HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1894-01-26, Page 17,
7 i
BRos., Pubhshers.
$1,50 a Year M
ARY 2.; 6 18.940
-a attende
-SEVEN The bride wa
luig at the idea never unc4w of the
On 1 e -, is th
UMB-SR) 1,363. the who was at once taken to the hospital. i�rprisilig tl by lier *sister, and Mr. Daly, of Kingston,
WELOLE N leave oil fathers Ufore, as the w�A be st year and a half
............ akers delivered interesting City Hall who have aworn, to . t, by the doctors it was found occurred to tne cl at man. For the 1i
examina ion right thing
first attempt at reduction. had been fountam all doubt, the the, �17ide was teacher Of "thew,ties, Latin
given to stock-. Bribiils feed it the afternoon pe
addresses. that the main artery in the arm
large y to produce sinew, staihma, into WEVNESDAY M ORNIN G. Loo severed, and the�cut had been clean to the in the right place. i . n the Hamilton Ladies' College.
Fir _The Canadian- evangelistg' , Hunter and ad�qreek,
horses. For rich soil grow the eikly clover, ercise of great Previlous to this' she taught for a Couple Of
of Hullett, took up the Lrking five years younger than ever) in a bone. it will r quire the ex
The m Public Schi
i � large late. Rye Thomas McMillan, Crossley, are now holding 'very successful )ol, and is r -
r W
if $oil is the Ity. vation, roat, -Edward Blake, M. P., medical skill ta-zave. the arm. one e and
grasses are ad is colifit SOW Cult�. I ore about our _,-Mr. anL4 Morine, a Cap bl
ted to thi of the Soil." He showed the big new beaver 1 street. He was even of Hull, revival meetings in Brooklyn, New York, in years- in Dundas
manur- is once In Mrs. JacqueE
ames Connell
15 pound$ per acre, 8 p aA4 of. red, 3 ed by them in draining, 8 i to his tUe laFgest Methodist church, it is said in membered as of the m6 t
plau follow
12 to tion of crops. The seen on Wednesday.to run up -stair near Ottawia, colebrate4 the sixtieth aim, a gy ea ro, do at. popular of its teachers- Kr
lit iowing, and cultiva o residents
of alsike and 4'of timothy. Bett6t_ qua I y P. ' w died and in the dis- office. 'in the Commerce Building, basting versary of Aheir weddi!ng on Thursday,, the America. There re very r - t W 'n 8 ago$
kilL u6i well lian.
GREIC y generous setding) e'.Ot as spouse tendi-iqg, and with good ;Wuts and family were? Ina Y ear
JAGN of hay and pasture b at the elevator. - The re 18th Ipst. Johill toll, N. B., of Ayr. - - us-
cussion Morrison, Hislop, never a glance ulted --st a church at Mono Id tr
ing out weeds,. &c. )eix varieties to 84t iii which Messrs appeal for liome-rule aid res —Canada's monster cheese is lying at a ches —The testamentary executors a
trachan, Stewart, Rennie, to his last omest Presbyterian chur
Lucerne and orchard gram are -f,first-clags Fraae� Elliott, S one of the hand of the late Sir John Abbott
illan, . Currie, much as ctia the other., Frak -Smithy railway station, in London, England. About
Lino, bargai ffler acut from 4une -until McFadideii, Duncan, P,,. MOM the Maritime Provinces was totally tees of the- estate
oiling crops. Yon can
I -good. points were George Kelly and E roll Long a is said to be bad, but in the Bank ol
am 12 inches of the to 'ay
ffave m lea Prepare took part 'a 'number of by fire last Saturd night. The have.tken out a Writ to forPe
S teniber when corn con a pi r. is souns. destroved Montreal to accept the transfer to their
we u
Lucernq,-' wiR not brought out. - nt into their pock6ts d with what
et-�, - :: I the balance entire'church furniture, together with three of the bauk!tock held
ling, and Farnishi: well before their offer —The third ro'bbq of jewelry stores in
-soi seedirig. constituted oyed.. Paties of 34 sham
YOU in� Fine Ctotl For was the topic Blake gave himself, T and
first --aero- Cleaning the Land is week cabled to Montreal occurred riday night when organs all brary, . were also destr by the estate he case is a test one,
stand much cutting the �'l
e the line Of P$Luts . se white lo Ver, red spoken upon by Mr. Rennie, dealing with the $4 000 which was th The Toronto Lavigne's shop window was smashed and Loss heavy insurance about $17,000. tant dearing.' The bank
seeding lawns or lanes ul
As an exg-InPlei Be ts, t or the destruction of Canada thistles and other ..the Hoil. Justin McCarthy. will have an impor stock until the tax top and blue grass, e &I ar ,lit clov dently believe that at the $400 worth of goods carried away. —The village of Thainesville is wild -with ed to transfer the
P - The buds of the thistle are Nationalists eN 1efus
when in full bloom. rae a tedde# if possi- noxious weeds.
