HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-02-02, Page 7- ?EMIT: 1894.
ter had presented itst.lf in a new light.
To ti--70-
Brinhs comfor id3mprovement and
eyeen to persenta !enjoyment when
need. The Mi-inwho live bet -
ter than c ere. rloy lite more, wit1.1
lese pcnditurel Vs- more promptly
adapting the worlds bet products to
needs of physical being, will attest
the value, to healtiid ef the pure liquid
inns: ive pi i ciplen oelibraced- in the
anacjis, Syrttp cf 'nee;
emes :knee is due to its presenting
in the fortis most ate -was -We and pleas-
e)h, t the taste, thetehingandti'uiY
aeveRciat nrenertilla of a; perfect lax -
es hes ; ea'ectually cler.noing the system.
g lie:sdaehea and fe c rf
feed'. hetteneeettly Criug constipate
iVe 11 toil to millions aee•
met, the' ii the aneeotal of the medico'
heohnedoe, catieo acts on the
nets, ?deer &eel Bowels without weal:-
enieg t1ieti. wed it- id perfectly free Lou?
every otd,eeti,e ableStilistance.
Strzli., ofI-Ye,s ia fbr Sale by all drug-
ests ia lsottin, but it is mama-
s las:tared 'tee tile Coldifraia Fig Syrup
naTh. ealy, hceonam.e id,printecl on every
isachnete else; tho rintna, Syrup of Figs,
=Sofa bldeng well informed, you 'kill nob
lonespt any substitute 4 offered.
“ Do you think that'e a we'd have -to dor'
she said. "Wouldn't we have to tell the
minister, nor anything?" 1
I don't see why We'd have to, Harriet,
really don't We're sorry enough for what
we did, and we ain't eirer gomg to do it
again—though I would like to sleep like that
every day—and then if we turn round and
go to forgiving a fellow -mortal, that's done
the smile thing, seems to me, Harriet; seems
to me, one couldn't ask no more."
Miss Harriet sighed, " think about
it," she said. "It's such an easy way, I
kinder mistrust it can't be right. But then,"
she added, "if we overlook Jim Cooley's
performances we'll have to give up Mary,and
that ain't easy, any way you do it." •
Miss Lydia lay there, full of -her divine
faith in forgivenness, but it was sengl before
the struggle in her sister's honest conscience
ended. She recoiled so visiilently froin what
she had done that she wanted to atorke for it
in the most painful way possible. At the
same time it was quite a struggle to Pe what
she had declared she never would—to over-
look Jim Cooley's fault and cheerfully give
Mary to him. 1
"Well," she said finally, I've thought
and thought until my head buzzed, and I'll
do it, Lyddy, I'll do it. But I haven't got a
mite of respect for myself left, and c if the
very children in the street shouldi throw
cans at me, and hoot, I wouldn't feel that it
was a bit more than I deserved." r,
It was quite late when Mary came home.
Jim helped her out of the buggy andpitched
his horse. He didn't venture to approach
the house, but stood talking with her by the
gate. He had his arm around her, and kiss-
ed her now and then, for their little romance
had progressed during the day, and they
were determined now to go together what-
ever happened.
Mary," called a harsh voice film the
doorway, "is that you
"Yes, Aunt Harriet"
"Is Jim Cooley there?"
" Yes'm."
"Bring him in; I want to see
The startled lovers ad.vanced, Jird holding
Mary tightly by the hand.
Miss Harriet had lighted the lamja in Ithe
little sitting -room, and towered in front of
them like a statue of Justice administering
Sit down On the sofa," she conimanded.
They obeyed her meekly.
"Jim Cooley," she began, solemnly, mY
sister Lyddy and me never had no great
opinion of you. We've always thought of
that time when you was arrested and took
up, and you never seemed no fit match for
The young man colored, and wasiabout to
speak, but Miss Harriet went on impres-
"To -day we've been thinking it over.
We've concluded a man can do a thing like
that once and not have it count. It hadn't
ought to color everything. Fan'a I know,
you're steady now, and if you Jove Mary,
and. she cares for you, my sisterLyddy and
me withdraws our objections and gives our
consent to your union."
the doctor. "There is nothing to be
ashamed of. Let your :ister sleep, it won't
hurt her. I don't this* you will have any
further trouble. Gond morning," and be
passed out of the house i and nearly ran over
the freckle -faced by who was hovering
near, attracted by that fascination which
disease and death oftCrehave for children.
