HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-01-26, Page 45: 7` .... . . MWIMMW A' NMI 4 It - NF,* ADVRR81S1KMXN78. still an Independent rter of, Mr. Mere- inight, undqrstand them, and any paper SUPPO be condemned by its dith, and he lialullpgiseA. that ontlewAn In. that does not wish to 7C* llgurioibetwee4 at, pamthealt Volt w -'h '11 be the Coa. own wards either wi an apostle of eoirruption.. no - 04e# , t% p ot- the, paper an w.l the great style, Mr. 34 d wi - ftmd. servative candidate 'in North - Peribli, ; the and 1porancei or, as a perverter of truth had, A 8a%p774&ck6rL & Grefg. 45) --not bring -say no more about British History in. Jutt at Word-Sebert Willis. (6) Reformers wi4., out a candidate, bettoex and there wi, XWW Spring G 19. ItcFatti. (8) 11 The -ty 'eur. schools; #n bld;4ime istandup par MAle1*0=01 "IL-00T(rotetl (6) ': ` ; , 'i Clexlrinr , Sale-Alchard.son Ak X01'anis. (a) fight. It's A pre+y hard thing for a man to ReadymadaBotto-JohnSt"t, (8) cast. -aside the principles of a life -time in a Notes and Comments.. Stam Wartted-'4-00tV .4. Lowe. (Sy For 0 our. (6) couple of week$." it hascom. to light recently that an e,x- 00 eran Bwe.,,(S) NO pedition has been forined in Winnipeg and AWo the Nift-1. V. Fear. (5.1). Rea Estate Booms and Deprel Vancouver W. aid in restoring Queen Lili-, Vle now Jnm--4ackqoq & Greig. -C Notice to Cre&fAn-MAste G. Needham. (6) sions. uokalani toher throne in the Sandwich Is- ApplicatIong d -Win. Iffliott. 0) THr. ExposiTon Who wsmt* a aI 0aunt & ston. 01 has more than once stated lands. The Canadian Government has been' clearing, Aue Sale-Wat. Dynec (6) its opinion that the terrible depression in notified of the fact; but can., probably take Girls Wante to. M Stephel Property for 00". J, SuthergiaN. ('s) the United States is caused by nothing else no ketion, as the men will not be armed TArgeUles--4 Xclottoeh. (8) but the bursting of 'an immense boomwhich whe they leave Canada. zog r4et-s. atiambRA. (6) has swepit overthe country, a bubble of in- flatedvalues that has burst and left nothing Mir. Stevens, who, was. United States but misery and def"d hol This boom M r to Hawaii at the time of the revo- manifested itself most strikingly in the im- 'lutiOn, 1 nd who materially ase.isted,, the in "-.e impetus which it gave. speculation in rebels by landing the marines from a United ngres- LTH,- ' FRWAY,, Jan. 26th, IT 894 real estate. We find our opinion rl States P, co war shi has been before a Co rated by a writer in the New York Out- sional committee appointed to examine; into look, one of the brightest and best papers in the i Hawaiian aHair, and testified that ' the Th&!Courtt Wairden. America, This writer, after describing the Bri bish are intriguing to obtrin, control of The black h4rae has come to the front again. Omaha boom, sums up thus theiialands and upset -American influence. It was geneisaly supftosed that Mr. Win. He says that the brother of the -British ]K'ilne, of-`(-'Xr L. or Mir. -Mex. McMurchie, What has gone on in Omaha, Kansas Paul, Duluth d other Mi ister is, marrilad to a half-sister of the Wichita, an Clint would Adline, in the Warden?s City' St* such a marked manner, is going on the of .0111 ar-er, in heir apparent to he throne, and that if P1 all our reat t a in a smaller degree' ebair during1bis year, but that honor was in g ONM Queen is restored to power the British will bestowed upor , Mr. Thomas Taylor, Reeve It would be a blessing second to none to the ation. if in so nibling be favored in everything, This Is, a beal of East Walolwash, by unanimous vote. Mr. n"lng gener me way ga in unirnproved real estate couldbe absolute- fill example erican jingoism. What the old guard" in the fraylor: is ono; of ly stopped, - The in& who makes money on an exhibition of themselves the " practical County Cortnc l He has been A member unimproved real-estate has got something d to the politicians" make before th-, worl Off and on for-- to quarter of a century- He is for nothing. His success is poison rodreds w4enever they gei a chance. The. whole community, and there are hu welldeserving of thel conferred upon who lose their all in vain efforts to imitate in ntion of Chili, Brazil and Hawaii should him, and his gibnialz disposition will make him. And the money thus lost is gone. it to m e Americans blush for two enoug].[i Inin a, populal official, while his long busi- is labor flimg into the pffort -to hol(i unpro- or, three generations. iness experieneel and sound judgment will ductive land out of the reach of those who *ant homes and. farms and factory sites, stand him in tood stead in his -new position. until the pressure bf population compels Ex -King Milaii has returned to Bervia wool! them to payL the speculal holder a fa:r14 and -is creating Wgreat hub -bub. As soon as A Patron' Candidate: For South - price. The real estate speculator thus is the Government, which is, a radical one, simply betting on the time when those Huron. heard that Milan. was op h' way to -Bel - necessities will compel purchase. The. gain- is The- Patrons! of Industry held their Con- blers on the stock exchange hurt the com- grade its members resigriv...'refusing to take vention at Htnsall on Wednesday last. munity only very little; the gamblers at of &dm he responsibility inistering the There was a fair attendance of dele'gates. the faro -table, gurt only themselves and e affairs of the country while, the x -king is in their fami: lea the gamblers in real estate was called for the purpose it The Cow, entl inflict a slirrxp y intolerable wrong upon - the According to the. terihs of- the Agree - of selecting a candidate to contest the con- community at laige, and, save in a 7few in- ment made ten bi.5 ab4ication, Milan was to stituency,for the Local Legislature. The stances, without;kny correspondmi, financial remain. out of the'country during the Re - return, to Cgraparel his' them, Oelves. choice of the Con,, ention fell ppon Mr., Sam- but now at his -son Alexander is) e- il, the lottery and the stock exeUgoe I e gency,. E viol SanZlel of "the- township f S o ' tephen., only gnats at which we 9train, while a all ruling in his own ight as)Xing, there is no - near Exeter. - W r. Sanders is, we believe, a lowing the camel 'witkiiardly a grim-, thing in the of the agreement to keep most worthy young, man, but, so far its we ace." Milan but of the country., It is rumored 6d lmav he has. ritp,41, any experience in pub- No words coula, be truer than these, but - that the ex-king.ilitends to take supreme he, and especiidl r in milinicipall affairs which the writerl