HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-01-26, Page 3� , . . JL,JL." jl.� -- —_ .— — - . � ­ ____ . __­­­---_. I I � � . .:,- _­ � � � I . � I I � � -L � I ­ . - ­ -I I - � � � I � — ! ! ,--' 11 i.. - . . - � �, . � . I i IS ' � � � 1" � ; 1, t 'UARY 26 1-1894 0 . - _. .— I I . � � . I I easures tthat manhood can share - . i I JAJ�T � — I — --i - -!-!!-T!!T _77777--f=�_ � . - rV en5oy the . se that as the � j � "th chil2lood. I suppo, = - I I 1 , neome � ' . : � SCIENCE FOR THE pF-OPLE. 1; VT V . - I _�=._ I � . � - . . � a goes now we were poor. YES i T E D GREE ' . I . ----...-- I I i 7rl -ear, and his _77—Mmm � . I Winter' B06ts � I ­— w0A never above $1,200 a .1 I -1 . TheHur EXI)OSItor, 9 I - . I S F� A Sbort, Rat1way Switcli NT4)1*Ic - ad by �_ . .. I � Lobod� wasrich there . - I . �. On - � I - .. fai.nily was large ; but ii . - , . � I : !� � . . I f . - - t . Imlectricity. ... — 3n we lived in the simple abundance o " - . . . . i I � - � � I 6 :,or, thi P � . � 0 " I - I H, ONTS :) Q.11. L � lit sooWn, be- ti and place, and we did not know I " 11 , N I SIFEAVoRT "-v Tilt- question of the ptltv - that une � I I,. . I ­ ; . . low is designeil prin 1paltv for olectric - ', that we were poor. lie unequal i � I X i I . I , __ I I I . I �k . I - . , , . � 0 * %v4,:v - , I � dern. conditions were. As yet f d of (who ' . - . V t . I . - Publishers . cars, althoutril with a sm, - . tattery : rho undreame I I I . � I , , � I ^ ! I - - . . I - . I I , L, Of I i I MOVIAN BROS-$ . I : it, may be applied to 'other ULM . i indeed could have dr,eamed of them iorty or . . I a . 4 1 :I . . . � 7 I __.___� . . I - b tie Southern town I �. IMEATISIXG RATES. Is .i motors. - "N' I fifty years ago ?), in -the lit my, most happy . . . � I The contact maker is just u . ,pder the le of V r FIG. 1. rMOR OF SELF_CLF,A,N1NG STALL. , where nearly the who' � _1/ - ,,ta, matter changeable at � . ; , passed. . � � ��., V - I . . I 11 , . car platform, and carrying at its UPPe . I ,� N., Coutr*ot advertiseme and five i 14hood was I I ". I . N I I — . I I and a foot piece t4�be pressed upon --t)Y ning in front of all tile cOws - ___ - - - _#_ - - ___ - I - — " 1� I - , I I . : % . N" � - I � I Will. r3a TROK 3 mod. . . 'itle. alld on the rwne level as tile ' J' I A , .:�;= . , 1 Year 6 race. the driver, or motorman. Itadapts itself f"(,t I" all,., 8,) t.1je cow,; c-, Dr. Andrew Bonar. . . �� �, � �� $100 . between the car ,and 00 floors ofthe at ., m feed ; � I - �,N\ I . 8460 42 60 � to any distance . lk I inches, inclusive 10 lie ,.ire ]on-, ' I I i 11 to 21� Is Soo 2 76 I" ritl out -%raste (Fig. 1). Thore I i Dr. Andrew Bonar was far more than a � I I . " � 6 to la t, , 5 W 3 00 1 75 - . . contact plates. 'A pin. projects from t - A " 5_ I a for grain. at close intervals, t � . - . Q. I he casting,aild narrow bin fainolls.scottish divine. It is true Scotland t %% � q 81 :P 1 bb I! tongue through a slot in'. t % . I . 3 to f� ': :1 6 00 . ic z ilool-4 so that the I and the - I 1,0 � ' 7 g rod in tile . t � was the land'of his biAh and love . 1. � -1 1. � s. " -hanve not oftenerthau I enters an ,)arrn on a slidin I o1i the outside or this - - �- � I , isar elec'LS to (. opposite ends can be tak-en in a scoop and pour - pastoral activity, but he belong I , , / 11 _�, i it the, adveW 7 will be � switcl, pit, there being -oil., in scen6 of his ! I I r I � r 11lonth, a., reduction of 20 per cent - gra - - � . once PC I the above quoted priets. ' I . of the rod cross bars carrying armatures ed to each cow wiuhout carrying h ed to Christendom) because lie was the bio . - - . , t . umde. 401 %-ained o6 APP11- . which enters the coils of olectro-loag- loads f rom a distant meat- room. pher of Robert Murray McCheynep the —,::v-- : R&tm3 for special position Can be o , � wheel. .gr'� � — , , : . _ � � , The silage is shoveled into a writer of a book which has done much to - I � � . I I a a,t this oftice. I z - dump i b i t I _/ ­ i . cation I , nat cards, not exceeding three � . nets. These magnets have silort cores - urning righ - - � _____ if "__ I . � I Business Or prolessio I . I to pre4ent their And. ii wheeled and keep the'fires of saintliness b - I to ! � a,r-ts. When f. - � �, ,s of an inch, V4 , eger yvea - �ound, etc., not I I and are inclosed in lead iing the barrow t of each cow4' the long ; the altars of ma�o�he he - . !,'I . . ed in fran quad# Lts. of stm , 146t, I h subsequent . . being acted upon by water ent� on ' I - I - . Adfertisemen $1, eac , I I is inclosed in' level feed floor making this as easy as is - 11 - . excettling one inch, one month � � �, and the mechanism died, a year ago, he wt moumed by thous 11 � �_. - q pil � - 9 � --- I F.state forsale, . cross bars running a -car P,n a track. Above tile ; wonth boo Furma and Be' I.r box with ands who never saw his face or heard his - - 3L*' ,ements of >0, eaoh sub. an iron rods, slides, there cow stable is a room for hay and forage, ., . j . . , hioh the voice, but who reconiz6d in him a teacher " kdv( � --- I I , I I .. 