HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-02-02, Page 3- ! . - - I I - � I - . � � � � - . � � , - I I I . � " . .1 � � . .. ', I . I ,. ". ; .­� '_­ I ,� � .- .. � ,� I I I - I � - . . I' I �� it - � I . ,. J - I - � I I . I - I . . � m � . - I - � �, T.- - - T - I I , I . I I . - I . , � . . .- I � . . � . . . - ! � . I �, � I � . - I N . I I . 11 1�. �. . � , � 11 I -- � � . . A �, . . - - t , -1 I I . � - . . � � . � I - . . � - I � I I I I 1. �* o � I . . � � - - I f # I- - . I . . - I 9 - - j - . � I . � I � � I � I I . i . A . . � . . � , - I ?-, f . I �_ I - I I . 4 � * . � 3 1 .7 , I . I � I - I I I , - - �� � . i � I � . . � - I . . I . i . I . I I - � . - - I , I , � . - � I I . � I- . - . . � I � - - � � - - � - . . - - —_ , '. , , ," � � I I ) "* 'EXPOSITOIte — . , I ­ - � i .. 1. — , ! ! - V . I i - - . � 116 . �. �'HIUROX . . - . __1131111 . . . . . . .j � ­� , � I . . THE . I — � - . I . I . ..:71- 1 .1 � I . - Ll I I - . . - - I ,_ -1 . �� - I fl_ I " . * 1� . M I I- - . — � . .- � C. . , . NIIIIIII I . I . ;ft, I � . ARV _2%,�:, 1810*41. i �� 10 I . withi *hite'hair, mustache and beard- One I . ,I M A a ... - 't ... - . - -Int . I I - " . womiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINENIIIIIIII 15ne-CM.'n , - I FtBIEW . - � - 4 telephone . teristics is that he min& mmm � I -_ So -the Sri engtir of the M&K of his chi6f charac ' . - I I I - 1, . . - . - ' ' . I ' I business. The commercial agencies I - . . �, I - � � I I- ; 000,000; and With ' � . . -_ " -' t -j uron E os�t.or, INS-11DE �k - TELEPRO-NE , h,et and consequently its attraction for big " � � the'little iro. . rate i h mi at over $ 1, I I - ,- The I � .1 (jj,,jk._ change conz nualiv . . . . . i t_ - 1hpORTANT NOTIO]ES' __ 11 R XP f - . I . 'ante,81, I :" - . . � * ()f the vibratin�,, our- orddit .that would, buy the earth if he w I tq s con. , _� . under the itiflaence I . _ - fir 9. . I 1W S &T Music red; ed � , - D THERE WHEN ONP came from the ranks of the I � h oat i . I I , . OUR BRIM *at'vir-ig 4T , WHAT IS FOUN 1.14 refore malle tO vl- 'It. if This man � . - * 'i I rent. The disick tile . i to. Chulosug � SEAFORTH Of � j4k,' there isn't a man .who works' .. . - i b Mail 6 1: - . � I- d lab�reis, and I - ,:It, UjAipm. �:IPAW6 � v biate very niuch ,-is tile "lle I I ,I q i - - 1. . . - � - � _� -18 TAKEN APART. � robably,-%v o I,- - . VOW, -.--- 1_� - � . I — . against. which votiv friell-I spo'ki-. Vi-'l"IL-. harder than Gibson did, or, ,h -i 1, S I I . __ L,&_Dk,ia,Hl1t Stita P. O., - PubliAhers was. & sprig oynobility visited . . ' )llvf.�e . MeLBAN BROS,) . ,�ibrat;ions. bein-,,- (" 7 Y d jorer;thanh6 i nix In ibattle. all -A and these � . * , % FOP, SA� � . ai- � -_ . . �, Fba - I ---- � Sou,141.4 Vibl-atiji;� Wbich PrOdu(10" " I ed, sad having been `1 T �raedor of Thoroughbred Do ' -!or s%le I ir to our ear. repzoduc­ - 9;a;s=_i1e, Gibson's,home, - � ; �� _ ol outh sex��., � � . by the a , - 1 1 I jzt � oung, Stock i � � � . . -'s townand through the in . §M P. y ,_� 1354-t f � I ADVERTISING RATES- I )f meootricitr and tly tile sofinds of thev, nicel shown over the � . Vibritt-inig (urrour t most exac - - . I . I 'i��al establishments, asked the proprietor i I t. . I Contract advertisements, matter ch"geible at , . .. I 'Voice- dna .� ,� I - . . .to % I a Line of -I urther ho; it i� romish, I . . olle point should peinaps havj f w he had attained such marvellous success , �A" FOR SALS Oi& TO RENT. -F& 'ale or P91 Z�Q� so Are Trnnsinitte'd Along I (I the old man threw . : T. )3y I . ;Il,:I,j,,jj. Ili!l.ye refol-retl t4 th" �! " in life. Without a W017 I I � I i . ran . pOrturther partiftlars up 08. I _. qNpj , , .. 4 lot s, soneasdon 4-, R- tL 5-, t#*e _ww' 1 Year a mos. 3 in Wire. ­ . I . , 18494 � . -a I -i -1, stripped off his cost and took 00vW11111 1W sere d&6 1),�im: conliem:-d 1)v III( hislulit do*L ,611,1X11j.rj CHiATEM, EqmOrl - � 11 to 2I Inches, inclusive 04 50 $260 $1607 1 . j it-if-pliolit's "is � � I . . I 0 AO . 1. C& 5 00 2 76 � 1 65 your finger li-flitiv o1a t I"! -1 � - - 1*11t, wii-e. Tnis i,� not 1-11'eUY jjjsi place at the edger, and ha,ving edged I 1 6 to 10 t. 14 6 5Q 3 00 ��. 1 76 If You lay in � I ol tile I . oil -nedto the visitor, .1 7 �T�-�� ard of-, a pi;, 0 Orl wilicl correct, I , g k sp endid short Orn Bait, one 3 air i COW AbW Berkshae &to 6 " 94 Sounding -bo , 11 foratt,eb-wiric current, (11,11 I , v four or five deals lie tui in,v his OIL 8A -- . 600 8 25 1"i 1 86 . � . . oid f�Z� 2, V�jze,vviljnitl t gg S. JOHN Ito 2 is INIaTill.g. yoll v-111 filld Olat . . i. Ti.t. ifilt, �y hard --- --- . I � P of ifferen -, ISQ4, - -ith 0110 I % . 1, F 9;. . 461ner than sonle 011'% , f1mv III ;I co)III),ete C!I,(:tii and.with fire in his eye and a- glow ' t' ; # cleats to chanlre'nOt 0 , i 111.)NI)II-treillblin- OL . Boar at�ld young P' �, if the advertiser ce4t. will be tile !),nl4i is 11, 0 . wire is iberefore. connected �ix cheek,answeredthe question: " I . bjoij% jilyth,Ont- I., once per mouth, a reduction of 20 per, ! piring work Sir !)' If there is a man in New � pitetergs premAption for 12fM** . � . BIT I � 11 made on the above quoted price& 1 � viL)rating rj1pitily. If 3�ou touch tile end of tile outer coil at the rec � 4 I Cieroral, Morahan. Rates for special position can be obtained on %ppK- --that is ,sounded you will learn. e end of the -outer I �runswic� who is bound to have his way it Oagtaria' in Dr. ftmUel P I strim telephone, and with on thi � . neither opium, Xerpbfte ft0r I -RANOF farp�,about 00W tilat `[Iat also is vibra�i r g -i n dead. by coil at the transillitting telephone, and called I I lumber king." He means GOOD 0 -A stock . and Children- ][t contains . qi,�� to be excbguged for a cation at this office. - i8a -#�Mfing give all Businew or professional cards, not exceeding three t 0 � " �, , I Ia s i it is a harM18" saboUtUtO - A 't'eillively, �Oil call, see it v1_ iese'coils are connect- alwayssto be right, and having arrived at 0, ,�-_A be redueed. to suit Far' 101 s of sin inch, $4 to $5 per year. i looking at y Uie other ends of d warcolue subs"nce- - cc Ad0r00FXP6S1"-.