tlie regular 'prices were rumors f coming religious successful meetin - of the excitement over the rich strike of natural
ler at $3, " if. Turn near: the surface of the soil and are feeders, present, when —The most 9 ed by the Quebec LegislAure On tra`15-
to or( ave it in cock before nilo ard could as r�ade there recently by, the Thaniesville III Po - had been paid. The case will
ble and h South Waterloo Farmers' Institute ever
ed, them. upside down before hauling in. Al' Deep plowing� is a ure transplanter of troubles are ripe, the great Edw fers of stock
to $5. The quantity.. InIt Em in aid- helc Ctura64as company. The company had
it makes it ore pal- thistles. 'Use a broad 43heae cultivator, cut- better devote his time at home thi 1 -in New Hamburg was closed on Satur le come before the Court of Appeals -
ways salt clover hay, People who won't day last. been drilling for some time pist, and tf R. Fulton, an, aged Scotch lady
then harrow shaking UP ing Ireland over the 8 best selee stable. ting aff thistles., av Mr. Blake be- rincipal of the Ancas- othe� day went down to a (lepth of 125 feet Ayr for over
and. th early buYer has the eks after the work h e the chance of seeing --John Robinson, P ful vehi was who resided in -the vicinity of
11 Mixed Husbandry," was well ha"�dled theeeds. Three we fter the dose fore he returns to Englaild in early Febru- ter public school, was fined $2 and costs at in the solid rock, where a power half a centur died Zn the 11th inst., -On tho
�enewed, and a month a that the strapping a boy struck. e age had so long resided. This
I as fo1IO*s : Afixed was I in learnin ce court, for fiiin wher
by J. Z. Fraser, Burfor(, a thing of the ary wilt be intereste Hamilton poli
tion. 0
without. looks are no Another bargain) a repeated thistles were- McFall was- cutting down
)eat anil- id pupil with undue sever, Y. hile James &stings home e many others.i cherished in the
hilsbandryja the safest, I I e- field in Markham town- statesmai�p brown longer h' _NV
he far- past.on my 16, acr yore but cust 11:18 farm in Thurlowl H of the early settlers, as the
doubt the m at profitable system for t I in the gro den undef�the flapping soft felt of 0 —D. G. Grant, sub -collector of Oms, a tree oil
wmg heartg,of many
y country to business ship. A spud should be use� 'istie "of the Barrie, and C. E. OlHagar, sub -collector, county, recently, he found two $5 bills and,
to order adopt. Ifi, ssible. gain adorilment by a n aere they always found a
Twe 1$152 mers of an as often as PO attY Chl tree. There had emigrants'llome,w]
ed Buit grain and gang plow have been dismissed from the one $2 bill imbedded in the
I alties may succeed beat but'l',Ithis rule hearty Christian welcome and a resting place
Quack grass was removed in the same way. newest.make. Hakersville, evidently been a hole bored in the tree with
to $20. farmer to public service. seeking a home of their own. This
ICES, $18 not be safe for the'Ontario The same treatment will kill f the Rev. Dr. Douglass) n fkUgUr, and the iponey was put in, as the while was characteristic
adopt except perhaps in special an�ges. Our Don't turn ' do under the . soil. -Gang —The condition o a] over so that it whole hearted hos I
wee iely after the appointment of Al-
Immedia allows a gradual improvement, hole in the tree was grown
adopt the rule 'of producing; to the Inspectorshi of Montreal, of Mrs. Fulton her Luliv-
entioll th two lines only� but, farmer must that he I can pro plow in the fall. A wet season ii better fre!d Boultbee, ex-M.P. ip and great hopes are entertained of his ulti- was hardly discernible.
we; M esse t he.reqiiires The -0
nearly all tha g 'weeds.: went into Dun as —A number of large contracts for lumber
than a dry ne for killin f1prts, John Douglas, for 36 years Sur- d
would not d to go ia*clusrively ar the surface and must to recovery froin his present illness- —Mrs... Br ok Ryckma vicinity'
duce. It, 9 couch grass grows ne of Customs an office only second to Ina weas old baby to be, cut by mills in Ottawa and
veyor ag8ton School from Millgrove with her Six
ave many �bers to offer you ill some 6ther per- —The expenses Qf the Kb - y by
we h n first in ib, was G(
into st6ck and depend upon be plowed dow e spring, j then thit of Collector, told to vacate his 28,000- to -visit her mother) Mrs'. )rge Hill, On during 18n were completed last Prida;
Neither I cial. As Mr. Board for the past year were over at her mo- the representati-vesof Quebec and Eng"an
-odu ultivated a -number of tmes. Buckwheat
Furnis- son to pi ce the food for therd "tile many c There are fol
Oats, Go ds I* after room for the use of the new Off, ty-nine teachers. The Victoiia Tuesday last... Upon arriving
as, Fur would it b�e a wise p weeds or a short itoms ap- find that houses. The value Of the shleawffi aggre-
Oc or clover will smother out' Douglas is a Reformer and the on,, t shocked to
UP' to ingage exclus- d with School cost W 800. her's house she was - Lumber merchants 8�ly
experiences we have Don't allow Ian to are in the gift of the Dominion identally gate &2,.500;000.
I would not ad*ise, how- rotation is ag pointmen of lumber
raw. -his want' of courtesy —The total losses by fire in Cfanaa in her baby was dead, having been acc er efforts 6st $4,000,000 worth
ively in grain ox -e e daisies to remam* long in 9 he took t - smothered on her way in through h that at lea during.
Oo varied a. eyst�m but- to Governmeiit, did so last week. 1893 amounted to $6,232,530 and the Lnsur
ever, to enter on t weel iA a weed that should be fought �Out- prev, been sold in OttaWLL Or e
Come as a hint to resign, and ce losses to $3,955,730, against $15,260,000. to- eo it getting cold. has XG sales of a
e(ption will Pay You adopt, those lines that are best adapted to Wild oats and mustard will retain vitality an ial traveler, weeks. 'Usually
1119p, e Althoif�h Mr. Douglas's friends are r —Alex. J. Morrison, commere the past two
Root aigin and 0,503,250 in 1892. months, but
ements of our'faims small
the producing el re Messrs. Stra Collector
growing, stok raising and the p6duction of for ten years or mo a ruction, the fact that _A.citizen @f Hamilton, who prefers to residing in Toronto, and his family, narrow- seasouls cut exte'Ld Over several within a
I all been made
Gardiner, Currie, Richardson, A. Stewart, stafes that he does not- think that A substi- fifty
ust, pla1 a, has given that city ly escapeddeath by poisoning on Saturday this year they have
clover and coarse grams M .y an Im Elliott, D. a appointed goes to show thaf the remain uukn1W] thought that cabbage, of few years.