'through w � . - , - = �__:__ ; , not. 4nCce;!Ing If inchvh Or -e month S , .. Prevent he richest and most � cents pet line I � � being on tile rod buffers to wbich is all out fine by horse pow0r, whose lessons were of i # . Llequobllt month 750- �ocal pap, ten . I - a activity should I &a On I of 26 per oent.to I drawn in nd distributed over tile room by a i cter. That hi - : . ,&(ly-rusement rb discount ,shook when tile armatures are cl ,helpful chara thoritative re- 0 fittim,ylv . rf��rtioa, with I Ct?paee. Nif tion. There are two insulat- carrier attached to the cutter, w1l'oll have been ernbaimed in an au by awoman wh is 4u 0 . I e=lr 5 who &,so have regular contra p or village I . I either diree t' When tififactioll ex-jerienced . I I Pa!40' ad rtwments under townsw I . od oontact plates in the. roadbeJ -near site in the center of a Ion,- room.. cord was more than most of his adirlirers ex- Of sa -A-F Ldo l ch insertion. - e g oe per line as ten cents per line for � I P111te IIIE' used, after filling to one nd, it is turn- , pected, but now it appears that such was ' I headid , , the track rail, a wire from oile 0 within the reach of all at the I I Tf-aniiant avertisoments, eat to one of the'magneta, while the el around and run until the opposite end the case. He kept a diary from 1828 until � :�, isertion, three Cents per line each subsequ . tending . dressed, is something tha,t is I first it , "oil Measure. . . , -late is conne'ted by a wire with is filled. There is a chute (a) between : a few weeks of his death, written entirely . 0 � " . I � I � other p 0 - ' : . . 1.9attion, nonp . without specific ditee"'Ons will he 11. F � ow, and tile cut forage a system of shorthaiid. One of his els economy. . � Aavertis-mentq . .� - every other c in Byroml . . � d Charged accordingly. the use of a basket dited these present time, even ok cO11,n8 . insetted ti1i forbid. -an � . I . ,d Deaths inserted gratis' ., - I I � � runs downwithout daughters has transcribed and e . BkAhs, marriages at into 4,300 homes every week. . . or fork. The partitions are between notes, making a book which combine� iu � I _: � - � A moment 9 � . - goes . . estimste, that It has I �e feet . I . T9M EVOOmp- . Holding up Shoes for the hispection I I every two cows, and are only thre happy proportions the advantages � of a bio- amo-u-nt, of money goes a long way., . I - whij% mei*ns, On a Conservative' or of the I A small � , eek. It is the best advertising . - - I ,long, ,.vith a tight board flo . oo,ow, readers every w for the ' 11 . graphy and an autobiography. I I ;;; . 8 - I in -western ontario. - hn ding clown PricO' ' 11 . ' of the goods, will rnedium of all ; ol 1, sanle length. tack of this. extendinm The facts of Bonar's life may be briefly . I I " - n V I - - ���� � � �, �� . . of all. - to sills of stablel there,is a trap door, tile told. Born in 1810, he was one of three D) after a perso al examination - I I . — !- ANT NOTICES. convenience, - re-fiectio - - - - 4 E`0 . I I I 1: I length that the stall is wide, and hincred � I � I . I � up'(Fig. 2), broth . ers who made a deep and abiding im- in the Way of Dress. 1�1 . We are ptepared to disPense with ), I to sill of stable, so as to riSe press oil lifon the religious history of his anything prettier- . � -u Auced to . . . � � I .� I . I LL 0, R SHEET MUSIC ri RVIN'S , (1, in some *cases, a " . to get out manuire. This door is inade m was a� strong theologian and a convin6layou that . by �=ii 6 cen%& Catalogue free- M & all the profit, an . r . � I ; A it, ViebiW. 1349x26 P .. of three inch strips. nailed to great .preacher, while Horatius added to e offe � - � . I ,, Detro n order "to reduce d than the present stock w Wj't�,SICHOUSF part of the cost, i I I . I inch scantling, and one inch apart. these attainments a gift of song which has Goods could hardly be folIn . ...... .. , � . vid HUI, $taffa F- O-, stock, previo'as to stpek-taking, c0m- . � eight inches wide, - . 11 -TOOK FOR SALE. -D& Durham cattle and L ­ ........ . This door has a space ,, I a hind feet, inseparably associated his name with the . a - � . I � I ' , S Breeder of Thoroughbred h sex for sale. mencing February lat.. ' - --.- . . immediately back of tile cow , march of sacred melody. Amdrew was a ear. i t 1�) - - � ire pigs, young stock of bo I . -_ I ugh; this at greatly reduced Prices to 01 . rksh , _t f I -nanure to drop thro ,,, I . He was ad- . . B el; . . I Im - - for the i very ddstinguished student . I � . i - Great Bargains in Winter' Shoes all , V_ spacE has a door simply a board eight mitted to have been the best Latin scholar I % . I P I . . I - X FOR SALE OR TO RlINT.-For sale or to I I 11 . . - � incjies wide, 'whicli is hin2:ed oil the side I . r AR this udontli. - I " -, let down of his day in Edinburgh High School, and . r ?aTtieularo apply I 11 - fartheat from the dow, and - -.--..-- F ent lot 8, conceesion 4, H. R. S., Tuckeremith, ' � ' d then , that meant much when the brightest intel . _..� . . I - For further 1 ro - I . � , I ,"ItQibi'D� ioo icret4- Egmondville. 1349-1 f Groceries and C" ekery ,very close Oil WORKS. when tile cows go.in or out, an ntr4ted their strength on the � 11 is� - ro ROBERT PHARTERS, I I Great value in Su$ar. HOW THE NUMMMO SWIT . d and kept u, ;for the manure to I lects conce I . I .. I . I Z. raise A I ge of Cicero. He excelled in other f I I Me n- to cOgt- I . . ; � . - general me the othei- inagnet. When, therefore, a 4 � GOOD QUANCE I I ntatments of study, but from the first it T% TT -N,To_ A UNCA . I .-A stook of I ee , I I ' Ldae,p - N` & D Ny � Adise to. be exchangod for a far;n, about $4,6 I witch, tl�e driver . I I 'dent that things -theological were of _" U �L'% %-.i XA. . 9 writing 0 -ye all A'few fine Fur Oaps stilA on , hand. car approaches the 9 � . � evl - be reduced to suit. PP,rtit I swing the switch tongue in either - .