-i OF18% ' quarter iii, etc., not 0 And if, without strik-ing any of 1-8 g short of death would othm I 'ro. I ad, Lost, Pow I conclusi4 , C Syrum and castor WL - ' -,firticulars of far I I., - AdverUsements of StmY jubiequent- braT,e. imply sing a loud, Zlear ed either to a second line wire oi, mo :)n nothin . out his Plans. otbin . � I .. Onth $1, each - orn carrying. .1 - th, one m I - tile keys, Von 81 � - commonly, to the earth, %vilich serve3 ent him fi f�r p$gMgerje.q DrOPS, SO . exceeding one inc . it and a aiffer- I 14ly . � attoond DivisiOn Ilnonth 6ft . u will find by look- as a second wire and completes .tho cir- I welvis a very devout Methodt , ee iS t1d" YeSW U" I 011N BEATTIE CI -XII j tkf Advertisements of Farms and Real Estats for 8818, note into ille piano,yo. t the sounding- � . . e of, the . - ]it is Pleamist. Its guaw"t I - inwoner, 00. Huron, Con" jub- 'cuiL I erice arose between him and sOm .� . "troyS Worms SM41 AU" I j ;E,Nt, co,ni� Fog= Ineuranob Agent. F"de not exceeding ij In'ohes, one mouth $1.0, each f : ing and touching tlia are oriad � I . I eyancer, Land, LoDAM ) & sequent month 76c. 1 boal a and some of , the strings Tile clicks and stran.ge 11t)ises often members of the church as to church maw mmens Of Xother& Cast, � I V 01ne"ver Shaq tisements on local pap, ten oentli per line rd in the telephone are, ill great part, t c Very "' he said,- 11 you run ts vomiting Sour Curd* * .� �WyeeW and to LQ"' L, Im Adverl , . .gem - - I Mon street, sesforth. � discount Of s5 per dent. to trembl- k Ilea � ' a ent. well, . - castoris Preven , . I . each ineettion,with a due to the 1*11rits your church to suit you and I will have one ftverbbnft& ()astoria reneves - ,ore, I - All tnou.udo, indeed, are produced by fam that the line wire r TAV;;W parties who also have regular contract space. metijil-ig titat is vibrating, or moving close- beside other telep',olle 3II& tele- , and tnn i� to suit myself." He built & I Diarrh(oa and WiAd Colic- � m ,,s3LBuL1,.._�T.jje undersigne 4 64 on lot 13 LOW advertisements under township or village so fro, and it is the vibration' hichAhose ,church at a cost of $15,000 placed a fine eur" cures constipatIOU and AaWea0y-w - PjTuck4i"m", west 0 heading, 5c per line each insertion. rapi(tiv to and is sound fro'111, graph wires. Tile cur -rents w � was laekin an t4*t�e trouble4 I , coo ion 2 H- R' S" ,rsay�Bulj, to which w line for � I e� a T�orougbbred Je Transient advertizemenW, ten cents * ir that carries 0 wires carry theref(ore induce currents iu pipe, organ in it, and then he .9 I foo(j, regulates the 40mach- - on .'Terml ,ir - , will be takdu 1, 91, I serti , three cents per line each �ubsequeat of the a When - give 1 ,b to eor th r of cows I � privilege of I Eiparen measure. i our telepi-,one wire and organist. Hearing of a German professor, assimil time Of service, with abe =X0, nro, ) the sounding body to your ear. I � ()SAoris ateS "j isit �n -tile drum )Ilone. In playingina church clown at St. i - tn 7 CAS- I - )ctdo directions will be nvibration reaches - who weal � jhLlalthy Aul nAt�j ideep- . able At the RICH. DNS-NIN. I361x6 the sound or respondiiig sourids in our t6lej . it X Y. I I Ad In ants witht"t 8P . vib 'nei often hears Lhe $ors -h� went- to seehim, and asked, him $ad bOW618* Lriving ; _U406 - ".. , I I's, - rate,� and in tilis way 0 6 John � -he Motheeig , .r= 11 ti I lorbid, and eharged accordingly � of the ear, it maket; that . � 64six Fri2 d jra*I& . . 0. the- I fragments -of 00ler ' ing. is the ChUdren!s Panaoea-t I I q Births, Marriages and Deaths i088rte IIi3 ,.%-ay tile sound ib carried t I how much of a salary he was gett � IN 161101. bVILLIC.-To %6 kyery week. t telegraph signals and � torla I . I .. -11. I 0 LET Olt BELL THz ExPOSITOR goes into 4,SW' homes 1 t of the ear and heard. Tile telephone me�sages. These foireign said the musician. "Come' ! I sja�bl*s and driving it has 10 hundred�dollars," - I � � -L tkhousc withimme - par . i ch, and . 0 � I a blio gm6riclyllie, also for which means, on A eOu@""tive estimate' that iiinei � T I IV - thin oided by using .1 svine and play in my chur ! house and, one se 20,ODO readers every week. - it is the beat advertising sounds I � up to Mary . : Castoll& 14 . .W of land in A � soutidin --board of -a or at, 1 n ay be av I ; castorja. .� � frame houve, with stable and one In in Western Oiltario. I n =,I or stretched hundred," said Gibson. i We, cheap, one mif trees., For par- mediu board. or sheet of second line wire, instead of the, eart4 to I'll give you twelve il I - . . 'like the s. ran i -to&4drW*6t . 0, of land, PUDW with f] - druni of *8 If ti -le wire. it hAtScl apply to SAMUEL WAWACS, iginond- -kin or meinbrare, coniplete the circuit. He went, and for three or four Years was ne for chil- Omtoria is sowell adapted � t.ouLan 1,361X5 - E, ,, ESTATE - l sound that reaches close togetl.jer they are affected in tII6 the organist in 'Mr. Gibson�s church ,; but a 0�� is an excellent medial L Ia P. 0. L . R . FOR SALE P;_,r, vibrates at every L e;,h,p,o er repeatedly toId Me of its I recommend it as superiortomY Proonvam ' . To - I same way by .neigh boring- wires, '"'(1 doing something that led his il to dren-1 Xcdwrsbsve known to me.�' e " "Ia. a young RM FOR SALE. -For so,le, north half it- b ehind , neii other. 0 Is Mal good offea upon their children.") ' � , , A. Azcffwl� IL IL, � LL FOR SALE.-Itor OOD FA , 100 Tile black disk which you see ch effects oppose and . aestroy e think he was getting I ,too big fo I DW G. C. OSGOOD, . ; H. I I ult"M BU Lot $1, Counlealon. 