R. McMillan Smillie, Michie, last. It is
-ome with ueell tute will bq bags of flour to relieve the distress among night 9 of 'the
POLtant part for many years to d Stewart (Q it is said that the they partook at dinner, retained some —The trial before the magis, rate
ers Tl�o produe- Stewart, Hood -and A. old official was too hasty which -
the majority of our farm ornamental po- the poor of the city. 0
W treet) also spoke. Surveyorship was largely an ek Keleher, one of the pioneers of of . the Paris green sprinkled n it while- alleged murderers of Mr. - ana Mrs. wil
oming 1bue of the -Patri the garden.
was conciude�d last Friday -
tion of clover seed is b�c I
kson Gre w Every member of �t Cooksville,
JAC ATTNR'— ON SIBS sition. 1827, the year in which the first tree as growing In
important sources of revenue witli our ad- from the effects of the A lot of evidence formerlyelielted WAS PrO-
I The Auditors' report was pr gented show- ARISTOCRATS WIBLDING BROOMS. cut on the site of the present city of Guelph, the family still suffers b '!lit out
1?eople, vanced farmers. There are three popu ar cured, but nothing further W43 The dieading cases - be n h1total. receipts to be $G '70. and the d Aberdeen played his game of curling died at that place the Qtller day, a4ed,861. poison. priisoner,
an in moA Ilor known a printer, and to connect the prini
varieties, all of which c i g t ture $66 ng a� balance of eat ski —Rev. Fath —Roberti. Montgomery, e. Mae
xpen leavi as cleverly and heartily as the old er Sheehan, a well Grim
SEAFORTH. produced by any of our farmers 1, were . cry, died at his Walter MaeWlieroll, with tile
etiOs in 1$9L57.- Offiaers for the nsuing year� in the city when thd six -rink match came 09 priest of the Archdiocese Of Toronto, - died ion of Mr. Thomas Montgom, rell and Walker were: committed to
some profit, two of the vsri esident, Thomas the Thursday of last week-- He Wh
our Rink, despite on Wednesday, 17th inst., of congestion of 6me in 'Ayr, on
nd large *reg,.. if I chosen as follows : Pri recently in the Granite Toronto and was taken a er at the pri "sizes lit
tioul' vii Alaike t tand their trial
ike St*pchan ; Viee-President, 'die and gentlenten, who' the. lungs, in the General Hoop was dise, arge
8 - had been .7 but im
T. McMillan;' ital, Chicago L WOrking in
FAST HURON FARMERS. land is inclined t6 be low and m4is gallery full of la ruing io his home in Ayr, he died 'March. Butcher
"it is fe�- -Treasurer, Arch. Hislop ; Direc-
flized , by Secretary at nervous by applause- Duffer- t1je charge of re -
will succeed beat but made the re —The Wiarton bakers have reduced the ill. Retu was familiarly known mediately re -arrested on.
the honey bee, bees Must be kqt in the tors—Hullett, James Hinchley and George . Vs son, Lord Ava, had not the s�me apti- loaf, or twelve as above stated. He d
(From the Brussels Post.) and T. I price of bread to eight cents ters as.- Monte, an ceiving stolen goods.
In the harvesti4g of this Stephenson.; McKillop, A. Gardiner tude, but made up by his agility in "'SOOP'ng tickets for $1, but refuse to charge a loaf to among Toronto prin aphical _Canada is y well represented at the
cinity. i & popular member of the Tjwgr ver
annual meeting of East Huron near vi R. a wag
The ninth. riet . y --are must be ex, Joseph Smillie and J her up." And this opened up the curlin& a under r.
ercised Oi the loss I E. Rays ; Morris anyone. They also bind themselve D alirnaFarmers' Institute convened in the tovm T& Miller ; Gre Robert Dilworth and James union and of the Foresters' Or. er. Winter Fair in San Francihe great. tt is best season of 1894. The city club won on a total penalty of $25 to n1aintain these terms arraigned- on continue
in Tuesday afternoon. Presi- from i1elling will be too U cut and Sutherland was which opened January Ist, Aa will square
ssels, c �=erry, Thomas MO5grOv6 hots from the, office-bqarers, on --James
hall, Bru, )o ripe and Forgusou -, —There is some talk of trying to grow 4
_o Gut before it gets t( of 57 by 6 s St. Thomas on
r has filled the position t Souders guished visitors played Dr. muck. of Thursday of last week, at 7 for six months. Canada has 1600
dent McFadden, who nj��the middle! and Black; Wroxeter, T. side the distin� ranges in Essex county. of stealing 22 bushels of clover exhibit,
I Robert W. M which aRrIcultural
of this organization, oc- C_ awa her
it handl� aj little as poasible duri IE! knage it, the champ 0 now an or the charge feet f ce for
the, in astanois will Per- I and A L. Gibson ; Brussels, a4ge
of thek��day. If your circun If the local clubs can InE at county, says he has
rt mit it:is much the beat plan to 0� k Om le
A or a few pointed n Bob th his uncle, H. Henderson, of Port for er forestry exhiRt And 8W for the
d the cna, Pe it UPI d S. Walker ; Howick, R. Ed- Laip cup will be brought back- froi arden with a een blossoms seed fr 800 The c
t cupie he called upon VOC Cracken an gates to the .1 tree in his g Talbot, and Of forging the name - of W. department of mines and mining.
jt�ninary remarks, and thresh in the fiAd for if takeb into the gar and W. McKerracber; Dole caygeon, who -won it last year. on it. Le Imperial Bank- interior is :Officially repre-
awanosh, to speak on, dent and Secre- w1bytoacheckon tb partment of the,
W n spoil Central institute, the Presi factory at Bo,
Currie, of Ear more or ls's a' d COUNTRY Vs. —The Canadian condensed milk San Fraiii-
guilty to the charge of forgery,
He said he had barn A is apt to heat * T
sented. . he -load 08nad' in
Necessity of 1)ralnmc- advan- d milk He pleaded, lanS
V;,le drains on bi ght lustre of One ta r f stealing the cis, rs
f which had been the bril the seed. bv Columbia, last week. andnot o Ila;ve built headquairte
rin g this seed ig that the I 7�ilo and Ensilage was introduced A utleman whose work takes him con- 'Aylme' shipped a carload of condense guilty to the, charge o commodious,
th tage in ancouver, British poWar to make it
expected ey stand; into the farniing portions Of Ontario. to V ver seed alleged. and are d all in their
ell for 26 yea. at said the silo was, on t90 they have shipped quantity of 010 01116
*orkingw gonwosmt equal to the �e clover Mr. Elliott. He upon the This makes thefth car s. John Simpson, near Dornocu,Gr pleasant for an'exhibitors.
