HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-01-26, Page 8_7 7 7-7 WPwW%-r. g: 77. �_v JANUARY 261- THE HURON. EXPOSITORS conversation aw tiel �r" instructed to advertise for tenders for this t6wn on Tuesday last. He was listened wilf, be held in Seaforth on Monday next. Ttripping the light fantas 1poliem, an, who. on entering the -destittite 0 -when eek as Air. Thomas which was kept -up until a late h ur, En McFEAUL home, found the famished children devour Umber for sidewalks and other purposes.I to attentively by a goodly audience, and his Oil Tuesday of last w m, all d .3 wishing Mr. and Stdck Red Sale. ing the, raw flour ill handfuls. To the The salary of the Constable was fixed at' visit will, no doubt, bear good fruit. Mem� Welsh, of this �Iace, was chopping in v r. repaire -to their hor. anuil to their $400 ; the salary 0 appy wedded life. credit of tIxe officer, he left the f f the market clerk and 'bers of the church choir also gave several R. Davis' bush 'lie slipped off a linib and Mrs. Crawford a long an OnSatuOdsy,December130th, we make a special repa9t and went and paid tile merlant for constable at of the, town clerk at musical selections. Mr. McKay is a broth- broke three of 1his ribs. He is at, present It is. scarcely.' necessa.,., to say that the Is pleasdd to announce this week the eldxrl g *41..k of all goods throughout our entire istbre. the flour. f?.' 50 ; and of the treasurer at V20. A er-in-law of Mr. X. C. Sinitb, Banker, (if laid up through the effects-bf the accident. presents received were ii,-Imerous and costly, fewer than five fruit tree showing the high esteem in which the young arri We do tio in wer to red ce out immense stock petition from Mr. John Beattie asking that this town ­m --Miss Sutherland, who has been —There are val of the fo)lowing lines of - before cololwencinxp 8tock_t &king. to we refer you our lar �dvertisenvent on p&,xe five of this pa FiRE.—The blowing of the fire, Alarm thenumber of liquor licenses be redu F from a tediou� illness of seveial agents in the illage this week. -The Exeter couple are held in the n�eighborhood.-Com This %vill i -,b found an ex6elient opportunity, for whistle on Tuesday evening, aout 10 fur, was received and laid on the table. weeks, 18 recovermg.-Mrs. Hargan, sr., is fire company! intend holding their annual buyers of -Dry Goods clothing, Tweeds, Carpets, o'clock� broke up two church meetinp. and the Mayor, Clerk, and Messrs. ScUter, still quite poorly and is gaining very slowly. concert ii�i Drows opera house to -night (Fri- Goderich. tratis and C&M Furs, &c., to secure sup- Canada's. solo brought crowds from every direction, but by William Smith and Thomas Murphy 'were -The first skating raco of the season will day). -Miss Nora Clench, tiig in NEW SPRING GOODS, H AT- A*t below wholesale prices. Don't neglect be held in the rink here on Thursday next wiii�:give a concert in Drews, opera Gossip. -The CountfCouncil is sit w�4 see what 9twotion'can be taken out of achment reac th, witt Sainuel y the first det hed the a�pointed a Board of Heal I the timo Goderich this week. They are a fine -look - a few doll*'rs property invested. This u eek we drop. scene the danger was over. It seems that Stark as Sa i t Ins etor and Dr. Bethune between -Mr. H. Clare, of Preston, cham- house on February, the 2nd iiext.-2V1r.. ing bod YL Of men i The pioportion of mer- NUTABE the pricO of Men'ji and Boys' Overcoats. We now n1va pe f Central and 8 Phill'� Lang, who has been confined to NEW FRILLINGS Mr. C. A. Strong had changed his coat at as medical healtY officer. - The cferk was in pion o outhern Ontario, and Ilia VJHOLE give z pe* tent. off the.regular marked prices. chants and profemional men being unusually I' '% we are glad his office previous to 'taking a st�oi and structed to receive applications for the Mr. George Baldwin of this town, champion home the past five veeks, is, to alks of the last two WM. PICKARD F :11 i(i ot Western Ontario. The races are for one learn, able to be around again. -Messrs.. R. large. -The muddy w EMBROIDEMES had deposited the discarded garment in his bions of constable, and market clerk N d into their new' Weeks are making. many wish.,for board office 'chair. He then went out, leaving a constable, up till the tenth of February, the mile and three miles and will, be for a gold Pickard & 9on have nlaye YOU Seaforth. littlia � I terrier dog in the office and locking applications to he ted on. by a com- medal, given by the association, and the store. -Mr. George Mansbil. has advertised '",alksj nstead Of gravel and cinder, as at LACE CURTAI.NS Did the d6or. There was a handful of -matches Inittee consisting ofl&essrs. Gunn, Scott, champi(1ship of Ontario. These will be to sell his stock out at half price for the gresewt.-The revival meetings in North 3treet Church,- conducted by Rev. J. E. at the meeting 6f coun- close, exciting races and should be witnessed next two months. George �1-,vays likes t9 if Wits00s Gash Grocery. in oi�� of the pockets of the coat, and he Darwin and Beattie, Howell, are expected to close on Frid4.- ART MUSLINS Know,?. to. tbinks the little dog must have juniped up cil next after the date mentioned. After by a large crowd. -Mrs. Euphemia Orr, of make peoplq feel happy. ­4&iss Young, of ices on the coat, and in scratching around ignit_ passing accoun forth,wa f " nds here last week. Revs. R. J. Irwin, of Fullarton, and W.- H. Tke Czqadian Sugar. redn.eries raised their pr ts to the amount of 99.06, Missouri, who has been visiting friends in Se a visi Ing rie Mossie, of Nile, filled the pulpits of the �FLANNELETTES thing -to himself I for buzarthia week and markets Are very firm unlitse ed the matchesi At auy rate the 0oat and the council adjourned ev ineei on Monday, Seaforth and the noithern part of this coun- -Miss Bella McCallum, dauKhter of 'Mr. .1a if-'iother advance. I will se been - fire and were blazin xy 12th, at 8 o'clock p. m. allun�, of the 0 , 'xeter two Methodist churches on Sunda;y. there 11 as I have the chair cushion took - ty for he past three months, returned to John MCC Lake a (1 1, 1 or Z5 —0 PRINTS. any regard f doinz, SM pounds best gianulated, or 24 pounds of b4ght crffee sugar for 81-01. 1 ave some of that merrily when the blaze,was noticed by a her Western . home on Monday last. -Mr. North, died at Toronto oil 81111day-last. Stephen chtap _�y':up lett ard wore on the waylo sell at the Inall in the livery Stable next door. The james Archibald is shipping a carload of Miss McCallum formerly taught school here. does. When -we swi,e p it any interested party tat',, you I can- office was entered and the burning things LOCAL BFmFs.