HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-01-26, Page 7etadiana s —' JANUARY 26 1894. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort. and improvement and a-eade to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet- ter than ethers and enjoy lif o more, with lent eXteceit1itut0,. by more promptly edapting the world's best products to 'the needs of physical being, will attest The vain° to health of the pure liq-eid laxative principlea embraced in.. the remdy, Syrup of Figs. . • Its excellence is due to its prezenang ki the form most acdeptab-Ie and. pleas - :t to ti, test ee the refreshing and truly beneflei* properties of a perfect lax - ;jive; effectually cleansing the system, iiisnellira. colds, headaches aand feverr and 1,ernianeittly curing constipation. hae given satisfaction to millions ana mut -with the approval of the medic profeseon, laicauee it acts on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels without weal: - ening them aad it is perfectly fres fro= every objeetioi.able substance. Syrep of Firs is for sale by all drug- gista in 75c. -Onttles, but it is -mann- faetured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, -a hose name is printed on every package, ale° the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed,_yon will not accept any substitute if offered. - POINTERS —FOR— THE HT_TRON EXPOSITOR. The Baby, DEFINITION'S OF THE CREATURE . TO sp-Ief EVERYBODY. A London paper offered a prize folfthe best definition of a baby. The last cit the following took the prize: "The bachelor's horror, the mothet's treasure and the despotic tyrant of the flest republican household." The morning .caller, noonday eraavler, and midnight brawler." The only precious possession that never excites envy.' • 4 The latest addition of hinnanitYi of which every couple think they possess ; the finest.- copy.! i "A native of all countries, who speakste language of none." . " About two inches of coo and wiigle, writhe and scream, filled with suction i,alad testing apparatus for milk and automatic alarm to regulate supply." • " A quaint little craft called innoeence and laden with simplicity- and love." "A thing we are expected to kiss nd look at as if we enjoyed. it." ,. ." A little stranger with a free pass tcitlie heart's best affections." . 1 "That which makes home happier, lave stronger, patience greater, hands bMer, nights longer, days shorter, the past forgot- ten, the future bright." i "A tiny feather from the wing of hive, dropped into the sacred lap of mother- hood. CASE_ BUYERS An Old Maid's Dinner. BY E. O. Miss Domingo received many invitations to dine out on Christmas. She was• an "old maid" by persons whose choke of terms was not extra delicate: She owned /to 45 a,nd looked 30. She lived aloneti. a cozy flat at the very top of a large Mori real apartment house, and devoted herself to decorative painting. The invitations had arrived all in a blurch, and she sat down one evening soon after to answer them. Not one of them did she in- tend to accept. She smiled as she read them. A vein of commiseration ran thrOugh every one. They were from married Nends of course -women who affected to pity her because she had no family to surrouhil her board on feast days. ; 'Really Miss Dorningo did net look like a pitiable creature as she sat there in a dainty, -tea gown in her artistically furnishedeNpart- iles soine hing MAKES ITSELF FELT -the great, griping, old-fashioned -Not only when you take it, but un - ,pleasant, from first to last, and It only gives yon a little temporary good. The filings to take its place are 'Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pell lets. - _One of these at a dose will regulate the whole system perfectly. They're tiny,- sugar-coated granules, scarcely larger thaa mustard seeds. They act in Nature's Own way. No reaction afterward.' Their help lasts • and they do permanent good. Consti- pation, Indigestion, Bi1iou Attacks, Sick nr Bilious Headaches, and all derange- ments of the liver, stomach, and bowels are prevented, relieved, and cured. They're the cheapest, fOr they're guan: anteed to give satisfaction or money is re- turned. Nothing can be "just as good." In order to reduce our stock before our magnificent Spring Stock arrives, we will clear out all lines as follows: Children% Shoes, 25c; Children's Slippers, 25e Women's Slippers, 25on Men'e Rubbers, 25c; Men's LongFeIt Boots, $1.25; Men's Boots, 75c; Women's Mots, 50c; Boys' Boots. 