�'Would I ;ast ditring his day. The loss for straw is e information —kr ey anaffi
!or sheep- DI.m'clple � of canning fruit. Corn rows has been
waut of proper draining is incalculable-. hay is 'an excellent fooA -et apart, Sow early. State of Xenggricultliral classes. Between the past month. g some refuse, hap so Ross,- of Dundas, Was drowned
Usually run 4 o -iilton, a few county, 'while burnin —A Mi
:)ing its work and --News was rece ed in Ran
attle. . As to yield it will hould be three f4 0 iv pitck- at place
ar'ds struck go, of the- death in San tantane- at t
ter prevents the air from d4 silage is Ii better 10 and 15 years ago there wag a boom in the Francisco of ed to hurl into the stove One or two Saturday afternoon. Three
Wai and as it generally The best quality of ell
of pulverizing the soil. The ordinary tile or.") bushels per acre, the days a Xiss McKay and -
n if it could be- countiy, just as big as afterw res of blasting powder, and an ins 1 ladies, Miss Olark,
orbood of 86 Pei- bushel than the best quality of cor values, al- Mr. Colin Ferrie, last surviving son of the. ag doWn the canal about
three feet. Underdraining brings inthe neighb. it was a very interest- princi cities, and present took place. The lids of the Ou Csswhileakating
d be buried U Will P I erceive that it; will pay handsonk properly preserved. e Mr. Cohn Campbell Ferri�, the first ous explosion Mao
shoul e- Her a, hole
III increase the fertility of the 0 thoug not tip to price o stove were scattered here "d there. 4 o,,,Iclock, did not notice in the ice
would not 0 crop It s easier to grow than i . L y' crop of ing subject., clinehas occur TOU mayor of the city of Hamilton- ance :1�, happened to he A young 'Man named
r mg nriches.' the ThomasMicMillan R. Smillie.and others no great de red. Today you ev: Mr' - Abrahaul, counten unfortunate and she received d,.
—It is reported that R aeCi
bnt wou.1 prolong the es not exhaust but e farms cheaply, but an skated into it. den. t seeuring a
t two weeks. C=9 it is true, bily vertically above the flame the
season b -the in the topic. ?resbyterian minister I Wyatt saw
y at leas attention of the d - discuss g' at Burlin '
8011, Thomas' zriq�i";-do Is well worthy Joine i�l . 1 an annual rental equal a popular I jes. Her hands, were, burnt to aj�d succeeded in
iwould have to put up terrible ijur urried to the spot
ohn R_ call to Brantford 0.
Miller, J. C. Morri In producing the large rod any soil 'AcKillop, handled "Feed- price if ton, may receive a plank h Miss Clark.
dson and Robert McMillan took part in farmer. barleK _10ill do. it J. C. Morrison, I to 5 or 6 per tent. on the selling a the bone. McKay
rescuing Miss
-low suitable for wheat or 0 only a leas —The h Miss Ross was keeping
and thoucy the shal f ing the cow for prolit.'? Keep only the e be, desired, which points to the vacancy caused by.'Rev.'* Mr. Tolmie' andsome, new church built during herself up by having
tile discussion r) 11 about t e bmidila that can be properly cared for. as have transfer to Windsor. .' r;nue Presby- 1, but to
shoiild be pastured ti everything Well vict�ialler the past season by the Park Ai
vy soil. If tile is the number btat a fall. Such farmers ark'"boulder'
s the best in lie ff and cut when ripe in in. Bennett, a -know', of which her hands on Miss CI
put under it. Cedar June, then turn 0 1 Cows should calve in the f�all. The three P more than gra)n —W London, and
kolte into stock, raising Halifax, died sud- terian congrgation, allow Miss-Cla-ek to got out with the 1�l Of
lar rye, boards should be be util it will usually run about 5, bushels per, emarkably and the heaviest man in la was publicly
C I are doing r ark is pastor, I her hand and Missed
fall ces in feed aie Vood', sugar and fleall, He Rev. W. J.
or basswood bark or pea straw may e circumstances, and substan nta. If Englar.4 can buy I growing recently, denly on Thursday morn ug, last week.. ath the plank, she remove(
inches o-uq_ acre I.Iner favorabl and the fuel eleme fall shows Plainly indicating ad- i 8 liest, expiring dedicated to divine worship on Sabb ing the iCel going under. Her body
The Dray -ton -tile is 14 11 the h � catchi
why complained of a pain ill Of Knox College-, preached
i7qd. ellerally brings as much as the �hnlali red. I ng, so far as sheep, cattl
the best tile hould e be usect. 9 - our cattle andour hay, and,feed them 7vances in breedi e last. Dr. Cavelli, an hour and -a half
not b�.� as profit' e immediately after. i
othing but I . the pastor, Rev was recv
t passed an Act in 1885 for This latter variety ill cault we do the feeding herd? an neerned. Nearly half th morning and evening, and afterwards.
The Governmen the two d hogs are co —At the meeting of the 0amiltoiL Presby-
�oney at low in- able to grow for seed as either bf and its profits " was the sub- farms in, Ontario have brick houses Ok Mr. Clark, preached '.it the afternoon ser-
tile- purp se i d rray,
of borrowing in Rev. Mr. M
by above mentioned, as it scarcely �'iel a, on an Farming rers on the tery the resignatin of u of
draining, paying it back �ad by Mr. Fraser and it no erected on them- - Labo
0 News.
I bushel per - abre. It has ject of a paper r( bar pted, but ibe will continue vice.
'tereat to aidu average over iderable discussion. : , knew it, are much better Gr niter, ex -M.- P. P. for
was productive of cons side -lines, if -they imsby, was acce —Dr. G. 11. Bo Perth
InStalments. Ivantage,the seed is pro- I honorary pastor with a r4.tiring allowance da 17th
en. According to an ings, died at his residence at
iliott, of Galt, was called, upon and however, one al I it was well thre'shed it by the"' audience off than their city'brethr North Hast —.Oil the afternoon of WO(lues
A. F -need on th. The� pi-esent ovi ol of $100 a year. I ing on Thu He repre- roan, CIA Of
rphis topic stated that the d the after ma �ra to turn and will, no do!Abt, produce good results. the Bureau - of Industries, the average in- an aged physician who i Sti li Today, lagt Week' inat., Miss Mary Sande ug ebefor'e taking u 'Using, farTn� —Dr. W. C. Finne, 'ted North Hastings in the- Conservative
ded in the f h at is ci statements were accepted by come of 'I the hired man" in Ontario was !en Mr. Johil Sanderson, Of St. Ma'rya was mar�
r iders is not intel� price 0 tion to so Fraser's hailg from Sharbot Lake, on the Canadian
coming of outs me other commodity.. to ItIr t
tors, but for Pn exchange their at.t7en e many, however, in the face of adverse criti *156, board included ; the best get $180 a ommitted for interes years, and was Lieuten ried toNlr. John Parker of OWen Sound
i becoming Ithecere-
ca ek-raism ell better "Pacific I h Battalion, with Thomas Cos
r pacity of instrue _�ailway, has been c
Hog raising for profit fill its place, and as sto nothing cism-as to profits. year, and the smaller figure is mu for passing a forged ant. -Colonel of' the 49t Rev. grove perfomed
Of experi es. ar I knowP, of in
one ding I or and more popul , The brid Was
I is ct. This is becoming -a lea inan, of Howick addressed the, I'than the dollar per day or over, which city trial by Mr. Baxter Z3 which he had been connected for twenty- mony. attired i an elegant
s t in connec-
ubje that Works R. Deach rown.