The doctor drove up the street, smiling to
himself, but it was asahry heavy-hearted old
lady that he left behind him. She put away
the remainder of thelancheon, and straight-
ened out the room. Then she took some
sewing and sat down by her sister's bed.
Her face was sad and forbidding, and - her
Puritan conscience "kita.8 hard at work, in the
bottom of her poor old heart.
Miss Lydia slept peacefully on. After a
while Miss Harriet (load not stand it any
longer. It was -hard to sit there, filled with
shame and humiliatlhn, while her equally -
guilty sister slumbered im unconsciously.
"Lyddy," she said, "wake up. I've got
something to tell yon."
Miss Lydia opened her eyes and gazed
drowsily at her sister.
"Sit up," commended Miss Harriet, and
she shook up the Pillows and. tried to raise
the invalid.
" What's the matter, Harriet ? Has any-
thing happened ?"
Well, 1 rather gueSs so," said Miss Har-
riet, grimly. "Hae von had a good nap?"
"Splendid ! But what makes you look so
I've got, eeasoa th look queer, Lyddy
Fenton, and so have you. We've done an
that we had. for lunch? Well, it was chain- mg the faults yon see, and I know it ended
pagne, Lyddy—intoxicating spirits! and we
drank a lot of it, and it—oh, I can't bear to
think of it. We hadn't aught to have done
it. The doctor's hen here, .and everything.
At our acre, leo."
Miss Harriet began to cry softly as the
memory of their disgrace swept over het -Omit
Miss Lydia seemed,to fail to realize it. She
only opthted her like .eyes ,Wider and gazed.
at her sister in surprise.
What are you talking about, Harriet? I
never touched a drop Of intoxicating spirits
in my life."
—Dr. PiercesGolden
:Mcdicel Discovery.
Ana when you hear
that it cures so many
diseases, perhaps you
think "it's too good
to be true."
But it's only reap
sonable. As a blood -
cleanser, flesh -builder;
and strength -restorer,
nothing like the "Dia-,
coyery " is known to medical science. The.
diseases that it curens 'come from a torpid
liver, or front impure blood. For everything
of this nature it is the only guarculteed
renseely. In 'Dyspepsia, -Biliousness; eli
Bronchial, Throat and Lung Affections; ev-
ery form of Scrofula, even -Consumption or
Lung-ecrofula) in its earlier stages, and in
-the most stubborn Skin and Scalp Diseases
—if it ever fails to benefit or cure, you have
your money back.
. The worse your Citarrh, the more you
heed Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Its
hroprietoraleffer $500 cash for a case of
Catarrh in the Head which they cannot
She had spoken with great 'dignity, but her
voice broke a little as she added:
"We're all poor sinners and liable to fall
from grace when least expected ; but you
treat her well, JinaCooley. I couldn't ever
forgive that, if you didn't; and may the-
Lorcl bless you both !"
whieli some men set themselves up as pro-
tectors of Protestantism and take a ..stand
against a certain religious creed, when in
fact they have no interest in religion or the
church at all and only take up the fight
against the particularchurch which they ep-
pose because of political differences. Mr.
Tolmie said that Protestantism would take
care of itself, and no man -unless he be a
Christian had any right to take part in the
affairs of the church or to dictate as to the
particular creed which a: man should follow.
He did not mention any organization, but
scored the members of all such societies,
who were not Christians, for setting them-
selves up as examples. -
—Albert F. Banberger was hanged at
Cando, North Dakota, the other day, for the
brutal murder on July 6th, 1893, of six
members of the Kreider family. The
execution was witnessed by thousands of
—Rev. Charles Ingham, an Englishman,
attached to the American Baptist Mission,
on the lower Congo, was recently tramp1es1
to death by an elephant which he , had
--At Ipswitch, South Dakota, on Jan-
uary 17th, Mrs. -Howe, of the Sherman
ranch, stated out to round up some horses.