500 e Girls' Boots, 50c; Men's Overshoes, 75c; Womenni Overshoes, 50c; Girls' Overshoes 50c; Man's Long Rubber Boots, $2; four packtats'Cornstarch, 26c ; two pounds of 20e, Jasan Tea for 25o, six pounds of our wonderind 25e Tea for SI, four plugs McDonald's Tobacco for 26e, 20 pounds White Sugar for 11: 25 pounds Brown Sugar for $1; three Sertibbing Brushes ler 100, three cans best red Salmon for 25c: four, pounds Wine Biscuits for 25; ten pounds Oatmeal for, 25; three pounds Pat Barley for 10c, three Brooms for 25c, ten cent Baking Powder for 6c, Eve bars Toilet Soap for 10c, &c. f' Trunks at half price. Come in your thousands. We will pay 19c for Butter, 17c for Eggs, 13c for Lard. JESSOP & McELROYI BLYTH, ONT. 1381 -la QUICKLY YIELD TO Lan alsagra NOTICE. merits. And very significant were thesa that came and went on her still hail face„ Her thoughts ran along sorrie like this: "Here's one from Annie, bless hei- . mis- viesszerinsmamsessuresamessarmasassraim blind. Others are but burden .bearers. All are married. For that reason the'y seem to think themselves in a position to commiser- ate me. Thank heaven, I am not blind to my blessings. 1 think I have something to, be thankful for, if I am an old maid. I have good health, good friends,'a cozy littte flat to live in, a profession which I am fond of, and. whichbrings me in a decent income. I can spendmy money as I please, .and no, one frowns at me or calls me to account. have no skeletons. "1 have no children to go to ruin as I see some of the children of my friends doing. I am not unhappy. I have been in the homes' of my old sweethearts, and I always came away grateful that I never married any of them. Why, the very one sover whom I nearly broke my heart twenty years ago, has developed into a dirty, fat - quack doctor, who hovers on the edge orethe penitentiary' all the timeei All and all I am actually thankful that I am an old maid. "Let me see, I'll make a Thanksgiving dinner in triy, little fiat, and invite Rachel,- whose husband was so rich five years ago, and is now in State's prison while she sews to support her- self and. children. Yes, and I will have poor Mrs. C., who has reared a large family_ of children, who are away. west making Money, while she does fine mending, and lives in a cold ball-room,and eats -God knows when and where. I 'dare say I shall have no trouble to find appreciative guests. By. the way, I have noticed that it is not the old maids who fill up the old women's_ homes." 1 Electricity Versus the Canal Mule. i" Does yer know what's happenin' in de wurl ob scienee ?" " 'Deed. I doesn't," was the reply. "Ram' yoh 'shamed, an' yoh workin' on er canal -boat, ingaged in tendin' to de- traffic ob dis here great country? Yoh bettah know; I tells yoh dat. Science is gettin' right into yoh bus'ness.." "How do you mean, uncle?" " Dey is runnin' canal -boats by lectricity stid o' by mule, an' elyoh aintkeerful be shocked, clean offn de tow -path- inter de Woods." "1 ain't skeert." " You ain't ?" "No'n deed. like tricity once," - -" What foh ?" ." Case, ef dat lectricity kin shock any halider'n a mule kin kick, I dess wants ter see it. . Dat's ; I d.ess -wants ter see it. -American Industries. • News Notes. • --In Quebec the salaries of the female teachers average $100 a year, and those of the male teachers $225. -There has not been a death in 46 years in the family of Police Magistrate Geerge Spence, of Owen Sound. - -The police licenses in Montreal for the past year yielded very nearly sixty-seven thousand dollars. -General William C. Young, who died. the other day in New York, aged 94 years, surveyed the islands in Lake Ontario „in 1816. -It is claimed that Oxford county has rolled up a larger majority in favor of Pro- hibition than any other county in the Prov- ince. The figures are : For Prohibition, 6,052 ; against, 2,410 3 majority for 3,662. - -Three -Manning Brothers, Methodist ministers, will be located in Ontario county the next three years -Rev. Thomas at Whitby, Rev. Charles at Port Perry,. and Rev. H. M. at Uxbridge'. -Mr. Murray Anderson, of London, was eighty years old on Tuesday, 9th inst. Mr._ Anderson was. born on January 9th, 1814: His birthplace was on the battle -ground of Lundy's Lane: He was the first mayor of London, and was elected in 1855. -Mrs. Augustin Lambert., who died at Beloeil, Quebec, on January 2nd, at the age of 82 years, had been married for a period of 65 years, and leaves eleven children, fifty- five grandchildren, fifty-eight great-grand- children, and four great -great- grandchild- ren, in all 127 descendants. • • • -Senator:Vidal is reported to have with- drawn from the Presbyterian church at Sarnia. The pastor is Rev. Dr. Thompson, son-in-law af the late Hon. Alex. 1‘. lackenzie. Dr. Thompson eleelared in a sermon that the Shoat Aet was a failure, that the plebiscite would acemnplish nothing, and that it was idle to elect men to parliament solely he - cause they were prohibitionists. Hence the trouble.. -In