nolt r/eached the root of - the command of the 8 vian arml but this has er is so: requisite for the position to which he evil. The boom'spirit has tsen engendered', been denie d, and King 'Alexander has aspil He is,- of Course, a.fal and is, by that most fo4;1i*sh and senseless of all ft he wilf in no way vio- our the people or w", a. Conservative. h tariff. , B 'late the const'itutiZ policies, t e Prot ctive y protee-. tion people are' givert, the right to take - A Wisaipprehension. money out of th6' pockets of others whiclit News comes fr in South America that I,' e C Jul ship The follow-irip from the Hamilton .p ta- they could not get in fair competition For A( irai Mello lia's resigned the leader instance, a, stove' aker, or an agricultural of the insurgent fo ces in Brazil. It is also tor iwa f air sarople, of the criticisms to which Tilt the 11owat GoVernment is subjected. It- implement m ake ,.gets a bonus on every stated that eight ousand m'surgent troops -fo-und`m6n article h6 sells. This is to him, tha if swya - eY, from the south hav entered Rio harbor. which Ile cannot in wW sen e be said to have the lat The N-Kowat Government, has taken f roin- ter report e true the rebellion is the peoplp a. laro er which earned. This is bad) but th, ere is worse. quite likely to have a swift and sudden ter - part of the plow they foxilierly enjoyed, and which ought to The people from whom, this money comes are mination either one way or the Other. -- be exercised b-0 the muniicip&lities. The taught to believe that I>ecause:they­ do not pay tendency of -ml -overnment is to leave the money directly they do not pay it at all, THE Goderich Siginal remarks ;,-'i Our old in the hands. of the people control of their 7 and esteemed friend , Mr. M. Y. McLealf, of, local 6l- rs—to grant them' but that it is evolved by som e mysterious purely thal -the ainple measure Of home rule, ` which can be ocess from nothing. - When any nation the Seafortl 7pr E to 'TOR, is a ,Mail for d exercised withold interfering with the popu-1 gives ear to the belief that the price of Patrons of In( Zltrsy to be proud of. He has lir functions of I& Provincial and Dominion labor, which all value reppiesents can -be had got square upori'the Patron 'plaltiforin with Legislatures. Rut the Mow.sl Government acts, inthe opposite dixection, 'It takes or produced without labor either of b o both feet, rove conclusively that he dy or :from the people towers which they formerly brain, tl natioi J i is bound to see hard has been it . avor 0 ach and every indivi- exercised with p"rudence and with benefit tim es, sooner or later, and the longer the dual plank from ama back." b takes the control of e themselves. It pplice from th+, people, virtually telli calamity is averted the heavier it is likely to' them that they tat -e iiot wise enough to, m be when it falls. POLITIc.S seem t be tet g. mixed ix age their otilicipal business. It ap- We in Canada are following in the foot- North Middlesex.. r. H. Alexander own m, points county -.-6,fficers who ought ,,to be chosen by the peopli. And, in every c steps of the peopl of the. United- States. has been in the field r some time the ase Patron candidate f,6 the Legislature, and it"turna ihe poW t- it so usurps to serve party il7e are bound to come to meet the saalie re - suit if we persist in our foll Mr. Taylor was selec candi- d as Patron y,_and we' have date for the Iffo ad Commons. At the 8tatemeilts sitill to the above have been not had even the doubtful benefit of a ken- confirmativ venti n held last week,. at e con all refiqlted a. thoua-ai,iia times, and still the Spec- er, boom to, reward us. - We cannot get Parkhill, Mr. Alexan was laid aside and things on a li&t bWis any too ekly. taltor And other Cl!'Oligervative papers continue qui Mr. Taylor selecte in his stead. . Mr. Judging by appearances, however, -we w to repeat them, ils it they did not know that Alexander was offered IV14 Taylor's place as hi so doing they te misrepresenting the get them there j,ust as soon as a general candidate for the C)mmons, which he re - facts. It is not true that the Mowat 6rov. election 8 the opportunity. affords i fused. It is sald that the reason for dis- ha. ernment, s tti411 from the people any 14 I plal Mr. Alexand r was that he was also eilly Schoo1s. ng privilege they fohix enjoyed. The only British Histdry in Pubhi the nominee of the P. P. A. Mr. Taylor is officers the (4ovetoment now appoint, that We have been hearing a great deal lately an able and popular man. He is all., ex - Were not appoiato 1 y the former Govern- about the -Minister of Editcation's sweeping Warden of the county, and at the last Do- inent, are the Ljquoi License Inspectors the study of Britiall -History from the Pub' - minion election he came within a fev votes the Division Couft Clerks, and the Bailiffs. lie 11 so, ools. The talking' has been done i of defeating Mr. HuWfius , the present re - Of these oply the , License Inspectors were in III, Itog th r b the, opponents of Sir Oliver % Y, t Z - -% presen aki re. Mr.* Fbx, of Lucam, has been aliv way inder municipal control. These Mowl (4overnme'nt, aild many valuable' Re -nominated by the Coi6servaltives. The offi- cers were appoiated: by the Municipal pens and much hilk and paper'have been - formers have not yet nominated a candi- &) =41s- At thd- iqatriest, request of the' peo- wasted in the effort to bring reproach upon date. This constitueficy is now repr6sented ple, the -Goverl took control of these the Departinent of Education on -this aq- by Mr. Waters. ofticers, andt - we; i r# s7are that no sensibIle count. Here is the truth f th hol per on would destre to have their appoint- matter: The requirements regarding his- Tifr Ail Conv4nition 'of the P. P. reent again vestedIP the couneils as ferl tory for the Fourth Form of the Public Association was h - Id in Hamilton during `e As for the Divisimi Court clerks and as ltd'opted August 3rd, 893, were Be 'V the pr6 lit veek. here were delegates RaiI they were uppointed by the County aa fo Ilows present from all -par a of the -,Dominion. Judge;. This off ilv,4L.1.is appointed by the e ontlines of'i Canadi-an, History- en: The a to aspire to ! 