2. Fast W&W&nO@h used in tile lollr­�- I III So. oxford 8L, Broak�m X. T. I ';;u&bred Durham E.vl% 14 months old, . vas discharged as quickly as he had been . ])N4 . G teleplione box,into v�hi This arrangement is hei mass. tered In Doinluion Short Horn wres good fences, good orchard and nover-thiling tile hole in the , � Lowell, i - color, dw.k rcd, re can be BarriMr, Blyth. ate of iron which erman hag a soft . - st * -_ jjerd book, sired by1m I creek. AVpIY to iIJ . D. COOKE, You speak is a thin P1 distance telePil'Ons sYstems- wl"c" ex- employed. Theold lumb i I the chil"Is dePK111, I 8 . I .our physicians in rorted Ge6aral BOOth, 1 S I* . - ever 'dreds of I'liles, s heart for I Is - . h - oderich. - nusic ; he has a Piano � thAir Ot he undertOped. Lot 24, Con PHILI HOLT, G r ibrates Ile the druni of th0lear to I Y tend over hun, as, for place in hi a the bed remedY for children Of highly of GXPWI . 'g I . V 0 torijais. ment have EPOIXI I - - - - ce�sjoD 4, H. R. s., or address,.ZHARLES ROUT- or sound that reaohei it, The black disk, example, betw4a New Yors and Beg-, and a pip� organ in his house,"but does not _? - lualutS& I hope the day is not ties wi�10;�W� - ... - - . LXDGE, SaftfOrth P- 0- . 1363.t f ARM FOR SALE -Being north halt of Lot 40, ,on however. does not- vibrate in the -gain@ ton. � I play. It is said that about the nearest wbi* I am Acc nsider the real encO in their Outs[P TIM the tenth-ConcessiOD Of East Wawanosh. AM I . Igh we only have &*wmg Ow I- � F 8o acres nd of the soul is through the 9w dl�tsnt wbenmothers W11100 . I a in- zwd, althot � ned jam n loo acres of. land, more or lose, way to all sounds, Every sou. I rdnte to the old man�s their childreN and use Castorl I supplies wbat is known �& rqplw That very deodralila property Ow - contain well fenced, and in a Cpod state of oni- I isterod of � - 09 S%E.- are cleared. good . hurnan voice contain* inailly different A clicap and Xffeetive Flood 6;tte- j channel ofmusic. Marysville, a few miles I thevarjousquacknostlruniswhichare medical am free to confea that *0 � y t a late U� G. Meyer, Wng Lots 44 and.45, tion Two never,faffing wells. The" is A weak. � I .1 e�dericton, is Gibson's town. it stadliot product% Yet we . - ' � F ., 't . and a good vIbratoons, some strong and some (I, tll-� loved ones, b3rforcing0fliums = 1 U* vith .. � Gowinfock's Survey, Seaforth. barn and stables on the premisest . In section where strea dedro I house, n -five miles - oice, each Towel nis abou, a above Fr by him. � The . ,yug thdr and other hurtful merits of CaStOr1% bAs won to d it is irected a very oam- farm is withl Of iger a T flood gate is quite as import.1rit as any .was built by him and is run WEA. soothing s7TUp ;; on Vi-toria square, an on I a it pres- bearizi orobard. The Eacl� ants, mostly Inor# favor Upon 4 . b Ilding , . soll,n1pote of a 81r of a combination of habit thereby sending, *" � etable and other ut nnan. the Town of WInglialm. For further particulars , is made up 50 .g.," ,jown their throats, UMOM HOWMAL "D D1*P=1W-'r* . ,pancy of Mr. -Kenneth MoLe � � prermses� or to to itself. Even the other division fence or gate, =d 010' place%as about,', 2 000 in I . . fortable oottagc, gy to ESAIAS PRA&M an thi ,ns peculiar that have experience moreor less troubh! e factories. - It Baebwcxam. I ent in the ace, and terms OC8010 Apply to F. [ g r. o., Ont. 1867x26 vibratio - L Sbeas �O prmstum graves, - I - For particulars Ab 1=11 H 'rRy J. PEAREN,YviD ham I sarne word sounds differentlY when n -Is of flood gates w il I flild -Canada L�imberman. . DiL J. F. XiNOMMO14 I . �_ . I � j1OLUEM-1), BarrIbter, Seaf0'_. i - - FOR I SAIx.-Por We. a spoken or sung on the same note by with otlyor for , lustratioll to b6 ___ . �� Conway, Axk. � Ala" C. Surra, Prm. . . . - - L -XTILLAGE PROPURTY ns, and this difference the ow shown in the il , I � OG LOST -strayed from Ut 20, Conce&jon. 2, a Victoria Street, two different perso elleap'L SjUbStIlUtial- and self -regulatilla'-f My ThankBgiving PartY. .� 'n xu=ay, sumet, Now T- M& My- - th of Jan- V one storey dwelling House 01 is . � I I" 11DM"10T oo=P=Yv I , boutthe * ' 1�gw con. . at one voicing of the 11 � � . � z - -_ D H. K s:,Tuckeromith, a� *th )udville. The house contains 6 room@ and is due to tile tact th I ­ - , u&ry� a spotted dog, white, black and brown, wi . tion which !a � I,ve last night, - �� a was about 4 Year old very comfortable and convenient. The garden I - I", several good plum trees and a lot of small word contains some vibra I _­ . I A tha--ksglving PArty I it' - - --- ered to the name Of WIN . that the same vibra- _75�7�=��__ I And my guests were t ree, you'll mind more white about the face - - � - - .. & stamrsering boy ow &ge. He ansvi o0deellarunder the house. The not in the other, or - - - - - .- - - I A girl wlth.a crutch, � I and tall for his white. fruit. There is a f portions _ , � � � I His legs, breast and face were mostly of this place,will be Nola cheap and An rownabletorms. tions are found in different pro � - j '/*'. Ani, an old man who Is blind. ? . I . - formation leading to the recovery to 9. MARTIN, sealorth F. O. 1361-tt I - U tile two voicingli. - - � They doo'k get out every night in the year, I � I . I I will be liberally rewidded and any persolo Apply . � - .. it lustre quite ; . I . � . �* - q are taken up and � - .. . . in fact they're exo' - arboring, him after this date �fllt be pro , -For ode, Lot 31, i3th Conces- All these vibrati one . But they condescended graciously . found h o portion by To cc i I - , CARNOCRAN. " ARM FOR SALLio. me to my �qast last night'. secuted as the law dir6cis- S- 186034 " Sion of MoKillop. containing 76 acres, 64 acres repeated in their proper pr ' . . - L . , i . . ; � � --.-. __ ­­ I.--.---------------- . eared ' the balince good hardwood bush. The farm the little iron die4 in .thO telephone. I Turkey 7 Ob, no, but we had a fowl. I M E,G R . m E . - HANCZ.