Ough Canadian shiy to better advantage; farm." workmen get except during the numerous chequo on a Toronto man- miss Beg of Toronto,
dustry, alth oments have gives Institut ' oil .1' Economy on the -A —Iii'an action brought by a motorman seven years. cream at: g
in , ith it than clover rais4'. It e Cd ther or other causes I'Mis Parker,
6ny appreciable notice in the oil t in negligence in the off -days" thin wet Wea —The Countess of Abereell wears at of St. Marys, an
not yet made v ti mmor and hay,'Jor w fact, against the Toronto Street Railway Com Aliss Clarke,
the pa tai;e for an These were set On it is wonderful, in Sound, were
market- Dennark and lieland its. The farmer injuries receiv- State functions a coronet, the distingnishin bridesmaids. Mi"
ML riglish ility Of Our; prop6r, care of iniplauei are responsible for. 9 f 0 n 'a
K eaq the fork sad to epon g MI a �Ads,
We and b inor ies what causes the t6wuW There Was pany for $2,000 dainages for I Ig re. a white Or
f Canada for fine hams esides -e well on a, should be an intelligent man and should post ard rush. r cars, the assize jury r6turned features of which are five, emeralds we _OW11 look -
_k - farms. All classes an inflow of young men. from the country I Clazaxa ink silk, while Miss Parker
t�t e the lead o of. grain tlirl� to ed in coupling These precious a
e careful and produce the grade of 4�ology and. scientific be the largest in the world- we
soon as himself on' botany, 9 aintiff for $500. Littlejohn
e( c should b er sod. For fall wheat, PlOW as. the howl went a verdict for PI ertain stones were preseilted to Her Excellency by
ol, the market and re- clov a in cream silk: should - be in the the sdhoola and colleges Until
Ddut starve UD h t t profe the people of Ireland As all expression of love
tain, 'the pu or possession of r
ats that will c0lItr tured plow f ajrmina. 'A small library ed in Ottawa that c
e your bay off, overcrowded. —It is rumor e S. 36t p.
pularity. The, hog required is y or if P4 h ssions were of Mr. Thomas Me- ,acted as best man. A large
in�u tak �a cultivat e rs in possession 0 onto'
J ll on top 'v�ith every farmer.
� t nufacturing it tt�e fivLe years ago, it is ten times truer pape le to her for interest in thoir wel-
U , f,,tt only, such -is be placed, in and gratituc number of peo le- assembled at t
t on tthat cannot Tile work of ma at present in jail, will ai, 0 wis
One that -shire ve a summer -fallow the ilitellect. al popula- Greev it -the happy couple lunch joy,
and you ha ool, &c.�, to d ' Another class of the rur the Liberal party, and that fare'durinool the Period Of-, T!'ord Aberdeeii?s in. tr t
s the -iixed ba,- 'be e - tio, %ill, is largely represented in Tor t showers of rice,
Suffolk and eikshire. The York iurpassed. For barley, ploW-lin the fall, the product of the farm such as W onto, the hands of old slippers and
e for in e farm and far I : duction next session, will ,cause a, Lotd-Lieutenancy. and amids
be done on th eir pro oma,
or Tamwortii are preferabl bred and work up with a cultivator the- spring should to wear tho", start retaiii stores -with th _T ced at Tac good wishe n --their wedding
these breeds cross taley than sei who came to lip- death is 'annoull 8 they started o light Either of st and you have a better field for i mers' daughters and song ta sell their ac�_es for, and sensation. shington, -of Rev. John Tait, for many to -New York. The presents were mag-
eal desired. To get be and his bro
0, cpmes near the. id d you can firid. To bring home spun! voods. The speaker believed what' they could —Win. McLaughlin ther went Wa tr 200 pounds. the best root groun inent educationalist in Elora.
rdturn� Pigs should w s an application 6f salt, say le(Iron tile- farm paid better than i they are those most to be pitied. Toronto
eigh about milk hand, as many as Buf- out to the bush near Norval, Wellington years a prom ion in Galt, rrauce, for many Years
sow is a first-class invest- the Pest resifl to cut wood He obtained his ealier ed-ticat —Mr. John To and tock.. raisin.& has 27 miles of shop fronts, last week,
patronizing the factory,
A No. 1! breec 150 pounds, to the acre, will necessary combined, it is county, on Monday, In 1885 he went to Ta- well_kllo_ -11 resident of Mil -
r lin n the farin� Breed so as Draining is money'well falo, Detroit and Rochester - under Dr. Tassie. v _and respected
no better raising the grow- bet -ter than cheese. the city's when Mr. McLaughlin was struck by a fall ar took the prmieipal-� a residence thora�,01
With the increase in stock-
,ful feedin a 11 kid said. Their building dates from
ith the It is not econon 11 Elora.
in March and oar, ly to be. ee, which killed him instalftlY. He coma and the same ye verton, died at his son'
an important factor wi spent. rtion of them ing tr e. When in �iot, aged78years. He
have pigs, come iiig of roots is alyina the boom, an& a considerable propq ship of the college �her a i3th i
ud warmth will obviate difficulties of call , 0 - ed by all. Satilrd
a Land for roots shoulAJ if possible, glove" farmer as it leads,to mortg side. One was high!y esteem A of reverend, but evi- r, Ireland in 1838,
eather. Let sows - run loose and feed farmer. were opened by people from out e of 'tile best curlers he had not the title to can2a f roul Loudonderi�
NV far- be prepared in- the fall. For IngDoolds plow, farni. 'd t date 14 per —Sarnia boasts of soul of the d aained during his Morningto + ki -the
Before fee ently must have, be�n or n in 1855, -a Lug UP
ps and a few Peas. Farmincr, stock raising �"d estimate gives at the presen and to
iuiped turni] -spread on your hianure. and Geiieral J The club owns one
oft food. Have in the fallnd and the in the country* ce in Tacoma'. He had a family of
farm. on which he diell.