-illesrs.W. Neil,G. Ham- horses to the old country to -day. -Miss She wws buried near Toronto on Tuesday. COUNCIL MEETING. -The new council met The above goods comprise the first not get a4y more of the same quality of flour to sell threAvil. out before the flames had caught on ilton and P. McIntosh aiid Fraser, of Strat_ Bos 'well left on Thursday for London, where Slie a taken ill. while on her -way on Monday,"15th inst. The only new officers rice. 01.75 per 1W iwunds,L don't be- kL -Friday night she will spend a few weeks visiting friends. home from Manitoba. -Mr. Peter Baden, appo t d werlosesh Gainan, assessor an Trousers nade t( at the 4.me p. e plenty in stock the woodwor 1. The coat was destroyed ford, attended the assembly On' in e a shipment of our import orders for lieve tbelqi. as it is untrue. I ha and can get all I can handle. Give it a andithe back of the chair - burned out, but last, ill Cardno's hall --Miss Kate Vic- 0 bricklayer, h" already secured several bank Thomas Walpel, all itor. The deputy ,- Spring, and will be followed promptly tile regUIST pri barns and brick residences for the next' sea- turning officers Ve con- othing!a beat it in town. Whenyou -want to buy noother harm was done. Had the fire not Call hey, of Ingersoll, eldest daughter of Tlickersmith. some Te* don't fail to try wine, as I am selling fill of McCaughey, this town, �Ara$ son. This speaks well for a contractor, get- sequen6e of the.extra work entailed by the by a full an complete range in all ie f, d es ot, flue,tea cheaper than they were ever relail,d been noticed so soon, however, a very seri tl ate S. G. NoTEs.-L-WIr. Janies Crich is getting the to $5, grad ous blaze might have. resulted. here visitin friends this week.-.kfrs D. D. ingr jobs -so early in the season. -Mr. Rich- number of ballots, and for each place for de artments. in the oonot. material oil the ground for the improvement 0. WILSON, Seaforth Wilson has t �,en. seriously ill for some *days, -of ae house on the Carter farm.-Mis ar,, Gould!: and son have erected a fine stove holdin, the voting $3 was voted. A num- p would get Bank of Commerce Block. A I'VIATRIAXONIAL EVENT. -In 8arnia, oil but is, we are glad to hear, steadily improv- ck, of A, - 8 liouse for Mr. R. Pickard & Sons at the reor ber of accounts:were passed, and the council, of January I-fh, at o'clock-, a iiig.�Rev. Dr. McDonald was slightly in- , Di Orris, is visiting her sister. -The We also received this 1362 theeveninj of their new stre.-Mir. James N. Howard adjourned. week (ja Laing Brothers, of Acton, will give a phon. withou spendi�uj large Jim er of invited guests assembled disposed in the beginning of the week, but intends erecting a saw-mill'on t1wsite of the ograph concert at Ttirner's church this (Fri- beautiful new patterns) a full rane of at �he residence of Mr. Arthur Mitchell, 34 we are pleased to say has recovered. - -Old arist mill at an early date. Mr. Howard Staffa. day) evening, They come well recommend- to advertise thA Ca�ieroii Street, to -%itness the mairriage of The young peoplb are enjoying,exce.Uent is man we wish him great suc- NOTHLtTS. -Mr. L-. H. Irei�nd, who Union and All -Wool yard wide, (jar. s ill his enterprise. He formerly ran a rented Mr.Chubb?s blacksmith shop, cleared of push and his daughter Mina to Mr. A. H. Dolmage, skating, although the rink is not open. Dr. ed and should have a full house. -Mr. F. - ces Crich has been -appointed trustee of Sch��i eing experi- out, last week, taking a pair of piAchers and pets. See them. many hoice p tie ion Ford City, Indiana, and formerly of Scott's field near the railway, track, and the Q ct, No. 4, in place of Mr. F. Layton, saw mill in Hay township. B s. Seaforth. The bride is One of Sarnies most Egniondville mill pond are the centres of at- deceased- enced, he will, no doubt, procure a large some other valuable stuff, the propertb of stoek—snap pri( DISTRICT MATTER popular young ladies. The presents I were traction. -Mr. Ted Peters fell through the PATR amount of Ifusiness. Mr. Fred Chubb. Fred caught him at uv- 0,Ns.-A meeting was held in S' P. S.—Anything we. have left in chool numerous and costly and showed the high, ice at Eginondville dam the other day, and lin and made'hini deliver up what did not o. 4 on Tuesday evening for the purpose of -0 fit You. SEPvims. ' h Sabbath esteem in which she is held by her many was carried under, but b hi' and his made t �O Hensall.. belong to him.—Miss Ida Baird, �of Strat- Heavy Winter Goods you can have at, anizing a. lodge of Patrons of Industry. Mr. or Mr. companions strenu evenin last hi lordship, Bishop Baldwin, friends. The groom was.. supported by I �ous egrts"gh'e'Ww11as rescued JoC Landsborough was called to the chair, MR. J. Sutherland, Notary Public and ford, is visiting her aunt-, Mrs. Chubb. -Mr. simply YOUR- OWN PRICE. Itered' the rite of ponfinnation to' J. Walters,- merchant, of Sarnia, while the from his perilous po ition. 'Mr. M. C. Fen- and gave a short address on the Conveyancer has several nice dwellings placed in his and Mrs. A. W. Hotham have settled down object of forty candidates in �he Episcopal bride was aasisted by her il6ice. They left wick, a returned missionary from Corea, hands for sale at very low prices and intend- t tie" of life. -Mr. J. Caulp� about the sterner reali 9 the meeting. Mr. W. S. Lawreince, who ing purchaarre would do well to iee him. ISN33-1 bell was renewing ol. chr,ch M' this, town. The chlirch was filled on the lialf-past ten o'clock tran foi- Lo'li- lectured in the Methodist church oil Tues7 d acquaintances in, our -was present, gave a short address on tile ackson to the,doors and many were turned away, don, and the East, on their wedding trip. day evening. on " The Hermit Natiofi."- The highest market price pad for good village this week. benefits of the order. Mr. J. H. Alexander, able to obtain admission, Bish Th will also -visit friends in Seaorth be- Our town 6ctors have been havi ng ,, very Clover and Timothy Seed at. the hensall Flouring Edward McFaul OP ey of Middlesex, was called, and4fter discuss- Milla� 'it will pay farmers to see us before selling =preached a most eloquent and prac- fore they return to their future h6me. The busy- tilne of it lately, being able to get ing the various points of the - 46sociation for else% here. COAD BROTHM, Hensall. 10063 Constance. tical sormon from the parable of. the Phari- groom is a brother of Mrs, L Smith of sleep only in snat The Leading ches.