19 Toronto X 'I wh cli seem Di.m.Aa-ion GlovernirvII during'Iffe, and was erally, with pa,1tici-1ln;r Attention to the- the offleial 0 * =Iip te tile society ss%ys r,8 Wlt resl?Onsillle to %e-PeO-Ple (W anv. pel'son events slibseqlelk to 1841. The Muni- Many of the dele es are at at, eh e f or- the ltppoli-.tmi ents he. made, while cip, lls private houses, and,th se who have filled the ai. institutio of Ontario and the Fe,d-' his officials, althoogh'$aid by the"people, So 44 eral Form of hotels are registered it scores of instances p the ll)orninion (4oveinnient. i iluder assumed names. A prominent Lon - long as they please -1 the judge who appointed The outhries of B itish History shall,,also (Ion citizen ii entered ii the register as hail - them, could snap tJlei fil h'it'-deflance 'It be tauglit witl a toxt book but there ing from Ctimla6hie, h If a dozen Toronto t4L. TWOple. To tl(i ti,Nmy with this a,"1101II&I- -,will be n o questions in' British History at delegat6s; claim Millik6n's Corners. as* tbeii' home. Guelph delegates are -proud to be ous stal of affairA tile. Govern-mient took " the High 8'chool 'Entraacq Examination.,, natives of Norva.1, andlQt? 'Thomas citizens these appointmertil t6 t'llem selves, 1,)Lit in This has been.,,ii iended by the substitu- hide thel identity under the assumption doing so, instead of temoving, the contro, I tion Of the followill regulation that they are from :Glencoe. When' a re-. from the peop-le Altv wought them IlLo-re V he outlines of'Canadiaii Histo delegateAhe proverbial T ry gen- porter approached a directly under poptwiar control. These are. e:rt,11v, -%l6th partiGular 'atteiltion to the oyster could not be more close. The Grand I Executive had issued a special caution to the only appointmer..,,ts the M-awat. (;(JVelM- events, a-ubaeq1'-1r611.t t6 1841. The ',.muni- every delegate to avoid, conversation oil -the .3nent have in-terfurul Nid th gince (')lelfecler- "cipal illstit"itions of Ontilrio, and the Fed. business of the order, With an-v6ne not a ation, and still, 1'111 ;Orufxllolls jot-InUds alld " eral forin of tile 1)(aninion (4overnmetit. m6nber. The 'majority of the delegates politicians persist thein of 'rob- " The autIfifis of British -History shall also weremenwell advanced in years; strong I ti faces predominated.- -The assenibl. .indeed, I -'es,of their Powers. It , t y _ I)ing' the 11IT1111 'betal ; hcr : sz,ill be suitabIc qucs- as far'as one could judge from the outside, le is Possible, as the siii-ebaor :,%Vs, th"LiL tl ions in Bkitish i,wd Canadia"it Histor -to-do, solid traders, y at was composed of well 'a a score or ers C verunient appo4lts some officii1l" that. Highiechool wtvance Examinatimis.1 so of lawy, lL goodly portion c - 4 - of intelligent ine6banics', a'n,(J %a miscellaneous' shoulct be elected bV the peo le, but duit i q it -will I)e notice ait t residue of . men of! 411 Professions and I mziio 6hange in course required to 0 jugs. al, differekt, questicii altdgeth r. Mr.. Alere- ni all dith, nor the party for Which the Spectator be jaken ' in the Fonrth Form, and where lip speaks:, have il­,u t tulopted,that prinei- th %ulations -have bee ,, followed by teach- South H Reformers. uron pleasalolank in 0'eir platf6rm. Onthe er .11()a(l,,tlitionis"M,-L etotlie-wo,rk- 6f the Tbeannualmeetingo theSouth Huroil, it inipupils. It was feared, however, that -with- Reforini Association, as constitut6d for Do -- the l,egi,.dature. ltjtt true thia. indivi(ju t.l minion purposes, was li Id at Brucefield on out questions in Witiall, History at the. En - Monday latt. There as a -very fair at - members of the ink-ty have, occasionidly, -trance Ex,amination the siibje(-t might be t rly every endance, nearl every nunicipality in% the ai il -1 scluiute(l in that dirdcltiofi, but the party, a,% slighted. The questions at the exi ilination Riding being. represent d. The President; has liever yet tmven its7assent to the will correspond vith. the, cou de obli- Mr. - Jphn ' Hannah, of I'Se. ma Tuckersniith, propos occupied the . chair, land Mr. Thol' zition. - L, Rtil J1 does, slavish bup- gattwy last August. porters of the Spectittor stamp would do N,:lr. Ross re-cognizetl The ver Fraser, ' of Stanley,. performed Alle. y plain fact duties of f3ecretaryi The efollowing officer& well to say little alI' ft A good man-, that if we -are to have .& unitekl alli intelij- were elected: John Hannah, President.; J. more Liberals have slle(i this change gent people we must teach our ehildren not Snell, Vice -President ; T. Fraser,Brucefield,' than Conservatives, %ntl until the Conserva- only the 11 eeretAry ; George alker, 'I'uckeramith, istory (vf their own countrybut reasurer. Mr. John McMillan, M. P. for tive party make it a tital issue, its organs how theyare governed. This is a principle the riding, who was present, delivered an will not -al much errdit for tllq party by wari(l but. 1,Y ail who tire interested in the . address, dealing exhaustively with the tride advoca, ting it. purification and the keeping pure of politics. question -land other issues. His remarks emed to be highly appreciated by the puldi-f 'Die first necessity in order to attain to the Be ence. The following resolutions. were.1then P., for North Perth, held not only by the foremost c(ltication of the carried Mr. Xwwoull), 2\1. 14. joined the Patron's orkler-a short time ago. poizitioll of aln intelligent -and' well governed Moved by Mr. J. ketchert, of Stanle J. Beek of Hensall, yt knowledge 9 that He w -as also 1-bu aspirant, for the (landiclature 11-iLtIon is tL tharougli of the rna- seconded by Mi of the Patrons in the Legislal The Fa- chinery of our own (.ov we desire to express our. full approval of the ewilinent., British course pursuedlin Parliament by ourpresent tnins, h6wever, selectel Mr. Wilederhold, a hi,4t(,rv' is important, ill fL('t 01te cannot Well representati e, Mr. John McMillan, M. P., 2104 gentleman who had foolierly been a Liberal. _get an int eilligent knowledge of Canadian and our admi aition of his able and consist- Miis, of course, did not suit Mr, 'vlagwood, Hhziory witliout studying British History, ent Advocacy of our caidse. In supporting ancl lie told the Conser ative Canver.ition a but CaltEldittiti History is of first importance. this resolution the- seco4er dellyered a,most eloquent address- dkys ago that althul a Patron lie was., These facts Itre SO I)IRilf tlMt I sinall child Moved by D. D. AV, ils' , Seaforth, see - on Hunu. Good Te*plarat are invited to pl Constance onded b Th'mas Fral Stanley, that 4atnes St wsort; Dir etoit.—.1MIesers. Bing- 68. The did not know the way home,, lodge a, fraternal visif . on the evening of re, the ReforZerm of Sottth Huron, in con- hem, Watson, T 61 r to, i,4o x Wells; Hal and made several turns At concession lines,, I . iamiuw SUL These temperance follm seera rention ase6mbled, desire to express Our unl McGilli&ddy, G. H. airn! and John but neo le;iheless kept . joggiag. &I and -honor ar - Istry 4 On#"` inies and to enjoy 1M.