The horse she was riding stumbled and
threw her to the ground, slightly injuring
her. The horse immediately started for the
ra.nch and tlie lady tried to follow on foot
as best she could. There was a strong wind
blowing. the snow from the north, and. she
finally brought up at a deserted shanty,
where her body was found the next day.
Two hundred deaf mutes dancing to
music of which they could not hear a single
note formed. a notable feature of a ball held
the other night in the Central Opera House,
New York. It was the fifth annual ball of
the Deaf Mutes' Union League. To all out-
ward. appearance it was just an 'ordinary
dance, with the usual accessories of orches-
tra and waxed flour, but an observant per-
son, with good ears, could tell in a mihute
that something was missing.
—The Southern Pacific Railway Company
have completed the great tunneL through
the Santa Lucia mountain at San Luis Obis-
po, California, which they have been drilling
for more than a year past. It is nearly
4,000 feet long and it is the third finished of
Seven tunnels which the railroad , has to
make to complete. its line to this point.
The others will be finished' before March
—Says the Stratford Beacon: s "An
amusing incident has come to light in con-
nection with the ball given by the
'1T0, Us & Co.' Club,. a young ladies' social
organization, on the 25th inst., in Myers'
Hall, Stratford. An invitation had been
sent to a young man in London and as
Stratford was not mentioned on the bid'
the young man sallied out to find where
Myers' Hall was situated in London. After
asking every policeman on the force he was
lucky enough to run across a Grand Trunk
Railway man who informed him that Myers'
Hall was located. in Stratford. The secre-
tary of the club was at once coinnaunicated
with, .and the invitation accepted. In fu-
ture, girls, let the invited one know, where
to come to."
She trembled slightly as -she stood before
them and stretched out her hands. But they
were too amazed to take them or to answer
her; and then, before they recovered them-
selves, she walked quickly from the room and
closed the door behind her.
aI done it, Lyddy," she exclaimed, "and
I guess after all it was right. I feel so sort
of peaceful, now its done. '
"Course it was right," said Miss Lydia
placidly. "-Don't you remember the piece I
awful thing. You khow that Pearl of Ohio spoke once at schools Something about hid -
Yes yon did, tool cijed Miss Harriet.
up with,
" Thatmercy I to others show ; -
That mercy show to me." --
" Well," said Miss Harriet, "I'm ,going to
bed. It's been an awful day, and I'm all
used. up. Seems to me as if it was a week
since this morning."
So the two old ladies laid themselves down
to tranquil slumber, first praying to be - for-
given, even as they forgave. The lovers
stalked on in. low voices, while out at • the
gate Jim Cooley's tired horse pulled. at his
hitching strap, and in the kitchen the Pearl
of Ohio stood ignominiously upon its silver
head. e
News Notes.
--The Rev. Dr. Douglas and Mr. Duncan
McIntyre, of Montreal, who have been seri
ouely ill, are improving.
—J. & A. isloatfillan, of Si. John, New
Brunswick, the oldest printing and publish-
ing firm in the Maritime Provinces, have
made an assigninent
—The city of Lincoln sailed for London
Monday night, from St. John, New Bruns-
wiek, with grain and hay, being the first lot
of 'grain shipped from that port.
—The Rev. C. 0. Johnston, a Methodist
minister of Kingston, has asked all the men
attending his church who are not professing
Christians to send him a post -card. stating
their, reasons for remaining outside :the
church membership.
—The Presbyterian church at Wind-
sor,' was filled to overflowing on Sab-
bath. night, 22nd ult., and Rev. Mr.
Tolmie preached a sermon of great force.
He evoke of the many ways in which people
commit sacrilege. •• Starting from Biblical
times he brought his discourse down to the
present day, and spoke of the manner
For Children and Adults.:
R. LOW'S Worm Syrup's:mires worms ot all kinds
in children or adults. It contahis no injurious
ingredients. Prio, 26e.
A Healing, Soothing Sabre for outs, burns, bruises,
wounds and sores, Victoria Carbolic Salve.
Spring Time Coming.
Before the advent of spring the system should be
thoruughly cleansed and purified by the use of Bur-
dock Blood Bitters, which purifies the blood and
cures dyepepaia, constipation, headache, liver GOBI -
plaint, etc.
eie • ete
In Strength Giving and healing power ..Milburn's
Cod Liver Oil Emulsion excels all others.