the House of Assembly at Halifax on Friday, Provineial secretary Fielding presented the:returns el the expenditure and revenue of the province of Nova Scotia for the ninef months ended September' 20th, 1893, a change having heen made in the fis- cal year. , There is a surplus for that period Of $40,182S44. The most important, items of expendi tuae are : For education, $166,798 ; debenture. interest. $118,265 : legislative ex- penses, $50,925 ; public charities, $.88,912 ; road eervice, 876,101 : principal item of re- ceipts outside the $432,814 of Dominion sub- sidy, 'MIS 5174,801 from mines.. • In Olden Times People overlooked the importance 'of perma- nently beneficial effects and were satisfied wiah transient action; but now that it is gen- orally known that Syrup cif Figs will per- manently cure habitual tumstipation, well- informed people will not buy other laxatives, which act for a time, but finally injure the system. • GRATEFUL -COM FORTING. OF INTEREST TO WOMEN. A Lady Cured After Seventeen Years' Af- fliction with Diseases Peculiar to her Sex,by Dedd's Kidney Pills -Other Un- fortunates can be Cured. as Well as She. — TORONTO, Januery 22. -The publication of the let- ter of Mrs. Reany, of Ashland, Wieconsinn concern- ing her cure by Dodd's Kidney Pills after 17 years of eicktiess,has aweltened wideepread interest amongst the women of Canada. It is truly marvelous' that a woman afflicted as long as she was, who had tried all the reinedies ithin her reach, and all that doc- tors could do foriher, should he cured by so simple' and easily emetic. ble a remedy as these pills. What they did for her they will do for all -other women suffering from diseases peculiar to their sex. Dedes Kidney. Pills ate manufactured by Dr. L. A. Smith & Co., Toronto, and are sold by all dealers, or will be mailed on receipt of price ; fifty cents per box, or six boxes for$2.50. Carson's. Stomach Bitters,the adyertisemeut pf which will be found in another column has now been before the people of Canada for the past thirty 3-eare, and since having been placed on the market has steadily grown In demand, and as a sure cure for dyspepsia and in- digestion has no equal: It has the highest rectorn- mendation from those who have tried it, who in all cases have found' the sought -for relief and is known to them as the Old Reliable. guided heart ! She feels • sorry for mi be- cause 1 haven't had as much misery l os she has had, though she doesn't Call e it by that name. I think she calls it domestib bliss,' 'fireside happiness' or some such misaamer. She has had five children, ill health, aid ta,ste for housekeeping and no ability, "a husband who is always talking about doing 'some- thing great and never does anything -to speak. of. They are limited as tomoney, while the dirt, disorder and lack of discip- line about their house are unlirnit0 No, Annie, I must decline your invitation to dine with you on Christmas day. Blit your letter reminds me to be thankful that des- tiny gave me no. such fate as yours. "And you, too, Helen, must have a polite 'No.' You have a fine house, well „trained,, servants, a goodlooking and good lineband,' but you are so selfish and spoiled that you can't behave yourself prOperly for 4he few hours your guests remain. You .arei sure to find something to go into a rage over even in their presence. Your skeleton is a it)i.g one, with bad temper written all over him, and you trot him out every time a frien0 . is tin- der your roof and heaven knows hOW often when friends are not there. I am' thankful that I have been disciplined enough to ap- preciate what blessings I have, Old that I don't fly into reges. Notice is hereby given that the annual ireeting 'of the Usborne and Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in Gardiner's Hall, Farquhar. On MONDAY, February 5th,lfs94,at 1 o'clock p. m.,for the receiving of the Directors', Secretary's and Treasurer's annual reports, ElectIon of Directors and Auditor, and other business. For the good and welfare of the Company all members are requested to attend. DAVID MITCHELL, THOS. CAMERON, Preeident. Secretary. 