r0wing feed slops and s land is rolling and inclined towards ing wasthe last subject and Was di'3cusl3e( cent. more stores than are, occupied, finest ice rinks in Canada or in this country. residen and nine boys (two -of whom died
-be warmed-- artificially for if your number growing every wiaek. The two great Ople visit Sarnia- to —([Am Faigh a Ghaithlig Bas eleven children,
troduction (if rapid tran4t, Many Port Huron pe known wo daughters, mrs, R. Wods,
11ouse that cam clay ridge it up. This serves a, double. pur. by R. Cm-rie of Wawaliosh. and popular recitations
pigs. Wean: after six or is successful causes are the in xame.—Port other well- jr, youth) and t
iig away of ilanks' brought th , popular Scotch g f
as it prevents the washi Votes of in the . T_ Dunlapf of Howick.
as to pose, enabling residents remote to shop witness this and songs were presented at the meeting 0 Mornington, and Mrs
so allow&� the�' land to dr ong, James is the respec,
-is _y meetinc, to a, close. W& Society in Richmond jjal, Tor% tea, -, post -
out* I
At he large wagon
�jght weeks, doing th six months they nanure and tores and the appearance on the Huron Ne rks Of the Gaeli I Of he s
ustoin to feeding- 'Anancrolds in larger s and carriage wo Mes4s. Donald t
cc g
n get your t., one _T f Milverton, William has for man -
scene of lar,
2oo pounds. Feed soaked at,ter, so you ca' ge down -town emporiums% d to Mr. onto, last Friday night t 0
hould weigh ! e Lowrie estate, Sarnia, were sol
The saine system shotild be adopt- '�'oronto Topics. trade which form- th �chael, Donadd Fraser,_Neil a minister in the, Methodist
r alone of Which is doing th
i)e&s to finish pork. KIE!eD water before earlier. Fjr wede t4ruips I ill my e Morgan for a little oyer $3,000- The Carnii Misses McIver, Me- -and a twin.
s'should be mar-_ e(I with carrots. erly was divided up amongst 500 small stores Geor idle fo about three years, Dun6ii Macdonald, church,now stationed at Paisley ; i . I
best, hog mostly ailopted is to I been n Macrae and well-known resident of Lis-
oa-s. To pay PLEBISCITH TALK. up York Street 'or on Queen' Street west works have McDonald, Stevenso
the spring- things considered, the farm- and it is reported.that h i took part in the Programme,
kj5ed alive, especially in warm weather. seCtiOT1, the custor . i - is inten onisto Ea6hren, pre- brother John, a Rostock
be shipped hungry- A sow plow in the fall,atLd manure in- ae plebiscite vote and east. All wells towel ; Andr rincipal of the
ew lJoam and Robert 4re pro,,,
They should year. To ob- This plan is adopted becase farmers have I post-election talk on t] thO mosO real ing! community will be� better for knowing start electric works. eronto and iron ore sentgd- C schools
shoulcl have two ltters in a' �jt purpose i st for tipplers. —Charcoal from Des
i spare lor t� , has intere W a, exists for improving for —The Berlin Board of Trade will petition Pub" Owuship of Wallace
r_ feed boiled'turn$s in the win- I ot the manure to -Toronto wl not h t meagre .chance being sent perous farmers i3i the t
VMto founder an to the fall. For all root crops yoit should sow ent idea is that next yeai Jae their condition by moving into Toronto. from Frontenac county are and Parliament at Ottawa mes -ad
C feed warm feed th *ould be no have 150 tavern and. 50 shop -license to ers, purposes to furnaces at Three )�Civ- the Government -of postage to and David is on the ho to
!ter. bi�aper to ient seed so, that there iron- smelting _When professo' Hodgson, the'hJrpnot.
themselves. Meal suffic be thick I as -now. The temperance people are c some years 11),rge quantities to make a reduction in the rate r
11ae the I)igs warm. it . danger 1�ut that they uld 4% Canada ers, 'Quebec. For from Deseronto twQ cents. It was mentioned that large ocated. the use
'S good feed. Clover 4 4 throigh the petition asking that these be cut al have been sent ist was in Stratford, he ady
mixed with the turnips I Lgh to force a7 o:1 lating a I of charco uns of money on postage are lost 'as 2 u'diseases,
as. Moil y I ---from I citing furnaces.