"You drank a, teagapful of the Pearl of
Ohio. And this sleep you've been having,.
you thought was SO nice, wasn't a natural
kind of sleep at ali, but a sort of torpor."
The distress in her face was pitiful to see.
"Why, Harrieti? :exclaimed her sister,
“ you know
"HOWI know, I dialn't I tell you the
doctor'd been here,. 'and I couldn't walk, and
the furniture all rose up and bowed at me,
and my tongue seesned to go wagging along
by itself, and you lying there like a log. Oh
Lyddy, it's ten -fide, terrible." ,
There was a little silence, while Miss
Lydia seemed slosnly rallying her faculties to
realize the enormity of the situation.
Why, Harriett.," she said at last, "don't
feel so bad. We dAri:t, mean to do it."
" What's that ght t do- with it?" de-
ntate -led Miss Hartietfiercely. " We done
it, didn't we ? New, what are we going to
do about it ?"
"1 don't eee as we 6tie do anything."
" Lydia Fentme ythi don't, seem to have
no mond sense. 140 you think its fair to let
people go en thinkleghvehe decent, respect-
able women when: We've gone and had a
orgy like this ? That's will7t. it was—c
"1 dont see whrt ood it'll do to tell."
" The doctor saidshe wouldn't tell, and
ihn sure I don't want to. But 1 don't feel
as if I could ever leek anybody in the face
again. Seems to me tve ought to i.lend for the
minister, anyway, mid tell him, and see
what he says Clout it. Perhaps he could
exhort us, or something in private, so that
everybody needn't kaow."
hliee Lydia seemed lest in thought.
"1 wonder," shs: said finally, " if Jim
Cooley knew what he was doing that time ?"
" 6)nrse he did." answered. her sister,
sharply,- " there ain't no kind of likeness_
That was beer he took, and in a saloon, too.
It wasn't all fixed nn in a silver-plated bot-
tle and called the Pearl of Ohio." She spoke
with infinite contempt,
Harriet," said the sick woman, softly,
maybe its wicked to say it, but I feel a
heap better. Of coarse, 1 wouldfft have
took it if I'd knowte :lint it just seemed to
set me up wonderful. I'd like to sleep like
that every day. . I know its wrong to say
it." she added, meekl.se, "but- I would."
Her sister looked. ak her with fine disdain.
You don't seem to have- no backbone
nor nothin since yon had the grip," she said.
Miss Lydia never hoticed this fling, bet
her feeble voice went On plaintively :
"1 can't seem to teel that we've been so
terrible wicked, Harriet. Maybe we have,
but I can't seem to feel it somehow. 'Pears
.to me, if we kinder i forgave Jim Cooley for
hwhat he's done, it would sort of square
things 'round, yon linow, and we wouldn't
Rave to tell anybody."
She spoke with hesitation and advanced
her little plan timidly..
Miss Harriet eyes1 her sharply. She was
not going to throw any sops to her unappeas-
ed conscience.
" What's that for ?.'' she demanded.
'What should we thrgive Jim Cooley for ?"
'Why, Harriet, that's what the Bible
says, and its in the Lord's Prayer, too. Jim
Cooley didn't exactly- trespass against us,
hut he trespassed just the same way as we
did. You know he ' did, Harriet. And if
we harden our heart S against him on account
of that, I don't see 'hoar we can expect the
Lord to forgive us for the same thing."
Miss Harriet thottght a mionte. The mat
Highly' `raiseci.:...1 ,.BUCW8
Gmerianeee—I have used your Hagyard's bYellow
Oil and have found it unequalled for burns, sprains,
scalds, rheumatism, croup and colds. I have recom-
mended it to many friends, and they also speak
highly of it. .. 44,., ....#.:_t• ,-.
Montreal, Que.
Pure Imported Wine, Prime Canada Beef and
soluble scale salts of Iron, are combined in Milburn's
Beef, Iron and Wine.
asit • 41.,
Cured His Boils in One Week.