-A German, while upwards of an hour, a discussion was held CUT IN Two -Wo have cut prices of ail Tuesdav evening last SEA -FORTH. pee and the Publicall. The Bishop is always Seaforth. He is well known %nd has talking to a man in front of Dick's hotel on and after a number of questions"had been Ladi es' Mantles down one half -0.5o mantles, for a company �of the young n1embers �f the SEAFO'R*T KreeteA with a large audience when he visits hosts of friends, by all of whom he is most Tuesday morning, suddenly fell back-watdis. answered concerning , organinng, etc., the $1,75; 04.00 mantleg, for 9-2.00 ; $5.00 mant(lea, for Presbyterian congregation, of this'place, He was helped to his feet by a couple of Reaforth, and never disappoints his hearers. highly esteemed and repected. We have 62.60; 86.00 mantles, for V3.00; $7.00 mantles, for waited on the Rev. Mr. Musgrave, at the were dreadful monsters in his section 0 iuch pleasure in extending to Mr. and Mrs. gentlemen who were following officers were elected and ill- �13.50 ; $8.00 mantles, for $4.00. Oercoats below f Me - passing, and seemed stalled : Pre"sident, F. W. Crich, coat to clear them out. Misseis'and rt. n's hbee manse, and, esented him with an address Killop, when in reality it is questionable if THE 001UNTY 4 Twf� HAwas AGAIN. -On the, ivening Of Dolmage our most hearty wishes for their none the worse for, his momentary fainting President, g tat 10c., worth from i6c. to 26c ; 12 = a ols at and a pkirse containing $80, as a slight re- -or UD i lit e to� 141.1 Thomas Fowler ; Recordn' po there is a more orderly the iWh inst.., after the Scotch concert, Mr. future welfare and haplime�sl� spell. -Miss Irwin and Miss Reid, of Clin- �5c. a dozen ; nice Raisins and Currants at 50; all cognition of lia services in this place. The be found anywhere in 0- r12 Secretary, Ira W. Johns ; Fi!nancial Secre- Aien's,50c. Cape for 86c; men's Ties a ur faIr Dominion, an- 'the assembly on Friday even- Rober4 Cannichael invited Mr. Cameron,the ton attended t 5e. All Tile County council op. t4ry, George Lay -ton ; Guide, Jose h Crich; winter goods must be cleared ou address preOnted expressed the appreciatioii overwhelming majority at all times be' At Vodw p t and prices are cut elocutionist Mr. tewart, the piper, Mr. THE SCOTCH CoNcERT.—In spite of the ing ast. -This seems to -be a very peculiar Ing Sion for this Sentinel, Iddo, Crich. The 'next meeting tomove,them. D. WNUMMLER. 1352-t f of Mr. MUS rave a faithful and self-sacrific- ready to raise their voiceAa against deceptiorL t week. Rere was a Alm 6tewart the chief of the " Sons," and very storqiy weather on Wednesday even- winter everywhere. From siveral parts of . ng labor a=g them,felt by the congrega I" X *ill be held next Tuesday evening at 7.30. BRm�n.-We have a little al and rascality in every form. There is. cer- 'The clerk eak, Deverall �ther leading members of the s6ciety ing, a large crowd attended the concert given the United States and the Old Country we -L, eighing, but 1 inevibem verybody is inited. tion, and also the wish that himself and his tainj some ill feeling on the 14th concea- )roc�ed with to 'his house to artake of 'a " liaggis" whie'i by the Sons of Scotland. Had! the weather hear that the weather since Christmasi has ' not enough as yet for heavy teaming. -Mr.- the election. A : p DR&TH.-A very Sudden death occurred j. amiable wife might long be spared in health ion Lt it did not griginae, with any of the Med by Mr. MCP116rs prepared for them. A pleasant hou. n- been propitious there would certainly have been much the same as in this neighborhood. Pope, merchant tailor, has inuied into he had at the residence of Mrs: E. Johns last Sat- & and*strength to carry on their labor- of love. anent residents, an outsider bein the 'Ims pmt at the home of the " Bard " of tl..- been a bumper house. The programme wag Rippey and Miss Taylor, of Cli t r. Wright's shop, adjoining Mr. Davies' perm 9 secouded ty Itr day morning, when Mr. Peter Camp It was signed on behalf of the cOngreptlOn instigp6tor of this feeling. bell, were visiting friends in town th is grocery, Wid, we believe, is putting in an HAdfitf, that Caledonian Society, and all declared th.,- a long and varied- one, and the frequent we%� ur Thonim H, Of Stanley, passed quietly away. The de- by Messrs. R. Lindsay and R. Anderson. the hag .- was otie of the best they had evt- encores testitied to the enjoyment of the The weather that we have been having late- entireli new tock Of tweeds and gents' fur- 0 East'Wawauosh, be Wsm gis ceased had --the centraot for the erection of a niBhings.-Mr. Ortwein has removed the Moved in amendment A"te& Long may "Kilburni& live to tret. audience. rhe essentially Sjotch feature ty reminds one.ninch more of April- or Oc- bain oil the said premises, and had com- BaYfteld. Walton. his to "-The Orteat Chieftain� o' th,� was furnishe I by the Misses M cLaren, of tober than of Janua*ty. There is quite a balance of his stock to Zurich, and Mr. A. Iteeve of Usbome, and; inenced making the timber on- the previous EXTERTAITIMENT.—The English church NoTxLL-rs.-Rev. D. Forrest attended ddW race..", SaItford, wilo svere most charmingly dressed difference between this and last January. - Weselol h, our.. enterprising boot and shoe Ohn $-herritt, pu in the most We learn by �a letter sent )is with his sub- morning. One o's n.i employes, Mr. S. COnoreeation give their annual Concert on Maitland Preab ry on Tuesday. -John- Cook, 0 - in Highland CO3tume and danced merchant, will occupy the whole of the that B. S. scription to THE EXPOSITOR, that Mr. Dun Cooper, of Brucefield, was sleeping with block of stores. and: he will now h Mo�d�y evening next, the 29th inst., in the Hewitt, we are Va�d to is on the mend, Warden. AssilmELY.-The assembly in Cardilo's approved style to the Music of -the bagpipes, ave an 0i Mr. Campbell and did not &wakes, until town ball. !There will be on the programme We hope he Zifsoon t7ayile to e Hall oa Fridav evenhwr last -was a most en- 'm anipulated by Mr. Donald Stewart, of can McBeath, an old r�sident of Seaforth, portunity-for displaying his very large -stock arotifid. A ballot being taken t Tar. about 3 o'clock, when he noticed deceased a very fine lecture by Rev. Mr. A�dgins, of --:-We are sorry to say that John Me ib and successfur: affair. There were Brussels ; rs. McArthur rendered in fine now of Victoria, British Columbia, that the , to good advantage. -Messrs. Cook Bros., of Taylor 26 and for Mr- Joyahl breathing heavily, and endeavordd to awaken Seaforth, entitled " Ireland and the Irish," gart, son of Orrin MeTaggart, is very OW a MY ut lorty-five couples present who chased style the good old Scotch songs ; Miss Reid, firm to which -he belongs has secured the the HOnsall flouring mills, aresh ingaway I declare abc thereupon him, but being unable to do so he a ip ave ilso solos, duets, uartettes, and literary selec- with inflainmation.