-The under wall draiiied and In a good silate Of cultAyst'On, of the disk is a - - - . Virbi.ch was very large for 100, T H�E � 1. . SPLILNDY-D BUSINESS C with good fanceiL There is a good bearing orchard, - Fastened to the back I . even the boy . i . � ; . A ;gn,d for sale cheap,* and on easy terms and tw(i never-failin is, one at the house and the peg Which touches a piece of carbon or indeed, the old msn and � � offers g wel . . . i . in Bills Green. It consists of one e, 32z24 and at a metal . Said they couldn't have wibheO for more. 1. rope y I Dh is situated a good other at the barn. The house is cOnorst' charcoal, resting on or again 11 � . I I rt . cared for cr&nbeiry ssuce, ' i m 1" r= sere pt land on wbii chan 1901. Good cellar underneath. � There is a .- we none of us 11) :� qua � undor kit plate. By means Of this arrangement, � ,� ill � with 'dwallinz attached, and ware. )arn, with stone stab'hig, 6bo driving 'Vibrates I 9 I � I t But we had a whole mince �ou NO), � . . I .. . I r . - ge-deral swre . good bank I tome d 9 tke C,arboil is , - . Ll�_*Y*y=-, f . � I- _ . �rhjch is a splendid cellar. There is also a large -�UOU beep house. The w-liell tile disk many ., � \ ('Twas sent by a a - -- ulot 86 -, , . � n is the centre of one hiUso 5ft% A Pig and d just the platO a great - j 1, And the dinner was dry. houge W -A stable. Hills Gree farm is ten ;;Ilea from SelLf011'th 7i from Brusms presse agfb .. ;. el . . . " - , - obest and beat farming districts in Ontario, 8 miles from Blyth. Ap ly n a prezn1m, or tQ . second, but at irreg-ular inter- . � 2, .-I., el � I � of the ri - tillies III a For vic had some 00980-twO CUP8 ATIece . , . .. a gone, live busi - ,,-, I . I . . . . IVA For Walton P. 0. JOHN ST FORD. 1362-t f 21 � ,�­ _4 and this in & splendid opening for . � I vals and, with var;ring force -110 . I :. ..-'� - 1. Who oared if the oupe were small ?_ �� I � - - I L _1 ne* Man - -----.-- y the same I th the crutch was heatil to "� address CHARLES TROYER Hilil ff cting it in exaCtl . 1- - �.. ­� . Wity � the girl wi. . � - ,i? ouldul drink It all; . � "Articulare, . Olt TO R]61T.�--Tlhat desim1ble souuds a .e % .. . . That she c - - - - - ,. . Fr�en. . I i2ffitf OR� SALE, rillage of unl9einurd, , . , � I I/ � - - - property Altustda inphe I way. And the stammering boy said he wag sure .� � .- Owbat consisting of Blackeplith shop and work shop, with This piece 0,f carbon forms part of all He would have bad dreams all 'light, . . . ate funds tO 10&n stl DU8 AM Of land. - SIVr,,.VA.Ry WATER GATIL I 11. .t I I eatric oil-cuit, Th- AN INEX PEN : . S Soo Priv Tools, Stable, Dwelling House, with I a el at Is to say, one . And the old man said held not eaten @a much � %, ke place a number of valubill by a wire to one Sinse the 3, ear when he lost his might, I I S�=� I es of interest in sums �O Anit L There Is also On tt the part of it is connected - by . - . - - 8 500 ra't COM_ fruttl trees. This property Is situated In *me Of Id and tile an't 00t li, 1" r") ly" `N"%1)t. '"N*11N. - . I *� * I I . Loari�L Co'n be - in the Dominion. � 1 -his wou pole, of an electric battery, Ti,e supi)o"Ell'14 P11-I't is And that w"n't all, for after the feut : . , ­ I *1 $ 700 borrowers, beat farming districts ung eavy fl-eslieLS. � L, . 'beasplendidoppOrWaityforan enterpilsing 30 metal plate against which it res d's bf No. 8 ..)I- 9 an- When the dishes were cleared away, _- I - I f. )-- I - I $1,000 pleted Rnd, 111011ey advameed leto� is tN-,-o �r three strail . . - .- . � ; 'L . I position. The ' ref.r T.... IlecLe e of the battery VT We had tome outs by the bright coal fire, - . , . 3, there being no ey d to tile other pol Lilel' Wld Sus - 61,500 within two,aays. Apply to R. m&l this r,rt and must sell, -or Pren culaft bV a second wire, the greater part of nealed Nvil'o. t "isr,ed toze And I tell You we WSTO gAy I .. . .., . � leaving j urchamr. For partl or treezi abonD 01,10 d I � 4 . I - moderate a& to) ffid . pendi-d froin posts For the ol man told such funny tales � .� I I .. - : 115 r &c.,Sesfe . R, Chiselhunt p. O� 1862-4 ,.�Ijicji is rolled up in a small' coil or ild room ring, . Wj vvpter Illark. Tlie.ie That our laugh made the c I i � � $2 500 S.HAys,Barriste I OAK 81NO foot above lliol-11 too, I C� 11 � � . . . I � - spiral. . (If Suffieit,mL lem-Lb to And the girl with the crutch had P, banJo, . . 11 C I li —. - -For sale, a good hundred aore cougequelitly two,-itich strips - - A current- of electricity t or jell iljclj(�s of tile Led And the stammering boy could sing 1 1 . � 1� . - ARM ro'a SALI� f L is 16 and L7, on thO fty- " carbon.and the wires reach witilln.. 6`11 I I I - - I .- I I . farin, bplin .les 0`1 F 0 f a mile West of Yams, flo,6% s through the 17 ;ire naileil 101.11' inc; It seemed so strange to hear his voice � - - . BOARS FOIL StBRVICE. 11 Ps o 0 Ut it is an irregular or of the stream, I � - . __� � One hal 5, Stores, etc. This B of board ,III([ F'Usi)(111d i � ^ . \1 � . — field Road,.8tan ey. _ continuallY. . E'd Move on quite smooth and clear, - -_-__ i I I Where there �r* OkUTches, echooll . se whenever tile. amirt, to lt�stril]I . . .(A I ! 11 \ I undersigned well fenced with cedar varying c6rrent, becau 0 tile overhall­111" WiM That I wonierea it something, perhaps, in Heaven, I . . ) YORKSHIRE plog.-The farm is wall underdraised, ion. There aKe 85 . y 1 Whether th4t be far or near. __ . - MPRGVZl , d its partieles are 4 � . I I . - and In a ver*.,.hlith state of culti Tat] carbon is presse ;' - Nv e t, I b" will be clear from the halt and jar - � - I � - - bag for sale a num�er of Thoroughbred Im the balance in bush. There is (,a it A eleo- It deslredirfou�r or five s ril)�:, I�llv I' if our speech o %� - . I Apply On LQ% acres cleared �her, and 6en conducts ubled now* I -- 4 proyed Yorkshire pigs, of both gexes. I me shed. with COW closer togel � . '.1 2. L. R.;S. Tuakeismith, 6r address brick bou", frame barn and Im ell at the � " �cur- nailed 0 forill one secti011, using ene,19 I with 7which it Is tra t the crutch � ; a, Conceftion There is a good spring w tter and allo%va a stirongrer . n tile streani.