1362xt d D BAKIN OWDE THECOOKS BEST FRIEND. LARGEST SALE 1 Pi CANADA. "Louise, your invitation must atso be re- fused. Your skeleton is even more hideous than Helen's. It has green eyesi and its breath withers. Its name. is jealdusy. I cannot eat at your. table and not he miser- able, for I see your skeleton -a skeleton of your own manufacture, too -brandishing its arms over the unhappy head of yolir silent husband. I see that it makes his life a heli. Its atmosphere affectsyour chiitelren un- pleasantly. It has killed the love .i' in your home. It has brought with it legions of evil spirits, and it will finally destaoy your soul. No, Louise, I cannot give ',thanks at your board. The thought of you :haul your skeleton is another reminder that I am thankful I am what I am. A lonely life may sometimes be sad, but it is never wretched. I wish you had learned long ago that yon can't hold a husband'i;S love by brandishing a cudgel over his head alI the time. "Carrie, dear Carrie, I cannot say 'Yes' to your kind request any easier than to the others, although I love you more. The at- mosphere of your home I cannot h breathe without suffering. You Carry a burden too mighty for your strength. Youare married. to an inferior and mean spirited maniand your pride causes you to try to hide your -Wretched- ness and pretend that he is really your hus- band and not an incubus. You buy his food and clothes with the money wrung from your weary brain.. And heye comes a real gushing note from Jane, whose husband is a genteel drunkard. ;lane pretends that nothing in wrong with him, but he will be Sure to mor- tify her and her guests before the dineee is over. No, Jane, you must excusehne. "And here are letters from Nettie, Mary, Alice, SAmy,,aml half a dozen others, not one of whom is more to be pitied than 1. ome of them have blessings to which they are When Baby whs Sick, we gave her •Castoria. When She was a Child, she cried for C,astoria. When she became Miss, she citing to Castoria. 'When she had Children, sho gave them Castoria, /.. amorcivrawAmorseirmssolsosta-. YOUR CHRISTMAS TURKEY MHOROUGHBRED bURHAM BULLS ALMOST .11_ GIVEN' AWAY. -The uhdersigned has Revere.) good young thoroughbred bulls fit for service, whieh he wishes to dispose of. Don't wait to enquire for pricer, but come and get them. DAVID MILNE, Mika 1 624 f BOAR FOR SERVICE. -The undoreigned has bought of W. Snell, of Huilett, a thoroughbred Berkahire Pig, which he will keep at his premises in ; the Village of Varna, for the inunovement of stock. Terms -$1, at the time of service, with the privit ge leaf returning, it neceasary. This is one of the best Pigs in the county. He is sired by Sandusky (2001), 1 dam Scottish Lassie (1636n WILSON COOK, Varna. I 1362-4x1 Having been troubled with biliousness and head- ache, with loss of appetite, I was advised to try Dr. Carson's Bitterse and found great relief atter a fetW doses. 1 W. F. CANIN, 1 Toronto, Ont. fur to hab de 'lee - 1 have used D. Carson'a Bitters for twelve naonths, and can say that they are, for an appetiser, purga- tive, and nerve tonic, the best I ever used. e J. MARTIN. Notary Public), Toronto, Ontario. For Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, or Torpid Liver, Burdock Pills are the best cure. DURHAM BULL FOR SALE. -For sale, a young Thoroughbred Durham Bull 14 months old, color, dark rid, registered in Dominion Short Horn Herdbook, sired by Imported General Booth, can be aeon on the farm of the undersigned. Lot 24, Con- cession 4, H. R. S., or addrees, CHARLES ROUT - LEDGE, Seaforth P, 0. 1351.t f Toronto Testimony. EAR SIRS. -1 -Two yearn ago I had a bad attack of biliousness and took one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, and can truly recommend it tee any suffering from this comPlaint. MRS. CHAMLES BROWN', Toronto. No cold or cough too severe to yield to the curetive power of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. WARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 31, 13th Colma- r sion of MoKillop. containing 75 acres, 64 acres ',leered, the balance good hardwood bush. Thee farm is well drained and in a good state of cultivation, with good fences. There is a good bearing orchard, and two never -failing wells, one at the house and the other at the barn. 'the house is coucirete, 32x24 and kitchen 18x21. Good cellar underneath. There is a good bank barn, with stone stab'ing, also driving house 50x24, a pig house and sheep hone. The farm is ten milee from Seaforth, 7A- from Brussels and 8 miles from Blyth. Apply on the preinises, or to Walton P. 0. JOHN STA.FFORD. 136241 lEIOR SALE, OR TO RENT. -That desirable desirable X property eituated inithe Village ef Chiselhurst, consisting of Blacksmith shop and Work shop, with Tools, Stable, Dwelling House, with one acre of land. Thereis also on the place tt number of valuable fruit) trees. This property is situated in one of the best fanning districts in the Dominion. his would be a eplendid opportunity for an enterprising )oung nian, there being DO opposition. The proprietor is leaving this part and must sell; or -rent. Terms nioderate and to suit purchaser. For particulars apply to JOHN SINCLAIR, Chieelnurst P. 0, 1362-4 Sore Throat Cured. DEAR SIRS. -1 had a very sore throat for over a /week and tried several medicines without relief un- til I beard of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, which tried with great success. I think it a fine medicine for sore throat, pain in the chest, asthma, bronchitis and throat and lung troubles. MARIA MIDDLETON, Bobcaygeon, Ont. Variebleappetite and itching at the nose are signs of worms. Dr. Low's Worm Syrup is the best cure. ha ...