-Williarn Warden. the golden houra with fly-ing, feet to the of Seaforth, ave two very ice vocal solos ; coutract,for the new Legislative building imme daily large quantities of flour, ndph Shoiaice and diately awakened his sob, who was in th� ons, by the Test local talent. In fact it is bride have returned from their wedding after enchavitinar strains Of the London Harpers' Tyl iss Bowes, of Toronto, elicited muh,ap- for that Province, amounting to a sum in any amount of custom work to do which ti The Warden, k posing, the neighborhood of $350,000. We are glad next room, and almost as soon as the lat- speaksl1or itself for the reputation of our going to be a, great entertainment. and 'no trip. The boys were serenading them Mon- .Iclaa�atjon of ffice,in orchestra. The gallery and the stage plause, by her recitations and Gree ter reaclied his father's bedside he, had pass. were �Igo: filled with interested � spectatores5, -while Mr. J. H. Cameron, an establis1w -7 iss Eliia Bell, of Mount Pleasant inistake� day night. to hear that our old townsman is prospering mills. 1 NI ed the council for the h, .1 avorite with Seaforth audiences, furnished in the far west, but its the old Huron blood ed away. -Drs. Shaw and Gunn -were farm, London road, is visiting friends in Qe BRERzy LocAm.-Rev. James Anderson A PIONEER PASSED AwAy.--On ferred uOP him - who sftimed to enjoy the pretty scene about f Sum- e by one moned, but thouilit it unnecessary to hold preached in St. Andrews' church on Sunday the old people �are leawing us. This week the amusing part of the programme, bring- that tells. -There came to us the other d n. -Mr. Alex. asmuthasthosewho were takin-part in neighborhood of Cluito The following memlN an inquest, deciding the cause of death to as' 'Rev. J. T. Kerrin lectured on "Life we record the decease o'v a most worthy Laren has returned h9me from visiting it- T;ie' assein�ly broke up about 3 a, in., ing down the house every time and getting a sample of spring wheat krown on the farm be hemorrhage of the brain. The remains electeaby balott to 'be among � his old friends in the northetil part in the Argentie Re ublic " in Strathroy on citizen - in the person Of Mrs. Alexander allprOeent feeling greatly obliged to. the two triple encores. Dr. Campbell aAted as of Mr. John Weir, of Thessalon to*uship, were removed to, his home On,. Saturday, the Tuesday evening Taast.-Mrs. Briegd, of Hislop, who, with her husband, has reside& strike the standing CO'IrLm cotEmittee who had the. affair in hand, and chairman, filling the position in his own Algoma. This sample was sent by Mr. f- of the county. - V iss Davis is visiting her meurs. Spaxing, MOO nd it is uneral taking place the following Tuesday- brother, Mr. W. C. Davis, ifterchant, of this Louisville, Kentucky, i the guest of Mrs. here -for eight or nine years. -The summons brought it to so, successful a termination. genial way, while Miss Ewing presided at John Forrest, formerly a Huronite, a Ewen, Me'Pherson, Holt. 0 the piano in faultless style, as she always hard to beat, They don't raise as much place. -The Rev. E. A. Fear and Mrs. Fear, Charles Simbils.-Reeve Woods is at Gode- came on konday of last week, and at the t in Algoma as they do in- Manitoba, place, were rich this week attending county council.- advanced age of 81 years she bade farewell Moved by Mr. MGFwf -On Wednesday mor- does. On the whole, the entertainment was whea, of Holmesville, formerly of this iNfr. K�ery� that Win ix CmgToN. Mr. THE past week has Shown the large heir The Salvat�oxl Army banquet on Monday to enter into the rest of GoWs children. abimt 5 o' ock, a serious fire broke out a splendid success and creditable alike to but what they do raise is A L -The rail- at sales in the village last week, calling on t a County Ail ing be appointe last was a decided success. A splendid sup*- The deceased had been ill for some time SO - � r in Cligtoil in Twitchell's harriess shop. The those who took part in it and those -who got roads have�. raised the rate on hay to New Crockery, Glasisware, -Boots and sho!s, Tweeds and friendg�.-Miss MacArtbur,�of Ailsa Craig, -Carrie I Shirtinsce, and Patent Mediiines, since our sale hall and after that her demise was not unexpected. The Shop 4as badly gutted, and the stock almost it up. York $1 per ton, which has demoralized the is visiting her brother, Mr. J. NJ a6Arthur, per was spread at the Orange Moved b yemr. Proladf began. Tho comin week Dress Goods, Wool Hose banker, of this village. -Mr. George full justice had been d6ne there the Army husband and two daughters, entireb, destroyed. Messrs. Jackson Bros., Canadian hay trade, so that at present there and woolen gooils generally, must go in the Me- I Mrs. A. MeAL -.N1cM.urzhie, that Mr. P1 arched down Main street and back 141-00 the lister, 2nd line af Morris. and Mrs. Steven- poiA 4 t clothim, also had their stock badly daniag- GIRLS NN W, Tane be up e' ��k_NTFD.—At the Queen's Hotel is�� very little moving. The local deyders slaughter, Diego Goods from fic. per yard up - Ewen, our worthy reeve, is attending the 111, Q -Mr. Crockery, Glassware and Footwear cheaper tha� County Council at Goderich. Mr. * John tO*u hall, where ro.using addresoes were, son, 14th,concession of 6rey, urvive a lov- ed, largely,by smoke and water. It ig. jot eaforth. two &od girls. Highest wages. Apply a; have stopped shipping for the pres�nt. Crilrdnal Audit--!-�( ver. The stock Is still comparatively. ve ade by offi�cers and others' from Seaforth ing wife and aftectionate�--mother. The fun - once to Mas. T. STapimcs. 1363x2 A.G. Ault intends leaving ton abolit the '11tcom Sheppa;rd, reeve of Tuckersmith, is also at- kriawrl how the fire driainated. The build- plete. In 25 short days :more -we must e the and Goderic4. There ws excellent music eral was on Wednesday, Rev, D. Forrest The Council. iourneq, NoTiay,.-The Seaforth Orchestra is open First of'Februairy. He goes from here to tendini.-Messrs. Laing Brother,of Acton, inga,'ved.believe, are *ell insured, but both store. During that time you wilt make money by Wednesday. for enpgement8 for balls and parties. Ternis rea- will tN7 a �rand musical phonograph con- and singing. by Mr. Whyte and daughter. conduiating the service. �Xr. and Airs. His - Mr. Twitchell and Jackson Bros. will. lose Owen Sound, where he -will probably. make visiting us. J. MOINT08H. 136S THI& Srzoox able Applications to C. SWAVART, bandmaster, his home.r-Mr. Harold Johnston, who has ert McEwen's hall, under- the auspices of ent 6nioved the meeting very --much. lop were residents of Morris for many years All Pres Box 323, Seaforth. 1363-2 OPEN MEETING. -The �Tidependent Order heavi1j, on their stcks. 1 This is the second son the Royal Templars of Temperance, of this vil- been in Manitoba for some months. with his . ot Foresters held an open meeting on Wed- before retiring to Walton. Mr. Hislop is The Council opeued timewithin the past few years that the CLEARING SALE OF BOOTS M�D 811OFS. - )pointed hour. tA uncle, Mr. Joh4son, of Brandon, has re- lage, on Saturday evening, 27th inst. There Usborne. deeply sympathized with.