- I was . . _r could , Address EXPOSITOR OFFICE, , can 11 me inter,eat to him. Along with his . . � I . - L t - I ­artierasra of farin. 1366 - — , to open or close tile switch to , ; I a u pr e . directi011, I brotherr, he attended the -ical lectured . I I � - . wrothiet - - SIRAFORT11. - . I �. . . , I �*&forth. I track, by simplY LCY t rilled his hear- ri - . � - � �� . , the ulaill or the side . , LOCK) . Second Division 6 foot piece to bring the I I with hich Edward Irviu RDNO'S B . � w 45 CA � I � OHN BEATTIE Cl-�rk -1 the of Huron, clon- ing on th the contack . A. 3 F r � rs . and from them cauie not only a life-long - . .'__� I J e i � I � ..... - � J court Count�co;;nlissioner, - � Funds GO: D ' BROTHERS . 9 rporleim., on the lower end of I& . � I I I �` . , 0, '?A,�d, O . of the contack Nis de�otion to pre -millenarian views on And- - L Veyancer, Loan and Insurance Agent , I -over Sharp & maker down upon one I rew o an absorbing de- - . . . I �nvdsted and to L6an- Offtco' im -tile rijadbed, the current then � - ,.ti �q:r's part, but als colored � . a 1 7 � _ r,jvens, store. Main street, Seaforth. . SEAFORT11 and BRbSSELS. lates in - Ion prophetical problems which colored , - . Cilag waade to ener&e on - . � ,�- � I . . p - � MLrry-BULL.-The undersizned bas on lot is' . — i� . I tile sliding rod . , ,. much of his thinking and teaching. - - I E . a 0 - of the magnets to move Bonar's first charge was Collace, a lovely = Reducirl . . I . concession 2, H. R. S., Tuckersmitla, we t 0 ecutors otice. �- - The - .... , � Stock . . � - . I J roughbred Jersey Bull, to which EX connected with the switch tOnguO V , . I rural district in Perthshire� There he spent � � - I , mondvWe, a Th Dof] a will be taken. Terms, $1. . box containing tile Magnets is closed Ual M " I � I . � 14112 ) 6f a against the as a ars, full of varied work and quiet 0. isalted number o covf tate of � ro.F T I eighteen ye � I - I ble e I - ally 616110 0 - . I I - -:Pays . the time o,f servioe, with the privilegc All persons bavinx who died the top by serrated covers in the Us ai ' meditation, which brought forth 9, rich har I I if necessary. RICH. D19NNIZ. ,1361X5 . . ,,,,a. 2. C,,ROSS F,ECTION OF COW, STABLE, � � returning, ,. the late RlirabOth 8heffer, od ,on or before the way. I , vest of experimental and theological truth. . I I -------- — No;emb ir 15tk, 1893 &re requir, , t. . _____� ELL IN zoMOND-VIIJA.-To 14 FIRST DAY OF MAYICH, IM, to send to the un- I . --------------- . drop through, while tile coFs a�e in tile it was a wonder. to inany that he should . I - - � . essed to varna The ]Kow Thistle. - .A- - I � , r"O LET OR S , stables and driving dersigned Executor of her will ' addi and of the � sta ce must be reablated to ll�6ve . vas bet- � I I '_L. abrie'lrbonse,withfro6we . ble. , This spa . blushed unseen so long. but it'v I I m5, - the busy city on the , I. ,Dies also for P. 0" full - particulars of their olar by affi- : what a wo,nderful wviy does nature 5 easily done I . � I ise and one sere of land is Egmondy d one bold by them, duly verified In � each pair of cows, which I . ter for him and for - .1 ��Ous, cheap, one frame bome, with st&blean seaurity, if &BY, id hrat day of MArah, 104, the ovide for :unexpected emergencies, by using more or less of the three inch Clyde in which he was to Aj�ocome a power ­� . I : t acre of land, planted with fruit treeo, yor par- (Uvit After the as I I haI ,Ara apply to SAMUgL WALLACE, ligmond- tnd;rsigned will proceed to distribute the aAatc the exiseing situa. . % . ; 1V having reference rtake for instance, I ext to the solid floor. The cows for good, His gifts and gracps. were matur- � . Lou 13GX5 mong the parties entitled thereto, g'in several of tile western states. It '"ll's 1 � �_ . - I a stand Nviii, their hind feet and their back ed as only. the prayerf"Ulet of years of - I I Ville P. 0. —_ ke eizili,s of wbich he sh4ll h&vQ Meived ti0iM1 course, that j - � I — ed Onl,T to tt not be h&9 long been known, Of ,ating. Tile manure pit azured them when d4tributim" he will p;ll,ts over the gi have in'- � , TIOUCe. After the Vail preparation could ; . � - ,,OR SALE. -That very desirable property own he, estate co any person of forthe ordinary am the thistle -either CONN's and wlll That . meyer, being Lots 44 and 46, iiiLbio for any part of t inds'partlY Under the the call to go up highet came to him. $30g000 of Stock to be R � . - Y4 Is. G. he shall not have re notice as ,ex-t'e -11 ' I A_ by the late yy, sestorth. The property fronts* Canada or Scotch -furnished useful aud -in re. The - - whose 01%in' ibeivud hold more tlia'li a nionth's I , 1-1 did not seem to offer great things at . . winlows Survf� a is given �urauant to the call I I 04 In atricultural neigh- )a I on Vi- tz Square, and on it is erected a very 001u- aforesaid. This notle . nutritious food. are beld by Bta4llchions built i first. Itwasan invitation 0 0116 of the I -toe pres- Statute in that behalf. borhoods there is more o�j less prejudice cows 21kAh . table and other buildings, at autor. he stal Is. -American Agricul- I fortable, *Q0290, 9 Kenneth McLennan. ALp,X. MITCHELL, ExI I ctl"I front of t � I smallest mission churcbda in Glasgow. Ten nu I .,_ I : � : � vnt in the occupsmey of Mr. i gals spply to F. Varna, December 30th, 1893. .1 � I against the thistle, as there is in . . forr ' rregation, but the duced at' least 0 ' 'Ohalto I 1i I 1 7 For particulars and tersus of th. 1328-tt I . . 