- It is 1)1.lill And it we can walk Witholl : I . M. czu��,Kiiq. . 1865 t f stable attached. of the tricity be atioll s er- t � to spa . is lVill sklud _� , . I Brucefleld F. 0. W er-failing spring in the centre �� to pass. Therefore. eVery vibr, Which we always need, somehow ; �� ____ house and a nev all the stock. There Is also ren . I water the Sectl0l . we shall be no longer blind, I I �i _____ sufficient to water of tj e little disk, and consequ;ntly every tll.lt I'll P%v ' . And it 1, aE pjG§._ithe undermigned will keep farm, will be sold on I ,perpWIPICLI1;ir whilt'. ft;3 t,je kvatt�r r:sc,,.,, us are In a way ; . . .11 a good bearing orchard. The farm which Inake tip tile I we &11 of - . ERKSH amlaes, or to (� I . 18, Concos- 0-M& Ap ly on the pri one of the vibrations he lower elld conforill" ti) tile rise ,Uld Ali then there would be a feast, indeed, - - the prese-Ot sewlOn On Lot very reasonable t in tile i jo()(j%Y,)otj t.),- otjier A royal Thankefffiying day I experienced by a WOMau,, Who iE; :fttt'h91y I � I BARKSMAN � ff, 1362-t f original sound, clauses a change Of s atisfaCtiOn . i Bdurin� . � aeckeramitIl 4 THoROUGHBWW Varna P. O. ANDREW D 14KIN. it fall of tile strea-in. F . � i I sion, 3, ID Aumber of sows win be taken. — - strength of the electric current - .� . U(�) p,t,s 0,11111ILef- as we laughed and sang, � . at the pig to which a limited �-he time of service with the --- - ., . greater obstructior are �111C)Wed And I know last night, All . I 8sary. JoM G. ft"AT. ' str'n-er vibration causing a ,I wi-,,t Qje tipper elld of all tile " thing that iS withju th,e reach - Of . .... Tej�;,__V, payable at - 0 0 We have rupLed. Wo forgot the long,hard year, is some . returning Unem 0 - e and all want dressed, Privilege of _­ 1344-tt � USIC change 0an a feeble oine. 8 electric short stlqpellsion xvires filuily around tile We forgot all weaknes,yn good cheer , � I . I - Sheet. M - brating t1lat tile EK-etions nin-v 110t In the light of our o, : els I � - - '. - 1. � w hatwe may call a Ti represents tile inaln wire, ,lt3 For gayer guests with a brighter wit, I tL which exactlY LijI, en though the pocketbook COUAS economy- -The undersigned endwise,.or coil l'PcL -.ill I Ile 60c I'm sure it werb hard to find ; A time, ev � - ID yoRXSf1TRB riG. current, prese I * I x,PROVE, a of the speaker's voice. I,nore will keep for the Wprovement of stock, On 110t . -AND- sound vibration to_t�ether aD tile t0P 'vvith shorl; Pieces t)f My. girl with a crutch, my sismulering boys I . ? I' A moment'S . � 1 5 Tuckersmith, an Im t nning to the central I theill. ill I)C)HiLion And my old man who is blind. 13 a long way. � ' 1 33 coneemion 3, It. It I -, -class edigree, to . The line wire ru :) & spiral coil of wire 0 %vill retail . (11INVII __4P__ A sm, amount of money gOe : pj�;f d y6i'llshire Boaj with first be taken. ce is connected ti , au 6er of sowis w I ""* i r 111011111,1- tile Sections to move � ilf I -et if, ; - 11 whicha limited iiun time of service with the Elooks offt coil already meu- . lligil %vatev of thLl . PleasantrieS. . goods, Wfll I . . "I Terms. -41 'of Music which surrounds the L-illk- tile 4-* �ne I payable, &t the ecessary, This is onb r -ream dw g c I Bring us a onal exannuatiOU Of "I I 1privitqge of reiurning At n tioned. Whenever the current in 010 s A Kansas Weekly Says' - .. ounty. THOMAS LANX . raill.v SCas,OB- , ,. cc Teflect,ion, aftOT a Pe'rs d pip in tte �C f chicken and secure I i . . of Dress I L� ihe bdA bra 1363-t f � -AT- inside coil g:r0%V8_gLtronger a current in this paper, for thr � � '_ I the ,o �)Posjte direction is produced -or, as Notes for the Farmers. . months. . I the way - - I - I ------ _­­ has -4 r :1 I �he'eiectricians say, induced -in the -I've been riding oil theelevatedfOr conv#ice you that anYthilag Prett"'r M � . - -�ICE Ly.jven � ; OAR Fol:L SER .-The undersigned - oil. Whenever the current ill In winter, sheep should not be " red a lady a I -_ I ; a thoroughbred S. second ,c . I five years, and I)ve never offe : stock we ' - Bbougbt of W. 819ell, Of Hullett I premises in . S T I eaker, a current ill too wide a range, as tiley are lnc�kned i c Then you've never had any man- I found- thall the present loner . , - ' � I BarkahlreFig, which lie will keep at big tile first coja growg w . of green food, and seat." od ' could hardly be � r I I �.� , of Varnai for the implovement of stock. - " ame direction is induced in tile to roani In search - ners. 1) c c That isn't it. I've never yet hoA Go s . - � _. I 11 - the Village . tile 8 Term"i at the tirde Of . the current in the fil"It this is AjOCUOiiable ill winter. i i service, with the privilcge I i - . . This is one of the beat second. Now, as . a seat." t : ices to cleax. I . of returning, it neceiiary. � 5c Music - our . continually, tile result than do : 9 I Tell your master that we re 4. - g � county. He is sired by Sandusky (2WI), Irving's regular coil is changing Apples brino hi^her prices - Shopman ER) greatly reducecl pr I � . Pip in thc sh Lwwie 11036). WILSON COOK, Varna. Is that a second vibrating Current, alsa oralilget3,ancl are) scarce com pared W idl the ut of that make of spring mattresses just . � I dam SCOW 1362-4xl � � . 0 Arell, why don't t price 3c. , � ipeaker's Voice aier loss of appit'S at the moment", Boy: cc I , I I _____�_____ � � exactIv representing tile E jattel-. .L nere is a gre - . L - . q _­ itrumental , "ii tile second coil and along the z . etsand parasitmitilarl froill allY send him an autumn One In -stead. ' I - - . 11 . - flows I I Lronlinse you . I ___� _: A large sssortment of Irif . It is ,jot necessary to have my little man ?" asked i I 1� OARS FOR SEPWICE.