- Perfectly- Cured. Sias, -1 have been greatly troubled with headache and bad blood forten or twelve years. I started to take Burdock Blood Bitters in July, 1892, and now (January 1893), I am perfectly cured. . HH011 DRAIN, Norwood, Ontario. The Mcifillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED. OPTIONES. D. Ross; President, Clinton P. O.; W. J. Shannon, Secy-Treas. Seaforth P. 0.; John Hanes -ah, Manager, Seaforth P. 'O. DIRECTORS. Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Alex. Gardiner, Lead bury; Gabriel Elliott. Clinton; Geo. Watt, Harlock ; Joseph Evans, Beechwood; M. hturdie, Seafortb _thee Garbutt, Clinton. AGENTS. Thoe. Neilans, Harlot& ; Robt. McMillan, Seaforth F. Carnochan, Seafoeth. John O'Sullivan and Geo rardie, Auditors. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or tran c tether business will be promptly attended tn on pplication to any of the above officers, addressed 'to heir respective post offices. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. This GREAT COUGH CURE, this suc- csasful CONSUMPTION CURE, is without perallel in the history of medicine. All diaegisls are authorized to sell it on a pos- h.ea guarantee, a test that no other cure Can e..:et:esfully stand. If you have a Cough, Tl -oat, or Bronchitia'use it, for it will ...re atm IT your child has the Croup. or '•vat ha +her Cough, use it promptly, and relief - sere. If von dread that insidious disease -T don't/all to use it, it will er cost nothing. Ask your Drug- : : .Q1 -I'S CURE, Price to cts., aa. -1 ,00,010600,t„, , sessy mowasenn+ar.ounonsissossamossea A „„„...\ Wash Bay AN No Steam LIN THE TO LIFT 110 HOW BMA Will be a great deal more savory if you have it served on one of our new Dining Tables, and are seated comfortably on one a our new neatly designed Chairs. To be complete as to thefurniture part, our splendid patterns in Sideboards will fill up that blank space in the side of your room, and you and your family will fall to with gusto to do justice to the tempting viands, and all be happy on this happy of happy days. Try it. Did it ever strike you that a piece of Furniture as a Christmas gift is a FARM FOR SALE -For sale, a good hundred aere farm, being peat of Lots 16 and 17, on the Bay- field Road, Stanley. One half a mile Weet of Varna, where there are churches, schools, stores, etc. The farm is well underdraieed, well --fenced with cedar and in a very high state of cultivation. There are 85 acres cleared, the balance in bush. There is an it a brick house. frame barn and frame shed. with cow stable attached. There is a good epring well at the house and a never -failing spring in the centre of the farm, sufficient to water all the stock. There is also a good bearing orchard. The farm will be sold on very reasonable term. Apply on the premisee, or to Varna P. 0. ANDREW DUNKIN. . 13624 f -we • se. - Wild Cherry f4nd Hypophosphites are cornbined with Cod Liver Oil in Milburn's Emulsion, the best Lung remedy. Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. HAGYARD'S Pectoral Balsam cures coughs, colds, hoarseness, bronchitis, asthma, whooping cough, and all bronchial and lung troubles. Price , 26c. per bottle, or five for $1.00. vas) ow- -Itch on human and horses and all animals, cured in 30 minutes by Weolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by Lumeden & Wilson. Altogether Disappeared. GENTI.EMEN.-AbOnt two months I was nearly wild with headaches. I starten taking B. B. B., took two bottles and my aeadaches have now altogether dis- appeared. I think it is a grand medicine. EVA FINN, Massey Station,Ont. ANb the work 'so cut down (that a young giri ot delicate woman can do a fiemilY washing witlfout being tired. liaise Yo1.1 Say: BY USING MI i SOAP i• et as 4eeoraing to Easy Disbe Put aside your own ideas next wash -day Seta ta'y the easy, clean, "SOUGHT " Way. .0111.•••••=.• • DON'T Let another wash -day go by wilbout trying it. gift that is useful as well as ornamentall. The next 'time 'you are down town just 'drop in 8.nd see our line of holiday goods. We have a big line ef articles, thaas gifts will brighten your friend's home, and cause her to remember you or in any moons. 