1860x4 rcles against the ass. turist. - members ned the cong ; �, IAOLUF.STED, Barrii,ter, Sesfor . . vated intellectual Ci � - little band grew int� -a multitude which . � . I . : I . Efforts have been nl�de to exterminate . .- I - - . SPLENDID BUBLNFSS CHANCE. -The under ; tile thistle, but nature has sucomf ully . � 1,'er. 11 lZe rs For Frui to. numbered nearly eleve# hundred, A better � - � � . -, d __L___�� � i . I 'ap, and on easy terms I to -this date, and it ondent of The Anlericart pastor than Amdrew Bbnar never lived. He - I ,ignei offers for sale che I A cdrresp - , Ar- Ila Bills Green. it consists, of one - resisted them up ys tliat nitrate of soda is realized to the full- the truth of Thomas . ' February 18t we � his property sh is 9ituited 9, good I 11 SUDDEN . ms probable that the plant will flour- Cultivator sa izer for tbe large Chalmers' dictum : 'A house -go minis- 000, and about " - � arteracre of land, on whic �. ' see rvives. The not designed as a fertil 1J ounts to about $301 � qu under . - . 2 ith dwelling attacled, and ish. so long as the AN su ill id our present stock am it is in the power of cheap goods to .1 7 :, general store w is also a large ware- CH I LLS &A . . ever, dur- alone. it zicts beneficini V ter makes a church -going people.' e cou. ; stock -taking. If I - hich is. & splendid cellar. There neous appearance, how field crops or nearly oil lat of Fe-bruarys wl is the Centre of one simull oil tile sniall garden, and f call every member of the congre4ation by commence our annual - � I house and stable Hills Green - �_ t dimensionS by the I i districts in Ontario,. ; CoLbso ing the last year of - such governors as d small frUitS. his or her Christian name, and the little alf its presen -- � z of the ric.hest and beat farming r a good, Ilya busi- Waite, of-Colorado,l,ewealing,of Kansas, the Small Vegetables an street to bring our stock down to one -h - I �. .. I idid opening fo - where the Z�l . ds ria .t in line. I . .1 . I I � - � I � and this is a a 47 THE COMMENCEMCM Titere are "'ally � -1 11 find our goo gl, . . � .p ex , make money. For . garden soils children ran to meethimonthe . - - CIRARLES TROYER, Hills � d penhover, of Oregon, has raised a Illess man with some nleans tC pot,isil �all(l phosplieric acid ileed to be receive his benediction or sun themselves in you. wi I . I I �,� address OF AN ATTACk TAKE A - an I men as a and the lives I � - J . Grticulars, 1266tf doubt in tl�e minds of thoughtfu � , ate of soda to C0111- his smile. The souls be save - . � � , I e o)vdivary thistle ; cted nitr, I Mean. — — i TEASFUL, Of to thei sufficiency of th . -_ 4. It is Ile moulded cannot be reckoned by tl,le arith- 30 q - : tile -rowill" croP I i — a,te funds to loan at loweSt � . extraordinary do- 1,iiie thein M 1, I such elements but they clothed the preach- Next, December I I I i . , crop to Supply tile Mucl . Saturday I . I 1. �_ . P -RRV DAVIS' ovident nature difficUtt, to tell hoxy lietic of earth, 01a � � 1 $ 300 Priv of interestlu sumgtosui� � mand. Atthispoint pr met .11-oluthe soil, andboxv Illuch nitrateof .1 fluence which Glas(YOW win . . I ; I . . er with an in 0 1 i o . .1 1 500 rates steps in., The emergency has been I -i- � . I 6 700 borrowers. Loans can be com- - . the northwest of a soda is required; J,ut with a liLL16 expe) gratefully acknowledge for years to come. %le,'by making the following at06rtling reductions- � .� � ,$ 1 - V by. the appearance in ri�wn as the an rea,dily determille this. ' of strength to Wei open our big Olearing S, I 11 I ced ' I . Amdrew Bonar was a tower .. - 000 pleted and money advan, a J new,variety of thistle, k inert :one c ty-three and one thirli Off, For . - $1 . � . to four . fe -r 'um 100 to 200 pounds 'every good- cause. in "conflicts for truth in -Ladies' COMS, thir - . 11 . . �, ; 7 4 R. : ,am k hibh grows- St in Ordill4 BY fl d the prices of goods - I - a. Apply to . Russian, w ' re of garden soil will bald righteousness he fought in the front,an , I 1 $1,500. within two day . Im foot in circumfer, applied to one ac instance : . -1 � I _7 - .k- ' d he show his- heels in i . I � � rth. a `7- . . beighf, and. seventeen � - all purposes and luost remai gnoble flight. . . - �, , ,0 S.HA:Ys,Barrister,&c-,SeWfo � pecimen for- 1111sw6l never di - Regular Sale I men!s Fur Coatsi regular P"ce Sao$ .., . -, & - t__ in. � I - � %$;) 50 . 126 m TvIVNIA. once, as pears fr are obtained ' This anioutit Ae was ,_ sale price $24. -., . . EN"ECUR115"SUDDENr I ural. department. at able resulls . But warfare was strange to hi � . - I warded to he . its orvegetablesu at his best when le.adinIz his flock into the I Price.. t Price * I I . I . ,. � is is an ef-, - -esinhilfru _ "' r cent. off. � � ___ I -_ anifestly th will nolt in�jui 11 - . 11 Washington. inake theM flourish better . green past ord of God. � 2 67 White Becl Bla,nketsg 20 P6 . � I -. ssion for ures of the W � r I . I . . � . I 'fort of,nature to make prov , � -- . - , BOARS FOR. SERVICE- �1119 but will often lication. StYl4w. Amdrew Bonar lost himself in the passion Ladies' Coats : 4 67 All. other Fur Goods, 15 per cent. Off .1 _�. . I I . � - - browding' than ' ally Othev aPP it 44 7 00 ! � . igned new order of governors nOw d soil. after d because of that he regular Priceo. 11 I 0- I!<. - thrive oil goo of service for Christ, an . - w. -The unders 1i 0 , - It is an endeavor to berries often / (4 46 10 00 6 67 � 9 I I .