-The undersigned has for lt,�es, Polkas, line ire. otlier,'cause. i 4 How do you feel, I �� -1 selvIce a thoraughbred English Berkshire and Mnsic, including Wall . yojtDg fruit to Inake a � 1� I I � B � , premie", Lot 5, Nv ; might be full 0 h of his prospective brother-in-law) , a thoroughbred TaOlwortb at his We% &c.,y F short distances, it tile trees � , bred Schottisches, Quadr-11 or very y be � ,�ct, tIje fruit should be . c 4 I feel as If I'd like to I � , ,so Coils m-1 -, pay. In I I t six -Year-old. - � . .��; -it. The Berkshire pig Gallops, lly, both the anples . a'yout n. 6 HUM w" I said incidenta � brigh : UNCAN� ' . Oonoasslo . - � ti�)iD I ont. What, should be done is to eplied the tiny Napoleon . & D I . � by Snell, ,of Edmonton. Terms --41-00 for the Berk at half of the regular prices. plate under t1ae carbon rter,j) r DUNCAN _� , removed and the 3 : he Tamwortb, payable at the � nev d begin spraying tile have a quj� � ize tile laud au I � I � I -bireand$1.60 for t fertil of finance. � � � I I 11 . ime of service, w h' the privilege of returning if u remeiAer John M- � I . - " I I I - . i 0-0 KF 0 - - - 0 1 . _1 � - . T: , alacessary , Also a tumber of g000 young pigs fit for Oome at once and make yoUr selee- P A . trees early. S Trivvet : g c DO YO a, name - X, .Vj . RTH. ­ , i sale. T4 re all registered stock. F. ' I . . rbborhood which ho went West to niake , ese a as we have Only a limited - - " There is not a neig . lkins, w .� sery1ce tc 1313-t f tions, . ; ., C - -e pro -re, -sive ' �op,rl himself ?" D I N O'S BLOC ,� H, SCHOALM CO�'BtaDce, fnrmer 1110, -, icer- "Yes." Trivvett: CARD . i 1% � . 1. , � __ _� ___ quantity at Above priceS. , I 1. . "I cloes not ilavO a and W,110 always has 11 Dicer : or All 9" Triv- 1. - . - . - __ I I : .. ...A11 �1( II ! I t1j,111 thf! ',I,Verag�& I I ,, He succeeded. � .- -Ar Improved Yorkshire I Melancliton I ­ ­ - I - I lex, . r E , � I I ­ �' I ;et '.' Z,e I WAR FOR ggjLVICZ' -one dollar, payable . t ;-. These are '1)13 I - his name now is J. I � , - � BBoar for l3enice. Terms. tile Lw-st of every hiLl p&j , I ne of garvice, with' the pnvilege of return- I(I visIt to proQure Ill'- I � at the tit , C , persons you shou )LI tue 7 you to- i I . I I � I � iuz, it necesaftrYi also a number of oxford Down � 0 Ile ( I sbroke : " I cannot P&3 - bf if - � . L. 1W o roved stock and Id get a 1v i of carin_­ bar . - - Rains fol _t f t4je best I'llalli(i'er' �Ie,015ulsee my bootmaker has just -'ela � � - 1866 W I test brecds, . (I acy it Yes, I In thim on- . , r sale, on Lot 3. oonces8ion 13, Hullett. - 1ASKER , flialocIt P. V. ______� C, . * . PAPST'S, I ) ler points - 4-); e � _ ______ - � I I fortile sarne, and mlluv ( ii here, an I Tailor : - be- � ___ - undersignod . ' . d he said you put him ofr . I - _ R-ERKSHIRES.-The will ke;1 BOOKSTORE� SEAFORTH. ., .upon whicil you .,,aN be deficloUt. the way up, all the . _. - TMpROVED b;proved Berksbire swine, I .--- f kin- cause yoilld got to pay tailor to -day- 11 I JL breeder of - �7), sire ---.--- . ..------ . fit.L Provide an abultdallt SUPPIY 0 . . " I ,lebrated boar, Morton (925E � e3 - for service the ce, (16cis), dam Savernake's 1� � I I 11 ial for Llie-fires. T11:S is so, here's your bill, sir." . - f i -00 - -_ I _. � Royal Star. (WnP.) dliii4 TllatPy I - . Daughter, (imp.) (19ig). Terms, for grade sows, A GREAT ',,vl�.,'n ecal is buriled. The YO -Ling man's father was paying him & � � . - pe.cizi.115- laxessarY along � : � . I sl.w, and for vagistered sowe, or How.e. eligible for - I be,t atid cheapest -%��it just to see how he was gettm , _. gnized � ._�� . ound thp ff � I W I reco . 1-1 tion q * . We nave r . learnin' enciu ?I) 1 0 . I registra I �2�W. F"s payat)lc Q,t, the time Of - SALO B otten linibs and at , ge. ,So yer : C rsets are no I - JUA be bark, r Colic I � I I.-indlill".1 tO 99 at)s right William. Learn I ; - service wIthtlidprivilege of returning, if necessary CLEARING t. , We put, Ill 4( Yel."I Th6c $ e the Stanoard Corset : Also On' hand a taw choice Y01109 sows in farrow and . �j � wood f ,.oIll tile wood -10 r f4ther. Stond I I to b - ; I I , � . ; r sale. Write to, or call on —OF 173' fall. '4"'. 1 " I t to make yourself useful ter ye I . � . I other 'Young 5toUk foi WM. McALLIsTER, I several cords Of tiiis eve: they need in Our section of � I I of canaida. I . I I . --- - .M ti,N-ed and can be fences iii what . I I - I Varna. wlI:cjj is partly dect � i I -i' 7 -1 . � � I 1356-t I I- is just. as goo(l as the co4try." 1.1, � , ; -ell Nvitil tite axe ". A \ I 4 � __ ­ DRY - Gi 0 0 D S . I . ... brok �I* alld stiirts qtiiek-- 11 Do(�tor when I bend my body forward - I I ; k I Satisfaction gu�ranteed or- ' . z ,4j - . that Nviliell is g0UIId( , , , , I I I 1, I . -The undersigned will keep on . . , it ourns � out my arms IhorizontaUT and im I ! 1 1 1 1 . - GS AND tULL. . 1,iectly dry I 11 i.. t - I Concession 6, Usborne, for the Improve- ly, a* when It Is Pel I stretch � . rided. P" ',ot 30, 1 -AT- , . I I on motion, always � mtoney ref u . .�; , son, a registered Black Poland It itj .,I great coniforl; to them a circular cc . . . � I � a -of stock this sea! at- * . t like tinder. st a ar i But - ' . . I .-: � ment 1 9 P . Oulde rchased from J. J. Pine, Ch I FIS.2. able to art -r.11 ! _!, i reco.01Y Pu . t! m feeltsu h a pain in my left sh ,lip in America. 1. cold winter njorninir to be t .- .� China I rm. such.. t I FORTHEN. _,�� . ham, AP sired4rom one of the best I - . �tll 11 ly au�l successfully. , e erfo ASK YOUR 0 . - . I ­ I . . .1� ,Berkshire Pig G, H. SMITHERS 9 - - I le, fires quick what e d is there for you to P BY GOODS OEALER - , & ulso keep a Thoroughbred I -, - � I I " Do - you know . .1 " , ____� I , L_ .- - - __ ; 0� � . . He wi I . (: . - j. T -1, 81 *diculou a _ �_. . , j.payableat the time of ser. __ 1� ­ time is not! Inucl, used in tnese tiMe s antics ?" 0 . . � I of each, 111g.