bay- is also an Avu-utageous feed for Pig Sow turnips about i the 20th of down one half, . alleging that the fornier Halifax is suffering; terribly the to Detroit am arno of the large business men in, border of hypnotism as a cure for Uervo
The sum, mer months are tile best for mar- gTOund. t Win not providing acconimoda- hard times and its benevolent societies are _-7-News hag been received at Winnipeg most mail their letters in the States, thi's and a case hag come to light which would in -
P7 dicate that his theories are' well founded*
Ig is not a dirty
-June. Every farmer'should ii�ake a Poll' break the la P& y
qtone turnips. r I an and beast, and the. latter by ed to the utmost. that L. Dollan and a - rt of nine- - persons, towns cl� letter and in that
tioli) M ; saving one cent oil ea
keting. -' The and feed is sure f,growin a quantity of grey y the glass. . J - J- tax ey. j. McEwen is the new travelling some of whom were resiaents of Winnipeg, ug to the revenue of the About six weeks ago George Erb, office boy
jn�l and filthy pens 11 ug. E� Sow tl�eje a little later �openly 1s6iling liquor b year _R ide which way contributi was crvshed in a still bY
isease. Charcoal is a for late fa I feed a ni a a o Sabbath SchooA fiave for Dr. Hawke,
way toi cause wedes and *hen you have Maclare'n,' Q. C., i Of OPi on th t etary of the Ontari _ lost their lives in a anowsl
fi..Ile feed with a li- e do the S . I secr occurred a few 'WeeksagO' in the, Rocky United States. and had his right
ttle ashes or soitpetr as a than yon Orn ' y -�il be ready to he purch4se of a social glass will ty last year chattel mort- horse he was attending
manure is very cut Y�ur ensilage c the - I from now t ard to Assoc Hamilton, is fifty years Mountains. —In Essex coun: wrist broken. ;Shortly af ter its being set
liece3sary adjunct. H09 feeding yout . cOws- Draw be nextAoi a �_Kn�x church,
ke its place in I of Sterling, died at gages were filed repreenting'$116,838,which
The earlier age the aiiiinal can ta P 238 assets and a ingers became rigid from parClal paraly-
-valuable. The dif - them up, tops and all, as yotil iequire them a prompt enactment Of ebt, has VC, _Dr. G. H. Boulter, t. He was * one was cO than the year b41fore. the I
1) old out: of d nai(jerably less wrist, and for
-at iLthe market the better. 'kally, breaking The learned MacLaren's views are taken y mem'bership of 967. his residence on the 18th ins mort- sis originating at the broken
I o boy, had lost -the use of his t ore -
W &11(1 dead hogs is that each day and feed them libO many to be far from right, he being a f an ininate of the of the best known and most popular men in The total number of original chattel- ix months th
P ce 0
fere e -In live, the with an axe or spade slightly,,' There is no —George Boardman, -ounty. He represented North gages,renewals and bills of sale ainOullt6a t�O 8 reak
Lt 25 POUndS Oil f that will in�+pase the flow niperance fighter, but he has been e for the Friendless in Chatham, has re- Hastings c 754 in 1892. HlrlI Court right hand. Hearing the hypnotist I
most to e Rom a , 9,,c
there is a loss of abOV Vo- thingl know 0 egislature for 16 714, aimst about curin* nervou�, ffie�ctiOns he p aed
latter. Yorkshire, pigs are III a state of e of Inilk like them at that sea0 of the year. retained by Sir Oliver MOwat to argue th ceived a legacy of f10,000 from England. Hastings in the Ontario I 153tTe year
F3 of hogs wVi c to B. Scarth has been elected years in the Conservative interest. writs issuel were 107, against ndg- Although
shW que�tion as tohe power of the Pro u e to 85. Transcripti 11imself under his treatmin otio mflu-
I.ation. The large breed with the beat 11, sections where it is possibk to Produce en —Mr. W dustrial Exhibition As- are that another big before. County Wri Only slightly brough under h
Crosses 01,11 a Plentiful supply &uld be grown pass such a law, before the Supreme Court .—The probabilities
President of the In _$ion Court 16, In all,, tile �v ince re -
the beat return White silage c -reof he 3oon pass into ments for Divj a Me 8
Berkshires will take less feed. Chester and it will scarcely, be possible -to i�crease next month, and should know whe sociation at Winnipeg- gold Mine in Nova Scotia will an once the muscles of the- ban
-sided. it is said to be thout him, the , Ontario v Mr. Christiansen, the, astoi of the rk syndicate. The showing was bettft th in 1892- IaXed, and it is now just as good as this
1..1ogs arze too short
r stock and feed them ch6aply Wi speaks. According to —Re of the hands of a New Ya of being slightly
_d. you to pass the his houge- . lie e
t it is a good bree U would for already ch, Berlin, has s —A. fatal accideAt occurred at Acton the other,
r ground as Government is pledged an uug nan 08 1 is by the long in�-
hog cholera proof , bu Prepare you I Luther � chur owners of he Beaver Mining Company mine, with t --ception
d in it. onal, upon the passage removing from that town. Sheet Harbor, are negotiating for the sale of other clay loy which a, yo I I t weaker, ind lbably
't be made weigh 200 poun 8 ts e ot require to I derick Trem-
Pigs that can xcept tha�' You U measure, if cOnstitut' bold oods an Is mg cars re
roo , I iiI about the of such a vote as that of d, Lan, on trial for Iffe- Whil; shunt ' C pro e to the Professor -for
ix months should not be kept on a farm- rily, iid dril New Year's da : y, Aooper, the Joliette m the mine to a syndicate for $75,000- action- - reiWtd[s d
e manure as hea) rrested iii.I�alu_ ble brakeman -from the Sarnia tunnf-1;
Mr. Currie gave his eperience of . th Old' at of May; cut when the 9r6'n on it be I ACCORDING TO THE DIRECTORY- wife inuder, has bean found not guilty. —Three men have been a rovISIO118 to jump from one car to anoth6r, proof of his proficiefle-Y in hypnotism.
I Y's L bp_ aV
tg from the long trough every 'are and the The ewe will cOs )0- YeIple stheAtwoodBeeof last e leedill s to glaze. Where sheep kept ing to the new directo t the Government $10,0( ilton on the charge of stealing P a t d cars separated, and he f 'bn gin ry coast of W en 1-3nar
S'Y' Of ago,,Wh for they Accor the south wherethey h he his I Re,. 15r. McKay, Inimi T to Formosa,,
r y
,the da On dry peas, 30 years armer should do without gmented b OW. —lAtest, reports from from the Farman pork actory, tak
rG (;ents hundred mor ed, now nof I population has bebn au say that herrin are. very -011 ck passed o
P, than receiv arm, some ave, car- e tn
the best pay it off above the nkle. His bO Y
ing stock oil,, 051 names, to ri tiply Newfoundland were employed. They qre said to h tween. and his na�ive student; ont�rt_ejned
lug large au ie ce I
rk. J. C. Morrison n k contains 75, -ortune ang Placentia 4 d ii n the -Presbvterian C. ZZ
was secured for the po provision should be made 49, as to have a The bO6 )y the rule), is to ..give a lentiful both in F ried on their operations, for a year, and the
op� the latter iiiart of , the fall -which by three (I e taken will run up iii -W the also badly crushed. He died in two hours, 7 means of a map 01.