- Messm Jackson hivi suffered in this way, in order to reduce our present stock and make 'room 'ne_sday, the 17th inst., when Mr. C. C.' edings the following I Once in 8ea-forth and once in Clinton. Their for Spring goods, we are going to slaughter goods for turned hom6.-Mf. Harry Affery, who has i will, no doubt, be a very large attendance, COUNCIL AIEV17ING.-The new- council met Hymim's BowDs.-The many friends of ce Whale addressed a large meeting. At the I-e&_d and referred to. wonted energy enterprise wFil, the next month. We have a large stock of Men's been in the employment of Mr. E. McFaul close twenty-eight new members were taken as a certain treat is in store for all.�Mr. J. on the 13th �nst.,pursuant to statute. The George Morrison, son of Mr. Al. Morrison, *Felt Boot@, Socks and Rubbers and Overshoes; also for several years, purposes leaving town Phippen our Photographer, who has ''boen following gentlemen h b duly elect- of this place, wiU be pl mittee - From the A however soon brillo, them. to the front again Z, in, after which they all retired to Dixon's aving een eased to read the fol- �, 1: 0 Womens' Felt goods in Button, Balmorals and brighthr aad bigger than ever. , - shortly, but has not yet decided 'where lie dining room confined to his home in Parkhill for the-. ed, made and subAcribed,te neces de- lowing account of his wedding, which took aliking aid 'to -collect Buckskin8-which must be sold, as we do not want to partake of an excellent sup- 4st Sary the County of carry them Over., Now is your time if you want- will go. We wish him success in whatever per, to which all did full justice.-O-Niii couple of weeks thiou h illness', has returin- clarations of o.ffice and qualifications, and place at Wapella,Assiniboia on Wednesday, Froin. - -4 - -4. V - - ion to me 1 -lay ed and, we are pleaseT to say, is able to 're- took their s -e' t tl oucil for. 1894, viz : 27th ult. The bride is MinAie operat A VFP.Y SATISFAC.rORY -)WIN rgains in those lines. All other lines at reduced place lie n cast Ms lot. He has been a a s ie c priqes. Rembm-beyl,-- we will not be undersold. WHO WAs THERx. the fees of '- Offici in�st exemplary citizen, and we ae sure, . B sume his business. - -Miss Fee, of near Thomas M. ]�:_'ay, reeve ; James Halls, Wal- daughter of the Rev. Mr. K*' HARD TmEs.-Froiu the Principal of thd Richardson- &'McInnis, the leading shoe house in 'P.:FviTiEs.-Dnring'the"short stay here inley, of Wap - I will do well Zurich, is visiting friends here. -The many ter�Keddy, Tonathan Shire, Robert Gardi- e-110 The ceremony, which GovelMment ; FiOm *4 C Anado. Business College, of Chatham -, we 1363-1 and always be a credit to Sea-, of Mr. 10. C. Wha'le, High Court inspector took place in r"pecting amendment have toceived the following information, f4th.-Miss Nettie Wilson has returned of t ' Fo friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller will be ner, jr., councillors. G. W. Holmes was the church at 8 p. in., was perfor d by RF-A.DYTADE BooTs.-For two months I he Independent Order of rresters, me whioll, ohmys iliost conclusively that this from a visit to friends in London. -Miss sorky *to learn of the deah of their infant appointed cl�rk at aalary of $100 ; 'Thomas Rev. Mr. Dyke, (brother of Rev.Mr. Dvke Act; Froln the 00=61 will Belli custom made Boots and shoes cheap for twenty-eight new members were added' to co.oper.ation -in viewo; ischool. 4 doing a superior work and stands cash. JonN STxLrr, Egntondvitle. 1363 Dora Wilson left last week for Alleghany th son, which occurred on M onday laat, land Coates, treasu. of -Belgrave) of Moosomin, e court, and -this court bids fair to become rer, at a salary of $7 - 0, to give assisted by Rev. ) as The brides - one of the lar ie order, has e sa;laAes high ig the estinlation of the business pub- Cityj Penusylvania, where she will spend tyest in tI which will Sympathize with them in their grief. bonds in the ouni of $1, 200 inns Mr. Kinley,brother of the bride, tareo allow -COUntv 40 T.Lo' The funeral took place oil Wednesday after- sessor, at a salary of $50 ; A. Duncan, col- maid was Miss Plummer (sister of 'Mim LOWS W11.08 students were placed. Tif R McKi INSUI- -CO2,1p some time visiting friends. She was accom- -dA3 Off ities- Pro! h The follom ing -.k-N to )ership of 53, 000 and a reserve fa salary of $50, to give bonds in -Plummer, teacher, Blyth), and the grooms- spective 3doia �p 1i ple, formerly of Har- Tile annual meetin of the members of the last week: J. 1). , ta 9 anieil by her three little neices.-Mr. and fund of $827,000. -Our renowned foot -ball noon last and was well attended. The re- lector, a ;�uxl Gleligarry to red ristoll, u, teacher of shorthaud, in the McKillop Matual Fire Insurance Company Vus. Oscar Neil at�teiided the wedding of teail� " The Rovers," who ha,�e lost only one mains were interred in t�,e Rodgerville the sum of 0,9200 ; John ifforney and Thos. Man was Wycliffe Kinle , Of Moosomin. Business College, Bay was held, in Kiddls,Hall, in tfis town, Oil County Councillors. I Intern"ttional Miss 8anderson, at St. Marys, oil Wednes- game in the - past three geasons, journeyed cemetery, Andrew, aud#ors ; J. Copeland, A- Cole, P. The bride was attired in a Tovely suit Of lay- re(I to the 80ediok COT C; day,'Iast week. -The box of toys, book, oir, R. Delbrid e, C. Switzer and - C. ender satin. with veil and orange blo§soms, Mchian G'eorge. Ryan, Chat� Friday last. T114 *as fait attendance of s, to Seaforth on Saturday to have their hotos (From an Occaesional Correspondent.) 9 'to &c., §ent by t1le Presbyterian Church Sa p Coatesj fence I !.viewers; The Reeve, Clerk the groom weari�ng the conven:tional evening ing were referred hain steogral-dier with (leorge B_ Doug- members. The chair was occupied the b- taken. It should be a handsome picture.- MASOFic.-The brethren of Zurich lodge, las Y bath`.� School in Seaforth, to Muskoka, ar- Miss Jeannie Jamieson hasC ret lVessrs. L. HuUter, D. clunis and C. dress. After the magic words were spoken iiiittee : From FrisOnf -rh -in - -esident, Mr. D. Ross, of Stanley. \ The No. 224, met in their hall, Hensall, aal,-ingfr the usual at stet Chatha Ida Tom- Pt urried home kilis 'Chaha, stenogra�lier with ohn thtee retiring Directors, viz rived safely and proved an exceedingly wel- from Chicago, where she has been. waitinir On Monteith, B*d of Health, with Dr. ope,of the guests came forward, and, After Messrs.1 John. Thursday evening, January 18th, whel the ecretary D �Barrister, We also have H mne gift. -The contents of the box --were upon her sister -i 0 L Thompson, , odical Health Officer and J. C. irlaking a few complimentary remarks, reaA f the annah, D. Ross, and Janies Broadfoot, '- ii -law, 1who has"been very following officers were installed for the en stees. in ref�,r ail apiAic4tion froill a, Toronto firm fora wete r divided betNveen the Sabbath Schools at ill. Tufts, Sanit I ctor; Thomas Veal, an address, and on behalf of the citizens of tute Tru e -elected. The auaitors' report show- We are pleased to hear of 'her recovery. 