-4 0_0 � Inyp � Terms of returning, if necomry. � O."AFORTH. � � � - , : ;�, . C D . "Ire dearer octor, of getting on your I - vith tha.privil - * - � labor and fuel �, other Way, d I ! t�'. , - viae. V czeeap, an excellent Thorough- - I .,�Zz� .tly because ; ._--V-1-.;b I 1-- - : - ;� RE, . ,�- 11 I He has also for -sale, __ pal . . lot of hino -is coat ?" ;& _ - � .1. t Yearling � Bull. TH03. CUDMO - Nz . " ke very well � � ; � "I 185741 b ­ and tile cost k , , " I didn't like your ca I 1. : ,- :�*._ bred Durham._ As 1 intend'ejearincl out my entire ' If pl-eparing, a I mith to his to- I ; I -_ �.­,. � JaAay P.O. -, . greattr- unan it Uied to be. Its, elfect Is to . d Gus de S land- � I I . . � , ods, I will COMMOnce V(,,ge night,I" reniarke . - , ­ ­�-- - � istock of Dry Go . ,t,ible inatter, ( C What wag[ I ': I rry Iv TwN. Mumowz, to rapiffly decoiiiliOSL� I ­ � __� ------ � to - week &T COST' My ETACTILIG 'tt - ii- lady I I I No?" queried she. I . � I - __;.� ­ � I sell this ' I � , jjl:-t�in , itS forLitiLN k 011GO aVZI . I ?,, 11 It seemed to me it i - ,1,,*,, 11, receiver; P., Carbon; N, metal thas -.1% . - _. - . . - everything in no. 1.-D CC irting ON%-adayS.,vegeMble matter is D015 the atter with it I , � . i. 11.1 orted Shorthorns BB 't goil. of transin able. N little sho - I r Imp - stock consiats of almost Pl!xte;, , _ .Lerv: 9 . . ltivated soils, was ,, rt, 191 have no ) ticed the ' I i . i �- I . . — fa he the dry'goodg line, such aEl Hats and wire, aurroanded -by coils of line wilt, I over-plentil'Lll in 10t)1 -.-cu to 1jul-ry 'game �-.1f&i1ing in yoll, Mr. de Smith,' was the : N, " I � , � last importation of scotch Sho . , 11 L,ir ow�riers do not care I . I_, 1 , �rthornsfrom t magilet; L, lijje wire* 1, owed enoug 0 z.t' I The arr Ohildren's Furs, F.. 2,-D, disk; C, coil! hL apd th � And Dingley borr _� I imm Duthie ajid William hi and . . . doses of 1; m I-'. I f 'cl terseireply. 11-1 F famous herds 1pf'Will ortw Caps, Ladies' earth connection. exic hv heavy something on ac- t",z � . , and re, but 'is ty of ve,,etable matter'is from:his friends..40 Pay 1 -41 he 1. �, I . : has arrived. I now offer for sale the two in1p Woollen Shawls, Ladies' ____ - ,� . " A � Lio�* " P.ilile mijil3ter 11 and it Defiance., T Ladies' colillectf-d directly with the line wi Va. 11 � I U_ I -.-.. _wlc� . Golden k! bulls f the famous Field Marshal? and )I;h8,. Men's Ready- ' plowed und�r it Wil .,ju�jjly decompost- count. . - akened one ; -_ 'r a grarAsan O' Children's Mantle Ch long distances the arrangement de- 91 I Quaker was aw night i - forme I have aillo three of � for L . li- e. Till's is " Old I latter siled by Gravesend. Met's Top Shirts in fast erjou(�jj Without tile M I the I *n breeding, a red and a roan, by Defiance, and made overcoats, I I scribed il; better. 15 Clover, which rots by the singing under his window, which i ' . I 1. t � my 0 - laughte � ; iter all out of imported dms- all- wool,, Underwear) all We will suppose that your f6elld's e.pecially true of ,r � ' I - I - a red by Prim -0 MiniE n. great vI 'ety, � . I have a lar,re growth Of young man had mistaken for the ( ,e7t 10 irt 'and will starid insPectiO , kri I ' I () elt-el r"(11 CNI - Z3 . . They. are the tight sc arn hion Flannels, Illessatre is 110%V ,,,a,lIsI;jjed in - pidly. If YOU Od of various airs and then of cc Home, Swe t - no trouble to show stock. B el, t . [i -112il ra 1. I)IOW under it is Pretty 'O I . ii� - I . . I . I �s reasobable, wool. Giey Flann � I js�travejil,K over tile �N 11"', ill, clovel to I " I) ,entleman got Out Of I I Priec I D. D. CuttOng, 00t- ill' 4 I e! t-,- s not, need lillie ,is Horne. The old g youn n i - - �. , about a,wilefrom the railway station. A v I, oil doe , . I I only . 1368-tf ettes, ShirtiDUS, )ffic(�, to v,,ur recei il proof that tile S It . - in � . WILSON, Ingleside farm, Seaforth. Flannel ires time and ndow and said: " � .1 � , I tile eentral ( . h i � GOOd -Tweed a in %N.jji(., "te it L).,Iek ink.) lizer forclover re(JU raised t e wi g , I ' . Dress s�� great )Ilolie. ,il Nyill transk a ferLi I it ii deficient. Li ee has a homeg and a sweet home as I . I . '. I tonades, , -e Mle if th etiugs, I � � . -1 will 8 oolig AT (IM-clinary speech for yOLI. will not grow whei . don�t thee go home?" -th c* and are off I variety. I ell these 9 - thee saye�st, why . se of Se foi _ -- ,illtr teler)!Mlle (tile litt'(1 'I'- is sOlIletinies useful in helping to get it * t -cc 0 we hat the lovelpt ' The old and reliable Dry G00as HOu I . &UCTION SALE. on land thItt will not other- jArs. Tightfis - 3 . . � ---.-- _ I I COST 16OR CASH ONLY. TheS0 Tl,,e rL,c('iv 11�11;_, oll WE, cord bes-.Qe Lhe clover catch � ' iety last we�k. - � HavM9 purlilwed , - _._1 _ � __ I st.ruftlent ha- but potasil Is more apt to nt at our church 80c , Selves. f .1 OUT - SALE, OF FARM goods ar6 all Uew 8 Every woman contribute r I . I .-- � AUCTION tock. (JU il()I(i W VoUl- eal- Wilel.) wise produz;e; arrangeme d to the missionary di�couuts uriap oachable. ., Facts speak for the . : - er w . 1EAR-INVi j &c. -Mr. George . A 1)()x,. NY I "c 1 1 v . I tilizer needed for su. I ch I I r IMpLESIENT.; , , fine me ;,�­t-) coll­kts ()f be the 1111n� al for by . C STOC1j Also � 1� , . . ! , 11 I � -10 Dynes to a ou are receivil"r a mesE - cause a dojlq�rwhieh she earne, rate O_u the dollar, e ableg us to sell - evory a�ie � I eT -.ten loll .. so i I Mrs d !Irow I I � � . e tructed by Mr. William 1, X 1110 ils. 1 I 1� - id � Kirkbv has be nADs on Lot 15, Concemion 10, ei t --wond' fully low Price& Y ,tj4:Ii,riiL inag,net al'Ol-It -*' L hard work." . NextblOck- - tho Jamieson stock . Olt S IOW . 1,8K at one GrOCeri 06 ' . I -cc from � - - Px0fit. I yolt sell by public, Auction, February 15, selling "' 1,.i,,-iI-(,n disk near)v t011chillLcIr 0110 en(l v) Mrs. T. 8, 4 ,inop, on Thursday that I am a t . l� get yours - M I sale price, .C1 stil 'have liviug . . Res :;Ingpropti-ty? viz: Hcrges.