'Useful things express regard and minister to comfort. More people than ever are spending holiday money for articles of utility, and this season will break the record. We offer a hearty welcome to lookers as well as buyers. Sheet Musid —AND— Music Books —AT— P-A- P STS Mrs. T.S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tennessee, says: "Shiloh's Vitalizer 'SAVED MY LIFE.' I consider it the best remedy for a debilitated system 1 ever used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it excels. Price, 75 cents. Sold by all druggists. The M. Robertson Furniture Emporium, STRONG'S RED BLOCK, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. Nothing Short of the Best Should Satisfy Young men and women wishing to prepare themselves as Book-keepers and Stenographers. Irving's regular 5c 1VIusic — our price 3c. A large assortment of Instrumental Music, including Waltzes, Polkas, Gallops, Schottisches, Quadrilles, at half of the regular prices. • Come at once and make your selec- tions, as we have onlya limrted quantity at above prices. Gored by a Cow. A fine colt belonging to Mr. Peter Lindsay, of Nixon, Ontario, was belly hooked by a cow. Two bottles of Hagyard's Yellow 011 cured it. This in- valuable remedy should be in every house. It cures cute, sprains, bruises, biuns, and all pains and aches in man or beast. &me Tneoete -The est cure we know of for sore throat is a gargle of Pin Killer and water- it acts Like magic. Big Bottins twice the. quantity in the old style. • TORONTO, January 1.h. -J. A. MacDonald, a druggist at Whitewood, N. W. T., writes : " Dodd's Kidney Pills are meeting with universal success in this part of the Dominion. My sales of this article are daily increasing,and it is well nigh impossible for me to keep them in stock. ' Frank Brown, druggnit, ol Shelburne, Outman writes under a. recent date: "Please ship me another five gross of Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. Sold eighteen boxei this afternoon. They are giving grand satisfaction." These pills are man- ufactured by Dr. L A. Smith & Co., Toronto,and are sold by all dealers, or will be mailed on receipt of price: fifty cents penbox, or six boxes for $2.50.. There's Many a Slip. Now that winter h will be injured by sli flees which lf proper will soon be cured, forms over a joint Dick's Liniment eh lameness is shown, bone has already fa Blister. Get Dick's, it costs only 50 cents. CHATHAM, ONTARIO. Is recognized as the peer of any business or shorthand school in America, and vastly superior to any of its cent toper ries in Canada. No better evidence of this need be advanced than the following list of places ' where students eame from who registered during the 15 days immediately preceding the writing of this ad.: North Adams, Mass.; Washington Mich.; Lethbridge, Alberta ; Berlin, London,' Toronto, Huntsville, Mus- koka; Kincardine, Ruthven, Coat'eworth', Rodney, Clinton, Stra.throy, Napier, Hampden, County Grey; Auburn, County Huron; Seaforth, Bothwell, Windsor, Stranggeld, Ridgetown, Woodslee, Fletcher, Camp Palmer, Essdx Gounty : Glen Rae, Highgate,_Aldboro, BLampton, Alvinst-m, Glencoe, Campbeliton, Cedar Springs,,Chatham, and many points in the vicinitlYee It pays to attend the best.. Two of Arnericee best penmen among the members of Our staff, meanie agreat deal to our pupils. We pay railway fare in coining to Chatham. Good board for ladies at $2, gentlemen $2.50. We sealer° board at thee, figures with very respectable prIvate families, and have the places in readiness for the stu lents when they arrive. Write for handsome catalogue an i spechnen of penmanship, and be esinvineed of the superiorly of this institution over all schools of a Similar kind in Canada. Mention where you saw this ad., and address - 1348 D. MeLACIILAN, Chatham, Ottario, - • . C. W. PAPST'S e come, many horses and cattle ping. A strain causes a lame - y attended to from the start ut if left a hard substance often nd a serinue blemish results. uld be applied as soon as any bile if a Spavin, Curb, or Ring - riled, it can be cured with Diek's o Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal„ says: " Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 60 cents. Sold by all druggists. -Englieh Spenin Liniment removes ali hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs; Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. aave S50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold -by Lumsden & Wilson. How to get a " Sunlight " Picture. Send 25 "Senlight" Soap wrappers (wrapper bearing the words "Why Does aWoman Look Old Sooner than a Man " ) to LEVER Brine., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by poet it pretty picture, free from advertising, and wcIl \yeah framing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market, and it will ,only cost lc. postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. .Write yeear.address carefully. -esde SHILOH% CURE is sold on a -guarantee. It cures Incipieel Consumption. It is the best Cough Cure. Only one cent a dose ; 25 cts., 50 cts. and $1.00 per hottle. Sold by all druggists. —haus RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAV.- South American RheumaticCure for Rheumatism rind Neuralgia radi- cally oureii-in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the sys- tem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at . }7.111S (...1(),u0.Lk_ once the cause and the disease immediately reap - BREAKFAST. pease. The firet dose greatly benefits. 76 cents. Sold by !Almaden & Wilson, druggists, Seaforth. By a thorough Knowledee of the natural laws 7-3 tidn, and by a careful application of the fine proper- A Keene Lady. which govern the operations of digestion and nutri- tics of v:einselected Coeoa. Mr.Epps has provided for A lady named Mrs. T. C. M. Humphries, living in our breakfast ahd supper a delicately flavoured bevr Keene, Onterio, who used only two bottles of Mem- erage which may save us many heavy doctorshbille. bray'e Kidney and Liver Cure, has forwarded a It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that statement to the effect that it completely cured her n constitution may be gradually built up until strong of inflammatory rheumatism, kidney and liver enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hun- troubles. Such a complication of diseases yielding dreds of subtle maladies are floating arounnus ready to this remedy should encourage sister sufferers to to attack wheiever there is a weak point. We may give it an honest trial. escape-) many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well --who se-- — frame." -Civil Service Gazette. Coughing Leads :to Consumption. fortified with pure blood mid a properly nourished Made simply with boiling, water or milk. Sold . Kentp's Balsam stops tbe cough at once. only in packets by Grocers, labelled thus: ., ' , _________...-04.-- - JAMES EPPS & CO., LTD., ROMOBOPATIlle CHEMISTS, RELIEF IN SIX HOURS. -Distressing Kidney "and LONDON, ENOLAND. 1351-26 Bladder diseasee relieved in six hours by the "Great Soutle American Kidney Cure." This new remedy is . t 1 ---- ---atesee•-• -- -- - - "Like the dew on the mountain, Like the foam on the River, Like the bubble on the ountain . Thou art gone foreve ." p g . How beautifully these lines of Scott's express the water and pain in leaning it almost immediately. If 3 instantanemin flight of sick headache after the use of you want quick relief and cure this is our remedy. Stark's Headache Powders which effect a permanent Sold by Lumsden & Wilson, Seaforth.and immediate cure for all cin es of Neuralgia and -----naoselie-- Biliousness, and are sold everywhere at twentye -fiv - Lane's Medicine Moves the Bowels Welland, says they are excellent and he recommends , 'Each Day. cents per box. Mr. Alex. Ramsey, Imperial Bank, them to all who suffer from headache. In order to be healthy this is necessary. a great surprise an deng its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary is in ale or female. It relieves retention of BOOKSTORE, SEAFORT-H. CARS13145 STOMACH 1 LTERS CURES CONSTIPATION, BILIOVSNESS, SOUR STOMACH, DYSPEPSIA, AND BAD BLOOD. It Purillas and Strengthens the entire System. , Gist DOSES FOR 50 CENTS Tine 7.3041 medicine ever discovered. SOLD EVERYWHERE. - Wanted Every owner of a horse or cow wants to know how to keep his animal in good nealth while in the stable on dry 'Odder. DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER is now recognized as the best Condition Powders; it gives a good appetite and strengthens the digestion so that all food is assimilated and forms flesh, thus savingenore than it costs. It regulates the Bowels and Kidneys and terns a rough coat into a smoothand glossy one. Sound Horses are al- ways in dernand andat this season when they sound are so liable toslips and strains picics BLIS- H Ti_LR will be found a steble necessity; it will :remove a curb, spavin, aplint or thoroughpin or any swelling. ment cures a strain or lameness and removes inflam- mation from cuts and bruises. For Sale by all Drug- gists. Dick's Blood Purifier 50c. Dick's Blister 50c. Dick's Liniment 25c. Dick's Ointment 25c. Send a Fat Cattle rrsfamicard, a book of valuable household and farm recipes will • be seat ftee. DICK & CO, P.O. Box 482, MONTREAL. . _ orses A GREAT CLEARING SALE DRY - GOODS —AT— . SMITHERS', GODERICH Steam Boiler Works, (ESTABLISHED 1880.) SEAFORTH Musical Instrument Scott Brothers, PROPRIETORS, *FORTITI, - ONTARIO. , , W. japerilACV.,filtit-Thi:uDnhoaminin,iNonewpyisouroil cmo; . I any, Bowmanvine. I ORGANS.