—Mr. and fibith in t4e b Selcre" .Treas er W. Lane Audi- when the r awoke he was surprised to to have gomd t werving ?onfide and Mrs. A. kuld integrity the- Hon. Wilfred tora­-G.-H- Xairnan4 S HaBs ; 11onol find t =he I is& in a Section of th; country and Mrs R- Adsms and X-r- -aurier, and ho that under his leadership able Dirictol T. thicksoh and J. H. that he did, no kiiow, and he h9ld to enquire Woodman were in Goderich township last his way hon bing week at the wedding of Miss Laithwiite.— enab in the near futuie Williams. te, the time occupied in get' 11 ve In. ... to I )Jr. and Mrs, Moon have the heartfelt VM­ weepu the sent Dominion Govern- -Mr. George Westoott, of the base line, there being several hours, ith -nithe existing Hulletl iented his farm of 76 acres, to —The al meeting of, the Huron Veter- pathy of the whole community in the loss nent,.And system of ann 6ry Medical Association, was held in the of their eldest boy, aged 6 years. lie died rusgovernment d corruption which is the Mr. W. Lawson for al term of five years, at -fin, nevitable result of the protective. system a rental of &1)6ut ji i a ylpar. Mr. West. town IiAll,'bliuton, on Thursday, I Ith inst., on Friday night after a short illness and waug Is cott gives . up possmion on the lot of March there beinj a I large attendance. and somelivew buried in the Londeebore. cemetery -on Mon- -k place. T1 that they ha­ e es shed, and thus secure ly discussions too to treasurer's III da;y afternoon.—aBrieni i's the spot where o us the benefits d -blessings of low tal and will move 0 Clinton to reside. a you cau get fresh oysters and all kinds of 4on, raised, 1 1, 1 P of Mr. S. You- -that the association is M zoo The Sons of for re enue purposes - only, and _Mr. W. J. Youhn port shows condition 11111511111cially. Officers were l ted onfec i at all times. )y this means do sy with all class le,#'N-' hill of Whighttl , &Z fointerly connected in for 1894 as follows; J., S. Williams, 'V. ., England lod, meeting last Friday even ng, ation, and thus e upon an equal footing wil the Wingham, Ti 4 well at nded. There was one initiatioii- imes, is now filling the F. Clark, V 8 was pol f ight edil on the Winghami President; W.1 . *y . wery indust an occupation in, the land. responsible i iork o n BI - , and one , lication for the Berieficiam rhe mover and seconder made short ad- Winnipeg Free Press, Ri$' Marty friends "Ierich, Vio-President J. E. ackall Iresses, as did als R. B. McLean, Reeve of in Wingharn wiIA be plel to hear of his V. S., Clinto, Treasurel j. Walker, V. Brotherl wrason was chosen a-0 A, ruckerstnodith, aw Me 64 illan, of Hullett, promotion. S., Londesbdro,-. Secretary The association gate to the g and lodge, which meets in To. kad A. Mustard, rucefield. adjourned to,. meet in the o" hall, Wing- ronto in h. The other delegate is A. —Mr. A- J.- Snell, fOrmerly of Wingliaml, Moved by Mr. eor le Jdurdie, seconded but -who has been connectedl with the Cleve- ham, n March Sth,'ai. I I a. m. Woodman. Dy M r. R. B, that we desire to I —Wednsdiij evening, 10th int., the land Dry Goods CompaI of Cleveland, Ake this occasion of e memberl Liverpool Lodge, Sons of Eng- 'Lodge. r Goderich, iand a friends t essin Our &PPI Ohio, as, buyer and m6mager for the t wd confidence lin rerGovernmentof Si seven ars and a half,l, ped land, of number of ye has resil he qual y meeting of District Lodge Niver M owat, un ler whose regime we have cepted A similar pol with the d oodii sat down to a very fine sprea-4 at the British - de ndent r Of Good Templars No.24 11, now enj ry Exchange htel in that town. The - chair boeen furnished &4 1 a system Of house of A. D. Myer Company, o the R, Warr was in t Orange hall, Manchester, on g overninent -whi(h is juso wat was very tT7 the pride and same cit s taken. b the president, a,6 Mond& and inst Ilin officers D. D., Thomas i A t The attendance 1,501 fal: r ot several lodges were not re - idmiration of every country in the civilized —On Ikednesday evinin5 of -last week, 'a g world, and we &Is) hope that when.. oppor- Ion, and N. Robson, of Clinton, ocell- _pre Aarge number of friend an Ire atives gather- 13 a. Verbal repol bunity affords, thl electors of this -constitu- pied jl4ces of honor on his tight and left re- sentedboy'del 7 Its frei ed at the risidence 01 Mr. Jas. Laithwaite, lodges pr whole, en- I]--- nr en were, n the The spread was a good one, the I mey will, by theii - action and vol as they Goderich townshl t witness the marriage spectivay. ging, though in some instances A falling blave heretofore one, return a consistent I b the " runs' coura of Ilia d liter, Ws5soc'oral Mr. William I :-ture eirt This'was aul. ef of of the occasion due 'to a e of causes and was subse- all off in inemberhip was reported. kud able suppox r in the person of the Driver. ev. FTr officiated. The old 19rigland" and Ile proverbi who dufr.11 A number of loval and patri- present nomineci,' r. M. Y. McLean, bride was the reciptn a laivre number' of " Pinmi quently dealt ' h. Messrs. Holmes --Clm - will no doubt I -.nd an active and. earnest oeic toasts -were presented and"responded. to, presents. and ceveral. typkal English -songs were sung ton - Metcalf, 13lyth; Murdoch, Lucnow; hand in the.&ect on of future legislation. - —Mr. John Haiste 1,- of the Maitland ton, Leebu The movor aInd i econder of this moti by W.J. Dowding, A. Dymock and others, and Miss Hor In, were appointed 01falso concession, Goderich T wriship, has rented committee : to report on the state of the ielivered "Sholit- iddresses, in which they the Currip farm, on th 7th tibneession, Own. . 'the keystone of the whole evening's proceeda- 3ommended bi'llil', the Government . pf Mr. ed by Mr: Win. Currie of Dakota ; it con- ings being a desire,for the most thorough order in the Pistrict. Their report showed J a U 14 as a embershiplof856inthe'diztric ,,as, ..... Kowat, and s V4 kindly and compliment- tains "80- acre' . -Mr. Job 0. 'Iliott h good. fellowship. the last meeting. e: - ge irily of the cal ate, Mr. )hurdle —The annual ineeting of the membek-S df one in Ashf leld P,saying sold the Lavis farm, ol it e Huron Road, 1le is a Patron of dustry and in speaki to' the E"t Wawanosh Agricultural Society, a St.Helens Ag near Iffolmeaville, Mri Gravell, for the to exist, but e a will be made ti) resusel- from that point o' vi4qw he- said he did not was hod at Livingstone's hotel, Belgrae, also reportedi (thonigh sitim. of $1,350 it, cont ins 36 acres. tate them. was know where th Patrons of 'South Huron on Thursday, Ilth inst T4e annual report muld get a man could more efficiently —The other day wJii e Mr. Herman, care- was read, sh ing a balance of $87.88, also the Secretal. no notification of it) that !e a; taker of the Colliegiate atitute at Clinton, ow the lod 8 forth had prcticaly ceased itivocate their ir nciples in, Parliament, or was doing some work thp-basement there- .