synonym for what is delicate, durable 11114 beautiful in Black Dress Goods. In England it is a house- hold word. Priestley's dress fabrics are worn by the w I dressed -women of Great Britain, while on this side, they have attained to I favor. La a ies should buy rip other black dress goods till they have seen Priestley's. They add to an unequalled durability, a beautiful draping quality. Women of taste understand, what that means in the success of a costume'. 1 Thorough, Equipments, Practical Course, Live Teachers and Thorough Work under the guiding hand of the Principal of the The Forest City Business and Shorthand College op Lowiziow, Who has hattspecial preparation for Ms chosen profession, assures success to every student. Having spent 15 years in thie class room and five years in business and office practice he should know how to prepare young people for business. It pays to attend a school that has a standing among bnusiness men. College re -opens after vacation on Tuesday, January 2nd, 1894. Catalogue free. Good boar,d at $2.50 per week. 1340-26 J. W. 'WESTERVELT, Principai. YOUR CHRISTMAS TURKEY Will be a great deal more savory if you have it served on one of our new Dining Tables, and are seated comfortably on one of our new neatly designed Chairs. To be complete as to the furniture part, our splendid patterns in Sideboar will fill up that blank space in the side of your room, and you and' your family will fall to with gusto to do justice to the tempting viands, and all be happy on this happy of happy days. Try it. Did it ever strike you that a piece of Furniture as a ChristMas gift is a gift that is useful as well as ornamental The next time you are dewn town just drop in and see our lin, of holiday goods. We have a big line of articles that as gifts will brighten your friend's home, and cause her to remember you or many moons, Useful things express regard and minister to comfort More people than ever are spending holiday money for articles. of utility, and this season will break the record. We offer a hearty welcome -to- lookers as well as buyers. The M. Robertson Furniture Emporium, STRONG'S RED BLOCK, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTEE YEBRITARY III.PORTAW'r NO itiisiD OUR SENET by mail'e cents. Catalogu It (.1 JEICAYSE, Detroit, IECIATan. § TOCK FOR SALE. -David HI Breeder of ThoDroughbred rkshi.ve Pigs Young sthek of FAIDE FOR BALE OR TO sent, let 8, eoneessian eentainier leo acres. For ilt!rther to MOBNIIT SainTsTERS, Animal 0R SALE. - splendid shorth JL' old, irons a prize 'winning ea Bear and young pige cd differ RUMOUR, Myth, Osta. MRICTCLE FOR SALE. F I would trade for weed a 2 seat sreepaatairrt. .hApply to ROST, JONES, :dise to bee icebansod for eafortiaGOO. D CRANCE.-A stook° could be redwood to suit. Psr -edit cedars of law. Addrees II vjoyin°11000erN-410.Bike0:111:112Ltot ACOlalsikrinissilontbe waste& and to MGR. OM Livens' store. Main street, Seato NIETHO *ANTS A BUIZ.-filto siort.yo:tone7561:cossioes,:iggng°00:111:1.1- t best, and get your ohoice. address B. ERSBY BULL. -The undersign Egmondville, a Thoroughbred Jet a limited number of cow* will be 4 payable at the time of service, arn rTettlOrningskLbriETiok,H0b2110euificeejn, 12,w1IN. iRirsEat:0/0413 house and one sore of land in Fgr sale, &MP, One trains bouse, halt acre of land, planted -with frt tv.ileitiehirrs. os.pply to seatiL w ae DURIIAK BULL FORSALE.