- I would, say here ()f ti�.je Ina"llet. allci a Coil L)f fillewire sill-- jUj&X Gijjson, The Lumbor Kiug- you )2 Mrs. ouldn't cz III store at less than whole � - 4 O!Clock p. im, the folio - coming six, sired by for $1 - . b d N. -(c I sh the . . ___ . . One earn I.e mare, 161 hands, ware, coming six; 20,poUnd$ of Granulated Sugb,r I.(,Ujj(:L-jIj, .tile same end. Tiip,c()il()fwil-e menwho have made wd work." Ifts T. � � . � urcha of $1 from U09 wishing to I �-,� i - Kentucky %811 r ; I heavy draught - I heavy draught also..& Tea wbich 11 � . c(ainected wit', the Pen Pictures of the wallo of 1 =g it yourself by hi husband of InIne. 7) can save from 25 to 75 per cent- O,n every p I "I lare, -best quality-L-Wid natynet is some � T a6ming 7, lll*()Ull .1-e colicealed in 1 their mark in Of the various _­ you don1 know that ' I - 1. L I general purpose n rid. t for almost BAY- _�*--� � I r . I last 8pring'S %elding, from a \V I tations arrive. I - - - e- . 0 per pou ,,ne wire (b1V a sl,Oftll . - .1, . � lily -a orse. Cattl cannot be beat at 25' A eo�ton at least before our SP - O' iMPOr � comilay, two the 1 life have a peculiar interes' - - - a - - i ieceives I- � t anyd a thoroughbre d therel'ore . the fel- imon H. Marx, a promInel I uce . � � l clear Grit mare, one to calve about duce take t Like C01 -d), all � (� one. We are even prone to read Of __S red the StOck $10,0()o 1 � rhree milch cows, I ne,*.Iy calved, Ing; 2 All kinds Of Pro -entwlliGh repleselits tl . I of his if �ion- . . time 6i 8%le and the other early in the ap,n oi which the high- vibrating curl I ilo has become notorious because broker, of New Orleam) shot himse m . . �� � the and -Eggs wanted, f 0- 1-D I low wl )rhaps his life is the mosi in- no me�s wh' we could not Prot I � I helfers coming three. supposed in calf ; I heifer, com- e. day, because he could not meet tes bA - . Ogy to mo,ny of our custo OM . - , coming est mar'ket price will be Z5 elt�ctric carrent fi0%%:iI1,',',j W deeds., D few. ri. apol - i . . I! - . ing twq, jqIppoaed to be in calf - I steer Now, an ting tO not a But we do not firid jug due. - - 7 . we owe a i . and senre I � - . I ' , three;two,atterse.orningtWO; 18�;ellbred sheep; I n is,extended to 0 tO wire around an lroll I teres I r chaps in the lumber b1l"iness, au to cau Agoan - I,---- 1:le oreedingadw, with pig. implement@.-Oue lumber cordial invitatio r through a coil Of t for tile tia'0 these sort 0� ush. We in:vitlli "I I - I set trucke; 1 set bobaleighs ; afoie Pur- . C. tile bar a MhgnD . stion, on these lines, is not per- .perly serve, OwiU9 0 the gmat r . I � L �*� I ; tock b bar makes . gge wagon nesirly new, I I'S . ___ - . 11 . - I reaper ; 3 Plows ; 1 Call and inspect my ; - su A racy little sk�tch I store. . �_ . ;e hay rake ; I ower, - ;jell t',je ci.irrv;lt, cen-teft h. . bql :Tenyt in t t premises., . I _�. I seed drill:; I horf i harrows; 1 m i ot-ing. AV 'n' k1s lumber the great bargainS now offered at the Golden L�on � two-furroW.gang, plow; 1 Bet iror riding chasing elsewhere. 7 ., -its M ­,l .tI4 . tibson, New Bruns'wIc FOR INVALIDS 1 t) ,z � lippulper, 2 scuffiers, I gri 1. I pliments of' ,,r* once lose's llonrIv R14 1. of Alei I I e I - . J - 6rly ne*; I turi 11 the com I .. '�' * Ly notice. Werl-You hose system needs toning U13 and W'n . . nez . 1 Wgar kettle, I ladder, 1 stone boat, I wheel- Wisbirig you a --irection of tile c,Irr­.l11- come under rn . 11 I - '%'et hes; . t isin i � &�p , p ,row I dle the SeaSOn. j_v(,l-..jp(j, ,.:Ip nia-1110t, - I "_ L g harness - 1 set plow'. harness - 1 sad I i ., - : " I . , : -'["aT --- t) � . :Elld WIlon tile ( king, -has t there ' w a.re failing, a qa'�k "d 11�1 I stone, . q r?,­-I-,zVk1 tomeet-Mr. Gibson On the stree - appttitcs I Udin , bwo ! vy team harness with breectiling ; I _____L_ I lK a S ' d be nothing We W - C '4T 5 .. L -yokes, and a lot Of . :11-;,), the north p0le b!-co:"1lr' , 0101 woull I a told, in -his ap remedy wiU be f0u W1 E. N . ii; ' 4 ��,z . -think that he 'was - C,AIV�PBE . � &..� I car - t 8 r, �rhiffletree's and neck 0. ce to levA you to . � I � ",nd b � dle Articles auch as are usuall pilia 'I'lld Ole solidl pole a liorth 1101 LUS QUININE 1"T. I . I r other mail y in use on & " pmxan U 'Mean co�.. _.. �, ,)whole will positively be gold, without ],is waY, aroul-ld . one of CariaAal,s moist successful b any priparedonlyby X.- c3mmnm P1, J�MIESM. , I - . I Al farm. Toe proprietor has sold his farm. rwe Smithers, A'OLIrl.-ellt flO'V'rl-�' in t I . � T svou,sSORS TO gb � - , - Ris mv a r F 01 E " "I .h Q I I 1), I I [: jerv,e - ," the Geo. ',, magnetized will i that he was a man 01' B,Ware Of1mitatious- i� TeE;;Z ' 41 sums of $6 and under cash; ever that , ., ; 1.)ar which is alreallY . men , or,,indeed . , lience. He is 65 � years of __ - I t , I . � I I .� _ ish- , it� magnetic .- To . I I diallilish �, , - . h1m,liftess � - � . I �mount t+n months! credit will be given on turn I to A. G. AU It, illcre,lse or -ecti"n of particular prollnu inclined to _0 � I � � . � . 11 roved Joint notes. Adiscountatthe rate of su� . � btreii,­tlI.aCc0rdfn,Lr to Lhe dii age, or thei0abouts) I I � _� � Ing app , - , � wnum, will be allowed for cash on . r, � � � , I . , I I ahr per egint. per I WM.. DYNES, Proprietor ; George �S_EAFORTH. I . I . . ! t I Iredit amounts. MAR; STREETi : i � - I I i so � . . isaa-t d _ , I- . - I . I . � I . I � . - - Xirkl�y, Aucti011leef- . I . I -1 � - � I I - � �' I . � . � I ,; . I . ; '. � � . . I . , I . 1 7 � ". I : : . i ? � . I - ; I � . I . . . I . I I . I � I . � � - I �, . . I � --- -7, � . . I � . - - � I � )j ., A . I - . . il . � I I - I : .- 4 1 C i i - � I � . �, � i - - i - - I I . ; A . . I . . - - - 21=211111191W � _­ _ - " . I I . ; � � - I I I ­_­ I ,------ I I - - .1 . __ � - I v .1 � . . . 11 , I . - I - . . � . I 1� I r I . - . . . . ! - I I � .- ,��:,- -_�­-­­��­ . - .7 - - . 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