$57 retained membership for 1894, - making to exist e urer reported a* balance d Dnewho, in his sp ere as a journalist, d total cash on hand af date 144.88. Air. of V of,,& large b t, flying ut, struck him in e 0 and the expenditure of done In to. id It advancing the interes Procto rowho so ably filled the office of presi- On ban fie at elee this, in camp W, weak lodgs, of the mers. tB the face; after some 'oublo he succeeded dent for the last three years, was re ted ork among in killing it, and found that t was an un-, & ffi t c -as ed. A livAdly , discussion on'the invita- Mr. cLean be mg'present, to th i o ce ; Mr. a ies Owens, re-ele ted w r usually L large on aro e this I e of the vampire species. t le proper way to experid. bion of the meeting delivered a short ad- It has been ireserved or the use of stu- Vice -President; Directors—Walter Scott, to r olution. was carried to the dress, and after f tree cheers'for the leaders, dents. John 0oultes, sr., R. Corley, Robert Currie, mOU and represental and candidate, a ver Thom" Bridges . , Robert Scott, N. Ctiming effect 'under. -the direct AV y -bderieli Ors supervision pleasant meeting vas brought tto a close. —The work on the Elew piers for G B. . ilkinson, and James Proctor; Audit the District Chi TemJplar, harbor, has been stl A large quantity ra. tion of.: -ledge*, and any P. W Scott and M. H. Harrison; 'Secre- wit ` .0- , - of timber has been r4rawn to the dock.- h he tary, Finlay Anderson; Treasurer, C. Me- 10(1, ietthtcs c eded. iri rev --i *jig Or re-estab- News the Week. About fifty feet of thebottom. 6f ihe c' -"b C01]a d. lishing a deRi t Iodge, to. receivid A bonus work have been laid, i4side the harbor, close —The other day an mcident which en- 'not to exceed Ae conventiqn. decided DEAD.—Willi Gaston, ex -Governor of to the chl Kirkbridge has, damgqed several lives occurred on -the to send a dele Temp ce Con - d at we underotar r Mni­ watp to t: to the Kassachusett$,', di Boston the other A, the co. liral for the irgn ises of iMi% William Sanders, 4th concession vention. Id in Torl the first lay. work. The stone is Abe brought f rom near of Stephen. It seems a number & men in February, Mr. F. Metcalf, of B1 th EXTENDING HE -BoRDERs.—Louisville, Port Albert. d in cutting straw with -Ifri. ("With.lt- Elho I of Winghad l) as an a ter - Kentucky, has ad ed 20,000 to its popula- Murphy, vIl had- attained the GeorgpPenhal&s straw cutter, which was nate) was cho en. Addresses oearing on ion b I its suburbs, including age of nearly 80 years,J died At k. LeBoWs, 6 tersivere ' b Dr. Mt- . y annexing being Ariven by a steam enginef and1. temperance ma given ive towns. Mill street, Brussels, on Wednesday 0$ last d. - 'A b R. Blyth ; T. I some way it became choked and -st9ppe Lan hl U rn T MEASLf@S IN NE YORK —There is an epi- week. His wife . died many Years ago and Vulmrdotib, cknow, and 1 After the machine was freed the ngiiiie be- Mlemic of measles New York city. T1 e his children were adopted by ii kind 6i9nd e gan to,run. at a rapid rate shaking the cut- Blyth. it 'was cided to - hoh the next 100 1 and - the deaths who took them to the Unit d States, wher ,&sea averaze r ( ay tin on atloaA Friday box almost to pieces and before it could meld 9 - in rrom. the disease 111 they were lost sight of by the father. -.Ilur- am in'contact . -- Ifth EkXCTRI0*IAK EAD.—George Bartlett phy'lived on Win. Ca*eron's farm, Morris, be cheoked the knives c e With Itay 18th. -Mai I and Lodge, Auburn, at piece of the Inachine, consequently, Lst- vety kindly ente J ed the " di es, and Prescott, a 'well known electrician and for years, being suppo #ed by the councjL ca I 'hem. A ings, pieces of knives and wood' were Been a hearty vote of was p' t iluthot of electrical orks, died -Of heart fail- —For. some time th 'juveuiles of Exeter flying !in every direction. All the bands publi meet aaQ held in t e ening, At Lire in New York o Thursda night of last week. have -been particitating in the pleasure of were wjthin bjut ten feet of the maehine,' -whiel an in %ting inusieg a4d I erary skating on theold mill pond, even whexill, the And some arrowly-escaped with their lives. Programme was endered, with addressesby LUMEER OUTI —The output of the ice was not sufficiently thick to barry them. Luckily all escaped unhurt. Messrs a Murdochl gaginaw riv I lumb r mills for the The other day Master Isaac Bissett and sev- —Colin Binkley, one of the linemen em- iou wl ap past sea proximat .630,000,000feet,against eral other- small boys Were skating as usualo ployed by the Bell Telephone Company, in 709 000,000 feet in 892.. when Master Isaac broke through and went stringing the wires oil the new poles in God- S IQW"'TLY SHo'RT'—The' stockholders of in upo his neck. With some difficulty he erich, me accident ' e elected R t with an about 11. 30 a. CouNCIL -MEET -,-r.,--The *1 %e W$rRVa Faior t Chicago -are likelK to was released, but not until his clothes were members of the Council, namely -. t,, for t in., on Tuesday of last week,, which has since en cent' e 'K. Mool Ree Geo. Kirkby Dq' o,ret abolit t i cents the' dollar ir wbIl 1loaked. proved. fatal. He had reached, the top of puty nvestmel --County Crown Attorney Lewis' Gover- one of the poles on North street,i near &. Reeve and Th as Co4el m. Isbister to REsiGw.—Rev. Dr. T. ment returns for the six months ending De- Peter's 6hiurch, -trilen one of his! -Spurs, 13 and. James cdoun met pur- L Dn. TALMAGE Bo la suant id subseribo d neces- Dewitt Tamage "Milounced -at Sabbath cLWmber 31st 189.3, show 12 cases tried at tu used in climbing, broke, and the[ unfortun- aight that this comb ig spring, on sary declarations if office and. qu his 25th the County Judge's Criminal Court result- cation ate young man was hurled to th4 grol a - ly organize taniversar: as past , he will retign from ing in 11 convictions and one discharge. The d an(I the Council as dul' e. Win. istatice of 40 feet. His neck was -.broken r pop o ar of 'r,he Brook taber' cle. brimes consisted of 5 larcenies, 4'burglaries by the fall, butalthough his body and limbs Clark was,, ted clerk at a SM ox.