—W. Bell & Co.. -Guelph: Dominion Organ Company. Bowmanville ; p. W. Earn & Co., Woodstock. ' The above Instruniente always ou band, alto a few iood, second-hand Pianos and Organs for sate at rom $25 upwards. Instruments sold an the insist. Went plan, or on terms to suit customers. Violins, ,)oncertinas and smal instrurc.ents on band alsetheet pug°, hooka &o. • A. S. CHRYSTAL, . Successor to Chrystal & Black, hIanufacturers of all kinds of StatioDart Marine, Upright & Tubular BOILERS Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet 'rot Works, etc., etc. -_-_-_- Also dealers in Unright and Horizontal Slide Valve Engines. Automatic Cut -Off Engines a specialty. AB s :es of7; pipe and pipentitting constantly on hand. Etnoates furnished on short notice. W,orks--0;17posite G. T. R. Station, Godericb. • Gl-ltriel eeor t frorachildren cr uso S fen G t cEnra A N WQii L.OZENCES. Always rei;abit., s:Ife. and pl2aAant, re(tliring r -.o IsZtver ; .(re -o; *.f • Lfa.: •s.,,o contr. :;•,:c_12 T. - SEAFORTH. As I intend clearing out my entire stock of Dry Goods, I will commence to sell this ' week A.T COST. My stock consists of almost everything in the dry goods line, such as Hats and Caps, Ladies' and Children's Furs, Ladies' Woolen Shawls, Ladies' and Children's Mantle Cloths, Men's Ready- made Overcoats, Men's Top Shirts in great variety, all -wool Underwear, all - wool Grep, Flannel, Union Flannels, Flannelettes, Shirtings, Cottons, Cot- tenadc s, Dress Goods, Tweeds in great variety. I will sell these goods AT COST FOR GASH ONLY. These goods are all new stook. Also a fine assortment of Fresh Groceries at wonderfully low prices. I would say here that I am selling 20 pounds of Granulated Sugar 'for $1 —best quality—aud, also a Tea which cannot be beat at 25c per pound All kinds of Produce taken. Butter and Eggs wanted, for which the high- est market price will be paid. A cordial invitation is extended to all to call and inspect my stock before pur- chasing elsewhere: Wishing you all the compliments of the season. George Smithers Successor to A. G. Ault, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. Place in the World for Young Men train:Mich, Illustrated Catalogue mei 'Women to Secure a Business Eibleation, Sbortband, Etc., is tbe Detroit Businene University, De - Free. Refeiences: An Detroit, W.F.JEWELL, President. Eft. SPENCER, Secretary. commegimmommEmommomP Id. ROBERTON, LeadingUndertaker MAIN STREET, SEA FORTH. My facilities are unsurpassed. I am pre- pared to conduct burials in a most ening- factory manner. All modern undertaking appliances. Competent management &near- anteed. A full line of burial goods on hand. I aim to be prompt, considerate and reliable. t2r Charges most reasonable. RESIDENCE, NORTH MAIN., STREET. 1223 NERVE BANS - SCOTT BROS. MONEY FoRYOU • If 'taken in time it will cure most severe -cases of Coegh, Bronchitis. Asthma, or chronic irritation of Throat or Lungs. T 14 US YOU SAVE. ahem dottobi11. te=iiort. NERVE BEANS are a new dis- covery that cure the worst cases of Nervous Debility, Lost Vigor and Failing Manhood; restores the weakness of body or mind caused by over -work, or the errors or ex- cesses of youth, This R.eniedy ab- solutelit cures the moet obstinate o-eises when all other TRELIMENTS have failed even to relieve. Sold by drug- gists s441 per package, or sin for 0, or sent by mail on receipt of price by addrftdng THE JAgS MEDICINE CO.. Toronto, Ont. Write for pamp Sold in - Sold in Seaforth by J. S. 11.6BERTS. FARMERS, ATTENTION! All patties requiring Farm Machin- ery, Implements and Repairs, would do well to call at Hugh Grieve'sWareroom • . -OPPOSITE— The Dominion Bank, Before purchasing elsewhere, as he keeps repairs for the Massey -Harris, Patterson, Wisner, Goudy, Mason and Coleman machinery and implements, and he is also agent for the Bain wagon, Massey -Harris binder and mower, drills, rakes, &c; the Coleman roller and a fulU stock of Plows con- stantly on hand. HUGH GRIEVE, Seaforth. :1 • C� S IM GI <I o t:Ti cp 0 CD c,i2 cp4 p im'j I-1- 0 11, 1.371 lit t.:i PI 0 It 1;-• t-4 CD 5- 0 w (ItIcD .g") Cpi-t _ 0 CD cCD + PD 1:1) cflel 0 p P it:. Pi tt c -t- tri cp al P—' C61 P24- ,---, rt I.,. P PI Pri 2° r, '1723 • CD 0. p. 0 : 0 Phi KI (0 0 (D CD I-3 1394 0 Pt el' .5.1 pi) iza 1=b cp tC5+ 1) 1-.1,5 OD oD 0 w ria W P 0 2.), CD co P to 4C1 51* 1-45 0 It tin, 0 II 4'4 - 0 f -d CD, CI (D 0 v*44 r c+ V1flf A Splendid Buiiness Chance, The undersigned wiahes to dispose of her business and stock of Fancy Goods, Fingering Yarns, Berlin Wools, Ladies' and Children's Underwear, etc, etc. The stand is one of the best in Seaforth, just opposite John Street on Main and the stock is I- firstzvlass one. This is an unequalled opportunity for anyonee wbo wishes to engage in this line of business. Ap$. y to MI8f3 CARLYLB„ 13614 tealorkhz -Ontario.