EAR SIRS,—I was covered with pimples and
small boils, until one Sunday I was given of a
bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, by the use of
which the wee were sent flying in about one week's
FRED. CARTER, Haney, B. C.
I can answer for the truth of the above.
T. C. Cementite Haney,B. C.
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup positively cures
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hoarseness and Bronchitie.1,
An Excellent Remedy.
GENTLEMEN,—We have used Hagyard's Pectoral
Balsam in our house for over three years, and find it
an excellent eetnedy for all forms of coughs and
colds. In throat and lung trouble:3 it affords instant
Columbus, Ontario,
Stearn Boiler. Works,
—Itch cin human and horses and all animals, cured
in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This
never fails. Sold by Lumsden & Wilson.
Bronchitis Cured.
DEAR SIRB,—Having suffered fee months from
bronchitis, I concluded to try Dr. Weed's Norway
Pine Syrup, and by the time 1 had taken one bottle
I was entirely free from the trouble and feel that I
am cured.
Toronto Junction,. Ont..
Captain'Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal„ says:
" Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the firet medieine I
have ever found that would do me any good." Price
60 cents. Sold by all druggists.
NATURAL G.,411 IN HAMILTON.—Natural gas has been
found in Hamilton as yet only in pockets, it is true ;
bvt still it must be there, and if found in quantity
It will make Hamilton a great manufacturing centre
and relieve the financial depression ; as it is, Hamil-
ton has been too extravagant and ambitious. So it is
with the human syhtem when Overtaxed, sick and
nervous headaches, neuralgia and biliousness ensue,
but use Stark's Powders, a never failing cure,prompt
and pleasant.
.--004,04"eftutgassItiv„_ .
5M1AL z
o her:maies.4,4
heal), nean
1&'d b3
(#13TABLISHED 1e80.)
Successor to Chrystal & Black,
Manufacturer of all kinds of Stationary
Marine, Upright & Tubular
Salt Pans, Site Stacks, Sheet Irot Works,
etc., etc.
Also dealers in Upright and Horizontal Slide Valve
Engines. Automatic C'ut-qff Engines a specialty. Ail
irks of pipe and pipe -fitting nonetantly on hand.
Estimates furnished on short notice.
Warks—Oppoisite G. T. R. Station, Goderich.
—English Spavin Liniment reinoves all hard, soft
or calloused Lumps and Blendshes from horses,
Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, 11ing Bone, Sweeney,
Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swell n Throat, Coughs,
etc. Save $50 by us 6 of one bot le. 'Warranted the
most wonderful Blemish Cure ver known. Sold
by Lumsden & Wileon.
THAMEBVIL , May nth, 1892.
DIOR & Co., Montreal.
Gentlemen,—I have been using several packages of
your Blood Purifier, and find it the best condition
powder I over used.
Your 3 truly,
A Lover Who Meant Busmess.
"Will you take this wornan to be your
wenided wife?" asked an Illinois magistrate
tone masculine of a couple who stood up
before him.
, "Wall, squire," was the . reply,. "'Yea
'must he a green 'un to ask me such a ques-
tion as that eh. Do you -think I'd be such a
plague :_fool as to take this gal froth the
quilting frolic and bring her here if I was
not conscriptiously eertain and determined
to have her? Drive on with your business."
The Modern Invalid
Has tastes medicinally, in keeping with eth-
er luxuries. A remedy must be pleasantly
acceptable in form, purely wholesome in
composition, truly beneficial in- effect and
entirely free from every objectionable qual-
ity. If really ill he consults a physician ;
if ' constipated he uses the gentle family
laxative, Syrupfof Figs.
P. PSIS - (Y)Cat' 1‘,.
'WS Mt:0C
SHILOH'S CURE is sold on a g
Incipieet Consumption. It is the
Only one cent a dose ; 25 cts., 60
hottle. Sold by all druggists.