-fly- ably mor Widnesday evening.' W
cmey also spoke brie supply of feed f of 219,153, consider gays. value of the goods tajning eons He
and 11. M04 ion Hamilton, an insurance ciousness all the time-. Formosa and heathen'id;18 which he
Rotati( wa-the next sub- oseiiiothing 'equals POPulat John W. thousand&
)n of 'Crops' p r assessment census. three. children. make his
Well season, �nd for this purPc
times than tile Police 0 nt was Idst in the- recent storm at Niver- twenty- leaves a family of enabled to
ject, presented by W. Rennie, th 36pe 'our- section faAiers some kOWER. anitba, and it is i1ow thought that —The other day a procession Of —Mr. H. Stevens, of Aylmer, says there- with him, the Dr- wa9
dman Of past years, now in v. WATER
known see ubble as eEk M ads tio and impressivotbaR
ly as possible heese passed through e more intereg .
an gram a bakey at . t e of five w6gon 10 eraged 45 boxes is lots of wheat in the cuntry. one farmer lectur Vn effort. -His nwive
better th , plow V is off, and spw a, mix -ur cSir Melville Parker, piesicient McKenzie he is dead. ' The wagons av mere oraf
(ru,61ph. Dairying is iild observe the aftep the barle: ray, and Aid. J. E-ThOmP- 3 being made to get a fruit nd the he knew was holding 1,soo bushels, and he could by sung bly the
d farmers sho cli if the . wea —An effort i! ing 0011121001Y
growing an urnips, w Of oacE,-or a Otal of 1,16o, boxes, a
ll� , the street rail% It has t been as much fed as some student sang a sc
rape and white t J�Ood supply of e electric power poss, at Brantford. al ed at about $9,000- The t ere no aborigine 8 -of Frm(k�� and al,
-4ig-lis of the times. A five Year course of :able, giN�es sn have an eye to th canning factory established hole *as v u Vne1% and gram men heathen
to and the speaker ther is favol a-ve afready perl-, W . Besides, mill O -V very nicely indood-
of lr�&ana, is working the from the Verschoye factory, think -a
he rotation was followed ns where 0easons are later bilities of the River Credi�,and h ins cheese Was As an illustra- verse of the 121st Psall
. . . . . . Ontario. The. feed, but in sectio ew be land on both sides for r pound. were holdin la e stocks- ative Chinese
had one of the prize farms in , ed� and a f secured riglits to t matter up. and Was purchased at I I cents Pe i 9 rg their mills in Chatham He also made a speech in his 19
ouirrer- this plan could not be ado* h inst., Mr. D. he said that in I a in Eng_
tteavy drain in old countries is for c es of rape should be sow�- 'I might pro- some miles. When Mr. -McKenzie puts his —On Wednesday, 10t utting —The Women7s Temperance Union Of tiOn) 200,000 bushels. He tongue, which Dr. McKay repeat'
_,ed by acr Fenerallyconles of it Brandon Hills, Avas c L by the farm lih. A liberal Collection was tak after
This has been Obvi isable to ar Roddic ers was
cial fertilizers. . but it is 4t adv �,e down something g -, of the (-.,&It, lately erected a drinking fountain on they were carrying In UP.
my paper, i t t h& amount hek in
1cularly so Ion, � -4 ad givo-n to ai(I Dr- Me -"La
ttiegrowth of clover, -more pa-,�' bj0, but in fOl- very early. An additional point to the wqp�A in the bush, havmig for his ass s an -en's Square in that town, which is thought t, he lecture 0 -ay Nis
6 'Mr. Roddick th 11 - mu
The amount o clover sent to dea too largely on any su fn y as ch a& that held by them at this t Dr. MqK � rd
to Lirying. husbandry have scheme is tha+, a,two-mile lake is being fig- rew theQu( labors.
mixed 1 0 Mr. �Melville Roddick- ament'.to the place, but, says the� Re his missionary
was 50,- lowing any plan Of as far tired on for a fish' eserve. down his axe. It Jay with the Point up- an orn value this fountain is time last year. , also addresseil a large an
Britain by four dealers in Toronto, ew- that of iAareasing pr actical I I occurred at friend Kae Xpap miss
down from 3 000 to an �bject in vi DOWN. d in some way he fell upon it with' former, for pr one presented A ulet home wedding Tuesday evening -
4)00 bushels, for seeding ti ' ately C3�6 an excess of do with the Connell , of once in Stratford On car
j�g the as you prop on cUTnNG THAN It met th _e an address OU
aw. e keen edge of tbs not to be compared Dumfries' 19�. C� the resileuilace, of Mr. James
4,000 acres. gram. amon N[iss Oliver I& D. from India,
Great fertilizer --dr g the the town by the Central I on the 17th inst., When the afternoon of the a
It is. also a pulverizer, Field stock produuts over A round-robin is circulating Iropoeed a- _cond it was almost severe&. to Dundw, e lat the Preiby-
xe, and in a d on the Market Sq"re.
nitrogen. ent to TH RNIWG� Aldermen, pledging support to a F L is undo"ubt- Jessie Connell, B.' A., was married to terial Foreign Mission
a valuable accompanim XIV salaries 20 His companion, with great presence of mind, T. U and erecte
roots are it is'ilsed by half the town an� B. D., of XcDon- ith
offficials w.1
around the arm t into� the Rev. James Binne, D McKay from Form
plow down second crop. Alsike is the bY-law cutting d'wn once tied a stout cord �ng ever brollob. i Luty. The, cere- I r.
tainment, held in lo name,police- at desiring to hear
fertib ze The usual enter all round, omitti I in this *ay edly t1se finest thi Lanark cou
clover. per cent. mZ I wolmd ano - Jr aid's Comers, the aujienae
�prfitable if there axe honey bees to �,musical arove by Rev. Dr. !Ain�, student "tn
and lit- above the , WWn. From four to eight hor�� axe
Cut evening, when an excellent' an fireman or clerk, exceit those of the ow of bloo& He than d ei� 1 meny 'was _performed that fieTWL
IiZe red clover. pped N'erllng drinkiug at t1is fOuntam-an 1 1 ted by Rev. 9r. Cameroul' of Toronto, the acwuut
it. Bumble bees ferti was giveil,to & large- audi- 11 1
S off heads, erary Programme City Engineer and Medical Health officer sto, quintly seen
clover with reaper, only cuttilk rt of t.'the programme positions are. scarce f intZ-Drandon through the fearfultom that also used very xt�nsively by the pu�lic- amis
ence. The q In those times,, when r-
lowig musical P, _lug hLr. -Pc�ldick with him, is
d down in was provided largely by MV. D. Stewart and it will go hard with the many offieiab.at the wag raging, briAg
The straw is tume
(lover will X �y 'kwhile several of
choke out thistles an,
early. Clover is t e five �neinbers Of his fami]
asi, Cat clover