- . . � MpROVED YORKSHIRE PI red Im- . . ) I over our prairies rate, alt,11611911 found the noblest possible life. � Great as the i 26 ,per ccut- Of ; . I . I bas i1or sale a number of Thorougbb I relative proportion of the plication Of tile 'lit Men's OvercoatA 0 . I of both sexea. Apply on Lot — keep up the tile al) . I — I : le tothe ordinary ass. Four previ�usly they seem to have had a har�,i preacher and the writer were) the man Was Ladies' Muff and - ' � pioyed Yorkshire Pigs, . ilar pricEs. I - i - . aekeismitb,;or address .. ` � is true of v The sweet sunniness of his 2 25 regi m � 2 L_ R. S., T1 f oidinar egeLables 11 � , L . 0 I great 3 00 � I . 24, ConOesblOn la5,5 t f - 0 ,ot prove entirely ,-Crqi�r,&le. Tile same er still. � . APMAN. ,, I Collar oats, 25 per ceut. off regUr - � 1 4 feet by sevenzeen may u ?3n 1. BmQefteld P. 0, w -M. Cla . . - - . ti,,1L zLppear to starve on very rich soil. marked as the fidelity With which . , . Boys' QMr� z - I � . . 1_.' least a 9 it'll tile Soils (;f such cyar- . . �, - 8 - � I .0 I PIGS. ,� undersigned will keep I ' _J __ '��i it "' at til� I Theti uble w 7 he carried the white flow � 7 _______ 600�1� e ____ , � � Lo k ad " t'i't ,00d begin- - piety is as er of holiness through !Adies' NUE sucl � ZRKSHIRB -The on on Lot Is, conces- , Everybody - 0 marvelous fer 3c, career. The ' 7 00 6 25 lar prices. . - � - � 'L � 'at ' -a a th e. -New I citni hat they have till the nL - ssary re was nothing Collar . Me,jls ancl . Boys' Suitf4 15 per cent. - � i B aur he present sew in .. I"stl te' . :Is t .. . e -_ � �i BRUJIM . , of natur along and honored I � . . Z t t , It il ilit t him. . ith a THOROuGHNSW B . a_nd ada tab Y So complet ! � 91on a Tuckerstu — � ts present, but they aro or� sturained abou * I . J ill, -ial elenle" � ill be taken. ___�_ I. . I ..In 10 i morbid dies' MuT and - prices. I � - 0 -e off regulae � . number of sows w 11 r Trlbune� ,a condition for the plants to ma,� so entire was his La 10 0 reaue" 25 1, p1G to'whioh a limited I . - was his self-abnegatiOn, 1 �, - -1 I z I.. . jer�ls,_$I, p&yable at the fArne of service with the � ------------- � 1 "ot ilf consecration, so joyous Was his service, that Collar inos Dress Goods �. Z� 1 �' 883ry. JOIM,G. SPROAT. As this is the season of the year use () , 50 Many I I � � privilege of returning it nece 1344-tf I convenient Pump riatform. . , .tt once. did we feel Ladies' Hats I - I I � buy good, com- . �,L,l �!,,q of wilat he was and per cent., An& somie 35 'per oeut - ve , I I , ,,p,,-i,,,g nitrate of soda to, tLe in reading e which I I I . I i that e' ry one must ,ng tile farmers I I 1. 'I it always better to, weigh out gher lif es' Hats 50 25 � , I. 1� �, ;� b �'hile traveling amo 6-a 11. is . the bracir Ladie � for 9ic. � . r I . - ORKSHIRE,PIG.-The undersigned fortab.1 footwear, and as tiffles ar take il- t,,,(- - , -�d, and tile" 11liX it Ladies' Fur ospes 30, 00 22 `50 All 12JO Fri -at i : �� I I . - blp%OVED Y e hSve Observed that those who ,Ilylckint degh strengthens in us all aspirations to live the f i i ' ;ee� for theimprovement of stock, ou Lot -11oney soa-rce, we have re- I rvA papers and maga- , fiVE tilllOi ' sure of all true great- . nts for 710. 1 -,- ; � - . ; %-! - S.- an Im. hard and I entire stock justrated agricultu N�- i Ell fine soil oil ,and about Christ life. Tbemea adies' Fur Capes 14 00 I 10 ;50 All loc Pri ngha � I 5 - I I I - I . i cidneession 8, L. R Tockersmith, king something to . " - th the L , Gi , M - I ,� . t1iis thorou-Jily! so 7 great wi I I mi, ness-the greatness which ib I cotton:--Shir iU98 &U(1 - I � I first -e -lass edigree, to duced the prices of Oui u�,s tire always Ma its quality. X t I , I - prove will be taken, zi . _ � I d Yorkshire ftar with . 'more at- -1 & limited reoffered in Sea- ;-make home )�cmlii)g it in tile garden an - number of sows lesson labor 'and I � In sl t5 iminortality of G.d-is the degree with Ladies' Fur Coats 20 per cent. Off. 11 which able at the time of service with the ] ower -than ever befo A wide-awake neighbor has t1lilt:' I The ate in�hu- , per cent. off. $2.50 ; $7 f3ealett I , .� . . - �L - - .1 � I I , #,,VeLi distri4uti011 will be obtained. which the Christ becomes incarn t I ,. Terms. -41 P&Y ing if. necessary. This is one of ur store will tractive. up his pump platform in a 'be , 22 in Stock, Old. $3.50 Sealette for - . 1,rivilege of return fortb. Those IS11ying at 0 s�da deposited UP011 tile- leaves - '3 . � I I . KAS LANE. e of man activity ; and that true greatness - Men's Fur Qoats I - r. gs in the County. TRW a:3s article at a just atted . the engray. Ditrat , * �0 - $9.50 SWette for - �, I . tA-e beat bred pi -t' -cl , der plants ill 01L -e thein, or, Wnal - ' � . V �, - . - � 1353 beable,tobuy a first � in injoi _w Bonar in except' . for 64A , �. . .. . iiient way, as seen in longed to Andre rice, lees 20 per cent. Off _f � — a our.goods are all marked convIe nized iron pan fifteen ()f L�"l 011[act ill lat're measure-. E[is4ife was hid With Christ in p . I ----------- low price, a �, ing. A galva ,nehesdeep, 9f & if it�carne in direct c 0 price $2,01 $6.75. -, - R S-g1tvICZ.-The undersigned has for " n& eight $'talks or roots Ls Jacket Cloths 25 � _�. i . -D-O"klts FO f I inches acro" a qu;thtitie',; NN'itll tile . C011- Godand-foranch' theparadoxof saintli- m n,s Fur Cdats, regula"! All Maut,111198 aucl . � I - ,nglish Berkshire and r, . t forth e I . - - i . Y � n illcr it to ally "rOwl, Ir I . � I- , I . . -D service it thoroughbred F i, Lot 6. awa down. . , pply 0 lir ness-becausO it was so hid i shone sale price $1.6. . Off. I ., ed Tamworth at his premiseE Ll� speciat attention to 92-- , SequenitlY in 0 i,x,LLA I They per cent , a titioroughbr [ullett, The Berkshire & was bred We call Yot I . I scatter. the in I with the, more strikingbrilliancy. . I - � I platits, ib is, bexer t , , .1 .1 ftneession 6, 13 ;_4i.00 for the Berk. - � part (if it ghtness of . . � I b,J8,eII,o, immonton. Term.