CAUTION —Beware of any man
imitation article, no matter what
"just as good as the genuine;,' t
"sham remedies " in this way up
cif the:Pain•Killer—be sure and
niade by Perry Levis'. Large bot
arantee. It cures
best Cough Cure.
cts. and $1.00 per
ho offers you an
t is, and say it is
ey sell all kinds of
n the reputation
get the genuine
les, popular price.
ri‘OR the rc.movel
ee, worms of 2.e1
from children or adults,
use D. SftlIT FPS
tempt, reliable, jsafe 'and- pleasant, requiring no
'tier medicine. Never failing. Leave no bad after
tffects. Price, ;25 cents per Lox
Dr. McLellan, London,
o497 Talbot Street, Specialist on the
Graduate of the New York Eye and Ear Hospltal,
1889. Post Graduate Course at. the New York Post
Graduate Medical School slid Hospital on the Eye,
Ear, Nose and Throat, 1892. • Eyes Tested. Full
stock of Artiflcal Eyes, Spectacles and Lenses. Will
be at the
Hours 900 a. m. to 41; p. m. Charges Moderate
How to get a " Sunlig t" Picture.
Send 25 "Sunlight" Soap wrapper (wrapper bearing
the words "Why Does aWoman Lo k Old Sooner than
a Man " ) to LEVER BROB., Ltd., 43 cott St.. Toronto,
and you will receive by post a p etty picture, free
from advertising, and well worth raining. This is
an easy way to decorate your how . The soap is the
best in the market, and it will onl, cost lo. postage
to send in the wrappers,.if you lea e the ends open.
Write your address carefully.
"By a _thorough knowledge of the natural laws
which govern the operations of digestion and nutri-
tion, and bra careful application cf the fine proper-
ties of well -selected Co2oa. Mx.Epps has provided for
our breakfast and supper a delicately flavoured bev-
erage which may save us many heavy dectors'bills.
It is by the- judicious use of such articles of diet that
a constitution may be gradually built up until strong
enough- to reeist every tendency to disease. Hun-
dreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready
to attack whet Oer there .is a weak point. We may
escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well
fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished
framer —Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold
only in packet's by Grocers, labelled thus:
MTh. T S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tennessee, says :
" Shiloh's Vitalizer 'SAVED MY LIFE.' I consider
it the beet remedy for a debilitated system I ever
used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it
excels. Price, 75 Cents. Sold by all druggists. -
Rheumatic Cure for Rheumatism a
cally curet§ in I. to 3 days. lts actio
tem is remarkable and mysterious
once the cause and the disease i
pears. The first dose greatly b
Sold by Lumsden & Wilson, druggi
A Keene Lad
• •#
John Harrhion, of Peterboro, Bought and
Used Three Boxes of Dodd's _Kidney
Pills, TAThich Cured Him of Kidney
Disease of Four Years' Standing..
South American
d Neuralgia radi-
upon the sys-
It removes at
imediately disap-
nefite. 76 cents.
ts, Seatierth.
A lady earned Mrs. T. C. M. Hun phries, living in
Keene Ontario, who used only two bottles of Mem-
bray's Kidney and Liver Cure, h: forwarded a
statement to the effect that it corn • letely cured her
of inflammatory rheumatism, ki ney and liver
troubles. Such a complication of riseaSes yielding
to this remedy should encourage si ter sufferer' to
give it an honest trial.
Coughing Leads toi`oo sumption.
Ken.p's Balam stops the.,_cough at once.
RELIEF IN Six HOURS —Distressi g Kidney and
Bladder diseases relieved in six hour by the "Great
South American Kidney Cure." Th s new remedy is
a great surprise agd dclight n account of
its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the
bladder, kidneys, back and every pa t of the urinary
passages in male cr fetnale. It reli "es retention of
water and pain in passing it almost immediately. It
you want quick relief and, cure this s 3 our remedy.
Sold by Lumsden & Wilson, Seafort
Lane's Medicine Moves he Bowels
Each Day.
In order to be healthy this is nece eery.
PETERBORO. January 29.—John McKee, a well-
known druggist here, tells of a remarkable cure of
one of his customers, John Harrison, brmeans of,
Dodd's Kidney Pills. Mr. Harrison had kidney dis-
ease for four years, and all the 'remedies he used
failed. Three boxes of Dodd'e Kidney Pills routed
the disease, and Mr. Harrison is well and happy.
These pills are manufactured by Dr. L. A. Smith &
Co., Toronto, Rnd are sold by all dealers, or will be
mailed on receipt of price; fifty cents per box, or
six boxes for $2.50.