—The, Charity Hospital at and. house brl6aking, I indecent assault, 1 were paralyzed, -he lingered 'until 3 -o'clock $130 per 01, d R. Johnstori i, re-ap- The sen-, Wednesday niornhfg, when-. death put an r personation.'and I false pretence. r. leve then inted Blackwell's Island, ew York, *hich con pointed au he E affis 800 patients,, has been quarantined, tences were all except one to the -Provinial end to his suffirings. Bink -ley s - Charles McClelan; second John 'a a of smallpox. )ut -up , ted assessor at"A salary Zutbf e-4 Penitentiary, ranging fromtwo to seven years of , age, was a sturdy, broad - )wing toan 0 tb Watson was re in STRANOE IKFAT T#1 ION. --LMrs. Alma Er- yeas. of $80. George- d W J Johr*ton -ana shouldered young fellow of particularly btardt has bden plame in the asylum for the —As 16% Cudmore's men, er a.-f"The bod Maw w e pressL manly typ4 . y- was tiken to his Thomas re appointed to! talon [usane in Newark, N'w Jersey, on account iug hay at D. McG#I's in East Wavranoshy home in Diwdas on Wednesday morning by with the Reeve Clerk as a Board Of )f , mental - disorder caus'ed by love for last we4k, the man who vtw feeding the Health. Dr. MeAs walit appointed : fedical the early traiw mother womail, Mrs Charlotte Gehling, a Health Officer. A urnber of accounts were press -got his,foot caught and diawn into the —The following figures relating to Huron widow. machfn 4 it caught him on the heel and ordered' to be pai- By-law Nos. land 2, are taken from the Bureau of In(firstries' re -- THE PRINCE OF a' Pirl —Donald turned his toes up to his instep. The foot 1891, were duly r d. and passed, aild. the L i, port for 1892, just idaned---No. of acres oc- Vial Avbohadbee in the service of the is very badly strained andruised Arid will pied, 708,085. o. - cleared, 576, 689 Council adjourned ) meet again n tAe 12th 01 : cu - Prince of Wales as for 20 -years, lay him asi(fe for a considerable time. The of February next. ' 'Pi acres sw"p or maish, 9-0,49-9. Acres in Ing at la lied. !a fort 'i lit 9 d1t the funeral, at unfortunate man's name isqones, and his fall'wbeat,'61,867, yield 1,385,821 bushels, NOTE .—Mr. A. . Cole is laid which 9 pipers p aye , the Prince and his home is in Ripley. grippe. —The for SunshineutrI is household were repres n ed. —It is rumored that a, -re-count or 2.2.4 bushels per acre. Acreage in sprillE arriving this week. Mr. Long, of Et Of the wheat, 19,W, yield 288, 226, or 14.9 busIr- hlhAs Russus WEATHER AqO LDEP--The' wev,- ballots for the eleeti n of Reeve of East Wa- els per acre. Acres in Barley, 17,139, yield t b e c o n t r a r Laundy, Ibt 11, bher fn Southern -Russ a is becoming colder. wanosh, is likely: to be had. The conten- 467,805, bushels per -acre 27. 1 Oats, 88,421 concession was u ied o'n IT uesdq of last &t Odessa there is a did of ice that ex- tion is that one of the deputy returning acil 3,519,156 bushels or 3$. 8 bushels per week. He had been a resident of Mofris'for bends 20 miles seaward. The piort -will officers threw out a ballot papWinarked fo l acre. Peas, 42,552 acreg; 914,868 bushels, 30 years, and was * 5 years -of age at the. probably be closed. TI Lere are 30 Bfitish ves- Patterson, for Reeve, because it had too or 21.5 per.acre. Hay and clover, 1 time of his death. Rev. Mr.. Buggin., of Bels in the harbor. many marks for councillors. That for is, If)0 Blyth, I oonducted e service. InGiment acres, 211.,609. tons, or 1. 87 tons,per acre. Reeve, it is held, should,.have been counted, potatoes, 4,713 acres, 471,300 bushels, or as made at Bly h -A large number Huron. Notes. which would have put Patterson in by one 1()Obushels per acre. Mangold wurtzels, of -persons from. this i at vote, and thus have savedthe'return' .1shels per acre. Carrots, tended. the box social at SIT r. Georns) ? ing .1,878 1cres 527 b ge - ayl Mr. George Mic has opened a officer the nainoyance of giving thd casting 1219 2 a c il e house owThhutirsday e orl packing'establish mbnt in Wiiigbapi. -vote, 384 bushels per acre. T.urnips,3 inig of last week. p 8,053 Acres, 473 bushels per acre. Huron The proceeds amb . ted. to -over -20.- -Mr. George Green, - of Wingham, cap- —The annual meeting of the Wanted—al, foot of sn w on the level.' r- bured' a robin the miller day, a rather un- "rest Huron had in 1892, 8,921 acres in orchards, an Agricultural Societ held in the town Peter Murphy, who Ii ed on the 6th i line, ear amount exceeded only by Kent,i,'T%1iddIesex, asual occurrence at th a season of the y hall, Goderich, on Velsinresday, January 17- Lincoln And Wentwilth. died in Brussels last He was aa old —It has been stated that an effort will be The following officers were elected for 1894: —One an and was ke t by he IV orris council for night lately Wes'. Snell, who P' Moon . ey anil G. made reduce the ird mber of hotel licenses President, R. McLean, G6derich; Ist Vice resides -south of Exeter about f)vo miles, was many years essrs. in Clinton from -sevei i to four. President, isaac Swaffield, jr., Goderich­ roused from his slumber by,the usual punch Kirkby are in the co ty"town this 'Week, —Miss Iva Walker, formerly of Brussels, town. 4ttendi*ni . Mooney ship; 2nd Vice -President, Joseph Beek, in the ribi from Ilia wife, who had been ,,the County ouncii. All r. Ls now bookkeeper it i -Raymond's - sewing Colborn ; Directors- — James Johnston. awakened- by the savage barking of I I i -ay e I I ard-en of the county before long. — machinip agency, nd n. the dog. and Uenry Cul Goderich jownship ; Mr.;- Snell hl stily dressed, and before gol 9 It is hinted. that 'the gang who plu ked, Logan and Thomas Gull- out slipped a revolver in his pocket. He house Harry Tabbukto, . aldie Laithw&ite. and Dr. ar roasted and te the fo in a vacant r 1 number of dthers fr Hohnesville sta ted dry,%olrl W;James Davidson, Colborne ;- made his -%va,.v towards the barn %nd be have been found out. -is needless to J381Y For California -Ion Mond fore Joseph Griffin, 1 ,Ashfl eld Joseph A. Mallough- getting there Jie saw a man to whom he call- that they feel pretty cl cap over it. , If the —Last week J. C. ffernan returned to lough, West W, awaosh and A T. 