* at the our Winter stock ancl low Prices, I ,I lmt�veen tile ruxv8, 80 t'lat lao I that be wise shall shine as the bri . � e priceS. � I I $1.60 for the Tamworth, paYR1,19 The next rain that _ �m nd they that turn many - . - - . hire all -ice, with the privilege of returning if which we feel confident *ill suit your I trets on tile leaves. . I the tirma ent ; a lines of goods regard.less of cost or wholesal � I . , , - to ril We offer numerous - Off :our I jute of sera Igo a number of good young p',g rit for ,'your pockets. - I Coules ,-viii wash tile fliLraV iuto tile soil ighte.usness as the stars forever and roughout the entire establisshmeut 12i per cent I . - A ig Dts and also 1111- 0 th 0 � - :_1 I tiet-eg8ary e. These are all registered stoe-c. Y. , wa T .ical proce�ss wili begin i I All other goods . I � 11 . I geryiec for sal 13 3-t f , now designs in . . . . and the chell, e or ever. — � . . I I . I R. SC;HOAI,ES, Constance. . . We have some � . I I niediatel.y. it is ,L g()OJ idea to- hu -----,* !gular market prices; or- � . ,, . g the rE - ,I - rn t Sure of the times, this will be found & golden OPP � - I . gartien rio-lit af.er applyir. 4 . improved Yorkshire rake- 016 . i The Grand Old Mau. In view of the pres -1 - I I AR FOR SERVICE. -An dollar, payable S) 1� j I 0 a C) . actioll . their supplies at a low Price' The early � � .. 9 Terms. -One BUNKS AND VALISE S the Ditrate Ue"Ills. � from abroad tunity for the buying Public to secure gets 111corl)ol'- - _W . , Boar for service. T I � , I ! I ure c � o has recently come - with the privilege ' k- I v then, its it . A lady wh � B 11'13' !��i to q � I somewhat - � D6t , the time of.3ervice, Ord Down I ' , I- soil ininiLdiately. There . e for this true but buyer gets the best choice. ! ecesssry, also a, number of Oxf t fore buying - . ­_ - _­ -, is responsibl, nuille Olearing Sale. �, � � I im, if Hullett. L. Which you 8 - e I .. ni . iecdotel wh -i- r' � � '. ?.,��s Ion bould see Add into t a . r sale, on T,ot s, Concession 13, - - -Iny vantages otitained fro ich shows the e8t- Remenibe this is no humbug, but a ge I 1366-t I I art ill, ad oils tilat irreverent al . I rlock P. 0. I I - k . tone is held by - , � I '. tit use of I I I TASKER, 11% ___ etsewhere. � __ . Iliti,ate soda oil s I)LIL mation in which Mr. Glad" __ � __ _______ __ - - . I I -IF- - n -Mrs. Glad- � . .------ . 11 AlpROVED BERKSHInM.-The ' undersigned-, , . . prices i . -1 I _. aiv� ric-11 %vith vegetable inateri"ll? . . his family. She was calling 0 —_ I � J � � a swine, will keed Give us a c4ll,and see that oul - - - . I . a Peciect "Grandold Man" had not of improved Berkbhir � I - It �llould never be used � on and the - - t i , r2687),. sirs � 1 stone, conversation I . -_ . I � b6ar, Morton ( - I � � PUMP FLATFORX re. It i,s onlyla supplenlem Lo made an appearance. The � - �� for service the celebrated Savernake's are, what we advertise I DIPRO-V= . Lullnu . i;repeal,ana r A 1 I r. (imp.) (LODB). dam I I � I -ins ILS best fullctiOn, 3h politicE I - Royal Stal . for grade sows. . others. It perfoi drifted around to Englil � - � � I Wai I i -circular shape � the i Dmugbter, 0 - WV -1 ),) (19,19,� Terms so as to fit snugly ssinc� whell at things �t . PTOK RD - I U Ible for the geueralopinion seemed to be th LkJ � .- �% $-I 65 and tok - registered Bows, or .80ws a 9 me of Richardson & AcInnis, .. With all iDCh pipe to ,v;i-ea applied as a top (11"IL' 0 . I I I 'ija6ation, $2.00. Fe's t� ., . alialst tile punip, %,,,illg. It sL111111- i - - . re payable at the ti F ed directly platilts M -e up aud gro were going pretty badly. - a � - _. . � 'urninK, it necessary. . . ovey the water*. is plac 11 the I - growdi, and ib will ul, however," saV I i I service, with the Privilege of ret I 11 tea theM i 13 t o 11 em IT 0 Ttr-r T1 . � . 11. � 44 We should be thankf ve who I f... __ _-- I -few choice YOuDg sowsin farrow and 9EAFORT ,pent. Into this pan a one Pr eLre is One abo I SIELA_ � I . I . . Also On hAnd a it . � � under the z ol 1llaLUrlLv by 11 that th � . other young stock for sale. Wn a to, or call on . hat slops over fall, '11ten liast.011 their ' * - . the visitor, i . 'R, 1344 --- dripp a t -o ill experl- will watch over I , n n a benign Pro- - . -1 1 � Wkt. MCALLISTF ___�_ .. inas wee "-. It is tl'-e Co 111 Oil is 11 mea. il 9 i - 7 � Varna. r�7c_onveyed by tile pipe to a flower ! _ both Of g"111iell 'illd I - 13" 1 f . .1-1 I I �nci a . ground is irrigated by Pee that cropsl vidence. . ' whose - I i . . gkirt-leli where the 7 b,eer. forced by u I Lr,ite Of sentecl TvIrs. Gladstone, I __ � 1GS AND BULI,-The pndersigoed will keep On ISTOO-W � �Illin- a small trough into ,%,;,Iiioh tile jl�el(l, diat have ,y Lo r(ISist 11 Yes," as evidently �on he celebrated - . - I Py,ot so, Concession 5, usborne, for the improve- � 1. M lljptiEs to save the supply for -the- sbda have a strolic"er telidenc p sea.