Having been troubled with biliousness and head-
ache, with loss of appetite, I was advised to try Dr.
Carson's Bitters, and found great relief after a few
doses. W. F. CANIN,
Toronto, Ont.
HAMILTON, January 6th, 189.I.
Mr. Isaac Williams, London, Ont.:
Sir,—I take great pleasure in recommending your
Royal Crown Remedy for all the complaints you
claim to cure. I took three bottles and one box of
pills. As a blood purifier I consider your remedy
has no equal. At the 'present time my health is bet-
ter than it has been for years.
Wentworth Street.
I have used Dr. Carson'e Bitters for twelve months,
and can say that they are, for an appetiser, purga-
tive, and nerve tonic, the best lever used.
J. MARTIN. Notary Public.
Toronto, Ontario.
It 'Purifies and Strengt ens the
entire system.
?he beet medicine ever covered.
Notice is hereby given that the annua ireeting of
the Usborne and Hibbert Mutual Fir Insurance
Company will be held in Gardiner's Bal-, Farquhar,
on MONDAY, Februarreth,16D4,at 1 o e. ck p. m ,for
the receiving of the Directors', Sec etary's and
Treasurer's annual reports, Eleet".on of i ectors and
Auditor, and other business. For the good and
welfare of the Company all members a requested
to attend.
President. ecretary.
1362xt d •
Every owner of a
horse or cow- wants
to know how to
keep his animal in
good nealthe while in the stable on dry /odder.
DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER is now. recognized
as the best Condition Powders, h gives a good
appetite and strengthens the digestion so that all the
food is assimilated and forms flesh, thus saeingmore
than it costs. It regulates the Bowels and Kidneys
and turns a rough coat into a smooth and glossy one.
Sound Horses are al-
ways in demand and at
this season when they
are so liablegtoslipe and
straais DICK'S BLIS-
TILR -will be found a
stable necessity; it will
remove a curb, spavin,
splint or thoroughpin or any swelling. Dick's Lini-
ment cures a- strain Or lameneas and removes inflam-
mation ft -mamas and bruises. *: For Sale by all Drug-
gists. Dick's BlOodPurifier 50c. Dick's Blister 60c.
Dick's Liniment 25e. Dick's Ointment 25c.
Send a
Fat Cattle rftan-ill pa!
deniers &
a book of valuable household and farm recipes ;III
be sent free.
DICK & CO.. P. O. Box 482, MONTREAL.
NERVE BEANS new dis.
coverj that cure the orst eases of
Nervous Debility, • Vigor and
Failing Manhood; estoree the
weakness of body or d caused
by over -work, or the • ors or ex -
cases of youth. This Remedy ab-
colutely cures the mon obstinate cases w n an other
razasanarrs-hase failed even to relieve. old by drug-
gists at $1 per package, or six for 45, or sen b mail on
receipt of price by addreesing THE JAMES #DICINE
CO.. Toroneo. Ont. Write for pamphlet. id in—
Sold in Ss iforth by J. S. ROB RTS.
,While thanking their numerous customers for the liberal share of patronage
bestowed upon them in the past, would respectfully solicit a continukince of
the same, assuring 'them that no effort will be spared on their part to not ()lily
maintain, but to increase the confidence of the public in the drug department
of their bUsinesfe,
Our Stock is large and complete in every line, and our a na is to give
Pure Drugs and Accurate Compounding at
Moderate Prices,
[ Three considerations of importance, neither of which should be overlooked by -
Leadin,4 Undertaker
My facilities are unsurpadeed. I am pre-
pared to conduct burials in a. moat satis-
factory manner. All modern- undertaking
appliances. Compettuit managenfent guar-
anteed. A full line of burial goodson
hand. I aim to be prompt, considerate
and reliable. ;
A Charges Most reasonable.
c -t -
the prudent purchaser in this line,
Desines to thank his many customers and the
public for the very liberal patronage he has
been favored with since starting business in
I am in a better position than ever to turn
out work promptly, and the general satisfaction
my work has given in the past shall be surpa..ssed
in the future.
I have just received a new stock of Elegant
Goods in all lines, going at hard time prices.