'a ailing year, V nspe viz.: Duncan McEwen W. M.'_ R ldy V'x�k-keeper and stenographer, to coin- edithe Company to be making solid pro- Baysville and Ridout, the latter being a -Some of the Royal Templars of Temper- caretaker of. at a salary of $5 ; J. Halls, Wapella presented M,,r. and Mrs. Morrion grant aWin. C. Davies, S. W.; David eismiller, Deputy Re6v4. After passing� a few ac- with a handsome" 8ilv t2i for the West Flum Mence oil FebrulLry Ist. Eveiy lady grels3, and to be gradually inalt school eight iniles from Baysville. Let- ance did not get as much taffy at the taffy e teaset. Mr.Mor- 0 increasing in J. W.; James Bonthron, Secretal-f ; Will. similar reques, gracluMe of tile year is no placed. It 'cer- membership and business. The li�bilitio ters; 6ve been" received from parties con- evening. counts the council adjourned to mect on rison briefly replied, and all the guests re- tion; A es of pull as they expected, last Monday bruary 3rd. It. Hodgins, Treasurer; Charles Meyer, Satur Teach tainly f�ays tf-.): attend tile best.,, the Company amount, to $3,600, and the necte(I with both schbols, expressing grati- Cause-4ome one stole �he taffy when itwas Chaplain ; Joseph Ellis, S. D.; Henry L. day, Fe paired to the residence of Mr. Kinle_v, TBE OOUNT msets to $82,163. The assessments collected tude for the timely and most welcome gifts, put 6ut to cool. -We are pleased to see Mr. Peine, T. D.; Donald Burns, T. G.; Jolm where splendid dinner was in readiness for them. The evening was spen To AN OLD SENFORTUTTE.- durirtg, the Year just closed amounted to. and desiring thanks to be conveyed to the Alex. Foofe once more upon our street, after T. Wren, Tyler. Cromarty- t in -music? The County Tream A children who contributed so liberally aikd his illness,'caused by la grippe- games and conversation, after which the learn by., a letter sent to Mrs. Robert Smith, lik),084, and the losses to $7,198. The Coin- NOTES. -A Court oi the now famous, P. CLICKS. -E counts for the YW, of thia own, that Ivor son William, anager pany now carry an insurance of two and a kindly. -The Reeve -and Deputy Reeve�are �ward Bruce ha returned guests, expressing &new their good' wishes which were ref�rrcl P. A.'s has been opened in Hensall. Beware from the Prairie Province to spend a few of tbe Bishop Raneh Dairy, near Port Town- half nidlon. dollars. There were 700 new 0, ttending the County, Council at, Goderich Varna. a to office. If you lia-ve been weeks with hi for the future happiness aud prosperity of mittee.. I his letter, ye aspirant parents. -Malcolm Lanond, -Vear policies written duri 'the yer this -week. -Mr. George. Good was appointed the young couple, departed to their several re'had IN send, State, formerly a cheese ng *r, and there VARU,;TIFS.-The. R�y�l Templars held known to trade. horses with a follower of the jr., who has been seriously ill, is, we are. %e a member of the Colle�;iate Institute ]BOa,rd homes. A the- sum - are now 32 thore policies in force than there f, le Z maker well Llown ill this section, niet their social in the Temperance Hall on Tues- Pope there is danger �n your way to Jericho. glad. to hear,! convalese'lug. -A- - -party of 0 T were -tile previous year, and, of c6urse, the by the Coul'ity Council" The following gell- I I cor�7e, it loan( with _qerious ccident, on New Year's day evening last, which'. proved a decided -The Rev. W. G. Jordan, B. A., of Strath- younk peopi f Om our village drove -:'to "the prennuill note security has been- Correspond- tlemeri are the new mellibers of the "Board Telephonic. farm pro� Y. day� Ile wa -,throwil froin one of success. A large number from Brucefield, roy, preached anniversary sermons in Car- residence of John Scott, 12th concession' rayene ingly The losses during the 17 appointed this year - Dr. Cainpbell,,O. C. th� milk of the company and 0 Kippen and God6rich Coul,n*cils were present. mel church on Sabbath last. Large and ap- where they were pleasantly entertained, on The foRowing letter wIss Signed by the WHAT THS COUNT"01 Willson nd George Good. -Those interest- The refreshment served and the programme preciative audien es listened with pleasure Friday evening la'st. -About sixty or sevent subscribers of the Automatic 3�elephone By- ounty En i had hi left arin broken ia t1wee by Years that the Company has been ill exist- The go the falt ' Ile is now under the aur eon's ence , a $U- 409.96 or an annual addresses rendered and delight to th reverend gentleman's -7r6mthe vicinity of Chisel change at, kee as follows -nounted to , ed in the Presbyterian Church, in this town, of music, recitations'and e ��lmg i)eopfe S"forth, Out., after two monthe X-1 .1a tus arin in a plas of which, considerinc, the w! f, f will be ulad to learn that Mr. Guthrie has 61 0 reflected much credit on the managing com- clear and forcible presentation of the truth. urat besieged to n Tuesday evening use of the system: -It In also be added amoiint inured was acceptJ the invitation tende'red him to be n 0 new bridges in t1W W age, an i exceedingly light. The w that the Subscribers of 't%Ke t will be -,sorne Considerable tinle mittee. -The proceeds amounted to nearly M r. Jordan is one of the brainy men of the last. ' a p ously Secured the use of -Mitchell Auto- grw ud have inade be ble to use it.,Lt a, W11iiIe average cost per one thousancT dollars insur assistaLt to Rev. Dr. McDonald for theisuln- $20.-TAr. George Beatty, died at hi "a resi- Old Sod who has found a place, in the Can- the hall, nCL as indulged in until a late Old bridges. beforo lie wi - 11.,d 12 matie Exchunge gave testimonial letters as I beUe., fears are tha ancelor three year-, has been $5.50 or $1.83 nler six months. Mr. Guthrie' is now at - t it wilt be perniain- dencei V a 0 Monday evening last. He adian. church and is rapidly winning. his hour. . George iller catered to the wan to the satisfactory o ration of the system di the 1p 1�rn 11 ts Control taltly gtlfTened. He still holds his situatioL per year. This is less than one-half what tending Montreal Presbyterian College— w the was oil" ofthe oldest settlers of the town- way to the'fr'ont ranks. -The Mechanics' In- of the inner mag, -After several unsuccess- after' several months use. ir at the P, with tb-o Tnilk however, s Ile ha4 would have been paid for similar risks in a We arp glad to learn that Mr. Charles Mur- ship of Vailley, havuilg been a res1dent of stitute of this place has lately added $140 ful attempts the! checker club was re or eaforth. Nov, 20th, 1893, good repai bii� ro stoc compay,and goes to show the.anlount ray, of Tuckersnlitli,.-,v'ho, for soine weeks, I - haA all thee iron 1= t t to'b the township for over fifty years. 