- thoughts were just � gone r Upstairs to I I I � Pipe e , -door, Jiseases"_,and in Nvet, dam I I he- has . -1 I . . eat of stock this season, IL registered Black Pohmd for. trap �Iarasibc (A , -ield husband, W-KallSaS City . . p- recently Purchaved from J. J. Piue Chat- P tilue to ge� yo�r Photos ditclies. Behind the pump a - a hasp, . � . ;�Albins, e A;nerica- Is th �� ks9 ,fitted wit]' strvw hinges and slons these crops are the last oues to 3 aange his collax and luff4 - ., Nitrat� of soda 01 L � han, anYWred from one of the best figa in XMaS. onli three wee � - I 0 Lil(,, aLUICL-S Of f 11119" Times. . . I i Remember � and padl6ek opens into a cOnTs � � I 11 I . lie ' ill also kQeP a Thoroughbred Berkshire Pig:� � . ) . I exhaust tile land but Will �1' \ _ -.0 — . ! - W .-A - of� ()ab. : staple: or, cream, ill ilever 9 . ,,�_. - 11 i I � i . - i I . Ter 11 payable at the time of ser , I r %% bich butt Itll ill i . als ,if each pig �a, of returning, it necessary: a all kinds Inient eceptacle in . .� available th'a Mute' 0 . � the privile and as 0 ed over, and sin-lply 1-nake -ago e I I . , vice, with P an ex0ellent Thorough I am makiu to be warm - rettY Incident at Chic - ,% ,; . I I I a for sale, cheal I ' vegetables ell as in a ic. Colitinue to fecd tile 111n(i with pro A P t the, 160, - z � � - ­ . tie has als ding �ull. THO3. CUDhfORE - rk for $3 per dozen until .after aud Lhe nitrate - at beautiful thing I sawa � I �4 - - - I " bred Dprham Yea 1357-tf ' 'net Wo 8 at weats can be keP� quite as w rilyard manures) The 1-fto � * - It . . - . or ba � plant food for an old woman in one of den E ,� __� . i,urnley P. 0. I F; you should,get sitting rofrigator and ,wltllout the.expense for . I 1�� 7---=- 1 __�. the boliday , . ..M les and ice. e' TI) � platforill is . made of a frame- �) f soda will prepare ti,eir I World's Fair was- pushing it-', � Her - . I - I . .! � -st sty . joists, with a Jilllinediate uz3e.. Try it oil Your straw- the wheel ellairs, her son - ' � I . � nee. I hav6 all the nei�e liv six inch. wed �. . I � . . .1, i )rk of two both �berries and other garden crops. 'hair ---md care furrowed. face sho I , _ '.. z - 0 oring nailed on white . � z w � Shorthorns I - — more than three -score -and- . 11 � � � . Ao the $rade, &�d use '( ,toli'd flo A _­ ' , . imported designs knowni I floor of nla 8 . space being filled I ; she had waited . ppiest days of her � I . I � . . sides, the intervening I � � ventions Out 3 keeps out ; lais 'neason, I . .n years for one of the ha . I � - )f So' horns from the Thi, I . te neither . � , , otch Short williarn Marr n Ila . I lean ain dress proved that I I � . The last 4nd 0 cold - I �. i importation 1 othincy but the latest I - sawdust. I," said life. The pl I 4 I � , �n� h and great- 'it I c ter and heat in suintiaer, and i ,, '�r thile. whell iVs . .e- � . . . . . faluous herds of william Duthie In Nvint. butshe was rich inJoy, -1 � . 7 has arrivt . I now offer, for sale the two iwported to secure the highest is frost in win . . carryiriL): of the i ,,, NViSl) ,t I WaS a po'lar bt.'Zff was rich in purse ; � - , I d 11 and � 11 Deflanae.- The I with tile pr 310n f or and beauti- I 'Rob 1) i e, . . Gould in making. his 2 ­ . .1 ". , llftrne minister _0v1f 'obe cri,owin all over 1110 ; be richer than Jay � �. . .- I Ilu'le Field Marshall and. � P, of Seaforth cant and are orfferiu9s � - . ; i - former a grandson of the faluOus est pernlanei�by in ulY work. drippings it is -always clean I I "Vith a white I - W -, I - I, have also three of I when the, ba,ehall SM. mother happy. I shall forget many wonder- reliable Dry Goods 110116 ­ � I - � - . Ir sired byGravesend rames American Agriculturi4t.' ' but iLl ',,'!lll'1l('1-' aw at the Fairi . but never for- The -old and . I I � , the lAtte a red and a roab, by Deflaince and The very nicest ass6rtgaent of F ful.- i , 11 Lj(".i. , ;�, `tj '- ful things I 8 ' parobmeA . - ,_ dains. I " I .1 ,,i I-, I ff t. -,,uiL MO." aving �_11� � �. __. _� I my own breeding, -ported soll" 0 I , n black, restWg so Me. Facts speak for themselve& 11 - - . dio, an-ld'pictures such e, Robbip ?" getithe 'little old wOmall i - � - ?Arne minister, all Out Of im proacha, 11 I I -_ - I . z). iod. by I V a ­ir:lff r joylit face discounts unaP .r . wiIi stand inspOctiOn- . worth laemem. bering. --Wh � � - _� .t sort and in town at iny Stu � ., 'ai-A R. I" . � coz ly i3� that rolling ehair� he I They are the righ w stock. Barn 0 41vor Lhe ienl,u , , es us to sell every WfI018 I gasonable, no trouble to sho D. D. . . . --Ilo kin . e as her stal- dollar, enabl _. �. ;_F - r �� I ., I - . prices T, - Et h Arto ty pes,, 01ios and, 8 teel, -Imagination never disturbs existing ; ie under t1le aureole of white hair, 'k 9� - . Lcrs I _11. on atoc , a 10w 'rate Oil the I I I I � .Only about a mile f row the railway station " "' 25 1 � .� r 1) e r,,,: 1.;; i za r. wart son bent over and told her some new the Jamies YOU . _ - I � I a t%jrn, seator�h. 1358-tf � ­ �7 , -- - . . Inglesid ,c gs, aoing che�. for Xmas- facts.- Ug profit. - . - , I WILSON$ I ;n'gravinr _n ,p F weaknesses of* human nature are ---------*— coming to- I � Are we al- itill have. a livi . _­ - n - ,, - - and s -_ -_ .­ � �, I � Howell's BOYhOod. wonder they werE I les8 than wholesale price, , 11 � V -the Ground � Mail' Mr. CA in her eager- in the store at . � . , p,emember the placd distort�d virtues. " little literature most there, son V' I she ask said, smiling at I dhase i0f $1 from us, wishin t* . � _. - - - , . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. s not demand condi- 21 he .. �'_� 1� I Contentment doe 1 lit sehool there was as any- ness. 11 Yes, mother) i Iltake can save from 25 to 75 per cent. on every pur - : . � ,� - . � - to Studio. , . � i d I cannot say � . � - . - � — ,_,trtib� h,11 Floor I?ho makes them- s now, an ading ; but I her childlike enjoyment) I I and t wi - I importatious arrive- . I � � ALE.-ifor salt $ I - tions, it llows, we think, are thosei then as there i schoolre e 71 And she . � OOD FARM FOR 8 anoah, 100 I thing wors� of Our ath this - time, sur . e our -Spring I . )cssion 2. E48t W&w -failing - - The wisist f e. - I . . - &took $10,000 &t least befor I - I - Lot ii, Conc . Seaforth. ! 0 was mucl and he chuckled like a reduce th� � : . t - G good orchard and never BAUSLNUGHI I ,who agr a with us not really verY [ like a ,child, I I � .xres good fences, - .',, a Mr.Williarh laughed - rL r r ,D. COOKE, Barrister, Blyth, . . . ....... �� ed,on, not know- - r I .J . � . . ......... I . ..... . �_� IT yourself you must be dif It small harm from It, writ' - th r pass 'not pro- r -_ I vreek. Apply to H. 19-78 � . --- . TO be real by delighted bo as e3 inghain- to warly of our cust we coul'a � MI. � I . ; or PRILIp EIOLT, Goderich. " � ,er,ept from those around You. ! ,I ec Howells in his literary autobiograp ing that =X dy noticed _them. -B omers 'whom i I - I t mak nlo-i . � L - �s the 1000 1 D�an We owe an &P0109Y � 3eing north half of Lot40, On - Whistling doego' ommenced ja the December Ladies' Home . NVP . � . i . - ARM FOR SALE.-]. Th D KrIellmi London, . . steam. -Good �inL, office was my school ton Republicans ­ I , invite all to ear, spin and somire I I wanosh. r, c . . it Is the silent ournal, The priul n===F�___ 1.11. . 1 L .- - �� the tenth Corfee8slon Of East W& . - To 1109 . __ I Iat�' r thorough- _� r . I i i the great ru . F ntains ioo acres of land, more or less, 8o acres L Spdcialir,t on tile eA A y C, . My fathe � perly serve, OV`Ing GO ?n . � f&rw co )d state of unl- lbot Street, tusekoeping. from a very , ' ff I . . are Cleared.- Well fenced, and:in a 52 497 Ta W STALL. i J in it, and he, had his beliefs as to Lion Store- I .. I . . tivation. Two never failing walls. rhere is 11 good . E & THROAT � SELF-CLEANING CO ! ly believe d as soon as we <::��� 2 S POO NIS, the great bargains now offered .. at the Golden I I- -, I . -son the'prewi8es and a good ' EAR) NOS ' ich he illustrate L Z5 1 - - - .1 L . Darn and stable EYE, r Hos 'L ------ � work, wh e he fol- ,r one, flued witlL house, I farm is within Wye railes of' f the New York Eye and Ea p1tal, L r <:D;;;- _------­) The smal�_c I I I . . bearing, orebatd. The m. For further partioulsX1 - Graduate 0 d a Great saver of LabO� were old enough to learn the traa "di P � I - . I � I Town of Wingha 1889. post Gimd uate Course at,. the New York Po9i 11g Wt11 be Folun I We could go E the I I � the itsi on the Eye - I : lowed Qr.e ��i!_led vviilr I—- - - - - I I .- L - � . - � . on the premises, or lo lyk Feeding and ClOall'IBIK , office 06nd t'r,nij Lhe la'rRC , ilit-rF .. - - I �.. � . 3ipply' to ESAJAS PEAREN, 1367x26 Graauo,ta Medical School and #09P . ustTA- )uM go into ., .. - MU114 CL ]a & '" 'T i I � I to school and study, ;F.Vp %vi -,l e,�, more buli ILUT U Fu� the printing , f Ced I.iver Oil ST ... 1. � , Eyes Tested. , or we cc . ce ,,�,; 13(".%V I I ,, in tile ill IrT j. pzts,R&4, Winghim, p. o., ont, ,N-ose and Throat, 1892- � w stall shown , of learning, but n;anY,:fr_111,F­(- - - S 1i a ;jot,s t!"ve, zMes as - - I . . Ear, t1fical Lye;�, *spectacles and Lenses. Will The co , and Leaualchau SKp S, - . ytYNRY ,hk co.L,j no incie . . . I - I .. tions is planned for a dairy f arni work, with ax I do somet):iin , -i rl. stock, of Ar � st 9 IT111C11 NVO:,- a,. 4 I,T-,,e J)Ottle. of eur4� o A1020A — - ( b r ,,, . - ��. I ?,-For sale, a I ,at saver of la we could not, be idle ; we mu . _ -UOOESISORS TO R ,TAA11F'S0N' . �_, , - .' f1JAGE PROPERTY FOR bALl rictona Street, .be at, -the I will be found 'to be a gre Lah he was willing tej,:53. - JIM""C'I L .11Y 11Y S � I - _. � One storeydwelling House on I is . � - - I in,r an&keepi69 the col � I for our sold'S sake, th"v IS taE r " 7! - , - _� 11 V rooms %nd R-ATTENBURY HoUtEv CLINTON in,fee& ,V a cloat". should play and he liked him- K. C A,Mpi,,r-_LL C- 1-,,%,, plantreal. 1- . I - - I- . 1. � I I � The house CODWDO 6 - �� - � % ftwo dville. The garden .00n. o -of troughs th6T0 is a enough vle I , I ;;;;; _:7_1� .110' J '!R , � ru�n",, self to go into the woods vwt� us, and to I , mfortableand convenient. IDAY, FEBR A. Y 2nd,1894 In feeain�, in place L "L I � very C leversi good pium trees. and a lot of small ON FR I , moa,r,te - a 00th floor without obstruction- . . � . . . - Wns H The � . 0 am - - � r . - 1. Thereto &good cellar under the house. Hours 8:39 1L. m. to 4: p. m. GUM MW2 _. - ­_­�.­*NAA I � �� I - I fruit. Me. I : - I zt, - � , . will be sol obeap, and on reanonableter , I I I . L � I I � 11 - 'Pis" "n -t I . . I i . I � 14. � I �1_ I AWy to S. MARTIN, SeftfOrth F- 0- - I I ,r - . . : � � . ; �_ . . I i ! . 1� - . . I � __,� . . I ,., ! I L I . , . . I . - P� I z-_- � I I I . . � . '\ � I L' -_ I L - . e - L . I - :- . . 1. I : � . . . : I � .�_ I - - ­ - I I � ''I . I . 7 k�,t-­�- L. - �,�-!�- _ I . - � ­ ­­ ­ ­ �_:. - _. ­-7---7-:�' .�, , - -, i ���� : - �._ - . ­ 1. �L_t ____ -, , -, 7,'�, - - - I � I I . I _­�____­, ____� �_ I 1. .� - - �., - - -_ -,---I 1. . I - -1 . _­ - - . ,�­. _, -_ 1_��t�, � ­ �� "w - I . . 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