'KeDoll-' "N#ha:t are you doing there " and same thing ia done agai they will be. -treat-- rrout Creek, Manitob , from Morris, taking ed Out, aid, Hullett. ithout replying the mail wards the county town. haine car load of supplies ith llim-. clime to' ed to % trip to —AsMr.'P. Keating, of Ho -wick, accoin- Mr. W. Elliq of Brus els him. Air. IS5nell again called out 51 who are has - bought it —Willialm Skelton, Sth line of Morris, pall by Mr. Treacy, of uimberry was I you and Wlll 't do you S house in Sun4iine and i moving it to Brus- will build a new fraille ouse. Wm. Thuell driving to church at Wingham 6n 'Sunday came towar4s him without utterin a word, sels. We thi" 8unshi e will go under -a will attend to the s t ne work and George. morning of last week, some dogs ran out on -.Nlr. tiell I thei a, id, (I and ff clolIld Yet &a very littl of it is left now Tackson. the car enter' g. the street near the Grand Trunk Railway you co any nearer I'll shoot," d -,with --John Lake, of the' nd line of Morris, and frightened the horse, causing it to run this lie.. ischarged his revolver. This had rtas purchased a farm the 4th concession away. Mr. Treacy got clear. of the cutter Gre the e56 of scaring the bold thief, who ran )f Grey from Joseph Cl gg. The price cl was by a half juipp and half 'throw out, Mr. to the iir which $3,000. iad,' aceompoanied 1) another W110 way ari just bpposite Keating hung on t-thelines until the cut 8 a -red in the orch, the -mind 151oldis NLTenie M was t 101 cPhe son —Mrs. Z. Brown and familYi Of Dakota,, . ter came in contact with a post, breakig the ho , iige. These two jumped into a rig bad a, quilting the othe dayand a large Be re- and -%vetI6 rapidly diven away by the third, .9 the evewing. Mr. ormerly of Morris, who have - spent some the shafts and dashboard. The hor party Of youll fol "- in nontlis visiting friends in that locality,have ceived a, seve're cut on one of. its legs. Mr. who was holding the team. In the morning John Sherritt Deputy 'eve of Stephen, is ,etured home. tool -C in Goderich this week . tending Council.— F. Korma kindly furnished a rig and Mr. Snell found. that one hog had been taken slaughter house, and had Leen r- friends here —Mr. T. Burkholder 'of Morris, is taking 'them home. froin the vir. win. Paterson, o Syl-va visite(I finishing course at the. Dairy school, --On of last week,Henry aundy, rjj d to last Sat and rema :Xhielph, preparatory to striking out on his resident of korris for about 30 . years, Paid a cross fence. - Mr. nell. had been until Monday.—The t stees of Boston )Wn hook ill cheese ma1mig-ilext spring. Nature?s debt and was buried at Blyth ceme- slaughterijignd dressing quite a, num, ber of Methodist Chnrch met I t Saturday -evigil­ - —A curiosity was tat -.eri to Brussels the tery oil Tuesda, Rev. G.Buggin conducting pigs for the London market. The thieves ig to arrange About the, building Pf were evid(Intlafter this pork. - Aher day by Mr. Fdrbes, of McKillop, in the service. Tye deceased'Ickme.from Birm- church. After talking , e matter over they 'he all% ig —The an'ritial meeting of the Turliberry , pe of a pig i three tails. - The ingham, Euglail.d, and'lived. for a time in Agricultuialociety, was held in -%valtz, unanimously agreed to 4y the niat-ter over "wo: extra caudal -appen lages were attached Kingston locality before locating on the 6th for one year, A committee was appointed hotel, Wi i balni, on Thursday, I I th M'st.. iincl - 'Jo the left side of the ai I dinal. line of Morris township. He was only ill There - wi&jiot very large attendance of to get the church gr, and shed' re - .—,We regret to hear -hat William, son of for about a week and (lied at the ripe age of shinwled and yard grav lcd. ' Mr. Albrt VVm. Bryan, IJ miles r members. The report of the. ecreta, 0 M tin Ir. "y- ilson-returnedto Gulelph College lost __th f Brussels, had '85 years. r. La' dy was'the father of 7 Treasurer, and Auditor's repoit -were read y P fonday. He 6xpects to roturn next July. btis held injured b fa, g froin a horse, re- sons and4 daughters, one of the latter being They showed tlott the total, receiptff, w * N 'ently. It i b ith a to e-hol no pet nianent in- Mrs. James Jackson, of N -Morris. He was a I H is many friends -;vfsh Miq success as be is jury will be sust the b lance on ]land at the beginning of the a Ja I I highly respected by all who knew him. year were $919-80. There were paid out ithful student. ,nd Mrs. Andrew —Messrs. Corny of Wing1lain, —On INIonday ni lit or early Tuesda Pollock invited a large nuVber of the y!nlg .lave settled wfth the in urance companies, 9 (Ifiring the 'year, in Prizes, $337.35 ; on inorningof last week, burglars effected,a grounds and buildings, %,10, and Other.ex people to their 'hoine lastl Friday evenin wid Mr. T. R. Corl has opened out a Where th g ey enjoyed a Arge stock of furniture ' one of the stores entrance to the Exeter station and blew penses, 8160 94, leaving a small balance due very 1pleulant even, mg .n Macdo'nald's,block. open the large safe. Apparently the deed the treas-urer. There are still a lillynber of together. Miss 2%fary Anlj' WilAon, Henry was (lone) by tw6 men. who had (1riven there uncollected siflis Shanks and family left, here last Monday to Wiin.Webster of Wingliani, fell - I eriptiol whiell %%,ill put 7 in a buggi. The eiltrancewas made t the the society in visit friends in the towns )ff a. load of hay oil T iesday of last week it good financial position. The of Brock back, west window after having pried it up. A election ol officers was of Toriono.—Mr. Robert -Engl claims he tild in strik, the groux cl almost tore his carpenter's 1/race and two blac sinitys business, , when the ne.Xt order of has the handsomest ish l M98 pr the following g;-.ittlemen Pig in towh.—Mr. obol was put into its chisels were' found in the morning. on the Brophey has avery ci )roper place were bl cted for the en Charles by a medica. man, and lie will. floor nd: a larnp which had evideri ly been r8on P ling ear the neighbors gates and ilk 'I , Iffende resident w4 into their ;oon be all right again. W. -Y. Brockenshire gardens. For peace sake he hes to ex- -On Tuesday, of last*r - eek, W . hile. ripping broken by. the shock. . There was n,d, money Vice-Presi-Aent ; William Maxwell, D. Me! is in the safe, and the tickets,books, -were Icinlay, * (,,,' Moffatt change her for - on, umbel- with a circular saw, Mr. A. Cottle, eorge John Diment, athat t ooes not know so of Exeter, accidentally ran his hand on t4i unmolested and in no way damaged'.1 There Amos T plingy , H. Deacon, C. W. Tay- much about gates and gaAd6s. Invery is no ciue to the would be thieves. '. other respect this curint- laicerafing the index -finger of the right lor, Job' Elsto ad J. Brid es. Direc- - ng i cow is highly land —Mr. John Gray, of M 17owll Oken of.—Mr. H. Baglerlow badly, and also il hilled slight out on 7ingliam, fis some tOrS. Peer ler, jr., and Eiosp ce vv small coin. There are three A Com- is visiting- his cousin, Misa! I IAZZle be thurnfi. ex. edingt nditors.1 The question of -securing ac MIr Hohii.