'He had worth of new books to the already large ized on Monday evening last. ;rel To THB AuToxATio TxLzPno1fv & ELxCiMTc ,00valuable a ser"Vall e 'Thomas ved'h' elf ' Z o . Ct. ME'% Slniffti's many friend.i in thi.-t that is annually sayed to the members of was vtry low with typhoid fever, is those on tlie6unty hreached the advanced,age of 76 years. His libraryof which it boasts. In th% recent ner will handle the gavel, while John Mcil- CO. OF CAffADA, MOXTRRAL 1:6 iron bridges in a county regret to learn (if his inisfortunc. Companies by doing their own insur- convaescent and his friends hope fora, remains were interred in the Bayfield ceme- addition will be found sorne of' thelatest wraith will look after the tin. -Consecration lem 01 allc.,c This Company Iik'e most 6ther simi- -friends full and*speedy recovei�y.-Tlie inally the, ComnillffiD I tery.on Wednesday. last. -A meeting of the and best bol-oks of the day. The efforts the services were held in connection Wethu subscribers to the Autonlati Tele- ton, we contractea" lax fCompanies, has been judiciously nd of Mr. H. B, Detweiler, formerly of Blake, dirjetors of the Institute are making to put with Grace church, phone Exchange at Seaforth, have pleasure Irown, of B Rabiioismvix.Li.: NOT from the oulically nianaged, and has done and is will be.pleas�d to learn that he h�s now got, Royal Templars, Orange Lodge and Forest- S"ffa1 oil in testifying as follows:-lst. There are & J� 1 0 (it tile ec", ers of the village and other parties who are within reaOh of every family a car Monday. The service was conducted b =rne 4ity of 3kinii i .ppe , a efully abo ted -to your )rl g e doing a spledid work. At a meeting comforitabl settled in his new honie ill Vir- selected 'd valuable library should be ap- i -a e at Grand t� lively, spr naid stinliner y in sympathy with the trustees of the Tem- 4n Bishop Baldwin, 6f London, assisted by ut thirty telephones connee of 1)irectors, which wa Ilia, ving purchased a farni near Mid- preciated by the -community, and th mem- Revs. Dewduety, of Mite Hodgins, eaforth xchange, and your three-w-L�ret The blidge W -W `tO 4113iness of hell day of Oddbe last, s held at t -lie conclu- perance Hall difficulty, ill be held in the e trade mwit be c aioi of the members' ineetincr Mr. filnd, tauquier cour;ity. -The District Cou I Of' cable system is used. 2nd. The connections i,,i iteadll�y on tile Ill" ing, the bership roll swell6d into the hundreds. Seaforth, and the pastor. -,The remains of not yetexieelited th4 ww", _' D.� Ross cil Ot the Royal Teinplars of Temperall'Ceb Temperance Hall on Saturday even are tapped up quickly and th creaze, demand for glove -3 frequent - M r. 6raorge 27th inst.--?vlrs. R. McCool, of Harriston,118 the late James Stoneman were interred in , ere is nodelay, time -1 have MCKWOP. upon an operator. present y -to say ove the loctil ability to upply W*tt, Vice 1'resia0i1t ; Mr. W. J. Shan- will be held ill Seaforth on Monday next. visiting at the parental home. noV having to depend ly ab It is'expected there will be about one. hun. MeTaggart's cemetery on Monday last. 3r'd. The voice sounds cl ar and distinct Compan Rey'. J. R Hederson, of Will Secretary -Treasurer 'Air. %I . IM urdie, -Deceased was one of Hibbert's earliest set- e erette& The stone and Mr. ('reon., Murdie, Auditor. dred delegates here froni Al parts of the MF_GIP�SON'S MEETWG,-Mr.ThOs.Gibson, over the 4th. There beirtg a Separate I ;of our cluct the, i4universary. servim county.—.Aklessrs. tlers, an( was highly respected. - A large made ready laet, 8 Scott Brothers, nlu�ical Exeter. M. P. P.,! for East Huron, availing himself Automatic switch at the central offee for on Lustruinent. dealers of this town, last 'week M& J. T. Weatcott, genel'a.1 agent for of an invitation etended him by the Patrons number of friends attended the funeral to each, telephone, the service is secret and Mr. F. Gutridge"01 dar etva2linty, after, Mr. I-lendel-sou will I)oi.it­,.--At.the lat meeting of shippe(I a very fine organ -to Manitoba, to be t�e well known Gait Nurseries is at present canvas. pay their last tribute to the departed, A I we have, 1 a at No. 4 school house, delivered a. most ex- there is no induction. Sth. The tele- tractor -d- i lcoturc,, r4orot'atldresses will he sing in this vicinity with great success. Agents wife and grown up family survive. hiin.' Manchester br, ge � th,- town council, on Monday evening,, the used I in ail English 0hurch tit Wheatland, wish.ug territar would do well by coisulding Mr. haustive �ddress, giving his opinions on the Phone instrument with your new Auto- Th� hi wl ommittee was re- t MUSA, re-�Iwrt of the nominating c iver District. This enterprising and Weatcott before engaging with an), other firm. This Patrons' platfom and contrasting it with matic Release " is satisfactory and is a' reis -,! - Oak R Rel t a coat -Of S4A ceived nd a busuiess in njusi- firm grows first-c)ass Canadian stock, warranted to Leadbury. . i UTICADIftmon frefillet bt- furnished bY thC (1,L he nominations nkade reliable old firm do a lal e . . the practice and principles of the Mowat improvement om your old,styie ease I t I 'A' grow and true to name. Parties wishing trees of any, lynt vollel-tioll Tilade lo -lie as foll0w-s : Street Collialittee, ]Aessrs. cal instrunients ill th Rairie 11'rovinc a 'ITEms. driver� which description should drop him a card before purchas- admiaistratio:�. There wa a large audi- LoC.&L -Mr. John Crawford and Key,' The Rc�v. Mr. lfender.;oa i,, 80ott, Tye'rnian, Hawkshaw and Sclater ; An, olt�j friend, a farnier in the township of ing elsewhere. Any stock that dies, exQept through ence an&Mr. Gibson was well received, It Miss Minnie outer were married on 2. D. D. Wilson, Wholesale egg bridge there and hurch ft. Wed- thg to Reed �tny voni- Depu'ty- Reeve, Messrs. Lyon, Darwin anq says,- " I congratulate you oil your noin- that the politi- nesday of last week. Re�v. Mr. Musgra;ve ,dealer and oatnfeal minor, ice is good to work - I (- md Water Committee, Mayor, Reeve. Howick, in a privte note to the Editor, neglect, will be replaced free of charge. 33613 W 1;lt it, can be- rep t(x) weu his ability US ton' 111u0i Fi Mayor, appreciat4ul in as quite evident, however' ITEMS. -0111' Council met for the dispatch Cal demon still has possession of the hearts performed the ceremony. We wish the 1. J. G. Scott, M. D. Xi Physician. t-,7-eniug set -vice in our the three latter to be 'the ordinary ination, and I believe tha i)er o t no mail in the of business -oil Friday evening last, when and minds of a good any of the audience. young C014ple- pirosperity. -M-iss Lottie Dun- X C. M&ay, Physician. orders. 2' under my W by t1w working committee, the fornier to be a con- Ridm' re deservino, of tht honor. It James Creech,the constable, was re -appoint- MATRIXONLAL.