- Thoroughbred Durham )11A color, dark yed, registered in Herd book, dred by Imported Go seen on the farm of the unde cannon 4, H. It. S., or LEDGE, &earth 1'. O. WOR SAM -That very desixab _IC by the late L. G. Meyer, b Gowinlock's 8urvey, Seritorth. I en Vittoria Square, and on it is a tortable cottage, stable and tithe' eat in the compel:toy et Mr. /I For partoulars and terms er HOLMESTED, Barritterolielderl - ---- A SPLENDID BUSMESS CH eigned effete for golf &mop his property in Hills Green - quarter acre ol land, on which general non with Alweniaa whisk is a wplendid celisr. Thar hones and stable. HilitOnten of the rietkestand best -tanning 4 and title la a splendid opening In nos MAU with some WEIRS to, particulars, oddrees --MARL] Green. • $ 300 Private funds $ 500 rates of interest $ -400 borrowers. Lo $1,000 pleted and ,n11 $1,500 within two dayil $2,500 allAYs,Barrist BOARS FOR 811 ThiPROVIDD YORKSECIRE Pp j has for sale a number al proved Yorkshire Flip, of both Concession 2, L. B.. S., T13 Brueelledd P. 0. WM. CH AMA "IDERKSHIRE PIGS. -The u during the present seat sion 3, Tueltersmith a Taos Pe, to whieh a limited number Terms, -$1, payable at the tan privilege of returning if nevem; --IMPROVED YORKSHIRE Pi will keep for the Improv 33, Concession 13, L. ia. S., proved Yorkshire Boar with I which a limited number of Tertns.-$1 payable at the Ural privilege of returning if neva the best bred pigs in tire Gouu 1-)1140AR -FOR SERVICE, --1 1.1 bought of W. Snell, of Pi Berkshire Pig, which he will k the Village of Varna, 1 or the Terms -$1., at the time of seri of returning, if necessary„Tt Piga in the county.' He is Sirr dam Scottish lassie (1685). V BOARS FOR SERVI0E.--1 service a thoroughbred a thoroughbredTansworth Olonceseien 6, Httlittt. The /I by Snell. of Edmonton. Tern • hire and 41.50 for the Tann time of service, with the pr necessary. '`Also a number of service for sale. Those are H. SCHOALES, Conatanoe. DOAR FOR SERVICE --)Soar for eerviesa Term at the time of service, with t iniZ, if neoeesery, also a ta Rams for iseideon Lot 8, Coy TASKER, Redo& O. "IMP -ROVED BE14KSECIR1 breeder of impreved Bet for service the celebrated In Royal Star (imp.) .4100 Daeigliter, (imp.) (1919). 81.00, and for rdiciStered registration, 420. Foes p eervioe, with the privilege In Also on hand a few choice 7 other young stook for eele. Itt6.t -Ur ICA 4t.14D BU'LL.-The Lot 30, Concession 5, I inent 04 stock this leaeou a China Pig, reeeutly purelitie bank, end sired from one of He will silo keep a Mort Terms of each Pta.--$1.•pay etee, with the privilege of He kas also for We, -cheap, bred Durham Yearling I atntey P. 0. Imported The last importation of I famous herds of William I has arrived. I now offer f bulb, "Prime Minister former a grandson of the 1 the latter sired by Gratt nip awn breeding., a red te a red bt Prime MioisWr, They are the right sort a Prime reeeonable.. no ti only about it mile from tt WILSON, Inglestde bore, AUCTR CVEARING 'O'UT Al STOCK, 1 APLES Kirkby has been instruct sell by Public Auction MeKillop; on Thursday o'clock p. m., the fellow' One earriage mare, 16, Kentucky star; 4 heav, 1 general putpose mare filly, conAng two; I It -Clear Grit mare, and s Three mil& oows, 1 pet the thine of este sd th heifers coming three.* log two, suppo ed to; lkl"eurieedzgeeed:funing;indtwiltil:eaolvIrSte2Ww;17111V11:8:0itownleCetio;n1:111111111 nearly new; 1 turelp atone, I sugar kettle, narrow, I set [heavy ta set short tug bernees ; and bridle-, whillictr _ qther small articlte au lam. The whole reserve, ars the Itsrms.-Allsoutsof amount ten months' -big approved Stall° isitger acne. per see Ir t tux.ounts, Eidsby, Auegoneer.