- -,-Nfr. Tucker,who cani( to Wingliama short' pieces, one is a one-sixteeith of a farthing, modation for the fall show .;.was considered, . W. i- Stinson, of Ba field, pai our ime ago, has been si ffering from a anothero I ne-eigb . th of a faIrthing and'the oth when a i t" passed roquesting the village, a flying visit last 'K jiday. enile I ion was ,,angrene in one foot, *h,. ch useful member a silver Penny. e one-eighth of , farthing Directors take action in the matter. At lad to be eIr penny are dated 1848, the gnialler a nieletin of thei Directors heft immediately Fast alted as a consequence. and si1v Wawanlll Phe sufferer is 73' years of age, yet the piece evidently being too small to put the atel. the 'djournment of the annual ineet-. fighres o n', They are Britishcoin, nd have 11 W-21J)DING BEIAgain, n last Thurs --.l Uending surgeons have hopes of his riee- r. ohn Anderson was re -appointed I % day, the 18th inst., the ori the front the head of the Queen and the easurer of the society. wal of the matri- overy ieccr —William Crawford, youngest son of ll r. letters V. R., on either side of the head. monial sea -were disturl when another 'am They were in a, small metal box, whii6 is lifeboat with its usual numberof occupants, ) uel Crawford, of Bru sels, is home on a was launched- The kappy event was t lisit from Winnipeg, whore he has been for lettered 'I"Prince of Wales' box." The coins Londesboro. -he ed at Port ave been in the Gray fan y for the last 40 1 marriage of Miss Wigie J. Mrdoch, Of he past two years. e It, Mrs As oM R C cail luron an his way to Brifsaels. I In Winni- years, an(l- will no doubt be valuable .18 LOCAL HAI 1,E- Phil- lifield. t -McG aill a highly lips, of the 13th concession of Hullett, re- esteemed Young farmerf 19 osities some day. t WaWall ieg he says there aem.r people it want turned on Saturday from Belleville, where The ceremotliy was perfornie. at 6 o clock his winter. —One recently a, well-known It visiting for the last four m., by the Rev. p - 7l i6di- theV have been —The annual mee oderich Holl Cal man in the county was called A. McK-al . Lucknow in .tm out' ome weQrs.—Mr.W.L.Ouinlette shipped two car the presence of about 40 invited comi guests. ultural Society was hel-11fon(January 11th, distance into the country. Hebail been loads of Oats last week, also a quantity of The brde was be , n Y attired in white 'resident Dickson in the Ichair. The Audi- kept pretty busy for some time, Kind had hay. W. L. is a hustler. --?-Herbert Fenton, cashmere, 1trimmed. wit - white lace. The 0 O1 e bre n 3' w p a n alojeqge Th rd c ean aid brt ho r n p el ors' report was receiveil and adopted, and 'Lost considerable sleep, so after atten(lingu to who has been working in NIr. nell's black- bridesmaid, Miss Dickson, of Hamilton,wore he following officers wer elected for 1894: his patient he started for home, and- b4ore smith shop for the last year,, left on 3fol fawn cashmere trimmed with - and lace. 'resident, W. Wa silk moc Vice-Presi dent, he was aware of it, had fallen asleep in his his time having expired on Saturday.—The .Therom was -ably suppol b his b T -7- JXN'UA,R .thogr ])auieL After the et the ontirz,compm, hsA be , W.ntipw were A.fiw, lei-lere the tables Wer -6 '1-01.b IuUvlapresd for the *00"" e veiag was pleasal SM Inusle, aud games. The Tyr. valuable ani -which *ere malkea toi . which she WOA esteem in T iriendsr -he Tets nunie,,oult f riends 01 the -bb will. be our gmw., -and we 4, .hearty Welcome to ollr =1 Wr-OXO G kW,&DX&V ORDER OF CSRT.—The concert u-ndt let Caundi Court, Wroxet , M -erg, on the evening Of Fr roved, to be-, a most, -,enjib ne weather added Iftalch the evening, aAa vilion was val t* ov, 'i, It , to ;" falet codd ' 0 ga reseb l ved seats, to the n' ,014,, and by the time, for roornWas at a premium. - ,t fn themsel, Oveaa hos - e-, cored UPOA each y Lorne Cantl of List pieasing impression an ' pearance here. -She pm sweet voice, and; a illef Lrl ner. 'The , Harper 0, 6f some very excellent , in 13riwn pl4ed the accom usudm,arked abilityl . No'=S.—Mr. R' t -hi a week mol into bouse" and is alsC hs- -l'n@ i side of the shoe syx D made abusiness I ning of this week, in, thi ga, & o.o., Harrator of i glythmade a f lying vi Messrs. A. and J. Pi inoving,their stock of ;, the vacant store ln4the 4 —W, lemed. to lea]. e 're mpa ly gea, 46 Agnes Enox the ilocu pear at their coucerlt her fyhurlsday, February :Bunstl late -of the Wr now residing in Vamarli few Bays With friel[14 114 week, -:-Reeve *Sau4en i ing Of the 10ountY 10 ounll 10bert Miner is *itinl a few days. — M W Jenn a few Asys with ftienrlw John LI met with , (lent last Saturday aftei ed the amptatiell Of hi tblesecona joint of the :E -t was caused by Mis ha whiie loosening the bar5 'k malbbi . choked in. a bar the o - Performed plemAblo Kip) liss, sul plled the Sabbi hy.wn books. 0 -ting of St. Ana-,! Ince , I the. 86hool. folIONdug '0 T. MelhsSuperintl R. I P.. Achool is doing 901od"NI in nift ,Jlcl*asing b —During the sieknei recently., Mr. T- M10 by his ;ieighborall for I f;ul, —Mr. Ge.orge HUY f row his recent Wnew return home. —The Inge wre getting -the-, Ca 6.011moore left olul --country on Wedues smiilli i8- vildting 'frif 0 I-eorge Thompson an, returnedbome, from I fbw en,joyable aap 'Canning p -73N Mr. C F " her. she has sister liv, the Kip -pen Hall cO effort to hold a cone( which will bea toorki BR IEFS.—Melvillel Sunaay Schoolaocia;l on T-aegdayevening.. t, Jdauce anda, goOd. though -someof 1he -1 while the magic IfinA exhibit, ed that the p) This is the lakt, en'A that;*2 likely be it the future they Will -which.is the iriott tertalumellts­i!- l diocese, wps here i< holl ah-ugConfirmal jug the chnrcli, will He preached here I Walton bi the -all I.— he njg7ht prom Jar t ever had Ill of R lan3 of Brussels, b 0 ofthe Morris &.G compan, at a big R it t1lis Season, We last -season, 9, Rarria of -cheese h lie himself was on Wol Fall 'of- foo points, . X. -new owners will.0 cause if they ao Nil Patrons will also- # -Rto,(4 against thell izing it better befl Ang ,6f fall wh"t 4 -the UP, Wry wo 111: its valne, and thf dollars ahead eaC years. -11e Bdit week a-- I , Harts, D. R - - Order of -Oddfell, stalling the e ! Thefollowini - ar nish, N, ex. son, R, 'S. fjeotl Treas r e ivp a con pally g under ihe an of 'Forrestl Social wiu be I Town lialL C away at W110 wss- h me fr o 0M, Ile looks ar) if. t is -that tl4ld roin 41 r4eUtiVe­ ,cess pe t g000 k o . )AS d Hilo Alex. expired, wood &-c-I tile ;;h& amld ans good 810i goo(a ush, I all tv. ild a -ad A :move d to lot 4cliased by bim- ,Cutcheon falm fAmi1v to this F,eri . . . . . . the view who to@ her She was W811 Va near TI or, WeArthur, 50 0 I­