-One of those most inter- . das and Miss Eve have been around, collect- Surgeom g is ino works Among Rnde&vor Soeiety, l(4 by Miss Stevellsoll. I saltin(y conunittee in the event of t is a pily our good f rienod does inot live in ed for the year at a salary of $365. His. eating and happy events which always seem mi sionary money in 1. F. S. Beattie, Vete ., hysician. lt,waa doue tu & r. Sllaw. of' el, lie leasina connection with i. Alex. Bethune, M. D $8,493. part of !or, ling of the electriclightplant;Finance' Sbilthj' instead of the benighted North.- duties are to act as constable, road commis- to amuse- both old and young, took place at the MethodiA church and *have been su 1. Lumsden & Wilson,';! Druggist� & B�ook_ be re -built this yet hi eveniog duties, on account of Ilia latt: 1 Conimittee, the Reeve, and MessrA. Darwin Miss 6ampbell, who has been carrying I on sioner, collectorP of taxes, light the street ecess- eter beidge, -thereiidehceof Mr. Thomas Souter, Me- ful as usual, -Mr. Win. Hack*eit had a rsWrox on X0 tended *god bee on Friday last, t. very much -ision Committee, Lion store for several years, has retired from night to in all small children off the Minnie, was united in the holy bonds Livery. contract w soon tho _-ervie4at very inl..tch. The person who i M r-. Ward ; Court of Re,� -lawson, hierchan presout seemc(l to aPPI-eci&te and Charities Committee the Mayor dr6ssniakilla in c9mlecti with the '(' Iden lamps and ring the -bell at 9 p.m.-, every Killop, recently, when his daughter, Miss well at 1. E. of there being 60 oi 60 present. Tere was aiwf?n tile collection plate the MVor, Ree -re DeputyReeve, and the business, and returned t�) her home in -street. Mr. George H. Bissett, appoint iniony r. R. Logan Ut LL souv nit call 1. A. Forbes, y that (Wening, vart have the sztTile Afeasrs. Gunn aad I a large q of cordwood- cut. -Mr. 3k te Banker. one is not safe fo� was - iiiatr' to M John Thoma Crawford, Priva �0� were one of N1 cKillop's most, prosperous youn �Vard- Building Com- Toronto. The dressmaking .Will now be car- ed assessot at $40 pef annum. The Michael Wall, one of our old residents, has 1. J. S. Roberts, Druggist. recommed an ITO on appliciMon to the church treasurer. ii�ittee, the Mayor, Reeve, and Messrs. ried on by Njiss Brine* who is thoroughly four other applicants for the assessorship. men. The bridegroom was ably supporte m the Nlim Rippie, is the guestof 1 Bettle and Lyon. A change was made du I purchased a f irm near Hanover and.- moved �9- Edsall, Proprietor Commercial ituated just fton this wo p Hotel, Craham, Pot 016 acqua, nted with the business in all ts Mr. M. Eacrett was re-elected clerk, salary by Nlr. Alex. Souter, who . erformed his there with hi� family. We wish him'success -ek, N1 r the respectiVe hours of duty of the Constable b ties, having been Miss Campbell's chief $100, and Mr. Samuel Sanders, Treasurer at part of the cereniony wit his usu Spray or dampne Bolton, of Nisouri, -tad Mr. Whtestone, of, aud market clerk and c6tistable, by which al iact and in his new home. -The click of that useful Hoton, Butcher. assistant f6r some time past. Ladies w$40 per annurn. If the council should econ- ability, while Miss Lizzie Crawford,sister of contrivance, the hay press, is still heard in L M. Jordan, Grocer. stro the timber Ht. Maryei� sfwut a. few days this'week as the tile foiriler shall be oil duty from I P. m. to find het both competent and obliging. - Mr. omise- as well in the future as they have in the bridegroom, acted in the capacity of our land. Messrs. William Camer- tevens, Queen's Hotel. Gulfey bridge, GO� UWA9 of Mr. Thoatas Hills. --One of the 4 a. in., and the latter, as constable, from 7 1. Thos. .1.3 -a- Ro.bert Grieve, son of the -,late Win. Grieve, the beginning there win be' a larie amount bridesmaid. The bride was becomingly at- on, Henry MoIntoah and William, Murdle l. Tho's. Brown, Agent. inuch deea�p -coming summer, a farrowin- tales of tile terrible destitution I a, in. to I p. m. Dr. Campbell. was ap- of Dakota, is at present here visiting rela, of funds in the',Treasurer's hands at the end tired in shotilk, trimmed with cream lace, who run the press for Messrs. Cowzn and I . Adam Hays, Liiery. atnomg the people of tht, neighboring repub. pointed'Collegite Institute Trustee, in place tivesabd friends. Mr. Grieve was a, lad of of the year. -Mr. J. N. Howard intends while the bridesmaid wore a beautiful pale GoTenlock, turned out 105 bales one, after- L Cluff & Bennett, Planing Mill. soon as -is relatc4f Ilya resident of thi " T, illage of I)r. Scott, whose term ha expired. The. about 12 years when the fantily left here, and putting in an electric light plant if the coun- blue cashmere. After the solermi ceremony, noon last week on the farin of Mr. John 1. R. Mercer, Jeweller. boundary - twem who has lately.been ia Northern Miuhigran. tender of James Noll to'supply 25 cords of now he i;a fine, strapping -young man. He cil will take 12 lights and give him free tax- which was performed by Rev. P. M us Irvine. --, They a�e hustlers and no mistake. L Dorrance, & Rrgan, Livery. a small oneon th( 7'he father of a, farnine abricken family ap- first cla hard wood at $3.50 a cord w ac- h grave� 88 as as traveled extensively through - Montana, ation for five years. The ratepayers on the a- large number of invited guests sat down We only hopel that our dealers in hay wiU 1. Win. Flannigan. Hotel. Poarich and Ik buflt pliod to a, storekeeper foromie flour to feed cepted. The usual grant was ordered tt) be Idaho- and other Northwesteron States, and back streets have commenced to kick. If to a sumptuous repast, specially prepared have a good return and find a ready market kin fftarying Chldren I J)1lt Was 1'afUSe I 1 1 Jas. Dick, VoW. I to the Fire Brigade and Chief of Fire spent"- inost of last summer in- Chicago.- they don't gel; electric lit lit th will attend for the occasion by Mrs. Souter, who is an for their product in the years to come.-Ou I J. H. McClinchy, Royal Hotel. ey "use lie hz�d iio mone, but driven to deS- The Fire and Water t. Committee Rev. h. P. McKay, Missionar Secretary, I I � but I advii next January. ter all had done 'd A si ers upon re&ding the McKillop item" in a twenty-five pound was empowered to purchase 75 cords of hard aelivered 6, ver .9 1. W. R. Counter, Jeweller. interesting adYxess on For- load of Royal Templars, intend attending the ample justice to the good things proVided, the last iss4e of - THE Exposrroa, would The number in front of the mme in&catea es 0"k aad nu home, followed closely by a wood and 75 cords of soft wood. The Clerk eign Missions in the Pr byterian church of district council of Royal Templars, which the rest of the evening w" spent in ocial naturally totne to the conclusion that there Ishe number of phones in use.