V..1,, • • • NO I..;
EgRa.ri /4?
Nothing Short of the Best Should Satisfy
Young men and women wishing to prepare them/selves as Book-keepers
and Stenographers.
A S'plenctid Business Chance.
The urdenigned wishes to dispose of her huffiness
: and stock of Fancy Goods, Flmgering Yarns, Berlin
- Wools, ice' and Children's Underwear, etc, ete.
The stanI is one of the best in Seaforth, just oppesite
ce •John Str et on Main and the stock is a first-class one.
* This is an unequalled opportunity for anyone who
wishes to engage in this line of business. Apply to
Is recognized as the peer of any bneinefis or shorthand school in America, and vastly superior to any of its
contemporaries in Canada. No better evidence of this need be advanced than the following list of places
where students came from who registered during the 15 days immediately preceding the writing of tlus ad.:
North Adams, Mass.; Washington, Mich.- Lethbridge, Alberta: Berlin, London Toronto, Huntsville, Yins-
koka ; Kincardine, Ruthven, Coateworth, Rodney, Clinton, Strethroy, Napier,' Hampden County Grey ;
Auburn, County Huron ; Seaforth, Bothwell, Windsor, Strangfield, Ridgetown, Wocidslee, 'Fletcher, Camp
Palmer, Essex Gounty : Glen Rae, Highgate, Aldboro, Btampton,, Alvinsten, Glencoe, Camphelltort, Cedar
Springs, Chatham, and many points in the vicinity. It pays to attend the best. Two of America's best
penmen among the members of our staff, means a great deal to our pupils. We pay railway fare in coming
to Chatham. Good board for ladies at $2, gentlemen $2. O. We secure board at thee 1- -figures with very
respectable ptivate families, and have the places in readiness for the students when they arrive. Writs for
handecene catalogue and specimen of peninanshiR, and he convinced of the superiorty of 'this institution
over an schools of a similar kind in Canada. Mention where .V011 saw this ad., and address—
D. NIeLACHLAN, Chatham, Ontario;
Will be a great deal more savory if you have it served on one of our new
Dining Tables, and are seated comfortably on one of. our new neatly designed
Chairs. To be complete as to the furniture part, our splendid patterns in
Sid eboar will fill up that blank space in the side of your room, and you and
your family will fall to with gusto to do justice to the tempting viands, and
all be happy on this happy of happy days. Try it.
Did it ever strike you that a piece of Furniture as a Christmas gift, is a
gift that is useful as well as ornamental The next time you are down town
just drop in and see our line of holiday goods. We have a big line of articles
tha; as gifts will brighten your friend's home, and cause her to remember you.
or many moons. :Useful things eXpress regard and minister to comfort. More
people than ever are spending holiday money for articles of this
se,n will break the record. ,We offer a hearty welcome
as buyers.
utility, and
to lookers as
rrl.e M. Robertson Furniture Emporium,
Z; a I LAM'S
,? ri
'fliis GREAT COUGH CURE, this ssic-
'cinsial CCrisTSUMPTIO.hd, CURE, is without
patiailei in the history of medicine.. All
drinntists are authorized to, sell it on a pos-
idve euarantee, a test that no other cure can
succssissrully stanch If you have a Cough,
lreroat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will
:r r,u. if your child has the Croup. or
What-eh:a Cetigh, Use it promptly, and relief
i • ee•S . If von dread that inthdmus disease
PTION, /ail to use it, it will
or coet nothine. Ask your Drug -
eta fer- Fli:LOH'S CT -RE, Price c cts,
E,o and ss taxa
13514 Seaforth, Ontario.
iVlusicai : Instrument
••.• •
PIANOS:L-31%1am, New York - W.
Bell & Co., Guelph; Dominion Piano &m-
any, Bowmauville.
Do9iRniGonA0NrgSans—CWom.paBerfily,RoGowm" suville;
D. W. Kam & Co,, WOOdetrOOk#
The above Instrurnen--te always on hand, alio a few
ood second:hand sninnas and Organs for -sale at
from $25 uifivards. Instruments sold on the inaill-
resat plan, or on terms to snit customers. Violins,
3ouccrtinas and emal instrumentson hand also:Velvet
etteeie, beae